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A STATISTICAL ABSTRACT H I S o f S T O T A T t h e U C o l o n ia l SUPPLEMENT R I n I S C T i t e d T i m e s A I L C S S t a t e s to 1 9 5 7 Prepared by the Bureau of the Census with the Cooperation of the Social Science Research Council U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Frederick H. Mueller, Secretary BUREAU OF THE CENSUS, Robert W. Burgess, Director Bureau of the Census ROBERT W. BURGESS, Director A. Ross Eckler, Deputy Director Howard C. Grieves, Assistant Director Conrad Taeuber, Assistant Director Morris H. Hansen, Assistant Director for Statistical Standards Lowell T. Galt, Assistant Director for Operations Walter L. Kehres, Assistant Director for Administration Calvert L. Dedrick, Chief, International Statistical Programs Office A. W. von Struve, Acting Public Information Officer HERMAN P. MILLER, Historical Statistics Project Director This volume stems from a joint interest by the Bureau of the Census and the Social Science Research Council. It was planned, assembled, edited, and published by the Bureau, with the advice and assistance of the Committee on Historical Statistics appointed by the Council. Many other individuals and agencies cooperated and made significant contributions to this project. General acknowledgments for each chap ter are presented on p. VII; other acknowledgments frequently appear in the text discussions of the various chapters. The volume was prepared in the Bureau of the Census under the general direction of Edwin D. Goldfield, Chief, Statistical Reports Division. Herman P. Miller served as the Project Director and was primarily responsible for the planning, organizing, and supervising of all aspects of the compilation of the data. Dr. Miller also served as executive secretary of the Committee on Historical Statistics, handled liaison matters for the Committee, and participated in its selection of experts to serve as consultants. 0. Halbert Goolsby acted as staff assistant. Morris B. Ullman, who supervised the preparation of the previous volume, Historical Statistics of the United States, 1789-191+5, was re sponsible for planning during the early stages of the project. William Lerner, Assistant Chief, Statistical Reports Division, was primarily responsible for the planning and supervising of the publica tion aspects of the volume and for the review and editing of the text and tables. Dorothy M. Belzer was responsible for the tabular presen tation of the data and preparation of the material for the printer. The Census Library Branch, Louise H. Clickner, Chief, also lent valuable assistance. S o c ia l S c ie n c e R e s e a r c h C o u n c il The Committee on Historical Statistics appointed by the Social data selection and format, for general appraisal of the quality of the Science Research Council participated actively in the preparation of series suggested for inclusion, and for the selection of consult antthis volume, in the extension of the subjects to be added, and in plan specialists for the various subjects. The Committee as a whole, or ning the general procedures for securing expert assistance on each through specially qualified members, reviewed the plans for inclusion subject. As the project was developed the Committee, especially the of specific series and discussed areas of study which presented un Chairman, was primarily responsible for consideration of problems of usual problems. Committee on Historical Statistics of the Social Science Research Council (Advisory to the Bureau of the Census) G. Heberton Evans, Jr., Chairman Herman P. Miller, Executive Secretary Chairman of Department of Political Economy Bureau of the Census The Johns Hopkins University Otis Dudley Duncan Associate Director of Population Research and Training Center The University of Chicago Solomon Fabricant Director of Research National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. Maurice I. Gershenson Department of Industrial Relations State of California Richard M. Scammon Director of Elections Research Governmental Affairs Institute Willard L. Thorp Director of Merrill Center for Economics Amherst College Harold F. Williamson Professor of Economics Northwestern University Paul Webbink, Vice President, Social Science Research Council, attended Committee meetings and acted as the Council’s representative. Stanley Lebergott, Office of Statistical Standards, Bureau of the Budget, also participated in the meetings. Suggested brief citation: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1957, Washington, D.C., 1960 Library of Congress Card No. A 60-9150 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Price $6.00 II Contents [The numbers following subjects are series numbers] Chapter Acknowledgments for Chapter Contributions __ Introduction A. Population Page VII IX i Area and population (A 1-21) —Sex, color, age, residence, nativity, and race (A 22-122) —Popu lation for States (A 123-180)— Urban and rural places (A 181-209) —Marital status and house holds (A 210-263). B. Vital Statistics and Health and Medical Care VITAL STATISTICS_________________________________________________________________________________ Registration area and summary data (B 1-9) —Birth rates and reproduction rates (B 10-75) — Life expectancy (B 76-100) —Death rates (B 101-175)—Marriage and divorce rates (B 176179). HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE______________________________________________________________________ Physicians, dentists, and nurses; and schools, students, and graduates (B 180-194) —Hospitals and beds; and admissions to hospitals (B 195-274) —Reportable diseases (B 275-281). C. Migration INTERNAL MIGRATION____________________________________________________________________________ Native population, by place of birth and residence, by color (C 1-24) —Net intercensal migra tion, white and Negro, by States (C 25-73 >—Movement of farm population (C 74-79)— Mobility status of civilian population (C 80-87). INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION_________________________________________________ Immigrants by country of origin, occupation, age, and sex (C 88-138) —Aliens admitted, de ported, departing, and excluded (C 139-157)-—Naturalization and citizenship status (C 158184)— Nativity of foreign parents of native-white population (C 185-217) —Foreign-born population, by country of birth (C 218-283). D. Labor LABOR FORCE____________________________________________________________________________________ Labor force status of the population (D 1-12)—Age, sex, color, and marital status of women (D 13-45) —Unemployment (D 46-47) —Industrial and occupational distributions (D 48-572). HOURS, WAGES, AND WORKING CONDITIONS________________________________________________________ Hours, wages, and earnings, by industry, occupation, profession, degree of skill, sex, and union status (D 573-707 and D 728-734) —Supplements to wages (D 708-727) —Union member ship (D 735-763) —Work stoppages (D 764-778)—Labor turnover (D 779-784) —Work-injury frequency rates (D 785-792). E. Prices and Price Indexes________________________________________________ Wholesale price indexes (E 1-100) —Wholesale prices of commodities (E 101-112) —Consumer price indexes (E 113-156)—Cost-of-living indexes (E 157-160) —Retail prices of foods (E 161-176) —Retail price indexes for utilities and fuel (E 177-185) —Rent indexes (E 186). F. National Income and Wealth NATIONAL PRODUCT AND INCOME__________________________________________________________________ Gross national product in current and constant prices (F 1-9) —Value added, by industry group (F 10-21) —National income, by industrial origin and type of income (F 22-43 and F 49-66) —Gross domestic product, by major sector (F 44-48) —Gross and net national product, by type of product (F 67-157). NATIONAL WEALTH AND SAVING ___________________________________________________________________ National balance sheet (F 158-196)—National wealth, by type of assets (F 197-251) —Gross private, personal, and Government saving (F 252-345). G. Consumer Income and Expenditures FAMILY AND INDIVIDUAL INCOME__________________________________________________________________ Distribution of families and individuals and personal income, by income level (G 1-98) — Percent of income received by each fifth, and by upper income groups (G 99-117 and G 131146)—^Average family personal income before and after Federal taxes (G 118-130) —Median wage income, by characteristics of recipients (G 147-190). CONSUMER EXPENDITURE PATTERNS_______________________________________________________________ Personal consumption expenditures, by type of product (G 191-243)—Family expenditures, for urban and farm-operator families, by income class of family, by type of product (G 244543)—Food indexes and nutrients available (G 544-551) —Per capita food consumption (G 552-584). 3 3P 41 6r 7J 101 131 145 159 169 Ill CONTENTS Chapter H. Social Statistics SOCIAL SECURITY AND WELFARE ___________________________________________________________ Social welfare expenditures (H 1-45)—Workers and payrolls covered by social insurance pro grams (H 46-67)—Benefits and beneficiaries under social insurance and related programs (H 68-114)—Old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (H 115-161)—Unemployment insurance, and workmen’s compensation (H 162-185)—Public assistance, and old-age assistance (H 186-212)—Child health and welfare services (H 213-222). EDUCATION ____________________________________________________________________________ Elementary and secondary schools: Enrollment, attendance, graduates, teachers, public and private, receipts and expenditures, and subjects taught (H 223-315)—Institutions of higher education: Number, faculty, enrollment, degrees conferred, income, expenditures, plant fund operations (H 316-373)—Enrollment and years of school completed (H 374-406)—Illiteracy (H 407-411). CRIME AND CORRECTION__________________________________________________________________ Prisoners in, and released from, Federal and State institutions (H 412-431)—Prisoners exe cuted (H 432-444)—Urban crime (H 445-451)—Lynching (H 452-454). RECREATION ___________________________________________________________________________ National parks, monuments, and allied areas (H 455-470)—National forest lands (H 471474)—State parks (H 475-487)—Municipal recreation (H 488-499)—Recreation expendi tures (H 500-515)—Selected recreational activities (H 516-525). RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION __________________________________________________________________ Church denominations, members, and edifices (H 526-530)—Membership of religious bodies (H 531-543). Page 189 202 215 219 226 J. Land, Water, and Climate LAND AND WATER UTILIZATION ____________________________________________________________ K. 231 Territorial expansion (J 1-9)—Public lands, revenues and receipts from public domain, tim ber sales, grazing, leases, land sales and grants (J 10-48)—Land utilization and ownership (J 49-79)—Drainage and irrigation (J 80-90)—Water use and water wells (J 91-108). CLIMATE _______________________________________________________________________________ 241 Temperature and precipitation, for benchmark stations (J 109-245)—Temperature and pre cipitation for long-record city stations (J 246-265). Agriculture___________________________________________________________________________ 257 Farms: Number, acreage, value, and color and tenure of farm operators (K 1-52)—Farm mort gage status, and size of farm (K 53-72)—Farm employment, wages, man-hours, and produc tivity (K 73-97)—Crop acreage and production (K 98-103)—Supply-utilization of farm food (K 104-115)—Farm taxes and insurance, cash receipts, income, indexes of prices received and paid, and parity ratios (K 116-149)—Machinery, equipment, and fertilizer (K 150-161)— Debt, loans, interest, and country bank deposits (K 162-180)—Associations (K 181-189)— Livestock, meats, dairying, wool, and poultry (K 190-253)—Production, acreage, and price for specific crops (K 254-315); for fruits (K 316-328). L. Forestry and Fisheries FORESTS AND FOREST PRODUCTS___________________________________________________________ M. National forests: Areas, purchases, timber cut, and receipts from, and payments to, States (L 1-22)—Lumber production, imports, exports, and new supply (L 23-60)—Timber products and prices (L 61-97)—Forest fires (L 98-109). FISHERIES ____________ _________________________________________________________________ Yield and value (L 110-115)—Landed catches of principal species, by region (L 116-154)— Disposition of catch (L 155-163)—Production, imports, and value of fishery products (L 164-202)—Sponge sales, sealskins obtained, and whale production (L 203-206). Minerals_____________________________________________________________________________ Summary (M 1-12)—Value and production of mineral products (M 13-77)—Consumption (M 78-87)—Fuels (M 88-177)—Nonmetals (M 178-194)—Metals (M 195-258)—Injuries and fatalities (M 259-274). N. Construction and Housing CONSTRUCTION _________________________________________________________________________ P. 305 319 331 373 Value of private and public construction (N l-60)-^Indexes of building activity (N 61-67)— Construction contracts awarded (N 68-84)—Cost indexes (N 85-105). HOUSING ______________________________________________________________________________ 387 Dwelling units started (N 106-115)—Units standing and in Federal programs (N 116-128)— Residential wealth (N 129-138)—Occupied dwelling units and tenure of homes (N 139-146)— Residential price indexes, mortgage debt, finance programs, afid foreclosures (N 147-195)— Savings and loan associations (N 196-203). Manufactures________________________________________________________________________ 401 Summary (P 1-10)—Capital in major industries (P 14-133)—Form of ownership (P 134-137)— Wage earners (P 138-146)—Production, by industry and for commodities (P 11-13 and P 147-232)—Capacity of industries (P 233-249)—Value of output of commodities (P 250-306). CONTENTS Chapter Q. Transportation Page RAIL TRANSPORTATION___________________________________________________________________________________________ 423 WATER TRANSPORTATION_________________________________________________________________________________________ 438 HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION______________________________________________________________________________________ 456 AIR TRANSPORTATION_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 465 Intercity freight traffic (Q 1-11)—Transportation indexes (Q 12-14)—Summary of early railroads (Q 15-42)—Mileage and equipment (Q 43-65)—Passenger and freight operations (Q 66-94)—Capital, income, expenses, and tax accruals (Q 95-123)—Mileage in receiver ship, grade crossings, fuel received, and crossties (Q 124-137)—Pullman operations (Q 138140>—Employment and accidents (Q 141-152). Merchant vessels, by type and region (Q 153-190)—Persons entering by ship (Q 191)—Capac ity of vessels entered and cleared (Q 192-203)—Waterborne imports and exports and domestic cargo (Q 204-229)—Freight on the Great Lakes and through canals (Q 230-244)—River and harbor expenditures (Q 245). Rural and municipal mileage (Q 246-259)—Federal-aid highways (Q 260-264)—State and local highway finances (Q 265-309)—Motor vehicles, fuel usage, and travel (Q 310-327)— Gasoline tax rates (Q 328-329)—Public transit summary (Q 330-341)—Oil pipelines (Q 342344). Aircraft production and exports (Q 345-351)—Scheduled domestic and international air travel, revenues and expenses (Q 352-375)—Airports, aircraft, pilots, and miles flown (Q 376-383)— Accidents (Q 384-397). R. Communications TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH SYSTEMS_________________________________________________________________________ 471 RADIO AND TELEVISION___________________________________________________________________________________________ 487 POSTAL SERVICE, NEWSPAPERS, AND BOOKS____________________________________________________________________ 493 Telephones, calls, and rates (R 1-13)—Bell System summary (R 14-27)—Independent com panies summary (R 28-42)—Domestic telegraph industry, and rates (R 43-71)—International telegraph industry and rates (R 72-89). Stations, sets, and families with sets (R 90-98)—Advertising, finances, and employees (R 99-119)—Safety and special radio stations (R 120-138). Post Office finances, rates, and volume of mail (R 139-164)—Books (R 165-168)—News papers and periodicals (R 169-186). 501 S. Power_________________________________________________________________ Horsepower of prime movers (S 1-14)—Electric energy production (S 15-35^Consumption of fuels (S 36-43)—Generating plants and installed capacity (S 44-69)—Residential service and average prices (S 70-80>—Use of electric energy, by type of user (S 81-93). T. Distribution and Services________________________________________________ 513 National income originating, and persons engaged, in selected industries (T 1-22)—Retail sales and establishments, by kind of business (T 23-182)—Chain stores (T 183-187)—Retail margins (T 188-207)—^Wholesale trade sales and summary, by kind of business (T 208-302)— Wholesale trade margins (T 303-309)—Selected services establishments and receipts (T 310345)—Advertising (T 346-351)—Farm-to-retail price spread (T 352-358)—Index of depart ment store sales and stocks (T 359-360)—Hotel operations (T 361-365)—Inventories (T 366-386). U. Foreign Trade and Other International Transactions FOREIGN TRADE___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 529 BALANCE OF INTERNATIONAL PAYMENTS AND INVESTMENT POSITION_______________________________________ 557 Exports, imports, and duties (U 1-45)—Trade related to production (U 46-50)—Value of trade, by customs districts and economic classes (U 51-72)—Value of selected products (U 73-115)—Value, by destination and origin (U 116-151)—U.S. trade, as reported by Canada and Great Britain (U 152-167). Balance of international payments (U 168-192)—International investment position of U.S. (U 193-207)—Direct investment in foreign countries (U 208-213). V. Business Enterprise BUSINESS POPULATION___________________________________________________________________________________________ 567 CORPORATE ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND INCOME________________________________________________________________ 574 Firms in operation, new firms, failures, and turnover (V 1-19)—Firms and employment, by size of firm (V 20-29)—Mergers (V 30-31)—Corporations, by industry (V 32-44)—Distribu tion of corporate income (V 45-56)—Concentration in manufacturing (V 57-64). Balance sheet and income items, by industry and by assets-size classes (V 65-127)—Electric utility industries (V 128-202)—Value of plant and equipment in regulated industries (V 203216)—Large manufacturing corporations (V 217-237). CONTENTS Chapter W. Productivity and Technological Development PRODUCTIVITY INDEXES__________________________________________________________________________________________ 593 COPYRIGHTS, PATENTS, AND TRADEMARKS______________________________________________________________________ 603 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT____________________________________________________________________„ ____ 609 Productivity per man-hour and per unit of labor and capital input (W 1-11)—Mining per man-hour (W 12-21)—Manufacturing per man-hour (W 22-38)—Transportation per worker (W 39-44)—Electric utility and distribution output (W 45-47)—Farm output (W 48-51). Copyright registrations (W 52-65)—Patents filed and issued, by type (W 66-76)—Trade marks (W 77-78). Federal and private industry expenditures, by agency and industry (W 79-121). X. Banking and Finance BANKING____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 615 MONEY SUPPLY AND GOLD________________________________________________________________________________________ 644 MONEY RATES AND SECURITY MARKETS_________________________________________________________________________ 650 CREDIT AND OTHER FINANCE____________________________________________________________________________________ 661 PRIVATE INSURANCE______________________________________________________________________________________________ 665 Early State banks and Second Bank of the U.S. (X 1-19)—All banks (X 20-41)—National banks (X 42-63)—Nonnational banks (X 64-96)—All commercial banks (X 97-128)—Bank deposit insurance status (X 129-154)—Branch banking (X 155-164)—Banking suspensions (X 165-191)—Bank earnings and expenses (X 192-215)—Bank debits, deposit turnover, and clearings (X 216-229)—Savings and deposits (X 230-239)—Postal Savings System (X 240244)—Federal Reserve banks (X 245-265). Bank deposits and currency outside banks (X 266-283)—Currency stock and in circulation (X 284-298)—Gold stock (X 299-304). Short-term interest rates (X 305-313 and X 322-329)—Commercial paper and bankers’ ac ceptances (X 314-321)—Bond and stock yields and prices (X 330-354)—Private and public security issues (X 355-372)—Stock exchange sales (X 373-377)—Margin requirements (X 378-380)—Market credit and brokers’ loans (X 381-388). Federal loans (X 389-402)—Credit unions (X 403-414)—Consumer credit (X 415-422)— Net public and private debt (X 423-434). Life insurance in force and sales (X 435-444)—Finances of life insurance companies (X 445468)—Medical care insurance (X 469-482)—Private pension plans (X 483-500). Y. Government ELECTIONS AND POLITICS_________________________________________________________________________________________ 679 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT AND FINANCES____________________________________________________________________ 694 ARMED FORCES AND VETERANS__________________________________________________________________________________ 731 Methods of electing presidential electors (Y 1-26)—Electoral and popular vote for President (Y 27-128)—Legislative activity (Y 129-138)—Political party affiliation (Y 139-145 and Y 201-204)—Vote for and apportionment in House of Representatives (Y 146-200). Employment and payrolls (Y 205-253)—Federal Government receipts, expenditures, and debt (Y 254-263 and Y 350-383)—Internal revenue collections (Y 264-279)—Income taxes (Y 280-332)—Estate and gift taxes (Y 333-349)—Federal, State, and local governments revenue, by source, and expenditure, by character, object, and function (Y 384-714). Characteristics of Armed Forces, by war (Y 715-762)—Military personnel on active duty (Y 763-775)—Veterans in civil life, by war and by age (Y 776-800)—Expenditures for veterans, by war (Y 801-811)—Expenditures for veterans benefits, services, and pensions (Y 812-854). Z. Colonial Statistics______________________________________________________ Page Population (Z 1-20)—Foreign trade: Value of trade, tonnage of ships, coal, fur, indigo, silk, iron, tobacco, tea, rice, slaves, timber products and timber (Z 21-311)—Whaling (Z 312-315)— Wages and prices (Z 316-354)—Money and currency (Z 355-381)—Taxes (Z 382-386)—Diets (Z 387-404). Index. ___ 743 775 Acknowledgments for Chapter Contributions [See Introduction for description of consultants’ responsibilities] Chapter A. Population Principal consultant—Population Division, Bureau of the Census Review consultant—Irene B. Taeuber, Princeton University Other contributor—Donald S. Akers, Bureau of the Census Chapter B. Vital Statistics and Health and Medical Care Chapter G. Consumer Income and Expenditures FAMILY AND INDIVIDUAL INCOME Principal consultant—Selma F. Goldsmith, Office of Business Eco nomics Review consultant—Dorothy S. Brady, University of Pennsylvania CONSUMER EXPENDITURE PATTERNS Principal consultant—Faith M. Williams, Bureau of Labor Statistics Review consultant—Rose D. Friedman, Chicago, Illinois Principal consultant—Robert D. Grove, National Office of Vital Other contributors—Joseph A. Clorety, Anna-Stina L. Ericson, Helen H. Lamale, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Marguerite Statistics C. Burk, Agricultural Marketing Service, and Jean Review consultant—Irene B. Taeuber, Princeton University L. Pennock, Agricultural Research Service Other contributors—Joseph Schachter and Mildred L. McKinnon, National Office of Vital Statistics; Wilson H. Grabill, Bureau of the Census Chapter H. Social Statistics VITAL STATISTICS HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE Principal consultant—Maryland Y. Pennell, Public Health Service Review consultant—Antonio Ciocco, University of Pittsburgh Chapter C. Migration SOCIAL SECURITY AND WELFARE Principal consultant—Ida C. Merriam, Social Security Administration Review consultant—Eveline M. Burns, Columbia University Other contributor—George Rohrlich, Bureau of Employment Security EDUCATION Principal consultant—Emery M. Foster, Office of Education M. Walker, Columbia University; John Principal consultants—Everett S. Lee and Dorothy S. Thomas, Review consultants—Helen Walton, The Johns Hopkins University University of Pennsylvania Other contributors—Henry G. Badger, W. Vance Grant, and Rose Review consultant—Irene B. Taeuber, Princeton University Marie Smith, Office of Education; Charles B. Nam, Other contributor—Anne S. Lee, University of Pennsylvania Bureau of the Census INTERNAL MIGRATION INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION CRIME AND CORRECTION Principal consultant—Edward P. Hutchinson, University of Penn Principal consultant—Ronald H. Beattie, California Department of Justice, State of California sylvania Review consultant—Thorsten Sellin, University of Pennsylvania Review consultant—Niles Carpenter, The University of Buffalo Other contributors—Helen F. Eckerson and Gertrude D. Krichefsky, Other contributors—Benjamin Frank, Henry C. Lanpher, James A. McCafferty, Bureau of Prisons Immigration and Naturalization Service RECREATION Principal consultant—Marion Clawson, Resources for the Future, Inc. Review consultant—Thomas C. Fichandler, The Twentieth Century Principal consultant—Seymour L. Wolfbein, Bureau of Labor Statistics Fund Review consultant—Clarence D. Long, The Johns Hopkins University Other contributor—George D. Butler, National Recreation Asso ciation HOURS, WAGES, AND WORKING CONDITIONS Principal consultants—H. Gregg Lewis and Albert Rees, The University RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION of Chicago Principal consultant—Benson Y. Landis, National Council of the Review consultant—Harry M. Douty, Bureau of Labor Statistics Churches of Christ in the United States of America Review consultant—Edmund deS. Brunner, Columbia University Chapter E. Prices and Price Indexes Chapter J. Land, Water, and Climate Principal consultant—Ethel D. Hoover, Bureau of Labor Statistics AND WATER UTILIZATION Review consultants—Arthur H. Cole, Harvard University; Geoffrey LAND H. Wiecking and Hugh H. Wooten, H. Moore, National Bureau of Economic Research, Principal consultants—Ernst Agricultural Research Service; Walter L. Picton, Busi Inc. ness and Defense Services Administration Review consultant—Marion Clawson, Resources for the Future, Inc. Chapter F. National Income and Wealth CLIMATE Principal consultant—Richard A. Easterlin, University of Pennsylvania Principal consultants—Helmut E. Landsberg and J. Murray Mitcnell, Jr., Weather Bureau Review consultant—Simon Kuznets, The Johns Hopkins University Other contributor—Raymond W. Goldsmith, National Bureau of Review consultant—George S. Benton, The Johns Hopkins University Economic Research, Inc. Other contributor—Milton L. Blanc, Weather Bureau VII LABOR FORCE Chapter D. Labor ACKNOWLEDGMENTS FOR CHAPTER CONTRIBUTIONS Chapter K. Agriculture Chapter V. Business Enterprise Principal consultant—Department of Agriculture (Earl E. House BUSINESS POPULATION man, Coordinator) A. Adelman, Massachusetts Institute Review consultant—Theodore W. Schultz, The University of Chicago Principal consultant—Morris of Technology Review consultant—Irwin Friend, University of Pennsylvania Chapter L. Forestry and Fisheries FORESTS AND FOREST PRODUCTS Principal consultant—Dwight Hair, Forest Service Review consultant—William A. Duerr, Syracuse University FISHERIES CORPORATE ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND INCOME Principal consultant—Sergei P. Dobrovolsky, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Review consultant—Irwin Friend, University of Pennsylvania Principal consultant—Harvey L. Moore, Fish and Wildlife Service Chapter W. Productivity and Technological Development Review consultant—F. Heward Bell, International Pacific Halibut Commission PRODUCTIVITY INDEXES Other contributor—Edward A. Power, Fish and Wildlife Service Principal consultant—Leon Greenberg, Bureau of Labor Statistics Review consultant—John W. Kendrick, George Washington University Chapter M. Minerals Other contributors—Robert T. Adams and Julian Frechtman, Bureau of Labor Statistics Principal consultants—Sam H. Schurr and Elizabeth K. Vogely, Re sources for the Future, Inc. COPYRIGHTS, PATENTS, AND TRADEMARKS Review consultant—Vivian E. Spencer, Bureau of the Census Principal consultant—Jacob Schmookler, University of Minnesota Other contributor—Robert E. Herman, Bureau of Mines Review consultant—Fritz Machlup, The Johns Hopkins University Other contributor—P. J. Federico, Patent Office Chapter N. Construction and Housing RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Principal consultant—Leo Grebler, University of California, Los Angeles Principal consultant—Kathryn S. Arnow, National Science Foundation Review consultant—Raymond W. Goldsmith, National Bureau of Review consultant—Irving H. Siegel, Council of Economic Advisers Economic Research, Inc. Chapter P. Manufactures Chapter X. Banking and Finance Principal consultant—Daniel Creamer, National Industrial Conference BANKING, MONEY SUPPLY, MONEY RATES, AND CREDIT Board, Inc. S. Burr and Caroline H. Cagle, Board Review consultant—John W. Kendrick, George Washington University Principal consultants—Susan of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Other contributor—John A. Waring, Washington, D.C. Review consultant—Milton Friedman, The University of Chicago Other contributor—Clark Warburton, Federal Deposit Insurance Chapter Q. Transportation Corporation Principal consultant—Thor Hultgren, National Bureau of Economic PRIVATE INSURANCE Research, Inc. Principal consultant—Albert I. Hermalin, Institute of Life Insurance Review consultant—George R. Taylor, Amherst College Review consultant—James J. O’Leary, Life Insurance Association Other contributor—Bureau of Public Roads of America Chapter R. Communications Chapter Y. Government Principal consultants—Hyman H. Goldin and Robert E. Stromberg, ELECTIONS AND POLITICS Federal Communications Commission Review consultant—Melville J. Ulmer, American University Principal consultant—Richard M. Scammon, Governmental Affairs Institute Review consultant—V. O. Key, Harvard University Chapter S. Power GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT AND FINANCE Principal consultant—Lawrence D. Jennings, Federal Power Com Principal consultants—Jacob M. Jaffe, Bureau of the Census; James mission M. Jarrett, Internal Revenue Service; I. M. LaboReview consultant—Herbert B. Dorau, New York University vitz, Library of Congress; and Flora M. Nicholson, Civil Service Commission Review consultant—I. M. Labovitz, Library of Congress Chapter T. Distribution and Services B. Trescott, Kenyon College; Paul P. Van Principal consultants—Reavis Cox and Charles S. Goodman, Uni Other contributors—Paul Riper, Cornell University versity of Pennsylvania ARMED FORCES AND VETERANS Review consultant—Harold Barger, Columbia University Principal consultants—Milton C. Forster, Veterans Administration; Michael S. March, Bureau of the Budget Chapter U. Foreign Trade and Other International Transactions Review consultant—Irving H. Siegel, Council of Economic Advisers FOREIGN TRADE Other contributor—Sydney M. Rat cliffe, Department of the Army Principal consultant—Herbert B. Woolley, New York University Review consultant—Douglass C. North, University of Washington Chapter Z. Colonial Statistics BALANCE OF INTERNATIONAL PAYMENTS AND INVESTMENT POSITION Principal consultant—Nancy F. Culbertson, Office of Business Eco Principal consultant—Lawrence A. Harper, University of California nomics Review consultant—Richard B. Morris, Columbia University Review consultant—Walter S. Salant, The Brookings Institution Other contributors—Robert E. Gallman, Ohio State University; Jacob Other contributors—Douglass C. North, University of Washington; M. Price, University of Michigan; Stella H. Sutherland, Matthew Simon, Pace College Oakland City College, Indiana VIII Introduction This volume is the second in the Historical Statistics series issued by the Bureau of the Census as a supplement to the annual Statistical Abstract of the United States. The first volume, Historical Statistics of the United States, 1789-191*5, was published in 1949. It provided, in a single volume, a wide range of series quantifying various aspects of the economic and social development of the Nation. A Continuation to 1952 was issued in 1954 to provide data for 1946 to 1952 for the series shown in the first volume. Limited resources confined the scope of the first volume to those data most readily available, usually from governmental sources. Never theless, some 3,000 statistical time series were presented. Because of the huge and intricate task of inspection, evaluation, and selection of time series, the compilers recognized from the outset that the first volume would have to serve as a working document to break the ground and set a pattern for a subsequent more comprehensive and definitive volume. The present publication is intended to achieve the purpose foreshadowed in the original volume. The Historical Statistics volumes are designed to bring together historical series of wide general interest and to inform the user where additional data can be found. All of the broad subject areas covered in the first volume have been included and expanded in this volume, and a number of new subjects have been added. The new subjects in clude consumer expenditure patterns, social security, education, crime and correction, recreation, religious affiliation, climate, communica tions, distribution and services, business population, corporate assets, research and development, private insurance, Armed Forces and veter ans, and colonial statistics. This volume also presents the results of a complete review of the subject matter shown in the earlier volume. In a number of cases, series in the latter have been replaced or supplemented. Finally, an attempt was made to reduce the unevenness in scope and quality which characterized the text materials in the earlier work. Critical notes have been added along with further bibliographic material, cross references to other statistical compendia, and previously unpublished data (in some instances). Origin of Historical Statistics of the United States The volume, Historical Statistics of the United States, 1789-191*5, was formally initiated by a recommendation in 1945 by the Social Science Research Council that the Secretary of Commerce consider compilation and publication by the Bureau of the Census of a source book of economic statistics. Earlier the same year, J. Frederic Dewhurst urged the development of a historical source book in a proposal to the American Statistical Association and the American Economic Association. A joint committee to explore the practical problems of preparing such a volume was named by these associations, joined by the Economic History Associa tion. Dr. Dewhurst’s proposal coincided closely with Bureau of the Census plans, then under consideration, to prepare a historical supple ment to the Statistical Abstract of the United States. The formal decision in 1945 by the Bureau of the Census to compile and publish such a volume led to the reconstitution of the joint committee, which then became the Social Science Research Council Committee on the Source Book of Historical Statistics, Advisory to the Bureau of the Census. After the first volume was issued in June 1949, the Economic History Assocation, in response to a request from the Bureau of the Census, appointed an advisory committee in September 1950 to evaluate the volume and to make specific recommendations affecting the question of its revision. This committee, formally designated as the Committee of the Economic History Association on the Revision of Historical Statistics of the United States, 1789-191*5, was under the chairmanship of G. Heberton Evans, Jr., The Johns Hopkins University, and included the following as members: Arthur H. Cole, Harvard University; Shepard Clough, Columbia University; T. C. Cochran, University of Pennsylvania; and Solomon Fabricant, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. In April 1952 the committee submitted a report to the Bureau of the Census entitled “On the Revision of Historical Sta tistics of the United States, 1789-191*5.” The conclusions and comments presented in this report were subsequently influential in getting under way the project for a revised volume. Both Historical Statistics volumes have been prepared by the Bureau of the Census with the cooperation of the Social Science Research Council. A description of the relationship established for the first volume between the Bureau and the Social Science Research Council appears in the introduction to that volume. For the present volume, the Bureau designated a project director who served also as secretary of the Committee on Historical Statistics appointed by the Social Science Research Council to guide the Bureau in the program. The Bureau again assumed the responsibility for publishing the volume as a part of its Statistical Abstract program. The Social Science Research Council, in turn, obtained a grant from the Ford Foundation which provided funds for the procurement of services of experts in each field. More than 125 such specialists were engaged (although not all were paid) to serve as consultants. To make further use of the information assembled for this project, the Council also made ar rangements with some of the consultants for the preparation of bib liographic essays on statistics in selected fields. Several of these essays have been published in the Journal of the American Statistical Association. The Problem of Historical Statistics Statistics are an indispensable adjunct to historical analysis. Few fields exist in which qualitative historical records cannot be clarified and enriched by quantitative data. For some time, however, it has been evident that users of historical data are faced with the paradox of over abundance and scarcity. On the one hand, a burdensome multiplicity of sources has frequently to be consulted in order to reconstruct one quantitative aspect of a particular subject. On the other hand, users are confronted just as often by a discouraging barrenness of data, dis coverable only after much costly work and delay. The scattered sources of historical statistics of the United States include the annual reports of the executive heads of the agencies of the Federal Government, reports of special Federal commissions, the volumes of the censuses of the United States, printed debates of the Congress, published reports of committees of the Congress and tran scripts of hearings on important legislative measures, published reports and documents of the State governments, statistical publications of private research foundations and organizations and of the universities and colleges of the Nation, together with the great mass of statistical volumes printed by other private organizations and individuals. It has been noted that on occasion compilers, desiring to save the time and effort required to obtain data directly from the original sources, make use of successive issues of the annual Statistical Abstract of the United States to construct long-term time series. The results of such a procedure are not always sound, since the space available in the Sta tistical Abstract for describing major revisions in time series may not permit adequate clarification. Of the many revised figures appearing IX INTRODUCTION in each issue, most revisions apply to the immediate preceding years, All series begin with the most recent year for which data have been but revisions of much earlier years are not uncommon. Moreover, the obtained and run backward in time. This arrangement was selected revisions shown have followed no systematic pattern and may be because it lent itself to more compact, less space-consuming presenta scattered irregularly over many issues. tion than the alternative of beginning with the earliest year. Insofar Impediments to the use of historical statistics, then, include the as possible, there are uniformly placed spaces above every year ending initial difficulty of determining whether the data in fact exist, of in 0 or 5. No data are shown for years subsequent to 1957, because identifying the public or private document in which the data may be most of the 1958 figures were, still unavailable or preliminary at the found, of constructing time series where the data may not be arranged time this volume was in preparation. Figures for 1958 and later years in suitable form, and of identifying and interpreting changes in concept for most of the current series are presented in the Statistical Abstract and coverage. Definitions employed in published historical tables, of the United States beginning with the 1960 edition. Basic guidelines. Before work was begun on the volume, certain moreover, may have to be sought in separate publications if, indeed, guidelines were established to aid the Census Bureau staff and the they have been published at all. The objective of the Historical Statistics volumes is to provide a con consultants in the selection and presentation aspects of the operation. venient reference source which has two functions, collecting and re These guidelines, however, were not always rigidly adhered to. The ferring. The collecting function consists of assembling, selecting, and problems encountered because of the scope and the variety of the sub arranging data from hundreds of sources and making them available ject matter and the attempt to achieve a relatively balanced presenta within a single source. The referring function consists of text annota tion between subject fields made it necessary to modify the rules in a tions to the data which act as a guide to sources of greater detail. The number of places. The guidelines applied and the elements subject to annotations also define terms used in the tables and include essential application are discussed below. Area coverage. Unless otherwise specified, data are for continental qualifying statements. United States as of 1958 (i.e., excluding Alaska and Hawaii). In some instances, the sources used for data failed to specify the area covered. Planning and Compilation Where practicable, the data were examined and the appropriate quali As a first step in the actual preparation of this volume, the Bureau of fications were added. Because of limitations of space, data are not generally shown for the Census, with the advice and cooperation of the Committee on His torical Statistics, prepared a working outline and statement of basic regions, States, or localities. Some exceptions were permitted, however, premises to guide the selection of material. After an agreement on a in the following instances: Where regional statistics are essential for basic framework, responsibility for the duties of “principal” or “review” correct interpretation of data, such as presentation of merchant marine consultant for specific subjects was assigned either to a Government statistics separately for each coast and for inland waters; where data in the subject field cannot (by definition) be summarized effectively agency or to an individual specialist. As stated previously, a number of subjects are included in this volume for continental United States, such as internal migration data; where which were not included in the first. Principal consultants responsible summary data for a given subarea or market are indicative of general for these subjects had to prepare their material from inception, advise trend or level, such as prices on the New York Stock Exchange or on the series to be used, and prepare descriptive, analytical, and biblio cattle prices at Chicago; where data for a given area effectively repre graphic notes to accompany the tabular data. All other principal con sent the national picture because of concentration of production, etc., sultants were required to examine the presentation of data in their as Pennsylvania anthracite; where data are available for only a given fields in the first volume and to make detailed recommendations for area as in the case of many series concerned with early American his additions, deletions, and other changes. The relative importance of tory which are limited to the Atlantic seaboard. Time coverage. In general, only annual or census-period data which the data in the first volume had to be judged in light of historical series made available from more recent studies. These studies often cover at least 20 years are presented. Exceptions were permitted pri contained an abundance of data from which consultants had to select marily in the case of newly developed series of basic importance. specific series for inclusion here. The accompanying text also had to be The general requirements as to time coverage were specifically de prepared. Principal consultants were also called upon to resolve prob signed to permit inclusion of “lapsed” series, particularly those fall lems that arose during the processing and editing of the material. ing within the nineteenth century. The lapsed series, which begin Review consultants were responsible for critical review of the data and and terminate in the past, represent major fields of interest during text to be included during each phase of their preparation. various phases of American historical development; frequently they Coordination, final processing, and editing of the materials were must be sought in out-of-print documents which are available in few carried out by the Bureau of the Census. A multitude of source publi libraries. The identification of time-periods was complicated by failure of cations was assembled. Data were excerpted, reviewed, and arranged in appropriate form and sequence. Source citations’, text, titles, headnotes, some sources to state whether the data were prepared on a calendarand footnotes were brought into a consistent style and reviewed for year or on a fiscal-year basis; by shifts in time coverage from calendar clarity. Problems that emerged during preparation and review of the to fiscal year during the period of the series, and, in some instances, by the lack of identification of the beginning or ending date of the material were resolved in consultation with consultants. fiscal year where this basis was used. In all such cases, particularly where time shifts seemed likely to have occurred, an effort was made Technical Notes and Explanations to identify the correct basis. Frequency of data. Annual data are given preference but certain Arrangement of the data. Data are arranged by subject in lettered chapters and numbered series. Subject-listing under chapter titles in series are presented only for census years (years in which a national the table of contents, together with the index, will facilitate reference, census was conducted), and, in some instances (for example, telephone chapter titles being necessarily somewhat arbitrary. Each series or and telegraph rates), only for the few dates for which the data are tabular column is assigned a number, the first series in each chapter available. Where both annual figures and decennial or quinquennial beginning with 1. Each series is further identified in the table titles benchmark or census data exist, both series are sometimes shown. Series linkage. No formal attempt was made to extend a single series and cross references by prefixing the chapter letter. Thus, the 44th series in the chapter on agriculture is designated K 44 to distinguish back through time by linking it to another series which terminated at it from the 44th series in the chapter on transportation designated or near the date on which the first began. In a number of instances, Q 44. Because of possible confusion with numerals, the capital letters however, such series are presented in adjoining columns, with an over I and O have been omitted in identifying chapters. lap for a period of years when available. X INTRODUCTION Unpublished figures. In general, only published materials or unpub lished estimates from the files of a Government agency or from a re sponsible private organization like the National Bureau of Economic Research were used. Unpublished estimates of private scholars, with rare exceptions, are not included in the volume. Subject detail. Because of space limitations, series selected are con fined to those regarded as of major importance in each field. The criteria of selection varied broadly, depending upon the subject. Within each subfield, the amount of subject detail was held to a minimum. Generally, only summary measures are shown and detailed cross classifications and information of a highly specialized character have been avoided. Presentation of data in excessive detail, such as for specific commodities, was discouraged. Exceptions were allowed, however, wHfere it was con sidered more meaningful to present long series for selected specific commodities than to present an aggregate which is difficult to inter pret. Presentation of absolute rather than derived data. Primary emphasis was placed on the presentation of absolute figures rather than on de rived data since the absolute figures offer somewhat greater flexibility to the user. The major exception was the presentation of index numbers. In general, percentage distributions of absolute data already shown are not presented. Other percentage data, and averages, medians, ratios, and rates were used only where they resulted in a significant economy in space or where they facilitated interpretation. No attempt was made, in view of the technical problems involved, to convert various series of index numbers to a common base year or period. Omissions of data, “blank” cells. The significance of dashes in tabular cells varies from series to series. In general, the presence of cell “leaders” or “dashes” indicates merely that no information was pro vided for this volume. Dash entries may mean that no information exists for the given year; that the entry, if shown, would be zero; the information was not available; or the information is believed to exist in published form but it was not practicable to do the research necessary to locate the appropriate source. The user will have to judge from the context which meaning is appropriate in each particular instance. The practices of the various sources of information differ as to the meaning of dashes in cells, the extent to which they label material as “not available,” the meaning of the term “not available,” the use of the zero entry, etc. In general, the policy adopted in preparing this volume was to retain “not available” notations where they appeared for inter mediate years in the series; to change them to dashes where they ap peared at the beginning or end of the series. Where cells were left blank in the sources, they were filled with dashes in this volume. Since series of varying length taken from different sources are fre quently found in adjoining columns in a table, the stub listings for years necessarily encompass the earliest and latest date for which any of the series in the table are shown. In itself, this tends to create many ad ditional blank cells since missing entries have been replaced by dashes in order to make it easier for the user’s eye to trace the entries for a given year across the entire table. Text. For every series used, the text presents the precise source of the data. Where possible, the text also includes the definition of the concepts used, and sufficient methodological and historical information to permit intelligent use of the data. For many series the text includes a reference to where more detail can be found. Unusual values in a series are explained and major changes which affect comparability are noted. Where adjusted or derived figures are used, the methods used are de scribed, often with a reference to a more complete description. Responsibility Because of the multitude of sources and the varied subject matter covered, the Bureau of the Census cannot accept responsibility for th0 accuracy or limitations of data other than those which it collects Every attempt has been made, within the limits of time and availablepersonnel, to verify and correctly identify the material. Final responsi bility for selection of the material, and for its accurate and proper presentation, rests with the Bureau of the Census, even though carried out with the cooperation of many individuals and agencies who devoted much time and energy in providing data and descriptions of series for this publication. The information presented in this volume supersedes all similar information presented in Historical Statistics of the United States, 1789-191+5, and in Continuation to 1952 of Historical Statistics of the United States, 1789-191+5. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON DATA PRESENTED write to the agency indicated in the source note in the descriptive text for the given statistical series. SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS should be sent to: The Director Bureau of the Census Washington 25, D.C. XI chapter A Population A 1-263. General note. The principal source of population data is the Decennial Census of Population, a house-to-house enumeration made by the Bureau of the Census. In accordance with a Constitu tional provision for a decennial canvass of the population, the first census enumeration was made in 1790. The primary reason for the Census of Population, as set forth in the Constitution, is to provide a basis for the apportionment of Members of the House of Representatives among the several States. Until 1902, the census organization was temporary. In 1902, the Bureau of the Census was established as a permanent agency of the Government charged with responsibility for the decen nial census and for compiling statistics on other subjects as needed. Currently, this Bureau supplies intercensal data based on surveys and estimates in addition to making the comprehensive decennial census enumeration. In accordance with Census practice dating back to 1790, each person is counted as an inhabitant of his usual place of resi dence or usual place of abode, that is, the place where he lives and sleeps most of the time. This place is not neces sarily the same as his legal residence, voting residence, or domicile, although, in the vast majority of cases, the use of these different bases of classification would produce identical results. Indians living in Indian Territory or on reservations were not included in the population count until 1890 and in earlier censuses large tracts of unorganized and sparsely set tled territory were not covered by enumerators. Most of the population data presented are based on com plete counts. However, some of the 1950 data were obtained from representative samples of 20 percent or SVz percent of the population. A few series also include 1940 data obtained on a sample basis. Several series present statistics based on the Current Popu lation Survey, conducted monthly by the Bureau of the Census. Until May 1956, the Survey covered a sample of approximately 21,000 interviewed households spread over a sample of areas throughout the United States. Since then, the sample has been expanded to approximately 35,000 interviewed households in a larger number of areas. Exact agreement is not to be expected among the various samples, nor between them and the complete census count, but the sample data may be used with confidence where large numbers are involved, and may be assumed to indicate pat terns and relationships where small numbers are involved. Detailed statements regarding the sampling errors are given in the original sources. Many errors appear in the Censuses of 1790-1840. The data for these censuses were adjusted by county and color, and the revised estimates were published in the 1870 Census. Later, the data by sex and age in the 1790-1840 Censuses were ad justed to agree with the estimates published in 1870. The Bureau of the Census has always been concerned about the degree of completeness of enumeration in the decennial censuses. Prior to 1950, the population counts were evaluated by indirect methods only since no method had been devised to give an over-all direct measure of the completeness of enumeration for the total population. For the most part, dis cussion in Census reports was confined to qualitative state ments. In the 1950 Census, the population was reenumerated on a sample basis in a carefully conducted postenumeration survey, thereby providing a direct check on a case-by-case basis. The results of this survey indicate a net underenu meration in the census count of the total population of the United States of about 2,100,000, or 1.4 percent. It is also estimated that the net underenumeration was about 1.6 per cent in 1940 and about 0.7 percent in 1930. One of the indirect methods of evaluating the completeness of enumeration for censuses prior to 1950 is a comparison of rates of change with respect to consistency and reasonable ness. On this basis, it is believed that the figures for the South show unreasonably low rates of increase for the decade 1860-1870 and abnormally high rates of increase for 18701880. The differences are so great that it appears evident that the enumeration of 1870 in these areas was seriously incomplete, undoubtedly as a result of the unsettled condi tions of the reconstruction period. For the portion of the United States outside the South, the rate of increase for 1860-1870 was almost exactly the same as for 1870-1880. Therefore, the number initially enumerated in 1870 for the South was revised on the assumption that the rate of increase for these two decades was the same. Comparisons of census data with independent counts of cor responding segments of the population are sometimes possible in the case of certain age-sex groups. For example, there have been several studies for both World Wars I and II re lating figures for males of military age from the census to registration figures. Interpretation of the differences is complicated by the fact that there are no adequate measures of the Selective Service figures. Nonetheless, these studies do suggest an appreciable underenumeration of males in ap propriate age groups, particularly among Negroes, in the Censuses of 1920 and 1940. A 1-3. Estimated population of the United States, 17901957. Source: 1790-1899, Bureau of the Census estimates based on linear interpolation between decennial census years; 19001957, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-25, Nos. 71, 114, 173, and unpublished Census Bureau records. Estimates for 1900-1909 are sums of State estimates pre pared from local data indicative of population change. Esti mates for 1910-1957 are based on decennial censuses and statistics of births, deaths, immigration, emigration, and Armed Forces. These estimates are as of July 1 and there fore may differ from other estimates in this section which are as of the date of the census. A 4-16. Population of continental United States and outlying areas, 1880-1950. Source: With the exceptions noted below for series A 6 and A 8, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. I, pp. 1-3, 51-4, 52-5, 53-6, 54-3, 54-5, 54-7, 54-9. Series A 6, population abroad, 1900, Twelfth Census Reports, Population, vol. I, part 1, p. xxiii; 1910-1920, Fourteenth Census Reports, Population, 1 A 17-44 POPULATION vol. I, p. 13. Series A 8, Philippine Islands, 1900-1940, His density. For a discussion of these different definitions of the torical Statistics of the United States, 1789-19U5, p. 25. urban population, see U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. I, A 17-21. Area and population of continental United States, pp. xv and xviii. The population is shown classified in ac cordance with the urban definition used in the 1940 Census 1790-1950. for Classification in accordance with the definition Source: Reports of Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and used1790-1950. in the 1950 Census is given only for 1950. Seventeenth Censuses, Population, vol. I, and other reports and The first official publication of figures formally presenting records. See also Sixteenth Census Report, Areas of the the urban population was made following the Census of 1870 United States, 19J+0. in the Statistical Atlas of the United States. The popula Area figures for each census year represent all continental tion of cities and towns of 8,000 inhabitants or more was area under the jurisdiction of the United States on the indi presented the “urban population.” In the reports of the cated date, including in some cases considerable areas not 1880, 1890,as and 1900 Censuses, the urban population was then organized or settled, and not covered by the census. variously defined as population living in places of 4,000 Area figures for prior years have been adjusted to bring them inhabitants or more, the or 8,000 inhabitants or more. The first into agreement with remeasurements made in 1940. For a publication in which the population of places having 2,500 further discussion of areas covered by the censuses, see U. S. inhabitants or more was officially designated as urban was Census of Population: 1950, vol. I, p. xi. the Supplementary Analysis of the Twelfth Census (1900). A 22-33. Estimated population, by sex, color, and age, 1900- This definition, with minor modifications, was used in later 1957. censuses up to and including 1940. For purposes of compari Source: Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, son, the data for 1950 were also tabulated in accordance with this urban definition. Series P-25, Nos. 98, 114, 146, and 170. In the Statistical Atlas for 1870, the rural population was These estimates are as of July 1 and therefore may differ from other estimates in this section, which are as of the defined as the population residing outside the cities or towns of 8,000 inhabitants or more, but the data were used simply date of the census. The age estimates for 1900-1919 were prepared by mathe to calculate the density of counties. A new definition of the matical interpolation for identical age groups within color-sex rural population was presented in the reports of the Census groups from five successive censuses. For the 1900-1909 of 1890. In that year, the rural population was obtained by decade, the 1880-1920 Censuses were used; annual estimates subtracting from the total population, county by county, the for 1910-1919 were based on the 1890-1930 Censuses. The population of “all cities or other compact bodies of population estimates since 1920 are based on censuses and vital statis which number 1,000 or more.” In the report of the Census tics ; estimates of net migration and mortality rates were of 1900, the rural population was presented as the population living outside incorporated places. For 1910-1940, the rural computed from life tables. population was defined as all of the population not classified The classification of the population by color is not ordi urban. narily based on replies to census questions asked by the enu as For a discussion of the development of the urban-rural merators, but rather is obtained by observation. This concept does not, therefore, reflect a clear-cut definition of biological classification, see Bureau of the Census, Current Population stock. The non white population consists of Negroes, Ameri Reports, “The Development of the Urban-Rural Classification can Indians, Japanese, Chinese, Filipinos, and some other in the United States: 1874 to 1949,” Series P-23, No. 1. The farm population for 1950 included all persons living on groups. Persons of mixed parentage are placed in the color classification of the nonwhite parent. Persons of Mexican farms, as determined by the question in the 1950 Census of birth or ancestry who are not definitely Indian or of other Population, “Is this house on a farm (or ranch) ?” Persons on nonwhite stock have been classified as white in all censuses “farms” who were paying cash rent for their home and yard except that of 1930. The data for 1930 used in these series only were classified as nonfarm, as were persons in institu have been revised to include Mexicans as white. For a more tions, summer camps, motels, and tourist camps. The defini detailed discussion of the definition of color, see U. S. Census tion of farm population prior to 1950 differed somewhat, but remained a residence rather than an occupational classi of Population: 1950, vol. II, part 1, Introduction. fication and depended primarily upon the respondent’s con A 34-50. Population, by sex, residence, and color, 1790-1950. ception of what was meant by the word “farm.” Conse Source: See detailed listing below. quently it reflected local usage rather than the uniform appli See also text for series A 22-33 for definition of color. cation of an objective definition. The Bureau of the Census has employed several definitions A 34-35. Total population, by sex, 1820-1950. of urban population. According to the definition adopted for Source: 1820-1840, reports of Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Cen the 1950 Census, the urban population comprises all persons suses, and unpublished Census Bureau records; 1850-1950, living in (1) places of 2,500 inhabitants or more incorporated U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. II, part 1, p. 1-88. as cities, boroughs, and villages, (2) incorporated towns of 2.500 inhabitants or more except in New England, New York, A 36-38. Total population, by residence, 1790-1950. Source: 1790-1950, urban and total rural population, U. S. and Wisconsin, where the term “town” is used to designate minor civil divisions of counties, (3) the densely settled urban Census of Population: 1950, vol. I, p. 1-5; 1920, rural-farm fringe, including both incorporated and unincorporated areas, and rural-nonfarm population, Sixteenth Census Reports, Pop around cities of 50,000 inhabitants or more, and (4) unincor ulation, vol. II, part 1, p. 18; 1930-1950, U. S. Census of porated places of 2,500 inhabitants or more outside any urban Population: 1950, vol. II, part 1, p. 1-87. fringe. The remaining population is classified as rural. Ac A 39-44. Population, by residence, by sex, 1900-1950. cording to the definition used in 1940, the urban population Source: 1900, Fourteenth Census Reports, Population, vol. was limited to all persons living in incorporated places of Ill, p. 15; 1910 and 1920, Sixteenth Census Reports, Popula 2.500 inhabitants or more and in other areas classified as tion, vol. II, part 1, p. 20; 1930-1950, U. S. Census of Popu urban under special rules relating to population size and lation: 1950, vol. II, part 1, p. 1-87. 2 COLOR, SEX, AND NATIVITY A 45-122 The category Indian includes unmixed American Indians A 45-50. Population, by color, by sex, 1790-1950. Source: 1790-1840, first six population censuses and unpub together with persons who are of mixed white and Indian lished Census Bureau records; 1850-1950, U. S. Census of ancestry if they are enrolled on an Indian reservation or agency roll. Persons who are part Indian are included as Population: 1950, vol. II, part 1, p. 1-88. Indian if they are one-fourth or more Indian, or if they are See text for series A 22-33 for definition of color. regarded as Indians in the community in which they reside. A 51-58. White population, by sex and nativity, 1850-1950. The Census of 1860 was the first in which Indians were Source: See detailed listing below. distinguished from other classes in the population. Prior to 1890, enumeration of Indians was limited to Indians living in See also text for series A 22-33 for definition of color. A native is defined as a person born in continental United the general population of the various States; Indians in States, Puerto Rico, or the Territories or possessions, or born Indian Territory and on Indian reservations were excluded. abroad to American parents. Persons for whom place of In 1910, a special effort was made to secure a complete enu birth was not reported are included with the natives. The meration of persons with any perceptible amount of Indian 1890 Census was the first to make the distinction between ancestry. This probably resulted in the enumeration as In native and foreign parentage. Data on aliens are not shown dian of a considerable number of persons who would have for 1890, 1900, and 1910, because the information collected been reported as white in earlier censuses. There were no in those censuses was restricted to males 21 years of age and special efforts in 1920, and the returns showed a much smaller number of Indians than in 1910. Again in 1930 emphasis was over. placed on securing a complete count of Indians, with the re A 51, 55. Total native white, by sex, 1850-1950. sults that the returns probably overstated the decennial in Source: U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. II, part 1, crease in the number of Indians. p. 1-88. A 71-85. Population, by age, sex, race, and nativity, 17901950. A 52, 56. Native white of foreign or mixed parentage, by sex, 1890-1950. Source: Total population: 1850-1870, Ninth Census Reports, Source: U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. IV, Special Vital Statistics, vol. II, pp. 552-558; 1880-1950, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. II, part 1, p. 1-93. Male and white Reports, Nativity and Parentage, p. 3A-11. population: 1790-1840, reports of the first six censuses and A 53, 57. Total foreign born, by sex, 1850-1950. unpublished Census Bureau records; 1850-1950, same as source Source: U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. II, part 1, for total population. Foreign-born white: 1870, Ninth Cen p. 1-88. sus Reports, Vital Statistics, vol. II, pp. 552-558; 1880, Fif teenth Census Reports, Population, vol. II, p. 580; 1890-1950, A 54, 58. Foreign-born aliens, by sex, 1920-1950. U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. IV, Special Reports, Source: 1920, Fifteenth Census Reports, Population, vol. Nativity and Parentage, p. 3A-3. Negro: 1820-1840, reports II, p. 405; 1930 and 1940, Sixteenth Census Reports, Popula of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Censuses, and unpublished tion, vol. II, part 1, p. 30; 1950, U. S. Census of Population: Census Bureau records; 1850-1870, Ninth Census Reports, 1950, vol. II, part 1, p. 1-178. Vital Statistics, vol. II, pp. 552-558; 1880, Thirteenth Census Reports, Population, vol. X, p. 323; 1890-1920, Fifteenth Cen A 59-70. Nonwhite population, by sex and race, 1820-1950. sus Reports, Population, vol. II, p. 580; 1930-1940, Sixteenth Source: With the exception of series A 60 and A 66 (slaves, Census Reports, Population, vol. II, part 1, p. 22; 1950, U. S. by sex), data are from following sources: 1820-1840, Fourth, Census of Population: vol. IV, Special Reports, Non Fifth, and Sixth Censuses, and unpublished Census Bureau white Population by Race,1950, p. 3B-16. records; 1850-1950, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. See text for series A 51-58 and A 59-70 for definitions of II, part 1, p. 1-88. Series A 60 and A 66 are from the fol race and nativity. lowing sources: 1820-1850, The Seventh Census of the United A 86-94. Median age of population, by color and sex, 1790States: 1850, p. xxxvi and revisions on record; 1860, The 1950. Eighth Census of the United States: 1860, “Population Reca pitulation,” p. 595. Source: 1790-1940, Sixteenth Census Reports, Population, Data on the population classified by race (but not by sex) vol. IV, part 1, p. 3; 1950, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, for 1790-1840 and estimates for 1870 appear in Fifteenth vol. II, part 1, p. 1-92. See text for series A 22-33 for definition of color. Census Reports, Population, General Report: Statistics by Subject, p. 32. Data for slaves (not by sex) for 1790-1860 The median age is that age which divides the population appear in Negro Population in the United States: 1790-1915, into two equal groups, one-half being older and one-half younger than the median. The median age is ordinarily 1 chap. V, p. 53. The classification of the population by race is not ordinarily or 2 years younger than the average or mean age of the Medians have been computed on the basis of based on replies to census questions asked by the enumerators, population. 5-year age intervals, those for censuses earlier than but rather is obtained by observation. This concept does not, 1840, where broader ageexcept groups were used. therefore, reflect a clear-cut definition of biological stock. “All other races” include Filipinos, Koreans, Asian Indians, A 95-122. Population, by race and nativity, for regions, 1790-1950. Indonesians, Polynesians, and other Asians. The Asian groups Source: See detailed listing below. are identified largely in terms of country or area of origin. Persons of mixed nonwhite parentage are classified according See also text for series A 22-33 and A 59-70 for definition to the race of the father, except that mixtures of Negro and of color and race and A 51-58 for definition of nativity. Indian are classified as Negro unless the Indian stock is clearly Figures for 1810 include in the North Central Region the predominant or unless the individual is accepted in the com population of that part of the Louisiana Territory which sub munity in which he resides as an Indian. sequently became the State of Arkansas (a southern State). 3 A 95-229 POPULATION The divisional and State composition of Census regions is as A 181-194. Number of places in urban and rural territory, follows: by size of place, 1790-1950. Northeast Region: South Region—Con. Source: U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. I, pp. 1-6 and N ew England Division: South Atlantic Division— Con. Maine V irginia 1-7. N ew Hampshire W est V irginia Vermont North Carolina The number of places shown for 1790-1940 and for 1950, Massachusetts South Carolina according to the urban definition used in the 1940 and prior Rhode Island Georgia Connecticut Florida Censuses (see text for series A 34-50), represents the num Middle Atlantic Division: East South Central Division: New York Kentucky ber of incorporated places (cities, boroughs, villages, and, in N ew Jersey Tennessee certain States, towns) and the number of places urban under Pennsylvania Alabama North Central Region: M ississippi special rules. The number of places shown for 1950, accord W est South Central Division: East North Central Division: ing to the urban definition used in the 1950 Census, represents Arkansas Ohio Louisiana Indiana the number of incorporated places and those unincorporated Illinois Oklahoma. Texas Michigan places delineated by the Bureau of the Census for the 1950 W est Region: W isconsin Census which had 1,000 inhabitants or more. Mountain Division: W est North Central Division: Montana Minnesota Idaho Iowa A 195-209. Population in urban and rural territory, by size W yoming Missouri of place, 1790-1950. Colorado North Dakota New Mexico South Dakota Source: U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. I, pp. 1-6 Arizona Nebraska Utah Kansas and 1-7. South Region: Nevada Pacific Division: South Atlantic Division: See text for series A 34-50. W ashington Delaware Oregon Maryland A 210-227. Marital status of persons 14 years old and over, California District of Columbia by sex, 1890-1957. A 95, 102, 109, and 116. Population, for regions, 1790-1950. Source: 1890-1940, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. Source: U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. I, pp. 1-8 II, part 1, p. 1-179; 1947-1957, Bureau of the Census, Current and 1-9. Population Reports, Series P-20, Nos. 10, 23, 26, 38, 44, 50, A 96, 103, 110, and 117. White population, for regions, 56, 62, 72, and 81. Marital status (single, married, widowed, and divorced) rep 1790-1950. resents the status of persons at the time of the enumeration. Source: 1790-1910, Negro Population in the United States: 1790-1915, chap. 3, pp. 43-45; 1920, Fourteenth Census Re Persons classified as “married” include those who have been ports, Population, vol. II, chap. 1, p. 31; 1930, Fifteenth Census married only once, remarried after having been widowed or Reports, Population, vol. II, p. 35; 1940, Sixteenth Census divorced, separated, and living in common-law marriages. Reports, Population, vol. II, part 1, p. 52; 1950, U. S. Census Persons reported as never married or with annulled marriages are classified as single. Since it is probable that some di of Population: 1950, vol. II, part 1, p. 1-106. vorced persons are reported as single, married, or widowed, A 97, 104, 111, and 118. Native white population, for regions, the census figures may understate somewhat the actual num ber of divorced persons who have not remarried. 1850-1950. Percentages shown are standardized for age to offset the Source: 1850-1890, Fifteenth Census Reports, Population, vol. II, p. 53; 1900-1930, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, effect of changes in the age distribution of the population. vol. IV, Special Reports, Nativity and Parentage, p. 3A-12; Using the civilian population in March 1950 as a standard, 1940, Sixteenth Census Reports, Population, vol. II, part 1, the age-standardized proportions of each sex in each of the p. 52; 1950, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. II, part 1, marital status categories were computed for the age groups 14-17 years, 18 and 19 years, 20-24 years, 25-34 years, 35-44 p. 1-106. years, 45-54 years, 55-64 years, and 65 years and over. The A 98, 105, 112, and 119. Foreign-born white, for regions, age-specific proportions of persons in each marital status cate 1850-1950. gory during a given year were then each multiplied by the Source: See source for series A 97, 104, 111, and 118. proportion of persons in that age group in the 1950 civilian A 99, 106, 113, and 120. Negro population, for regions, 1790- population. The sum of the products is the standardized proportion of persons in the given marital status category. 