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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR F rances P erkins , Secretary B U R EAU OF LABOR STA TISTICS IsadokLubin, Commissioner + H om es fo r U n ite d A ged in th e S ta te s B u lle tin N o . 6 7 7 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1941 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Price 20 cents UNITED STATES D EPARTM EN T OF LABOR F rances P e r k i n s , S ecreta ry + B U R E A U OF L A B O R S T A T IS T IC S I s a d o r L u b i n , Com m issioner A. F. H i n r i c h s . A ssistant Com m issioner Donald Davenport, Chief, Employ ment and Occupational Outlook Branch Henry J. Fitzgerald, Chief, Business Management Branch Hugh S. Hanna, Chief, Editorial and Research Ary ness Joy, Chief, Prices and Cost of Living Branch N. Arnold Tolies, Chief, Working Con ditions and Industrial Relations Branch Sidney W . Wilcox, Chief Statistician C H IE F S O F D IV IS IO N S Herman B. Byer, Construction and Public Employment J. M . Cutts, Wholesale Prices Swen Kjaer, Industrial Accidents John J. Mahaney, Machine Tabula tion Robert J. Myers, Wage and Hour Statistics Florence Peterson, Industrial Rela tions ii Charles F. Sharkey, Labor Law In formation Boris Stern, Labor Information Bul letin Stella Stewart, Retail Prices Lewis E. Talbert, Employment Sta tistics Em m ett H . Welch, Occupational Out look Faith M . Williams, Cost of Living CONTENTS Page Summary_______________________________________________________________________ 1-4 Age of homes__________________________________________________________________ 4, 5 Size of homes__________________________________________________________________ 5 Number of persons provided for______________________________________________ 5 -8 9 -1 2 Homes for special groups_____________________________________________________ Occupational groups_____________________________________________________ 9, 10 Homes for Negroes_______________________________________________________ 10 Homes for nationality groups___________________________________________ 10, 11 Homes for handicapped__________________________________________________ 11 Homes for old-age pensioners____________________________________________ 12 Sponsoring organizations______________________________________________________ 12, 13 Entrance requirements________________________________________________________ 13 Age__________________________________________________________________________13, 14 Fees------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14, 15 15 Sex requirements_________________________________________________________ Health requirements_________________________________________________ 16 Other requirements_______________________________________________________ 16, 17 W hat the residents receive____________________________________________________ 17, 18 Sources of income of homes___________________________________________________ 18, 20 Directory of homes (with entrance requirements)___________________________ 20-122 Alabama__________________________________________________________________ 22 Arizona____________________________________________________________________ 22 Arkansas__________________________________________________________________ 22 California___________________________________________________________________2 2 -2 6 Colorado__________________________________________________________________ 26 Connecticut_______________________________________________________________ 26 -3 0 Delaware__________________________________________________________________ 30 District of Columbia_______________________________________________________ 3 0 -3 2 Florida______________________________________________________________________ 3 2 -3 4 Georgia____________________________________________________________________ 34 Idaho______________________________________________________________________ 34 Illinois______________________________________________________________________ 3 4 -4 0 Indiana___________________________________________ 4 0 -4 4 Iowa________________________________________________________________________ 44^46 Kansas____________________________________________________________________ 46 Kentucky___________________________________________________________________ 4 6 -4 8 Louisiana__________________________________________________________________ 48 Maine_____________________________________________________________________ 50 Maryland___________________________________________________________________ 50 -5 2 Massachusetts____________________________________________________________ 52-61 Michigan___________________________________________________________________ 6 2 -6 4 Minnesota__________________________________________________________________ 64^66 Mississippi________________________________________________________________ 66 -6 8 Missouri____________________________________________________________________ 6 8 -7 0 Montana__________________________________________________________________ 70 in IV CONTENTS Directory of homes (with entrance requirements)— Continued. Page Nebraska__________________________________________________________________ 70 New Hampshire__________________________________________________________ 7 0 -7 2 New Jersey_________________________________________________________________ 7 2 -7 6 New York_______________________________________ :________________________ 7 6 -9 0 North Carolina___________________________________________________________ 90 North Dakota_____________________________________________________________ 9 0 -9 2 Ohio_______________________________________________________________________ 9 2 -9 6 Oklahoma_________________________________________________________________ 96 Oregon_____________________________________________________________________ 9 6 -9 8 Pennsylvania______________________________________________________________ 9 8 -1 1 0 Rhode Island_____________________________________________________________ 110 South Carolina____________________________________________________________ 112 South Dakota_____________________________________________________________ 112 Tennessee_______________________________________________________________ 112-114 Texas___________________________________________________________________ 114-115 Utah_______________________________________________________________________ 116 Vermont___________________________________________________________________ 116 Virginia--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116-118 Washington_____________________________________________________________ 118-120 W est Virginia_____________________________________________________________ 120 Wisconsin_______________________________________________________________ 120-122 Wyoming__________________________________________________________________ 122 Appendix A .— Cooperative homes for aged_____________________________ ^___ 124 Appendix B.— Structural requirements of an old people’s home___________ 124^126 Letter o f Transmittal U n it e d States D e p a r t m e n t of B ureau of L abor, L a b o r S t a t is t ic s , W a sh in g to n , D . C ., M a y 1 5 , 1 9 4 0 . have the honor to transmit herewith a report on homes for care of old people in the United States, together with a list of the homes and the entrance requirements of each. The report and revision of our previous directory (published as Bulletin No. 505 of the Bureau of Labor Statistics) were undertaken for the use of the Social Security Board, of social workers dealing with the placement of elderly people, and also of aged persons interested in finding a home. Several States and cities publish directories of social-work agencies (usually including homes for aged) in their jurisdiction, but the present report constitutes the only source of information for the whole United States. M adam Secretary: I I sa d o r L u b i n , C om m ission er. Hon. F r a n c e s P e r k in s , S ecretary o f L a bor. Bulletin 7S£o. 677 o f the U nited States Bureau o f Labor Statistics Homes for Aged in the United States Summary Various means have been resorted to, in the United States as else where, for caring for old people who are without homes or relatives to support them and those who, possessing means, lack the strength or desire to run an establishment of their own. The almshouse has been a traditional way of caring for destitute (or “ paupers” as the phrase formerly was) of all ages. Supported as a public charit}7, the alms house or poor farm has always been regarded by self-respecting in dividuals as a last desperate resort, not to be considered except in extremity, for residence in such an institution generally carried with it a painful social stigma. The almshouse is gradually disappearing in the United States. Several factors have contributed to this. One has been the gradual public realization that, throwing together as it has, healthy indigents with those afflicted with disease of all degrees of severity, sane persons with insane, senile, feeble-minded, and epileptic, and innocent young children with adults of all degrees of moral rectitude or iniquity, the almshouse is socially undesirable. Its inmates often have had only one characteristic in common— that they were destitute. Most States began some years ago to remove the feeble-minded and epileptic to other institutions. Likewise, children have been or are being taken from the poorhouses either to institutions specializing in child care or to foster homes. The system of mother’s pensions that had been growing as a voluntary State measure for a decade or more before the passage of the Federal Social Security Act, received great impetus under that act and hastened the process of removal of children from almshouses. The same act, providing for federally aided State allowances for aged, also had an effect on the elderly population of almshouses. Able-bodied old people whose receipt of the old-age allowance enabled relatives to care for them, or who were able to live independently either alone or in a private boarding home, left the almshouse, and a number of States had at the end of the first 2 years of the operation l 2 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES' of the social-security system already felt the results. In a number of cases almshouses were closed. In others the dwindling of the ablebodied population, leaving a larger proportion requiring personal or hospital care, has resulted in a tendency either toward conversion of the almshouse into an infirmary or toward the establishment of new centralized institutions to care for ailing aged.1 A third means of care is what are generally termed old people’s homes. Some of these are frankly charitable institutions, toward the support of which the resident contributes nothing. Others are phil anthropic in the sense that, although the guest has contributed either in the form of a fee at time of admission or previously through his dues to the supporting organization, an additional subsidy is neces sary to cover the cost of full support. Such homes are distinguished from the almshouses by the fact that they represent private philan thropy (in which the resident himself may be or have been a con tributor) as contrasted with public charity. Even the few homes which receive some of their support from city or county authorities require fees from the resident and also benefit by funds from private philanthropy. In the case of State soldiers’ homes, no fees are expected from the soldiers therein but shelter is accorded as a recog nition of past services for their country and this is not regarded as charity. Not only does no social stigma attach to residence in an old people’s home, but such is the extent of public acceptance that a large proportion of such homes actually contain one or more guests who are financially able to maintain themselves elsewhere but prefer the care and companionship available in the home. Using the above definition of an “ old people’s home,” the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1939 made a survey of all such homes in the United States which it was able to discover by careful canvass of all possible sources of information. The returns received indicate that there are at present facilities for over 100,000 old people in 1,428 homes throughout the United States. Comparison of the 1939 returns with the situation in 1929 when a similar study was made 2 indicates that the depression beginning in 1929 had a serious effect on many of the old-established homes, de pendent as many of them were on the incomes from investments. As such investments in many cases yielded little or no return during the depression or became entirely worthless, a considerable number of homes had to be closed; altogether, the returns indicated that 115 homes (or about 8 percent of the total) were forced out of operation. 1 For summaries of findings of studies on composition of almshouse population and effect of the socialsecurity program on almshouses, see Monthly Labor Review, September 1938 (p. 518) and January 1939 (p. 67). See also description of Delaware State Welfare Home for Aged, M onthly Labor Review, January 1934 (p. 11). 2 The results of that survey were published as the Bureau’s Bulletin N o. 489. SUMMARY 3 No data are at hand to show what became of the residents in all these homes. It is known, however, that in some cases in which the same organization was supporting several homes at various places, one or more were closed and the residents transferred to the remaining institutions. In 1939 many homes were still operating at less than capacity, and one of these reported it would accept no more guests until its financial condition could be improved. Another had had its funds so depleted that two of its three buildings had to be closed. On the other hand, at least 81 new homes were opened between 1929 and 1939, and the additional facilities made available by these and by ex tensions to structures previously existing, together resulted in in creasing the total capacity of the homes reporting by more than 10,000 during the decade. In order to enter an old people’s home the applicant must meet certain definite requirements, varying from home to home. Among these the most general are age, sex, financial, membership, and char acter requirements. Once accepted, in the majority of homes he becomes a “ life member,” entitled not only to food and shelter for the rest of his life, but also to clothing, laundry, medical and nursing care (even hospital attention in some cases), and burial. Some homes accept guests only on payment of regular weekly or monthly rates, providing therefor only room and board; and a few provide shelter only (at very low rates), the resident being expected to provide for himself the rest of his subsistence. The greater part of the homes, however, provide complete care. The 1939 survey did not entail visits to individual homes. Visits made in the 1929 study revealed a wide variety of conditions, ranging from scant provision of the barest necessaries of life to comforts, even luxuries, comparable with those received in a prosperous wellappointed club or hotel. Nearly 65 percent of the homes reporting required some contribu tion from the resident, in the form of a flat sum paid at entrance or specified weekly or monthly rates; some homes take residents on either basis. A few institutions taking life-care residents set the entrance fee in accordance with the life expectancy of the incoming resident. In such cases the fee presumably meets the greater part of the cost of care. Examination of the general level of fees and other financial requirements, however, indicates that in the majority of homes sub sidy from some source is necessary. The great majority of homes have a sponsoring organization, rang ing from a labor organization or a fraternal or religious order to an informal group of local charitably minded citizens. In case of homes founded and endowed by legacy, a trusteeship usually operates the home. In the majority of cases the sponsoring organization is the 4 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES only or chief source of income for the home, though many homes receive additional funds from a few or many other sources. Several new types of dwellings have lately appeared which are designed especially to care for persons in receipt of public old-age allowances. In some of these, as in a few of the older homes, only housing is provided— at low rates— and the resident is self-supporting otherwise, from his old-age allowance. In others, recipients of public old-age assistance have clubbed together to run houses where they provide themselves with rooms and meals on a cooperative basis. In general, however, the homes are provided for specific groups— members of a specified organization (fraternal, religious, labor, etc.), nationality or race, relatives of a given group (as relatives of marines, soldiers, or sailors), or residents of a given locality. Indeed, so re strictive are the requirements in some cases that the field of usefulness of the home is drastically reduced. This is especially true of homes established under the terms of wills drawn up to meet conditions that no longer exist. At the other extreme are some of the private and religious homes whose main or only requirements are the applicant’s need and lack of other suitable shelter. Some of the institutions reporting are full to overflowing, and some also have a long waiting list. Others are only partially filled. In the whole group of homes for which information was available— 93 percent of the total reporting— vacancies formed 11.7 percent of the total capacity. This figure, however, included the old soldiers’ homes (which have in many cases a steadily dwindling population) and the fraternal homes; in both of these, vacancies formed over one-fifth of the total capacity. The above average also included 700 institutions which not only had no vacancies but had waiting lists. The actual vacancy rate would be even higher than indicated above, were the average based only upon homes which had vacancies. In general it appeared that waiting lists were most common among the smaller homes dependent on limited resources. Although many of the homes expect the residents to assist about the home in such light tasks as they are able to do, most of the homes employ one or more paid employees. An exception to this is the group of large Catholic homes operated by the Little Sisters of the Poor. In these, all of the work is done by the Sisters. The homes reporting paid employees had a total of 14,614 such workers. Age of Homes Information on year of establishment, supplied by 1,209 homes, revealed that over two-fifths dated from before 1900, another third NUMBER OF PERSONS PROVIDED FOR 5 were established in the period from 1900 to 1919, and nearly one-fifth between 1920 and 1929. P ercen t Before 1800_____________________________________________________ 18 00 -1 849_______________________________________________________ 18 5 0 -7 4 _________________________________________________________ 18 7 5 -9 9 _________________________________________________________ 1900 -1 909_______________________________________________________ 19 1 0 -1 9 _________________________________________________________ 19 20 -2 9_________________________________________________________ 19 3 0 -3 9 _________________________________________________________ 0. 1. 9. 30. 17. 16. 18. 6. 2 0 8 0 8 5 0 7 Total_____________________________________________________ 100. 0 Size of Homes A third of the homes reporting had a capacity of fewer than 25 persons, and about three-fifths had accommodations for fewer than 50. Only 6.9 percent could care for 200 or more; this group included the large public homes for aged war veterans. Excluding the veterans' homes, the homes having a capacity of 200 or more formed only 4.5 percent of the total. The percentage distribution of homes according to their capacity is shown below: P ercen t Under 25 persons________________________________ 25 and under 50 persons________________________ 50 and under 75 persons________________________ 75 and under 100 persons______________________ 100 and under 200 persons_____________________ 200 persons and over______________________________ Total_____________________________________ 33. 27. 12. 7. 12. 7 0 7 5 2 6.9 100. 0 Individual homes ranged in size from a home with capacity of 3 persons to two veterans' homes with 1,500 capacity each. Number of Persons Provided for Of 1,543 homes to which questionnaires were sent, 115 had ceased operation since 1929, and 1,428 were in operation in 1939. Usable returns were received from 1,339 of the 1,428 active homes. These had a combined capacity of 92,592 in 1939, or an average of 70 per sons per home. Applying this average to the nonreporting homes, it would appear that the whole group of homes for aged in the United States offers facilities for the care of over 100,000 old people. Table 1 shows, by States, the total number of homes and the number report ing, together with their capacity. 6 HOMES FOB AGED IN THE UNITED STATES T a b l e 1 .— Total N u m ber o f Old P eop le's H o m es, and Cap acity (as o f J an. I , 1 9 3 9 ) o f T hose Reporting, b y States Total number of homes State All States. ______________________________________________ Alabama__________________________________________________ Arizona___________________________________________________ Arkansas__________________________________________________ California_________________________________________________ Colorado__________________________________________________ Connecticut________________ ____________________________ Delaware_________________________________________________ District of Columbia__________________________________ . . 1,339 92,592 72 8 718 3 3 57 3 3 56 25 49 9 8 8 52 9 24 Louisiana______________________________________ __________ M aine. __________________________________________________ Maryland___ ____________ ______________________ ________ Massachusetts____________________________________________ Michigan ___________ __________________ _________________ Minnesota _________ ____________________________________ Mississippi_____________ ____ ______________________________ Missouri___________________________________ _____________ 17 19 27 125 40 44 4 32 Oklahoma________________________________________________ Oregon____________________________________________________ Pennsylvania____________________________________________ Rhode Island_____________________________________________ South Carolina___________________________________________ South Dakota____________________________________________ Tennessee_________________________________________________ Texas_____________________________________________________ Utah.................... ......... ..................... ................... .......................... Vermont________________________ •_________________________ Virginia__________________________ _____ ___________________ W a sh in g to n . _ .. . ___ W est Virginia.. . __________________________ _____________ Wisconsin__________________________ _______ _______________ W yom ing___________________________ ___________________ Capacity 8 In d ia n a __________________________________________________ Iowa______________________________________________________ K a n sa s______________ ____ ________________________________ Kentucky___ ___ _____ ________________________________ Montana__________________________________________________ Nebraska ___________________________ _____________ New Hampshire_________________________________________ New Jersey_____________________ ________________________ New York . _ ___________________________________________ North Carolina _________________________________________ North Dakota____________________________________________ Ohio______________________________________________________ Number Home ca pacity, per 100,000 of population! 1,428 9 18 3 82 36 32 19 15 Florida___________________________________________________ G eo rg ia __________________________________________________ Idaho_____________________________________________________ Homes reporting 45 8 22 9 11 3 79 35 28 19 11 13 17 27 119 39 42 4 29 5 16 4 14 22 22 62 190 7 58 186 8 6 8 75 73 3 3 12 10 170 17 161 17 10 3 20 25 8 3 16 23 1 11 1 10 23 18 22 5 33 2 20 5 33 2 202 176 6,212 1,187 2,004 341 2,349 102 111 115 131 377 1,172 453 209 7,496 3,327 2,015 1,976 752 71 15 43 95 96 79 105 26 766 528 36 62 99 90 57 1,668 3,978 2,727 3,199 377 2,963 250 1,332 699 3,285 14,434 188 473 5,254 280 513 9,812 900 263 362 892 1,391 121 19 75 47 98 137 76 111 5 67 78 H 50 97 132 14 52 31 23 22 4 215 920 1,363 381 2,500 56 34 83 68 29 21 86 1 On basis of census estimates of population as of Jan. 1,1937. Industrial areas, with their many wage earners whose earnings never yield sufficient margin to make provision for their old age, are those areas where the need for such homes is undoubtedly the greatest. As table 1 indicates, it is in most cases the industrial States where the greatest number of homes are found. New York is far in the lead not only as regards number of homes but also as regards capacity. Pennsylvania, Illinois, California, Ohio, and Massachusetts follow, in the order named, as regards number of aged that can be cared for. Comparatively few homes are in the agricultural States, and the Bureau could discover no homes at all in Nevada and New Mexico. When population is taken into account, however, the situation is considerably altered. Only 10 of the 47 jurisdictions shown had 7 NUMBER OE PERSONS PROVIDED FOR capacity, in their homes for aged, for caring for over 100 per 100,000 of their population. Relating capacity to population, only California and New York of the industrial States above mentioned had a ca pacity exceeding 100 per 100,000 of population. On this basis the District of Columbia took the lead by virtue of the presence of the National Soldiers' Home, though even without it the District's rate would have been 136. The rates of some of the other States were also raised by the presence of national homes of various kinds, drawing residents from all over the United States and not representing facili ties for the sole use of State residents. This was true of Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Tennessee, and Virginia, in which were situated the national homes of the printers, carpenters, and Order of Moose, railway conductors, railroad brotherhoods, printing pressmen, and Order of Elks. To ascertain to what extent use was being made of facilities pro vided, the questionnaire called for data (as of January 1, 1939) on number of residents by sex, and number of vacancies, in relation to capacity. It was recognized, of course, that the “ capacity" might be a quite flexible number, especially in homes providing private rooms but accepting married couples. In such cases the greater the pro portion of couples the larger the number of guests that could be accommodated. There were 1,248 homes furnishing data on all four points— ca pacity, number of male and female residents, and vacancies. Tabu lation of these returns indicates that there were 9,829 vacancies on that date, out of a total capacity of 84,024— or a vacancy rate of 11.7 percent (see table 2). The highest proportions of vacancies were found in the State soldiers' homes and in the fraternal institutions; in both of these, vacancies constituted over one-fifth of the total capacity. T a b l e 2 .— C a p a c ity and Residents o f Old People"9s H o m es , as o f J an. I , 1939, by Sponsoring Organizations Sponsoring organization Number Normal of homes reporting capacity Residents, Jan. 1, 1939 Vacancies M en A ll organizations...... ........................................... Federal Government ( s o l d i e r s ' a n d sailors’ h o m e s)... ______ ____________ State governments: Soldiers’ homes............................................ Other homes...... ........................................... County governments......................................... City governments............................................. . Labor organizations...................... .................... Religious denominations____________ ______ Religious philanthropic organizations_____ Fraternal organizations_____________ ______ Nationality grou ps...____ _________________ Other organizations.......................................... Private organizations _____________________ 1,248 84,024 30,899 2 1,725 1,597 30 9,953 814 28 472 609 10,501 25,310 12,125 1,707 3,469 17,311 6,252 126 16 340 543 2,035 9, 445 5,242 630 828 3,845 10 1 4 3 221 293 120 30 83 451 W omen Vacancy rate (percent of capacity) 43, 296 9,829 128 7.4 1,546 607 2,155 81 4 13 40 927 1,939 2,575 138 405 1,424 21.6 10.0 8 119 26 7,539 13,926 4,308 939 2,236 12,042 11.7 14.3 2.8 6.6 8.8 7.7 21.2 8.1 11.7 8 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES On the other hand, 700 homes reported waiting lists varying from 1 or 2 persons to as many as 1,100. In several cases the waiting list was larger than the home population. The homes with waiting lists were in the main the smaller ones operated by religious or other organizations for their members only. The period of waiting before being admitted also varied widely, ranging from a week or two to 10 years. The questionnaire asked for an estimate of the average period of waiting between submission of application and entrance into the home. A large proportion of the homes with waiting lists replied that the periods varied so widely that an estimate was impossible. In many homes, the applicant’s only chance for admission is when one of the residents dies. One superintendent in this group pointed that “ practically all [residents | remain for life, and some reach a great age.” In the largest group reporting, however, the waiting time was less than 6 months. The following statement shows the distribution of 320 homes with waiting lists, that reported average time between application and Number Percent admission: Less than 1 month______________________________________ 13 1 month and under 6 months_________________________ 116 6 months and under 1 year____________________________ 20 1 year and under 2 years_______________________________ 63 2 and under 3 years__________________________________ 57 3 and under 4 years__________________________________ 19 4 and under 5 years__________________________________ 16 5 and under 6 years__________________________________ 11 6 and under 7 years__________________________________ 1 7 and under 8 years___________________________________ 1 10 years______________________________________ ^________ 3 Total____________________________________________ 320 4.1 36.2 6.2 19.7 17.8 6.0 5.0 3.4 .3 .3 1 .0 100. 0 In order to cope with such a situation, some of the homes have enlarged their facilities since 1929. Thus, comparison of the returns for 1929 and 1939 indicates extension of facilities in 83 homes, pro viding quarters for 7,312 additional residents. The 81 new homes established since the 1929 survey had a combined capacity of 3,118. The following statement shows the number of persons for whom accommodations were provided in each year beginning with 1930: $E2S capacity 1930 ____ 21 1931 ______________________ 9 1932 ______________________ 8 1933 ______________________ 6 1934 ______________________ 11 .1935___________________________ 7 1936 ______________________ 9 1937 ______________________ 4 1938 ______________________ 4 1939 ______________________ 2 642 692 214 325 275 208 500 115 69 78 9 HOMES FOR SCPECIAL GROUPS Homes for Special Groups O C C U P A T IO N A L GR O U PS Among the institutions for which reports were received were 72, admission to which is limited to specific occupational groups. Only 5 of this group of homes were supported entirely by a labor organiza tion or by contributions from the specific occupation. The others received their support from various sources. The homes for soldiers and sailors were publicly supported, the religious workers* institutions depended largely on donations from churches or individuals of the particular denomination sponsoring the home, as well as (in most cases) from moderate life-care fees. The remaining institutions had been largely established under the terms of wills and depended for the most part on the income from such legacies, though these homes also received some income from fees and, occasionally, from the local community chest. As table 3 indicates, 69 of the 72 homes had facilities for caring for more than 15,000 persons. Two of the homes established for the benefit of ministers, missionaries, and others in church service pro vided only living quarters at extremely low rates; the resident was expected to be otherwise self-supporting. T a b l e 3 . — C apacity o f H om es f o r Specified Occupational Groups Number of homes Occupational group A ll groups.________________________________ ___________ ___________________________ Agriculture: Farmers__________________ ____________ _ ______________________ ______ Building and construction: Carpenters______________________ _______ _______________ ________________________ Shipbuilders________ _________ ______ _______ ____________ ______________________ Needle trades: Dressmakers and allied trades__________________ __________ ________ Printing trades: Printing pressmen__________________________ . . . __ ____________________ _______ Typographers________ ________ ______ _______ _______________________ ____________ Professions: A c t o r s .________________________________ _ ______________ _. ___________ __ Artists, teachers, authors____________________________ _____ _________ ___________ Literary or other professional work______________ ___________ __________________ Music teachers___________________ _____ ___________________________________ _____ School teachers. ______ _ _____ ... _______ __ Ministers, missionaries, and others, in service of religious denominations: B a p tis t___________ . ____________ __________ _________ ______ ________ Congregational-Christian___________ ___________ __________ ________ Methodist______ _____________________________________________________ Presbyterian________ ______________ ________________ ________ ______ ________ United Brethren______ ._ ................................ ............. .. .......................... A n y Protestant denomination_____________________________________________ Sect not rep orted__ ______________________________________ _______________ Transportation, railroad: Conductors _ ___ ______ __ _ _ _______ Locomotive engineers, firemen, enginemen, and trainmen ...... ........... ............... Transportation, marine: Sailors, merchant marine______________ __________ _______ W ar service: Soldiers, sailors, or marines— Civil W a r____ _________________________________ _____________________________ A n y war _____________________ ________________ _________ ________ Regular A r m y __________________ __________ ______ __________ ________ ______ U . S. N a v y _________________________________________ ______ _______ ____ _____ W ar nurses ______ _____ _______ _______ _________ _____ ____________________ Other: Firefighters _________ ________ _____ ____________ _____ _________________________ Mechanics ___ _____ _______ ________________________________________ _____ ______ Workingmen . _ _______________________________________________________________ 1 N ot including 3 homes which did not report capacity. * N ot including 1 home which did not report capacity. 2 No data. 72 1 Capacity 115,142 (2) 1 1 1 400 15 27 1 240 420 3 95 16 9 64 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 10 25 1 2 2 1 1 1 6 * 55 127 50 87 30 93 22 70 119 832 3 768 9,339 1,500 260 232 180 66 20 10 H O M ES FOR AGED IN T H E U N ITED STATES In some cases considerable periods of service in the occupation were required in order to qualify for admission. Thus, in order to enter the home for mechanics the applicant must have served 10 years at some mechanical trade. The home for music teachers required evidence of 25 years’ service. One of the actors’ homes was open to persons of either sex who had had 5 years’ experience on the dramatic stage; foreigners were required to have had 10 years’ experi ence, 3 of which (immediately preceding application) must have been on the American stage. For one of the homes for retired workers in the religious field, 20 years’ work in the service of the sponsoring church was a prerequisite. Twenty years’ service in the Regular Army is required for entrance to the National Soldiers’ Home, but one of the seamen’s homes (run under private auspices) requires only 5 years’ sea service under the American flag. HOMES FOR NEGROES To 964 homes only white persons are admitted, 50 homes take only colored people, and the bylaws of 325 contain no specific provision on this point. The 50 homes for Negroes had a capacity of 1,293. Most of these homes were very small. Of the 49 reporting as to capacity, 36 had accommodations for fewer than 25 persons each. Only two homes could care for over 100 residents; these had a capacity of 140 and 125, respectively. The average for the whole group was 26. In the 1929 study 9 homes for colored persons were visited. These visits revealed that physical conditions at the Negro homes did not in general equal those at the homes for whites, although there were homes in the latter group that were as bad as the worst found among the colored. HOMES FOR NATIONALITY GROUPS There were 37 homes with a capacity of 1,909, admission to which was restricted to specific nationalities.3 These homes represented 13 different nationalities. » These figures do not necessarily correspond with those given for nationality groups which sponsor homes, for some of the latter homes may not have a nationality entrance requirement and some of the homes with nationality requirements are sponsored by religious or other organizations rather than by a nationality group. HOM ES 11 F O B S P E C IA L G R O U P S The number and capacity of these homes are shown below: umber British______________ Czechoslovak_______ Dutch_______________ French______________ German_____________ Polish 2______________ Scandinavian_______ Danish_________ Swedish________ “ Scandinavian” Scotch_______________ Spanish_____________ Swiss________________ Welsh_______________ Total_____________________________________ Capacity 14 1 2 2 6 1 210 15 4 4 7 867 188 394 285 89 2 1 1 2 37 35 180 43 294 102 10 38 41 1, 909 1One of these admits Irish also. *And must also be a former resident of Warsaw. A few homes are for “ Americans” only— those born in the United States, or naturalized citizens. Thus, 9 homes place United States citizenship as a prerequisite for admission. Twenty-two homes specify that the applicant must be an “ American” or a “ native of the United States” ; one of these, however, will admit naturalized citizens if they have been such for 21 years or more. Two homes require not only that the applicant be a native, but his parents must also have been born in this country. The above are the only ones having a specific requirement on this point, but this requirement is of course implicit in some of the others— such as birth or life-long residence in a specified city, county, or State. HOMES FOR HANDICAPPED Six of the homes included are designed especially for the care of aged in specific handicapped groups. Thus, two homes accept only deaf old people, one only deaf mutes, two only deaf or deaf-blind, and one only blind. The capacity of these homes is shown in the following statement: Accepting only— Num ber Deaf mutes____________ __ _____________ 1 _____________ 2 Deaf_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deaf or deaf-blind____ ________ _____________ 2 Blind___________________________ _____________ 1 Total________________________ _____________ 230808°— 41------ 2 6 Capacity 33 70 83 31 217 12 H O M ES FOR AGED IN T H E UN ITED STATES HOMES FOR OLD-AGE PENSIONERS During the past few years— since the inauguration of the socialsecurity system— several new types of homes have appeared. These include individual dwelling units in apartments, colonies of individual cottages, and clubs run collectively on the cooperative plan by “ roomers” who are also the members and operators of the houses. All of these new forms have evolved as an attempt to provide housing accommodations for aged receiving the small allowances under the public old-age assistance plan.4 Sponsoring Organizations A wide variety of sponsoring organizations 5 was found. Of 1,327 homes for which data on this point were received, the largest group, 537, was run by religious denominations or under their auspices. These homes had a combined capacity of 39,980. Among the indi vidual sects, Catholic homes had accommodations for 17,975 persons, Jewish homes for 6,082, and all the Protestant denominations com bined for 15,923. Fraternal homes numbered 129, with a capacity of 13,371. Some of the fraternal organizations, such as Loyal Order of Moose and Order of Elks, have a single, national, home for their aged members. In other cases where several homes are shown, the homes are generally supported by the lodges in a single State or in several neighboring States, with the grand lodge for the region acting as sponsor and oper ating the home. The two leading orders, in point of both number of homes and persons cared for were the Masons (and Eastern Star) and the Odd Fellows (and Rebekahs). Institutions supported from public funds had accommodations for 14,260 of which 12,035 were in State-supported homes for war veterans and their wives and widows. The homes established or supported by county or city authorities 6 were generally maintained (on a partially self-supporting basis) for aged local citizens. Nine institutions (caring for 1,531 persons) were supported by occupational groups, mainly the trade-unions. Other sponsors in this group were a retail druggists’ auxiliary association and 2 organizations of volunteer firefighters. The number of institutions (and their capacity) sponsored by speci fied classes of organizations are shown in table 4. 1 A list of the cooperative homes for aged is given in appendix A of this bulletin, page 124. For a detailed account of these new types, see M onthly Labor Review, August 1939, or Serial No. R. 977. B y “ sponsoring organization” is meant the organization responsible mainly for the establishment of the home or in large degree for its support and direction, or both. N ot almshouses. 5 8 13 ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS T able 4 . — N u m ber and C ap acity o f H om es fo r A g ed , b y Sponsoring O rganization Ca N um pacity ber of (per homes sons) Sponsor Total______________________________ 1, 327 91,942 Religious denominations i__________ 537 39,980 Catholic___________________ __ 148 17, 975 Lutheran__________ ________ 78 4,105 Jew ish ............ ..........j ___________ 56 6, 082 47 3, 295 M ethodist_____________________ Episcopalian__________________ 47 1,494 29 1, 408 Presbyterian................................. Evangelical and Reform ed_____ 28 1, 460 28 2 1,450 B aptist________________________ Congregational-Christian............ 20 862 17 Brethren3____________________ 784 12 F rien d s...____ _________________ 348 5 135 M ennonite________ ___________ 3 Moravian ____ __ 59 2 U nitarian___ __________________ 31 2 U niversalist_____ __________ . . . 38 1 Christian Science______________ 108 1 U nited Zion___________________ 70 Reorganized Latter D ay Saints. 1 40 Denom ination not known or 12 not specified.. . . . __________ 236 Fraternal organizations_________ __ 129 13, 371 Odd Fellows and R ebekahs___ 46 4, 216 M asons and Eastern Star______ 45 6, 646 K nights of Pythias and P yth 14 ian Sisters____________________ 860 Sponsor Fraternal organizations—Con. Mannabftfis Patriotic Order of Americans___ P .E .O .S iste r h o o d .. __ . ___ Red M en __ O ther4 (not more than 1 each)__. __ Other organizations _ _ . . King’s Daughters and Sons War veterans and auxiliaries___ W om an’s Christian Association. W om en’s Christian Tem per ance Union Daughters of the British E m pire. _____ __________ Volunteers of America Young W om en’s Christian Association_________ __ __ P hyllis W heatley Association. . . Other (not more than 1 each)___ Public authorities_______ ___________ U nited States Government . . State_______ ___________________ County C ity ._ ......................................... Occupational groups_______________ N um ber of homes Ca pacity (per sons) 3 3 2 2 14 602 26 11 6 4 3 2 2 2 546 50 2 43 1 4 9 i7g 103 63 56 1,249 22, 800 624 403 316 161 149 48 41 27 21,031 14.260 1, 725 312, 035 28 472 1, 531 g 1 I n c lu d e s r e lig io u s p h ila n t h r o p ic o r g a n iz a tio n s. 2N o t in c lu d in g 1 h o m e w h ic h d id n o t r e p o r t c a p a c it y . 3C h u r c h o f t h e B r e t h r e n , U n i t e d B r e t h r e n , R i v e r B r e t h r e n , e tc . i n c l u d e s O r d e r s o f E l k s , F o r e ste r s, M o o s e , S v i t h i o d ? a n d V i k i n g s , K n i g h t s o f D a m o n , K n i g h t s o f M a l t a , S o n s a n d D a u g h t e r s o f L i b e r t y , S o n s o f H e r m a n , N e ig h b o r s o f W o o d c r a ft , W o o d m a n ’ s C ir c le , B e n H u r A s s o c ia tio n , S e c u r it y B e n e fit A s s o c ia tio n , a n d L o y a l O r a n g e I n s t it u t io n . Entrance Requirements AGE Generally the prime requirement that must be met in all homes, before acceptance, is that of age. The age most commonly set as the minimum for admission is 65 years. Of 1,239 homes reporting on this point, 622 set 65 years as the lowest entrance age; 302 others set 60 years. The percentage distribution of homes according to minimum age of admission was as follows: P ercen t 50 51 60 61 65 years__________________________________________ to 59 years___________________________________ years__________________________________________ to 64 years____________________________________ years__________________________________________ 66 to 69 years____________________________________ 70 years__________________________________________ Over 70 years____________________________________ No age requirement_____________________________ Total 1. 5 .8 24. 4 .3 50. 2 1. 4 4. 9 .6 15. 8 100. 0 14 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES Where different ages are set for men and women, the most frequent combinations found are (1) 60 for women, 65 for men; (2) 65 for women, 70 for men; and (3) 68 for women, 70 for men. FEES Nearly 65 percent of the homes reporting were at least partially dependent upon fees from the residents— either a life fee (entitling to care for the remainder of the applicant’s life) or a weekly or monthly rate. Of the organizations operating on a life-care basis, over two-fifths required no fee for admission to the home. The majority of these were homes run by organizations for their members only, in which the member was considered already to have made his contribution to the home through monthly dues over a period of years. This was true of all of the homes run by labor organizations and of a very large proportion of the fraternal homes, as well as of a sub stantial percentage of those run by religious denominations or under sectarian auspices. None of the soldiers’ homes charged admission fees, but in one case— the National Soldiers’ Home, Washington, D. C.— the contributions from warrant officers and men in the Regular Army furnished the greater part of the necessary funds and the guest was therefore considered to have already paid his way in. About one-eighth each had life-care fees of from $500-$600 and $1,000$2,000. For nearly 7 percent there was no set fee, each case being considered on its merits and the fee being varied according to the resources of the applicant. In a very large proportion, even of homes having a set scale of fees, worthy persons were sometimes accepted without fees. In a great many cases no indication was given as to the basis for the rate set. In some institutions, however, the entrance fee was based upon the applicant’s age at time of admission (i. e., upon his life expectancy). The following statement shows the percentage distribution of the homes accepting life-care residents, by fees charged: Percent No fees_____________________________________________________ 44. 2 Less than $300_____________________________________________ 5. 3 $300 and under $400________________________________________ 5.6 $400 and under $500________________________________________ 2.0 $500 and under $600______________________________________ 12. 4 $600 and under $1,000______________________________________ 7.2 $1,000 and under $2,000__________________________________ 12. 5 $2,000 and over______________________________________________ 3.9 Fee varies according to resources of applicant_____________ 6.9 T otal____________________________________________ ___ 100. 0 - 15 ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS In addition to the entrance fees, a few homes require the deposit of a sum (ranging from $60 to $200 in those reporting) to cover the cost of burial, or require that the applicant obtain a guaranty by relatives or friends that they will meet such expenses. One home requires that the guest be the possessor of the deed to a cemetery plot. Most of the homes require that the applicant transfer to the home, on admission, any property, insurance, or other assets of which he may be possessed. This transfer may be absolute at that time, or the property may be held in trust until the resident’s death. Over 300 of the homes charged monthly or weekly rates. There was, however, some duplication here with the life-care homes, as some institutions had both life residents and boarders. Of the homes taking boarders, a considerable proportion were those operated under religious auspices. The rates charged indicate the presence of a subsidy, in many cases, from other sources. Often the subsidy came from investments or endowments. The distribution of the homes charging weekly or m o n th ly rates is shown in the following statem en t: Weekly rate of— Number Less than $ 5 _____ ____________________ 15 $5 and under $10__ ____________________ 56 $10 and under $20 __ ____________________ 27 Monthly rate of— $10 and under $20 __ ____________________ 18 $20 and under $30__ ____________________ 74 $30 and under $40__ ____________________ 94 $40 and under $50 __ ____________________ 28 $50 and over_________ ____________________ 20 T o ta l. _________ ____________________ 332 Percent 4. 5 16. 9 8. 1 5. 22. 28. 8. 6. 4 3 3 4 0 100. 0 SEX REQUIREMENTS The returns indicate that aged women are better provided for by far than are aged men. An aged man would, on the basis of the entrance requirements reported, have a chance for admission to 67.9 percent of the homes, whereas an aged woman would have a chance in 95.9 percent of the homes. Of 1,338 homes reporting on this point, nearly one-third admitted women only. Percent Men only________________________________________ Women only______________________________________ Both sexes_______________________________________ Both sexes and couples___________________________ 4. 1 32.1 5. 8 58.0 Total___________________________________ 100. 0 As was shown in table 2, omitting the soldiers’ homes (which shelter largely men), the women formed 64.7 percent of the residents; including the soldiers’ homes they formed 58.5 percent. 