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A Perspective on the Houston Economy




Oil Exploration Booms—
Is Houston Next?
Houston finally seems
to be once again
riding the energy
cycle. As producers
have slowly accepted
the durability of the
current oil exploration
cycle, Houston has
moved to the cusp of
yet another oil-driven
economic boom.


etween December 2000
and December 2004, the Houston economy added 26,500 jobs,
an employment growth rate of
0.2 percent per year. This is a
curious result for a city that by
most accounts owes half its jobs,
either directly or indirectly, to
upstream and downstream oil
and natural gas. Oil prices have
exceeded $20 per barrel since
late 1999, except for four
months on the heels of the 2001
U.S. recession. Natural gas prices
at the wellhead passed $3 per
thousand cubic feet in May
2000 and except for a total of
11 months in 2001–02, have not
looked back.1 Since late 2002,
both oil and gas prices have
risen steadily.
Other measures of the local
economy confirm Houston’s
slow response to high energy
prices. Figure 1 shows the city’s
coincident index of economic
activity, a broad-based measure
of business-cycle conditions.
After sluggish growth through-

MARCH 2006
out 2002 and 2003, this index
indicates that the local economy finally accelerated in 2004.
Similarly, Figure 2 compares
the local purchasing managers
index to its national counterpart.
A value above 50 indicates expansion for both measures, and
the two mirror each other
throughout 2002 – 03. Only in
the summer of 2004 does
energy-driven Houston diverge
from the U.S. expansion.2
Finally, as seen in Figure 3,
the Houston unemployment rate
stood a full percentage point
above the U.S. rate in mid-2003
and slowly closed this gap by
mid-2005. The influx of evacuees from New Orleans in September 2005 sent the rate soaring again, but this event was
unrelated to business-cycle
Why would energy-based
Houston respond so slowly to
the powerful incentives offered
by the oil and gas markets? This
article argues that the Houston
economy’s response was similar
to that of the oil industry itself.
Oil producers and operators
initially viewed high oil and gas
prices with skepticism. They
deemed the prices too good to
last and an inadequate basis for
long-lived capital expansion.

But over the past 12 to 24
months, an important paradigm
shift has occurred; a world view
of OPEC-dominated oil markets
has been replaced by one of
strong global demand, limited
reserves and potentially high
energy prices for years to come.

The oil industry has slowly
come to believe that price
incentives can be trusted this
time and has finally begun to
act on them. Only when producers reached this conclusion
did Houston’s energy sector
show significant growth.

Figure 1
Houston Index of Coincident Economic Activity, 2000–05






SOURCE: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

Figure 2
Houston and U.S. Purchasing Managers Indexes, 1997–2005











SOURCES: Institute for Supply Management; author’s calculations.

Figure 3
Houston and U.S. Unemployment Rates, 2000–05








SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics; Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.


The Old Paradigm
The Organization
of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
was founded in 1960
and developed into a
force in world oil
markets in the 1970s.
Since 1982, OPEC has
met regularly to set
production quotas
among its members
to control the price of
crude oil. Its current
11 members control
about 40 percent of
the world’s crude oil
production and twothirds of its reserves.
OPEC’s excess production capacity has
played a crucial role
in recent years as the
world’s swing production.
In March 2000, in
response to the collapse of world oil
prices following the
Asian financial crisis,
OPEC established a
price band based on
a basket of seven
crude oils. The cartel’s intent was to
use production adjustments to maintain
the basket’s price between $22 and $28
per barrel. OPEC
would increase production any time the
price moved above
$28 for 20 consecutive trading days and
would cut production
if the price fell below $22 for 10 con2