1950. A 228-229. Median age at first marriage, by sex, 1890-1957. Source: See source for series A 96, 103, 110, and 117. 1890-1954, Bureau of the Census, Current Popula A 100, 107, 114, and 121. Negro slaves, for regions, 1790- tionSource: Reports, Series P-20, No. 72; 1955-1957, Bureau of the 1860. Census and Department of Defense, records. Source: Ninth Census Reports, Population and Social Sta The median age at first marriage, as shown here, is an tistics, vol. I, p. 7. approximation derived indirectly from tabulations of marital A 101, 108, 115, and 122. Other races, for regions, 1860-1950. status and age. (See source for detailed explanation of com Source: 1860-1890, Fifteenth Census Reports, Population, putation procedures.) These estimates differ from those vol. II, p. 53; 1900-1950, see source for series A 96, 103, 110, based on annual marriage records or census questions on age at first marriage. Data on age at first marriage are available and 117. only for certain States and from census questions only for A 123-180. Population, for States, 1790-1950. selected dates. Moreover, median age at first marriage based Source: For the population enumerated in continental on records is affected by changes in the age distribution of United States and in the several States, U. S. Census of Popu the population, whereas the median age at first marriage lation: 1950, vol. I, pp. 1-8 and 1-9; for the boundaries of the shown here can be interpreted as applying to the cohort born States and Territories for 1790-1900, Twelfth Census Reports, “n” years earlier, where ‘V ’ is the median age at first A Century of Population Growth, 1790-1900, pp. 52 and 53. marriage. 4 A 230-257 HOUSEHOLDS A 230-241. Households, by sex and age of head, 1890-1957. the average size of farm households in conjunction with an Source: 1890 and 1950, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, nual estimates of the farm population (see joint report of vol. IV, Special Reports, General Characteristics of Families, Bureau of the Census and Bureau of Agricultural Economics, p. 2A-10; 1930, Fifteenth Census Reports, Population, vol. VI, Estimates of the Farm Population: 1910 to 1950, Series Families, p. 27, and Sixteenth Census Reports, Population, Census-BAE, No. 16A). Since the annual changes in the num Families—Size of Family and Age of Head, p. 123, and un ber of households which are implied in these series may be in published Census Bureau records; 1940, Sixteenth Census Re substantial error, caution should be used in the interpretation ports, Population, vol. IV, p. 28; 1956 and 1957, Bureau of of small changes. the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-20, Nos. The farm household series for 1910-1946 relates to the total 72 and 81. farm population, whereas that for 1947-1957 relates to the According to the current Census Bureau definition, a house rural-farm population. There were 88,000 urban-farm house hold includes all the persons who occupy a house, an apart holds in 1940 and 96,000 in 1950. ment, or other group of rooms, or a room that constitutes a A 245-247. Married couples with or without own household, dwelling unit. In general, a group of rooms occupied as sep 1910-1957. arate living quarters is a dwelling unit if it has separate Source: of the Census, Current Population Reports, cooking equipment or if it constitutes the only living quar Series P-20,Bureau Nos. 17, 59, and 76. ters in the structure. A household includes the related family A married couple, as defined for census purposes, is a members (the head of the household and others in the dwelling and his wife enumerated as members of the same unit related to the head) and also the unrelated persons, if husband household or quasi-household. The married couple may or any, such as lodgers (if fewer than 5), foster children, wards, or employees who share the dwelling unit. A person living may not have children living with them. alone in a dwelling unit, or a group of unrelated persons A 248-254. Population, by household relationship, 1910-1957. sharing a dwelling unit as partners, is also counted as a Source: 1910, Thirteenth Census Reports, Population, vol. I, household. p. 1285, and unpublished Census Bureau records; 1930, F if All persons not living in households are considered to live teenth Census Reports, Population, vol. VI, p. 10, Current in quasi-households. A quasi-household is a group of persons Population Reports, Series P-20, No. 53, and unpublished living in quarters not classified as a dwelling unit, for exam Census Bureau records; 1940, Sixteenth Census Reports, ple, in a house with at least 5 lodgers, or in a hotel, dormitory, Population, vol. IV, p. 26; 1947, Bureau of the Census, Cur rent Population Reports, Series P-20, Nos. 10, 17, and 55; institution, labor camp, or military barracks. The figures for number of households are not strictly com 1950, Current Population Reports, Series P-20, No. 55, and parable from year to year. In general, the definitions of unpublished Census Bureau records; 1954 and 1957, Current household for 1790, 1900, 1930, 1940, 1950, and 1957 are Population Reports, Series P-20, Nos. 56 and 81. See text for series A 230-241 for definition of household. similar. Very minor differences result from the fact that in 1950 and 1957 dwelling units with 5 or more lodgers were Prior to 1947, persons living in houses with 5 to 10 lodgers excluded from the count of households, whereas in 1940 and were classified as living in households rather than quasi-house 1930 dwelling units with 11 lodgers or more were excluded, holds. Thus, the figures for 1910, 1930, and 1940 include such and in 1790 and in 1900 no precise definition of the maximum persons in the total number living in households, whereas the allowable number of lodgers was made. The definition of figures for 1947, 1950, 1954, and 1957 include them as living household for 1850-1890, 1910, and 1920 differs slightly from in quasi-households. that given above. For these years, no distinction was made A 255-263. Selected characteristics of households, 1790-1950. between households and quasi-households, and thus the num Source: See detailed listing below. bers include both households and quasi-households. See also text for series A 230-241 for definition of house In 1950 and 1957 the number of households has been equal, hold and A 59-70 for definition of race. by definition, to the number of occupied dwelling units enu merated for housing statistics. In 1940, the definition of house A 255. Number of households, 1790-1957. hold was not completely the same as that of occupied dwelling Source: 1790, Twelfth Census Special Reports, A Century units. In that year there were 95,000 more households than of Population Growth, 1790-1900, p. 96; 1850-1880, Eleventh occupied dwelling units. Census Reports, Population, part 1, p. 914; 1890-1950, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. IV, Special Reports, General A 242-244. Households, by residence, 1900-1957. Characteristics of Families, p. 2A-8; 1957, Bureau of the Source: 1900-1946, Bureau of the Census, Current Popula Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-20, No. 81. tion Reports, Series P-20, No. 92; 1947-1957, Current Popu A 256. Median size of households, 1790-1940. lation Reports, Series P-20, Nos. 59 and 76. Source: Figures for 1790-1900 computed from following See text for series A 230-241 for definition of household, sources: 1790, Twelfth Census Special Reports, A Century of and A 34-50 for definition of residence. Data for 1900-1946 represent estimates of the number of Population Growth, 1790-1900, p. 98; 1890, Eleventh Census married women with their spouse in their own household, and Reports, Population, part 1, p. 951; 1900, Twelfth Census the number of household heads in the remaining population. Reports, Population, vol. II, part 2, p. 611; 1930, Sixteenth These estimates were based on available census and survey Census Special Reports, Families—Size of Family and Age of data and on additional information on construction activity, Head, p. 3; 1940, Sixteenth Census Reports, Housing, vol. II, vacancy rates, marriage rates, divorce rates, economic indexes, part 1, p. 32; 1950, computed from U. S. Census of Housing: etc. Although the figures are shown as of a given date, they 1950, vol. I, part 1, p. 1-8; 1957, computed from Bureau of should be regarded as an approximation of the annual aver the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-20, No. 83. age number of households. A 257. Population per household, 1790-1957. The estimates by residence were made by subdividing the Source: 1790-1880, computed from Twelfth Census Special total into farm and nonfarm components, using estimates of Reports, A Century of Population Growth, 1790-1900, p. 80; 488910 0 - 6 0 - 2 5 A 258-263 POPULATION 1890-1950, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. IV, Special Families, p. 2A-8; 1957, Bureau of the Census, Current Popu Reports, General Characteristics of Families, p. 2A-8. Popu lation Reports, Series P-20, No. 83. lation figures used in computing population per household for A 261-262. Sex of head, 1890-1957. 1957 are from Bureau of the Census, Current Population Source: 1890, Eleventh Census Reports, Farms and Homes: Reports, Series P-25, No. 169. Proprietorship and Indebtedness, p. 172; 1900, Twelfth Census These figures were computed by dividing the total popula Reports, Population, vol. II, part 2, p. ccviii; 1930, Sixteenth tion (the total free population for 1790, 1850, and 1860) by Census Special Reports, Families— General Characteristics, p. the number of household heads. As explained previously, 32; 1940, Sixteenth Census Reports, Population, vol. IV, the number of household heads for 1850-1890, 1910, and 1920 part 1, p. 26; 1950, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. also include the heads of quasi-households. Since these are IV, Special Reports, General Characteristics of Families, p. such a small fraction of the total number of household heads, 2A-10; 1957, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Re the population per household is only slightly affected by the ports, Series P-20, No. 81. change in definition for these years. A 263. Median age of head, 1890-1957. A 258-260. Race of head, 1890-1957. Source: 1890 and 1930-1940, Sixteenth Census Special Re Source: 1890-1930, Sixteenth Census, Special Reports, Fam ports, Families—Size of Family and Age of Head, pp. 3 and ilies—General Characteristics, p. 4; 1940, Sixteenth Census 123; 1900, Twelfth Census Reports, Population, vol. II, part Reports, Population, vol. IV, part 1, p. 26, and Sixteenth Census 2, p. ccx; 1950, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. IV, Special Reports, Population—Characteristics of the Nonwhite Special Reports, General Characteristics of Families, p. 2A-10; Population by Race, p. 30; 1950, U. S. Census of Population: 1957, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series 1950, vol. IV, Special Reports, General Characteristics of P-20, No. 81. 6 A 1-16 POPULATION Series A 1-3. Estimated Population of the United States: 1790 to 1957 [In thousands. As of July 1] Total population including Armed Forces overseas Total population residing in the United States 171,229 168,174 165,270 162,417 159,636 157.028 154,360 151,683 149.188 146,631 144,126 141,389 139,928 138,397 136,739 134,860 133,402 132,122 131.028 129,969 128,961 128,181 127,362 126,485 125,690 124,949 124,149 123.188 170,333 167,259 164,303 161,191 158,313 155,761 153,384 151,234 148,665 146,093 143,446 140,054 132,481 132,885 134,245 133,920 133,121 131,954 130,880 129.825 128.825 128,053 127,250 126,374 125,579 124,840 124,040 123,077 121,770 120,501 119,038 117,399 115,832 1 1957_ 1956_ 1955_ 195419531952_ 1951_ 1950_ 1949_ 1948_ 1947_ 1946_ 1945. 1944_ 1943_ 1942 _ 19411940_ 1939 _ 1938_ 19371936_ 1935193419331932_ 1931_ 193019291928_ 1927_ 19261925_ Civilian popu lation Year 168,406 165,339 162,307 159,086 156,046 153,366 151,082 150,202 147,578 145,168 142,566 138,385 127,573 126,708 127,499 130,942 131,595 131,658 130,683 129,635 128,639 127,879 127,099 126,228 125,436 124,694 123,886 122,923 Total population residing in the United States 19241923. 1922192119201919 i 19181 1917 1 19161915_ 1914_ 1913_ 1912_ 1911_ 1910_ 19091908_ 19071906_ 190519041903_ 1902. 1901_ 190018991898_ 1897_ 1896_ 1895_ 1894_ 18931892 _ 1891- 114,113 111,950 110,055 108,541 106,466 104,512 103,203 103,266 101,966 100,549 99,118 97,227 95,331 93,868 92,407 90,492 88,709 87,000 85,437 83,820 82,165 80,632 79,160 77,585 76,094 74,799 73,494 72,189 70,885 69,580 68,275 66,970 65,666 64,361 Year 18901889_ 1888_ 1887_ 1886_ 1885. 1884_ 1883_ 18821881188018791878_ 1877, 18761875_ 1874, 18731872 _ 1871_ 1870_ 1869 _ 18681867_ 186618651864, 1863, 186218611860. 1859_ 18581857- Total population residing in the United States 63,056 61,775 60,496 59,217 57,938 56,658 55,379 54,100 52,821 51,542 ' 50,262 49,208 48,174 47,141 46,107 45,073 44,040 43,006 41,972 40,938 39,905 39,051 38,213 37,376 36,538 35,701 34,863 34,026 33,188 32,351 31,513 30,687 29,862 29,037 Year Total population residing in the United States 18561855 1854_ 1853 1852 1851 1850 1849 1848 1847 1846 1845 1844 1843 1842 1841 1840 1839 1838 1837 1836 1835 1834 1833 1832 1831 1830 1829 1828 1827 1826 1825 1824 1823 28,212 27,386 26,561 25,736 24,911 24,086 23,261 22,631 22,018 21,406 20,794 20,182 19,569 18,957 18,345 17,733 17,120 16,684 16,264 15,843 15,423 15,003 14,582 14,162 13,742 13,321 12,901 12,565 12,237 11,909 11,580 11,252 10,924 10,596 Year 1822 1821 1820 1819 1818 1817 1816 1815 1814 1813 1812 1811 1810 1809 1808 1807 1806 1805 1804 1803 1802 1801 1800 1799 1798 1797 1796 1795 1794 1793 1792 1791 1790 Total population residing in the United States 10,268 9.939 9,618 9,,379 9,139 8,899 8,659 8,419 8,179 7.939 7,700 7,460 7,224 7,031 6,838 6,644 6,451 6,258 6,065 5,872 5,679 5,486 5,297 5,159 5,021 4,883 4,745 4,607 4,469 4,332 4,194 4,056 3,929 105,063; civilian 101,488; 1919: 104,158. Series A 4-16. Population of Continental United States and Outlying Areas: 1880 to 1950 Year Total 4 1950 1940_____ 1930_____ 1920_____ 1910 1900_____ 1890_____ 1880 154,233,234 150,622,754 138,439,069 118,107,855 102,370,018 84,371,985 62,979,766 50,189,209 Continental Population United abroad 1 States 5 6 150,697,361 131,669,275 122,775,046 105,710,620 91,972,266 75,994,575 62,947,714 50,155,783 3 481,545 118,933 89,453 117,238 55,608 91,219 Total 7 Philippine Islands 2 8 Puerto Rico 9 2,210,703 3,054,328 18,834,546 l6~356~600~ 1,869,255 15,574,570 13.513.000 1,543,913 12,279,997 10.599.000 1,299,809 10,342,144 8,886,000 1,118,012 8,286,191 7,100,000 10 953,243 32,052 33,426 1 Excludes U. S. citizens temporarily abroad on private business, travel, etc. 2 Estimates derived by extrapolation and interpolation of the censuses of 1903,1918, and 1939. No figure shown for 1950 since Philippine Islands were granted independence in 1946. 3 Estimate based on 20-percent sample of reports received. 4 Includes population of Canton (272), Corn (1,304), Johnston (46), Midway (416), Swan (36), and Wake (349) Islands, and Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (54,843). 6 Census taken as of October 1 of the preceding year. Outlying areas Hawaii Alaska Guam 10 11 12 499,794 422,770 368,300 255,881 191,874 154,001 128,643 5 72,524 5 59,278 55,036 64,356 63,592 32,052 33,426 59,498 22,290 18,509 13,275 11,806 11 9,676 Canal Zone 13 Virgin Islands 14 52,822 51,827 39,467 22,858 9 62,810 26,665 24,889 22,012 8 26,051 American Samoa 15 18,937 12,908 10,055 8,056 • 7,251 5,679 All other 16 4 57,266 •2,083 7 36 7 31 7 35 6 Includes population of Baker, Howland, and Jarvis (10), Canton and Enderbury (44), Corn (1,523), Johnston (69), and Midway (437) Islands. 7 Population for Midway Island. 8 Population as of 1917 Census. 9 Population as of 1912 Census. 10 Population as of 1899 Census. 11 Population as of 1901 Census. A 17-33 POPULATION Series A 17-21. Area and Population of Continental United States: 1790 to 1950 Area (square miles) Year 1950 (Apr. 1) __ 1940 (Apr. 1) __ 1930 (Apr. 1) __ 1920 (Jan. 1) __ 1910 (Apr. 15) __ 1900 (June 1) __ 1890 (June 1) _ _ 1880 (June 1) __ 1870 (June 1) _ _ Gross area Land 17 18 3,022,387 3,022,387 3,022,387 3,022,387 3,022,387 3,022,387 3,022,387 3,022,387 3,022,387 2,974,726 2,977,128 2,977,128 2,969,451 2,969,565 2,969,834 2,969,640 2,969,640 2,969,640 Population Water 19 47,661 45,259 45,259 52,936 52,822 52,553 52,747 52,747 52,747 Number 20 Area (square miles) Per square mile of land area 21 150,697,361 131,669,275 122,775,046 105,710,620 91,972,266 75,994,575 62,947,714 50,155,783 139,818,449 50.7 44.2 41.2 35.6 31.0 25.6 21.2 16.9 113.4 Year 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 (June 1)___ (June 1)__ (June 1)___ (June 1)___ (Aug. 7)__ (Aug. 6)__ (Aug. 4 )__ (Aug. 2 )__ Gross area Land 17 18 3,022,387 2,992,747 1,788,006 1,788,006 1,788,006 1,716,003 888,811 888,811 2,969,640 2,940,042 1,749,462 1,749,462 1,749,462 1,681,828 864,746 864,746 Population Water Number 19 52,747 52,705 38,544 38,544 38,544 34,175 24,065 24,065 20 31,443,321 23,191,876 17,069,453 12,866,020 9,638,453 7,239,881 5,308,483 3,929,214 Per square mile of land area 21 10.6 7.9 9 .8 7.4 5.6 4.3 6.1 4 .5 1 Revised to include adjustments for underenumeration in Southern States. Series A 22-33. Estimated Population, by Sex, Color, and Age: 1900 to 1957 Year 1957_________________________ 1956_________________________ 1955__ ______________________ 1954_______ ________________ 1953_____ _ _ _ ___________ 1952_________________________ 1951_________________________ 1950_________________________ 1949_________________________ 1948_________________________ 1947_________________________ 1946_________________________ 1945_________________________ 1944_________________________ 1943_________________________ 1942_________________________ 1941_____ ___ ____________ _ 1940_______ _ _ ___________ 1939_________________________ 1938_________________________ 1937_________________________ 1936_________________________ 1935_________________________ 1934_________________________ 1933_________________________ 1932 1931 - _ 1930 . _ _______ __ ___ _ 1929_________________________ 1928 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1927__ __ _ . _ _________ _ 1926 _ _ _ 1925. __ _ _ _ _______ _ 1924- . _ ___ _ _ ___ _____ 1923_______ _ _ _ _________ 1922 1921_____ ___ ___ _ _______ 1920 ________ ______________ 1919_ _ ___ _______ _______ 1918__ __ _ ___ _______ _ 1917________________ ___ ___ 1916. _ _ _ _ _ 1915- ________________ 1 9 1 4 ______ _________ ______ 1913. - _______ _____________ 1912_ ___ _ _ ___________ 1911- _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ 1910_ _ _________ _________ 1909_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 9 0 8 ._______ _ ___________ 1907_ _ _ _ ______________ 1906_ _ _ ___ _______ _____ 1905. ___ __ _ _______ 1904_________ __ _________ 1903 _ ___ ______ _________ 1902__ _____________ _______ 1901 _ _ 1900 [In thousands. As of July 1, 1940-1957; includes Armed Forces outside continental United States] Sex Color Age (in years) Total Male Female White Non white Under 14 14 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 22 24 28 29 30 31 23 26 27 25 25,502 171,229 84,858 86,371 152,464 18,766 49,206 23,341 23,767 19,711 24,711 83,399 168,174 84,775 149,877 18,297 47,915 24,014 23,080 19,296 17,848 46,406 24,358 82,016 83,255 147,423 165,270 24,152 22,825 18,911 44,788 24,215 80,656 81,761 162,417 22,585 18,562 144,995 17,423 24,235 24,204 159,636 79,337 80,299 142,633 17,003 24,241 22,360 18,242 43,148 78,104 16,616 41,617 24,230 157,028 78,923 140,412 24,199 22,145 17,960 77,536 138,120 16,241 24,286 21,894 154,360 76,825 40,110 24,083 17,691 75,530 24,458 151,683 76,153 135,818 15,865 38,605 23,926 21,569 17,413 15,590 37,238 24,709 149,188 74,335 74,853 133,598 23,729 21,187 17,260 73,130 73,502 131,308 35,865 25,008 146,631 15,323 23,494 20,794 17,107 72,180 129,059 25,286 144,126 71,946 34,499 23,236 20,421 15,067 16,970 70,757 126,565 14,824 25,565 20,073 70,631 32,906 22,954 141,389 16,820 32,360 70,035 69,893 125,266 14,662 25,922 22,734 19,787 139,928 16,642 69,020 124,009 14,388 31,827 26,269 138,397 69,378 22,511 19,505 16,419 68,546 68,194 122,605 14,134 26,390 22,194 31,389 136,739 19,226 16,199 67,597 67,263 120,992 13,868 30,765 26.454 134,860 21,911 18,950 15,976 66,482 119,731 30,545 66,920 13,671 18,692 133,402 26,468 21,691 15,759 132,122 66,352 65,770 118,629 13,494 30,521 26.454 18,422 21,446 15,555 65,166 117,524 30,671 26,267 18,178 130,880 65,713 13,355 21,176 15,336 64,590 116,592 30,844 18,001 129.825 65,235 13,233 26,133 20,953 15,077 64,035 115,706 31,091 17,866 128.825 64,790 13,118 20,723 25,969 14,785 63,594 115,022 128,053 64,459 13,031 31,478 25,817 20,505 17,783 14,495 63,140 114,309 12,941 31,900 25,612 20,275 17,712 127,250 64,110 14,208 62,648 113,527 32,294 12,847 25,401 20,022 17,640 126,374 63,726 13,933 17,569 62,195 112,815 12,764 32,742 25,221 19,750 125,579 63,384 13,684 17,504 61,770 12,686 33,141 25,092 19,484 124,840 112,154 63,070 13,481 61,314 111,433 17,412 124,040 62,726 12,606 24,984 19,242 33,442 13,296 123,077 60,780 110,559 12,518 24,852 17,270 19,039 62,297 33,638 13,096 121,770 61,684 60,086 109,385 12,385 16,917 18,942 33,863 24,498 12,761 120,501 12,256 16,538 59,401 108,245 33,966 18,952 61,100 24,138 12,431 16,173 12,099 119,038 58,636 106,939 33,960 23,733 18,949 60,402 12,093 57,809 105,469 11,930 33,822 18,866 15,845 117,399 23,315 11,786 59,590 115,832 57,012 104,065 18,724 15,578 11,767 33,677 58,820 22,939 11,523 56,126 102,513 11,601 33,406 18,557 15,339 114,113 22,537 11,276 57,987 18,230 15,070 111,950 55,086 100,511 11,438 33,032 21,974 56,864 11,068 14,824 54,164 17,924 110,055 98,768 11,287 32,691 21,537 55,891 10,898 14,666 11,124 17,748 108,541 53,250 97,417 32,308 21,230 10,721 55,292 52,171 106,466 95,511 10,955 31,756 20,858 17,417 14,383 54,295 10,503 14,007 51,405 93,681 10,831 31,384 i 104,512 20,468 16,911 10,402 2 53,107 13,880 10,849 51,234 92,354 31,360 20,047 16,445 10,290 1103,203 251,968 16,914 13,647 50,481 92,437 10,829 30,911 20,822 i 103,266 10,069 2 52,786 91,202 10,764 30,488 20,837 16,776 13,390 9,845 49,728 101,966 52,238 13,131 10,699 16,578 48,977 89,850 30,063 9,620 51,572 20,789 100,549 12,876 48,229 10,635 16,370 88,483 29,643 20,718 9,398 99,118 50,889 10,522 47,266 16,074 12,564 86,705 29,095 20,538 9,134 49,961 97,227 12,254 84,924 10,407 28,560 20,334 15,769 46,311 8,875 49,020 95,331 10,339 28,174 12,005 45,576 83,529 20,190 15,528 8,661 93,868 48,292 82,137 10,270 27,806 20,024 15,276 11,761 47,554 44,853 8,454 92,407 10,153 27,394 14,924 11,472 43,945 80,338 19,656 8,204 90,492 46,546 43,114 78,659 10,050 27,049 19,281 14,585 11,203 7,974 88,709 45,595 77,051 9,950 26,729 14,256 10,945 7,755 42,321 18,911 87,000 44,679 9,861 26,452 10,706 18,564 13,950 41,600 75,575 7,553 85,437 43,836 9,760 10,460 26,153 7,351 40,852 74,059 18,203 13,635 83,820 42,968 10,211 72,516 9,649 25,832 7,149 17,833 13,315 40,083 82,165 42,082 9,544 9,975 25,538 17,491 13,019 6,963 39,369 71,088 80,632 41,263 9,747 9,440 25,249 17,167 12,736 6,787 38,680 69,721 40,480 79,160 9,504 12,440 6,608 37,936 68,270 9,315 24,910 16,827 77,585 39,649 9,271 6,439 16,514 12,162 37,226 66,901 9,193 24,581 76,094 38,869 55 to 64 65 and over 32 33 14,954 14,749 14,753 14,407 14,548 14,069 14,333 13,698 14,107 13,333 13,883 12,995 13,655 12,644 13,424 12,287 13,145 11,921 12,824 11,538 12,528 11,185 12,244 10,828 11,988 10,494 11,719 10,147 11,472 9,867 11,220 9,584 10,959 9,288 10,694 9,031 10,487 8,764 10,310 8,508 10,132 8,258 9,949 8,027 9,739 7,803 9,502 7,583 9,249 7,362 8,992 7,146 8,735 6,929 8,477 6,706 8,315 6,475 8,176 6,298 7,999 6,131 7,804 5,961 7,604 5,788 7,389 5,609 7,161 5,415 6,952 5,229 6,793 5,077 6,620 4,929 6,457 4,883 6,358 4,823 6,191 4,712 6,026 4,604 5,867 4,501 5,712 4,401 5,539 4,283 5,371 4,168 5,234 4,076 5,101 3,985, 4,965 3,877 4,841 3,776 4,724 3,680 3,592 4,620 4,514 3,504 4,409 3,416 4,311 3,334 3,256 4,218 4,121 3,176 3,100 4,027 1 Estimates including Armed Forces overseas (in thousands), 1917: 103,414; 1918: 2 Estimates including Armed Forces overseas (in thousands), 1917: 52,934; 1918: 104,550; 1919: 105,063. 53,316; 1919: 53,658. 8 A 34-70 SEX, RESIDENCE, RACE, NATIVITY Series A 34-50. Population, by Sex, Residence, and Color: 1790 to 1950 [In thousands. For total population, see series A 20] Total by sex Male F emale Year 74, 833 66“1062 62,,137 53;,900 47.,332 38;,816 3 2 ;,237 25,,519 19.,494 16.,085 H i ,838 8,,689 6,,530 4,,897 1950 (1950 urban def.) 2__. 1950 (1940 urban def.) 2__. 1940_____________________ 1930 3____________________ 1920_____________________ 1910. 1900. 1890_ 1880_ 1870_ I860. 1850_ 18401830_ 1820_ 1810_ 1800 _ 1790_ 75,,864 ~65~'608 60.,638 5i;,810 44 ,640 37 ,178 30.,711 24.,637 19;,065 15 ,358 11 ,354 8.,381 6.,336 4,,742 Rural Rural nonfarm farm 37 38 Urban 96,468 88,927 74,424 68,955 54,158 41,999 30,160 22,106 14,130 9,902 6,217 3,544 1,845 1,127 693 525 322 31,181 23,048 38,693 23,077 27,029 30,216 23,663 30,158 20,159 31,393 49,973 45,835 40,841 36,026 28,656 25,227 19,648 15,224 11,739 8,945 6,714 4,986 3,728 202 Residence1 by Male Rural Urban non farm 39 46,892 43,117 36,364 34,155 27,203 21,496 15,087 sex Color by sex Male Non White Non White white white Female Both sexes Rural Urban Rural Non Rural White white non farm farm farm 41 46 15,863 12,079 19,622 12,094 13,758 15,940 12,118 15,864 10,337 16,360 25,836 23,730 49,576 45,810 38,060 34,800 27,101 21,127 15,294 15,318 10,970 19,071 10,983 13,272 14,276 11,545 14,293 9,710 14,999 23,513 21,885 134,942 118,215 110,287 94,821 81,732 66,809 55,101 43,403 433,589 26,923 19,553 14,196 10,537 7,867 5,862 4,306 3,172 48 67,129 59,449 55,923 48,431 42,178 34,202 28,270 22,131 17,029 13,811 10,026 7,256 5,363 3,998 2,988 2,195 1,615 15,755 13,454 12,488 10,890 10,240 9,185 7,846 6,753 4 4,969 4,521 3,639 2,874 2,329 1,772 1,378 1,002 757 7,704 6,613 6,215 5,470 5,154 4,615 3,967 3,388 2,464 2,274 1,811 1,433 1,166 899 49 67,813 58,766 54,364 46,390 39,554 32,607 26,831 21,272 16,560 13,111 9,527 6,940 5,174 3,869 2,874 2,111 1,557 8,051 6,841 6,274 5,420 5,086 4,571 3,880 3,365 2,505 2,247 1,828 1,441 1,162 873 3 Figures for color by sex in 1930 revised to include Mexicans as white. Mexicans were classified as nonwhite in the 1930 reports. 4 Adjustment for underenumeration in the South (see series A 20 above) shows a population of 39,818,000 of whom 34,337,000 were white and 5,481,000 were nonwhite. 1 Residence for both sexes tabulated according to the old urban (or 1940) definition (series A 36-38) from 1790 to 1940, and for male and for female separately for 1930 and 1940. Tabulations of residence for male and for female from 1900 to 1920 are according to the definitions current at those censuses. 2 See text for series A 34-50 for explanation of definitions. Series A 51-58. White Population, by Sex and Nativity: 1850 to 1950 [Prior to 1920, citizenship figures restricted to males 21 and over] Female Male Foreign born N ative Native Foreign Foreign or mixed or mixed Foreign Total Alien 1 Year Total Total parent parent born age age 57 58 56 55 51 52 53 Male Year Native Foreign or mixed Total parent age 52 51 1950_ 61,952,802 1940 _ 53,437,533 1930. 48,420,037 1920. 40,902,333 1910_ 34,654,457 1900. 28,686,450 211,426,110 211,558,280 12,824,751 11,265,552 9,425,239 7,836,603 Foreign born Total Alien 1 53 54 5,176,390 6,011,015 7,502,491 7,528,322 7,523,788 5,515,285 2804,395 1,502,023 2,912,960 3,696,£44 62,828,058 53,358,199 47,883,298 40,205,828 33,731,955 27,908,929 212,152,265 211,599,300 13,077,632 11,420,652 9,472,598 7,809,414 4,984,778 5,408,123 6,480,914 6,184,432 5,821,757 4,698,532 1 Includes those with first papers; excludes those with citizenship unknown, of which, for both sexes, there were 698,695 in 1950; 825,072 in 1940; 491,263 in 1930; and 790,823 in 1920. 2 Based on 20-percent sample in 1950 and 5-percent in 1940. Comparable sample totals differ slightly from figures based on a complete count. 21,130,400 1,841,791 2,684,461 2,746,128 1890_ 1880_ 1870. I860. 1850_ Female N ative Foreign or mixed Foreign Total born parent age 56 55 57 23,318,521 5,781,571 4,951,858 22,660,870 5,722,104 4,170,009 18,609,265 3,038,044 3,521,635 18,234,026 (3) (3) 14,086,509 2,942,579 14,009,156 2,551,133 (3) (3) 11,619,157 2,192,230 11,206,627 1,904,523 1,239,434 8,525,565 1,001,101 8,786,968 3 N ative white of foreign or mixed parentage, for both sexes, amounted to 8,274,867 in 1880 and 5,324,268 in 1870. (See Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1930, vol. II, p. 33.) Series A 59-70. Nonwhite Population, by Sex and Race: 1820 to 1950 Male Year Negro 1 Total 59 Slave 60 1950 7,298,722 6,269,038 1940. 5,855,669 1930_ _ _ 1920_ 5,209,436 1910_ _ 4,885,881 4,386,547 1900_ 3,735,603 1890 1880- ____ 3,253,115 42,393,263 1870 1860__ ____ _ 2,216,744 ~1~§82~625~ 1,811,258 1,602,535 1850 1,432,988 1,246,467 1840_ __ _ 1,166,276 1,012,823 1830 1820 898,892 786,022 Female Indian Japanese Chinese All other 61 62 63 64 178,824 171,427 170,350 125,068 135,133 119,484 125,719 333,985 312,534 323,924 76,649 71,967 81,771 72,707 63,070 23,341 1,780 134 47 77,008 57,389 59,802 53,891 66,856 85,341 103,620 100,686 58,633 33,149 1 Sex not reported before 1820. Total for both sexes from 1790 to 1810 is as follows: For 1810, total 1,377,808, slaves 1,191,362; 1800, total 1,002,037, slaves 893,602; and 1790, total 757,208, slaves 697,681. 2 Includes persons of mixed white, Negro, and Indian ancestry in certain com munities in eastern United States. 272,844 43,223 46,960 8,674 3,092 Negro 1 Total 65 Slave 66 7,743,564 6,596,480 6,035,474 5,253,695 4,941,882 4,447,447 3,753,073 3,327,678 42,486,746 2,225,086 ~l~971~i35~ 1,827,550 1,601,778 1,440,660 1,240,888 1,162,366 996,220 872,764 752,000 Indian Japanese Chinese All other 67 68 69 70 65,119 54,980 57,063 38,303 9,087 985 259 14 8 40,621 20,115 15,152 7,748 4,675 4,522 3,868 4,779 4,566 1,784 164,586 162,542 162,047 119,369 130,550 117,712 122,534 332,422 313,197 320,097 237,396 7,244 4,018 814 83 3 Excludes Indians in Indian Territory and on Indian reservations. 4 Adjustment for underenumeration in Southern States shows 5,392,172 Negroes for both sexes combined. 9 [Age at last birthday, except for 1890 which is age at nearest birthday. For total population, see series A 20] Year TOTAL Under 5 years 71 5 to 9 years 72 FOREIGN-BORN WHITE 15 to 19 years 74 20 to 24 years 75 25 to 29 years 76 30 to 34 years 77 35 to 39 years 78 40 to 44 years 79 45 to 49 years 80 11,119,268 10,616,598 11,481,828 12,242,260 11,517,007 11,246,386 10,203,973 9,070,465 11,745,935 12,333,523 11,587,835 11,096,638 10,242,388 9,545,377 8,787,843 8,255,225 12,004,877 11,552,115 10,870,378 9,833,608 9,120,421 9,208,645 7,990,195 7,042,279 10,641,137 9,430,556 9,277,021 9,086,491 8,071,193 7,775,281 6,345,557 5,763,620 9,107,140 9,063,603 9,056,984 8,180,003 6,972,185 6,396,100 5,261,587 4,469,197 8,080,234 7,556,089 7,335,016 6,529,441 5,556,039 4,964,781 4,247,166 3,454,612 7,033,509 6,557,563 6,196,676 5,227,777 4,578,630 3,866,161 3,185,518 2,731,640 5,715,186 5,011,415 5,087,772 4,080,621 3,368,943 3,000,419 2,468,811 2,089,445 4,786,189 4,040,588 3,748,299 3,075,118 2,562,829 2,314,976 1,939,712 1,578,932 4,021,248 2,614,330 5,726,400 3,720,780 3,361,495 1,841S,660 2,82;5,819 4,27 7,318 2,890,629 2,529,792 5,660,399 5,311,342 5,606,293 5,972,078 5,624,723 5,517,544 5,070,269 4,526,366 5,952,329 6,180,153 5,692,392 5,450,662 5,070,312 4,745,659 4,419,135 4,209,269 6,068,777 5,757,825 5,336,815 4,860,180 4,561,786 4,679,860 4,136,459 3,671,924 5,369,306 4,673,792 4,527,045 4,538,233 4,130,783 4,074,361 3,285,543 3,117,550 4,601,753 4,527,282 4,580,290 4,244,348 3,656,768 3,367,016 2,786,350 2,378,916 4,083,041 3,750,451 3,624,580 3,323,543 2,901,321 2,616,865 2,255,916 1,837,836 3,574,787 3,248,711 3,104,893 2,698,311 2,425,664 2,051,044 1,654,604 1,418,102 2,907,481 2,476,088 2,554,684 2,109,741 1,744,308 1,527,159 1,243,773 1,078,695 839,578 990,021 2,435,585 1,989,695 1,835,946 1,515,671 1,273,633 1,179,366 1,392,223 2,129,017 2,911,558 1,900,868 1,650,012 967,573 1,490,135 2,194,469 1,473,116 1,237,680 536,606 866,452 756,106 .1,322,453 879,530 367,840 592,535 956,487 669,734 573,196 5 766,283 4776,150 3612,535 5 572,347 4547,597 3468,183 5432,428 4392,846 3343,150 8814,942 9,694,529 9,330,520 10,179,187 10,924,804 10,356,331 10,058,473 9,190,290 8,169,354 10,352,695 10,964,047 10,340,149 9,904,270 9,206,478 8,516,660 7,936,083 7,532,756 10,694,424 10,248,779 9,612,669 8,708,998 8,210,912 8,278,268 7,266,892 6,381,570 9,369,322 8,314,155 8,185,341 8,141,690 7,338,790 6,965,805 5,755,547 5,188,040 7,918,408 7,968,391 7,986,411 7,257,136 6,267,276 5,731,845 4,780,272 4,061,062 6,959,238 6,543,189 6,335,044 5,762,980 5,004,444 4,460,575 3,852,143 3,105,678 5,991,972 5,675,347 5,448,467 4,646,687 4,144,832 3,439,930 2,865,648 2,449,220 4,880,531 4,351,650 4,402,472 3,541,701 2,979,254 2,648,492 2,190,735 1,861,892 4,136,461 3,511,036 3,235,028 2,681,552 2,265,065 2,047,320 1,715,255 1,406,615 2,282,332 4,917,349 3,503,591 3,113,753 2,852,581 1,588,788 3,627,561 2,416,939 2,402,129 2,128,716 1,038,789 2,576,043 1,645,572 1,716,160 1,548,329 723,886 1,874,898 1,148,066 1,308,590 1,169,450 31 ,217,921 41,557,521 51,502,883 3916,507 41 ,109,265 51,116,503 3666,939 4794,453 5 844,449 50 to 54 years 81 55 to 59 years 82 60 to 64 years 83 65 and over 84 8,272,188 7,235,120 7,256,846 5,843,865 5,975,804 4,645,677 4,734,873 3,549,124 3,900,791 2,786,951 2,942,829 2,211,172 2,326,262 1,672,336 1,839,883 1,271,434 876,552 1,367,969 1,585,879 1,101},540 4,128,648 3,630,046 3,752,750 3,011,364 3,131,645 2,425,992 2,535,545 1,880,065 2,110,013 1,488,437 1,564,622 1,145,257 1,208,922 871,663 966,702 674,927 469,495 740,360 835,350 575,685 314,538 229,284 495,066 364,736 262,654 6,059,475 12,269,537 4,728,340 9,019,314 3,751,221 6,633,805 2,982,548 4,933,215 2,267,150 3,949,524 1,791,363 3,080,498 1,458,034 2,417,288 1,104,219 1,723,459 778,971 1,153,649 1,347,982 9518,792 3,037,838 5,796,974 2,397,816 4,406,120 1,941,508 3,325,211 1,581,800 2,483,071 1,185,966 1,985,976 917,167 1,555,418 758,710 1,233,719 584,858 867,564 407,491 578,230 679,194 479,962 278,966 211,002 7,535,439 6,695,732 6,680,307 5,426,845 5,445,743 4,319,301 4,317,266 3,305,671 3,555,313 2,564,206 2,633,981 2,021,217 2,090,949 1,531,659 1,627,892 1,154,915 1,204,243 794,771 1,399,675 958,171 619,390 452,788 957,854 703,114 501,758 5,652,606 11,373,687 4,416,693 8,379,431 3,496,777 6,239,973 2,771,433 4,583,026 2,069,323 3,640,003 1,620,658 2,806,719 1,323,110 2,202,112 977,308 1,543,558 686,679 1,030,782 1,182,555 819,871 560,370 420,840 Age unknown 85 94~022 148,699 169,055 200,584 162,165 5,161 51,511 14,285 5 l7816 92,875 114,443 127,423 103,529 3,795 27,890 9,173 6,100 8,275 2,459 766 _ 78,602 123,663 134,224 145,052 121,141 3,063 25,158 10,307 6,100 11,130 848 766 787,020 1,057,480 1,225,405 1,325,015 1,314,805 2,695,110 207,555 352,645 322,255 527,035 92,245 63,260 63,550 62,035 1950 10 709,091 1,048,395 1,263,070 1,503,905 1,565,568 1,318,750 1,068,875 2,059,258 209,509 424,276 53,751 164,785 8,321 21,584 1940 10,716 925,893 1,679,855 747,188 1,114,932 1,320,810 1,702,431 1,745,900 1,610,052 1,345,130 1,048,476 377,106 178,534 142,373 34,009 1930 9___ _ __ _ 20,264 908,722 715,731 1,328,227 926,844 1,454,363 1,651,475 1,737,805 1,428,099 1,299,675 1,167,377 527,942 331,362 44,984 169,884 1920____ _______ _ _ 26,211 925,055 627,583 1,183,349 693,520 673,761 1,430,381 1,662,696 1,505,715 1,408,093 1,303,475 1,146,360 298,509 358,330 1910____________________ 102,507 24,880 950,347 803,392 545,031 840,220 643,003 966,112 919,482 1,097,229 1,173,683 1,177,566 561,746 52,369 147,192 311,565 1900__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24,617 682,304 709,220 477,647 859,954 787,815 525,131 942,320 870,592 917,374 1,072,239 86,629 248,351 396,379 521,295 1890 1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 401,598 __________ 577,087 712,890 630,941 373,114 310,463 671,116 762,631 789,265 528,255 62,371 122,697 378,812 238,439 1880___________________ 1,593 220,029 369,778 180,931 600,749 452,826 203,516 708,526 667,992 609,068 689,595 83,912 174,233 205,538 325,426 1870____________________ NEGRO 859,268 386,444 973,127 862,950 516,197 704,789 1,884,219 1,530,885 1,356,764 1,226,930 1,235,035 1,253,520 1,111,950 1,142,520 1950 11 615,942 ________ 295,904 815,096 692,807 397,219 992,879 985,833 550,435 1940 ___ ___ _________ 1,249,080 1,294,546 1,330,660 1,304,606 1,195,227 1,145,284 13,731 372,719 242,169 630,065 309,397 864,514 890,900 687,423 504,590 1930______ ____________ 1,230,206 1,368,381 1,251,542 1,250,528 1,203,191 1,071,787 23,503 332,713 200,118 559,701 551,589 399,110 229,980 909,739 697,865 773,931 1920 ___ _ - _____ 1,143,699 1,266,207 1,236,914 1,083,215 1,054,847 31,040 294,124 186,502 455,413 385,909 326,070 209,622 881,227 668,089 633,449 1910____________________ 1,263,288 1,246,553 1,155,266 1,060,416 1,030,795 48,811 261,363 161,687 969,172 367,216 326,384 290,987 179,176 982,022 737,479 524,607 474,687 1900___________________ 1,215,655 1,202,758 1,091,990 35,813 211,684 26 8,320 731,548 559,551 707,581 49!9,679 871,118 409,977 1890 1__________________ 121,047,574 121,093,494 121,033,701 179,901 _ 685,300 538,920 227,553 | 211,991 116,519 | 126,911 834,655 659,765 389,689 351,927 | 278,076 1880 13_________________ 1,114,365 1,037,241 1 Exclusive of Indian Territory and Indian reservations with a population of 325,464 not distributed by 10 Based on 20-percent sample; figures for total white population in series A 71-85 based on complete count, age, of whom 169,221 were male, 117,368 were white, and 18,636 were Negro. These areas were not enu11 Due to processing errors, the sum of the various ages of Negroes in 1950 (series A 71-85) will differ merated prior to 1890. slightly from the number of Negroes shown elsewhere. 2 White males only. 3 10 to 15 years old. 4 16 to 25 years old. 5 26 to 44 years old. 12 Estimates based on total Negroes under 15 and age distribution of nonwhites. 6 Age detail partly estimated. 7 Under 16 years old. 8 16 years old and over. 13 Nonwhite population. Age not tabulated for Negroes separate from other nonwhite races. 9 Revised to include Mexicans classified as nonwhite in the 1930 reports. POPULATION 16,163,571 13,199,685 1950 10,541,524 10,684,622 1940 11,444,390 12,607,609 1930 11,573,230 11,398,075 1920 10,631,364 9,760,632 1910 1900___________________ 9,170,628 8,874,123 7,634,693 7,573,998 1890 1 6,914,516 6,479,660 1880 5,514,713 4,814,713 1870 4,842,496 4,171,200 I860 3,241,268 3,497,773 1850___________________ MALE 8,236,164 6,714,555 1950 5,354,808 5,418,823 1940 5,806,174 6,381,108 1930 5,857,461 5,753,001 1920 5,380,596 4,924,123 1910 1900____________________ 4,633,612 4,479,396 3,884,869 3,830,352 1890 1 1880 - - 3,507,709 3,275,131 2,797,257 2,437,442 1870 2,449,547 2,109,545 1860 1850____________________ 1,769,460 1,640,407 1840 2_ - - - - - 1,270,743 1,024,050 782,075 972,980 18302_ 1.34 5,220 1820 2_ 1,035,258 1810 2 763,461 1800 2 6 _ 7800,492 1790 2«_________________ WHITE 11,596,572 14,184,504 1950 1940 _ _ _ _ _ _ 9,229,505 9,328,951 19309 ____ _ _ 10,142,169 11,161,663 10,373,921 10,087,245 1920__ _ __ _ 1910 _ _ _ _ 9,322,914 8,475,173 1900____________________ 7,919,952 7,638,326 1890 l_ _____ 6,579,648 6,473,168 5,800,151 5,442,419 1880 _ _ 1870______ ____________ 4,719,792 4,151,715 1860__ _ _ _________ - 4,117,445 3,528,098 1850___________________ 2,896,458 2,704,128 1840________ _________ 2,474,062 2,010,990 1830 _ ________________ 1,894,914 1,532,816 2,62 5,770 1820___________________ 2,016,684 1810 1,489,081 1800 6__________________ 10 to 14 years 73 A 71-85 Series A 71-85. Population, by Age, Sex, Race, and Nativity: 1790 to 1950 AGE, SEX, RACE, NATIVITY A 71-122 Series A 71-85. Population, by Age, Sex, Race, and Nativity: 1790 to 1950—Con. Year NEGRO— Con. 1870_________________ 1860_________________ Free colored-------Slave-----------------1850_________________ Free colored_____ Slave____________ 1840_________________ Free colored_____ Slave____________ 1830_________________ Free colored_____ Slave_______ ____ 1820_________________ Free colored_____ Slave____________ 5 26 to 44 years old. Under 5 5 to 9 years years 10 to 14 15 to 19 20 to 24 25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 39 40 to 44 45 to 49 50 to 54 55 to 59 60 to 64 65 and Age years years years years years years years years over unknown years years years 791,421 659,831 719,084 637,806 65,918 61,857 653,166 575,949 601,315 537,140 60,821 58,052 540,494 479,088 955,395 111,346 844,049 797,167 96,004 701,163 17 763,747 17 93,551 *7 670,196 645,311 601,647 60,399 541,248 488,500 52,308 436,192 14 10 to 23 years old. ,854 379,048 284,749 258,838 216,820 168,968 161,362 80,857 91,314 122,058 520,550 783,603 500,598 324,519 183,693 163,029 501,593 85,562 61,732 44,726 27,991 26,966 52,747 698,041 438,866 155,702 448,846 279,793 136,063 138,921 649,757 408,880 257,872 401,076 151,369 77,547 43,794 55,225 37,940 24,353 24,169 572,210 353,655 219,932 127,016 114,752 357,282 ^ 552,114 343,099 132,320 14 890,720! ^ 77,003 16 58,635 24,912 14109,397* 475,111 16 284,464 102,408 14 781,3231 15 431,562 16 277,365 109,994 14 712,5541 60,191 25,589 “ 46,598 14 91,2171 15 371,371 84,405 16 230,767 14 621,337 ( 5367,156 18 456,372 184,381 36,494 5 50,741 18 52,848 147,887 5316,415 18 403,524 15 24 to 35 years old. 16 36 to 54 years old. 17 Under 14 years old. 28 26,258 172 26,086 3,978 286 3,692 1814 to 25 years old. Series A 86-94. Median Age of Population, by Color and Sex: 1790 to 1950 [In years. Because of change in computation procedure, medians for 1850 to 1930 differ slightly from those published in the population census reports for 1930 and previous years] Year 1950._ 1940._ 1930._ 1920._ 1910._ 1900_ _ 1890__ 1880._ 1870_ _ All classes Total Male Female Total 86 88 89 87 30.2 29.0 26.5 25.3 24.1 22.9 22.0 20.9 20.2 29.9 29.1 26.7 25.8 24.6 23.3 22.3 21.2 20.2 30.5 29.0 26.2 24.7 23.5 22.4 21.6 20.7 20.1 30.8 29.5 26.9 25.6 24.5 23.4 22.5 21.4 20.4 Nonwhite White Male Female Total Male Female Year 94 90 92 93 91 30.4 29.5 27.1 26.1 24.9 23.8 22.9 21.6 20.6 31.1 29.5 26.6 25.1 23.9 22.9 22.1 21.1 20.3 26.1 25.2 23.5 22.4 21.1 19.7 18.4 18.0 18.5 25.9 25.4 23.9 23.1 21.5 20.0 18.5 17.9 18.2 26.2 25.1 23.1 21.9 20.6 19.5 18.3 18.0 18.9 1860__ 1850_ _ 1840_ _ 1830._ 1820._ 1810 1800 1790 All classes Total Male Female Total 86 87 88 89 19.4 18.9 17.8 17.2 16.7 19.8 19.2 17.8 17.1 16.6 19.1 18.6 17.7 17.3 16.7 White Nonwhite Male Female Total Male Female 90 91 92 93 94 19.7 19.2 17.9 17.2 16.5 16.0 16.0 20.2 19.5 17.9 17.2 16.5 15.9 15.7 15.9 19.3 18.8 17.8 17.3 16.6 16.1 16.3 17.5 17.4 17.3 16.9 17.2 17.5 17.3 17.0 16.7 16.9 17.5 17.4 17.5 17.1 17.4 Series A 95-122. Population, by Race and Nativity* for Regions: 1790 to 1950 [For total population, see series A 20] Year 1950._ 1940. _ 1930. _ 1920. _ 1910._ 1900.. 1890._ 1880. _ 1870._ 1860_ _ 1850__ 1840 L 1830 l1820.. 1810. _ 1800._ 1790__ Total 95 39,477,986 35,976,777 34,427,091 29,662,053 25,868,573 21,046,695 17,406,969 14,507,407 12,298,730 10,594,268 8,626,851 761,082 542,381 359,916 486,675 635,576 968,040 Total 96 37,398,684 34,566,768 33,244,081 28,957,919 25,360,966 20,637,888 17,121,985 14,273,844 12,117,269 10,438,028 8,477,089 6,618,758 5,417,167 4,249,192 3,384,438 2,552,510 1,900,616 Northeast Negro White Slave Native Foreign Total born 99 98 97 32,204,834 5,193,850 2,018,182 28,545,927 6,020,841 1,369,875 26,135,432 7,108,649 1,146,985 22,174,690 6,783,229 679,234 18,720,401 6,640,565 484,176 15,898,900 4,738,988 385,020 13,247,119 3,874,866 269,906 11,465,448 2,808,396 229,417 9,599,990 2,517,279 179,738 18 8,419,243 2,018,785 156,001 236 7,153,512 1,323,577 149,762 765 142,324 2,780 125,214 110,724 18,001 102,237 27,081 83,066 36,370 67,424 40,354 Other races Total 101 102 61,120 40,134 36,025 24,900 23,431 23,787 15,078 4,146 1,723 239 44,460,762 40,143,332 38,594,100 34,019,792 29,888,542 26,333,004 22,410,417 17.364.111 12.981.111 9,096,716 5,403,595 3,351,542 1,610,473 859,305 292,107 51,006 103 42,119,384 38,639,970 37,249,272 33,164,249 29,279,243 25,775,870 21,913,813 16,961,423 12,698,503 8,899,969 5,267,988 3,262,195 1,568,930 841,045 285,173 50,371 North Central White Native Foreign born 39,407,638 35,291,033 32,902,458 28,569,009 24,598,792 21,624,468 17,860,356 14,049,225 10,367,625 7,357,376 4,617,913 Negro Total Slave Other races 106 108 113,502 2,711,746 2,227,876 83,044 3,348,937 1,420,318 82,594 4,346,814 1,262,234 62,468 4,595,240 793,075 65,801 4,680,451 543,498 61,383 ,151,402 495,751 65,492 4,053,457 431,112 17,067 2,912,198 385,621 9,528 2,330,878 273,080 1,542,593 184,239 114,948 12,508 650,075 135,607 87,422 89,347 58,604 41,543 25,879 18,260 11,329 6,934 3,304 135 635 1 Excludes persons (6,100 in 1840 and 5,318 in 1830) on public ships in the service of the United States, not credited to any region. 11 A 123-180 POPULATION Series Population, by Race and Nativity, for Regions: 1790 to 1950—Con. A 95-122. South Year Total West Negro White Total Native 110 111 1950______ 47,197,088 36,849,529 36,092,010 1940______ 41,665,901 31,658,578 31,032,902 1930______ 37,857,633 28.371.969 27,571,198 1920______ 33,125,803 24,132,214 23,285,022 1910______ 29,389,330 20,547,420 19,821,249 1900______ 24,523,527 16.521.970 15,959,395 1890______ 20,028,059 13,193,453 12,672,558 1880______ 16,516,568 10,555,427 10,113,361 1870______ 212,288,020 27 ,863,209 7,467,542 1860______ 11,133,361 7,033,973 6,642,201 1850______ 8,982,612 5,630,414 5,390,314 18401_____ 6,950,729 4,308,752 18301 5,707,848 3,545,963 1820______ 4,419,232 2,776,560 1810______ 3,461,099 2,192,462 1800______ 2,621,901 1,703,565 1790______ 1,961,174 1,271,390 1 Excludes persons (6,100 in 1840 and 5,318 in of the United States, not credited to any region. Foreign born Total Slave Other races Total White Total Native 112 Negro Foreign born 119 1,498,053 1,423,684 1,727,171 1,487,093 1,298,358 760,852 672,649 397,019 249,888 143,603 26,783 Total Slave Other races 114 116 113 115 117 118 120 122 10,225,407 122,152 19,561,525 18,574,431 17,076,378 570,821 416,273 9,904,619 102,704 13,883,265 13,349,554 11,925,870 170,706 363,005 9.361.577 124,087 11,896,222 11,421,418 9,694,247 120,347 354,457 8,912,231 81,358 8,902,972 8,566,533 7,079,440 78,591 257,848 8,749,427 92,483 6,825,821 6,544,328 5,245,970 50,662 230,831 7,922,969 78,588 4,091,349 3,873,468 3,112,616 30,254 187,627 6.760.577 74,029 3,102,269 2,872,007 199,358 27,081 203,181 5,953,903 7,238 1,767,697 1,612,276 215,257 11,852 143,569 4,000 910,396 24,420,811 990,510 660,508 73,734 6,380 618,976 4,097,111 3,838,765 2,277 550,567 406,964 4,479 63,930 3,352,198 3,116,629 178,818 177,577 150,794 1,241 2,641,977 2,427,986 2,161,885 1,980,384 1,642,672 1,508,692 1,268,637 1,160,977 918,336 857,097 689,784 657,327 1830) on public ships in the service 2 Adjustment for underenumeration shows a total for the South of 13,548,098, of whom 8,611,124 were white and 4,932,974 were Negro. 757,519 625,676 800.771 847,192 726,171 562,575 520,895 442,066 395,667 391.772 240,100 Series A 123-180. Population, for States: 1790 to 1950 [Insofar as possible, population shown is that of present area of State. For U. S. total population, see series A 20. However, in 1830, series A 20 includes 5,318 persons on public ships in the service of the United States not credited to any State; the corresponding figure for 1840 is 6,100] Series No. 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 12 State New England _ _ Maine _ _ New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island- _ _ Connecticut _ Middle Atlantic. New York New Jersey Pennsylvania East North Central Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ Indiana - _ Illinois Michigan Wisconsin West North C en tra l---_ Minnesota Iowa _ _ _ Missouri North Dakota South Dakota _ _ Nebraska _ _ Kansas South Atlantic _ Delaware _ Maryland Dist. of Columbia Virginia _ _ West Virginia _ North Carolina South Carolina _ Georgia _ _ Florida East South Central _ _ _ Kentucky Tennessee. Alabama _ _ __ Mississippi _ _ West South Central- __ _ _ — Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma _ _ _ _ Texas Mountain _ _ Montana _ _ _ Idaho _ Wyoming Colorado New Mexico _ _ _ Arizona Utah________________________________________ Nevada _ _ __ Pacific __ _ _____ ________ __ _ Washington _____ ___ Oregon _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ C aliforn ia___ 1950 1940 1930 1920 9,314,453 8,437,290 8,166,341 7,400,909 913,774 847,226 797,423 768,014 533,242 491,524 465,293 443,083 377,747 359,231 359,611 352,428 4,690,514 4,316,721 4,249,614 3,852,356 791,896 713,346 687,497 604,397 2,007,280 1,709,242 1,606,903 1,380,631 30,163,533 27,539,487 26,260,750 22,261,144 14,830,192 13,479,142 12,588,066 10,385,227 4,835,329 4,160,165 4,041,334 3,155,900 10,498,012 9,900,180 9,631,350 8,720,017 30,399,368 26,626,342 25,297,185 21,475,543 7,946,627 6,907,612 6,646,697 5,759,394 3,934,224 3,427,796 3,238,503 2,930,390 8,712,176 7,897,241 7,630,654 6,485,280 6,371,766 5,256,106 4,842,325 3,668,412 3,434,575 3,137,587 2,939,006 2,632,067 14,061,394 13,516,990 13,296,915 12,544,249 2,982,483 2,792,300 2,563,953 2,387,125 2,621,073 2,538,268 2,470,939 2,404,021 3,954,653 3,784,664 3,629,367 3,404,055 619,636 641,935 680,845 646,872 652,740 642,961 692,849 636,547 1,325,510 1,315,834 1,377,963 1,296,372 1,905,299 1,801,028 1,880,999 1,769,257 21,182,335 17,823,151 15,793,589 13,990,272 318,085 266,505 238,380 223,003 2,343,001 1,821,244 1,631,526 1,449,661 663,091 486,869 437,571 802,178 3,318,680 2,677,773 2,421,851 2,309,187 2,005,552 1,901,974 1,729,205 1,463,701 4,061,929 3,571,623 3,170,276 2,559,123 2,117,027 1,899,804 1,738,765 1,683,724 3,444,578 3,123,723 2,908,506 2,895,832 2,771,305 1,897,414 1,468,211 968,470 11,477,181 10,778,225 9,887,214 8,893,307 2,944,806 2,845,627 2,614,589 2,416,630 3,291,718 2,915,841 2,616,556 2,337,885 3,061,743 2,832,961 2,646,248 2,348,174 2,178,914 2,183,796 2,009,821 1,790,618 14,537,572 13,064,525 12,176,830 10,242,224 1,909,511 1,949,387 1,854,482 1,752,204 2,683,516 2,363,880 2,101,593 1,798,509 2,233,351 2,336,434 2,396,040 2,028,283 7,711,194 6,414,824 5,824,715 4,663,228 5,074,998 4,150,003 3,701,789 3,336,101 591,024 559,456 537,606 548,889 588,637 524,873 445,032 431,866 290,529 250,742 225,565 194,402 1,325,089 1,123,296 1,035,791 939,629 681,187 531,818 423,317 360,350 499,261 435,573 749,587 334,162 688,862 550,310 507,847 449,396 160,083 110,247 91,058 77,407 14,486,527 9,733,262 8,194,433 5,566,871 1,736,191 1,563,396 1,356,621 2,378,963 953,786 1,521,341 1,089,684 783,389 10,586,223 6,907,387 5,677,251 3,426,861 1910 1900 6,552,681 742,371 430,572 355,956 3,366,416 542,610 1,114,756 19,315,892 9,113,614 2,537,167 7,665,111 18,250,621 4,767,121 2,700,876 5,638,591 2,810,173 2,333,860 11,637,921 2,075,708 2,224,771 3,293,335 577,056 583,888 1,192,214 1,690,949 12,194,895 202,322 1,295,346 331,069 2,061,612 1,221,119 2,206,287 1,515,400 2,609,121 752,619 8,409,901 2,289,905 2,184,789 2,138,093 1,797,114 8,784,534 1,574,449 1,656,388 1,657,155 3,896,542 2,633,517 376,053 325,594 145,965 799,024 327,301 204,354 373,351 81,875 4,192,304 1,141,990 672,765 2,377,549 5,592,017 694,466 411,588 343,641 2,805,346 428,556 908,420 15,454,678 7,268,894 1,883,669 6,302,115 15,985,581 4,157,545 2,516,462 4,821,550 2,420,982 2,069,042 10,347,423 1,751,394 2,231,853 3,106,665 319,146 401,570 1,066,300 1,470,495 10,443,480 184,735 1,188,044 278,718 1,854,184 958,800 1,893,810 1,340,316 2,216,331 528,542 7,547,757 2,147,174 2,020,616 1,828,697 1,551,270 6,532,290 1,311,564 1,381,625 790,391 3,048,710 1,674,657 243,329 161,772 92,531 539,700 195,310 122,931 276,749 42,335 2,416,692 518,103 413,536 1,485,053 1890 1880 4,700,749 4,010,529 661,086 648,936 376,530 346,991 332,422 332,286 2,238,947 1,783,085 345,506 276,531 746,258 622,700 12,706,220 10,496 878 6,003,174 5,082,871 1,444,933 1,131,116 5,258,113 4,282,891 13,478,305 11,206,668 3,672,329 3,198,062 2,192,404 1,978,301 3,826,352 3,077,871 2,093,890 1,636,937 1,693,330 1,315,497 8,932,112 6,157,443 1,310,283 780,773 1,912,297 1,624,615 2,679,185 2,168,380 190,983 36,909 348,600 98,268 1,062,656 452,402 1,428,108 996,096 8,857,922 7,597,197 168,493 146,608 1,042,390 934,943 230,392 177,624 1,655,980 1,512,565 762,794 618,457 1,617,949 1,399,750 1,151,149 995,577 1,837,353 1,542,180 391,422 269,493 6,429,154 5,585,151 1,858,635 1,648,690 1,767,518 1,542,359 1,513,401 1,262,505 1,289,600 1,131,597 4,740,983 3,334,220 1,128,211 802,525 1,118,588 939,946 258,657 2,235,527 ~~I~59l~749 1,213,935 653,119 142,924 39,159 88,548 32,610 62,555 20,789 413,249 194,327 160,282 119,565 88,243 40,440 210,779 143,963 47,355 62,266 1,888,334 1,114,578 357,232 75,116 317,704 174,768 1,213,398 864,694 STATES Series Series No. 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 State New England_____ M aine__________ New HampshireVermont________ Massachusetts — Rhode Island___ Connecticut_____ Middle Atlantic _ New York___ New Jersey— Pennsylvania _ East North CentralOhio_____________ Indiana_________ Illinois__________ Michigan________ Wisconsin_______ West North CentralMinnesota________ Iowa_____________ Missouri_________ North D akota___ South Dakota____ Nebraska________ Kansas___________ South Atlantic______ Delaware_________ Maryland________ Dist. of Columbia. Virginia__________ West Virginia_____ North Carolina---South Carolina----Georgia__________ Florida___________ East South Central _ Kentucky_______ Tennessee_______ Alabama________ Mississippi---------W est South Central _ Arkansas_________ Louisiana________ Oklahoma________ Texas------------------Mountain_____ Montana___ Idaho_______ W yoming___ Colorado____ New MexicoArizona_____ U tah_______ N evada_____ Pacific________ Washington _ Oregon-------California__ A 123-180. Population, for States: 1790 to 1950—Con. 1870 1860 3,487,924 626.915 318,300 330,551 1,457,351 217,353 537,454 8,810,806 4,382,759 906,096 3,521,951 9,124,517 2,665,260 1,680,637 2,539,891 1,184,059 1,054,670 3,856,594 439,706 1,194,020 1,721,295 2,405 11,776 122,993 364,399 5,853,610 125,015 780,894 131,700 1,225,163 442,014 1,071,361 705,606 1,184,109 187,748 4,404,445 1,321,011 1,258,520 996,992 827,922 2,029,965 484,471 726.915 818,579 315,385 20,595 14,999 9,118 39,864 91,874 9,658 86,786 42,491 675,125 23,955 90,923 560,247 3,135,283 628,279 326,073 315,098 1,231,066 174,620 460,147 7,458,985 3,880,735 672,035 2,906,215 6,926,884 2,339,511 1,350,428 1,711,951 749,113 775,881 2,169,832 172,023 674,913 1,182,012 7 4,837 28,841 107,206 5,364,703 112,216 687,049 75,080 1,219,630 376,688 992,622 703,708 1,057,286 140,424 4,020,991 1,155,684 1,109,801 964,201 791,305 1,747,667 435,450 708,002 604,215 174,923 34,277 10 93,516 11 40,273 12 6,857 444,053 1311,594 52,465 379,994 1790 2,728,116 583,169 317,976 314,120 994,514 147,545 370,792 5,898,735 3,097,394 489,555 2,311,786 4,523,260 1,980,329 988,416 851,470 397,654 305,391 880,335 6,077 192,214 682,044 2,234,822 501,793 284,574 291,948 737,699 108,830 309,978 4,526,260 2,428,921 373,306 1,724,033 2,924,728 1,519,467 685,866 476,183 212,267 530,945 426,814 643,112 383,702 1,954,717 399,455 269,328 280,652 610,408 97,199 297,675 3,587,664 1,918,608 320,823 1,348,233 1,470,018 937,903 343,031 157,445 4 31,639 1,660,071 298,335 244,161 235,981 523,287 83,059 275,248 ,699,845 ,372,812 277,575 ,049,458 792,719 581,434 147,178 55,211 4 8,896 1,471,973 228,705 214,460 217,895 472,040 76,931 261,942 2,014,702 959,049 245,562 810,091 272,324 230,760 224,520 312,282 44,762 140,455 66,586 19,783 140^455 66^586 ~l9~783 4,679,090 91,532 583,034 51,687 1,119,348 302,313 869,039 668,507 906,185 87,445 3,363,271 982,405 1,002,717 771,623 606,526 940,251 209,897 517,762 212,592 72,927 3,925,299 78,085 470,019 33,745 1,025,227 224,537 753,419 594,398 691,392 54,477 2,575,445 779,828 829,210 590,756 375,651 449,985 97,574 352,411 3,645,752 76,748 447,040 30,261 1,044,054 176,924 737,987 581,185 516,823 34,730 1,815,969 687,917 681,904 309,527 136,621 246,127 30,388 215,739 3,061,063 72,749 407,350 23,336 938,261 136,808 638,829 502,741 340,989 1,190,489 564,317 422,823 127,901 75,448 167,680 14,273 153,407 1,233 ,011 151 ,719 183 ,858 154 ,465 422 ,845 69 ,122 251 ,002 1,402 ,565 589 ,051 211 ,149 602 ,365 51 ,006 *45 ,365 2 5 ,641 1,009,,408 96,,540 141,,885 85,,425 378;,787 68,,825 237,,946 958,,632 340,,120 184.,139 434.,373 2,674,891 72,674 380,546 15,471 877,683 105,469 555,500 415,115 252,433 2,286,494 64,273 341,548 8,144 807,557 78,592 478,103 345,591 162,686 1,851,806 59,096 319,728 691^737 55,873 393,751 249,073 82,548 708,590 406,511 261,727 89,046 931,306 77,618 1,062 76,556 335,407 220,955 105,602 81,250 97,600 109,368 73,677 35,691 61,547 11^380 105,891 141,201 12,093 92,597 1 Territory northwest of the Ohio River. 2 1810 includes population of area separated in 1816; 1800 includes 3,124 persons in those portions of Indiana Territory which were taken to form Michigan and Illinois Territories in 1805 and 1809, respectively, and that portion which was separated in 1816. 3 Illinois Territory. 4 Michigan Territory as then constituted; boundaries changed in 1816, 1818, 1834, and 1836. 5 Includes that part of Minnesota northeast of Mississippi River. 6 Includes that part of Minnesota lying west of Mississippi River and a line drawn from its source northwards to Canadian boundary. A 123-180 7 Dakota Territory. 8 Those parts of Mississippi Territory now in present State. 9 Those parts of present State included in Mississippi Territory as then constituted. 10 Includes area taken to form part of Arizona Territory in 1863. 11 Utah Territory exclusive of that part of present State of Colorado taken to form Colorado Territory in 1861. 12 Nevada Territory as organized in 1861. 13 Includes population of Idaho and parts of Montana and Wyoming. 14 Parts of Oregon Territory taken to form part of Washington Territory in 1853 and 1859. 13 POPULATION A 181-209 Series A 181-194. Number of Places in Urban and Rural Territory, by Size of Place: 1790 to 1950 [In 1930 each pair of the following was counted as a single place: Bluefield, Va., and Bluefield, W. Va.; Bristol, Tenn., and Bristol, Va.; Delmar, Del., and Delmar, Md.; Harrison, Ohio, and West Harrison, Ind.; Junction City, Ark., and Junction City, La.; Texarkana, Ark., and Texarkana, Tex. Texhoma, Okla., and Texhoma, Tex.; and Union City, Ind., and Union City, Ohio. In all other years they were counted as separate incorporated places. For description of urban definition, see text] 1950 Series No. Class and population size 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Urban territory _ Places of 1,000,000 or more___ Places of 500,000 to 1,000,000 __ Places of 250,000 to 500,000___ Places of 100,000 to 250,000___ Places of 50,000 to 100,000-----Places of 25,000 to 50,000 Places of 10,000 to 25,000 _ Places of 5,000 to 10,000 Places of 2,500 to 5,000 Places under 2,500 Rural territory _ _ _ Places of 1,000 to 2,500 Places under 1,000 Series No. Class and population size 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 Urban territory Places of 1,000,000 or more Places of 500,000 to 1,000,000__ Places of 250,000 to 500,000___ Places of 100,000 to 250,000_ _ _ Places of 50,000 to 100,000____ Places of 25,000 to 50,000 Places of 10,000 to 25,000 _ Places of 5,000 to 10,000 Places of 2,500 to 5,000 _ 1940 urban definition 1950 urban definition 4,741 5 13 23 65 126 252 778 1,176 1,846 457 13,807 4,158 9,649 1940 1910 1900 1890 1880 3,464 5 9 23 55 107 213 665 965 1,422 3,165 5 8 24 56 98 185 606 851 1,332 2,722 3 9 13 43 76 143 465 715 1,255 2,262 3 5 11 31 59 119 369 605 1,060 1,737 3 3 9 23 40 82 280 465 832 1,348 3 1 7 17 30 66 230 340 654 13,235 3,408 9,827 13,288 3,205 10,083 13,433 3,087 10,346 12,855 3,030 9,825 11,830 2,717 9,113 8,931 2,128 6,803 6,490 1,603 4,887 1850 1840 236 1 5 4 16 36 85 89 392 2 1 6 7 19 58 136 163 663 2 5 7 11 27 116 186 309 1920 4,023 5 13 23 66 128 271 814 1,133 1,570 1860 1870 1930 1830 1820 1810 1800 C1) 0) 0 e) 939 1 3 4 12 15 42 146 249 467 1790 131 90 61 46 33 24 1 2 2 7 25 48 46 1 3 3 16 33 34 1 2 2 8 22 26 2 2 7 17 18 1 2 3 15 12 2 3 7 12 1 N ot available. Series A 195-209. Population in Urban and Rural Territory, by Size of Place: 1790 to 1950 [For U .S . total population, see series A 20] 191so Series No. Class and population size 1950 urban definition 1940 urban definition 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 1890 1880 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 Urban territory _ Places of 1,000,000 or more___ Places of 500,000 to 1,000,0 0 0 Places of 250,000 to 500,000___ Places of 100,000 to 250,000___ Places of 50,000 to 100,000____ Places of 25,000 to 50,000 Places of 10,000 to 25,000 _ Places of 5,000 to 10,000 Places of 2,500 to 5,000 _ Places under 2,500 Rural territory _ _ Places of 1,000 to 2,500_______ Places under 1,000 Other rural territory 196,467,686 17,404,450 9,186,945 8,241,560 9,478,662 8,930,823 8,807,721 11,866,505 8,138,596 6,490,406 577,992 54,229,675 6,473,315 4,031,148 43,725,212 88,927,464 17,404,450 9,186,945 8,241,560 9,614,111 9,073 363 9,495,862 12,467,229 7,878,675 5,565,269 74,423,702 15,910,866 6,456,959 7,827,514 7,792,650 7,343,917 7,417,093 9,966,898 6,681,894 5,025,911 68,954,823 15,064,555 5,763,987 7,956,228 7,540,966 6,491,448 6,425,693 9,097,200 5,897,156 4,717,590 54,157,973 10,145,532 6,223,769 4,540,838 6,519,187 5,265,408 5,075,041 7,034,668 4,967,625 4,385,905 41,998,932 8,501,174 3,010,667 3,949,839 4,840,458 4,178,915 4,023,397 5,548,868 4,217,420 3,728,194 30,159,921 6,429,474 1,645,087 2,861,296 3,272,490 2,709,338 2,800,627 4,338,250 3,204,195 2,899,164 22,106,265 3,662,115 806,343 2,447,608 2,781,894 2,027,569 2,268,786 3,451,258 2,383,685 2,277,007 61,769,897 5,382,637 4,129,049 52,258,211 57,245,573 5,026,834 4,315,843 47,902,896 53,820,223 4,820,707 4,362,746 44,636,770 51,552,647 4,712,007 4,254,968 42,585,672 49,973,334 4,234,406 3,930,222 41,808,706 45,834,654 3,298,054 3,003,479 39,533,121 40,841,449 2,508,642 2,249,332 36,083,475 14,129,735 1,206,299 1,917,018 1,300,809 1,786,783 947,918 1,446,366 2,189,447 1,717,146 1,617,949 (2) 36,026,048 (2) (2) (2) Series No. Class and population size 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 1,127,247 693,255 525,459 322,371 201,655 202,589 222,474 105,243 240,371 230,859 125,711 11,738,773 123,706 126,540 70,474 121,613 155,035 95,887 8,945,198 150,095 80,342 108,980 116,271 69,771 6,714,422 60,515 67,734 54,479 94,394 45,249 4,986,112 6 l “653 48,182 47,569 44,251 3,727,559 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 206 Urban territory 9,902,361 Places of 1,000,000 or more Places of 500,000 to 1,000,0 0 0 - 1,616,314 Places of 250,000 to 500,000___ 1,523,820 989,855 Places of 100,000 to 250,000___ 768,238 Places of 50,000 to 100,000____ 930,119 Places of 25,000 to 50,000___ Places of 10,000 to 25,000 _ 1,709,541 Places of 5,000 to 10,000____ 1,278,145 Places of 2,500 to 5,000___ 1,086,329 Rural territory _ _ 28,656,010 6,216,518 1,379,198 266,661 992,922 452,060 670,293 884,433 976,436 594,515 25,226,803 3,543,716 1,845,055 515,547 312,710 65<M2l~ 204,506 284,355 187,048 611,328 235,424 404,822 560,783 596,086 328,744 316,496 171,801 19,648,160 15,224,398 1 Includes population of unincorporated parts of urbanized areas (7,344,026). 14 2 N ot available. MARITAL STATUS AND HOUSEHOLDS A 210-244 Series A 210-227. Marital Status, by Sex: 1890 to 1957 [In thousands. Total population, 1890 to 1940, and civilian population, 1947 to 1956. 1947 to 1957 based on sample figures from Current Population Survey. Civilian population includes members of the Armed Forces living off post or with their families on post. For total population, see series A 1] Male, 14 years old and over Female, 14 years old and over Percent, standardized for age Percent, standardized for age Di Wid Di Wid D i Total Single Mar Wid Total Single Mar Date Wid Di ried owed vorced Single Mar ried owed vorced Single Mar ried owed vorced ried owed vorced 214 217 215 216 218 219 220 221 222 211 212 213 210 223 224 225 226 227 57,470 March 1957 56,744 March 1956 __ April 1955 1______ 55,994 April 1954 1_____ 55,297 April 1953 1______ 54,784 April 1952_______ 53,564 April 1951_______ 53,420 March 1950 1____ 54,762 April 1949 53,448 April 1948_______ 53,227 April 1947_______ 52,350 April 1940 50,554 April 1930_______ 245,088 January 1920____ 237,954 April 1910_______ 233,362 June 1900 226,414 221,501 June 1890 13,754 13,516 13,522 13,004 13,000 12,868 12,984 14,322 13,952 14,734 14,760 17,593 16,159 13,998 13,485 11,090 9,379 1,040 926 990 1,080 944 764 866 917 842 1,027 818 624 489 235 156 84 49 2,186 2,335 2,357 2,171 2,228 2,102 2,216 2,296 2,181 2,055 2,134 2,144 2,025 1,758 1,471 1,178 815 40,490 39,967 39,125 39,042 38,612 37,830 37,354 37,227 36,474 35,411 34,638 30,192 26,328 21,852 18,093 13,956 11,205 24.5 24.7 25.1 24.7 24.8 24.6 24.6 26.2 25.7 26.9 27.2 31.1 30.9 31.8 32.5 33.1 32.8 3 .5 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.8 3.8 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.3 4.8 5.6 6.1 6.2 6.4 5.6 70.3 70.0 69.3 69.8 69.7 70.2 69.6 68.0 68.5 67.1 66.9 62.8 62.1 61.3 60.4 59.9 61.2 1.8 1.6 1.7 1.9 1.7 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.9 1.6 1.3 1.2 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 1 1 N ot strictly comparable with figures for 1951 and 1952. See text of Series P-20, Nos. 50 and 81. 61,863 60,975 60,250 59,542 58,940 58,034 57,354 56,970 56,001 55,364 54,806 50,549 2 44,013 236,190 2 30,959 225,024 2 20,298 11,487 11,126 10,962 11,043 10,774 11,068 10,946 11,139 11,174 11,623 12,078 13,936 12,478 10,624 9,842 8,337 6,928 41,204 40,650 40,327 39,869 39,426 38,670 38,124 37,633 37,012 35,783 35,212 30,090 26,175 21,324 17,688 13,814 11,126 7,778 7,707 7,595 7,256 7,404 6,972 7,084 6,967 6,582 6,725 6,376 5,700 4,734 3,918 3,176 2,718 2,155 1,394 1,492 1,366 1,374 1,336 1,324 1,200 1,231 1,233 1,233 1,140 823 573 273 185 115 72 18.6 18.5 18.6 19.0 18.6 19.3 19.2 19.6 19.7 20.5 21.1 24.3 23.7 24.1 24.5 25.0 24.3 67.7 67.4 67.4 67.2 67.1 66.6 66.4 66.1 66.0 64.6 64.5 61.0 61.2 60.4 60.1 58.7 59.4 11.5 11.6 11.8 11.5 12.0 11.8 12.3 12.2 12.1 12.7 12.3 12.9 13.7 14.6 14.7 15.7 15.9 2 .3 2 .5 2 .3 2 .3 2.3 2 .3 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2 .1 1.7 1.3 0 .8 0.6 0 .5 0.4 2 Includes marital status not reported. Series A 228-229. Median Age at First Marriage, by Sex: 1890 to 1957 [In years. 1947 to 1957 based on sample figures from Current Population Survey] Year Male 228 Female 229 Year Male 228 Female 229 Year Male 228 Female 229 Year Male 228 Female 229 Year Male 228 Female 229 Year Male 228 Female 229 1957____ 1956____ 1955____ 22.5 22.3 22.5 20.3 20.1 20.2 1954__ 1953__ 1952__ 23.0 22.8 23.0 20.3 20.2 20.2 1951__ 1950__ 1949__ 22.9 22.8 22.7 20.4 20.3 20.3 1948__ 1947__ 23.3 23.7 20.4 20.5 1940__ 1930__ 1920__ 24.3 24.3 24.6 21.5 21.3 21.2 1910__ 1900__ 1890__ 25.1 25.9 26.1 21.6 21.9 22.0 Series A 230-241. Households, by Sex and Age of Head: 1890 to 1957 [In thousands. 1956 and 1957 based on sample figures from Current Population Survey] Year Total 230 1957________________________ 1956________________________ 1950 i_______________________ 1940________________________ 1930 _______________________ 1890________________________ 40,903 40,420 35,863 29,680 226,112 10,857 Under 25 years 231 1,993 2,003 1,850 1,260 1,266 572 Male head 25 to 34 35 to 44 years years 232 233 8,814 8,735 8,139 6,539 5,879 2,962 9,830 9,652 8,676 7,286 7,082 2,883 45 to 54 years 234 55 years and over 235 8,516 8,292 7,274 6,716 5,743 2,184 11,750 11,738 9,925 7,879 6,123 2,256 1 Based on 20-percent sample of 1950 Census returns. 2 Total for males includes 18,345 persons of unknown age and total for females, 6,567 of unknown age. Under 25 years 237 Total 236 8,640 8,365 6,380 5,269 23,793 1,833 Female head 25 to 34 35 to 44 years years 238 239 340 274 164 113 3120 59 738 763 541 470 3 371 230 1,133 1,206 935 879 3 685 387 45 to 54 years 240 55 years and over 241 1,631 1,506 1,264 1,144 3 862 466 4,798 4,616 3,486 2,663 3 1,749 691 3 Number of female heads in each age group estimated from data on white and Negro heads with marital status and age reported. Series A 242-244. Households, by Residence: 1900 to 1957 [In thousands. 1900 to 1946 as of July; 1947 to 1949 and 1951 to 1955 as of April; and 1950, 1956, and 1957 as of March] Year Total 242 1957____ 49,543 1956____ 48,785 1955____ 47,788 1954____ 46,893 1953___ 46,334 1952____ 45,504 1951___ 44,656 1950____ 43,554 1949____ 42,182 1948____ 40,532 1947____ 39,107 1946____ 38,370 1945____ 37,503 1944____ 37,115 1943___ 36,833 Nonfarm 243 44,325 43,136 42,243 41,399 40,503 39,554 38,587 37,279 35,687 34,116 32,673 31,944 31,158 30,722 30,206 Farm 244 5,218 5,649 5,545 5,493 5,831 5,950 6,069 6,275 6,495 6,416 6,434 6,426 6,345 6,393 6,627 Year Total 242 Nonfarm 243 1942___ 1941____ 1940___ 1939___ 1938____ 1937___ 1936____ 1935____ 1934____ 1933____ 1932___ 1931___ 1930____ 1929____ 1928____ 36,445 35,929 35,153 34,409 33,683 33,088 32,454 31,892 31,306 30,802 30,439 30,272 29,997 29,582 29,124 29,433 28,786 28,001 27,249 26,518 25,917 25,253 24,665 24,118 23,653 23,541 23,476 23,268 22,851 22,416 Farm 244 7,012 7,143 7,152 7,160 7,165 7,171 7,201 7,227 7,188 7,149 6,898 6,796 6,729 6,731 6,708 Year Total 242 Nonfarm 243 1927____ 1926___ 1925____ 1924___ 1923___ 1922____ 1921____ 1920____ 1919____ 1918____ 1917____ 1916____ 1915____ 1914____ 28,632 28,101 27,540 26,941 26,298 25,687 25,119 24,467 23,873 23,519 23,323 22,926 22,501 22,110 21,941 21,325 20,745 20,182 19,492 18,780 18,255 17,668 17,307 16,846 16,643 16,291 15,949 15,630 Farm 244 6,691 6,776 6,795 6,759 6,806 6,907 6,864 6,799 6,566 6,673 6,680 6,635 6,552 6,480 Year Total 242 Nonfarm 243 1913____ 1912____ 1911____ 1910____ 1909____ 1908____ 1907____ 1906____ 1905____ 1904____ 1903____ 1902____ 1901____ 1900____ 21,606 21,075 20,620 20,183 19,734 19,294 18,863 18,394 17,939 17,521 17,108 16,716 16,345 15,992 15,187 14,727 14,358 13,989 Farm 244 6,419 6,348 6,262 6,194 15 A 245-263 POPULATION Series A 245-247. Married Couples With or Without Own Household: 1910 to 1957 [In thousands. All years as of April, except 1945 as of September, 1946 as of June, and 1950, 1956, and 1957 as of March. 1945 to 1957 based on sample figures from Current Population Survey] Total Year 245 1957_________ 1956_________ 1955_________ 1954_________ 1953_________ 1952_________ 38,940 38,306 37,570 37,346 37,106 36,696 With own household 246 Without own household 247 37,711 37,043 36,266 35,875 35,560 35,138 1,229 1,263 1,304 1,471 1,546 1,558 Total Year 245 1951_______ 1950_______ 1949_______ 1948_______ 1947_______ With own household 246 Without own household 247 34,378 34,075 33,257 31,900 30,612 1,758 2,016 2,168 2,464 2,931 36,136 36,091 35,425 34,364 33,543 Total Year 245 1946 1______ 1945 1___ __ 1940_______ 1930_______ 1910_______ With own household 246 Without own household 247 28,850 26,835 26,571 23,649 16,250 2,700 1,365 1,946 1,525 925 31,550 28,200 28,517 25,174 17,175 1 N ot strictly comparable with 1947 to 1957. Latter are estimates taking into ac count 1950 Census totals, whereas 1945 and 1946 were estimated as projections from 1940 Census totals. Series A 248-254. Population, by Household Relationship: 1910 to 1957 [In thousands. 1947, 1950, 1954, and 1957 based on sample figures from Current Population Survey. Total population, 1910 to 1940, and civilian population, 1947 to 1957. Civilian population includes members of the Armed Forces living off post or with their families on post] Date March 1957_____________________________________________ April 1954______________________________________________ March 1950 _ _ _ _ _ April 1947______________________________________________ April 1940______________________________________________ April 1930______________________________________________ April 1910______________________________________________ Living in households Total population Total 248 249 168,122 159,223 149,838 142,061 131,669 122,775 91,972 165,558 156,443 146,835 139,114 128,427 119,812 90,528 Head of household 250 49,543 46,893 43,554 39,107 34,949 29,905 20,256 Wife of head 251 37,711 35,875 34,075 30,612 26,571 23,649 16,250 Other relative of head 252 Nonrelative of head 253 75,335 70,412 65,064 64,774 61,411 60,721 49,517 2,969 3,263 4,142 4,621 5,496 5,537 4,505 Living in quasi households 254 2,564 2,780 3,003 2,947 3,242 2,963 1,444 Series A 255-263. Selected Characteristics of Households: 1790 to 1957 Race of head All households Year Number 255 1957 2___________________ 1950____________________ 1940 __ _ _ __ ________ 1930 5 1920____________________ 1910____________________ 1900 1890__ __ _ _ 1880_____________________ 1870_____________________ 1860 7___________________ 1850 7___________________ 1790_____________________ 49,543,000 42,857,335 34,948,666 29,904,663 24,351,676 20,255,555 15,963,965 12,690,152 9,945,916 7,579,363 5,210,934 3,598,240 557,889- Median size 1 256 3.02 3.05 3.28 3.40 4.23 4.48 5.43 Population per household 257 3.42 3.52 3.77 4.11 4.34 4.54 4.76 4.93 5.04 5.09 5.28 5.55 5.79 White Negro Other Male Female Median age of head 258 259 260 261 262 263 44,886,000 438,429,035 31,679,766 26,982,994 21,825,654 (3) 14,063,791 11,255,169 1 1790 and 1940-1957 relate to households only but include lodgers and other non relatives in addition to the head and his relatives; 1890 and 1900 include all persons whether related to the head or not, in both households and quasi-households; 1930 includes the household head and his relatives only. 2 Based on sample figures from Current Population Survey. 3 N ot available. 16 Sex of head (3) (3) 3,141,883 2,803,756 2,430,828 2,173,018 1,833,759 1,410,769 (3) (3) 127,017 117,913 95,194 (3) 66,415 24,214 40,903,000 4 35,862,900 29,679,718 26,111,761 8,640,000 46 ,388,515 5,268,948 3,792,902 46.9 445.9 46.06 6 44.45 14,022,546 10,857,249 1,941,419 1,832,903 42.99 42.55 4 Based on 20-percent sample of census returns. 6 Figures for race of head revised to include Mexicans as white. Mexicans were classified as nonwhite in the 1930 reports. 6 Based on white and Negro households for which marital status of head was reported. 7 Free population only. chapter B Vital Statistics and Health and Medical Care VITAL STATISTICS (Series B 1-179) B 1-179. General note. Vital statistics, including statistics of births, deaths, mar riages, and divorces, are compiled for the country as a whole by the National Office of Vital Statistics. Originally, the col lection of these data was the responsibility of the Bureau of the Census. In July 1946, this function was transferred to the Federal Security Agency, which in 1953, was reconstituted as the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The National Office of Vital Statistics is a part of the Public Health Service in that Department. The live-birth, death, and fetal-death statistics prepared by the National Office of Vital Statistics are based principally on copies of vital records received from registration offices of all States, of certain cities, and of the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The marriage and divorce statistics are based on reports from State registration offices that maintain central registers of marriage or divorce, from local officials, and from the Dis trict of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Figures shown here, however, are limited to events occurring within continental United States; Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands are excluded, as are births, deaths, marriages, and divorces of American nationals in other parts of the world. For States or areas for which numbers of marriages are not available, numbers of marriage licenses are used as the nearest approximations. The annual report, Vital Statistics of the United States, presents final figures for continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. A series of na tional summaries, Vital Statistics—Special Reports, is also issued each year, containing data on particular subjects. In formation regarding unpublished data is contained in each annual report under “Guide to Tabulations,” which is a com plete index to all tabulated statistics on .live births, deaths, and fetal deaths for the year. Although every State has adopted a law requiring the regis tration of births, deaths, and fetal deaths, these laws are not uniformly observed. One condition for admission to the na tional registration areas was a demonstrated registration com pleteness of at least 90 percent. On the basis of this cri terion, all of the States were admitted to both the birth- and death-registration areas by 1933. It is recognized, however, that the methods then used in testing completeness were subject to considerable error. Accurate measures of birth-registration completeness on a nationwide basis were obtained for the first time in 1940, when studies were made in connection with the population census of that year. They showed that, for the United States as a whole, birth registration was 92.5 percent complete. A corresponding study 10 years later indicated that registration had improved considerably, with 97.9 percent of the births in 1950 being recorded. Only in a few States was underregis tration shown to be still a problem. The results of this study have been published in considerable detail and provide a basis for adjusting registered birth data for underreporting and for making estimates of registration completeness in post censal years. Birth registration has continued to improve since 1930, and in 1956, 98.7 percent of the live births were registered. (See National Office of Vital Statistics, “BirthRegistration Completeness in the United States and Geo graphic Areas, 1950,” parts I, II, and III, Vital Statistics— Special Reports, vol. 39, Nos. 2 and 4, and vol. 45, No. 9.) Death registration is believed to be at least as complete as birth registration. However, quantitative information on the completeness with which deaths are reported is limited to that obtained years ago in applying the “90-percent” stand ard for entry into the death registration area and to informa tion obtained from occasional local area studies. While under registration for the country as a whole is negligible, local studies furnish evidence that in certain isolated places under reporting of deaths may still be a problem. Registration of fetal deaths is probably significantly incomplete in all areas. In 1956 and 1957, pilot tests of the registration complete ness of marriages and of divorces and annulments were under taken, and in two States, Tennessee and Michigan, Statewide tests of marriage-registration completeness were undertaken. The final results of these tests have not been published but preliminary results indicate that marriage-registration com pleteness in both States is well above 95 percent. Population statistics published or made available by the Bureau of the Census have been used in computing the vital rates shown here. Rates for 1940 and 1950 are in all cases based on the population enumerated in the censuses of those years which were taken as of April 1. With the exception of series B 10-18 and B 24-30, which are based on estimated population as of April 1 for 1941-1949, rates for all other years are based on the latest midyear (July 1) estimates of population made by the Bureau of the Census. Except for 1941-1946, vital rates are based on the population residing in continental United States. In those years, the transfer overseas of several million men precluded the com putation of birth and divorce rates strictly comparable with such rates for prewar years. For 1941-1946, the birth and di vorce rates are based on the population including the Armed Forces overseas. (For a discussion of the interpretation of rates during wartime, see “Summary of Natality and Mor tality Statistics, United States, 1943,” Vital Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 21, No. 1, and “Marriage and Divorce in the United States, 1937 to 1945,” Vital Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 23, No. 9.) Vital statistics showing color and race are compiled from entries which appear on certificates filed with vital registra tion offices. The classification white includes persons reported as Mexican and Puerto Rican. The Negro group includes per sons of mixed Negro and other ancestry. Other mixed parent age is classified according to the race of the nonwhite parent and mixtures of nonwhite races according to the race of the father. B 1-5. Growth of birth- and death-registration area, 19001933. Source: National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital Statistics of the United States, 1955, vol. I, p. xviii. For a description 17 VITAL STATISTICS AND HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE B 6-36 of the historical development of the vital statistics system in white group, it is possible to exclude the effect of the varying the United States, see Vital Statistics of the United States, fertility patterns of foreign-born and nonwhite women. 