16 HOMES FOR AGED IN TH E UNITED STATES' HEALTH REQUIREMENTS A vast majority of the institutions refuse to take mental cases. Most of them also specify that at the time of entrance the applicant must be in “ normal health,” meaning thereby a state of health normal for the person's age. Others specify practically the same thing by requiring that the resident must be “ ambulant,” “ able to care for his own personal needs,” “ not bedridden,” “ able to come to the dining room for meals,” “ not requiring personal care,” “ not a bed patient,” etc. Some further specify that the applicant must be free from com municable, “ objectionable” or malignant disease, or from certain named ailments (epilepsy, tuberculosis, cancer, paralysis, diabetes, blindness, etc.). These, it should be emphasized, are entrance requirements. Should the resident become incapacitated after admission the great majority of homes (except the strictly “ boarding homes” ) will furnish medical and nursing care. Other homes, notably the large Jewish homes, accept infirm and disabled and some give preference to them over the able-bodied applicants. As already noted, several take only deaf, deaf-mutes, or blind aged. Submission to thorough medical examination, at the time of entrance to the home, is practically a universal requirement, even in those institutions which accept the infirm and disabled. OTHER REQUIREMENTS The prime requirement for admission to a home sponsored by a definite group or organization is generally membership in the organi zation, often for a specified period of years. Thus, to enter a Masonic home the applicant must ordinarily have been a member in good standing in a local lodge contributing to the support of the institution. Only one home specified that applicants must be “ free from marked personality defects.” Several others include such required character istics as “ adaptability,” “ congenial,” “ good disposition.” In prac tice, however, these are very general requirements, which the probationary period (see p. 17) provides opportunity to evaluate. A number of the homes specify that the applicant must be without other means of support, or unable to support himself; the fraternal homes figure largely in this group. Some refuse an applicant if he or she has relatives or children able to furnish support. A few of the homes for women accept only childless or unmarried persons, and one accepts “ spinsters” only. W H A T TH E RESIDENTS RECEIVE 17 Although residence requirements are found in all groups, homes supported or sponsored by local organizations are more likely than the others to have, as one of the prime requisites for entrance, a specified period of residence in the city, county, or other designated region. The most commonly required periods are 2, 3, 5, and 10 years, but periods ranging from 6 months to 30 years were found. Two homes require, respectively, lifelong residence in the city and in the State, and another gives preference to persons born in the city where the home is situated. Good moral character is a general requirement and a substantial proportion require one or more character references. In the endeavor to maintain a home population on a high level of culture, some of the institutions specify that the applicant must be a “ gentlewoman,” “ a woman of refinement,” “ a gentlewoman in reduced circumstances,” “ a person of good cultural background.” Most of these are asso ciations taking women only, but one home restricted to men requires that the applicant must have been a person of some means and stand ing in the community, not divorced. Other, infrequent, requirements include belief in a Supreme Being (several fraternal homes), Christian, church member, etc.; that the applicant shall not be addicted to the use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, or (two homes only) tobacco; clothing sufficient for a specified period; furnishings for the resident’s room; ability to assist in the operation of the home. Most of the homes accepting guests on a life-care basis have a trial period of varying length (2 to 6 months, in the majority of cases). During this period both home and resident are on probation. The guest has the opportunity to judge whether he or she is likely to be contented there, and the home superintendent is given a chance to observe the resident in his relations with the others and to determine the desirability of his continued presence there. If either party, during or at the end of the period, decides unfavorably, deduction is made from the entrance fee of the cost of room and meals and the remainder is returned to the applicant on his departure. What the Residents Receive Examination of the cost to the residents of the homes, in the form of entrance fees, indicates that these old people receive more than their money’s worth. Assuming an average cost to the home of $410 7 i This was the average cost in the homes giving life care, which volunteered information on this point. 18 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES per person per year, it is evident that fees and other contributions by the guest would cover at best only a few years’ care. The appli cant may live only a year or two after admission; on the other hand, he may live 15 or 20 years. It is the experience of the homes that the good physical care provided, and above all the comforting sense of security, tends to prolong the lives of the residents, and many of them live to a great age. A large proportion of the homes require that the applicant must be in reasonably good health, considering his age, at the time of ad mission. Once accepted, however, practically all of the life-care homes provide medical or nursing care, or both, if the resident falls sick. Thus, of 1,241 homes reporting on this point, 83.2 percent fur nished both medical and nursing care, 6.0 furnished nurse only, 2.7 doctor only, and 8.1 expected the resident to bear the cost himself. That such care may entail considerable extra expense for the home is indicated by a study of chronic sickness in homes for aged, made in 1931.8 That study, which covered 78 homes for aged within a radius of 50 miles of New York City, revealed that 48 percent of the guests had chronic incapacitating ailments; more than a tenth were bedridden, and 6 percent were confined to wheel chairs. A large pro portion had been receiving care since shortly after their admission to the home. Some of the larger homes have one or more paid full-time physi cians. In a number of cases, the homes receive free service from local physicians who give their time as a charity. In addition to shelter, food, laundry, medical and nursing care, a great many of the homes also provide burial (though a few require a specific fee for this expense). In order to recoup some of the loss between fee income and obliga tions assumed, it is a general practice of the homes to require the in coming guest to transfer all or part of such income or property as he possesses to the home. In return the home may bind itself to pay some or all of the income from it to the guest during his lifetime. On the other hand it is a quite common practice to accept, free, per sons without means to pay the fee, if they fulfill all the other conditions of entrance. Sources of Income of Homes Where the home has a sponsoring organization, generally the sponsor also provides a large measure of financial support for the institution, for even where entrance fees are charged these are often s Welfare Council of N ew York City. Research Bureau study N o. 5: Care of the Chronic Sick in Private Homes for Aged in and near N ew York City, by M ary C. Jarrett. N ew York, 1931. SOURCES OiF INCOME OF HOMES 19 entirely inadequate to cover the cost of care during the remainder of the resident's life. In many homes originally established under the terms of a will, the legacy has so dwindled as to be insufficient for support and often in such cases additional assistance has had to be sought from other sources. Homes established by fraternal orders are supported solely by the order, generally through regular dues paid by the members for the purpose or by appropriations made from the organization's general funds. The same is true of the trade-union homes. Of the homes operated under Catholic auspices a large proportion receive no financial support from the sponsor. Thus, the homes of the Little Sisters of the Poor— all large institutions offering only the barest necessaries of life and usually having as their main (or even only) requirement that the applicant be destitute, depend for their support upon voluntary contributions of food, clothing, and other articles from business men (grocers, bakers, etc.) and private individuals. The homes are, however, run by the sponsoring order and usually the Sisters perform all of the work, with what little assistance can be given by the residents. In the homes sponsored by an outside organization, such as a labor union or a fraternal order, usually the only source of support for the home is that organization and its members. Generally such homes require no fees, as the resident is considered to have made his contri bution during his years of membership in the sponsoring organization. Of the 1,201 institutions which reported as to their sources of income, nearly 10 percent were endowed homes operating entirely on the income from invested funds or with these supplemented by an entrance fee. In 23 percent the support came from a sponsoring organization alone or with some supplementary income from fees or other sources. Three percent were homes dependent on individual contributions (most of these were the homes of the Little Sisters of the Poor), and fewer than half of 1 percent were supported entirely by a local community chest. Nearly 5 percent of the homes were dependent entirely on the fees paid by the guests. Most of these were homes of the “ boarding" type, charging fixed rates per week or month and supplying no care beyond food and shelter. The largest group of homes (nearly 55 percent) received support from a variety of sources, including one or more of the following: Fees, residents' pensions or old-age assistance allowances, sponsor, city or county, local community chest, donations by individuals, collections 20 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES from churches and other local organizations, proceeds of bazaars, entertainments, “ tag days,” legacies, endowments or other invest ments, and income or products from home farm. Of the 1,201 homes, 187 were receiving some assistance from the local community chest. The distribution of the reporting homes, by sources of support, is shown in table 5. T able 5 . — Sources o f In com e o f O ld P eople*s H om es Source of income N um ber of homes Homes w ith entrance fees: Fees only_______________________________________________________________ Fees and— Endow m ent--------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------. Contribution from sponsoring organization (including income from endowm ent and other invested funds)__ ___________________ ____ Other sources_____________________________________________ _________ Homes w ithout entrance fees: Endowm ent on ly_______________________________________________________ Sponsoring organization on ly___________________________________________ Sponsoring organization m ainly, but w ith some assistance from other sources_______ ______________________ _______- ............-.................................. Individual contributions on ly___________ _______________________ _______ C om m unity chest o n ly _______________________________________________ Other sources _____________________________________________ ________ Total .................................................................. ........................................................... 55 94 131 659 23 87 61 40 4 47 1,201 Percent 4.6 7.8 10.9 54.9 1.9 7.2 5.1 3.3 .3 3.9 100.0 Directory of Old Peoples Homes In the following pages are listed, geographically and alphabetically, the individual homes for aged known to the Bureau. The list was compiled after a careful canvass of all possible sources of information and is believed to be substantially complete. However, the Bureau will appreciate being informed of any homes for aged not included here. More than 90 percent of the homes responded to the Bureau’s request for information as to their entrance requirements. A num ber of homes failed to report, but in only one case was information definitely refused. All known homes are listed here, whether or not they furnished information. As a check, for all nonreporting homes the postmasters were circularized, to ascertain whether the homes were in fact still in operation. Practically complete coverage was received from the postmaster circular. Thus it may be said with confidence that all of the homes listed were actually in existence in September 1939. For each reporting home the directory gives the minimum age required for admission, life fee or boarding rates, and other entrance requirements. The capacity of the home is noted; some of the homes DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES 21 also take children, but the capacity given is that for aged unless otherwise noted. It will be observed that some of the homes accept “ both sexes and couples” and others “ both sexes.” In the former, man and wife are accepted as a couple and allowed to live together as such. The others either accept only unattached men and women or, if both man and wife are admitted, require them to live apart. If the home has a sponsoring organization, the directory shows the name of that organization. 22 HOMES FOB AGED IN TH E UNITED STATES D irectory, and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entrance require m ents Nam e and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization M inim um M ini entrance fee mum for life age members A la b a m a Birmingham: Old Folks Home, 625 Jasper R d _______ W hite (Octavia) Home, 504 South 56th St. Mobile: Colored Old Folks and Orphans Home, Spring H ill and M obile Sts. Hom e for Aged Poor, 1655 M cGill and M onterey Sts. M obile Benevolent Home, 1257 Government St. Montgomery: Alabama Masonic H om e___ C ity Federation of Colored W om en’s Clubs. C om m unity Chest of Birmingham and Jefferson County. Private organization__________________ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Mobile Benevolent Society for W om en. Alabama Grand Lodges, Free and Ac cepted Masons and Order of the Eastern Star. M ountain Creek: Jefferson M anly Falkner State of A labam a..................................... .. Soldiers Home. Talladega: Sunset Inn (Home for A ged)___ Talladega C ounty...................................... .. 65 60 60 65 60 A r iz o n a Prescott: Arizona Pioneers’ Hom e_______ __ Safford: Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Hom e of Arizona. Tucson: Sociedad del Socorro, 26 W est 24th St. A rka n sa s Little Rock: Arkansas Confederate Veterans Home, Route 4. Gibbs (M . W .) Home for Aged W omen, 2900 Center St. Thom pson (Ada) Memorial Home, 2021 M ain St. State of Arizona____ . . . ______________ Arizona Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Augustin Parish. 60 State of Arkansas____________________ Interdenominational M inisterial Al liance. Private organization__________________ 69 60 65 C a lif o r n ia $50 500 Alhambra: Atherton Court, 700 Irving St_________ Southern California Baptist Conven tion. California P . E. O. H om e, 700 North California P. E . O. Sisterhood.............. (2) Stoneman. Hom e for Aged of Protestant Episcopal Los Angeles Diocese, Protestant Epis 65 500 copal Church. Church, 1428 South Marengo Ave. Altadena: Pasadena Hom e for Aged, 2380 Private organization ____________ . . . 70 500 North El M olino Ave. Anaheim: Lutheran Hom e for Aged, 891 Lutheran Home Association of Cali 60 3 2,125-4, 500 fornia. South W alnut St. Burbank: Pacific Evangelical Hom e for Evangelical C hurch .................................... 65 4, 000 Aged People, 361 Cypress Ave. Chula Vista: The Fredericka Hom e for Private organization 70 2,500 Aged, 183 Third Ave. Claremont: Pilgrim Place in Claremont, National Council of Congregational65 Inc., 595 Mayflower Rd. Christian Churches. Decoto: Masonic Hom es of California4____ California Grand Lodge, Free and Ac (8) (6) cepted Masons. Eagle Rock: Solheim Lutheran Hom e for Norwegian Lutheran Society for the 65 2,000 Aged, 2236 Merton Ave. Aged. Los Angeles: California Soldiers’ W idows Hom e, Auxiliaries of U nited Spanish War («) 11847 Gorham St., Brentwood Veterans. Heights. Eastern Star Home of California, 11725 California Grand Chapter, Order of 65 Sunset Blvd. the Eastern Star. Hollenbeck Hom e for Aged, 573 South Private organization__________________ 65 500 Boyle Ave. Includes children. ^Varies. 3 Varies according to age. 23 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other W hom admitted Negro, resident of city, 2-month trial period, sane, able-bodied. Both sexes W hite, 1 year’s residence in city, indigent, ambulant. W omen o n ly ... Negro, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admission or at death, indigent, ambulant. W hite, good character, poor, infirm ................................................ . W hite, 3 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home, free from contagious disease. W hite, Protestant, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow), transfer of property to home on admission and in will, normal health. W hite, Confederate soldier or wife, 2 years’ residence in State.. $30 per m on th ... W hite, sane, not requiring continuous care..................................... Both sexes____ Both sexes and couples. W omen o n ly ... Both sexes and couples (also children). Both sexes and couples. ____do.................. 35 years’ residence in State, free from contagious disease_____ ____do_________ W hite, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order (or wife or Both sexes and w idow ), transfer of property to home on admission, sane, couples (also normal sight, free from communicable disease. children). Spanish, Catholic, 1 year’s residence in c ity .................................. Both sexes and couples. W hite, Civil War veteran (or wife or widow), 1 year’s resi ____ d o ................. dence in State, indigent. Negro, transfer of property to home at death, good character, W omen o n ly ... ambulant. W hite, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home ____ do................... on admission, normal health. W hite, retired Baptist minister or missionary (or wife) from Southern California, needy, but able to maintain own house hold. Membership in sponsoring organization, 5 years’ residence in city. W hite, preference to Episcopalians, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. W hite, Protestant, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop erty to home on admission, normal health. Lutheran, U nited States citizen, transfer of part of property to home on admission, sane, free from communicable or incurable disease. W hite, Protestant, transfer of part of property to home on ad mission, good character, normal health. W hite, transfer of three-fifths of property to home at death, furnishings for room, provision for funeral expenses, normal health. W hite, missionary or minister or professional Christian worker, member of sponsoring church, free from tubercu losis. 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order preceding application (or wife or widow), indigent. W hite, Lutheran, good character, sane, free from contagious disease, normal health. W hite, widow of war veteran, or war nurse, normal health. Capacity (aged only) 18 12 20 130 25 42 85 28 170 i 22 10 146 10 20 25 Both sexes and couples. W omen o n ly ... Both sexes and couples. ____ do................... ____ d o .................. 43 32 125 ____ do................... ____ do................... 45 125 ____ d o ................ 105 Both sexes____ Both sexes and couples. W omen o n ly ... 300 14 .......... W hite, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order (of which Both sexes and last 5 in chapter through which application made), transfer couples. of property to home on admission, normal health. ______ W hite, Protestant, 3 years’ residence in southern California, transfer of property to home on admission (income from portion thereof to resident), furnishings for room, sane, free from communicable or incurable disease and from marked personality defects. 6 N o data; 2M ust be aged. 4 D ata as of 1929. 79 $35-$50 per month $10.50 per week, $45 per month. (2)~~............ $10 per w eek----- 8 296 24 HOMES FOB AGED IN TH E UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem en ts o f H om es E n tra n ce req uire m e n ts N a m e a n d ad dress of h o m e California — C o n tin u ed L o s A n geles— C o n tin u ed . H o m e for A ged of L ittle S isters of th e P oor, 2700 E a st 1st S t. Jew ish H o m e for th e A g ed , 325 S ou th B o y le A v e. M c E lh in n y (R ob ert an d M a ry ) M em o rial H o m e , 3726 W est A d a m s S t. P acific H o m e, 1055 N o r th K in g sle y D r iv e . S isters of N a za reth , 1518 N o r th K en m ore. S u n set H a ll, 1424 S ou th M a n h a tta n Pl_ Sp on sorin g or co n trollin g organ ization C a th o lic order, L ittle S isters of th e Poor. P r iv a te org an iza tion ------------------------- in im u m M in i enMtran ce fee m um for life age m em b ers 60 765 860 ____d o ................. ....................................................... S outh ern C alifornia C onference, M e th o d ist E p isco p a l C h u rch. C a th o lic order, Sisters of N a z a r e th ____ F irst U n ita rian C hurch of L os A n geles. 65 •$1, 000 60 3 3,125-7,100 65 65 (3) S w ed ish B a p tist P a cific H o m e, 3845 F letch er D r iv e . W . C . T . U . H o m e for W om en , 2235 N o rw a lk A v e . N iles: N ile s H o m e 4__................................................ O akland: B eu la h R est H o m e , 4690 T o m p k in s A ve. B ro w n (M a tild a E .) H o m e, 360 42d S t._ G erm an O ld P e o p le ’s H o m e (A lten h e im ), 1720 H o p k in s S t. H o m e for th e A ged , 2647 E a st F ou r teen th S t. K in g ’s D a u g h ters of C alifornia H o m e for In cu rab les, 3900 B ro a d w a y . Our L a d y ’s H o m e, 1900 34th A v e _______ S w ed ish B a p tist P acific H o m e A ssoeiatio n . W o m en ’s C h ristian T em p eran ce U n io n . ____ d o ____ 65 (10) n 70 (2) Salem L u th era n H o m e, 2361 E a st 29th S t. P acoim a: In d ep en d en t Order of F o resters’ A ged M em b ers’ H o m e. P a lm s: T h e K in g ’s D a u g h ters H o m e for A ged , 10548 R eg en t S t. P asad en a: M o n te V ista G rove H o m es, 2889 San P a sq u a l S t. P u en te: B ak er (C ol. R . M .) H o m e for R e tired M in isters, R . F . D . N o . 1. R iversid e: N eig h b o rs of W ood craft H o m e, 8432 M a gn o lia A v e. S an D iego: D o d so n H o m e , 551 S o u th 35th S t. San Francisco: G reer H o m e, In c ., 6000 F u lto n S t______ H eb rew H o m e for A ged D isa b led , 302 S ilver A ve. H o m e for A g ed of L ittle Sisters of th e Poor. 300 L ak e S t. N u rsin g H o m e for A g ed an d In cu r ab les, 2750 G eary B lv d . O ld P e o p le ’s H o m e (C rocker H o m e), 2507 P in e S t. P r o testa n t E p isco p a l O ld L a d ie s’ H o m e, 2770 L om b ard S t. San F ran cisco L a d ies P ro tectio n an d R elief S o ciety H o m e, 3400 L agu n a St. U n iv e r sity M o u n d O ld P e o p le ’s H o m e, 350 U n iv e r sity S t. * V aries * V aries according to age. 4D a ta as of 1929. Salem L u th eran H o m e A ssociation of th e B a y C ities. In d ep en d en t Order of F oresters_______ 3 3,000 W o m a n ’s H o m e M ission a ry S o ciety , 65 C alifornia C onference, M e th o d ist E p isco p a l C h u rch. L a d ies’ R elief S o ciety of O a k la n d ____ 70 3 5,000-6, 000 65 P r iv a te o rgan ization ____________________ (3) C a th o lic order, L ittle Sisters of th e Poor. * 3, 500 H o m e C ircle of K in g ’s D a u g h ters and Sons. *3,500 C a th olic order, Sisters of M e rc y _______ ii 65 12 4,250 70 S outh ern C alifornia B ra n ch , K in g ’s D a u g h ters an d Sons. C alifornia Synod, P resb y teria n C hurch in th e U . S. A . C alifornia C onference, C h u rch of U n ite d B reth ren in C h rist. N eig h b o rs of W ood craft............ ............... .. 50 65 P r iv a te organ ization . 65 (6) ____________________ P r iv a te organization. C a th o lic order, L ittle Sisters of th e P oor. P riv a te org an iza tion ____________________ P r o testa n t E p isco p a l C h u r c h ............... P r iv a te org an iza tion ____________________ (6) .................. ............................... - ............................. 6 N o data. 7 M en . 8 W om en . 65 (6) r765 (8) t 8 60 } 60 65 65 65 65 4,000 94, 000 3, 000-4, 000 25 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States— Continued E n tra n ce req u irem en ts— C on tin u ed B oard ers’ rates O ther W hom a d m itted C a p ac ity (aged on ly ) G ood character, poor, sane, n orm al h e a lth .......................................... B o th sexes and coup les. J ew ish , 3 y ea rs’ residence in c ity , transfer of p rop erty to _____d o __________ h om e on a d m issio n or at d eath , free from contagiou s disease, a m b u lan t. 3 y ea rs’ resid en ce in c ity , transfer of part of p rop erty to h om e W om en o n ly ... a t d eath , character references, n orm al h ealth . $ 5 0- $ 7 5 p e r W h ite , norm al h e a lth .. __________________ _____________________ B o th sexes and coup les. m o n th . $ 3 5 - $ 5 0 p e r W h ite , C ath olic, excellen t character references, able to care W om en o n ly ... for self. m o n th . $40 per m o n th ... W h ite , 3 y ea rs’ resid en ce in c ity , transfer of p rop erty to h om e B o th sexes and (in terest th ereon paid to resid en t), 2 character references, coup les. free from in fectiou s or d isab lin g chronic disease. W h ite, B a p tist, 5 y ea rs’ resid en ce in c ity , transfer of part of _____d o __________ p rop erty to h om e on ad m issio n , free from contagiou s d isease. $ 4 0 - $ 5 0 p e r W h ite , transfer of p rop erty to h o m e on ad m ission (life m em W om en o n ly ... b ers), san e, n orm al h ealth . per m o n th . B o th sexes and coup les. d o ___ $40 per m o n th . . . W h ite , C h ristian , 1 y ea r’s resid en ce in c ity , sa n e ______________ 300 W h ite , P r o testa n t, san e, n orm al h e a lth .. . . ________ _____ W h ite , character references, san e, norm al h ealth . ....................... D e s t i t u t e . ______ ______ ________________________________ _________ Free from con tagiou s d isease_____________________________________ W h ite, san e, n orm al h ealth _. .............. _. 37 228 150 128 132 $60-$75 per m o n th . $12.50 per w eek , $35-$50 per m o n th . $50 per m o n th 9_ $35 per m o n th —_ $35 or $40 per m o n th . (6) $65-$90 per m o n th .9 $30 per m o n th . __ $45 per m o n th . __ W om en o n ly . __ B o th sexes and coup les. __ d o ___________ B o th sexes B o th sexes and coup les. do W h ite , transfer of part of p rop erty to h om e on ad m issio n , sane, free from co ntagiou s disease. W h ite , m em b er of sp onsoring order (or w ife), transfer of prop _____d o .................. e r ty to h om e on a d m issio n , w ith o u t ch ild ren ab le to su p port, n orm al h ealth . W h ite , san e, norm al h ea lth , ab le to care for o w n ro o m ________ W om en o n ly ... W h ite , 20 y ea rs’ service for sp onsoring c h u r c h ..._____________ B o th sexes and coup les. R etired m in ister of sp onsoring church (or w ife), transfer of _____d o __________ all or part of p rop erty to h om e on a d m ission , n orm al h ealth . W h ite , 15 co n secu tive y ea rs’ m em b ersh ip in sp onsoring order, _____d o __________ transfer of N . O. W . in su rance to h om e, w ith o u t o th er m eans of su p port. W h ite, 1 y ea r’s resid en ce in co u n ty , 3 in S ta te, character ..........d o __________ references. (6)________________________ ______________________________ ____ ______ (0)_______________ Jew ish , 5 y ea rs’ resid en ce in c ity , transfer o f prop erty B o th sexes and to h o m e on a d m ission , free from in fectiou s or in cu rab le couples. d isease. S oun d m in d _____ ______ ___________________________________________ ..........d o ................... W h ite , san e, n o t a d d icted to alcohol or drugs, free from v e n e B o th sexes_____ real disease. W h ite, norm al h e a lth .......... ...................... ........................................................ B o th sexes and couples. W h ite, preference to E p isco p a lian s, 3 m o n th s’ resid en ce in W om en o n ly ... city . White, Prnt.est.ant, woman of refinement, normal health _ . _____d o __________ N o rm a l h e a lth _____________________________________________________ ____d o ..................... 148 8 200 12 17 38 100 16 43 75 36 18 66 30 141 48 (6) 14 300 67 172 74 18 72 9A p p lica n ts occasion ally accep ted w ith o u t fees. “ A t age 65; a p p lica n ts o ccasio n a lly accep ted w ith w E a ch case is considered on its in d iv id u a l m erits, o u t fees. m em bers; boarders a t a n y age. 11 L ife 26 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irectory , and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entriance require m ents N am e and address of home C a l i f o r n i a — Continued San Gabriel: California Christian Home, 1015 M ission Drive. San Jose: Pratt Home and Sheltering Arms, 1195 South 1st St. San Rafael: Aldersly, Inc. (Shelter for Old People), 326 M ission Ave. Evangelical Home, San Rafael Ave. and Grove St. Santa Barbara: Alexander House, 2120 Santa Barbara St. Santa Clara: W om an’s Relief Corps Home of California, Route 1, Box 105. Santa Rosa: Kenwood Pythian Hom e of California. Saratoga: Odd Fellows Home of California, Fruit vale Ave. Selma: Bethel Lutheran Old People’s Home Corporation, Route 1, Box 258. Sierre Madre: The British Old People’s Hom e in California, Inc., 647 M anzanita Ave. Stockton: St. Joseph’s Home and Hospital, 1800 North California St. Sunland: Volunteers of America Hom e for Aged, 8504 Fenwick St. Sponsoring or controlling organization M inim um M ini entrance fee mum for life age members National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church. Sheltering Arms Society of San Jose... 70 Private organization__________________ Evangelical Benevolent A ssociation... Private organization ________________ State of California______________ ______ 65 60 65 California Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. California Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Pacific district, U nited D anish E van gelical Lutheran Church in America. Daughters of the British Em pire_____ 65 Private organization__________________ Volunteers of America of Los Angeles. Turlock: Bethany Home, Lander A ve____ Swedish Evangelical M issionary As sociation of California. Verdugo City: Tw elve Oaks Lodge, 2820 Verdugo H ills Sunshine Society, I n c .. Sycamore Ave. Yountville: Veterans’ Home of California.. State of California..................................... $100 65 (2) 65 B 1, 500 60 65 750 14 65 65 60 1, 500-4, 000 1,000 (3) C o lo ra d o Brush: Eben-Ezer M ercy Institution_____ Danish Lutherans in America________ Canon City: Colorado I. O. O. F. Hom e— Colorado Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Colorado Springs: Stratton (Myron) Home, 117 East Pikes Peak Ave. Union Printers Hom e, N ob H ill______ Denver: Beth Israel Hospital and Home Society, 1601 Lowell B lvd.4 Little Sisters of the Poor Hom e for Aged, W est 30th and Mead^ Sts. Old Ladies’ Home, 4115 W est 38th Ave__ Homelake: Soldiers’ and Sailors’ H om e___ (2) 70 Private organization__________________ International Typographical U n io n ... (6) Private organization__________________ 65 Catholic order, Little Sisters of the 60 Poor. Ladies’ Relief Society. ............................. 70 State of Colorado.......................................... 50 • 1, 500 C o n n e cticu t Bridgeport: Bordman-Beardsley Home, 115 Park Private organization__________________ (5) Ave. Burroughs Home, 2470 Fairfield A v e ... ____ do................................................... ............ Crosby (Fanny) M emorial, Inc., 1088 ____ do_____________ __________________ 65 Fairfield Ave. Hillside Hom e, Bond St. Extended____ J C ity of Bridgeport....... ................................ i Includes children. 4 D ata as of 1929. * Varies. * M ust be aged. 3 V aries according to age. 3,000 D IR E C T O R Y OF OLD PE O P L E ’S 27 HOM ES fo r the A ged in the United States— Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates $40 per month Other W hom admitted W hite, American, member of sponsoring church, 2 years’ Both sexes and residence in State, transfer of property to home on admis couples. sion (interest thereon paid to resident). W hite, normal health................... ........................................................... ____do_________ Capacity (aged only) 60 43 W hite, Danish birth or descent, transfer of part of property ____ d o ................ 70 to home on admission, 3 character references, normal health. $40 per month 9__ W hite, sane, free from chronic disease______ ______________________ do____ ____ 13 22 $55 per m o n th .._ W hite, normal health. do. 14 Unmarried dependent of Union C ivil War veteran, transfer W omen o n ly ... 56 of all property to home at death, without more than $500, and without relatives able to support, sane, not addicted to alcohol or drugs. W hite, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order (or wife or Both sexes and 65 widow), transfer of property to home on admission, able to couples. care for self. W hite, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order (women, ____ d o ............ 220 15 years) transfer of part of property to home on admission, able to care for self. W hite, Protestant, member of sponsoring church, transfer of ____ d o................ 18 part of property to home on admission, able to care for self. W hite, British ancestry back to grandfather, 2 years’ resi ____ do_________ 12 dence in State, transfer of property to home 6 months after admission, normal health. White......... .................. .................. .............................. ....... ____ d o ................. 50 $35 per m on th ... W hite, Protestant, 6 m onths’ residence in city, 1 year in State, ..— do_______ 34 transfer of property to home on admission (life members), character references, sane, free from communicable disease, able to care for self. $45 per m on th ... W hite, member of sponsoring church, 3 m onths’ residence in .....d o _________ city, 3-month trial period, sane, normal health. $15 per week, White, good character, refined, normal health____________ Both sexes and 6 $50 per m onth.9 couples. War or other Army service, 6 years’ residence in State, per M en only_____ 1,500 manent physical disability incurred in line of duty. (10)................. - ........................................................................................................................................ Both sexes and 62 couples. Both sexes and couples (also children). 180 Both sexes and couples. Both sexes 15___ Both sexes and couples. ____do____ ____ W omen o n ly ... Both sexes and couples. 105 420 30 167 93 230 $20per m on th ... Protestant, indigent, resident of Fairfield County (preference ____do.................. 8 W hite, belief in Supreme Being, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order, having joined before age 42, 10 years’ resi dence in State, transfer of property to home on admission or at death, not a hospital case. ,r W hite, 5 years’ residence in county, 10 in State, sane, free from contagious disease. ._ M embers of sponsoring union. ............................................. .................. Jewish...................................................................... W hite, resident of county, good character. $45 per m onth 9__ W hite, 5 years’ residence in city, without relatives able to support, normal health, able to care for self. War veteran (or wife or widow), 1 year’s residence in State (or enlistment from State), sane, free from tuberculosis. to residents of Bridgeport), free from contagious disease, normal health. ___ do------------- W hite, Protestant, 1 year’s residence in city, normal health. . W omen o n ly ... 30 $10per w eek___ W hite, Christian, able to care for self and room_____________ Both sexes and 36 couples. $8.75 per week 9_. Homeless, unable to earn living, free from acute disease...........| Both sexes____ 300 9Applicants occasionally accepted w ithout fees. 15 Couples only if both are members of union. Each case is considered on its individual merits. 16 Women; no age requirement for men. >3 Num ber of rooms u Varies according to age, physical condition, etc. applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 23 0 8 0 8°— 41-------3 28 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Connecticut—Continued Bridgeport-Continued. Obeh Grotto Home, 1211 Fairfield Ave. Sterling Widows’ Home, 354 Prospect St. Cromwell: Woman’s Relief Corps Home, Inc., 183 Main St. Danbury: Brewster (Amelia) Home, 52 Main St__ Methodist Church Home for Aged, 400 Main St. Danielson: Westcott-Wilcox Old People’s Home, Inc., 177 Main St. Groton: Odd Fellows Home of Connecticut. Sponsoring or controlling organization («)________________________________ Bridgeport Protestant Widows’ So (•) ciety. Connecticut Department, Woman’s Relief Corps. Private organization_______________ 60 New York District, New York East 65 Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. Private organization_______________ 65 Odd Fellows Home Corporation of Connecticut. Episcopal Churches of the Connecticut Diocese. Hartford Hospital.................................... Private organization (Jewish)_______ Immanuel Congregational Church___ King’s Daughters and Sons Union___ Private organization________________ Catholic order, Sisters of Mercy, St. Joseph’s Convent. St. John’s, Trinity, and Christ Church (5) Cathedral Episcopal Churches. Hartford: Church Homes of Hartford, 123 Retreat Ave. and 295 Ridge Rd. (Wethers field). Hartford Hospital, Old People’s Home Department, 30 Jefferson St. Hebrew Home for Aged, 276 Washing ton St. Ives (Lawson C.) Widows’ Homes, 1846 andl860 North Main St.4 King’s Daughters Home, 614 New Bri tain Ave. Moeller (August) Memorial Home, Prospect St. (Wethersfield). St. Mary’s Home for Aged, 291 Steele Rd. Widows’ Homes, 13 South Hudson St.; 133 Market St.; 370, 374, and 380 Wethersfield Ave.18 Meriden: Bradley Home, 320 Colony St............ . . Private organization (Episcopal) .do. Curtis Home, 380 Crown St Middletown: St. Luke’s Home for Aged Women, 135 Pearl St. New Britain: Erwin Home for Worthy and Indigent Women. Jerome Home, 975 Corbin Ave............. St. Lucian’s Home for Aged, North Burritt St. New Haven: Center Church Home, 84 Trumbull S t.. Gray (Hannah) Home, 235 Dixwell Ave. Home for Aged of Little Sisters of the Poor, 238 Winthrop Ave. Jewish Home for Aged, 169 Davenport Ave. St. Paul’s Church Home for Aged Women, 600 Chapel St. Trinity Home, 84 Norton St________ Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members Holy Trinity Church. (6) $500 91,200 *1,000 (10) 2,000 60 65 South Congregational Church. Private organization________ 65 Catholic order, Daughters of Mary of 60 the Immaculate Conception. First Church of Christ (Congrega- 65 tional). Women’s Twentieth Century Club .. . ____ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the 60 Poor. Private organization_______________ _ 60 St. Paul’s Church. 65 Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church. 65 2,500 »150 Wade (Mary) Home, or Home for Private organization. Friendless, 118 Clinton Ave. New London: The Smith Memorial Home, ___ do.......................... 65 • 1,000 7 Vauxhall St. Norwalk: Home for Aged, Westport A ve... Norwalk Town Union of the King’s 65 1,100 Daughters and Sons, Inc. 4 Data as of 1929, 9Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. «Must be aged. 10 Each case is considered in its individual merits. •No data. 29 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r th e A g ed in the U nited S tates — Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Whom admitted Other Ca pac ity (aged only) («)________________ ____________________ ___________ __ (6) (6) per month®._ White, Protestant, 2 years’ residence in city, sane, ambulant.— Women only... (6)25 $15 Wife or widow of Civil War veteran, 1 year’s residence in Women and 20 State, needy, medical certificate. couples. $8-$10 per week 9_ White, not requiring nursing care__________ ______ ____ _ Women only... 12 White, Methodist, 1 year’s residence in city, 5 in county, Both sexes and 19 transfer of property to home on admission, sane, normal couples. health, free from chronic disease. 8 do $7-$10 per week.. White, good character, normal health__________________ White, member of sponsoring order, and recommended by 85 own lodge, transfer of property to home on admission. White, Episcopalian, life-long residence in State, transfer of Women only... 5 property to home on admission. Resident of city, transfer of property to home on admission, Both sexes and 70 2-month trial period, normal health. couples. Jewish, resident of State, normal health................................... . ___do____ ____ 60 fi°) $2 per room per Preference to members of sponsoring church............................. Women only... 24 month. 8 $5 or $6 per week. White, preference to Protestants, in need of home, able to care ____do________ for self, normal health. White, German descent, normal health____ _________ ____ _ Both sexes and 14 couples. 95 $8-$15per week9. Preference to Catholics, able to care for self................................ $3-$12.50 per White, preference to Episcopalians, able to care for self and Women only . __ 40 apartment. month. i7 17 Resident of State (preference to natives and residents of Meri den), transfer of property to home on admission. White, permanent resident of Meriden, transfer of property to home on admission, 3-month trial period, sane, normal health. White, about 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, excellent character, sane, normal health. $4-$8 per month. White, 1 year’s residence in city, able to care for self_________ White, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. $25 per month 9._ Ambulant_____________________________________________ $7 per week9___ White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city, guaranty of funds for support, free from chronic and contagious disease. Negro, permanent city resident, transfer of property to home on admission or at death, indigent, normal health. Destitute, good character, sane, free from cancer....................... White, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city, ambulant, free from chronic, venereal, and contagious disease. White, Episcopalian, transfer of property to home at death, normal health. (6)____________ White, Episcopalian, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home at death (if charity case), 3-month trial period, normal health. Up to $6 per White, Protestant, 4 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop erty to home at death, able to care for self. week.9 White, 15 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission (income thereon paid to resident), good dispo sition. $3 per weeki9....... White, 10 years’ residence in city,transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. I? Covers rent only; re\idents must be able to support selves, otherwise. Both sexes and couples. Women only__ 80 30 ___ do________ 12 Women only... Both sexes and couples. Both sexes ... 39 21 50 Women only... ___ do______ _ Both sexes and couples. ____do________ Women only... ____do________ 26 10 160 92 11 13 ____do________ ____do________ 47 28 Both sexes and couples. 14 is Home for self-supporting women, 19Plus $100 for burial expenses. 30 HOMES FOB AGED IN THE UNITED STATES' D irecto ry , and E n tran ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home C o n n e c t i c u t —Continued Norwich: Huntington (Eliza) Memorial Home, 99 Washington St. Johnson Home, 100 Town St., Norwichtown. Sheltering Arms, McKinley Ave. and Rockville St. Pomfret: Haven Home and Hospital (P. 0., Abington). Shelton: Swedish Baptist Home of Rest, Elim Park. Southbury: Lutheran Home for Aged, Main St. Stamford: Stamford Home for Aged, 100 Strawberry Hill Ave. Wallingford: Masonic Home and Hospital, Masonic Ave. Waterbury: Southmayd Home, Inc., 250 Columbia Blvd. Waterbury Jewish Home for Aged. _ West Haven: Methodist Church Home, 111 Elm St. Willimantic: Card Home for Aged, 154 Pleasant St. Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members 60 60 65 $1,000 1,200 65 65 65 •1,000 »1,000 9500 Private organization________________ ....d o ................................................. .. New Haven District of New York East Conference of Methodist Church. Private organization _____________ 60 65 65 500 2.000 Dover: Palmer Home, Inc............................ King’s Daughters__________________ 65 s 400 Newark: Red Men’s Fraternal Home of Improved Order of Red Men of Dela ware. Delaware. 65 Private organization._____ _________ ------do-------------------------- ----------------United Workers of Norwich, Conn__ Private organization... _____________ Swedish Baptist Churches of New York and New England Conferences. Inner Mission Society of Connecticut, Inc. Private organization......... ..................... Masonic Charity Foundation of Con necticut. D ela w a re Wilmington: Home for Aged Women, Gilpin Ave. and Harrison St. Home for Aged, 401 Bancroft Parkway. Home of Merciful Rest, Lovering Ave. and Union St. Jewish Home for Aged and Indigent, 211 West St. Layton Home for Aged Colored Per sons, 3414 Market St. Masonic Home of Delaware. Lancaster Pike, Route No. 1. Minquadale Home, Box 1108_________ Private organization___________ ____ 65 Catholic order, Little Sisters of the 60 Poor. (6)________________________________ (6) Ladies’ Bichor Cholem Moshev Zeke 70 nim Society and Hachnosas Orchim. Private organization _______________ 60 !450-500 (6) 200 Delaware Grand Lodge, Free and Ac (5) cepted Masons. Private organization________________ 65 350 D i s t r i c t o f C o l u m b ia Washington: Aged Women’s Home, 1255 Wisconsin Ave. NW. Baptist Home of the District of Colum bia, 3248 N St., NW. * Catholic Home for Aged Ladies, 3043 P St., NW. Congregational Home, 1290 Crittenden St., NW. Dickson (John) Home, 5000 14th St., NW. * Varies according to age. * Data as of 1929. ____do— ..................................................... 65 Baptist Church.................................... . Private organization (Catholic) ............ 65 60 Congregational Churches of Washing 65 ton, D. C. Private organization.................. ........... (6) 6 M ust be aged. 300 300 (6) 31 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r th e A g ed in the U nited S tates — Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Whom admitted Other White, 5 years’ residence in city, normal health, able to pav for any necessary medical and nursing care. White, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admission, medical certificate. White, 2 years’ residence in city, medical certificate.. $15 per week..... Preference to whites, sane.................. ........................................... White, preference to Baptists, transfer of part of property to home on admission, remainder at death. White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from epilepsy or contagious disease. White, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home, normal health. White, good-standing member of sponsoring order (or wid ow, orphan, or mother), transfer of property to home on admission, free from tuberculosis. $6 per week9___ Adaptable to other persons, normal health....... ........................ White, Jewish, transfer of all or part of property to home on admission, free from communicable disease. 5 years’ membership in sponsoring church, transfer of property to home on admission, recommendation of pastor. White, Protestant, 6 months’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, 2 years’ residence in State if born in Delaware, 5 years if not; transfer of property to home on admission (interest thereon paid to resident), good character, normal heaUh. White, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow), trans fer of part of property on admission, and of any insurance, at death, free from communicable disease, able to care for self. White, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission (interest thereon paid to resident), free from incurable disease. Homeless, without means of support______________________ (0)____________ (0)................................ ......................................................................... White, Jewish, member of sponsoring order, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home, sane, ambulant. Negro, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission or at death, normal health, able to assist in household duties. White, Master Mason (or wife or widow), transfer of property to home on admission, without other means of support, able to care for self. White, 1 year’s residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, character references, free from incurable dis ease. White, lifelong resident of Washington, D. C., transfer of property to home on admission, indigent, able to assist in household duties. Transfer of property to home _ __ __________ _ . White, transfer of property to home (interest thereon paid to resident), trial period, gentlewoman in reduced circum stances, normal health. $ 4 5 -$ 5 0 per White, preference to Congregationalists, financial sponsor, j month. normal health. White, 5 years’ residence in Washington, D. C., transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. 6 N o data. 9A pplicants occasionally accepted without fees. 13 Number of rooms. Ca pac ity (aged only) 9 Women on ly... do. 16 Both sexes and 29 couples. do 30 do 35 do 18 do 10 13 223 do Women only... Both sexes Both sexes and couples. ___d o ______ do 30 15 30 18 13 21 ....d o ________ 16 Women only... 47 Both sexes and 180 couples. (0) ._ ___ (6) Both sexes and 15 couples. do 16 ____do________ 33 M en an d couples. 13 Women only... 13 ... do________ ____do________ 30 14 9 ____do................. Men only......... («) 32 HOMES FOB AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem en ts o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home District of Columbia—Continued W ashington—Continued. Edes Home, 2929 N St., NW .......... Epiphany Church Home, 1221 Massa chusetts Ave., NW. Episcopal Church Home, 3315 Wiscon sin Ave., NW. Hebrew Home for the Aged, 1125 Spring Rd., NW. Holleidt (Mathilde and Dorothea) Home, 4604 13th St., NW. Knox (Carrie) Home, Burrville______ Lenthall Home for Widows, 618 19th St., NW.4 Lisner (Abraham and Laura) Home for Aged Women, 5425 Western A ve. Louise Home, 1500 Massachusetts Ave., NW. Masonic and Eastern Star Home of the District of Columbia, 6000 New Hampshire Ave., N. E. Methodist Home, Connecticut Ave. and Ellicott St., NW. National Lutheran Home for Aged, 18th and Douglas Sts., NE. Odd Fellows Home, 3233 N St., N W ... Presbyterian Home of Washington, D. C., 1818 Newton St., NW. Ruppert (Christian and Eleanora) Home for Aged and Indigent Resi dents of the District of Columbia, 2100 Good Hope Rd., SE. St. Anna’s Episcopal Home, 2224 N St., NW. St. Joseph’s Home, 220 H St., N E ____ Southern Relief Home, 2727 Adams Mill Rd., NW. Stoddard Baptist Home, 324 Bryant St., NW. Unitarian Home, 1802 Park Road, NW . United States Soldiers’ Home, Box 1907. Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum M ini entrance fee mum for life age members Trustees of Margaret Edes Estate____ (5) Church of the Epiphany (Episcopal).. 65 Episcopal Churches in the Washing ton Diocese. Private organization (Jewish)_________ 65 Concordia Lutheran Evangelical Church. («)______ ______ _________________________ Private organization (Episcopal)______ Trustees of Lisner Estate_____________ $150 65 (10) 55 (6) (20) (6) (18) 65 Trustees of W . W . Corcoran Estate____ 50 District of Columbia lodges of Masons and of Eastern Star. 65 Methodist Episcopal Church_________ 60 600 East Pennsylvania, Maryland, and W est Virginia Synods, United L u theran Church in America District of Columbia Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 60 250 Presbyterian Churches of Washington Presbytery. Private organization __________________ 65 ____ do___ ______ ________________________ 65 Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Southern Relief Society_______________ 60 60 500 60 65 Private organization (Baptist)________ 65 Private organization _ __________ _____ 65 9800 (10) United States Governm ent 21__________ Florida Gainesville: Odd Fellows Home for Aged and Orphans. Jacksonville: Florida Christian Home, 1071 Edgewood Ave. Home for Aged, 2751 St. Johns Ave.. Old Folks Home, 1627 Milnor St___. Lakeland: Carpenters’ Home4................ Florida Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Private organization. ................................ 70 9100 65 400 ____ do _______ _____ _______ ______ ______ 60 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. 65 4 Data as of 1929. 8Must be aged. 8 No data. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits13 Number of rooms. 17 Covers rent only; residents must be able to sup port selves, otherwise. 33 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States —Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted Capacity (aged only) White, widow, 5 years’ residence in Georgetown, medical cer tificate of sanity and normal health. White, 3 years’ membership in sponsoring church, transfer of property to home on admission (interest thereon paid to resident), normal health. White, Episcopalian, 4 years’ residence in city, sane, normal health. White, Jewish, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission or at death, free from contagious dis ease. White. Protestant, normal health________________ ____ ___ (6)------------------------------------------ ----------------— -..................... Member of Epiphany Church..____ ___ ____ _____________ White, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, gentlewoman in reduced circumstances, normal health. White, 5 years’ continuous membership in sponsoring order, worthy and needy, transfer of property to home, normal health. White, Methodist, 10 years’ residence in District, transfer of property to home. White, member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to home on admission or at death, free from contagious or ob jectionable disease. White, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, able to care for self. White, Presbyterian, transfer of property to home on admis sion, medical certificate of normal health. White, 6 months’ residence in District. ___________________ Women only... ___ do........... . 15 23 Both sexes and couples. ___ do________ 34 75 Women only... Both sexes____ 27 14 Negro, 3 references from well-known persons (including a minister), able to care for self. Poor__________________________________________________ White, widow or dependent of Confederate soldier, 1 year’s residence in District, transfer of insurance to home, medical certificate of normal health. $5 per week 9___ Negro, 1 year’s residence in District, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. (10)____________ Unitarian, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home at death,10normal health. 20 years’ service in Regular Army, war service, or certificate of disability discharge from peacetime service, contributor to home,21 unable to earn living. Women only.. Both sexes and couples. Women only... 14 240 17 $40 per month9 (0)____________ $12. 