secutive trading days.
The lower band was to protect OPEC revenues by maintaining the price at a sufficiently high level. The upper band
was to make sure the price did
not go too high, creating exploration and production incentives for non-OPEC producers. Here the cartel drew on its
experience in the 1970s and
1980s, when non-OPEC oil
flowed to market in response
to high pre-1982 prices and
brought about the oil market
collapse of 1986. The upper
band was OPEC’s commitment
to use its significant surplus
production to keep prices
below $28.
The 2000 price-band mechanism was more formal than
previous efforts to control oil
markets, but OPEC’s history as
a price regulator is not good.
Periods of slack demand and
OPEC-member cheating on
quotas have led to periodic oilprice collapses. As a result, the
price band seemed to offer
non-OPEC producers a price
outlook that could be moderately high but with likely periodic breakdowns at the bottom
when demand slackened.
Thus, non-OPEC producers
met the general firming of oil
markets in 2000 with considerable wariness. High crude oil
prices had quickly come and
gone in the past, and drilling
programs launched in pursuit
of these fleeting oil revenues
had often proved unproductive.
Figure 4 shows the three drilling
cycles that have occurred since
1995. Each line is the number of
domestic working rigs, beginning
with the drilling trough in each
cycle. The 1995 – 98 cycle lasted
33 months and ended with the
commodity glut that followed
the Asian financial crisis. The
1999 – 2001 expansion was cut
short after only 26 months by
the 2001 recession and a decline in natural gas prices.

The current cycle has lasted 44
months and is showing significant endurance. Despite drilling
incentives much higher than in
previous cycles, the response has
been measured. Early in the expansion, many producers announced that this time they
would not waste the high revenues they were earning by chasing unproductive projects. Many
public companies indicated that
they would simply return these
revenues to stockholders by increasing dividends or by repurchasing debt or outstanding stock.
Other factors also slowed
drilling. This period saw the
consolidation of a number of
major oil companies into supermajors — ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco and ConocoPhillips, for
example — whose huge drilling
programs were combined and
rationalized. Also, the financial
scandals set off in late 2001 by
Enron, WorldCom and Global
Crossing created widespread
concerns about the health of
corporate balance sheets. Oil
companies were not immune to
the need to curtail investments
and strengthen balance sheets
as a defensive measure.
As a result, drilling markets
did not begin to tighten until
late 2004. It took 32 months for
drilling to return to its prior peak
of 1,260 working rigs, leaving
drillers as well as oil service and
support companies with excess
capacity. Producers shared high

oil and gas revenues with their
stockholders, but it was 2005
before these revenues began to
filter down to the rest of the
A New Paradigm
Over the past year, a new
paradigm has emerged to drive
oil-related investment. OPEC’s
surplus capacity and production
quotas have been sidelined — at
least temporarily — by a powerful surge in demand for crude
oil, largely spurred by rapid
economic growth in the United
States, China and emerging
economies. Since 2001, global
oil demand has accelerated from
the 1.3 percent annual growth
that prevailed after 1989 to 2
percent today (Table 1 ). North
America (led by the United
States) is important not only
because of its rapid growth,
but also because of its size.
Among the non-Organization
for Economic Cooperation and
Development countries, Chinese oil demand accelerated
from 5.8 percent to 8.9 percent
per year after 2001, and the
former Soviet Union pulled out
of its economic tailspin. Other
non-OECD countries, led by
Asian developing nations, increased their growth in demand
from 1.7 percent to 3 percent
per year.
One result of this surge in
demand has been to leave OPEC
without spare sustainable capac-

