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October 2001

Houston Business
A Perspective on the Houston Economy

Economic Impact of the
Texas Medical Center
on Southeast Texas


Houston’s medical
quarter, located on
South Main, is the
largest concentration of
medical facilities in the
world, with 61,041
employees on campus
and 5.4 million patient
visits in 2000.

reat cities share common features: powerful economic and political ties to the rest of the
globe; world-class museums and cultural facilities
to present the arts, music and entertainment to its
citizens; great universities that participate in research
and lively debate; and a fine medical quarter. The
medical quarter typically provides three products:
medical care, medical research, and training for
doctors and other medical staff.
Houston’s medical quarter is located just outside downtown on South Main and is dominated
by the 42 member institutions of the Texas Medical
Center (TMC). TMC’s structure is very different from
the usual cluster of university-affiliated schools, hospitals and clinics. It is the largest concentration of
medical facilities in the world, with 61,041 employees on campus and 5.4 million patient visits in 2000.
This article reviews the history and structure of
the Texas Medical Center. It is a unique Texas story.
Our main purpose, however, is to look at TMC’s
economic impact on southeast Texas, in both dollars and jobs, and to provide some perspective on
this impact relative to other institutions in southeast Texas and elsewhere.
Monroe Dunaway Anderson built one of
Houston’s great fortunes early in the 20th century.
Under Anderson’s tight-fisted management and
adept risk taking, he and his partner, Will Clayton,
built their company, Anderson Clayton and Co.,
into one of the world’s largest cotton brokerages
at a time when cotton was the financial king.1

A somewhat shy personality and lifelong
bachelor who was generous to nieces and
nephews, Anderson believed strongly that
money, if used properly, could be a constructive influence.
When he died in 1939, Anderson left $20
million—roughly the equivalent of $141 million in today’s dollars —to the M. D. Anderson
Foundation. Rather than stipulate specific uses
for the money —uses he thought might be
bypassed by time and technology —he simply
stated four broad goals for the foundation:
• Improvement of working conditions
• Establishment of institutions for the care
of the sick, aged and incompetent
• Improvement of living conditions
generally or for particular groups
• Promotion of health, science and
The foundation’s trustees gave money to
Rice University and University of Houston but
soon focused their efforts on the Texas Medical
Center. Seeking to lure the University of Texas’
new cancer research hospital to Houston, the
trustees offered a $500,000 grant, temporary
quarters and land for a permanent hospital site.
The trustees purchased 134 acres near Hermann Hospital to house the new M. D. Anderson Hospital for Cancer Research. They then
used land and cash as incentives to attract
other institutions. A state dental school and
Baylor College of Medicine, in a dispute with
the Dallas medical community, soon followed.
By 1946, five hospitals had been approved for
admission, and the U.S. Naval Hospital, later
the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, was under
construction. The foundation had been laid for
the Texas Medical Center. TMC’s formula for
drawing medical institutions to a common
campus may have been a bit unorthodox, but
its success would continue for years to come.


TMC has grown to more than 700 acres and
22 million gross square feet of space in over
100 permanent buildings. In 2000, the campus
had 6,014 licensed beds in 15 patient care facilities, including six general care hospitals and
seven specialized hospitals.2 There were 16,547
students attending regular classes in two medical schools, four nursing schools, a dental
school, a college of pharmacy, various health
science programs and a magnet high school.

Among the sponsors of the campus institutions
are Texas A&M University, Texas Woman’s
University, University of Houston, University of
Texas, Prairie View A&M University and Houston Community College System. Over $573 million in research was conducted in 2000; $2.2
billion in research has been carried out over
the past five years.3
Since 1945, the Texas Medical Center has
been chartered as a not-for-profit corporation.
TMC serves as manager of the campus property, which, with its 12 miles of streets and
42,000 parking spaces, is a city within the
city. Acting through a policy council made up
of the chief executive officer of each institution, TMC serves as a moderator of campuswide issues, such as strategic planning or
master planning. Advisory councils and other
groups consider more specific issues, such
as security, volunteer services, government
relations and information systems. Once consensus is reached among the members, TMC
implements campus policy. The center finances
its activities primarily through gifts, grants and
campus parking fees.
TMC continues to encourage growth and
development by buying or receiving gifts of
land, which it makes available to member institutions for $1 per year. However, the attractiveness of TMC almost certainly extends
beyond free land. The complex has achieved
many of the cost-reducing economies of scale
that are inherent in any large cluster of common activity. First, TMC is squarely within the
medical information loop — a critical feature to
attract top researchers, academics and physicians. The proximity of Rice University, University of Houston and Texas Southern University
provides cross-pollination of ideas and projects.
Along with $573 million in ongoing TMC research, 2,622 short courses, seminars and workshops were held on or near the campus in 2000.
Second, the 61,041 campus employees provide a large pool of local talent for employers.
Likewise, employees feel comfortable moving
to Houston and working in TMC, knowing there
is a wide range of employers from which to
choose. Finally, medical suppliers of every kind
locate close to the medical center to be near
customers. These characteristics all work to
lower the cost of operating within TMC, increasing its attractiveness to member institutions.
TMC has further promoted low-cost operation by providing common services through