50 per month.17 _______________ _______________ ______ ________ _______________ _______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ $20 per month. Women only... 10 (0)___________ (0) Women only... 11 ___ do________ (0) ___ do________ 26 Both sexes and 82 couples. ___ do-----------62 ___ do________ 60 do 10 Both sexes and 48 couples. ___ do________ 136 Men only____ 1,500 Member of sponsoring order, 10 years’ residence in State, Both sexes and 28 transfer of property to home on admission, free from con- couples, tagious disease, able to care for self and room. White, member of sponsoring church, needy, transfer of prop .do 60 erty to home on admission, normal health. $15 per month... White, 1 year’s residence in city, good character, free from ____do________ 24 communicable or disabling disease. ___ do9________ Negro, 5 years’ residence in city, without relatives able to ____do________ 125 support. _______________ 10 years’ membership in union, unable to earn living, good Men and cou 400 character. ples. i* Home for self-supporting women. 21 Home is supported mainly by contributions 90 Under 65 years. from warrant officers and enlisted men on active duty in Regular Army. 34 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES , D irectory and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Florida—Continued Orange Park: Moosehaven. Sponsoring or controlling organization Supreme Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose Penney Farms: Memorial Home Com Private organization munity, Inc. St. Petersburg: Masonic Home of the State Florida Grand Lodge, Free and Ac cepted Masons. of Florida. Tampa: Old People’s Home of Hills Private organization. borough County, 12th St. and 22d Ave.4 Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members 65 (5) 66 $300 Georgia Atlanta: Buford Memorial Home, 372 Washing ton Ave., SW. Candler (Martha) Home, 248 Capitol Ave., SE. Confederate Soldiers’ Home of Georgia, Grady Ave. Home for Old Women, 891 West End Ave., SW. Augusta: Colored Old Folks Home, 1026 8th St_. Sullivan (Amelia) Home, 1432 Twiggs Tubman Home, Inc., Milledgeville Rd., Route No. 2. Warren (Mary) Home for Aged, 2109 Oglethorpe Ave. Widows’ Home, 124 Greene St_______ Columbus: Old Woman’s Home, 2801 2d Ave. La Grange: Home for Aged and Helpless Negroes, Hamilton and Union Sts. Macon: Jones (Julia P.) Benevolent Home, 512 Walnut St.24 Savannah: Abrahams Home, 548 East Broughton St.4 Cohen Old Man’s Retreat, Route 2___ Home for Aged, 222 East 37th St_____ Mills Memorial Home, 40th St. and Ogeechee Ave. Order of Railway Conductors H om e.-. Vidalia: Bethany Home, P. O. Box 204___ Idaho 00-................-............ 00-----------------------State of Georgia____ Private organization .do. 00 (8) (<0 (•) 90 _______ 65 _______ 65 _______ 00 (6) (•). Private organization. Mizpah and Lucy Alexander Circles 60 of King’s Daughters. (6)------------------------------------------------Sara Bradley Circle of King’s Daugh (6)65 ters. Troup County Association for Aged 50 and Helpless Negroes. Christ Church (Episcopal)__________ (6) Savannah Widows’ Society_________ (5) Silver Cross Circle of King’s Daugh- 65 ters and Sons. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the 60 Poor. (6)------------------------------------------------- (6) Order of Railway Conductors of Amer ica. (6) (6) (23) (6) (6) (6) (6) Boise: Idaho Soldiers’ Home_______ _____ State of Idaho............................... .......... Caldwell: I. O. O. F. Home, Route 3.......... Idaho Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Coeur d’Alene: The Coeur d’Alene Homes Rocky Mountain Lutheran Charity 65 ' 1, 500 Association. Illinois Alton: Alton Woman’s Home, 2224 State S t... Private organization_______________ 65 (io) St. Anthony’s Infirmary, 2120 Central Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. Ave.4 Arlington Heights: Evangelical Lutheran Private organization (Lutheran)____ 60 9 1,000 Old Folks Home. 4 Data as of 1929. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 8 Must be aged. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits, 8 No data. D IR E C T O R Y fo r the A g ed in the U nited States OF OLD PE O P L E ’S 35 HOMES —Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted White, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to Both sexes and home on admission or at death, dependent, free from com couples. municable disease. $12.50 per month17 White, retired Protestant minister, missionary, or Y. M. C. A. Couples ____ worker (or wife), annual income of at least $650 for living expenses, normal health. White, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow), trans Both sexes and fer of property to home on admission, destitute and without couples. relatives able to support, sane, free from communicable disease. Transfer of property to home____________________________ _ do ______ (6) (6) (6) (8) . (8).......... ................... ................... .......................... ............................ ____ (6)______________________________________________ ____ White, pensioned Confederate veteran, resident of State.. ... White, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of part of property to home on admission, free from incurable disease. Negro, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home at death, normal health, able to assist in home. --- - (8)__________ ____ _____ ________________ _______________ White....................... ................................................. ........................ White, 6 months’ residence in county, normal health_______ (6)________________________________ ... _ White, member of sponsoring church, free from contagious disease. Negro, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission or at death, helpless. White, Episcopalian, indigent, transfer of property to home at death. 247 2293 130 65 (»)__............... (6)___________ Men only ._ Women only., (6) (6) 15 65 do (0)— . __ Both sexes and couples. Women only... (8)Women only... Both sexes___ Women only... 10 (6) (6) 14 (6) 9 12 (6) ____d o............. Men only_____ 51 20 Both sexes and couples. (6) Both sexes and couples. (0) ... 117 (6) 70 (») White, war service, 2 years’ residence in State, 75 percent Men only disability. White, member of sponsoring order, 10 years’ residence in Both sexes and State, transfer of property to home on admission, able to couples. care for self. White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home, not addicted ____do............ . to drugs, free from communicable disease. 130 31 White, 2 years’ residence in city or county, dependent, trans fer of insurance or burial benefits to home, medical certi ficate. Good character, destitute___________ ____ ________________ (0)___ ______________ __________ ____ __________ _____ (6) White, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to home on admission, not a hospital case. (6)____________ (6)_________________________________________________ $30 per month K Ca pac ity (aged only) 48 White, 2 years’ residence in city, able to care for self................ Women only... Both sexes White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home on admission, Both sexes and 90 sane, normal health. couples. 1 17 Covers rent only; residents must be able to 23 Plus $150 for burial expenses, support selves otherwise. 24 No more applicants to be accepted until home’s Number of families. financial condition improves. $1 per day.......... 22 36 HOMES EOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Illinois—Continued Aurora: Old Ladies' Home, Route 3 4_________ St. Joseph Home, ill Elm St_________ Belleville: St. Paul’s Evangelical Old Folks Home, 1021 West E St. St. Vincent Home for Aged, 304 West Lincoln St. Bensenville: Evangelical Homes for Children and Aged. Bloomington: Withers (Jessamine) Home, Inc., 305 West Locust St. Carlyle: St. Mary’s Home for Aged, 501 Clinton St. Champaign: Garwood Home, 1515 North Market St. Chicago: American Boarding Home for Aged Ladies, 4632 Magnolia Ave.4 Augustana Home for Aged, 7540 Stony Island Ave. Bethanv Home for Aged People, 5015 North Paulina St.4 Bohemian Old People’s Home and Orphan Asylum, 5061 North Pulaski Rd. Church Home for Aged Persons, 5445 Ingleside Ave. Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members Private organization___ Catholic order, Sisters of Mercy_____ 65 60 St. Paul’s Evangelical and Reformed Church. Catholic order, Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. Northern Illinois District, Evangelical and Reformed Church. Second Presbyterian Church............. 60 60 60 65 Catholic order, Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. Private organization _______________ 60 65 •750 65 • 1,000 ____do......................................................... Board of Charities, Illinois Conference, Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod. Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church. Various clubs and Czechoslovak Soci eties. Chicago Diocese, Protestant Episcopal Church. 65 62 70 3 $500-750 (10) 9500 500 (19) (25) 9 750 Danish Old People’s Home, 5656 North Private organization ____________ 65 9 500 Newcastle Ave. Holland Home for Aged, 238 West Chicago Holland Union Benevolent 65 •1,000 107th PI. Association. Home for Aged Colored, 4430 Vincennes Private organization________________ 65 9300 Ave. Home for Aged, 2358 Sheffield Ave____ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the 60 Poor. Home for Aged Jews, 6140 Drexel Ave.. Private organization_______________ lr 865 60 f .................. Illinois Home for Aged and Infirm Illinois Association for the D e a f____ 65 9 500 Deaf, 4539 South Parkway. King (James C.) Home for Old Men, Trustees of James C. King Estate____ 68 500 360 East Garfield Blvd. Little Sisters of the Poor, 5148 Prairie Catholic order, Little Sisters of the 60 Ave. Poor. Little Sisters of the Poor, 1255 West ____do________________________ ____ 60 Harrison St. Methodist Episcopal Old People’s Methodist Church.................................. 65 9 500 Home, 1415 Foster Ave. Norwegian Lutheran Bethesda Home, Private organization...... ..................... 65 (2) 2833 North Nordica Ave. Norwegian Old People’s Home, 6016 __ __do.................................................... . 65 Nina Ave. Old People’s Home of the City of Chi ------do_______________ _____________ 65 500 cago, 4724 Vincennes Ave. / 7 65 Orthodox Jewish Home for Aged, 1648 ____do.______ _____________________ 1 8 60 South Albany Ave. } .................... 7 St. Benedict’s Home for Aged, 1718 ____do................................ .................. West 18th PI. 2Varies. * Varies according to age. 4 Data as of 1929. data. i«No Men. • Women. / 7 65 \ 8 60 J .................. 37 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States —Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates $10 and up per week.9 $35 per month.__ $25 per month 9_ $10 per week, $40 per month.9 Other Transfer of property to home___ ___________________ ____ White....................................... ...................................................... White, member of sponsoring church, sane, normal health, free from contagious disease. White, good reputation, free from contagious disease_______ White, Protestant, transfer of part of property to home on admission, sane, normal health. White, preference to residents of county, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from contagious or organic disease. $30 per month 9__ White, transfer of about $2,000 to home on admission, good character, sane, free from contagious disease. White, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission (interest thereon paid to resident), “con genial,” able to care for self. (6) - $ 1 5 -$ 4 0 p er Preference to members of sponsoring church, transfer of part of property to home on admission, normal health. month.9 Preference to Swedes __ ___________________ ____________ (25) ............. . White, free from contagious or incurable disease, ambulant. Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) Women only... 10 40 ____do............. ____do_______ Both sexes and couples. Women only... 15 80 55 26 Both sexes and couples. Women only... 32 17 __ do * Both sexes and couples. ____d o ____ ____do________ 20 145 225 50 White, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of part of property ____do......... . 76 to home on admission, remainder at death, without means of support or relatives able to support, sane, free from chronic or contagious disease. Danish birth or descent, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of ------do............... 56 property to home on admission, normal health. 54 $30 per month 9__ White, member of a Protestant church, transfer of property ____do________ to home, character references from responsible persons, normal health. 20 $7 per week, $30 Negro, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home Both sexes____ on admission. per month.9 White, poor, good character, sane________________________ Both sexes and 216 couples. ( 1 0 ) .................... White, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property ____do________ 80 to home on admission, free from communicable disease. 15 White, deaf, knowledge of sign language, 5 years’ residence in ____do________ State, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, 10 years’ residence in city, good standing in com Men only. _. . 83 munity, normal health. Catholic, poor, character references______________________ Both sexes and 225 couples. White, destitute _ __________________________________ ____do________ 211 White, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring church, transfer ____do________ 140 of property to home on admission, normal health. 72 White, Scandinavian birth or descent, Lutheran, transfer of ____do________ part of property to home on admission, remainder at death, free from communicable disease. 90 White, transfer of part of property to home on admission or at ........do________ death, good character, sane, free from contagious disease. White, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home Women only... 148 at death, normal health. Orthodox Jewish, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop Both sexes and 171 erty to home on admission, preference to aged needing insti couples. tutional care (including blind and chronic cases but not contagious or objectionable diseases). 35 $7 per week 9___ White, Catholic, Czechoslovak descent, transfer of part of Both sexes........ property to home on admission or at death, not requiring continuous care. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 25 If there are sons, $30 per month; if daughters or Each case is considered on its individual merits, no children, transfer of property to home. AppliPlus $100 for burial expenses. cants occasionally taken without fees. 38 HOMES FOB AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem en ts o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Illinois—Continued Chicago—Continued. St. Joseph’s Home for Aged, 2650 North Ridgeway Ave. St. Paul’s House, 3831 North Mozart St_ Swedish Baptist Home for Aged, Friedhem, 11404 South Bell Ave. Swedish Covenant Home of Mercy, 2725 Foster Ave. United Lutheran Church Home for Aged, 212 Ashland Blvd. Volunteers of America Christian Elderly Ladies’ Home, 3334 Warren Blvd. Washington and Jane Smith Home, 2340 West 113th PI. Western German Baptist Old People’s Homek1851 North Spaulding Ave. Danville: Webster Memorial Home, 903 North Logan Ave. Decatur: Milliken (Anna B.) Home and Macon County industrial School for Girls, 200 North Oakland Ave. Dixon: Jacobs Home, 521 Hennepin A ve... Elgin: Old People’s Home of Elgin, 204 South State St. Evanston: Presbyterian Home, 3200 Grant St___ Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members Catholic order, Franciscan Sisters of 65 St. Kunegunda. Private organization (Episcopal)_____ 65 (8)______ ____ _____________________ (6) Swedish Evangelical Mission Cove 65 nant. Chicago Area Inner Mission Society, 65 United Lutheran Church in Amer ica. Volunteers of America______________ 65 (6) (2) $500 Private organization................ .............. 65 500 German Baptist Benevolent Society.. 65 91,000 Trustees of A. L. Webster Estate___ Private organization.............................. 65 500 a 650-1,000 (8)______________________________ Private organization.............................. Chicago Presbytery, Presbyterian Church. Private organization________________ Frauen Verein des Deutschen Altenheims. Rockford Diocese, Roman Catholic Church. Southern Illinois District, Church of the Brethren. Independent Order of Vikings______ 65 1,000 750 65 500 Swedish Societies’ Old People’s Home, 65 3320 Pioneer Rd. Forest Park: German Old People’s Home, 65 9500 7824 Madison St. Freeport: St. Joseph’s Home for Aged, 649 65 East Jefferson St. Girard: The Home_____________________ Gurnee: Viking Home__________________ 65 (10) Highland: Highland Home, South Walnut 55 Q+ ot. Highland Park: Home for Aged and Dis Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; abled Railroad Employees of America, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen 929 South St. John’s Ave. and Enginemen; and Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. Hollywood: British Old People’s Home in Daughters of the British Empire_____ 65 91,000 Illinois, 31st St. and Arden Ave. Jacksonville: Illinois Christian Home, 873 National Benevolent Association of 70 100 Disciples of Christ. Grove St. Joliet: Salem Home for Aged, Roswell Ave. Illinois Lutheran Conference, Augus- 65 981,000 tana Synod. Knoxville: Knoxville Old Ladies’ Home__ Trustees of Mary H. Jones Endow 65 9 300 ment. Lawrenceville: Old Folks Home of the Southern Illinois Conference, Metho 65 Southern Illinois Conference, 16th St. dist Episcopal Church. Macon: Eastern Star Sanitorium ______ (8)_________________________ (6) Mattoon: Illinois I. O. O. F. Old Folks’ Illinois Grand Lodge, Independent (6) Order of Odd Fellows. Home. Maywood: Baptist 9 750 Qf Old People’s Home, 315 Pine Baptist Church................................ _ 70 Maywood Home for Soldiers’ Widows, Ladies of Grand Army of the Republic, 65 224 North First Ave. and Daughters of Union Veterans. 9 Varies. 8No data. * Varies according to age. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES 39 fo r the Aged in the United States— Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other $30 per month 9__ White, Catholic, recommendation of pastor, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health. $45 per month 9__ White, Christian, 1-month trial period.... ................................... (6)____________ (6).......................... ........................................................................ White, free from communicable disease___________________ $30 per month... White, preference to Lutherans, transfer of property to home on admission, free from infectious disease. $5 per month 9__ White, affiliate of sponsoring organization, normal health___ Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) Both sexes and 170 couples. 65 do (6) ________ (6) Both sexes and 106 couples. 9 ____do ______ Women only... 14 White, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home Both sexes and 170 on admission, unable to provide home for self, normal health. couples. White, preference to Baptists, transfer of property to home at ____do __ ___ 95 death, 6-month trial period, sane, normal health, free from contagious disease. White, 3 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to Women only... 11 home at death, normal health. 13 19 White, resident of county, transfer of property to home at ____do __ __ death, able to care for self and room. $35 per month-- White, German Lutheran, normal health _______ _______ Both sexes .. 7 White, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home Both sexes and 48 on admission, good character and disposition, normal health couples. free from malignant disease. White, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring church, 5 years’ ____do ____ 104 residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, normal health. Swedish birth or descent, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer o ____d o __ 100 property to home on admission, not a hospital case. White, 10 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to ._ . . d o . __ 277 home on admission, normal health. $35 —$45 p e r White, 5 years’ residence in State, ambulant, free from con ____do________ 80 month.9 tagious disease. $2.50 per week 9._ White, preference to members of sponsoring church________ ____do ____ _ 40 White, member of sponsoring order, transfer of part of prop ... .do __ 36 erty to home on admission, free from communicable disease. $30 per month 9__ White______ ___________________________ -_. .do 28 White, member of sponsoring organization, transfer of Brother Men o n ly .__ 119 hood insurance to home, without other means of support, sane, permanent total disability (but free from communi cable disease and not requiring continuous hospital and medical care). $10 per week 9_— British (if couple, at least one British), 1 year’s residence in Both sexes and 75 city, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free couples. from communicable or chronic disease. White, member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to ____do ______ 34 home on admission, without other means of support, sane, free from communicable or disabling disease. $30 - $35 p e r White, transfer of 90 percent of property to home on admis ____do________ 50 month.9 sion (4 percent interest thereon paid to resident), character references, sane, free from communicable disease. 30 $30 per month 9_ White, 3 years’ residence in county, transfer of part of prop Women only... erty to home on admission, normal health. 60 $10 per week___ White, Methodist, transfer of property to home on admission, Both sexes and couples. sane, normal health. (6) _____ (6)-— ____ _ ___________________ .... (6)_________ (6) White, 10 years’ continuous membership in sponsoring order, Both sexes and 200 transfer of property to home on admission, not a hospital couples. case. White, Baptist, English speaking, transfer of property to ____do. _ . 120 home on admission, good character, normal health. 31 $26 per month White, female relative of Civil War veteran, transfer of prop Women only... erty to home at death. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. 26 $2,000 if not member of Synod; applicants oc13 Number of rooms. casionally accepted without fees. 40 HOMES FOE AGED IN THE UNITED STATES , D irectory and E ntrance Requirem ents o f H om es Entrance requirements Name and address of home Illinois—Continued Mount Carroll: Mark (Caroline) Home__ Mount Morris: Brethren Home............ ...... Ohio: Mercy Home and Hospital A ........... Peoria: Apostolic Christian Home, 711 North Monroe St. Guyer (Mrs. Mary M. Hotchkiss) Memorial Home for Aged People, 703 Knoxville Ave. Proctor Home, 1301 North Glendale Ave. St. Joseph’s Home for Aged, 405 Smith St. Princeton: Prouty (Adeline E.) Old Ladies’ Home, 508 Park Ave. Quincy: Brown (Anna) Home for Aged, 1507 North 5th St. Illinois Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home__ Methodist Sunset Home, 418 Washing ton St. St. Vincent’s Home for Aged, 1340 North 10th St. Riverside: Scottish Old People’s Home, 28th and Des Plaines Ave. Rockford: Eastern Star Home for Aged, 2400 South Main St. Winnebago County Home for Aged, 408 North Horsman St. Rock Island: Prince Hall Masonic and O. E. S. Home. Springfield: King’s Daughters Home for Women (Carrie Post Home), 541 Black Ave. St. Joseph’s Home, Inc., Route 3_-____ Sullivan: Illinois Masonic Home.................. Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members Trustees of Caroline Mark Estate____ 60 Northern Illinois District, Church of 70 the Brethren. Catholic order, Sisters of Mercy_____ Apostolic Christian Church_________ («) Trustees of Jacob Guyer Endowment. 65 Trustees of John C. Proctor Endow 60 ment. Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis 65 of the Immaculate Conception. Trustees of Adeline E. Prouty Estate. _ 65 Trustees of Anna Brown Endowment. 65 State of Illinois_____ _____________ . 27 50 Chicago Temple Methodist Church... 65 Catholic order, Poor Handmaids of 60 Jesus Christ. Illinois St. Andrew Society__________ f 765 } \ 860 Illinois Grand Chapter, Order of 65 Eastern Star. Private organization___ ____________ 65 Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. King’s Daughters Circles of Springfield 65 Catholic order, Franciscan Sisters. __ 60 Illinois Grand Lodge, Free and Ac cepted Masons. (6) 8$750 8800 00 600 1,250 81,000 o») 500 300 00 Techny: St. Ann’s Home for Aged, Wauke Catholic order, Missonary Sisters, Servants of the Holy Ghost. gan Rd. Wilmington: Soldiers’ Widows’ Home____ State of Illinois___ ______________ .. Woodstock: Old People’s Rest Home, 920 Free Methodist Church of North America. Seminary Ave. 65 8 , oco Catholic order, Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart. Ben Hur Life Association__________ 60 81, 500 Federation of Evangelical Women of Southern Indiana. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Trustees of Rathbone Estate. ............. 65 500 1 60 65 o* § Indiana Avilla: Sacred Heart Home for Aged-------Crawfordsville: Ben Hur Home................. Evansville: Evansville Protestant Home for Aged, Outer Washington Ave. Little Sisters of the Poor, 1236 Lincoln Ave. Rathbone Memorial Home, 1520 South east 2d St. 3 Fort Wayne: Lutheran Old People’s Home, (8)____________ _____________ ______ (6) 439 Downing Ave. 4 Data as of 1929. 8Women. ®No data. 8 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 7 Men. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. D IR E C T O R Y OF OLD 41 P E O P L E ’S H O M E S f o r the A g ed in the United States— C ontinued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) White, 5 years’ residence in county, normal health __ __ White, member of sponsoring church, 1 year’s residence in city, needy, free from contagious disease. $35-$40 p e r Catholic________________ ______ ____________________ month. Member of or attendant at sponsoring church____________ . Protestant, transfer of property to home on admission______ $8-$10 per week9. $30 per month 9._ (10)____________ $7 per week, $30 month.9 $8.75-$24 per week. $30 per month9__ Women only... 30 Both sexes and 15-18 couples. do 21 Women only... 18 Both sexes and 12 couples. White, legal resident of county, transfer of property to home ____do_______ 205 on admission, not a hospital case. White, Catholic, provision for expense of medical care and ____do________ 107 burial, free from cancer or like disease. White, Protestant, transfer of first $6,000 of property to home Women only... 9 on admission, 6-month trial period, free from chronic or con tagious disease or invalidity. White, transfer of property to home on admission, normal Both sexes and 36 health. couples, Service in Illinois command, or 2 years’ residence in State do ____ 1, 200 immediately preceding admission, unable to earn living. White, Evangelical religion, transfer of property to home on Both sexes__ 101 admission, good character, free from contagious disease. Provision for funeral expenses, character references, doctor’s Both sexes and 130 certificate of sanity and health. couples, White, Scotch descent, transfer of property to home on admis do________ 69 sion. White, Protestant, 5 consecutive years’ membership in Women only... 108 sponsoring order, transfer of property to home on admission, free from communicable disease. 2 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on Both sexes and 23 admission, normal health. couples. Negro, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow), with __ do_______ 75 out other means of support, medical certificate. White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of Women only... 37 property to home on admission, normal health. Both sexes and 110 White, free from contagious disease___ .. _____ ____ couples. White, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow). trans ... do________ 230 fer of all or part of property to home on admission, destitute, unable to earn living, without relatives able to support, sane, normal health. White, sane, normal health___________ _ _____________ _ d o ____ 200 Relative of soldier or sailor, 1 year’s residence in State, Women only... 110 unable to earn living, transfer of part of pension to home, $150 for burial expense. White, transfer of part or all of property to home on admission, Both sexes and 24 6-month trial period, free from contagious disease. couples. ____do_________ Catholic, good character, sane, ambulant__________________ ____do................ White, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to ____do________ home on admission, normal health. White, 3 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home ____ do............. on admission, good character, able to care for self, free from communicable disease. White, sane, free from contagious disease___.. ________ _ __ ____do________ White, preference to Protestants, 3 years’ residence in city Women only... (natives preferred), transfer of property to home, “needy gentlewoman” without other means of support, normal health. («) ................. («) ........................................................................... ..................... j (6) __________ i* Varies according to age, physicaFcondition, etc.; applicants occasionally accepted without fees. mVeterans of Spanish American War; disability requirements for others. «8 Varies according to age; applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 160 18 17 160 40 («) 42 HOMES FOR AGED IN TH E UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members Indiana—Continued Franklin: Indiana Masonic Home. Indiana Grand Lodge, Free and Ac cepted Masons. Greensburg: Odd Fellows Home of Indiana Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. Hammond: Lyndora Home, 5927 Colum Catholic order, Sisters of Mercy_____ bia Ave. Indianapolis: Alpha Home Association, 1840 Boule Private organization_______________ vard Pl. Altenheim (Old Folks’ Home), 2007 ____do..... .............................................. North Capitol Ave. Borinstein (Joseph and Anna) Home Jewish Federation and Indianapolis for Aged, 3516 Central Ave. community fund. Indianapolis Home for Aged, Inc., 1731 Private organization............................... North Capitol Ave. Little Sisters of the Poor, 520 East Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Vermont St.4 Jasper: Providence H om e................. ............ Catholic congregation, Sons of Divine Providence. Jeffersonville: Old Ladies’ Home, 330 West Private organization________________ Market St. Kendallville: Lutheran Old People’s Home, Central District, Evangelical Lutheran 612 East Mitchell St. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and other States. Lafayette: Indiana Pythian Home, 1525 South Indiana Grand Lodge, Knights of 18th St. Pythias. Indiana State Soldiers’ Home. St. Anthony Home, Twenty-second and Cason Sts. La Porte: Sabin (Ruth C.) Home, 1603 Michigan Ave. Logansport: Neal Home, 630 Race St____ Madison: Drusilla Home, 304 North Broadway. Marion: Flinn (Emily E.) Home for Aged Women, 615 West 12th St. State of Indiana. Catholic order, Poor Sisters of St. Francis Seraph of the Perpetual Adoration. Trustees of Ruth C. Sabin Endow ment. Private organization_______________ ___ do................................ ........... .......... National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church. Mexico: Mexico Welfare Home. Church of the Brethren. Mishawaka: Beiger (Susie H.) Home, 317 Lincoln Way East. Dodge Old People’s Home, 318 East 3d St.. Mulberry: Mulberry Lutheran Home____ New Albany: Culbertson Home, 704 East Main St. Newburgh: Thornton Home____________ New Carlisle: Haven Hubbard Memorial Old People’s Home. North Manchester: Peabody (Estelle) Memorial Home. Susie H. Beiger Endowment. Private endowment. Lutheran Churches of Indiana, Michi gan, and Ohio. Private organization________________ Board of Pensions, Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. Evangelical Church________________ Indiana Synod, Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. 4 Data as of 1929. • Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 65 65 65 65 60 65 60 8$1.000 700 81,000 400 1,000 16 4 5 60 1,500-3,000 65 300 65 750 70 8100 2,000 65 65 65 65 2,500 1,000 300 1,500 1,500 43 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r th e A ged in the U nited S tates — Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted Member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow), transfer of Both sexes and property to home on admission, free from communicable couples. disease. White, member of order (or widow), transfer of property to _ _ do ______ home on admission. $60 per month ®__ White, ambulant ______________________________________ do _ $15 per month 9_, Negro, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, free from venereal or contagious disease. White, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of part of property to home on admission, normal health. White, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of part of property to home on admission, able to care for self. White, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission, 2 character references. _ _ d o _____ __ -do___ ____ ____do_______ Women only... Both sexes and couples. _ _ do ______ Women only.__ Both sexes and couples. $5 per week 9___ White, member of sponsoring organization, transfer of property to home on admission or at death, ambulant. $6 per week 9___ White, 3 years’ residence in city, and 5 in county, transfer of property to home, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health. $10 per week___ White, Lutheran, member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to home on admission, character references from pastor and 2 others, 3-month trial period, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health. White, belief in Supreme Being, member of sponsoring order ____do_______ (or wife or widow), indigent and without relative able to support, transfer of property to home on admission, ambu lant and able to care for self. (29)_ _ ____ War veteran (or wife or widow), 2 years’ residence in State, at _ __do________ least 25 percent disability. $20 per month 9__ White, sane, normal health, not addicted to alcohol_________ ____do________ White, normal health_________________ ____________ _____ Women only___ White, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to __ -do ____ home on admission, sane, normal health. White, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home _ . _do________ on admission. White, member of sponsoring church in any of 6 specified __do_ ......... States, transfer of property to home, church letter and recommendation of church board, sane, free from contagious disease. White, member of sponsoring church, 1 year’s residence in Both sexes and State, transfer of property to home on admission, able to care couples. for self. White, transfer of part of property to home on admission, Women only___ character references, normal health. __ __do ______________ ______________________________ _ Both sexes and couples. White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home on admission, ____do_ ______ normal health. White, 2 years’ residence in city, normal health_____________ Women only... White, member of sponsoring church, normal health________ Both sexes and couples. $10 per week___ White, Protestant, transfer of part of property to home on ____do________ admission, sane, free from contagious disease. White, 3 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home ____do______ _ on admission, character references, ambulant, free from con tagious disease. i®Women; no agerequirement for men. 29Residents receiving pensions required to contribute part to home. 230808°— 41- 4 Ca pac ity (aged only) 265 4 320 119 25 50 12 49 178 150 21 18 85 950 60 35 14 14 24 22 8 7 58 12 35 65 154 44 HOMES FOB AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tran ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance requirements Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance fee mum for life age members Indiana—Continued Richmond: Moore (Laura) Home for Aged, 504 (8)___________________________ ____ 00 Northwest 5th St. Smith (Margaret) Home, 1700 Maine Private organization _ _ _ _ _______ 60 St. Terre Haute: Fairbanks (Clara) Home for Aged Wo- Women’s Organization of Retail Drug 65 gists. men, 721 8th Ave. Home for Aged Women, 1016 North 6th Rose Ladies’ Aid Society___________ St. Warren: Methodist Memorial Home for Northern Indiana Conference, Metho dist Episcopal Church. Aged.4 65 65 Ackley: Presbyterian Home of Iowa___ . Presbyterian Churches _____________ 65 Iowa Boone: Boone Biblical College Old People’s Boone Biblical College______________ Home, 924 West 2d St. Eastern Star Home__________________ Iowa Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Burlington: King’s Daughters Home for Whatsoever Circle of King’s Daugh 65 Old People, 628 South Seebrick. ters. Cedar Falls: Western Old People’s Home of Evangelical Church............................... 65 the Evangelical Church. Cedar Rapids: Home for Aged Women, 202 Private organization................................ 68 12th St. NE. Charles City: Starr Home for Aged, 300 ____d o _______________________ _ 65 Grand Ave. Clinton: Mount Alverno Home for Aged... Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis Davenport: Cook (Clarissa C.) Home for Friend Clarissa C. Cook Endowm ent____ _ 60 less, 1st and Pine Sts. Fejervary Home for Aged Farmers, (8)________________________ _______ 00 2319 Grand Ave. Decorah: Aase HaugenHome,Lock Box 75. (6)____________________ _________ _ (6) Des Moines: Danish Old People’s Home, 1101 Boyd Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church 65 in America. Ave. Home for the Aged, 2833 University Ave. Private organization_________z______ 70 Iowa Jewish Home for Aged, 1620 (8)............................................................. (fl) Pleasant St. Dubuque: Bethany Home for Aged, 1005 Lincoln Synod of the West, Presbyterian 65 Church in the U. S. A. Ave. Mount Pleasant Home_____________ Private organization______________ 65 Our Lady of Lourdes, 75 West 17th St._ Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis.. St. Anthony Homes, Peabody St_____ Catholic order, Sisters of Mercy.._ ._ St. Francis Home for Aged________ __ Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis.. Fort Madison: King’s Daughters Home, Iowa Branch, King’s Daughters and 2603 Ave. G. Sons. Iowa City: Coldren (Mary O.) Home for Private organization________________ Aged Women, 602 South Clark St. Keokuk: Benevolent Union Home, 222 ........do_____________________________ South 7th St. Lamoni: Saints Home 4_________________ Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Madrid: Iowa Lutheran Home for A ged... Iowa Conference, Lutheran Church.._ 4 Data as of 1929. 8No data. 50 65 65 65 60 («) $500 1,000 500 500 1,325 1,000 •1,000 600 so 600 00 00 (i°) 91,000 00 1,200 91,200 1,500 700 91,000 (10) (2S) 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. 45 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A ged in the U nited S tates — Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other (6)____________ (6)___________________________ ________________________ White, legal resident of county, transfer of property to home on admission (interest thereon paid, to resident), free from communicable disease. $10 per week___ White, 1 year’s residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission (half of income thereon paid to resident), 1-year trial period, sane, free from communicable or dis abling disease. White, transfer of property to home at death..____________ Good character, transfer of property to home________ ____ Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) (8)_____ ____ _ (6) 23 Women only... ____do________ 37 ___ do________ Both sexes and couples. 10 112 $1 a day, $30 per White, Presbyterian, resident of State, transfer of part of month. property to home on admission, recommendation from pas tor and church members, able to care for self. Enjoyment of active Christian environment, nonsmoker White, member of sponsoring order, 10 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, free from communicable disease. White, transfer of property to home on admission, able to care for self. $32 - $40 per White, transfer of part of property to home on admission, month.8 medical certificate. White, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, medical certificate of health. $8 per week___ White, 3’ residenee in eity, sane, normal health $30 per month,.. White, Catholic, sane, able to care for self___ $5 per week____ 5 years’ residence in city, deposit of security to cover weekly payment, normal health. (6)___________ (6)___________________________________ ________ _______ (6)____________ (8)______ ____ _____________________ ____________________ $30 per month 8,_ Danish, Lutheran, transfer of part of property to home, sane, free from objectionable disease. 3 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home at death, able to care for self and room. _ ...................................... (6)____________ C)_______ ____do________ 22 ____do............... ____do______ 30 120 $7 per week, $25- White, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admission, $35 per month. normal health. $30 per month8,. White, 6 months’ residence in city, 1 year in State, transfer of part of property to home on admission, without other means of support, sane, able to care for self. $3.50 per week8.. White, not a hospital case... ... _______________________ $30 and up per White, sane..:__________________________ ______________ month.8 $30 per month 8_ White, able to care for self_______ _______ ____ _ ______ $35 per month. White, transfer of property to home on admission, free from chronic or disabling disease. White, resident of county, transfer of property to home at death, good character, able to care for self. $30 per month8.. White, transfer of property to home at death, good character, free from communicable disease. $5 per week........ Transfer of property to home d i life resident)_________ _ • $25-$30 per White, Protestant, transfer of all or part of property to home 1 month.8 1 on admission, sane, free from contagious disease. Both sexes and couples. Women only... 30 18 .do_____ _ Both sexes and couples. ___ do________ ____do________ Women only... ___ do________ Both sexes__ Both sexes and 1 couples. 49 171 100 33 10 asAccording to age; applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 30Plus $500 for medical care and funeral. ___do............. 14 Both sexes and 106 couples. Women only... 23 Both sexes and 8 couples. 22 Both sexes____ 22 Women only... (6) (#) (6) (0) Both sexes and 24 couples. ... do_______ 67 (6) (6) 17 40 48 46 HOMES FOE AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members Iowa—Continued Marshalltown: Iowa Soldiers’ Home.. Old Folks’ Home 4________________ Mason City: Iowa Odd Fellows and Or phans Home. Muscatine: Lutheran Homes, Route 6___ Orange City: Pioneer Memorial Home___ Pella: Home for Aged......... ............................ Sheldon: Holland H om e............................... Story City: Story City Old People’s Home. Church of the Brethren_____________ Iowa Grand Lodge, Independent Or der of Odd Fellows. Evangelical Lutheran Society for Christian Charities. Private organization........................... Christian Benevolent Association. Concordia: Little Flower H om e...______________ Sunset Home........ .................................. Ellsworth: Mother Bicker dyke Home___ Fort Dodge: Kansas State Soldiers’ Home 4 Goessel: Bethesda Home for Aged.. Hillsboro- Salem Home__________ Hutchinson: Kansas Brethren Home, Route No. 2. Kansas City: W. C. T. U. Carrie A. Nation Home, 738 Broadview. Concordia Diocese, Roman Catholic 60 Church. Sunset Home Society (of Kansas Bap 65 tist Convention). State of Kansas.......................... ............. 50 .do.. Bethesda Hospital Association______ si 65 Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Con 32 36 ference. Church of the Brethren, Kansas_____ Kansas Women’s Christian Temper ance Union. Kansas Leavenworth: Small (William) Memorial Home for Aged Women, 719 North Broad way. Liudsborg: Bethany Home for Aged_____ Manhattan: Rebekah-Odd Fellows Home, R. F. D .4 Newton: Bethel Home for Aged, 222 South Pine. Parsons: Parsons Old Ladies’ Homes, 1607 Main St. Topeka: Ingleside, 521 Huntoon........................... State of Iowa.. 65 (6) .do.. («)- 9$1, 000 (3) (3) 9 2, 000 (6) 9 2, 500 (3) Private organization. 800 Kansas Conference, Evangelical Lu theran Augustana Synod. Kansas Grand Lodges of Rebekahs and Odd Fellows. Bethel Deaconess Home and Hospital Society (Mennonite). Private organization........ ................... . (3) 2, 000 (10) 14 IJ and I Club of Topeka. Methodist Episcopal Home for Aged, Methodist Episcopal Churches of Kansas. 1135 College Ave. Security Benefit Home and Hospital Security Benefit Association________ Association. Wichita: Kansas Masonic Home...................... . Grand Lodges of Kansas, Free and Accepted Masons and Order of Eastern Star. Wichita Home for the Aged, 2245 South Private organization. Broadway. Winfield: Kansas Pythian Home, 198 Mil- Kansas Grand Lodge, Knights of . Pythias. liken Station. Kentucky • Covington: Home for Aged and Indigent Private organization. Women, 7th and Garrard Sts. 1 Includes children. 2 Varies. 8 Varies according to age. 4 Data as of 1929. 65 500 8 No data. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. 47 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States —Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) Both sexes and couples. ___ do________ ___ do......... . .....d o _______ ___ do_______ ___ do________ ___ do........... (•)--— ............. 700 18 155 40 15 59 54 (6) Both sexes and couples. — do________ Women only... Both sexes and couples. ___ do________ White, not addicted to drugs, free from venereal disease. ___ do________ Member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to home ____do________ (if life member), free from contagious disease, ambulant. White, member of sponsoring organization, 6 months’ resi Women only... dence in State, transfer of property to home on admission (interest thereon paid to resident), sane, normal health, free from communicable disease. White, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home do. on admission, normal health, free from chronic disease, able to care for self and room. White, American citizen, transfer of part of property to home Both sexes and on admission, good character, sane, ambulant. couples. White, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order__________ ___ do________ White, resident of county, transfer of all or part of property to ___ do________ home on admission. White, transfer of all or part of property to home, normal Women only... health, free from contagious disease. White, 3 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home do. on admission, good character, sane, eyesight, free from com municable disease, not requiring continual care. White, preference to Methodists, 1 year’s residence in State, Both sexes and transfer of part of property to home, sane. couples. White, member of sponsoring organization, able to care for self. ___ do________ 25 62 100 600 25 23 25 19 White, 5 years’ continuous membership in good standing in Both sexes and sponsoring order (or wife, widow, or child), recommended couples (also by own lodge, transfer of property (in excess of $5 per month children). income) to home on admission, normal health, sight, and speech, free from contagious disease. $25 per month... White, normal health, ambulant, good disposition_________ Both sexes and couples. White, 5 years’ residence in State (or wife or widow), transfer ___ do_______ of property to home on admission. i 500 Boarders’ rates (*)- (•)- Other War veteran with honorable discharge, 3 years’ residence in county, unable to earn living. Member of sponsoring church and recommended by it______ White, 18 years’ membership in sponsoring order, transfer of property to home on admission, good character, sane. White, transfer of property to home on admission, free from contagious or disabling disease. White, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, transfer of all or part of property to home, normal health. White, member of sponsoring church, good character, normal health. (6) ........................................................................................................... - ............................................. $40 per month White, Catholic, not a hospital case.................... ....................... $7 per week, $30 White, Baptist, transfer of part of property to home, free from per month.9 contagions disease. Widow of war veteran, 2 years’ residence in State, sane, free from epilepsy. Honorably discharged soldier, sailor, or marine____________ $25 per month... ___ do.9___ $8 per week. $ 2 0 - $ 3 0 per month.9 $ 3 0 -$ 4 0 per month.9 $20 per month 9__ $45 per month 9_. 30 40 110 34 26 31 156 125 20 25 White, 5 years’ residence in county,33 transfer of property to Women only... 31 home on admission, good character, excellent references, sane, free from malignant disease. Varies according to age, physical condition, etc.; 31 Younger by special arrangement, applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 32 In cases of invalidity. Women; no age requirement for men. 33 Others occasionally accepted, but at higher rates. 14 48 HOMES FOB AGED IN THE UNITED STATES , D irectory and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization Kentucky—Continued Eminence: Old Odd Fellows’ and Rebe- Kentucky Grand Lodges, Independ kahs’ Home. ent Order of Odd Fellows and Re bekahs. Jeffersontown: Louisville Lutheran Home. Kentucky-Tennessee Synod of Evan gelical Lutheran Church. Lexington: Old Ladies’ Home, 710 West (6)___....................................................... . High St. Louisville: Christian Church Widows’ Home, 225 Christian Churches of Kentucky____ East College St. Church Home and Infirmary, 1508 Private organization (Episcopal)......... Morton Ave. Cook Benevolent Institution, 622 West Private organization. _____________ Kentucky St. Louisville Protestant Altenheim, 936 German Protestant Churches............ Barrett Ave.4 Moorman (Charles P.) Home for Wom Trustees of Charles P. Moorman en, 966 Cherokee Rd. Endowment O’Leary Home for Poor Catholic Men, Catholic order, Sisters of Charity____ 904 Barrett Ave. Sacred Heart Home, 218 East College Catholic order, Sisters of Mercy. ......... St. St. James Old Folks’ Home, 3031 Green Private organization _______________ wood Ave.4 St. Joseph’s Home for Aged Poor, 622 Catholic order, Little Sisters of the South 10th St. Poor. Masonic Home: Masonic Widows’ and Or Kentucky Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. phans’ Home and Infirmary. Shelbyville: Old Masons Home of Ken Kentucky Grand Lodges, Free and Accepted Masons and Royal Arch tucky. Masons. Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members 65 $10 3< 500 («) 60 (6) (6) 65 65 (6) 60 60 60 60 65 (6) q200 (6) (6) (10) (6) 200 Louisiana Crowley: I. O. O. F. Home. Louisiana Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Monroe: Goss (Mary) Home for Old Col Mary Goss Charities.............................. ored People. New Orleans: Bonner (John M.) Memorial Home, John M. Bonner Endowment_______ Route 1, Box 19-A. Fink Asylum, 3643 Camp St_________ Private organization .. ___________ Gumbel Home, 5701 Loyola Ave______ (6)________________________________ Home for the Aged, 1501 North Johnson Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. St. Lafon Old Folks Home of the Holy Fam Private organization.............................. ily, 1125 North Tonti St. Louise Home, 1404 Clio______________ (6)______________ Louisiana Freedman Old Folks’ and Louisiana Freedman Missionary Bap Orphans’ Home, 3105 Audubon St. tist Association. Maison Hospitaliere, 822 Barracks St.„. Private organization ___________ ... Protestant Bethany Home, 1643 North .... do_________________ Claiborne Ave. Protestant Home for Aged, 5919 Maga ... . do________________ zine St.4 Roberson Home, 2418 South Liberty.._ C)________________________________ St. Anna’s Asylum, 1823 Prytania S t... Private organization ______ _______ (5) 55 (6) 60 65 (6) 60 65 60 60 (6) 58 Soldiers’ Home of Louisiana, 1700 Moss State of Louisiana._. __________ _ _. St. Widows Faith Home, 3017 Lowerline (6)___________________________ (6) St. Shreveport: Home for Aged, 1413 Jordan S t............. Private organization. ______________ 65 (6) (6) (10) (6) 9 500 (6) («)--------------------- ------ --------- ---------- (6) Old Folks’ Home. (6) 4 Data as of 1929. 5 Must be aged. 6 No data. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. 49 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A ged in the United States— Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates («)-. Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) White, good-standing member of sponsoring order, transfer Both sexes and 46 of property to home on admission, free from tuberculosis, couples. ambulant. White, preference to Lutherans, transfer of property to home ._..d o._ ........... 