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A Perspective on the Houston Economy




The Houston Business Cycle
Since the Oil Bust

Using Houston
employment as our
primary guide, we look
at total employment,
build a diffusion index
based on changes in
employment by sector
and search out unusual
concentrations of local
jobs to define local
export activity.
We also use other
economic series
to define an index
of coincident
economic activity.


early 16 years have
elapsed since Houston’s oil bust
ended in early 1987. Since that
time several important events
have shaped the local business
cycle: the 1990 – 91 U.S. economic recession, the U.S. economic boom of the late 1990s,
the Asian financial crisis and
the 2001 U.S. recession. Interwoven with these larger events
is a related cycle in oil and other
commodities that was particularly important to Houston.
Since 1987 Houston’s business cycle has been marked by
rapid growth interspersed with
three distinct periods of no
growth or slow growth. The
most recent no-growth period
began in early 2001 and probably marks the city’s first recession since 1987.
The richest and most timely
set of data on the Houston
economy is 53 series of monthly
employment data by industrial
sector, and we use employment


as our primary guide to economic activity since 1987. In
this article we look at total
employment, build a diffusion
index based on changes in
employment by sector and
search out unusual concentrations of local jobs to define
local export activity. We also
use other economic series —
real retail sales, real wages and
the unemployment rate — to
define an index of coincident
economic activity. It is this
index that points to an ongoing
mild recession in Houston that
began in early 2001.
The 1991–93 Slowdown
The U.S. recession of the
early 1990s lasted from July
1990 to March 1991, but a prolonged period of weak expansion and limited job growth
followed. The jobless recovery
was not clearly over until mid1993, when the United States
entered an extended period of
rapid growth in both output
and employment. Even in the
early stages of this rapid growth
period — in 1993 – 94 — the pattern was set for 3 million new
jobs per year and 4 percent
annual GDP growth.

Figure 1
Working Rigs in the United States, 1988–2002
Number of rigs

A Diffusion Index. Another
progress in
measure of employment strength
Houston in 1992
or weakness emphasizes the
was the newly
breadth of change in employelected Clinton
ment as opposed to the total
number of workers with jobs.
which advanced
The Texas Workforce Commisa series of public
sion reports 53 separate empolicy proposals
ployment series for Houston
that seemed
each month, and a diffusion
aimed at the
index focuses on the number
basic pillars of
of series increasing versus
’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02
those decreasing. Periods of
proSOURCES: Baker Hughes; authors’ calculations.
strong growth should see more
posed Btu tax
sectors increasing, and weak
would have more
Accompanying the U.S.
growth would be accompanied
than doubled the tax on oil
growth story was an important
by a growing number of
and natural gas relative to other
cycle in oil and natural gas
declining sectors.
energy forms, a potential blow
exploration.1 Two important oil
The diffusion index (It ) for
to refining and petrochemical
shocks preceded the national
time period t is calculated as
activity along the Ship Channel.
recession. Crude oil prices
Proposed health care reform,
increased 50 percent as the
which introduced the term
It = 37.75 + (Nt – Dt )
Iran – Iraq war ended in 1989
primary care physician, would
and OPEC found renewed diswhere Nt is the number of
have struck hard at the specialcipline in world oil markets.
seasonally adjusted sectors
ized care offered by the Texas
Then prices jumped another
increasing from one month to
Medical Center. Finally, a presi59 percent as Iraq invaded
the next, Dt is the number dedential review of the need for a
Kuwait in 1990.
creasing and 12.25 is the averspace station project froze inLocal oil producers recogage value of Nt – Dt from 1988
vestment in the Clear Lake area.
nized the transient nature of
to 2002. Thus, the index is set
Employment continued to
the Gulf War oil spike but saw
in such a way that its average
grow in Houston through much
the increased revenues and
value from 1988 to 2002 is 50.
of the 1990 – 91 U.S. recession;
cash flows as an opportunity
If the index is greater than 50,
oil revenues carried the local
to beef up staff and plant for
the economy is performing
economy, and job growth did
a coming boom in natural
above average; if the index is
not flatten out until late 1990.
gas-directed drilling. Convenbelow 50, economic performEven as the bad news mounted
tional wisdom held that the gas
ance is subpar.
— jobless recovery in the United
bubble — the surplus of natural
States, a collapse
gas generated by energy deregin drilling and
ulation in the late 1980s — was
the Clinton proFigure 2
Total Employment in Houston, 1988–2002
finally at an end and that gas
posals — job
Thousands of jobs
prices would soon rise sharply.
growth did not
However, this expectation was
decline; it re2,400
denied by a warm winter in
mained flat
1990 – 91, when natural gas
through all of
prices plunged to near $1 per
1991 and much
thousand cubic feet. Domestic
of 1992. Figure 2
drilling collapsed along with
clearly shows
gas prices, sending the number
this period, in
of working rigs to the lowest
which the number
levels in the 50-year history of
of jobs neither
the Baker Hughes rig count
grew nor de1,400
(Figure 1 ).
clined signifi1,200
Further blocking economic

