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A Perspective on the Houston Economy





Energy Leads the Way as
Houston Surges into 2012
Looking forward, we
find lower stimulus
for Houston in the
year ahead and higher
risks, but the door
remains open to
another year of solid
local expansion.


ouston put the Great
Recession behind it in 2011,
growing strongly and returning to the prior peak levels of
activity it enjoyed in 2008. Local
growth far outstripped the pace
of the U.S. expansion by taking advantage of torrid growth
in emerging markets. Exports
to China, Brazil and India were
important, but more important
to Houston was the ability of
these developing countries to
drive the price of oil. High
crude oil prices and extraordinary changes taking place in
drilling technology opened the
door for Houston’s energy sector
to lead the city’s growth in 2011.
Taking a look at these
economic drivers and the U.S.
economy, along with prospects
for 2012, could energy repeat its
phenomenal 2011 performance?
Looking forward, we find lower
stimulus for Houston in the year
ahead and higher risks, but the
door remains open to another
year of solid local expansion.

MARCH 2012

Recent Growth in Houston
Between December 2003 and
December 2008, Houston added
a remarkable 340,800 payroll
jobs, more than the total employment of a medium-sized metropolitan area such as El Paso.
During this same period, the
U.S. saw moderate growth turn
to recession by late 2007, and
annual job growth averaged only
0.6 percent, compared with 2.8
percent for Houston (Figure 1).
As always, the difference
in performance between the
U.S. and Houston—for better
or worse—is the price of oil
and natural gas. Between 2003
and 2008, the growth of emerging countries surged, and the
rapid expansion of economies
including Brazil, China and
India worked to push up the
prices of agricultural raw materials, food, metals and especially
petroleum. For the first time,
the price of crude moved above
$100 per barrel. Houston’s oil
producers and service companies responded by adding nearly
26,000 well-paid jobs, as the
energy sector strongly led local
The Great Recession and
the credit crunch that accompa-

Figure 1
Houston Employment, 1996–2011
Percent change (December to December)





1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

are again the engine of global
growth, pushing oil and other
commodity prices upward and
providing rapidly growing markets for local exports. Oil and
gas exploration and production,
petrochemicals and refining are
all reaching beyond a slowmoving U.S. economy and tapping into a global market that is
expanding much more quickly.
These emerging markets are
giving the Texas Gulf Coast an
economic impetus that many
other parts of the country lack.

SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, adjusted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

nied it spared virtually no industry or region of the country,
and Houston was no exception.
The U.S. economy slipped into
a mild recession in December
2007 and, with the onset of the
financial crisis, fell into a severe
downturn in 2008. The global
economy followed, commodity
prices tumbled and Houston’s
energy boom came to an abrupt
end. The Houston metro area
lost 106,000 jobs in 2009, briefly
matching the U.S. rate of job
loss at the height of the crisis.
The Metro Business-Cycle
Indexes computed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
provide a broad measure of the
local business cycle for Houston
and other major Texas metro
areas. These indexes include
payroll employment, as well
as the unemployment rate, real
wages and real retail sales, and
are explicitly designed to track
the real business cycle. According to this measure, Houston
was the last major Texas metro
to enter the downturn, but the
local recession was deeper than
in all other metros but Austin
(Table 1). Houston’s recession
ended in December 2009, timed
with much of the rest of the
state and six months after the
U.S. recession officially ended in
June 2009.
Houston’s recovery is now
complete, in the sense that

losses to recession are restored
and the economy has surpassed
prior peak levels. The previous peak number of jobs was
passed last October, and the
broader Metro Business-Cycle
Index recovered even earlier, in
May 2011.
Houston’s job growth more
or less matched that of the U.S.
in the beginning stages of recovery, but by early 2010 Houston
surged ahead. From December
2009 to December 2011, Houston’s annual rate of job growth
was 2.4 percent, far ahead of
the 1.0 percent rate registered
by the U.S. economy.
Why has Houston outperformed the U.S. in the recovery?
Primarily, it has been due to the
return of many of the same conditions that prevailed from 2003
to 2008. Emerging countries