21 on admission, sane, not addicted to alcohol or drugs, free from objectionable or contagious disease, able to care for self. (6). (6)____ ______ (6) White, 10 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. (6)______________________________________________ _____ (6)___________________________________ ____ ____________ Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city or county____________ White, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission, guaranty of burial expenses, normal health. (6)___________ (6) $25 per month 9_ White, good character, normal health____________________ Negro_________________________________________________ (6)-(6)— Women only... 38 (6)-------------(6) (6)-------------(6) Both sexes. _ 48 Women only... 61 Men only... (6) Women only... 33 Both sexes___ 14 Both sexes and 280 couples. White, widow of Master Mason, destitute_______________ Women only... 100 White, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow), desti Both sexes and 80 tute, free from communicable disease. couples. ___________________________________________________________________________ ________ - White, Protestant, 5 consecutive years’ membership in spon- ____do___ soring order, in good standing, 6 months’ residence in city, 1 year in State, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. Negro, dependent, free from communicable disease............ . Both sexes. 40 25 Men only. 24 Women only... 60 (6)-----------------Both sexes and (6)220 couples. Both sexes____ 80 (6)___________ (6) Both sexes____ 24 Women only... 68 Both sexes and 35 couples. ___ do....... ........ 60 (6) ____________________________________________________ C)------------------ (6) White, 6 months’ residence in eity,l year in county, 2 years in Women only... 65 State, worthy and in need of home, free from contagious disease. White, Confederate veteran (or widow)___________________ Both sexes and 25 couples. («)-------------------------------------- ------ ---------------------------------- C)----------------- (6) White, resident of State, gentleman. White, Protestant, 2 years’ residence in city, normal health... (6) ____________________________________________________ (6) White, poor, free from incurable or contagious disease_______ $15 per month 9_ Negro, Catholic, 1 year’s residence in city, free from com municable disease. (9)------------------- (6)____________________________________________________ Negro, Baptist, recommendation from church affiliated with association. White, transfer of property to home at death, needy________ $10 per month 9_. White, Protestant, 10 years' residence in city, transfer of prop erty to home on admission, good character. (6) (6) White, 2 years’ residence in county; transfer of property to Both sexes. 40 home on admission, entirely dependent and without rela tives able to support, normal health. Negro_______________________________________ ____ _____ (6) (6). (6) 34 If at least 2 years’ membership in sponsoring church, others $1,000. Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. HOMES FOE AGED IN THE UNITED STATES 50 D irectory, and Entrance Requirem ents o f Homes Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members Maine Auburn: Home for Aged Women, 41 Pleasant St. Private organization________ _______ 70 Odd Fellows’ Home of Maine, Fair- Maine Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. view Ave. 65 Augusta: St. Mark’s Home, 57 Winthrop St. Mark’s Episcopal Church.......... St. Bangor: Home for Aged Men, 181 State St.4___ Private organization............................... 60 Home for Aged Women, 277 State St. _ ____do_______________ _____________ 60 Bath: Old Folks’ Home in Bath ___________ ____do______________ __________ _ 70 Old Ladies’ Home, 800 High S t ____ ____do_________________________ 65 Belfast: Belfast Home for Aged Women 4 __ .do______________ 60 Lewiston: Frye (Sarah C.) Home for Aged Wo- ____do__________________... ______ 70 men, 507 Main St. Marcotte Home, 146 Campus Ave____ Catholic order, Sisters of Charity____ (5) Portland: Frye (Eunice) Home, 15 Capisic St___ («)------------------------------------------------Home for Aged Men, 117 Danforth St.. Private organization_______________ (6)65 Home for Aged Women, 64 Emery St ____do................................ .............. . Jewish Home for Aged, 158 North S t... ____d o ...................................................... St. Joseph’s Home for Aged Women, 10 Locust St. Rockland: Home for Aged Women, 148 North Main St. Saco: Wardwell Home of Saco and Biddeford, 43 Middle St. South Portland: Cape Elizabeth Home for Aged Women, 521 Ocean Rd. Waterville: Sunset Home for Aged Wo men, 114 College Ave. $600 200 100 500 600 500 (p) 66 60 Roman Catholic Bishop of Portland.. Private organization_______________ 65 ------d o .._____ ________ ____________ 65 ____d o ..____ _________ ____________ 65 (6) - --------------------------------- ---------— (6) 200 300 200 300 300 (6) Maryland Annapolis: Chase Home, 22 Maryland Ave.4 Maryland Diocese, Protestant Epis copal Church. Baltimore: Aged Women’s and Aged Men’s Home, Baltimore Humane Impartial Society. 1400 West Lexington St. Augsburg Home for Orphans and Aged, Campfield Rd., Pikesville. Baptist Home of Maryland, 1615 Park Ave. Carroll Aged Men’s and Women’s Home, 822 North Carrollton Ave. Catholic Ladies’ Home, 616 Park Ave.. Church Home and Infirmary, Broad way and Fairmount Ave. General German Aged People’s Home, 22 South Athol Ave., Irvington. Hebrew Home for Aged and Infirm, 16 West Saratoga St. Home for Aged, 1200 Valley St._........... *6Data as of 1929. Must be aged. 6No data. 300 65 9 550 Lutheran Churches of Missouri Synod 65 9500 of Baltimore. Maryland Baptist Union Association. 65 500 Washington Annual Conference, 60 300 Methodist Episcopal Church. Roman Catholic Diocese of Baltimore. Maryland Diocese, Protestant Episco 65 pal Church. Private organization____ ___________ 65 <>500 Associated Jewish Charities. .............. 37 60 Catholic order, Little Sisters of the 60 Poor. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 33 Others occasionally accepted, but at higher rates. 51 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r th e A ged in the U nited States — Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) White, Protestant, long-time resident of city, transfer of prop Women only... erty to home on admission, good character, able to care for self. 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order, transfer of Both sexes and (35)-........... .......... White, property to home on admission, free from communicable couples. disease. $8-$10per week.. White, able to care for self............................................................ Women only... 20 American, 10 years’ residence in city, clothing, transfer of property to home, normal health. 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, transfer of property to home on admission, free from organic disease White, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home, clothing, and furnishings for room, sane, normal health. American, transfer of property to home____ _______________ White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city,33transfer of prop erty to home on admission, free from malignant disease, able to care for self. $10 per week 9__. White, sane__________________ ____ ________________ ____ («)------------------ (6)White, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, good character and disposition, free from organic disease. White, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, character references, normal health. White, Jewish, 6 months’ residence in State, transfer of part of property to home on admission, sane, free from contagious disease. $5 per week 9_ Catholic, normal health............................... .............................. 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home, with out children able to support, ambulant. White, Protestant, resident of either city, transfer of property to home on admission, doctor’s certificate of health. 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, good character. (6) - (6)- 16 29 40 16 8 16 ...................................................- .................................................................................- Men only_____ Women only... Both sexes and couples. Women only... .... do.............. ___ d o ............ . 50 12 Both sexes____ 160 (6) (6)32 Men and cou ples. Women only... 46 34 Both sexes and couples. Women only... 16 ___ do_____ 8 ___ do........... 16 ___ d o.......... (6)_________ (6) ________ - ________ Member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to home.. Women only... 18 White, 20 years’ residence in State (if less, higher admission fee), transfer of property to home on admission (portion returned to resident for spending money), character refer ences and 2 surety signatures on admission contract, normal health. White, preference to Lutherans, transfer of property to home on admission, free from contagious disease, ambulant. White, Baptist, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop erty to home on admission, normal health and sight. Negro, transfer of part of property to home at death, able to care for self. White, character recommendation if not well known, normal health. White, preference to Episcopalians, normal health, able to care for self. White, resident of State, transfer of property to home on ad mission, homeless and without relatives able to support. White, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city, sane, free from con tagious disease. Destitute, good character, not an invalid................................... 142 Both sexes. Both sexes and 55 couples. Women only... 19 Both sexes and 50 couples. $7 per week Women only... 17 41 ____do________ (36)............... Both sexes and 90 couples. ____do................ 174 ------do............... 258 35 Member’s lodge must pay $2 per week and 37 For ambulant aged; in case of chronic sick, must assume hospital and burial expenses. be adult. 39 According to means; non-Episcopalians $650 per year. 52 HOM ES FOR AGED IN THE U N IT E D STATES D irectory, and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entr ance require ments Name and address of home Maryland—Continued Baltimore—Continued. Home for Aged of Methodist Episcopal Church, 2211 West Rogers Ave. Kirkleigh Villa, Roland Aye. and Uni versity Parkway 4. Maryland Baptist Home for Aged Col ored People, 1618 West Lexington St. Shelter for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons of Baltimore City, 517 West Biddle St. Sinai Hospital Home for Aged, Monu ment St. The Taylor, 2001 Park Ave__________ Boonsboro: Fahrney Memorial Home____ Sponsoring or controlling organization Methodist Episcopal Churches of Baltimore. Catholic order, Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. United Baptist Missionary Conven tion, State of Maryland. Private organization............................. Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members 65 #$500 60 60 60 250 200 (10) Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Inc_____ Baltimore Monthly Meeting of Friends Church of the Brethren_____________ 60 65 500 Easton: Home for Aged Women, 108 Hig Private organization_______________ gins St. Frederick: Home for Aged, Record St_.................... ____do— ............................ ....................... 65 500 65 500 C5 300 I. O. O. F. Home4................................. Maryland Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Gaithersburg: Home of Aged and Orphans. . Baltimore Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Hagerstown: Homewood, 1805 Virginia Potomac Synod, Reformed Church in the United States. Ave. Hyattsville: Sacred Heart Home, Pine Catholic order, Missionary Sisters, Servants of the Holy Ghost. Hills. Salisbury: Parsons (John B.) Salisbury Trustees of John B. Parsons Estate. __ Home for Aged. Towson: Presbyterian Home of Maryland, Private organization (Presbyterian) ___ Inc. 65 60 65 250 500 Westminster: Cassell Home for Aged, 128 West Main Methodist Episcopal Church________ St.4 Home for Aged of the Methodist Prot Maryland Annual Conference, Meth odist Protestant Church. estant Church. 65 65 1,000 500 Amesbury: Amesbury and Salisbury Home Private organization.______________ for Aged Women, 276 Main St. Andover: Andover Home for Aged People, ____do_______ _________ _________ 4 Punchard Ave. 70 65 200 500 .do______________ ____ ____ ____ _ 65 750 65 60 200/ Massachusetts Attleboro: John Daggett-Frances A. Cran dall Home for Aged Women, North Main St. Ayer: Sawyer (Harriet E.) Home for Aged Women, Inc., 3 East Main St. Beverly: Old Ladies’ Home, 78 Lothrop St. Boston: Barnard (Frances Merry) Home, 50 Beacon St., Hyde Park. Burnap Free Home for Aged Women, 38 Pleasant St., Dorchester. Deutsches Altenheim, Inc., (German Home for Aged, Inc.), 2222 Centre Street West, Roxbury. Frederika Home, Inc., 65 Deaconess Rd Hebrew Ladies’ Home for Aged, 21 Queen St., Dorchester. 4 Data as of 1929. ___ do____ _ _ . ____do.._________________________ (•)................. .......................... ..................... (6) Private organization_______ _______ 65 ____do____ ____ ___________________ 65 ____do______ ____ __________________ Hebrew Ladies’ Moshav Zekainim Association. 6No data. 50 60 (6) 53 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States — Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted White, Methodist, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop- Both sexes and erty to home on admission (if not entailed, income thereon couples. paid to resident), clothing for 5 years, not a hospital case. $60 and $75 per Women only___ month. Negro, transfer of property to home on admission, normal Both sexes and health. couples. Negro, transfer of property to home, character references from Women only,.. responsible persons, normal health, free from contagious disease. White, Jewish_________________ _______________________ Both sexes and couples. White, member of sponsoring church, normal health........... ____do-_____ _ $27.50 per month White, member of some church and religiously inclined, trans- ____do______ _ fer of part of property to home on admission, sane, free from tuberculosis and cancer. White, transfer of property to home on admission, clothing for Women only,,. 1 year, sane, free from communicable disease. White, native of State, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer Both sexes and of property up to $10,000 to home on admission, good char couples. acter, free from communicable disease. Member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to home___ ____do________ White, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring organization, ____do............ transfer of part of property to home on admission, not a hospital case, free from communicable disease. White, member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to ____do________ home on admission, pastor’s recommendation as to char acter and need, free from contagious disease. $10 per week 9__ White_________________________ __ ........................... ____do_______ White, transfer of all property to home on admission, clothing Women only... and bed linen, normal health. White, Presbyterian in Maryland, 5 years’ residence in city, ____do________ transfer of property to home on admission, without relatives able to support, free from chronic and communicable dis ease. Member of Methodist Church if from outside city_________ . _-_do______ White, Methodist, transfer of property to home on admission Both sexes and couples. or at death, not an invalid. Ca pac ity (aged only) 163 40 20 20 40 30 54 21 30 75 70 16 85 64 42 10 24 10 White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop Women only-.. erty to home on admission, 6-month trial period. 6 White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop ___do_________ erty to home on admission, 6-month trial period, good char acter, free from chronic and contagious disease, able to care for self and room and assist in household duties. 13 Must be or have been resident of State, transfer of property to ____do............... home on admission, sane, normal health. 27 _ _ _do________ $40 per month. __ American, transfer of property to home 10 White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop ____do________ erty to home on admission, normal health, ambulant. (6)....................... (6)______________________ ___________ ____________ ______ (6)___________ (6) White, Protestant, 30 years’ residence in city, gentlewoman, Women only... 18 sane, normal health. 75 German birth or descent, transfer of property to home on ad Both sexes and couples. mission. 12 $7-$9 per week,. White, 15 years’ residence in city_________________________ Women only... White, Jewish, member of sponsoring organization, 2 years’ Both sexes and 260 residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, couples. sane, ambulant. 9 Applicants occiasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual:merits. 54 HOMES FOR AGED IN TH E UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members Massachusetts—Continued Boston—Continued. Home for Aged Colored Women, 22 Private organization ____________ Hancock st. Home for Aged Couples, 2055 Colum __ do__ _________________________ bus Ave., Roxbury. Home for Aged Men, 133 West Spring- ___do______________________________ field St. Home for Aged Poor, 424 Dudley St., Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Roxbury. Poor. Home for Aged Women, 205 South Private organization________________ Huntington Ave., Jamaica Plain. Martinist Home, 5 Mount Pleasant Trustees of Mary W. Drury Estate.. _ Pl„ Roxbury. Massachusetts Home, 65 Deaconess Rd_ Pythian Sisters____________________ Mount Pleasant Home, 301 South Private organization______ _________ Huntington Ave. .do __ _ __ Norwegian Old People’s Home, 20 Cushing Ave., Dorchester. Osgood (Anna F.) Home for Aged Ladies’ Unity Club, Inc____________ People, 18 Melville Ave., Dorchester. Resthaven, 120 Fisher Ave., Roxbury.. Private organization________________ Roxbury Home for Aged Women, 5 ____do............................. ................... ........ Burton Ave. St. Clement’s House, 61 West Brook ___do ____________________________ line St. St. Joseph’s Home, 321 Centre St., Catholic order, Sisters of Charity........ Dorchester. Trinity Church Home (Rachel Allen Trinity Church____________________ Memorial Home), 135 South Hunt ington Ave. Brockton: Home for Aged Men in the City of Private organization........................... Brockton (Howard Home), 892 Bel mont St. Wales Home for Aged Women, 553 do ________ __________ _____North Main St. Cambridge: Cambridge Homes for Aged ____do__________________ _____ ___ People, 360 Mount Auburn St. Charlton: Masonic Home________ _____ (6)________________________________ Chelsea: Chelsea Hebrew Sheltering Arms, 75 (8) _______ ______________________ Ash St. Old Ladies’ Home, 3 Washington Sq__ Private organization________________ Clinton: Clinton Home for Aged People, _ _ d o ______________________ _____ 271 Church St. Concord: Concord’s Home for A ged..................... do ............................................. Home for Aged Methodist Women, Old New England Deaconess Association.. Road to Nine Acre Corner. Danvers: Danvers Home for Aged, 18 Park St---- Private organization_______________ New England Home for Deaf Mutes . . . . do.— .................................................. 154 Water St. Duxbury: National Sailors’ Home, Powder . ...d o ......................................... .............. Point. Easthampton: Easthampton Home for ____do_____________________________ Aged Women. East Norton: Newcomb Home for Old Trustees of Harriet Newcomb Estate.. Ladies of Norton, Mass. Everett: Everett Home for Aged Persons, Private organization................ ............. 14 Hosmer St. Fairhaven: Fairhaven’s King’s Daughters Lend a Hand Circle of King’s Daugh ters. Home for Aged, 62 Centre St. 8 Varies. *Varies according to age. 4 Data as of 1929. • No data. 65 60 55 60 65 65 50 65 65 70 65 65 50 45 65 »$100 .(i°) 9150 65 300 70 65 (6) (6) 65 60 750 9 300 (6) (6) (6) 65 (3) 65 65 9 300 3,000 9500 1, 500 (2) 500 500 1,500 200 200 8500 65 65 65 500 91,000 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States 55 —Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates (10) _________ $5-$9 per week ®. (2)____________ $7—$10 per week. $8-$10 per week. $7 per week 8___ (6) (6) ___ $8 per week Other Negro, transfer of property to home on admission, 3-month trial period, sane, able to care for self, ambulant. United States citizen, transfer of property to home on admis sion, sane, normal health. White, United States citizen, 10 years’ residence in city, trans fer of property to home on admission, normal health. Good character, poor, sane_______________________________ 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of properly to home on admission. White, Protestant, $150 for burial expenses, transfer of prop erty to home on admission, able to care for self. White____________ ______________________ ______________ White, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, Protestant, Scandinavian, transfer of property to home on admission, 6-month trial period, normal health. White, member of sponsoring organization, transfer of prop erty to home on admission, normal health. Sane, ambulant, free from communicable disease___________ White, preference to Protestants, transfer of property to home on admission. White, Catholic, sane, normal health___________________ White, Catholic_________________ ____ _________ ______ White, Episcopalian, resident of diocese, guaranty of weekly payments, normal health. Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) Women only-_19 Couples only.. - (6) Men only,. 49 Both sexes and 183 couples. Women only.,- 166 -do _ _ 4 do 51 Both sexes-.. 45 Both sexes and *20 couples. Both sexes____ 11 Both sexes and 45 couples. Women only.__ 26 do 64 d o ___ _ 41 ____do________ 23 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on ad Men only,,22 mission, 6-month trial period, normal health. White, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home Women only... 18 on admission, normal health. American parentage, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of Both sexes and 55 property to home on admission, normal health. couples. (6)_______________________________________________ (»)__ (6) (6)_________________________________________________ (8)_______ (6) White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop W omen only__ 9 erty to home at death, normal health. White, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admission, Both sexes and 13 sane, free from organic disease. couples. White, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home ____do________ 10 on admission, normal health. White, Methodist, transfer of property to home at death (in Women only.__ 23 some cases), normal health. White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city (out of last 15), Both sexes and 10 transfer of property to home on admission, ambulant. couples. White, deaf or deaf-blind, resident of New England, transfer ___do________ 33 of property to home at death, free from incurable or con tagious disease. Honorable service in U. S. Navy_________________________ Men only _ _ 35 5 years’ residence in city, normal health________________ __ Women only... 6 American birth or descent, preference to relatives of founder, ____do------------- 10 Protestant, 6 months’ to 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, free from cancer. White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop Both sexes and 7 couples. erty to home on admission, normal health. White, Protestant, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of part _ __do________ 11 of property to home at death, normal health, free from or ganic disease. 9Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. Each case is considered on its individual merits. 56 HOMES FOE AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tran ce R equ irem en ts o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Massachusetts—Continued Fall River: Catholic Memorial Home, 5446 High land Ave. Home for Aged People in Fall River, 1168 Highland Ave. Fitchburg: Fitchburg Home for Old Ladies, 30 Cedar St. Foxboro: Doolittle Universalist Home for Aged Persons, Inc., 16 Bird St. Framingham: Bethel Home for Aged, 7 Auburn St___ Home for Aged Men and Women in Framingham, Worcester and Pleas ant Sts. Gardner: Gardner Home for Elderly Peo ple, 162 Pearl St. Georgetown: Carleton Home, 19 North S t.. Gloucester: Gilbert Home for Aged and Indigent Persons, 1 Western Ave. Huntress Home, 110 Prospect St______ Haverhill: Massachusetts Pythian Sisters Home, 187 Mill St. Old Ladies’ Home, 337 Main St______ White (Sarah A.) Home for Aged Men, Inc., 170 Main St. Holyoke: Beaven-Kelly Home for Aged Men, Springfield Road. Holyoke Home for Aged People, 1 Loomis Ave. Mount St. Vincent, Upper Springfield Rd. Ipswich: Coburn Charitable Society, 20 North Main St. Lawrence: German Old Folks Home, 374 Howard St. Lawrence Home for Aged People, 150 Berkeley St. Protectory of Mary Immaculate, 189 Maple St. Leominster: Leominster Home for Old Ladies, 16 Pearl St. Sponsoring or controlling organ.zation (9)------------ ----------Private organization. . — do_____________ Universalist Church. (6) 68 65 65 New England District, Assemblies of God. Trustees of Geo. H. Carlton Endow ment. Private organization. ___ do______ _______ 65 65 1,000 500 70 300 100 .do.. City of Gloucester; also bequest of Joseph F. Huntress. Massachusetts Pythian Sisters Home Association. Private organization_____ ____ _ (•) Trustees of Sarah A. White Estate___ -do.. .do.. Catholic order, Sisters of Charity (Grey Nuns). Private organization............................... .do.. .do.. (6) $250 9 500 750 9300 150 65 400 70 300 70 200 Catholic order, Sisters of Providence. _ Private organization________________ 65 Catholic order, Sisters of Providence. _ 60 Private organization..................... 60 Lexington: Lexington Home for Aged Peo .do.. ple, 2027 Massachusetts Ave. Lowell: _do_. Battle’s Home for Aged Men, 93 Rolfe St. Horn Home for Aged, 98 Smith St____ King’s Daughters and Sons of Middle sex County. Lowell Old Ladies’ Home, 520 Fletcher Private organization________________ Lynn: Hahn (Eliza J.) Home for Aged Cou ples, 159 Washington St. Lynn Home for Aged Men, 34 Forest St. Lynn Home for Aged Women, 37 Breed St. 9 No data. Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members 65 60 60 65 1,000 9100 9800 9500 300 65 /\ 300 500 60 65 600 600 65 500 70 65 65 500 9 250 250 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 57 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’ S HOMES fo r the A ged in the United States— Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) (0) ................... (0)............................................................................ ....................... (6) _________ (*) 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on ad- Both sexes and 44 mission, sane, normal health. couples. White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, good character, Women only--. 24 sane, normal health. Preference to Universalists, transfer of property to home at Both sexes and 23 death, normal health. couples. $7 per week, $30 Christian, transfer of part of property to home on admission, ___ do________ 25 good character, normal health. per month. 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on Women only... 13 admission. White, American, Protestant, transfer of property to home on Both sexes___ 6 admission, able to care for room, ambulant. 8 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on ad- Both sexes and 5 couples. mission, able to care for self. $7 per week 9___ White, transfer of property to home, normal health_________ Women only... 9 White, native of Gloucester, transfer of property to home at ___do-_ 8 death, medical certificate from city physician. White, member of sponsoring organization, 2 years’ residence Both sexes and 12 in State, transfer of property to home on admission, without couples. relatives able to support, sane, free from chronic disease. White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, good character, Women only... 23 transfer of property to home on admission, without relatives able to support, normal health. White, Protestant, 15 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop Men only_____ 9 erty to home on admission, normal health. $7 to $10 per White, normal health__________________ _________________ ___do_____ __ 75 week. White, 1 year’s residence in city,33transfer of property to home Both sexes and 27 on admission, 4-month trial period, able to care for self. couples. $7 per week, $30 White, ambulant, not a hospital case_______________ ______ Women only... 54 per month.9 White, 20 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home ___do_________ 10 on admission, able to care for self. $7 per week 9___ White, Protestant, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of prop Both sexes and 17 erty to home on admission, normal health. couples. White, 7 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home ___ do________ 35 on admission, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health. $7 per week, $30 White, Irish or English... ____. ___________ ___________ Women only... 61 per month.9 11 Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to - . do________ home on admission (income thereon paid to resident), able to care for self and room. 10 V —-..........— - Preference to persons of American parentage, 10 years’ resi Both sexes and dence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, not couples. / requiring personal attendant. $10 per week___ White, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, Men o n ly .___ 14 normal health. Protestant, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property Both sexes and 12 to home on admission, without relatives able to support, couples. good character, able to care for self. White, Protestant, 3 years’ residence in city (or certain sur Women only... 42 rounding towns), transfer of property to home, free from incurable disease, able to care for self. Native of United States, 15 years’ residence in city, transfer Couples only... 16 of property to home on admission, normal health. 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on Men only __ 12 admission, able to care for self. 15 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on Women only... 24 admission, doctor’s certificate of health. 33 Others occasionally accepted, but at higher rates. 35 For couples. 58 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irectory , and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entrance requirements Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization M ini M inim um mum entrance fee for life age members Massachusetts — Continued Malden: Malden Home for Aged Persons, 578 M ain St. Marblehead: Harris (M ary E.) Home for Aged, 10 Mugford St. Private organization___________________ 65 $500 Marblehead Female Humane Society. 65 400 Medford: Medford Home for Aged M en and Wom en, 203 High St. Private organization. ................................ 65 Melrose: Fitch Home, Inc., 75 Lake A v e_______ Morgan and Dodge Home for Aged Wom en, 265 Franklin St. Methuen: Nevins (Henry C.) Home for Aged and Incurables. ____ do.................................... ........... ____ do...... ................. ............. ....... 65 _____ 65 Private endowment___________ ____ __ Private organization________________ Middleboro: Montgomery Home, 64 South M ain St. M ilton: Fuller Trust, Inc., 1399 Blue Hill A v e .. ____ do........................................ ....................... Martin (Henry B.) Home, 74 Maple St. («)__________ ______ __________ _______ Private organization_____ __________ Monson: Monson Home for Aged People, Inc., 106 M ain St. Nantucket: Old People’s Home, 115 M ain ____ do_________ ______ _______________ St. Natick: Hayes (Maria) Home for Aged, 64 ____ d o ............................... ............... ............. South Main St. New Bedford: New Bedford Home for Aged, 396 Middle St. Sacred Heart Home, 359 Summer St___ Newburyport: Home for Aged M en, 361 High St........... Home for Aged W omen, 75 High St___ do 450 38 800 200 300 65 f \ 500 38 750 65 (6) 65 500 (6) 500 70 500 65 750 60 19 250 Catholic order, Sisters of Charity of Quebec. 60 Newburyport Aged M en. Society for Relief of 65 100 Newburyport Society for Relief of Aged Women. 65 100 65 500 65 250 65 400 Newton: Baptist Home of Massachusetts Baptist Churches of Massachusetts.._ (Lamson Home), 66 Commonwealth Ave., Chestnut Hill. Newton Upper Falls: Stone Institute and Private organization_______ ___________ Newton Home for Aged People, 277 Elliot St. North Amherst: Amherst Home for Aged ____ do ............................................................... Women, Pleasant St. Northampton: Lathrop Home for Aged ____ do_______________________ ___________ and Invalid W omen, 215 South St. Orange: Eastern Star Home, 75 East M ain Massachusetts Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. St. Peabody: Haven (Charles B.) Home for Aged Trustees of Almina Haven Estate___ M en, 109 Lowell St. Private organization Sutton Home for Aged Women, 7 Se well St. Pittsfield: Berkshire County Home for ____ do...... ..................... ................................... Aged Women, 89 South St. Plymouth: Ryder Home for Old People, ____ do...... ................. ............. 51 High St. Quincy: Rice (William B .) Eventide Home, ____ do...... ........................................................ 215 Adams St. Sailors Snug Harbor, 407 Palmer St___ ____ do............................................................... • N o data. 8 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. f l 18 Plus $100 for burial expenses. 65 100 65 300 60 300 60 200 70 8 500 D IR E C T O R Y OF OLD 59 PEOPLE’S H OM ES he U nited States— C on tin u ed Entrance requirements— Continued W hom admitted Other White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. 10 years’ residence in city immediately preceding application, transfer of property to home on admission, able to care for self. Both sexes and couples. Women o n ly ... 26 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on Both sexes and couples. 13 admission (interest thereon paid to resident), free from chronic disease. 5 years’ residence in city transfer of property to home on ____ do__________ admission. ____ do_____________ ____________ __________ ______________________ Women o n ly.. White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city ,33 transfer of property to home on admission, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health. W hite, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home, normal health. 4 ------ do_________ 9 Women o n ly ... White, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, able to care for self. White, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health, ambulant. Citizen of United States, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, good character, normal health, able to care for self. Both sexes and couples. Both sexes____ Both sexes and couples. 5 years’ residence in city, free from contagious disease. do. White, Catholic, ambulant do. Citizen of United States, preference to residents of Newton, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. 35 100 White, American, Protestant, resident of Boston or suburbs, sane, free from communicable disease, not addicted to alcohol or drugs. 15 years’ residence (consecutive, prior to admission) in city, transfer of property to home on admission, good character, normal health. White, native American, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, good char acter, normal health. White, member of Baptist Church, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission. 5 Both sexes and couples. (6)-------------------------------------------------- ---- («)------------ $20 per m on th ... Capacity (aged only) 13 (8) 7 5 13 12 165 M en only______ 18 W omen o n ly ... 19 Both sexes and couples. 57 W omen o n ly ... 25 6 W hite, Protestant, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop erty to home on admission, normal health. White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city______ _____ ______ Women o n ly ... 39 Member of order in State, transfer of property to home on ad mission, free from incurable disease. Both sexes and couples. 35 White, Protestant, 10 consecutive years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home, normal health, able to care for self. Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city (out of last 20), transfer of property to home on admission. White, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. Preference to residents of city, transfer of property to home, good reputation. M en only______ 4 White, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, 3 character references, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health. White, 5 years’ service as seaman under American flag, trans fer of property to home on admission, good character, free from chronic disease. 33 Others occasionally accepted, but at higher rates. 38 For couples. 230808°— 41------ 5 Both sexes_____ W omen o n ly ... 9 ____ do __.............. 29 Both sexes_____ 8 Both sexes and couples. 23 M en only_____ 30 60 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irectory , and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization M ini M inim um mum entrance fee age for life members M assachusetts — C onti nued Randolph: M ann (Seth 2d.) Home for Aged and Infirm W omen, 349 North M ain St. Private organization.................................. 65 Reading: Reading Home for Aged Women, 82 Linden St. . . . do....................................... 70 ....... Salem: Bertram Home for Aged M en, 29 W ash ____ do______________ _____ _______________ ington Square. Home for Aged Women in Salem, 180 ____ do...... ................. ...................................... Derby St. Somerville: Little Sisters of the Poor Home for Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Aged, 186 Highland Ave. Somerville Home for Aged, 117 Sum mer St. Springfield: Springfield Home for Aged M en, 74 Walnut St. Springfield Home for Aged Women, 471 Chestnut St. Springfield Jewish Home for Aged, 44 Copley Terrace. Stoneham: Home for Aged People in Stoneham, 32 Franklin St. Taunton: Old Ladies’ Home, 96 Broadway. Wakefield: Boit (Elizabeth E.) Home for Aged Women, 5 Bennett St. Private organization________ _________ _ ____ d o ___ _______ ______ __ _ _ __ ____ do............ ......................... (10) $500 60 65 500 60 65 f \ 300 * 500 60 600 65 1,000 ____ do _________ __________________ ______ 65 ____ do...... ................. ...................... ............. . 60 400 Taunton Female Charitable Associa tion. 65 400 Private organization ____________ _____ 65 500 Waltham: Leland Home for Aged Women, 29 Newton St. ____ do. ................... ............ ......... 65 250 Watertown: Watertown Home for Old Folks, 120 M ount Auburn St. Westboro: Kirkside, Inc., 10 Church St____ Westfield: Gillett (Sarah) Home for Aged People, 41 Broad St .4 W est Newton: Home for Aged Swedish People, 206 Waltham St. Whitm an: Rogers Home for Aged W omen, Inc., 777 Washington St. Winchester: Home for Aged People, 110 M t. Vernon St. Woburn: Home for Aged Women, 74 Elm St. ____ do. ______ ______________ _____ _____ 65 500 ____ do__________________________________ ____ do. ....... ......... .. __ _________ ___ 60 Swedish Charitable Society of Greater Boston. Private organization............. ..................... 65 500 . . ..d o ____________ _____ _______________ 65 500 ____ do______________ _____________ ______ 65 500 Worcester: Home for Aged Colored People, 63 ........ d o __............. ............................................. Parker St. . .d o __________________________ _______ Home for Aged M en (Goddard M em orial Home), 1199 M ain St. Home for Aged W omen, 1183 M ain S t . . ____ do_____________________________ __ __ Jewish Home for Aged and Orphans, __ .d o _________________________ 1029 Pleasant St. Massachusetts Grand Lodge, Inde Odd Fellows Home of Massachusetts, pendent Order of Odd Fellows. 40 Randolph Rd. St. Francis Home, 37 Thorne S t_______ Catholic order, Little Franciscan Sis ters of M ary. Catholic order, Sisters of Providence. _ St. Vincent Home, 73 Vernon S t______ New England Conference, Swedish Swedish Lutheran Old People’s Home, Evangelical Lutheran Augustana 26 Harvard St. Synod. Wrentham: K ing’s Daughters and Sons Norfolk County Circles of K ing’s Daughters and Sons. Home for Aged in Norfolk County (Pond Home), East St. 4 Data as of 1929. 6N o data. 8500 65 60 250 60 400 65 60 250 (10) 60 65 8 1, 000 65 750 8Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. D IR E C T O R Y OF OLD 61 PE O PLE ’S H O M E S fo r the A g ed in the U nited States— C on tin u ed Entrance requirements— Continued W hom admitted Boarders’ rates Other 10 years’ residence in Randolph, Holbrook, or Braintree, transfer of property to home on admission, good character, normal health. White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission. . ............ } J---------- Women o n ly ... 7 W omen (cou ples occasion ally). 10 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of part of property to home M en only_____ 20 on admission, remainder at death, normal health. American, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home at death, doctor’s certificate of health. W omen o n ly ... 32 Good character, without other means of support, sane, free from contagious disease. Both sexes and couples. 240 White, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home ____ do. _______ on admission, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health. 58 White, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, doctor’s certificate of health. ____ do_____________________________________________ ___________ M en only____ 25 Wom en on ly .._ 60 Jewish, transfer of property to home, able to care for self_____ Both sexes and couples. _____ 20 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home, good ____ do. («) character, normal health. White, American, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, Women o n ly ... transfer of property to home on admission, without living children, normal health, free from malignant disease. White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop ____ do...... ......... . erty to home on admission, furniture for own room, normal health. American citizen, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, trans ____ do__________ fer of property to home on admission, good character, able to care for room. 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on Both sexes and admission, normal health. couples. Resident of city, able to care for s e lf-.-______________ _______ __ ____ do__________ Wom en o n ly ... White, Swedish birth or descent, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home at death, able to care for self. 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on ad mission. American, 20 years’ residence in city (of which 10 continuous), transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop erty to home on admission (interest paid thereon to resi dent), furnishings for room, normal health. 12 20 13 6 8 20 29 Both sexes and couples. W omen o n ly ... 19 Both sexes and couples. W hite, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to M en only______ home. Preference to white Americans, 20 years’ residence in city, Wom en o n ly ... transfer of property to home. W hite, Hebrew, 1H years’ residence in city, transfer of prop Both sexes and couples. erty to home, sane, free from contagious disease. Member of order (or wife or widow), 5 years’ residence in ____ do _______ State, transfer of property to home. N ot a hospital case_____________________________________________ Both sexes......... 7 9 7 38 35 30 141 185 White, ambulant_____ ______ _ ___________________ _____ _____ ____ d o .. ______ Scandinavian, member of sponsoring church and living in its Both sexes and couples. area, transfer of property to home at death, ambulant. 80 43 Member of sponsoring order, 5 years’ residence in county, ____ d o ,................ transfer of property to home on admission, able to care for self. 23 13 Number of rooms. 11 13 Both sexes and couples. Women o n ly ... Negro, transfer of property to home at death, ambulant. _ ___ $ 3 0 -$ 5 0 per m onth . 9 (6) Ca pac ity (aged only) 38 For couples. 62 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irectory, and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization M ini M inim um mum entrance fee for life age members M ich ig a n Alma: Burns (Frances E.) Maccabee Home, 731 North State St. Gleaner Memorial Home, 5705 W ood ward Ave. Michigan Masonic Home and Hos pital, 1200 Wright Ave. The Maccabees_____ ________ __________ 65 Gleaner Life Insurance Society________ 60 Michigan Grand Lodge, Free and Ac cepted Masons. Ann Arbor: Bach (Anna Botsford) Home, Private organization....... ......... ................. 1422 W est Liberty St. Battle Creek: Andrus (Em ily) Home, 652 ____ do__________________________________ Capitol Ave., N E . W om an’s Association of Charity______ Bay City: Old Ladies Home, 923 North Monroe St .4 Michigan Conference, Church of the Charlotte: Lane (Dulcenia) Memorial United Brethren in Christ. Home, 322 Warren Ave. Chelsea: Old People’s H om e------- --------------- Detroit Annual Conference, M ethod ist Episcopal Church. Private organization............................... _. Covert: Emanuel Aged People’s Home, Route 1, Box 62. Detroit: Arnold Home, Inc., 18520 W est 7 ____ do _______ _________________________ M ile Rd. German Protestant Home for Orphans Evangelical and Reformed Church___ and Old People, 1852 W est Grand Blvd. Jewish Home for Aged, 11501 Petoskey Jewish Welfare Federation of D etroit.. Ave. 65 King’s Daughters and Sons, D etroit. _ 65 Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. 60 King’s Daughters and Sons Home for Aged, 17667 Pierson Ave. Little Sisters of the Poor, 17550 Southfield Rd. $2,000 65 65 600 (28) 70 1,000 60 500 60 9 1,000 60 f 760 St. Joseph’s Home for Aged, 4800 Catholic order, Carmelite Sisters of the } ____ ________ \ 840 J Divine Heart of Jesus. Cadieux Rd. Private organization______ _____ ______ _ 60 St. Luke’s Hospital Church Home (J) and Orphanage, 224 Highland St .4___ Thompson Home for Old Ladies, 4764 ____ d o . . . ........................................... ............. 65 900 Cass Ave. W ayne County Fraternal Home, 252 Hague Ave. Wheatley (Phyllis) Home, 558 Eliza beth St., E . Edmore: Edmore Old People’s H om e_____ Flint: McFarlan Home, 624 East Kearsley St. Grand Rapids: Clark (M . J.) Memorial Home, 1546 Sherman St., SE. Holland Home, 1450 East Fulton St. SE. Home for Aged, 240 Lafayette Ave., SE. Isabella Home for Aged W om en, 200 Eastern St., SE. Lutheran Home for Aged, 1706 Division St. Michigan Soldiers’ H om e.......................... W om an’s Home Association, 1435 East Fulton St. Jackson: Handy (James A . and M ary F.) Home, 1317 Lansing A ve. * Varies. 4 Data as of 1929. 7 Men. Detroit Chapters, Order of Eastern Star. Phyllis Wheatley Association............ .. 65 United Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church. Trustees of M ary Whaley Endow ment. 60 65 65 1,000 (28) Michigan Conference, Methodist Epis copal Church. Holland Union Benevolent Association 60 Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Private organization___________________ 65 9 1,000 67 9 1,000 Board of Charities, Illinois Conference, Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod. State of M ichigan........................... ......... .. W om en’s Christian Temperance U n ion of Grand Rapids. 65 (10) GO 16 60 65 W om en’s M ite Missionary Society, A fr ic a n M e t h o d i s t E p isco p a l Church. 8 Women. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. D IR E C T O R Y OF 63 OLD P E O P L E ’ S H O M E S fo r the A g ed in the U nited States— C on tin u ed Entrance requirements— Continued Ca pac ity (aged only) W hom admitted Boarders’ rates $32 per month *. Other W hite, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order, transfer of Women only__. property to home on admission, able to care for self. W hite, member of sponsoring organization, transfer of propBoth sexes and erty to home on admission, good character, normal health. couples. W hite, Protestant, member of sponsoring order (or wife or ____ do _ . _____ widow), resident of State, transfer oi property to home on admission, sane, free from contagious disease. W hite, transfer of property to home at death, 3 character Wom en o n ly ... references, sane, normal health. W hite, able to care for self. _ __________ ___________ _____ __ .d o _______ Transfer of property to home___________________________ _____ __ .do per White, sane, free from cancer .................. ............... ......... ........... . $ 3 0 -$ 5 0 per month .9 $ 4 0 -$ 6 5 per month .9 $ 3 5 -$ 5 0 per month. $2.50 and up per week.9 $25 per month 9._ $35 per month 9_. $7 per week, $30 per month .9 (39) 11 24 80 24 46 _______ 120 W hite, Catholic, transfer of property to home, normal health. ____ do_________ 300 W hite, good character, sane, not a hospital case. 58 _________ Episcopalian, transfer of property to home_______________ 54 __ 75 W hite, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in State, transfer of Women o n ly ... property to home on admission (income thereon paid to resident), 6-month trial period. White, member of sponsoring order (or “ womanfolk” ), resi ____ do . _____ dent of State, sane, free from incurable disease, ambulant. Medical examination, normal health___________ _________ _ __ ____ do. _______ 32 W hite, free from contagious disease................... ................... ........... 16 W hite, preference to residents of city or county, transfer of property to home at death, normal health. $40 per month 9_. 19 263 do White, Protestant, sane, normal health ______________________ _____ do_______ W hite, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property ____ do to home on admission, sane, without relatives able to sup port. W hite, 2 years’ residence in city, sane, normal health. _____ do 175 25 W hite, member of sponsoring church, sane, free from com ____ do ______ municable disease. White, member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to Both sexes and home on admission, able to care for self, normal health. couples. Member of “ old-time” Methodist church, transfer of part of ____ do. _______ property to home. $ 4 0 -$ 5 0 month. 28 22 __ _.do_ . Both sexes and couples. Women o n ly ... 20 15 11 Methodist, transfer of part of property to home on admission.. Both sexes and couples. W hite, Dutch, Christian, sane, free from contagious disease, ____ do___ ______ not a hospital case. Indigent, sane, ambulant____ _____ ____________________________ ____ do _______ 100 W hite, transfer of property to home on admission, 6-month Women o n ly ..trial period. W hite, transfer of property to home on admission, good char Both sexes and acter, normal health, free from communicable disease, not couples. addicted to liquor. W ar veteran with at least 90 days’ service (or wife, widow or ____ d o ................ mother), 5 years’ residence in State, disabled from earning living. W hite ........................ ............. ......... - ......... - ............... ....... Women o n ly ... 47 Negro, free from contagious disease and tuberculosis.................. 16 Women; no age requirement for men. 28 Varies according to age; applicants occasionally accepted without fees. Both sexes and couples. 120 150 35 400 26 10 89 M ay be required to contribute to maintenance of home 15 percent of pension of $45 or more per month. 64 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irectory, and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Sponsoring or controlling organization Name and address of home M inim um M ini entrance fee mum for life age members M ichigan — Continued Jackson— C ontinued. Jackson Friendly North St. Home, 435 W est Private organization___________________ Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Home, 1600 W est Michigan. Michigan Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Kalamazoo: Kalamazoo Home for Aged, 1211 Douglas A v e . 4 Merrill Home for Aged, 479 West Lovell St. Lansing: W om en’s Home, 510 West Willow St. Manistee: Filer (Carrie) Home for Aged W omen, 433 Cedar St. Monroe: Lutheran Old Folk’s Home, 1065 South Monroe St. Muskegon: Holland Home for Aged, 1691 Peck St._ Private organization......... ......................... (•)--------------------------------------------------------- 65 65 (6) (io) (6) Ingham County Home Association____ 60 Private organization______ _______ _____ 65 $300 Evangelical Lutheran Synod of M is souri. 50 9 2,000 Private organization_______________ ____ 60 1,000 Old People’s Home for Muskegon, 2410 ____ do.................................... .................. ....... Davis St. Saginaw: Home for Aged, 1446 South ____ do ............................... ....................... ....... Washington Ave. Hungarian Baptist Union of AmericaWatervliet: Hungarian Baptist Old People’s Home, Route 1. 