’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02

SOURCES: Texas Workforce Commission; authors’ calculations.


Table 1
Location Quotients and Sector Share of Basic Employment in Houston, 2001

Figure 3 plots a centered
seven-month moving average
of the index. It indicates the
same general periods of belowaverage performance as total
employment, with values below
50 during 1991– 93, 1998 – 99
and the current slowdown.
During the 1991– 93 slowdown,
the index peaked in April 1990
at 61.3 and hit its low point in
October 1991 at 39.6.
Diffusion indexes often play
the role of leading indicators,
and this index played that role
well by turning before both the
slowing and the reacceleration
of job growth. Although total
employment began to grow
slowly in late 1992, this diffusion index points up the slowness of overall growth, indicating that the breadth of job
growth across sectors remained
below average through March
1995. It took strong U.S. economic growth, which began
in mid-1993, combined with a
1995 turnaround in oil and
natural gas extraction to get
Houston’s employment growth
back on the fast track.
Defining Houston’s Export
Base. Another simple measure
of economic activity, also based
on employment data, is the export base of a locality. The calculation begins with the concept
of excess employment and the
identification of unusual concentrations of workers in the local
economy. Such concentrations
may indicate export activity.
Table 1, for example, shows the
location quotients for a series
of key sectors in Houston.
percent share of total employment
found in industry i in Houston
LQ i =
percent share of total employment
found in industry i in the United States

If Houston is a typical place
in the United States, its location quotient is equal to 1; if it
has a higher than normal con-

Oil producers
Oil services
Special trade contractors
Other construction
Electricity, gas, sanitary services
Durable wholesale
Personal services
Business services
Auto repair
Legal services
Engineering, management services

Location quotient

Percent basic

NOTE: Oil producers, oil services and manufacturing sectors are 100 percent basic by assumption; other sectors follow
formula in text.
SOURCE: Authors’ calculations.

centration, the location quotient
measure of Houston’s tradiis greater than 1; and if it has a
tional economic base, one
below average concentration,
could question whether the
the location quotient is less
measure has kept up with job
than 1.
diversification trends in HousA location quotient greater
ton, especially in the service
than 1 can be interpreted as
sector. Maybe the best way to
indicating potential specializainterpret these calculations is
tion in production and export
as a timely measure of how
activity from the community to
Houston’s traditional strengths
the rest of the nation and the
in oil, chemicals, engineering
world. In Table 1, it is assumed
and heavy construction are
that 100 percent of oil producperforming. Again, focusing on
ers, oil services and manufacthe 1992 – 93 period, Figure 4
turing is export-oriented. For
clearly shows the serious disother sectors with a location
tress felt by oil production,
quotient greater than 1, the
drilling and related manufacturexcess share of employment —
ing as the price of natural gas
the share above what would
normally be found in the comWhat kept total employment
munity— is calculated as perflat in Houston from 1991 to
cent export jobs in sector i =
1993, with so much downward
pressure on basic exports from
(LQi – 1)/LQi × 100.
Using these
Figure 4 plots
Figure 3
Diffusion Index for Houston Employment
Houston’s export
Index, 7-month average
base from 1988
to 2002. Oil pro65
ducers, oil serv60
ices, durable
pipelines, heavy
construction and
engineering services still dominate
the industries
highlighted in
Table 1. While it
remains a good
’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02
SOURCES: Texas Workforce Commission; authors’ calculations.