1950, vol. I, chap. 1. B 19-21. Birth rate, by color, 1800-1956. The first death statistics published by the Federal Govern Source: Series B 19, 1820-1900, Henry D. Sheldon, The ment were for 1850 and covered the entire United States. Older Population of the United States, John Wiley and Sons, These figures were based on the decennial census of that year. New York, 1958, p. 145. Series B 20, 1800-1900, Warren S. As an approximation of births in 1850, data on the population Thompson and P. K. Whelpton, Population Trends in the United under one year old as reported in the 1850 Census were used. States, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1933, p. 263. Series B 19-21, Although these reports were incomplete, similar data were 1910, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital Statistics— collected in each census up to and including the Census of 1900. Special Reports, vol. 33, No. 8, p. 141; 1920-1956, Vital Sta In 1880, the Bureau of the Census established a national tistics of the United States, 1956, vol. I, p. lxxvi. “registration area” for deaths. The original area consisted of B 22-24. Birth rate, women 15 to 44 years old, by color, only two States (Massachusetts and New Jersey), the District 1800-1956. of Columbia, and several large cities having efficient systems Source: Series B 22-23, 1800-1910, Warren S. Thompson for the registration of deaths. By 1900, eight other States had and P. K. Whelpton, Population Trends in the United States, been admitted. For 1880, 1890, and 1900, mortality data were McGraw-Hill, New York, 1933, p. 263; 1910-1939, unpublished received from the States and cities included in this expanding estimates prepared by National Office of Vital Statistics; area, but for other parts of the country death figures were still National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital Statistics compiled from the census. Since relatively reliable mortality 1940-1956, States, 1956, vol. I, p. lxxvii. Series B 24, statistics are available for Massachusetts over a longer period of the United Vital Statistics of the United States, 1956, vol. I, than for the Nation, several annual series for that State are p.1920-1956, lxxx. included here (see series B 76-91, B 113, and B 155-175). Rates computed by relating total births, regardless of The annual collection and publication of mortality statistics the age ofaremother, to the female population 15 to 44 years old. for the registration area began in 1900. In 1902, the Bureau of the Census was authorized to obtain, annually, copies of B 25-30. Birth rate, native white women, by age of mother, 1920-1955. records filed in the vital statistics offices of those States and cities having adequate death-registration systems. The deathSource: 1920-1939, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital registration area for 1900 consisted of 10 States, the District of Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 33, No. 8, p. 143; 1940-1955, Columbia, and a number of cities located in nonregistration unpublished estimates prepared by the National Office of Vital States. This original registration area included 40.5 percent Statistics. of the population of continental United States (26.2 percent, The age-specific rates shown here express the number of excluding the reporting cities in nonregistration States), but live births to native white women in a specified age group per it was predominantly urban and it had a high proportion of 1.000 native white women in that age group. white persons. Between 1900 and 1933, the death-registration B 31-36. Gross and net reproduction rates, by color, area was steadily expanded until, by 1933, all 48 States and the 1905-10 to 1956. District of Columbia were included. Source: 1905-10 to 1935-40, Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth As it was more difficult to obtain accurate and complete Census Reports, Differential Fertility, 191+0 and 1910—Stand registration of births than of deaths, the national birth-regis- ardized Fertility Rates Reproduction Rates; 1935, National tration area was not established until 1915, and no birth statis Office of Vital Statistics,andVital of the United States, tics were published by the Bureau of the Census for 1900-1914. 1950, vol. I, p. 87; 1940-1956, Statistics Vital Statistics of the United The original birth-registration area of 1915 consisted of 10 States, 1956, vol. I, p. lxxix. States and the District of Columbia. Beginning with 1933, reproduction rate represents the number of daugh the birth-registration area has included the 48 States and the tersThea gross hypothetical cohort of 1,000 women entering the child District of Columbia. bearing period would have during their lives, if they were B 6. Live births, 1909-1956. subject to the age-specific birth rates observed in a given time Source: 1909-1934, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital period, and if none of the cohort were to die before the child Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 33, No. 8; 1935-1956, Vital bearing period was completed. This rate is the sum of the age-specific birth rates of female infants per 1,000 women. It Statistics of the United States, 1956, vol. I, p. lxxvi. shows the maximum possible replacement of women that might B 7. Deaths, 1933-1956. be expected from the given set of age-specific birth rates. If Source: 1933-1956, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital no migration took place and if the gross reproduction rate re Statistics of the United States, 1956, vol. I, p. xcvi. mained below 1,000, no improvement in mortality alone could prevent the population from declining when a stable age dis B 8-9. Marriages and divorces, 1920-1956. tribution had been reached. Source: 1920-1956, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital The net reproduction rate is based on the specific fertility Statistics of the United States, 1956, vol. I, pp. xxii, lxxi. and mortality conditions existing in a given time period. If B 10-18. Birth rate, by live-birth order, for native white the age-specific birth and death rates of a certain year (or women, 1920-1956. years) were to continue until the population became stable, a Source: 1920-1956, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital net reproduction rate of 1,000 would mean that a cohort of Statistics of the United States, 1956, vol. I, p. lxxx. 1.000 newly born girls would bear just enough daughters to For estimates for 1920-1939, as prepared by P. K. Whelpton, replace themselves. see Vital Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 33, No. 8. Reproduction rates are useful in the analyses of fertility Figures contain estimates for cases not reporting order of and mortality conditions of a given period, but they are not birth, including those in Massachusetts where birth-order re indicators of future population growth. They do not take into porting is not required. By limiting these rates to the native account such factors as nuptiality, marital duration, and size 18 VITAL STATISTICS B 37-103 of family, and they assume the continuation of the age-specific B 76-91. Expectation of life at specified ages, by sex, 18501956. rates in a given year throughout the lifetime of a cohort of women. Since the United States has experienced major Source: See detailed listing below. changes in marriage and fertility rates over short periods of The expectation of life at a specified age is the average time, variations in reproduction rates should not be taken as number of years that members of a hypothetical cohort would indications of long-run movements in family formation and continue to live if they were subject throughout the remainder rates of fertility and mortality. of their lives to the mortality rates for specified age groups observed in a given time period. B 37-68. Number of children under 5 years old per 1,000 women 20 to 44 years old, by race and residence, by geo B 76-83. Expectation of life at specified ages, white popu lation (death-registration area), 1900-1956. graphic divisions, 1800-1950. Source: 1900-02 to 1929-31, Bureau of the Census, United Source: Series B 37-38, Bureau of the Census, Forecasts of the Population of the United States, 19^5-1975, p. 16. Series States Life Tables, 1900-1931, pp. 4-7, 20-23, 28-31, and 40B 39-68, 1800-1840 and 1910-1950, Wilson H. Grabill, Clyde V. 51; 1939-41 to 1956, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital Kiser, and Pascal K. Whelpton, The Fertility of American Statistics of the United States, 1956, vol. I, p. xciii. See also text for series B 92-100. Women, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1958; 1850-1900, Bureau of the Census, unpublished estimates. B 84-91. Expectation of life in Massachusetts, 1850 to Figures for series B 37-38 were adjusted for underreporting 1949-51. on the basis of factors obtained for 1925-1930. They have Source: 1850, 1878-82, 1893-97, Metropolitan Life Insurance also been standardized for age (except for white women for Company, Statistical Bulletin, vol. 9, No. 3, March 1928, pp. 1800-1820) using the 1930 age distribution of women to offset 7-8; 1855, Edgar Sydenstricker, Health and Environment, the effect of changes in the age distribution of the female McGraw-Hill, New York, 1933, p. 164; 1890, 1900-02, 1909-11, population. Therefore, the figures represent the fertility rates Bureau of the Census, United States Life Tables, 1890, 1901, of women having the same age distribution as those in 1930. 1910, and 1901-1910; 1919-20, Sydenstricker, op. cit., and Bu reau of the Census, United States Abridged Life Tables, 1919Rates for 1800-1860 are partly estimated. For definition of geographic divisions, see text for series 1920, pp. 24-27; 1929-31, National Resources Committee, Popu lation Statistics 2, State Data, p. 38; 1939-41 to 1949-51, A 95-122. Bureau of the Census and National Office of Vital Statistics, The urban-rural classification is the one used by the Bureau annual report, Vital Statistics of the United States, vol. I. of the Census in 1940. The urban population includes all per sons living in incorporated places of 2,500 inhabitants or more B 92-100. Expectation of life at birth, by color and sex (death-registration area), 1900-1956. and in other areas classified as urban under special rules re Source: 1900-1956, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital lating to population size and density. The remaining area of the country is classified as rural. See also text for series Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 48, No. 6, p. 154. A 34-50. Derivation of estimates is described in “Estimated Average Length of Life in the Death-Registration States,” Vital Statis B 69-75. Percent distribution of ever-married women (sur tics—Special Reports, vol. 33, No. 9. vivors of birth cohorts of 1835-39 to 1900-04), by The expectation of life at birth is the average number of number of children ever born, 1910, 1940, and 1950. years that members of a hypothetical cohort would live if they Source: Conrad and Irene B. Taeuber, The Changing Popu were subject throughout their lives to the age-specific mortality lation of the United States, 1790-1955, John Wiley and Sons, rates observed at the time of their birth. This is the most New York, 1957, pp. 255-256. usual measure of the comparative longevity of different popu These data are based on an analysis of the 1910, 1940, and lations. There is some objection to the use of the average 1950 Censuses. In each of these censuses, women who had duration of life as a standard of comparison because the ever married were asked about the number of children they method of calculating it gives great weight to the relatively had ever borne. When these women are classified according large number of deaths occurring in the first year of life. to age, it is possible to suggest the trend of fertility among This influence may be entirely eliminated by considering in women who had completed their childbearing at each census. stead the average lifetime remaining to those members of the On p. 255, the source presents the following caution regarding cohort surviving to age 1, or, in other words, the expectation the use of these data: of life at age 1. However, this objection is growing less valid There are many difficulties in the analysis and interpre as infant mortality decreases. tation of data on numbers of children ever born to married B 101-103. Fetal death ratio, by color, 1922-1956. women. The cumulative reproductive performance of the women can be related directly to age, marital status, ur Source: 1922-1956, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital ban or rural residence, migrant history, ethnic affiliation, Statistics of the United States, 1956, vol. I, p. lxxxviii. and social and economic characteristics. However, the Lack of uniformity in requirements for registration and vari characteristics of the women are those of the time of the census rather than of the time when marriage occurred ation in completeness of registration influence the comparabil or children were born. There may be selective factors in ity of the data over the years, especially in the series based on memory as age advances, or there may be pride in all reported fetal deaths. Considering the probable total effect achievement that leads to exaggeration. Marital status is of these factors, as well as that of incompleteness of the correlated with social and economic status and with ethnic affiliation, so relations between marital status and fertil registration area until 1933, it appears likely that the ratios ity may be derivative. Illegitimate births are under understate any decline in fetal mortality. Changes in the regu reported and erroneously reported in unknown propor lations have more often been in the direction of broadening tions. The possibility of selective associations between the base of fetal death reporting, than in the other direction. fertility, mortality, and migration become increasingly With respect to completeness of reporting, the situation has great as age advances. 19 VITAL STATISTICS AND HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE B 104-154 probably improved because of the increases in the number of that cases involving more than one cause of death be changed women receiving hospital and medical care at childbirth and to a single cause. also because of the general strengthening of the vital registra In the French edition of the International List (1900), cer tion system. tain principles for determining the single cause to be selected from the joint causes given were incorporated as a part of the B 104-106. Neonatal mortality rate, by color, 1915-1956. general classification scheme. As an outgrowth of practices in Source: 1915-1929, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital this country after 1902, definite relationships among the vari Statistics of the United States, 1950, vol. I, pp. 258-259; ous conditions represented by items in the International List 1930-1950, Vital Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 45, No. 1, pp. were put in concrete form in the Manual of Joint Causes of 8-10; 1951-1956, Vital Statistics of the United States, 1956, Death, first published in 1914, and revised to conform with vol. I, p. cxiv. successive revisions of the International List. This manual, The neonatal mortality rate represents the number of deaths which was developed for use in the United States, was followed of infants under 28 days (exclusive of fetal deaths) per 1,000 until 1949, when an international procedure for joint-cause se lection was adopted. The new international rules place the live births. responsibility on the medical practitioner to indicate the under B 107-109. Infant mortality rate, by color, 1915-1956. lying cause of death. This change, in conjunction with the Source: 1915-1950, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital Sixth Revision of the International List in 1948 and the Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 45, No. 1, p. 7; 1951-1956, Seventh Revision in 1955, has introduced rather serious breaks Vital Statistics of the United States, 1956, vol. I, p. cxiv. in statistical continuity. The infant mortality rate represents the number of deaths Time-trend studies of causes of death would be facilitated under 1 year (exclusive of fetal deaths) per 1,000 live births. if the International List were maintained without change over The rates have been computed by the conventional method in a long period of years. However, if the list were rigidly which the infant deaths occurring in a specified period are fixed it would be inconsistent with current medical knowledge related to the number of live births occurring during the same and terminology. To obtain the advantages of frequent re period. Rates computed in this way are influenced by changes vision, and yet to retain a fixed list for a number of years, in the number of births and will not be comparable if the birth revisions are made at an international conference every 10 rate is fluctuating widely. Deaths under 1 year of age years. In the process of revision, discontinuities are intro occurring during any calendar year are deaths not only of duced into the time trends of death rates for certain specific infants born during that year but also of infants born during causes of death (see National Office of Vital Statistics, “The parts of the previous year. An approximate correction of this Effect of the Sixth Revision of the International List of Dis error can be made by relating infant deaths during a specified eases and Causes of Death Upon Comparability of Mortality year to the year in which those infants were born. See Bureau Trends,” Vital Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 36, No. 10). of the Census, “Effect of Changing Birth Rates Upon Infant Improvement in diagnostic procedures and development of Mortality Rates,” Vital Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 19, medical knowledge and facilities are other important factors in No. 21. the study of changes in death rates for certain causes. B 110-112. Maternal mortality rate, by color, 1915-1956. B 129-135. Death rate, by color and sex (death-registration Source: 1915-1955, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital area), 1900-1956. Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 46, No. 17, p. 438; 1956, Vital Source: National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 48, No. 15, p. 412. Rates Statistics of1900-1956, the United States, 1956, vol. I, p. xcvi. prior to 1940, see also Bureau of the Census, Vital Statistics Rates in the United States, 1900-191+0, pp. 574-575, 622, and B 136-142. Age-adjusted death rate, by color and sex (death656-662. registration area), 1900-1956. The maternal mortality rate represents the number of deaths Source: 1900-1956, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital from deliveries and complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and Statistics of the United States, 1956, vol. I, p. xcvii. See also the puerperium per 10,000 live births. Vital Statistics Rates in the United States, 1900-191+0, p. 127, and Bureau of the Census, Vital Statistics—Special Reports, B 113. Infant mortality rate, for Massachusetts, 1851-1956. vol. 23, No. 1, p. 17. Source: 1851-1900, 77th Annual Report of Vital Statistics death rate is a convenient summary in of Massachusetts, p. 132; 1900-1956, Bureau of the Census and dexThethatage-adjusted “corrects” for in age composition. These National Office of Vital Statistics, annual report, Vital Statis rates were computed bydifferences taking the age-distribution of the tics of the United States, vol. I. population in 1940 as the “standard” without regard to sex, B 114-128. Death rate, for selected causes (death-registration color, or other characteristics. The age-specific death rates actually observed in a given year were applied to the age dis area), 1900-1956. tribution of this standard population and a total death rate Source: All data except series B 116, 1900-1950, National was computed. For a detailed description of the direct method Office of Vital Statistics, Vital Statistics of the United States, by which these rates were computed, see Vital Statistics Rates 1950, vol. I, p. 218; 1951-1956, Vital Statistics of the United in the United States, 1900-191+0, pp. 66-69. States, 1956, vol. I, p. c. Series B 116, 1900-1920,, Vital Sta tistics of the United States, 1950, vol. I, p. 218; 1921-1940, B 143-154. Death rate, by age and sex (death-registration Vital Statistics Rates in the United States, 1900-191+0, p. 266; area), 1900-1956. 1941-1956, National Office of Vital Statistics, unpublished data. Source: 1900-1939, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital Mortality data are classified according to the numbers and Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 10-12; 1940titles of the detailed International List of Causes of Death. 1954, Bureau of the Census and National Office of Vital Sta A large proportion of the death certificates filed annually in tistics, Vital Statistics of the United States, 1951+, vol. I, p. the United States report two or more diseases or conditions as xlix; 1955-1956, Vital Statistics of the United States, 1956, joint causes of death. General statistical practice requires vol. I, p. xcviii. 20 VITAL STATISTICS B 155-179 B 155-162. Death rate, by sex and by selected cause, for Marriage and Divorce Statistics: United States, 1887-1937,” Vital Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 9, No. 60; Bureau of the Massachusetts, 1860-1956. Source: 1860-1899, computed from U8th Annual Registration Census, “Estimated Number of Marriages by State: United Report for Massachusetts and 77th Annual Report on the Vital States, 1937-1940,” Vital Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 15, Statistics of Massachusetts; 1900-1956, Bureau of the Census No. 13; Bureau of the Census, “Estimated Number of Divorces and National Office of Vital Statistics, annual reports, Vital by State: United States, 1937-1940,” Vital Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 15, No. 18. For exact population base figures, Statistics of the United States. see Vital Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 46, No. 12, p. 330. B 163-175. Death rate, by age, for Massachusetts, 1865-1900. Marriage and divorce records are filed only at the county Source: U8th Annual Registration Report for Massachusetts, level in some States, but gradually the various States are re p. 321, and 77th Annual Report on the Vital Statistics of quiring by law that such events be recorded at the State level. Massachusetts, p. 126. The completeness of reporting to the State offices varies, but there has been no nationwide test. A marriage-registration B 176-179. Marriage and divorce rates, 1920-1956. area covering 30 States and 5 independent areas, established Source: 1920-1956, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital by the National Office of Vital Statistics, became effective in Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 53, 58. January 1957. A major criterion for admission of a State to For series B 176 and B 178, see also Vital Statistics of the the registration areas was agreement with the National Office United States, 1956, vol. I, p. lxxi. of Vital Statistics to conduct a test of marriage registration See also Commissioner of Labor, A Report on Marriage and completeness. A divorce- and annulment-registration area with Divorce in the United States, 1867 to 1886; Bureau of the 14 States and 3 independent areas was inaugurated in January Census, Marriage and Divorce, 1867-1906; Marriage and Di 1958. vorce, 1916; and Marriage and Divorce, annual reports, 1922The marriage and divorce rates shown in series B 177 and 1932; S. A. Stauffer and L. M. Spencer, “Recent Increases in B 179 are based on those segments of the female population Marriage and Divorce,” American Journal of Sociology, vol. 44, that may be considered as subject to possible marriage and No. 4 (for 1933-1936); Bureau of the Census, “A Review of divorce. 488910 0 - 6 0 - 3 21 B 1-18 VITAL STATISTICS AND HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE Series B 1-5. Growth of Birth- and Death-Registration Area: 1900 to 1933 Year Death-registration Birth-registration Conti area 1 area 1 nental United Midyear population States, Number Midyear population Number of of midyear Percent States Percent States Number of population Number of total total 1 1,000 125,579 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1,000 125,579 118,904 117,455 116,545 115,317 113,636 104,321 90,401 88,295 87,000 81,072 79,561 70,807 63,597 61,212 55,154 55,198 124,840 124,040 123,077 121,770 120,501 119,038 117,399 115,832 114,113 111,950 110,055 108,541 106,466 104,512 103,203 103,266 100.0 95.2 48 47 46 46 46 44 40 35 33 33 30 30 27 23 94.7 94.7 94.7 94.3 87.6 77.0 76.2 76.2 72.4 72.3 65.2 59.7 58.6 53.4 53.5 22 20 20 1,000 100.0 95.2 125,579 118,904 118,149 117,238 115,317 113,636 107,085 103,823 102,032 99,318 96,788 92,703 87,814 86,079 83,158 79,008 70,235 48 47 47 47 46 44 42 41 40 39 38 37 34 34 33 30 27 95.3 95.3 94.7 94.3 90.0 88.4 88.1 87.0 86.5 84.2 80.9 80.9 79.6 76.6 68.0 Birth-registration Death-registration Conti area 1 area 1 nental United Midyear population Number Midyear population Number States, of of midyear Number of total States Fter?total e? \ States population Number of Year 1,000 1,000 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 32,944 31,097 101,966 100,549 99,118 97,227 95,331 93,868 92,407 90,492 88,709 87,000 85,437 83,820 82,165 80,632 79,160 77,585 76,094 32.3 30.9 166,971 ,000 10 65.7 61.6 61.5 59.8 57.5 57.5 51.4 48.9 43.6 39.7 39.5 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.1 26.2 61,895 60,963 58,157 54,848 53,930 47,470 44,224 38,635 34,553 33,782 21,768 21,332 20,943 20,583 20,237 19,965 26 24 24 23 22 22 20 18 17 15 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 District of Columbia excluded from count of number of States but included in the population figures in series B 1-5. Series B 6-9. Live Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Divorces: 1909 to 1956 [In thousands. Birth, marriage, and divorce figures represent estimates of all such events; death figures, the number of registered events] Live births Year 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 34,218 4.104 3 4,078 33,965 33,913 33,823 3,632 3,649 3,637 3,817 3,411 2,858 2,939 3.104 2,989 2,703 1 Excludes fetal deaths. Deaths 1 Marriages Divorces2 1,564 1,529 1.481 1,518 1,497 1.482 1,452 1.444 1.444 1.445 1,396 1,402 1,411 1,460 1,385 1,398 1,585 1,531 1,490 1,546 1,539 1,595 1,667 1,580 1,811 1,992 2,291 1,613 1,452 1,577 1,772 1,696 382 377 379 390 392 381 385 397 408 483 610 485 400 359 321 293 2 Includes reported annulments. Live births Year 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 2,559 2,466 2,496 2,413 2,355 2,377 2,396 2,307 2,440 2,506 2,618 2,582 2,674 2,802 2,839 2,909 Deaths 1 Marriages 1,417 1,388 1,381 1,450 1,479 1,393 1,397 1,342 1,596 1,404 1,331 1,451 1,369 1,327 1,302 1,098 982 1,061 1,127 1,233 1,182 1,201 1,203 1,188 Live births Year 264 251 244 249 236 218 204 165 164 188 196 206 200 196 185 175 Marriages Divorces 2 1,185 1,230 1,134 1,164 1,274 2,979 2,910 2,882 3,055 2,950 2,740 2,948 2,944 2.964 2.965 2.966 2,869 2,840 2,809 2,777 2,718 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 171 165 149 160 171 3 Based on 50-percent sample. Series B 10-18. Birth Rate, by Live-Birth Order, for Native White Women: 1920 to 1956 [Based on estimated total live births per 1,000 native white female population 15 to 44 years old] Year Total 10 w s e 1. . . 1955____ 1954 i___ 1953 1._ . 1952 l___ 1951 1-_. 1950____ 1949____ 1948____ 1947____ 1946____ 1945____ 1944____ 1943____ 1942____ 1941___ 1940____ 1939____ 1938____ 116 114 114 111 110 108 103 105 106 114 103 85 89 95 92 83 78 76 78 Live-birth order 1st 11 2d 12 33 33 33 33 34 35 34 37 41 49 41 30 32 37 40 34 30 30 31 1 Based on 50-percent sample. 22 32 32 33 33 33 33 32 33 31 31 29 24 25 27 24 21 20 19 19 3d 13 23 23 23 22 21 20 18 17 16 16 15 13 14 14 12 11 11 10 10 4th 14 13 13 12 11 10 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5th 15 6th 16 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8th and over 18 7th 17 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Year 3 1937. 2 1936.__ 2 2 1935__ 2 1934 — 2 1933__ 1932 2 1931.__ 3 3 1930.__ 3 1929.__ 3 1 92 8 ... 1927. 3 1 92 6 ... 3 3 1 9 2 5 ... 3 1924._. 3 1923.__ 1922.__ 3 1921 3 1920__ 4 Total 10 75 74 75 76 74 79 82 86 86 90 95 96 100 104 103 104 112 109 Live-birth order 1st 11 29 28 28 26 24 26 27 29 28 29 30 30 31 32 31 32 36 35 2d 12 18 18 17 18 17 18 19 20 20 20 21 22 22 23 24 24 23 23 3d 13 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 15 15 16 16 4th 14 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 5th 15 6th 16 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 7 8th and over 18 7th 17 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 7 B 19-36 VITAL STATISTICS Series B 19-30. Birth Rate, by Color, and by Age of Mother: 1800 to 1956 [Based on estimated total live births per 1,000 population for specified group] Rate by color 1956 2_ 1955__________ 1954 2_________ 1953 2_________ 1952 2_________ 19512_________ 1950__________ 1949__________ 1948__________ 1947__________ 1946__________ 1945__________ 1944__________ 1943__________ 1942__________ 1941__________ 1940__________ 1939__________ 1938__________ 1937__________ 1936__________ 1935__________ 1934__________ 1933__________ 1932__________ 1931__________ 1930__________ 1920__________ 1910 _ 1900 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 __ __ 1810 1800 N onwhite 21 White 20 Total 19 Year 25.2 25.0 25.3 25.0 25.1 24.9 24.1 24.5 24.9 26.6 24.1 20.4 21.2 22.7 22.2 20.3 19.4 18.8 19.2 18.7 18.4 18.7 19.0 18.4 19.5 20; 2 21.3 27.7 30.1 32.3 24.0 23.8 24.1 24.0 24.1 23.9 23.0 23.6 24.0 26.1 23.6 19.7 20.5 22.1 21.5 19.5 18.6 18.0 18.4 17.9 17.6 17.9 18.1 17.6 18.7 19.5 20.6 26.9 29.2 30.1 31.5 35.2 38.3 41.4 43.3 48.3 51.4 52.8 54.3 55.0 39.8 44.3 51.8 55.2 f_ '£ 35.4 34.7 34.9 34.1 33.6 33.8 33.3 33.0 32.4 31.2 28.4 26.5 27.4 28.3 27.7 27.3 26.7 26.1 26.3 26.0 25.1 25.8 26.3 25.5 26.9 26.6 27.5 35.0 Women 15 to 44 years N ative White Total white 23 24 22 115.6 113.2 113.1 110.6 109.8 107.4 102.3 103.6 104.3 111.8 100.4 83.4 86.3 92.3 89.5 80.7 77.1 74.8 76.5 74.4 73.3 74.5 75.8 73.7 79.0 82.4 87.1 115.4 117 130 137 155 167 184 194 222 240 260 274 278 120.8 118.0 117.6 114.7 113.5 111.3 106.2 107.1 107.3 113.3 101.9 85.9 88.8 94.3 91.5 83.4 79.9 77.6 79.1 77.1 75.8 77.2 78.5 76.3 81.7 84.6 89.2 117.9 126.8 1 Computed by relating births to native white women 40 years old and over to the native white population 40 to 44 years old. 15 to 19 years 25 116 114 114 111 110 108 103 105 106 114 103 85 89 95 92 83 78 76 78 75 74 75 76 74 79 82 86 109 Rate by age of mother, native white 20 to 24 25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 39 years years years years 26 27 28 29 79 79 77 74 76 70 72 71 70 51 43 46 53 53 48 45 45 47 45 44 44 43 41 44 46 50 55 235 231 220 213 207 190 195 198 211 184 138 152 164 165 143 131 125 128 124 121 121 122 118 126 131 139 167 112 113 110 111 106 102 102 104 114 111 101 99 100 92 85 83 80 81 80 79 81 85 82 86 89 93 122 188 186 181 178 172 164 165 164 180 165 135 140 153 147 131 123 118 119 115 114 115 117 114 120 125 130 160 57 57 56 54 52 52 52 53 58 58 56 54 52 47 45 46 46 47 47 49 51 52 53 57 59 62 86 40 to 44 years 1 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 15 14 15 15 15 16 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 35 2 Based on 50-percent sample of births, Series B 31-36. Gross and Net Reproduction Rates, by Color: 1905-10 to 1956 [Based on estimated total live births] Year 1 9 5 6 _ _ _ 1955__ _____ . _ ___ ___ 1954 !_ 1953 1952 1 . . 1951 _ . _ _ _____ ___ 1950 1949 _ .... _ 1948 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1947 1946 _ ___ _ ___ _ Gross reproduction rate Non White white Total 32 33 31 1,793 1,741 1,723 1,665 1,635 1,591 1,505 1,515 1,514 1,593 1,430 1,719 1,671 1,657 1,603 1,577 1,532 1,446 1,461 1,468 1,568 1,406 2,333 2,251 2,212 2,114 2,059 2,025 1,940 1,906 1,846 1,766 1,600 N et reproduction rate Non Total White white 34 36 35 1,724 1,673 1,654 1,594 1,561 1,519 1,435 1,439 1,435 1,505 1,344 I 1,660 1,613 1,598 1,543 1,514 1,471 1,387 1,396 1,401 1,492 1,331 2,178 2,097 2,058 1,955 1,894 1,864 1,780 1,741 1,680 1,594 1,435 Year or period 1945_____________________ 1944_____________________ 1943_________ __ 1942__________________ _ 1941_____________________ 1940_______________ __ 1935_________________ _ 1935-40________________ 1930-35_________________ 1905-10______ _ Gross reproduction rate Non White white Total 32 31 33 N et reproduction rate N on White white Total 34 35 36 1,212 1,249 1,323 1,277 1,168 1,121 1,091 1,101 1,108 1,793 1,132 1,163 1,228 1,185 1,075 1,027 975 978 984 1,336 1,175 1,214 1,294 1,250 1,131 1,082 1,059 1,063 1,080 1,740 1,493 1,520 1,543 1,487 1,458 1,422 1,350 1,413 1,336 2,240 1,106 1,139 1,211 1,171 1,052 1,002 958 957 972 1,339 1,323 1,334 1,348 1,293 1,242 1,209 1,108 1,137 1,074 1,329 1 Based on 50-percent sample of births. 23 VITAL STATISTICS AND HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE B 37-91 Series B 37-68. Number of Children Under 5 Years Old Per 1,000 Women 20 to 44 Years Old, by Race and Residence, by Geographic Divisions: 1800 to 1950 [Adjusted data standardized for age of women, and allowance made for undercount of children in Censuses; see text. Definition of urban and rural based on 1940 Census of Population] Series N o. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Area 1950 1940 1930 1920 587 706 419 513 506 554 604 608 631 736 551 479 673 516 486 612 471 432 596 552 491 679 600 514 702 572 450 677 631 494 720 607 542 703 663 584 754 539 478 652 400 311 551 347 321 443 320 286 457 388 326 533 431 324 538 464 305 596 539 333 648 474 342 591 526 404 643 339 283 466 485 388 658 441 417 541 424 386 590 458 400 605 495 365 614 593 401 744 655 414 781 584 410 723 582 428 712 360 306 507 581 471 744 518 500 602 539 501 680 548 485 668 584 416 711 694 458 851 734 441 846 686 445 823 664 470 807 425 344 603 609 469 782 482 468 566 533 495 650 555 470 672 630 426 760 760 485 894 817 469 922 845 504 977 661 466 810 460 360 640 Adjusted number of children per 1,000 women: W hite______________ Negro______________ Unadjusted number of chil dren per 1,000 white women: United States-------------Urban______________ Rural_______________ New England-------------Urban---------------------Rural_______________ Middle A tlantic_______ Urban______________ Rural_______________ East North Central----Urban______________ Rural_______ _______ West North Central___ Urban______________ Rural_______________ South Atlantic________ Urban______________ Rural_______________ East South Central____ Urban______________ Rural_______________ West South Central___ Urban______________ Rural_______________ M ountain_____________ Urban______________ Rural_______________ Pacific________________ Urban______________ Rural_______________ 1900 666 845 478 685 930 780 1,090 814 997 667 754 792 440 498 544 905 1,072 653 710 777 779 892 1,087 1,085 1,145 1,295 1,358 1,342 1,134 708 1,189 812 614 851 1,036 722 1,100 1,467 910 1,484 1,678 1,181 1,703 1,174 767 1,209 1,519 863 1,529 1,359 877 1,463 1,236 831 1,276 930 764 952 1,183 842 1,235 1,608 1,059 1,616 1,685 1,685 1,280 881 1,310 1,631 1,089 1,635 1,418 866 1,522 1,290 900 1,329 1,052 845 1,079 1,289 924 1,344 1,702 1,256 1,706 1,810 1,810 1,325 936 1.347 1.700 1.348 1.701 1,383 727 1,557 1,281 845 1 ,Si.9 1,098 827 1,126 1,279 852 1,339 1,840 1^840 622 767 763 757 869 905 990 1,105 1,114 851 811 918 937 1,022 926 '834 1840 877 624 599 1850 1,099 925 968 1,043 935 1,084 1,046 720 757 872 967 1,051 886 _5i2 587 ~775' 888 1^026 ”§6I' 1830 1,070 701 1,134 752 592 800 940 711 1,006 1,270 841 1,291 1,445 705 1,481 1,140 770 1,185 1,408 859 1,424 1,297 846 1,495 1,345 861 1,365 1,799 1^799 Series B 69-75. Percent Distribution of Ever-Married Women (Survivors of Birth Cohorts of 1835-39 to 1900-04), by Number of Children Ever Born: 1910, 1940, and 1950 Year of birth of women 1900-04_________ 1895-99_________ 1890-94_________ 1885-89_________ 1880-84_________ 1875-79_________ 1870-74_________ Chil Percent of women, by number of births dren Age of per Census women 10 or 1,000 year (years) None 1 and 2 3 and 4 5 and 6 7 to 9 more women 74 69 70 71 72 73 75 1950 45-49 1950 50-54 1940 45-49 1940 50-54 1940 55-59 1940 60-64 1940 65-69 20.4 18.6 16.8 16.6 16.7 15.0 13.9 41.5 39.0 35.3 33.1 30.7 30.5 28.4 22.4 23.9 25.0 25.1 24.7 25.2 25.1 8.4 10.0 12.2 13.1 14.1 14.4 15.2 5.0 5.8 7.7 8.6 9.6 10.3 11.6 2 .2 2 .6 3 .1 3 .6 4.2 4.7 5.8 2,492 2,706 2,998 3,146 3,301 3,462 3,700 Percent of women, by Chil number of births dren Age of per Year of birth Census women 10 or 1,000 of women year (years) None 1 and 2 3 and 4 5 and 6 7 to 9 more women 74 75 69 70 71 72 73 1865-69_______ 1860-64_______ 1855-59_______ 1850-54_______ 1845-49_______ 1840-44_______ 1835-39_______ 1940 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 70-74 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 12.3 9 .5 8.9 8.3 8.2 7.9 7.7 2 6.6 2 2.4 20.6 18.8 18.5 17.9 17.3 26.1 22.0 21.3 20.8 20.3 20.1 20.0 16.0 17.3 17.9 17.8 18.3 18.1 18.7 12.5 17.6 19.0 20.4 20.8 21.6 21.6 6.4 11.2 12.3 13.9 14.0 14.3 14.7 3,901 4,744 4,972 5,218 5,266 5,364 5,395 Series B 76-91. Expectation of Life at Specified Ages, by Sex: 1850 to 1956 [In years] Year or period Death-registration area 1 (white population) Age 60 Age 20 Age 40 At birth Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Femal 82 83 79 80 81 77 78 76 1956. _ - _____ 67.3 1955___ _______ 67.3 1949-51__________ 66.31 1939-41__________ 62.81 1929-31__________ 59.12 1919-21 _ __ 56.34 1919-20 __________ 50.23 49.32 1901-10 1900-02__________ 48.23 1893-97 1890 1878-82 1855 1850_ 73.7 73.6 72.03 67.29 62.67 58.53 50.1 50.1 49.52 47.76 46.02 45.60 55.9 55.8 54.56 51.38 48.52 46.46 31.6 31.7 31.17 30.03 29.22 29.86 36.7 36.7 35.64 33.25 31.52 30.94 15.9 16.0 15.76 15.05 14.72 15.25 19.3 19.3 18.64 17.00 16.05 15.93 53.62 52.54 51.08 42.71 42.39 42.19 44.88 44.39 43.77 27.43 27.55 27.74 29.26 1909-1113.98 29.28 14.17 29.17 14.35 14.92 15.09 15.23 1 Data for 1929-31 to 1956 are for continental United States; those for 1919-21, for death-registration States of 1920; those for earlier years, for death-registration States of 1900. 24 At birth Male Female 85 84 M assachusetts2 Age 20 Age 40 Male Female Male Female 86 88 87 89 Age 60 Male Female 90 91 66.. 71 63.25 59.29 72.09 67.62 62.63 49.33 47.41 46.14 54.19 50.95 48.50 30.67 29.30 28.96 35.15 32.55 31.23 15.35 14.45 14.34 18.28 16.42 15.79 54.07 49.33 46.07 44.09 42.50 41.74 38.7 38.3 56.56 53.06 49.42 46.61 44.46 43.50 40.9 40.5 44.6 42.48 41.82 41.20 40.66 42.17 39.8 40.1 45.5 44.85 43.71 42.79 42.03 42.78 39.9 40.2 28.8 26.97 27.17 27.41 27.37 28.86 27.0 27.9 30.0 29.04 28.79 29.00 28.76 30.29 28.8 29.8 14.4 13.42 13.90 14.38 14.73 15.60 14.4 15.6 15.4 14.79 15.06 15.74 15.70 16.91 15.6 17.0 2 Data for 1919-20 and 1929-31 are for white population only, VITAL STATISTICS B 92-112 Series B 92-100. Expectation of Life at Birth, by Color and Sex: 1900 to 1956 Total Year Both sexes 92 Male Female 94 93 Both sexes 95 1956 — 1955__ 1954 — 1953___ 1952__ 1951__ 1950__ 1949__ 1948__ 1947__ 1946___ 1945__ 1944__ 1943__ 19421941__ 1940__ 1939__ 1938__ 1937 — 1936 — 1935__ 1934__ 1933__ 1932.__ 1931__ 1930 — 1929__ 1928___ 69.6 69.5 69.6 68.8 68.6 68.4 68.2 68.0 67.2 66.8 66.7 65.9 65.2 63.3 66.2 64.8 62.9 63.7 63.5 60.0 58.5 61.7 61.1 63.3 62.1 61.1 59.7 57.1 56.8 66.7 66.7 66.8 66.1 65.9 65.8 65.7 65.4 64.7 64.4 64.4 63.6 63.6 62.4 64.7 63.1 60.8 62.1 61.9 58.0 56.6 59.9 59.3 61.7 61.0 59.4 58.1 55.8 55.6 73.0 72.9 72.9 72.1 71.8 71.5 71.3 71.0 70.2 69.7 69.4 67.9 66.8 64.4 67.9 66.8 65.2 65.4 65.3 62.4 60.6 63.9 63.3 65.1 63.5 63.1 61.6 58.7 58.3 70.2 70.2 70.3 69.6 69.4 69.2 69.1 68.8 68.0 67.6 67.5 66.8 66.2 64.2 67.3 66.2 64.2 64.9 65.0 61.4 59.8 62.9 62.4 64.3 63.2 62.6 61.4 58.6 58.4 [Prior to 1933 for death-registration area only. See series B 4 and B 5] Non white Total White Both Both Male Female sexes Male Female Year sexes Male Female Both sexes 97 99 92 93 94 95 96 98 100 67.3 67.3 67.4 66.8 66.6 66.5 66.5 66.2 65.5 65.2 65.1 64.4 64.5 63.2 65.9 64.4 62.1 63.3 63.2 59.3 58.0 61.0 60.5 62.7 62.0 60.8 59.7 57.2 57.0 73.7 73.6 73.6 72.9 72.7 72.4 72.2 71.9 71.0 70.5 70.3 69.5 68.4 65.7 69.4 68.5 66.6 66.6 66.8 63.8 61.9 65.0 64.6 66.3 64.5 64.7 63.5 60.3 60.0 63.2 63.2 63.1 61.7 61.1 61.0 60.8 60.6 60.0 59.7 59.1 57.7 56.6 55.6 56.6 53.8 53.1 54.5 52.9 50.3 49.0 53.1 51.8 54.7 53.7 50.4 48.1 46.7 46.3 61.1 61.2 61.0 59.7 59.1 59.1 59.1 58.9 58.1 57.9 57.5 56.1 55.8 55.4 55.4 52.5 51.5 53.2 51.7 48.3 47.0 51.3 50.2 53.5 52.8 49.5 47.3 45.7 45.6 65.9 65.9 65.8 64.4 63.7 63.3 62.9 62.7 62.5 61.9 61.0 59.6 57.7 56.1 58.2 55.3 54.9 56.0 54.3 52.5 51.4 55.2 53.7 56.0 54.6 51.5 49.2 47.8 47.0 1927__ 1926_ _ 1925_ _ 1924_ _ 1923__ 1922__ 1921_ _ 1920__ 1919_ _ 1918-_ 1917_ _ 1916.. 1915-_ 1914-_ 1913_ 1912-_ 1911-_ 1910_ _ 1909_ _ 1908_ _ 1907_ _ 1906__ 1905-_ 1904_ _ 1903__ 1902_. 1901_ _ 1900__ 60.4 56.7 59.0 59.7 57.2 59.6 60.8 54.1 54.7 39.1 50.9 51.7 54.5 54.2 52.5 53.5 52.6 50.0 52.1 51.1 47.6 48.7 48.7 47.6 50.5 51.5 49.1 47.3 59.0 55.5 57.6 58.1 56.1 58.4 60.0 53.6 53.5 36.6 48.4 49.6 52.5 52.0 50.3 51.5 50.9 48.4 50.5 49.5 45.6 46.9 47.3 46.2 49.1 49.8 47.6 46.3 62.1 58.0 60.6 61.5 58.5 61.0 61.8 54.6 56.0 42.2 54.0 54.3 56.8 56.8 55.0 55.9 54.4 51.8 53.8 52.8 49.9 50.8 50.2 49.1 52.0 53.4 50.6 48.3 62.0 58.2 60.7 61.4 58.3 60.4 61.8 54.9 55.8 39.8 52.0 52.5 55.1 54.9 53.0 53.9 53.0 50.3 52.5 51.5 48.1 49.3 49.1 48.0 50.9 51.9 49.4 47.6 W hite Non white Both Male Female sexes 96 98 97 Male Female 99 100 60.5 57.0 59.3 59.8 57.1 59.1 60.8 54.4 54.5 37.1 49.3 50.2 53.1 52.7 50.8 51.9 51.3 48.6 50.9 49.9 46.0 47.3 47.6 46.6 49.5 50.2 48.0 46.6 47.6 43.7 44.9 45.5 47.7 51.8 51.6 45.5 44.5 29.9 37.0 39.6 37.5 37.1 36.7 35.9 34.6 33.8 34.2 33.8 31.1 31.8 29.6 29.1 31.7 32.9 32.2 32.5 63.9 59.6 62.4 63.4 59.6 61.9 62.9 55.6 57.4 43.2 55.3 55.2 57.5 57.5 55.7 56.2 54.9 52.0 54.2 53.3 50.4 51.4 50.6 49.5 52.5 53.8 51.0 48.7 48.2 44.6 45.7 46.6 48.3 52.4 51.5 45.3 44.5 31.1 38.8 41.3 38.9 38.9 38.4 37.9 36.4 35.6 35.7 34.9 32.5 32.9 31.3 30.8 33.1 34.6 33.7 33.0 48.9 45.6 46.7 47.8 48.9 53.0 51.3 45.2 44.4 32.5 40.8 43.1 40.5 40.8 40.3 40.0 38.2 37.5 37.3 36.0 34.0 33.9 33.1 32.7 34.6 36.4 35.3 33.5 Series B 101-112. Fetal Death Ratio; Neonatal, Infant, and Maternal Mortality Rates, by Color: 1915 to 1956 [Prior to 1933 for registration area only. See series B 2-5] Fetal death ratio Neonatal mortality rate Infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births per 1,000 live births 1 per 1,000 live births White Non white Total White Non white Total Total White Nonwhite Maternal mortality rate per 10,000 live births Total White Nonwhite 106 27.2 18.9 17.5 16.5 14.6 26.0 27.0 23.2 42.1 1956. 19.1 17.7 28.4 17.1 15.2 27.2 26.4 23.6 42.8 195519.1 17.8 28.9 17.5 15.5 27.0 26.6 42.9 23.9 195419.6 29.6 18.3 17.8 15.9 27.4 27.8 25.0 44.7 1953. 19.8 16.1 32.2 18.5 28.4 18.3 28.0 47.0 25.5 1952_ 32.1 20.0 28.4 18.9 18.8 16.7 27.3 44.8 25.8 195132.5 20.5 19.4 17.1 29.2 19.2 27.5 44 26.8 195034.6 21.4 20.3 19.8 17.5 28.6 31.3 47, 28.9 194922.2 21.2 20.6 36.5 29.1 32.0 18.3 46 194829.9 39.6 22.8 21.1 18.7 21.7 32.2 48 1947. 31.0 30.1 24.0 23.1 22.8 40.9 20.4 33.8 31.5 49 194631.8 21 42.0 24.3 23.3 1945. 23.9 32.0 38.3 35.6 57.0 24.7 23.6 24 45.4 39.8 194427.0 32.5 36.9 60.3 24.7 23.7 26.7 46.2 40.4 24 32.9 62.5 37.5 194325.7 24.5 28.2 25 49.3 34.6 40.4 1942 64.6 37.3 27.7 26. 54.0 26.1 29.9 39.0 45.3 194174.8 41.2 27.2 56.7 28.8 1940 31.3 39.7 47.0 27.7 73.8 43.2 59.0 29.3 27.8 32.0 39.6 48.0 28.2 74.2 44.3 193961.1 29.6 32.1 28.1 28.3 39.1 51.0 1938_. 79.1 47.1 31.3 33.4 63.2 29.7 42.1 54.4 29.2 83.2 193750.3 32.6 31.0 43.9 87.6 34.4 66.9 57.1 1936-. 29.8 52.9 35.8 68.7 32.4 31.0 31.1 42.7 55.7 83.2 51.9 1935-. 34.1 36.2 31.4 70.1 232.3 60.1 2 54.5 294.4 1934.. 2 45.3 71.1 232.1 34.0 37.0 32.2 58.1 1933 245.8 2 52.8 291.3 74.4 33.5 232.0 193237.8 32.7 57.6 286.2 243.7 2 53.3 38.2 74.1 34.6 33.2 193161.6 93.1 33.4 45.2 57.4 39.2 79.9 34.2 35.7 99.9 193034.0 47.4 64.6 60.1 36 1929. 39.5 79.7 35.6 34.4 67.6 63.2 102.2 47.3 40.2 81.5 37 35.7 1928_. 35.0 68.7 64.0 106.2 48.8 36 35.0 192738.8 34.8 74.8 46.1 60.6 100.1 64.6 38.1 73.0 37.1 37 192635.1 73.3 70.0 111.8 48.0 38.1 73.1 37.8 36.8 192535.1 49.5 110.8 71.7 68.3 76.2 37.4 39.3 38.6 192435.8 51.2 66.8 112.9 70.8 38.9 71.8 38.6 39.5 192335.9 49.9 77.1 73.5 117.4 73.4 38.8 39.7 39.4 36.4 192249.9 76.2 73.2 110.0 38.7 39.7 192150.3 75.6 72.5 108.5 41.5 40.4 82.1 192055.0 85.8 131.7 41.5 40.3 191955.2 83.0 86.6 130.5 44.2 43.3 1918_ 161.2 60.5 97.4 100.9 43.4 42.6 1917_ 58.0 150.7 93.8 90.5 44.1 43.5 1916. 184.9 68.9 101.0 99.0 44.4 181.2 1915. 98.6 99.9 1 For 1945-1956 includes only deaths for which the period of gestation was given less of gestation. In 1945 ratios based on all fetal as 20 weeks or more or not stated. For earlier years, includes all fetal deaths, regard were: Total, 26.6; white, 24.1; nonwhite, 44.6. 2 Mexicans included with “nonwhite.” 4.1 4.7 5.2 6.1 6.8 7.5 2.9 3.3 3 .7 4.4 4.9 5.5 11.1 13.0 14.4 16.6 18.8 20.1 22.2 9.0 6. 8 23.5 11.7 8.9 30.1 13.5 10.9 33.5 15.7 13.1 35.9 20.7 17.2 45.5 22.8 18.9 50.6 21.1 24.5 51.0 25.9 22.2 54.4 31.7 26.6 67.8 37.6 77.3 32.0 76.2 40.4 35.3 84.9 43.5 37.7 48.9 85.8 43.6 97.2 51.2 56.8 94.6 58.2 53.1 2 89.7 59.3 2 54.4 2 96.7 61.9 2 56.4 297.6 2 58.1 63.3 111.4 66.1 60.1 117.4 60.9 67.3 119.9 63.1 69.5 121.0 69.2 62.7 113.3 64.7 59.4 65.6 61.9 107.1 116.2 64.7 60.3 117.9 65.6 60.7 109.5 66.5 62.6 106.8 66.4 62.8 107.7 68.2 64.4 128.1 79.9 76.0 124.4 73.7 69.6 91.6 88.9 139.3 66.2 63.2 117.7 62.2 60.8 117.9 60.8 60.1 105.6 deaths, regardless of gestation, 25 B 113-128 VITAL STATISTICS AND HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE Series B 113. Infant Mortality Rate, for Massachusetts: 1851 to 1956 [Deaths under 1 year per 1,000 live births. Excludes fetal deaths. Data for 1940 to 1956 are by place of residence; for earlier years, by place of occurrence] Rate 113 Year or period 1956__________________________ 1955__________________________ 1950-54 1945-49 1940-44_______________________ 1935-39_______________________ Rate 113 Period 22.4 21.9 22.8 28.4 34.3 43.2 1930-34______________________ 1925-29______________________ 1920-24 ____________________ 1915-19 _ ___ ___ _________ 1910-14______________________ 1905-09______________________ 53.9 67.6 78.7 100.2 116.7 134.3 Rate 113 Period 1900-04_______________________ 1895-99_______________________ 1890-94_______________________ 1885-89_______________________ 1880-84_______________________ 1875-79_______________________ 141.4 153.2 163.2 158.5 161.3 156.3 Rate 113 Period 1870-74_______________________ 1865-69_______________________ 1860-64_______________________ 1855-59_______________________ 1851-54_______________________ 170.3 146.3 142.5 122.9 131.1 Series B 114-128. Death Rate, for Selected Causes: 1900 to 1956 [Number of deaths, excluding fetal deaths, per 100,000 population. Prior to 1933 for death-registration area only. See series B 4 and B 5] Year Tuber Syphilis Typhoid para culosis, and its and all forms sequelea 1 typhoid fever Diph theria Whooping Measles cough 118 1956_______ 1955_______ 1954_______ 1953_______ 1952_______ 1951_______ 1950_______ 1949_______ 1948_______ 1947_______ 1946_______ 1945_______ 1944_______ 1943_______ 1942_______ 1941_______ 1940_______ 1939_______ 1938_______ 1937_______ 1936_______ 1935_______ 1934_______ 1933_______ 1932_______ 1931_______ 1930_______ 1929_______ 1928_______ 1927_______ 1926_______ 1925_______ 1924_______ 1923____ 1922____ 1921____ 1920____ 1919____ 1918____ 1917____ 1916____ 1915____ 1914____ 1913____ 1912____ 1911____ 1910____ 1909____ 1908____ 1907____ 1906____ 1905____ 1904____ 1903____ 1902____ 1901____ 1900____ 8.4 9 .1 10.2 12.3 15.8 20.1 22.5 26.3 30.0 33.5 36.4 39.9 41.2 42.5 43.1 44.5 45.9 47.1 49.1 53.8 55.9 55.1 56.7 59.6 62.5 67.8 71.1 75.3 78.3 79.6 85.5 84.8 87.9 91.7 95.3 97.6 113.1 125.6 149.8 143.5 138.4 140.1 141.7 143.5 145.4 155.1 153.8 156.3 162.1 174.2 175.8 179.9 188.1 177.2 174.2 189.9 194.4 5.0 5.8 8.0 10.6 11.2 12.1 12.2 13.3 14.4 15.0 15.9 16.1 16.2 15.4 15.9 15.1 15.4 15.4 15.7 15.6 16.4 16.4 17.1 17.3 17.8 17.9 18.0 17.5 16.5 16.2 18.7 19.1 18.6 17.7 16.7 16.2 15.1 15.3 13.5 12.9 12.4 12.4 14.1 13.8 13.9 13.2 12.9 12.5 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0 .4 0 .4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.1 2 .5 2.8 3 .4 3 .6 3 .7 4 .5 4.8 4 .2 4 .9 5.3 6.4 7.8 6.6 6.7 7 .4 7.6 9.2 12.3 13.3 13.2 11.8 14.7 17.5 16.1 20.1 22.5 23.4 28.2 30.9 22.4 23.9 24.6 26.4 27.6 31.3 20.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 .4 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.5 2.0 2.0 2 .4 0.9 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0 .6 0 .7 0 .5 0.8 1.4 0.9 1.3 1.4 2 .5 1.9 2 .8 2.2 2.3 3 .7 3.9 2 .1 3 .7 5.9 3 .6 4 .5 3 .9 4.8 6.2 5 .4 6.8 0.3 0.6 0 .6 0.3 0.9 0.2 1.4 1.0 1.0 1.7 0 .5 0.9 2 .5 1.2 1.0 3.1 5.5 2.2 1.6 3 .0 3.2 2 .5 5.2 4.1 8.3 2.3 8.2 10.7 4.3 4.2 3 .1 3 .3 3 .9 4.4 4 .8 4.9 6.5 7.2 7.7 7.4 7.8 9.3 12.0 14.6 17.7 15.3 14.9 14.0 15.6 13.9 15.2 17.2 18.1 17.6 18.4 6 .7 8.1 9 .6 5.5 9.1 12.5 5.6 17.0 10.5 10.5 8.2 10.2 10.1 9.2 11.0 21.1 11.6 3 .9 10.8 14.1 11.4 5.2 6.8 12.8 7.2 9.9 12.4 12.2 9.6 12.9 7.4 11.3 8.8 9.3 7 .4 13.3 19.9 21.9 24.2 26.3 23.5 29.3 31.1 29.8 33.5 40.3 10.0 10.7 11.3 16.1 8.9 5.8 14.3 12.4 8.7 10.0 10.6 Gastritis, Major duo Malig cardio- Influenza denitis, Motor All other nant Diabetes vascularCirrhosis vehicle and pneu neo mellitus renal of liver accidents1 accidents 6 Suicide enteritis, monia 3 plasms 2 and diseases colitis 4 124 147.9 146.5 145.6 144.7 143.3 140.5 139.8 138.8 134.9 132.3 130.0 134.0 128.8 124.3 122.0 120.1 120.3 117.5 114.9 112.4 111.4 108.2 106.4 102.3 102.3 99.0 97.4 95.8 95.7 95.2 94.6 92.0 90.4 88.4 86.2 85.5 83.4 81.0 80.8 80.8 81.0 80.7 78.7 78.5 77.0 74.2 76.2 74.0 71.5 71.4 69.3 73.4 71.5 70.0 66.3 66.4 64.0 1 Excludes aneurysm of the aorta for 1900-1920. 2 Includes neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues. 3 Excludes pneumonia of newborn for all years, and capillary bronchitis for 1900-1920. 4 Excludes diarrhea of newborn for all years: includes ulcer of duodenum for 19001920. 26 15.7 15.5 15.6 16.3 16.4 16.3 16.2 16.9 26.4 26.2 24.8 26.5 26.3 27.1 25.4 25.4 26.6 25.5 23.9 23.7 23.7 22.3 22.2 21.4 22.0 20.4 19.1 18.8 19.0 17.4 17.9 16.8 16.4 17.7 18.3 16.7 16.1 15.0 16.1 16.9 16.9 17.6 16.2 15.4 15.1 15.1 15.3 14.1 13.8 14.2 13.4 11.0 510.7 506.0 495.1 514.6 511.6 513.0 510.8 502.1 488.0 491.0 476.8 508.2 500.5 510.8 479.5 475.3 485.7 466.3 456.8 454.6 461.1 431.2 430.0 413.6 418.2 407.1 414.4 418.9 419.1 398.3 410.6 391.5 383.4 380.8 366.6 351.2 364.9 348.6 387.0 396.4 389.4 383.5 374.5 370.6 375.7 366.5 371.9 362.0 356.7 389.8 364.3 384.0 388.8 364.4 349.8 347.7 345.2 28.2 27.1 25.4 33.0 29.7 31.4 31.3 30.0 38.7 43.1 44.5 51.6 61.6 67.1 55.7 63.8 70.3 75.7 80.4 114.9 119.6 104.2 96.9 95.7 107.3 107.5 102.5 146.5 142.5 102.2 141.7 121.7 115.2 151.7 132.3 98.7 207.3 223.0 588.5 164.5 163.3 145.9 132.4 140.8 138.4 145.4 155.9 148.1 150.9 180.0 156.3 169.3 192.1 169.3 161.3 197.2 202.2 4 .5 4 .7 4.9 5.4 5.6 5.2 5.1 6.7 6.0 5.6 5.8 8.7 9.9 9.6 8.8 10.5 10.3 11.6 14.3 14.7 16.4 14.1 18.4 17.3 16.1 20.5 26.0 23.3 26.4 27.1 32.9 38.6 33.7 39.1 38.9 50.7 53.7 55.2 72.2 75.2 75.5 67.5 75.1 86.7 79.6 86.8 115.4 101.8 112.5 115.0 123.6 118.4 111.5 100.3 104.9 118.5 142.7 10.7 10.2 10.1 10.4 10.2 9.2 9.2 11.3 10.4 9 .6 9 .5 8.6 9.3 9 .4 8.9 8.6 8.3 8.3 8.5 7.9 7,7 7 .4 7.2 7.4 7.2 7.2 7.5 7.4 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.1 7.4 7.3 7.1 7.9 9.6 10.9 11.8 12.1 12.5 12.9 13.1 13.6 13.3 13.4 13.5 14.8 14.1 14.0 13.9 13.5 13.0 13.1 12.5 23.7 23.4 22.1 24.0 24.3 24.1 23.1 21.3 22.1 22.8 23.9 21.2 18.3 17.7 21.1 30.0 26.2 24.7 25.1 30.8 29.7 28.6 28.6 25.0 23.6 27.1 26.7 25.5 23.2 21.6 19.9 16.8 15.3 14.6 12.4 11.3 10.3 9.3 7.1 5.8 4.2 3 .8 2 .8 2 .1 1.8 1.2 0 .8 0.7 0.4 33.0 33.5 33.8 36.1 37.5 38.4 37.5 39.3 44.8 46.4 45.9 50.9 53.0 55.7 50.1 45.9 47.0 45.6 46.7 50.4 55.7 49.3 50.8 46.9 47.2 50.7 53.1 54.2 54.9 55.5 57.3 59.7 58.5 59.7 55.9 55.5 59.7 61.8 72.2 77.4 74.5 67.7 72.5 79.9 78.0 81.5 82.4 77.5 82.1 94.1 94.0 81.3 85.4 81.4 72.5 83.8 72.3 10.0 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.0 10.4 11.4 11.4 11.2 11.5 11.5 11.2 10.0 10.2 12.0 12.8 14.4 14.1 15.3 15.0 14.3 14.3 14.9 15.9 17.4 16.8 15.6 13.9 13.5 13.2 12.6 12.0 11.9 11.5 11.7 12.4 10.2 11.5 12.3 13.0 13.7 16.2 16.1 15.4 15.6 16.0 15.3 16.0 16.8 14.5 12.8 13.5 11.3 10.3 10.4 12.2 10.2 5 Excludes automobile collisions with trains and streetcars, and motorcycle accidents for 1906-1925. 6 Includes legal executions for 1900-1921, food poisoning for 1900-1908, and motor vehicle accidents for 1900-1905. VITAL STATISTICS B 129-142 Series B 129-142. Death Rate, by Color and Sex: 1900 to 1956 [Number of deaths, excluding fetal deaths, per 1,000 population. Prior to 1933 for death-registration area only. See series B 4 and B 5] Death rate Total 129 1956. 1955. 1954. 1953. 1952. 1951. 1950. 1949. 1948. 1947. 1946. 1945. 1944. 1943. 1942. 1941. 1940. 1939. 1938. 1937. 1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. 1932. 1931. 1930. 1929. 1928. 1927. 1926. 1925. 1924. 1923. 1922. 1921. 1920. 1919. 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 94 9 3 9 2 9 6 9 6 9 7 9 6 9 7 9 9 10 1 10 0 10 6 10 6 10 9 10 3 10 5 10 8 10 6 10 6 11 .3 11 .6 10 .9 11 .1 10 .7 10 .9 11 .1 11 .3 11 .9 12 .0 11 .3 12 .1 11 .7 11 .6 12 1 11..7 11 .5 13 .0 12 .9 18 .1 14 .0 13 .8 13. 2 13 .3 13 .8 13 .6 13 .9 14 .7 14 .2 14 .7 15 .9 15 .7 15 .9 16 .4 15 .6 15 .5 16 .4 17 .2 Nonwhite White Both sexes 130 9 3 92 9 1 9 4 9 4 9 5 9 5 9 5 9 7 9 9 9 8 10 4 10 4 10 7 10 1 10 2 10 4 10 3 10 3 10 .8 11 .1 10 .6 10 .6 10 .3 10 .5 10 .6 10 .8 11 .3 11 .4 10 .8 11 .6 11 .1 11 .0 11 .7 11 .3 11 .1 12 .6 12 .4 17 .5 13 .5 13 .4 12 .9 13 .0 13 .5 13 .4 13 .7 14 .5 14 .0 14 .5 15 .7 15 .5 15 .7 16 .2 15 .4 15 .3 16 .2 17 .0 Male 131 10 8 10 7 10 6 11 0 11 0 11 0 10 9 11 0 11 2 11 4 11 2 12 5 12 2 12 2 11 4 11 4 11 6 11 3 11 3 12 .0 12 3 11 .6 11 .7 11 .2 11 .3 11 .5 11 .7 12 .2 12 .3 11 .6 12 .3 11 .8 11 .8 12 .3 11 .9 11 .6 13 .0 13 .0 19 .3 14 .6 14 .4 13 .7 13 .9 14 .5 14 .3 14 .5 15 .4 14 .9 15 .3 16 .8 16 .5 16 .5 17 .1 16 .2 16 .2 17 .1 17 .7 Female 132 7 8 7 8 7 6 7 9 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 1 83 8 5 8 5 8 6 8 8 9 2 8 7 89 92 9 2 9 2 9 .6 9 .9 9 .5 9 .6 9 .3 9 .6 9 .6 9 .8 10 .4 10 .5 10 .0 10 .8 10 .4 10 .3 11 .0 10 .7 10 .6 12 .1 11 .8 15 .8 12 .4 12 .4 12 .0 12 .1 12 .5 12 .4 12 .8 13 .6 13 .2 13 .6 14 .5 14 .4 14 .8 15 .3 14 .6 14 .4 15 .4 16 .3 Both sexes 133 10 1 10 0 10 1 10 8 11 0 11 1 11 2 11 2 11 4 11 4 11 1 11 9 12 4 12 8 12 7 13 5 13 8 13 5 14 0 14 .9 15..4 14 .3 14 .8 14 .1 14 .5 15 .5 16 .3 16 .9 17 .1 16 .4 17 .8 17 .4 17 .1 16 .5 15 .2 15 .5 17 .7 17 .9 25 .6 20..4 19 .1 20. 2 20 .2 20 .3 20..6 21 .3 21..7 21 .8 22 .4 24. 3 24. 2 25..5 26..1 24 .5 23 .6 24. 3 25 .0 Male 134 11 .4 11 .3 11 .4 12 .3 12 .5 12 .5 12 .5 12 .5 12 .7 12 .5 12 .2 13 .5 13 ,8 14 .0 14 .0 14,.8 15 .1 14 .7 15 .2 16 .4 16 .9 15 .6 16 .0 15 .1 15 .4 16, 5 17 .4 18,.0 18 .0 17 .2 18,.7 18..2 17 .9 17 .0 15..7 15..7 17..8 18..1 26 .7 21..4 19. 9 20.,8 20, 9 21..0 21. 3 21..9 22. 3 22. 3 22.,8 25..0 24.,7 26.,8 27..6 25..5 24.,8 25..6 25..7 Female 135 8 .8 8 .8 8 .8 9 .4 9 .6 9 .8 9 .9 10 .0 10 .1 10 .3 10 .0 10 .5 11 .1 11 .6 11 .4 12 .2 12 .6 12 .4 12 .9 13 .4 13 .9 13 .0 13 .5 13 .1 13 .5 14 .5 15 .3 15 .8 16 .2 15 .6 16 .9 16 .6 16 .3 16 .0 14 .8 15 .4 17 .5 17 ,8 24 .4 19..4 18..4 19..5 19..4 19 .6 19..7 20..6 21,,0 21,.2 22..0 23. 5 23.,6 24. 3 24..7 23,,4 22. 3 23. 1 24..4 Total 136 7 .7 7 .7 7 .7 8 .1 8 .2 8 .3 8 .4 8 .5 8 .8 9 .0 9 .1 9 .5 9 .7 10 .2 9 .9 10 .3 10 .8 10 .7 10 .9 11 .7 12 .2 11 .6 11 .9 11 .6 11 .9 12..1 12 .5 13 .2 13 .4 12 .6 13..5 13 .0 12. 9 13 .5 13. 0 12.,7 14. 2 14. 0 19. 0 15. 3 15. 1 14. 4 14. 5 15. 0 14. 8 15. 2 15. 8 15. 3 15. 8 17. 1 16. 7 16. 7 17. 3 16. 5 16. 2 17. 2 17. 8 Both sexes 137 7 .4 7 .4 7 .4 7 .7 7 .8 7 .9 8 .0 8 .1 8 .3 8 .6 8 .8 9 .1 9 .3 9 .7 9 .4 9 .7 10 .2 10 .2 10 .3 11 .1 11 .5 11 .1 11 .3 11 .0 11 .3 11 .4 11 .7 12 .4 12 .6 11 .9 12 .7 12 .3 12 .2 12 .9 12 .6 12 .2 13,.7 13 .4 18,.4 14..7 14.,7 14. 1 14. 1 14..6 14. 6 14. 9 15. 6 15. 0 15..5 16, 8 16. 4 16. 5 17. 1 16. 2 16. 0 17. 0 17. 6 Age-adjusted death rate N onwhite White Both Male Female sexes Male Female 139 140 141 138 142 9 .2 9 .2 9 .1 9 .5 9 .5 9 .6 9 .6 9 .7 10 .0 10 .1 10 .2 10 .7 10 .8 11 .2 10 .9 11 .2 11 .6 11 .4 11 .5 12 .4 12 .8 12 .3 12 .5 12 .2 12 .3 12 .5 12 .8 13 .5 13 .6 12 .8 13 .6 13 .2 13 .1 13 .7 13 .3 12..7 14. 2 14, 1 20,,2 16. 0 15. 8 15. 1 15. 2 15.,8 15..7 15. 9 16. 7 16. 1 16. 6 18. 2 17. 6 17. 6 18. 1 17. 2 17. 0 18. 0 18. 4 5 .8 5 .8 5 .8 6 .1 6 .2 6 .3 6 .5 6 .6 6 .8 7 .1 7 .3 7 .5 7,.8 8 .2 8 .0 8 .3 8 .8 8 .9 9 .1 9 .7 10, 1 9 .8 10 .0 9 .9 10 .2 10. 3 10..6 11 .4 11 .5 10 .9 11.,8 11 .4 11. 3 12 .1 11..8 11. 6 13. 1 12. 8 16. 6 13. 4 13. 4 13. 0 13. 0 13. 4 13. 4 13. 8 14. 4 14. 0 14. 4 15. 4 15. 1 15. 4 16. 0 15. 3 14. 9 16. 0 16. 8 10 .9 10 .8 10 .9 11 .7 11 .9 12 .1 12 .3 12 .3 12 .5 12 .5 12 .4 13 .1 13 .8 14 .5 14 .5 15 .6 16 .3 16 .0 16 .6 17 .8 18 .5 17 .3 17 .9 17 .2 17 .8 19 .0 20 .1 21 .0 20 .9 19 .8 21 .4 20..9 20..5 19 .8 18..3 18..2 20. 6 20. 5 28.,0 23. 4 22. 2 23. 1 22. 6 22. 7 23. 1 23.,7 24. 1 24. 1 24. 7 26. 6 26. 2 28. 3 29. 1 27. 2 25. 9 26. 9 27. 8 12 .4 12 .3 12 .3 13 .3 13 .4 13 .4 13 .6 13 .5 13 .8 13 .6 13 .5 14 .5 14 .9 15 .7 15 .8 16 .9 17 .6 17 .1 17 .7 19 .2 20 .1 18 .5 19 .0 18 .1 18 .6 19 .9 21 .0 21 .9 21..7 20..4 22. 1 21 .4 21 1 20..0 18..4 18.,0 20,.4 20. 3 28. 9 24. 1 22. 6 23. 5 23. 3 23. 3 24. 0 24. 4 24. 8 24. 8 25. 3 27. 5 27. 0 29. 7 30. 7 28. 5 27. 5 28. 4 28. 7 9.5 9.4 9 .5 10.2 10.5 10.7 10.9 11.1 11.2 11.4 11.3 11.9 12.6 13.4 13.3 14.3 15.0 14.9 15.5 16.3 17.0 16.1 16.7 16.4 17.0 18.1 19.2 20.0 20.2 19.3 20.8 20.4 20.0 19.7 18.4 18.6 21.0 20.8 27.1 22.7 21.6 22.6 21.9 22.0 22.2 22.9 23.2 23.3 24.1 25.7 25.5 26.9 27.4 25.9 24.5 25.5 27.1 27 B 143-154 VITAL STATISTICS AND HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE Series B 143-154. Death Rate, by Age and Sex: 1900 to 1956 [Number of deaths, excluding fetal deaths, per 1,000 population for specified group. Prior to 1933 for death-registration area only. See series B 4 and B 5] Year BOTH SEXES 1956_________________________ 1955_________________________ 1954_________________________ 1953_________________________ 1952_________________________ 1951_________________________ 1950_________________________ 1949_________________________ 1948_________________________ 1947_________________________ 1946_________________________ 1945_________________________ 1944_________________________ 1943_________________________ 1942_________________________ 1941_________________________ 1940_________________________ 1939_________________________ 1938_________________________ 1937_________________________ 1936_________________________ 1935_________________________ 1934_________________________ 1933_________________________ 1932_________________________ 1931_________________________ 1930_________________________ 1929_________________________ 1928_________________________ 1927_________________________ 1926_________________________ 1925_________________________ 1924_________________________ 1923_________________________ 1922_________________________ 1921_________________________ 1920_________________________ 1919_________________________ 1918_________________________ 1917_________________________ 1916_________________________ 1915_________________________ 1914_________________________ 1913_________________________ 1912_________________________ 1911_________________________ 1910_________________________ 1909_________________________ 1908_________________________ 1907_________________________ 1906_________________________ 1905_________________________ 1904_________________________ 1903_________________________ 1902_________________________ 1901_________________________ 1 90 0 _ _ _____________________ MALE 1956_________________________ 1955_________________________ 1954_________________________ 1953_________________________ 1952_________________________ 1951_________________________ 1950_________________________ 1949_________________________ 1948_________________________ 1947_________________________ 1946_________________________ 1945_________________________ 1944_________________________ 1943_________________________ 1942_________________________ 1941_________________________ 1940_________________________ 1939_________________________ 1938_________________________ 1937_________________________ 1936_________________________ 1935_________________________ 1934_________________________ 1933_________________________ 1932_________________________ 1931_________________________ 1930_________________________ 1929_________________________ 1928_________________________ 1927_________________________ 1926_________________________ See footnotes at end of table. 28 Total 1 143 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.6 9.6 9.7 9.6 9.7 9.9 10.1 10.0 10.6 10.6 10.9 10.3 10.5 10.8 10.6 10.6 11.3 11.6 10.9 11.1 10.7 10.9 11.1 11.3 11.9 12.0 11.3 12.1 11.7 11.6 12.1 11.7 11.5 13.0 12.9 18.1 14.0 13.8 13.2 13.3 13.8 13.6 13.9 14.7 14.2 14.7 15.9 15.7 15.9 16.4 15.6 15.5 16.4 17.2 10.8 10.8 10.7 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.3 11.5 11.3 12.6 12.4 12.4 11.7 11.8 12.0 11.7 11.7 12.5 12.7 12.0 12.1 11.6 11.7 12.0 12.3 12.8 12.8 12.1 12.9 Under 1 year 144 29.6 29.6 30.3 31.4 32.7 32.6 33.0 35.2 35.7 34.5 46.3 42.5 44.2 44.0 48.8 52.6 54.9 53.7 58.0 61.3 62.9 60.9 66.8 61.3 61.3 64.4 69.0 71.6 73.1 68.8 77.9 75.4 76.8 81.1 77.6 80.6 92.3 91.0 111.7 104.6 105.7 102.4 107.2 114.8 111.1 114.0 131.8 126.7 133.2 138.6 144.8 141.2 139.2 132.6 138.9 141.4 162.4 33.6 33.4 34.1 35.5 36.8 37.0 37.3 39.6 40.2 38.8 52.1 47.6 49.1 49.3 54.4 58.6 61.9 60.3 65.2 68.7 70.7 68.9 74.8 68.3 68.5 72.2 77.0 80.0 82.3 77.5 87.1 1 to 4 years 145 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.8 2 .0 2.3 2.6 2 .4 2 .8 2.9 3.2 3.8 4.2 4.4 4.4 5.1 4.7 4.6 5.3 5.6 6.3 6.5 5.9 7.2 6.4 6.8 8.1 7.4 8.0 9.9 9.3 15.7 10.7 11.1 9.2 10.2 11.9 10.9 11.8 14.0 13.5 14.0 14.7 15.8 15.0 15.9 15.4 16.6 17.0 19.8 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.5 2 .8 2 .6 3.0 3.1 3 .4 4.1 4 .5 4.7 4.7 5.4 5.0 4.9 5.6 6.0 6.6 6.8 6.2 7.6 5 to 14 years 146 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.6 2.7 4.1 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.5 i 2.7 2.9 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.7 3.4 3.3 3.5 3.9 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 15 to 24 years 147 25 to 34 years 148 35 to 44 years 149 45 to 54 years 150 55 to 64 years 151 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.1 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.8 2.7 2.8 2.7 2.9 3.2 3.3 3.6 3.7 3 .5 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.8 3.9 4.9 5.3 10.7 4.7 4.4 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.3 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.8 5.3 5.3 5.2 5.5 5.2 5.1 5.5 5.9 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.7 2.8 2 .6 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.S 3.0 2.9 3.0 2.9 3.0 3.4 3 .5 3.7 3.8 3 .5 3.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.9 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.5 4.7 5.0 5.0 4.7 4.9 4 .8 4.8 5.0 5.0 4.9 6.8 7.5 16.4 6.5 6.2 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.1 6 .4 6.5 6.3 6.7 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.8 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.2 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.6 3.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.6 4.2 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.7 4.9 5.2 5.1 4.8 5.0 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.2 4.6 4.6 4.8 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.3 5.6 6.2 6.5 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.3 6.7 6.8 7.3 7.5 7.1 7.4 7.2 7.1 7.3 7.1 6.8 8.1 8.6 13.4 9.0 8.8 8.3 8.5 8.7 8.6 8.9 9.0 8.7 9.0 10.2 9.8 9.8 10.2 9.8 9.6 10.3 10.2 3.7 3.8 3.8 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.5 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.9 6.0 6.2 7.0 7.4 7.0 7.0 6.8 6.9 7.4 7.5 8.0 8.0 7.6 7.9 7.4 7.5 7.7 8.1 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.7 9.0 9.2 9.2 9.6 9.7 10.2 10.1 10.3 10.6 10.7 10.9 11.8 12.1 11.6 11.8 11.4 11.6 12.0 12.2 12.7 12.8 12.0 12.7 12.2 12.1 12.2 11.8 11.2 12.2 12.3 15.2 13.9 13.6 13.1 13.1 13.5 13.4 13.5 13.7 13.3 13.8 15.1 14.5 14.7 15.1 14.3 14.0 15.0 15.0 9 .6 9.7 9.9 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 11.2 11.3 11.2 11.6 11.7 12.2 12.1 12.2 12.5 12.5 12.6 13.8 14.1 13.3 13.5 12.9 12.9 13.4 13.6 14.1 14.1 13.2 13.9 17.5 17.3 17.4 18.4 18.6 18.8 219.0 19.3 19.7 20.1 19.8 20.5 20.8 21.5 21.0 21.3 2 22.2 22.1 22.1 23.5 24.1 23.2 23.5 23.2 23.4 23.6 24.0 24.5 24.2 22.9 24.1 23.3 23.0 23.9 23.2 22.1 23.6 23.1 26.5 26.8 26.5 25.5 25.1 25.5 25.8 25.8 26.2 25.6 26.2 28.6 27.1 27.7 28.5 27.2 25.9 27.8 27.2 23.1 22.7 22.7 23.9 24.0 23.9 2 24.0 24.2 24.6 25.0 24.3 25.0 25.0 25.7 25.1 25.3 226.1 25.5 25.3 27.2 27.7 26.3 26.6 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.6 26.9 26.5 25.0 26.0 65 to 74 years 152 39.9 39.6 39.0 40.2 40.0 40.5 2 41.0 40.8 41.4 42.1 41.2 42.6 43.9 46.2 44.9 46.2 2 48.4 47.2 47.1 49.0 50.8 48.7 49.4 49.0 50.0 49.9 51.4 54.0 54.3 51.2 53.8 51.7 51.0 53.3 52.2 49.0 52.5 50.0 55.1 57.3 57.2 55.6 54.1 54.1 54.5 55.0 55.6 53.9 53.8 58.8 55.0 56.2 58.2 55.0 52.9 56.2 56.4 49.8 49.2 48.0 49.1 48.5 49.1 2 49 .3 48.4 48.8 49.2 47.5 49.1 50.2 52.6 51.3 52.6 2 54.6 52.7 52.5 54.5 56.1 53.7 54.3 53.6 54.1 54.4 55.8 58.4 58.5 55.2 57.6 75 to 84 years 153 89.0 89.4 87.6 92.5 92.1 93.3 93.3 93.0 95.1 97.0 95.1 98.4 101.7 107.5 101.6 105.8 112.0 112.5 110.9 117.0 121.7 113.1 114.1 111.3 114.3 110.5 112.7 122.2 121.2 115.9 125.4 119.3 117.2 123.5 117.5 111.2 118.9 107.8 113.0 123.9 123.9 120.1 115.6 117.9 120.2 120.1 122.2 118.4 119.5 128.7 120.4 122.4 126.1 120.8 114.1 124.6 123.3 102.3 101.9 99.3 104.3 103.3 104.3 104.3 103.8 105.1 106.6 104.1 107.7 110.7 117.2 111.0 115.2 121.3 120.7 118.8 126.4 130.6 121.7 122.2 118.3 121.1 117.5 119.1 128.9 132.3 122.6 131.8 85 years and over 154 189.7 186.2 174.6 186.7 186.3 194.4 202.0 203.2 213.2 216.9 210.6 209.6 215.3 230.3 211.1 218.7 235.7 223.3 212.6 227.2 242.7 224.6 224.8 222.3 233.3 222.8 228.0 254.3 268.3 250.1 279.7 272.3 261.8 279.7 258.1 239.1 248.3 222.2 222.1 245.9 250.4 240.3 231.5 235.9 242.2 246.4 250.3 244.9 248.6 269.1 255.1 261.5 270.0 253.7 235.6 260.8 260.9 193.9 191.1 181.4 195.8 193.9 207.4 216.4 215.0 226.4 229.3 221.1 220.7 225.5 242.6 222.1 231.9 246.4 232.6 222.2 238.0 252.7 234.7 235.1 232.7 242.3 234.1 236.7 259.8 271.5 254.2 281.3 B VITAL STATISTICS 6-1 Series B 143-154. Death Rate, by Age and Sex: 1900 to 1956—Con. Under 1 year 144 1 to 4 years 145 5 to 14 years 146 15 to 24 years 147 25 to 34 years 148 35 to 44 years 149 45 to 54 years 150 55 to 64 years 151 65 to 74 years 152 75 to 84 years 153 ' yeai ovi 154 d 84.6 86.2 90.2 87.0 90.1 103.6 101.9 124.5 117.4 118.2 114.5 118.9 127.6 123.3 125.9 145.5 139.9 147.0 152.9 160.2 156.6 153.9 146.6 153.4 156.4 179.1 6.7 7.2 8.5 7.9 8.4 10.3 9 .7 16.0 11.2 11.7 9 .7 10.7 12.5 11.5 12.2 14.6 14.1 14.6 15.3 16.4 15.8 16.6 15.9 17.1 17.7 20.5 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2 .7 2.8 2.8 4.2 2.7 2.6 2 .4 2 .6 2 .8 2 .6 2 .8 3 .0 2 .9 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.4 3 .7 3 .5 3 .4 3 .7 3 .8 3 .8 3.8 3.9 3.8 3.8 4.8 5.3 12.2 5.0 4.5 4.2 4 .4 4 .7 4 .5 4 .7 4 .8 4 .6 5.0 5.8 5.7 5.3 5.5 5.3 5.2 5.7 5.9 4.9 4 .8 5.1 5.0 4.8 6.4 7.4 19.0 7.1 6.6 6.2 6.4 6.7 6.5 6.7 6.9 6.6 7.0 8.1 7.9 7.6 8.0 7.7 7.7 8.3 8.2 7.6 7.6 7 .7 7.4 6.9 8.2 9.1 15.3 10.1 9 .7 9.1 9 .4 9 .7 9 .5 9 .8 10.0 9 .5 9 .8 11.4 10.9 10.6 11.1 10.4 10.3 11.0 10.7 13.3 13.1 13.1 12.5 11.6 12.6 12.9 16.7 15.5 15.1 14.4 14.5 15.0 14.9 14.9 15.2 14.8 15.2 16 8 16.0 16.0 16.4 15.5 15.1 16.1 15.7 25.1 24.9 25.6 24.7 23.3 24.6 24.4 28.7 29.3 29.0 27.7 27.4 27.9 28.2 28.0 28.7 27.7 28.4 31.1 29.4 29.8 31.1 29.0 28.0 29.5 28.7 55.4 54.7 56.2 55.1 51.1 54.5 51.9 58.5 61.1 60.6 58.8 57.8 57.7 57.9 58.1 58.7 57.0 56.4 62.7 58.2 59.0 61.7 58.5 56.5 59.2 59.3 125.3 122.8 127.4 121.8 114.4 122.1 111.0 118.1 129.0 128.7 124.6 120.5 122.8 125.2 125.1 127.4 123.9 125.9 134.0 126.5 128.8 132.6 126.8 120.5 129.7 128.3 273 263 279 257 241 253 229 227 251 255 246 236 241 248 249 255 251 251 275 261 270 280 262 248, 268. 268 25.5 25.7 26.2 27.2 28.4 28.1 28.5 30.6 31.0 30.0 40.1 37.2 39.0 38.5 42.9 46.3 47.7 46.8 50.7 53.6 54.9 52.8 58.5 54.0 53.9 56.5 60.7 62.9 63.6 60.0 68.4 66.0 67.0 71.6 67.9 70.8 80.7 79.7 98.5 91.5 92.8 90.0 95.1 101.7 98.5 101.8 117.6 113.2 119.1 123.9 129.2 125.5 124.2 118.3 124.1 126.1 145.4 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.9 2 .2 2 .4 2.3 2 .6 2 .7 2 .9 3 .6 3 .9 4.1 4 .1 4 .7 4 .4 4 .4 4 .9 5.2 5.9 6.1 5.6 6.8 6.1 6.4 7.7 7.0 7.6 9.5 8 .8 15.5 10.1 10.5 8 .8 9 .7 11.4 10.4 11.3 13.4 12.9 13.4 14.1 15.2 14.2 15.2 14.9 16.0 16.2 19.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0 .5 0.5 0 .5 0 .5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0 .7 0 .8 0.8 0 .7 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.7 1 .7 1.7 1.8 1.8 2 .0 2 .0 2.3 2 .5 2 .6 4.1 2 .4 2.3 2.2 2 .4 2 .5 2.3 2 .6 2 .9 2 .7 2 .9 3 .0 3.2 3.3 3.6 3 .4 3.2 3 .4 3 .9 0.7 0 .7 0 .7 0 .7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1 2 .3 2 .5 2 .5 2 .5 2 .6 2 .7 3 .0 3 .2 3 .5 3 .6 3 .4 3 .7 3 .8 3 .8 3 .9 3 .8 3 .9 5.0 5.3 9 .4 4 .4 4.2 3 .9 4 .0 4.1 4 .0 4.3 4.2 4.2 4 .5 4 .8 4.9 5.1 5.5 5.0 5.1 5.4 5.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.6 2 .7 2.9 3.1 3.5 3.8 3.8 3 .8 3.9 4.0 4.3 4 .4 4.8 4 .8 4.6 4 .8 4.8 4.7 5.0 5.1 5.0 7.1 7.6 14.0 5.9 5.7 5.4 5.6 5.7 5.7 6.0 6.1 6.0 6.3 6.9 7.0 7.2 7.6 7.3 7.3 7.8 8.2 2.3 2 .4 2 .4 2.6 2 .7 2.8 2 .9 3 .0 3 .2 3 .3 3 .5 3.8 3 .9 4.1 4.1 4.3 4 .5 4 .6 4 .9 5.4 5.6 5.4 5.5 5.5 5.7 6.0 6.1 6 .6 6.9 6.5 6.8 6 .7 6.6 6.9 6 .8 6.6 8 .0 8.1 11.3 7.9 7.7 7.4 7.5 7.7 7.6 7.9 7.9 7.8 8.0 8 .8 8.5 8.9 9.2 9 .0 8.8 9 .6 9 .8 5.3 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.1 6.3 6 .4 6.6 6.8 7.1 7.1 7.5 7.6 8.1 8.0 8.3 8.6 8.9 9.1 9.7 10.0 9.8 9.9 9.8 10.1 10.4 10.6 11.1 11.3 10.8 11.4 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.0 10.7 11.7 11.5 13.6 12.0 11.9 11.6 11.6 11.8 11.6 11.9 12.1 11.7 12.2 13.1 12.9 13.3 13.7 13.0 12.8 13.9 14.2 12.2 12.2 12.3 13.1 13.4 13.8 214.0 14.3 14.8 15.2 15.3 15.9 16.4 17.2 16.7 17.1 218.0 18.6 18.6 19.6 20.3 19.8 20.2 20.1 20.6 20.7 21.2 21.8 21.8 20.6 22.0 21.2 21.0 22.0 21.5 20.8 22.4 21.6 24.0 24.0 23.9 23.2 22.7 22.9 23.3 23.4 23.7 23.4 23.9 25.9 24.6 25.6 26.0 25.4 23.9 26.0 25.8 31.0 31.0 30.7 32.1 32.1 32.5 2 33 .3 33.6 34.3 35.3 35.1 36.3 37.8 39.9 38.7 39.8 242.2 41.7 41.8 43.4 45.4 43.7 44.4 44.3 45.8 45.4 46.8 49.4 49.9 47.0 49.9 47.9 47.1 50.4 49.2 46.8 50.5 48.0 51.5 53.4 53.6 52.5 50.4 50.5 51.1 51.9 52.4 50.8 51.1 54.9 51.8 53.5 54.9 51.8 49.5 53.4 53.6 78.4 79.2 78.0 82.8 82.6 84.1 84.0 83.8 86.4 88.5 87.3 90.2 93.7 99.0 93.4 97.3 103.7 105.1 103.7 108.4 113.5 105.1 106.5 104.7 108.0 104.0 106.6 116.0 118.6 109.6 119.5 113.8 112.0 119.8 113.7 108.3 115.9 105.0 108.3 119.2 119.5 116.0 111.0 113.4 115.5 115.5 117.4 113.3 113.7 124.0 114.8 116.7 120.3 115.4 108.3 120.0 118.8 186, 182, 170, 180, 180. 185. 191. 194. 203. 207. 203. 2 01 . 207. 2 21 . 2 02 . 208. 227. 216. 205. 219. 235. 217. 217. 214. 226. 214. 221 , 250. 265. 247. 278. 271. 260. 279. 258. 237. 244. 216. 218. 242. 246. 235. 227. 231. 237. 244. 246. 239. 246. 264. but not distributed among specified age 2 Based on enumerated population adjusted for age bias in 55 to 69 years old. B 155-179 VITAL STATISTICS AND HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE Series B 155-162. Death Rate, by Sex and by Selected Cause, for Massachusetts: 1860 to 1956 [Includes only deaths, excluding fetal deaths, occurring within Massachusetts except for 1940-1956. For these years data are for deaths occurring to residents of Massachusetts By sex per 1,000 population By cause per 100,000 population By sex per 1,000 population By cause per 100,000 population Tuber Typhoid Tuber Typhoid culosis of Diph and culosis of Diph and Small Year Total Male Female respira theria para Total Male Female respira para Measles Small Year pox theria typhoid pox tory typhoid tory system fever system fever 156 157 158 159 160 161 155 158 160 11.0 0.1 0. 0 0. 2 8.6 11.2 10.5 12.2 11.9 11.5 11.6 12.5 13.8 14.3 16.1 16.7 18.4 17.4 17.5 18.1 19.3 19.0 19.1 20.5 20.9 19.7 19.4 19.2 19.9 19.8 18.6 11.6 12 .6 12 .2 12 .2 13 .0 13 .9 15 .0 17 .0 17 .6 19 .2 9 .5 11 .1 10 11 .1 11 .9 13 .6 13 .7 15 .3 15 .8 17 .6 00 1956_ 1955_ 1950_ 1945_ 1940_ 1935_ 1930 _ 192 5 _ 1920_ 1915_ 1910_ 1905_ 1900_ 1899_ 1898_ 1897_ 1896_ 1895. 1894, 1893 _ 1892 _ 1891. 1890. 1889. 1888. 1887. 1886. 9.3 36.9 34.6 42.9 57.2 70.1 96.8 116.8 138.3 163.5 190 190 197 207 216 223.4 223.4 231.0 244.8 239.6 258.6 256.5 270.8 285.6 295.1 20.2 0.3 0.2 0.7 4.3 8.0 15.1 19.8 21.0 22.1 52.8 38.2 26.4 54.5 65.5 71.4 73.6 58.3 62.2 53.2 72, 101 79 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.9 1.8 2 .4 6.7 12.5 17.9 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.8 11.7 22. 1 22.3 24.7 23.2 28.3 27.2 30.6 31.4 35.3 35.9 37.3 40.9 44.6 44.8 40.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0 .5 0. 0 0.0 0.2 4 .7 4.0 11.5 3 .8 10.3 5.1 7.9 10.4 22.1 6 .5 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.3 0 .4 0.1 0.0 19.6 1885. 1884. 1883. 1882. 1881. 1880_ 1879, 1878_ 1877. 1876_ 18751874. 1873_ 18721871_ 1870. 1869. 1868. 1867. 1866. 1865_ 1864. 1863. 1862. 1861. I860- 19.0 20.1 19.9 20.1 20.2 19.8 18.1 18.1 18.4 19.8 21.7 18.6 21.6 22.9 18.7 18.8 18.4 18.6 17.0 18.2 20.3 19. 21. 20.5 20. 