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November 1997

Houston Business
A Perspective on the Houston Economy

Oil Field Costs Rising Fast


The data for 1996
show a significant
increase in finding
costs.…propelled by
higher labor and
drilling costs.

wo years of oil prices at $20 per barrel and
natural gas at $2 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf)
have generated tremendous profits for oil and gas
producers. By 1995, the industry had achieved
efficiencies that allowed it to thrive at $17 per barrel for oil and $1.70 per Mcf for natural gas, so the
higher prices of 1996 –97 have created huge cash
flows. Not prone to pass such profits on to stockholders, oil producers are making a determined
effort to drill these profits back into the ground. In
1996, the number of oil and gas wells drilled
jumped 21.8 percent compared with the year
before, and in 1997 the number has increased 17.7
percent. Footage drilled and the number of working rotary rigs are up even more.
A consequence of increased activity has been
a shortage of oil-related equipment and skills and
a large increase in the cost of drilling. Figure 1
shows the cost of finding and developing a barrel
of oil in the United States from 1986 to the
present. In the 1990s, these costs declined 20 percent—from $5.50 to $4.40. These hard-won gains
were the product of technological advances in
the industry, such as three-dimensional seismic
imaging, that widened exploration opportunities
and raised the industry’s success rate. Other technologies — coiled tubing and measurement-whiledrilling, for example — cut costs associated with
drilling. Lower finding costs also were the result of
difficult management decisions, such as reducing
the workforce and turning to new suppliers via
The data for 1996 show a significant increase
in finding costs. This increase, which is likely
to be repeated in 1997 and perhaps beyond, is
propelled by higher labor and drilling costs. This
article looks at the factors driving oil field cost

Figure 1
U.S. Finding and Development Cost
Constant dollars per barrel of oil equivalent ($92)




Three-year average


Finding costs












SOURCE: John S. Herold Inc. and calculations of the author.

increases as well as the need to raise costs
more if the industry is to expand much further.
We can argue the wisdom of further expansion— it depends on your outlook for energy
prices over the next several years. But the
point this article makes is simple: if increases
in oil field capacity occur, they will entail significantly higher costs.
Land rigs provide the best example of the
industry’s dilemma. In 1982, as the industry
was poised on the edge of the oil bust, Reed
Tool’s annual October survey of U.S. drilling
rigs revealed that 5,000 rigs were available and
ready to work in the United States, but only
half that number were active. By 1986, only
1,000 rigs were working, although the inventory of available equipment was near 3,000.
For any rig producer, the inventory of stacked
and ready rigs became the major competitor.
By the 1990s, the capital investment in these
rigs, which were financed in many cases by
Texas and Oklahoma banks, had long since
been written off. So whether employed intact
or cannibalized as parts, these rigs subsidized
the industry’s drilling costs for a decade.
Last year, Reed Tool found only 1,670 rigs
were available to work, and 1,425 rigs were
working. The gap has almost certainly narrowed even more in 1997. Indeed, a better
balance between supply and demand is indicated in Figure 2 by the 50 percent increase in
day rates for land rigs since mid-1995. The supply of parts from these excess rigs is drying up,
as used mud pumps or serviceable substructures are no longer readily available.

When will we build new land rigs? Not
until day rates rise further. For example, the
engineering economics of a 2,000-horsepower
rig capable of drilling to 20,000 feet indicate it
would cost $12.5 million to build; at a 15 percent rate of return to capital, the daily rental
rate to justify this rig would be $16,600 —
roughly double the current rate for such rigs.1
Is it unreasonable to demand a 15 percent rate
of return? Similar returns are demanded by the
producers that want the rig, and the risk of
building a rig in the volatile oil markets of the
1990s is as high as ever. Whatever the longterm wisdom of oil industry expansion may be,
it is clear that such growth would come at
higher drilling and finding costs than those
enjoyed even today.
Offshore rigs provide another example of
what is happening to costs in the oil fields. The
day rates for these rigs turned upward earlier
and rates rose much faster than for land rigs
(Figure 2 ). Offshore activity in the Gulf of
Mexico has been spurred not only by higher
natural gas prices, but also by new opportunities in the deep waters and subsalt regions of
the Gulf. So far, however, new rigs are being
built in small numbers and, despite higher day
rates, are headed only for the tightest, most
profitable offshore niche markets, such as deep
water (for example, semisubmersibles rather
than jack-ups). Most new rigs will leave the
shipyard under long-term contracts.
How do we reconcile a decade of downsizing with the current shortage of skills? In
1975, the industry employed 359,000 workers
Figure 2
Day Rates for Land and Offshore Rigs
Index: 1993:1 = 1
