which significant economies of scale can be
captured: a thermal energy cooperative, a hospital laundry cooperative, a graphics communications group, library facilities, a conference
center and a campus newspaper. In several
cases, these organizations have become TMC
member institutions in their own right.
The model employed in this article to measure TMC’s economic impact was developed in
the 1970s by the American Council on Education as a conservative standard for colleges and
universities to demonstrate their economic impact
on the local community.4 It treats the university
as if it were an export industry, like tourism or
business travel, providing educational services
to students drawn from outside the community.
Because many medical centers are built around
medical schools and their associated hospitals
and research facilities and are often part of the
larger university, the methodology has frequently
been extended to concentrations of medical
facilities as well. This supports not only the use
of the methodology in this study but also our
ability to find similar studies that provide meaningful comparisons of TMC’s economic impact
with that of similar organizations.
The model identifies four groups of
spenders that together determine the institution’s local economic impact: TMC and its affiliated members, which purchase equipment and
supplies as corporate entities; faculty and staff,
who spend part of their income in the impacted area; students, who spend locally; and
visitors, who do likewise. To define the area
affected by this spending, we selected a region
comprising 38 counties in southeast Texas,
with Harris County as an approximate center.5
We divide the expenditures of the four
groups into two parts: those that occur within
the region and those that occur elsewhere. The
sum of the expenditures within the Houston
region defines the direct economic impact of
the institution. Table 1 summarizes the impact
of TMC on the Houston area in 2000. Direct
local expenditures by the four groups totaled
$2,635.3 million.6
This is only the first round of spending,
however. As these dollars are spent locally, we
can trace two continuing impacts on local business and local spending. First, as TMC (and its
employees, students and visitors) spends, more
goods have to be ordered and produced to

Table 1
Economic Impact of Texas Medical Center
(Year 2000 Operations)
Direct local expenditures within region
TMC and affiliates
Faculty and staff
Total direct expenditures


Secondary expenditures due to TMC
Added regional production
Income-induced spending


Total regional expenditures


Direct and indirect personal income


Employment (number of workers)
SOURCE: Texas Medical Center; authors’ calculations.

replace what was removed from local shelves.
Some part of the new orders will be directed to
local companies, and more business-to-business transactions occur within the community,
ultimately sparking several rounds of additional
purchases. The value of these secondary purchases made to restore inventory is estimated
at $1,581.2 million.
Second, the initial expenditures by TMC,
faculty, staff, students and visitors will generate
new income. Part of this spending is used to
pay wages and salaries, make rent and interest
payments, and pay proprietors and stockholders for their investment. Each round of the
business-to-business transactions described above
generates income as well as additional final
sales. As this extra income is earned, some is
spent locally, inducing total additional expenditures of $1,607.5 million.
Thus, after the initial direct expenditures
take place, secondary, tertiary and continued
rounds of spending will more than double the
effect. Each dollar spent directly generates
another 60 cents in final sales by local businesses, plus about 61 cents in sales induced by
the expansion of regional income.
These additional multiplier effects cannot
be measured directly, but instead are estimated
from an input–output model. The estimates
shown here rely on the Bureau of Economic
Analysis and their Regional Input–Output Modeling System (RIMS II), a tool used widely to
assess the economic impact of public and private projects.7 RIMS II is also commonly used
in economic impact studies of universities or


Table 2
Construction Projects at Texas Medical Center
(In Progress 2000–01)
Sponsor and project
Baylor College of Medicine
Texas Heart Institute
Texas Children’s Hospital
Texas Medical Center
UT–Houston Health Sciences Center
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Total building
Campus infrastructure
Total dollars

(square feet)


SOURCE: Texas Medical Center.

medical centers such as this one, and the multipliers used here fall well within the range of
similar studies.
The RIMS II estimate of total personal income
generated by TMC through direct and indirect
spending totals $3,861 million, about 2.2 percent of regional income generated in southeast
Texas in 2000. When the expenditure multiplier
is applied to employment, the secondary rounds
of spending generate an additional 81,560 jobs.
Combined with the 61,041 employees who
work on campus, TMC accounted for 142,601
jobs in 2000, or about 4.3 percent of total employment in the 38-county Houston region.


