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May 1997

Houston Business
A Perspective on the Houston Economy

Seasonal Adjustment of
Houston Employment Data


Research at the
Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas suggests that
we are dealing with
two data series—the
preliminary and
revised data—and
that seasonal
variation differs in
the two series.

onthly payroll employment is the most
valuable data series for following current economic conditions in states and metropolitan areas.
These monthly data, which tell us the number of
wage and salary jobs, are released about three
weeks after the end of the month and provide
industry-specific detail by region. In Houston, for
example, the Texas Workforce Commission makes
more than 50 data series available monthly, yielding detail on mining, manufacturing, construction,
finance, services and other sectors.
Timeliness comes at a price, however, as these
early data are based on a sample of establishments, and the information will be revised extensively the following year as additional data
become available. The revised data can sometimes
differ significantly from the preliminary sample,
changing our understanding of ongoing economic
events. For this reason, it is important that data
users be aware of how preliminary estimates are
made, understand their limitations and anticipate
the annual benchmark revisions.
This article describes the revision process, with
an emphasis on a special problem that arises in
the seasonal adjustment of these employment data
series. Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas suggests that we are dealing with two data
series — the preliminary and revised data—and
that seasonal variation differs in the two series.1
For a true picture of the economy, separate seasonal estimates must be made for each series and
the appropriate seasonal factors applied both to
the ongoing sample results and to corrected history. The Bureau of Labor Statistics now employs
this method for the seasonal adjustment of state
data, and this article extends the methodology to
the Houston metropolitan area.

State agencies collect payroll employment
data monthly, in conjunction with the Bureau
of Labor Statistics. The goal is to determine the
number of full- and part-time workers who
receive pay during the month. Excluded from
the count are the self-employed, unpaid family
members, volunteers, and farm and domestic workers. A sample is taken across all industries, with every business establishment having
250 or more employees asked to participate.
Additional sampling is drawn from smaller
In late February or early March, administrative records are used to revise the prior 24
months of data. Quarterly reports filed by all
companies for the unemployment insurance
program provide 99 percent of the data needed for a complete, monthly count of wage and
salary employment. The remaining 1 percent of
the data is obtained from other government
agencies or from additional samples.
At the time benchmark revisions are made,
lags in the delivery of the administrative
records typically make them available only
through the first or second quarter of the prior
year. For example, in March 1997, employment
security filings allowed final benchmarking
only through the first one or two quarters of
1996 in most states and metropolitan areas.
Data for the remainder of 1996 were revised
to new levels, as indicated by employment
security filings, and then moved forward based
on the old sample results. Data for 1997 will be
estimated using additional monthly samples.
When the 1998 revisions occur, they will give
us final results for 1996 and for early 1997.
The revisions can occasionally be substantial. Despite efforts to bring more data to bear
in recent years, the sample still overemphasizes large firms at the expense of small
ones. This means that sectors such as services,
retailing and construction, where small firms
predominate, may be subject to the largest
revisions. Month-to-month changes in wage
and salary employment must be approached
cautiously and other information sources
sought to confirm new or surprising trends.
Seasonal adjustment removes month-tomonth variation from these data series that
results from repeated annual occurrences, such
as holidays, the tourist season and the end of

Figure 1
Seasonally Adjusted Wage and Salary Employment in Houston
Millions of workers

Before ’97 benchmarking
After ’97 benchmarking









Monthly observations

the school year. The most widely used seasonal adjustment procedure is the federal government’s X-11 package, which divides a data
series into trend, cyclical, seasonal and irregular components. Its approach is somewhat ad
hoc, but X-11’s lack of statistical sophistication
is overcome by stable and predictable results.
The wage and salary employment series
has demonstrated some peculiar results when
it is seasonally adjusted. Figure 1 illustrates one
example—the disappearing January blip. Total
wage and salary employment is shown for the
Houston metro area before and after the 1997
benchmarking, and both series are seasonally
adjusted using X-11. Note that the prebenchmark series shows a sharp jump in January
1996; this jump disappears in 1996 in the
postbenchmarked series, but it reappears in
January 1997. This result isn’t confined to
Houston or Texas data. The Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas study cited earlier finds a similar break in the January results consistently
reported by 46 states between 1984 and 1992.
The Dallas Fed study suggests a reason for
this peculiarity, as well as a solution. The problem is that we are really dealing with two data
series—a preliminary sample and a complete
census based on administrative records. With a
straightforward application of X-11, the most
recent January data are from a sample, but
almost all the information used to seasonally
adjust it is based on final benchmarked data.
The blip disappears each year as benchmarked
data is added, but reappears 12 months later in
the new sample.
The Fed study’s authors suggest the con-