6 22.8 22.2 18.5 19.5 18.7 19.5 18.6 21.7 19.6 19.3 306.6 303.6 316.0 317.9 324.5 308.1 297.4 308.4 320.4 317.6 347.4 328.0 353.6 362.6 339.3 343.3 328.8 322.0 325.5 353.0 367.9 375.7 372.6 342.8 365.2 78.4 86.2 86.4 96.0 131.4 134.3 130.6 145.5 186.6 196.4 113 56 47, 49 50 46.4 54.3 56.7 45.3 63.7 92.8 158.7 182.4 92.1 89.2 68.0 39.5 45.8 45.8 58.5 59.1 49.5 36.3 39.3 47.8 52.5 64.1 71.2 89.5 111.1 74.7 91.5 85.0 65.0 72.0 83.7 133.7 106.7 115.1 91.1 79.9 76.1 16.1 3 .9 17.1 3 .7 12.7 13.2 1.1 17.6 7.9 2.8 14.1 10.0 11.5 27.9 18.5 15.7 20.8 14.5 8.4 10.7 25.4 11.3 29.6 16.9 18.2 1.0 0.2 0.3 2 .4 2.6 2.1 0 .4 0.1 1.4 1.8 2.1 1.6 42.5 67.2 19.7 9.0 4.2 1.5 14.6 10.8 17..4 19..2 3.4 3 .2 2.7 27.1 Series B 163-175. Death Rate, by Age, for Massachusetts: 1865 to 1900 [Includes only deaths, excluding fetal deaths, occurring within Massachusetts. Rate per 1,000 population for specified group] 1 to 4 10 to 14 15 to 19 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60 to 69 Under 5 to 9 Total years years 1 year years years years years years years years 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 Year 1900_____________ 1895_____________ 1890_____________ 1885_____________ 1880_____________ 1875_____________ 1870_____________ 1865_____________ Year 18.2 19.0 19.4 19.6 19.8 21.2 18.8 20.6 Per 1,000 population 176 1956_________ 1955_________ 1954_________ 1953_________ 1952_________ 1951_________ 1950_________ 1949_________ 1948_________ 9 .5 9.3 9.2 9.8 9.9 10.4 11.1 10.6 12.4 190.1 215.9 223.6 212.5 191.3 226.6 188.1 205.3 Per 1,000 unmarried females 1 177 82.3 80.9 79.9 83.7 83.2 86.6 90.2 85.5 98.0 115 years old and over. Year Per 1,000 population 178 1956_________ 1955_________ 1954_________ 1953_________ 1952_________ 1951_________ 1950_________ 1949_________ 1948_________ 2.3 2 .3 2 .4 2 .5 2 .5 2 .5 2 .6 2.7 2 .8 1 15 years old and over. 30 57.8 64.5 68.1 67.0 68.1 74.0 62.9 68.6 5.3 6.2 6.6 7.5 8.5 9 .8 5.9 9.6 2.9 3.2 3.6 3.8 3.8 4 .7 3.7 5.1 4.8 5.3 6.3 6.4 6.6 7.7 7.2 9.6 7.0 7.1 8.4 9.1 9 .5 10.5 10.5 12.6 8.8 9.7 10.4 10.6 10.3 11.3 10.6 11.7 12.0 12.7 13.4 13.0 11.7 13.0 12.0 11.9 21.3 20.5 20.4 19.7 17.9 18.3 17.0 17.5 70 to 79 years 174 80 years and over 175 85.8 82.4 76.0 76.2 73.1 71.1 68.9 70.5 197.8 184.7 174.2 182.3 184.0 176.4 170.0 168.2 41.0 39.4 37.5 36.2 33.9 34.8 30.1 32.9 Series B 176-177. Marriage Rate: 1920 to 1956 Year 1947________ 1946________ 1945________ 1944 _ _ _ 1943________ 1942________ 1941________ 1940________ 1939________ Per 1,000 population 176 13.9 16.4 12.2 10.9 11.7 13.2 12.7 12.1 10.7 Per 1,000 unmarried females 1 177 106.8 120.7 84.5 76.8 83.8 93.6 88.8 82.7 73.9 Year 1938________ 1937________ 1936________ 1935________ 1934________ 1933________ 1932________ 1931________ 1930________ Per 1,000 population 176 10.3 11.3 10.7 10.4 10.3 8.7 7.9 8.6 9.2 Per 1,000 unmarried females 1 177 70.8 78.0 74.0 72.5 71.8 61.3 56.0 61.9 67.6 Year 1929 1928 _ 1927___ 1926 _ 1925 _ 1924___ 1923 1922____ 1921________ 1920________ Per 1,000 population 176 10.1 9 .8 10.1 10.2 10.3 10 4 11.0 10.3 10.7 12.0 Per 1,000 unmarried females 1 177 92.0 Series B 178-179. Divorce Rate: 1920 to 1956 [Includes reported annulments] Per 1,000 married females 1 179 9.4 9.3 9 .5 9.9 10.1 9.9 10.3 10.8 11.3 Year Per 1,000 population 178 1947________ 1946________ 1945________ 1944________ 1943________ 1942________ 1941________ 1940________ 1939________ 3.4 4.3 3 .5 2.9 2 .6 2 .4 2.2 2.0 1.9 Per 1,000 married females 1 179 13.7 17.8 14.5 12.1 11.0 10.1 9 .4 8.8 8.5 Year Per 1,000 population 178 1938________ 1937________ 1936________ 1935________ 1934________ 1933________ 1932________ 1931________ 1930_____ 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.6 Per 1,000 married females 1 179 8.4 8.7 8.3 7 .8 7.5 6.1 6.1 7.1 7.5 Year Per 1,000 population 178 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920________ 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.6 Per 1,000 married females 1 179 8.0 chapter B HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE (Series B 180-281) B 180-181. Physicians, 1850-1957. Source: 1850, Superintendent of the U. S. Census, Statistical View of the United States . . . a Compendium of the Seventh Census; 1860, Superintendent of the U. S. Census, Population of the United States in 1860; 1870-1930 (decennial years), Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census Reports, Comparative Occupation Statistics for the United States, 1870 to 19 UO, p. I ll; 1940 and 1950, U. S. Census of Population, 1950, vol. II, part 1, pp. 1-266 to 1-269; 1870-1934, R. G. Leland, Distribu tion of Physicians in the United States, American Medical Association, Chicago, 1936, pp. 7, 79; 1936-1957, the American Medical Directory, vols. 14-20 (a summary for 1906-1957 is shown in table 2 of the 1958 edition) ; 1950-1954, estimates prepared by Public Health Service. The census data for 1940 and 1950 are for employed civilian physicians; figures for prior years are largely for gainful work ers and may include physicians not in active medical practice. See text for series D 36-45 for explanation of difference be tween employed persons and gainful workers. The 1910 figure includes osteopaths; earlier figures include osteopaths, chiro practors, and healers (not elsewhere classified). The American Medical Directory figures pertain to the total number of physicians, including those retired or not in practice for other reasons and those in the Federal service. They ex clude graduates of the years concerned. Population figures used to compute physician-population rate for census years, 1850-1930, include Armed Forces overseas; only the civilian population is used for 1940 and 1950. Rates for other years are based on the Census Bureau population estimates as of July 1, including Armed Forces overseas. B 182-183. Dentists, 1810-1957. Source: 1810 and 1840, John T. O’Rourke and Leroy M. S. Miner, Dental Education in the United States, W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1941, p. 298; 1820 and 1830, Harris’ Princi ples and Practice of Dental Surgery, Lindsay and Blakiston, Philadelphia, 1848, pp. 36-37; 1850-1950 (decennial years), same sources as series B 180-181; 1893-1928, Polk's Dental Register and Directory of the United States and Dominion of Canada, R. L. Polk and Co., Chicago, 1928, pp. 9, 22, and prior editions; 1947-1957, Distribution of Dentists in the United States by State, Region, District and County, American Dental Asso ciation, Chicago, 1958, and prior editions. The census data for 1940 and 1950 are for employed civilian dentists; figures for prior years are largely for gainful workers and may include dental students and dentists not in active dental practice. See text for series D 36-45 for explanation of difference between employed persons and gainful workers. The 14 editions of Polk's Dental Register and Directory of the United States and Dominion of Canada list by State all dentists for 1893-1928. The American Dental Directory, first published in 1947, lists by State all dentists, including those retired or not in practice for other reasons and those in the Federal dental service. The figures for all dates include grad uates of the years concerned. The population figures used to compute the dentist-population rate are the same as those used for the physician-popula tion rate. See text for series B 180-181. B 184-185. Graduate nurses, 1910-1955. Source: 1910-1950, Public Health Service, Health Manpower Source Book 2, Nursing Personnel, pp. 14-15; 1953 and 1955, American Nurses Association, Facts About Nursing, New York, 1956-57 edition, p. 8. The estimates for 1910-1950 were obtained by subtracting student nurses from the number of nurses reported in the decennial censuses. Census data for 1910-1930 are for gainful workers; for 1940 they include employed nurses and those seeking work; and for 1950 they include employed civilian nurses. See text for series D 36-45 for explanation of difference between employed per sons and gainful workers. The estimates for 1953 and 1955, were prepared jointly by the American Nurses Association, the National League for Nursing, and the Public Health Service. They are based partly on information supplied by hospitals, schools of nursing, public health agencies, boards of education, and nursing homes. Estimates of nurses in private duty, doctors’ offices, industry, and other nursing fields were based on the American Nurses Association Inventory of 1951 adjusted according to trends observed in more recent State surveys of nursing needs and resources. Population figures used to compute nurse-population rate for 1910-1940 include Armed Forces overseas. The 1950 rate is based on the civilian population. Rates for 1953 and 1955 are based on the Census Bureau population estimates as of Janu ary 1, 1954 and 1956, respectively, including Armed Forces overseas. B 186-188. Medical schools, students, and graduates, 18101957. Source: 1810-1840, 1956 American Medical Directory; later years, annual reports of the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association as follows: 1850-1919, Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 79, No. 8, pp. 629-633, August 1922; 1920-1930, Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 105, No. 9, p. 686, August 1935; 1931-1957, Edward L. Turner, et al., Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 165, No. 11, p. 1420, No vember 1957. Data on the number of medical schools, students, and grad uates prior to 1900 are fragmentary and of dubious accuracy. The first medical school in the United States was founded in 1765. In 1800 three schools graduated students, with the num ber of schools increasing steadily from 52 in 1850 to a maxi mum of 162 in 1906. From 1906 to 1929 the number of schools declined sharply, largely because of the inspection and classification system begun in 1904 by the American Medical Association Council on Medical Education. By 1929 only one unapproved school remained. B 189. Dental schools, 1840-1957. Source: 1840-1945, Harlan Hoyt Horner, Dental Education Today, copyrighted 1947 by University of Chicago, p. 30; 19461957, American Dental Association Council on Dental Educa tion, Dental Students' Register, Chicago, annual publications. Horner’s data are compiled from Dorothy Fahs Beck, The Development of the Dental Profession in the United States, dissertation of the University of Chicago, 1932, and from 31 B 189-234 VITAL STATISTICS AND HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE records of the Council on Dental Education of the American These figures may not be entirely comparable with those Dental Association. Additional data may be obtained from the shown in series B 209-220 because the standards required for following sources cited by Beck: W. J. Gies, Dental Education “listing” or “recognition” of hospitals by the American Hos in the United States and Canada, Carnegie Foundation for the pital Association differ from those required by the American Advancement of Teaching, Bulletin No. 19, 1926, p. 42; Polk's Medical Association. The American Hospital Association col Dental Register and Directory of the United States and Canada, lects data annually from all hospitals which it accepts for R. L. Polk and Co., Chicago, 1925, p. 35; W. J. Gies, “Addi listing, a basic recognition extended to hospitals and related tional Remarks on a Reference to the Carnegie Foundation’s institutions in accordance with official requirements adopted Study of Dental Education,” Journal of Dental Research, vol. by its House of Delegates. The Guide issue of Hospitals also 10, p. 32, February 1930; W. J. Greenleaf, Dentistry, Career presents data on admissions, average daily census, births, as Series, Leaflet No. 7, Office of Education, pp. 7-10. The Beck sets, total expense, payroll expense, and total personnel. tabulation also appears in Frederick B. Noyes, “Dental Educa Short-term hospitals have an average patient stay of 30 tion, 1911-36,” Oral Hygiene, vol. 26, p. 24, January 1936. days or less; long-term, an average stay of longer duration. The first dental school in the United States was organized in General hospitals accept patients for a variety of acute medical 1840. Before that, all physicians practiced some dentistry, a and surgical conditions, and, for the most part, do not admit few limiting their practice to this specialty. The dental prac cases of contagious disease, tuberculosis, and nervous and titioners who were not physicians learned their trade as ap mental disease. Special hospitals are those devoted to the prentices or were self-taught. From 1840 to 1880 apprentice treatment of some particular disease or group of diseases or training was the chief source of supply, but by 1880 most some particular group in the population. Among the former States had enacted laws requiring graduation from a dental are orthopedic, contagious disease, chronic and convalescent, school. and eye, ear, nose, and throat hospitals; the latter include maternity, children’s, and industrial hospitals. Psychiatric B 190. Dental students, 1921-1957. Source: 1921-1934, Frederick B. Noyes, Oral Hygiene, vol. hospitals include those providing temporary or prolonged care 26, p. 28, January 1936; 1935-1957, American Dental Associa for the mentally ill and institutions for the mentally deficient tion Council on Dental Education, Dental Students* Register, and epileptic. Tuberculosis hospitals include sanatoria or hos annual publications. Sources cited by Noyes are: W. J. Gies, pitals specifically for the care of tubercular patients. Number of beds includes beds, cribs, and pediatric bas Journal of the American Dental Association, vol. 18, p. 593, April 1931; and Dental Educational Council of America, sta sinets normally available for inpatients. It excludes newborn infant bassinets. tistical reports. An additional source of information on civilian hospital beds B 191. Dental graduates, 1850-1957. since 1948 is the inventory contained in the comprehensive Source: See source for series B 189. Annual figures for graduates for 1841-1924, are also pre State plans for hospital and medical facility construction (see sented in Polk's Dental Register, 1925, p. 34; but the figures Public Health Reports, vol. 70, No. 5, May 1955, p. 488). for the early years far exceed those shown elsewhere in his B 209-220. Hospitals and beds, by type of service (AMA), 1909-1953. tories of dentistry as well as those shown here. Source: 1909, 1914, 1918, and 1921, American Medical Direc B 192-194. Nursing schools, students, and graduates, 18801957. tory, American Medical Association, Chicago, 1921 and prior Source: 1880-1927 and 1931, Office of Education, Biennial editions; 1920 and 1923-1953, the following issues of the Jour Survey of Education in the United States: 193U-S6, vol. II, nal of the American Medical Association, Hospital Number: chap. IV, p. 294; 1929 and 1932, The Committee on the Grad 1920, April 1921 issue, pp. 1083-1103; 1923, 1927-1933, March ing of Nursing Schools, The Second Grading of Nursing Schools, 1934 issue, pp. 1008-1009; 1924, March 1925 issue, pp. 961-970; New York, 1932, p. 9; 1935-1939, The Nursing Information 1925, April 1926 issue, pp. 1009-1055; 1926, March 1927 issue, Bureau of the American Nurses’ Association, Facts About pp. 789-839; 1934-1953, May 1954 issue, pp. 9-10. Nursing, 1946, New York, 1946, pp. 32, 34; 1940-1956, Facts Until 1953, when it discontinued registration of hospitals, the About Nursing, 1957, pp. 67, 71; 1957, Facts About Nursing, American Medical Association collected data annually from all 1958, pp. 70, 74. hospitals registered by it, and published them in the Hospital Nursing education began in this country in 1873 with Number of the Journal of the American Medical Association. the opening of three schools. These schools offered stu Registration was a basic recognition extended to hospitals and dents an opportunity to learn by doing, under the tutor related institutions in accordance with requirements officially ship for 1 year of a superintendent who had been trained in one of the European schools . . . By 1893 about 70 adopted by its House of Delegates. Although its annual census schools were in operation . . . . As State licensing bodies was begun in 1920, complete data on the number of hospital came into existence, counts of State approved schools and beds classified by type of service are available only from 1925. of their students began to be available. Since only grad In addition to information on number of hospitals and beds, uates of State approved schools could stand for licensure the Hospital Number of the AM A Journal presented statistics examinations, nonapproved schools tended to close as the effect of licensure became felt. Not until 1923 was ma on admissions, average daily census, and births. For defini chinery for approving schools in operation in every State. tion of type of service, see text for series B 195-208. (Public Health Service, Health Manpower Source Book 2, Nursing Personnel, p. 33.) B 221-234. Hospitals and beds, by ownership or control (AHA), 1946-1957. B 195-208. Hospitals and beds, by type of service and owner ship (AHA), 1946-1957. Source: 1946-1947, American Hospital Association, Ameri Source: 1946-1954, Administrators Guide issue of Hospitals, can Hospital Directory, 1947 and 1948 issues; 1948-1955, Ad Journal of the American Hospital Association, vol. 29, No. 8, ministrators Guide issues for 1949-1956 of Hospitals, Journal August 1955, part II, pp. 7, 12; 1955-1956, Guide issue of Hos of the American Hospital Association; 1956, Guide issue of pitals, vol. 31, No. 15, August 1957, part 2, pp. 348, 355; 1957, Hospitals, vol. 31, No. 15, August 1957, part 2, p. 364; 1957, Guide issue of Hospitals, vol. 32, No. 15, August 1958, part 2, Guide issue of Hospitals, vol. 32, No. 15, August 1958, part 2, pp. 364, 366. pp. 366-369. 32 HEALTH AND Governmental hospitals include those operated by Federal, State, and local governments, the latter including county, city, city-county, and hospital district. Nonprofit hospitals are those operated not for profit by churches and by associations of citizens or fraternal organizations. Proprietary hospitals are operated for profit by individuals, partnerships, or corporations. B 235-248. Hospitals and beds, by ownership or control (AMA), 1909-1953. Source: The following issues of the Journal of the American Medical Association, Hospital Number: 1909, 1914, 1918, and 1934-1953, May 1954 issue, pp. 4, 7-8; 1923 and 1927-1933, March 1934 issue, pp. 1006-1007; 1924, March 1925 issue, pp. 961-970; 1925, April 1926 issue, pp. 1009-1055; 1926, March 1927 issue, pp. 789-839. For definition of ownership or control, see text for series B 221-234. B 249-260. Average daily census and admissions to hospitals, by type of service and ownership (AHA), 1946-1957. Source: American Hospital Association publications, as fol lows: 1947, 1949, and 1951, Administrators Guide issue of Hospitals, vol. 29, No. 8, August 1955, part II, p. 7; 1946, 1948, 1950, 1952-1956, Guide issue of Hospitals, vol. 31, No. 15, August 1957, part 2, p. 355; 1957, Guide issue of Hospitals, vol. 32, No. 15, August 1958, part 2, p. 372. Admissions refer to patients who enter a hospital during the course of a year, either as first admissions or readmissions. For definitions of type of service and ownership, see text for series B 195-208. B 261-270. Average daily census and admissions to hospitals, by type of service (AMA), 1923-1953. Source: The following issues of the Journal of the American Medical Association, Hospital Number: 1925, April 1926 issue, p. 1009; 1923, 1927, and 1929-1933, March 1934 issue, pp. 1008-1009; 1934-1953, May 1954 issue, pp. 9-10. Admissions refer to patients who enter a hospital during a year, either as first admissions or readmissions. For defini tions of type of service, see text for series B 195-208. B 271-274. Admissions of patients to hospitals for mental disease, 1831-1956. Source: 1831-1880, report of the Tenth Census, vol. xxi, Re port on the Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes . . . , pp. 166-171; 1890-1904, Census Office Special Report, Insane and Feeble-Minded in Hospitals and Institutions, 1901+; 1910, Bureau of the Census, Insane and Feeble-Minded in Institu tions, 1910; 1922-1946, same agency annual reports (varying titles), Patients in Mental Institutions; 1947-1956, Public Health Service annual reports, Patients in Mental Hospitals. For 1923-1932, the annual enumerations of patients in mental institutions, conducted by the Bureau of the Census, were con fined to State hospitals for mental disease and State institu tions for mental defectives and epileptics. Since 1933, the annual censuses (conducted by the Bureau of the Census until 1946 and subsequently by the Public Health Service) have covered all types of hospitals and institutions caring for the mentally ill, mental defectives, and epileptics. For a discus sion of these developments, see the 19U7 issue, pp. 1-4, of the source cited above for 1947-1956. See the latter also for addi tional information on admissions, patients, personnel, and ex penditures of institutions for mental defectives and epileptics, as well as for hospitals for mental disease, see the annual reports of the Public Health Service, Patients in Mental Hospitals. The figures for admissions represent patients who enter hospitals (admissions or readmissions) which provide care solely for the mentally ill, as distinguished from the physically B 235-281 MEDICAL CARE ill and from the mentally deficient and epileptic. These hos pitals may provide care over an unlimited period of time or temporary care as in psychopathic hospitals. Hospitals in cluded are those under control of State and local governments, nonprofit and proprietary organizations, the Veterans Admin istration, and the Federal Government in the District of Co lumbia (included here under State hospitals). The rates are computed in relation to the total population of continental United States, as of July 1 of each year prior to 1940; in relation to the civilian population since then. B 275-281. Specified reportable diseases, 1912-1956. Source: 1912-1919, Public Health Service, Public Health Re ports, various issues; 1920-1950, National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital Statistics—Special Reports, vol. 37, No. 9; 1951-1956, National Office of Vital Statistics, annual reports, Vital Statistics of the United States, vol. I. The rates refer to the number of notifiable diseases occur ring within continental United States per 100,000 population. Each State makes its own laws and regulations prescribing the diseases to be reported, the agencies and persons required to report, and penalties for failure to report. All States have entered voluntarily into a cooperative agreement to report to the Federal Government. The notification of disease in the United States began in the Colonial period on a local basis, particularly in port cities. It was usually limited to periods when epidemics of pestilential disease threatened or were in progress. Statewide notification was not required until 1883, when Michigan passed a law re quiring physicians and householders to report certain diseases to health officers or boards of health. During the next three decades all States made similar requirements. In response to the need for nationwide statistical informa tion on epidemic diseases, a law was passed in 1878 providing for the collection of such statistics. By 1912, data were sup plied regularly by 19 States and the District of Columbia on diphtheria, measles, poliomyelitis, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and smallpox. State health authorities now report weekly on 25 diseases and annually on about 40. Most States require the reporting of additional diseases. The Public Health Service has changed its form of report^ ing several times and some of the rates shown here do not appear in the published reports. Since the data were original ly shown only for the individual States, a rate for the country was obtained for each disease by combining the information only for those States reporting it. For trends of sickness and accident among groups of male and female industrial workers (1917-1950, for cases disabling for 1 day or longer, and 1921-1952, for cases disabling for 8 days or longer), see W. M. Gafafer, “Industrial Sickness Ab senteeism Among Males and Females During 1950,” Public Health Reports, vol. 66, No. 47, pp. 1550-1552, November 1951. See also “Rates for Specific Causes in 1952 for the Year and Last Two Quarters—Industrial Sickness Absenteeism,” Public Health Report, vol. 68, No. 11, pp. 1052-1055, November 1953; and S. D. Collins, “Long-Time Trends in Illness and Medical Care,” Public Health Monograph, No. 48, p. 32. Civilian illness rates for the United States are not available for a long period. However, records of illness (admission to sick report) among the active-duty personnel of the Army are available back to 1819, and those for the Navy back to 1865. See U. S. Army, Annual Reports of the Surgeon General on Medical Statistics, and U. S. Navy, Annual Reports of the Sur geon General on Medical Statistics. For annual days sick per person, computed from Army and Navy data, see S. D. Col lins, “Long-Time Trends in Illness and Medical Care,” Public Health Monograph, No. 48, p. 37. 33 B 180-194 VITAL STATISTICS AND HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE Series B 180-194. Physicians, Dentists, and Nurses; and Medical, Dental, and Nursing Schools: 1810 to 1957 Year [Census figures in italics. Figures for schools and students are for academic session ending in the specified year] Active professional Physicians Dentists Medical schools Dental schools Professional nursing schools graduate nurses Rate per Rate per Rate per 100,000 Number 100,000 Number 100,000 Number 1 Students Graduates Number 2 Students Graduates Number Students Graduates Number popula popula popula tion tion tion 180 182 183 184 185 186 187 181 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 1957_______ 226,625 132 100,534 59 1956______ 59 99,227 1955_______ 218,061 59 5430,000 132 97,529 1954_______ 214,200 59 132 95,883 1953_______ 210.900 59 m 5{;656' 132 93,726 1952_______ 207.900 58 132 91,638 1951_______ 205,500 133 59 5375,000 1950_______ 203,400 134 89,441 1950_______ 191,9U7 50 128 71+, 855 1949______ 201,277 135 1948______ 1947_______ 82,990 58 1946_______ 1945_______ 1944_______ 1943_______ 1942_______ 180,496 134 1941_______ 5284,200 1940_______ 175,163 133 53 19U0_______ 165,989 126 69,921 1939_______ 1938__ _ _ 169,628 131 1937_______ 1936______ 165,163 129 1935_______ 1934_______ 161,359 128 1933_______ 1932_______ 156,406 1931126 5214,300 1930_______ 1980. _ ___ 153,803 58 125 71,055 1929 _ 152,503 125 56 1928_______ 67,334 1927_______ 149,521 126 1926_______ 56 1925_______ 147,010 127 64,481 1924 _ 1923_______ 145,966 130 1922. 1921_______ 145,404 134 1920. 5103,900 53 1920_______ ^1M,~977 137 56,152 1919_______ 1918_______ 147,812 141 44 1917_______ 45,988 1916. _ 145,241 142 1915. _ 43 1914__ __ 142,332 144 42,606 1913. . 41 1912. _ 137,199 144 38,866 1911. 41 5 50,500 1910__ __ 135,000 146 37,684 U3 1910. - . . . 151 ,132 16 U 39,997 1909 _ 134,402 149 41 1908_____ 36,670 1907. 41 1906. 158 35,238 134,688 1905.__ . . 39 1904_____ 128,950 157 32,204 1903. 36 1902. 123,196 156 28,109 1901-. 33 1900. 157 25,189 119,749 39 1900_______ 132,002 173 29,665 33 1898. 115,524 157 23,911 28 1896_______ 104,554 147 20,063 1 8 9 3 ... . _ 103,090 154 1890. 100,180 159 28 1890. _____ 10k ,805 166 17 ,U98 1886. 87,521 151 1880. . 82,000 163 25 1880. _ . _ 85,671 171 12,31k 1870. 60,000 150 20 7,988 1870.. ____ 6UAH 162 18 1860. 55,055 175 5,606 13 2,923 1850 k0,755 176 6 1,000 1840 2 300 1830. . 1 1820. 100 1 50 1810.............. 1 Approved medical and basic science schools. i For 1840 and 1926-1931, schools offering courses in dentistry; schools conferring degrees; for other years, schools in operation. * Includes Puerto Rico. 34 258 249 251 216 174 98 55 3 82 3 82 3 81 3 80 79 79 79 79 78 77 77 77 77 77 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 76 76 76 76 80 80 79 80 79 80 81 83 85 85 90 96 95 96 102 107 118 122 131 140 151 159 162 158 160 160 160 160 160 328,852 3 6,796 328,639 3 6,845 328,583 3 6,977 3 28,227 36,861 27,688 6,668 27,076 6,080 26,186 6,135 25,103 5,553 23,670 5,094 22,739 5,543 23,900 6,389 23,216 5,826 24,028 5,136 M 8,195 610,303 22,631 5,223 22,031 5,163 21,379 5,275 21,271 5,097 21,302 5,089 21,587 5,194 22,095 5,377 22,564 5,183 22,888 5,101 22,799 5,035 22,466 4,895 22,135 4,936 21,982 4,735 21,597 4,565 20,878 4,446 20,545 4,262 19,662 4,035 3,962 18,840 18,200 3,974 17,728 3 ,562 16,960 3,120 2,520 15,635 14,466 3,186 13,798 3,047 13,052 2,656 13,630 2,670 13,764 3,379 14,012 3,518 14,891 3,536 16,502 3,594 3,981 17,015 18,412 4,483 19,786 4,273 21,526 4,440 22,145 4,515 22,602 4,741 24,276 4,980 25,204 5,364 26,147 5,600 28,142 5,747 27,615 5,698 27,501 5,009 26,417 5,444 25,171 5,214 I 133 15,404 4,454 100 75 65 52 35 20 10 5 11,826 3,241 45 43 43 43 42 42 42 41 41 40 40 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 38 38 38 40 40 40 44 43 43 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 49 49 48 51 52 54 54 56 55 55 55 55 56 55 56 57 57 54 48 37 31 23 14 10 3 2 1 13,004 12,730 12,601 12,516 12,370 12,169 11,891 11,460 10,132 8,996 8,287 7,274 88,590 89,014 8 8,847 88,355 7,720 7,407 7,331 7,184 7,397 7,306 7,175 7,160 7,508 8,031 8,129 7,813 8,200 l6;333 11,863 13;099 11,745 3,050 3,038 3,081 3,084 2,945 2,975 2,830 2,565 1,574 1,755 2,225 2,666 3,212 2,470 1,926 1,784 1,568 1,757 1,794 1,704 1,739 1,736 1.840 1,864 1,986 1.840 1,842 1,561 2,442 2,563 2,642 2,610 2,590 3,422 3,271 1,765 1,795 906 3,587 3,345 3,010 2,835 2,388 2,254 2,022 1,940 1,742 1,646 1,761 2,005 1,724 1,519 2,621 2,168 2,198 2,294 2,304 2,091 1,894 1,432 *1,115 41,125 41,139 41,141 41,148 41,167 41,183 41,203 1,215 1,245 1,253 1,271 1,295 1,307 1,297 1,299 1,303 1,311 1,328 1,349 1,389 1,417 1,472 4114,674 4114,423 4107,572 4103.019 4102.019 4102,550 4103,433 498,712 88,817 91,643 106,900 128,828 126,576 112,249 100,486 91,457 87,588 85,156 82,095 74,305 73,286 69,589 67,533 429;591 428,729 428,539 429,308 4 29,016 28,794 25,790 21,379 34,268 40,744 36,195 3 1 ,7£1 28,276 26,816 25,613 24,899 23,600 22,485 20,655 20,400 18,600 19,600 i~ 78i 1,844 84^290 100,419 25^312 25,971 1,885 1,797 78,771 77,768 23,810 18,623 1,755 54,953 14,980 1,509 46,141 11,118 1,129 32,636 8,140 862 19,824 5,795 432 11,164 3,456 960 473 315 147 64 17 35 1,552 471 15 323 157 4 Includes Hawaii and Puerto Rico. for 1850-1925, 5 Census estimate adjusted to exclude student nurses enumerated as graduates, 6 Reflects enrollment of more than 1 class in some schools under accelerated program in operation during World War II. HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE B 195-220 Series B 195-208. Hospitals and Beds, by Type of Service and Ownership (AHA): 1946 to 1957 Short-term general and special Hospi Beds tals 198 197 Total Year 1957_______________ 1956_______________ 1955_______________ 1954_______________ 1953_______________ 1952_______________ 1951_______________ 1950_______________ 1949_______________ 1948_______________ 1947_______________ 1946_______________ Hospi tals 195 6,818 6,966 6,956 6,970 6,978 6,903 6,832 6,788 6,277 6,160 6,173 6,125 Beds 196 5,309 5,299 5,237 5,212 5,212 5,122 5,066 5,031 4,585 4,499 4,475 4,444 1,558,691 1,607,692 1,604,408 1,577,961 1,580,654 1,561,809 1,521,959 1,455,825 1,435,288 1,411,450 1,400,318 1,435,778 594,529 586,498 567,612 553,068 545,903 530,669 516,020 504,504 476,584 471,555 465,209 473,059 Non-Federal Long-term Psychiatric general and special Hospi Hospi Beds Beds tals tals 200 202 199 201 340 395 402 406 406 405 394 412 395 362 385 389 77,608 75,646 76,278 70,926 68,039 69,731 62,768 70,136 79,145 77,040 84,758 83,415 452 525 542 554 541 546 551 533 507 504 499 476 641,455 695,331 707,162 691,176 691,855 675,749 655,932 619,530 614,465 601,103 580,273 568,473 Tuberculosis Hospi tals 203 280 315 347 368 384 391 399 398 414 409 411 412 Beds 204 62,097 66,096 70,194 73,558 72,253 72,642 72,642 72,178 78,330 75,906 70,307 74,867 Federal, all types Hospi tals 205 Beds 206 437 183,002 432 184,121 428 183,162 430 189,233 435 202,604 439 213,018 422 214,597 414 189,477 376 186,764 386 185,846 403 199,771 404 235,964 Beds per 1,000 population Total 207 Short term 1 208 9.2 9.6 9 .8 9 .8 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.6 9 .7 9 .7 9 .8 10.3 3 .5 3 .5 3.5 3.4 3 .5 3.4 3 .4 3.3 3.2 3 .2 3 .2 3 .4 1 Non-Federal short-term general and special hospitals. Series B 209-220. Hospitals and Beds, by Type of Service (AMA): 1909 to 1953 General Total 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1921 1920 1918 1914 1909 Mental Hospi tals 213 Tuberculosis All other Hospi tals Beds Hospi tals 211 Beds 212 6,840 6.665 6,637 6,430 6,572 6,335 6,276 6,280 6,511 6,611 6,655 6,345 6.358 6,291 6,226 6,166 6,128 6,189 6,246 6,334 6,437 6,562 6,613 6,719 6.665 6,852 6,807 6,946 6,896 7,370 6,830 16,236 6,152 5,323 5,047 4.359 1,573,014 1,541,615 1,529,988 1,456,912 1,439,030 1,423,520 1,425,222 1,468,714 1.738.944 1.729.945 1,649,254 1,383,827 1,324,381 1,226,245 1,195,026 1,161,380 1,124,548 1,096,721 1,075,139 1,048,101 1,027,046 1,014,354 974,115 955,869 907,133 892,934 853,318 859,445 802,065 813,926 755,722 5,087 4,924 4,890 4,713 4,761 4,589 4,539 4,523 4,744 4,833 4,885 4,557 4,518 4,432 4,356 4,286 4,245 4,207 4,257 4,198 4,237 4,305 4,309 4,302 4,268 4,361 4,322 653,752 640,923 640,207 587,917 574,683 576,459 592,453 641,331 922,549 925,818 850,576 594,260 533,498 462,360 444,947 425,324 412,091 402,605 406,174 393,425 386,713 395,543 384,333 371,609 357,034 363,337 345,364 593 585 596 579 606 586 585 575 563 566 575 586 596 602 600 592 579 584 592 614 621 624 587 561 572 553 563 749,393 732,929 728,187 711,921 705,423 691,499 680,913 674,930 657,393 648,745 650,993 646,118 638,144 621,284 606,284 591,822 570,616 548,952 529,311 513,845 498,955 479,548 451,245 437,919 414,386 394,268 373,364 420 428 430 431 444 438 441 450 449 453 455 468 477 479 480 493 508 506 496 495 497 512 509 515 502 508 508 88,406 89,571 88,379 85,746 83,470 81,993 81,328 83,187 78,774 79,848 79,860 82,372 82,365 78,246 75,972 76,022 76,751 73,692 70,373 70,063 70,682 69,676 65,923 65,940 61,310 62,113 63,170 740 728 721 707 761 722 711 732 755 759 740 734 767 778 790 795 796 892 901 1,027 1,082 1,121 1,208 1,341 1,323 1,430 1,414 81,463 78,192 73,215 71,328 75,454 73,569 70,528 69,266 80,228 75,534 67,825 61,077 70,374 64,355 67,823 68,212 65,090 71,472 69,281 70,768 70,696 69,587 72,614 80,401 74,403 73,216 71,420 4,041 3,793 293,301 589 593 341,480 466 476 49,131 1,800 1,968 118,153 817,020 612,251 532,481 421,065 4,013 311,159 521 295,382 52 10,150 1,566 200,329 Beds 214 Hospi tals 215 Beds 216 Hospi tals 217 Beds 218 Beds per 1,000 population Total 219 General 220 9.9 9.9 10.0 9.6 9 .7 9 .7 9.9 10.5 13.1 13.0 12.3 10.3 9.9 9.3 9.1 8.9 8.7 8.6 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 7.9 7.8 7.4 7.4 7.2 7.3 6.9 7.1 6.8 4 .1 4.1 4.2 3 .9 3 .9 3 .9 4.1 4 .6 7.0 7.0 6.3 4.4 4.0 3.5 3 .4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.1 3.1 3 .2 3.1 3.0 2 .9 3 .0 2.9 7.7 5.9 5.4 4 .7 2 .9 2 .5 1 Excludes hospitals with less than 10 beds. 35 B 221-248 VITAL STATISTICS AND HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE Series B 221-234. Hospitals and Beds, by Ownership or Control (AHA): 1946 to 1957 Total Year Hospi tals 221 Beds 222 1957_______________ 1956_______________ 1955_______________ 1954_______________ 1953_______________ 1952_______________ 1951_______________ 1950_______________ 1949_______________ 1948_______________ 1947_______________ 1946_______________ 6,818 6,966 6,956 6,970 6,978 6,903 6,832 6,788 6,277 6,160 6,173 6,125 1,558,691 1,607,692 1,604,408 1,577,961 1,F80,654 1,561,809 1,521,959 1,455,825 1,435,288 1,411,450 1,400,318 1,435,778 Federal Hospi Beds tals 223 224 437 432 428 430 435 439 422 414 376 386 403 404 183,002 184,121 183,162 189,233 202,604 213,018 214,597 189,477 186,764 185,846 199,771 235,964 Governmental State Hospi Beds tals 225 226 543 553 552 552 556 0) 0) 0) o 0) C) (!) 686,255 728,151 739,153 717,558 710,802 0) (!) 0) 0) 0) 0) o 1 State hospitals included with “Local.” Local Hospi Beds tals 227 228 1,238 1,263 1,253 1,248 1,239 11,747 11,701 11,654 11,511 11,474 11,490 11,504 194,740 202,368 203,179 202,312 203,836 1896,596 1870,517 1843,672 1842,089 1826,377 1807,602 1811,702 Nonprofit Church Other Hospi Hospi Beds Beds tals tals 229 230 231 232 1,220 1,206 1,101 1,196 1,110 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 180,291 176,972 162,283 169,685 157,597 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 2,291 2,304 2,339 2,225 2,259 23,348 23,297 2 3,250 23,044 23,022 2 2 ,981 22,921 Proprietary Hospi tals 233 267,555 265,633 264,761 247,658 251,712 2398,530 2383,102 2368,137 2355,331 2 349,310 2342,120 2334,867 1,089 1,208 1,283 1,319 1,379 1,369 1,412 1,470 1,346 1,278 1,299 1,296 Beds 234 46,848 50,447 51,870 51,515 54,103 53,665 53,743 54,539 51,104 49,917 50,825 53,245 ! Church-operated and affiliated hospitals included with “Other.” Series B 235-248. Hospitals and Beds, by Ownership or Control (AMA): 1909 to 1953 Total Year Hospi tals 235 1953_______________ 1952_______________ 1951_______________ 1950_______________ 1949_______________ 1948_______________ 1947_______________ 1946_______________ 1945_______________ 1944_______________ 1943_______________ 1942_______________ 1941_______________ 1940_______________ 1939_______________ 1938_______________ 1937_______________ 1936_______________ 1935_______________ 1934_______________ 1933_______________ 1932_______________ 1931_______________ 1930_______________ 1929_______________ 1928_______________ 1927_______________ 1926_______________ 1925_______________ 1924_______________ 1923_______________ 1918_______________ 1914_______________ 1909_______________ Beds 236 6,840 1,573,014 6,665 1,541,615 6,637 1,529,988 6,430 1,456,912 6,572 1,439,030 6,335 1,423,520 6,276 1,425,222 6,280 1,468,714 6,511 1,738,944 6,611 1,729,945 6,655 1,649,254 6,345 1,383,827 6,358 1,324,381 6,291 1,226,245 6,226 1,195,026 6,166 1,161,380 6,128 1,124,548 6,189 1,096,721 6,246 1,075,139 6,334 1,048,101 6,437 1,027,046 6,562 1,014,354 6,613 974,115 6,719 955,869 6,665 907,133 6,852 892,934 6,807 853,318 6,946 859,445 6,896 802,065 7,370 813,926 6,830 755,722 5,323 612,251 5,047 532,481 4,359 421,065 Federal Hospi Beds tals 237 238 392 386 388 355 361 372 401 464 705 798 827 474 428 33*3 329 330 329 323 316 313 295 301 291 288 292 294 301 299 310 220 110 93 71 200,535 211,510 216,939 186,793 182,254 185,098 213,204 264,486 546,384 551,135 476,673 220,938 179,202 108,928 96,338 92,248 97,951 84,234 83,353 77,865 75,635 74,151 69,170 63,581 59,901 61,765 60,444 63,553 57,091 62,352 53,869 18,815 12,602 8,827 1 Proprietary hospitals and beds included with “Other nonprofit.” 36 Governmental State Hospi Beds tals 239 240 550 549 554 552 573 567 563 557 549 539 531 530 530 521 523 523 522 524 526 544 557 568 576 581 578 595 592 351 632 601 303 294 232 711,824 691,408 683,376 665,019 656,611 648,386 626,648 628,363 619,642 609,025 610,115 606,437 600,320 572,079 560,575 541,279 508,913 503,306 483,994 473,035 459,646 442,601 419,282 405,309 385,706 369,759 354,786 334,984 317,264 321,399 302,208 262,254 232,834 189,049 Local Hospi Beds tals 241 242 Nonprofit Church Other Hospi Hospi Beds Beds tals tals 243 244 246 245 Proprietary Hospi tals 247 Beds 248 1,194 200,645 1,143 196,705 1,090 197,405 1,005 185,229 1,003 186,290 961 186,283 953 190,353 941 189,885 929 190,692 925 192,118 926 189,351 920 188,406 906 185,989 910 192,682 888 188,233 875 181,609 871 181,885 877 176,300 882 174,365 892 166,988 924 159,192 935 162,615 949 153,072 943 150,836 925 136,930 924 135,910 916 129,939 1,169 1,136 1,116 1,097 1,090 1,068 1,051 1,050 1,036 1,020 1,004 977 993 998 1,001 981 975 969 970 970 984 1,001 1,011 1,017 1,024 1,056 1,060 164,053 158,389 154,053 150,078 146,315 144,036 141,920 138,096 135,481 133,090 130,488 126,141 123,331 120,809 120,740 119,521 115,283 113,288 113,268 113,263 115,840 117,555 116,935 116,846 113,555 114,613 108,582 2,206 2,146 2,121 2,072 2,067 2,016 1,965 1,942 1,954 1,961 1,952 1,949 1,917 1,903 1,839 1,776 1,718 1,742 1,670 1,676 13,677 13,757 13,786 13,890 13,846 13,983 13,938 243,653 232,598 225,903 218,788 213,576 208,936 202,661 198,885 195,805 195,624 192,219 190,150 182,140 177,681 172,765 169,980 162,474 162,586 155,300 154,449 1216,733 1217,432 1215,656 1219,297 1211,041 1210,887 1199,567 1,329 1,305 1,368 1,349 1,478 1,351 1,343 1,326 1,338 1,368 1,415 1,495 1,584 1,623 1,646 1,681 1,713 1,754 1,882 1,939 C1) C1) 0) C1) C1) C1) C1) 52,304 51,005 52,312 51,005 53,984 50,781 50,436 48,999 50,940 48,953 50,408 51,755 53,399 54,066 56,375 56,743 58,042 57,007 64,859 62,501 0) 0) 0) C1) C1) C1) C1) 1,050 915 1,233 893 110,760 77,941 1,748 2,439 131,439 160,114 2,397 1,762 62,674 45,719 125,302 115,871 HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE B 249-270 Series B 249-260. Average Daily Census and Admissions to Hospitals, by Type of Service and Ownership (AHA): 1946 to 1957 [In thousands] Total Year 1957___________ 1956___________ 1955___________ 1954___________ 1953___________ 1952___________ 1951___________ 1950___________ 1949___________ 1948___________ 1947___________ 1946___________ Average daily census 249 Admissions during year 250 1,320 1,356 1,363 1,343 1,342 1,336 1,298 1,253 1,240 1,241 1,190 1,142 22,993 22,090 21,073 20,345 20,184 19,624 18,783 18,483 17,224 16,821 17,689 15,675 Non-Federal Long-term Short-term general general Psychiatric and special and special Average Admissions Average Admissions Average Admissions during during daily daily during daily year year census year census census 254 256 253 255 252 251 438 425 407 393 394 385 378 372 352 361 354 341 21,002 20,107 19,100 18,392 18,098 17,413 16,677 16,663 15,428 15,072 15,908 13,655 67 63 65 61 56 58 51 60 68 70 73 63 198 175 158 155 160 156 163 164 132 128 149 139 609 659 677 668 663 651 636 607 597 595 558 517 303 343 312 289 291 392 275 293 269 267 266 202 Federal, all types Tuberculosis Average daily census 257 49 53 56 61 62 62 62 62 66 66 55 55 Admissions during year 258 71 76 87 89 77 76 83 79 128 112 94 85 Average daily census 259 157 156 157 160 168 180 171 152 157 149 150 166 Admissions during year 260 1,419 1,388 1,415 1,421 1,558 1,586 1,586 1,284 1,268 1,241 1,271 1,593 Series B 261-270. Average Daily Census and Admissions to Hospitals, by Type of Service (AMA): 1923 to 1953 [In thousands] Year 1953 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ 1952. __ - _ _____ _ ___ 1951 _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1950 1949 _ 1948 _ __ ________ _ ___ 1947- _______ _______ _ __ 1946 _ _______ ______ __ -__ _ _ _ 1945-_ _ _ _______ _ - ___ _ _ -__ _ _ 1944 _ _ __ _ 1943 1942 _ _ _ 1941 _ _ _____ 1940 _ _ - _ _ 1939 __ ____ 1938 ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 1937 ________ 1936 _______ _______ __ ______ -__ -__ 1935 _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ __ _ _ 1934 _____ -__ _ _ ___ _ -__ . 1933 ___ _ _ _ - ___ _____ 1932_____________________________________ 1931 1930 1929 1927 _ _ 1925 _ __ 1923 0 - 60 - 4 Digitized488910 for FRASER Average daily census 261 Total Admissions during year 262 1,333 1,309 1,294 1,243 1,225 1,217 1,217 1,239 1,405 1,299 1,257 1,126 1,087 1,026 996 966 944 909 876 830 810 808 775 763 727 672 629 553 19,869 18,915 18,237 17,024 16,660 16,423 15,830 15,153 16,257 16,037 15,375 12,546 11,596 10,088 9,879 9,421 9,222 8,647 7,717 7,147 7,038 7,228 7,156 General Average Admissions during daily year census 264 263 477 475 471 433 429 438 457 496 665 570 529 405 364 325 308 293 288 272 261 237 232 250 248 240 234 228 194 18,693 17,760 17,066 15,830 15,450 15,160 14,665 14,052 15,228 15,060 14,455 11,634 10,647 9,219 9,018 8,546 8,350 7,756 6,875 6,292 6,072 6,304 6,322 Mental Average Admissions during daily year census 265 266 719 704 698 688 675 664 652 636 624 619 619 610 603 591 577 562 547 525 507 488 475 455 427 415 395 350 322 328 312 307 307 308 305 292 271 249 226 209 214 209 190 190 199 196 185 173 172 171 170 Tuberculosis Average Admissions during daily census year 267 268 75 75 74 72 69 66 63 62 60 63 65 70 71 67 65 66 65 63 61 60 60 60 56 56 51 51 40 108 110 107 113 113 106 99 100 86 88 92 102 101 91 91 101 102 99 86 82 84 93 81 All other Average Admissions daily during census year 269 270 61 55 52 49 51 49 46 45 56 47 43 41 50 43 46 44 44 49 46 45 43 43 45 52 47 43 74 739 733 757 773 789 852 773 731 694 662 620 596 639 587 580 576 574 607 583 601 711 662 37 B 271-281 VITAL STATISTICS AND HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE Series B 271-274. Admissions of Patients to Hospitals for Mental Disease: 1831 to 1956 Rate per 100,000 population All State All State hospitals hospitals hospitals hospitals 271 272 273 274 Rate per 100,000 population State State All All hospitals hospitals hospitals hospitals 271 272 273 274 Admissions Year 1956___ 1955___ 1954___ 1953___ 1952___ 1951___ 1950___ 1949___ 1948___ 1947___ 1946___ 1945___ 1944___ 1943___ 1942___ 1941___ 1940___ 1939___ 1938___ 1937___ 1936___ 1935___ 1934___ 1933___ 1932___ 1931___ 296,359 302,543 276,025 274,968 270,087 255,605 255,748 251,978 252,341 240,503 218,545 189,648 171,967 160,998 157,284 162,724 158,253 156,526 154,491 154,118 147,297 134,077 135,339 125,384 0) 115,679 176,245 169,512 163,071 159,002 152,479 141,583 141,493 139,103 133,514 123,392 116,807 110,914 107,988 106,698 109,059 107,914 105,420 103,844 100,493 98,646 94,897 89,964 87,647 86,407 83,460 82,334 179.2 186.4 173.5 176.2 176.1 169.2 170.3 170.7 173.8 168.7 157.9 148.7 135.7 126.3 120.1 123.7 120.2 119.6 119.0 119.6 115.0 105.4 107.1 99.8 93.3 106.7 104.4 102.5 101.9 99.4 93.7 94.2 94.3 92.0 86.6 84.4 86.9 85.2 83.7 83.3 82.0 80.1 79.3 77.4 76.6 74.1 70.7 69.4 68.8 66.9 66.4 Admissions Year 1930__ 1929__ 1928__ 1927__ 1926__ 1922__ 1910__ 1904__ 1903__ 1902. 1901__ 1900__ 1899__ 1898__ 1897__ 1896__ 1895__ 1894__ 1893__ 1892__ 1891__ 1890__ 0) 0) C1) (l) C1) 89,455 60,769 49,622 0) C1) 0) 0) C1) 0) C1) 0) C1) 0) 0) C1) C1) 0) 78,452 75,601 73,388 69,318 65,348 61,182 45,873 41,391 38,931 37,766 37,689 41,165 33,304 34,045 31,612 30,531 30,977 28,771 28,446 27,164 26,580 24,651 63 .7 62 .1 60 .9 58 .2 55 .7 55 .6 49 .6 50 .4 48, 3 47 .7 48,.6 54 .1 44 .5 46 3 43 .8 43 .1 44 .5 42 .1 42 .5 41 .4 41 .3 39 .1 81.3 65.8 60.4 Year Rate per Admissions, 100,000 all population, hospitals all hospitals 271 1880_ _ 1879_ _ 1878_ _ 1877_ _ 1876_ _ 1875.1874_ _ 1873._ 1872 1871_ _ 1870_. 1869.. 1868.. 1867.. 1866.. 1865.1864._ 1863_ _ 1862._ 1861.. I860.1859.. 1858.. 1857_ _ 1856_- Rate per Admissions, 100,000 population, all all hospitals hospitals Year 273 12,235 13,051 13,647 13,392 13,145 12,181 12,447 11,223 11,554 11,173 10,010 9,319 8,740 7,702 7,376 7,019 6,311 5,998 5,724 5,874 5,846 5,636 5,047 4,764 4,380 271 24.3 26.5 28.3 28.4 28.5 27.0 28.3 26.1 27.5 27.3 25.1 23.9 22.9 20.6 20.2 19.7 18.1 17.6 17.2 18.2 18.6 18.4 16.9 16.4 15.5 1855._ 1854.. 1853_ _ 1852-_ 1851_ _ 1850_. 1849-_ 1848._ 1847_ _ 1846._ 1845__ 1844__ 1843-_ 1842._ 1841._ 1840_ _ 1839._ 1838_ _ 1837_ _ 1836_ _ 1835.. 1834.. 1833-_ 1832._ 1831_ _ 273 4,501 4,347 4,106 ,‘J, 658 I, ,286 2,979 2,982 3,117 2,685 2,266 2,182 1,810 1,618 1,202 1,344 1,082 1,142 932 873 789 820 611 558 358 394 16.4 16.4 16.0 14.7 13.6 12.8 13.2 14.2 12.5 10.9 10.8 9.2 8.5 6.6 7.6 6.3 6.8 5.7 5.5 5.1 5.5 4.2 3.9 2.6 3.0 1 N ot available. Series B 275-281. Specified Reportable Diseases: 1912 to 1956 [Rate per 100,000 population enumerated as of April 1 for 1940 and 1950, and estimated as of July 1 for all other years] Year 1956______ 1955______ 1954______ 1953______ 1952______ 1951______ 1950______ 1949______ 1948______ 1947______ 1946______ 1945______ 1944______ 1943______ 1942______ 1941______ 1940______ 1939______ 1938______ 1937______ 1936______ 1935______ 1934______ Scarlet Typhoid fever and and para strep typhoid tococcal sore fever 1 throat2 275 276 5.0 4.4 4.7 3 .9 3.2 2 .5 2 .5 2.7 2 .5 2 .8 2 .8 3 .7 4.2 4.1 5.0 6.5 7.4 10.0 11.5 12.4 12.4 14.4 17.6 105.5 89.8 91.7 84.0 73.0 54.9 42.8 58.7 62.5 65.2 89.6 140.1 150.9 112.0 101.4 104.7 125.9 132.3 152.8 183.5 195.6 211.0 180.0 Diph theria 277 0.9 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.9 2.6 3 .8 5.4 6.5 8.5 11.7 14.1 10.6 11.0 12.1 13.5 11.8 18.4 23.5 22.2 23.4 30.8 34.1 Whoop Meningo Acute coccal polio ing infec myelitis cough tions 278 19.0 38.2 37.8 23.5 28.9 44.8 80.1 46.7 51.1 109.1 78.4 101.0 82.7 142.9 142.9 166.9 139.6 140.0 175.1 166.6 115.0 141.9 209.9 279 1.6 2.1 2.8 3.2 3.1 2.7 2 .5 2.4 2.3 2.4 4.1 6.2 12.3 13.6 2.9 1.5 1.3 1.5 2.2 4.4 5.9 4.7 2.0 280 9.1 17.6 23.9 22.5 37.2 18.5 22.1 28.3 19.0 7.5 18.3 10.3 14.3 9.3 3.1 6.8 7.4 5.6 1.3 7.4 3.5 8.5 5.9 Small pox 281 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 1.0 2.1 7.5 11.5 9.1 6.1 6.3 4.3 1 Excludes paratyphoid fever for 1912 to 1919 and includes other salmonella infections for 1950 to 1955. 38 Year 1933___ 1932___ 1931____ 1930___ 1929___ 1928___ 1927___ 1926___ 1925___ 1924____ 1923____ 1922____ 1921___ 1920___ 1919 1918___ 1917____ 1916___ 1915____ 1914____ 1913___ 1912____ Scarlet Typhoid fever and and para strep typhoid tococcal fever 1 sore throat2 275 276 18.6 21.4 21.4 22.1 19.1 22.6 29.2 35.5 40.6 31.8 31.0 33.0 46.0 37.5 42.9 50.0 63.0 82.3 74.0 82.4 84.2 81.8 174.4 172.7 166.3 144.5 152.9 148.9 179.8 166.7 164.4 164.2 158.8 148.1 188.9 168.3 118.3 94.5 139.2 114.5 108.6 133.0 143.1 138.2 Diph theria Whoop Meningo Acute coccal ing polio infec myelitis cough tions Small pox 279 281 277 278 40.2 48.0 57.1 54.1 70.1 75.9 89.8 80.7 83.3 105.6 131.4 156.9 201.5 154.3 144.7 101.5 133.0 129.2 132.7 152.5 142.1 139.0 142.6 172.5 139.1 135.6 162.1 134.3 152.4 172.2 133.2 145.0 154.2 107.7 2 Excludes streptococcal sore throat for 1912 to 1919. 2 .4 2.6 4.7 7.0 8.7 5.0 2.9 2.2 1.9 1.8 2.1 2.0 2 .5 3.2 3.1 7.2 6.2 2.7 2.9 3.4 3 .4 280 4.0 3.1 13.3 7.7 2.4 4.3 8.8 2.4 5.4 4.8 3.3 2.3 6.5 2 .5 2.3 2.8 4.9 41.1 3.1 2 .4 4.0 5.5 5.2 9.0 24.4 39.7 34.7 32.7 31.6 28.7 34.7 49.6 27.6 30.5 100.3 107.0 63.8 83.1 52.7 23.4 50.2 66.4 55.7 30.8 chapter C Migration INTERNAL MIGRATION (Series C 1-87) C 1-73. General note. Data concerning internal migration of the native population are based on information concerning State of birth and State of residence collected during the decennial censuses of popu lation. Caution is required in the interpretation of these data because the migration measured by each census is the net movement from the time of birth to the census date. Mi grants as defined here include only those persons who have moved from one State to another and are, on the census date, living in States other than those in which they were born. Persons who moved from their State of birth and then returned to it by the time of the census are classified as nonmigrants. These statistics for migrants do not represent the total num ber of persons who have moved from the State or geographic division in which they were born to other States or divisions during any given period of time. Some of those who moved from one State to another died before the following census date. Some moved from and returned, between censuses, to their State of birth. Others moved to places outside conti nental United States. A native is defined as a person born in continental United States, Puerto Rico, or the Territories or possessions, or born abroad to American parents. Persons for whom place of birth was not reported are included with the natives. The classification of the population by color is not ordinarily based on replies to census questions asked by the enumerators, but rather is obtained by observation. This concept does not, therefore, reflect a clear-cut definition of biological stock. The nonwhite population consists of Negroes, American Indians, Japanese, Chinese, Filipinos, and some other groups. Per sons of mixed parentage are placed in the color classification of the nonwhite parent. Persons of Mexican birth or ances try who are not definitely Indian or of other nonwhite stock have been classified as white in all censuses except that of 1930. The lack of comparability introduced by this factor is substantial in the West South Central, Mountain, and Pacific Divisions. For revised 1930 figures for regions showing Mexi cans classified as white, see series B 215-230 in Historical Statistics of the United States, 1789-1945. C 1-14. Native population, by residence within or outside State, division, and region of birth, by color, 1850-1950. Source: Special compilations made by the University of Pennsylvania Studies of Population Redistribution and Economic Growth from the following: 1850, The Seventh Census of the United States: 1850, pp. xxxvi-xxxviii; 1860, Eighth Census of the United States: 1860, table 5 for each State, pp. 10-589, various pages, and pp. 616-619; 1870, Ninth Census Reports, vol. I, pp. 327-335; 1880, Tenth Census Reports, Population, pp. 484-491; 1890, Eleventh Census Reports, Population, part 1, pp. 564-567 and 576-579; 1900, Twelfth Census Reports, Population, vol. I, part 1, pp. 686-693 and 702-705; 1910, Thirteenth Census Reports, Population, vol. I, pp. 730-744; 1920, Fourteenth Census Reports, Population, vol. II, pp. 626 640; 1930, Fifteenth Census Reports, Population, vol. II, pp. 153-167; 1940, Sixteenth Census Reports, State of Birth of the Native Population, pp. 20-39; 1950, U. S. Census of Popu lation: 1950, vol. IV, Special Reports, State of Birth, pp. 4A-24 to 4A-43. In 1860, persons who were born in territories and who were then residing in territories were assumed to be residing in the territory of their birth. See general note for definition of color and nativity; see also text for series A 95-122 for definitions of division and region. C 15-24. Native population born in each division, by division of residence, by color, 1850-1950. Source: See source for series C 1-14. See also general note for definition of color and nativity. C 25-73. Estimated net intercensal migration of total, native white, foreign-born white, and Negro population surviving from the preceding census date, by States, 1870-1950. Source: Everett S. Lee, Ann Ratner Miller, Carol P. Brainerd, and Richard A. Easterlin, Population Redistribution and Economic Growth: United States, 1870-1950, vol. I, Philadel phia, the American Philosophical Society, 1957, pp. 107-231. See general note for definition of color and nativity. The estimates of net migration were obtained by a residual method, using survival ratios derived from census data. The loss through mortality during an intercensal period was esti mated on the basis of the ratios of appropriate age groups as enumerated in successive decennial censuses. The difference between the enumerated population at the end of the decennial period and the estimated survivors from the beginning to the end of the period was assumed to be net migration. Compu tations were by age groups for each sex, the figures presented in series C 25-73 being summations for ages 10 years and over at the end of each intercensal period. For the native popula tion, the figures show the estimated amount of net internal migration. For the foreign born, the figures represent the estimated net change attributable to direct movement into the State from abroad and the net gain or loss in the exchange of foreign-born residents with other States. C 74-79. Estimated annual movement of the farm population, 1920-1957. Source: 1920-1954, Agricultural Marketing Service, Farm Population, Migration to and From Farms, 1920-195U, AMS-10, 1954; 1955-1957, Farm Population, Estimated for (specific years), AMS-80, 1955, 1956, and 1957. Estimates of the total farm population and of the annual changes in its components utilize data from the censuses of population and agriculture and the Current Population Survey conducted by the Bureau of the Census in addition to data from a questionnaire mailed by the Department of Agriculture to lists of crop reporters. Estimates of the components of change are derived from information supplied by the crop reporters 39 C 80-87 MIGRATION and adjusted for internal consistency with available birth C 80-87. Mobility status and type of mobility of the civilian and death figures and data on movements in and out of population one year old and over, 1947-1957. the Armed Forces. For a history of the procedures used and Source: Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, the successive revisions of the series, see Department of Agri Series P-20, No. 82. culture, Major Statistical Series of the U. S. Department of The civilian population was classified by mobility status on Agriculture, vol. 7, Agricultural Handbook No. 118, 1957. the basis of a comparison between the place of residence of Farm population figures relate to the civilian population liv individual on the survey date and the place of residence ing on farms, regardless of occupation or source of income. each one year earlier. Persons classified as movers include all those The determination of whether a household is located on a farm whose place residence in the United States was different at has been made largely by the residents themselves. If the the end of theofperiod and at the beginning of the period. respondent in reply to the inquiry, “Is this house on a farm For similar information for earlier years, see Donald J. (or ranch) ?” answers affirmatively, it is, in most cases, classi fied as a farm dwelling unit and the occupants as part of the Bogue, Henry S. Shryock, Jr., and Siegried A. Hoermann, “Sub farm population. Excluded are the following: Persons living regional Migration in the United States, 1935-40,” vol. 1, on farmland who rent for cash a home and yard only; persons Streams of Migration Between Subregions, Miami, Ohio, in summer camps, motels, and tourist camps; and persons in Scripps Foundation Studies in Population Distribution, No. 5, institutions on farmland. 1957. 40 INTERNAL MIGRATION C 1-24 Series C 1-14. Native Population, by Residence Within or Outside State, Division, and Region of Birth, by Color: 1850 to 1950 Color i and year Born in other States Contiguous to State Noncontiguous to State of residence of residence Percent Number Percent Number Percent 3 4 5 6 7 Born in State of residence Native population Number 2 1 Born in out lying areas Born abroad or at sea State of birth not reported 8 9 10 Born in division of residence Number 11 Born in region of residence Percent 12 Number 13 Percent 14 TOTAL 1950 2___ 1940____ 1930____ 1920___ 1910____ 1900____ 18903___ 1880____ 1870____ 139,868,715 102,788,385 120,074,379 92,609,754 108,570,897 82,677,619 91,789,928 71,071,013 78,456,380 61,185,305 65,653,299 51,901,722 53,372,703 41,872,656 43,475,840 33,882,734 32,991,142 25,321,340 73.5 14,589,035 77.1 12,583,482 76.2 12,200,290 77.4 9,741,781 78.0 7,959,860 79.0 6,308,975 78.5 4,628,768 77.9 4,083,004 76.8 3,182,563 10.4 20,695,185 10.5 14,322,504 13,187,810 1 0 .6 10,532,669 1 0 .1 8,950,254 9.6 7,192,070 8.7 6,464,295 9.4 5,509,760 9.6 4,474,757 124,382,950 106,795,732 95,497,800 81,108,161 68,386,412 56,595,379 45,862,023 36,843,291 28,095,665 23,353,385 17,772,270 91,984,035 82,533,805 72,821,481 62,524,789 52,806,091 44,278,021 35,524,287 28,310,081 21,355,242 17,527,069 13,624,902 74.0 13,195,215 77.3 11,298,723 76.2 10,824,966 77.1 8,675 416 77.2 7,018,331 78.2 5,534,957 77.5 4,064,121 76.8 3,576,340 76.0 2,779,526 75.1 2,529,494 76.7 2,105,724 17,629,445 12,492,817 11.3 11,452,788 10.7 9,521,420 10.3 8,245,872 9.8 6,562,833 8.9 5,926,722 9.7 4,956,596 9.9 3,951,487 1 0 .8 3,242,190 11.9 2,006,033 15,485,765 13,278,647 13,073,097 10,681,767 10,069,968 9,057,920 7,510,680 6,632,549 4,895,477 10,804,350 10,075,949 9,856,138 8,546,224 8,379,214 7,623,701 6,348,369 5,572,653 3,966,098 69.8 75.9 75.4 80.0 83.2 84.2 84.5 84.0 81.0 9.0 9.7 10.5 14.8 11.9 1 1 .2 1 2 ,1 11.5 11.4 11.0 1 2 .1 12.7 13.6 329,970 156,956 136,032 38,020 7,365 2,923 322 51 51 96,355 1,369,785 113,477,915 122,169 279,514 101,694,396 130,677 238,469 91,382,402 92,863 313,582 77,906,515 67,911 285,685 66,746,379 67,151 180,458 56,248,496 396,652 45,022,600 1 0 ,0 1 0 36,582,390 291 169 " "l2^262~ 27,363,803 81.1 119,490,510 84.7 106,734,907 84.2 96,447,180 84.9 82,308,490 85.1 70,864,304 85.7 60,025,002 84.4 48,398,175 84.1 39,530,266 82.9 29,634,393 85.4 88.9 88.8 89.7 90.3 91.4 90.7 90.9 89.8 289,435 99,170 71,582 26,476 6,413 2,563 279 50 38 88,065 1,196,755 101,491,050 117,933 253,284 90,586,586 125,060 201,923 80,492,581 88,838 271,222 68,601,740 64,356 245,349 57,703,559 63,366 153,639 48,102,508 9,543 337,071 38,315,138 224 30,681,197 9,212 23,130,521 160 52,014 18,969,880 2,618 35,611 14,707,719 81.6 107,061,705 84.8 95,225,370 84.3 85,075,201 84.6 72,563,235 84.4 61,361,087 85.0 51,407,811 83.5 41,227,682 83.3 33,126,949 82.3 24,914,093 81.2 20,481,089 82.8 15,765,010 8 6 .1 89.2 89.1 89.5 89.7 90.8 89.9 89.9 88.7 87.7 88.7 77.4 83.7 83.3 87.1 89.8 89.9 89.3 89.0 86.5 80.3 86.7 87.0 91.2 94.4 95.1 95.5 96.5 96.4 WHITE 1950 2___ 1940____ 1930 *___ 1920____ 1910____ 1900____ 1890 3___ 1880 1870____ 1860 4_ 1850 *___ 14.2 11.7 1 0 .6 1 0 .6 1 2 .0 11.7 1 2 .0 1 1 .6 12.9 13.5 14.1 13.9 11.3 NON WHITE 1950 2___ 1940____ 1930 i___ 1920____ 1910____ 1900____ 1890 3.__ 1880___ 1870____ 1,393,820 1,284,759 1,375,324 1,066,365 941,529 774,018 564,647 506,664 403,037 1 0 .0 9.3 8.5 7.5 7.6 8 .2 3,065,740 1,829,687 1,735,022 1,011,249 704,382 629,237 537,573 553,164 523,270 19.8 13.8 13.3 9.5 7.0 6.9 7.2 8.3 10.7 1 Mexicans classified as nonwhite in 1930, as white in other censuses. 2 Based on 20-percent sample of persons enumerated. 3 Excludes population of Indian Territory and Indian reservations, specially enumer- 40,535 57,786 64,450 11,544 952 360 43 1 13 8,290 4,236 5,617 4,025 3,555 3,785 467 67 9 173,030 11,986,865 26,230 11,107,810 36,546 10,889,821 42,360 9,304,775 40,336 9,042,820 26,819 8,145,988 59,581 6,707,462 5,901,193 3~050~ 4,233,282 12,428,805 11,509,537 11,371,979 9,745,255 9,503,217 8,617,191 7,170,493 6,403,317 4,720,300 ated in 1890, with a native population of 117,368 white, and 208,083 nonwhite, not distributed by State of birth. 4 Free colored included with white. Series C 15-24. Native Population Born in Each Division, by Division of Residence, by Color: 1850 to 1950 [Excludes persons born outside continental U. S. and persons for whom State of birth was not reported] C olor,1 census year, and division of birth Total 15 New England 16 Middle Atlantic 17 7,765,220 7,040,420 456,510 90,555 40,080 66,925 19,555 18,830 11,210 21,135 6,788,754 6,292,313 340,901 62,294 25,609 35,011 9,258 7,189 6,431 9,748 23,667,205 445,570 21,967,895 434,780 142,145 434,560 82,350 69,435 34,890 55,580 21,562,277 410,907 20,113,804 393,318 120,901 360,021 59,151 43,268 26,562 34,345 Division of residence East North West North South Central Central Atlantic 18 19 20 East South W est South Central Central 21 22 Mountain Pacific 23 24 11,564,885 35,245 124,225 292,995 532,565 174,420 523,035 9,699,470 98,400 84,530 10,255,758 12,776 64,963 238,290 516,685 135,018 531,150 8,669,708 61,359 25,809 4,543,490 30,575 113,220 314,300 697,650 63,965 75,205 357,420 2,721,855 169,290 3,698,071 16,803 66,229 242,314 633,440 39,439 59,299 270,484 2,271,873 98,190 12,236,975 208,265 606,685 1,268,010 2,033,415 233,550 238,855 1,047,400 842,620 5,758,175 8,127,716 133,605 376,424 935,136 1,431,854 126,623 155,225 539,941 553,662 3,875,246 WHITE 1950 2_____________________ 122,808,695 New England _ __ _ 8,123,805 Middle A tlantic. _ __ 25,133,815 26,253,590 East North Central-15,804,720 West North C entral-_ _ 14,808,615 South Atlantic _ — _ East South Central- _ _ _ 10,389,290 12,022,265 West South Central---- _ Mountain __ ______ 3,945,625 Pacific-- __ _ __ __ _ 6,326,970 1940______________________ 106,325,345 7,091,608 New England ____ __ Middle A tla n tic __ 22,321,593 East North C en tra l--__ __ 23,255,752 14,401,132 W est North Central. _ _ 12,601,815 South A tlantic___ __ __ East South Central--------- --- _ 9,333,222 West South Central______ - _ 10,085,283 Mountain_____________ _ __ 3,089,040 Pacific-- ______ __ _____ 4,145,900 1 Mexicans classified as nonwhite in 1930, as white in other censuses. 26,038,680 130,600 883,575 22,344,070 925,255 461,355 908,915 223,550 79,265 82,095 22,892,971 101,637 765,363 20,031,073 818,929 314,513 616,381 142,119 59,659 43,297 12,848,660 31,000 119,430 801,785 11,186,855 70,370 132,160 314,375 109,840 82,845 12,296,354 25,600 123,075 896,605 10,705,594 54,368 133,904 237,853 85,530 33,825 15,490,860 185,885 800,850 498,185 180,270 12,976,715 613,630 141,435 36,690 57,200 12,766,703 91,015 440,461 301,011 102,722 11,290,451 432,330 69,671 18,445 20,597 8,652,720 16,245 61,425 208,910 66,485 326,755 7,795,585 150,350 10,845 16,120 7,936,741 6,952 30,373 155,711 45,398 246,371 7,336,524 105,050 5,519 4,843 2 Based on 20-percent sample of persons <enumerated. 41 C 15-24 MIGRATION Series C 15-24. Native Population Born in Each Division, by Division of Residence, by Color: 1850 to 1950—Con. Color,1 census year, and division of birth white — Con. 1930______________________ New England Middle Atlantic _ East North Central _ West North Central. _. South Atlantic _ _ East South Central _ West South Central. _ _ Mountain _ _ _ _ Pacific _ _ _ 1920______________________ New England _ Middle Atlantic East North Central West North Central South Atlantic East South Central . West South Central____ Mountain . Pacific _ _____ 1910______________________ New England _ _ _ _ Middle Atlantic _ _ _ _ _ East North Central West North Central South Atlantic _ _ _ East South Central _ West South Central Mountain _ __ _ _ _ Pacific _ 1900______________________ New England _ _ __ Middle Atlantic East North Central West North Central South Atlantic East South Central _ _ West South Central _ _ _ Mountain Pacific- _ _ _ _ 1890 3____________________ New England _ _ _ Middle Atlantic _ _ _____ East North Central _ _ _ West North Central South Atlantic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ East South Central _ West South Central M ountain. Pacific _ - _ _ _ 1880______________________ New England Middle Atlantic _ East North Central West North Central _ _ . South Atlantic East South Central West South CentralMountain _ _ _ _ _ Pacific _ _ _ 1870______________________ New England _ _ _ Middle Atlantic _ East North Central _ _ West North Central _ _ South A tlantic. _ _ _ _ East South Central- _ __ __ West South C entral--. M ountain. _ _ _ _ _ Pacific. _ _ _ __ 1860 4____________________ New England _ __ _ __ Middle Atlantic _ _ __ East North Central _ __ __ West North C en tra l_________ South Atlantic. _ _____ __ East South Central. __ West South Central _ Mountain __ _ _ _ ________ P a c if ic - .__ ___________ __ Total 15 New England 16 Middle Atlantic 17 95,099,235 6,535,693 20,610,693 21,523,034 13,113,754 11,319,720 8,531,783 8,039,544 2,317,079 3,107,935 80,721,625 5,613,387 17,754,221 18,836,603 11,077,968 9,605,593 7,445,580 6,358,200 1,785,103 2,244,970 68,070,294 4,867,376 15,123,715 16,287,667 9,210,184 8,273,219 6,631,841 4,909,800 1,206,525 1,559,967 56,375,811 4,304,088 12,994,778 13,990,407 7,211,362 7,028,299 5,696,181 3,330,565 765,078 1,055,053 45,515,130 3,869,022 11,026,901 11,459,737 5,083,535 5,988,960 4,794,666 2,138,369 452,657 701,283 36,843,017 3,614,346 9,693,744 9,062,808 3,117,714 5,169,015 4,077,215 1,410,432 265,689 432,054 28,086,255 3,270,626 8,065,869 6,550,805 1,684,544 4,206,178 3,165,831 765,053 153,772 223,577 23,298,753 3,144,598 6,944,042 4,562,911 848,692 4,264,749 2,781,432 550,043 100,739 101,547 6,204,011 5,752,888 321,693 53,302 21,386 29,326 7,315 5,401 5,090 7,610 5,420,554 5,003,487 305,384 48,079 17,259 24,111 5,815 4,562 4,997 6,860 4,641,157 4,305,759 247,999 37,814 13,453 19,347 4,461 3,879 3,876 4,569 4,063,335 3,782,347 213,818 31,065 11,316 14,206 3,111 1,888 1,716 3,868 3,498,667 3,308,754 149,620 18,588 5,555 9,927 2,026 1,275 756 2,166 3,177,460 3,031,308 116,499 12,806 3,176 8,618 1,725 1,016 711 1,601 2,807,945 2,704,882 83,537 8,463 1,621 6,497 1,206 730 66 943 2,663,062 2,584,262 64,518 5,057 652 6,777 797 522 (6) 477 19,780,421 392,102 18,427,461 362,359 106,542 353,731 52,209 34,716 22,734 28,567 16,651,261 251,361 15,714,467 273,633 72,434 246,672 36,076 21,272 15,165 20,181 14,003,037 215,838 13,264,960 211,088 48,916 201,618 24,205 13,329 11,416 11,667 11,764,269 175,529 11,203,366 162,945 33,376 152,680 16,105 7,950 4,543 7,775 9,620,523 157,962 9,222,526 95,477 16,549 107,554 9,597 5,167 1,664 4,027 8,287,904 176,366 7,921,093 73,777 11,055 90,530 7,269 4,219 1,096 2,499 6,788,821 180,779 6,479,733 48,589 5,031 65,515 4,920 2,651 138 1,465 5,898,979 212,218 5,582,854 29,662 1,965 66,971 3,061 1,648 (6) 600 Division of residence South East North West North Central Central Atlantic 18 20 19 20,990,462 11,778,688 11,025,521 114,311 36,849 65,025 834,310 314,394 179,234 18,167,867 1,102,154 229,645 760,889 9,918,618 68,103 322,548 72,008 9,955,907 596,959 153,991 326,357 101,431 202,164 44,638 53,880 82,608 10,884 38,267 31,062 10,568 17,641,695 10,798,750 9,311,926 103,025 53,349 49,436 746,504 252,354 264,186 15,606,106 1,292,533 179,169 462,835 8,699,489 50,549 232,580 90,706 8,487,281 377,338 179,126 234,259 53,305 141,216 30,900 32,948 62,656 7,714 27,054 27,321 8,432 14,791,593 9,682,750 7,765,765 97,016 73,131 28,394 652,982 337,132 191,251 13,239,961 1,411,304 111,408 323,844 7,410,156 22,494 167,764 109,371 7,244,553 250,933 196,661 14-5,352 27,218 91,459 15,183 17,638 36,206 3,417 14,237 17,330 3,713 13,037,883 8,501,171 6,487,097 117,475 95,473 21,464 725,710 410,130 152,668 11,539,208 1,424,563 83,300 267,723 6,142,945 15,230 154,152 125,802 6,105,309 195,986 209,595 95,892 18,745 58,754 9,877 9,280 21,396 1,446 9,604 12,513 1,911 10,679,859 7,053,073 5,376,140 141,909 126,561 21,469 769,746 507,162 115,883 9,280,356 1,464,505 57,949 137,664 4,511,678 8,284 159,824 151,969 5,101,959 171,757 238,208 62,460 11,125 36,260 6,446 3,155 10,025 523 4,323 6,705 1,167 9,098,915 4,950,250 4,483,127 178,124 123,105 17,545 899,051 479,473 103,764 7,521,118 1,126,361 42,533 101,161 2,801,794 4,361 192,311 149,700 4,256,663 192,398 232,785 52,704 9,494 28,023 4,633 1,941 4,925 339 3,317 4,084 585 7,325,414 3,038,215 3,469,244 212,928 97,087 14,708 967,899 339,388 84,225 5,625,542 704,106 19,407 62,386 1,524,350 2,051 230,689 138,450 3,308,462 214,814 210,645 37,442 7,885 20,005 2,591 432 2,169 52 2,839 2,015 306 5,715,955 1,702,245 3,358,465 224,230 57,324 12,213 184,972 946,080 68,452 4,044,329 358,725 10,445 756,018 27,496 915 125,982 3,236,171 265,569 210,990 202,798 28,932 7,759 4,322 1,230 (5) (5) (5) 475 107 1,131 1 Mexicans classified as nonwhite in 1930, as white in other censuses. 3 Excludes population of Indian Territory and Indian reservations, specially enumerated in 1890, with a native population of 117,368 white and 208,083 non white, not distributed by State of birth. 42 4 Includes free colored. &N ot available, East South West South Central Central 22 21 7,158,480 6,084 27,532 151,942 39,461 271,607 6,563,867 90,120 4,219 3,648 6,286,445 5,803 27,434 136,431 32,428 222,844 5,791,383 64,080 3,300 2,742 5,657,676 5,221 26,602 129,227 26,257 220,304 5,198,232 48,275 2,055 1,503 4,947,654 4,972 24,477 119,432 22,391 221,912 4,515,686 36,961 823 1,000 4,186,475 5,802 24,664 94,521 14,461 232,107 3,790,050 23,931 341 598 3,563,017 4,886 21,758 67,865 11,515 272,498 3,164,256 19,693 177 369 2,835,457 5,552 23,259 48,469 8,851 313,905 2,420,279 14,865 65 212 2,538,909 7,269 24,020 32,248 5,842 411,919 2,048,662 8,887 (5) 62 8,906,478 12,825 69,246 278,633 558,788 166,797 635,683 7,117,591 47,331 19,584 7,615,242 13,680 74,672 306,576 534,721 180,365 663,654 5,791,839 34,621 15,114 6,344,580 11,024 60,485 309,955 484,944 204,527 686,321 4,563,489 15,963 7,872 4,494,019 7,981 39,005 192,025 305,129 197,884 597,479 3,143,786 6,401 4,329 2,937,889 7,058 29,588 112,084 121,395 177,366 466,533 2,019,570 2,074 2,221 2,067,174 6,645 23,520 69,347 78,285 168,103 390,416 1,328,521 1,083 1,254 1,161,542 4,418 13,223 24,893 33,449 123,369 253,883 707,821 159 327 984,856 5,930 15,661 24,038 23,459 133,672 263,132 518,799 (5) 165 Mountain Pacific 23 24 2,999,731 19,829 78,751 275,415 562,360 42,096 61,895 179,510 1,699,814 80,061 2,730,830 25,804 99,028 319,171 529,090 45,179 63,268 133,956 1,442,878 72,456 2,063,208 30,999 110,309 291,913 378,359 42,174 52,956 84,119 1,024,876 47,503 1,281,152 27,658 88,623 180,312 190,402 24,638 26,407 28,208 685,356 29,548 856,949 28,966 84,419 138,062 113,722 20,095 20,572 15,988 417,647 17,478 468,678 21,169 51,848 62,709 43,790 12,170 12,557 5,920 248,307 10,208 224,834 9,181 20,533 20,631 11,644 5,032 4,766 1,487 147,771 3,789 150,116 6,006 10,348 17,053 7,188 3,046 4,306 950 100,739 480 6,255,443 135,780 358,072 901,717 1,077,607 105,700 133,507 263,973 390,519 2,888,568 4,264,922 107,442 270,192 674,905 679,163 75,855 94,661 117,070 180,824 2,064,810 3,120,528 99,994 231,995 544,997 501,761 63,561 72,720 62,849 91,078 1,451,573 1,799,231 71,189 136,981 257,557 222,850 31,716 35,920 24,396 34,117 984,505 1,305,555 70,541 123,293 198,195 154,227 28,159 33,463 18,607 16,472 662,598 746,492 55,198 76,738 86,292 62,577 18,422 23,105 8,913 7,110 408,137 434,783 41,091 54,072 50,705 35,161 14,259 17,876 7,018 2,920 211,681 286,166 35,146 47,137 41,354 25,157 14,642 18,754 5,926 (5) 98,050 INTERNAL MIGRATION C 15-24 Series C 15-24. Native Population Born in Each Division, by Division of Residence, by Color: 1850 to 1950—Con. Color,1 census year, and division of birth WHITE — Con. 1850 4 New England_______ Middle Atlantic_____ East North Central-. West North Central _ South Atlantic______ East South Central. _ West South Central-. M ountain___________ Pacific______________ Total New England Middle Atlantic 17,736,659 2,821,823 5,483,951 2,757,356 373,500 3,764,808 2,179,505 286,016 59,802 2,423,178 2,367,932 46,635 2,410 181 5,100 507 378 (5) 35 4,884,300 237,367 4,566,495 16,349 568 60,734 1,840 934 (5) 13 Division of residence South East North West North Atlantic Central Central 3,965,269 171,172 725,056 2,582,600 12,794 286,195 184,634 2,812 (5) 6 695,231 9,404 39,123 96,708 334,662 80,838 131,053 3,435 (5) 2,907,947 11,074 55,210 7,048 495 2,811,305 21,951 858 (5) 6 East South West South Central Central Mountain 503,295 5,522 12,656 14,616 11,619 65,489 123,282 270,104 (5) 7 68,484 1,131 2,286 2,511 1,341 482 823 88 59,802 2,207,677 5,922 19,778 21,821 2,951 446,391 ,705,017 5,796 (5) 1 20 Pacific 81,278 12,299 16,712 13,293 8,889 8,274 10,398 1,611 (5) 9,802 NONWHITE 469,245 5,068,460 2,687,045 2,473,610 15,263,910 136,825 1,771,205 1,799,890 214,980 11,345 2,245 350 95,105 74,260 3,780 515 410 270 798,465 20,225 6,990 1,675 41,660 3,280 884,085 3,180 1,175 19,745 675,230 1,605 11.170 13,040 5,920 754,760 11,310 1,915 6,165 45,560 790 268,130 3,660 7,830 362,865 3,420 5,980 810,945 269,290 8,740 4,882,210 43,895 18,125 6,125,050 60,780 2,960 91,980 604,445 108,770 3,634,040 5,730 89,670 104,760 2,569,950 6,020 25,165 169,690 85.170 2,575 15,965 2,954,750 36,775 2,323,380 32,520 1,425 2,520 2,150 183,680 145 1,015 1,800 355 158,355 5,970 10,685 2,190 269,575 2,370 3,990 865 5,785 401,916 4,706,493 2,779,679 2,489,075 13,190,395 95,035 1,208,567 1,084,123 163,606 1,190 9,094 142 150 72,448 58,883 2,143 228 58 12,397 526,569 945 779 4,352 22,910 571,445 1,084 324 420,714 13,421 9,676 3,391 762 8,114 7,444 469,788 1,111 3,971 31,247 240,766 8,471 304,282 275 1,918 2,635 4,933 585,734 188,711 19,370 5,484,716 27,275 8,733 4,579,081 62,448 1,753 2,016 50,942 340,816 74,444 82,512 2,664,877 125,376 3,359,873 4,036 85,882 64,924 40,421 2,329,478 735 13,731 8,126 2,615,711 17,136 1,357 1,610 69 793 596 1,151 144,576 240 131,955 4,312 1,809 676 167,556 909 668 1,093 302 2,300 957,610 394,534 4,421,188 2,655,398 2,797,906 980,056 12,966,484 85,473 298,651 New England_______ 8,543 1,308 191 47,909 1,964 166 60,784 152 365,212 Middle A tlantic_____ 12,886 1,046 4,380 17,792 917 405,404 1,109 405 11,840 307,789 10,799 617 6,950 4,144 East North Central__ 355,312 7,522 1,366 3,229 33,085 229,087 11,592 West North Central295,827 243 1,531 5,841 2,675 531,014 197,586 11,337 4,316,289 South Atlantic--------31,498 5,215,766 29,024 2,444 85,900 45,220 321,450 74,933 68,994 2,515,818 153,257 East South Central. _ 3,197,521 1,779 4,486 11,050 62,438 574 79,125 West South Central _ 2,855,954 6,528 20,299 41,697 2,588,627 783 2,162 3,782 M ountain___________ 73 368 5,937 303,676 258,301 219 Pacific______________ 3,165 2,219 921 772 874 276,240 1,768 5,426 306 562,963 522,270 311,204 4,315,975 2,516,980 2,110,266 192068,704 10,623,838 105,563 New England_______ 5,356 36,756 1,023 292 2,051 46,726 453 152 343 Middle Atlantic_____ 235,108 8,594 1,178 265,307 4,316 13,020 705 689 733 East North Central__ 6,458 190,121 501 10,630 4,709 3,390 225,537 1,686 5,336 2,089 West North Central _ 220 20,419 194,448 10,710 2,721 242,757 2,093 5,407 South A tlantic______ 280,607 86,850 12,137 4,231,573 24,251 47,528 ,771,502 5,097 76,086 25,506 East South Central-_ 1,423 190,571 58,241 56,648 2,399,065 178,676 ,923,262 6,134 West South Central-. 5,096 22,118 371 31,599 4,588 ,981,385 6,868 32,076 1,867,040 M ountain___________ 2,020 85 593 840 472 951 85,376 77,728 331 Pacific______________ 782 2,150 1,734 81,986 659 821 813 1,802 289 1910_ 60,931 407,348 311,737 278,717 4,103,893 2,646,426 2,048,401 10,025,125 95,408 New England_______ 3,944 598 39,839 32,693 265 1,414 344 185 133 Middle A tlantic_____ 196,486 4,018 5,117 1,178 219,137 9,186 989 966 415 162,724 East North Central 405 4,471 9,180 3,160 3,718 192,088 5,131 1,397 West North Central _ 211 13,386 1,294 198,839 12,660 238,996 1,138 3,076 5,225 South A tlantic--------191,612 21,394 12,656 4,048,161 35,299 71,118 4,497,605 108,763 2,700 East South Central-5,787 88,363 967 40,006 37,547 2,494,110 2,849,182 173,531 4,361 West South Central 1,448 5,011 1,848,608 285 14,034 1,783,963 2,203 33,650 3,363 M ountain___________ 64 581 281 2,145 462 1,415 82,771 320 76,130 Pacific______x________ 958 894 1,725 56,899 414 622 663 225 1,684 267,124 1900_ 56,174 325,698 276,104 3,723,920 2,496,880 1,750,800 9,026,956 80,317 New England_______ 34,186 2,803 625 28,948 206 1,002 136 186 120 Middle A t la n tic ______ 166,691 4,070 183,339 3,999 947 5,640 520 676 332 3,494 148,199 East North Central-. 346 7,232 170,049 2,002 4,267 2,805 978 West North Central122 752 10,828 237,297 203,858 507 3,032 12,603 4,182 South A tlantic______ 21,417 145,557 30,787 4,133,276 14,038 3,684,080 134,831 96,632 2,772 East South Central-_ 4,066 68,777 2,628,985 633 38,282 28,514 2,327,272 156,214 3,327 1,052 West South Central-. 241 3,405 1,524,820 8,624 1,790 26,633 1,480,511 1,317 152 M ountain___________ 70,780 27 335 2,741 77 70 868 66,036 281 Pacific______________ 44,224 441 948 176 308 119 305 1,253 1890 3 219,834 210,343 42,248 225,426 3,249,541 2,105,538 1,342,049 7,450,589 26,286 2,201 468 New England_______ 24,677 28,981 216 736 142 242 102 136,516 3,555 3,438 Middle Atlantic_____ 150,505 1,051 3,738 605 665 389 142 1,483 121,167 136,704 6,422 1,292 East North Central__ 2,752 2,027 915 178,589 569 6,448 West North Central _ 56 157,506 372 7,100 2,765 2,741 76,277 27,938 3,627,912 13,252 South A tlantic______ 15,723 ,223,865 148,595 116,874 2,700 48,570 2,183,937 322 1,639 East South Central-_ 37,128 18,188 1,932,764 141,602 2,365 1,103,866 274 663 2,059 7,086 West South Central _ 1,100 17,493 1,073,379 790 17,177 284 47 11 225 M ountain___________ 29 364 85 15,873 202 76 91 Pacific______________ 22,918 69 221 58 75 411 1 Mexicans classified as nonwhite in 1930, as white in other censuses. enumerated in 1890, with a native population of 117,368 white and 208,083 2 Based on 20-percent sample of persons enumerated. not distributed by State of birth. 4 Includes free colored. 