65 1,000 65 600 65 9 350 M innesota Alexandria: Bethany Home for Aged 4_____ Anoka: Ladies of G. A. R. Home, 427 W est Main. Belle Plaine: Lutheran Home for Aged___ Buffalo: Ebenezer Hom e.................................... Chisago City: Home. Bethesda Old People’ s Duluth: Aftenro Home, 19th Avenue, East and Chester Park. Lakeshore Lutheran Home for Aged, 4002 London Rd. St. Ann’s Home, 2002 W est Third S t ... Excelsior: Lake Auburn Home for Aged, R. F. D . No. 1. Svithiod Home, Birch B lu ff..................... Little Falls: St. Otto’s Home for the Aged (St. Gabriel’s Home). Mankato: Mankato Lutheran Home, 718 Mound St. Red River Valley Conference, Augus tana Lutheran Synod. Minnesota Department, Ladies of the Grand Arm y of the Republic. Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Wisconsin and other States. North Western Missouri Association- 60 67 0) 9 1, 000 (2) 9 1, 500 Board of Christian Service, Minnesota Conference, Lutheran Augustana Synod. 65 Aftenro Society............... ........... ................. 70 1,500 Board of Christian Service, Minnesota Conference, Lutheran Augustana, Synod. Benedictine Sisters Benevolent Asso ciation. 70 9 1,500 Western District, Northern Province, Moravian Church in America. 65 Independent Order of Svithiod........... . 65 65 91,000 Catholic order, Franciscan Sisters____ Board of Christian Service, Minnesota Conference, Lutheran Augustana Synod. Minneapolis: Augustana Home for Aged and Invalids, Immanuel Deaconess Institute, A u gustana Synod. 1405 Tenth Ave., South. Bethany Covenant Home, 2309 Hayes North Western Mission Association... St., N E . “ Danebo,” Inc., 3030 W est River R d ... Private organization .................................. 2 Varies. 60 4 Data as of 1929. 1, 500 68 70 6 N o data. (2) 65 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States —Continued Entrance requirements— Continued W hom admitted Boarders’ rates Other $16-$20 per month.9 $28 per month W hite, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of 15 percent of property (above funeral expenses) to home at death, good char acter, character references, normal health. W hite, Protestant, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order, transfer of insurance to home at death, free from cancer or communicable disease. Wom en o n ly ... 48 Both sexes and couples. 98 Preference to D u t c h . ......... ..................... .. ....................................... .. ____ do__________ (8) ______ ________ __________________________ m 9_ . $30 per month 9_ . ___________ ____________________ $7 per week, $30 per month.9 $50 per m on th .. _ $15 per week, $50 per month and n<n Q lip* $25 per month 9. $7.50 per week $20 per month 9_ . 9. . («).................................. 60 (6) White, 1 year’s residence in city, good character, free from W omen o n ly ... communicable disease, able to care for self. W hite, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home ____ do__________ on admission, normal health. W hite, Lutheran, transfer of most of property to home on ad- Both sexes and couples. mission, sane, normal health. 22 W hite, Protestant, transfer of part of property to home on ad ____ do ...................... mission, normal health. 2 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on ____ d o ... ............... admission, good character, normal health. and W hite, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home Wom en couples. on admission. W hite, preference to Baptists, 2 years’ residence in city, trans Both sexes and couples. fer of property to home on admission, normal health. 30 15 79 30 22 17 ______ do ______________ 60 W hite, member of sponsoring organization, 1 year’s residence Women o n ly ... in State, transfer of part of property to home on admis sion, free from communicable disease, not addicted to use of liquor, opiates, or tobacco. Preference to Lutherans, transfer of property to home at Both sexes and couples. death, character references, free from communicable disease. W hite, preference to members of Evangelical Covenant . . . .d o _________ Church, transfer of part of property to home on admission, normal health. W hite, Protestant, good character, sane......... ........... ............. ........... .. ____ do ______________ 30 W hite, good character, doctor’ s certificate of sanity and health, able to care for self. W hite, normal health__________________________________________ ______ do__________ 60 . . . do_________ 53 W hite, sane, free from communicable disease... ______ _________ ____ do__________ 110 W hite, preference to members of sponsoring church, transfer ____ do__________ of part of property to home on admission, 3-month trial period, normal health. White, preference to members of sponsoring order, transfer of ______ do ______________ part of property to home on admission, good character, free from contagious disease. Free from acute illness . _ ____________________________________ ____ do _____________ 24 ____ do ______________ 30 Preference to Scandinavians, transfer of property to home_____ $ 2 0 -$ 3 0 per month.9 $30 per month 9_ . Ca pac ity (aged only) 40 32 87 34 86 $35 per month . . . W hite $50 and $75 per month.9 W hite, transfer of all or part of property to home__________________ ______ do ______________ 140 Member of some Christian denomination, transfer of property to home on admission,10 free from contagious disease. White, transfer of property to home on admission or at death, normal health. ______ do ______________ 35 ______ do ______________ 33 . ... ________________________ ___________________________________ 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. 66 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES , D irectory and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entriance require ments Sponsoring or controlling organization Name and address of home M inim um M ini entrance fee mum for life age members M in nesota — Continued Minneapolis— Continued. Ebenezer Home for the Aged, 2545 Portland Ave. Elim Old People’s Home, 934 Fourteenth Ave., South. Home for Aged, 215 Broadway, N E .4__ Home for Children and Aged Women, 3201 First Ave., South. Private organization.................................. 70 Norwegian-Danish Conference M eth odist Episcopal Church. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Private organization. ................................ 60 Jones-Harrison Home, 3700 Cedar Lake Ave. W om an’s Christian Association............. Minnesota N o. 4. Minnesota Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Masonic Home, Route 70 65 1 70 \ l Minnesota Soldiers’ H om e_____________ State of Minnesota____________________ 10 55 Scandinavian Union Relief Home, 1507 Lowry A ve., N E . New Prague: Northwest Baptist Home Society (formerly Czechoslovak Baptist Charitable Association of America). New U lm : St. Alexander H om e____________ Scandinavian Union Relief Society, Inc. (6) ----------------------------- ----------------------------- 65 Northfield: Minnesota Odd Fellows Home Princeton: Elim Old People’s H om e_______ Red W ing: Red W ing Old People’s H om e4. . St. Cloud: St. Joseph’s Home for Aged, Route N o. 1. St. James: St. James Hospital and Home of Aged. St. Paul: Bethesda Invalid Home, 249 East Ninth St. Church Home of Minnesota, 1879 Feronia Ave. Crispus Attucks Home, 469 Collins St__ Evangelical St. Paul’s Home, 494 Ash land Ave. («) Catholic order, Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. Minnesota Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. («) _ ____ Private organization___________________ (6) 65 Catholic order, Sisters of St. Benedict, Inc. Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. 60 Board of Christian Service, Minnesota Conference, Lutheran Augustana Synod. Minnesota Diocese, Protestant Epis copal Church. Private organization___________________ $500 7 750 8 1,000 38 i, 500 (•> 60 65 (8) 2,000 * 1, 500 65 60 65 9 1,500 (10) Jewish Home for Aged of the North ___ do_____________________________ ______ west, 1554 M idw ay Parkway. Linnea Home, 2040 Como A v e., W e s t .. Twin City Linnea Society, Inc________ 65 Little Sisters of the Poor, 90 Wilkins S t .. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Private organization...................... ........... 60 70 «750 Protestant Home of St. Paul, 753 East ____ do__________________________________ 7th St. St. M ary’s Home, 1925 Stewart A ve____ Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis___ 65 1,000 Lyngblomsten Home for Aged, 1298 Pascal Ave. Sauk Center: Sarepta Hom e________________ Springfield: St. John’s Old Folks’ Home and Hospital. Willmar: Bethesda Old People’s Hom e_____ Winnebago: Society. Northwest Baptist Home Church of Lutheran Brethren of America. A m e r i c a n Evangelical Lutheran Church. Augsburg Seminary, Lutheran Free Church. Private organization___________________ 1,000 65 »1,000 65 »1,000 65 9 750 M ississip p i Biloxi: Jefferson Davis Confederate Sol diers’ Home, Route No. 2, Box 200. Grenada: Old People’s Home for Colored.. 4 Data as of 1929. 8 M ust be aged. State of Mississippi_________ __________ 6 N o data. * M en. 60 Grenada County Colored Relief So (5) ciety. i 8 Women. 67 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States —Continued Entrance requirements— Continued W hom admitted Boarders’ rates Other Both sexes and couples. d o . _______ 160 ____ do__________ 170 Women o n ly ... 30 W hite, 6 months’ residence in city, 1 year in State, transfer Both sexes and of property to home on admission (above $85 burial tee), couples. good character, normal health, ambulant. White, 3 years’ membership in Masons (or wife or widow) or . . . do_________ Eastern Star prior to application, transfer of all or part of property to home on admission, able to care for self. Veteran (or widow or mother), 3 to 5 years’ residence in State, __ _ do_________ over 25 percent disability. White, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of part of property ____ do__________ to home. ... (0)________________________ ______ ___________ ____________________ (0). _________ 94 White, Lutheran, destitute, sane, normal health ................... ... White, Protestant, transfer of property to home, normal health. Catholic________________________________________________ ______ White, preference to Americans, 2 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission, without rela tives able to support, normal health, free from cancer or tuberculosis. ........ . 1 (0) ............ .. Ca pac ity (aged only) $30 per month (8). ( 0 ) _____ __ 24 169 525 55 (0) sexes and White, able to care Both for self_____________________________ 40 _____ couples. 130 do _ __ White, 15 years’ membership in sponsoring order, transfer of part of property to home on admission, able to care for self. (6) _______________ ______ . ............................ . $30 per month . (0) ____ (6) 20 couples. Preference to residents of county, sane, not a hospital case_____ ____ do........ ......... 87 Christian, good character, sane, normal health........................... .. ____ do.............. .. 36 $50 per month 8_. W hite, invalid_________ _____ __ $40 per m onth8- . W hite, Protestant, 6 months’ residence in State, good charac ____ do__________ ter, normal health. Negro, 1 year’ s residence in city, able to care for self________ _ Both sexes_____ White, transfer of property to hom e,10good character, normal Both sexes and health. couples. $25 or $30 per month.8 $35 per month 8_. $20 per month 8_. $10-$15 per week, $30-$50 per month.8 $35 per m o n th .. . ____________ ___________ _____ d o ____ Jewish, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home ____ d o . ________ on admission, free from contagious disease. W hite, Protestant, transfer of property to h o m e,10 normal ____ do__________ health. W hite, sane, destitute ________ _________ _______________________ ____ do__________ W hite, Lutheran, preference to residents of Twin Cities, trans __ __do_____ fer of property to home on admission, free from contagious disease. W hite, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home ____ do__________ on admission, normal health, free from chronic disease. Sane, normal health_____________________________ _____________ _ ___do_________ $20 per m onth8. . $30 per m onth8- . Transfer of property to home according to contract, sane, ____ do__________ ambulant. W hite, transfer of part of property to home on adm ission_____ ____ do__________ W hite, Protestant, member of sponsoring church, normal ........ do............ .. health. White, Baptist, transfer of part of property to home on ad ____ do............ .. mission, free from communicable disease, not a hospital case. Confederate veteran (or wife or widow) in receipt of pension ____ do.................. from State, 5 years’ residence in city, sane. Negro, n e e d y _______ ________ _____________ ___________________ Both sexes......... 8 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 18 Each case is considered on its individual merits. 18 W omen; no age requirement for men. 38 For couples. 120 63 20 44 50 78 160 41 45 28 13 33 70 40 240 12 Bot 68 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES , D irectory and E ntrance Requirem ents o f H om es Entriance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization M inim um M ini entrance fee mum for life age members M ississip p i— Continued Jackson: Old Ladies' Home, 2902 W est Capital Street. Old M an's Homo Old Ladies’ Home Association of M is sissippi. Private organization__________________ 65 65 M issouri HiggiTisvilla* Confederate Home State of Missouri Tronton- Home for Aged Rqptists, Tne Private organization______ ____ ______ Kansas City: Appleman (Michael) Home for Jewish ____ do............................................ ................... Aged, 2850 Troost Ave. Armour (Margaret Klock) Memorial W om an’s Christian Association_______ Home for Aged Couples, 8100 Wornall Rd. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Home for Aged, 2358 Sheffield Avenue. Poor. Private organization______ ______ ______ Nettleton (George H .) Home for Aged Women, 5125 Swope Parkway. St. Alexis Home for Aged, 5331 Highland Ave. Salem Lutheran Home, 3008 Baltimore Ave. Kirkwood: Bethesda Dilworth Memorial Home for Aged, 1001 Big Bend Rd. Old Folks Home, 711 South Kirkwood Rd. Liberty: Odd Fellows H o m e ______________ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Kansas Conference, Lutheran Augustana Synod. Bethesda General Hospital of St. Louis. Private organization __________ _____ _ _ 60 65 65 60 65 9 1,000 65 9 700 (5) (6) _______________ ___ St. Louis and Missouri Conferences, Methodist Episcopal Church. (6) 65 Mexico: King’s Daughters Home for Aged W omen, 620 W est Blvd. St. Charles: Carmelite Home for Aged, 721 W . Clay St. St. James: State Federal Soldiers H om e___ Missouri Branch, King’s Daughters and Sons. (•)______________________________________ («) State of M is s o u r i..___________________ is 50 * Varies. JVaries according to age. f«) (3) 65 Ladies’ Union Benevolent Association- 65 W om an’s Benevolent Association of the Christian Church. 65 4 Data as of 1929. 4 M ust be aged. (2) 65 Little Blue: Old Folks’ Hom e. _ . . . Marionville: Methodist Home for Aged___ Colored Old Folks’ Home, 9837 Perrin Private organization___________________ Ave. Good Samaritan Home for Aged (Alten- ____ do----------------------------------------------------heim), 4500 Washington Blvd. Home for Aged, 2209 Hebert St________ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Home for Aged, 3400 South Grand Blvd _____ do______________________ _________ Home for Aged and Infirm Israelites, Jewish Charitable and Educational Union of St. Louis. 3652 South Jefferson Ave. Home of the Friendless, 4431 South Private organization ________________ Broadway. Jewish Orthodox Old Folks’ Home, Jewish Federation of St. Louis________ 1438 East Grand Ave. Evangelical Lutheran Society of M is Lutheran Altenheim, 8721 Halls Ferry souri for Homeless Children and Rd. Aged Persons. Missouri Grand Lodge, Free and Masonic Home of Missouri, 5351 DelAccepted Masons. mar Blvd. Memorial Home, 2609 South Grand W om an’s Christian Association_______ B lvd .4 St. Ann’s Widows Home, 5301 Page Catholic order, Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. Blvd. 9 400 60 65 Independent Order of Odd Fellows___ St. Joseph: Memorial Home for Aged, 1120 Main St. St. Louis: Christian Old People’s Home, 6600 Washington Ave. $500 500 (6) 1,000 65 65 300 (JO) 60 60 60 65 700 65 60 1,000 65 500 65 D IR E C T O R Y OF OLD P E O P L E ’ S H O M E S le U nited States— C on tin u ed Entrance requirements— Continued W hom admitted Other Ja>acIty iged nly) W hite, 5 years’ residence in city, homeless and destitute, free from incurable disease. White, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home at death. Women only__- 85 M en only______ 40 White, Confederate veteran (or wife or widow), sane........ ........... Both sexes and couples. ____ do_________ 31 W hite, Baptist, 1 year’ s residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, $60 for funeral expenses, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health. W hite, Jewish, transfer of property to home on admission, free from contagious or disabling disease. W hite, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health, ambulant, free from tuber culosis or malignant disease. W hite, good character, destitute_________________ _____ ________ White, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, without relatives able to support, normal health. White, Catholic, destitute..................... ......................... ..................... White, Protestant, transfer of property to home,10 good char acter, sane, not crippled. White, transfer of property to home on admission, 3-month trial period, sane, not a hospital case. W hite, 3 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission, free from contagious disease. W hite, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order in Missouri, indigent, transfer of property to home on admission. do. 31 do. 81 do. 216 Women only__ 63 Both sexes and couples. ------ do--------------- 238 Women only__ 38 Both sexes and couples. ____ do__________ 185 (•)___________________ ________________ (6)________ W hite, Methodist, transfer of part of property to home, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health, free from incurable disease. W hite, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, 3 character references, sane, normal health. (•)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Both sexes and couples. W ar veteran (or wife, if of 6 years’ standing), 2 years’ resi dence in State, sane, 60-percent disability. W hite, Protestant, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop erty to home at death, 2 character references, able to care for self and room. White, member of sponsoring church, transfer of part of prop erty to home on admission, worthy and needy, free from communicable disease. Negro, over 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission. White, transfer of property to home, not an invalid.............. . Both sexes and couples. ____ do_________ White White. sion ally accepted w ith out fees. Women only___ (6)_______ -do--------------- 18 53 <*)60 27 (8) 220 25 115 -d o_________ 17 -do— ........... 90 do. White, good character, destitute__________ ________ ___________ White, Jewish, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, dependent. W hite, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop erty to home on admission, able to care for self. W hite, Jewish, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home. W hite, member of Lutheran Church in synodical conference, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health, free from communicable disease. W hite, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow), trans fer of property to home on admission. Citizen, transfer of property to home........................................ — 74 ____ do__________ ____ do__________ 233 256 40 Women o n ly ... 89 Both sexes and couples. ____ do__________ 140 _____ d o___________ 290 M en an d couples. 33 Women o n ly ... 96 10 Each case is considered on its individual 10 W om en; no age requirement for men. 76 erits, 70 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem ents o f H om es E n tra n ce req uire m e n ts N a m e an d ad dress of h om e S ponsoring or co n trollin g organ ization M issouri — C o n tin u ed S t. L o u is— C o n tin u ed . St. L o u is A lten h eim , 5408 S o u th B ro a d P riv a te organ ization __________________ w a y .4 Sp ringfield : P y th ia n H o m e of M isso u ri________ _____ M issou ri G rand L od ge, K n ig h ts of P y th ia s. W ilso n (M a r y E .) H o m e for A ged P riv a te org an iza tion ____________________ W om en , 924 N o r th M a in St. in im u m M in i enMtran ce fee m um for life age m em b ers 65 $ 1,000 60 M ontana B illin g s: M o n ta n a H o m e for A ged , 804 _____d o .......................... ......... ................................... N o rth B ro a d w a y . C o lu m b ia F a lls: M o n ta n a S o ld iers’ H o m e .. S ta te of M o n ta n a ._______ ______________ H elen a: M a son ic H o m e of M o n ta n a _____________ M o n ta n a G rand L od ge, F ree and A c cep ted M ason s. M o n ta n a I. 0 . 0 . F . H o m e ......................... M o n ta n a G rand L od ge, In d ep en d en t O rder of O dd F ello w s. P le n ty w ood : H o m e for A g ed ________________ («)........................... ................................................... .. 65 (•) 9 2, 000 00 Nebraska B ea trice: N e b ra sk a P . E . 0 . H o m e, 413 N o r th 5th St. B lair: C row ell M em orial H o m e, W est G ran t S t. G rand Islan d : N eb ra sk a S old iers’ an d S ail ors’ H o m e. H a stin g s: “ S u n n y sid e ,” 1401 N o r th H a st in g s A v e. K earney: M o th er H a ll W . C . T . U . H o m e for A ged . L in co ln : T a b ith a H o m e, 4720 R a n d o lp h S t. N eb ra sk a S ta te C h ap ter, P . E . 0 . S is terhood. N eb ra sk a M e th o d ist A n n u al C onfer en ce. S ta te of N eb ra sk a _ ___________________ P riv a te o rg an iza tion ____________________ («)____ _____________________________ U n ite d L u th era n C h u rch in A m erica M in d en : B e th a n y O ld P e o p le ’s H o m e______ O m aha: C olored O ld F o lk s’ H o m e, 933 N o r th 25th S t. F loren ce H o m e for th e A g ed , 7915 N o r th 30th St. F o n ten elle B o u lev a rd H o m e, 3325 F on ten elle B lv d . Im m a n u e l H o m e for A ged an d In v a lid s, 34th S t. an d F o w ler A v e . Jew ish O ld P e o p le ’s H o m e, 2504 C h arles S t. L u th era n O ld P e o p le ’s H o m e, 1240 S o u th 10th St. P la ttsm o u th : N eb ra sk a M a son ic H o m e _____ P riv a te organ ization ___________________ _____d o _________________ __ ____ _____d o ......................................................................... W om a n ’s C h ristian A sso cia tio n ________ E v a n g elica l L u th era n A u g u sta n a S y n o d of N o r th A m erica. («)_______________________________ _______ _ L u th era n O ld P e o p le ’s H o m e A sso cia tion of N eb ra sk a . N eb ra sk a G rand L od ge, F ree an d A c cep ted M ason s. W est P o in t: S t. J o sep h H o m e 4............................ Catholic order, Franciscan Sisters Y ork : I. 0 . 0 . F . H o m e ....................................... N eb ra sk a G ran d L od ge, In d ep e n d en t O rder of O d d F ello w s. 65 50 00 65 00 1, 000- 2,000 65 9 500 60 3 1, 760-9, 588 70 93 1,100-7,050 00 65 («) (2S) 65 67 (10) N e w Ham pshire C larem on t: T o lies (F ran ces J.) H o m e, 44 P riv a te o rg an iza tion ...................................... S u lliv a n S t. C oncord: C en ten n ia l H o m e for A g ed , 96 P lea s _____d o__________________________________ 65 400 a n t S t. 3 V aries according to age. 9 A p p lica n ts o ccasion ally accep ted w ith o u t fees. 4 D a ta as oi 1929. 10 E ach case is consid ered o n its in d iv id u a l m erits. « N o data. 16 W om en ; n o age req u irem en t for m en . 71 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A ged in the U nited States — Continued Entrance requirements— Continued Boarders’ rates Ca pac ity (aged only) Both sexes and couples. («) Other Transfer of property to home, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health. $30 per month ®. W hom admitted 100 W hite, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order (or wife or ___ do.......... ......... widow), 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, able to care for self. W hite, resident of county......... ............................................................ Women o n ly ... 28 W hite, transfer of part of property to home on admission, 3 Both sexes and $8. 20 per week, character references. couples. $35 per month.® Honorably discharged soldier, sailor, or marine, with war ____ do__________ service (or wife or widow married 10 years), 3 months’ resi dence in county, 1 year in State immediately preceding date of application, sane, disabled from any cause. Protestant, member of sponsoring order (or mother or widow) ____ do__________ or of Eastern Star, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, ambulant. W hite; member of sponsoring order, Protestant, 5 years’ resi Both sexes_____ dence in State, free from communicable disease. (6) (6) __________________ _________ _______ ______ ______ _____________ _ (6) _____ $5 per w eek 9 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order, transfer of part of Women only. property to home on admission, recommendation of own chapter, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health. Transfer of part of property to home on admission, good char Both sexes and acter, sane. couples. W ar veteran (or wife or widow, or Gold Star Mother), 2 years’ ____ do . residence in State, physically unfit for manual labor. 1 year’s residence in city, sane_______________________ ________ _ ____ d o ... (6) («)_______________________________________________________________ $35 per month ®._ ____ do___________ 30 125 60 35 (•) 20 50 450 47 (6) (8) _____ White, member of sponsoring church, transfer of part of prop Both sexes and erty to home on admission, sane, free from contagious dis couples. ease. $25 per month. __ W hite, transfer of part of property to home, sane, free from ____ do_____ . . . contagious disease. Negro, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White,transfer ol part of property to home on admission, good _ character, normal health. White, 1 year’ s residence in city or county, 3 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, good character, normal health. $75 per month 32_ White, preference to Lutherans, transfer of property to home if no dependents, normal health. (8) ................ . (8) ___________________________________ ______ ______ ________ _____ _ $22.50 per month.® $12.50 per week 65 40 ____ do__________ 10 100 ____ do__________ 61 ------- do__________ 140 ____ do__________ (6) (6) ___________ 35 $30 per month ®. _ White, member of Lutheran Church, transfer of property to Both sexes and home on admission,10 character re/erences, sane, normal couples. health, able to care for self. 7 years’ membership in sponsoring order (or dependent of ____ do.......... ____ member), transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from contagious disease. ___ do ______ W hite, 10 years’ membership in good standing in sponsoring ____ d o ............... order, 10 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission. $10 per week ®___ Ambulant______ ________________________ ________ _______________ 32 In cases of invalidity, 120 94 6 Women o n ly ... White, transfer of property to home at death........................... ....... ____ d o ................. 28 Varies according to age; applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 100 1 59 72 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tran ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Sponsoring or controlling organization Name and address of home M ini M inim um mum entrance fee for life members N e w Hampshire — Continued Concord— Continued. Christian Science Pleasant View Home, 233 Pleasant St. New Hampshire Odd Fellows Hom e___ Dover: Wentworth Home for Aged.............. Laconia: Laconia Home for Aged, 435 Union Ave. Manchester: Gale Home for Aged and Destitute Women, 133 Ash St. House of St. John for Aged M en, 151 Ray St. Masonic Home, 813 Beech St................... Old Ladies’ Home of Notre Dame de Lourdes Hospital, 337 Notre Dame Ave. W om en’s Aid Home, 180 Pearl S t.......... Milford: Home for Aged Women, 17 High St.* Nashua: Hunt (John M .) Hom e............................... Hunt (M ary Women. E.) Home for Aged First Church of Christ, Scientist, Bos ton. New Hampshire Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. 65 8$200 Private organization................................ 8 500 .do.. 400 Trustees of M ary Gale Endowment. Catholic order, Sisters of M ercy_______ New Hampshire Grand Lodge, A n cient Free and Accepted Masons. Catholic order, Sisters of Charity_____ W om en’s Aid and Relief Society, In c.. Private organization. .......................... 400 Trustees of John M . Hunt Endowment 300 300 ____ d o .................................................... 300 Private organization..... ............. .. Nashua Protestant Home for Aged Women, 104 W alnut St. Newport: Newport Home for Aged W om Newport Charitable Association. en, Laurel St. Peterborough: Peterborough Home for Private organization..... ......... ......... Aged, Inc., 9 Elam St. Portsmouth: Home for Aged Women, 63 ____ do..................................................... Deer St. Rochester: Gafney Home for Aged, 90 ____ d o ..................................... ............. Wakefield St. Tilton: New Hampshire Soldiers’ H o m e ... State of New Hampshire.____ _______ Hampshire Grand Lodge, West Swanzey: New Hampshire Pythian New Knights of Pythias. Home, Inc. Woodsville: Grafton Aged. County Home for *500 300 500 1,000 500 Private organization................................ N e w Jersey Amsterdam: Sanford (Sarah Jane) Home for Elderly W om en, 69 G uy Park Ave. Asbury Park: Searle Memorial House for Aged, 604 Seventh Ave. Atlantic City: Private organization.................................. Colored Old Folks’ Home, 418 North Indiana Ave. Hebrew Old Age and Sheltering Home ____ do__________________________________ of Atlantic City, 33 South Vermont Ave. .d o ____________ ___________________ Bayonne: Gluckman Hebrew Home for Aged, 735 Ave. C. Presbyterian Belvidere: Presbyterian Home of the Synod New Jersey Synod, Church. of New Jersey, 113 Hardwick St. Bernardsville: Eastern Star H om e.............. Beverly: St. Joseph’s Home, Warren St—_ Bloomfield: Bloomfield Home for Aged M en and Women, 34 Monroe PI. 2 Varies. (fl) (fl) 60 300 65 •400 70 65 650 60 Eastern Star Home and Charity Foundation of New Jersey. Catholic order, Third Franciscan Order. 60 81,000 Private organization. ................................ 65 600 * Data as of 1929. D IR E C T O R Y OF 73 OLD P E O P L E ’ S H O M E S fo r the A ged in the U nited States — Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other White, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring church, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, member of sponsoring order, good character, transfer of (2) property to member lodge on admission to home, not ad dicted to alcohol, able to care for self. White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in Dover, Rollinsford, or Somersworth, transfer of property to home on admission, able to care for self. 10 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission. Aryan, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White_______________________________________ _________ White, Master Mason in good standing in sponsoring order (or wife or widow), transfer of property to home on admis sion, normal health, needy. $25 per month 9_ White....... ....................................................................................... Whom admitted Both sexes and couples. ___ do________ White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, good character, normal health, able to care for self. ___ do_________________________ _______________________ Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, 6-month trial period, normal health. Transfer of property to home on admission, good character, normal health. 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on ad mission (interest thereon paid to resident), normal health. White, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, Protestant, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. War veteran, 3 years’ residence in State___________________ White, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow) or of Pythian Sisters, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, able to oare for self. White, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. 108 90 do. 31 do. 30 Women only. Men only_____ Both sexes and couples. Women only... Transfer of part of property to home on admission, good character, free from cancer or tuberculosis. Transfer of property to home......................... ............................. Capacity (aged only) do. do. Men and cou ples. Women only... -----do________ ..— do________ Both sexes and couples. Women only__ Both sexes and couples. Men only_____ Both sexes and couples. Women only... 22 14 47 29 30 6 25 35 15 8 11 15 85 18 9 09 09. (o). (<9 09. 09. 09 09 $7 per week. Negro, transfer of property to home at death, sane, free from Both sexes and 18 contagious disease, ambulant. couples. White, Jewish, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property -----do....... ........ 22 to home on admission, normal health. White, Jewish, 5 years’ residence in city, homeless and pen ------d o ............... 26 niless, normal health. White, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring church, 5 years’ ____do._............ 46 residence in State, transfer of property to home on admis sion, normal health. White, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order, transfer of ____d o............... 35 property to home on admission. 72 $10 per week ®.__ White, transfer of property to home on admission, doctor’s ___ do....... ........ certificate of sanity and health, free from contagious dis ease. White, Protestant, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop 10 do. erty to home on admission, free from cardiac disease. 6 No data. 8 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 74 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tran ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home New Jersey—Continued Bloomfield: Haines (Job) Home for Aged People, 250 Bloomfield Ave. Boonton: New Jersey Firemen’s Home, Lathrop Ave. Bound Brook: “The Evergreens,” Home for Aged, 307 West High St. Brielle: Rebekah Home....... .......................... Burlington: Home for Aged Women of Burlington County, York and Union Sts. Masonic Home, Oxmead Rd._........... Clifton: Daughters of Miriam Home for Aged, 160 Hazel Rd. Collingswood: Home for Aged and Infirm of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Haddon and Zane Aves. Elizabeth: Home for Aged Women, 111 De Hart PI. Englewood: Actors’ Fund Home, 155 Hudson Ave. Hackensack: Old Ladies’ Home of Bergen County, 266 Passaic St. Haddonfield: Shepherds Home, Kings Highway East. Irvington: Bethany Home of Aged, 720 Nye Ave. Jersey City: Hebrew Home for Orphans and Aged of Hudson County, 198 Stevens Ave. Home lor Aged Women, 657 Bergen Ave. Kinderfreund Old Folks Home, 93 Nelson Ave. Roth (Raymond) Pioneer Home, 572 Garfield Ave. St. Ann’s Home for Aged, 148 Lembeck Ave. Lambertville: National Home and Or phanage, P. O. of A. Lawnside: Home for Aged and Infirm, Charleston and Fairview Aves.4 Lawrenceville: Morris Hall, Home for Aged, Lincoln Highway. Maplewood: Ward (Marcus L.) Home for Aged Bachelors and Widowers, Boyden and Elmwood Aves. Menlo Park: New Jersey Home for Dis abled Soldiers. Metuchen: Home for the Aged, Route No. 1. Millville: Roosevelt Park Colony for Aged. Montclair: Bierman (Charles) Home for Aged People, 10 Madison Ave. Colored Home for Aged and Orphans of Essex County, 83 Pleasant Ave. Moorestown: Friends’ Boarding Home, 28 East Main St. Morristown: Old Ladies’ Home of Morris town, 2 Mount Kemble Ave. 4 Data as of 1929. * Must be aged. 7 Men. Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee members Welfare Federation of Newark and Community Chest of Bloomfield and Glen Ridge. New Jersey Firemen’s Relief Associa tion. New Jersey Diocese, Methodist Epis r 7 65 \ *60 copal Church. Grand Lodges of New Jersey, Odd 65 Fellows and Rebekahs. Private organization. _................ 65 3 $600 500 350 Masonic Home and Charity Founda tion of New Jersey, Inc. Private organization_______________ Methodist Episcopal ChurchPrivate organization................ Actors’ Fund of America____ Private organization________ Shepherds of Bethlehem of North America. Private organization............................... 750 9500 1,000 _do.do_. 0°) 1,000 Evangelical Lutheran Association for Christian Charity and Benevolence in the State of New Jersey, Inc. German Pioneer Verein, Inc________ Catholic order, Sisters of Charity of Providence. National Camp, Patriotic Order of Americans. Delaware Conference, Methodist Epis copal Church. Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis.. Trustees of Marcus L. Ward EstateState of New Jersey............................. . Danish Brotherhood and Danish Sis terhood of the Eastern States of America. Private organization.._____________ 1,000 (9) 300 65 500 65 Trustees of Charles Bierman Estate.. 65 Private organization_____________ 65 Quarterly Meeting of Friends of Had (*) donfield. Private organization____ ___________ 60 19 500 500 8 Women. 8 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. D IR E C T O R Y 75 OF OLD P E O P L E ’ S H O M E S fo r the A ged in the U nited States — Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates 00)_____________ $5-$7 per week 9_ (10) ............. $5 or $7 per month.17 (10) .................... . (181 Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) White, Protestant, 2 years’ residence in county, transfer of Both sexes and 56 property to home on admission, good character, normal couples. health. White, member of sponsoring organization, voting resident of Men only_____ 130 county, citizen of State, able to care for self. White, 3 years’ membership in sponsoring church, 3 years’ Both sexes and 27 residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, couples. sane, able to care for self. White, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order, transfer of Women only... 14 property to home. White, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to ....... do________ 22 home on admission, medical certificate from 2 doctors, without children able to support. White, member of sponsoring order (or wife, widow, sister, or Both sexes and 175 daughter,) transfer of property to home on admission. couples. White, Jewish, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of property Both sexes. ... 27 to home on admission, normal health. White, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring church, 5 years’ Both sexes and 53 residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, couples. free from chronic disease. White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop- Women only... 25 erty to home on admission, free from “crippling” disease. Record of work in theater in United States, transfer of prop Both sexes and 35 erty to home on admission, normal health. couples. White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of Women and 33 property to home, normal health, able to care for self. couples. White, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to Both sexes and 46 home on admission. couples. White, member of Evangelical Church, transfer of property ____do____ . 75 to home at death, normal health. White, Jewish, 2 years’ residence in city or county, transfer ____do________ 30 of property to home, sane, normal health. White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of Women only... 41 property above $300 to home on admission, character refer ences, sane, normal health. White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home at admission Both sexes and 16 (income thereon paid to resident), character references, not couples, an invalid. White, American citizen, German-speaking, 15 years’ resi do. _ 25 dence in city, transfer of property to home. White, residence in city (charity cases), transfer of part of ____do................ 135 property to home at death, trial period, sane, free from con tagious or disabling disease, epilepsy, or blindness. White, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order, transfer of ____d o _______ 16 property to home on admission, normal health. Negro, member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to Both sexes____ 7 home. Legal residence (generally)______________________________ Both sexes and 145 couples. 121 White, 10 years’ residence in State, bachelor or widower (not Men only. divorced), respectable person of good standing in com munity, normal health. Honorably discharged disabled veteran, 2 years’ residence in __ _ 82 State, needy, without means of support. White, Protestant, member of sponsoring order, 15 years’ resi Both sexes and 25 dence in State, transfer of property to home, able to care for couples. self. War veteran or recipient of old-age assistance, resident of ____do................ 20 Cumberland County. White, Jewish, 2 years’ residence in State, transfer of property ____do................. 10 to home on admission, ambulant. Negro, transfer of property to home on admission, character Both sexes____ 23 references, normal health. Member of sponsoring organization___________________ ___ Both sexes and 13 15 couples. White, Protestant, normal health.. _____________________ Women only... 16 18 Number of rooms. 17 Covers rent only; residents must be self-supporting, otherwise. 230808°— 41------ 6 *• Home for self-supporting women. 19Plus $100 for burial expenses, 23Plus $150 burial expenses. 76 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home New Jersey—Continued Newark: Baptist Home for Aged, 285 Roseville Ave. Daughters of Israel Home for Aged, 651 High St. Home for Aged, of Little Sisters of the Poor, 1 South 8th St. Old Ladies’ Home, 225 Mount Pleasant Ave. Newton: Merriam Home, 131 Main St____ North Bergen: Old People’s Home, 5307 Hudson Blvd. Reuter (Fritz) Altenheim, 4361 Blvd-_. Ocean Grove: Bancroft-Taylor Rest Home, 74 Cookman Ave. Methodist Episcopal Home for Aged of New Jersey, 63 Clark Ave. Orange: House of Good Shepherd, 280 Henry St. Passaic: B’nai Israel Home for Aged, 223 President St. Paterson: Holland Home for Aged, 110 Iowa Ave. Home for the Aged Poor, 70 Dey St___ Old Ladies Home of Passaic County, 265 Totowa Ave. Plainfield: Webster (Catherine) Home, 313 Franklin PI. Somerville: King’s Daughters Home for Aged, 87 West End Ave. Tenafly: Fisher (Mary) Home, 226 Engle Ave.4 Trenton: Friends Boarding Home, 434 Green wood Ave. Home for Aged and Indigent Odd Fel lows, Pennington and Parkway Aves. Indigent Widows’ and Single Women’s Home, 320 Spring St. Upper Montclair: Memorial Home of Up per Montclair for Aged People, 185 In wood Ave. Vineland: New Jersey Memorial Home for Disabled Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Their Wives and Widows. Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members Baptist Home Society of New Jersey.. 65 Private organization....................... ....... 65 $700 Catholic order, Little Sisters of the 60 Poor. Society for the Relief of Respectable 65 600 Aged Women. Board of Pensions, Presbyterian 65 Church in the U. S. A. Old People’s Home Benevolent Asso 60 9800 ciation of Hudson County. Plattdeutsche Volksfest Verein (74 \f 78 60 }___________ 55 J societies). Woman’s Home Missionary Society 0) of the Methodist Church. 40 Newark and New Jersey Annual Con 65 ferences, M ethodist Episcopal Church. Episcopalian Churches of the Oranges. 65 (8)......................................................... . (6) (6) 400 Private organization.................. . .. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Private organization____________ _ .. 65 60 65 Trustees of Catherine Webster Estate New Jersey branch, International Order of King’s Daughters. Private organization_______________ 65 65 60 Burlington Quarterly Meeting of Friends. New Jersey Grand Lodge, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. Private organization...... ...................... ____do....................................................... 60 60 65 1,000 700 (3) 300 600 State of New Jersey.............................. i« 50 West Orange: House of the Holy Com Diocese of New Jersey, Protestant forter, 33 Mount Pleasant Ave. Episcopal Church. Woodstown: Friends Boarding Home......... . Salem Quarterly Meeting of Friends.. New York Albany: Home for Aged, 391 Central Ave........... Catholic order, Little Sisters of the 60 Poor. Home for Aged Men, 272 Broadway, Private organization.......... .................... 60 500 Menands. Lutheran Home for Aged, 688 Madison League of Lutheran Women of Al 65 1,000 bany, N. Y., and Vicinity, Inc. Ave. 3 Varies according to age. 4 Data as of 1929. 6Must be aged. • No data. 7Men. 8 Women. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 18 Women; no age requirement for men. 77 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States — Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders' rates $10 per week 8-._ $20 per month... $30 per month... (6) __________ Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity only) White, 5 years’ membership in Baptist Church immediately Both sexes and 63 preceding application, transfer of property to home, free couples. from incurable disease. dn White, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of part of 172 property to home, free from advanced mental or contagious disease. Destitute, sane, free from contagious disease_______________ ........do________ 208 White, 3 years’ residence in county, transfer of part of prop Women only... 85 erty to home on admission, 2 character references other than relatives, able to care for self. White, Presbyterian___________ _______________________ _ Both sexes and 20 couples. White, “reasonable” period of residence in county, transfer of ____do________ 19 property to home on admission. White, transfer of property to home, good character, sane, __ do . 75 normal health. White, missionary oi sponsoring organization______________ Women only... 50 White, 5 years’ membership in church of either of sponsoring Both sexes and 90 conferences, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, couples. free from communicable disease, not confirmed invalid. White, preference to Episcopalians, resident of State, sane, 35 normal health, able to care for self and room. (6)________________________________________________ _ (6)___ (6) White, transfer of property to home, normal health................ Destitute, without relatives able to support______________ White, American citizen, 3 years’ residence in county, trans fer of property to home on admission, 3 character references (not from relatives), without living children, normal health. $10 per week___ White, Protestant, 3 years’ residence in State, normal health, able to bear expense of any illness. White, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, character references, normal health. Service as artist, teacher, author, etc______________________ Both sexes and couples. .. .do Women only... 50 179 60 .. .do . ____do________ Both sexes. . 11 10 16 White, normal health...... ............................................................. White, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to home on admission, indigent, ambulant. White, Gentile, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, good character. White, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admission, character references, sane, normal health. Service in U. S. Army or Navy (for women, husband’s honor able discharge, and marriage certificate), 7 years’ residence in State preceding application, sane, free from epilepsy and communicable or incurable disease, without means of selfsupport or for necessary care and attendance. $30-$60 p e r White, sane, free from tuberculosis or cancer. ......................... month. $10 per week 41.. White, preference to Friends, ambulant___________________ ____d o _______ Both sexes and couples. Women only... Both sexes____ 21 100 26 12 Both sexes and couples. 300 Women only... Both sexes and couples. 10 19 ___ do................ 120 White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of Men only_____ 40 property to home, character references, able to care for self. White, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admission, Both sexes and 30 couples. not a hospital case. 40 Plus $150 for burial expenses, and guaranteed annual payment of $52; also life-care and annuity plans, fees not specified. Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 41 Non-Friends. 78 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem ents o f H om e Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members New York—Continued Albany—Continued. Old Ladies’ Home 553 Clinton Ave___ Albany Guardian Society___________ 68 $500 Amityville: Brunswick Home, 366 Biway- Private organization________________ ____do_____ _____ ___ _________ Auburn: Old Ladies’ Home of Auburn 65 65 92, 000 Ballston Spa: L’Amoreaux Home, 199 Milton Ave. Binghamton: Home for Aged Women, 80 Fairview Ave. House of the Good Shepherd, 74 Conklin Ave. Brooklyn: Baptist Home of Brooklyn. N. Y., Greene and Throop Aves. Bethany Home for Aged, 604 East 40th St. Brooklyn Hebrew Home and Hospital for Aged, 813 Howard Ave. Brooklyn Home for Aged Colored People, 1095 St. John’s PI. Brooklyn Home for Aged Men, 745 Classon Ave. 65 Board of Pensions, Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. Private organization........................... ___ do_____________________________ 68 65 91,000 500 Long Island Baptist Association____ East German Conference, Methodist Church. Private organization________ _____ 60 65 65 400 91,000 ___ do_______________ _____________ 70 68 } ___do______________________ _______ \r 87 65 J 500 750 Brooklyn Methodist Episcopal Church Methodist Churches of Brooklyn and Long Island. Home, 920 Park PI. 65 500 United Danish American Societies of Greater New York. Private organization______________ German Evangelical Aid Society of the City of Brooklyn. Private organization________________ Ladies’ Benevolent Association of the Seventeenth Ward of Brooklyn. Church Charity Foundation of Long Island. Lodges of Eastern States, Danish Sis terhood and Brotherhood of America. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. ___ do__________ ________ ________ Private organization (German)............. Private organization (Jewish)_______ ___ do_______________________ _____ New York Conference, Congregational Church. Private organization........................... New York Conference, Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod. Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Missouri Synod. Church Charity Foundation (Epis copal). Private organization. ............................ 65 65 65 65 65 65 9 500 Danish Benevolent “Denmark” So ciety, Inc., 1055 41st St. First United Lemberger Home for Aged, 608 Bedford Ave. German Evangelical Home for Aged, 1420 Bushwick Ave. Graham Home for Old Ladies, 320 Washington Ave. Greenpoint Home for Aged, 137 Oak St. Home for Aged, 452 Herkimer St_____ Home for Aged ofD. B. S. andD. S. S., 1051 41st St. Home for Aged, of Little Sisters of the Poor, 1601 8th Aves. Home for Aged of Little Sisters of the Poor, Bushwick and De Kalb Aves. Marien Heim Home for Aged, 870 Ocean Parkway. Menorah Home for Aged and Infirm, Inc., 871 Bushwick Ave. Mohilev-on-Dnieper Home for Aged, 5810 Snyder Ave. New York Congregational Home for Aged, 123 Linden Blvd. Norwegian Christian Home for Aged, 1250 67th St. Swedish Augustana Home for Aged, 1680 60th St. Wartburg Lutheran Home for Aged and Infirm, 2598 Fulton St. Buffalo: Church Home, 24 Rhode Island St____ Caplon (Rosa) Jewish Old Folks Home, 310 North St. 7 Men. * Women. 65 60 60 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 60 91, 000 500 1, 000 400 500 1,000 (u) 9 500 (10) 91,000 9 500 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. 79 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States —Continued Entrance requirements— Continued W hom admitted Boarders’ rates $10per week $20per m onth... (»)...................... Other White, Protestant, 6 years’ residence in city, transfer of part of property to home on admission, good character, free from chronic illness. W hite, Catholic, sane, not blind nor a bed patient___________ W hite, Protestant, 2 or 3 years’ residence m city, guaranty from relative or friend if member’s resources become depleted, able to care for sell. hite, minister or missionary of sponsoring church, normal health, able to care for self. W W hite, 3 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission, free from incurable disease. White, Episcopalian, 1 year’s membership in diocese, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home at death, sane, normal health. White, Baptist, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, not helpless. Member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to home on admission, medical certificate of sanity ana health. W hite, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from contagious disease, preference to patients requiring medical or surgical care. Negro, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home, 3 character references, normal health. $30 per m onth .. Wom en o n ly ... _do-d o . up per month. 