Table 1
struction of a historical
Sectors Where Seasonal Adjustment Factors Differ Between Series, Houston, 1986 – 96
series based on sample values released over the years
Total Mining Manufacturing
and provide details on how
to build it. Based on data for
all 50 states, they show that
the seasonal factors from
such a sample series differ
from the benchmark series,
and the differences are
statistically significant. They
conclude that seasonal adNov.
justment factors from the
historical benchmark series
should be applied only to
NOTE: TCPU is transportation, communications and public utilities; FIRE is finance, insurance and real
final benchmark data; the
estate. No significant differences were found for construction and government in any month.
most recent sample figures
(always the data of most
series are shown in Table 1, by month and by
interest) should use seasonal factors developed
industrial sector. No significant differences
from the history of sample values.
were found between the series for construction
or government, but the seasonal factors difAPPLICATION TO HOUSTON
fered for at least one month for all other series.
We applied this methodology to Houston
Monthly differences were most common durfor total wage and salary employment and for
ing the winter months, and only services
eight major industry groups. The benchmarkshowed significant differences in summer
ing in March 1997 yielded final benchmarked
months. A joint test for all months was signifiseries that included the first three quarters of
cant for the following sectors: transportation,
1996. We seasonally adjusted benchmarked data
communication and public utilities; trade;
from the first quarter of 1986 through the third
finance, insurance and real estate; services; and
quarter of 1996 using X-11. We constructed a
total employment.
history of initial sample estimates over the same
The results strongly suggest Houston wage
period and applied X-11 to that series as well.
and salary data could benefit from the alternaThe resulting seasonal adjustment factors
tive seasonal adjustment methodology. Figure
were different between the two series.
2 shows the results of the standard X-11 adjustStatistical tests of the differences between the
ment and the alternative if applied to recent
Houston employment numbers. The alternative
Figure 2
A Comparison of Seasonal Adjustment Methods
methodology does eliminate the January blip,
For Houston Employment
and it seems to tell a different story—a stronger
Millions of workers
finish for 1996 and a weaker start for 1997. All
the previous qualifications about the quality of
Standard adjustment
this sample data still apply, and we will have
Alternative adjustment
to wait to see how accurate these results are.
A copy of the seasonally adjusted history
for Houston and monthly seasonal adjustment
factors for 1997 for all sectors can be obtained
from the Houston Branch of the Dallas Fed.

—Robert W. Gilmer
Daniel Eric Arzola




Monthly observations



Franklin D. Berger and Keith R. Phillips (1994), “Solving
the Mystery of the Disappearing January Blip in State
Employment Data,” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Economic Review, Second Quarter, 53 – 62.

APRIL 1997



ouston Beige Book respondents were
optimistic and excited about the local economy. Local conditions may not be booming,
but they have strengthened in recent months
along with the U.S. economy and with contributions from a very healthy energy sector.
Seasonal declines in energy prices have not
slowed down oil exploration and services, and
they have improved profits for petrochemicals
and refining.

Oil service and machinery companies continue to report very high levels of activity. This
activity is driven by high cash flows for producers over the past 18 months and by the
broader range of prospects new technology
has opened to the industry. Activity is constrained by shortages of mechanical engineers,
machinists, numerical control operators, drilling crews, offshore and large land rigs, and
drilling pipe.

It will be the end of April before we know
how Easter season sales compare with last
year’s, but retail merchants think they will
come out 4 to 5 percent ahead of 1996. This
has generally been a good year for local retailers, with late cool weather helping clear winter
inventories. Promotions and discounting continue this year, but not at last year’s pace. Even
heavy spring rains did not depress Easter sales.

Downstream prospects have brightened as
energy feedstock prices have fallen. Over the
winter, commodity petrochemical profit margins were hurt by high energy prices, particularly for natural gas and gas liquids. However,
very strong demand is now holding up the
price of petrochemicals, even as feedstock
costs fall, and the second quarter should be
highly profitable. Producers of plastic products
further downstream— such as PVC, PET, polyethylene and polystyrene— tried to raise prices
on a variety of products in March. Some price
increases are still pending, but with the exception of polyethylene, the earlier price increases
did not stick.
Refinery margins have improved in recent
weeks because the price of crude has fallen
more rapidly than the price of heating oil and
gasoline. Gasoline stocks still remain below the
usual operating range, but fears of summer
supply problems have been eased by the earlier than expected end to the heating season.

Despite a cold start, the 1996–97 winter
turned out to be warmer than normal. Lower
heating oil demand in late winter reduced
pressure on inventories, diminished the need
for domestic refiners to keep output levels high
and by January had snapped the crude oil
rally. After peaking at $25 to $26 per barrel in
December, crude oil prices have slowly fallen,
averaging $19 to $20 per barrel by April.
Warmer weather also pushed natural gas
prices back under $2 by February, where they
stayed except for a mid-April rally based on
unusually cold spring weather. Storage additions will be a favorable factor for natural gas
prices over the summer because storage—
although higher now than after the tough
1995–96 winter—is still below normal.
There was no significant pause in drilling
this spring, as the rig count has climbed over
900 for the first time since the Persian Gulf
War. Texas and Louisiana account for 60 percent of the increase in the rig count over the
past year.

Real estate activity remains strong throughout Houston. A number of retail projects are
under construction: several megatheater complexes, a big outlet mall and several smaller,
upscale shopping centers in both Harris and
Fort Bend Counties. Announcements of speculative warehouse projects continue. Sales of
both new and existing homes slowed in March
from their year-earlier level. Rising interest
rates spurred interest in home purchases, but
not enough to match the very strong sales of
March 1996.

For more information, contact Bill Gilmer at (713) 652-1546 or
For a copy of this publication, write to Bill Gilmer, Houston Branch,
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 2578, Houston, Texas 77252.
This publication is available on the Internet at
The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions
of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System.