Figure 4
Export Base in Houston, 1988–2002
Thousands of jobs
’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99
SOURCE: Authors’ calculations.

the oil sector? Basic exports are
important because they pay for
imports; Houston trades oil
services for financial services
from New York, autos from
Detroit and software from Silicon
Valley. Exports also support
inherently local, nonexport
activities such as dry cleaners,
video rental stores, grocery
stores, drugstores and neighborhood restaurants. After a
solid recovery and expansion
following the oil bust (total
employment grew 3.4 percent
per year from January 1987 to
January 1992), nonexport activities also grew rapidly, lagging
the basic industries and trying
to catch up with the earlier
rapid export growth. This continued momentum from nonbasic growth, plus additional
help from the U.S. economy
after 1991, provided just enough
strength to keep job growth
out of a significant decline in
1992 – 93.
The 1998–99 Slowdown
During 1996 and 1997,
Houston’s economy hit on all
cylinders and ran at peak
capacity.2 The national economy
was booming, along with drilling activity and oil services, and
there was strong capital spending downstream by refiners and

companies. By
early 1998, however, storm
warnings were
being issued for
all the economies up and
down the Gulf
Coast.3 The
Asian financial
crisis began in
’00 ’01 ’02
Thailand in
May 1997 and
quickly spread
to Malaysia,
Indonesia, the Philippines and
South Korea. The roots of the
crisis lay in too much capital
seeking too few deals in the
fastest growing part of the
world, a loss of confidence in
these countries’ banking systems and a collapse of local
currencies as foreign capital
fled the region. Eventually,
countries throughout Asia, Latin
America and Eastern Europe
felt the destabilizing effects of
the crisis, and the world saw
the worst collapse of commodity
prices — for cotton, soybeans,
copper, gold and especially oil
— since the Great Depression.
Oil markets in 1998 were
already headed for a difficult
year. A warm winter and spring,
ongoing humanitarian sales of
Iraqi crude oil, and OPEC’s
decision to increase quotas and
ratify cheating by its members
all added crude oil to world
markets. Then the Asian crisis
added another 400,000 barrels
per day, and the price collapsed
to $10 – $12 per barrel at midyear. Cheap Middle Eastern
chemicals that would have been
sold to Asia were diverted to
Europe and other U.S. export
markets. Planned engineering
and industrial construction
projects were canceled around
the globe.

Crude oil prices fell to $12
per barrel in June 1998, and
domestic drilling followed to a
seasonally adjusted 525 rigs in
April 1999, yet another all-time
low. Foreign drilling was similarly depressed. Oil prices did
not improve until OPEC and
several non-OPEC producers
forged an agreement in March
1999 to remove 2 million barrels of crude from world markets. By May 1999, West Texas
Intermediate had improved
from $12 to $19 per barrel, and
natural gas had risen from
$1.64 to $2.20 per thousand
cubic feet.
Throughout the crisis, U.S.
growth was shaped by two
conflicting trends. One was the
slowdown in world growth and
the collapse of commodity
prices. The other was a sharp
decline in short- and long-term
interest rates, as the 30-year
bond fell from 6.5 percent in
July 1997 to dip briefly under
5 percent in October 1998.
Lower rates, rising incomes
and stock market gains fueled
demand for autos, housing and
durable goods. By the second
half of 1998, the United States
seemed to have shrugged off
any global problems and returned to its fast-growth track
of the late 1990s.
The mix of good news and
bad — depressed commodity
markets versus strong U.S.
growth — shows up clearly in
our charts for the 1998 –1999
period. Each shows a different
part of the story. Figure 2
shows no prolonged decline in
employment, for example, as
job growth simply flattens out
for the first six months of 1999.
In contrast, Figure 3 shows a
prolonged period of weakness.
The breadth of employment
growth peaks in December
1997 at 61.3 and falls under

Figure 5
Growth Rate of Basic and Nonbasic Employment
in Houston, 1999–2000

50 in July 1998. It would not
be until April 2000 that the
diffusion index would move
above 50 and stay there. With
both commodity markets and
the U.S. economy struggling,
fewer and fewer local sectors
were left growing.
The depth of the problems
in oil and other commodity
markets is best illustrated by the
number of jobs in Houston’s
export base (Figure 4 ). Basic
export employment fell 4.9
percent between December
1998 and October 1999. The
peak in base employment came
late —18 months after the Asian
financial crisis began and 10
months after domestic drilling
How did Houston avoid
losing jobs in 1998 – 99? The
answer again lies in a combination of strong continued U.S.
growth and past momentum.
Figure 5 contrasts the behavior
of basic and nonbasic Houston
employment, measured monthly
by average annual growth rates.
The rapid growth in 1996 – 98
created a need for continued
growth in local businesses such
as dry cleaners and retail stores,
local construction, housing and
such, providing momentum
that carried over into 1998 – 99
even as Houston’s traditional
export base was collapsing.
The result was nonbasic employment growth that stayed
well above 2 percent annually,
while oil and chemical jobs
The Current Slowdown
The primary force affecting
the U.S. economy since early
2001 has been the recession
and the jobless recovery.4 Rapid
U.S. expansion ended in 2000
as rising interest rates began to
choke off housing, auto and
consumer durable sales and as