8 Excludes the population of Indian Territory and Indian reservations, specially 5 Not available. 1950 2_ New England_______ Middle Atlantic_____ East North Central West North Central _ South Atlantic--------East South Central-_ West South Central _ M ountain___________ Pacific--------------------1940_ New England_______ Middle Atlantic_____ East North Central-. West North Central _ South A tlantic--------East South Central. _ West South Central-. M ountain___________ Pacific______________ 642,650 1,930 7,435 14,825 21,330 28,105 52,715 263,510 15,915 236,885 261,901 560 2,085 5,155 10,066 11,611 14,854 55,278 6,805 155,487 375,668 468 1,657 4,285 8,544 10,674 11,584 45,616 32,051 260,789 109,913 300 965 2,706 4,650 7,373 6,998 11,629 2,356 72,936 72,264 263 782 1.902 3,167 5.902 4,510 4,651 1,373 49,714 49,939 160 464 726 1,413 3,162 1,900 1,247 474 40,393 29,324 197 548 504 1,032 2,688 1,359 1,022 259 21,715 non white, 43 C 15-58 MIGRATION Series C 15-24. Native Population Born in Each Division, by Division of Residence, by Color: 1850 to 1950—Con. Color,1 census year, and division of birth NONWHITE — Con. 1880_____________________ New England _ Middle Atlantic _ East North CentralWest North Central-_ _ _ South Atlantic- _ East South CentralWest South Central Mountain _ _____ Pacific _ 1870______________________ New England Middle Atlantic East North Central- _ West North Central South Atlantic _ East South Central _ West South Central Mountain _ Pacific _ _ _ _ _ Total New England 16 15 6,632,481 29,078 149,988 116,353 159,284 3,340,699 1,942,781 847,230 19,932 27,136 4,892,405 22,477 120,810 67,523 117,168 2,622,615 1,426,109 504,139 1,952 9,612 39,430 25,077 3,309 150 29 10,369 288 167 24 17 30,847 19,514 2,904 100 31 7,873 244 167 2 12 Middle Atlantic 17 Division of residence East North West North South Central Atlantic Central 18 19 20 188,000 1,843 136,808 739 147 46,950 963 419 80 51 146,581 1,426 110,845 430 78 32,620 828 328 3 23 191,082 466 3,445 105,676 6,194 30,110 43,205 1,902 52 32 134,896 405 2,941 62,667 4,817 27,869 34,648 1,512 9 28 206,963 210 900 3,728 141,665 16,439 35,325 8,583 78 35 145,086 135 664 2,220 101,335 15,027 21,324 4,306 59 16 2,939,779 648 3,061 1,236 180 2,917,316 16,183 1,073 37 45 2,216,892 345 1,786 375 159 2,201,827 11,437 940 4 19 East South West South Central Central 21 22 1,926,935 235 995 2,753 2,981 197,100 1,708,900 13,918 19 34 1,463,794 155 444 857 3,096 210,996 1,238,885 9,345 3 13 Mountain Pacific 23 24 23,548 41 155 233 1,005 729 657 220 19,345 1,163 3,456 43 113 69 296 384 295 352 1,813 91 28,828 159 420 197 341 1,116 414 263 197 25,721 12,468 218 502 87 345 1,253 422 192 50 9,399 1,087,916 399 895 1,641 6,742 120,570 136,846 820,685 100 38 738,385 236 611 718 7,011 124,766 118,026 486,997 9 11 1 Mexicans classified as nonwhite in 1930, as white in other censuses. Series C 25-73. Estimated Net Intercensal Migration of Total, Native White, Foreign-Born White, and Negro Population Surviving From the Preceding Census Date, by States: 1870 to 1950 [In thousands] Series No. State 1940 to I 1930 to 1940 1950 1920 to 1930 1910 to 1920 1900 to 1910 1890 to 1900 1880 to 1890 1870 to 1880 TOTAL POPULATION1 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 -38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 New England: Maine _ _ _ New Hampshire _ Vermont _ Massachusetts _ _ _ Rhode Island _ _ _ _ Connecticut _ _ _ _ _ _ Middle Atlantic: New York _ _ _ New Jersey __ _ Pennsylvania _ _ _ _ _ East North Central: Ohio_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Indiana- __ __ Illinois _ _ _ Michigan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin _ West South Central: Minnesota _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ Iowa _ _ Missouri _ _ __ _ _ _ _ North Dakota _ _ _ _ _ South Dakota-- _ __ _ __ Nebraska- _ Kansas __________ ___ _ _ _ South Atlantic: Delaware_ __ _ Maryland _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ District of Columbia _ _ Virginia- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ West Virginia- __ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ North Carolina _ _ _ _ _ ___ South Carolina. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Georgia- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Florida _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ East South Central: Kentucky _ _ _ _ _ ______ __ _ _ _ _ Tennessee _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Alabama _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Mississippi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ - 3 5 .8 - 9 .1 - 2 3 .8 - 2 9 .5 2.7 89.5 - 1 .2 9.1 - 1 8 .7 - 6 9 .5 - 2 .3 39.2 - 3 9 .3 - 1 0 .2 - 2 0 .6 22.1 11.4 64.1 - 8 .3 - 3 .6 - 1 7 .6 192.2 12.8 122.1 10.6 3.2 -3 .7 307.3 66.1 112.7 4.1 20.4 - 2 .4 334.9 45.9 90.8 - 1 5 .9 20.7 - 1 3 .3 295.7 42.5 72.9 -3 3 .3 10.1 -2 6 .2 140.2 27.9 22.4 83.8 200.7 -4 4 7 .2 396.3 - 2 8 .2 -3 0 1 .0 1,062.1 442.3 -2 5 2 .9 467.4 278.2 51.9 1 ,061.0 376.1 444.6 604.8 218.3 262.0 395.4 151.3 285.1 61.7 48.4 19.1 151.6 56.7 -2 2 .1 251.4 -9 5 .1 - 5 6 .6 10.6 -6 0 .8 17.1 - 1 0 .9 214.7 - 0 .9 414.0 549.6 - 1 7 .9 499.4 16.0 255.6 465.2 37.6 207.7 - 5 4 .4 223.0 117.2 9.2 77.7 33.4 340.0 62.0 84.3 41.9 -8 6 .7 170.3 172.3 100.8 - 1 2 .9 - 7 0 .2 - 5 9 .0 161.4 9.0 -1 6 0 .9 -1 7 8 .8 -1 6 8 .6 -1 0 9 .4 -7 1 .2 -1 2 3 .0 -8 6 .8 36.0 - 7 3 .4 - 2 0 .8 -1 0 5 .8 -1 0 1 .4 -1 3 9 .5 -1 6 3 .8 -1 0 6 .2 -1 6 7 .2 - 9 8 .7 - 7 6 .3 - 4 5 .0 - 7 8 .1 -8 3 .1 59.1 - 1 8 .3 -1 3 4 .7 - 4 6 .0 - 3 1 .2 - 3 4 .5 -7 4 .5 72.6 -2 0 7 .5 -1 6 3 .8 137.3 86.9 - 2 8 .8 20.0 148.4 21.7 -1 7 .2 63.8 } 0.3 -1 5 3 .9 -1 4 9 .8 264.1 - 5 .6 56.4 243.4 362.5 159.7 156.2 85.1 - 3 0 .4 86.8 204.4 366.8 14.5 213.3 78.5 152.0 -2 1 0 .8 -2 0 2 .8 -1 7 2 .4 -2 2 4 .3 510.9 16.0 87.0 157.8 0.2 - 7 3 .6 - 8 5 .4 -1 0 2 .5 -1 3 4 .1 280.3 -3 .5 10.2 27.3 -2 3 1 .6 - 5 3 .8 - 7 .9 -2 5 6 .9 -4 1 4 .9 297.6 5.1 43.1 97.0 - 2 7 .7 - 1 .7 - 7 4 .3 - 8 0 .9 - 9 8 .1 101.6 2 .7 - 8 .3 41.0 - 7 3 .7 46.1 -8 0 .4 - 8 0 .6 - 4 1 .7 103.5 - 1 .2 8.2 34.3 - 9 1 .5 17.2 -8 8 .8 - 7 5 .5 -5 6 .1 36.9 4.3 -1 0 .7 36.1 - 8 0 .9 - 4.8 - 5 7 .7 - 3 5 .9 - 1 9 .5 51.1 - 2 .3 - 1 1 .2 18.1 - 5 1 .1 24.0 - 1 4 .4 25.7 - 4 0 .0 12.1 -3 1 9 .2 -1 0 2 .8 -2 7 1 .0 -3 4 9 .9 - 9 3 .5 -1 4 .9 -1 6 5 .3 -9 0 .3 -2 0 6 .1 -1 1 3 .8 -1 4 9 .2 -1 0 1 .6 -1 6 7 .1 -1 3 1 .2 -1 1 3 .9 -1 9 9 .3 -1 7 7 .8 -1 5 6 .9 - 4 7 .8 - 4 6 .4 -6 5 .1 - 9 5 .4 - 4 0 .4 - 4 4 .5 - 9 6 .8 - 7 7 .7 - 1 1 .5 -6 0 .6 -4 7 .2 - 9 1 .8 - 6 0 .7 -5 .6 1 For 1870-1890, only white population for the 11 Western States; no estimates made for Negroes. 44 INTERNAL MIGRATION C 59-73 Series C 25-73. Estimated Net Intercensal Migration of Total, Native White, Foreign-Born White, and Negro Population Surviving From the Preceding Census Date, by States: 1870 to 1950—Con. [In thousands] Series No. State 1940 to 1950 1930 to 1940 1920 to 1930 1910 to 1920 1900 to 1910 1890 to 1900 1880 to 1890 1870 to 1880 -3 2 0 .4 -1 1 2 .1 -3 5 6 .1 132.9 - 1 2 8 .8 5.7 -2 6 9 .4 - 7 2 .8 -1 9 1 .3 - 2 3 .2 -5 1 .8 243 .5 - 7 4 .7 - 6 4 .7 62.4 114.3 - 2 7 .2 10.6 491.5 131.1 - 8 2 .8 1.4 501.3 147.7 75.1 - 3 .0 44.5 151.2 84.0 - 1 2 .0 (2) 308.5 -4 2 .2 - 2 9 .6 - 4 .6 32.4 9.8 117.4 6.4 28.8 - 1 9 .3 20.5 - 0 .1 1.0 18.6 -3 .5 - 3 0 .5 12.5 - 7 2 .9 - 5 0 .6 - 1 .2 - 1 6 .6 -2 2 .9 23 .5 -3 0 .8 6 .9 90.1 37.3 20.7 39.8 - 2 0 .2 75.4 - 0 .2 - 6 .4 86.5 104.1 33.3 159.8 63.1 50.7 24.9 32.9 63.5 39.8 15.6 51.9 1.2 21.4 8.9 - 5 .1 70.6 34.2 28.7 146.8 6.4 10.9 17.9 -1 5 .6 12.1 11.7 7.2 119.1 - 3 .3 19.8 16.7 6.6 351.3 244.0 2,399.1 109.2 94.1 974.6 81 .6 96 .5 1,695 .2 97.5 56.0 804.1 464.7 189.9 694.1 80.4 43.0 172.7 205.4 85.9 214.2 28.7 39.0 129.6 - 4 1 .6 - 1 2 .6 - 2 5 .8 -7 3 .8 - 0 .2 49.0 - 2 .2 8.3 - 1 4 .6 - 4 5 .6 0.8 30.2 - 4 6 .6 - 1 4 .4 - 2 5 .2 -1 0 1 .7 - 8 .7 6 .4 - 2 2 .7 - 1 2 .8 - 1 9 .7 - 6 .0 - 1 0 .5 18.7 - 1 8 .4 - 1 5 .7 - 1 7 .2 - 2 3 .3 5.1 - 1 0 .9 - 2 0 .6 - 2 .5 -1 0 .9 46.9 3 .3 5.4 - 4 0 .8 - 7 .1 - 2 1 .9 31.9 2.4 2 .8 - 4 6 .5 - 7 .1 - 2 4 .7 13.5 4.1 - 6 .5 -2 7 0 .8 88.6 -5 3 1 .3 140.3 - 1 8 .8 -2 6 0 .9 138 .1 179 .3 -3 8 0 .2 - 7 6 .5 72.0 -1 9 9 .4 - 7 4 .9 71.4 -1 7 8 .1 - 1 8 .6 46.3 - 6 0 .2 -1 4 6 .4 9 .4 - 7 0 .0 -1 6 7 .4 - 8 .9 -1 0 5 .2 28.5 15.0 -2 0 2 .9 51.7 -1 1 0 .3 - 5 8 .6 7.1 - 5 8 .7 18.1 - 1 0 .0 58.2 - 4 3 .3 80 .3 239 .9 -5 3 .2 233.4 - 3 3 .1 - 3 6 .2 181.5 - 3 7 .3 -4 0 .4 -1 1 1 .9 -1 9 8 .9 - 3 5 .9 -1 0 3 .3 - 2 9 .6 - 7 .6 44.0 -2 6 .8 - 2 5 .7 - 9 6 .7 -1 2 0 .4 -1 7 0 .7 - 1 9 .7 -7 5 .6 - 9 2 .8 -1 0 1 .2 -1 9 2 .5 25.8 - 7 8 .8 -1 6 3 .1 -1 8 0 .9 -1 9 7 .4 -1 0 3 .6 - 7 1 .3 -1 2 5 .9 -9 0 .1 27.1 - 7 0 .5 - 3 6 .8 - 9 9 .1 - 9 6 .8 -1 3 5 .5 -1 5 6 .2 -1 1 3 .6 -1 6 4 .0 -1 4 1 .4 -7 2 .8 -4 6 .1 -8 1 .1 - 8 4 .6 - 1 .2 - 4 5 .9 -1 7 3 .7 - 4 6 .3 - 3 3 .7 -5 3 .2 -8 6 .9 - 6 1 .4 -2 4 9 .1 -2 2 8 .1 81.8 59.6 - 6 2 .4 - 1 8 .2 25.9 37.2 - 2 9 .9 -1 0 8 .2 - 5 0 .0 2 .4 20.4 - 2 6 .5 j 126.0 -1 5 9 .2 244.3 -1 5 6 .6 106.3 38.2 2 .7 -4 3 .2 43.5 139.2 290.1 11.2 167.6 6.7 169.1 -1 9 3 .0 -8 1 .6 - 1 5 .7 - 3 8 .2 438.7 12.8 72.2 101.2 33.7 - 6 6 .7 -2 7 .1 - 8 .7 -4 4 .2 208.4 - 3 .8 - 4 ..5 5..5 -1 1 1 ..7 -6 2 .7 5.2 -5 2 . 4 -1 5 5 . 1 221. 1 0.3 16.8 69.3 - 9 .5 - 2 9 .3 -4 7 .7 - 8 .0 - 2 7 .4 84.5 - 3 .0 - 2 6 .9 22.2 - 3 5 .6 - 6 .2 - 5 4 .4 - 1 0 .5 - 3 0 .8 46.6 - 3 .7 - 5 .8 20.1 - 2 5 .8 3 .5 -4 1 .7 - 1 0 .8 - 3 1 .4 10.1 - 1 .1 - 2 9 .4 18.1 - 3 3 .6 - 1 2 .3 - 1 9 .8 - 1 7 .5 —35. K 24.8 - 2 .6 - 1 6 .1 8.6 - 1 6 .5 18.1 - 7 .6 9 .1 - 2 0 .8 7.3 -2 9 9 .1 - 6 8 .6 -1 0 8 .6 —9 4 .3 - 8 3 .8 - 2 4 .4 -1 0 1 .0 - 3 2 .0 -1 8 8 . 4 -1 0 0 . 6 -6 9 . 7 -3 3 . 8 -1 5 3 .1 -1 0 3 .2 -4 5 .3 -7 0 .3 -1 5 9 .9 -1 2 7 .3 - 3 2 .8 - 1 9 .0 - 5 8 .9 - 7 6 .7 - 4 1 .1 - 3 5 .8 -8 5 .6 -6 4 .9 - 1 2 .1 - 4 7 .7 - 3 9 .6 -6 7 .0 - 2 5 .9 - 2 2 .7 —2 0 7 . 1 - 4 .7 -3 1 9 .5 134.4 - 9 5 .5 15.3 -2 5 3 .4 -1 .7 -1 4 4 . 4 2. 9 -5 1 . 2 197. 5 - 7 4 .4 -1 7 .8 54.5 - 2 8 .4 - 5 5 .2 15.8 414.2 60.5 - 7 7 .6 9.2 404.3 9 5.5 25.3 - 1 2 .2 39.6 90.9 53.0 -1 1 .8 (2) 233.9 - 4 1 .9 - 3 0 .7 - 5 .6 21.1 3.8 97.6 1.0 24.2 - 1 4 .8 20.8 2.2 7.4 22.5 12.4 - 2 7 .5 13.8 -6 6 . 9 -4 9 . 5 -1 . 8 -1 7 . 6 -1 7 . 2 31. 8 -3 1 . 5 5. 1 75.4 31.5 19.9 29.2 -3 2 .0 39.9 - 7 .6 - 6 .1 51.0 81.9 19.8 108.8 52.7 25.7 2 .8 21.5 37.1 31.0 11.7 33.1 - 2 .3 15.1 - 2 .5 - 3 .9 39.8 24.6 19.1 101.1 2 .7 7.2 2 .7 - 1 0 .0 8.2 8.5 5.5 86.7 -5 .9 11.7 0.6 0.8 303.9 222.9 1,874.7 100.3 90.4 899.5 49. 2 74. 3 1,244. 5 51.9 38.2 537.7 311.4 132.0 425.2 54.0 29.2 96.3 133.2 57.4 109.6 20.8 25.7 56.0 5.9 3 .3 2.0 33.6 1.7 27.5 0 .8 1.0 - 4 .0 - 2 6 .6 - 3 .6 6.8 7. 5 4. 0 4. 7 120. 9 21.0 52. 5 14.3 9.2 3 .0 191.3 22.7 98.1 28.9 18.9 12.7 324.8 60.3 123.2 24.4 22.7 8.6 278.0 41.1 82.9 25.0 27.9 8.6 259.3 38.9 69.0 13.4 17.1 - 1 .4 123.7 22.9 28.1 TOTAL POPULATION 1— Con. W est South Central: Arkansas _ ____ Louisiana _ __ _ ____ __ Oklahoma _ _ _ Texas _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ M ountain: M ontana_____ Idaho W yoming. _ Colorado _ _ New Mexico _ _ _ Arizona _ _ _ U tah____________________________________________ __ N evada. _ Pacific: Washington _ _ Oregon _ _ _ _ California _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 71 72 73 New England: Maine _ _ _ _ __ _ _ New Hampshire _ _ _ Vermont. _ ____ Massachusetts _ _ _ _ _ _ Rhode Island- _ _ _ _ Connecticut _ _ _ Middle Atlantic: New York _ _ _ New Jersey _ _ Pennsylvania _ _ _ _ _ East North Central: Ohio __ ____ _ __ _ __ Indiana. _ _____ Illinois _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ Michigan____ W isconsin---__ _ _ W est North Central: Minnesota __ _ _ _ __ ___ I o w a _____ __ _ __ _ __ __ M isso u ri____ _ _ _ North D akota------ --__ South Dakota __ Nebraska __ _ _ _ __ Kansas _ _ _ South Atlantic: D elaw are__ ___ Maryland _ ____ _ . District of Columbia----- __ Virginia-__ _ _ _ _ W est Virginia- _ _ _ _ North Carolina. ___ __ __ South Carolina-. _ __ Georgia-_ _ __ __ _ _ _ Florida __ East South Central: K entucky. ____ _ _____ __ Tennessee __ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _ _ — Alabama---- __ _ _____ _____ Mississippi- _ __ __ _ _ ___ W est South Central: Arkansas _ _ __ _______ Louisiana-- -------------- ------ --- --------- ------- _. Oklahoma _ __ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ Texas _ ____ _ ___ Mountain: Montana _ __ _ _____ Idaho. __ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _____ W yoming--------------__ _ ___ Colorado ___ _____ ____ _ __ New Mexico__ __ _ __ Arizona ------------ _ __ ___ __ _ _ U tah_____________________________________________ N evada-- _ _ _ _ ____ Pacific: Washington __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ Oregon______ _______ _____________ __ _. California_____ _ __ __ __________ _________ 25 26 27 28 29 30 New England: M aine. ________ __ _______ __ __ — __ _ — New Hampshire________ ______ ___________________ Vermont_______________ _______ __ _ ________ M assachusetts----------------------------------- -----------------Rhode Island_____ ___________________________ Connecticut------ ----------------------------------- --------- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION o 00 -3 )-1890, only white population in the 11 Western States; no estimates made for 1*Negroes. 2 N ot availalsle. 45 C 31-73 MIGRATION Series C 25-73. Estimated Net Intercensal Migration of Total, Native White, Foreign-Born White, and Negro Population Surviving From the Preceding Census Date, by States: 1870 to 1950—Con. [In thousands] Series No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 State FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION— Con. Middle Atlantic: New York_______________________________________ New Jersey---------------------------------------------------------Pennsylvania_____________________________________ East North Central: Ohio_____________________________________________ Indiana---------------------------------------------------------------Illinois----------------------------------------------------------------Michigan-------------------------------------------------------------Wisconsin------------------------------------------------------------West North Central: Minnesota-----------------------------------------------------------Iowa-------------------------------------------------------------------Missouri--------------------------------------------------------------North D akota-----------------------------------------------------South Dakota____________________________________ Nebraska-------------------------------------------------------------Kansas----------------------------------------------------------------South Atlantic: Delaware_________________________________________ Maryland________________________________________ District of Columbia--------------------------------------------Virginia__________________________________________ West Virginia____________________________________ North Carolina___________________________________ South Carolina___________________________________ Georgia__________________________________________ Florida----------------------------------------------------------------East South Central: K entucky________________________________________ Tennessee________________________________________ Alabama-------------------------------------------------------------Mississippi_______________________________________ West South Central: Arkansas_________________________________________ Louisiana________________________________________ Oklahoma________________________________________ Texas____________________________________________ Mountain: Montana-------------------------------------------------------------Idaho____________________________________________ Wyoming------------------------------------------------------------Colorado_________________________________________ New MLexico_____________________________________ Arizona__________________________________________ U tah_____________________________________________ Nevada---------------------------------------------------------------Pacific: Washington______________________________________ Oregon----------------------------------------------------------------California________________________________________ )40 to 1950 1930 to 1940 1920 to 1930 1910 to 1920 1900 to 1910 1890 to 1900 1880 to 1890 1870 to 1880 111. 0 58. 5 -5 . 5 120, 1 -1 8 , 9 -6 0 , 4 751 3 196,,0 25,.6 480, 9 181. 6 168. 7 1,100 .2 286..2 589,.8 589.,7 154. 2 282. 9 532. 0 133. 5 334. 3 221.5 54.4 115.6 16. 5 9. 5 1. 0 36. 4 3. 4 -1 8 . 8 -5 . 0 -5 1 . 5 -2 9 . 0 -1 . 9 65, 8 19. 3 214. 4 223. 6 30. 9 196. 5 28. 8 222. 0 245. 1 72.,7 232, 5 53..4 398. 3 151. 1 112 .0 102. 1 32. 9 273. 4 88. 3 107. 0 133. 4 29. 9 332. 6 193. 2 176. 3 77.3 24.3 124.8 134.0 86.5 -0 . 5 1. 1 3. 0 -5 . 8 -0 . 2 -0 . 2 1. 1 7. 8 -2 . 6 -3 . 3 -6 . 6 -4 . 4 -4 . 6 -7 . 5 6. 9 -1 . 3 6..7 -3 . 4 1. 2 3. 0 -4 . 4 58. 1 23. 7 11. 8 0. 3 2. 5 13. 4 7. 0 131 .7 39 .4 63 3 55, 2 27..0 32, 0 35, 6 116, 5 50, 1 32, 8 38. 6 } 12,,7 7.,7 7.,4 225. 4 102. 1 58. 1 117. 4 110. 9 50..7 116.5 80.2 17.2 43.0 64.1 62.0 0. 8 15. 7 10,,7 13 ,4 - 1 ,,1 6, 1 2, 3 5, 1 65 .0 0 .8 4. 1 9, 1 3 .4 -2 . 8 1, 6 0. 6 0. 5 22,.0 -0 . 3 9,.7 5 .8 - 2 ,.7 - 3 ,,9 2,.7 -0 . 2 0, 2 22,.4 5. 3 19.,4 9. 3 9. 0 12. 1 2. 2 1. 6 4. 0 13. 9 6,.0 30 .0 9 1 11, 3 37.,0 2 3 2,.0 5,,4 16. 2 3 1 20,.6 5, 5 5 .1 8,,0 1 .5 0,,7 2,.5 3 .4 5. 1 26. 2 4,,7 6,.2 4,.0 0, 6 0, 3 3 3 10. 5 1.7 12.4 3.3 2 .9 3 .8 1.1 0.9 1.1 3 .4 2,,7 4,,0 3,,0 2,.5 - 0 .,7 1,.0 -0 . 5 -0 , 2 - 1 ,.0 0,.7 1,.1 1 .1 2..7 1. 3 2. 2 0.,7 4..4 4,,7 7,.0 3 ,4 6,.0 0..4 2 .4 1 .7 11.,2 5,.9 6, 3 0,.3 5 .5 - 0 .2 1.3 - 0 .6 2 .8 6 .4 2 .3 65 .8 (3) - 1 .1 - 2 .9 -7 6 .1 - 0 .6 - 0 .6 - 2 .4 36 .4 0,.8 4,.3 7, 1 137,.5 5,.5 10,.9 22 .6 80 .8 2 .6 13 .8 17 .8 45 .0 5 .1 5 .8 2 .7 47,.6 5.6 1.2 (2) 53.6 - 0 .5 0 .7 - 0 .3 5 .1 3 .7 13 .0 4 .2 1 .7 - 4 .4 - 0 .3 - 2 .1 - 7 ,.3 - 5 .4 -1 9 .4 - 3 .2 - 1 .5 - 5 .9 - 0 .9 0 .6 0 .3 - 2 .7 -1 0 .2 1 .0 1 .6 14 ,8 5,.6 1,,4 9,.9 7,.8 29 .8 7..1 - 0 .2 35 .2 21 .9 12 .3 47,.9 10 .4 24 .8 21 .6 11 .1 26 .4 8 .9 4 .0 18 .7 3 .5 6 .4 11 .4 - 1 .1 30 .9 9 .5 9 .6 45 .6 3 .6 3 .8 15 .2 - 5 .7 4 .0 3 .3 1.7 32.4 2 .6 8.2 16.1 5.8 29 .6 14 .3 265 .4 7 .7 3 .3 33 .8 32 .3 22 .1 414 .2 44 .4 17 .2 250 .3 149 .8 57 .5 259 .1 26 .4 13 .8 76 .4 72 .2 28 .5 104 .7 8.0 13.4 73.6 - 0 .1 00 .2.1 10 .6 1 .2 12 .9 0 .2 - 0 .3 - 0 .2 2 .7 0 .6 2 .2 - 0 .2 0 .2 (3) 2 .9 - 0 .7 5 .2 0 .1 (3) - 0 .9 065 .9.6.3 0 .2 0 .8 5 .9 0 .6 0 .5 0 .3 0 .1 - 0 .1 9 .9 1 .5 2 .5 - 0 .1 (3) (3) 4 .4 1 .2 1 .1 - 0 .2 0.1 (3) 3 .0 0.8 0 .8 243 .6 53 .6 89 .6 135 .9 9 .5 20 .3 172 .8 67 .0 101 .7 63 .1 24 .5 82 .5 35 .8 18 .5 32 .9 33 .8 17 .7 39 .2 9 .9 8 .4 20 .8 7.6 2 .9 8.7 106 .7 32 .1 179 .8 163 .3 11 .9 20 .7 8 .6 49 .4 28 .0 1 .0 90 .7 23 .2 119 .3 86 .1 4 .4 69 .4 20 .3 69 .8 38 .7 2 .2 15 .6 4 .1 23 .5 1 .9 0 .5 5 .2 8 .1 22 .7 0 .4 3 .0 5 .2 3 .9 8 .4 - 1 .2 0 .1 2 .6 6.6 8 .7 1.6 1.3 2 .7 1 .0 25 .7 0 .1 0 .2 3 .0 2 .3 1 .0 - 0 .4 19 .2 - 0 .1 - 0 .1 0 .6 - 0 .1 0 .6 - 1 .9 35 .9 - 0 .1 - 0 .2 (3) 6 .0 2 .1 3 .9 27 .2 - 0 .1 (3) 5 .2 5 .4 2 .3 2 .1 1 .0 0 .3 0 .3 1 .6 2 .6 5 .9 1 .6 (3) 4 .9 14 .0 - 2 .3 - 0 .6 1 .5 0 .4 - 4 .0 0 7 .3 2 .7 1.5 2 .3 - 4 .3 fiu . oQ 1.2 14.7 2 .4 0 .5 10 .7 5 .0 47 .5 16 .0 - 3 6 .9 -1 1 7 .2 - 4 .1 12 .8 -6 0 .0 - 1 5 .7 - 9 4 .4 -2 0 4 .3 -9 0 .3 -2 6 0 .0 49 .9 54 .2 3Less than 50. - 0 .6 7 .0 18 .3 -2 7 .2 15 .5 - 2 8 .9 - 7 4 .5 - 7 4 .7 3 .2 - 0 .4 - 1 1 .4 9 .8 -4 9 .3 15 .3 - 2 8 .4 - 7 2 .0 - 1 6 .2 40 .7 - 0 .7 - 6 .5 8 .7 -7 0 .8 5 .8 - 4 8 .7 - 6 5 .5 - 2 7 .3 23 .4 0 .3 - 7 .5 13 .4 - 5 3 .4 3 .6 - 3 8 .4 - 1 8 .6 12 .3 15 .8 -1 .4 -7 .5 6.2 - 3 7 .6 2 .1 - 7 .9 15.7 -2 0 .3 1.4 NEGRO POPULATION 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 New England: M aine__________ New Hampshire. Vermont________ Massachusetts - _. Rhode Island___ Connecticut------- Middle Atlantic: New York------New Jersey----Pennsylvania _ _ East North Central: Ohio______________ Indiana---------------Illinois___________ M ichigan_________ Wisconsin------------- West North Central: Minnesota------------Iowa______________ Missouri---------------North D akota------South Dakota_____ Nebraska-------------Kansas------------------ South Atlantic: Delaware----- -----------Maryland...................... District of Columbia. Virginia-------------------West Virginia-----------North Carolina........... South Carolina---------Georgia--------------------Florida............................ * Not available. 46 2 .4 29 .9 61 .2 - 3 0 .6 - 1 6 .7 -127 .3 -159 .0 -191 .2 7 .2 (3) 1 C 55-87 INTERNAL MIGRATION Series C 25-73. Estimated Net Intercensal Migration of Total, Native White, Foreign-Born White, and Negro Population Surviving From the Preceding Census Date, by States: 1870 to 1950—Con. [In thousands] Series No. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 State 1940 to 1950 1930 to 1940 1920 to 1930 1910 to 1920 1900 to 1910 1890 to 1900 1880 to 1890 1870 to 1880 -2 2 .8 - 3 8 .2 -1 6 5 .4 -2 5 8 .2 - 9 .1 8.6 - 6 3 .8 - 5 8 .2 - 1 6 .6 - 1 4 .0 - 8 0 .7 - 6 8 .8 - 1 6 .6 - 2 9 .3 - 7 0 .8 -1 2 9 .6 - 2 2 .3 -3 4 .3 -2 2 .1 - 3 0 .9 -1 2 .2 - 1 9 .0 - 1 .7 -1 0 .4 -2 2 .4 - 1 8 .7 - 5 .8 - 1 3 .2 - 1 3 .1 - 2 4 .6 - 3 6 .1 17.6 -1 1 6 .1 -1 1 3 .8 -3 8 .9 -6 7 .2 - 3 3 .3 - 8 .4 - 1 3 .0 4.9 -4 6 .3 - 2 5 .5 1.9 9.7 - 1 .0 - 5 1 .2 0.8 5.2 22.5 - 1 6 .1 54.8 - 1 0 .2 - 7 .9 - 2 1 .6 79.3 7.1 44.7 3.3 2 .3 12.6 25.4 - 1 .3 (2) 21.0 0.1 0.3 1.3 6.1 2 .3 6.7 1.1 2 .8 (3) (3) - 0 .2 0.9 1.5 3 .5 0.2 0.2 - 0 .2 - 0 .1 - 0 .1 0.8 - 2 .9 1.9 - 0 .3 0.2 - 0 .1 0.3 - 0 .6 0.7 4.1 5.8 0.4 - 0 .1 0.3 0.3 1.2 3.1 (3) 0.2 0.5 0.4 17.8 6.9 258.9 1.2 0.5 41.2 0.2 0.2 36.4 1.1 0.7 16.1 3 .4 0 .5 9.8 NEGRO POPULATION — Con. East South Central: Tennessee __ _ ____________ Alabama _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ Mississippi ________ ___ W est South Central: Arkansas - __ __ ____ _ _ _ Louisiana _ Oklahoma - Texas. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ -- Mountain: Montana Idaho __ _ __ _ __ Wyoming _ __ ______________ Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah N evada _ __ _ Pacific: Washington _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ Oregon _ California 3 N ot available. * Less than 50. Series C 74-79. Estimated Annual Movement of the Farm Population: 1920 to 1957 [In thousands] Year Farm N et population, change: Births April 1 and deaths 75 74 Change since preceding April Migration 1 N et To farms From farms Change through change in classifica tion of residence2 Year 79 Farm Net population, change: April 1 Births and deaths 74 75 Change since preceding April Migration 1 Net To farms 76 From farms Change through change in classifica tion of residence 2 78 79 1939_ -4 2 0 823 30,840 405 1,243 -1 2 5 1938_ -5 2 9 872 1,401 30,980 375 -1 3 2 1937_ -6 9 0 719 31,266 1,409 363 -1 4 4 1936. -6 4 2 825 1,467 31,737 375 -1 5 7 -4 1 5 1935_ 32,161 783 1,198 383 -112 1934_ -4 8 2 951 375 1,433 32,305 19 325 1,544 1933 _ 398 1,219 32,393 282 1932 _ 387 -7 9 1,683 31,388 1,762 235 1,740 1931. 377 -3 0 6 2,046 30,845 245 1930_ 426 -4 7 7 1,604 30.529 2,081 -4 2 2 1929. 454 1,698 30,580 2,120 1928. -4 5 7 1,705 30,548 475 2,162 1927. -9 0 7 1,427 2,334 30.530 458 1926_ -7 0 2 1,336 30,979 2,038 491 -4 8 7 1,581 1925 _ 31,190 500 2,068 -8 0 7 31,177 494 1,355 2,162 1924_ 1923 _ 31,490 518 -1,137 1,115 2,252 1922. -5 6 4 32,109 550 759 1,323 -3 3 6 -120 1921_ 485 560 32,123 1920_ 31,974 1 Beginning 1940, includes persons going into or returning from Armed Forces, and may be obtained by adding net migration figures (series C 76) to figures showing change includes changes through migration and in classification of residence. From 1930 in classification of residence (series C 79). to 1939, excludes entrance into or withdrawal from the farm population without 2 Changes resulting from cessation of or beginning of farm operations on places from migration. Comparability of figures for 1930-1939 with those for subsequent years which residents did not move. 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942. 1941 1940. 375 355 359 382 392 394 404 418 422 465 490 324 364 377 422 385 359 410 20,396 22,257 22,158 21,890 22,679 24,283 24,160 25,058 25,954 25,903 27,124 26,483 25,295 25,495 26,681 29,234 30,273 30,547 -2,236 -2 5 6 -9 1 -1,171 -1,9 96 -2 7 1 -1,302 -1,3 14 -3 7 1 - 1,686 151 864 -5 6 4 -1,563 -2,9 75 -1,424 -6 3 3 -5 8 3 459 497 544 675 528 643 597 995 1,171 1,016 1,768 2,585 916 1,095 824 822 696 819 2,695 753 635 1,846 2,524 914 1,899 2,309 1,542 2,702 1,617 1,721 1,480 2,658 3,799 2,246 1,329 1,402 Series C 80-87. Mobility Status and Type of Mobility of the Civilian Population One Year Old and Over: 1947 to 1957 [In thousands] Period Same Total house civilian population 1 (nonmovers) 80 April 1956 to April 1957-------------- -----------— ------------- _ March 1955 to March 1956--------- ------------------------ __ _ April 1954 to April 1955 __ ------- __ -----------------------------April 1953 to April 1954---- ------------ -------------------------- _ April 1952 to April 1953__________________________________ April 1951 to April 1952__________________________________ April 1950 to April 1951---------------------------------- ------------March 1949 to March 1950._ ___ ---------------- -------------April 1948 to April 1949--------------------------- _ _ ---------------April 1947 to April 1948__________________________________ 1 Population 1 year old and over at end of survey interval. 164,371 161,497 158,609 155,679 153,038 150,494 148,400 146,864 144,101 141,698 81 131,648 127,457 126,190 125,654 121,512 120,016 116,936 118,849 116,498 113,026 Total 82 31,834 33,098 31,492 29,027 30,786 29,840 31,158 27,526 27,127 28,210 Different hous e in the United States (movers) Different county (migrants) Same Within Between county Total a State States 83 84 85 86 21,566 22,186 21,086 19,046 20,638 19,874 20,694 19,276 18,792 19,202 10,268 10,912 10,406 9,981 10,148 9,966 10,464 8,250 8,335 9,008 5,192 5,859 5,511 4,947 4,626 4,854 5,276 4,360 3,992 4,638 5,076 5,053 4,895 5,034 5,522 5,112 5,188 3,889 4,344 4,370 Abroad at begin ning of period 87 889 942 927 998 740 638 306 491 476 462 47 chapter C INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION (Series C 88-283) C 88-151. General note. The continuous record of immigration to the United States began in 1819, under the Act of 1819, which required the cap tain or master of a vessel arriving from abroad to deliver to the local collector of customs a list or manifest of all passengers taken on board. This list was to designate the age, sex, and occupation of each passenger, “the country to which they sev erally belonged,” and the number that had died on the voyage. Copies of these manifests were to be transmitted to the Sec retary of State, who reported the information periodically to Congress. Subsequently, the Act of 1855 prescribed quarterly reports to the Secretary of State and annual reports to Con gress. Later acts have continued to require the collection of such information. Although the reporting of alien arrivals was required by the Act of 1798, which expired two years later, the number arriv ing before 1819 is not known. William J. Bromwell, in his History of Immigration to the United States, 1856 (pp. 18-19), estimated the number of passengers of foreign birth arriving here from the close of the Revolutionary War to 1819, at 250,000. This estimate was used by the Bureau of Statistics which later compiled the official statistics of immigration. Immigration statistics were compiled by the Department of State for 1820-1870; by the Treasury Department, Bureau of Statistics, for 1867-1895; and since 1892, by a separate Office or Bureau of Immigration, now a part of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. For 1892-1932, the Bureau of Immi gration issued annual reports. For 1933-1940, the data were summarized in the Annual Report of the Secretary of Labor; for 1941, they were issued in the Annual Report of the Attor ney General; for 1942, no report was published; and for subse quent years, the statistics appeared in the Annual Report of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Since 1820 the official immigration data have undergone many changes in the reporting area covered. During the first decades only arrivals by vessel at Atlantic and Gulf ports were reported. Arrivals at Pacific ports were first included in 1850. During the Civil War the only Southern ports that reported were those controlled by the Federal Government. Later the reporting area was expanded to include arrivals at outlying possessions. Arrivals in Alaska were first reported in 1871, but only irregularly thereafter until 1904, after which Alaska was regularly included among the places of entry. Arrivals in Hawaii were first included in 1901, Puerto Rico in 1902, and the Virgin Islands in 1942. Counting arrivals at the land borders was not required by the early immigration acts, and the counting of such arrivals did not approach completeness until after 1904. For 18201823, a few arrivals by land borders were included. Complete reporting was attempted in 1855 with only partial success, was interrupted for several years by the Civil War, and was discontinued in 1885. Beginning in 1894, European immigrants who arrived at Canadian ports with the declared intention of proceeding to the United States were included in the immigra tion statistics. Some immigration was reported at land border stations established in 1904. More stations were opened in the following years, but reporting of land border arrivals was not fully established until 1908. 48 The statistical treatment of Canadian and Mexican immi grants at times has differed from that of other immigrants. When reporting of arrivals by land borders was discontinued in 1885, regular reporting of Canadian and Mexican arrivals by vessel was also discontinued; however, a few Canadian and Mexican immigrants were reported in most of the following years. Arrivals of Canadians and Mexicans by land borders began to be reported in 1906, and reporting was fully estab lished in 1908 under authority of the Act of 1907, which pro vided for the inspection of Canadians and Mexicans at the land borders. Not all aliens entering via the Canadian and Mexican borders are counted for inclusion in the immigration statistics. Before 1930, no count was made of residents of a year or longer of Canada, Newfoundland, or Mexico who planned to remain in the United States less than 6 months. For 1930-1945 the fol lowing classes of aliens entering via the land borders were counted and included in the statistics of immigration: (1) Those who have not been in the United States within 6 months, who come to stay more than 6 months; (2) those for whom straight head tax is a prerequisite to admission, or for whom head tax is specially deposited and subsequently converted to straight head tax account; (3) those required by law or regulation to present an immigration visa or re entry permit, and those who surrender either, regardless of whether they are required by law or regulation to do so; (4) those announcing an intention to depart via a seaport of the United States for Hawaii or insular possessions of the United States, or for foreign countries, except arrivals from Canada intending to return thereto by water; and (5) those announcing an intention to depart across the other land boundary. These classes were revised in 1945 so that the statistics of arriving aliens at land border ports of entry for 1945-1952 in cluded (1) arriving aliens who came into the United States for 30 days or more; and (2) returning alien residents who had been out of the United States more than 6 months. Arriving aliens who came into the United States for 29 days or less were not counted except those certified by public health offi cials, aliens held for a board of special inquiry, aliens excluded and deported, and aliens in transit who announced an intention to depart across another land boundary, or by sea. Since 1953, all arriving aliens at land border ports of entry are counted and included except: (1) Canadian citizens and British subjects resident in Canada who were admitted for 6 months or less; (2) Mexican citizens who were admitted for 72 hours or less in the United States; and (3) returning residents who had been out of the United States for more than 6 months. Beginning with February 1956, residents returning from stays in Western Hemisphere countries of less than 6 months have not been counted. Because of changes in regula tions in 1957, returning residents without reentry permits or visas who have been abroad for 1 year or less are not counted. Persons who cross the land borders for brief periods (border crossers) are not included in the immigration and emigration statistics, but the Immigration and Naturalization Service publishes statistics on alien and citizen border crossers in the Annual Report. INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION C 88-114 Arrivals in and departures from the Philippine Islands were abroad and all aliens residing abroad making a temporary trip recorded in the port tables for 1910-1924, but were not included to the United States were classed as nonimmigrants on the in the total immigration data. For 1925-1931, such arrivals inward journey and nonemigrants on the outward. Permanent and departures were obtained annually from the Bureau of residence was defined as a residence of 1 year or longer. Insular Affairs, War Department, and published in separate (Annual Report of the Commissioner General of Immigration, tables. The Immigration Service has no records since 1932 1908 , p. 6.) of arrivals in, or departures from, the Philippine Islands to Since 1933, aliens arriving in or departing from the United foreign countries. States have been classified as follows: Immigrants are non Data on aliens admitted to continental United States from resident aliens admitted to the United States for permanent insular possessions have been compiled since 1908 but are not residence; they are further classified as quota immigrants, or included in the immigration totals. Aliens admitted from those admitted under established quotas from European coun Hawaii and Puerto Rico have been reported continuously since tries, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific, and colonies, dependencies, 1908. Aliens admitted from the Philippine Islands were re and protectorates of European countries; and nonquota immi ported from 1908-1934, but since then all arrivals from and grants, i.e., natives from the independent countries of the departures to the Philippine Islands have been included with Western Hemisphere, their wives and unmarried children un data from other foreign countries. Aliens admitted from the der 18 years of age; wives, husbands, and unmarried children Virgin Islands have been recorded since 1917. The departure of citizens of the United States; ministers and professors who of aliens from the mainland to Hawaii and Puerto Rico was enter to carry on their professions, and their wives and chil first recorded in 1918. Records are available since 1918 of dren; and others. Since 1952 (Immigration and Nationality aliens passing between insular possessions. Data on aliens Act), professors have been removed from the nonquota classes. from Guam are available since 1929; Samoa, since 1932. Rec Husbands as well as wives of ministers and of natives of ords of United States citizens* arrival in continental United independent countries in the Western Hemisphere may be ad States from insular possessions, and in insular possessions from mitted as nonquota. continental United States and other insular possessions, are Nonimmigrants are alien residents of the United States re available since 1920. turning from a temporary visit abroad, or nonresident aliens Definition of terms. For 1820-1867, immigration totals admitted to the United States for a temporary period. In (compiled by the Department of State) were shown as alien cluded in this group are visitors, transients, treaty traders passenger arrivals, but may have included alien passengers who (treaty investors since December 1952), students, foreign died before arrival, and did include, for 1856-1867, temporary government officials, officials to international organizations, visitors among arriving alien passengers. For the 12-year wives and unmarried children of these groups, and agricultural period, the temporary visitors constituted about IV2 percent laborers from the West Indies (and from Japan since 1957). Excluded are travelers between the United States and insular of the alien passenger arrivals. possessions, and others who frequently cross the For 1868-1891, the Bureau of Statistics immigrant arrival international commuters land boundaries, and agricultural laborers from figures (excluding temporary visitors), were reported. Since Mexico and Canada. 1892, official immigration data have been compiled by the Office are aliens who have resided in the United States of Immigration (and its successors) and for 1892-1895 its forEmigrants a year or and who are leaving the United States totals were 7 to 8 percent lower than those for the Bureau of for a permanentlonger residence Nonemigrants are resident Statistics for that period. The difference is largely attributable aliens of the United Statesabroad. who are leaving the United States to the limitation of the Office of Immigration figures to alien for a temporary period abroad, or nonresident of the steerage passengers; cabin class passengers were not again United States who have been in the United States aliens for less than included as immigrants until 1904. A further difference was a year and who are returning to permanent residence abroad. that the Bureau of Statistics figures were for arrivals and Except for returning alien residents, the definition of immi those of the Office of Immigration were for admissions. grants used in the statistical tables resembles the legal defini For 1895-1897, the Office of Immigration *readopted arrivals tion given above. Under the law, returning alien residents are and the figures include the 2,419 aliens debarred in 1895, the classed as nonquota immigrants, whereas in the statistics they 2,799 in 1896, and 1,880 in 1897. In later years, the immigra are defined as nonimmigrants. tion data were further refined to exclude aliens in transit definitions of immigrant and emigrant, nonimmigrant through the United States (1904), and resident aliens return andThenonemigrant, have to some extent impaired the reliability ing from a visit abroad (1906). of net immigration figures. While an immigrant is admitted In 1906 arriving aliens were divided into two classes: Immi for permanent residence, he may change his mind and depart grants, or those who intended to settle in the United States, prior to residence of 1 year, in which case he is counted as an and nonimmigrants, or admitted aliens who declared an inten immigrant on arrival and a nonemigrant on departure. An tion not to settle in the United States, and all aliens returning alien who comes for a temporary visit and fails to depart to resume domiciles formerly acquired in the United States. within a year is classed as a nonimmigrant on arrival and an The official record of emigration began in 1907. It was emigrant on departure. made possible by the Immigration Act of 1907, which required C 88-114. Immigrants, by country, 1820-1957. all steamship companies carrying departing aliens to furnish Source: 1820-1932, Immigration and Naturalization Service, manifests similar to tho&e required for arriving aliens. unpublished records, and Bureau of Immigration, Annual Re For 1908-1932, aliens arriving in or departing from the ports of the Commissioner General of Immigration as follows: United States were classified as follows: Arriving aliens with 1820-1926, Report for 1926, pp. 170-178; 1927-1931, Report permanent domicile outside the United States who intended to for 1931, pp. 222-223; 1932, Report for 1932, pp. 120-125; reside permanently in the United States were classed as immi and 1933-1957, Immigration and Naturalization Service, grants; departing aliens with permanent residence in the United records. States who intended to reside permanently abroad were classed Data prior to 1906 cover countries from which the aliens as emigrants; all alien residents making a temporary trip came; data for years following, countries of last permanent 49 C 89-109 MIGRATION residence. Owing to changes in the list of countries separately (Iran) were added to the lists of Asian countries. Since 1934 reported and to changes in boundaries, data for certain coun Armenia has been included in Russia. In 1931 Siberia, or tries are not comparable throughout. Under the provisions Asiatic Russia, was separated from European Russia, and Iraq of the Immigration and Nationality Act, subquotas of 100 each and Siam (Thailand) were added to the lists. were established for colonies or dependencies, to be charged In 1945, the classification of country in the country-of-birth against the quota of the mother country. Because of these statistics (on which the Quota Law is based) was adopted for provisions, since January 1953, statistics have been compiled the immigration statistics. This change resulted in the addi for each colony or dependency having a subquota. tion to the immigration lists of Afghanistan, Arabian Peninsula, The principal changes in reporting immigrants by country Bhutan, Muscat, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, and Asiatic colonies, dependencies, and protectorates of European countries. Since since 1820 are shown in the detailed listing below. 1948, the following countries have been added to the immigra See also general note for series C 88-151. tion lists: (1948) Burma, Ceylon, Jordan, Korea, and Pakistan; C 89-100. Immigration from Europe, 1820-1957. (1949) Israel (formerly included with Palestine), Lebanon (for Source: See source for series C 88-114. merly included with Syria), and Yemen; (1950) Indonesia; Since 1820, territorial transfers in Europe have to a certain (1952) Bonin Volcano Islands, Ryukyu Islands, Cambodia, and extent impaired the comparability of immigration statistics Laos; (1957) Formosa. from that continent. Data for Austria-Hungary were not re C 106-109. Immigration from America, 1820-1957. ported until 1861. Austria and Hungary have been reported Source: See source for series C 88-114. separately since 1905. For 1938-1945, Austria is included with Prior to 1920 Canada and Newfoundland were recorded under Germany. Bulgaria, Serbia, and Montenegro were first re ported in 1899. In 1920 Bulgaria was reported separately, country of last permanent residence as British North America. as was the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (identified Combined figures are available for Canada and Newfoundland as Yugoslavia since 1922). Prior to 1925 Northern Ireland for 1920-1924; for 1925-1948 each was reported separately. was included with Ireland (Eire). The figures for Norway Since 1950, Newfoundland has been included in Canada. Statistics of European immigrants arriving in Canada en and Sweden were combined from 1820-1868, but since 1869 each country has been reported separately. Poland was re route to the United States have been available since 1894. corded as a separate country for 1820-1898 and since 1920. For 1894-1906, the data refer principally to European aliens During 1899-1919 Poland was included with Austria-Hungary, arriving at Canadian Atlantic and Pacific ports en route to the Germany, and Russia. There is no record of immigration from United States. Inspection of Canadians and Mexicans was first authorized by the Act of 1907, and 1908 is, therefore, the first Rumania prior to 1880. complete year for which all immigration via the land borders International transfers in territory following World War I was recorded. resulted in the establishment of several countries. In 1920, Immigration from Mexico has been recorded for 1820-1885 Czechoslovakia, Finland, Poland, and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (designated as Yugoslavia in 1925) were and for 1894 to the present. Immigration statistics for the added to the immigration lists; in 1924, Albania, Estonia, West Indies have been available since 1820. For 1820-1860 Latvia, and Lithuania were added; in 1925, the Free City of there was no classification of the West Indies, by country. For 1860-1898, some immigration was recorded from Antigua Danzig and Luxembourg were added. (1873-1895), Bahamas (1871-1895), Barbados (1869-1895), The Immigration Act of 1924, which established quotas for Bermuda Cuba (1869-1898), Curacao (1873all independent countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the 1895), Haiti(1861-1895), (1869-1895), Jamaica (1869-1895), Puerto Rico Pacific has effected a further change in the immigration lists (1869-1895), Saint Croix (1871-1895), Saint Thomas (1872of countries. This change, however, was not fully felt until 1895), and Trinidad (1874-1895). For 1899-1924, there again 1931. In that year Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, no classification by country of immigration from the West and San Marino were added to the European countries, and was Indies. Immigration from Cuba has been separately recorded the Russian Empire was classified into European Russia (desig since from the British West Indies, Dominican Republic, nated as U.S.S.R. in Europe since 1947) and Siberia, or Asiatic Dutch 1925; West Indies, French West Indies, and Haiti since 1931; Russia. The principal effect of the 1924 Act, however, was in and from Bermuda since 1945. For detailed data, see Annual the extension of the lists of Asian, African, and Western Report of Commissioner General of Immigration for each year, Hemisphere countries. 1892-1932. Since January 1953, all countries in the West In 1950, Bessarabia and the northern portion of Bukovina Indies have been reported. were included in the U.S.S.R. instead of in Rumania. The Immigration from Central America has been recorded since Dodecanese Islands were included in Greece instead of Italy. 1820, but not by country during most of that period. Separate The Free Territory of Trieste, formerly a part of Italy and statistics are available for 1895-1898 for Guatemala, Honduras, Yugoslavia, was established as an independent country. Nicaragua, and Salvador; and for 1895-1897 for Costa Rica. C 101-105. Immigration from Asia, 1820-1957. British Honduras was also enumerated separately for 18741910. With the above exceptions, only figures for total immi Source: See source for series C 88-114. China and India are the only countries in Asia for which the gration were available for Central America until 1925. Immi records of immigration to the United States date back to 1820. gration has been reported separately from British Honduras A few immigrants from Japan were recorded in 1861, 1866, since 1925, and from the Canal Zone, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and 1867, but complete records for Japan begin in 1869. Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Salvador since 1931. Immigration from South America has also been reported in Figures for Turkey in Asia are available since 1869. Data on some immigration from Arabia are recorded for 1876-1895; total since 1820 but, with the following exceptions, not by coun from Armenia for 1874-1895; and from Persia for 1871-1895. try until 1925. For 1869-1895, separate enumerations were For 1896-1923, immigration from Asia included only China, made for Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guiana, Peru, and India, Japan, Turkey in Asia, and “other Asia.” In 1924, Venezuela; and for 1871-1895 for the Argentine Republic. Sep Syria was added, and in 1925 Armenia, Palestine, and Persia arate figures for Brazil have been again available since 1925; 50 INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION C 110-138 and since 1931 for Argentina, Bolivia, British Guiana, Dutch A “farmer” is one who operates a farm, either for himself or Guiana, French Guiana, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, for others; a “farm laborer” is one who works on a farm for the man who operates it. The “no occupation” group includes Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. dependent women and children, other aliens without occupation, C 110. Immigration from Africa, 1820-1957. and aliens whose occupations were not stated. Source: See source for series C 88-114. Although the data are shown in broad occupation groups, Immigration from Africa has been recorded since 1820, but, the instructions for compiling statistics specified that the occu with few exceptions, was not classified by country until 1931. pation should be described as precisely as possible. For ex There is record of some immigration from Liberia in 1829, ample, civil engineer, stationary engineer, mining engineer, 1839, 1844, and for 1857-1893; Algeria, 1872-1894; Egypt, brass polisher, steel polisher, iron molder, wood turner, etc., 1869-1895; and South Africa, 1869-1895. For 1890-1924, only should be so described, and not entered simply as engineer, immigration for continental Africa was reported. Immigration polisher, molder, turner, or other indefinite designation. from Egypt was again recorded in 1925. Immigration from 1945 the Immigration and Naturalization Service adopted Ethiopia (Abyssinia), Liberia, Morocco, and Union of South theInmajor occupation groups as shown in the Sixteenth Census Africa, has been recorded since 1931. In 1945 “other Africa” of the United States, Alphabetical Index of Occupations and In was classified into Cameroons (British Mandate), Cameroons dustries. It also occupations of immigrants for 1899(French Mandate), Ruanda and Urundi (trust territory, Bel 1944 (compiled ingrouped unpublished records) as closely as possible gium), South-West Africa (Mandate of the Union of South into the new groups. Since 1951, have been coded Africa), Tanganyika (trust territory, United Kingdom), Togo- and grouped in accordance with theoccupations definitions in U. S. Census land (British Mandate), Togoland (trust territory, France), of Population: 1950, Alphabetical Index of Occupations and and colonies, dependencies, or protectorates of Belgium, Industries. France, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. occupation figures include all immigrants, those with Since 1945, the following countries have been added: 1953: andThewithout work experience. The “no occupation” group in Libya and Somaliland (Italian administration), and Southern cludes housewives, unemployed, retired persons, students, chil Rhodesia. Eritrea, which was federated with Ethiopia, was dren under 14 years age, aliens with no occupation, and included with Ethiopia. 1957: Ghana (composed of British occupation unknown or of not reported. territories, Gold Coast and British Togoland), Sudan, and See also general note for series C 88-151. Tunisia. C 133, 135-138. Immigrants, by age, 1820-1957. C 111-113. Immigration from Australasia, 1870-1957. Source: 1820-1897, Treasury Department, Bureau of Statis Source: See source for series C 88-114. tics, Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance of the U. S., Immigration from Australia was recorded separately in 1822, No. 12, series 1902-1903, pp. 4358 and 4362; 1898-1932, An 1839-1840, and for most of the years 1854-1898. For 1899- nual Reports the Commissioner General of Immigration; 1924, a combined total was recorded for Australia, Tasmania, 1933-1957, dataof are from Immigration and Naturalization and New Zealand, and since 1925 Australia has been again Service, records. reported separately. Separate figures for New Zealand are Some of the published estimates have been revised because available for 1870-1890. For 1891-1893, New Zealand was in of apparent printing errors in the source. cluded in “all other countries”; for 1894-1898 in “Pacific The age groups used to classify immigrants have changed a Islands, not specified,” and for 1899-1924 with Australia and Tasmania. Separate figures for New Zealand have again been number of times since 1820, thereby impairing to a certain extent their comparability. For 1820-1898, the classification available since 1925. was: Under 15 years, 15 to 40, and over 40 years. In addition, The following countries were added to the immigration lists the age of nearly 250,000 immigrants, or 4 percent of the of the Pacific in 1945: Nauru (British Mandate) ; Territory of total, for 1820-1866 was not reported. New Guinea including appertaining islands (Australian Man For 1899-1917 the age classification was: Under 14 years, date) ; Western Samoa (New Zealand Mandate) ; Yap and other Pacific Islands under Japanese Mandate; and colonies, depend 14 to 44, and 45 years and over; for 1918-1924 it was under 16 encies, or protectorates of France, Great Britain, Japan, Neth years, 16 to 44, and 45 years and over. Although only three age groups were generally used before erlands, and Portugal. In 1952, the Pacific Islands (trust ter 1925, a more detailed classification was used for 1910-1924 for ritory, U. S. administration) were added. single females: 15 to 19 years, 20 to 24, 25 to 29, and 30 to 34 C 115-132; Immigrants, by major occupation group, 1820-1957. in 1910; 14 to 21 years, 22 to 29, 30 to 37, and 38 to 44 for Source: 1820-1890, Treasury Department, Bureau of Statis 1911-1917; 16 to 21 years, 22 to 29, 30 to 37, and 38 to 44 tics, Arrivals of Alien Passengers and Immigrants in the United for 1918-1924. States, 1820-1890, pp. 42-49; 1891, Treasury Department, In 1925 the age classification was enlarged from 3 to 6 Bureau of Statistics, Immigration into the United States Show groups: Under 16 years, 16 to 21, 22 to 29, 30 to 37, 38 to 44, ing Number, Nationality, Sex, Age, Occupation, Destination, and 45 years over. In 1940, it was enlarged to 12 groups, . . . from 1820-190S; 1892-1898, Bureau of Immigration, Annual with a lower and limit under 11 years, 5-year age groups until Reports of Commissioner General of Immigration; 1899-1944, 60, and an upper oflimit of over 60 years. In 1945, it was Immigration and Naturalization Service, unpublished records; further enlarged into 5-year with a lower age limit 1945-1957, Annual Reports of the Immigration and Natural of under 5 years and an upper groups, open-end limit of 100 years and ization Service. over. The major occupation groups for 1820-1898 include the fol See also general note for series C 88-151. lowing categories: Professional—occupations which involve a liberal education or its equivalent and mental rather than man C 134. Percent male immigrants, 1820-1957. ual skills; commercial—agents, bankers, hotelkeepers, manufac Source: 1820-1910, Senate Doc. No. 756, 61st Congress, Re turers, and merchants and dealers; skilled—occupations requir ports of the Immigration Commission, vol. 3, pp. 6 and 7; ing special training of a manual rather than mental nature. 1911-1931, Bureau of Immigration, Annual Report of the 51 MIGRATION C 139-158 Commissioner General of Immigration, 1931, p. 238; 1932, An under formal deportation proceedings. Deportation of alien nual Report of the Commissioner General of Immigration, 1932, contract laborers within one year after entry was authorized p. 58; 1933-1957, Immigration and Naturalization Service, by the Act of 1888. Deportation statistics, however, have records. been compiled only since 1892, shortly after enactment of the Although the Act of 1819 required that arriving immigrants Act of 1891, which provided for the deportation of all aliens be recorded by sex, these data were not satisfactorily com who entered unlawfully. The classes of deportable aliens were piled before 1869. (See Senate Doc. No. 756 cited above, p. 5.) extended by subsequent acts and are now defined in the Immi The earlier reports of the Secretary of State to Congress con gration and Nationality Act of 1952. The principal deportable tain partial data on this subject, and in 1911 the Immigration classes are criminals (including violators of narcotic laws), Commission compiled these data to show the approximate sex immoral classes, mental or physical defectives, public charges, distribution for 1820-1867. Therefore the percentages given subversives, and those who entered illegally or failed to main in series C 134 cannot be reduced to numbers. Moreover, the tain or comply with the conditions of admission. data are not complete, as in most years sex was not reported C 154, aliens voluntarily departing. An alien may con for a considerable number of immigrants; but on the whole cede deportability and be permitted to depart voluntarily the percentages may be accepted as fairly representative of at his own expense. Statistics on aliens voluntarily depart the sex distribution in the years considered. ing have been recorded only since 1927. C 139-151. Annual quota and aliens admitted, by classes, C 155, aliens excluded. Prior to 1882, various State laws 1925-1957. were enacted excluding from admission to the United States Source: Annual Reports of Immigration and Naturalization undesirable aliens such as paupers, felons, and diseased Service and Presidential Proclamations on quotas. aliens. The first Chinese exclusion law was passed in 1882. For 1925-1929, the annual quota (series C 139) of 164,667 Lunatics, idiots, and persons likely to become public charges was based on 2 percent of the foreign-born residents in the were first excluded by the Act of 1882. United States as determined by the 1890 Census. The present Statistics on aliens excluded were first compiled in 1892, “national origin” formula for determining quotas, which has shortly after passage of the Act of 1891, which extended the not changed since 1929, provides that the annual quota equal classes of excludable aliens. Subsequent acts, principally the one-sixth of one percent of the number of white inhabitants Immigration Act of 1917, and the Immigration and Nationality in continental United States in 1920, less Western Hemisphere Act of 1952, extended these classes further. At present, the immigrants and their descendants. The annual quota for any principal classes excluded are attempted illegal entries, crim nationality for each fiscal year is the number which bears the inals (including violators of narcotic laws), immoral persons, same ratio to 150,000 as the number of inhabitants in conti subversive or anarchistic persons, and mental or physical de nental United States in 1920 having that national origin bears fectives. to the number of inhabitants in continental United States C 156-157. Aliens departing, 1908-1957. in 1920, but the minimum quota for any nationality is 100. 1908-1910, Bureau of Immigration, Annual Report Changes in quotas since 1929 have been due chiefly to of Source: the Commissioner General of Immigration, 1931, pp. 213 and changes in territorial boundaries of quota areas and to the 239; 1911-1956, Annual of the Immigration and Nat establishment of new quotas for countries that have become uralization Service, 1956, Report p. 48; 1957, Ibid, 1957 reports, p. 31. independent. For definition of terms, see general note for series C 88-151. The classes presented in these series are legal classes of ad mission, as defined in the Act of 1924, and the Immigration C 158-170. General note. and Nationality Act of 1952. Returning resident aliens, who Prior to 1906, individual courts kept records of naturaliza have been counted before as immigrants, are included with tions, but no national data were compiled. The Act of 1906 nonimmigrants. required all courts conducting naturalization proceedings to In general, statistics on aliens admitted have been derived file with a central Federal agency a copy of each declaration from manifests or entry documents. Changes in regulations of intention and petition of naturalization filed and of each extending documentary waivers for nonimmigrants entering certificate of naturalization issued. via the Canadian or Mexican border, or from adjacent islands, For 1907-1912 naturalization statistics were compiled by the have impaired comparability of the nonimmigrant statistics. Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization. For 1913-1932 For example, the figure on nonimmigrant admissions dropped they were compiled by the Bureau of Naturalization. For in 1953 because beginning with 1953, the nonimmigrant figures 1933-1940, they were given in the Annual Reports of the Secre have excluded, with certain exceptions, Canadian citizens and tary of Labor and 1941 in the Annual Report of the Attor British subjects resident in Canada who were admitted for 6 ney General. No for report published in 1942. For subse months or less. In prior years the nonimmigrant figures ex quent years, the statistics was appeared in Annual Reports of the cluded entries over the Canadian border for 29 days or less. Immigration and Naturalization Service. The reduction in the number of returning residents in 1956 and 1957 may be attributed to changes in regulations extend C 158. Declarations filed, 1907-1957. ing documentary waivers to resident aliens returning from Source: 1907-1910, Annual Report of the Secretary of stays in Western Hemisphere countries of less than 6 months. Labor, 1940, p. 115; 1911-1957, Annual Report of Immigration The waiver has recently been extended further to returning and Naturalization Service, 1957, p. 67. residents who have been abroad less than 1 year. See also general note for series C 158-170. See also general note for series C 88-151. Section 331 of the Nationality Act of 1940 provided that an C 152-155. Aliens deported, voluntarily departing, and ex applicant for naturalization after reaching the age of 18 years cluded, 1892-1957. must make under oath, not less than 2 nor more than 7 years Source: Annual Report of Immigration and Naturalization prior to his petition for naturalization, a signed declaration Service, 1957, pp. 46, 50. of intention to become a citizen. This section contained sub C 153, aliens deported. Undesirable aliens who have vio stantially the requirements of the Basic Naturalization Act of lated certain immigration laws may be expelled or deported 1906 concerning the declaration of intention. The Immigration 52 C 159-169 INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION and Nationality Act of 1952, which repealed the Nation C 162-169. Aliens naturalized, by place of former allegiance, 1923-1957. ality Act of 1940, provides that a declaration of intention may be filed, but it is not a prerequisite to naturalization. In a Source: 1923-1932, Annual Report of the Commissioner of number of States, in order to obtain employment, a license, Naturalization; 1933-1935, Immigration and Naturalization etc., an alien applicant must prove that he intends to become Service, records; 1936-1957, Annual Report of the Immigration a citizen. The law permits the filing of a declaration to show and Naturalization Service. such intent. See also general note for series C 158-170. Prior to 1930 the number of declarations of intention was “Country of former allegiance or nationality” is the country far in excess of the number of aliens naturalized. This was of which the alien at the time was a citizen or subject. Data due mainly to the failure of many aliens to file a petition for on the number of aliens naturalized, by country or region of naturalization within the prescribed time limit, as well as the former allegiance, have been compiled only from 1922. Owing denial of a number of petitions for naturalization. In most of to changes in the list of countries separately reported and to the years since 1930 the number of aliens naturalized has ex changes in boundaries, data for certain countries are not com ceeded the declarations filed, because of the increasing number parable throughout. The principal changes in reporting since of persons who were exempted from the general requirements 1923 are shown for individual series below. for a declaration of intention. C 162, Northwestern Europe. Includes the British Empire, Since 1907, a number of laws have been passed exempting Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxem special classes of persons from the general requirement of a bourg, Switzerland, France, and, beginning with 1948, Ice declaration of intention. Most of these laws were codified land. For 1924-1932, the figures for the British Empire were into the Nationality Act of 1940. Included among such ex classified by country. Canada is shown separately for 1923empted classes were noncitizen spouses of United States citi 1932, and since 1948; for 1933-1947, Canada is included in the zens; certain former citizens; noncitizens who, because of British Empire. Beginning with 1948, Ireland has been re misinformation, erroneously exercised the rights of citizen ported separately. Australia has been reported separately ship; noncitizens who, at the time of entering the United from 1951, and included in “all other” (series C 169). See States, were under 16 years of age; certain noncitizens text for series C 166, C 168, and C 169 for former British who served honorably in the United States Armed Forces or territories. C 163, Central Europe. Includes Germany, Poland, Czecho on certain vessels; and certain noncitizen children. slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Montenegro. For C 159. Aliens naturalized, 1907-1957. 1938-1947, Austria was included with Germany. For 1923Source: See source for series C 158. 1932, Yugoslavia was recorded as the Kingdom of Serbs, “Aliens naturalized” are aliens upon whom naturalization Croats, and Slovenes. C 164, Eastern Europe. Includes the Union of Soviet Social was conferred in the United States by a naturalization court or outside of the United States by a representative of the ist Republics, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Rumania, Immigration and Naturalization Service. The total number of Bulgaria, and Turkey. For 1923-1928, Latvia and Estonia aliens naturalized includes both civilian and military natural were included with Russia. For 1923-1927, Lithuania com izations. prised portions of Russia and Germany. European and Asiatic The statistics of aliens naturalized do not include the follow Turkey are included in Eastern Europe. C 165, Southern Europe. Includes Greece, Italy, Spain, ing groups: Repatriations under section 323 of the Nationality Act of 1940 of former citizens of'the United States who lost Portugal, and, for 1929-1957, “other Europe,” which com citizenship by entering the armed forces of allied countries prises Albania, the Free City of Danzig, Liechtenstein, San during World War I, and former citizens who lost citizenship Marino, Monaco, Andorra, and, since 1950, Trieste. For 1923of the United States by voting in a political election in a 1928, “other Europe” was recorded under the “miscellaneous” foreign state (other than a state at war with the United group of countries and is included with “all other” (C 169). C 166, Asia. For 1923-1927, Asia was included under “all States during World War II) ; repatriations of women who other” (C 169). The Asian countries reported separately and were citizens at birth but who lost or were believed to have the beginning dates are shown below: lost citizenship through marriage to an alien and whose mar Afghanistan (1929) ; Arabian Peninsula (1943) ; Bhutan riages were terminated; repatriations under the Act of 1936, (1945); Burma (1949); Ceylon (1948); China (1932); India as amended, of native-born women who lost citizenship by (1948, British Empire formerly) ; Indonesia (1950) ; Iran marriage; and repatriations of persons who lost citizenship by (1929); Iraq (1929); Israel (1950, Palestine formerly); voting in a political election or plebiscite in Italy (Act of 1951) Japan (1932) ; Jordan (1948, formerly called Trans-Jordan and in occupied Japan (Act of 1954). and included with Palestine prior to 1948) ; Korea (1948, Separate statistics on these repatriations are compiled by Japan formerly) ; Lebanon (1950, included in Syria former the Immigration and Naturalization Service which also com ly) ; Muscat and Oman (1945) ; Nepal (1945) ; Pakistan piles statistics on certificates of derivative citizenship granted (1948, included in British Empire formerly) ; Palestine (re ported separately 1929-1944 and since 1948; included in and denied, expatriations and certificates of naturalization British Empire 1945-1947); Philippines (1929); Saudi Arabia revoked, and petitions for naturalization denied. (1945); Syria (reported separately 1928-1944 and since 1948; C 160-161. Aliens naturalized, by sex, 1923-1957. included in France, 1944-1947); Thailand (Siam, 1944); Source: 1923-1932, Bureau of Naturalization, Annual Report Vietnam (1952); Yemen (1950); and Formosa (1957). of the Commissioner of Naturalization, 1923-1932; 1933-1940, Until 1953 racial restrictions upon naturalization limited the Annual Report of the Secretary of Labor, 1933-1940; 1941- naturalization of aliens who were citizens or subjects of coun 1957, Annual Report of the Immigration and Naturalization tries located in Asia. (See text for series C 170.) Service for 1949 and 1957. C 167, Canada. For 1923-1932, and since 1948, Canada is See also general note for series C 158-170 and text for shown separately; it is included in the British Empire for 1933-1947. series C 159. 488910 0 - 6 0 - 5 53 C 170-283 MIGRATION The classification of citizenship by the Bureau of the Census C 168, Other America. Includes Mexico, the West Indies, Central and South America. Figures for “other America” embraces the two major categories, citizen and alien. Citizens countries were not compiled separately in 1923. Figures for are subdivided into native and naturalized. Aliens are sub Mexico date from 1924; for the West Indies (Cuba, Dominican divided into those having first papers (that is, having made Republic, and Haiti separately) from 1929. For 1924-1928, the formal declaration of intention to become citizens of the United figures for Central and South America were combined. Sep States) and those not having first papers. In addition to the arate figures have been compiled for independent countries in citizen and alien categories, there is a third group made up Central and South America beginning with 1929, except in of foreign-born persons for whom no report on citizenship was 1933. obtained, designated as “citizenship not reported” or “unknown C 169, All other. Includes “miscellaneous” countries 1923- citizenship.” Since it is likely that most of these persons are 1928; repatriated Americans, 1924-1934; “stateless” nationals aliens, they are often included in summary figures for total from 1945; Ethiopia from 1929; Liberia from 1929; and coun aliens. The population 21 years old and over is also given tries which were former territories. Former territories and separately by citizenship, in order to show the number of po tential voters. the beginning dates of separate report are shown below: Formerly French territory: Libya (1953) ; Tunisia (1957) ; These statistics relate to the citizenship status of the popu Sudan (1957). Formerly British territory: Egypt, reported lation at the date of the specified decennial census. separately 1929-1944 and since 1948, included in British Em Native white population of foreign or mixed par pire, 1945-1947; South West Africa (1952); Southern Rhode C 185-217. entage, by country of origin of parents, 1900-1950. sia (1953); Union of South Africa (1948); Australia (1951); Source: 1900-1940, Sixteenth Census Reports, Population, Nauru (1952) ; New Guinea (1952) ; New Zealand (1952) ; and Western Samoa (1952). Formerly Italian administra Country of Origin of Foreign Stock, p. 10; 1950, U. S. Census tion: Somaliland (1953). Formerly international adminis of Population: 1950, vol. IV, Special Reports, Nativity and tration: Tangier (1953). Separate figures are available for Parentage, p. 3A-75. the following United States possessions: American Samoa, A native is defined as a person born in continental United Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Wake and Mid States, Puerto Rico, or the Territories or possessions, or born way Islands (1945-1951 and since 1955); Hawaii (since abroad to American parents. Persons for whom place of birth 1955); Guam (1944-1951, and since 1955). was not reported are included as native. The nativity of parents was defined in the same way as it was for the indi C 170. Petitions denied, 1907-1957. vidual. Source: 1907-1921, Reports of Commissioner of Naturaliza Persons of foreign parentage are allocated to the country tion as follows: 1907-1917, Report for 1917, p. 5; 1918-1919, of birth of the foreign parent. The classification by country Report for 1919, p. 4; 1920, Report for 1920, pp. 5-6; 19211957, see Annual Report of Immigration and Naturalization of birth of parents is, of course, subject to the same limitations and may be presumed to be less accurate than the classification Service, 1957, p. 72. of the foreign born by country of birth. See also general note for series C 158-170. The definition of country of birth of parents is similar to Statistics on petitions denied have been compiled since 1907. that used series C 218-283, below, with several important The Basic Naturalization Act of 1906 and subsequent naturaliza exceptions. in The by country of birth of parents tion laws specified the eligibility requirements for naturaliza for 1930 and laterclassification years is made on the basis of boundaries tion. Petitions for naturalization of aliens who fail to meet existing at the date of the specified decennial census. The the prerequisites for naturalization may be denied by the 1920 data on country of birth of parents, however, are based courts at the final naturalization hearing. Included among on pre-World War I boundaries because of the difficulty of the reasons for denial are lack of knowledge and understanding obtaining correct replies on the basis of postwar boundaries of history, principles, and form of government of the United for parents of persons enumerated. The procedure differs States, failure to establish good moral character, lack of at from that used for series C 218-283 where the boundaries tachment to the Constitution of the United States, inability to used for 1920 and for all other years were those in existence speak (read, write) the English language, failure to establish at the time of the census. lawful admission to the United States or to meet residence For definition of color, see text for series A 22-33. requirements, etc. In the early laws the right to become naturalized was limited C 218-283. Foreign-born papulation, by country of birth, 18501950. to white persons, and petitions of persons of ineligible races were denied. Gradually such restrictions were removed with Source: 1850-1930, total foreign born, Fifteenth Census Re respect to Negroes, Filipinos, races indigenous to North and ports, Population, vol. II, p. 233; 1910-1940, foreign-born white, South America and adjacent islands, Chinese, and Guamanians. Sixteenth Census Reports, Population, vol. II, part 1, p. 43; In 1952, the Immigration and Nationality Act removed all 1950, foreign-born white, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, racial restrictions to naturalization. Japanese aliens in the vol. IV, Special Reports, Nativity and Parentage, p. 3A-71. United States were the largest class of aliens that benefited The foreign-born population comprises all persons born out by this law. side the United States or any of the outlying possessions, C 171-184. Citizenship status of the population, 1890-1950. except certain persons whose parents at the time of their Source: 1890-1940, total, native, and total foreign-born popu birth were American citizens. Persons born in any of the lation, and 1930-1940, citizenship status of foreign born and outlying Territories or possessions, and American citizens born persons 21 years old and over, Sixteenth Census Reports, abroad or at sea, are regarded as native. Population, vol. II, part 1, pp. 19, 30-33; 1890-1920, data on The statistics on country of birth are generally based on persons 21 years old and over, and 1920, citizenship status of the political boundaries of foreign nations existing at the date foreign born, Fifteenth Census Reports, Population, vol. II, of the specified decennial census. Because of boundary p. 405; 1950, U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. II, part changes following World War I and World War II, accurate 1, pp. 1-178. comparisons over the entire period, 1850-1950, can be made 54 INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION C 218-283 for relatively few countries. These countries include England, have been adjusted on the basis of mother tongue data, to Scotland, Wales, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, conform as nearly as possible to the conditions in 1930. Spain, Portugal, Canada (total of Canada-French, other, and Since World War I, the greatest difficulties encountered in Newfoundland), and Mexico. For several other countries, as the tabulation of country-of-birth statistics has been the classi for example, Italy, France, and Belgium, the figures are slight fication of persons born in the former Austro-Hungarian Em ly affected by boundary changes; but these changes have not pire. Many persons born within the prewar boundaries of been so great as to destroy entirely the value of comparative this Empire could not or did not give to the enumerator the figures. The boundaries of other countries, as for example, information needed for the determination of their country of U.S.S.R., Austria, Hungary, Rumania, and Greece, have been birth on the basis of postwar geography. It is therefore quite so changed that comparisons over time are subject to a large possible that some persons were assigned to Austria who were margin of error. really born within the present areas of either Czechoslovakia Statistics on country of birth of the foreign born have gen or Yugoslavia, and that persons were assigned to Hungary who erally been restricted to those countries which had at the time were born within the present areas of Rumania or Yugoslavia. of the census a separate political entity. For 1860-1900, how Similarly, it is possible that some persons born in Latvia, Es ever, an exception was made in the case of Poland. Although tonia, or Lithuania were assigned to Russia. Persons for Poland was not restored to its original status as an inde whom Austria-Hungary was reported in the 1950 Census pendent country until the end of World War I, its historical were allocated on the basis of surname to the various countries position was such that Polish immigrants generally reported created out of the territory of the old empire after World Poland as their country of birth regardless of the political War I. Even with this procedure, however, there appears to sovereignty over their birthplace. For 1860-1890, persons re be some indication that Austria and Hungary are overreported ported as born in Poland were so tabulated without qualifica at the expense of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. In 1950 tion. In the Census of 1900 an attempt was made to dis the situation was further complicated by the fact that, although tinguish Austrian, German, and Russian Poland, and separate there were extensive de facto boundary changes as a result of statistics for each were presented. In the Census of 1910, World War II, only a small number of these changes were persons reported as born in Poland were assigned either to officially recognized by the United States at that time. Russia, Germany, or Austria. The figures for 1910, however, For definition of color, see text for series A 22-33. 