Construction spending is yet another
avenue for TMC to contribute to economic activity in Houston, particularly over the past decade. Direct expenditures, analogous to those
for daily operations at TMC, are made by contractors purchasing materials for TMC-related
building activity and by construction workers
spending wages within the region.
Table 2 lists TMC construction projects
under way during 2000–01. Taken together, over
3.5 million square feet was planned or under
construction, with a project value of $931 million. Another $219 million was earmarked for
construction of parking lots, garages, power
facilities and other infrastructure.8
Unfortunately, we are unable to estimate
the dollar spending on each project during the
year 2000. If spread evenly over three or four
years, the construction expenditures might be
$300 million to $400 million, but because construction funds normally aren’t spent evenly
over time, we are reluctant to attribute any spe-

cific amount to a certain year. An expenditure
of $300 million to $400 million in 2000 could
ultimately have generated an additional $800
million in regional spending, 10,000 new jobs
and $200 million in personal income in southeast Texas. In the comparisons below, however,
we limit our focus to day-to-day operational
Comparisons with medical centers or other
regional organizations can provide insight into
the role of the Texas Medical Center and the
size of its economic influence in Houston. In this
section, we compare TMC with another major
element of Houston’s nonpetroleum economy,
the Johnson Space Center; with major regional
medical centers in Dallas and Galveston; and
with two universities that are home to major
medical facilities: Emory University in Atlanta
and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
Using impact studies for each of these institutions similar to the one presented above for TMC,
we can draw some meaningful comparisons.
Johnson Space Center. The National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
formed the Space Task Group in 1958 to manage Project Mercury and put man into space.
In 1961, the task group was reformulated to
handle all manned projects, and the Manned
Spacecraft Center was relocated about halfway
between Houston and Galveston. Renamed
the Johnson Space Center (JSC), it shares the
status of other key NASA facilities, such as the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.;
Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.;
and Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt,
Md. The role of these centers has shifted over
time, but JSC remains responsible for planning,
organizing and training for manned space flight.
The analogy to a college campus works
well here, with a high proportion of JSC spending tied to wages and salaries for highly skilled
personnel and local procurement largely tied
to institutional expenditures for daily operations. Table 3 summarizes the impact of JSC
on southeast Texas. Local expenditures by NASA
employees and associated contractors10 are
$343.9 million, representing about 84 percent
of direct expenditures by TMC faculty and
staff. Direct expenditures by TMC institutions,
however, are more than 10 times those of JSC,
and the much larger overall impact of TMC in

Table 3
Economic Impact of Johnson Space Center
(Year 2000 Operations)
Direct local expenditures within region
Employees and contractors
Other local
Total direct expenditures
Secondary expenditures due to JSC
Added regional production
Income-induced spending


Total regional expenditures


Direct and indirect personal income


Employment (number of workers)
SOURCE: Center for Economic Development and Research, University of
Houston–Clear Lake.

2000 stems primarily from this large volume of
regional purchases. After all the secondary
spending is accounted for, JSC showed less
than $1.2 billion in total regional expenditures
in 2000 compared with TMC’s $5.8 billion. Similarly, employment totals 27,789 for JSC versus
142,601 for TMC, and the personal income difference is $2.2 billion versus almost $3.9 billion.
Regional Medical Centers. The traditional regional medical center consists of hospitals, laboratories and other research facilities
built around a medical school. Two branches
of the University of Texas —UT Southwestern
Medical Center at Dallas and the UT Medical
Branch at Galveston—provide examples. Table
4 summarizes the economic impact of these
two medical centers. The data reflect operation
of the medical centers only, with no construction data. Total regional expenditure impact is
nearly $1.3 billion for UT Southwestern and
$806.2 million for the Medical Branch at Galveston.11 Direct employment is substantially smaller
at UT Southwestern (5,146 versus 12,467 at
Galveston) because Southwestern’s affiliated
hospitals are owned by other institutions; total
employment impacts (11,969 for Dallas versus
23,701 for Galveston) reflect this initial difference in direct jobs.12
These regional medical centers are large
and impressive concentrations of talent and capital. The major point here is that Houston’s TMC
is built on a different concept, and its success
has placed it on a different plateau.13 As the
history and governance described earlier make
clear, the Houston institution clusters nonprofit