8 50 122 54 Both sexes and couples. Wom en o n ly ... — - d o . ............. Both sexes and couples. ____ do____ _____ -d o.. 22 83 32 550 -do.. White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of part of property to home on admission, remainder at death, good character, not addicted to alcohol, able to care for self. M en and cou ples. W hite, member of sponsoring church, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home, free from epilepsy, can cer, tuberculosis, diabetes, etc., able to care for room, ambulant. W hite, Danish extraction, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home, normal health. W hite, Jewish Orthodox, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from blindness and tuberculosis. W hite, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admis sion, sane, normal health. W hite, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home at death, free from incurable disease. W hite, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admis sion, normal health. W hite, member of Episcopal Church, 2 years’ residence in diocese of Long Island, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from chronic disease. W hite, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home, normal health. Good character, sane, without other means of support_______ Both sexes and couples. 106 . - - d o ________ 50 132 ____ do________ 60 _____ d o __________ 235 Women only.. 70 ____ do________ 15 Both sexes and couples. 84 ____ d o ................. 25 ____ do................ 230 Sane, destitute_____________________________ ___________ _______ _ ------ do_________ 234 W hite, free from cancer and contagious disease_______ _______ _ ____ do_________ $20 and Ca pac ity (aged only) 43 White, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city, s a n e ........................ .. ------ d o ................ 106 W hite, Jewish, transfer of property to home at death, normal health, free from chronic disease.10 W hite, member of sponsoring church, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home, normal health. W hite, Protestant________________________________ _________ ___ ____ do .............. 43 W hite, Protestant, transfer of property to home, sane, am bulant. White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home on admission, character references, normal health. ____ d o .............. White, Episcopalian, transfer of property to home on ad mission, sane. W hite, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city or county, 5 years in State, free from contagious disease, not a bed patient. ^Varies according to physical condition, etc.; applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 18 ------ do................. 73 . . — do................ 59 77 do............... 152 W om en only. _ 36 Both sexes and couples. 64 .— Residents receiving pensions required to contrib ute portion to home. 80 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tran ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization New York—Continued Buffalo—Continued. El-Nathan Home, Inc., 20 Richmond Private organization______ _________ Ave. Home for the Friendless, 1500 Main St. .............................. ....... Lutheran Church Home for Aged and Buffalo Churches, United Lutheran Church of America. Infirm, 217 East Delavan Ave. Lutheran Hospice, 117 Glenwood Ave__ Lutheran Children’s Friend and Hos pice Society of New York. St. Francis Asylum, 337 Pine St _ Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. Canandaigua: Clark Manor House, 318 Fort Hill Ave. Private organization............. ................. Granger Homestead..... .......................... . Ministerial Relief Division, Board of Home Missions, Congregational and Christian Churches. Catskill: Greene County Home for Aged Private organization.......................... . Women, 3 High St. Chatham: Payn (Louis F.) Foundation for Trustees of Louis F. Payn Estate____ Aged People. Cheektowaga: Evangelical Church Home.. Private organization.............................. do _ . ________ ________ Clinton: Lutheran Church Home for Aged and Infirm of Central New York, Inc. Cohoes: Home for Aged Women, 100 Vliet Protestant Churches of Cohoes______ St. Cooperstown: Welch (Clara) Thanksgiv Private organization........................... ing Home, Inc., 48 Grove St. Cuba: Kirkpatrick Home for Childless Parochial fund, western New York diocese, P rotestan t Episcopal Women, 87 West Main St. Church. Dansville: Home for Aged Couples and King’s Daughters and Sons.......... ...... King’s Daughters, 26 Health St. Private organization___ ____________ Dundee: Letts Memorial Home Dunkirk: St. Vincent’s Home for Aged Catholic order, Sisters of St. Joseph. .. Women, 329 Washington Ave. East Islip (Long Island): Williams (Percy) Private organization........................ ... Home, Inc., Suffolk Lane. Elmira: Home for Aged, 1526 Grand Cen ____do........................................................ tral Ave. Fairport: Baptist Home of Monroe County. Baptist Union of Monroe County____ Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members 60 60 65 65 (2) 65 250 65 9 250 65 3,000 65 65 65 65 65 500 91, 000 67 350 1,000 1,000 3,000 65 60 70 65 Far Rockaway: Far Rockaway Home for Aged, “Greyloch Hall”.1 Fort Edward: Hodgman (Fred D.) Me morial Home, 19J Broadway. Franklin Square (Long Island): Plattdeutsche Old Folk's Home, Hempstead Turnpike. Fredonia: Home for Aged Women, 134 Temple St. Frewsburg: Old People’s Home.................. . Trustees of John Bodine Foundation- 60 Troy Conference, Methodist Episco 65 pal Church. Private organization................................ 1f 78 65 60 ) Woman’s Christian Association_____ 65 Middle East Mission Conference____ 70 Gardenville: St. Francis Home, 1153 Indian Church Rd. Geneva* Church Home, 600 Castle St Gerry* Gerry Hemes (The') Glens Falls: Glens Falls Home for Aged Women, 106 Warren St.4 Gloversville: Getman (David and Helen) Memorial Home, 15 East State St. Greenwich: Washington County Home for Aged Women, 2 Academy St. * Varies. *Data as of 1929. TMen. Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis.. Trinity Church (endowment)_______ Free Methodist Church of North America. Private organization___________ ____ ___ do________ ____________ _______ ____do......................................................... $250 65 65 65 65 65 65 300 500 500 500 9i, 500 1,200 9 1,000 5,000 300 400 300 81 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A ged in the U nited S tates — Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates $8 per week 9___ $10 per week 9... $5 per week 9___ $4 per week 9___ $27.50 per month9 ____ ____ ______ .............................. $4-$10 per week 9. ---------------------$30 per month 9__ _______________ Other Ca- Whom admitted pacity (aged only) White, Protestant, able to assist around home. White, Protestant, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home at death, able to care for self. White, Protestant with church affiliation, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of part of property to home, good character. Transfer of property to home, sane, normal health................... Sane, free from disease. White, Protestant, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home, sane, free from incurable disease, not addicted to alcohol or drugs. Ordained minister of Congregational or Christian church (or wife or widow), normal health. White, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission, good character, able to care for self, free from chronic disease. White, transfer of property to home on admission, character references, sane, not helpless. White, transfer of part of property to home________________ Lutheran, resident of State, transfer of property to home on admission, not a hospital case. White, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, resident of county, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, 1 month’s residence in city, childless, normal health.. Women only... ___ do............ Both sexes and couples. ___ do......... — Both sexes. Both sexes and couples. ___ do............... 16 69 50 28 190 14 Women only... 11 Both sexes and couples. ___ do________ ----- do________ Women only... Both sexes and couples. Women only.. 25 42 22 12 27 1 White, member of sponsoring order, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from malignant disease. White, resident of county, normal health, able to care for selfWhite, Catholic, sane, normal health_____________________ White, member of theatrical profession, transfer of property to home, indigent, able to care for self. White, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of part of property to home on admission, remainder at death. Member of Baptist Church, 2 years’ residence in city and county, transfer of property to home on admission, able to care for self. Resident of Manhattan, Brooklyn, or Nassau County, trans fer of property to home. White, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring church, transfer of property to home on admission, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health. White, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, preference to local residents, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, Protestant, transfer of all or part of property to home, character references from pastor and others, 6-month trial period, free from contagious or incurable disease and blind ness. White, Catholic, 1 year’s residence in city or county, free from contagious disease.42 White, transfer of property to home on admission, 3-month trial period, sane, normal health. White, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, not an invalid. Resident of county, transfer of property to home___________ 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission good character, sane, normal health. 5 years' residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission, able to care for self and room. W om en and couples. Women only... ___ do________ Both sexes and couples. ___ do.............. . ___ do.............. 28 ___ do________ Women only... 10 15 Both sexes and couples. Women only... Both sexes and couples. 70 ___ do________ Women only... Both sexes and couples. Women only... ____do. ____do. 162 10 33 22 21 17 «Women. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 42 Admissions through Catholic Charities Protective Department. 12 5 20 42 39 65 25 20 82 HOMES FOE AGED IN THE UNITED STATES! D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization New York—Continued Groton: Home for Aged, 208 Cortland S t... Private organization_________ ____ Hamburg: St. Anthony’s Old Folks Horae, Catholic order, Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph. Bay View Rd. Harrison: Osborn (Miriam) Memorial Private organization............................... Home. Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members 65 60 65 48 $500 Hollis (Long Island): I. 0. 0. F. Home, 194-10 109th Rd. Homer: Cortland County Home for Aged Women, 41 South Main St. Hudson: Firemen’s Home of State of New York. Home for Aged, 620 Union Street4.......... Ithaca: Home (The), 514 South Aurora St------- Independent Order of Odd Fellows__ /\ 7865 60 /1------(6) - - - ...................................................... - (6) 00 I. 0. 0. F. Home and Orphanage, R. F. D. No. 3. Jamaica (Long Island): Chapin Home for Aged and Infirm, 165th St. and Chapin Parkway. Jamestown: Lutheran Home for Aged, 715 Falconer St. Warner Home for Aged, 58 Forest Ave.4. Johnstown: Willing Helpers Home for Women, Madison Ave. Kings Park (Long Island): St. Johnland__ Kingston: Home for Aged in Ulster County, 80 Washington Ave. Lockport: Locust Haven, 175 Locust St_ __ New York Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Private organization............................ _. 65 65 1, 025 New York Conference, Lutheran Church. Private organization_______________ ____do........................................................ 65 65 60 1,200 1, 200 9300 Society of St. Johnland______________ Private organization..... .......................... 60 70 500 ___ do......................................................... 65 1,500 Odd Fellows Home, 153 Lake Ave____ Malone: Farrar Home for Deserving Old Ladies, South Bangor Rd. Middletown: Orange County Home for Aged Women, Inc., 27 South St. Mohawk: Old Ladies’ Home of Herkimer County. Odd Fellows Home Association of the State of New York. Private organization_______ ____ ____ ____do__________________ ____ ______ ____do_________ __________ ______ _ 60 60 65 65 9 400 500 500 Mount Kisco: Swiss Home............ _........... Mount Vernon: Heins (Mary Louise) Home, Bradley Ave. Home for Aged Couples and King’s Daughters, 141 Primrose Ave. Seabury Memorial Home, 325 High land Ave. Sinnott Memorial Home for Aged, 245 Prospect Ave Wilson (Martha) Home, 434 Franklin Ave. Newburgh: Holden (Amos F. and Sarah) Home for Aged Women, 73 Grand St. 4 Data as of 1929. 8 No data. Swiss Benevolent Society of New York. 65 Private organization (Lutheran).......... New York State branch, International Order of King's Daughters and Sons. Private organization............................... ____do....................................... .............. ____do.................................. ....................... 65 67 91,000 350 65 65 91,000 2,500 600 ____do..................................... ................. 65 500 Firemen’s Association of State of New York. Private organization__________ ___ . Ladies’ Union Benevolent Society___ 7 Men. 8 Women. 65 65 500 500 83 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEO PLE’ S H OM ES fo r the A ged in the U nited S tates— Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) $6 per week....... White, free from communicable disease, able to care for self___ $4-$5 per week, White, Catholic, 1 year’s residence in city, sane, free from $20 per month.9 contagious disease. White, Protestant, needy gentlewoman, residence in New York, Bronx, or Westchester Counties for last 10 years, transfer of property to home on admission, character refer ences, normal health. White, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. (•)___________________________________ ____________________(«) Both sexes and couples. Both sexes___ Women only.. 28 163 Both sexes and couples. (•)--................... 45 (6) White, 5 years’ service as volunteer fireman in New York State, free from contagious disease. American, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home. White, 2 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission, in reduced circumstances, good charac ter, sane, free from cancer, tuberculosis, etc. White, 10 years’ membership in good standing in sponsoring order, transfer ot property to home on admission, able to care for self. White, transfer of property to home on admission, able to care for room. Men only.......... Both sexes and couples. Women only... 180 28 15 White, Protestant, transfer of part of property to home on admission. White, preference to residents of county, transfer of property to home. White, 2 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission, preference to childless persons, good character, normal health. $ 2 5 -$ 4 2 per White, 1-month trial period, sane, normal health___________ month. White, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission, doctor’s certificate of health. White, 2 years’ residence in city or county, transfer of prop erty to home on admission, good character, sane, free from contagious or malignant disease. Member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to home on admission, sane. White, resident of city or county, transfer of property to home on admission, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health. White, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission, good character. White, childless widow or spinster of good character, 2 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admis sion, sane, free from contagious or malignant disease, not helpless. Swiss birth or descent, from Greater New York, transfer of property to home at death, needy, not requiring extra care. White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home White, member of sponsoring order, 5 years’ residence In State, transfer of property to home on admission, free from communicable disease. White, professional woman, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. Transfer of property to home on admission, good character, free from chronic disease, normal health. White, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home.. White, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home, normal health. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 13 And burial fee, if able; applicants occasionally accepted without fees. Both sexes and couples. ___ do................ 7 80 95 ___ do................ ___ do.............. Women only. __ 20 24 22 Both sexes and couples. ___ do................ 68 40 W omen and couples. Both sexes and couples. Women only... ___ do________ ___ do................ 11 Both sexes and couples. do. W omen and couples. Women only... Both sexes and couples. Women only... do. 229 15 36 25 38 33 28 47 22 16 29 84 HOMES FOB AGED IN TH E UNITED STATES D irectory, and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entrance requirements Name and address of home New York—Continued N ewburgh—Con tinued. Johnes (Goldsmith D. and Mary B.) Home for Aged Couples, Inc., Box 645, Balmville Road. New Rochelle: Home for Aged of New Rochelle, 89 Clinton Ave. United Home for Aged Hebrews, 391 Pelham Rd.4 New York City: Association for Relief of Respectable Aged Indigent Females, 891 Amster dam Ave. Baptist Home for Aged, 3260 Henry Hudson Parkway East. Bialystoker Home for Aged, 228 East Broadway. Braker Memorial Home, 3d Ave. and 183d St. Bronx Home for Sons and Daughters of Moses, 990 College Ave. Freedman (Andrew) Home, 1125 Grand Concourse. Hebrew Home for Aged of Harlem, 114 East 105th St. Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews of New York, 121 West 105th St. Home for Aged, 213 East 70th St_____ Home for Aged, 660 East 183d St_____ Home for Aged of French Benevolent Society, 330 West 30th St. Home for Old Men and Aged Couples, 1060 Amsterdam Ave. Home of Daughters of Israel for Aged, 1260 5th Ave. Home of Daughters of Jacob, 167th St., Findlay and Teller Aves., Bronx. Home of Old Israel, 70 Jefferson St____ Home of Sons and Daughters of Israel, 232 East 12th St. Isabella Home, Amsterdam Ave. and 190th St. Methodist Episcopal Church Home, 244th St. and Spuyten Duyvil Park way. New York Baptist Home, Inc., 833 East 223d St. Old People’s Homo of the Eastern Mis sionary Association, 2860 Lafayette Ave., Bronx. Peabody Home for Aged and Indigent Women, 1000 Pelham Parkway St., South Bronx. Powell (Clayton A.) Home, 732 Saint Nicholas Ave. Presbyterian Home for Aged Women, 49 East 73d St. 4 Data as of 1929. 6 No data. 7 Men. Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members (10) $500 do. 65 1,000 do. 60 do. 60 Private organization. Baptist Churches of Manhattan, 65 Bronx, Westchester, and Staten Island. Private organization.......... ......... .......... 65 ___ do._____ ________ ____ ________ 55 ___ do....................................................... 65 ___ do....... ................................................ 60 ___ do......................................................... 65 Federation for Support of Jewish Phil 60 anthropic Societies. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the 60 Poor. ___ do____________________ ______ 60 French Benevolent Society................... 60 765 Private organization. 860 do. 65 do. 60 ____do. ___ do. 8 1,000 1,000 48 200 9 400 88 700 (10) 65 65 7 65 \ ................... . 8 60 I MethodistEpiscopal churches of Man hattan, Bronx, and Westchester County. New York State Colored Baptist Con vention. Evangelical Mission Covenant of Am erica (Eastern District). Private organization............................... 60 65 Abyssinian Baptist Church. Private organization. ........... (8) 65 65 300 9 1,000 65 (8) 8Women. 8 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. i° Each case is considered on its individual merits. 85 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the Aged in the United States— Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted C a pac ity (aged only) White, preference to residents of county, transfer of property Both sexes and to home on admission, 3-month trial period, normal health. couples. 31 White, 3 years’ residence in New Rochelle, Pelham, or Larchmont, transfer of property to home on admission, free from incurable or contagious disease, not a cripple. Jewish, transfer of property to home__ ___________ do _ 28 do . 65 White, Protestant, unmarried or widow, 10 years’ residence Women only... 121 in Manhattan or Bronx,44 transfer of property to home at death, without relatives able to support, character refer ences, sane, normal health. White, United States citizen, Baptist, 5 years’ residence in Both sexes and 130 city, transfer of property to home on admission, normal couples. health. Orthodox Hebrew, 3 years’ residence in State, transfer of part do __ 20Q of property to home on admission, not a chronic invalid. White, not disabled or requiring medical or nursing care____ ___do_______ _ 95 White, Jewish, sane, ambulant_______________ _______ 55 do__ Good cultural background, not requiring special treatment Couples only... 130 or diet. White, Jewish, transfer of property to home on admission if Both sexes____ 74 no children, sane, free from contagious disease. White, Jewish, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of property Both sexes and 345 to home on admission, without relatives able to support, at couples. least semiambulant. White, character references, sane, free from contagious dis __ .do____ ___ 233 ease. Good character___________ _____________________________ ___ do____ .. 230 White, French, indigent, ambulant_____________________ Both sexes . . . 22 )J ...................... ... White, preference to Episcopalians, 3 years’ residence in city, M e n a n d 90 transfer of property to home at death, free from chronic couples. disease. Jewish, 2 years’ residence in city or county, 5 in State, transfer Both sexes and 355 of property to home at death, ambulant. couples. White, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city or county, 5 in State, ____do________ 564 transfer of property to home on admission, free from com municable disease. White, Jewish. _ __________ . _____ __________________ ____do________ 243 Jewish, transfer of property to hom e___ _________________ ____do____ 200 White, 6 months’ residence in city, transfer of property to ____do_______ 172 home on admission, without relatives able to support, character references, sane, free from communicable or dis abling disease, epilepsy, or blindness. do White, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring church, transfer of 93 property to home on admission, sane, free from cancer, epilepsy, tuberculosis, or crippling disease. $22 per month... Negro, transfer of part of property to home at death, 90-day Both sexes____ 13 trial period, normal health. 34 Scandinavian, member of sponsoring church, transfer of part Both sexes and of property to home on admission, all at death, normal couples. health. White, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to Women only... 50 home on admission, gentlewoman in reduced circumstances and without relatives able to support, free from contagious disease, not an invalid. (6)........................ («) . . . ............................................... ............ («)._................... (8) 49 $25 per month White, member of Presbyterian or Dutch Reformed Church, Women only... resident of city, sufficient means to cover personal and burial ' expenses. 38 For couples. 46 Plus .$1.50 or $2 per day; latter rate includes med44 If foreigner, 20 years' residence in the United ical and nursing care with no extra charge. Others States. pay 50 cents per day additional. 86 HOMES FOR AGED IN TH E UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home New ForA:—-Continued New York City—Continued. St. Francis Home, 609 East 5th St.. St. Joseph's Home, 135 West 106th S t... St.Luke’s Home for Aged Women, 2914 Broadway. St. Patrick’s Home for Aged and In firm, 66 Van Cortland Park South, Bronx. St. Philip’s Parish Home, 211 West 133d St. Samaritan Home, 440 East 88th St____ Trinity Chapel Home, 1666 Bussing Ave., Bronx. United Odd Fellows Home and Or phanage, 1072 Havemeyer Ave. W arschauer Haym Solomon Home for Aged, 136 2d Ave. Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, Webb and Sedgwick Ave. North Tarrytown: Howard (Margaret A.) Home, North Broadway. Norwich: Chenango Valley Home, 24 Canaswacta St. Ogdensburg: Ogdensburg City Hospital and Orphan Asylum, 215 King St. Pythian Home__________________— Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members (10) Catholic order, Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Private organization_______ _______ Catholic order, Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm. St. Philip’s Protestant Episcopal Church. Private organization. _.................... ...... ..— do............ .................................... . $500 500 750 8250 Independent Order of Odd Fellows.. Associated Warschauer Society for Aged. Private organization.______________ -do. _do. Catholic Diocese of Ogdensburg_____ New York State Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. United Helpers Home, 1200 State St__ Society of the United Helpers. Oneida: Old Ladies’ Home of Madison Private organization_________ County, 533 Main St.4 Oriskany: Eastern Star Home..................._ New York Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Ossining: Bethel Swedish M. E. Home, Narra- Private organization. gansett and Pine Ave. Christ Child Day Nursery and Beth ___ do___..................... any Home, 26 Ann St. Victoria Home for Aged British Men and Women. Oswego: Home for the Homeless, 43 East Utica St. Owego: Owego Home for Aged Women, 369 Main St. Oxford: N. Y. S. Woman’s Relief Corps Home. (10) 500 Daughters of the British Empire- 8 500 Private organization....................... (3) ___ d o .................... State of New York.. Private organization. Peekskill: Field Home, R. F. D. Penn Yan: Pratt (Guertha) Home, Inc., ____do. 224 Clinton St. Plattsburg: Vilas (Samuel F.) Home, Cor- ____do. nelia and Beckman Sts. do. Port Jervis: Home for Aged Women, 63 Canal St. 3 Varies according to age. 7 Men. 4 Data as of 1929. 500 500 800 65 65 65 1,000 1,500 500 65 700 87 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A ged in the U nited States — Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates (10) Other W hite.............................................................. Good character, without means of support White, Episcopalian, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property (above $500') to home on admission. White, Catholic, sane, free from contagious disease_________ Whom admitted Both sexes and couples. ___ do_______ Women only___ Both sexes and couples. Women only... $22 per month.._ Negro, normal health White, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admission, Both sexes____ normal health. White, member of Protestant Episcopal Church, transfer of Women only... property to home on admission, medical certificate of sanity and health. White, member in good standing in lodge of sponsoring organi Both sexes and zation, transfer of property to home, normal health, able to couples. care for self. Former resident (or descendant of resident) of Warsaw, Poland, Both sexes____ or its vicinity. United States citizen, shipbuilder, transfer of property to Both sexes and home on admission, sane, good habits. couples. White, dressmaker or worker in allied trade, sane, free from Women only... cancer, paralysis, or tuberculosis. White, transfer of property to home on admission, normal ___ d o........... health. $4 per w ee k, White, sane........................... ............. ............................................. Both sexes and couples. $16.08 per month.9 White, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order prior to ap ___ do_______ plication (or wife or widow), transfer of property to home on admission. White, Protestant, resident of county, transfer of property to Women only... home on admission, not a hospital case. 2 years’ residence in county preceding application, transfer of ___ do________ property to home, homeless. White, 15 years’ membership in sponsoring order prior to ap ----- do________ plication, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from cancer, epilepsy, or communicable disease. Swedish, Methodist, transfer of property to home on admis Both sexes and sion, sane, free from contagious disease, ambulant. couples. White, 5 years’ residence in city or vicinity, transfer of prop Women only... erty to home on admission (income thereon paid to resident), without relatives able to support, character references, not requiring nursing care. White, British descent, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of Both sexes and property to home at death, sane, free from infectious or couples. chronic disease. White, several years’ residence in city, transfer of property to Women only... home on admission, free from chronic disease, without home or anyone to provide. White, 4 months’ residence in county, 1 year in State, transfer ___ d o ............ . of property to home on admission. Veteran or war nurse enlisted from New York or having 1 Both sexes and year’s residence there, sane, free from cancer, tuberculosis, or couples. venereal disease; wives or widows must prove marriage 10 years prior to application, mothers or daughters must prove war service or honorable discharge. White, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to Women only... home on admission, normal health. White, Protestant, transfer of property to home at death, ___ do__.......... . normal health. White, Protestant, resident of State, transfer of property ___ d o ............ . to home on admission, furnishings for own room, normal health. do. White, transfer of property to home on admission, 3-month trial period, good habits. » Women. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. io Each case is considered on its individual merits. Capacity (aged only) 228 250 84 139 13 44 10 118 102 15 27 12 68 17 22 100 40 6 62 21 12 226 25 16 29 14 88 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irectory, and Entrance Requirements o f Homes E n t r a n c e r e q u ir e m e n ts Name and address of home S p o n s o r in g or c o n tr o llin g o r g a n iz a tio n M in im u m e n tr a n c e fee for life m em bers M in i mum age N e w York — Continued Poughkeepsie: Old Ladies Home, 52 South Hamilton St. Pringle Memorial Home, 153 Academy St. Vassar Brothers Home for Aged M en, 193 M ain St. Red Hook: Ward M a n o r ____ ___________ Rochester: Church Home, 509 Mount Hope A v e .. Jewish Home for Aged, Inc., 1162 St. Paul St. P r iv a t e o r g a n i z a t i o n ........................................ $500 60 1,000 d o __________________________________________ _____ d o ....... ...................................................... ............. C o m m u n i t y S e r v ic e Y o r k C ity ). S o c ie ty 65 500 70 8600 (N e w P r o te s ta n t E p is c o p a l C hu rch of R o c h e s te r . P r iv a t e o r g a n iz a t io n _______________________ 65 P 70 } Rochester Friendly Home, 3156 East _____ d o .......................................................... .............. \ 8 65 Ave. R o c h e s te r P r e s b y t e r y , P r e s b y t e r ia n Rochester Presbyterian Home, Inc., C hu rch . 256 Thurston Rd. R o m a n C a th o lic D io c e s e o f R o c h e s t e r . St. Ann’s Home for Aged, 1971 Lake 60 Ave. S t. J o h n ’ s C h a r it a b le A s s o c ia t io n ............ St. John’s Home for Aged, 1262 South 65 Ave. 8 500 8600 8500 Rome: Rome Home, 417 North Washing ton St. P r iv a t e o r g a n iz a t io n .......................................... 65 500 Saratoga Springs: Home of the Good Shep herd, 45 Greenfield Ave. Saugerties: Finger (Ellen Russell) Home for Aged and Indigent Women, Ulster Ave. Sayville (Long Island): Home Farm (branch of German Evan gelical Home for Aged, Brooklyn). Sons and Daughters of Liberty Home, 121 Lakeland Ave. Schenectady: Ingersoll Memorial for Aged M en, Stop 1, Albany-Schenectady Rd. Old Ladies’ Home, 1519 Union S t_____ . C h u r c h A i d o f P r o te s ta n t E p is c o p a l C h u rch . P r iv a t e o r g a n iz a t io n ..................................... .. 70 500 Seneca Falls: Johnson Home for Indigent Females, Cayuga St. Staten Island: Eger Norwegian Lutheran Home for the Aged, Meisner and Rockland Ave., New Dorp. House of Divine Providence, 1088 Old Town Rd., Stapleton.4 Mariner’s Family Asylum, 119 Tom p kins Ave., Stapleton. G e r m a n E v a n g e lic a l A i d S o c ie ty o f t h e C i t y o f B r o o k ly n . N e w Y o r k S ta te C o u n c i l, S o n s a n d D a u g h ters of L ib e r ty . 65 T r u s te e s o f G e o r g e T . In g e r so ll E s t a t e . 50 Syracuse Home, 212 North Townsend St. 4 Data as of 1929. 6No data. 7 M en. 81,000 8300 800 P r iv a t e o r g a n iz a tio n _______________________ 700 T r u s te e s o f J u s tu s B . J o h n so n E s t a t e . . P r iv a t e o r g a n iz a t io n ..................................... .. 65 C a th o lic o rd er, Siste rs o f D i v i n e P r o v i d e n ce . P r iv a t e o r g a n iz a t io n ..................... .................. .. 65 Sailors’ Snug Harbor, Richmond Ter ______d o _ _ ............................................................ ......... race, New Brighton. Swedish Home for Aged People, 20 U n it e d S w e d ish S o c ie t y o f N e w Y o r k . Bristol Ave., W est New Brighton. Stuyvesant: Odd Fellows Home of Eastern New York. Syracuse: Jewish Home for Aged of Central New York, 4101 East Genesee St. Loretto Rest, Inc., East Glen and Brighton Aves. 65 In d e p e n d e n t O r d e r o f O d d F e l l o w s ____ P r iv a t e o r g a n iz a tio n 8600 60 200 60 8800 65 f 7 60 \ 8 55 ________ __________ 60 R o m a n C a th o lic D io c e s e o f S y r a c u s e .. 60 Private o r g a n iz a t io n ..................................... .. 65 } ......................... (14) 500 8 Women. 8 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 89 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the Aged in the United States— Continued Entrance requirements— Continued W hom admitted Boarders’ rates Other White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop erty to home on admission, normal health. W hite, literary or professional man, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, Protestant, 5 years' residence in city, transfer of prop erty to home on admission, able to care for self. Transfer of property to home at death, sane, free from com municable disease. ( « ) _ _ „ ........ ........... $7 and up per week.9 White, member of sponsoring church, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission. W hite, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city, sane, free from com municable disease.10 Wom en o n ly ... 9 do 20 Both sexes and couples. . 90 do _ 39 do 81 White.. 3 years’ residence in city, 5 in county, transfer of prop ___ do______ __ . erty to home on admission, not a hospital case. White, member of church in Rochester Presbytery, transfer of _ _ do _ _ property to home on admission, normal health. White, good character, normal health_______________ ______ _ ____ do ________ 108 51 185 75 18 27 . . . d o _ _............ 6 White, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admission, Both sexes and normal health. couples. White, member of sponsoring order, 20 years’ residence in ____ do . _______ State, transfer of property to home on admission, free from communicable, disabling, or malignant disease or epilepsy. White, 5 years’ residence in city or county, transfer of property M en only___ __ to home on admission. Women o n ly ... White, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, good character, free from contagious disease, not helpless nor blind. _ do. White, transfer of property to home on admission, good char acter, sane, normal health. 10 White, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission (income thereon paid to resident), normal health. 12 33 43 18 White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. Both sexes and couples. 40 French preferred, member of St. Vincent de Paul Church____ Women o n ly ... 21 W hite, wife, mother, or daughter of mariner sailing from Port ____ do________ of New York, transfer of property to home, sane, free from tuberculosis. M en only ___ Service on deep-sea vessels under United States flag, destitute, unable to support self. Scandinavian, transfer of property to home at death, am Both sexes and bulant. couples. 24 802 ___ do_________ 40 White, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to home on admission, able to care for self. $5 per week_____ 47 Men only White, Protestant, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of part . do _ of property to home on admission, free from cancer, tuber culosis, etc., not a hospital case. White, 2 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to Wom en o n ly ... home on admission (income thereon paid to resident), sane, normal health. $10 per week 9. __ White, good character, able to care for self____________________ ____ do ________ $1 per day 8 ___ Ca pac ity (aged only) White, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city or State, transfer of ____ d o ................ property to home. White, Catholic, 1 year’s membership in sponsoring diocese, ____ d o ._ ........... .. recommendation from pastor, sane, free from chronic organic disease. White, Protestant, 1 year’s residence in county, transfer of 85 Women o n ly ... percent of property to home on admission, good character, free from incurable disease or paralysis, not confirmed invalid. 10E a c h case is c o n s id e r e d o n its in d i v i d u a l m e r its . 14V a r ie s a c c o r d in g to age , p h y s ic a l c o n d it i o n , e t c .; a p p lic a n ts o c c a s io n a lly a c c e p te d w it h o u t fees. 31 42 165 55 90 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES! Directory, and Entrance Requirements o f Homes Entrance require ments Sponsoring or controlling organization Name and address of home Minim um M ini entrance fee mum for life age members N e w York — Continued Tappan: Eventide Home, Box 32, Western High way. German Masonic Home _____________ Troy: Bethesda Home, 504 Second Ave __ __ Salvation Arm y (New York C ity)____ Private organization_______ ___________ Protestant Episcopal Churches in Troy. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Powers (Deborah) Home for Old Ladies . Trustees of Deborah Powers E state._ Church Home in the City of Troy, 1800 7th Ave. Home for the Aged, 192 9th S t _________ Presbyterian Church Home, 92 1st St_. Private organization___________________ Utica: Home for Aged M en and Couples, 1657 ____ d o ...................................................... ....... Sunset A ve .4 Home for the Homeless, 32 Faxton St__ ____ d o ._ ......... ................................................ __________________ Free and Accepted M a s o n s ___________ St. Luke’s Home and Hospital, 1506 Whitesboro St. Vernon Center: Maple Park Home for Aged Ladies. Wappingers Falls: Gallaudet Home for Aged and Infirm Deaf Mutes. Private organization__________________ Masonic H o m e ____ 60 (10) Free and Accepted Masons___________ f f 65 \___.................. { »60 65 9 $500 60 70 1,000 65 300 65 600 65 1,000 65 60 600 Episcopal Church Mission to Deaf M utes. 60 500 Watertown: Keep (Henry) Home, 920 Private organization___________________ Washington St. Williams ville: Blooher H o m e s ___________ _ _ _______ __ ____ do__________________________________ 60 1,000 65 1,000 St. M ary of the Angels, 400 M ill St____ Yonkers: B ’nai B ’rith Home for Aged, 3 Lehman Terrace. St. John’s Home for Aged Women, 5 Hudson St. __ do _______ _____________________ Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis... District N o. 1, B ’nai B ’rith___________ ( « )._ _ ............................................................... 65 (6) 09 North Carolina Durham: King’s Daughters Home for Aged W omen, Gloria Ave. and Bu chanan Blvd. Fayetteville: Confederate W om en’s H om e. Goldsboro: I. O. O. F. H om e______________ Greensboro: Home. Masonic and Eastern Star Raleigh: St. Luke’s Home for Aged Ladies, 501 Newbern Ave. Wilmington: Kennedy (Catherine) Home, 901 Princess St .4 Winston-Salem: Moravian Church Home, 500 South Church St. Sheltering Home Circle, Daughters and Sons. King’s United Daughters of Confederacy and State of North Carolina. North Carolina Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. North Carolina Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, and Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. (6) _____________________ _________________ Ladies Benevolent Society...................... 55 65 60 09 09 200 60 Congregation of United Brethren of Salem and vicinity (Moravian Church). North Dakota Arthur: Good Samaritan Hom e____________ Devils Lake: Odd Fellows’ Home 4. ............. 4 Data as of 1929. (10) Evangelical Lutheran Good Samari tan Society. North Dakota Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. 6 No data. Men. Women. 91 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the Aged in the United States— Continued Entrance requirements— Continued Ca pac ity (aged only) W hom admitted Boarders’ rates Other White, able to care for self_____________________________________ M en only _ $6 per week 9___ Member of sponsoring order in good standing (or wife or Both sexes and widow), transfer of property to home on admission, normal couples. health. White, Protestant, 3 years’ residence in city or county, 5 in Wom en o n ly ... State, transfer of property to home on admission, able to care for self and room, not blind. Member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to home .........do______ on admission, sane, normal health. Sane__ _________ - ~ __________ _____________________________ Both sexes and couples. White, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admission, W omen o n ly ... sane, normal health. White, Presbyterian, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of _____d o ___ __ property to home on admission, sane, normal health. Preference to residents of county, transfer of property to home. Both sexes and couples. White, preference to Protestants, several years' residence in W omen only._county, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, not a hospital case. White, Mason (or wife or widow), indigent, transfer of prop- Both sexes and couples. erty to home on admission, sane, free from contagious dis ease. White, Protestant Episcopalian, able to care for self.............. . Wom en o n ly ... $7 per week 2 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on ____ do_________ .... $8 per week------ 15 100 25 19 173 18 16 40 64 600 16 19 admission, sane, free from disease. White, deaf mute, resident of State, transfer of property to Both sexes and home on admission, sane, free from communicable disease, couples. not a hospital case. White, 15 years' residence in county, transfer of property to ____ do_________ home at death, ambulant, able to care for room. 33 34 White, transfer of property to home on admission, good char _____do_________ acter, not a hospital case. W hite, sane, not a hospital case. ________________________ _ __ __ do __ 50 $8-$13 per wfcek. 40 (6) White, Jewish, member of sponsoring order, transfer of part _ ..d o _________ of property to home on admission, sane, normal health. (6) ................. ...................................................... ................ ....................... (6) __________ .................... $25 and $30 per month. («)_______________ White, member of sponsoring order, good character, sane, free from contagious or incurable disease. 73 (6) Women o n ly ... 24 White, wife, sister, or daughter of Confederate soldier, trans ___ do_________ fer of property to home at death, sane. White, member in good standing of sponsoring order___ __ _ Both sexes and couples. White, member of sponsoring order, transfer of part of prop ____ d o . . . ......... . erty to home on admission. 42 15 65 (8) ________ ______ _________ ___________ ____________ ____________( _ 0) ____________ Furnish own bed linen and towels. _ ............................................ _ Both sexes and couples. Women o n ly ... 25 Both sexes and couples. ............ ........................ _____ do. ____ __ 113 (10) .......................... White, member of sponsoring c h u rch ............... ............... ............ $25 per month 9. White, free from contagious disease................................................... Member of sponsoring order, indigent • Applicants occsasionally accepted without fees. 2 3 0 8 0 8 ° - - 4 1 -------- 7 (6) 10 Each case is considered on its individual me:rits. 17 40 92 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES! Directory, and Entrance Requirements o f Homes Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization M inim um M ini entrance fee mum for life age members North Dakota— Continued Fargo: Lutheran Old People’s Home, 1315 North Broadway. Grand Forks: Grand Forks Home for Aged. Jamestown: Jamestown Old Folks H om e.-. Lisbon: North Dakota Soldiers’ Home 4___ Northwood: Northwood Old People’s Home. Valley City: Lutheran Old People’s Home. Lutheran Hospitals and Homes Society of America, Inc. Private organization____. _ Evangelical Lutheran Good Samari tan Society. State of North Dakota________________ Northwood Deaconess Hospital and Home Association. Lutheran Hospitals and Homes So ciety of Fargo. (10) 8 $2,000 (10) 65 Ohio Akron: Sumner Home for Aged, 90 North Prospect St. Ashtabula: Smith Home for Aged Women, 4533 Park Ave. Private organization................................... 65 300 Trustees of James L. Smith Estate___ 65 8300 Canton: Aultman Home for Aged Women, 708 Market Ave. North. Private organization................. ................. 65 600 8i 70 8 2, 500 Cincinnati: Bethesda Home for Aged, 440 Lafayette _____do........ ......... ..................... ................... .. Ave. Bodmann Widows’ Home, Highland and Stetson Aves. Cincinnati Altenheim, Burnet and Ellard Ave. Hamilton County 0 . E . S. Home and Hospital, 1630 North Btnd Rd., Col lege Hill. Home for Aged Colored Women, 1334^ Lincoln Ave. Home for Jewish Aged and Infirm, Union and Burnet Aves. Methodist Home for Aged, 5343 Hamil ton Ave., College Hill. Orthodox Jewish Home for Aged, M a ple and Knott Sts. St. Ann’s House, 1630 Baymiller St.18_ _ St. Joseph’s Home for Aged Poor, Flor ence A ve .4 St. Teresa Home for A ged................... . ____ do...... ............... ....... ..................... ........... 65 ------- d o ..................................... ........... ........... 65 Chapters of Hamilton County, Order of the Eastern Star. 65 Progressive Benefit Society___________ 65 Private organization___________________ 60 Ohio Annual Conference, Methodist Church. Private organization___________________ 65 Community of the Transfiguration, Glendale. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cin cinnati. Private organization................................... 1, 250 (i°) 500 (i°) 60 60 65 8 1, 500-4, 000 65 1,250 Circleville: Home and Hospital of Circle- ____ do................................. ......... ................... ville, 335 W est Ohio St. Cleveland: Altenheim, 7719 Detroit Ave.4. ............ .. ____ do__________________________________ 65 9 600 Baptist Home of Ohio, 8903 Cedar Ave., SE. Baptish Churches of Ohio—.................... 65 500 Church Home, 2227 Prospect A v e_____ Diocese of Ohio, Episcopal C hurch... 60 8500 Cleveland Home for Aged Colored Peo ple, 4807 Cedar Ave. Dorcas Invalid Home, 1380 Addison Rd. Private organization................................... 65 300 Dorcas Society.................... ....................... . 65 8700 Home for Aged Women (Amasa Stone House), 975 East Blvd. Private organization___________________ 65 750 Jennings (Eliza) Home, 10603 Detroit Ave. _____do....................... .................................... Jewish Orthodox Old Home, 736 Lakeview Rd. Jewish Welfare Federation of Cleve land. W idows’ and Old M en’s Home, 1310 East M cM illan St. 4 D a t a as o f 1929. 8 A p p lic a n t s o c c a s io n a lly a c ce p te d w it h o u t fees. 65 (i°) 9 750 65 i° E a c h case is c o n sid e r e d o n its in d iv id u a l m e r its . 13 N u m b e r o f r o o m s . 93 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES for the Aged in the United States— Continued Entrance requirements— Continued W hom admitted Boarders’ rates Other Both sexes and couples. $30 per month 9_. White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home on admission.. ___ do _ . _ $25 per month 9_. Transfer of property to home 10_ __________ __________________ do $25 per month 9__ White, free from contagious disease.____ _______ ______________ $25-$35 per month .9 $25 per month 9_. Veteran, or wife or widow_____ ______ _____ _. . do White, preference to Lutherans, 30-day trial period, free from ____ do_________ communicable disease. White, free from contagious disease____________________________ do White, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home ____ do__________ on admission, normal health. White, American-born, 1 year’s residence in county, transfer Women o n ly ... of property to home on admission, good character, normal health. White, 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home ____ do_________ on admission, 3 character references from city residents, free from chronic disease. White, preference to Methodists, transfer of part of property to home (5 percent interest thereon paid to resident), good character, free from objectionable disease. White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop erty to home at death, sane, normal health. 0 °)--------------- ------- White, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home,10 good character, normal health. White, Protestant, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order preceding date of application, transfer of property to home on admission. Negro, 15 years’ residence in city______________________________ $2 per month 17._ $50 per month 9_. $7 per week 9___ CapB(C* ity (aged only) 45 62 25 50 86 52 32 28 20 Both sexes and couples. 95 W omen o n ly ... 68 Men o n ly .. . . . 75 Both sexes and couples. 26 Women o n ly ... 18 White, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home at death, free from tuberculosis or cancer. White, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, normal health. Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city. ________ ______ _________ __ Both sexes and couples. ____ do__________ 65 White, preference to Episcopalians, sufficient income for selfsupport. White, sane, letter of recommendation, destitute_____________ Women o n ly ... 15 Both sexes and couples. W hite, normal health_______________________ _____ _____ ________ ____ d o _________ 250 White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city or county, trans ____ do__________ fer of property to home on admission, character references from pastor and physician, able to care for self and room. White, free from malignant disease ________ ____ _____ _________ W o m e n an d couples. 220 do Both sexes and couples. White, preference to Baptists, transfer of property to home on W omen o n ly ... admission, character references (from church, if Baptist), sane, normal health. White, Episcopalian, resident of diocese, transfer of property ____ do--------------to home on admission, good character, normal health. $7 per week_____ Negro, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home Both sexes____ on admission. $12 per week 9___ White, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home Women o n ly ... at death, sane, invalid, but free from malignant disease. American citizen, white, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in __ .d o _______ . county, transfer of property to home on admission, able to care for self. $21 per month 9__ White, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to ____ d o . . . ............ home on admission, good character, invalid, but free from malignant disease. White, Orthodox Jewish, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer Both sexes and of property to home on admission, free from contagious couples. disease. Transfer of property to home__________________________________ 17 Covers rent only; residents must be able to support selves, otherwise. 18 Home for self-scipporting women. 31 Younger by special arrangement. 