Figure 4
Last Three U.S. Drilling Expansions, 1995–Present

Table 1
Growth Rate of Crude Oil Demand, 1989–2005

Working rigs

ity (production capacity that
can be brought to market
within 30 days and sustained
for 90 days). This capacity, which
OPEC would normally tap to
police the upper limit of its price
band, is now being nearly fully
utilized to meet global oil demand. The International Energy
Agency estimates OPEC’s current
spare sustainable capacity at
about 2.6 million barrels per
day—and only 1.4 million barrels
if suspect capacity in Iraq, Venezuela and Nigeria is removed.3
As spare capacity disappears
from world oil markets, crude oil
prices tend to rise (Figure 5 );
they climb dramatically as spare
capacity drops below 10 percent.
January’s spare capacity was about
8.2 percent of OPEC’s total sustainable capacity (4.4 percent
if Iraq’s, Venezuela’s and Nigeria’s spare capacity is removed).
This lack of extra capacity mitigates any threat that OPEC will
flood the market with crude and
renders meaningless the $28
upper bound. OPEC’s basket of
crude oil has now been priced
above $28 for 18 consecutive
In addition to high oil prices,
the lack of spare sustainable
capacity has two collateral effects, both hallmarks of the current oil market. First, prices
become volatile. OPEC’s spare
capacity has served in recent
years as the swing capacity
needed to deal with oil shocks,


(Annual percent)



North America


Former Soviet Union




1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45
Months following trough
SOURCE: Baker Hughes; data seasonally adjusted by author.

SOURCE: International Energy Agency.














Figure 5
Crude Oil Price and OPEC Spare Sustainability Capacity
Price (dollars per barrel)









Spare capacity (percent)



NOTE: Spare sustainable capacity is production that can be brought online within 30 days and sustained for 90 days.
SOURCES: International Energy Agency; Energy Information Administration.

and 3 million to 4 million barrels
is regarded as the minimum to
serve this role well. As surplus
capacity has fallen, every glitch
in the delivery system (weather,
geopolitics, mechanical breakdown) is magnified, causing
large and rapid price swings.
Figure 6 shows the average
weekly percentage change in the
price of West Texas Intermediate,
averaged for each year from
1990 through 2005. Oil prices
show a clear tendency toward
greater volatility since 2000.
The second collateral effect
of limited spare capacity upstream is an increase in enduser inventories downstream.
Figure 7 plots the monthly inventories of crude oil held in
the U.S. (excluding the Strategic Petroleum Reserve) against
the price of crude oil.5 The line
in Figure 7 has been fitted to the
dark blue points that mark the
inventory–price relationship
from 1992 to 2003. The light
blue points are monthly observations of this same relationship in 2004 and 2005, when it
breaks new ground with a
peculiar combination of tight
supplies, high prices and
larger-than-normal inventories.
As buffer stocks in the ground
have been lost upstream, end
users have sought shelter from

supply disruptions by holding
larger stocks.

finally returned to the peak of
the previous oil cycle in May
2004 and then surged another
10.4 percent, or 7,300 jobs, by
the end of 2005. The bulk of
the new Houston oil jobs have
been at oil service companies —
jobs often tied closely to the rig
count and overall drilling activity.
Houston’s manufacturing jobs
are also tied closely to oil services and drilling activity. They
bottomed in the summer of
2004 and have since grown 4.4
percent. Oilfield skills have
become a scarce and highly
sought commodity; wages and
bonuses are rising rapidly and
are expected to climb another
10 percent or more in 2006.
These wage gains quickly filter
through to the rest of the economy, bringing expansion to
secondary sectors as well.6
Are producers right? Has
strong demand pushed us into
a new world for oil markets?
OPEC has not admitted even
temporary irrelevance, but it has
launched a number of projects
to develop oil fields and restore
surplus capacity, the source of
its power over oil markets. Some
observers see at least some element of a speculative bubble in
these markets, a mismatch between oil prices and market
fundamentals. The entry of a
large number of noncommercial
participants (hedge funds and
pension funds) into the oil

Houston Rides the Wave
The timing of Houston’s expansion suggests that the local
economy was not waiting for
higher oil prices, but for oil
producers to believe that these
prices might persist. Producers
have slowly come around to
the view that OPEC’s upper price
limit has been erased for now.
Downside risk is still present in
this market, but it is no longer
the one posed by OPEC’s artificial production quotas and
cheating. Oil market risk today
consists of a significant decline
in crude oil demand, perhaps
from another Asian financial
crisis or a future U.S.
Figure 6
Oil producers and
Weekly Average Percent Change in Prices, 1990–2005
operators in 2004 and
2005 decided that the
current oil market pro8
vides a more secure
foundation for oil6
related investments
than OPEC and its price
band. Drilling surged,
and the market for rigs,
oil services and various
support industries tight1
ened quickly. Figure 8
’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05
shows how Houston’s
* Average of absolute value of percentage weekly changes in the price of
oil exploration jobs
West Texas Intermediate crude oil.