in oil production, oil service and related
machinery industries. By 1982 the figure had
more than doubled to 812,000. But today the
number is back at 365,000 — close to 1975 levels. However, as fast as the number of workers
fell, other measures of basic oil field activity
fell even faster: the number of wells drilled, the
footage drilled and the number of working
rigs. In other words, relative to basic measures
of activity, the industry has become more
Figure 3 shows the total wages paid to
employees subject to wage and salary laws by
producers and service companies, measured in
constant 1992 dollars. The figure is expressed
per foot drilled and smoothed as a three-year
average. It shows the industry becoming more
labor-intensive after 1985, and the chart looks
similar if expressed per well drilled or per
working rig. The jump in 1985 might be
blamed on the collapse in drilling, but the ratio
stays up for the following decade. By 1995,
producers paid 90.1 percent more in wages per
foot drilled than they did in 1985, and service
companies paid 16.3 percent more.
For workers exempt from wage laws, compensation costs are not available, but we can
count the number of jobs, many of which are
managerial and professional. Employment of
these workers follows a pattern similar to that
of hourly workers. By 1995, the number of
jobs was up 53.6 percent per foot drilled for
producers and 91.9 percent for oil service companies.
How do we reconcile this pattern with the
declines in overall employment? We look to
technology. Studies from the American Petroleum Institute indicate that if the industry were
to redrill the same wells today that it drilled
five or 10 years ago using the same methods,
these wells would be drilled much more efficiently. However, the same wells would be
drilled differently today. More upfront geological assessment would be done, more
resource-intensive horizontal and directional
wells would be drilled, and today’s mix of
wells would favor more expensive offshore
drilling. Some new technology, such as measurement-while-drilling and coiled tubing,
works to save resources per foot drilled. But
on the whole, new oil field technology has
increased skill requirements in the industry
and raised the number of hours expended per
foot of drilling.

Figure 3
Total Wages Paid per Foot Drilled
Constant 1992 dollars per foot drilled
Index: 1974 = 1















SOURCE: Energy Information Administration and Bureau of Labor Statistics. Data
smoothed as a three-year moving average.

Moreover, to achieve the same additions to
oil and gas reserves as those of a decade ago,
fewer wells and fewer feet would be drilled,
and fewer rigs used. It has been these declining
activity levels that have put downward pressure on the total number of oil production jobs.
This more intensive use of labor also
explains how the industry so quickly ran into
labor constraints as it increased activity in the
past two years. A sharp, short-run increase in
the number of wells drilled now implies a
much sharper rise in the number of hours to be
worked. Seemingly overnight, the industry is
working 24 hours a day to overcome shortages
of machinists, welders, geophysicists and managers experienced in assessing and directing
Finally, for those who look to a long-term
expansion in the industry, the mountain to be
climbed is higher than expected. If higher oil
and natural gas prices are to lead an industry
expansion, they must be high enough to attract
labor as well as capital back into the industry.
The inventory of excess oil field skills— like
that of the surplus rigs from the 1980s—is now
exhausted. Employees are no longer a subsidized and expendable commodity. Expansion
from now on would entail higher wages, intensive training and the development of specific
industry skills.

Eugene M. Isenburg, “Onshore Rig Surplus Diminishes as
Demand Rises,” Oil and Gas Journal, September 22,
1977, Table 1, p. 63.




conomic conditions remain excellent
in Houston, with virtually every statistic pointing to strong local expansion. The official figure for wage and salary employment growth
for the past 12 months is 2.6 percent. However, to an undercount of 20,900 jobs in
the last quarter of 1996 we can now add
another 5,775 in the first quarter of 1997. This
means — assuming the counts in the second
and third quarters are accurate — employment
growth in Houston has been closer to 4 percent in the past year.
Retailers continue to report good conditions locally, with any slowdown attributed to
the seasonal lull before the holidays. Auto
sales continue to grow, making for the best
September in Harris County history. September sales were up 21 percent over September
1996, and sales were up 9 percent on a yearto-date basis.
Crude oil prices spent much of August and
September in a tight range between $19.25
and $19.75 per barrel. The end of the driving
season and the highest monthly levels of
OPEC production since 1979 gave oil markets
reason to weaken, but they remained focused
on problems in Iraq and Turkey. Prices
jumped to $22 in early October when President Clinton sent an aircraft carrier to enforce
the no-fly zone over southern Iraq.
Natural gas prices have remained surprisingly strong, moving past $3 per thousand
cubic feet in early October, in part because
of an unexpectedly strong demand. Electric
utility usage of natural gas rose with an
unusual number of nuclear plants down for
refueling and with hot fall weather in the
Midwest and Southeast. Meanwhile, heating
demands for natural gas rose with early cold

weather in the West and Northeast. Natural
gas inventories remained 3 – 4 percent ahead
of last year but below the normal trend.
The driving season was reluctant to end
this year, with demand for gasoline reviving
in September and pulling wholesale gasoline
prices back up over 60 cents per gallon. However, declining gasoline prices and rising
crude prices cut into the strong margins refiners enjoyed over the summer. Heating oil
inventories are 20 percent above normal, as
high levels of gasoline production over the
summer produced unusually high levels of
heating oil as a by-product.
Petrochemical prices continue to weaken
for a number of products as new capacity
comes on line in the United States and Asia.
Sales of petrochemicals continue at a very
high level.
Housing markets in Houston continued
their hot streak, unfazed by the arrival of
August and an expected seasonal slowdown.
August existing home sales hit the second
highest level in the city’s history (the highest
was in July), and the inventory of homes for
sale is 9 percent below its year-earlier level.
New home sales were up 41 percent over
August 1996, and starts were up 26 percent.
Real estate professionals report they are
swamped with work by the best market conditions in 15 years. The Houston office market has made big strides in absorption in
recent months, and rents are rising faster than
inflation for the first time in a decade. As
many as 10 new office buildings should be
going up in various parts of the city by the
end of next year. Industrial real estate remains
strong, and the apartment and retail markets
are very healthy.

For more information, contact Bill Gilmer at (713) 652-1546 or
For a copy of this publication, write to Bill Gilmer, Houston Branch,
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 2578, Houston, Texas 77252.
This publication is available on the Internet at
The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions
of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System.