Growth in Emerging Markets
Rapid expansion of emerging countries such as Brazil,
China and India is essential to
Houston’s near-term prospects.
First, these countries provide
a market for oil services and
machinery, petrochemicals,
refined products and a variety
of nonoil products shipped from
the region. Having surpassed
California a decade ago, Texas is
the leading export state, and the
Gulf Coast is one of the most
important exporting regions.
Second, growth in these countries has returned oil and other
commodity prices to high levels.
Figure 2 illustrates how the
global recession pulled down
energy prices in 2008–09 before
they revived quickly. High oil
prices are crucial to Houston’s
energy sector, as many of the
technological advances driving
U.S. energy development are

Table 1
Houston’s Great Recession Was Shorter But Deeper than Other Major Texas Metros’



Trough to 2012


July 2008

November 2009




February 2008

January 2010




February 2008

December 2009



Metro area

Fort Worth
San Antonio

May 2008

November 2009



August 2008

December 2009



April 2008

September 2009



SOURCE: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.


Figure 2
Oil Is Part of a Wider Boom in Commodity Prices
Index, January 1992 = 100
Crude oil
Ag raw materials






















SOURCE: International Monetary Fund.

dependent on oil prices of $70
per barrel or higher.
High oil prices are often
attributed to a variety of causes,
including low interest rates and
a depreciating dollar. But there
is little doubt that the growth
of emerging countries is the
dominant factor. The International Monetary Fund found
that from 2001 to 2007 these
countries accounted for more
than half of the increase in oil
consumption, all of the increase
in aluminum and copper consumption and nearly all of the
growth in the consumption of
major food crops. (The rest of
the increased demand for food
was mostly for its conversion

to energy, for example, ethanol
and biodiesel.)1 As these countries have raised their standard
of living, they compete with
the developed world for scarce
resources, pushing commodity
prices upward.
Table 2 is a recent economic forecast from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD)
Economic Outlook published in
December.2 Note how quickly
the emerging countries of Brazil, China and India bounced
back in 2010 and 2011 from
the global downturn, while the
developed countries limped out
of the recession. In the 2012
and 2013 forecasts, the same

Table 2
Global Growth Slows in 2012 Forecast
GDP growth (percent)


































Developed economies

Emerging economies

*These numbers are forecasts.
SOURCE: “OECD Economic Outlook No. 90,” OECD Economic Outlook: Statistics and Projections database, December


fast/slow pattern continues,
except that Brazil sees growth
cut in half after 2010. Even so,
its 3.0–4.0 percent growth rate
is better than any of the developed regions listed in the table.
Some potential risks to the
global economy—and to Houston—can also be read into Table
2. First, there is no recession
forecast for Europe. Some countries in the euro zone are forecast to fall into or continue in
recession, but the entire region
skirts a downturn. But a crisis
in Europe—a messy default by
Greece or a freezing of credit
markets—would imply a much
deeper decline. This has serious implications for all Europe’s
trading partners, including the
emerging nations. For example,
22 percent of China’s exports go
to Europe versus 19 percent to
the U.S.
Second, 2012 is a second year of slowdown for the
emerging countries. Some of this
is deliberate. Their central banks
reacted to rising inflation and
have engineered slower growth
through higher interest rates.
These forecasts assume that this
policy leads to a soft landing,
not slowing these economies
too much, and that no real
estate or banking bubbles could
yet burst in response to tighter
Big risks aside, the OECD
outlook points to less global
stimulus for Houston in 2012.
The continued risk of a crisis in
Europe will keep the dollar relatively strong, lowering oil prices
and hurting Gulf Coast exports.
The modest slowdown in developing countries is already taking
some of the air out from under
commodity prices, as shown in
Figure 2. Lower oil prices could
reduce cash flow for oil producers and reduce their capital
The Energy Boom
The past three years have
been a remarkable period

for the energy industry and
for Houston. They have been
marked by high oil prices, the
rapid development of technology to take advantage of these
high prices, and extraordinary
differences between high oil
and low natural gas prices. All
this has worked to produce significant profits for upstream oil
producers and service companies, as well as for downstream
petrochemical producers.
Drilling outside the U.S. and
Canada is primarily directed to
oil, and as oil demand and price
improved with the global economy, so did the international rig
count. International drilling bottomed out in June 2009, returned
to the prior peak by July 2010
and has expanded steadily since.
This international work generates
high revenues and is important
to Houston’s service and machinery companies.
In recent months, the
domestic rig count also has
returned to its prior peak levels of drilling activity, but the
route to recovery in the U.S.
was much more complicated.
In many ways, the rig count of
2012 is simply not comparable
to the rig count of 2008. What
• New technology using
horizontal drilling and