SOURCE: Energy Information Administration.

Figure 7
U.S. Crude Oil Inventory vs. Price


Refiner acquisition price of crude (dollars per barrel)

















Crude inventory (millions of barrels)*
* Excludes Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
SOURCE: Energy Information Administration.

futures market has fed these
views. But recent studies suggest these new players have no
significant impact on spot
prices and a limited influence
on longer-dated futures prices.7
It really doesn’t matter
whether oil producers are right
or not. As long as they believe in
this market, it will drive growth
in Houston. The current tightness and high prices will end
eventually, of course, as pricedriven conservation results in
investments that limit the use
of oil, as new oil supplies come
to market or as the demand for
crude meets less heated economic conditions. Producers
are simply betting that cooling
this market will take time and
that time is now on their side.

Houston finally seems to be
once again riding the energy
cycle. Recently revised data
show that the city added 37,500
jobs in 2004 (a 1.6 percent increase) and 75,100 jobs in 2005
(3.2 percent). The 2005 gain
was the largest since 1998, the
last time the local economy was
clearly being fueled by oil exploration and production. As
producers have slowly accepted
the durability of the current oil
exploration cycle, Houston has
moved to the cusp of yet another
oil-driven economic boom.


— Robert W. Gilmer
Gilmer is a vice president of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

Figure 8
Oil Extraction Jobs in Houston, 1990–Present


Thousands of jobs
’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05
SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics.



The prices quoted here are the refiner
acquisition cost of imported crude oil
and the wellhead price of natural gas,
both reported by the Energy Information Administration.
This comparison is based on similar
calculations explained in “Purchasing
Managers Provide New Insight into
Houston Economy,” by Robert W.
Gilmer, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Houston Business, December 1998.
Monthly Oil Market Report, International Energy Agency, July 17, 2006, p. 13.
OPEC’s spare capacity is tracked monthly in IEA’s Monthly Oil Market Report,
in a table typically titled “OPEC Crude
Oil Production.” This relationship between spare capacity and price is a
staple of presentations on current oil
market conditions. See, for example,
“Today’s Oil Prices: Temporary Tightness, Paradigm Shift, or Speculative Bubble?” by Edward L. Morse, presentation
to the Annual Energy Policy Conference
of the National Capital Area Chapter, U.S.
Association for Energy Economics, pp.
This chart is similar to and adapted from
“Oil Market Overview,” a presentation by
David Fyfe of the International Energy
Agency to the Committee on Non-Member
Countries, Paris, Oct. 7, 2004.
Much more goes into determining
Houston’s employment than oil. But
the U.S. economy (important to companies like Continental Airlines and
HP/Compaq) and the global economy
(important to a port city) have also
been strong. Similar circumstances in
1997 – 98, with rapid U.S. and global
growth and an oil boom, brought
Houston 9.2 percent total job growth
in two years, or 196,700 new jobs. For
a discussion of productivity’s role in
dampening job growth, see “Upstream
Employment Rises with Exploration,”
by Robert W. Gilmer and J. L. Story,
Oil and Gas Journal, vol. 103, no. 30,
Aug. 8, 2005, pp. 20–25.
“The Structure of the Oil Market and
Causes of High Prices,” by Pelin Berkmen, Sam Ouliaris and Hossein Samiei,
Sept. 21, 2005, is a summary by
International Monetary Fund researchers that concludes a tight market and
the perception this market will remain
tight are the primary reasons for high
oil prices. The authors (like other literature they cite) find a limited role for
nonindustry speculators to exert much
influence on spot or futures prices.
Available at
pp/eng/2005/092105o.htm. See also
Morse (note 4).