55 C€ MIGRATION Series C 88-114. Immigrants, by Country: 1820 to 1957 [For ries C 101-114. For years ending June 30, except: 1820-1831 and 1844-1849, years ending Sept. 30; and 1833-1842 and 1851-1867, months ending Dec. 31; 1843, 9 months ending Sept. 30; 1850, 15 months ending Dec. 31; 1868, 6 months ending June 30] Northwestern Europe 1957 1956 1955 1954. 1953 1952. 1951. 1950. 1949. 1948. 1947. 1946. 1945. 1944. 19431942_ 1941. 1940. 1939. 1938. 1937. 1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. 19321931. 1930. 1929. 1928. 1927. 1926. 1925. 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920. 1919. 1918 1917. 1916 1915 1914 1913. 1912 1911 L910. 1909 1908. 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 1899 1898. 1897. 1896 1895 1894 1893 1892 1891 1890 1889 1888 1887 1886 Great Britain Ireland2 Scandi navia 3 90 91 92 24,020 19,008 15,761 16,672 16,639 22,177 14,898 12,755 21,149 26,403 23,788 33,552 3,029 1,321 974 907 7,714 6,158 3,058 2,262 1,726 1,310 1,413 1,305 979 2,057 9,110 31,015 21,327 19,958 23,669 25,528 27,172 59,490 45,759 25,153 51,142 38,471 6,797 2,516 10,735 16,063 27,237 48,729 60,328 57,148 73,384 68,941 46,793 62,824 1 79,037 67,198 84,189 51,448 33,637 16,898 i 14,985 12,509 13,456 12,894 12,752 24,565 28,833 22,520 35,189 42,215 66,605 69,730 87,992 108,692 93,378 62,929 8,227 5,607 5,222 4,655 4,304 3,526 3,144 5,842 8,678 7,534 2,574 1,816 427 112 165 83 272 839 1,189 1,085 531 444 454 443 338 539 7,305 23,445 19,921 25,268 28,545 24,897 26,650 17,111 15,740 10,579 28,435 9,591 474 331 5,406 8,639 14,185 24,688 27,876 25,879 29,112 29,855 25,033 30,556 34,530 34,995 52,945 36,142 35,310 29,138 30,561 35,730 31,673 25,128 28,421 40,262 46,304 30,231 43,578 51,383 55,706 53,024 65,557 73,513 68,370 49,619 6,189 5,681 5,159 5,459 5,537 5,416 5,502 5,661 6,665 6,127 4,918 1,278 224 281 239 371 1,137 1,260 1,178 1,393 971 646 688 557 511 938 3,144 6,919 17,379 16,184 16,860 16,818 16,810 35,577 34,184 14,625 22,854 13,444 5,590 6,506 13,771 14,761 17,883 29,391 32,267 27,554 42,285 48,267 32,496 30,175 49,965 52,781 60,625 60,096 77,647 54,038 39,234 31,151 22,192 19,282 21,089 33,199 26,852 32,400 58,945 66,295 60,107 50,368 57,504 81,924 67,629 46,735 Other North Germany 5 Poland 6 western 4 93 j I 1 ! ! i 25,109 15,254 10,707 11,853 11,145 12,476 10,973 10,857 12,288 13,721 14,562 8,651 365 619 1,531 5,622 9,009 7,743 5,214 3,352 2,512 1,745 1,808 1,270 1,045 1,558 4,420 9,170 9,091 9,079 9,134 8,773 8,548 16,077 12,469 11,149 29,317 24,491 5,126 3,146 6,731 8,715 12,096 25,591 28,086 22,921 25,549 23,852 17,756 22,177 26,512 23,277 24,693 23,321 17,009 10,322 9,279 5,822 5,150 4,698 5,323 7,611 7,313 9,514 17,888 21,731 21,824 20,575 22,010 23,251 17,307 11,737 iF zens; therefore for those years, does not 4c 651£ and Iceland. nbourg, Switzerland, and France. Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia. agre< 2C 3C 56 Europe Central Europe | 94 95 60,353 571 44,409 263 29,596 129 33,098 67 27,329 136 104,236 235 87,755 98 128,592 696 55,284 1,673 19,368 2,447 13,900 745 2,598 335 172 195 238 292 248 394 2,150 343 4,028 451 21,520 702 33,515 3,072 17,199 2,403 10,895 1,212 6,346 869 5,201 1,504 4,392 1,032 1,919 1,332 2,670 1,296 10,401 3,604 26,569 9,231 46,751 9,002 45,778 8,755 48,513 9,211 50,421 7,126 46,068 5,341 75,091 28,806 48,277 26,538 17,931 28,635 6,803 95,089 1,001 4,813 52 447 1,857 2,877 7,799 35,734 34,329 27,788 32,061 31,283 25,540 32,309 37,807 37,564 40,574 46,380 __________ 40,086 28,304 21,651 18,507 17,476 4,726 | 17,111 22,533 4,165 i 31,885 691 ! 32,173 790 I 53,989 1,941 78,756 16,374 ! 119,168 40,536 113,554 27,497 92,427 11.073 99,538 4,922 109,717 5,826 106,865 6,128 84,403 3,939 Eastern Europe U. S. S. R. Other and ! Other Central 7 Baltic 1 Eastern 9 States 8 | 96 97 98 Southern Europe 15,498 10,284 4,133 2,873 2,885 23,529 10,365 17,792 7,411 6,006 4,622 511 206 316 206 396 788 3,628 5,334 5,195 3,763 2,723 2,357 1,422 981 1,749 4,500 9,184 8,081 7,091 6,559 6,020 4,701 32,700 34,038 29,363 77,069 5,666 53 61 1,258 5,191 18,511 278,152 254,825 178,882 159,057 258,737 170,191 168,509 338,452 265,138 275,693 177,156 206,011 171,989 113,390 114,847 62.491 39,797 33,031 65,103 33,401 38,638 57,420 76,937 71,042 56,199 34,174 45,811 40,265 28,680 19,624 40,430 30,272 13,145 8,432 11,342 8,958 12,454 11,695 16,075 13,866 2,636 213 120 49 103 450 5,302 6,570 7,712 7,192 6,774 6,566 4,374 3,477 6,662 13,399 22,327 18,008 17,728 17,297 8,253 6,203 56,246 46,674 40,319 222,260 95,145 1,884 5,250 34,596 33,665 49,688 283,738 265,542 157,134 182,882 215,537 183,218 128,503 285,731 273,120 221,479 193,296 230,622 178,375 135,996 100,135 77,419 58,613 59,431 68,060 35,427 42,977 72,145 61,631 76,055 52,003 25,307 51,558 47,622 21,315 663 643 523 475 609 548 555 526 694 897 761 153 98 157 159 197 665 898 1,021 960 629 378 418 607 458 636 1,396 2,772 2,450 2,652 2,933 3,323 3,121 20,918 21,151 19,910 10,193 1,751 1,403 4,242 12,716 7,842 26,187 255,660 291,040 162,395 158,721 186,792 120,460 156,711 258,943 215,665 184,897 145,141 136,093 107,347 85,257 90,787 60,982 29,828 25,816 51,445 35,907 39,278 42,310 81,511 47,426 35,598 33,916 33,487 30,766 17,800 558 394 134 104 86 137 223 277 246 485 249 98 97 109 54 117 299 491 620 542 533 424 453 347 352 592 1,192 2,159 2,153 1,776 1,708 1,596 1,566 13,173 16,082 12,244 32,793 3,913 51 93 369 1,167 2,892 21,420 18,036 20,925 21,655 25,287 11,659 27,345 36,510 18,652 11,022 12,756 12,600 8,234 8,199 6,852 1,738 1,076 943 954 768 1,027 625 1,331 1,222 723 1,145 1,393 2,251 670 Italy Other Southern 10 99 100 8,813 14,893 8,955 3,720 5,250 10,004 7,074 3,663 3 ,809 4,481 3,550 1,224 917 944 901 864 1,730 1,913 2,367 2,392 1,899 1,821 1,916 1,461 991 1,882 3,438 4,647 4,435 4,244 3,939 2,807 2,186 9,150 7,008 6,477 76,409 48,009 3,197 8,471 45,644 46,779 21,441 55,288 43,526 38,249 40,051 37,740 21,729 32,792 52,079 29,975 18,156 22,197 25,492 14,423 10,685 8,360 4,772 4,633 2,893 5,292 2,574 4,537 6,094 8,138 5,047 3,960 2,725 2,959 2,248 1,702 7 Comprises Czechoslovakia (since 1920), Yugoslavia (since 1920), Hungary (since 1861), and Austria (since 1861, except for the years 1938-1945, when Austria was included with Germany). 8 Comprises U. S. S. R. in Europe, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Finland. 9 Comprises Rumania, Bulgaria, and Turkey in Europe. 10 Comprises Spain, Portugal, Greece, and other Europe, not elsewhere classified. C 88-100 INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION ies C 88-114. Immigrants, by Country: 1820 to 1957—Con. Europe Central Europe Northwestern Europe 603 788 669 457 177 138 141 169 227 313 459 404 321 387 352 138 315 318 248 193 176 91 91 153 121 123 251 200 200 427, 368 371 379; 369 297, 226 234, 154, 114, 78. 52, 104, 80, 84, 68, 38, 79, 76; 45, 65, 58, 60: 22; 23, 22, 27, 18, 10, 10,7, 6, 6, 9, 8, ;xclu .15 a nd i y ,s Great Britain Ireland2 Scandi navia 3 90 91 92 57,713 65,950 76,606 102,991 81,376 73,273 29,955 22,150 23,581 29,291 47,905 62,021 89,500 84,912 85,455 103,677 84,438 24,127 52,641 94,924 82,465 53,428 66,882 24,639 19.675 29,737 26,163 28,956 58,479 44,658 47,572 58,647 37,576 40,699 51,487 51,085 55,132 35,159 23,302 22,180 19,210 14,353 8,430 22,005 16,188 2,613 10,271 5,420 12,218 13,106 8,970 10,490 4,916 5,331 2,475 1,153 3,179 5,352 4,186 2,319 2,095 1,264 1,100 1,221 3,210 2,410 51,795 63,344 81,486 76,432 72,342 71,603 20,013 15,932 14,569 19,575 37,957 53,707 77,344 68,732 57,439 56,996 40,786 32,068 72,879 36,690 29,772 63,523 55,916 23,351 23,797 48,637 35,216 26,873 54,361 54,349 49,627 101,606 162,649 159,548 221,253 164,004 159,398 112,934 105,536 51,752 44,821 33,490 19,670 51,342 37,772 39,430 23,963 12,645 28,508 30,578 20,927 24,474 8,648 12,436 5,772 2,721 7,415 12,488 9,766 5,408 4,888 2,345 1,908 2,267 1,518 3,614 40,704 52,728 71,994 105,326 81,582 65,657 21,820 12,254 11,274 12,323 14,322 19,178 35,481 28,575 22,132 30,742 43,941 11,985 8,491 14,495 7,258 2,961 3,119 2,550 850 840 1,590 2,662 2,747 1,330 1,349 4,222 3,396 4,106 2,438 1,589 3,481 1,113 1,320 2,030 982 1,336 1,777 588 226 207 380 112 399 473 68 66 189 334 36 19 30 60 28 26 18 20 7 28 24 23 Other North Germany 5 Poland 6 western 4 13,732 18,768 24,271 27,796 26,883 15,042 9,081 6,929 8,621 10,923 11,987 15,998 22,892 15,614 7,174 9,152 10,585 4,293 12,417 13,648 7,992 5,621 3,245 4,386 3,769 5,278 3,727 4,580 6,879 12,403 14,571 23,070 14,205 11,278 20,905 11,470 7,634 9,877 24,336 12,303 9,466 4,343 4,364 5,361 6,077 7,978 7,891 3,839 5,769 5,189 3,369 4,468 5,355 5,695 2,277 1,305 1,065 4,700 1,829 968 719 671 528 522 521 452 ens; therefore for those years, does not md Iceland. Lbourg, Switzerland, and France. ustria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia. 94 93 124,443 179,676 194,786 250,630 210,485 84,638 34,602 29,313 29,298 31,937 47,769 87,291 149,671 141,109 82,554 118,225 131,042 55,831 133,426 115,892 83,424 57,276 33,162 27,529 31,661 54,491 41,784 45,310 91,781 71,028 71,918 215,009 141,946 145,918 72,482 78,896 60,235 58,465 74,281 57,561 34,355 20,731 14,441 20,370 15,291 29,704 21,028 11,683 23,740 20,707 8,311 17,686 6,988 10,194 2,413 1,976 597 1,851 432 511 450 230 183 148 383 968 95 3,085 4,536 2,011 4,672 5,614 2,177 489 547 533 925 984 1,795 3,338 1,647 535 223 184 310 412 528 165 94 63 48 82 106 9 124 20 462 208 33 110 10 5 4 8 4 6 36 17 10 15 5 46 41 81 53 54 54 1 34 2 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 5 Eastern Europe U. S. S. R. Other and Other Central 7 Baltic Eastern 9 States 8 96 97 98 27,309 36,571 27,625 29,150 27,935 17,267 5,963 5,150 5,396 6,276 7,658 8,850 7,112 4,410 4,887 4,425 1,499 192 692 93 422 230 85 111 51 17,158 12,689 9,909 16,918 5,041 5,014 4,453 3,048 6,599 4,775 7,997 4,073 1,634 1,018 673 907 343 141 205 287 183 256 77 79 34 65 91 246 25 9 13 2 3 2 1 31 44 1 5 248 1 13 6 28 174 7 13 19 2 9 15 159 52 1 3 1 7 19 4 10 7 7 10 7 14 941 388 163 134 102 35 29 29 32 38 27 62 53 20 23 6 18 4 26 18 14 11 16 11 5 4 10 17 11 5 9 7 15 3 2 15 9 3 2 4 3 10 5 2 6 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 6 1 2 2 2 4 1 Southern Europe Italy Other Southern 10 99 100 13,642 16,510 31,792 32,159 15,401 12,354 5,791 4,344 3,195 3,015 3,631 7,666 8,757 4,190 2,816 2,891 1,489 891 1,624 1,382 924 600 547 566 811 1,019 932 1,240 1,007 1,365 1,052 1,263 555 351 447 431 209 241 164 151 137 141 117 100 179 37 84 86 36 115 60 105 1,699 3 28 9 23 34 35 57 75 45 33 35 63 30 2,561 2,526 1,944 1,978 1,784 1,631 2,063 1,916 3,097 1,842 2,724 2,142 1,759 1,928 1,457 1,382 1,638 558 1,040 1,075 1,066 1,162 590 425 499 1,056 1,330 1,461 810 916 1,156 1,508 1,198 469 485 797 355 232 163 82 320 292 186 139 288 151 477 231 269 239 219 151 1,155 114 37 27 212 230 422 456 287 377 245 180 209 174 7 Comprises Czechoslovakia (since 1920), Yugoslavia (since 1920), Hungary (since 1861), and Austria (since 1861, except for the years 1938-1945, when Austria was included with Germany). 8 Comprises U. S. S. R. in Europe, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Finland. 9 Comprises Rumania, Bulgaria, and Turkey in Europe. 10 Comprises Spain, Portugal, Greece, and other Europe, not elsewhere classified. 57 C 101-114 MIGRATION Series C 88-114. Immigrants, by Country: 1820 to 1957—Con. Asia Year 1957_______________ 1956_______________ 1955_______________ 1954_______________ 1953_______________ 1952_______________ 1951_______________ 1950_______________ 1949_______________ 1948_______________ 1947_______________ 1946_______________ 1945_______________ 1944_______________ 1943_______________ 1942_______________ 1941_______________ 1940_______________ 1939_______________ 1938_______________ 1937_______________ 1936_______________ 1935_______________ 1934_______________ 1933_______________ 1932_______________ 1931_______________ 1930_______________ 1929_______________ 1928_______________ 1927_______________ 1926_______________ 1925_______________ 1924_______________ 1923_______________ 1922_______________ 1921_______________ 1920_______________ 1919_______________ 1918_______________ 1917_______________ 1916_______________ 1915_______________ 1914_______________ 1913_______________ 1912_______________ 1911_______________ 1910_______________ 1909_______________ 1908_______________ 1907_______________ 1906_______________ 1905_______________ 1904_______________ 1903_______________ 1902_______________ 1901_______________ 1900_______________ 1899_______________ 1898_______________ 1897_______________ 1896_______________ 1895_______________ 1894 ______________ 1893_______________ 1892_______________ 1891_______________ 1890_______________ 1889_______________ 1888_______________ 1887_______________ 1886_______________ Total Turkey in Asia 1 China 101 102 103 20,008 17,327 10,935 9,970 8,231 9,328 3,921 3,779 6,438 10,739 5,823 1,633 442 227 334 564 1,801 1,913 2,162 2,376 1,065 721 682 597 552 1,931 3,345 4,535 3,758 3,380 3,669 3,413 3,578 22,065 13,705 14,263 25,034 17,505 12,674 12,701 12,756 13,204 15,211 34,273 35,358 21,449 17,428 23,533 12,904 28,365 40,524 22,300 23,925 26,186 29,966 22,271 13,593 17,946 8,972 8,637 9,662 6,764 4,495 4,690 2,392 7,678 4,448 1,725 843 615 317 77 48 54 33 13 12 3 13 40 16 22 16 13 15 36 31 16 7 15 11 13 20 31 22 27 43 139 118 70 80 73 37 51 2,820 2,183 1,998 11,735 5,033 19 43 393 1,670 3,543 21,716 23,955 12,788 10,229 15,212 7,506 9,753 8,053 6,354 6,157 5,235 7,118 6,223 5,782 3,962 4,436 4,275 4,732 4,139 2,767 2,488 1,126 593 273 208 15 2,098 1,386 568 254 528 263 335 1,280 3,415 7,203 3,191 252 71 50 65 179 1,003 643 642 613 293 273 229 187 148 750 1,150 1,589 1,446 1,320 1,471 1,751 1,937 6,992 4,986 4,406 4,009 2,330 1,964 1,795 2,237 2,460 2,660 2,502 2,105 1,765 1,460 1,968 1,943 1,397 961 1,544 2,166 4,309 2,209 1,649 2,459 1,247 1,660 2,071 3,363 1,441 539 1,170 472 2,836 1,716 118 26 10 40 Japan2 Other Asia 3 Total 104 105 106 6,829 5,967 4,150 3,846 2,579 3,814 271 100 529 423 131 14 1 4 20 44 289 102 102 93 132 91 88 86 75 526 653 837 771 550 723 654 723 8,801 5,809 6,716 7,878 9,432 10,064 10,213 8,991 8,680 8,613 8,929 8,281 6,114 4,520 2,720 3,111 15,803 30,226 13,835 10,331 14,264 19,968 14,270 5,269 12,635 2,844 2,230 1,526 1,110 1,150 1,931 1,380 1,136 691 640 404 229 194 11,004 9,926 6,163 5,837 5,111 5,239 3,312 2,386 2,454 3,097 2,479 1,351 357 158 213 310 493 1,161 1,403 1,659 627 337 334 302 302 612 1,403 1,991 1,471 1,430 1,402 971 867 3,452 727 1,143 1,412 710 627 650 1,135 394 395 1,126 1,017 782 1,219 3,633 344 1,412 1,284 567 5,271 2,378 671 129 83 102 32 61 41 74 39 1,589 540 1,218 915 374 140 168 68 134,160 144,713 110,436 95,587 77,650 61,049 47,631 44,191 49,334 52,746 52,753 46,066 29,646 23,084 18,162 16,377 22,445 17,822 17,139 20,486 16,903 11,786 11,174 11,409 9,925 12,577 30,816 88,104 116,177 144,281 161,872 144,393 141,496 318,855 199,972 77,448 124,118 162,666 102,286 65,418 147,779 137,424 111,206 122,695 103,907 95,926 94,364 89,534 82,208 59,997 41,762 24,613 25,217 16,420 11,023 6,698 4,416 5,455 4,316 2,627 4,537 7,303 3,508 3,551 2,593 (8) 5,082 3,833 5,459 5,402 5,270 3,026 1 No record of immigration from Turkey in Asia until 1869. 2 No record of immigration from Japan until 1861. 3 Philippine Islands are included in “ Other Asia” in 1952 (1,179), 1953 (1,074), il954 (1,234), 1955 (1,598), 1956 (1,792), and 1957 (1,874). From 1934 to 1951, nclusive, they are included in “All other countries.” 58 America Canada and New Mexico found land 4 107 108 46,354 42,363 32,435 34,873 36,283 33,354 25,880 21,885 25,156 25,485 24,342 21,344 11,530 10,143 9,761 10,599 11,473 11,078 10,813 14,404 12,011 8,121 7,782 7,945 6,187 8,003 22,183 65,254 66,451 75,281 84,580 93,368 102,753 200,690 117,011 46,810 72,317 90,025 57,782 32,452 105,399 101,551 82,215 86,139 73,802 55,990 56,830 56,555 51,941 38,510 19,918 5,063 2,168 2,837 1,058 636 540 396 1,322 352 291 278 244 194 (6) (6) 234 183 28 15 9 17 Australasia Other America 109 49,321 38 ,485 61,320 41 ,030 43,702 34 299 30,645 30 069 17,183 24 184 9,079 18 616 6,153 15 598 6,744 15 562 8,083 16 095 8,384 18 877 7,558 20 853 7,146 17 576 6,702 11 414 6,598 6 343 4,172 4 229 2,378 3 400 2,824 8 148 2,313 4 431 2,640 3 686 2,502 3 580 2,347 2 545 1,716 1 949 1,560 1 832 1,801 1 663 1,936 1 802 2 403 2,171 5 300 3,333 12,703 10 147 40,154 9 572 59,016 9 984 67,721 9 571 43,316 7 709 5 779 32,964 89,336 28 829 63,768 19 193 19,551 11 087 30,758 21 043 52,361 20 280 29,818 14 686 18,524 ! 14 442 17,869 24 511 18,425 17 448 12,340 16 651 14,614 21 942 11,926 18 179 23,238 16 698 19,889 17 645 18,691 14 288 16,251 14 016 6,067 15 420 1,406 20 438 1,997 17 553 2,637 20 412 1,009 12 574 528 9 437 709 5 353 347 3 529 237 4 822 161 2 833 107 2 168 91 4 155 150 6 875 116 3 148 109 3 248 2 593 (7) (7) (6) 4 848 (7) 3 650 (7) 5 431 (7) 5 387 (7) 5 261 (7) 3 009 (7) Africa, total Total 110 111 112 1,600 1,351 1,203 1,248 989 931 845 849 995 1,027 1,284 1,516 406 112 141 473 564 202 218 174 155 105 118 104 71 186 417 572 509 475 520 529 412 900 548 520 1,301 648 189 299 566 894 934 1,539 1,409 1,009 956 1,072 858 1,411 1,486 712 757 686 176 37 173 30 51 48 37 21 36 24 (6) (6) 103 112 187 65 40 122 1,458 1,346 1,028 910 782 578 527 517 776 1,336 2,960 6,106 1,663 615 160 163 255 228 222 248 174 165 141 147 137 303 652 1,051 636 606 746 591 462 679 759 915 2,281 2,185 1,310 1,090 1,142 1,574 1,399 1,446 1,340 898 1,043 1,097 892 1,179 1,989 1,733 2,166 1,555 1,349 566 498 428 810 201 199 112 155 244 248 267 1,301 1,167 2,196 2,387 1,282 1,136 1,228 1,171 932 845 742 545 490 460 661 1,218 2,821 6 ,009 1 ,625 577 120 120 194 207 213 228 145 147 132 130 122 291 616 1 ,026 619 578 712 556 416 635 711 855 2,191 2 ,066 1 ,234 925 1 ,014 1 ,484 1 ,282 1 ,336 1,229 794 984 998 839 1 ,098 1 ,947 1 ,682 2 ,091 1 ,461 1 ,150 384 325 214 456 153 139 87 155 244 248 267 777 699 1,,000 697 528 522 Australia Other and New Pacific Zealand Islands 3 113 230 175 96 65 40 33 37 57 115 118 139 97 38 38 40 43 61 21 9 20 29 18 9 17 15 12 36 25 17 28 34 35 46 44 48 60 90 119 76 165 128 90 117 110 111 104 59 99 53 81 42 51 75 94 199 182 173 214 354 48 60 25 (6) (6) 524 468 1,196 1,690 754 614 All other coun tries 3 114 16 22 3,597 8,341 430 8 3,248 736 1,182 1,178 937 548 19 4 8 51 170 137 119 116 84 72 63 3 58 15 25 130 702 46 47 77 31 31 136 23 15 39 43 49 17 22 533,012 161 90 25 103 1 13 217 70 5,173 8,520 70 62 70 61 73 73 4 Prior to 1920 Canada and Newfoundland were recorded as British North America. From 1820 to 1898 the figures include all British North American possessions. 5 Includes 32,897 persons returning to their homes in the United States. 6 Included in “All other countries.” 7 No record of immigration from Mexico for 1886 to 1893. C 101-114 INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION Series C 88-114. Immigrants, by Country: 1820 to 1957—Con. Australasia Total 1885_ 1884_ 1883 _ 1882_ 1881_ 1880_ 1879_ 1878, 1877_ 1876_ 1875_ 1874. 1873_ 1872_ 1871_ 1870_ 1869_ 1868_ 18671866_ 18651864186318621861_ I860. 1859_ 1858_ 18571856_ 1855_ 1854_ 1853_ 1852_ 185118501849 _ 1848_ 18471846_ 1845_ 1844_ 1843_ 184218411840183918381837_ 18361835183418331832_ 1831_ 1830_ 1829_ 18281827_ 1826_ 18251824_ 1823_ 1822_ 18211820_ 198 510 8,113 39,629 11,982 5,839 9,660 9,014 10,640 22,943 16,499 13,838 20,325 7,825 7,240 15,825 12,949 5,171 3,961 2,411 2,947 2,982 7,216 3,640 7,528 5,476 3,461 5,133 5,945 4,747 3,540 13,100 47 4 2 7 11 8 12 11 6 6 11 7 Turkey in Asia 1 Japan2 22 4 31 7 3 8 1 6 3 279 8,031 39,579 11,890 5,802 9,604 8,992 10,594 22,781 16,437 13,776 20,292 7,788 7,135 15,740 12,874 5,157 3,863 2,385 2,942 2,975 7,214 3,633 7,518 5,467 3,457 5,128 5,944 4,733 3,526 13,100 42 49 20 27 5 11 4 4 2 7 4 3 21 9 17 78 48 63 67 7 Other Asia 3 127 55 45 76 29 21 13 36 150 58 35 Total 203 339 729 129 577 101 692 33 043 27 204 24 065 24 686 26 640 35 339 40 335 21 42 205 20 23 48 835 37 42 658 23 767 10 3 415 14 31 24 715 19 33 582 5 22 778 4 607 7 4 147 2 4 175 7 2 763 9 6 343 9 5 466 4 5 821 5 6 811 1 9 058 14 260 14 533 _____ 030 695 4 703 2 768 4 904 989 231 525 035 740 854 994 429 815 617 990 1 628 11 936 4 312 9 6 779 282 3 4 871 194 1 296 299 090 580 831 846 559 382 378 303 387 211 63 71 100 127 1 No record of immigration from Turkey in Asia until 1869. 2 No record of immigration from Japan until 1861. 3 Philippine Islands are included in “ Other Asia” in 1952 (1,179), 1953 (1,074), Canada and New found land 4 107 38,336 60,626 70,274 98,366 125,450 99,744 31,286 25,592 22,137 22,505 24,097 33,020 37,891 40,204 47,164 40,414 21,120 2,785 23,379 32,150 21,586 3,636 3,464 3,275 2,069 4,514 4,163 4,603 5,670 6,493 7,761 6,891 5,424 6,352 7,438 9,376 6,890 6,473 3,827 3,855 3,195 2,711 1,502 2,078 1,816 1,938 1,926 1,476 1,279 2,814 1.193 1,020 1.194 608 176 189 409 267 165 223 314 155 167 204 184 209 Other America 323 430 469 366 325 492 556 465 445 631 610 386 606 569 402 463 320 129 292 239 193 99 96 142 218 229 265 429 133 741 420 446 162 72 181 597 518 24 62 222 498 197 398 403 352 395 353 211 627 798 1,032 885 779 827 692 983 2,290 1,089 127 106 68 110 35 5 4 2,544 2,283 986 1,397 1,802 1,456 1,201 1,147 1,483 1,550 1.933 1.933 1,838 1,432 1,269 1,781 2,327 501 1,044 1,193 999 872 587 758 476 1,600 1,038 789 1,008 1,824 1,079 1,196 444 1,271 2,084 5,795 1,496 1,492 1.342 1,448 1.342 832 954 1,513 1,261 1,482 1,338 1,303 1,722 1,324 1,087 874 1,309 1,436 1,326 1 600 124 734 288 502 464 294 180 169 115 177 Africa, total 112 59 67 60 33 18 12 18 16 89 54 58 28 41 24 31 72 3 25 33 49 37 3 12 47 126 11 17 25 6 14 3 10 4 14 6 3 14 6 10 10 2 6 14 11 2 2 2 1 6 4 Total 679 900 747 889 1,191 954 816 606 914 1,312 1,268 1,193 1,414 2,416 21 36 Australia Other and New Pacific Zealand Islands 3 449 502 554 878 1,188 953 813 606 912 1,205 1,104 960 1,135 2,180 18 36 230 398 193 11 3 1 3 2 107 164 233 279 236 All other coun tries 3 71 98 79 99 103 63 36 15 27 36 76 128 160 164 85 27 17 161 3,270 3,626 8,298 559 1,183 448 380 486 1,395 801 22,301 542 334 658 984 1,420 248 45,882 1,605 495 608 2,564 25 110 612 616 627 118 294 1,843 4,660 831 44 5,069 26,243 23,412 7,397 13,807 6,695 554 1,571 254 2,387 1,956 2,114 2,886 301 1954 (1,234), 1955 (1,598), 1956 (1,792), and 1957 (1,874). From 1934 to 1951, inclusive, they are included in “All other countries.” 4 Prior to 1920 Canada and Newfoundland were recorded as British North America. From 1820 to 1898 the figures include all British North American possessions. 59 C 115-125 MIGRATION Series C 115-132. Immigrants, by Major Occupation Group: 1820 to 1957 [For years ending June 30, except: 1820-1831 and 1844-1850, years ending Sept. 30; and 1833-1842 and 1850-1866, years ending Dec. 31; 1832 covers 15 months ending Dec. 31; 1843, 9 months ending Sept. 30; 1851, 15 months ending Dec. 31] Year 1957___________ 1956___________ 1955___________ 1954___________ 1953___________ 1952___________ 1951___________ 1950___________ 1949_________ 1948___________ 1947___________ 1946___________ 1945___________ 1944___________ 1943,__________ 1942___________ 1941___________ 1940___________ 1939___________ 1938___________ 1937___________ 1936___________ 1935___________ 1934___________ 1933-__________ 1932___________ 1931.__________ 1930___________ 1929___________ 1928___________ 1927-__________ 1926-__________ 1925___________ 1924-_-________ 1923___________ 1922___________ 1921___________ 1920___________ 1919___________ 1918___________ 1917___________ 1916__-________ 1915___________ 1914___________ 1913___________ 1912___________ 1911___________ 1910___________ 1909___________ 1908___________ 1907___________ 1906___________ 1905___________ 1904___________ 1903___________ 1902___________ 1901___________ 1900___________ 1899___________ Total Professional, technical, and kindred workers Farmers and farm managers 115 116 117 24,489 18,995 14,109 13,817 12,783 16,496 15,269 20,502 13,884 12,619 10,891 6,198 2,852 2,616 2,695 3,518 6,232 6,802 7,199 5,418 4,130 2,564 2,244 2,101 1,615 2,100 4,120 8,585 8,792 9,332 9,883 9,203 8,942 20,926 13,926 9,696 12,852 10,540 5,261 3,529 7,499 9,024 11,453 13,454 12,552 10,913 11,275 9,689 7,603 10,504 12,016 13,015 12,582 12,195 6,999 2,937 2,665 2,392 1,972 3,506 5,727 4,446 3,846 3,393 10,566 10,214 17,642 8,937 4,884 3,462 947 497 349 235 254 356 847 1,186 1,508 852 535 593 425 292 403 2,743 8,375 8,309 8,773 10,324 9,720 13,875 20,320 12,503 7,676 22,282 12,192 3,933 2,583 7,764 6,840 6,518 14,442 13,180 7,664 9,709 11,793 8,914 7,720 13,476 15,288 18,474 4,507 13,363 8,168 3,035 5,433 3,973 326,867 ! 321,625 1 237,790 208,177 170,434 265,520 205,717 249,187 188,317 170,570 147,292 108,721 38,119 28,551 23,725 28,781 51,776 70,756 82,998 67,895 50,244 36,329 34,956 29,470 23,068 35,576 97,139 241,700 279,678 307,255 335,175 304,488 294,314 706,896 522,919 309,556 805,228 430,001 141,132 110,618 295,403 298,826 326,700 1,218,480 1,197,892 838,172 878,587 1,041,570 751,786 782,870 1,285,349 1,100,735 1,026,499 812,870 857,046 648,743 487,918 448,572 311,715 60 Managers, officials, and proprietors, exc. farm 118 6,127 5,814 5,114 5,296 5,025 5,968 5,493 6,396 6,014 6,207 5,886 3,616 1,457 894 988 2,305 5,640 7,415 8,929 5,408 3,422 1,782 1,347 1,207 690 1,331 2,384 4,620 4,709 5,287 5,772 5,374 5,508 15,668 12,086 9,573 18,286 9,654 4,247 3,940 8,329 8,725 10,728 21,903 19,094 14,715 15,416 14,731 11,562 16,410 20,132 23,515 27,706 26,914 15,603 9,340 8,294 7,216 6,815 Clerical, sales, and kindred workers 119 25,897 23,413 18,060 16,018 15,171 16,724 14,098 16,796 14,797 15,298 13,961 8,378 3,715 2,368 1,840 1,638 2,837 4,361 4,794 3,119 2,126 1,449 1,024 933 600 919 4,229 14,414 15,354 16,344 20,140 19,086 15,363 27,373 17,931 10,055 18,922 14,054 6,524 4,239 10,554 9,907 9,377 17,933 15,173 13,782 14,723 12,219 8,467 11,523 12,735 12,226 12,759 11,055 7,226 3,836 3,197 2,870 2,473 Craftsmen, foremen, operatives, and kindred workers 120 46,338 44,950 34,218 32,151 26,975 42,315 34,041 41,450 27,964 23,816 19,306 8,826 4,511 3,533 2,587 2,061 3,513 5,710 6,532 5,697 3,996 2,490 2,689 2,267 1,821 2,053 9,555 32,474 36,437 42,765 42,394 38,682 36,927 123,923 87,899 40,309 109,710 55,991 21,671 17,501 38,660 36,086 45,591 149,515 139,091 107,893 128,717 121,847 75,730 106,943 169,394 156,902 159,442 133,748 110,644 71,131 57,346 54,793 38,608 Private household workers 121 11,457 15,347 11,824 8,096 6,852 9,653 7,243 8,900 6,990 6.389 4,922 2,464 1,495 1,125 770 872 1,503 2,891 5,420 5,919 3,213 1,944 1,418 805 550 1,232 9,740 29,073 31,841 28,751 31,344 30,587 26,924 51,680 52,223 44,531 102,478 37,197 6,277 7,816 31,885 29,258 39,774 144,409 140,218 116,529 107,153 96,658 64,568 89,942 121,587 115,984 125,473 104,937 92,686 69,913 42,027 40,311 34,120 Service workers, exc. private household 122 8,761 7,922 6,512 5,203 4,390 6,418 5,292 4,970 3,937 4,350 3,882 2,153 1,047 811 707 740 829 949 1,979 1,794 1,426 1,056 1,390 1,216 933 1,063 3,128 6,749 6,820 8,846 10,070 14;340 15,399 29,261 22,244 12,340 24,298 18,487 11,571 6,367 11,784 10,989 11,976 19,621 17,609 13,580 11,051 8,977 5,849 10,367 13,578 10,439 5,849 6,400 11,482 6,298 5,352 4,406 4,580 Farm laborers and foremen Laborers, exc. farm and mine No occu pation 123 124 125 4,585 9,050 5,486 1,622 1,538 6,289 4,972 3,976 933 946 442 189 225 203 164 92 129 252 415 609 378 324 408 233 134 254 3,422 13,736 19,849 24,161 23,698 17,390 16,022 27,492 25,905 10,529 32,400 15,257 4,412 4,538 22,328 26,250 24,723 288,053 320,105 184,154 176,003 288,745 171,310 138,844 323,854 239,125 142,187 85,850 77,518 80,562 54,753 31,949 17,343 21,826 27,807 17,518 10,061 5,369 8,969 5,481 5,693 6,192 4,826 2,831 1,473 886 1,030 681 493 732 2,120 2,070 2,411 1,904 1,195 1,355 1,154 887 1,157 4,806 18,080 27,873 37,904 55,989 45,199 36,610 112,344 86,617 33,797 162,859 83,496 18,922 15,142 52,182 56,981 49,620 228,935 223,682 137,872 158,518 216,909 176,490 147,940 293,868 228,781 290,009 212,572 321.824 243,399 162,563 164,261 92,452 173,881 162,600 120,503 112,067 88,938 142,122 103,614 122,862 98,669 91,235 81,709 74,477 21,434 15,622 13,058 16,808 30,005 39,409 44,474 36,012 28,797 22,990 22,488 19,129 15,546 25,064 53,012 105,594 119,694 125,092 125,561 114,907 118,744 277,909 191,585 131,050 301,141 173,133 58,314 44,963 104,418 104,766 116,940 320,215 297,188 231,070 246,022 260,002 221,293 242,677 304,709 285,460 232,018 214,692 199,701 153,159 148,686 134,941 109,379 INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION C 115-132 Series C 115-132. Immigrants, by Major Occupation Group: 1820 to 1957—Con. Year 18981897_ 1896_ 1895_ 1894_ 1893 _ 1892 _ 1891_ 1890_ 1889 _ 1888_ 1887_ 1886_ 18851884_ 1883_. 1882 1881_ 1880_. 1879_. 1878_. 1877_. 1876_. 1875_. 1874_. 1873 1872_. 1871 1870_. 1869_. 1868_. 1867_. 1866_. 1865.. 1864_. 1863_. 1862_. 1861-. 1860_. 1859_. 1858_. 1857_. 1856_. 1855_. 1854__ 1853 1852 1851-. 1850_. 1849_. 1848_. 1847.. 1846_. 1845_. 1844_ . 1843.. 1842 1841_. 1840_. 1839_. 1838_. 1837_. 1836.. 1835_. 1834_. 1833 1832 1831_. 1830 1829_. 1828_. 1827_. 1826_. 1825_. 1824_. 1823 1822_. 1821_. 1820 1 For 1820-1867 includes returning citizens. T otal1 No occupation Professional Commercial Skilled Laborers Farmers 131 229,299 230,832 343,267 258,536 285,631 439,730 579,663 560,319 455,302 444,427 546,889 490,109 334.203 395,346 518,592 603,322 788,992 669,431 457,257 177,826 138,469 141,857 169,986 227,498 313,339 459,803 404,806 321,350 387.203 352,768 282,189 342,162 359,957 287,399 221,535 199,811 114,463 112,702 179,691 155,509 144,906 271.982 224,496 230,476 460,474 400.982 397,343 474,398 315,334 299,683 229,483 239,482 158,649 119,896 84,764 56,529 110,980 87,805 92,207 74,666 45,159 84,959 80,972 48,716 67,948 59,925 61,654 23,880 24,837 24,513 30,184 21,777 13,908 12,858 9,627 8,265 8,549 11,644 10,311 90,569 91,624 123,196 92,193 113,247 209,767 255,832 248,635 195,770 208,761 243,900 224,073 157,952 211,730 277,052 322,318 402,835 355,670 217,446 81,772 62,622 63,316 71,111 106,723 155,122 239,307 213,959 172.215 207,174 181,453 150,983 182,794 202,456 161,580 106.656 99,039 62,860 60,760 93,925 78,228 71,320 153,963 130,647 117,603 235.216 223,390 223,861 257,376 188,931 157.657 118,528 126,005 91,132 65,055 49,843 32,842 60,526 46,197 47,305 37,985 24,627 52,011 50,684 28,736 45,906 30,944 33,840 15,218 19,363 15,535 18,066 12,415 7,478 7,031 4,965 4,247 4,302 6,670 6,836 1,347 1,732 2,324 2,029 1,791 2,362 2,932 3,431 3,236 2,815 3,360 2,882 2,078 2,097 2,284 2,450 2,992 2,812 1,773 1,639 1,510 1,885 2,400 2,426 2,476 2,980 1,905 2,247 1,831 1,700 1,398 2,288 2,242 1,743 1,120 1,173 788 668 792 858 662 570 462 780 699 722 572 938 918 972 517 703 592 542 755 578 744 541 481 584 459 522 472 487 561 459 176 183 136 252 331 262 190 204 187 179 151 204 105 5.959 7,159 6,174 5,314 6,033 837 2.683 11,340 7,802 7,359 7,597 8,032 6,237 6,707 7.691 8,280 10,102 9,371 7,916 5,202 4,475 4,667 4,963 5,029 5,641 7,593 7,156 5,553 7,139 8,837 8,556 14,706 15,827 12,700 9,473 7,590 7,774 7.683 11,207 12,495 10,217 12,114 11,101 14,759 15,173 12,782 11,502 14,983 6,400 3,508 3,407 4,218 4,189 5,049 3.960 3,226 4,976 5,267 5,311 5.692 4,005 3,893 3,379 3,875 3,021 4,913 5,424 2,368 1.427 2,661 2,328 2,076 1,943 1,841 1,926 1.427 1,431 1,441 933 33.145 33,161 46,807 43,844 49,736 51.145 63,128 54,951 44,540 50.457 59.985 52,403 36.522 39,817 55.061 62,505 72,664 66.457 49,929 21,362 16,531 21,006 24,200 33,803 38,700 48,792 44,967 33,577 35,698 33,345 32,197 44,097 41,091 36.522 26,542 24,155 11.986 11,601 19,342 24,628 18,742 26.062 18,797 17,463 36,468 20,806 27,176 36,297 26,369 32,021 24,705 25,895 13,250 10,857 9,476 6,093 14,553 11,111 10,811 10,026 5,675 8,483 8,879 6,005 7,190 12,800 10,333 2,383 1,745 2,579 3,868 3,056 2,129 1,416 1,237 1,268 1,397 1,533 1,090 16,243 22,560 29,251 13,055 21,762 34,070 51,630 36,398 29,296 28,962 29,335 30,932 20,600 27,585 42,050 39,048 61,888 58,028 47,204 19,907 14,843 13.188 14,536 16,447 28,775 36,983 38,159 27,042 35,656 28,102 23,046 32,626 30,302 20,012 13,837 12.348 9,265 11,668 21,742 16,323 20,506 34,702 24,722 34,693 87.188 56,322 58,023 59,095 42,873 39,675 31,670 43,594 27,944 19.349 9,831 8,031 12,966 12,343 18,476 12,410 6,667 10,835 8,770 6,117 7,160 6,618 8,502 2,685 1,424 1,264 2,542 2,071 1,382 1,647 918 800 834 1,249 874 23,656 23,739 38,926 35,960 29,653 (2) (2) 32,596 28,625 30,220 27,310 27,510 20,198 20,213 24,249 27,988 23,010 19,342 18,580 6,804 6.157 5.158 6,493 10,579 12,427 16,259 11,108 13,814 14,261 10,265 6,561 7,715 8,883 9,231 15,623 9,103 3,683 739 1,415 1,281 1,142 1,322 1,748 2,598 3,357 3,938 942 3,733 3,203 3,671 4,433 3,198 3,349 2,492 1,174 413 1,264 923 183 99 42 120 599 1,236 82 56 115 22 337 421 136 70 69 13 6 20 94 139 52,531 46.198 91,262 61,430 56,732 114,295 171,483 167,290 139,365 111,809 170,273 140,938 86,853 83,068 106,478 136,071 209,605 147,816 105,012 36,897 26,656 25,482 38,847 46,877 65,895 104,423 85,934 65,936 84,577 88,649 59,151 57,419 58,629 45,247 48,041 46.198 17,752 19,413 31,268 21,696 22,317 43,249 37,019 42,580 82,373 83,022 75,267 101,976 46,640 62,179 46,223 35,869 18,193 16,552 9,725 5,346 15,951 11,423 9,640 7,870 3,684 9,095 8,749 2,897 2,874 4,109 3,323 928 720 1,885 2,628 1,761 716 650 381 338 414 453 334 Miscel laneous 132 5,849 4,659 5,327 4,711 6.677 2 27,254 231,975 5.678 6,668 4,044 5.129 3,339 3,763 4.129 3,727 4,662 5,896 9,935 9,397 4,243 5,675 7,155 7,436 5,614 4,303 3,466 1,618 966 867 417 297 517 527 364 243 205 355 170 Servants included with “miscellaneous” (series C 132). 61 C 133-138 MIGRATION Series C 133-138. Immigrants, by Age: 1820 to 1957 [For years ending as follows: 1820-1832, ending Sept. 30; 1833-1842, ending Dec. 31; 1844-1850, ending Sept. 30; 1851-1865, ending Dec. 31; 1867-1957, ending June 30. For intermediate periods, see footnotes] Year Total Number 1 Percent male 133 134 1957 1956 1955 1954. 1953 1952. 1951 1950 1949 1948. 1947. 1946. 1945 1944. 1943 1942. 1941. 1940. 1939. 1938. 1937. 1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. 1932. 1931. 1930. 1929. 1928. 1927. 1926. 1925. 1924. 1923 1922 1921. 1920 1919 1918 326,867 321,625 237,790 208,177 170,434 265,520 205,717 249,187 188,317 170,570 147,292 108,721 38,119 28,551 23,725 28,781 51,776 70,756 82,998 67,895 50,244 36,329 34,956 29,470 23,068 35,576 97,139 241,700 279,678 307,255 335,175 304,488 294,314 706,896 522,919 309,556 805,228 430,001 141,132 110,618 47.5 48.6 47.1 45.9 42.9 46.6 48.3 47.8 42.7 39.5 36.5 25.1 35.1 40.0 41.4 41.7 45.4 47.3 47.5 44.1 43.1 40.7 40.1 41.1 40.0 39.1 41.8 48.4 50.8 54.0 57.9 56.0 55.5 59.9 58.8 48.4 55.8 57.6 59.0 55.9 1917. 1916. 1915. 1914. 1913. 1912. 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 1899 295,403 298,826 326,700 1,218,480 1,197,892 838,172 878,587 1,041,570 751,786 782,870 1,285,349 1,100,735 1,026,499 812,870 857,046 648,743 487,918 448,572 311,715 59.1 61.0 57.2 65.6 67.5 63.2 64.9 70.7 69.2 64.8 72.4 69.5 70.6 67.6 71.5 71.9 67.9 67.8 62.6 1898. 1897 1896 1895 1894 1893 1892 1891 229,299 230,832 343,267 279,948 314,467 502,917 623,084 560,319 59.2 58.5 61.9 57.6 59.3 63.8 62.4 63.2 Under 16 years 16 to 44 years 45 and over 135 136 137 80,140 207,664 74,429 206,770 51,829 156,001 45.105 135,731 37,016 110,860 64,513 159,788 44,023 121,823 50,468 152,358 32,728 123,340 24,095 112,453 18,831 101,459 85,797 11,092 5,645 25,482 4,092 218,511 3,179 215,282 3,710 2 17,529 7,982 230,747 9,602 245,026 12,204 54,235 10,181 47,068 8,326 33,907 6,925 23,391 6,893 22,557 5,389 18,987 4,131 15,033 6,781 22,905 17,320 67,100 40,777 177,059 47,935 207,990 49,680 230,832 51,689 254,574 47,347 228,527 50,722 213,980 132,264 513,788 91,816 383,960 63,710 210,164 146,613 587,965 81,890 307,589 26,373 97,341 21,349 76,098 Under 14 to 44 14 years years 47,467 214,616 47,070 220,821 52,982 244,472 158,621 981,692 147,158 986,355 113,700 678,480 117,837 714,709 120,509 868,310 88,393 624,876 112,148 630,671 138,344 1,100,771 136,273 913,955 114,668 855,419 109,150 657,155 102,431 714,053 74,063 539,254 62,562 396,516 54,624 370,382 43,983 248,187 Under 15 to 40 15 years years 38,267 164,905 38,627 165,181 52,741 254,519 33,289 233,543 41,755 258,162 57,392 419,701 89,167 491,839 95,879 405,843 39,063 40,426 29,960 27,341 22,558 41,219 39,871 46,361 32,249 34,022 27,002 11,832 6,992 2 5,948 25,264 2 7,542 213,047 2 16,128 16,559 10,646 8,011 6,013 5,506 5,094 3,904 5,890 12,719 23,864 23,753 26,743 28,912 28,614 29,612 60,844 47,143 35,682 70,650 40,522 17,418 13,171 45 and over 33,320 30,935 29,246 78,167 64,379 45,992 46,041 52,751 38,517 40,051 46,234 50,507 56,412 46,565 40,562 35,426 28,840 23,566 19,545 Over 40 26,127 27,024 36,007 13,116 14,550 25,824 42,078 58,597 Year 1890 1889 1888 1887 1886 1885 1884 1883 1882 1881 1880 1879 1878 1877 1876 1875 1874 1873 1872 1871 1870 1869 1868 1867 1866 4 1865 1864 1863 1862 1861 1860 1859 1858 1857 1856 1855 1854 1853 1852 1851 1850 1850 1849 1848 1847 1846 1845 1844 1843 6 1842 1841 1840 1839 1838 1837 1836 1835 1834 1833 1832 5 1832 1831 1830 1829 1828 1827 1826 1825 1824 1823 1822 1821 1820 1 For 1820-1867 includes returning citizens. 2 For years 1940-1944, figures in series C 136 include, and those in series C 137 exclude, immigrants 45 years old. * N ot reported. 62 Total Number 1 Percent male 133 134 455,302 444,427 546,889 490,109 334.203 395,346 518,592 603,322 788,992 669,431 457,257 177,826 138,469 141,857 169,986 227,498 313,339 459,803 404,806 321,350 387.203 352,768 282,189 342,162 185,892 287,399 221,535 199,811 114,463 112,702 179,691 155,509 144,906 271.982 224,496 230,476 460,474 400.982 397,343 408,828 65,570 315,334 299,683 229,483 239,482 158,649 119,896 84,764 56,529 110,980 87,805 92,207 74,666 45,159 84,959 80,972 48,716 67,948 59,925 7,303 54,351 23,880 24,837 24,513 30,184 21,777 13,908 12,858 9,627 8,265 8,549 11,644 10,311 61.9 59.2 63.2 62.6 60.1 57.3 59.5 60.3 63.2 61.4 62.9 62.9 62.3 64.9 65.8 61.5 60.4 60.0 59.3 59.3 60.8 60.9 (3) 62.0 62.7 59.9 59.4 60.1 58.4 57.1 58.6 58.2 57.8 53.9 57.8 58.8 57.6 56.7 58.8 57.7 62.2 60. 0 58..9 57. 9 57. 5 57..7 56..0 57 .4 61 .0 61 .5 64 .2 64 .0 63 .3 63 .4 63 .8 62 .0 67 .8 67 .5 65 .6 64.4 72.5 65.2 65.4 71.7 70.9 74.2 80.1 79.0 77.5 74.2 69.8 4 6 months ending June 30. 5 3 months ending December 31. 8 9 months ending September 30. Under 15 years 15 to 40 years Over 40 Age not reported 135 136 137 138 86,404 92,534 97,287 94,278 66,188 92,880 123,562 143,865 171,021 153,480 87,154 34,554 24,285 23,754 27,875 44,254 63,578 104,672 90,510 71,148 89,129 79,803 57,637 65,335 27,011 46,524 41,912 37,433 20,641 18,878 28,620 24,670 25,914 50,548 42,732 53,045 100,013 87,331 90,274 89,241 13,825 62,543 67,331 53,213 57,161 36,878 26,182 19,913 14,930 25,516 19,732 21,727 15,167 8,822 16,014 16,665 10,635 15,383 17,425 1,946 16,485 7,040 2,878 3,686 8,117 3,905 2,261 1,825 94 17 51 170 1,313 315,054 303,835 396,990 345,575 232,118 257,551 335,572 390,406 540,677 454,495 327,662 122,731 95,938 100,366 121,734 154,621 199,840 288,272 263,213 210,366 250,965 232,397 188,359 236,017 112,692 175,501 151,711 142,009 80,725 81,515 133,919 114,110 102,921 177,093 141,986 151,440 312,301 267,876 246,076 274,359 43,699 181,468 200,899 151,148 156,627 103,263 79,448 54,745 34,606 74,499 58,864 62,461 51,063 28,713 54,312 54,738 32,412 42,811 35,002 3,774 31,069 13,598 6,347 11,603 18,397 14,089 10,025 9,392 6,550 5,314 5,430 7,047 6,064 53,844 48,058 52,612 50,256 35,897 44,915 59,458 69,051 77,294 61,456 42,441 20,541 18,246 17,737 20,377 28,623 49,921 66,859 51,083 39,836 47,109 40,568 36,193 40,810 18,034 32,190 27,778 20,108 12,888 11,221 16,795 16,115 15,545 22,808 19,905 25,155 47,377 44,558 43,394 44,072 7,621 26,085 30,679 23,066 20,800 17,160 12,059 8,655 5,197 9,709 8,590 7,556 7,201 5,748 8,421 8,141 5,431 6,818 4,855 425 4,273 1,863 1,173 1,764 3,036 2,148 1,281 1,151 1,106 984 956 1,396 1,518 _____ 28,155 33,184 134 261 209 1,088 357 614 526 21,533 19,873 836 783 1,217 17,599 1,156 425 45,238 774 2,056 4,894 1,348 2,207 1,451 1,796 1,256 619 463 1,235 1,876 6,212 1,428 238 2,936 2,643 1,158 2,524 1,379 14,439 7,460 634 1,635 341 490 1,877 1,950 2,112 3,031 1,416 INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION C 139-155 Series C 139-151. Annual Quota and Aliens Admitted, by Classes: 1925 to 1957 [For years ending June 30] N onimmigrants Immigrants Nonquota Year 1957__ ____ 1956__ ____ 1955______ _ 1954________ 1953________ 1952_ _ 1951______ 1950________ 1949________ 1948________ 1947__ __ 1946-1945________ 1944________ 1943________ 1942_-_ _ 1941______ 1940________ 1939________ 1938________ 1937_ 1936 1935________ 1934________ 1933________ 1932________ 1931________ 1930________ 1929________ 1928________ 1927________ 1926________ 1925________ Annual quota Total Quota 1 139 140 141 154,857 154,657 154,657 154,657 15.4,657 154,277 154,277 154,206 153.929 153.929 153,929 153,879 153,879 153,774 153.774 153.774 153.774 153,774 153.774 153.774 153.774 153.774 153.774 153.774 153.831 153.831 153,714 153,714 164.667 164.667 164.667 164.667 164.667 326,867 321,625 237,790 208,177 170,434 265,520 205,717 249,187 188,317 170,570 147,292 108,721 38,119 28,551 23,725 28,781 51,776 70,756 82,998 67,895 50,244 36,329 34,956 29,470 23,068 35,576 97,139 241,700 279,678 307,255 335,175 304,488 294,314 97,178 89,310 82,232 94,098 84,175 194,247 156,547 197,460 113,046 92,526 70,701 29,095 11,623 9,394 9,045 14,597 36,220 51,997 62,402 42,494 27,762 18,675 17,207 12,483 8,220 12,983 54,118 141,497 146,918 153,231 158,070 157,432 145,971 Spouses Natives and of Western children of Hemisphere U. S. citizens countries 2 142 143 32,359 31,742 30,882 30,689 22,543 19,315 11,462 16,275 35,854 36,830 38,739 49,267 3,078 1,302 875 1,262 2,122 5,474 7,043 10,262 9,536 8,824 9,228 7,891 6,658 9,490 17,264 32,105 30,245 25,678 18,361 11,061 7,159 113,488 124,032 94,274 80,526 61,099 48,408 35,274 33,238 36,394 37,968 35,640 29,502 22,828 17,614 13,522 12,596 12,586 11,985 12,223 14,379 12,152 8,066 7,747 8,237 7,549 9,461 21,287 63,147 97,548 123,534 147,399 134,305 139,389 Temporary Transit aliens visitors Total Other 3 Students 144 145 146 147 83,842 76,541 30,402 2,864 2,617 3,550 2,434 2,214 3,023 3,246 2,212 857 590 241 283 326 848 1,300 1,330 760 794 764 774 859 641 3,642 4,470 4,951 64,967 6 4,812 6 11,345 1,690 1,795 758,858 686,259 620,946 566,613 485,714 516,082 465,106 426,837 447,272 476,006 366,305 203,469 164,247 113,641 81,117 82,457 100,008 138,032 185,333 184,802 181,640 154,570 144,765 134,434 127,660 139,295 183,540 204,514 199,649 193,376 202,826 191,618 164,121 537,760 471,969 401,090 353,754 306,715 356,351 314,205 287,794 299,083 284,983 214,558 134,826 107,729 48,689 27,700 25,135 34,660 65,325 88,309 79,840 89,455 73,313 61,633 49,833 36,899 40,465 55,636 70,823 64,310 64,581 60,508 56,614 35,326 107,399 65,214 71,301 78,526 67,684 77,899 72,027 68,640 81,615 124,780 96,825 31,124 28,174 34,856 31,906 28,305 18,749 36,304 44,115 45,146 31,822 26,571 24,931 23,687 22,693 28,678 32,169 27,991 27,776 27,257 28,312 25,574 22,697 1 Includes persons admitted under the Displaced Persons Act of 1948, as amended, of whom there were 39,899 in 1949, 132,577 in 1950, 97,960 in 1951, 119,982 in 1952, 5,123 in 1953, 5,235 in 1954, and 1,093 in 1955. In addition, between 1949 and 1953, inclusive, 4,157 displaced persons were admitted as nonquota immigrants. 2 Includes spouses and children. 3 Includes persons admitted under the Refugee Relief Act of 1953, of whom there were 821 in 1954, 29,002 in 1955, 75,473 in 1956, and 82,444 in 1957. Foreign government Returning and resident international aliens officials 148 149 30,760 28,013 27,192 25,425 13,533 8,613 7,355 9,744 10,481 11,914 11,003 5,855 2,866 1,643 1,021 1,368 1,766 2,044 2,182 2,451 1,828 1,515 1,377 1,048 877 147 272 552 561 517 524 1,878 1,397 34,904 32,299 32,291 28,696 30,614 27,404 26,407 18,985 18,445 20,881 20,320 17,689 18,054 23,630 16,328 12,038 9,269 7,448 7,777 6,221 6,493 5,312 5,194 4,363 4,053 2,966 3,951 5,326 5,273 5,340 4,769 5,638 1,930 150 510,617 52,136 61,442 55,887 50,397 44,980 44,212 40,903 36,984 32,464 22,818 13,306 6,896 4,745 4,102 15,462 35,246 26,105 42,196 50,266 51,223 47,166 50,885 54,928 62,460 66,879 91,201 99,056 100,879 94,368 95,502 83,744 64,617 Other 4 151 37,418 36,628 27,630 24,325 16,771 835 900 771 664 984 781 669 528 78 60 149 318 806 754 878 819 693 745 575 678 160 311 766 850 1,313 13,211 18,170 38,154 4 From 1953 on includes, among others, exchange aliens, of whom there were 12,584 in 1953, 15,260 in 1954, 16,077 in 1955, 17,204 in 1956, and 17,849 in 1957; and tempo rary workers and industrial trainees of whom there were 3,021 in 1953, 7,479 in 1954, 9,750 in 1955, 17,077 in 1956, and 16,856 in 1957. 5 Figures are incomplete because of documentary waivers. 6 Does not agree with source; adjusted to conform to definitions used in later years. Series C 152-155. Aliens Deported, Voluntarily Departing, and Excluded: 1892 to 1957 [For years ending June 30] Aliens expelled Year 1957. 1956. 1955. 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950. 1949 1948. 1947. 1946. 1945. 1944. 1943 1942. 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 Total 153 Volun tarily departing 1 154 5,082 7,297 15,028 26,951 19,845 20,181 13,544 6,628 20,040 20,371 18,663 14,375 11,270 7,179 4,207 3,709 4,407 6,954 8,202 9,275 8,829 9,195 63,379 80,891 232,769 1,074,277 885,391 703,778 673,169 572,477 276,297 197,184 195,880 101,945 69,490 32,270 11,947 6,904 6,531 8,594 9,590 9,278 8,788 8,251 Deported 68,461 88,188 247,797 1,101,228 905,236 723,959 686,713 579,105 296,337 217,555 214,543 116,320 80,760 39,449 16,154 10,613 10,938 15,548 17,792 18,553 17,617 17,446 Aliens excluded Aliens expelled Year 155 907 1,709 2,667 3,313 5.647 5,050 5.647 5,256 5,541 7,113 7,435 2,942 2,341 1,642 1,495 1,833 2,929 5,300 6,498 8,066 8,076 7,000 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925. 1924. 1923. 1922. 1921. 1920. 1919. 1918. 1917. 1916. 1915. 1914. Total Deported 152 153 16,297 16,889 30,212 30,201 29,861 28,018 38,796 31,571 26,674 10,904 9,495 6,409 3,661 4,345 4,517 2,762 3,068 1,569 1,853 2,781 2,564 4,610 8,319 8,879 19,865 19,426 18,142 16,631 12,908 11,625 11,662 10,904 9,495 6,409 3,661 4,345 4,517 2,762 3,068 1,569 1,853 2,781 2,564 4,610 Volun tarily departing 1 154 Aliens excluded 7,978 8,010 10,347 10,775 11,719 11,387 25,888 19,946 15,012 5,558 5,384 5,527 7,064 9,744 8,233 18,127 18,839 19,755 20,550 25,390 30,284 20,619 13,731 13,779 11,795 8,626 7,297 16,028 18,867 24,111 33,041 Year 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904. 1903. 1902. 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. 1897. 1896. 1895. 1894. 1893. 1892. Aliens deported Aliens excluded 3,461 2,456 2,788 2,695 2,124 2,069 995 676 845 779 547 465 363 356 263 199 263 238 177 417 577 637 19,938 16,057 22,349 24,270 10,411 10,902 13,064 12,432 11,879 7,994 8,769 4,974 3,516 4,246 3,798 3,030 1,617 2,799 2,419 1,389 1,053 2,164 1 First recorded in 1927. 63 C 156-170 MIGRATION Series C 156-157. Aliens Departing: 1908 to 1957 [For years ending June 30] Non Emigrant emigrant 156 157 1957_________ __ 23,933 0 1956__ ___________ 22,824 692,376 1955______________ 31,245 634,555 1954_____________ 30,665 568,496 1953______________ 24,256 520,246 1952______________ 21,880 487,617 1951______________ 26,174 446,727 1950______________ 27,598 429,091 1949______________ 24,586 405,503 1948______________ 20,875 427,343 1947______________ 22,501 300,921 1946______________ 18,143 186,210 Year 1 Series discontinued. Year 1945 _ _ _ _ _ 1944 _ _ _ _ 1943_____________ 1942_____________ 1941__ _________ 1940_____________ 1939_____________ 1938 ___________ 1937_____________ 1936_____________ 1935_____________ 1934 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1933_____________ Non Emigrant emigrant 156 157 7,442 85,920 5,669 78,740 5,107 53,615 7,363 67,189 17,115 71,362 21,461 144,703 26,651 174,758 25,210 197,404 26,736 197,846 35,817 157,467 38,834 150,216 39,771 137,401 80,081 163,721 Year 1932 1931 1930_____________ 1929_____________ 1928_____________ 1927_____________ 1926_____________ 1925_____________ 1924_____________ 1923_____________ 1922_____________ 1921 __ __ Non Emigrant emigrant 156 157 103,295 184,362 61,882 229,034 50,661 221,764 69,203 183,295 77,457 196,899 73,366 180,142 76,992 150,763 92,728 132,762 76,789 139,956 81,450 119,136 198,712 146,672 247,718 178.313 Year 1920 1919 1918_____________ 1917_____________ 1916_____________ 1915_____________ 1914 1913 1912_____________ 1911_____________ 1910_____________ 1909 1908_____________ N on Emigrant emigrant 156 157 288,315 139,747 123,522 92,709 94,585 98,683 80,102 66,277 129,765 111,042 204,074 180,100 303,338 330,467 308,190 303,734 333,262 282,030 295,666 222,549 202,436 177,982 225,802 174,590 395,073 319,755 Series C 158-170. Aliens Naturalized, by Sex and Place of Former Allegiance: 1907 to 1957 Year 1957_____________ 1956_____________ 1955_____________ 1954_____________ 1953_____________ 1952_____________ 1951_____________ 1950_____________ 1949_____________ 1948_____________ 1947_____________ 1946_____________ 1945_____________ 1944_____________ 1943_____________ 1942_____________ 1941_____________ 1940_____________ 1939_____________ 1938_____________ 1937_____________ 1936_____________ 1935_____________ 1934_____________ 1933_____________ 1932_____________ 1931_____________ 1930_____________ 1929_____________ 1928_____________ 1927_____________ 1926_____________ 1925_____________ 1924_____________ 1923_____________ 1922_____________ 1921_____________ 1920_____________ 1919_____________ 1918_____________ 1917_____________ 1916_____________ 1915_____________ 1914_____________ 1913______„_____ 1912_____________ 1911_____________ 1910_____________ 1909_____________ 1908_____________ 1907 7___________ Declara tions filed Total natural ized 158 159 15,911 12,870 10,855 9,100 23,558 111,461 91,497 93,527 64,866 60,187 37,771 28,787 31,195 42,368 115,664 221,796 224,123 203,536 155,691 150,673 176,195 148,118 136,524 108,079 83,046 101,345 106,272 62,138 280,645 254,588 258,295 277,539 277,218 424,540 296,636 273,511 303,904 299,076 391,156 342,283 440,651 209,204 247,958 214,104 182,095 171,133 189,249 169,348 145,745 137,571 73,658 138,043 2145,885 2209,526 2117,831 92,051 88,655 54,716 66,346 66,594 70,150 293,904 2 150,062 2231,402 2 441,979 2 318,933 270,364 277,294 235,260 188,813 162,078 164,976 141,265 118,945 113,669 113,363 136,600 143,495 169,377 224,728 233,155 199,804 146,331 152,457 150,510 145,084 170,447 181,292 177,683 217,358 151,449 88,104 87,831 91,848 104,145 83,561 70,310 56,683 39,448 38,374 25,975 7,941 [For years ending June 30, except as noted] Aliens naturalized Sex Place of former allegiance 1 North Central Eastern Southern Male Female western Asia Europe Europe Europe Europe 160 161 60,289 77,754 64,962 80,923 95,850 113,676 63,354 54,477 57,394 34,657 60,058 28,597 18,711 36,005 25,745 40,601 27,865 38,729 33,147 37,003 52,998 40,906 76,296 73,766 4 116,691 4 114,711 4 202,698 4239,281 4 157,663 4 161,2/0 112,040 158,324 136,348 140,946 132,406 102,854 113,934 74,879 92,041 70,037 97,696 67,280 86,777 54,488 82,182 36,763 82,465 31,204 78,293 35,070 95,901 40,699 106,715 36,780 120,572 48,805 167,665 57,063 181,875 51,280 165,833 33,971 121,561 24,770 133,881 18,576 135,739 14,771 139,073 6,011 162 163 25,878 28,183 46,253 31,085 23,238 23,688 17,069 20,260 20,782 18,834 27,017 41,772 57,997 114,801 122,708 117,607 96,375 78,357 62,430 55,359 58,002 54,852 44,605 39,481 40,795 39,123 38,465 38,915 50,554 46,059 37,293 28,317 29,006» 28,780 29,107 47,656 47,186 62,557 28,341 26,676 25,933 11,864 13,946 14,471 17,495 24,220 46,802 82,195 139,304 86,365 71,762 86,122 75,024 59,636 51,359 55,789 47,289 39,554 38,859 37,068 43,334 48,041 56,540 72,267 72,111 65,592 49,696 55,262 55,915 56,112 1 See text for list of countries. 2 Includes 1,425 in 1943, 6,496 in 1944, 5,666 in 1945, 2,054 in 1946, 5,370 in 1947, 2,981 in 1954, 2,539 in 1955, and 2,236 in 1956, in various theaters of war or areas oc cupied by American Forces. No provision for naturalization in these areas for 19481953. 3 Included in Northwestern Europe as part of British Empire. 64 164 18,062 21,017 22,795 7,848 5,440 5,392 3,485 4,300 5,244 6,150 7,281 14,481 23,948 48,382 42,012 41,586 35,844 29,146 22,209 19,809 18,970 14,781 11,825 11,476 12,544 14,884 17,428 24,046 33,652 34,962 27,399 23,158 23,154 23,348 22,897 165 15,762 14,200 23,955 16,024 13,507 13,360 8,503 12,200 11,716 13,059 15,661 30,336 51,629 122,638 51,758 31,047 51,819 47,236 40,452 32,235 29,169 22,194 21,171 20,349 19,498 ! 24,851 ! 27,793 ; 37,481 53,234 63,989 55,924 33,750 31,671 32,232 28,392 Petitions denied Canada Other America All other 166 167 168 169 170 7,548 10,412 16,000 12,170 4,966 3,749 2,886 4,802 4,993 7,201 11,741 3,450 2,545 5,592 6,133 2,075 1,844 1,523 1,331 1,311 1,290 901 760 703 706 676 822 993 1,445 1,334 (6) (6) 10,891 11,539 18,151 13,062 10,303 10,004 5,872 5,882 5,347 3,860 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 10,144 7,173 7,566 8,223 7,712 5,237 5,078 7,013 5,765 6,546 8,977 10,795 15,321 7,210 5,181 4,548 3,827 4,133 3,607 3,183 4,676 7,144 8,590 11,099 9,866 6,247 5,249 3,930 2,709 1,976 1,710 1,220 987 896 780 721 989 651 664 506 455 283 290 270 (6) 3,269 2,553 4,494 2,091 2,740 1,981 1,210 823 434 368 3,308 6,077 4,498 163 91 40 41 44 46 29 46 28 43 1,905 1,972 5 2,867 5 2,784 53,185 6 4,689 &6,482 7,904 6,049 6,061 4,200 2,030 2,948 3,935 4,571 2,084 2,300 2,163 2,395 2,276 2,271 2,887 3,953 6,575 9,782 7,297 13,656 8,348 7,769 6,549 5,630 4,854 4,042 3,124 2,765 1,133 4,703 5,478 7,514 9,068 11,848 12,479 11,946 13,274 15,613 18,324 24,884 29,076 18,981 15,586 13,119 12,182 9,544 11,927 13,691 13,133 10,891 9,635 9,017 7,781 6,341 3,330 250 (6) (6) (6) 4 Data are from records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and do not agree with source quoted. Source excludes Armed Forces overseas whereas the data shown here include Armed Forces overseas. 6 Includes 469 in 1928, 501 in 1929, 342 in 1930, 318 in 1931, and 489 in 1932 natural ized in outlying possessions, country of former allegiance not specified. 6 Included in “All other.” 7 September 27, 1906, to June 30, 1907. INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION C 171-217 Series C 171-184. Citizenship Status of the Population: 1890 to 1950 [Prior to 1920, the citizenship inquiry of the Population Census was restricted to males 21 years old and over. 1950 figures based on 20-percent sample; therefore differ from similar series based on complete count] Year Total population N ative population 171 172 21 years old and over Foreign-born population No Natural Having first Total ized papers papers 182 183 180 181 All ages Foreign-born population Native Total Unknown population No population Natural Having first citi Total papers ized zenship papers 179 175 176 177 174 178 173 Unknown citi zenship 184 BOTH SEXES 139,868,715 120,074,379 108,570,897 91,789,928 10,347,395 11,594,896 14,204,149 13,920,692 2,784,425 96,732,900 86,712,450 10,020,450 7,562,970 C1) (1) 7,280,265 924,524 2,555,128 834,979 83,996,629 72,703,808 11,292,821 7,919,536 1,266,419 4,518,341 499,853 72,943,624 59,607,271 13,336,353 6,489,883 1,222,553 5,406,780 801,476 60,886,520 48,200,127 12,686,393 7,466,445 2,554,005 C1) 0) 7,159,643 910,416 2,424,976 797,786 7,681,681 1,237,255 3,946,176 471,241 6,218,801 1,197,698 4,529,756 740,138 74,200,085 66,061,592 62,137,080 53,900,431 47,332,277 38,816,448 32,237,101 68,941,830 59,939,945 54,489,990 46,224,996 39,664,529 33,186,258 5,258,255 6,121,647 7,647,090 7,675,435 7,667,748 5,630,190 1,225,185 47,137,460 42,045,230 5,092,230 4,033,070 0) 0) 4,137,027 581,713 1,008,071 394,836 42,004,816 36,035,228 5,969,588 4,365,403 955,942 2,081,710 244,035 37,056,757 29,837,780 7,218,977 3,449,547 1,137,021 2,695,042 393,825 31,403,370 24,339,776 7,063,594 26,999,151 20,218,937 6,780,214 21,134,299 16,124,013 5,010,286 1890 16,940,311 12,591,852 4,348,459 3,981,895 1,110,335 C1) 0) 4,076,207 574,296 942,855 376,230 4,247,704 939,875 1,800,295 231,103 3,320,226 1,119,982 2,259,310 364,076 3,038,303 571,521 2,390,426 779,964 2,848,807 412,271 1,014,219 734,989 2,545,753 236,061 1,189,452 377,193 76,016,025 65,607,683 60,637,966 51,810,189 70,926,885 60,134,434 54,080,907 45,564,932 5,089,140 5,473,249 6,557,059 6,245,257 3,529,900 3,143,238 3,554,133 3,040,336 1950______ 150,216,110 1940 _ _ _ 131,669,275 1930 _ 122,775,046 1920______ 105,710,620 MALE 1950______ 1940______ 1930______ 1920______ 1910______ 1900 ______ FEMALE 1950______ 1940______ 1930______ 1920______ 1,559,240 49,595,440 44,667,220 4,928,220 0) 0) 342,811 1,547,057 440,143 41,991,813 36,668,580 5,323,233 310,477 2,436,631 255,818 35,886,867 29,769,491 6,117,376 85,532 2,711,738 407,651 29,483,150 23,860,351 5,622,799 3,484,550 '3,083,436 13,433,977 12,898,575 1,443,670 0) (x) 336,120 1,482,121 421,556 297,380 2,145,881 240,138 77,716 2,270,446 376,062 1 N ot available. Series C 185-217. Native White Population of Foreign or Mixed Parentage, by Country of Origin of Parents: 1900 to 1950 [1940 figures based on 5-percent sample; 1950 on 20-percent sample] Series No. 1950 1940 Total-----------------------------England and W ales-----------Scotland___________________ Northern Ireland---------------Ireland (Eire)--------------------Norway___________________ Sweden_ _ ----------------------- _ _ Denmark 1-------------------------Netherlands________________ Belgium____________________ Switzerland------------------------France_____________________ on.,a ay --------------------------I'oiaud- ___________________ Jze> 1 Slovakia-------------------AUPf ■ __________________ 1; __________________ Yjk 'Via-------------------------U. t c'.-------------------------Lith t\r, __________________ Ru’.> __________________ Greece__ __________________ Italy_______________________ Spain---------------------------------Portugal-----------------------------Other Europe______________ Asia________________________ Canada-French_____________ Canada-Other______________ M exico_____________________ Other America_____________ All other and not reported,. 23,589,485 1,443,230 463,325 29,890 1,891,495 652,380 864,695 318,710 272,535 85,500 215,660 253,665 3,742,615 1,925,015 705,890 816,465 437,080 239,920 1,647,420 249,825 172,370 130,100 195,235 3,143,405 69,490 117,675 128,030 239,525 519,495 1,468,325 891,980 101,240 157.300 23,157,580 1,466,900 446,540 270,820 1,838,920 662,600 856.320 305,640 261.320 76,400 205,680 246,120 3,998,840 1,912,380 664,620 781,340 371,840 222,300 1,569,360 229,040 167,080 131,760 163,420 2,971,200 61,700 114,060 75,660 183,260 635,020 1,231,020 699.220 91,980 245.220 1 Includes Iceland prior to 1930. 2 Included with “All other and not reported.' 3 Included 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 19?) 201* 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 Country of origin of parents 1930 1920 25,902,383 22,686,204 1,890,051 1,864,345 514,436 545,268 517,167 3,122,013 2,341,712 752,246 701,096 888,497 967,453 320,410 349,668 249,339 280,833 68,961 82,897 257,341 260,993 288,350 336,373 5,264,289 5,346,004 2,073,615 1,303,351 890,441 (3) 583,734 41 ,235,097 316,318 4538,518 257,979 (3) 1,516,214 !> 1,508,604 245,589 178,058 152,161 64,776 147,060 52,083 129,225 1,751,091 2,756,453 52,305 97,917 r 137,284 101,652 152,347 (2) 562,360 735,307 1,279,245 1,323,617 253,176 583,422 51,259 75,220 176,407 96,960 1910 1900 18,897,837 1,822,264 484,699 3,304,015 609,068 752,695 256,175 188,015 46,222 217,459 226,059 5,670,611 725,924 (3) 716,753 215,295 (3) 775,654 85,672 26,934 9,985 771,645 74,548 (2) 562,709 1,088,112 162,959 30,169 74,196 15,646,017 1,695,558 447,524 3,375,546 478,531 542,032 187,844 (*) (2) 178,691 214,592 5,340,147 326,764 (3) 391,636 81,897 (3) 288,098 (2) (2) 254,550 (2) (2) (2; (2) 456,030 933,440 (2) (2) 453,137 with Austria and Hungary. 4 Areas as defined in 1910. 65 C 218-283 Series C 218-283. Foreign-Born Population, by Country of Birth: 1850 to 1950 as o* [1950 figures based on 20-percent sample. Data are given for each country for all census years since 1850 for which figures are available] Series No. 218 219 220 221 222 1950 10,158,854 All countries. 2,326,887 Northwestern Europe. 554,625 England___r _______ 244,200 Scotland _ _ 1----------30,060 W ales___ __________ 15,398 Northern Ireland__ 504,961 Ireland (Eire)--------202,294 Norway____________ 324,944 Sweden-----------------107,897 Denmark---------------2,455 Iceland____________ 102,133 Netherlands 1---------52,891 Belgium___________ 5,590 Luxembourg_______ 71,515 Switzerland-----------107,924 France-------------------Central and Eastern Europe 4,218,903 984,331 Germany--------------------861,184 Poland________________ 278,268 Czechoslovakia-----------408,785 Austria-----------------------268,022 H ungary--------------------143,956 Yugoslavia-----------------894,844 U. S. S. R ------------------31,590 L atvia________________ 10,085 E stonia----------------------147,765 Lithuania-------------------95,506 Finland_______________ 84,952 Rum ania______________ 9,615 Bulgaria______________ Turkey in Europe______ (3) 1,706,640 Southern Europe, 169,083 Greece------------10,510 Albania----------1,427,145 Italy---------------45,565 Spain-------------54,337 Portugal______ 15,670 Other Europe__________ Danzig---------------------Europe, not specified. 3179,900 A sia--------------------Armenia_______ (6) 540 Palestine---------35,325 Syria---------------3 71,730 Turkey in A sia. China--------------11,985 Japan--------------4,650 5,370 India---------------6 50,300 Other A sia_____ 1,564,139 America------------------7238,409 Canada-French___ Canada-Other____ 7756,153 N ewf oundland____ o Cuba-------------------29,295 Other W est Indies. 8 22,735 M exico___________ 450,562 Central America__ 23,475 South America____ 43,510 All other----------------------------- 146,715 Africa----------------------------13,260 Australia________________ 19,900 Azores___________________ 26,025 Other Atlantic Islands___ 4,595 8 5,760 Pacific Islands___________ Country not specified____ 77,175 Born at sea______________ Foreign-born white 1910 1930 1920 1940 11,419,138 13,983,405 13,712,754 13,345,545 14,204,149 2,825,671 3,726,844 3,828,876 4,237,373 3,728,050 809,563 812,828 876,455 808,684 621,975 354,323 261,034 254,567 354,323 279,321 60,205 67,066 82,479 60,205 35,360 178,832 178,832 106,416 744,810 744,810 1,037,233 1,352,155 572,031 347.852 363,862 403,858 347,852 262,088 595,250 625,580 665,183 595,250 445,070 179,474 179,474 - 189,154 138,175 181,621 2,764 2,764 2,104 131,766 133,133 120,053 133,133 111,064 64,194 62,686 49,397 64,194 53,958 9,048 3,068 12,585 9,048 6,886 113,010 118,659 124,834 113,010 88,293 135,592 152,890 117,236 135,265 102,930 4,958,368 5,897,795 6,134,825 6,013,720 5,897,799 1,237,772 1,608,814 1,686,102 2,311,085 1,608,814 993,479 1,268,583 1,139,978 2937,884 1,268,583 491,638 362.436 319,971 491,638 370,914 575,625 2845^506 370,914 479,906 274,450 397,282 274,450 495,600 290,228 211,416 169.437 211,416 161,093 1,153,628 1,040,884 1,153,624 20,673 18,636 20,673 1,400,489 3,550 *2 1,184,382 4,178 3,550 135,068 k 193,606 165,771 193,606 142,478 149,824 129,669 142,478 117,210 146,393 102,823 65,920 146,393 115,940 9,399 10,477 9,399 11,453 8,888 5,284 2,257 4 32,221 2,257 4,412 1,896,886 2,093,976 1,902,781 1,523,934 2,106,295 174,526 175,972 101,264 174,526 163,252 8,814 (4) (4) (4) 1,623,580 1,790,424 i~ 6 l6 a o 9 1,343,070 1,790,429 49,247 59,362 21,977 59,033 47,707 73,164 67,453 69,993 57,623 62,347 11,509 16,255 512,851 419,819 425,065 1,483 14,772 110,450 275,665 64,314 149,909 157,580 ; 32,166 (6) (6) (6) 3,202 6,137 7,047 6,135 51,900 57,227 50,859 57,227 59,702 11,014 46,654 52,479 46,651 46,129 70,993 5,850 6 44,334 10,509 4,612 6 47,567 639,524 ,656,801 1,453,186 2,102,209 1,509,855 2,011,224 307,786 370.852 385,083 370,852 273,366 915,537 810,092 810,987 907,660 770,753 13,242 5,076 23,980 23,971 21,361 12,869 18,493 12,843 16,089 15,277 87,748 13,526 10,300 15,257 15,511 641,462 478,383 219,802 377,433 639,017 4,074 10,514 1,507 7,638 7,791 16,855 7,562 33,623 30,333 28,770 77,876 58,630 67,512 70,921 40,167 8,859 10,801 12,816 10,998 12,720 33,788 35,611 25,751 35,432 15,795 3,232 9,467 5,196 4,053 4,527 17,638 8,549 1,588 12,425 13,753 5,302 6,885 5,008 1,011 4,963 1 Listed as Holland prior to 1910. 2 Persons reported in 1910 as of Polish mother tongue born in Austria, Germany, and U. S. S. R. have been deducted from their respective countries and combined as Poland. 3 For 1950, Turkey in Europe included with Turkey in Asia; for 1850-1900, Turkey in Asia included with Turkey in Europe. 1920 13,920,692 3,830,094 813,853 254,570 67,066 >1,037,234 363,863 625,585 > 189,154 131,766 62,687 12,585 118,659 153,072 6,134,845 1,686,108 1,139,979 362.438 575,627 397,283 169.439 1,400,495 135,068 149,824 102,823 10,477 5,284 1,911,213 175,976 5,608 1,610,113 49,535 69,981 5.901 2,049 3,852 237,950 36,628 3,203 51,901 11,019 43,560 81,502 4.901 5,236 1,727,017 307,786 817,139 13,249 14,872 64,090 486,418 4,912 18,551 73,672 5,781 10,914 33,995 10,345 3,712 3,589 5,336 13,515,886 4,239,067 877,719 261,076 82,488 1,352,251 403,877 665,207 181,649 120,063 49,400 3,071 124,848 117,418 6,014,028 22,311,237 2937,884 2 845,555 495,609 >21,184,412 129,680 65,923 11,498 432,230 1,525,875 101,282 (4) 1,343,125 22,108 59,360 12,871 512,871 191,484 59,729 56,756 67.744 4,664 2,591 ,489, 231 385i 083 819! 554 5; 080 15, 133 32, 502 2 2 1 , 915 1 736 8 , 228 43,330 3,992 9,035 18,274 2,415 2,687 6,927 1900 10,341,276 4,202,683 840,513 233,524 93,586 1,615,459 336,388 582,014 153,690 94,931 29,757 3,031 115,593 104,197 4,136,646 2,663,418 383,407 432,798 145,714 Total foreign 1890 9,249,560 4,380,752 909,092 242,231 100,079 1,871,509 322,665 478,041 132,543 81,828 22,639 2,882 104,069 113,174 3,420,629 2,784,894 147,440 241,377 62,435 born 6,679,943 3,494,484 664,160 170,136 83,302 1,854,571 181,729 194,337 64,196 58,090 15,535 12,836 88,621 106,971 2,187,776 1,966,742 48,557 124,024 11,526 1870 5,567,229 3,124,638 555,046 140,835 74,533 1,855,827 114,246 97,332 30,107 46,802 12,553 5,802 75,153 116,402 1,784,449 1,690,533 14,436 70,797 3,737 4,138,697 2,472,211 433,494 108,518 45,763 1,611,304 43,995 18,625 9,962 28,281 9,072 53,327 109,870 1,311,722 1,276,075 7,298 25,061 2,244,602 1,437,475 278,675 70,550 29,868 961,719 12,678 3,559 1,838 9,848 1,313 13,358 54,069 586,240 583,774 182,644 35,722 4,644 3,160 1,414 31,839 206,648 1,887 182,580 6,185 15,996 12,579 12,579 113,396 31,205 58,265 776 44,230 5,121 8,138 3,786 3,786 107,630 25,853 390 17,157 3,764 4,542 1,678 1,678 64,565 20,365 328 11,677 4,244 4,116 1,403 1,403 36,796 8,152 (3) (3) 106,701 81,534 24,788 2,292 2,143 2,031 2,260 11,895 1,317,380 1,088,245 7395,126 7302,496 7784,796 7678,442 (7) (7) 11,081 > 23,256 14,354 103,393 77,853 3,897 1,192 5,006 4,733 31,868 27,311 2,538 2,207 6,807 5,984 9,768 9,739 2,013 3,369 2,546 479 8,196 5,533 (3) 104,468 401 1,707 1,054 807,230 717,157 6,917 9,484 68,399 707 4,566 20,772 2,204 4,906 7,641 1,953 4^068 63,042 73 586 864 551,335 493,464 5,319 6,251 42,435 301 3,565 14,711 2,657 3,118 4,434 910 954 2,638 (3) 35,565 423,726 62,641 15,032 3 9,910 530,200 8,515 484,027 7,050 30,608 2,251 2,251 120,248 86 3,679 3,113 1,274 1,135 (3) 758 1,231 288,285 249,970 377 168,484 147,711 7,353 27,466 233 3,263 7,915 526 1,419 1,361 721 1,366 2,522 5,772 13,317 141 1,543 43,116 551 588 41,977 4 Albania included with Turkey in Europe for 1910; for 1930 and 1940, included with “Other Europe.” 5 Includes persons born in Serbia and in Montenegro, which became part of Yugoslavia in 1918. 6 Armenia included with “Other Asia.” 7 Newfoundland included with Canada prior to 1910 and for 1950. 8 Excluding possessions of the United States. MIGRATION 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 Country of birth c h a p te r D Labor LABOR FORCE (Series D 1-572) D 1-35. General note. The conceptual structure and techniques for measurement of current labor force data were developed during the late 1930,s by the Work Projects Administration (see John N. Webb, “Concepts Used in Unemployment Surveys,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, March 1939). However, prior to 1940, especially during the 1930,s, the economically active sector was differentiated on the basis of its ability and willingness to work. Thus, most surveys during the 1930’s counted as unemployed those persons not working but “willing and able to work.” Willingness and ability, however, turned out to be extremely subjective in practice, and since these concepts were dependent on the attitudes of the persons in volved, it was difficult to compile data on a comparable basis from place to place and from time to time. The 1929-1939 estimates shown here have been prepared on as comparable a basis as possible with the concepts used since 1940. For the techniques used in preparing these data, see their source (as stated in the text for series D 1-12). On the other hand, the decennial census data shown here are not directly comparable with annual data because of differ ences in collection techniques, time reference, and other factors. For another set of labor force estimates, 1890-1950, see Clarence D. Long, The Labor Force Under Changing Income and Employment, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1958, appendix tables A-4, A-6, and A-20. The concepts and procedures used since 1940 are based prin cipally upon an individual’s actual activity, that is, whether he was working, looking for work, or doing something else during the time reference of the survey. (At present, the Census Bureau’s Monthly Report on the Labor Force collects its information for the week containing the 12th of each month.) Instead of questions about a person’s attitudes with respect to his labor market status (e.g., “Are you able to work?” or “Are you willing to work?” or “Do you want work?”), the present concept makes labor market participa tion depend on the more overt test of working or actively seeking work. Thus, in the surveys and censuses conducted by the Bureau of the Census since 1940, persons are classified with regard to employment status into the following categories. Employed. Includes all persons who, during the week of reference (1) did any work for pay or for profit, on or off a farm, or worked at least 15 hours as an unpaid family worker in a business or on a farm operated by a member of the family; and (2) those who neither were at work or actively sought work, but who did have jobs from which they were temporarily absent because of such reasons as illness, bad weather, vacation, labor management dispute, etc. Volun teer work for religious or charitable institutions, as well as work around the house, is excluded. Unemployed. Includes all persons (1) not at work during the survey week but actively seeking work within the pre ceding 60 days (efforts to find employment include registra tion at an employment office, writing letters of application, applying at the factory gate, running a situations-wanted ad in the newspaper, etc.) ; and (2) not at work but waiting to be called back to a job from which they had been laid off, or waiting to report to a new wage or salary job to start in the next 30 days (and not in school during the survey week), or who would have been actively looking for work except that they were temporarily ill or believed there was no work in their line available in their community. Labor force. The civilian labor force is the sum of the em ployed and the unemployed. It is confined to persons 14 years of age and over, since labor market participation by persons under that age is relatively small. Information on the size of the Armed Forces is obtained from official sources and added to the civilian labor force to provide the total labor force figures. Not in the labor force. Includes all persons 14 years of age and over not classified as employed, unemployed, or in the Armed Forces. Current labor force data are produced by the Current Popu lation Survey of the Bureau of the Census on the basis of a scientifically designed sample of households in 330 areas, with coverage in every State and the District of Columbia. The present size and composition of the sample dates from May 1956. From January 1954 through April 1956 the sample covered 230 areas, all of which were continued in the new and expanded sample. Prior to 1954, the interviewed house holds were concentrated in 68 sample areas. Household inter views totaled about 21,000 until the currently expanded sample beginning in May 1956 raised the total to about 35,000. The household interview method (population approach) in volves direct enumeration and interrogation of individuals to obtain information on employment activity from workers or members of workers’ households. Each employed worker is counted only once, even though he may have held two or more jobs during a given period. This approach encompasses direct enumeration of all employed and unemployed persons including the self-employed, unpaid family workers, domestic servants, and others who do not ordinarily appear on the payrolls of any establishment. For a more detailed description of the concepts, techniques, estimation procedures, and adequacy and reliability of these data, see Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-23, No. 5. D 1-12. Labor force status of the population, 1890-1957. Source: Annual data, 1929-1939, population, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-25, No. 114 (fig ures adjusted to include Armed Forces overseas) ; labor force, “Labor Force, Employment and Unemployment, 1929-39: Esti mating Methods,” Monthly Labor Review, July 1948, p. 50. Annual data, 1940r1957, population and labor force, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-50, Nos. 2, 13, 19, 31, 40, 45, 59, 67, 72, and 85. The population esti mates are adjusted to include the institutional population; both population and labor force data for 1940-1952 are also adjusted to include about 150,000 members of the Armed Forces stationed outside continental United States in 1940 and 67 D 13-71 LABOR not enumerated in the 1940 Census and therefore excluded For a more detailed discussion of the gainful worker concept from the original 1940-1952 estimates. and the data themselves, see John D. Durand (see source for Decennial data, population, 1890-1950, and labor force, 1950, series D 1-12), p. 191 et seq.; John D. Durand, “Development U. S. Census of Population: 1950, vol. II, part 1, pp. 1-100, of the Labor Force Concept, 1930-40,” Labor Force Definition 1-102, and 1-179; labor force, 1890-1940, John D. Durand, and Measurement, appendix A, Social Science Research Coun The Labor Force in the United States, 1890-1960, Social Science cil, Bulletin 56, 1947; and Sixteenth Census Reports, Popula tion, “Estimates of Labor Force, Employment, and Unemploy Research Council, New York, 1948, p. 208. ment in the U. S .: 1940 and 1930.” D 13-25. Labor force, by age and sex, 1890-1957. D 46-47. Unemployment, annual averages, 1900-1957. Source: Annual data, see source for series D 1-12, annual 1900-1928, Stanley Lebergott, “Annual Estimates data, 1940-1957. Decennial data, 1890-1940, John D. Durand of Source: Unemployment in the United States, 1900-1954,” The Meas (see source for series D 1-12) ; 1950, U. S. Census of Popula urement and Behavior Unemployment, National Bureau of tion: 1950, vol. IV, Special Reports, Employment and Personal Economic Research, Newof York, 1956, pp. 213-241; 1929-1957, Characteristics, p. 1A-62. see source for annual data on labor force for series D 1-12. D 26-35. Civilian labor force, by color and sex, and marital Prior to 1940, these figures represent estimates of unem status of women, 1890-1957. ployment on as comparable a basis to current labor force con Source: Annual data, labor force totals and percents, 1940- cepts as is presently possible. There have been many esti 1946, Current Population Repoi'ts, Series P-50, No. 2; totals, mates of unemployment for these years prepared by such and percents by color and sex, 1947-1953, Series P-50, Nos. agencies as the National Industrial Conference Board and by 13, 19, 31, 40, 45, and 67; labor force by color and sex, and authors such as Paul Douglas in Real Wages in the United percents, 1954-1957, Current Population Reports, Series P-57, States, 1890-1926 (these are discussed and compared in the Nos. 142, 154, 166, and 178; marital status, 1940, 1944, and sources of pre-1940 figures cited above). In all of these, in 1947-1957, Current Population Repoy'ts, Series P-50, Nos. 22, cluding the series presented here, unemployment is calculated as a residual. That is, estimates are first made of the 29, 39, 44, 62, 73, and 76. civilian labor force, then of employment; the difference between Decennial data, numbers, 1890-1940, and percents, 1890 and the two provides the estimates of unemployment. The figures 1940, John D. Durand (see source for series D 1-12), pp. for decennial years are used as benchmarks, with inter 208, 216; numbers and percents, 1950, U. S. Census of Popu polations madecensus for intercensal years from a variety of avail lation: 1950, vol. IV, Special Reports, Employment and Per able sources. sonal Characteristics, p. 1A-100; percents, 1920-1940 based on labor force data from Durand and population data from D 48-56. Employees in nonagricultural establishments, by major industry division, 1919-1957. Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census Reports, Population, Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment and Earn vol. Ill, part 1, p. 25, and U. S. Census of Population: 1950, ings, vol. 5, No. 8, p. 1. vol. II, part 1, p. 1-179. These data are compiled from monthly reports made by D 36-45. Gainful workers, by age, sex, and farm-nonfarm oc employers, i.e., businesses or industrial establishments, to the cupations, 1820-1930. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The “establishment approach” Source: Sixteenth Census Reports, Comparative Occupation permits data on wages, hours worked, labor turnover, and Statistics for the United States, 1870-19UO, pp. 93, 100, and industrial affiliation to be more accurately obtained from em 142. ployers’ records than from inquiries directed to a worker or The gainful worker concept differs radically from current a member of his household (the “population approach”). labor force concepts as described in the general note for series Workers appearing on more than one payroll for the same D 1-35. The primary purpose of the gainful worker statistics time period are counted more than once in establishment sta was a count of occupations. The data were based on a question tistics. For a discussion of labor force data obtained by the relating to occupational status and not to employment status as “population approach,” see general note for series D 1-35. currently defined. Thus, census enumerators were instructed The data summarized in these series are available in con to find and enter the occupation of each person 10 years of age siderable industrial detail (estimates are provided for about and over who followed an occupation in which he earned money 400 different industries each month). For a discussion of or its equivalent, or in which he assisted in the production of available historical data, see Bureau of Labor Statistics, Guide marketable goods. In sum, gainful workers were people for to Employment Statistics of BLS, 1954; for an analysis of whom a gainful occupation was entered in response to this historical trends, see Seymour L. Wolfbein, “Changing Patterns question. of Industrial Employment,” Monthly Labor Review, March The question as posed by the enumerator made no reference 1956. to time. The response thus varied substantially with the indi D 57-71. Industrial distribution of gainful workers, 1820vidual. Many persons who were retired or permanently dis 1940. abled and who had not worked for some time reported their Source: Fabricant, “The Changing Industrial Dis former line of work and were counted as gainful workers. tribution ofSolomon Gainful Workers: Some Comments on the Ameri On the other hand, many employed persons did not enter can Decennial Statistics 1820-1940,” Studies in Income and themselves as gainful workers, because they considered them Wealth, vol. 11, NationalforBureau of Economic Research, New selves as students or housewives and their current employ York, 1949, p. 42. ment as only temporary. The data are based almost entirely on estimates in the fol These and other factors made for incomparabilities among lowing monographs which were prepared mainly from data col different age and occupational groups from one decennial cen lected in the decennial censuses of population: P. K. Whelpton, sus to the next. The gainful worker statistics, however, are “Occupational Groups in the United States, 1820-1920,” Journal considered as a generally reliable measure of long-term trends of the American Statistical Association, September 1926; Six during the time period covered. teenth Census Reports, Comparative Occupation Statistics for LABOR the United States, 1870 to 191*0; and Daniel Carson, “Indus trial Composition of Manpower in the United States, 18701940,” Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 11. D 72-122. Major occupation group of the economically active population, by sex, 1900-1950. Source: David L. Kaplan and M. Claire Casey, Occupational Trends in the United States, 1900-1950, Bureau of the Census, Working Paper No. 5, 1958. These data constitute primarily an updating by Kaplan and Casey of the material in Sixteenth Census Reports, Compara tive Occupation Statistics in the United States, 1870-191*0. Separate series developed by Alba M. Edwards in the above report were brought together and a number of new estimates were prepared to fill gaps. The appropriate figures were then adjusted to conform to the definitions used in the 1950 occupational classification system. Except where there was firm evidence to support a change, Edwards’ basic assumptions and estimates were utilized throughout. The source cautions that the data, particularly those for 1900, are approximations only. The estimates for 1900 “were included mainly for the purpose of rounding out a half-century of information, despite some obvious deficiencies. Particularly prior to 1910, there is little information available on the exact 488910 0 - 60 - 6 D 72-572 FORCE definitions used for the several occupational categories. And, even for fairly recent years, there is often only meager sta tistical intelligence on which to base adjustments for compara bility with the 1950 definitions.” The universe covered in the series is described as the “eco nomically active population.” Prior to 1940, this refers to civilian gainful workers 10 years old and over; for 1940 and 1950, it refers to persons 14 years old and over in the expe rienced civilian labor force (all employed and unemployed workers with previous work experience). Two incomparabili ties should be noted. First, there are important differences between the gainful worker and labor force concepts (see gen eral note for series D 1-35, and text for series D 36-45). Second, there is the difference in age limitation. The inclusion of the 10-to-13 group prior to 1940, and their exclusion in 1940 and 1950, follows the census practice in those years. D 123-572. Detailed occupation of the economically active population, 1900-1950. Source: David L. Kaplan and M. Claire Casey, Occupational Trends in the United States, 1900-1950, Bureau of the Census, Working Paper No. 5,1958. See text for series D 72-122. 69 D 1-12 LABOR Series D 1-12. Labor Force Status of the Population: 1890 to 1957 [In thousands of persons 14 years old and over. Annual estimates are averages of monthly figures except as noted. Beginning January 1953, labor force and employment figures not exactly comparable with previous years as a result of introduction of material from 1950 Census into estimating procedure; for effects of this change, see Current Population Reports, Series P-50, No. 59] Total labor force Year Popula tion 1 1 Percent of Number 2 population 2 3 Total 4 Civilian labor force Employed Total Agriculture Nonagricultural 6 5 7 N ot in the labor force Unem ployed Total Keeping house In school Other 8 9 10 11 12 CURRENT POPULATION REPORTS 3 1957 4____________ _______ 1956__________________ ___ 1955_______________________ 1954_______________________ 1953_______________________ 1952_______________________ 1951_______________________ 1950_______________________ 1949__ __ _______ _ _ __ 1948_______________________ 1947_______________________ 1946_______________________ 1945_______________________ 1944_______________________ 1943_______________________ 1942_______________________ 1941_______________________ 1940_______________________ 121,889 120,178 118,832 117,663 116,538 114,551 113,355 112,210 111,054 109,809 108,785 107,700 106.700 105,810 104,840 103,790 102.700 101,560 70,746 70,387 68,896 67,818 67,362 66,560 65,982 64,749 63,721 62,898 61,758 60,970 65,290 66,040 64,560 60,380 57,530 56,180 58.0 58.6 58.0 57.6 57.8 58.1 58.2 57.7 57.4 57.3 56.8 56.6 61.2 62.4 61.6 58.2 56.0 55.3 67,946 67,530 65,847 64,468 63,815 62,966 62,884 63,099 62,105 61,442 60,168 57,520 53,860 54,630 55,540 56,410 55,910 55,640 65,011 64,979 63,193 61,238 62,213 61,293 61,005 59,957 58,710 59,378 58,027 55,250 52,820 53,960 54,470 53,750 50,350 47,520 6,222 6,585 6,730 6,504 6,562 6,805 7,054 7,507 8,026 7,973 8,266 8,320 8,580 8,950 9,080 9,250 9,100 9,540 58,789 58,394 56,463 54,734 55,651 54,488 53,951 52,450 50,684 51,405 49,761 46,930 44,240 45,010 45,390 44,500 41,250 37,980 2,936 2,551 2,654 3,230 1,602 1,673 1,879 3.142 3,395 2,064 2.142 2,270 1,040 670 1,070 2,660 5,560 8,120 51,143 49,792 49,936 49,845 49,176 47,991 47,373 47,462 47,332 46,910 47,027 46,730 41.410 39,770 40,280 43.410 45,170 45,380 55,600 54,950 54,320 53,740 53,140 52,490 51,840 51,250 50,680 50,080 49,440 55.4 55.4 55.. 5 55.6 55.7 55.7 55.8 55.8 55.9 55.9 56.2 55,230 54,610 54,000 53,440 52,870 52,230 51,590 51,000 50,420 49,820 49,180 | 45,750 44,220 46,300 44,410 42,260 40,890 38,760 38,940 42,400 45,480 47,630 9,610 9,690 9,820 10,000 10,110 9,900 10,090 10,170 10,290 10,340 10,450 36,140 34,530 36,480 34,410 32,150 30,990 28,670 28,770 32,110 35,140 37,180 9,480 10,390 7,700 9,030 10,610 11,340 12,830 12,060 8,020 4,340 1,550 44,760 44,170 43,550 42,960 42,320 41,700 41,110 40,560 40,030 39,470 38,570 660,054 53,299 47,404 40,282 27,640 21,833 53.5 52.7 53.2 54.3 53.7 52.2 59,072 56,239 6,885 49,354 2,832 52,300 47,804 41,697 33,862 23,798 19,966 33,891 33,399 33,722 33,893 ~~33~334~ 33,105 33,058 33,068 32,850 32,441 31,020 27,760 27,350 27,320 28,690 7,048 6,593 6,569 6,310 6^040 5,829 6,197 6,093 6,178 6,446 6,360 4,830 4,540 5,100 6,370 10,204 9,800 9,645 9,642 8~616 8,440 8,207 8,173 7,883 8,139 9,350 8,820 7,880 7,860 8,350 COMPARABLE WITH CURRENT POPULATION REPORTS 3 1939 _ _ __ _ __ 100,360 1938 . _ _ ___ . ___ 99,120 1937__ _ _ _ ______ ___ _ 97,870 1936. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ 96,700 1935 _ _ _ __ 95,460 1934 _ _____ 94,190 92,950 1933_______________________ 1932_______________________ 91,810 1931_______________________ 90,710 1930_______________________ 89,550 1929 _ __ _ 88,010 i DECENNIAL CENSUS 1950 1940 1930 1920 1900 1890 (April) ___ ______ _ _ 112,354 (April) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 101,103 89,101 (A p ril)-.- _ _ _ (Jan.) _ _ 74,144 (June) 51,438 (June) 41,799 1 1929-1939 figures as of July 1. 2 1940-1952 figures revised to include Armed Forces overseas; see t6xt. * For 1940-1957, figures from Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports; for 1929-1939, Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates; see text. 4 Beginning 1957, certain limited changes have been made in definitions of employ ment and unemployment with the result that each month about 200,000 to 300,000 70 32,180 1 workers, formerly classified as employed, were counted as unemployed. On the basis of old definitions, unemployment in 1957 averaged 2,693,000. See Current Population Reports, Series P-57, No. 176. 5 Based on full count and therefore differs from that shown in series D 13 and D 26 which are based on 3^-percent sample. LABOR FORCE D 13-25 Series D 13-25. Labor Force, by Age and Sex: 1890 to 1957 fin thousands of persons 14 years old and over. Annual estimates are averages of monthly figures. 1940-1952 figures revised to include Armed Forces overseas; see text. Beginning 1953, data not exactly comparable with previous years; see headnote, series D 1-12] Year Male 14 to 19 20 to 24 25 to 44 45 to 64 years years years years 15 16 17 18 Female 14 to 19 20 to 24 25 to 44 45 to 64 years years years years 21 22 23 24 Total labor force Total 13 14 70,746 70,387 68,896 67,818 67,362 66,560 65,982 64,749 63,721 62,898 61,758 60,970 65,290 66,040 64,560 60,380 57,530 56,180 48,649 48,579 48,054 47,847 47,692 47,001 46,674 46,069 45,674 45,300 44,843 44,130 46,020 46,670 45,750 44,260 42,890 42,020 3,669 3,610 3,378 3,298 3,338 3,396 3,476 3,444 3,480 3,580 3,641 3,700 4,530 4,950 4,700 4,781 4,814 4,851 4,959 5,085 5,223 5,268 5,224 5,198 5,114 5,093 4,930 5,760 5,940 5,710 22,293 22,286 22,297 22,215 22,138 21,636 21,325 20,996 20,747 20,478 20,199 19,740 19,900 20,050 19,810 15,428 15,266 15,002 14,850 14,591 14,331 14,137 13,952 13,797 13,742 13,534 13,410 13,370 13,300 13,200 2,477 2,603 2,525 2,525 2,544 2,416 2,469 2,453 2,454 2,384 2,376 2,350 2,460 2,430 2,320 3,270 5,490 19,150 12,170 1,950 2,198 22,097 2,453 9,384 21,808 2,183 2,467 9,322 1,987 20,842 2,458 9,069 1,941 2,441 19,972 8,939 1,952 19,668 2,447 8,842 2,002 19,559 2,519 8,779 2,018 19,308 2,670 8,612 1,982 18,680 2,681 8,267 2,054 2,662 18,048 7,999 17,599 2,083 2,722 7,744 2,067 16,915 2,725 7,426 16,840 2,160 2,810 7,410 19,270 2,720 3,300 8,350 19,370 2,900 3,340 8,320 2,930 18,810 3,170 8,240 16,120 14,640 14,160 " T 7 6 6 " " " 2 ^966" ~~”6^446" 59,671 53,299 47,404 40,282 27,640 21,833 43,118 40,284 37,008 32,053 22,641 18,129 2,543 2,619 2,795 2,947 2,834 1,997 4,537 5,035 4,747 4,080 3,302 2,836 20,389 18,817 17,498 15,353 10,560 8,513 13,275 11,954 10,173 8,290 4,958 3,937 2,373 1,859 1,795 1,383 987 846 16,553 13,015 10,396 8,229 4,999 3,704 1,441 1,395 1,591 1,640 1,230 984 58.0 58.6 58.0 57.6 57.8 58.1 58.2 57.7 57.4 57.3 56.8 56.6 61.2 62.4 61.6 58.2 56.0 55.3 81.6 82.4 82.4 82.7 83.0 83.4 83.6 83.2 83.2 83.3 83.3 82.5 86.7 88.4 87.3 85.3 83.5 82.6 49.0 50.9 49.0 48.6 50.2 51.4 53.3 52.7 53.1 54.1 53.7 53.5 .64.2 69.2 64.8 8 8 .6 84.6 83.8 81.0 94.3 97.1 94.3 96.2 96.4 96.7 96.5 96.6 96.4 96.0 95.5 95.4 95.5 95.5 94.3 96.2 97.6 97.4 91.1 91.5 91.3 91.6 91.3 91.0 90.7 90.4 90.6 91.5 91.6 92.0 93.0 93.5 94.0 36.6 39.1 38.5 39.5 40.4 41,6 43.8 44.7 45.9 45.7 46.8 47.4 50.8 50.9 49.5 44.0 95.2 96.7 90.4 44.2 35.5 35.6 34.5 33.4 33.3 33.6 33.6 32.8 32.1 31.7 30.8 31.1 35.9 36.5 35.8 31.0 28.5 27.9 53.4 52.7 53.2 54.3 53.7 52.2 79.0 79.7 82.1 84.6 85.7 84.3 39.5 35.4 40.1 51.5 62.0 50.0 81.9 88.4 8 8 .8 89.9 90.6 90.9 93.3 95.6 95.8 95.6 94.7 96.0 89.4 91.0 90.7 90.3 92.0 8 8 .2 41.4 42.2 54.0 55.6 63.1 68.3 29.0 25.7 23.6 22.7 2 0 .0 18.2 65 and over 19 Total 20 65 and over 25 NUMBER Current population reports: 1957 i ____________________ 1956______________________ 1955______________________ 1954______________________ 1953______________________ 1952______________________ 1951______________________ 1950______________________ 1949______________________ 1948______________________ 1947______________________ 1946______________________ 1945______________________ 1944______________________ 1943______________________ 1942 1941 1940______________________ Decennial census: 1950 (April) 2_____________ 1940 (April)______________ 1930 (April)______________ 1920 (Jan.)_______________ 1900 (June)______________ 1890 (June)_______________ 7,249 7,019 6,546 5,988 5,729 5,669 5,459 5,167 4,778 4,538 4,252 4,030 4,420 4,320 3,970 813 822 780 666 693 590 551 584 556 514 445 440 490 490 490 2^780 330 2,521 2,316 1,785 1,179 938 7,666 6,107 4,404 3,314 1,791 1,216 4,416 2,550 1,842 1,310 672 476 509 275 243 180 127 90 30.3 31.7 29.7 29.5 30.2 31.3 31.8 31.3 32.2 32.4 31.4 32.1 39.7 41.7 41.4 45.8 46.2 45.8 45.1 44.4 44.6 46.4 45.9 44.9 45.2 44.7 46.2 53.9 54.7 52.3 39.2 38.9 38.0 37.5 37.3 37.6 37.3 36.2 35.4 34.7 33.8 34.3 39.1 39.5 39.6 40.9 40.4 38.5 35.9 35.1 34.8 34.1 32.9 31.0 30.1 28.8 27.9 31.3 31.2 29.2 1 0 .2 1 0 .6 23.1 49.1 32.1 21.7 7.2 2 2 .6 42.9 45.6 41.8 37.5 31.7 30.2 33.3 30.6 24.6 21.7 17.5 15.1 28.8 2 0 .0 18.0 16.5 13.6 7.8 7.3 7.3 8.3 7.6 2,688 LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION RATE Current population reports: 1957 1_____________________ 1956______________________ 1955______________________ 1954______________________ 1953______________________ 1952__ ___________________ 1951._____________________ 1950______________________ 1949______________________ 1948______________________ 1947______________________ 1946______________________ 1945______________________ 1944______________________ 1943______________________ 1942____________________ 1941____________ . __ 1940______________________ Decennial census: 1950 (April) 2_____________ 1940 (April)____ __ __ 1930 (April)______________ 1920 (Jan.)_______________ 1900 (June)------------- -----1890 (June)_____ ____ __ _ 1 See footnote 4, series D 1—12. 89.5 89.8 90.4 91.0 90.9 89.9 8 8 .0 8 6 .6 1 See 19.0 28.4 26.8 24.5 2 2 .8 1 2 .1 10.3 9.1 9.7 9 .0 8.7 9 .5 9.4 9.0 8 .0 8.3 9.3 9.6 9.8 6 .0 footnote 5, series ID 2. 71 D 26-45 LABOR Series D 26-35. Civilian Labor Force, by Color and Sex, and Marital Status of Women: 1890 to 1957 [In thousands of persons 14 years old and over. Beginning 1953, data not exactly comparable with previous years; see headnote, series D 1-12] Labor foi•ce, by color and sex Male Both sexes Year NUMBER Current population reports : 1 1957___________________________________________ 1956___________________________________________ 1955___________________________________________ 1954__________________________________________ 1953___________________________________________ 1952_________________________________ ________ 1951____________________________________________ 1950___________________________________________ 1949___________________________________________ 1948___________________________________________ 1947___________________________________________ 1946___________________________________________ 1945___________________________________________ 1944___________________________________________ 1943___________________________________________ 1942___________________________________________ 1941___________________________________________ 1940___________________________________________ Decennial census : 2 1950 (April) 3__________________________________ 1940 (April)____________________________________ 1930 (April)____________________________________ 1920 (Jan.)____________________________________ 1900 (J u n e )_ _____ _ _ __ _ 1890 (June)____________________________________ Married, husband present 34 Total White Non white White Non white White Nonwhite Single 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 2,732 2,620 2,495 2,527 5,378 5,167 5,087 5,412 5,223 5,532 5,430 5,621 5,682 5,943 6,181 11,529 11,126 10,423 9,923 9,763 9^222 9^086 8,550 7 ’ 959 6^676 4,617 4,549 4,643 4,391 4,319 4^058 4,086 3,624 3 ’526 3*659 3! 466 7,542 6,226 4,681 6,710 4,200 2,930 5,274 6,429 7,697 4,623 3,581 1,963 Other 35 66.951 66,555 64,647 64,063 63,155 61,744 61,789 62,183 60,835 60,524 59,120 56,450 54,180 54,220 54,860 55,880 54,980 54,870 59,771 59,540 57,925 57,326 59,671 53,299 47,404 40,282 27,640 21,833 53,502 47,670 41,911 35,554 23,871 18,932 6,168 5,626 5,493 4,728 3,769 2,901 39,059 36,499 33,286 28,807 20,057 16,094 4,058 3,783 3,722 3,246 2,584 2,035 14,443 11,171 8,625 6,747 3,814 2,838 2,110 1,843 1,771 1,482 1,185 866 2,565 500 638 57.1 57.6 56.7 56.9 56.7 56.5 56.8 56.9 56.4 56.6 55.9 55.2 58.2 58.1 57.8 56.2 55.1 55.0 56.7 57.3 56.4 56.5 56.4 56.1 56.4 56.5 56.0 56.2 55.2 61.2 60.8 59.2 60.5 59.8 59.8 60.4 61.2 60.2 60.1 61.9 81.4 82.5 82.2 82.9 83.0 82.9 83.1 83.3 83.5 83.4 83.2 81.0 81.3 79.7 81.0 82.9 83.6 82.4 83.5 83.3 83.4 85.3 34.1 34.2 32.9 32.4 32.3 31.9 31.8 31.1 29.9 30.3 28.7 43.7 42.7 41.2 42.5 39.6 39.7 41.5 42.1 40.1 39.9 41.0 46.8 46.4 46.4 49.0 48.5 50.0 49.6 50.5 50.9 51.1 51.2 29.6 29.0 27.7 26.6 26.3 25.3 25.2 23.8 22.5 22.0 20.0 40.4 39.4 39.6 39.4 39.1 38.8 39.3 37.8 37.1 38.7 37.4 58.6 21.7 41.7 48.1 14.7 36.2 53.4 52.7 53.2 54.3 53.7 52.2 53.1 52.1 52.1 53.2 52.4 51.0 46.3 46.1 21.6 35.5 30.1 36.9 4.5 7,180 7,015 6,723 6,737 40,981 40,966 40,266 40,127 PERCENT OF CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONAL POPULATION Current population reports: 1957___________________________________________ 1956___________________________________________ 1955___________________________________________ 1954___ _______________*_____________ _ _ _ 1953__________________________________________ 1952__________________________________ _____ 1951__________________________________________ 1950___________________________________________ 1949__________________________________________ 1948___________________________________________ 1947___________________________________________ 1946___________________________________________ 1945___________________________________________ 1944______________ ________________ 1943___________________________________________ 1942___________________________________________ 1941__________________ ________________________ 1940 __________ ___________________________ __ Decennial census : 2 1950 3 (April)__________________________________ 1940 (A pril)___________________________________ 1930 (April)___________________________________ 1920 (Jan.) _ _ _ 1900 (June) _ _ _ _ _ 1890 (June) _ ______ _ _ 1 As of April, except marital status for 1950, 1956, and 2 Relates to total labor force and total population. Marital status of women in the labor force Female 79.2 79.7 81.7 84.1 85.4 84.0 56.1 58.1 63.2 64.2 65.0 62.4 1957 as of March. 3 See 4,448 4,395 4,228 4,210 18,791 18,573 17,659 17,199 76.6 80.0 86.1 87.5 88.5 28.1 24.5 21.8 20.7 17.3 15.8 86.6 37.1 37.3 40.5 40.6 41.2 37.7 7 ’ 553 15.4 -J footnote 5, series D 2. Series D 36-45. Gainful Workers, by Age, Sex, and Farm-Nonfarm Occupations: 1820 to 1930 [In thousands of persons 10 years old and over] Year Total workers 36 1930 1920 1910 1900 1890 1880 1870 72 48,830 42,434 37,371 29,073 23,318 17,392 12,925 Occupation Non Farm farm 37 38 10,472 11,449 11,592 10,912 9,938 8,585 6,850 38,358 30,985 25,779 18,161 13,380 8,807 6,075 Sex A Male Female 39 40 to 15 41 38,078 33,797 29,926 23,754 19,313 14,745 11,008 10,752 8,637 7,445 5,319 4,006 2,647 1,917 667 1,417 1,622 1,750 1,504 1,118 765 10 16 to 44 42 33,492 29,339 26,620 20,223 16,162 (in years) 45 to 65 and 64 over 43 44 12,422 2,205 9,914 1,691 7,606 1,440 5,804 1,202 4,547 1,009 16,:274 12 , 160 Un known 45 44 73 83 94 97 Year Total workers 36 1860_ __ _ 10,533 1850 _ 7,697 1840_ ___ __ _ 5,420 1830____ 3,932 1820_________________ 2,881 Occupation Non Farm farm 37 38 6,208 4,902 3,720 2,772 2,069 4,325 2,795 1,700 1,160 812 D 46-56 LABOR FORCE Series D 46-47. Unemployment: 1900 to 1957 [In thousands of persons 14 years old and over. Annual averages] Percent of civilian Un employed labor force 46 47 Year 1957 i. 19561955_______ 1954________ 1953._ 1952 _ _ __ 1951__ ___ 1950________ 1949________ 1948________ 1947________ 1946________ 1 See 2,936 2,551 2,654 3,230 1,602 1,673 1,879 3,142 3,395 2,064 2,142 2,270 4.3 3 .8 4.0 5.0 2 .5 2 .7 3 .0 5.0 5.5 3 .4 3.6 3.9 Percent of civilian Un employed labor force 46 47 Year 1945 1944 1943 1942______ 1941 1940 1939 1938______ 1937______ 1936______ 1935______ 1934______ 1,040 670 1,070 2,660 5,560 8,120 9,480 10,390 7,700 9,030 10,610 11,340 1.9 1.2 1.9 4 .7 9.9 1476 17.2 19.0 14.3 16.9 20.1 21.7 Year Percent of civilian Un employed labor force 46 47 12,830 12,060 1933 1932 1931 _ 1930______ 1925" 1928 1927 1926______ 1925______ 1924______ 1923______ 8,020 4,340 1,550 2,080 1,890 880 1,800 2,440 1,380 24.9 23.6 15.9 ^7 3.2 4.4 4.1 1.9 4.0 5.5 3.2 Percent of civilian Un employed labor force 46 47 Year 1922______ 1921_____ 1920______ 1919______ 1918 1917 1916______ 1915______ 1914______ 1913______ 1912______ 3,220 5,010 1,670 950 560 1,920 1,920 3,840 3,110 1,680 1,960 7.6 11.9 4.0 2.3 1.4 4 .8 4.8 9.7 8.0 4.4 5.2 Percent of civilian Un employed labor force 46 47 Year 1911______ 1910______ 1909______ 1908______ 1907 1906 _ _ 1905_ _ _ _ 1904______ 1903______ 1902______ 1901______ 1900______ 2,290 2,150 1,870 2,960 600 280 6.2 5.9 5.2 8.5 1.8 0.8 3.1 4.8 2.6 2 .7 2 .4 5.0 1,000 1,490 800 800 710 1,420 footnote 4, series D 1-12. Series D 48-56. Employees in Monagricultural Establishments, by Major Industry Division: 1919 to 1957 [In thousands. Annual averages. Includes all full- and part-time employees who worked during, or received pay for, any part of the pay period reported. Excludes proprietors self-employed persons, farm workers, unpaid family workers, domestic servants, and personnel of Armed Forces. Data for the latest year are adjusted to 1st quarter 1957 benchmark levels indicated by data from Government social insurance programs, and are comparable with the series for earlier years] Year 1957___________________ 1956___________________ 1955___________________ 1954___________________ 1953___________________ 1952___________________ 19.51________________ _ 1950___________________ 1949___________________ 1948___________________ 1947___________________ 1946___________________ 1945___________________ 1944___________________ 1943___________________ 1942___________________ 1941___________________ 1940___________________ 1939___________________ 1938___________________ 1937___________________ 1936___________________ 1935___________________ 1934___________________ 1933_________________ _ 1932___________________ 1931___________________ 1930___________________ 1929___________________ 1928___________________ 1927___________________ 1926___________________ 1925__________________ _ 1924___________________ 1923___________________ 1922___________________ 1921___________________ 1920___________________ 1919___________________ Total Mining Contract construction Manufacturing 48 49 50 51 52 ,162 51,,766 50.,056 48;,431 49,,681 48,,303 47,,347 44,,738 43,,315 44,,448 43,,462 41,,287 40,,037 41, 534 42, 106 39,,779 36, 220 32, 058 30, 311 28, 902 30,,718 28, 802 26,,792 25,,699 23,,466 23,,377 26,,383 29,,143 31,,041 29,,710 29,,691 29, 539 28,,505 27, 770 28, 128 25,,569 24, 125 27, 088 26, 829 809 807 777 777 852 885 916 889 918 982 943 852 823 883 917 983 947 916 845 882 1 ,006 937 888 874 735 722 864 1 ,000 1 ,078 1 ,041 1 ,105 1 ,176 1 ,080 1 ,092 1 ,203 920 953 1 ,230 1 ,124 2,808 2,929 2,759 2,593 2,622 2,634 2,603 2,333 2,165 2,169 1,982 1,661 1,132 1,094 1,567 2,170 1,790 1,294 1,150 1,055 1,112 1,145 912 862 809 970 1,214 1,372 1,497 1,606 1,608 1,555 1,446 1,321 1,229 1,185 1,012 848 1,021 16,782 16,903 16,563 15,995 17,238 16,334 16,104 14,967 14,178 15,321 15,290 14,461 15,302 17,111 17,381 15,051 12,974 10,780 10,078 9,253 10,606 9,653 8,907 8,346 7,258 6,797 8,021 9,401 10,534 9,786 9,839 9,997 9,786 9,523 10,155 8,986 8,132 10,534 10,534 Transportation Wholesale and Finance, Service and and public and miscellaneous retail trade insurance, real estate utilities 52 53 54 55 4,151 4,161 4,062 4,009 4,221 4,185 4,166 3,977 3,949 4,141 4,122 4,023 3,872 3,798 3,619 3,433 3,248 3,013 2,912 2,840 3,114 2,956 2,771 2,736 2,659 2,804 3,243 3,675 3,907 3,822 3,891 3,940 3,824 3,806 3,882 3,505 3,459 3,998 3,711 11,302 2 ,348 2 ,308 10,846 10,520 10,527 10,281 2 ,219 2 ,122 2 ,038 1 ,967 1 ,892 9,645 9,513 9,519 9,196 8,602 7,522 7,260 7,189 7,333 7,416 6,940 6,612 6,453 6,543 6,076 5,692 5,552 4,999 4,907 5,531 6,064 6,401 6,137 6,165 6,033 5,810 5,626 5,494 5,084 4,754 4,623 4,664 1 ,824 1 ,765 1 ,741 1 ,672 1 ,619 11,221 10,012 1 ,428 1 ,409 1 ,435 1 ,469 1 ,480 1 ,436 1 ,399 1 ,347 1 ,355 i;,313 i ,262 i;,247 l!,225 i.,270 i ;,333 i,,398 i,,431 i ,360 i,,295 i;,235 i.,166 i,,163 i.,123 i ,079 i;,097 i, ,110 i,,050 6,336 6,160 5,916 5,664 5,538 5,411 5,264 5,077 4,972 4,925 4,783 4,474 4,011 3,934 3,919 3,857 3,705 3,477 3,321 3,196 3,233 3,060 2,883 2,784 2,614 2,682 2,913 3,084 3,127 2,962 2,871 2,755 2,591 2,516 2,431 2,268 2,187 2,142 2,054 Government 56 7,626 7,277 6,914 6,751 6,645 6,609 6,389 6,026 5,856 5,650 5,474 5,595 5,944 6,043 6,080 5,483 4,660 4,202 3,995 3,876 3,749 3,662 3,477 3,298 3,167 3,225 3,264 3,149 3,066 2,996 2,917 2,848 2,802 2,723 2,611 2,542 2,531 2,603 2,671 73 D 57-122 LABOR Series D 57-71. Industrial Distribution of Gainful Workers: 1820 to 1940 [In thousands] Year 1940______ 1930 1 1930 3 1920______ 1910______ 1900______ 1890______ 1880______ 1870 4 1870 3____ 1860______ 1850______ 1840______ 1830______ 1820______ Total Agri culture Forestry and fisheries Mining 57 58 59 60 53,300 47,400 48,830 41,610 36,730 29,070 23,740 17,390 12,920 12,920 10,530 7,700 5,420 3,930 2,880 9,000 10,180 10,480 11,120 11,340 10,710 9,990 8,610 6,430 6,850 6,210 4,900 3,720 2,770 2,070 140 120 270 280 250 210 180 95 60 60 50 25 (6) (6) (6) 1,110 1,160 1,150 1,230 1,050 760 480 310 200 180 170 90 15 00 (6) Transpor Manufac and turing Construc tation other and hand tion public trades utilities 62 63 61 11,940 3,510 10,770 3,030 10,990 3,030 10,880 2,170 8,230 2,300 6,340 1,660 4,750 1,440 3,170 830 2,250 750 2,750 1,930 1,260 790 (6) 350 4,150 4,810 4,850 4,190 3,190 2,100 Trade Finance and real estate Educa tional service Other profes sional service 64 65 66 67 7,180 6,190 6,030 4,060 3,370 1,550 1,470 1,420 800 520 2 , 760 1,530 860 640 1,990 830 1,220 1,680 1,630 1,650 1,170 900 650 510 330 190 2,320 1,720 1,760 1,080 770 500 350 190 140 1,350 780 420 (6) (6) (6) ! 1 Comparable with 1940. 2 Difference between number of persons not reporting industrial affiliation (1,335,000), and excess of the “gainful worker” total over the “labor force” total (1,190,000). 3 Comparable with data for earlier years. 5 Figure Govern Domestic Personal ment not N ot service service elsewhere allocated classified 68 2,610 2,550 2,330 1,700 2,150 1,740 1,520 1,080 940 51,700 1,310 940 (e) (6) (6) 69 70 71 3,100 2,500 2,490 1,630 1,520 970 640 360 250 1,690 1,130 1,050 920 540 300 190 140 3,330 2145 1,340 380 600 370 170 195 140 30 80 65 895 1,160 460 100 4 Comparable with data for later years. corrected for apparent error in source; components now add to total, series D 57. 6N ot available. Series D 72-122. Major Occupation Group of the Economically Active Population, by Sex: 1900 to 1950 [In thousands] Series No. Major occupation group and sex 1950 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 Series No. BOTH SEXES 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Total _ _ _ 58,999 51,742 48,686 42,206 37,291 White-collar workers 21,601 16,082 14,320 10,529 7,962 Professional, technical, and kindred workers 5,081 3,879 3,311 2,283 1,758 Managers, officials, and proprietors, except farm----- 5,155 3,770 3,614 2,803 2,462 Clerical and kindred workers-_ 7,232 4,982 4,336 3,385 1,987 Sales workers. _ _ 4,133 3,450 3,059 2,058 1,755 Manual and service workers____ 30,445 26,666 24,044 20,287 17,797 Manual workers _ 24,266 20,597 19,272 16,974 14,234 Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers 8,350 6,203 6,246 5,482 4,315 Operative and kindred workers __ _ _ . 12,030 9,518 7,691 6 ,58.7 5,441 Laborers, except farm and mine___ _____ 3,885 4,875 5,335 4,905 4,478 Service workers______________ 6,180 6,069 4,772 3,313 3,562 Private household workers __ 1,539 2,412 1,998 1,411 1,851 Service workers, except private household 4,641 3,657 2,774 1,901 1,711 6,953 8,995 10,321 11,390 11,533 Farmworkers____ _ _ Farmers and farm managers. _ 4,375 5,362 6,032 6,442 6,163 Farm laborers and foremen__ 2,578 3,632 4,290 4,948 5,370 29,030 5,115 1,234 1,697 877 1,307 13,027 10,401 3,062 3,720 3,620 2,626 1,579 1,047 10,888 5,763 5,125 MALE 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Total _ _ _ _ _ _ 42,554 39,168 37,933 33,569 White-collar workers___________ 12,974 10,434 9,564 7,176 Professional, technical, and kindred workers _ __ __ 3,074 2,271 1,829 1,275 Managers, officials, and proprietors, except farm___ 4,456 3,356 3,321 2,612 Clerical and kindred workers-_ 2,730 2,282 2,090 1,771 Sales workers_____ 2,715 2,525 2,323 1,518 Manual and service workers____ 23,228 20,247 18,956 16,172 Manual workers 20,581 17,877 17,138 14,923 Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers _ __ _ _ 8,098 6,069 6,140 5,377 74 29,847 6,019 1,032 2,312 1,300 1,376 13,469 12,320 4,209 23,711 4,166 800 1,623 665 1,079 9,664 8,924 2,985 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 Major occupation group and sex 1950 1940 1930 1920 MALE —Con. Manual and service workers—Con. Manual workers—Con. Operative and kindred workers Laborers, except farm and mine _ _ _ Service workers______________ Private household workers __ Service workers, except private household _ Farmworkers _ _ _ Farmers and farm managers _ _ Farm laborers and foremen___ 8,743 3,740 2,647 80 2,568 6,352 4,255 2,097 7,067 4,742 2,370 135 2,235 8,487 5,205 3,282 5,822 5,177 1,818 89 1,729 9,414 5,769 3,645 4,839 4,707 1,250 51 1,199 16,445 8,627 2,007 700 4,502 1,418 7,217 3,685 253 3,287 145 3,532 1,459 2,073 601 120 481 12,574 5,648 1,608 414 2,700 925 6,419 2,720 135 2,452 133 3,699 2,277 1,422 508 157 351 10,752 4,756 1,482 292 2,246 736 5,088 2,134 106 1,870 158 2,954 1,909 1,045 908 263 645 1910 1900 3,739 4,372 1,149 67 1,082 10,221 10,359 6,165 5,884 4,056 4,475 2,456 3,482 740 53 687 9,880 5,451 4,429 7,445 1,943 726 150 688 379 4,327 1,914 106 1,702 106 2,413 1,784 629 1,175 279 895 5,319 949 434 74 212 228 3,363 1,477 76 1,264 137 FEMALE 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Total _ _ White-collar workers _ _ Professional, technical, and kindred workers _ Managers, officials, and proprietors, except farm___ Clerical and kindred workers-Sales workers. _ Manual and service workers____ Manual workers. _ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers_ Operative and kindred workers Laborers, except farm and mine _ Service workers______________ Private household workers.. Service workers, except private household Farmworkers__________________ Farmers and farm managers _ _ Farm laborers and foremen__ 8,637 3,353 1,008 191 1,614 541 4,115 2,052 105 1,748 199 2,063 1,360 703 1,169 277 892 1,886 1,526 359 1,008 311 697 Series D 123-572. Series No. 1Not 1950 1940 1920 1910 1900 b^ es Total _ 58,999 48,686 42,206 37,291 29,030 Professional, technical, and kindred workers_ 5,081 3,879 3,311 2,283 1,758 1,234 Accountants and auditors-------23 390 238 192 118 Actors and actresses---------------21 20 Athletes_______________________ 9 13 Dancers and dancing teachers 14 18 48 Entertainers (n. e. c.)-------------12 17 Sports instructors and officials 25 47 Airplane pilots and navigators _ 6 5 14 1 23 22 Architects_____________________ 25 16 17 Artists and art teachers----------66 57 83 34 35 12 14 Authors_______________________ 17 4 7 Chemists------------------------------------------------------------57 45 77 16 28 Clergymen_______________________________________ 171 141 149 127 118 Religious workers-----------------------------------------------42 42 19 46 Recreation and group workers----------------------------77 95 Social and welfare workers, except group_________ College presidents, prof’rs, & instructors (n. e. c.) _ 77 62 127 16 33 D entists-------------------------------------------------------------71 71 76 40 56 Designers-----------------------------------------------------------32 41 98 45 67 Draftsmen----------------------------------------------------------82 127 Editors and reporters-----------------------------------------61 66 93 36 39 Engineers, technical-------------------------------------543 297 217 134 77 Engineers, civil____________________________ 97 128 40 56 Engineers, chemical----------------------------------13 34 Engineers, metallurgical, and metallurgists _ 7 11 12 23 Engineers, mining-------------------------------------Engineers, electrical_______________________ 65 110 15 27 Engineers, industrial---------------------------------13 42 Engineers, aeronautical____________________ 14 Engineers, mechanical_____________________ 58 207 15 39 Engineers (n. e. c .)-----------------------------------Farm and home management advisors_______ 4 12 13 3 1 16 Funeral directors and embalmers____________ 34 40 41 21 24 Lawyers and judges____________ 184 182 161 123 115 108 Librarians______________________ 3 30 39 57 7 15 92 Musicians and music teachers__ 166 167 165 130 139 Nurses, professional____________ 12 491 377 294 149 82 Nurses, student professional____ Optometrists----------------------------10 15 1 7 Pharmacists____________________ 84 90 54 64 Photographers_________________ 33 56 30 29 Physicians and surgeons________ 195 168 157 146 152 Osteopaths_____________________ 6 6 5 5 131 Chiropractors__________________ 12 11 13 12 5 Therapists and healers (n. e. c.) _ 14 18 25 Radio operators________________________________________ 5 7 17 4 5 Surveyors_______________________________________________ 15 17 27 8 Teachers (n. e. c .)---------------------------------------------------------- ,149 1,086 1,044 7529 595 436 Technicians, medical and dental________________________ 73 158 Technicians, testing____________________________________ Technicians (n. e. c .)___________________________________ 11 28 Veterinarians___________________________________________ 11 14 13 Dietitians and nutritionists_____________________________ Foresters and conservationists__________________________ Natural scientists (n. e. c.)_____________________________ 73 302 Personnel and labor relations workers___________________ Social scientists_________________________________________ Professional, technical, and kindred workers (n. e. c.)-----Farmers and farm managers_____________________ 4,375 5,362 6,442 Farmers (owners and tenants)_________________________ 4,339 5,324 5,992 6,384 5,132 5,752 Farm managers_________________________________________ 40 10 38 36 31 Managers, officials, and proprietors, exc. farm_ 5,155 3,770 3,614 2,803 2,462 1,697 Buyers and department heads, store________________ 147 0) Buyers and shippers, farm products________________ 29 Conductors, railroad______________________________ 57 Credit men_______________________________________ 34 Floormen and floor managers, store_________________ available. 11 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 Occupation Managers, officials, & propr’s., exc. farm—Con. Inspectors (n. e. c.), public administration______________ Officials (n. e. c.), public administration_________________ Inspectors (n. e. c.), Federal public administration and postal service__________________________________ Officials and administrators (n. e. c.), Federal public administration and postal service__________________ Inspectors (n. e. c.), State public administration______ Officials & admins, (n. e. c.), State public admin______ Inspectors (n. e. c.), local public administration______ Officials & admins, (n. e. c.), local public admin______Managers and superintendents, building________________ Officers, pilots, pursers, and engineers, ship_____________ Officials, lodge, society, union, etc______________________ Postmasters____________________________________________ Purchasing agents and buyers (n. e. c.)_________________ Managers, officials, and proprietors (n. e. c .)___________ Construction________________________________________ Manufacturing_______________________________________ Transportation_______________________________________ Telecommunications, & utilities & sanitary services__ Wholesale trade_____________________________________ Retail trade_________________________________________ Eating and drinking places_______________________ Food & dairy products stores, & milk retailing_____ General merchandise and five and ten cent stores-__ Apparel and accessories stores_____________________ Motor vehicles and accessories retailing____________ Gasoline service stations___________________________ Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores _ Hardware, farm implement, & bldg. material retail _ Other retail trade_________________________________ Banking and other finance___________________________ Insurance and real estate____________________________ Automobile repair services and garages_______________ Miscellaneous repair services_________________________ Personal services____________________________________ Business services____________________________________ All other industries (incl. not reported)______________ Clerical and kindred workers____________________ Agents (n. e. c.)________________________________________ Collectors, bill and account____________________________ Attendants and assistants, library______________________ Attendants, physician's and dentist’s office_____________ Baggagemen, transportation___________________________ Bookkeepers___________________________________________ Cashiers_______________________________________________ Express messengers and railway mail clerks____________ Mail carriers___________________________________________ Stenographers, typists, and secretaries__________________ Messengers and office boys_____________________________ Telegraph messengers__________________________________ Telegraph operators____________________________________ Telephone operators-----------------------------------------------------Ticket, station, and express agents_____________________ Office machine operators_______________________________ Shipping and receiving clerks__________________________ Bank tellers___________________________________________ Dispatchers and starters, vehicle----------------------------------Clerical and kindred workers (n. e. c .)__________________ Sales workers----------------------------------------------------Advertising agents and salesmen----------------------------------Auctioneers____________________________________________ Demonstrators-------------------------------------------------------------Hucksters and peddlers------------------------------------------------Insurance agents and brokers---------------------------------------Newsboys--------------------------------------------------------------------Real estate agents and brokers_________________________ 1950 58 158 28 51 10 24 20 83 68 43 28 39 65 4,419 296 665 151 68 343 1,977 370 512 128 130 119 186 98 131 305 143 117 86 35 216 63 259 7,232 128 24 13 43 8 994 19 171 1,661 60 8 36 375 61 150 304 3,178 1940 1930 43 1920 1910 124 100 72 58 40 40 11 15 21 12 70 61 72 71 35 49 26 15 40 34 34 29 3,197 3,113 175 199 432 447 90 98 54 39 225 152 1,620 1,592 270 165 469 540 111 184 99 96 65 62 183 89 57 95 456 271 126 174 65 66 66 93 14 9 129 105 33 > 140 169 4,982 4,336 73 102 45 43 24 2 35 28 6 9 721 738 23 26 124 121 1,223 1,097 64 80 17 16 42 68 214 249 47 38 66 38 233 } 2,026 (1,681 42 20 18 9 49 7 44 4 35 122 20 43 32 0 ) 49 43 45 12 8 C1) 29 19 25 7 18 8 2,390 2,135 1,511 107 183 58 406 350 174 83 66 82 25 6 19 78 143 104 1,220 1,119 930 106 129 110 444 395 162 167 97 85 29 5 820 15 2 368 336 122 38 56 8 76 107 75 29 5 7 88 74 76 14 0) 72 36 3,385 1,987 59 1 25 91 786 110 9 75 190 37 22 81 387 103 9 66 98 35 19 232 28 134 66 56 19 27 1,323 235 25 5 5 50 120 28 89 1,755 1,307 12 3 3 77 78 7 34 J 4,133 3,450 3,059 41 35 40 4 6 4 10 8 14 55 24 57 312 253 257 58 101 39 145 119 150 D 123-255 -3 Cn [In thousands. “N. e. c.” means not elsewhere classified] LABOR FORCE 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 Occupation Detailed Occupation of the Economically Active Population: 1900 to 1950 Series D 123-572. Detailed Occupation of the Economically Active Population: 1900 to 1950—Con. Series No. Occupation 1930 1920 1910 [In thousands] 1900 Series No. Occupation 1950 1940 1930 1900 LABOR Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers— Con. Sales workers—Con. 23 31 28 19 26 323 Paper hangers----------------------------------------------------------------22 22 18 6 11 11 256 Stock and bond salesmen--------------------38 30 30 28 24 324 Pattern and model makers, except paper________________ 15 Salesmen and sales clerks (n. e. c .): 8 5 7 7 7 325 Piano and organ tuners and repairmen--------------------------4 Manufacturing--------------------------------257 Plasterers---------------------------------------------------------------------66 53 38 70 48 326 35 Wholesale trade____________________ 258 >3,485 2,893 2,482 1,724 1,454 1,089 327 Plumbers and pipe fitters_______________________________ 304 211 238 207 148 92 Retail trade------------------------------------259 32 33 31 25 18 328 Rollers and roll hands, metal___________________________ 6 Other industries (incl. not reported) _ 260 12 50 33 24 14 329 Roofers and slaters_____________________________________ 9 68 76 79 60 70 102 330 Shoemakers and repairers, except factory_______________ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers. 8,350 6,203 6,246 5,482 4,315 261 15 23 331 Stone cutters and stone carvers_________________________ 9 23 36 37 70 90 98 128 139 141 262 Bakers____________________________________ 31 47 33 18 57 4 45 31 332 Structural metal workers_______________________________ 50 40 74 33 263 Boilermakers---------------------------------------------88 120 169 192 205 134 26 333 Tailors and tailoresses__________________________________ 17 19 19 33 19 264 Bookbinders_______________________________ 75 91 83 60 133 49 181 141 171 135 160 149 334 Tinsmiths, coppersmiths, and sheet metal workers_______ 265 Brickmasons, stonemasons, and tile setters _ 24 42 65 43 20 26 36 335 Upholsterers____________________________________________ 63 43 .60 50 78 266 Cabinetmakers------------------------------------------76 73 47 43 60 1,016 776 917 885 815 596 336 Craftsmen and kindred workers (n. e. c.)________________ 267 Carpenters------------------------------------------------337 Members of the Armed Forces 2_________________________ 9 15 32 8 34 268 Cement and concrete finishers-------------------4 8 8 5 12 269 Electrotypers and stereotypers------------------Operatives and kindred workers_________________ 12,030 9,518 7,691 6,587 338 3,720 9 10 270 Engravers, except photoengravers-------------22 23 23 | 28 29 271 Photoengravers and lithographers-------------339 Apprentice carpenters__________________________________ 182 181 184 140 128 272 Compositors and typesetters---------------------340 Apprentice electricians__________________________________ 31 20 36 19 51 273 Pressmen and plate printers, printing--------341 Apprentice plumbers and pipefitters____________________ 342 Apprentices, printing trades------------------------------------------5 20 46 30 274 Decorators and window dressers----------------------------343 Apprentice machinists and toolmakers__________________ 332 221 253 192 108 275 Electricians-----------------------------------------------------------344 auto mechanics_____________________________ 276 Cranemen, derrickmen, and hoistmen______________ ) 223 123 \ 294 258 219 134 345 Apprentice Apprentice bricklayers and masons--------------------------------277 Excavating, grading, and road machinery operators . 42 346 Apprentice mechanics, except auto______________________ 33 201 222 278 Stationary engineers----------------------------------------------347 Apprentices, building trade (n. e. c.)____________________ 49 279 Blacksmiths----------------------------------------------------------99 209 220 348 60 Apprentices, metalworking trades (n. e. c.)______________ 280 Forgemen and hammermen________________________ 349 Apprentices, other specified trades---------------------------------12 281 Foremen (n. e. c .)----------------------------------------------------------- 867 585 551 485 318 162 350 Apprentices, trade not specified------------------------------------43 15 14 79 62 Construction--------------------------------------------------------------282 6 17 3 90 351 Asbestos and insulation workers________________________ Manufacturing-----------------------------------------------------------525 310 293 296 164 283 352 Attendants, auto service and parking___________________ 253 245 144 Metal industries-----------------------------------------------------284 353 Blasters and powdermen________________________________ 1 12 7 7 112 Machinery, including electrical_____________________ 285 354 Boatmen, canalmen, and lock keepers___________________ 6 9 6 13 Transportation equipment--------------------------------------286 355 Brakemen, railroad_____________________________________ 82 77 173 53 Textiles, textile products, and apparel---------------------72 287 356 Switchmen, railroad------------------------------------------------------63 50 Other durable goods________________________________ 235 144 288 Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg.)___ 289 357 Chainmen, rodmen, and axmen, surveying______________ 3 4 4 11 64 24 69 18 37 57 81 12 38 358 Conductors, bus and street railway_____________________ 51 55 Railroads and railway express service-------------------------290 359 Deliverymen and routemen_____________________________ 167 170 294 187 230 253 15 Transportation, except railroad_______________________ 20 291 24 10 360 Dressmakers and seamstresses, except factory___________ 31 147 172 198 259 467 413 27 Telecommunications, & utilities & sanitary services----41 292 45 15 24 361 Dyers---------------------------------------------------------------------------5 26 14 63 28 18 164 104 Other industries (incl. not reported)---------------------------293 362 Filers, grinders, and polishers, m etal____________________ 60 17 8 117 79 50 7 12 160 9 16 14 294 Furriers____________________________________________ 8 37 25 10 5 447 451 446 265 288 221 363 Fruit, nut, & veget. graders & packers, exc. factory_____ 295 Painters, construction and maintenance------------------364 Furnacemen, smeltermen, and pourers__________________ 24 26 33 20 13 59 8 11 296 Glaziers____________________________________________ 365 Heaters, m etal__________________________________________ 16 5 2 10 10 15 10 6 3 11 19 297 H eat treaters, annealers, and temperers------------------366 142 91 132 Laundry and dry cleaning operatives___________________ 7 462 314 265 7 7 18 17 Inspectors, scalers, and graders, log and lumber------298 61 367 Meat cutters, except slaughter and packing house_______ 41 33 78 77 53 180 160 120 82 99 299 Inspectors (n. e. c.)-------------------------------------------------368 Milliners_______________________________________________ 50 100 75 4 25 7 15 3 13 9 8 Construction-------------------------------------------------------300 28 39 43 30 37 Railroads and railway express service-----------------301 14 Mine operatives and laborers (n. e. c.): 10 14 13 Transp. exc. railroad, commun., & other pub. util. 302 369 Coal mining__________________________________________ 14 17 21 30 40 Other industries (incl. not reported)--------------------303 370 660 995 Crude petroleum and natural gas extraction__________ \ 620 845 39 23 371 Mining and quarrying, except fuel____________________ 40 36 304 Jewelers, watchmakers, goldsmiths, and silversmiths. 372 12 3 Motormen, mine, factory, logging camp, etc____________ 106 20 17 51 18 ' 25 116 219 305 Linemen & servicemen, telegraph, telephone, & power. 63 56 Motormen, street, subway, and elevated railway________ 27 39 58 67 104 113 74 306 Locomotive engineers_________________________________ 107 373 374 Oilers and greasers, except auto_________________________ 25 14 67 31 91 40 63 50 57 307 Locomotive firemen__________________________________ 55 61 49 19 9 375 Painters, except construction and maintenance__________ 126 104 83 16 32 25 308 Loom fixers----------------------------------------------------------------2 2 376 Photographic process workers___________________________ 3 8 15 30 377 21 12 Power station operators_________________________________ 22 22 29 309 Job setters, m etal_______________________________ 571 310 Machinists______________________________________ 40 55 47 378 Sailors and deckhands__________________________________ 65 47 55 28 75 311 Mechanics and repairmen, airplane_____________ 18 379 Sawyers------------------------------------------------------------------------34 43 36 50 100 693 448 312 Mechanics and repairmen, automobile__________ 56 74 83 81 88 113 46 1,387 1,168 520 304 380 Spinners, textile________________________________________ 49 313 Mechanics and repairmen, railroad and car shop. 73 144 111 381 127 130 128 Stationary firemen______________________________________ 314 Mechanics and repairmen, office machine-----------382 Bus drivers_____________________________________________ 987 436 315 Mechanics and repairmen, radio and television. 46 285 383 Taxicab drivers and chauffeurs__________________________ 1,515 316 Mechanics and repairmen (n. e. c .)______________ 384 Truck and tractor drivers______________________________ 160 100 317 Toolmakers, and die makers and setters------------202 155 109 225 219 385 Weavers, textile________________________________________ 105 54 37 386 Welders and flame-cutters______________________________ 283 137 23 16 16 10 23 318 Millers, grain, flour, feed, etc-------------------17 42 61 44 38 319 Millwrights----------------------------------------------387 Operatives and kindred workers (n. e. c.)________________ 6,627 4,654 3,634 3,284 2,451 1,592 86 105 124 121 65 320 Molders, metal----------------------------------------Manufacturing------------------------------------------------------------ 5,847 4,225, 3,189, 3,076i 2,318 1,443 4 24 388 27 20 10 321 Motion picture projectionists-------------------9 20 12 13 11 322 Opticians, and lens grinders and polishers. 2 Consists solely of civilians seeking work whose last job was as a member of the Armed Forces. D 256-388 -3 o> Series D 123-572. Detailed Occupation of the Economically Active Population: 1900 to 1950—Con. 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 Operatives and kindred workers— Con. Operatives and kindred workers (n. e. c.)— Con. Manufacturing— Con. Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork_______________ Miscellaneous wood products_______________________ Furniture and fixtures______________________________ Glass and glass products___________________________ Cement & concrete, gypsum, & piaster products____ Structural clay products____________________________ Pottery and related products_______________________ Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral & stone prod____ Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment________ Ship and boat building and repairing_______________ Blast furnaces, steelworks, and rolling mills________ Other primary iron and steel industries_____________ Fabricated steel products----------------------------------------Office and store machines and devices_______________ Miscellaneous machinery----------------------------------------N ot specified metal industries______________________ Agricultural machinery and tractors________________ Aircraft and parts--------------------------------------------------Railroad & miscellaneous transportation equipment. _ Primary nonferrous industries______________________ Fabricated nonferrous metal products______________ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies______ Professional equipment and supplies________________ Photographic equipment and supplies_______________ W atches, clocks, and clockwork-operated devices___ Miscellaneous manufacturing industries_____________ Meat products_____________________________________ Canning & preserving fruits, veget., & seafood______ Dairy products_____________________________ _______ Grain-mill products________________________________ Bakery products___________________________________ Confectionery and related products_________________ Beverage industries________________________________ Miscellaneous food preparations & kindred products. _ N ot specified food industries________________________ Tobacco manufactures_____________________________ Knitting mills______________________________________ Dyeing and finishing textiles, except knit goods_____ Carpets, rugs, and other floor covering______________ Yarn, thread, and fabric mills______________________ Miscellaneous textile mill products_________________ Apparel and accessories____________________________ Miscellaneous fabricated textile products___________ Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills_________________ Miscellaneous paper and pulp products_____________ Paperboard containers and boxes___________________ Printing, publishing, and allied industries___________ Synthetic fibers____________________________________ Paints, varnishes, and related products_____________ Drugs and medicines_______________________________ Miscellaneous chemicals and allied products________ Petroleum refining_________________________________ Miscellaneous petroleum and coal products_________ Rubber products___________________________________ Leather: tanned, curried, and finished______________ Footwear, except rubber___________________________ Leather products, except footwear__________________ N ot specified manufacturing industries______________ Nonmanufacturing industries (incl. not reported)_____ Construction_______________________________________ Railroads and railway express service_______________ Transportation, except railroad_____________________ Telecommunications, & utilities & sanitary serv__ Wholesale and retail trade__________________________ Business and repair services________________________ Public administration___________________ ___________ Personal services_________________________ ______ __ All other iudustries (incl. not reported)- - - - - - - - - - 1950 151 46 132 76 30 23 35 28 371 15 133 324 40 273 4 52 67 19 1940 63 36 82 54 13 16 25 18 208 19 105 209 24 123 12 21 1920 92 52 45 6 105 44 42 9 13 16 9 125 53 21 6 8 10 17 170 11 397 1900 Series No. 1910 121 370 27 11 356 60 258 48 150 29 172 132 95 62 33 68 51 57 51 91 52 36 17 45 49 36 29 70 154 26 26 477 32 824 58 106 61 64 80 27 18 149 48 7 127 32 226 50 43 780 71 96 37 52 311 54 54 105 1930 86 192 24 21 426 35 734 53 87 28 41 59 31 34 117 32 65 172 192 18 133 102 12 4 9 31 20 16 104 129 20 17 324 35 422 15 64 17 14 51 21 145 104 18 14 323 46 365 21 55 14 20 48 152 85 16 15 269 48 336 18 36 10 18 42 4 33 4 12 72 30 2 85 35 228 44 74 429 40 73 24 24 145 38 81 29 210 26 139 445 15 98 57 74 30 75 165 11 11 6 32 206 33 207 208 4 111 30 40 8 4 12 32 34 181 29 93 116 41 13 10 202 31 225 21 21 19 16 1 2 15 26 98 31 67 149 7 137 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 Occupation Private household workers_______________________ Laundresses, private household—living in _______________ Laundresses, private household—living out______________ Housekeepers, private household—living in ______________ Housekeepers, private household—living out____________ Private household workers (n. e. c.)—living in ___________ Private household workers (n. e. c.)—living out_________ Service workers, except private household________ Attendants, hospital and other institution_______________ Midwives_______________________________________________ Practical nurses_________________________________________ Attendants, professional & personal service (n. e. c .)_____ Attendants, recreation and amusement__________________ Ushers, recreation and amusement______________________ Barbers, beauticians, and manicurists___________________ Bartenders______________________________________________ Boarding and lodging housekeepers______________________ Bootblacks--------------------------------------------------------------------Charwomen and cleaners________________________________ Cooks, except private household_________________________ Elevator operators______________________________________ Firemen, fire protection_________________________________ Guards, watchmen, and doorkeepers____________________ Policemen and detectives, government__________________ Policemen and dectectives, private______________________ Marshals and constables________________________________ Housekeepers and stewards, except private household____ Janitors and sextons____________________________________ Porters_________________________________________________ Sheriffs and bailiffs_____________________________________ Counter and fountain workers___________________________ Waiters and waitresses__________________________________ Watchmen (crossing) and bridge tenders________________ Service workers, except private household (n. e. c .)______ Farm laborers and foremen______________________ Farm foremen__________________________________________ Farm laborers, wageworkers____________________________ Farm laborers, unpaid family workers___________________ Farm service laborers, self-employed____________________ Laborers, except farm and mine__________________ Fishermen and oystermen_______________________________ Garage laborers, and car washers and greasers___________ Gardeners, except farm, and groundskeepers_____________ Longshoremen and stevedores___________________________ Lumbermen, raftsmen, and woodchoppers______________ Teamsters______________________________________________ Laborers (n. e. c.)_______________________________________ Manufacturing_______________________________________ Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork______________ Miscellaneous wood products_______________________ Furniture and fixtures______________________________ Glass and glass products____________________________ Cement & concrete, gypsum, & plaster products____ Structural clay products____________________________ Pottery and related products_______________________ Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral & stone prod____ Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment________ Ship and boat building and repairing_______________ Blast furnaces, steelworks, and rolling mills________ Other primary iron and steel industries_____________ Fabricated steel products___________________________ Office and store machines and devices_______________ Miscellaneous machinery___________________________ Not specified metal industries_______________________ Agricultural machinery and tractors________________ Aircraft and parts__________________________________ Railroad & miscellaneous transportation equipment-_ 1950 76 150 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 2,412 1,998 1,411 1,851 1,579 203 344 375 513 280 410 1,654 1,036 1,338 1,299 1,799 4,641 3,657 2,774| 216 102 151 115 198 42 52 4 64 66 29 22 26 396 449 371 214 131 74 144 30 16 15 19 72 128 52 478 349 292 87 97 68 82 112 73 255 216 148 176 135 ■ 145 21 21 7 9 9 90 61 112 482 377 310 179 182 151 19 16 15 836 636 415 12 10 13 561 360 259 2,578 3,632 4,290 17 17 28 1,617 2,405 2,597 934 1,208 1,660 3 10 5 3,885 4,875 5,335 64 75 73 72 63 77 159 163 168 74 73 74 196 169 147 31 120 23 3,288 4,312 4,675 1,209 1,598 1,960 152 230 27 18 35 21 21 16 24 26 29 39 7 7 14 51 71 124 23 16 17 145 201 1,901 1,711 1,047 157 3 13 214 26 133 15 31 200 41 51 116 94 7 52 179 102 11 13 203 4,948 35 2,271 2,633 10 133 109 2 9 193 101 165 14 29 174 25 36 78 68 6 133 89 71 8 1 9j 45 113 96 7 29 117 13 15 116 34 57 42 5 200 107 10 4 203 93 370 5,125 19 2,832 2,514 6 4,905 4,478 3,620 53 68 69 4 33 65 71 24 86 63 29 180 139 117 412 441 374 4,070 3,696 3,007 2,169 1,487 723 280 289 24 35 7 29 25 15 36 30 13 49 78 42 12 9 6 7 7 5 16 83 12 69 544 419 145 D 389-523 Occupation [In thousands] LABOR FORCE Series No. D 524-572 Series D 123-572. Detailed Occupation of the Economically Active Population: 1900 to 1950—Con. -3 00 [In thousands] Series No. 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 Occupation Laborers, except farm and mine— Con. Laborers (n.e.c.)— Con. Manufacturing— Con. 1950 ) Photographic equipment and supplies. ) Watches, clocks, and clockwork-operated devices___ Miscellaneous manufacturing industries ) Meat products _ _ __ Canning & preserving fruits, veget., & seafood __ Dairy products __ _ Grain-mill products - Bakery products _ __ _ Confectionery and related products- - __ Beverage industries Miscellaneous food preparations & kindred prod-----N ot specified food industries-_ _ _ } Tobacco manufactures _ _ Knitting mills Dyeing and finishing textiles, except knit goods - Carpets rugs and other floor coverings Yarn, thread, and fabric mills Miscellaneous textile mill products Apparel and accessories Miscellaneous fabricated textile products__ Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills - _ Miscellaneous paper and pulp products._________ 39 37 18 43 30 41 27 j1 37 27 15 47 34 17 43 26 17 16 33 33 4 20 10 4 25 24 10 3 3 6 50 4 9 3 29 9 21 8 8 22 29 17 5 5 7 71 7 10 3 44 6 74 1920 1900 Series No. 1910 43 27 101 11 43 9 26 32 34 10 } 5 9 5 3 19 17 21 35 16 4 4 59 12 6 9 8 5 94 5 14 1 52 4 60 19 15 18 8 7 33 11 12 11 120 8 12 1 52 3 8 10 8 8 1 31 2 } 550 15 551 8 552 553 30 554 555 556 557 12 558 5 10 559 3 560 3 561 12 562 3 563 564 14 565 4 566 9 567 2 568 44 5 569 5 570 1 571 572 1950 Occupation Laborers, except farm and mine— Con. Laborers (n.e.c.)— Con. Manufacturing— Con. Paperboard containers and boxes. _ Printing, publishing, and allied industries Synthetic fibers Paints, varnishes, and related products Drugs and medicines _ _ . Miscellaneous chemical and allied products Petroleum, refining _ Miscellaneous petroleum and coal products Rubber products Leather: tanned, curried, and finished Footwear, except rubber. _ _ _ Leather products, except footwear N ot specified manufacturing industries Nonmanufacturing industries (incl. not reported) Construction _ _ _ Railroads and railway express service - _ Transportation, except railroad Telecommunications, & utilities & sanitary serv Wholesale and retail trade Business and repair services _ _ Public administration Personal services All other industries (incl. not reported) _ _ 1940 10 12 3 5 } 61 25 6 17 8 6 2 11 2,079 788 293 119 135 345 15 107 83 194 1930 1920 3 5 10 10 11 6 6 5 77 28 1910 3 8 5 79 80 32 41 8 9 5 20 29 51 11 17 27 12 18 19 3 8 3 44 114 191 2,714 2,715 1,901 1,340 710 391 278 490 543 98 103 | 249 199 250 253 182 2 7 15 52 134 93 64 | 864 490 520 1900 1 5 3 45 11 11 14 1 4 2 15 5 11 6 16 5 3 79 2,210 2,284 20 531 599 284 86 195 68 152 2 1 56 675 1,825 21 10 4 109 14 LABOR 1930 1940 chapter D HOURS, WAGES, AND WORKING CONDITIONS (Series D 573-792) D 573-577. Daily hours and indexes of daily wages in all industries and in building trades, January 1860-1891. Source: U. S. Congress, “Aldrich Report,” Senate Report No. 1394, 52d Congress, 2d Session, part I, pp. 173-180. The Aldrich Report is the leading source of data on average wages and hours for 1840-1891. The only other large body of data relating to this period covers 1860-1880 (Joseph D. Weeks, Report on the Statistics of Wages in Manufacturing Industries, Tenth Census, vol. 20). The basic wage data of the Aldrich Report were collected in 1891 and 1892 from the records of wages by occupation in 88 establishments in the Northeast, including Maryland. Those occupational wage series going back to 1860 were combined into industry indexes. Series starting after 1860 were not used in the indexes. D 573-575 cover 21 industries including railroads, building trades, groceries, dry goods, city public works, illuminat ing gas, sidewalks, and 14 manufacturing industries. The source also contains data for the same period on wages in the coal, iron, glass, and pottery industries, and on teachers’ salaries in certain areas. In computing the weighted averages for series D 573 and D 574, shifting employment weights based on occupational data from the censuses of population were used. Data for 1840-1859 for series D 573-577 are shown in the source, but the coverage is so inadequate that they are of little value. The Aldrich Report indexes have been severely criticized by A. L. Bowley, Wesley C. Mitchell, and others, on several grounds including the failure to use the wage data for July of each year, the use of simple averages to combine occupa tions, and the overweighting of industries for which data were scanty. Mitchell’s alternative processing of the wage data is shown in series D 578-588; however, it extends only to 1880. For 1880-1891, the Aldrich Report indexes are the only published summary of these wage data that covers all years. For certain industries and years, alternative indexes are presented in A. L. Bowley, “Comparison of the Rates of Increase of Wages in the United States and in Great Britain,” Econo?nic Journal, vol. V, 1895, pp. 368-383. D 578-588. Indexes of average daily wages in all industries, in selected industries, and by degree of skill, January and July, 1860-1880. Source: Wesley C. Mitchell, Gold, Prices, and Wages Under the Greenback Standard, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1908, pp. 120, 145-152. The data underlying these indexes are from the Aldrich Report (see text for series D 573-577). The source also pre sents indexes of the medians and deciles of wages for most of the industries in series D 578-586, some indexes of means by Note. The series on wages and earnings in this section are in “current” (or money) dollars rather than dollars of fixed purchasing power. Although the current dollar is the proper unit for measuring wages and earnings for many purposes, it often tends to be a m isleading indicator of purchas ing power. If information is desired on the changes in purchasing power of earnings, money wages or earnings should be converted to real terms by dividing them by an appropriate index of consumer prices. Several such indexes are given in chapter E. sex, indexes of medians and deciles by occupation, and in dexes of means, medians, and deciles by initial wage level. In addition, the source contains a similar processing of the wage data of the Weeks Report (see text for series D 573577). D 578-586 are weighted arithmetic means of wage indexes by occupation for all industries covered in the Aldrich Report and for establishments in each industry. The weights are the number of workers included in each series at each date. D 587 is an index of the median of wage indexes by oc cupation for unskilled men in all industries, excluding one establishment (Establishment 35, City Public Works, New York) that included about half the total number of unskilled men covered in the Aldrich Report. D 588 is an index of the median of wage indexes by occu pation for skilled men, excluding foremen and overseers and helpers of craftsmen. D 589-602. Hours and earnings in manufacturing, in selected nonmanufacturing industries, and for “lower-skilled” labor, 1890-1926. Source: Paul H. Douglas, Real Wages in the United States, 1890-1926, Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, 1930. D 589-590 are weighted averages of series D 591 and D 593 and series D 592 and D 594, respectively. The union scales of wages are substantially higher and less flexible than the wages of all workers in the “union” industries. Since the weight of the “union” industries in the all-manufacturing average is based on the total number of skilled and semiskilled workers in the industries, the total manufacturing average is too high (see Leo Wolman, “American Wages,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, XLVI, 1932, pp. 398-406). D 591-592, beginning in 1907, are weighted averages of trade union scales for occupations. The weights are union membership by crafts. The series are extrapolated back to 1890 by use of payroll data from the sources of series D 593 and D 594. D 593-594, average hours and earnings for “payroll” man ufacturing industries, are averages weighted by employment data from employer payrolls (see text for series D 618-625), given in various Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) bulle tins and in the Nineteenth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor. Until 1913, the original data are for selected occu pations only, and exclude most laborers and some other un skilled workers. Therefore, for 1890-1913 the series are ex trapolations backward from the 1914 level. Differences between series D 591-592 and D 593-594 are not necessarily reliable indicators of differences in wages and hours between workers in union and nonunion industries. Be cause the biases in series D 591-592 are probably much greater than those in series D 593-594, it may sometimes be desir able to use only the ‘latter to represent all manufacturing. D 595, average hours in bituminous coal mining, is estimated from union contracts and their coverage for 1890-1903; after 1903, it is based on data from the U. S. Geological Survey. D 596, average hourly earnings, was obtained by dividing series D 612, average annual earnings, by average days 79 LABOR D 597-625 worked, as reported by the U. S. Geological Survey; the re for census years, with data from 3 States used to interpolate for other years; and beginning in 1895, earnings of salaried sulting series was divided by daily hours worked. workers in railroads from the Interstate Commerce Commis D 597, average full-time earnings on railroads, is based on average daily wages by occupations, 1895-1914; for 1914-1926, sion, with data from 2 State railway commissions and 1 rail it is based on average hourly wages as reported by the Inter road used to extrapolate back to 1890. D 612, bituminous coal mining, is based on aggregate state Commerce Commission and estimated daily hours. D 598-599, average hours and earnings in the building wage payments from the censuses of mines and quarries of 1889, 1902, 1909, and 1919 as revised in the Fourteenth Census trades, were obtained in the same way as series D 591-592. (1920), divided by employment figures reported by the U. S. D 600, average hours for postal employees, is based on Geological Survey. Figures for intercensal years are interpo nominal hours as set by law, adjusted (after 1920) for sick lations based on data from the State labor bureaus or depart leave. ments of mines of 5 major coal-producing States. D 601, average hourly earnings, is estimated by dividing D 613, farm labor, is based on the Department of Agri series D 615 by 52 to obtain weekly earnings and then by culture series of daily wages of farm labor without board dividing again by series D 600 to obtain hourly earnings. and of monthly wages of farm labor without board. Data D 602, average full-time weekly earnings for “lower- for 1900-1909 are linear interpolations covering from 1 to 3 skilled” labor, is reproduced in the source from Whitney years each. Coombs, The Wages of Unskilled Labor in Manufacturing In D 614, Federal employees, covers employees of Federal dustries in the United States, 1890-1921+, Columbia University executive departments in Washington, D. C., only. The Press, New York, 1926, p. 99. It is based on the wages of data are from the Official Register, adjusted to include bonuses the least skilled or lowest paid occupations reported for each paid during 1917-1924. industry in BLS bulletins and in the Nineteenth Annual Report D 615, postal employees, covers letter carriers and, be of the Commissioner of Labor, except that the figure for 1920 is based on the data of the National Industrial Conference ginning in 1906, postal clerks in first and second class post Board. Since these sources exclude most laborers before 1914, offices. The data are from the Annual Reports of the Post the series is labelled here as “lower skilled,” though it is master General, adjusted to calendar years. called “unskilled” by Coombs and by Douglas. D 616, public school teachers, covers teachers, principals, D 603-617. Average annual earnings in all industries and in and supervisors in public elementary and secondary schools. The data are from the Annual Reports of the U. S. Commis selected industries and occupations, 1890-1926. sioner of Education, adjusted to a calendar-year basis. Data Source: See source for series D 589-602. for some years after 191& are interpolations based on studies D 603-604, all industries averages, are weighted averages of the National Education Association. of series D 605-617 and an additional series beginning in D 617, ministers, covers salaries of Methodist and Congre 1902 for anthracite coal. The weights change annually and gational ministers as reported in the Methodist Year Book and are based on decennial census employment estimates. Inter the Annual Congregational Gray Book. polations of weights for intercensal years are based on State employment data when available; elsewhere they are linear. D 618-625. Indexes of wages, hours, and earnings in manu The weights for decennial census years and 1926 are shown facturing and in the building trades, 1890-1907. in the source, p. 390. Source: Department of Commerce and Labor, Bulletin of D 605, wage earners in manufacturing, is based on data the Bureau of Labor, No. 77, 1908, p. 7; Leo Wolman, “Hours from the census of manufacturers for census years (total of Work in American Industry,” Bulletin 71, National Bureau wages paid and wage earners). Figures for intercensal years of Economic Research, 1938, p. 2. are interpolated using similar data from the labor bureaus of in 1900, the Bureau of Labor of the Department a number of States. Census data for 1890 are adjusted to of Beginning Commerce and Labor undertook, in somewhat modified form, eliminate the hand trades. a continuation of the Aldrich Report (see text for series D 606, wage earners of steam railroads, is based on Inter D 573-577). The Nineteenth Annual Report of the Commis state Commerce Commission data since 1905, and extrapolated sioner of Labor, 1904, contains the results of the studies for back to 1890 using data from several State railroad com 1890-1903. Somewhat similar surveys were made for 1904missions. 