medical institutions in close proximity, some
complementing each other and others actively
competing against each other, using free land
and other grants as the initial lure. Classic economies of agglomeration reduce operating costs
for TMC institutions and stimulate further growth.
Other Major University Medical Centers. The comparisons in Table 5 take us away
from TMC’s concept of concentrating medical
facilities on a single campus, but they provide
economic impacts on a scale more comparable
with the $5.8 billion total expenditures generated by TMC. The two major universities studied—Emory and Johns Hopkins—have a major
medical school on campus, along with associated hospitals, clinics and laboratories. The
overall results include not only the entire university, medical and nonmedical, but also affiliated health care facilities located throughout
the region. Emory operates hospitals and clinics across the Atlanta metropolitan area; the
Johns Hopkins Health System does the same
throughout the state of Maryland.
Emory University is the third largest
employer in Atlanta, and the campus is home
to well-known schools of law, business, public
health and theology as well as a medical
school, clinics and an acute care teaching hospital. A number of other hospitals and clinics in
Atlanta also operate under Emory management. The data in Table 5 include both the
medical and nonmedical parts of the university, plus the off-campus medical operations.
The direct spending impact is estimated at $1.3
billion in 1999 for the Atlanta metropolitan area,
Table 4
Economic Impact of Two Regional Medical Centers
UT Southwestern
at Dallas

UT Medical Branch
at Galveston

Funded research

$206 million

$102.7 million

Patient visits

1.6 million


North Texas

Southeast Texas

Local expenditures

$406.1 million
$1,261.0 million

$366.4 million
$806.2 million

Employment impact



Number of students

Region affected

SOURCES: “Economic Impact of UT Southwestern,”; Center for
Economic Development and Research, University of Houston–Clear


Table 5
Economic Impact of Two Universities and Their Medical Centers

Number of students
Funded research
Patient visits

Emory University


Johns Hopkins Institutions
Health System

$217 million

$1,023.9 million

2.4 million


1.6 million


Greater Atlanta




Local expenditures

$1.3 billion
$3.4 billion



$3.0 billion
$6.4 billion

Employment impact





Region affected

SOURCES: “Economic Impact in Atlanta,”; Bay Area Economics, Economic Impact of the Johns Hopkins Institutions in Maryland (December 1999).


and the total impact was $3.4 billion. Emory’s
direct employment was 19,000. Total employment, including secondary impacts, was 45,447.
The Johns Hopkins data include both the
university and the separately administered and
operated Johns Hopkins Health System, which
shares close ties to the university. Together they
make up the largest employer in Maryland. The
health care system includes the medical school,
three acute care hospitals, geriatric and home
care centers, and a number of outpatient clinics throughout the state. About 40 percent of
the health system’s expenditures are in Baltimore, 25 percent in the rest of Baltimore County
and 35 percent scattered within Maryland.
Johns Hopkins University had a budget of
$1.8 billion in 1999, supporting schools of arts
and sciences, engineering, nursing, public health,
international studies, business and education.
The largest recipient of federal research funds
among U.S. universities, it received over $1 billion in research funding, including $306.9 million for medical research, from all sources in
1999. Research grants support over 58 percent
of the university’s budget.
The table divides data between the university and the health system where possible.
1999 total direct expenditures by the combined
Johns Hopkins institutions were $3 billion, and
the direct and indirect spending was $6.4 billion.14 The combined direct employment was
37,300, and the total employment impact was
97,323. Of the total employment impact, about
39 percent comes from the health system.
Although data were not available to divide expenditures between the university and the health

system, we would also expect close to 40 percent of expenditures to come from health care.
When we compare these results with TMC,
we find TMC activities more heavily weighted
toward patient care and education and less
toward research. This is appropriate, given the
medical focus of TMC activities. But in Johns
Hopkins’ combination of major university, reknowned research institution and statewide
health care provider, we have found regional
economic impacts on a scale comparable with
those of TMC in Houston.
The economic impact of the Texas Medical
Center’s operations is large. It accounts for
nearly $6 billion in regional spending, $3.9 billion in regional personal income and over
140,000 jobs. TMC’s impact is felt primarily
through its regional purchases of goods and
services —over $2 billion in 2000. In contrast,
while Johnson Space Center has nearly as big
an impact as TMC in terms of local spending
by its employees, its overall impact ($1.2 billion in spending) is dwarfed by TMC because
JSC’s institutional purchases are only one-tenth
of those made by TMC.
TMC is large compared with the typical
university-affiliated medical center, a result of
its unique concept. TMC is a collection of nonprofit organizations brought together by the
incentive of free land, some competing and
others complementing each other, but all benefiting from internal cost economies generated
by the campus’s size. To find a comparable
organization that provides such large-scale