3-month average (percent)*
investment in the
New Economy
collapsed along
Nonbasic export jobs
with computers,
tions and the
Internet. The
recession was
mild and brief,
Basic export jobs
beginning in
March 2001 and
probably ending
the following
* Annualized rate.
November. ModSOURCES: Texas Workforce Commission; authors’ calculations.
erate rates of
recovery, continued weakness in the New EconApril 2001 and fell by 39.8 peromy, and concerns about war
cent to 771 by the following
and terrorism have combined to
March. The rig count climbed
prevent any significant job
to 850 by May and stayed near
growth in either Houston or the
that level through the rest of
United States in 2002.
2002. Driven by oil instead of
Crude oil and natural gas
natural gas, international
prices have been surprisingly
drilling never collapsed like
strong since 2000. Oil prices
domestic exploration and has
moved over $30 per barrel in
remained relatively healthy. Oil
the spring of 2000 on the heels
field conditions have not been
of an agreement among OPEC
nearly as bad as in previous oil
and non-OPEC producers,
cycles of the 1990s, but oil
including Russia, Norway and
service companies are frusMexico. A target band of
trated that energy prices have
$22 – $28 was set for a basket
been so high and drilling activof OPEC crude oils, and OPEC
ity so weak. Producers seem to
discipline has since kept crude
have focused more intently on
prices mostly within the price
the fundamentals of recession,
band. Natural gas prices have
warm weather and high invenalso provided positive surtories than on price alone.
prises, generally staying above
Total employment in Hous$2 per thousand cubic feet
ton peaked at 2,125,000 jobs
since 1996. Despite warm winin April 2001 and declined by
ters in 1998 – 99 and 2001– 02,
15,000 jobs, or 0.7 percent,
falling industrial demand
by year-end. 2002 saw very litthroughout the 2001 recession
tle change in total employment.
and record-high natural gas inThe diffusion index (Figure 3 )
ventories, gas prices have typipeaked in August 2000 and
cally defied gravity and remained
slipped under 50 in March
above $2 — often far above.
2001. Since that time, the index
Given strong energy prices,
has remained in the low 40s,
the mystery is why oil field
thus far providing no indication
activity has remained subdued.
of coming recovery.
Domestic drilling began to
The export-base employdecline from a seasonally
ment (Figure 4 ) shows that
adjusted peak of 1,281 rigs in
Houston’s traditional industries


Figure 6
Coincident Economic Activity Index for Houston, 1988–2002
Index, July 1992 = 100
’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99
SOURCE: Authors’ calculations.

peaked again in May 2001 at a
level that exceeded the prior
December 1998 peak by less
than 1 percent. The number
of export base jobs has since
declined by a relatively mild
2 percent. Nonbasic activity has
been affected by the prolonged
period of no significant growth
in basic jobs and by the continued lack of stimulus from
the U.S. economy. Nonbasic
employment has averaged
annual growth rates of only
0.1 percent in 2001– 02. There
has been no source of positive
stimulus in Houston throughout 2002.
Was It a Recession?
Throughout the previous
discussion and analysis, we have
been careful to describe job
growth over the last 16 years
as slowing, turning flat or declining slightly. The emphasis
on a single variable — employment — makes it difficult to talk
about recession or a broad
decline in the macro economy.
Different variables — unemployment, personal income or retail
sales, for example — might lead
to different conclusions about
the direction, timing or depth
of a particular cyclical event.
On the other hand, as the
cyclical event occurs, there
should be some correlation

among the variables over time
that provides
information on
a larger, unobserved variable
called the business cycle.
The Conference Board measures U.S. economic activity by
’00 ’01 ’02
a simple weighted
average of several broad measures of macroeconomic activity,
giving them equal weight after
adjusting for volatility: personal
income (less transfer payments),
nonfarm employment, industrial production, and sales by
trade and manufacturing. In
recent years, a new and very
different approach has emerged
to measure the business cycle,
a dynamic single-factor model
of coincident economic activity
created by Stock and Watson.5
The Stock and Watson
approach uses broad measures
of economic activity to estimate
a single unobserved, underlying variable consistent with the
general notion of a business
cycle. The underlying variables
chosen for Houston are nonfarm employment, the unemployment rate, real wages and
real retail sales. Based on their
correlation over time, we define
a coincident index as a measure
of the business cycle.6
All four of the selected variables are statistically significant
factors in defining the Houston
business cycle and carry the
expected signs. Employment is
restricted to entering the equation with no lags, but other
variables can enter with lags if
statistically significant. Employment, real wages and real retail
sales enter the equation simultaneously, while the unemploy6