130 80 125 13 14 35 27 18 18 52 50 61 100 94 HOMES FOB AGED IN THE UNITED STATES Directory, and Entrance Requirements o f Homes Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization M inim um M ini entrance fee mum for life age members Ohio— Continued Cleveland— Continued. Little Sisters of the Poor, 2507 East 22d St .4 Monteflore Home, 3151 Mayfield Rd___ Scottish Old North Park Welsh Home R d., Rocky Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Private organization.................................. Folks Home, Inc., 1835 ____ do.......... .................................................... Blvd. for Aged, Center Ridge W om en’s Welsh Clubs of America____ River. Clyde: Ramsey (Eliza) Home for Old Ladies. Columbus: Clouser (Catharine) Home, 33 Midland A v e .4 Columbus Home for Aged, 1776 W est Broad St. Old Folks Home, 1240 East Long St Pauline Home for Aged, 1303 East Main St. D ayton: Scott (M ary) Home, 108 Garst St W idow s’ Home, 50 South Findlay St._ Delaware: Moore (Sarah) Hom e for Aged W om en, 47 East William St. East Cleveland: McGregor (A. M .) H om e, 14715 Terrace Rd. Elyria: Elyria Home for Aged of Methodist Church, 807 W est Ave. Fostoria: Old Folks Home of Church of the Brethren. Greenville: Brethren H o m e .-......................................... St. Clair (Ella Van D yke) Home for Aged. Hamilton: Community Home, 315 Dayton St. Lebanon: Otterbein Hom e_____ ______ _____ Lodi: Home for Aged W o m e n 4____________ Louisville: St. Joseph’s Hospice for Aged, 219 North Chapel St. Madison: Madison Hom e.............. ......... ......... Marietta: Washington County W om an’s Home, 812 3d St. Marion: Waddell Ladies Home, 1241 East Center St. Medina: Parker (Sophia Huntington) Home, North Huntington St. Private organization (a)................ 60 65 65 65 $500 65 800 (10) (fi) 68 Private organization 9 600 do 60 360 do 65 500 do. 55 Young W om en’s Christian Associa tion. Private organization__________________ 65 400 8i 65 1,000 ........ d o ............................................................. 65 Northeast Ohio Methodist Church___ 3i 65 North Western District of Church of the Brethren. 600 (3) Ohio, Church of the Brethren. Private organization____ 50 . .d o ............... ................... 65 Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Private organization__________________ Cleveland Diocese, Roman Catholic Church. State of Ohio, Department of Public Welfare. (8)___________________ 300 (3) 65 60 60 3, 000 (•) (•) 3 750-1,000 Private organization____ Pythian Sisters of Ohio. M ilan: Gordon (Fannie) Home for Aged Women. M ount Vernon: Home for Aged, 7 East Sugar St. Ohio Diocese, Protestant Episcopal Church. Private organization................................. 60 Portsmouth: Home for Aged W omen, 1004 2d St. Ravenna: Resthaven Home for Aged--------- ____ d o ............................................................ 65 350 ____ d o ._ _ ...................................................... . 45 » 750 Rittman: Mennonite Old People’s Home, R. F. D . No. 1. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities (Elkhart, Ind.). 40 3 Varies according to age. 4 Data as of 1929. • N o data. • Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 1,000 95 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the Aged in the United States— Continued Entrance requirements— Continued Ca pac ity (aged only) W hom admitted Boarders’ rates Other Indigent________________________________________________________ Both sexes and couples. White, Jewish, transfer of substantially all property to home ____ d o ______ _ at death, without other means of support, normal health. White, Scotch ancestry, resident of county, transfer of prop ____ do__________ erty to home on admission, normal health. White, Protestant, Welsh birth or descent, transfer of prop ____ d o ................ erty to home on admission, sane, able to care for self, normal health. 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on Wom en o n ly ... admission, normal health. («).___.................. $15 per month $25 per month Jewish__________ ______ ________ ________________________ _______ _ Both sexes and couples. White, 1 year’ s residence in county, transfer of property to .........d o ................ home at death, 3-month trial period, free from organic or communicable disease. Negro, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home ____ do _ on admission, able to care for self. White, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to W omen o n ly .. . home on admission, normal health, without living children. Negro, Protestant, 1 year’s residence in city, able to care for self. White, Protestant or Catholic, 5 years’ residence in city, trans fer of property to home on admission, normal health. W hite, widow or single woman, transfer of property to home on admission, sane. American, white, Protestant, 3 years’ residence in city, trans fer of property to home on admission, good character, nor mal health. White, preference to Methodists, 3 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home , 10 normal health. W hite, member of sponsoring church, 1}4 years’ residence in State, good character, sane, free from communicable disease. 20 28 14 («) 54 14 32 ____ d o ................ 21 ____ d o . . ............. 25 _____do_____ 30 . Both sexes and couples. 66 ____ d o . . . ........... 90 ___ d o ___ __ . 26 40 in city, transfer of property to home, homeless, free from contagious disease. White, Christian, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home. White . . . ______ __________ ___________ ________________ W omen o n ly ... 6 Both sexes and couples. ____ do...... ......... . 26 $10 per week____ W hite, sane, not a hospital case nor an invalid_______________ (6) . ...................... Wife, widow or dependent mother of soldier, with service from Ohio, any war. («)_________ _____ __________ _________ ______ _________ ___________ $3.50 per week, $15.20 per month. 78 1 year’s membership in sponsoring church, 1 year’s residence ____ do ............... White, transfer of property to home on admission, good char acter. $10 per w eek« . . . 200 White, transfer of property to home on admission, able to care for self. White, 15 years’ consecutive membership in sponsoring order, transfer of property to home on admission, 3-month trial period. Wnite, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, 1 year’s residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission (2 percent interest paid to resident on all over $1,000), 3-month trial period, free from contagious disease, sane, normal health. White, 7 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. W hite, transfer of property to home on admission, good char acter, free from contagious disease. White, free from contagious disease____________________________ 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. Wom en o n ly ... Both sexes and couples. Women o n ly ... 125 7 30 40 ( « ) ..................... .. Women o n ly ... 11 ........ do. ............. 25 ____ do_________ ? ____ d o . . .............. 24 ____ do ............... 14 Both sexes and couples. ____ do __......... __ 22 n Younger by special arrangement. 20 96 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES! Directory, and Entrance Requirements o f Homes Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization M ini Minim um mum entrance fee for life age members Ohio— Continued Salem: Home for Aged W om en, 1171 East State St. (address mail to M rs. Clara F. Stratton, East 7th St.) Sidney: Ohio Presbyterian Homes________ Springfield: Clark Memorial Limestone St. Home, 616 North I. O. O. F. Home, 420 McCreight S t . .. Knights of Pythias Home for Aged, 901 W est High St. Ohio Masonic Hom e.................................. . State Soldiers’ Home Post Office: Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home. Steubenville: Jefferson County Home for Aged Women, 408 North 5th St. Tiffin: National Home, Daughters of America, North Sandusky St., P. O. Box 913. St. Francis Orphan Asylum and Home for Aged Persons.4 Tippecanoe City: Feghtly Lutheran Hom e. Private organization 65 $600 Ohio Synod, Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. 65 »600 Young W om en’s Christian Associa tion. 65 500 Private organization. 65 800 National Council, Daughters of America. Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis... 65 Ohio Grand Lodge, Independent Or der of Odd Fellows. Knights of Pythias of Ohio____________ Ohio Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. State of Ohio_______ Ohio Synod, United Lutheran Church in the United States. 60 Toledo: Little Sisters of the Poor, 1616 Starr Ave. Lutheran Old Folks’ Home, 2465 Sea man St. Old Ladies’ Home, 4020 Indian R d .4___ Upper Sandusky: Home for Aged----------------- Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Lutheran Orphans’ and Old Folks’ Home Society of Toledo. Private organization___________________ Evangelical and Reformed Church____ 60 Urbana: Ohio Masonic Home, 1040 South M ain St. Ohio Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Waynesville: Friends Hom e......................... .. Indiana Yearly Meeting, Society of Friends. Alumni Association of Ohio State School for the Deaf. Methodist Protestant Church of Baltimore, M d . Westerville: Ohio Home for Aged and In firm Deal, Route 3. W est Lafayette: Methodist Protestant Home for Aged. Youngstown: Home for Aged Women, Mahoning Avc. Zanesville: Purcell (Helen) Home, 1854 Norwood Blvd. 60 9 1,000 65 65 500 » 500 300 (i°) « 2, 800 65 650 65 1,075 Private organization..................... ............. ____ do__________________________________ 500 600 Oklahoma Ardmore: Confederate H om e.. State of Oklahoma_____________________ Checotah: Odd Fellows Home. Oklahoma Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Guthrie: Masonic Home for A g ed .............. Oklahoma Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Oregon Beaverton: Northwestern Christian H om e.. National Benevolent Association of Disciples of Christ (St. Louis). Eugene: Sunset Hom e_________ _____ ______ Portland: Artisans’ Old People’s Home, 7901 SE. Division St. Severson Memorial Home Association. 4 Data as of 1929. # No data. 16) 70 9100 u 65 1,000 eo (6) 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. i° Each case is considered on its individual merits. DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES 97 for the Aged in the United States— Continued Entrance requirements— Continued W hom admitted Boarders’ rates $1 per week. Other White, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, 6-month trial period, not requiring special care. White, resident of State, transfer of property to home on ad mission, good character, not a hospital case. Women o n ly ... 10 Both sexes and couples. 46 White, Christian, member of sponsoring organization, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission. W hite, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to home. White, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow), trans fer of property to home on admission, ambulant. American, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order if Master Mason prior to 50 years of age, 10 years if Master Mason over 50; if wife or widow of eligible Mason, transfer of prop erty to home on admission, good character, without relatives able to support, sane. Honorably discharged, disabled veteran, unable to earn living, 1 year’s residence in State, sane. White, 10 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from epilepsy, normal health. Women o n ly ... 16 Both sexes and couples. ------ do_________ 125 ____ do_________ 396 $7 per week. $5 per week. $6 per week. $25 per m onth9. . (6) M en only_____ 100 1, 200 Wom en o n ly .. . 16 White, 20 years’ membership in sponsoring order, transfer of property and income to home on admission. Both sexes and couples. ____ do_________ 100 Member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. Women o n ly ... Catholic, without means of support, good character, sane_____ Both sexes and couples. ____ do____ _____ 4 145 Wom en only _. Both sexes and couples. 25 35 ____do_________ 35 $30 per month . $5 per week. Capacity (aged only) White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home on admission, not a hospital case. Transfer of property to home at death--------------------------------------White, transfer of property to home on admission, good character, 90-day trial period, sane, normal health. Negro, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow), trans fer of property to home on admission, free from chronic or communicable disease, without relatives able to support. White, able to care for self, able to furnish nurse and pay nurse’s board. Deaf, transfer of personal property to home, sane, normal health. White, transfer of property to home on admission (4 percent interest paid to resident on all over $650), sane, normal health, able to assist around home. White, transfer of property to home, clothing for 1 year, normal health, free from incurable disease. White, transfer of property to home................................................... 12 30 ____ do.. 12 ____ do.. 55 ___ do.. 31 Women o n ly ... 23 ____ do__________ 30 Confederate veteran (or wife or widow), 5 years’ residence in State. White, member of sponsoring order, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from contagious disease. White, Protestant, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order in good standing (or wife or widow), transfer of property to home on admission. Both sexes and couples. ____ do_________ White, member of Disciples of Christ, transfer of property to home on admission, recommended by own church, normal health. Health requirements (for life members)_________ ______ ________ — ..d o . (6) (6) do. ____ do. ii Life members; boarders at any age. 46 Applicants from county homes received on basis of per-capita cost of such institution. 50 100 80 100 28 55 («) 98 HOM ES F O B AGED I N THE U N IT E D STATES Directory, and Entrance Requirements o f Homes Entrance requirements Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization M inim um M ini entrance fee mum for life age members Oregon — Continued Portland— Continued. German Baptist Old People’s Home, 823 N E . 82d Ave. Jewish Old People's Home, 1957 SW . 3d Ave. Pacific Conference, German Baptist Church. Federated Jewish Societies______ ______ 65 9 $2,000 60 Maccabees___________ __________________ 65 Catholic order, Sisters of M ercy_______ 60 2,000-3,500 Private organization______________ _____ 65 •2,500 Patton Home tor the Friendless, 4619 ____ do........ ............... ......... ......... ................. North Michigan Ave. Pisgah Home Colony, 7511 SE. Henry ____ do.......................... _............... ................... St. Salem: Methodist Old People’s Home, 1625 W om en’s Home Missionary Society, Oregon C onference, M e th o d ist Center St. Episcopal Church. 60 Maccabees Portland Home, 5057 W ood ward Ave. M ount St. Joseph Home for Aged, 530 SE. 30th Ave .4 Odd Fellows Home of Oregon, 3214 SE. Holgate St. Old People’s Home of Portland, 3150 N E . Sandy Blvd. Oregon Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 9 1,500 (3) 70 1,000 Pennsylvania Allentown: Good Shepherd Home, 501 St. John St. Phoebe Home, 19th and Turner Sts___ Private organization (Lutheran)........... Eastern Synod, Evangelical Reformed Church. St. Clara Home for Aged, 429 Pine S t ... Catholic order, Missionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. St. Martha Home for Aged, 417 Pine St. ____ do_________________ _____________ Ambler: Artman Home for Lutherans _________ Private organization_________________ Mercer (John C.) Home, M ount Pleas ____ do__________________________ . ant and Morris Rd. Bellevue: Western Eastern Star Home of Pennsylvania Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Pennsylvania, Route 7, Box 10. («)................................... ............................... 60 (*) 60 2,000 60 471,000 1,500 65 Bethlehem: King’s Daughters’ Home, 66 W est Church St. Bristol: Keene Home, 710 Radcliffe St_____ Private endowment.................................. 60 Brookville: Pennsylvania Memorial Hom e, W om en’s Relief Corps______________ 65 Cabot: Evangelical Aged. Synods of Missouri, Ohio and other States, Evangelical Lutheran Church. 65 Female Benevolent Society............... .. Conference of Southern District of Pennsylvania, Church ot the Breth ren. Trustees of Sarah A . Todd Estate____ 60 (18) 65 (10) Lutheran Home for Carlisle: Baird (Lydia) Home, 175 East High St. Brethren Home, Route 5_______________ Todd (Sarah A .) Memorial Home, 50 Mooreland Ave. Chalfont: Home of Patriotic Order of Sons ot America. Chambersburg: Shook (John H .) Home for Aged, 161 East Queen St. 4 Wright (Milton) Memorial, Route 7 . . . (6) (6) ................................... .......... ....... ........... .. 60 350 Private organization________ __________ Maccabees' Home and Relief Associa tion. 65 Cheltenham: Improved Order of Red M en’s Home, Maple and Rowland Ave nues. Improved Order of Red M en ot Penn sylvania. 60 9 500 Patriotic Order oi Sons of America____ Chatham: Maccabees’ H om e______________ 3 Varies. • No data. («) * Varies according to age. 2,000 4 Data as of 1929. • Applicants occasionally accepted without tees. 99 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES / or the Aged in the United Suites— Continued Entrance requirements— Continued Ca pac ity (aged only) W hom admitted Boarders' rates Other $38 per m onth8- . (10) ........................ $40 per month W hite, transfer of property to home, Christian character, normal health. Jewish, 1 year's residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health, without other suitable home. W hite, member of sponsoring order in good standing, transfer property to home on admission, normal health. Both sexes and couples. Both sexes... Both sexes and couples. do . $ 3 5 - $ 4 0 per month. 9 $ 3 0 - $ 4 0 per month .9 $5 per week 9___ (18) $4 per week 9___ («) 80 92 W hite, sane, normal health______ ________ ____________ _______ _ Both sexes 30 White, 3 years’ residence in State, transfer of part or all ol property to home on admission, free from contagious disease, not a hospital case. Both sexes and couples. .do (6) 15 W hite, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order (or wile or ____ do.. widow), transfer of property to home on admission, able to care tor sell. W hite, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of halt ol property ___ d o . . . ........... to home at death, lunds for personal expenses, normal health. W hite, 1 year’s residence in State, sane, not a hospital case......... ____ do________ . (10) _________________ __________ __________________________ _______ ........ do___ Member of sponsoring church, transfer of all or part of prop ____ do__________ erty to home on admission, good character. White, Catholic, recommendation from pastor, normal health. Women o n ly ... $15 per week, $85 per month. 60 _______________ _____ _____________________ __ ______ ____ do White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home at death, nor mal health, funds to provide clothing. Retired Presbyterian minister (and wife)_____ ________ _____ _ .. (6) ....................... White, member of any religious denomination except Unitar ian or Catholic, doctor’s certificate of normal health. Civil W ar veteran, (or wife, or widow), transfer of property to home, good character and deportment, sane. White, member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to home on admission, ambulant. 55 40 34 75 18 30 Both sexes and couples. M en and cou ples. Wom en o n ly ... W hite, member of sponsoring order, Protestant, 10 years’ resi dence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from epilepsy and contagious disease. (0)___________ _____ _____________________________________________ 58 22 a 24 (6) W om en o n ly ... 6 Both sexes and couples. -------d o ............. 36 20 11 W hite, self-supporting w o m a n _____________________ __________ Member of sponsoring church, free from contagious disease.. . Women o n ly ... Both sexes and couples. 23 (10) (10).................................................................................. ......... ................... .. Wom en o n ly ... 25 Both sexes and couples. 75 m W hite, native American, Protestant, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to home on admission, free from communicable disease, able to care tor self. Transfer of property to home_______________ _____ _____________ Women o n ly ... 21 $1 per day W hite, transfer of property to home at death.................... .......... $26 per m o n th ... Both sexes and couples. W hite, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to ___ do___________ home on admission, free from communicable disease, able to care for self. W hite, member of sponsoring order, 2 years’ residence in city, M en only........... transfer of property to home on admission, free from dis abling or incurable disease. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. is Home for self-supporting women. 47 M inimum rate; accepted without fees. applicants 14 150 40 occasionally 100 HOMES l''OK AGED IN THE UNITED STATES Directory, and Entrance Requirements o f Homes Entrance require ments Sponsoring or controlling organization Name and address of home Minim um M ini entrance fee mum for life age members Pennsylvania — Continued St. Joseph’s Convent, Mother-House of Sisters Adorers of the M ost Prec ious Blood. Erie Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. Columbia: St. Anne’s Home, Gethsemane.. Conneautville: Cribbs (Ida M .) Methodist Home tor Aged. («)______ _________ _________ ____________ Coopersburg: Ladies of the Golden Eagle Home. Dorseyville: Evangelical Home for Aged (P. O ., Route N o. 2, Sharpsburg Station, Pittsburgh). Duncannon: Kinkora Pythian Home, Route 2. * Easton: Easton Home for Aged and Infirm W omen, 1022 Northampton St. Elizabethtown: Masonic Homes---------------- 65 « $ 1, 500 60 9 1,000 (6) (6) 9 1,000 Pittsburgh Synod, Evangelical and Reformed Church. Pennsylvania Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Private organization...______ _________ Pennsylvania Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Catholic order, Sisters of Jesus Crucifled. Elmhurst: St. M ary’s Villa......... Erie: Ball Home, 135 East 6th St.. Lutheran Home for Aged of Erie, 2201 Sassafras St. Pennsylvania Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, 3d and Ash Sts. Reed (Sarah A .) Home, 2224 Sassafras St. St. M ary’s Home for Aged, 607 East 26th St. Frederick: Mennonite Home for Aged_____ . 700 65 65 Cathedral of St. Paul............... ................ 60 500 Private organization................... ............. . 65 9 1, 200 65 1,000 State of Pennsylvania.............................. Private organization....................... ....... Catholic order. Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania. Eastern District Conference, Mennonite Church of North America. . Presbyterian Association for Care of Aged and Orphans. 70 60 9 1,800 65 900 Greensburg: Home for Aged, 111 W . 2d S t ... Private organization. ............................... 65 500 Greenville: St. Paul Orphans and Old Folks Home. Pittsburgh Synod, Evangelical and Reformed Church. 60 500 Grove C ity: Odd Fellows’ Home for Aged and Infirm, Route N o. 3.4 Harmony: Pythian Home of Pennsyl vania .4 Harrisburg: Home for Friendless, 5th and Muench Sts. Messiah Rescue and Benevolent Home, 2001 Paxton St. Independent Order of Odd Fellow s... 65 Glenshaw: Presbyterian Hom e---------- . Knights of M alta............... ................. ....... Granville: M alta H om e------------ --------- Knights of Pythias........... ......................... Private organization................................... 60 500 Church of the River Brethren................ 60 91,500 Loyal Orange Institution____ _________ 60 91,000 Evangelical Congregational C hurch.__ 65 9 1,000 220 Huntingdon Presbytery, Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A . 60 9 600 Kennett Square: Friends’ Boarding Home, W est State St. Western Quarterly Meeting of Friends. 60 Hatboro: Orange Home, Byberry Rd. Herndon: Home. Burd Hollidaysburg: Newry St. and Rogers . Memorial Presbyterian Home, liBiic&stcr' Diffenbaugh Home, 319 North Duke St. Long (Henry G.) Home, Marietta and W est End Aves .4 Reformed Mennonite Home, 734 W est End Ave. 4 Data as of 1929. 6N o data. (•)_______________________ _____________ _ Private organization_______________ (6) CO 45 Reformed Mennonite Church. .......... .. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. D IR E C T O R Y OF OLD P EO PL E’S HOM ES te United States— Continued Entrance requirements— Continued W hom admitted Other Ca pac ity (aged only) Sane, normal health. Both sexes. 25 W hite, member of some church (preference to Methodists), transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from contagious disease, not requiring constant attendance. Both sexes and couples. 67 (•)___________________________ _______ (9)________ (•) 21 Both sexes and W hite, transfer of part of property to home on admission, rec ommendation from pastor, able to care for self. American, member of sponsoring order_______________________ W hite, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, free from incurable or disabling disease. White, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order (or wife, widow, or mother of member), transfer of property to home. W hite, Catholic_____________ _____ _____________________________ Member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to home, spinster, gentlewoman. White, transfer of property to home on admission, character references. Service in armed forces of United States, 1 year’s residence in State. Transfer of property to home on admission (income thereon paid to resident), good character, normal health. White, good character, sane, able to care tor self______________ couples. Both sexes and couples. Women o n ly ... Both sexes and couples. Both sexes_____ White, preference to members of sponsoring church, transfer of property to home on admission, good conduct, sane, free from contagious disease. White, 3 years’ membership in and recommendation by sponsoring church, transfer of property to home on admis sion, free from contagious disease. White, member of sponsoring church................... ........... ......... . $21.25-$26.25 per month .9 6 259 Women o n ly .. . 39 Women only__ Both sexes and couples. 76 86 28 8 35 12 15 125 60 38 110 Both sexes and couples (also children). Both sexes and couples. 60 Women o n ly ... 52 Both sexes and couples. 32 ............................ Women o n ly ... Both sexes and Member of sponsoring church, sane, free from chronic disease, normal health. I couples. *• Each case is considered on its individual merits. 35 Both sexes and couples. M en only______ (8)---- ------------------------- ------------------ ----- (9)— W hite, resident of county, transfer of property to home______ 27 577 Women o n ly .. . Both sexes and couples. Transfer of part of property to home on admission, good char ____ do__________ acter, sane. White, Protestant (preference to Presbyterians), transfer of Wom en o n ly ... property to home on admission, good character, able to care for self. White, Protestant, member of sponsoring order in good Both sexes and standing (or wife or widow), resident of State, transfer of couples. property to home on admission, able to care for sell. English speaking, 10 years’ residence in county, transfer of Women only. _. property to home on admission, good character, not an in valid. White, preference to members of sponsoring church, transfer of Both sexes and property to home on admission, free from communicable couples. disease. White, 15 years’ membership in sponsoring order, transfer of ____ d o ............ property to home, indigent or disabled. Member (or wife or widow) of Pennsylvania lodge, transfer -------d o ............ .. of property to home, infirm. White, transfer of property to home on admission (3 percent interest thereon paid to resident). White, Christian, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of part of property to home on admission,10 free from contagious dis ease, normal health. White, Protestant, member of sponsoring order, transfer ol property to home at death, normal health. 60 34 («) 49 30 102 HOMES FOB AGED IN TH E UNITED STATES Directory, and Entrance Requirements o f Homes Entrance require ments Sponsoring or controlling organization Name and address of home M ini M inim um mum entrance fee for life age members Pennsylvania — Continued Lancaster— Continued. W itmer (Ann C.) Home, 812 Columbia Ave. Private organization._______ __________ 65 $500 Lebanon: Home for Widows and Single ........ do............................................ .......... .. W omen, 14th and Oak Sts. 65 500 Lewisburg: Evangelical Hom e................... .. East Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, and Ohio Conferences, Evangelical Church. Hungarian Reformed Federation of America. Pennsylvania Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. 60 Moravian Church.................................... . 60 500 Ligonier: Bethlehem H om e................... ........... Linglestown: Colored Masonic Home and Orphanage. Lititz: Moravian Home of Lititz for Aged W om en, Church St. United Zion Home, Route N o. 2_______ (10) 60 50 Church of United Zion Children _ 60 • 1,500 Mars: St. John’s Lutheran H om e......... ......... American Lutheran Church______ 60 » 1,000 Martinsburg: Morrison Cove Home for Aged and Infirm. Marwood: Evangelical Lutheran Con cordia Home. Meadowbrook: St. Joseph’s M anor, 2d St. Pike. Meadville: Meadville Children’s Aid So ciety and Home for Aged, Poplar and Grove Sts. Middletown: Odd Fellows’ Home ot Penn sylvania. Middle District of Pennsylvania, Church of the Brethren. Lutheran Churches of Missouri Synod. 60 Daughters of M ost H oly Redeemer.. . 65 Private organization............................... .. 70 Eastern Pennsylvania District, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. 65 AJifflinville: Orphanage and Home Associ ation, Patriotic Order of Americans (P. 0 . , Route No. 3, Bloomsburg). Patriotic Order of Americans.................. Narberth: King’s Daughters Home for Aged, 10 Sabine Ave. Neffsville: Brethren H om el________________ King’s Daughters and Sons............. ....... 65 •500 (10) 800 (*) 65 1,200 (10) Eastern Pennsylvania district, Church of the Brethren. New Brighton: Beaver County Home for Aged, 1450 Third Ave. Private organization................. ................. 60 3 300-500 Newcastle: Almira Home, 1001 East Wash ington St. ____ do................................ .......................... .. 65 1,000 New Holland: Welsh Mountain Mission and Samaritan Home, Route N o. 2. Newtown: Friends Boarding Home, Centre Ave. and Congress St. Newville: Newville Home, Route N o. 1 (home has branch at Carlisle). Norristown: Abington Quarterly Meeting Board ing Home for Friends, Swede and Powell Sts. Aged W om en’s Home of Montgomery County, Markley St. St. Joseph’s Boarding House for W om en, M ain and Walnut Sts. Philadelphia: Baptist Home of Philadelphia, Roose velt Boulevard and Pennypack Circle. Butler (Ellen) Memorial Home, 180 Maplewood A ve., Germantown. 1 Varies. («)...................................................................... (•) («) Bucks Quarterly Meeting of Friends.. Six presbyteries of Pennsylvania Synod, Presbyterian Church in the U . S. A . 60 400 Private organization.................................. 60 750 ___ do............................................................... 60 2,500 Baptist Churches of Philadephia and vicinity. Private endowment................................ .. 65 800 Abington Friends. Quarterly * Vari<?s according to age. Meeting of 6 N o dlata. 500 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE'S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States 103 — Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders' rates $8 per week____ $5 per week,$20.25 per month.® $25 per month 9. $30 per month 9. $18 per month 9_. (»)................ (*)-----------------$12-$15 per week9. $10 and up per week. Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) White, 2 years' residence in city, transfer of property to home Women only... 10 at death, recommendation of 3 responsible citizens, sane, free from chronic disease, normal health. White, 3 years' residence in county, transfer of property to 42 home on admission, good character, sane, free from disabling disease. White, transfer of part of property to home on admission, re Both sexes and 74 mainder at death, normal health, able to do light work in couples. home. White, transfer of property to home at death.,_____ _______ ___ do............. 24 Negro, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to Men only. ___ 6 home, free from incurable disease. White, member of sponsoring church, 1 year's residence in Women only... 18 State, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from disabling disease, able to care for self. White, transfer of part of property to home, free from chronic Both sexes and 70 disease. couples. White, member of sponsoring church, recommendation from ____do________ 35 pastor and church council, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, normal health. American, transfer of property to home, free from contagious ___ do............ . 48 disease. White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home at death, sane, ____do................ 20 ambulant. White, Catholic, sane, free from contagious disease_________ ____do............. 120 Transfer of property to home on admission, normal health, ___do______ .. 27 free from disease, able to care for self. White, Protestant, member of sponsoring order (or wife or ___ do________ 168 widow), transfer of property to home at death, indigent, free from venereal disease. White, American born, Protestant, member of sponsoring Women and 12 order, transfer of part of property to home on admission, re couples. mainder at death, 3-month trial period, free from incurable disease, able to care for self. White, transfer of part of property to home on admission, Both sexes and 10 free from contagious disease. couples. White, preference to members of sponsoring church, sane, ____do________ 85 not addicted to use of alcohol, free from communicable disease, not an invalid. White, 25 years' residence in county, transfer of property to Women only... 22 home on admission (interest paid thereon to resident), cer tificate of health from 2 doctors. White, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home ____do________ 45 on admission, sane, free from contagious disease, able to care for self. («)____ ___________________ ___________________________ (®)...................... (6) Preference to Friends; other requirements depend on circum Both sexes and 26 couples. stances. White, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring church, transfer of Women only... 32 property to home on admission, free from aggravated in curable disease, able to care for own room. White, preference to Friends, normal health..... ......................... Both sexes and 32 couples. White, 10 years' residence in county, transfer of property to Women only... 17 home on admission, recommendation from responsible persons, normal health. dn 55 White, Catholic__ _ . ______________________________ . White, member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to Both sexes and couples. home on admission, sane, free from contagious disease. White, preference to Protestant Episcopalians__ _________ Women only... * Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 160 6 11 Each case is considered on its individual merits. 104 HOMES FOB AGED IN THE UNITED STATES , D irectory and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Pennsylvania—Continued Philadelphia—Continued. Chapin Memorial Home for Aged Blind, 6713 Woodland Ave. Christ Church Hospital, 49th St. and Monument Ave. Clark (M.) Mariners’ Home, 211 Wal nut St. Drexel (Mary J.), 2100 South College Ave. Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members Private organization......... .................... 65 Christ Church of Philadelphia........... 65 Seamen’s Church Institute__ (5) Private endowment________________ 65 28 $300 1,000 Eastern Star Home, 1196 East Wash Pennsylvania Grand Chapter, Order ington Lane, Germantown of Eastern Star. Evangelical Home for Aged, Roosevelt Evangelical Church___________ _ Boulevard and Pennypack Circle. Forrest (Edwin) Home, 4849 Parkside Trustees of Edwin Forrest Estate____ Ave. 65 65 (2) German Baptist Home for Aged, 7023 Rising Sun Ave. German Protestant Home for Aged, Old Soldier’s Rd. and Gilham St.4 Hayes Mechanics Home, Conshohocken Rd. and Belmont Ave. Home for Aged, 1809 Mount Vernon St. Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons, 4400 Girard Ave. Home for Aged and Infirm Deaf, Grant Ave. and Milnor St., Torresdale. Home for Aged and Infirm Israelites, York and Taber Rds. Home for Aged Couples, 1723 Francis St. Home for Veterans of G. A. R. and Wives, 65th and Vine Sts. House of Rest for Aged, 5919 Wayne Ave., Germantown. German Baptist Churches of Phila delphia and Atlantic Seaboard. Private organization____________ ... George Hayes Estate____ _________ 65 60 62 1,000 1,000 8 600-1, 000 Private organization_______________ ____do______ ____ _____________ 65 65 500 Pennsylvania Society for Advance ment of the Deaf. Jewish Hospital Association_________ Private organization_____________ _ . 60 65 65 (10) 1,000 Ladies of Grand Army of the Republic. 65 42 500 Diocese of Pennsylvania, Protestant Episcopal Church. 65 J400 Private organization............................ 65 1,000 Federation of Jewish Charities . _ 65 Indigent Widows’ and Single Women’s Home, 3615 Chestnut St.4 Jewish Sheltering Home for Homeless and Aged, 315 South 3d St. Leamy Home, Roumfort Rd., Mount Airy. Little Sisters of the Poor 1525 North 18th St. Little Sisters of the Poor Home for Aged, 5300 Chester Ave. Little Sisters of the Poor, 602 Church Lane, Germantown.4 Lutheran Home for Orphans and Aged, 6950 Germantown Ave. Maryville Residence, Chew Street and Church Lane, Germantown. Masonic Home of Pennsylvania, 3333 North Broad St. 2 Varies. 8 Varies according to age. 4 Data as of 1929. Private organization_______________ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. ..d o____________________________ ___ do_____ ____ ________ _________ Ministeriums of Pennsylvania and adjacent States, Evangelical Luth eran Church. Catholic order, Sisters of the Good Shepherd. Pennsylvania Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. 60 60 60 65 60 65 (*) 2,000 8 Must be aged. • Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States 105 —Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) White, transfer of property to home, impaired vision.............. Both sexes and 31 couples. White, Episcopalian, sane, normal health_________________ Women only... 93 Seaman, transfer of property to home on admission, disabled- Men only... _. 5 German descent, Protestant, 5 years' residence in city or Both sexes and 52 adjoining counties, transfer of property to home on admis couples. sion (3 percent interest thereon paid to resident), good character, free from contagious or objectionable disease. White, 10 years’ consecutive membership in sponsoring order, Women only... 22 transfer of property to home on admission, sane, normal health. White, transfer of part of property to home on admission, Both sexes and 90 remainder at death, pastor’s recommendation, normal couples. health. Actor on dramatic stage for 5 years (foreigners 10 years, of ____do________ 18 which 3 immediately preceding application were in United States), transfer of property to home on admission, not a hospital case. White, transfer of property to home on admission, normal ____d o............... 45 health. German-American______________________________________ ____do______ 121 Native American (or naturalized citizen for 21 years), 10 years’ Men only____ 66 labor as mechanic, preference to residents of city, transfer of property to home on admission. White, 2 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to Women only.._ 23 home on admission, normal health. $5.95 per week, Negro, 1 year’s residence in city, good character, normal Both sexes and 140 couples. $25.50 per health. month. White, deaf or deaf-blind, transfer of property to home on 50 ...d o _____ (48) admission, normal health. White, Jgwish, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop ____do________ 56 erty to home on admission, ambulant. White, preference to residents of State, transfer of property Couples.______ 60 to home on admission (interest paid thereon to resident), character references, sane, normal health and sight. White, veteran (or wife, widow, sister, or daughter), 5 years’ Both sexes and 40 residence in State, transfer of property to home on admis couples. sion, able to care for self, ambulant. White, membership in sponsoring church, 3 years’ residence Women only... 27 in State, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from contagious or incurable disease, able to care for self. Membership in any church except Catholic or Christian __ ..d o ............ 113 Scientist, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home. White, Jewish, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property Both sexes and 107 to home on admission, free from contagious or incurable couples. disease. 40 $10 per week___ White, membership in Episcopal Church, transfer of part of Women only... property to home at death, normal health. White, poor, able to care for self. ___________ ____________ Both sexes and 300 couples. Poor, sane, able to care for self__________ _______________ .do________ 149 Indigent______ _______________________________________ __ .do________ 308 Preference to Lutherans, transfer of property to home, free _ .do________ 93 from acute or incurable disease. Women only... 27 White, free from nervous disorders, not a hospital case __ White, Protestant, member of sponsoring order in good Men and cou 125 standing, 10 years’ residence in State, transfer of property ples. to home on admission, able to care for self. 23 Plus $150 to cover burial expenses. 48$350 per year for blind-deaf; $250 per year for deaf: applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 49 Daughters and sisters of veterans; no charges for veterans or their wives or widows. 106 HOMES FOB AGED IN THE UNITED STATES , D irectory and E ntrance Requirem ents o f H om es Entrance requirements Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members Pennsylvania—Continued Philadelphia—Continued. Messiah Universalist Home, York Road and Ruscomb St. Methodist Home for Aged, Belmont and Edgeley Ave. Nazarene Home for Aged, 2032 W. Columbia Ave. Nugent (George) Home for Baptists, 1221 West Johnson St., Germantown.4 Old Ladies’ Home of Philadelphia, State Rd. and Comley St., Wissinoming. Old Man’s Home of Philadelphia, 39th and Powelton Ave. Penn Asylum for Indigent Widows and Single Women, 1401 East Susquehanna Ave. Pennsbury (The), 6431 Greene St., Germantown. Presbyterian Home for Aged Couples and Aged Men, 4700 City Line. Presbyterian Home for Widows and Single Women, 58th St. and Greenway Ave. Presser Home for Retired Music Teach ers, 101 W. Johnson St., German town. Priestly (Joseph) House, 224 West Tulpehocken St., Germantown. Rebekah Home, 17th and Allegheny Ave. Roxborough Home for Indigent Women (Gorgas Home) E. Leverington Ave., Roxborough.4 St. Anna’s Home for Aged Women, 2016 Race St. St. Ann’s Widow’s Asylum, 212 North Franklin St. Shiloh Home for Aged and Infirm Col ored Persons, 1122 Lombard St.4 Staneley Hall, 6300 Greene St.. Ger mantown. Union Home for Old Ladies, 4801 Lan caster Ave. United States Naval Home, 24th St. and Gray’s Ferry Rd. Uptown Ladies’ Home for Aged, 957 North Franklin St.4 Pittsburgh: Aged Ministers’ and Laymen’s Home, 605 Oakwood St.4 Allegheny Widow’s Home, 308 Taylor St. Baptist Orphanage & Home, 489 Castle Shannon Blvd., South Hills Station. Bishop Boyle Home for Aged Women, 5246Clarwin Ave., Bellevue Branch.4 Christian Home for Women, 1423 Liver pool St., North Side. Episcopal Church Home, 4001 Pennsyl vania Ave. German Protestant Home for Aged, 2200 West Liberty Ave.4 Home for Aged, 1028 Benton Ave., North Side. Home for Aged Colored Women, 7081 Lemington Ave., East End. Jewish Home for Aged, Brown’s PI----1 Varies according to age. Church of the Messiah (Universalist) of Philadelphia. Philadelphia Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. Private organization________________ Trustees of George Nugent Estate___ Private organization ______________ 65 65 65 65 65 $1,000 9 500 500 9100 700 ____do............................................. ......... . _ ..d o__________________________ 60 65 Society of Friends................................... Private organization____ ______ _____ Presbyterian churches...................... . 60 65 65 800 500 Presser Foundation............................... 65 400 Unitarian Society._____ ___________ Pennsylvania Grand Lodges of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. Private organization________________ 65 65 65 500 (») 9 700 Episcopal order, All Saints Sisters of 60 thePoor and Associates of St. Anna’s. 91,200 Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Roman 60 Catholic Church. (®)............ ........ ............................... .......... 65 500 Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting of 60 Friends. 1.000 Private organization_______________ 70 U. S. Government____________ ____ («)............................................................... /\ 7865 60 v ................. («)................................... ......... ........... 60 («).................................... .......................... (8) Private organization (Baptist)_______ 65 («)._........................................................... Woman’s Christian Association______ Church Home Association of Protes tant Episcopal Church. Evangelical Protestant Churches of Pittsburgh (Congregational). Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Private organization.......................... Federation of Jewish Philanthropies .. 4 Data as of 1929. 300 («) 500 65 65 70 1,000 60 60 60 60 800 ®N o data. 9600 •300 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States 107 —Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders' rates $ 1 2 - $ 1 5 per week.9 $30 -$ 6 0 per month.9 $5-$10 per week 9 (10) ____ («)....................... $7.50 per week... $26 per month 9_ (*>)-..........-.......... Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) White, transfer of property to home on admission............. Women only... 15 White, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admis Both sexes and 203 sion, sane, normal sight, able to care for self. couples, White, 1 year’s residence in city, 10 in State, transfer of prop do . 28 erty to home at death, sane. Baptist minister (or wife or widow), transfer of property to do 30 home. White, 3 years' residence in State, transfer of property to Women only... 140 home on admission (2 percent interest paid to resident). White, widower, bachelor, or divorc6, transfer of property to Men only 171 home on admission, able to care for self. White, resident of State, transfer of property to home on Women only... 73 admission, free from communicable disease. White, member of sponsoring church, normal health........ ....... Both sexes and 17 couples. White, Protestant, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop ____do.... ._ 125 erty to home on admission, sane. White, 3 years’ membership in sponsoring church, 3 years’ Women only... 175 residence in State, transfer of property to home on admis sion, normal sight. White, 25 years’ service in United States as teacher of music, Both sexes and 64 transfer of property to home, doctor’s certificate of normal couples. health. White, free from organic disease........... .......... ....................... do 14 White, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order, transfer of Women only... 26 property to home on admission, free from incurable disease. Resident of 21st Ward, Philadelphia, transfer of property to ____do_____ 30 home. White, preference to Episcopalians, funds to cover burial ex ____do________ 18 pense, sane, free from contagious disease. Member of sponsoring church, character references, normal __ ..do______ 44 health. Negro, sane, temperate habits, normal health............................ Both sexes__ 16 White, normal health.................. ................................................... Both sexes and 6 couples. White, native of State, transfer of property to home (interest Women only... 45 thereon paid to resident). Service in United States Navy or Marine Corps..... .......... ....... Men only.. _ 225 Homeless_____________________________________________ Both sexes and 115 couples. Transfer of insurance and property to home............................ _ Both sexes__ 22 («)_____________________ ____ __________________________ («).................. («) White, Baptist, 3 years’ residence in western Pennsylvania, Both sexes........ 41 transfer of property to home on admission (if life-care resi dent) , free from contagious or malignant disease. Normal health............... ...................... ........................................ Women only... 32 White, sane, ambulant________ ________ ________________ ____do____ _ 22 White, active communicant in sponsoring church, 10 years’ ____do............. . 14 residence in diocese, transfer of property to home on admis sion, sane, normal health and sight. Preference to members of sponsoring church, transfer of prop Both sexes and 37 couples. erty to home, normal health. White, good character, poor, sane, free from contagious dis ____do___ ____ 200 ease. Negro, 1 year’s residence in State, transfer of property to home Women only... 33 on admission. White, Jewish, 5 years’ residence in city, sane, free from conta Both sexes and 155 couples. gious disease. 7 M en. * Women. 230 8 0 8°— 41------- 8 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. 108 HOMES FOE AGED IN THE UNITED STATES , D irectory and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Pennsylvania—Continued Pittsburgh—Continued. Little Sisters of the Poor, 5324 Penn Ave. Methodist Episcopal Hospital and Home for Aged, 700 Bower Hill Road, Mount Lebanon. Rebekah Home of Western Pennsyl vania, 3515 McClure Ave., North Side. Reformed Presbyterian Aged People’s Home, 2344 Perrysville Ave., North Side. St. Joseph’s Home for Old Ladies, 40 Pius St., South Side.4 Quincy: United Brethren Orphanage and Home. Reading: Home for Widows and Single Women, 155 Haak St. Villa St. Elizabeth Home for Aged, Wyomissing Park. Roaring Branch: Greene Home__________ Scalp Level: Old Folk’s Home of Western Pennsylvania. Scranton: Home for Aged Poor (Maloney Memo rial) , 2500 Adams Ave. Home for Friendless, 2000 Adams Ave Jewish Home for Friendless, 2115 North M ain Ave.4 Welsh Women’s Home, 1646 Capouse Ave. Sharon: Haywood (Elizabeth) Home, 252 East State St. Shippensburg: Shippensburg Episcopal Home for Aged, 206 East Burd St. Souderton: Eastern Mennonite Home for Aged, West Summitt St. Swissville: Ladies of the G .A. R. Home, Woodstock Ave. Tamaqua: St. Michael’s Home for Aged, Route No. 3 (Mantzville). Tyrone: Methodist Home for Aged, 951 Washington Ave. Warminster: Christ’s Home _....................... Warren: Watson Memorial Home, Conewango Ave., Extended. Warrington: Workingmen’s Home for Aged, Easton Rd. West Chester: Barclay Home, North Church St_____ Friends’ Boarding Home, 444 North Walnut St. Wentworth Home, 112 South Church Wilkes-Barre: Home for Homeless Women, 450 Carey Ave. Wilkinsburg: Home for Aged People, Penn and Tren ton Aves. Home for Aged Protestant Men and Women, 441 Swiss vale Ave.4 4 Data as of 1929. Sponsoring or controlling organization Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Pittsburgh Annual Conference, Meth odist Episcopal Church. Western Pennsylvania Lodges, Order of Rebekahs. Reformed Presbyterian Women’s Association. Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis United Brethren in Christ_________ Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members 60 65 60 65 $500 60 0 250 Private organization_______________ 60 Catholic order, Missionary Sisters of 60 the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. («)------------------------------------------------Church of the Brethren_____________ (6) (6) 1,000 Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Private organization_______________ do. Welsh Women’s Society. Board of Pensions, P r e s b y te r ia n Church in the U. S. A. Private organization________________ (8) Pennsylvania Department, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis,.. Central Pennsylvania Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. Private organization___________ ____ Trustees of Caroline E. Watson Estate. Private organization United Presbyterian Women’s Asso ciation of North America. Private organization * N j data. (6) (6) 60 60 65 65 65 65 » 500 500 (10) 65 65 65 o 500 60 65 60 Society of Friends__________________ Concord Quarterly Meeting ofFriends Private organization_______________ do. 500 0800 60 65 800 70 600 COO 109 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A gpd in the U nited States —Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted White, poor, sane______________ ________________________ Both sexes and couples. White, member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to . ...d o ________ home on admission, normal health. 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order ________________ Women only... Ca pac ity (aged only) 210 68 16 White, Protestant, transfer of property to home on admission, Both sexes and 33 free from tuberculosis and cancer, able to care for self. couples. Women only... $30 to $35 per 28 month. White, member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to Both sexes and 55 home on admission, sane, normal health, able to care for couples. self. White, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home, Women only... 49 free from chronic or disabling disease. 