fracturing was applied to
shale to produce natural
gas. It proved enormously
successful in bringing
new supplies of natural
gas online (Figure 3).
Natural gas is not widely
traded internationally like
oil, and large new supplies of gas trapped in
a weak U.S. economy
quickly brought the price
of natural gas down to
$3–$4 per thousand cubic
feet. Natural gas became
a bargain to the consumer and a drag to the
producer because oil at
$80 per barrel is 3.4 times
more valuable than natural gas at $4 per thousand
cubic feet.
• High oil prices invited
new technology for
its production, and
(along with other new
approaches) horizontal
drilling and fracturing
have proved successful in
producing large quantities
of crude from shale, as
well as natural gas liquids
like ethane, butane and
propane. Since January
2007, horizontal drilling
has tripled its share of
total activity to 59 percent
of all active U.S. rigs. The

Figure 3
U.S.-Marketed Natural Gas Production Has Grown Rapidly Since 2005
Billion cubic feet*





’81 ’83




’91 ’93







* Six-month average.
SOURCE: Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy.





multilateral horizontal
wells and multiple completions now being used
are expensive, and they
increasingly have left the
rig count of 2012 disconnected from service company revenues.
• The strong financial
incentives to drill for oil,
and the new technology
to do so, have prompted
U.S. drilling to swing
from gas-directed to oildirected rigs. Between
December 1999 and
December 2008, 83 percent of active U.S. rigs
drilled for natural gas.
Today, only 39 percent of
working rigs are directed
to natural gas, and recent
low natural gas prices
have accelerated the trend
to more U.S. oil exploration and production.
In summary, drilling has
gravitated to oil away from natural gas, technology to horizontal away from vertical, and as a
result, revenues for service companies are much higher than the
recovery of the rig count might
indicate. The key to sustaining
the current level of activity and
revenues is a high oil price.
Downstream, refiners have
also been handicapped by a
weak domestic market. A major
expansion of refining capacity
in the U.S. in recent years, plus
weak U.S. demand, has turned
U.S. refiners into significant
exporters. Strong demand for oil
products abroad has made this
possible, with Asia and Europe
as the major destinations.
Exports of finished petroleum
products from the Gulf Coast
have more than doubled since
2005 to over 576 million barrels
by 2010. By far the strongest
growth has been in distillates,
followed by exports of conventional gasoline.
The petrochemical industry
has been revitalized by low natural gas prices. Five years ago,

petrochemicals were thought to
be a dying U.S. industry, slowly
shrinking back into the Houston
area. It was widely believed that
we would never see another
major petrochemical plant built
in the U.S. Today, the growing supplies of natural gas from
shale, coupled with the low
price, have made the U.S. a
highly competitive producing
region. The rest of the world
outside North America uses oilbased naphtha to produce petrochemicals, while the U.S. uses
natural gas liquids. The price
advantage for natural gas over
oil gives the U.S. a definite edge
and opens many new export
Announcements have been
made recently of 10 major U.S.
ethylene projects—plant expansions or new construction—with
eight on the Gulf Coast and two
of those in the Houston area.
These projects will be supported
by new fractionation plants,
pipelines and other facilities. A
wave of heavy construction is
just ahead for the petrochemical
industry in Texas and Louisiana.
U.S. Provides Little Stimulus to
The U.S. economy’s recovery from the Great Recession
has been slow and uneven.
The best and broadest measure
of the U.S. economy is gross
domestic product (GDP), and
through 10 consecutive quarters
of recovery, the annual average
growth rate has been only 2.4
percent. Before the crisis, the
potential long-term U.S. growth
rate was put at 3.0 percent or
more, which is slower than what
a postrecession economy with
so many slack resources—8.5
percent of the workforce unemployed and 35 percent of factory
capacity unused—should be
capable of producing.
Although GDP has reached
recovery levels in the sense
of having returned to the
prior peak, it is still debatable

whether a healthy economic
expansion is under way. Simply
allowing for population growth
in the more than four years
since the previous GDP peak,
GDP per capita is still 2.5 percent short of recovery (Figure
4). Further, the National Bureau
of Economic Research (NBER)
tracks the business cycle using
an index composed of four
indicators that are coincident
with the business cycle: payroll
employment, personal income
less transfer payments, industrial
production, and manufacturing
and trade sales (Figure 5). That
index is used by the NBER to
date the beginning and end of

recessions, but it offers no date
for completing a recovery and
beginning a new expansion.
However, the coincident index
is still 4.5 percent short of the
prior peak, meaning only 40
percent of the gap between the
June 2009 trough and the prior
peak has been closed. Only
one of the four coincident components has reached recovery
levels—manufacturing and trade
sales—while the other three
remain 4.0–5.0 percent short of
What should our expectations for recovery be? A recent
article by Mark A. Wynne examined 88 countries that had expe-