ment rate enters simultaneously
and with a single lag.
We first estimated the model
from January 1980 through
March 2002, the period for
which all variables are available.
We then updated it through
October 2002 using data only
on employment and the unemployment rate. The model is
highly stable, and the size of
the Houston economy provides
a smooth series.
The weights selected by
the model emphasize nonfarm
employment (.48) and real
wages (.33) as the key variables,
while smaller but significant
information comes from the
unemployment rate (.11) and
retail sales (.08). The coincident index for Houston, based
on July 1992 = 100, is shown
in Figure 6. The index looks
very much like a smoothed
version of total employment in
Figure 2, but it now contains
much more information about
the Houston business cycle.
Timing and duration of cyclical
events differ slightly between
the two series.
Was there a recession in the
1990s? The index in the 1991– 93
period is flat, indicating that
Houston skirted recession for
a prolonged period but never
suffered a significant reverse.
The business cycle does not
show a decline that could be
labeled a recession. The story
is similar for 1998 – 99; again
employment was flat with no
significant decline, but for a
much shorter period than
1991– 93.
The current slowdown,
however, does show a decline
beginning in May 2001, although
it amounted to only 1 percent
by December of that year.
There was no significant improvement throughout 2002
that would indicate recovery.

Thus, after twice avoiding the
label, the current downturn
marks Houston’s first recession
since the 1980s. Houston Business will revisit the question
of whether economic recovery
may be under way later this
spring, after the employment
data for 2002 are rebenchmarked.
Is the recession mild? Compare the 1 percent decline in
2001 with Houston’s doubledip, oil-bust recession of the
1980s — a recession built on
massive speculation in oil and
real estate. The same coincident
index tells us that between
March 1982 and November
1983 the Houston economy
declined by 12 percent; between November 1984 and January 1987 it fell another 10.1
percent. Houston may have
found speculative excesses in
2001 in energy trading and
downtown office space, for
example, but the impact so far
on the overall economy has
been relatively mild.
Strong growth in Houston
in the 1990s required more
than oil; it needed both a
growing U.S. economy and
strong oil markets. When both
factors were working, the
Houston economy performed
in stellar fashion. But weakness
from either side quickly showed
up in both the rate and breadth
of total employment growth.
Weakness in both the U.S. economy and oil markets essentially
stopped the Houston economy
in its tracks in 1991– 93 and
1998 – 99, and in 2001 it led
Houston into its first minor
recession since the oil bust.
This 1990s pattern of no
growth or very mild recession
contrasts sharply with the huge
economic setbacks that followed

oil and real estate overspeculation in the 1980s. Although still
a commodity-driven economy
with roughly half of its jobs
directly or indirectly dependent
on oil, natural gas and petrochemicals, Houston’s business
cycle has been substantially
tamed since the 1980s.
— Robert W. Gilmer
Iram Siddik
Iram Siddik is a student at
Rice University.







For a description of Houston’s economy
during this period, see the following
issues of Houston Business: “Houston
in 1993,” February 1993; “Houston’s
Slowdown: National Recession or Oil
Patch Slump?” August 1993; and “Houston’s Economy: Still Slow in 1994?”
December 1993.
See the following issues of Houston
Business: “Houston Again Shares State’s
Economic Growth,” August 1995;
“Houston Economy Shows Endurance
and Renewed Strength,” October 1996;
and “Houston Economy Heats Up,”
August 1997.
See these issues of Houston Business:
“Asian Flu and Oil Glut Weaken Outlook for Houston,” March 1998; and
“Weak Commodity Prices Take Toll on
Gulf Coast Economy,” March 1999.
For details on this period, see the following issues of Houston Business:
“The Wheel Turns Again: Lessons from
the Latest Oil Cycle,” June 2000; “Gulf
Coast Expansion Waits for Upstream,
Downstream Energy,” April 2002; and
“Houston’s Near-Term Outlook: Slow
Growth, Downward Risk,” October
James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson
(1989), “New Indexes of Coincident
and Leading Economic Indicators,”
NBER Macroeconomic Annual, ed.
Olivier J. Blanchard and Stanley
Fischer (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press
for National Bureau of Economic
Research), 351–94.
Alan Clayton-Matthews and James H.
Stock (1998 – 99) build an index for the
state of Massachusetts based on the
income tax base, sales tax base and
unemployment rate in “An Application
of the Stock/Watson Index Methodology
to the Massachusetts Economy,”
Journal of Economic and Social Meas-