economic impacts to a region, we had to range
far afield. Emory University and Johns Hopkins
University, when combined with their affiliated
regional health care systems, provide such
Finally, we have to note that economic
impacts are a narrow window on the benefits
the Texas Medical Center offers Houston. TMC
brings to the city some of the world’s finest
medical talent. It draws foreign patients —
nearly 20,000 in 2000. The center’s research
has given Houston a well-defined pathway into
biotechnology and other high-tech industries,
as the city seeks to diversify its economic base
away from oil. TMC provides tens of millions
of dollars in pro bono health care to the community. TMC employees serve the community
as sports coaches, Scout leaders and civic volunteers.
There is little doubt that Monroe Dunaway
Anderson would be extraordinarily pleased
with the fruits of his legacy to the Houston
—Robert W. Gilmer
Robert F. Hodgin
Mary Schiflett
Hodgin is executive director of the Office of
Research Administration, University of Houston
at Clear Lake. Schiflett is vice president of the
Texas Medical Center.






For a complete history, see N. Don Macon, Monroe Dunaway Anderson: His Legacy, A History of the Texas Medical Center (Houston: Texas Medical Center, 1994).
The six general hospitals are Methodist Diagnostic Hospital, Ben Taub General Hospital, Memorial Hermann
Hospital (including Memorial Hermann Children’s Hospital within its buildings), Lyndon B. Johnson General Hospital, The Methodist Hospital and St. Luke’s Episcopal
Hospital. The seven specialized hospitals are The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR), Shriners Hospitals for Children–Houston, Texas Children’s Hospital,
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Harris County Psychiatric Center, Veterans Affairs Medical
Center in Houston and Quentin Mease Community Hospital. The other patient care facilities are The Hospice
and the Texas Heart Institute.
Most of these data come from Texas Medical Center:
Facts and Figures 2001 or Brief Descriptions of Member
Institutions: 2001, published by TMC Public Affairs
John Caffrey and Herbert H. Isaacs, Estimating the
Impact of a College or University on the Local Community
(Washington, D.C.: American Council on Education, 1971).
This is economic area 131 as defined by the Bureau of
Economic Analysis in its regional modeling work.
These spending estimates were developed by the Texas
Medical Center in conjunction with the Center for Economic Development and Research, University of Hous-

ton at Clear Lake. The Center for Economic Development
and Research has extensive experience with these impact
studies, and we rely on their results for comparisons
made later in this report. A typical Caffrey and Isaacs
study uses survey work to determine student and visitor
spending. We combined basic data from TMC on number
of students and their places of residence and on the
number of visitors with rules of thumb on expenditures
from the Clear Lake center’s experience in past studies.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic
Analysis, Regional Multipliers: A User Handbook for the
Regional Input –Output Modeling System (RIMS II), 3rd
ed. (March 1997).
These expenditures are independent of any renovation
or repairs in the wake of Tropical Storm Allison.
In the comparisons below, no construction expenditure
data were available for the UT Medical Branch study. The
UT Southwestern Medical Center study mentioned FY
1999 expenditures of $34 million and a five-year plan
calling for $392 million in new construction. Emory’s
five-year plan includes $613 million in new construction.
Johns Hopkins estimated $172 million in 1999 expenditures, and its health system plans $882 million in construction spending over the next five years.
About half the direct employment counted here is performed under contract to JSC by workers in the Houston– Clear Lake area. Among the recognizable company
names are Boeing Co., Lockheed Martin Corp., Raytheon
Co. and United Technologies Corp.
The spending and employment impacts reported in the
table are lower than those reported by the UT Southwestern study. The study assumed that the $206 million
in research expenditures generated $618 million in additional spending and 8,600 jobs apart from the usual institutional, employee, student and visitor impacts. We
removed these figures to make the results comparable
with the other studies reported here.
The differences are also reflected in direct expenditures
by the two institutions — $98 million for UT Southwestern versus $249.8 million for UT Medical Branch.
It should be noted that TMC contains two medical
schools that, if combined, would provide services
roughly the same size as the two combined institutions
in Table 4. Baylor College of Medicine has 2,379 students
and residents, performs $310 million in funded research,
and has 131,000 inpatient and 2 million outpatient visits
per year. The University of Texas Health Science Center
at Houston Medical School has 1,568 students and residents, performs $77.8 million in research, and has
263,000 inpatient and 969,000 outpatient visits. The medical school, however, is only one arm of the UT Health
Science Center at Houston; its dental branch, Graduate
School of Biomedical Sciences, School of Health Information Sciences, School of Nursing and School of Public
Health are all located in TMC.
The other assessments of regional economic impact
reported in this article look at an existing institution and
its impact on a specific region. The Johns Hopkins report
addressed the impact on Maryland of the university’s
health system, assuming other hospitals would have
sprung up if Johns Hopkins did not exist; thus, the report
assesses mostly health care impacts on out-of-state and
foreign patients. This perspective is interesting for assessing the value of a proposed project that would displace
existing institutions, but it is not the same question asked
by other studies. To bring the Johns Hopkins study into
line with other reports, we assumed that the proportion
of health care system expenditures within the state was
the same as that of the university. This switch in the
report’s focus increased the health system’s direct spending by $700 million and added 24,000 new jobs to the
total employment impact.