50 $10 per week 9... White, character references, sane, free from contagious dis- Both sexes and couples. ease. (6)___________________________________ ____ ____________ (6)_____ ._ (6) (6) (*) («)_____________________________ ____ ___________ _____ _ (6)_________ (6) $7 per week, $30 per month. $30 per month 9. $9 per week 9___ (10) $15 per week___ $7 per week.. .. Catholic, good character, destitute__________________ _____ White, resident of State, transfer of property to home, sane, not a hospital case. Jewish, transfer of property to home.. ____ . . . . . Welsh descent, transfer of property to home at death, normal health. White, 20 years in service of sponsoring church, normal health, able to care for self. White, member of Protestant Episcopal Church, 2 years’ resi dence in city, transfer of property to home, normal health, free from contagious disease. White_________________________________________________ Member of sponsoring organization, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of 70 percent of property to home on admis sion, sane, free from contagious disease. White, Catholic, able to care for self _. _________ ______ American, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring church, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from communi cable disease, not an invalid. White, guaranty of burial expense, sane, normal health___ . White, preference to Presbyterians, transler of property to home on admission, indigent, gentlewoman, sane, normal health and vision. 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home, good character. White, free from cancer or communicable disease___________ White, preference to Friends, resident of Quarterly Meeting district. White, preference to residents of county, able to care for self___ White, transfer of property to home on admission (income thereon paid to resident), good character. White, member of Evangelical Protestant Church, transfer of property to home on admission (interest paid thereon to resident), 4 character references, sane, free from cancer. Protestant, transfer of property to home ... . _____ _______ Both sexes and couples. Women only... Both sexes and couples. Women only... Both sexes and couples. ____do________ 130 28 3 13 7 9 .do___ ... Women only... 75 75 Both sexes____ Both sexes and couples. W om en and couples. Women only... Both sexes and couples. _. __do________ ____do________ Women only... ____do________ 45 115 45 30 20 24 60 15 41 Both sexes and 90 couples. Men and cou60 1 pies. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. 110 HOMES FOR AGED IN TH E UNITED STATES , D irectory and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization Pennsylvania—Continued Wilkinsburg—Continued. Home for Aged Protestant Women, 900 Rebecca Ave.4 Martin (Hannah) Home for Public School Teachers, 313 Kelly Ave. Williamsport: Aged Colored Women’s Home, 124 Brandon PI. Home for Friendless, 904 Campbell St.. Private organization.......................... Trustees of Hannah Martin Estate 65 (s) $600 Private organization............................ ___d o ............................ ........ ............... 65 65 8250 600 Windber: Old Folks’ Home, 1005 Hoffman Ave. Wyncote: Reformed ChurchHome for Aged Zelienople: Bethany Home_____________________ Old Peoples’ Home of the Pittsburgh Synod. Zieglerville: Mennonite Home for Aged__ Western district of Pennsylvania, Church of the Brethren. Philadelphia Synod, Evangelical and Reformed Church. Private organization_______________ Pittsburgh Synod, Evangelical Luth eran Church. (6) ....................— - ....................................... 65 800 Rhode Island Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members 65 (6) Bristol: Benjamin ChurchHome for AgedMen, Private organization. 1010 Hoke St. Bristol Home for Aged Women, 55 ___do......................... . Franklin St. Rhode Island Soldiers’ Home................. State of Rhode Island.. Newport: Henderson Home for Aged Men, 14 Clarke St. Home for Aged, 87 Washington St___ Pawtucket: Home for Aged, 964 Main St. Jewish Home for Aged, 99 Hillside Ave.. Providence: Bethany Home of Rhode Island, 111 South Angell St. Chase (Emily S.) Memorial Home, 31 Fair St., Pawtuxet. Dexter Asylum, 235 Hope St............. . Home for Aged Colored Women, 45 East Transit St. Home for Aged Men and Aged Couples, 807 Broad St. 300 300 Private organization. ....d o ..................... . 500 Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Private organization_______________ {I .do. Rhode Island Branch, King’s Daugh ters and Sons. City of Providence-_______________ Private organization. 250 _do. Home for Aged Women, 180 Fox Point ,do. Blvd. Odd Fellows’ Home, 2936 Pawtucket Rhode Island Grand Lodge, Inde Ave. pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Scandinavian Old People’s Home, 1811 Private organization. Broad St., Cranston. Woonsocket: Ballou Home for Aged, 233 High St__ .....d o .......................... L’Hospice St. Antoine, 48 Hamlet Ave Private organization (Roman Cath olic). No data. 4Data as of 1929. 18 Men. * Must be aged. («) H70 \*68 300 300 1 Women. 111 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States —Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders' rates (10)................... Other English speaking, orthodox Protestant, 15 years’ residence in Women only... city. Service as school teacher in county, Protestant.......................... ____do............. $2.50 per week 9_. Negro, resident of State, transfer of part of property to home at death, good character. $4 per week____ White, 1 year's residence in State, transfer of property to home at end of 3 years’ residence there,without means for selfsupport or children able to support, sane, normal health. $22 per month 9.. White, sane, free from communicable disease________ ______ Member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, not an invalid. White_________________________________________________ White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home on admission, recommendation from pastor, normal health. (6) _____ . (•)........................................................................................................ $8 per week 9___ $7 per week 9___ $8 per Week 9___ $3 per week 47_.. Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) 62 6 ____do......... ____do________ 12 47 Both sexes and couples. 44 30 ____d o .............. 12 ____do................ 64 (»)....................... (9) Native of city, transfer of property to home on admission, Men only_____ normal health. White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of Women only... property to home at death, doctor’s certificate of normal health. War service, resident of State at time of enlistment (or 5 Men only.......... years’ residence in State immediately preceding application for home), without means of support, disabled from earning living, free from communicable disease. 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on ad ____do________ mission, good character. White, 20 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to Women only... home on admission, sane. Sane.................................................................................... .............. Both sexes and couples. White, Jewish, 2 years’ residence in city, ambulant, free from ____do________ contagious disease. White, 2 years’ residence in State, 2 character references, Women only... normal health. White, member of sponsoring order, good character, able to ____do____ _ care for self. 5 years’ residence in city, taxpayer, funds for burial expenses... Both sexes and couples. Negro, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to Women only... home on admission, 3 character references, sane, free from contagious or malignant disease. White, native American, 10 years’ residence in city within Both sexes and 15 years immediately preceding application, transfer of couples. property to home on admission, good habits, free from ob jectionable disease, not requiring special medical treatment. White, native born and parents born in United States, Prot Women only... estant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, 25 years’ membership in sponsoring order (or wife or Both sexes and widow), belief in Supreme Being, transfer of property over couples. $100 to home on admission, able to care for self. White, Scandinavian, member of a Scandinavian church, ____do______ _ transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, Protestant, 10 years’ residence in city, transfer of ____d o .............. property to home, 3-month trial period, good character and habits, able to care for own room. White, Christian, guaranty of burial expenses_______ ______ | Both sexes____ 5 7 85 12 14 225 53 21 9 96 16 93 57 20 25 25 137 9Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 47Minimum rate; applicants occasionally accepted Each case is considered on its individual merits, without fees. 112 SOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES , D irectory and E ntrance R equirem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members South Carolina Charleston: Private organization________________ Confederate Home, 62 Broad St. Trustees of William Enston Estate__ (5)45 Enston (William) Home______ Episcopal Diocesan Home, 229 Ashley South Carolina Dioceses, Protestant (*) Episcopal Church. Ave. Francke (Jacob Washington) Home and Hospital, 261 Calhoun St. Grant (Colin McK.) Home, Meeting and Huger Sts.4 Presbyterian Home, 108 Beaufain S t... St. Margaret’s Home, St. Margaret’s PL St. Philip’s Church Home, 142 Church St. Orangeburg: King’s Daughters Home for Aged, 66 E. Glover St. White Rock: Lowman Home for Aged and Helpless. South Dakota Evangelical Lutheran Charities So ciety. Private organization.............................. St. Philip’s Parish, Protestant Episco pal Church. Orangeburg branch, King’s Daughters. Synods of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia-Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi, of Luther an Church. 65 45 (6) (6) 60 (18) (18) (6) (6) (10) 65 Beresford: Bethesda Home for Aged_____ Norwegian Lutheran Church of Amer ica. Dell Rapids: Odd Fellows and Orphans South Dakota Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Home. 16 60 Hot Springs: SouthDakota Soldiers’ Home- State of South Dakota. Tennessee Bristol: Lockett (Katie J.) Home, 521 Spruce St. Camden: Baptist Old Ministers and Or phans Home. Chattanooga: Old Ladies’ Home, 716 Dodds Ave. Clarksville: Odd Fellows Home of Ten nessee. Knoxville: Mount Rest Home for Aged Women, 2639 McCalla Ave. McMinnville: Magness (Elizabeth J.) Home for Aged and Indigent, Route 6. Memphis: B’nai B’rith Home, 131 N. Tucker S t.. Galloway (Mary) Home for Aged Wo men, 759 Monroe St. Home for Old Folks and Orphans, Hernand Rd. and Norris Ave. Memphis Sunshine Home for Aged Men, 989 South 3d St. Old Men’s Home, 989 Rayburn______ Nashville: Church of Christ Home for Aged, 1900 Eastland Ave. Confederate Soldiers' Home, Nolensville Rd, Route No. 4. Holy Family Home for Aged, 1705 Wes ton Ave. Knowles (Joseph B.) Memorial Home for Aged People, Ridley Blvd. Masonic Widows’ and Orphans’ Home, Route No. 3. 4Data as of 1929; 6Must be aged. Private organization. ^_____________ 65 ____________ Missionary Baptist Churches_______ («) (6) Private organization_______________ 65 $300 Tennessee Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Private organization________________ 66 Private endowment__________ ____ _______ District Grand Lodge No. 7, B’nai B’rith. Private organization___________ («)-----------------------------------------Private organization___________ (6)----------------------------------------Chapel Avenue Church of Christ. State of Tennessee. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. City of Nashville and private endow ment. Tennessee Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. 6 No data. * Men. 60 65 ......... . (6) (6) 65 _______ (6) (6) 65 _______ 8Women. 113 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEO PLE’ S HOM ES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States —Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders' rates $10 per month... $7 per week, $30 per month.9 (6) $10 per month..p°)......................- Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity (aged only) White_______________________________ 14 Women only... White, 5 years’ residence in city, income of at least $25 per Both sexes and 96 month, normal health. couples. White, member of sponsoring church, resident of State, trans- Women only... 20 fer of property to home on admission, guaranty of monthly fee, recommendation of minister, doctor’s certificate of health. White, Lutheran, 1 year’s residence in city, good character, Both sexes____ 18 needy, doctor’s certificate of health. Resident of city, Presbyterian, income of at least $25 per month- Both sexes and 24 couples. (6)______________________________________ _____________ (6) (6) («)_______________________________________________ - (8) , White, member of sponsoring church, 1 year’s residence in Women only... (6)14 city, normal health. White, gentlewoman, normal health, free from cancer and ____do________ 7 tuberculosis, ambulant. White, resident of territory of sponsoring synods, transfer of Both sexes and 70 part of property on admission, free from contagious or ob couples. jectionable disease. $25 per month 9-_ White, preference to Lutherans, transfer of part of property to ____do________ home, good character and habits, normal health. 10 years’ continuous membership in sponsoring order, trans ____do________ fer of property to home on admission (including $100 for bur ial expense), free from communicable disease. Honorably discharged war veteran (or wife or widow), 6 years’ ____do________ residence in State immediately preceding application, in come not over $270 per year, disabled from earning living. Wives, marriage of at least 10 years’ standing. White, transfer of property to home at death, free from ob Women only... jectionable disease, able to care for self. ____ Aged dependent ministers (or wife or widow)________ _____ Both sexes and couples. White, 3 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to Women only__ home at death, sane, normal health. White, member (or wife) in good standing, 5 years’ residence Both sexes and in State, transfer of property to home on admission, insur couples. ance at death, indigent, able to care for self. White, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home Women only... on admission, normal health. 2 years’ residence in county, needy and without other means Both sexes and couples. of care. White, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in city, 1H in county, recom ____do________ mendation of own lodge, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. $10 per month _. White, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home Women only... at death, normal health. (0) («)____________________________________________________ (0)____ _______ $10 per month.__ White, 2 years’ residence in city, 3 character references, normal Men only_____ health. («) _ _. («)_____ ____ ____________ ________________________ _____ (6)___________ $25 per month White, member of sponsoring church, transfer of property to Women only... home on admission, character references, free from com municable disease. White, Confederate veteran. ________________ _____ _____ Men only_____ White, indigent and homeless__________ __________ _______ Both sexes and couples. White, 5 years’ residence in city, dependent, sane, not blind, ____d o ............ not an invalid. White, widow of Master Mason, destitute and without other Women only... means of care. 9 Applicants occasionally acceptedwithout fees. 16 Women; no age requirement for men. Each case is considered on its individual merits, 18 Home for self-supporting women. (0) 52 40 270 9 (a) 48 20 28 20 100 29 («) 32 (6) 25 09 164 64 18 114 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES , D irectory and E ntrance Requirem ents o f H o m e Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization Tennessee—Con tinued Nashville—Continued. Old Woman’s Home, 2811 West End Private organization.......... ................ Ave. Wheatley (Phyllis) Home, 46 Maury Phyllis Wheatley Association............. . St. Pulaski: Hewitt (Austin) Home................. . Austin Hewitt Estate . . . . . Texas Arlington: Eastern Star H om e,.. Home for Aged Masons.. Austin: Altenheim, 4013 Ave. H.. Confederate Woman’s Home_________ Old Negro Woman’s Home, 1210 Rose wood Ave.4 Texas Confederate Home, 1600 W. 6th St. Comfort: Home for Aged of Order of Sons of Hermann. Dallas: Fowler (Juliette) Homes, 200 Fulton St. Young (C. C.) Memorial Home, 1431 Stemmons St. Ennis: I. O. O. F. Old Folks’ Home_____ Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members 65 65 60 $300 150 Texas Grand Chapter, Order of East ern Star. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas, Free and Accepted Masons. Private organization________________ 60 300 State of Texas_______ ____ ________ 60 King’s Daughters__________________ 5 State of Texas._______ _ _________ \f 8790 60 J} - . ..........— Sons of Hermann in State of Texas___ 65 Disciples of Christ in America_______ 70 9100 Dallas District of North Texas Con 70 365 ference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Grand Lodge of Texas, Independent /\ 8765 55 J .................. Order of Odd Fellows. Fort Worth: Cumberland Rest, 1628 6th First Presbyterian Church of Fort 65 Worth. Ave. Galveston: Home for Aged Colored Women, 2823 («)___ __________________ _______ (6) (•) Ave. K. Rosenberg (Letitia) Home for Women, Private organization___ _____ ____ _ 60 1804 25th St.4 Houston: Flake (Maria Boswell) Home for Aged ........do_________________ _____ 60 300 Women, 1103 Berry St.4 Grace Home for Aged_______________ (•)__,____________________________ (6) (6) St. Anthony’s Home for Aged, Almeda Catholic order, Sisters of Charity of 68 the Incarnate Word. Rd. Sheltering Arms, 2809 Leeland Ave___ Community Chest____ ____________ 65 Wolff (Pauline Sterne) Memorial Private endowment._____________ Home, 1300 Kenwood Ave. San Antonio: Eden Evangelical Home for Aged, Texas District, Evangelical Synod of 60 9 700 North America. Route No. 1, Box 98. St. Francis Home, 2017 S. Flores St.4__ Catholic order, Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. St. Vincent de Paul Home for Aged, Congregation of Benedictine Sisters... 60 91,000 1119 S. Alamo St. Sherman: Woodman Circle Home for Aged Supreme Forest, Woodman Circle____ 65 500 and Orphans. Waco: Colored Rescue Home of Texas, Katy Private organization________________ Ave.4 Rotan (Antoinette) Home for Aged and ____do__________ _________________ 50 Dependent Women, 700 N. 19th St. Weatherford: Pythian Home, Box 299. Texas Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. 1Including children. Data as of 1929. No data. - 115 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States —Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted Transfer of half of property to home. Women only__ Negro, transfer of property to home on admission, without ____do. other means of care. White, 5 years’ residence in county, transfer of property to ____do. home on admission. White, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission. White, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow), trans fer of property to home on admission, able-bodied. White, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home at death. White, widow of Confederate veteran, resident of State, sane, free from contagious disease. Negro, member of sponsoring organization, transfer of prop erty to home. White, Confederate veteran (or wife or widow), 5 years’ resi dence in State, transfer of half of pension to home, 2 charac ter references. White, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property and insurance to home at death. White, transfer of property to home on admission, free from contagious disease. White, 2 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, burial fee or guaranty of expenses by relatives or friends, health certificate. White, member of sponsoring order (or wife), 10 years’ resi dence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, not a hospital case. $10 per month 9_ White, Protestant, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of prop erty to home on admission, without relatives able to sup port, normal health. (8) (6) Resident of city, $500 to trust fund, transfer of property to home at death. («) C5)(6) (•)- — White. Both sexes____ Both sexes and couples. Women only... ___ do___........... ___ do.............. Both sexes and couples. ___ do._.........__ Capacity (age only) 61 12 22 70 153 10 90 10 283 51 Women only. __ ___ do................ 23 20 Both sexes and couples. Women only, 90 18 (6) (6) Women only... do 10 (8)----------(6) Both sexes 78 White, 1 year's residence in city, transfer of property to home Women only... 10 at death, good character, needy, sane, normal health. White, Jewish, widow, 1 year’s residence in city, indigent_________do________ 20 White, preference to members of sponsoring church, 6 months’ Both sexes and 24 residence in State, transfer of naif of property to home at couples, death, sane, normal health, able to care for own room. do. 150 $25 per month 9._ White, transfer of property to home on admission___________ do. 30 White, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow), trans do. 24 fer of property to home on admission, normal health. Negro, homeless, without relatives able to support__________ do. 18 White, 1 year’s residence in city or county, 2 in State, transfer Women only... 26 of property to home at death, without means of support, sane, normal health. White, widow of member of order, 1 year’s residence in State, Women and i 150 free from communicable disease. children. 8 Women. 9Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 7 Men. 116 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES , D irectory and E n tran ce Requirem ents o f H om es Entriance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members Utah Salt Lake City: Daft (Sarah) Home, 737 Private organization._______________ South 13th St. East.4 65 $2,000 State of Vermont.____ ___________ _ Private organization________________ ____do______________________ _____ _ 60 60 2,000 9 300 Vermont Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. Private organization____ ________ . 68 4,000 Vermont Bennington: Vermont Soldiers’ Home____ Brattleboro: Brattleboro Home for Aged and Disabled, 46 Western Ave. Burlington: Home for Aged Women, 272 Church St. Ludlow: Gill Odd Fellows Home, 7 Gill Terrace. Montpelier: Home for Aged (C. M. Fisher Home). Randolph: Vermont Eastern Star Home, 16 Maple St. Rutland: Loretto Home for Aged Women.-. Old Ladies’ Home, 77 N. Main St.4. St. Albans: King’s Daughters Home.. St. Johnsbury: Home for Aged Women in St. Johnsbury, Prospect St. Vernon: Vernon Advent Christian Home (P. O., South Vernon, Mass.). Vermont Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. 65 (6) _______________________________ (8) Rutland Missionary Association_____ 65 King’s Daughters.................. ............. Private organization........ .................... . 65 Advent Christian Church___________ (6) (10) 500 500 300 Virginia Alexandria: Lee (Anne) Memorial Home for Aged, 201 N. Fairfax St. Bedford: Elks National Home_________ Danville: Sunnyside Home (Alice Burton Home), 723 Main St. Hampton: Tents Old Folks and Orphans Home, 1224 N. King St. Norfolk: Ballentine (Mary F.) Home for Aged, 927 N. Park Ave. Church Home, 356 W. Princess Anne Rd. Lekier Home for Colored Aged and Orphans, 843 Johnson Ave. Ludlow (Mary) Home, 610 Pembroke Ave. Roper (Lydia H.) Home, 127 E. 40th St. Petersburg: Petersburg Home for Ladies, 36 W. Fillmore St. Portsmouth: Home for Aged, 824 Emmett St______ Old Folks Home for Colored People, 112 N. Green St. Richmond: Afro-American Old Folks’ Home, 1115 W. Moore St. Baptist Home for Aged Women, 1400 Grove St. Bethany Home, Route No. 9__ ______ Eastern Star Home of Virginia, 3000 Chamberlayne Ave. 4 Data as of 1929. 6 No data. Private organization________________ Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Presbyterian Churches in Synod of Virginia. United Order of Tents of J. R. Giddings and Jollifee Union. Private organization........ ............. ....... Episcopal Churches_______________ _ 65 350 60 50 23 2,000 925 9200 60 (6)_____________ _________________ (6) Private organization__ _____________ Trustees of John L. Roper Estate____ 60 Private organization................... ............ 60 ____do________ _____ ___ ___________ 6o ___ do..................................................... («) Grand United Order of Knights of Damon. Private organization..___ _____ _____ («)___________________ Virginia Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. (8) 250 (6) 50 60 (6) 9200 9250 250 9100 («) 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A g ed in the U nited States 117 —Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates (8) . Other Whom admitted Transfer of property to home........................................................ Both sexes and couples. 22 War veteran, at least 35 percent disabled, without means of support, 1 year’s residence in State. Preference to local residents, good character, 3-month trial period, normal health. White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, character references, normal health. White, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to home on admission. White, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of part of property to home on admission, remainder at death, 3-month trial period, normal health. White, Protestant, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, free from incurable disease. (6)_____________________________________________ _______ American, Protestant, transfer of property to home_________ Member of sponsoring order, 1 year’s residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. White, transfer of property to home on admission, normal health. Member of sponsoring church, transfer of part of property to home on admission, free from contagious disease, able to care for own room. Men only.. Both sexes and couples. Women only... 6 30 29 Both sexes and couples. ____do________ 13 24 7 ____do________ 22 (6)___ (fl) Women only... 12 ____do________ 5 _ _ do________ 8 Both sexes and 18 couples. White, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to Women only.,. home on admission, normal health, free from incurable disease. White, member of sponsoring order, transfer of property to Men only_____ home at death, able to care for self. $25 per month.._ White, member of sponsoring church, sane, able to care for Women only... self. Negro, 5 years’ membership in order........................... ................ .d o . White, transfer of property to home on admission, character references, sane, free from chronic disease. White, membership in sponsoring church, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home, without other means of support. (6) _ ______ (0)____________________________________ ____ ___________ White, native of State, sufficient funds to cover clothing and burial expenses, transfer of property to home on admission. White, Protestant, 14 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home at death, able to care for self. $15 per week___ White, transfer of property to home at death, normal health . (0) _________ Ca pac ity (aged only) ___ do________ ... .do________ 400 30 15 28 6 (S') (6) Women only... 7 ___ do_______ 16 ___ do________ 20 White, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home, ___ do_____ guaranty of burial expenses by friends. (0)_____ _____________________________________ ________ (6) - $8 per week, $20 Negro, transfer of property to home, sane, free from contagi ous disease, able to care for self. per month. $6.25 p e r White, Baptist, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, recommendation by 2 members of month.9 board of directors, normal health. (6)........................ (0)__________________________________________________ White, 10 years’ consecutive membership in sponsoring order, 10 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from communicable disease. Number of rooms. 33 Plus $150 to cover burial expenses. 16 23 (6) Both sexes and couples. Women only... 30 29 (0 )___ Both sexes and couples. (6) 28 118 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrsance require ments Name and address of home V i r g i n i a — Continued Richmond—Continued. Home for Needy Confederate Women, 301 N. Sheppard St. Protestant Episcopal Church Home, 1621 Grove Ave. Richmond Home for Ladies, 2620 Stuart Ave. Robert E. Lee Camp Soldiers’ Home, 324 N. Blvd. St. Sophia’s Home for Aged, 16 N. Harvie St.4_______________________ Mary Louise Home of the King’s Daughters, 1001 Patterson Ave. SW. Timberville: German Baptist Brethen Old Folks Home. Sponsoring or controlling organization Mini Minimum mum entrance fee age for life members («)-............................................................ - (6) Virginia Diocese, Protestant Episco 60 pal Church. Private organization................................ 60 Robert E. Lee Camp, Confederate Veterans. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the 60 Poor. King’s Daughters.................. ......... ....... 65 (•)-....................................... ....................... (6) (6) $200 200 300 (fi) W a sh in g to n Everett: Bethany Home for Aged, 3322 Broadway. Orting: State Soldiers’ Home ___________ Poulsbo: Ebenezer Old Folks’ Home.,........ Puyallup: Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic Home, 321 E. Pioneer. Seattle: Columbia Conference Home for Aged, 405 N. 48th St. Foss (L. C.) Sunset Home, 10529 Ash worth Ave. Galland (Caroline Kline) Home, 7500 Seward Park Ave. Kenney (Samuel and Jessie) Presby terian Home, 7100 47th Ave., SW. Lutheran Hospice, 1731 13th Ave_____ Northwest Danish Old People’s Home, Route No. 3, Box 29. Reed Home, 8451 Rainier PI_________ Roanoke Home for Aged and Infirm, 2525 Minor Ave. N .4 St. Vincent’s Home for Aged, 4831 35th Ave., SW. Spokane: Bethany OldPeople’s Home, Pasadena Park, Route No. 6. St. Joseph's Home for Aged, 707 E. Mission Ave. Samaritan Home Association, 2827 Summit Blvd. Stanwood: Josephine Old People’s Home, Box 166. Takoma: Jones (Frank Tobey) Home, 5340 N. Bristol St. Ozanam Home, 1812 S. Yakima Ave__ Vancouver: Oregon-Washington Pythian Home, 3409 Main St. Private organization__............. ............. State of Washington _____________ West Coast Lutheran School and Charity Association. Washington and Alaska Department, Ladies of the G. A. R. 60 (3) Columbia Conference, Lutheran Augustana Synod of North America. Lutheran Welfare Association_______ Carolina Kline Galland Estate........... . Private organization............................... 65 65 69 60 (») («)__________________________ . («) Danish organizations in Oregon and 60 Washington. (6)_____________________________ Private organization_______________ (6) Catholic order, Sisters of Charity of 65 the House of Providence. North Pacific Missionary Conference, 65 Evangelical Covenant Church of America. Catholic order, Sisters of Charity of 60 Providence. Private organization______ ______ Norwegian Lutheran Church of 65 America. Private organization________________ 65 500 • 2, 000 (6) »1,000 (6) (10) 0<) »1, 500 2,000 Catholic order, Sisters of Charity of the House of Providence. Grand Lodges of Oregon and Wash ington, Knights of Pythias. Walla Walla: Washington Odd Fellows Washington Grand lodge, Independ 65 Home, 534 Boyer Ave. ent Order of Odd Fellows. Zenith: Masonic Home of Washington 4__ Washington Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. * Varies according to age. 6 No data. 4 Data as of 1929. » Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 119 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the A ged in the U nited States — Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates (6) (6) Other (6) White, member of sponsoring church, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, character references, sane, free from communicable disease. White, Protestant, 5 years’ residence in city, transfer of prop erty to home on admission (income thereon paid to resi dent), free from communicable disease. White, Confederate veteran (or wife) in a Virginia command, sane, free from cancer, not inebriate. Indigent____________ _______ __________________________ Whit'', 3 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission. <•)--------------------------- --------- - .......... ............................... .......... $35 per month War veteran, 3 years’ residence in State, indigent, free from contagious disease. $27.50 p e r White, member of any Christian church__________________ month. Descendant of Civil War veteran, 1 year’s residence in State, transfer of 85 percent of pension to home on admission, sane, even temper, free from communicable disease and cancer. $30-$35 per White_____ _______ month.14 $30 per month __ White, normal health. White, Jewish, 2 years’ residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, free from contagious disease. $50 per month White, preference to church members, 3 years’ residence in county, transfer of part of property to home on admission, normal health. C)------------------- (6)—________ ________________ _______________________ $30 per month 9_. White, Danish birth or descent (if couple, at least 1 Danish), preference to Lutherans, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home, sane, normal health. (6)---------------- (•)--— ..........------- ----------------------------------------------------$50 per month $20 per month 9._ White, respectable Whom admitted (6) (6) Women only... 28 do. 48 Men and cou 60 ples. Both sexes and 130 couples. Women only... 16 (8)---------------- . (6) Both sexes and couples. Men only_____ Both sexes and couples. Women only... 33 150 55 55 Both sexes and couples. ----- do________ do. do. 70 16 31 60 (•)___________ Both sexes and couples. C)----------------Both sexes and couples. ...d o _______ (#)38 $30 or $40 per White, transfer of part of property to home on admission, do month.9 3-month trial period, sane, free from contagious disease. $25 per month9................................................................................................... ............ do. $32.50 per month9. ................................... ....................................................................... do. $30 per month 9.. White, preference to Lutherans, good character, doctor’s cer do tificate of good health. do. White, 1 year’s residence in city, 3 in county, transfer of half of property to home on admission, good habits, normal health. $25 per month 9_. Ambulant........................................ ........ ........................... ......... do. White, 5 years’ membership in sponsoring order (or wife, Both sexes and widow, or orphan), transfer of all or part of property to couples (also home on admission, doctor’s certificate of sanity and health, children). able to care for self. White, 10 years’ membership in sponsoring order, transfer of Both sexes and couples. property to home on admission, able to care for self. White, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow), in ..— do............... digent. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. 14 Varies according to age, physical condition, etc.; applicants occasionally accepted without fees. Capacity (aged only) («)10 201 86 24 25 60 56 50 235 120 HOMES FOR AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tran ce R equirem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organization Minimum Mini entrance mum for life fee age members W est Virginia Elkins: Odd Fellows Home Huntington: Foster Memorial Home, Madison Ave West Virginia Home for Aged and In firm Colored Men and Women, 1635 Eighth Ave. Wheeling: Brown (John M.) Home for Aged M en4. Home for Aged (Altenheim), 930 Na tional Rd. West Virginia Grand Lodge, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. Foster Foundation____ State of West Virginia- 65 (5) $900 Private organization. ___ do........................... »500 500 Wisconsin Berlin: Brown-Wilcox Home for Aged------ Trustees of Jennie Wilcox Brown Es tate. Chippewa Falls: Rutledge (Hannah M.) Trustees of Edward Rutledge Estate.. Home, Bridgewater Ave. Dousman: Wisconsin Masonic Home____ Wisconsin Grand Lodge, Free and Ac cepted Masons. Farmington: Wisconsin Veterans’ Home L_ State of Wisconsin. Fond du Lac: Boyle (Henry) Catholic Home for Aged, Catholic order, Congregation of St. 65 271 North Park Ave. Agnes. Lutheran Home for Aged, 244 North Private organization________________ Macy St. The Home, 101 East Arndt St________ Fond du Lac Relief Society.............. . Green Bay: McCormick Memorial Home for Aged, Green Bay Diocese, Roman Catholic Church. Route No. 6. Odd Fellows Home, 822 Grignon St___ Wisconsin Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Kenosha: St. Joseph’s Home of the Sacred Catholic order, Carmelite Sisters of Heart for Aged, 920 61st St. the Divine Heart of Jesus. LaCrosse: St. Joseph’s Home for Aged, LaCrosse Diocese, Roman Catholic Church. 2415 Cass St. Manitowoc: St. Joseph’s Home for Aged__________ Holy Family Convent of Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity. St. Mary’s Home for Aged, 20th and Catholic order, Felician Sisters______ Division Sts. Marinette: Luther Home for Aged, Box 246 Superior Conference, E v a n g e lic a l Lutheran Augustana Synod of North America. Milwaukee: Home for Aged, 1530 East Kane PL. (6)C) Home for Aged, 2006 West Wells St.. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the 60 Poor. Methodist Episcopal Old People’s Private organization________________ 70 Home, 929 North 11th St. Milwaukee Catholic Home for Aged, -do_. 65 2301 East Bradford Ave. Milwaukee Home for Aged Jews, 2436 -do.. 65 North 50th St. Milwaukee Protestant Home for Aged, 65 .do.. 2449 North Downer Ave. St. John’s Home, 1222 North Cass St... _do.. 65 St. Joseph’s Home, 504 West Galena St Catholic order, Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus. Scandinavian American Old People’s Private organization................................ Home, 2331 West VieauPl. 5 Must be aged. children. • No data. *i Including Data as of 1929. 60 65 300 fl500 (JO) (10) (9) 1,000 1,500 *1,500 1,000 1,000 D IR E C T O R Y OF OLD P E O PL E’S 121 HOMES for the A g ed in the United States — C ontinu ed Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted Capac ity (aged only) Both sexes and 1 250 couples (also children). White, transfer of property to home on admission, normal Women only... 45 health. Negro, voting citizen, indigent.................................................... Both sexes and 40 couples. Member of sponsoring order (or wife, widow, or orphan) $20p er m o n t h . $25 per month 9__ $30 per month9. $40 per month9$25 per month9.. $1 per day 9. White, Protestant, transfer of property to home___________ Men only____ White, 5 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to Women only... home, good character, normal health. 29 17 Transfer of property to home on admission (5 percent interest Both sexes___ thereon paid to resident), without relatives able to support, sane, normal health. White, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home Both sexes and on admission, good character and disposition, normal couples. health. White, 2 years’ membership in Masons (or wife or widow) or - ..d o — ......... . Eastern Star in Wisconsin, 2 years’ residence in State, trans fer of property to home on admission, not a hospital case. Veteran of any war (or dependent), resident of State, transfer do. of 20 percent of income to home. White, Catholic, able to care for selfdo. White, free from communicable diseasedo. White, 1 year’s residence in county, transfer of property to do. home on admission, 6-month trial period, normal health. White, Catholic, transfer of part of property to home on ad do. mission, sane, free from communicable disease. White, member of sponsoring order (or wife or widow), trans do. fer of property to home on admission, sane, free from con tagious disease, able to care for self. White, ambulant__________________________ ____________ do. Good disposition, doctor’s certificate of health do. 13 White, sane_____ ________________________ _________ ___ (10)— ............ $30 per month9.. White______________________ _____ ___________ _________ transfer of part of property to home on admission, not (")------------------ White, a hospital case. (6)----------------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------White, poor, respectable, sane______ _____________________ $8 per week, $30 White, member of Methodist Church (if life-care resident), transfer of property to home on admission. per month. W hite, 2 years' residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission (interest thereon paid to resident), normal health. White, Jewish, 1 year’s residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission. White, 2 years’ residence in State, transfer of property to home on admission. White, 10 years’ membership in Episcopal Church, 2 years’ residence in diocese, transfer of property to home on admis sion (interest thereon paid to resident), normal health. $25 per month 9._ White, Catholic, normal health_____________________________ White, 1 year’s residence in city, transfer of property to home on admission, good character, normal health. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. 10 Each case is considered on its individual merits. 17 Covers rent only; residents must be able to support selves, otherwise. (8) do. do. do. 65 120 600 26 85 26 80 135 45 60 94 58 40 (6)_____ ___ Both sexes and (6)161 couples. Women only... 15 Both sexes and 49 couples. ___ do_____ 45 ___do._............ 140 Women only... 40 Both sexes and couples. ....... do................ 63 40 122 HOMES FOE AGED IN THE UNITED STATES D irecto ry , and E n tra n ce R equ irem ents o f H om es Entrance require ments Name and address of home Wisconsin—Continued Oshkosh: The Home, 840 Main St_______ Portage: St. Savior’s Annex, 706 Prospect Ave. Racine: Palmeter (John H.) Old Ladies’ Home, 1547 College Ave. St. Anne’s Home, 1226 Park Ave_____ Theresa and Elizabeth Home, 1403 West 6th St. Sheboygan: King’s Daughters Home, 809 North 6th St. Reiss (Anna M.) Home of Aged, 9th and Superior Ave. Sparta: Morrow Memorial Home for Aged, 401 South Water St. Stoughton: Skaalen Home for Aged______ Wauwatosa: Lutheran Altenheim, 7500 West North Ave. Wittenberg: Homme Home forAged. Wyoming Sponsoring or controlling organization Mini Minimum mum entrance fee affe for life members Ladies’ Benevolent Society__________ Catholic order, Sisters of the Divine Savior. Trustees of John H. Palmeter estate___ Catholic order, Sisters of St. Dominic.. Private organization.______________ 60 50 $750 60 1,500 70 1,500 Wisconsin branch, King’s Daughters and Sons. Catholic order, Hospital Sisters of St. Francis. West Wisconsin Conference, Metho dist Episcopal Church. Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Lutheran Altenheim Society of Wis consin. Norwegian Lutheran Church................ 70 8 2, 000 65 70 8 800 65 65 81,500 Buffalo: Wyoming State Soldiers’ and State of Wyoming................................ . Sailors’ Home. Laramie: I vinson Memorial Home for Trustees of Edward Ivinson estate___ Elderly Women. 9 Applicants occasionally accepted without fees. (10) 65 123 DIRECTORY OF OLD PEOPLE’S HOMES fo r the Aged in the United States— Continued Entrance requirements—Continued Boarders’ rates Other Whom admitted White, 5 years’ residence in city, normal health. Sane__________________ __________________ Women only. Both sexes and couples. White, transfer of property to home on admission, sane, doc Women only... tor’s certificate of health. $10 per week___ White, Catholic, sane, normal health____________________ ----- do-----------White, transfer of property to home on admission, good char Both sexes and acter. couples. White, 2 years’ residence in State, transfer of part of property Women only... $10 per week to home at death, deed to cemetery plot, recommendations from prominent citizens, sane, normal health. $35 per mqnth ®._ White, able to care for self__________________ ____ _______ Both sexes and couples. White, Protestant, 1 year’s residence in State,transfer of prop ___do________ erty to home on admission, sane, normal health, able to as sist around home. White, member of sponsoring church, transfer of part of prop doerty to home on admission, sane, able to care for self. White, Lutheran, transfer of property to home on admission, dogood character, sane, free from epilepsy or communicable or objectionable disease. do White, Lutheran, free from contagious disease.......................... . Honorable discharge from war service, 1 year’s residence in ........do________ State, without other means of support, free from com municable disease. . White, 5 years’ residence in State, good character, good dispo- Women only... sit ion, normal health. MEach case is considered on its individual merits. 230808°— 41- -9 Capacity (aged only) 19 21 22 32 80 41 45 122 Appendix A .— Cooperative Homes for Aged Below are listed the homes which some of the aged people in receipt of old-age assistance in the State of Washington are operating for themselves on a cooperative basis. Capacity 15 Aberdeen M e n ’s C lu b, 407 W e st W isk ah Street_______________________ M e n .. Bingen: Bingen Pioneers C lu b ______________________________________________d o _____ Brem erton: 10 Brem erton Pioneers C lu b, 29 08 Porter Street_____________________d o _____ 14 Sunset C lu b, 870 Bur well Street___________________________________W o m e n . _ 12 E v erett: Port Gardner Pioneers C lub, 3522 C olby S t ___ _______________M e n . . 17 M cK e n n a : M c K e n n a Pioneers C lu b _______________________________________d o _____ 30 R ed m on d: R ed m on d Pioneers C lu b _______________________________________ d o _____ 12 Seattle: In terbay Pioneers C lu b, 32 32 W e st 1 7 th ____________________________ d o _____ 11 O zanam M e n ’ s C lu b, 19th and Spruce______________________________ d o _____ 28 View R idge C lub, 906 Shelby Street______________________________ W o m e n .. 12 Spokane: Riverton M e n ’s C lu b, E . 1624 South R iverton _______________ M e n . . 25 W a lla W a lla : W a lla W a lla Pioneers C lu b, 116 N orth T h ird ___________ d o _____ 12 Appendix B.— Structural Requirements for an Old People’s Home The Old People's Home Foundation, South Bend, Ind., formulated the following standards which it suggested should be followed in the establishment of a home for aged. These standards, designed to insure the maximum efficiency, comfort, and convenience, were given in the July 1935 Newsletter of the Foundation and are reprinted here as of possible assistance to groups intending to open an old people's home. O ld P e o p l e ’s H o m es of t h e F u t u r e Rooms, porches, and outside walks easy of access for those weak or uncertain of their step. Comfortable sized rooms (single or double), with possibly private or connected bath, lavatory, and, in all cases, hot and cold running water convenient. Sound-proof walls, insuring elimination of objectionable or disturbing noises. Sufficient, but not too much, cross ventilation through transoms, door blinds, or other controlling devices, that the odor of senile decay and other “smells” may be quickly removed. Proper and regulated artificial heat for cool or cold weather, either under the control of each room occupant or by thermostats at different parts of the structure. Ample natural and artificial lighting in rooms and halls. Fixtures that may be “stepped down” or dimmed during retirement, and maximum service as occasion requires. 124 APPENDIX---- HOME STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS 125 Convenient and well-located public toilets and baths for visitors as well as members and servants, careful consideration being given as to the fixtures in stalled and drainage system to insure maximum sanitation, comfort, and privacy at reasonable cost, not overlooking the floor that it be “ nonskidding” and the tubs that they may be of safe and easy access; also, that if showers be provided they may be simple to operate and foolproof. Ample closet space in each m em bers room, with shelves and clothes hangers, being mindful that members need more than ordinary space for their “ keepings.” All walls and ceilings (particularly in sleeping rooms and toilets) to be coated with an easy-to-clean paint or enamel and of tone and texture in harmony with the trim, also furniture therein. Windows should be weatherstripped to eliminate drafts and also to preserve heat, and equipped where practical with (easy to roll up or remove) nonrusting wire screens. Window sash should also be easy to operate. Mindful of the expense of operating passenger elevators, ramps are recom mended for two- and three-floor structures. If hand or power elevators are installed, then at least one should be of generous “ cab” size to permit transporta tion of the sick or deceased. The advantage of having the kitchen and dining room on the upper floor is the elimination of food odors permeating the rest of the house. It also affords light and scenery while eating and makes available “ attic space” convenient to the servants’ quarters. Dumbwaiters solve the transportation problem. Hall and sleeping-room floors should be of easy-cleaning and replacement composition, of a pleasing “ warm” material, soundless to footsteps, and of color in harmony with the decorative scheme employed. Even if of fireproof construction, no home for the aged should be permitted to operate that is not equipped with the latest improved (and working) fire protection, also fire-escape device; all outside doors swinging out, also equipped with self unlocking cross bars. It must not be forgotten that rooms equipped with open-grate fireplaces of generous proportions (when in operation) make desirable rendezvous for old folks. The administrative office, while apart from the reception room, should be con nected therewith, and adjacent thereto should be a room equipped to handle mail matters, vend small merchandise needed by members, also the house intercom municating telephone service and “ outside” communication; here would be the station of the clerk on duty, who could act as “ public” and manager’s stenographer. The arrangement, equipment, and location of various “ service departments” such as kitchen, laundry, furnace room, food, and fuel storage quarters are problems a book could be written on, but, at any event, calling for expert advice to fit each particular requirement as planned. The system to adopt for power and heat depends upon the character and location of the building planned, and also calls for expert advice. However, it is not out of place to suggest that all pipes and wires be of easy access so that they may be “ got at” should trouble occur necessitating repairs. In planning storage departments for meats, vegetables, canned goods, and dry foods, the matter of their location and control (from shortages and “ leaks” ) through a thief-proof food-dispensing system, should be considered. It must be remem bered that the income of every home is via the “ Queen Anne front,” but the losses and much of the operating expenses go via the “ Mary Ann back;” therefore the latter should be provided with all kinds of “ safety devices.” Dry, moth-, vermin- and rodent-proof storage space, or “ lockers,” for furniture (and apparel of the departed) is of no small importance and should be protected from unauthorized visitors. 126 HOMES FOR AGED IN TH E UNITED STATES Servants’ quarters should be provided and equipped so as to preclude disturbing those who retire early, and should be modem, sanitary, and comfortable, to insure housing satisfaction of those employed to serve members. A “ living” or help’s assembly room does much to make the servants’ quarters “ homey.” Ample toilet and bathroom accommodations, as well as proper heating and ventilation are also necessary. Access to and egress from the servants’ quarters should be planned for supervision— “ for reasons.” The home’s main assembly hall, auditorium, chapel (or whatever title may be assigned to it), as the gathering place for worship or entertainment, should be of easy access for the blind, the lame, and the halt. It should be sufficiently large to meet all requirements, provided with a movable platform, or stage, have a “ drop” or “ pull” curtain, concealed except when in use, and care should be exercised regarding accoustic properties, heat, light, and ventilation. Of late, instead of benches or pews, the trend of such public gathering places has been toward individ ual chairs, easily removed, if desired, and placed in storage space conveniently near. Of course, the “ nursery” (for the sick folks), linen and laundry assorting room, the houseman’s shop for carpentry, upholstery, and odd jobs, will not be overlooked. Recreation rooms, sun parlors, porches, library, reading, writing, smoking, card, and game rooms; also the drug, barber, and beauty shops; possibly a “ plunge” and members’ pastime rooms for special cooking, laundering, sewing, wood working, art painting, and whatnot undertakings always make attractive induce ments for membership. o