urement 25: 183–233. The variables
chosen for this index are the same as
those used in an unpublished paper,
by Keith Phillips and Jesus Cañas of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas,
that examines the business cycle of
Texas border cities. The authors would
like to thank Phillips for suggesting the
model for Houston and Cañas for estimating it.



ouston shows few signs
of emerging from the mild recession it entered early in 2001.
Employment remains flat; the
seasonally adjusted unemployment rate has continued to rise
all year and now stands near 6
percent; and the local Purchasing Managers Index shows no
forward momentum in energy or
manufacturing. A sluggish U.S.
economy and lackluster drilling
have conspired to keep the
Houston economy in the doldrums.

Retail and Auto Sales
For retailers, the holiday
problem was not a shortage of
customers. It was deep discounting, widespread promotions
and fierce competition. Shoppers responded by filling the
stores and walking away with
retailers’ profits, making the
consumer the holiday winner.
Fortunately, retailers entered
the holiday season with light
inventories and had little trouble
clearing out seasonal goods.
Auto sales continue weak
despite ongoing dealer incentives and promotions. November
sales for Harris County were
off 3 percent from 2001 and are
down 8 percent year-to-date.
Energy Prices and Drilling
Oil and natural gas prices
have risen sharply in recent
weeks. Crude oil prices have
been driven by a variety of factors: cold weather, OPEC’s
decision to rein in production,
the threat of war in Iraq and
a general strike in Venezuela.
The price of West Texas Intermediate rose from $25 per
barrel in mid-November to
$32 by late December.


December 2002

Responding primarily to cold
weather in the Midwest and
Northeast, natural gas prices
climbed from $3.80 per thousand
cubic feet to more than $5 by
mid-December. A record surplus
quickly evaporated, pulling inventories to 17 percent below
last year and 5 percent below the
five-year average. Gas supplies
remain adequate for a normal
winter, but continued arctic
weather could push prices even
Improved energy market
fundamentals have not translated into increased domestic
drilling; a rise in workover
activity (a quick route to a production boost) and a jump in
Texas drilling (mostly inexpensive gas projects) were the only
responses. Total U.S. activity
remained near 850 working rigs,
the same level observed since
last May. International activity
has improved over the past two
months, led by the North Sea
and Latin America, but the general strike in Venezuela could
reverse these recent gains.
Petrochemicals and Refining
Growth in petrochemical
demand decelerated sharply at
midyear, matching the slowdown in the rest of the industrial sector. Through year-end,
there is still no indication of
improved demand, prices are
stable or declining, and the
higher oil and gas feedstock
prices are coming out of profit

margins. Overcapacity remains
a significant problem in key
areas such as ethylene.
Refining margins improved
through mid-December as cold
weather drove heating oil prices
up faster than the price of crude.
Since mid-December, the Venezuelan general strike has pushed
prices up sharply, and several
important Gulf Coast refineries
could find themselves out of
crude by early January if shipments don’t resume. High levels
of oil product imports from
Europe delayed a price response
to potential gasoline and heating oil shortages, but gasoline
pump prices were rising quickly
by late December.
Residential Real Estate
November new home sales
were up 2 percent compared
with a year earlier, traffic was
up 14 percent and housing
starts rose 29 percent. Inventory
is rebuilding from last year’s
lows and now stands 41 percent
higher than a year ago. November sales of existing homes,
propelled by low interest rates,
matched last year’s high levels.
Apartment leasing activity is
sluggish; low interest rates and
strong single-family sales are
pulling people out of apartments, and slow job growth is
providing few replacement tenants. Rents are flat across all
classes of units, with occupancy
strong at the bottom of the
market and weak at the top.

For more information or copies of this publication, contact Bill Gilmer at
(713) 652-1546 or, or write Bill Gilmer, Houston Branch,
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 2578, Houston, TX 77252. This publication is
also available on the Internet at
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