ouston paused along with the rest of
the world as the Sept. 11 tragedy unfolded. In
the wake of the terrorist attack, the important
economic results were largely played out in
the press as travel and consumer spending
ground to a halt. By early October, however,
there were many indications that local economic activity was returning to normal and
that the fundamentals—oil and gas, the national
economy — were once again driving the
Houston business cycle. Continued poor performance of the U.S. economy and continued
declines in oil and gas drilling could leave
Houston with virtually no momentum and
with poor prospects for job growth as we
enter 2002.
Retailers across the board reported poor
sales in September; Houston consumers spent
several days at home, apparently glued to the
television. However, early October results
were surprisingly positive. A number of retailers reported business had snapped back to
meet or exceed last October’s.
The story was similar for autos, with September sales down by 13 percent. But the
early results for October looked quite positive,
with consumers responding strongly to lowcost financing, rebates and other incentives.
Oil and oil product prices were bullish
before Sept. 11. OPEC had just implemented
its third production cut of the year, and major
refinery outages were supporting gasoline
prices. After the attack, once it became clear
no major oil-producing nation was involved,
fears of global recession and reduced jet fuel
consumption pushed crude prices downward.
The price of West Texas Intermediate has since
settled in a range of $21–$22, down from near
$30 before the attack.
Reduced jet fuel consumption has also
eased concerns of a heating oil shortage this
winter. Gasoline prices have dropped more

slowly than crude prices, partly because of
continued refinery outages. For most of the
last few weeks, refiner margins stayed fairly
strong as product prices lagged the fall in
crude, but margins are now weakening rapidly.
Natural gas prices, already dragged down
by the summer buildup in gas inventories,
briefly fell under $2 per thousand cubic feet
as oil prices collapsed. The natural gas price
has since recovered to near $2.50, but the decline has been a major factor in the domestic
rig count falling by over 100 in six weeks. Day
rates continue to decline, particularly large
land rigs for deep gas drilling. Some respondents were forecasting a count of only
800–900 working rigs by early next year. As
drilling slows down, the Houston economy is
rapidly losing its only remaining source of
Declining natural gas prices sharply
reduced operating costs for petrochemical producers, and demand, particularly international
demand, was reported to have moved up a
notch. However, the global capacity glut continues to grow as a record amount of new capacity comes online in 2001. Falling feedstock
cost is simply being passed on to downstream
plastics customers or producers, and no one
is holding on to improved profit margins.
Plastic resin prices are stable or declining.
Loan demand continues to weaken in all
categories. Loan payoffs have accelerated
sharply, leaving financial institutions flush
with cash. This is a turnaround from 12
months ago, when depository institutions
could not keep up with loan demand. Deposit
growth reports are mixed, with larger institutions reporting a loss of deposits due to falling
interest rates and smaller institutions seeing a
dramatic uptick in deposits due to the uncertain environment.

For more information, contact Bill Gilmer at (713) 652-1546 or
For a copy of this publication, write to Bill Gilmer, Houston Branch,
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 2578, Houston, TX 77252.
This publication is available on the Internet at
The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions
of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System.