Figure 4
U.S. Real GDP per Capita
2005 dollars

Peak of $57
in 2007:Q4

As of
still 2.5%









NOTE: Shaded bars indicate U.S. recessions.
SOURCES: National Bureau of Economic Research; Bureau of Labor Statistics; author’s calculations.

Figure 5
U.S. Coincident Index Hits Bottom in June 2009, Recovery Is Slow
Index, 2004 = 100





SOURCE: Conference Board.






rienced a financial crisis and the
path of GDP that followed the
crisis.3 There was a strong tendency for these countries not to
quickly revert to trend growth,
but to fall behind trend over a
period of several years and by
an average of about 8 percent.
The U.S. has now experienced its first real financial crisis
since the Great Depression, and
Wynne shows that the behavior
of U.S. GDP since the crisis has
closely tracked the average of
those other 88 countries, meaning that our pattern of frustratingly slow growth is quite
likely what should have been
We can look closely at the
U.S. and see large segments of
the economy still trying to work
through the aftermath of 2008.
For example, we should be
building a million or more new
homes per year in the U.S. in a
healthy economy, and today we
are building only 400,000. With
high rates of foreclosures and
home prices still falling in many
markets, a near-term turnaround
in construction seems unlikely.
Or look at the U.S. consumer, with a debt-to-income
ratio of 90 percent in 2000,
peaking at 130 percent in 2008,
and so far only worked down to
about 110 percent. This means
continued constraints on household spending as deleveraging
Finally, before the crisis, we
were selling 16 million vehicles
per year; today, we are selling
13 million, with forecasts of 16
million still several years in the
Thus, Houston can count
on only limited economic stimulus from the U.S. economy in
2012, as the nation continues to
make significant repairs in the
wake of the Great Recession.
Consensus forecasts such as the
Blue Chip place 2012 U.S. GDP
growth at less than 2.5 percent,
slowly accelerating to 2.7 per-

cent by early 2013. Continued
strong growth in Houston must
come from rapid growth abroad
or from energy.

eral Reserve Bank of Dallas,
and Thompson is a business
economist at the Bank’s Houston

The four pillars of Houston’s economy have traditionally
been aerospace, medicine, and
upstream and downstream oil.
For the present, aerospace has
been sidelined by the end of the
shuttle program, continued layoffs in the Clear Lake area and
uncertainty about the future for
manned space flight. Construction at the Texas Medical Center
has come to a halt as we wait
for rules to clarify health care
reform. Hence, energy has been
the key driver of economic activity for Houston in 2011 and will
likely continue that role in 2012.
There is less external stimulus for Houston’s growth in
2012. The U.S. economy seems
unlikely to gain momentum, and
the global economy will again
cool in 2012. A mild recession
in Europe, a stronger dollar and
a modest cooling of the emerging markets would take some
of the steam out of oil prices.
None of this would close the
door on another solid year of
local growth.
But still looming are bigger problems, such as a financial crisis in Europe, a sharper
slowdown in emerging markets
or a steep decline in oil prices.
These are the risks that can halt
even the strong momentum
Houston has built up over the
past two years.




“Riding a Wave”, by Thomas Helbling,
Valerie Mercer-Blackman and Kevin
Cheng, Finance and Development, vol.
45, no. 1, 2008.
“OECD Economic Outlook No. 90,”
OECD Economic Outlook: Statistics
and Projections database, December
“The Sluggish Recovery from the
Great Recession: Why There Is No
‘V’ Rebound This Time,” by Mark
A. Wynne, Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas Economic Letter, vol. 6, no. 9,

—Robert W. Gilmer and
Jesse B. Thompson III
Gilmer is a senior economist
and vice president at the FedFor more information or copies of this publication, contact Bill Gilmer at
713-483-3546 or, or write Bill Gilmer, Houston Branch,
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 2578, Houston, TX 77252. This publication is
also available on the Internet at
The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions
of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System.