nergy is clearly beginning to move the Houston economy again. Oil and gas extraction jobs were up 5.9 percent in
2005, and manufacturing jobs
rose 3.3 percent. The Houston
Purchasing Managers Index jumped
to 67.9 in January, its highest
level since the measure’s inception in 1995. Downtown real
estate remains distressed, but
energy companies are taking
space again. Energy-driven corporate relocations are boosting
an already healthy housing market.
Retail Sales
Houston retailers reported
strong January sales, perhaps
partly the result of finally closing out the holiday season with
the redemption of gift cards sold
in December. But the strong start
to 2006 turned soft in February,
as department stores and discounters struggled to stay on
plan. Upscale stores continue
to report very good sales, while
furniture stores complain of
continued weakness.
Real Estate
Energy is stirring the pot
for downtown real estate, with
at least one major office building acquisition by an energy
company and others rumored
to be in the works. However,
energy mergers and downsizing
are also returning space to the
market, so the net change remains uncertain. At present,
Houston still has too much
space, and rents in the central
business district are depressed.
Citywide, at year-end Houston
saw healthy gains in absorption, largely in Class A space.
Apartment absorption also
picked up in late 2005, as many


March 2006

hurricane evacuees moved from
hotels. Class B space seemed to
be the major beneficiary, based
on absorption and improved
After a record year for both
new and existing home sales,
the housing market accelerated
in early 2006, thanks to an improving job market and corporate relocations. January might
have been helped by warm
weather, but that can’t account
for the fact that existing home
sales were up 16 percent over
last year. New home sales were
up 23 percent.
Energy Prices
Crude oil prices were near
$63 per barrel in early January
and have ranged from $58 to $68
over the past two months. The
primary factor driving prices
has been geopolitical situations
that threaten deliveries to a very
tight market: militants in Nigeria,
U.N. sanctions against Iran and
attacks on Saudi oil facilities. A
much warmer than normal winter pushed natural gas from $9
per thousand cubic feet to below
$7. Inventories are currently 48
percent above their five-year
average. Unless the weather turns
extraordinarily cold soon, we
will go into spring and summer
with record-high inventories.
Refining and Petrochemicals
Weak gasoline and heating
oil prices have pulled refining
margins down sharply, although
even negative margins rebounded
to five-year average levels by
the end of February. Some re-

fineries briefly cut back production for economic reasons.
Margins should strengthen, however, as gasoline prices bounce
back over the summer. Operating rates on the Gulf Coast are
declining as the industry begins
the spring turnaround season.
Many maintenance turnarounds
will be longer than normal
because last fall’s hurricanes
resulted in the postponement
of so much work.
Prices of petrochemicals
(such as ethylene, polyethylene,
polypropylene, PVC and chlorine) have given ground this
year but remain well above prehurricane levels. Downward
price pressure has resulted from
precautionary stocking of imports
following the hurricanes, seasonal weakness and domestic
production’s return to normal
levels. Product margins have
been under pressure from price
declines, but this has been offset by the declining price of
natural gas feedstock.
Oil Services
The domestic drilling market remains extremely strong,
with the rig count adding about
75 rigs since early January. The
increase is partly the addition
of some foreign rigs and some
hurricane-damaged rigs returning to service, but it’s primarily
new rigs going to work. Another
250 rigs are under construction,
with some delivery delays caused
by shortages of components.
The key driver of activity is the
same: land-based drilling
directed toward natural gas.

For more information or copies of this publication, contact Bill Gilmer at
(713) 483-3546 or, or write Bill Gilmer, Houston Branch,
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 2578, Houston, TX 77252. This publication is
also available on the Internet at
The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions
of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System..