1907 and the information for the entire period was summarized D 607, street railways, is based on the Eleventh Census in Bulletin No. 77, cited above. The Nineteenth Annual Re (1890) and the censuses of electrical industries. Figures for port and the subsequent Bulletins (Nos. 59, 65, 71, and 77) intercensal years are interpolations based on data from several show the basic wage, hour, and employment averages for each State railroad and public utility commissions and State labor of the individual occupations and industries and for selected occupations by States and for large cities. bureaus. D 608-609, telephone and telegraph industries, are based on The Bureau of Labor figures (series D 618-620) include the censuses of electrical industries. Figures for intercensal years building and other hand and neighborhood trades. Wolman’s are interpolations based on data published by the Pennsylvania figures (series D 621) exclude the building and hand trades. Department of Internal Affairs. The data in the Nineteenth Annual Report are based on D 610, gas and electricity, is based on the censuses of information obtained from 3,475 establishments in 67 indus electrical industries (electricity) and on the censuses of manu tries, covering 519 occupations. Agents of the Bureau of factures (gas). Figures for intercensal years are interpola Labor collected wages, hours, and employment data separately tions based on data for New York City, Wisconsin, Illinois, by occupation and sex from the records of each establishment. and Pennsylvania, from State sources. Such data were taken only for what were judged principal D 611, clerical workers in manufacturing and steam rail occupations in each industry and only for the period within roads, is based on: Average earnings of salaried workers each year that was judged “normal” for the establishment. in manufacturing computed from the censuses of manufactures By and large, the basic data for each occupation (separately 80 HOURS, WAGES, AND by sex) were for establishments whose records were complete enough to supply the data for each year 1890-1903. For 1890-1903, average hourly wages and average full time weekly hours, weighted by employment, were computed for each occupation, separately by sex. Each of the occu pational series was converted to an index number with the average for 1890-1899 as the base. Within each industry, simple arithmetic means of the individual occupational indexes were then computed. Series D 622 and D 624 are unweighted means of the occupational indexes in the building trades. The “all manufacturing” index numbers (series D 618 and D 620), however, are weighted means of the indexes of the 67 separate industries included, each industry weighted by the payroll of that industry as estimated from the 1900 Census. Series D 619 is the product of series D 618 and D 620. Similarly, series D 623 is the product of series D 622 and D 624. For 1904-1907, the procedures used by the Bureau of Labor were similar to those used for 1890-1903, with the following exceptions: (1) Some small industries covered in 1890-1903 were dropped although the number of establishments covered was increased; and (2) the indexes were chain-linked to those for 1890-1903. Series D 621 and D 625, for average full-time weekly hours, are based on Wolman’s reworking of the basic data for series D 620 and D 624. Series D 621 shows the index numbers computed from the weighted average of the hours figures in the Nineteenth Annual Report for 456 occupations in 48 manu facturing industries and excludes the building trades and other hand and neighborhood trades covered in the report. The weight for each occupation in each year is the number of em ployees covered in the survey of that occupation in the year. Series D 625 is the index number calculated from the similarly weighted average computed by Wolman for the 19 building trades occupations. For the building trades, Wolman ex pressed the opinion that the hours data in the Nineteenth Annual Report were those established by unions. Wolman’s report is a basic source of information of hours of work in American industry. It contains 15 summary tables of historical data on hours* of work in manufacturing, building construction, steam railroads, and coal mining for various dates, 1890-1937. D 626-634. Hours and earnings for production workers in manufacturing, 1909-1957. Source: 1909-1946, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Handbook of Labor Statistics, 1950 edition; 1947-1957, Monthly Labor Review, various issues. The figures for 1909-1931 represent estimates based largely on periodic wage and hour surveys conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics during that period for a narrow list of manufacturing industries. These figures are an extension of, and are adjusted for comparability with, the figures for 19321957. For a discussion of the methods and data used to derive the figures for 1909-1931, see the Monthly Labor Review, July 1955, pp. 801-806. The estimates of average weekly earnings for 1909-1931, based primarily on census data, tend to be more accurate than those for average hourly earnings, and average weekly hours. It is likely that the hourly earnings figures are overstated and the weekly hours understated because the BLS surveys of wages tended to sample large firms more heavily than small firms. For 1932-1957, the underlying employment, payroll, and manhour figures are obtained by means of a mail questionnaire sent monthly to cooperating establishments. Each establish WORKING CONDITIONS D 626-637 ment reports the following information: (1) The number of production workers or nonsupervisory employees who worked or received pay for any part of the payroll period ending near est the 15th of the month; (2) the total gross payrolls for these employees before such deductions as Social Security taxes, withholding taxes, union dues, etc. (the payroll figures include pay for overtime, shift premiums, sick leave, holidays, vaca tions, and production bonuses, but exclude payments in kind, retroactive pay, nonproduction bonuses, employer contribu tions to private welfare funds, insurance and pension plans, and similar fringe payments) ; and (3) total man-hours paid for these employees including hours paid for vacations, holidays, sick leave, travel time, lunch time, etc. Within each detailed industry the payroll, employment, and man-hours figures for reporting establishments are aggre gated, and average hourly earnings, average weekly hours, and average weekly earnings are computed. The average hourly earnings and average weekly hours for a group of industries are weighted arithmetic means of the corresponding averages for the industries within the group. The weights used for earnings are estimates of aggregate productionworker man-hours and those used for hours are estimates of aggregate production-worker employment. Average weekly earnings for the group is the product of the average hourly earnings and the average weekly hours for the group. Average weekly hours worked or paid for differ from aver age full-time or standard hours (before payment at overtime premium rates) and from average hours worked per week. During periods of substantial unemployment, average weekly hours paid for often may be considerably below the full-time level of hours or the level at which premium payments for overtime begin. On the other hand, during periods of rela tively full employment, overtime hours tend to raise the aver age weekly hours above the full-time level. Until the 1940’s, the distinction in most industries between hours paid for and hours worked was relatively unimportant. The widespread adoption of paid vacations of increasing length and of an increasing number of paid holidays (and in some industries paid travel time, lunch time, etc.), however, has raised average weekly hours (which are hours paid for) above average hours worked by increasing amounts. By 1957, the difference may have grown to as much as 5 percent in manufacturing industries on the average; in some industries, such as bituminous coal mining, the difference was substan tially larger. Since the middle 1940’s, figures for weekly hours tend to understate the downward movement of hours worked per week. Average hourly earnings figures exclude such fringe pay ments as employer contributions to private health, welfare, and insurance funds and include premium payments for over time and for night work. D 635-637. Hours and earnings for bituminous coal mines, 1909-1957. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Employment and Earn ings, and Hours and Earnings (multilithed releases). For 1909-1931, estimates are based on a variety of sources including special studies by the BLS and data collected by the Bureau of the Census, the Bureau of Mines, and reports of various State coal commissions. For 1932-1957, figures are strictly comparable in concept and method of estimation with those for manufacturing in series D 626-634. See text also for same series regarding hours paid for in contrast to hours worked and the exclusion from average hourly earnings of 81 D 638-668 LABOR fringe payments which are particularly applicable to coal I) 642-653. Indexes of union hourly wage rates and weekly hours, for building and printing trades, 1907-1956. mining. Before 1945, lunch time was not paid for in the mines. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Union Wages and Beginning April 1945, mine operators paid for 15 minutes of Hours: Building Trades, July 1957, pp. 5 and 14; and Union lunch time per day; in July 1947, the lunch time paid for was Wages and Hours: Printing Industry, July 1956, pp. 6 and 15. increased to one-half hour. Similarly, before November 1943, Studies by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of union scales of working time was computed on a “face-to-face” basis. From wages and hours prior to 1936 included at various times build November 1943 to April 1945, inside mine workers were paid ing and printing trades, barbers, linemen, longshoremen, and for 45 minutes of travel time per day at two-thirds of the workers employed in breweries, laundries, metal trades, millregular rate. Since April 1945, inside workers have been paid work, restaurants, soft drink production, theaters, baking, for all travel time at the applicable hourly rate. trucking, and local transit. Since 1936, the studies have been Data published by the Bureau of Mines (Minerals Yearbook, confined to the printing and building trades, trucking, local 1946, p. 81) show that in 1944 travel time amounted, on the transit, and baking. The baking study was discontinued in average, to 10-15 percent of total time paid for. There 1953. fore, average weekly hours figures since 1945 may have a For each trade, the local union is asked to submit data on serious upward bias if used to measure hours actually worked, the minimum union wage rate, the weekly hours (before over and the average hourly earnings figures may have a corre time becomes effective), and the number of active union mem spondingly serious downward bias if used to measure average bers working or available for work on a single specified date earnings per hour actually worked. (recently July 1) each year. Average hourly earnings figures exclude contributions of The earliest studies covered 13 journeymen and 7 helper and coal mine employers to the miners’ health and welfare fund. labor classifications in building construction, and 7 book and These contributions have increased from 5 cents per ton in job and 4 newspaper classifications in the printing trades 1946 to 40 cents per ton in 1952 and later years. In 1953 in 39 cities. The most recent study covered 24 journeymen wage supplements in bituminous coal mining, chiefly employer and 9 helper and labor classifications in the building trades in contributions to the health and welfare fund in the industry, 52 cities of over 100,000 population, and 12 book and job and amounted to 16 percent of total wages and salaries in the 8 newspaper classifications in the printing trades in 53 such industry. cities. D 638-641. Hours and earnings for Class I steam railroads, Indexes for all years were computed by the chain-link rela 1921-1957. tive method, except 1921-1929, which were based on weighted Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment and Earn arithmetic means for each year. The figures reflect minimum ings, and Hours and Earnings (multilithed releases) ; BLS, union contract scales and exclude premium pay for overtime. Handbook of Labor Statistics, 1947 and 1950 editions; and During periods of unemployment, the contract rates may be Interstate Commerce Commission, Wage Statistics of Class I higher than the actual wage rates paid. Wage rates above contract scales may be paid during periods of high employ Railroads in the United States, various issues. or rapid inflation. Thus, the union figures tend to have Figures for Class I railroads are based on their monthly ment smaller cyclical fluctuations than actual wage rates paid to reports to the Interstate Commerce Commission. Until 1951, union employees. Furthermore, since overtime pay is exclud the figures covered all hourly rated employees of Class I rail ed, union wage rates fluctuate less cyclically than average roads excluding (except in 1921-1927) Class I switching and hourly earnings. terminal companies. Since 1951, the figures cover all em The hours figures also reflect union contract straight-time ployees (excluding switching and terminal companies) except executives, officials, and staff assistants. Although the figures hours. They do not measure hours actually worked, which since 1951 are not strictly comparable with those for earlier vary for the building trades with climatic conditions and the amount of construction work available. years, the difference is not large. Average hourly earnings are computed by dividing the total D 654-668. Hours and earnings, for production workers in 25 compensation of covered employees by total man-hours paid manufacturing industries, by sex and degree of skill, for. Average weekly earnings are derived by multiplying 1914-1948. average weekly hours by average hourly earnings. Average Source: National Industrial Conference Board, The Econom weekly hours equal total man-hours paid for (during a month) ic Almanac for 1950, New York, 1950, pp. 336-344. reduced to a weekly basis, divided by the full-month count of The underlying data were collected by the National Indus employees on the payroll. The full-month count generally trial Conference Board (NICB) from a sample of companies tends to be somewhat larger than a count for the payroll representing 25 industries (durable and nondurable goods) by period ending nearest the 15th of the month, which is used means of a monthly mail questionnaire. The number of firms for other industries. For this reason both the weekly earnings inr ided in the sample, as well as the distribution of these and the weekly hours figures tend to be slightly lower than firrru by size and geographical location, varied somewhat from they would be if computed on the latter basis. time to time. In 1936, the sample included 1,886 firms em For 1921-1927, straight-time average hourly earnings (se ploying about one-third of all wage earners in the 25 indus ries D 641) are computed by dividing compensation for straight tries covered and about one-fifth of all wage earners in all time actually worked by hours of straight time actually worked. manufacturing industries. The average firm in the sample For 1928-1950, figures are ratios of compensation for straight (in most of the 25 industries) was substantially larger (in time paid for to hours of straight time paid for. Since 1951, terms of employment) than the average firm in the population the figures have been computed from the ICC’s Wage Sta from which the sample was taken. Although some tendency tistics, which provides monthly and annual data on employ toward an upward bias in the level of earnings of the sample ment, man-hours, and compensation by detailed occupation as firms may exist, it is not clear that this bias also had a trend or varied with the business cycle. well as by major occupational groups. 82 HOURS, WAGES, AND Within each industry, average hourly earnings was obtained by dividing the aggregate payroll for reporting companies by the aggregate man-hours. Average weekly hours and average weekly earnings were obtained in a similar manner. The averages for all industries taken together were weighted means of the separate industry averages with fixed employment weights estimated for each industry with the help of the 1923 Census of Manufactures. The distinction in classification between unskilled males and other male workers was not precisely stated by NICB and the classification was made by the reporting firms. D 669-684. Hours and earnings, for production workers in selected nonmanufacturing industries, 1932-1957. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment and Earn ings, and Hours and Earnings (multilithed releases) ; and Handbook of Labor Statistics, 1947 edition, pp. 80-86. See text for series D 626-634. D 685-695. Average annual compensation per full-time em ployee, by major industry, 1919-1929. Source: Computed from Simon Kuznets, National Income and its Composition, 1919-1938, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1941, pp. 314-315. These data were obtained by dividing Kuznets’ estimates of aggregate employee compensation for each major industry division by the corresponding estimates of number of full time equivalent employees. The source also presents similar compensation and employment data for 1930-1938, and for industry groups within the major industry divisions. Employee compensation figures include wages and salaries, and government relief payments. In addition, bonuses, com missions, gratuities, payments in kind, pensions, and compen sation for injuries were included for industries in which they were a significant proportion of total compensation and could be estimated from available data. Kuznets’ employment estimates include both wage earners and salaried employees and are stated in full-time equivalent units (the number of persons that would have been employed if each had worked full-time for a full year), or, in effect, the number of full-time positions filled. In practice, Kuznets used estimates of employment similar to those used by BLS; namely, annual averages of monthly figures, based on a payroll count for a single payroll period in each month, except in a few industries in which part-time work was important and for which he derived full-time equivalent employment by dividing aggregate wage payments by estimates of annual earnings for full-time workers. D 696-707. Average annual earnings per full-time employee, by major industry, 1929-1957. Source: 1929-1945, Office of Business Economics, National Income: 195U Edition, pp. 200-201; 1946-1957, U. S. Income and Output, 1958, table VI-15. These estimates are ratios of aggregate wage and salary payments, by industry, to the aggregate number of full-time equivalent employees, by industry (the sources also present estimates for industry groups within major industries). Wages and salaries include executives’ compensation, bonuses, tips, and payments in kind, and exclude those sources of labor income appearing in series D 708-727 as “supplements to wages and salaries.” Full-time equivalent employment measures man-years of full-time employment of wage and salary earners and its equivalent in work performed by part-time workers. For a discussion of the concept of full-time equivalent employment and the methods of estimation involved in converting part-time D 669-719 WORKING CONDITIONS work to its full-time equivalent, see the Survey of Current Business, June 1945, pp. 17-18. The difference between the Kuznets’ figures for average an nual earnings (series D 685-695) and these Office of Business Economics figures is slight prior to World War II. Kuznets' compensation figures include both wages and salaries and some “supplements to wages and salaries.” For 1919-1938, how ever, supplements were a small fraction of wages and salaries in most industries. The concept of full-time equivalent em ployment used by Kuznets also was essentially the same as that used by the Office of Business Economics. The employment and payrolls estimates were derived by combining separate estimates for those industries covered by Social Security programs and those not covered by such programs. For 1929-1938, for those industries covered (as of 1957) by Social Security programs, the employment and pay rolls figures are extrapolations backward from 1939, based on sources and methods similar to those for series D 685-695. Since 1939, for those industries (virtually all industrial and commercial employment) covered by Social Security programs, estimates of aggregate wages and salaries were obtained as follows (employment estimates came from essentially the same sources). Figures for payrolls covered by Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) or the Railroad Retirement Act came from the records of the State Unemployment Insurance programs and from the Interstate Commerce Commission’s Statistics of Railways, and provide employer-reported data by industry for about 95 percent of total payrolls covered by Social Security. Payrolls of firms covered by OASI but not by State Unemployment Insurance were estimated from peri odic special tabulations of OASI data for these firms. Simi larly payrolls covered by the Railroad Retirement Act but not reported to the Interstate Commerce Commission were esti mated from Railroad Retirement Board data. This general method was followed except for categories for which more reliable data were available from other sources or where the proportion of firms not covered by Social Security programs was large: Agricultural services, forestry, and fish eries; banking (before 1943) ; water transportation (before 1947) ; medical and other health services; and legal services. Data for these were obtained from various population and industry censuses, the Maritime Commission, governmental banking regulatory bodies, and special surveys made by the Department of Commerce. Estimates of employment and payrolls not covered by Social Security programs, accounting for roughly one-fifth of total wages and salaries, are based on a variety of sources, chief among which are: (1) For the Federal Government, re ports of the Civil Service Commission, records of the armed services, and (for 1933-1943) records of the Federal work relief projects; (2) for State and local governments, reports of the Bureau of the Census, the Office of Education, etc.; (3) for farms, the Census of Agriculture and estimates of the Department of Agriculture; (4) for private households, the Census of Population. For further details, see National In come: 1 9 5 Edition, pp. 70-72. D 708-719. Average annual supplements to wages and salaries per full-time employee, by major industry, 1929-1957. Source: Computed from the following: 1929-1945, Office of Business Economics, ‘ National Income: 1951* Edition, pp. 183 and 196-197; 1946-1957, U. S. Income and Output, 1958, tables VI-3 and VI-13. These figures have been computed by dividing estimates by industry of aggregate supplements to wages and salaries by the corresponding estimates of the aggregate number of full 83 D 720-730 LABOR Data on the pay of military reservists have been obtained time equivalent employees. For discussion of estimates of full-time equivalent employees, see text for series D 696-707; from the armed services or from the annual Budget of the for discussion of supplements to wages and salaries, see text United States Government and data on Federal payments to enemy prisoners of war were obtained from the Department for series D 720-727. of Defense. Other items in “other labor income” have always D 720-727. Average annual supplements to wages and salaries been small in amount. per full-time equivalent employee, by type of supplement, D 728. Annual salary of public school teachers, 1930-1954. 1929-1957. Office of Education, Biennial Survey of Education Source: Computed from the following: 1929-1945, Office of in Source: the United States, various years. Business Economics, National Income: 195U Edition, pp. 196Estimates are based on biennial reports madf, to the Office 197 and 210-211; 1946-1957, U. S. Income and Output, 1958, of Education by the departments of education in the 48 States tables 1-8, III-6, and VI-13. and of Columbia. Average annual salary is the These figures have been computed by dividing estimates by ratio theof District salary expenditures for principals, supervisors, and type of aggregate supplements to wages and salaries by esti to the number of such staff members. It is not mates of full-time equivalent employees in all industries. For teachers discussion of estimates of full-time equivalent employees, see possible to determine precisely from the Biennial Surveys, text for series D 696-707. The source presents figures for a particularly in the earlier years, the extent to which number of teachers is number of teaching positions rather than number more detailed classification of supplements. of teachers on the payroll. In recent years the concept used The averages shown for the different types of supplements presumably is number of teaching positions. To the extent may tend to be somewhat lower than they should be because that the surveys have shifted from a payroll to a position the employment figures used to obtain the averages include count, average salaries in recent years tend to be overstated employees for whom no contributions or payments were made relative to those of earlier years. For additional information and who would not therefore be recipients of supplemental and longer series, see Chapter H, general note for series H compensation. Data for items under “employer contributions for social 1-89, and series H 12, H 13, and H 14-16. insurance,, (series D 721-724) have a high degree of reliability D 729. Annual salary of college teachers, 1929-1952. since they are obtained almost exclusively from the accounting Source: George J. Stigler, Trends in Employment in the records of the agencies administering the programs. Esti- Service Industries, Princeton University Press, Princeton, ■mates for items under “other labor income” are less reliable. 1956, p. 134. Data on supplements to wages and salaries are obtained These figures refer to college teachers in large public insti from a variety of sources. Reports filed by employers with tutions. The average annual salary is the weighted arith the administrative agencies or with the United States Treasury metic mean of median salaries estimated separately for the are the sources of figures for employer contributions under four categories: Instructors, assistant professors, associate pro old-age and survivors insurance, State unemployment insur fessors, and professors. ance and cash sickness compensation, railroad retirement and For 1929-1932, the median salaries by rank are based on unemployment insurance, and the Federal unemployment tax. Viva Salaries and the Cost of Living in Twenty-seven Payments made by the Federal Government to its civilian em State Boothe’s Universities ployee retirement systems are obtained from Treasury Depart versity Press, 1932. and Colleges, 1913-1932, Ohio State Uni ment records and the records of the administrative agencies. For 1935-1942, 1950, and 1952, Stigler estimated median Estimates of Federal Government contributions made to Gov ernment life insurance programs are based on monthly reports salaries by rank from data in various reports of the Office of Education. The weights used in calculating the weighted of the Veterans Administration. Contributions to State and local retirement systems are mean of the median salaries by rank were the relative numbers based on data supplied, since 1936, by the Department of in each of the ranks in public universities, colleges, and pro Health, Education, and Welfare. Estimates for 1929-1935 are fessional schools in New York State as shown in annual re extrapolations from the 1936 figure based on a sample survey ports of the University of the State of New York. of State and local government units. For 1943-1949, the figures were interpolated by Stigler on Estimates of compensation for injuries are based on data in the basis of expenditures on resident instruction per teacher. the annual Insurance Yearbook (Spectator Company) and on Figures for 1908-1928 approximately comparable to those reports of State insurance funds, and on information furnished shown here and for median salaries for each of the four col by State accident compensation commissions. lege teaching ranks for 1908-1942 appear in George J. Stigler, Employer contributions to private pension plans are esti Employment and Compensation in Education, National Bureau mated for 1945-1956 chiefly from tabulations prepared by the of Economic Research, New York, 1950. Internal Revenue Service. Contributions to health and welfare funds are estimated from data obtained from the Amalgamated D 730. Annual net income of nonsalaried lawyers, 1929-1954. Source: 1929-1946, William Weinfeld, “Income of Lawyers, Clothing Workers of America, the International Ladies’ Gar 1929-1948,” Survey of Current Business, August 1949, p. 18; ment Workers’ Union, the United Mine Workers of America, and the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, and 1947-1954, Maurice Liebenberg, “Income of Lawyers in the from data appearing chiefly in Bureau of Labor Statistics Postwar Period,” Survey of Current Business, December 1956, p. 27. publications. Nonsalaried lawyers are those who engage in private prac Employer contributions for group insurance (series D 726) are based upon studies made by the Department of Health, tice as entrepreneurs. The average shown is the arithmetic Education, and Welfare and the National Industrial Conference mean. For some of the years, the sources also give median Board and upon reports from life insurance companies, Blue net income. Net income is excess of gross receipts from legal Cross and Blue Shield, and other sources. practice over the total of the payroll, rent, and other costs of 84 HOURS, WAGES, AND WORKING CONDITIONS D 731-740 legal practices. Part-year incomes have been converted to D 733. Median base monthly salary rate, engineers, 1929-1953. full-year equivalents. Source: David M. Blank and George J. Stigler, The Demand The estimates are based on a series of sample mail surveys and Supply of Scientific Personnel, National Bureau of Eco of the legal profession made by the Department of Commerce. nomic Research, New York, 1957, pp. 114 and 116. The estimates for 1929, 1932, and 1934 were based on data The results of the various surveys are reported in the Surveys of Current Business for April 1938, August 1943, May 1944, obtained by the Bureau of Labor Statistics from a 1935 August 1949, July 1952, and December 1956. These reports, survey of all professional engineers in the United States who particularly those of August 1949 and December 1956, contain could be located. The survey placed heavy reliance on mem for selected years mean and median net income figures and bership lists of engineering societies for its mailing list. 173,000 questionnaires were mailed and about detailed frequency distributions by size of income not only for Approximately one-third were returned with usable data. nonsalaried lawyers but also for salaried and part-salaried The estimates for 1939, 1943, and 1946 are for all engineers, lawyers. Tabulations by various other characteristics are both graduate and nongraduate, who were members of the 6 also shown in the sources. engineering societies of the Engineers Joint Council in May D 731. Annual net income of nonsalaried physicians, 1929- 1946. The Council obtained income data from a mail question 1951. naire sent to 87,000 member engineers. Approximately Source: 1929-1949, William Weinfeld, “Income of Physicians, 47,000 questionnaires were returned. The basic tabulations 1929-49,” Survey of Current Business, July 1951, p. 11; 1950- made by the Council were based on returns from engineers 1951, “Incomes of Physicians, Dentists, and Lawyers, 1949-51,” who had maintained residence as civilians in the United States continuously during 1939-1946. Survey of Current Business, July 1952, p. 6. The estimate for 1953 is for graduate engineers only and is A nonsalaried physician is one whose sole source of medical income is from independent practice. The average shown is the monthly equivalent of the annual rate given in the source the arithmetic mean. For some of the years, the sources also used by Blank and Stigler. It is based on data obtained by give estimates of median net income. Net income is the gross the Engineers Joint Council from a sample survey of graduate receipts from medical practice less the total of payroll, rent, engineers employed in industry and government. Blank and Stigler give not only median monthly salary rates, supplies, equipment depreciation, and other expenses of med ical practice. Part-year incomes have not been converted to but also first and third quartile monthly salary rates. In addi tion, other tables, particularly in appendix A, provide average full-time equivalents. data for selected years (in some cases as far back as The estimates of mean net income are based chiefly on a income 1890) for engineers classified by years of experience and engi series of sample mail surveys of the medical profession made neering specialization. by the Department of Commerce. The results of the various surveys are reported in the Surveys of Current Business D 734. Annual pay and allowances, U. S. Regular Army com missioned officers, 1929-1952. for April 1938, October 1943, July 1951, and July 1952. These reports, particularly July 1951, show for selected years mean Source: George J. Stigler, Trends in Employment in the and median net and gross incomes and income distributions by Service Industries, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1956, size of income not only for nonsalaried physicians but also for pp. 134-135. salaried and part-salaried physicians. Tabulations by various The figures are weighted averages of average annual earn other characteristics are also shown in the sources. ings, computed according to specified years of cumulative serv ice for each rank. The weights used throughout were fixed D 732. Annual net income of nonsalaried dentists, 1929-1951. weights from the distribution of Army officers by Source: 1929-1948, William Weinfeld, “Income of Dentists, rank in derived 1941. Stigler’s basic sources were: Official Army 1929-48,” Survey of Current Business, January 1950, p. 9; Register, Adjutant General’s Office, 1930, 1933, 1947, and 1950 1949-1951, “Incomes of Physicians, Dentis’ts, and Lawyers, and the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Army, De 1949-51,” Survey of Current Business, July 1952, p. 6. partment of the Army, 1941. Nonsalaried dentists are those who engage in private prac D 735-740. Labor union membership, by affiliation, 1897-1934. tice as entrepreneurs. The average shown is the arithmetic Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, records, and Leo Wolman, mean. Medians are given in the source for some but not all Ebb and Flow in Trade Unionism, National Bureau of Economic of the years. Net income is gross receipts from dental prac Research, New York, 1936. tice less the total of the payroll, rent, and other costs of dental The data are based on reports and statements made by practice. Part-year incomes have not been converted to fullunions in their official journals, reports, and convention pro year equivalent incomes. ; on correspondence of the compilers of the series The estimates of average annual net income are based on a ceedings with union officials; and on per capita dues payments of na series of sample mail surveys made by the Department of tional and international unions to over-all federations. Differ Commerce. The 1938 survey of dental incomes is reported in ent unions define membership differently. Some include and Herman Lasken, Economic Conditions in the Dental Profession, others exclude unemployed members, retired members, ap 1929-37, Department of Commerce, September 1939; the 1942 prentices, members involved in work stoppages, and members survey in the Survey of Current Business, April 1944, and the in the Armed Forces. Because of such variations, different 1949 survey in the Survey of Current Business, January 1950. series estimating the membership of the same groups of unions These reports contain, for selected years, mean and median can differ substantially. net and gross incomes and detailed income distributions by The figures include Canadian members of unions with head size of income not only for nonsalaried dentists but also for quarters in the United States, and some other members outside salaried and part-salaried dentists. Tabulations by various continental United States. Wolman estimates the number of Canadian members at 255,000 in 1920, and 203,000 in 1930. other characteristics are also shown in the sources. 488910 0 - 60 - 7 85 D 735-745 LABOR D 735-736. Total union membership, 1897-1934. for 1939 below). The year-to-year movement of this series from 1947-1953, and in particular the drop in membership Source: See source for series D 737-740. from 1947-1948, should not be considered as reliable. Series D 735 is the sum of series D 738 and D 740; series Starting in 1953, the estimates are based on biennial surveys D 736 is the sum of series D 739 and D 740. of national and international- unions. See Directory of Na D 737-740. Unions and membership of American Federation tional and International Labor Unions in the United States, of Labor, and membership in independent or unaffiliated, 1957, BLS Bulletin No. 1222, and the 1955 Directory, Bulletin 1897-1934. No. 1185. The figures also include the members of directly Source: Proceedings, 65th Convention of the American Fed chartered local labor unions affiliated with the major national eration of Labor, 1946, p. 43; Lewis L. Lorwin, The American federations and members of local unaffiliated unions. Federation of Labor, Brookings Institution, Washington, 1933, Estimates of union membership by affiliation (A. F. of L., p. 488; Proceedings of the A. F. of L. Conventions of 1897, CIO, and independent) for 1934-1950 appear in BLS, Handbook 1898, and 1933-34; and Leo Wolman, Ebb and Flow in Trade of Labor Statistics, 1950 edition, p. 139. For 1954 and 1956 Unionism, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, such estimates are given in the directories cited above (the 1936. 1956 estimates are for the merged AFL-CIO and for inde D 738 represents “total paid membership of the affiliated pendent unions). The directories also give the membership national and international organizations and directly char of individual national and international unions, membership by tered trade and federal labor unions” based on “the actual sex, and detailed data on membership reporting practices. per capita tax” remitted by affiliated unions. Such per capita The 1957 directory gives data on membership by industry and tax payments can and frequently do cover either fewer or distributions of unions by percentage of white-collar workers. more members than the affiliated union reports in its own D 742, Canadian membership of U. S. unions, is from the statements. Department of Labour of Canada, except for 1954 and 1956 Total membership in series D 739 differs from that in series which are from the BLS directories cited above. D 738 because series D 739 uses the direct reports of affiliated D 743, union membership excluding Canada, is obtained by unions where available in preference to the membership indi subtracting series D 742 from D 741. The year-to-year cated by per capita tax payments. movement for 1947-1953 is unreliable for the reasons given D 740, membership of independent and unaffiliated unions, above. A better estimate might be obtained for these years covers national and international unions not affiliated with by holding the percentage in series D 745 constant at 34.0 the A. F. of L. It excludes independent unions that are and by applying this figure to series D 744. purely local in character or whose jurisdiction is confined to 745, union membership (excluding Canada) as a percent the employees of a single employer. In most years about of D employees establishments, is com half the workers covered by this series were members of the puted from seriesin Dnonagricultural 743 and D 744. Wolman has also esti four brotherhoods of workers in the railroad train and engine service. This series is from Wolman, cited above, pp. 138- mated for three decennial census years the number of trade 139, adjusted in 1929-1934 to include the membership of the union members exclusive of Canada as a percentage of the Trade Union Unity League. For 1932 and 1934, the member total number of nonagricultural employees. These percentages ship of the Trade Union Unity League has been interpolated are 9.9 in 1910, 19.4 in 1920, and 10.2 in 1930. The percentage shown for 1930 in series D 745 is larger than the correspond from figures for adjacent years. ing percentage given by Wolman because Wolman’s estimated For Wolman’s estimates of union membership by industry, see series D 746-763. Annual estimates of the rtiembership union membership figure exclusive of Canada (3,190,000) is of individual national and international unions for 1897-1934 smaller than that shown in series D 743, and also because may be found in Wolman’s book cited above and in his The Wolman’s nonagricultural employment estimate (30,247,000), Growth of American Trade Unions, 1880-1923, National Bu based on census data, is larger than the number of employees in nonagricultural establishments shown in series D 744. reau of Economic Research, 1924. Wolman’s figure excludes many salaried professional and mana D 741-745. Labor union membership and membership as per gerial workers included in series D 744, and includes domestic cent of nonagricultural employment, 1930-1956. servants, excluded from series D 744. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Union Membership as Independent estimates of union membership for 1939 and a Proportion of Labor Force, 1930-1956,” January 1958 1953, both including and excluding Canadian membership, are (mimeographed release). available in Leo Troy, Distribution of Union Membership See also text for series D 735-740. Among the States, 1939 and 1953, National Bureau of Eco nomic Research, New York, 1957, pp. 3-5. Troy’s estimates D 741, total union membership, is a continuation of se ries D 735. For 1935-1947, the membership of A. F. of L. of total union membership, including Canadian members, are unions included is based on per capita taxes; the membership 6,730,000 for 1939 and 17,147,000 for 1953. The correspond of independent unions included was estimated by BLS from ing estimates, excluding Canadian members, are 6,518,000 for fragmentary data. For 1948, 1949, and 1950, the figure shown 1939 and 16,217,000 for 1953. is the midpoint of an estimated range of 14,000,000 to Troy’s estimates are based mainly on financial reports and 16,000,000. For 1951 and 1952 the figure shown is the mid other records supplied by approximately 200 national unions. point of an estimated range of 16,500,000 to 17,000,000. These Although his coverage of unaffiliated unions was admittedly ranges are based on membership data from surveys of national incomplete, the discrepancies between his estimates and those and international unions made by BLS. The level of the series of BLS for 1939 are too large to be accounted for by such may be more accurate during 1948-1952 than during 1939-1947. incompleteness of coverage. The work by Troy includes esti Prior to 1947, the series seems to include substantially inflated mates of union membership by major industry, by State and membership claims of some unions (see the alternative figures region, and by affiliation (A. F. of L., CIO, unaffiliated). 86 HOURS, WAGES, AND D 746-763. Labor union membership, by industry, 1897-1934. Source: Leo Wolman, Ebb and Flow in Trade Unionism, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1936, pp. 172-193. These figures were obtained by classifying national and in ternational unions into industrial categories and totalling the membership of the unions in each category in each year. In the latter part of the period, series D 763, “Miscellane ous,^” consists largely of two unions, the Firemen and Oilers and the Operating Engineers. The Industrial Workers of the World is included from 1905-1914, and is the largest union in the series for some years. The Horseshoers are important in the early years, declining rapidly in the 1920’s. Unions affil iated with the Trade Union Unity League in 1929-1934 are excluded. Some errors of classification arise when a union has mem bership in more than one category. For example, the Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen, classified in food, liquor, and tobacco had many members in retail meat stores; the Operat ing Engineers, classified as miscellaneous, had many members in building construction. These problems are less important in 1897-1934 than they would be in recent years. The source gives annual estimates of the percentage distri bution of union membership by industrial categories. For 1910, 1920, and 1930, it gives estimates of the percentage of employees organized in each of the industrial categories shown here, and in more detailed categories. D 764-778. Work stoppages, workers involved, man-days idle, major issues, and average duration, 1881-1957. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, various bulletins, espe cially Analysis of Work Stoppages, 1957, Bulletin No. 1234, and Strikes in the United States, 1880-1936, Bulletin No. 651. Work stoppages include strikes and lockouts. A strike is defined as a temporary stoppage of work by a group of em ployees in order to express a grievance or to enforce a demand. A lockout is defined as a temporary withholding of work from a group of employees by an employer (or a group of em ployers) in order to enforce acceptance of the employer’s terms. Most work stoppages are strikes rather than lockouts. The individual strike or lockout is the unit counted regard less of the number of unions or employers jointly involved in the controversy. Excluded, however, are strikes involving fewer than 6 workers or lasting less than a full shift, strikes of American seamen in foreign ports, and strikes of foreign crews on foreign ships in American ports. Figures for workers involved include all workers made idle in the establishment where the stoppage occurs, even though they may not all be participants in the controversy. The figures exclude indirect or secondary idleness in other estab lishments which suspend or curtail operations because of short ages of materials or services resulting from a stoppage. The number of workers involved is the number on the day of maxi mum idleness; however, the figures for man-days idle (series D 767) take into account variations in the number idle during the strike and include all days on which work was scheduled. The duration of stoppages (series D 774) is counted in calendar days rather than working days. Strikes that are never formally settled are considered ended when a majority of vacant jobs are filled, whether by former strikers or by others, or when the establishment affected is permanently closed. The classification of causes of strikes (series D 771-773 and D 776-778) necessarily lacks precision, since many strikes involve more than one issue. In particular, strikes for union organization often involve demands concerning wages or hours. D 746-784 WORKING CONDITIONS Beginning in 1951, the number of employed workers used as a base for the percentages in series D 766 is the BLS series on employment in nonagricultural establishments. Before 1951, the base is “all workers except those in occupations and professions in which strikes rarely occur.” The excluded groups were the self-employed, domestic workers, employees on farms with fewer than 6 employees, most managerial and professional workers, employees of Federal and State govern ments, and elected and appointed officials of local governments. The change in base affects the series by less than one-tenth of a percentage point in most years. The estimated work ing time used as a base for the percentages in series D 768 is the base for series D 766 times the number of days worked by most employees, excluding Saturdays when customarily not worked, Sundays, and established holidays. Unions are involved in the great majority of work stoppages. Thus in 1956 only 42 of 3,825 work stoppages, accounting for 3,280 of the 1,900,000 workers involved, did not involve any union. For some purposes, therefore, workers involved in strikes as a percent of union membership is a more useful statistic than workers involved as a percent of all workers. Data for 1881-1886 were first published in the Third Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor, 1887. This report also gives fragmentary data for earlier years. Data for 1887-1894 are given in the Tenth Annual Report, 189 U; for 1895-1900 in the Sixteenth Annual Report, 1901; and for 1900-1905 in the Twenty-first Annual Report, 1906. References to strikes and lockouts during 1881-1905 were located by the Bureau of Labor by examination of the daily and trade press. Agents of the Bureau then collected data from the parties involved. No government agency collected data on work stoppages for 1906-1913. For 1914-1915 BLS collected data on the number of stoppages and major issues. For 1916-1926 the count of stoppages was made from press notices, and questionnaires were sent to determine the number of workers involved. This number was reported for only about two-thirds of the known stoppages. Methods of compiling the series have been fairly uniform since 1927. Information on the existence of a stoppage is ob tained from press clippings from a large number of news papers throughout the country and from reports from unions, employers, and a number of Federal and State agencies. Im provement in the sources of these “leads,” especially through State employment security agencies, increased the number of strikes reported over previous years by about 5 percent in 1950 and by about 10 percent in 1951 and 1952. The increase from this source in the reported number of workers involved and man-days idle was about 2 percent in 1950 and 3 percent in 1951 and 1952. When the existence of a strike is known, a questionnaire is mailed to the parties reported as involved to obtain data on the number of workers involved, duration, issues, etc. In some instances, field representatives of the BLS call on the parties. D 779-784. Average monthly labor turnover rates in manu facturing, by class of turnover, 1919-1957. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review, July 1929, pp. 64-65; BLS, Employment and Earnings, June 1957, p. 95; and Office of Business Economics, Business Sta tistics, 1957 biennial edition, p. 69. The figures for 1919-1929 are those of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company which pioneered in collecting labor turnover data on a regular basis, beginning in January 1926. Subsequently, the Company secured data that enabled it to estimate turnover rates monthly back to January 1919. The Company obtained its turnover data by means of a mail questionnaire sent monthly to reporting firms. (The sample 87 D 785-790 LABOR of reporting firms, 160 in November 1926, had grown to 350 of over 30 days and other separations than those itemized by mid-1929.) Each firm was asked to report each month: (deaths, retirements, etc.). For January 1942-June 1944, the (1) The daily average number of employees on the payroll, military separation rate was published separately. and the total number of (2) accessions, (3) voluntary quits, D 785. Work-injury frequency rates in manufacturing, 1926(4) discharges, and (5) layoffs during the month. The ac 1956. cession rate for each company was computed by dividing the Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Handbook of Labor Sta total number of accessions during the month by the daily average number on the payroll during the month. The com tistics, 1950 edition, p. 179; and Monthly Labor Review, vari posite or average accession rate for all reporting firms was ous issues. the unweighted median of the accession rates computed for The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ first continuing compilation individual firms. The annual average was the arithmetic mean of injury-rate statistics began in 1910 for the iron and steel of the 12 monthly median accession rates. Discharges, quits, industry. In 1925, the injury-rate compilations were expanded and layoffs were handled in a similar fashion. (The total to cover 24 industries. By 1952, the compilations covered separation rate, however, was computed as the sum of the over 200 manufacturing and nonmanufacturing industry clas median discharge rate, the median quit rate, and the median sifications. layoff rate.) Efforts to standardize the compilation of work-injury statis The figures for 1919-1929 are stated as equivalent annual tics were initiated by BLS in 1911 and resulted in 1920 in the rates rather than monthly rates. They have been converted first standardized procedures. In 1926 the American Engi in series D 779-783 to monthly rates by dividing by 12. neering Standards Committee, later the American Standards In July 1929, BLS took over the work of the Metropolitan Association, undertook a revision of these procedures. Their Life Insurance Company. At that time there were approxi work led to the publication in 1937 of the first American mately 350 large manufacturers employing 700,000 workers in Standard Method of Compiling Industrial Injury Rates. This the sample of reporting firms. Over the years the list of. was again revised in 1954. cooperating firms has grown greatly, the amount of industry standard The standard injury-frequency rate is the average number detail has expanded, and methods of computation have been of disabling injuries per million man-hours worked. A dis somewhat changed. abling injury is an injury in the course of and arising BLS turnover rate estimates are based on reports made out of employment, which incurred results in death or permanent physi monthly on a mail questionnaire by a sample of cooperating cal impairment, or renders the injured person unable to per firms. In 1957, the sample covered approximately 10,000 es form any regularly established job, open and available to tablishments in manufacturing employing nearly 6,000,000 em him, during the entire time interval corresponding to the hours ployees, 120 metal minining establishments with 57,000 work of his regular shift on one or more days after the injury. ers, 220 coal mining establishments with 77,000 workers, The BLS annual injury-rate estimates are based on a sample and telephone and telegraph establishments employing about 690,000 workers. The reporting firms are considerably larger mail survey conducted once a year. Cooperating firms are on the average than all firms within the population sampled. asked to report for all employees (1) average employment, This large-firm bias may cause underestimation of turnover (2) aggregate man-hours worked by all employees, (3) aggre rates. Furthermore, the BLS sample of manufacturing firms gate number of disabling work injuries by extent of disability, and its estimates of turnover for manufacturing exclude print and (4) time lost because of disabilities. The manufacturing ing, publishing, and allied industries (since April 1943) ; can sample covers approximately 50,000 establishments. The in ning and preserving fruits, vegetables, and seafoods; women’s jury-rate series for manufacturing excludes petroleum refining, and misses’ outerwear; and fertilizers. The last three indus smelting and refining of nonferrous metals, cement and lime tries tend to have exceptionally high turnover rates seasonally. manufacturing, and coke production, which are covered in simi Plants experiencing work stoppages are excluded. lar surveys conducted by the Bureau of Mines (see text for Each cooperating firm is asked to report each month: (1) series D 786-790). Total accessions, (2) total separations, (3) total quits, (4) Prior to 1936 the data in series D 785 are based on surveys total discharges, (5) total layoffs, (6) total military separa covering only wage earners in 30 manufacturing industries. tions, (7) total miscellaneous separations, and (8) the total Since 1936 the data refer to all employees in all manufac number of employees who worked or received pay for any turing industries. Separate injury-frequency rates have been part of the payroll period ending nearest the 15th of the computed since 1936 for component industries by dividing ag month. Prior to 1940 “miscellaneous” separations were in gregate injuries by aggregate man-hours in reporting estab cluded with “quits.” Since January 1943 the labor turnover lishments. In computing the average rate for all manufac rates pertain to all employees; before that date the rates were turing the separate averages for the component industries are for production workers only. Furthermore, before October weighted by estimated total employment in these industries. 1945 the employment base was the average of the number of employees on the payroll the last day of the preceding month Before 1936 the weights implicitly were aggregate man-hours and the last day of the current month. The effect of changing in the reporting firms in each industry. the employment base to the number on the midmonth payroll D 786-790. Work-injury frequency rates in mining, 1924-1956. was negligible. Source: Bureau of Mines, Minerals Yearbook, 1956 and Discharges are terminations of employment by management earlier annual issues. Except for coal mining since 1941, the Bureau of Mines for cause (incompetence, laziness, etc.). Layoffs are termina tions of employment for more than a week, initiated by man estimates of work-injury frequency rates in “mining” indus agement, without prejudice to the worker. Quits are termi tries are based on reports made voluntarily by mining estab nations of employment initiated by employees; they include lishments. Coal mining firms since 1941 have been obliged by unauthorized absences of more than a week. Miscellaneous Federal law to report work-injury and related data to the V separations are terminations of employment for military duty Bureau of Mines. D 791-792 HOURS, WAGES, AND WORKING CONDITIONS D 791-792. Work-injury frequency rates on Class I railroads, ately following an accident as well as more serious injuries. Series D 791 is series D 792 plus the average work-injury 1922-1956. frequency rate for “1-3 day”*injuries. Source: Interstate Commerce Commission, Accident Bulle The concept of “disabling injury” underlying series D 785tin, various issues. the same as that underlying series D 791. Both series exclude work injuries suffered by employees of 790 is Dessentially 792, which excludes “1-3 day” injuries, is not com Class I switching and terminal companies after 1932. They Series parable to series D 785-790 in level, and series D 791 also are based on monthly accident reports that the Class I rail tends to have a downward bias in trend relative to series roads are required by Federal law to make to the Interstate D 785-790. It has been included to indicate at least crudely Commerce Commission. The two series thus result from es the trend in the average injury-frequency rates on Class I sentially complete censuses of man-hours worked and of re railroads before 1936. portable work injuries. Both series cover all employees of Class I railroads. The Before 1936 a reportable work-injury was either a fatality man-hour base of both series is the aggregate number of or a nonfatal injury to an employee “sufficient to incapacitate straight-time hours actually worked and overtime hours paid him from performing his ordinary duties for more than 3 days for in millions of man-hours. Days worked by daily-rated in the aggregate in the 10 days immediately following the employees have been converted to man-hours worked by mul accident.” Series D 792 includes only such work-in juries. tiplying days worked by 8. The average injury-frequency rate Beginning in 1936 the railroads have been required to report is the ratio of the aggregate number of work-in juries to the work-in juries incapacitating employees for 1-3 days immedi man-hour base. 89 D 573-588 LABOR Series D 573-577. Daily Hours and Indexes of Average Daily Wages in all Industries and in Building Trades: January 1860 to 1891 All industries Weighted average daily hours 1 Year 573 1891__________ 1890__________ 1889__________ 1888__________ 1887__________ 1886__________ 1885__________ 1884__________ 1883__________ 1882__________ 1881__________ 1880__________ 1879__________ 1878__________ 1877__________ 1876__________ 1 Restricted 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.2 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 Building trades Indexes of average dailv wages (Jan. 1860=100) Weighted 574 Unweighted 1 575 168.6 168.2 162.9 157.9 156.6 155.8 155.9 155.1 159.2 152.9 150.7 143.0 139.4 140.9 143.8 151.4 All industries Average daily hours Index of average daily wages (Jan. 1860 = 100) 576 577 160.7 158.9 156.7 155.4 153.7 150.9 150.7 152.7 152.7 149.9 146.5 141.5 139.9 142.5 144.9 152.5 9 .4 9.6 9.6 9.7 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 Weighted average daily hours 1 Year Weighted 574 573 172.5 172.7 170.1 170.9 170 1 170.3 169.9 168.5 166.0 165.1 160.1 142.7 137.9 140.7 146.3 158.6 1875 1874 1873 1872 1871 1870_________ 1869 1868 1867 1866 1865_________ 1864_________ 1863_________ 1862_________ 1861_________ 1860_________ Building trades Indexes of average daily wages (Jan. 1860 =100) 10.3 10.5 10.5 10 5 10.5 10.5 Unweighted 1 575 158.0 162.5 166.1 167.1 166.4 167.1 167.4 164.9 164 0 155.6 148.6 134.0 118.8 103.7 100.7 10.6 10.6 10 8 10.8 10.7 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.9 11.0 158.4 161.5 167.1 166^0 163.6 162.2 162 .0 159.2 157.6 152.4 143.1 125.6 110.5 102.9 Index of average daily wages (Jan. 1860 = 100) 576 577 9.9 9.9 9.9 9^9 10.0 10.0 10.0 io !o 10 0 io !o 10.0 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 100.8 100.0 100.0 Average daily hours 169.2 178.1 179.4 183 3 182! 7 185.5 189.2 185^ 5 185 1 170! 0 161.1 143.7 119.7 106.3 100.4 100.0 coverage, especially for earlier years; see text. Series D 578-588. Indexes of Average Daily Wages in all Industries, in Selected Industries, and by Degree of Skill: January and July, 1860 to 1880 [January 1860=100] Year and month 1880: July _ _ _ January _ _ _ _ _ 1879: July_______________________________ January. _ 1878: July_______________________________ January __ 1877: July_______________________________ January------1876: July__ J a n u a ry .__ _ _ _ _ 1875: July_______________________________ January. _ _ _ _ _ 1874: July_______________________________ January. — 1873: July_______________________________ January------__ _ ___ 1872: July_______________________________ January____ . . . 1871: July_______________________________ January---------1870: July_______________________________ Jan u ary ___ . . . 1869: July_______________________________ January _________ _ _ _ _ 1868: July_______________________________ J an u ary__ ____ ____ ____ __ _ 1867: July_______________________________ January____ _ _ ______ _ __ 1866: July_______________________________ January____ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1865: July__ __ __ _ _______ _____ January____ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ 1864: July_______________________________ J an u ary----- -------- _ _ _ _ _ 1863: July_______________________________ January____ __ _ _ _ _____ 1862: July_______________________________ January----------------------------------------1861: July_______________________________ January----------------------------------------1860: July_______________________________ January------------------------ -------------- 90 All industries Cotton textiles and ginghams Woolen textiles Metals and metallic goods Building trades Stone 578 579 580 581 582 583 144 142 139 142 143 145 143 147 153 162 163 167 175 176 183 180 185 179 184 183 179 181 179 176 170 167 168 168 164 161 155 152 142 131 119 116 104 102 99 102 100 100 154 152 149 149 153 153 150 149 154 160 163 162 177 175 189 185 189 190 184 182 172 169 173 168 167 166 169 168 166 159 146 135 124 116 108 108 103 101 102 100 100 100 144 143 143 142 147 144 144 139 144 148 152 150 149 145 150 149 148 148 149 148 147 147 146 149 145 141 148 149 153 149 142 142 128 122 114 120 111 108 107 106 103 100 135 130 128 127 131 132 133 135 141 146 148 151 159 158 163 161 161 158 159 158 159 161 160 160 159 159 159 158 157 155 150 149 139 126 120 114 108 105 103 102 101 100 146 138 139 139 137 141 140 143 160 160 170 168 182 178 186 180 190 185 187 178 188 192 199 195 195 180 186 174 171 162 158 145 143 128 118 118 107 103 102 101 102 100 133 124 125 125 130 133 130 140 141 169 161 167 180 182 198 182 203 186 198 188 201 200 205 196 175 178 162 168 158 172 151 155 135 143 113 100 90 96 91 128 100 100 Railroads Illuminat ing gas 584 153 153 147 146 138 139 142 147 151 150 158 161 160 160 162 158 171 167 170 171 158 165 162 156 161 156 160 155 148 138 146 144 112 114 109 106 103 105 105 105 103 100 585 159 158 157 162 156 169 165 184 173 193 182 200 200 212 204 205 196 195 199 189 192 189 195 186 185 185 183 181 183 175 176 162 157 142 125 103 100 99 100 99 221 100 Degree of skill City public works Unskilled men Skilled men 586 587 588 135 133 123 135 134 143 140 150 166 190 181 193 193 199 195 196 201 198 204 213 202 210 191 192 190 186 188 186 182 181 178 175 169 144 123 122 99 99 91 100 100 100 127 122 122 122 123 127 125 134 139 148 150 160 173 181 187 182 201 175 195 198 203 208 205 191 165 175 159 182 158 174 155 152 135 140 114 111 97 99 98 100 100 100 140 136 135 138 137 141 140 144 150 150 160 160 169 169 175 171 175 172 179 175 172 170 171 170 173 165 166 166 164 153 150 150 137 120 112 105 102 100 100 100 100 100 D 589-617 HOURS, WAGES, AND WORKING CONDITIONS Series D 589 602. Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing, in Selected Nonmanufacturing Industries, and for “Lower-Skilled” Labor: 1890 to 1926 Year 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917. 1916. 1915. 1914. 1913. 1912. 1911. 1910. 1909. 1908. 1907. 1906. 1905. 1904. 1903. 1902. 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. 1897. 1896. 1895. 1894. 1893. 1892. 1891. 1890. “LowerPostal Building Rail skilled” trades employees roads, labor, average average Average Average full-time Average Average Average Average Average weekly Average weekly weekly hourly Average Average full-time weekly hourly weekly hourly hourly earnings hours earnings weekly hourly weekly hours earnings hours earnings earnings hours earnings hours earnings (standard) (union) (union) 600 601 602 599 597 598 594 591 592 595 Union Total Average Average weekly hourly hours earnings 589 590 50.3 50.3 50.4 51.0 51.2 50.7 51.0 52.3 53.6 54.6 54.9 55.0 55.2 55.5 56.0 56.4 56.6 56.8 56.8 57.3 57.3 57.7 57.7 57.9 58.3 58.7 59.0 59.1 59.3 59.1 59.2 59.5 59.1 59.7 59.8 59.7 60.0 ). 647 .645 .636 .620 .574 .607 .663 .529 .448 .364 .320 .287 .287 .285 .274 .263 .260 .252 .250 .257 .248 .239 .236 .236 .227 .219 .216 .209 .204 .203 .205 .200 .200 .205 .203 .202 .199 45.9 45.9 46.1 46.3 46.2 46.1 45.7 46.2 47.2 47.6 48.0 48.6 48.8 49.2 49.5 49.8 50.1 50.3 50.4 50.8 51.0 51.1 51.1 51.4 51.8 52.4 53.0 53.0 53.4 53.4 53.5 53.5 53.6 53.9 54.0 54.0 54.4 $1,007 .989 .970 .913 .873 .921 .884 .706 .602 .499 .464 .439 .438 .430 .416 .411 .403 .392 .388 .396 .385 .378 .374 .372 .362 .350 .341 .338 .331 .330 .330 .327 .326 .331 .333 .328 .324 Payroll 52.2 52.2 52.1 53.0 53.4 52.7 53.5 55.1 56.6 57.9 58.2 58.2 58.3 58.8 59.3 59.6 59.8 60.2 60.3 60.6 60.7 61.1 61.1 61.2 61.5 61.9 62.1 62.1 62.2 61.9 62.1 $0,488 .493 .502 .491 .443 .467 .561 .448 .374 .299 .250 .212 .213 .211 .200 .191 .188 .179 .175 .186 .176 .168 .164 .167 .162 .153 .152 .146 .143 .141 .143 .141 .140 .151 .147 .148 .149 Bituminous coal mining] 48.4 48.5 48.5 48.4 48.4 48.2 48.2 48.4 48.7 49.8 51.6 51.6 51.6 51.6 51.6 51.6 51.6 51.6 51.6 52.2 52.3 52.4 52.6 52.7 52.8 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 $0,719 .724 .811 .864 .834 .846 .784 .699 .599 .484 .379 .337 .323 .316 .320 .305 .299 .292 .293 .288 .293 .276 .271 .267 .244 .231 .204 .185 .170 .138 .147 .158 .171 .188 .179 .169 .180 $32.16 31.80 30.66 30.24 30.30 31.14 34.14 27.66 26.40 18.84 16.62 15.78 15.36 15.12 14.79 14.49 14.07 13.59 13.47 13.35 12.84 12.45 12.36 12.12 11.73 11.49 11.43 11.37 11.31 11.25 11.22 11.22 11.25 11.37 11.46 11.27 11.38 43.8 43.9 43.8 43.9 43.8 43.8 43.8 44.0 44.1 44.4 44.5 44.8 44.7 44.9 45.0 45.0 45.2 45.6 45.6 45.7 45.9 46.1 46.1 46.3 46.7 47.5 48.3 48.9 49.5 49.8 50.1 50.3 50.5 50.4 50.6 51.0 51.3 $1,313 1.229 1.188 1.107 1.006 1.076 1.052 .780 .684 .624 .587 .569 .567 .557 .544 .531 .520 .510 .505 .498 .481 .454 .443 .436 .413 .391 .374 .361 .348 .346 .343 .341 .339 .347 .348 .341 .341 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.4 47.4 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 $0,867 .836 .788 .762 .748 .759 .739 .648 .536 .484 .471 .466 .464 .450 .437 .429 .420 .409 .395 .378 .369 .375 .373 .372 .374 .375 .371 .370 .376 .381 .378 .375 .368 .361 .360 .358 .352 $25.98 23.83 21.69 17.18 13.78 10.65 10.78 10.84 10.32 10.13 10.65 10.37 10.22 10.76 10.34 9.91 9.84 9.64 9.25 9.05 8.83 8.70 8.53 8.40 8.46 7.45 8.34 8.73 8.75 9.74 8.71 Series D 603-617. Average Annual Earnings in all Industries and m Selected Industries and Occupations: 1890 to 1926 All industries Year Wage Wage earners, Street Including Excluding earners, steam railways manu farm farm labor facturing railroads labor 603 604 1926_______ $1,376 $1,473 1,336 1,434 1925_______ 1,402 1924_______ 1,303 1,299 1,393 1923_______ 1,305 1922_______ 1,201 1921_______ 1,233 1,349 1,407 1,489 1920_______ 1,272 1919_______ 1,201 1,047 1,115 1918_______ 830 887 1917_______ 708 1916_______ 765 633 687 1915_______ 627 682 1914_______ 621 675 1913_______ 592 646 1912_______ 575 629 1911_______ 574 630 1910_______ 543 594 1909_______ 516 563 1908_______ 542 595 1907_______ 1906_______ 520 569 503 554 1905_______ 490 540 1904_______ 489 543 1903_______ 467 519 1902_______ 454 508 1901 490 1900_ ___ _ 438 428 480 1899 417 468 1898_ _ 411 462 1897 1896_______ 411 462 1Executive departments. 605 606 $1,309 $1,613 1,280 1,597 1,570 1,240 1,254 1,585 1,591 1,149 1,632 1,180 1,817 1,358 1,158 1,509 980 1,424 774 989 651 867 568 815 580 795 760 578 550 721 537 705 558 677 518 644 667 475 522 661 506 607 589 494 477 600 486 593 473 v 562 456 549 435 548 426 543 412 542 408 543 406 544 607 $1,566 1,565 1,544 1,493 1,436 1,539 1,608 1,387 1,111 872 798 748 737 704 674 685 681 671 650 658 662 646 610 582 576 601 604 591 558 552 531 Tele phones Tele graphs 608 $1,117 1,108 1,104 1,069 1,064 1,038 980 844 690 616 567 529 476 438 438 419 417 430 420 412 412 401 392 397 408 609 $1,215 1,161 1,150 1,133 1,110 1,159 1,145 967 831 769 806 792 742 717 669 670 649 622 639 635 592 581 601 573 544 Clerical Bitumi Gas and workers, and nous coal electricity mfg. steam mining railroads 610 $1,477 1,448 1,436 1,355 1,343 1,364 1,432 1,291 1,092 853 679 644 651 661 641 648 622 618 595 623 581 543 556 615 620 612 698 703 665 611 $2,310 2,239 2,196 2,126 2,067 2,134 2,160 1,914 1,697 1,477 1,359 1,267 1,257 1,236 1,209 1,213 1,156 1,136 1,111 1,091 1,074 1,076 1,056 1,037 1,025 1,009 1,011 1,004 1,010 970 954 612 $1,247 1,141 1,120 1,246 954 1,013 1,386 1,097 1,211 976 750 589 543 631 614 553 558 524 487 580 537 500 470 5^2 490 465 438 379 316 270 282 Farm labor 613 $593 587 574 572 508 522 810 706 604 481 388 355 351 360 348 338 336 328 324 319 315 302 290 277 264 255 247 239 228 224 220 Federal Postal em em ployees 1 ployees 614 $1,809 1,776 1,708 1,658 1,625 1,593 1,648 1,520 1,380 1,295 1,211 1,152 1,140 1,136 1,128 1,116 1,108 1,106 1,102 1,094 1,084 1,072 1,066 1,067 1,061 1,047 1,033 1,017 1,025 1,057 1,084 615 $2,128 2,051 1,934 1,870 1,844 1,870 1,844 1,618 1,339 1,207 1,175 1,162 1,157 1,124 1,091 1,071 1,049 1,021 987 944 921 935 931 928 934 936 925 924 939 950 944 Public school Ministers teachers 616 $1,277 1,263 1,247 1,224 1,188 1,082 936 810 689 648 605 578 564 547 529 509 492 476 455 431 409 392 377 358 346 337 328 318 306 298 294 617 $1,826 1,769 1,678 1,620 1,622 1,556 1,428 1,238 1,186 1,069 1,017 984 938 899 879 856 802 831 833 831 773 759 759 761 737 730 731 722 739 750 764 91 D 603-634 LABOR Series D 603-617. Average Annual Earnings in all Industries and in Selected Industries and Occupations: 1890 to 1926—Con. All in<lustries Wage Wage earners, earners, Street Including steam Excluding manu railways Year farm farm facturing railroads labor labor 603 604 605 606 607 1895_______ $415 $468 $416 $546 $509 1894_______ 400 448 386 546 508 1893_______ 430 480 420 563 526 1892_______ 445 495 446 563 535 1891_______ 438 487 442 554 529 1890_______ 438 486 439 560 557 1 Executive departments. Tele phones 608 Clerical Bitumi Tele Gas and workers, and nous graphs electricity mfg. coal steam railroads mining 609 610 $640 670 627 625 587 687 611 $941 928 923 885 882 848 612 $307 292 383 393 377 406 Farm labor 613 $216 214 232 238 236 233 Federal Postal em em ployees 1 ployees 614 $1,104 1,110 1,101 1,096 615 $935 919 902 899 894 878 Public school Ministers teachers 616 $289 283 276 270 264 256 617 $787 824 809 793 786 794 Series D 618-625. Indexes of Wages, Hours, and Earnings in Manufacturing and in the Building Trades: 1890 to 1907 [1890-1899=100] Building trades All manufacturing Building trades All manufacturing Average full-time Average full-time Average full-time Average full-time weekly hours weekly hours Average Average weekly hours weekly hours Average Average Average Average Average Average full-time full-time full-time full-time hourly weekly Year hourly weekly hourly weekly Year hourly weekly wages 1 earnings 1 Bureau Wolman wages earnings Bureau Wolman Bureau Wolman wages 1 earnings 1 Bureau Wolman wages earnings of Labor of Labor 1 of Labor 1 of Labor 622 624 621 624 618 619 620 621 623 625 618 619 620 622 623 625 98.7 144.6 131.0 90.6 87.8 1898__ 100.2 99.7 100.0 102.8 100.8 98.1 1907___ 128.8 122.4 95.0 99.9 98.6 99.2 1897__ 99.6 99.6 101.3 99.9 1906____ 124.2 118.5 95.4 140.2 127.4 90.9 99.6 99.2 99.6 99.2 99.9 1896__ 99.8 99.8 99.1 99.7 99.5 132.2 120.6 91.2 1905 _ _ 118.9 114.0 95.9 100.0 129.7 118.4 91.3 1895__ 98.4 98.7 100.3 1904 _ . 117.0 112.2 95.9 98.4 100.1 100.0 98.3 93.1 1894__ 97.6 98.3 100.7 100.5 91.8 97.9 97.7 99.8 99.5 1903____ 116.3 112.3 96.6 97.3 126.8 116.4 92.6 92.9 1893__ 100.9 101.2 100.3 100.1 100.0 100.5 100.5 100.4 1902____ 112.2 109.2 97.3 98.1 121.1 112.1 99.9 100.6 100.7 100.5 94.4 94.4 1892__ 100.8 101.3 100.5 100.6 1901____ 108.0 105.9 98.1 98.6 114.5 108.1 97.9 99.7 101.8 101.5 1891__ 100.3 100.8 100.5 100.3 99.4 102.5 102.2 98.7 95.5 96.3 1890__ 100.3 101.0 100.7 100.5 97.0 1900____ 105.5 104.1 99.1 109.9 105.0 97.4 99.2 99.6 105.3 102.7 97.5 1899____ 102.0 101.2 1 Includes the building trades and other hand and neighborhood trades. Series D 626-634. Hours/and Earnings for Production Workers in Manufacturing: 1909 to 1957 Year 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 ^1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1914 1909 92 I All manufacturing Average Average Average weekly weekly hourly hours earnings earnings 626 627 628 39.8 $82.39 $2.07 40.4 79.99 1.98 76.52 40.7 1.88 71.86 1.81 39.7 71.69 1.77 40.5 67.97 1.67 40.7 1.59 40.7 64.71 40.5 59.33 1.465 39.2 54.92 1.401 54.14 1.350 40.1 40.4 49.97 1.237 43.82 1.086 40.4 43.4 44.39 1.023 46.08 1.019 45.2 43.14 44.9 .961 42.9 36.65 .853 29.58 40.6 .729 25.20 38.1 .661 23.86 37.7 .633 22.30 35.6 .627 38.6 24.05 .624 39.2 21.78 .556 36.6 20.13 .550 34.6 18.40 .532 .442 38.1 16.73 38.3 17.05 .446 20.87 40.5 .515 42.1 23.25 .552 44.2 .566 25.03 44.4 24.97 .562 45.0 24.74 .550 45.0 24.65 .548 24.37 44.5 .547 43.7 23.93 .547 23.82 45.6 .522 .487 44.2 21.51 22.18 .515 43.1 47.4 26.30 .555 .477 46.3 22.08 49.4 11.01 .223 51.0 9.84 .193 Average hourly earnings 629 $2.20 2.10 2.01 1.92 1.87 1.77 1.67 1.537 1.469 1.410 1.292 1.156 1.111 1.117 1.059 .947 .808 .724 .698 .686 .674 .586 .577 .556 .472 .497 Durable goods Average weekly hours 630 40.3 41.1 41.4 40.2 41.3 41.5 41.6 41.2 39.5 40.5 40.6 40.2 44.1 46.6 46.6 45.1 42.1 39.3 38.0 35.0 40.0 41.0 37.3 33.9 34.8 32.6 Average weekly earnings 631 $ 88.66 86.31 83.21 77.18 77.23 73.46 69.47 63.32 58.03 57.11 52.46 46.49 49.05 52.07 49.30 42.73 34.04 28.44 26.50 24.01 26.91 24.04 21.52 18.87 16.43 16.21 21.28 24.77 27.22 27.24 26.66 26.61 26.39 25.84 25.78 Nondurable goods Average Average Average hourly weekly weekly earnings hours earnings 632 633 634 $ 1.88 39.1 $73.51 71.10 1.80 39.5 1.71 39.8 68.06 1.66 39.0 64.74 1.61 39.5 63.60 1.54 39.6 60.98 1.48 39.5 58.46 1.378 39.7 54.71 1.325 38.8 51.41 1.278 39.6 50.61 1.171 40.1 46.96 1.015 41.14 40.5 .904 42.3 38.29 .861 37.12 43.1 .803 42.5 34.12 .723 40.3 29.13 .640 38.9 24.92 .602 37.0 22.27 .582 21.78 37.4 .584 36.1 21.05 .577 37.4 21.53 .529 37.7 19.94 .530 36.1 19.11 .515 35.1 18.05 .427 16.89 40.0 .420 41.9 17.57 20.50 21.84 22.93 22.88 23.01 22.75 22.44 22.07 21.94 HOURS, WAGES, AND WORKING CONDITIONS D 635-653 Series D 635-641. Hours and Earnings for Bituminous Coal Mines and Class I Steam Railroads: 1909 to 1957 Class I steam railroads 1 Bituminous coal mines Average hourly earnings Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average weekly weekly hourly Year weekly weekly hourly weekly weekly Year earnings hours earnings earnings hours earnings earnings hours Straight Total time 640 636 637 638 $94.47 27.9 $0.856 $2.25 1937. $23.84 36.6 $3.02 1957_ $110.53 41.8 $2.26 22.71 28.8 .794 88.40 37.8 2.12 2.09 1936_ 2.81 1956_ 106.22 41.7 19.58 26.4 .745 37.6 2.56 1.96 96.26 82.12 41.9 1.93 1935_ 1955_ 18.10 27.0 .673 32.6 2.48 78.74 1.93 1.91 1934_ 40.8 1954_ 80.85 14.47 29.5 34.4 1.88 1933. .501 76.33 2.48 1.86 40.6 1953_ 85.31 27.2 .520 34.1 1.81 1932. 13.91 74.30 40.6 2.29 1.83 1952_ 78.09 17.69 .647 35.2 28.3 1951_ 77.79 70.93 2.21 1.73 1.71 1931_ 41.0 .684 35.0 22.21 33.5 63.20 2.010 70.35 1.549 1.516 1930_ 1950_ 40.8 25.72 38.4 32.6 .681 61.73 1.941 1949 _ 63.28 1.419 1.390 1929_ 43.5 24.66 35.6 .716 60.34 38.0 72.12 1.309 1.272 1928. 1948_ 46.1 1.898 24.33 33.5 54.17 66.59 1.170 .751 40.7 1947_ 46.3 1.636 1.135 1927. 28.63 37.7 .786 41.6 1.116 1946 _ 58.03 51.22 45.9 1.401 1.080 1926_ 26.47 34.2 45.69 42.3 52.25 .942 .800 1945_ 1.240 .899 192548.5 43.4 30.0 51.27 .938 23.59 .813 1944_ 46.06 1.186 .898 192449.1 36.6 41.58 .897 31.3 .845 1943 25.60 43.68 1.139 .862 192348.7 32.9 35.02 1942_ .824 38.65 1.059 .804 1922_ 46.9 30.86 1941_ 31.1 .736 1921_ 34.25 .993 .751 45.6 28.1 25.69 .759 24.71 35.5 1940_. .717 .706 1919_ 31.55 44.0 27.1 35.2 .359 23.88 12.24 .886 1939_. .714 1914. 30.99 .714 43.4 .323 20.80 23.5 37.8 .878 11.82 1938_. .703 1909_ 30.26 42.5 .712 1 Beginning 1951, covers all employees except “executives, officials, and staff assistants” ; for prior years, covers all hourly-rated ing and terminal companies. Bituminous coal mines Class I steam railroads 1 Average hourly earnings Average Average weekly weekly earnings hours Total 638 $29.20 28.01 26.76 24.32 23.09 23.34 26.76 27.76 28.49 27.71 27.43 27.12 26.91 26.37 26.65 26.70 25.87 43.2 42.5 41.1 40.4 38.8 38.9 41.1 43.1 44.8 44.4 44.6 44.9 44.4 44.1 45.4 45.4 43.4 640 $0,676 .659 .651 .602 .595 .600 .651 .644 .636 .624 .615 .604 .606 .598 .587 .588 .596 641 $0,666 .648 .643 .594 .587 .593 .643 .635 .625 .613 .598 .587 .584 .577 .565 .560 .580 employees. For 1921-1927, includes switch Series D 642-653. Indexes of Union Hourly Wage Rates and Weekly Hours, for Building and Printing Trades: 1907 to 1956 Year 1956_________________________ 1955_________________________ 1954_________________________ 1953_________________________ 1952_________________________ 1951_________________________ 1950________________ ___ ___ 1949_________________________ 1948_________________________ 1947_________________________ 1946_________________________ 1945_________________________ 1944_________________________ 1943_________________________ 1942_________________________ 1941_________________________ 1940_________________________ 1939_________________________ 1938_________________________ 1937_________________________ 1936_________________________ 1935_________________________ 1934_________________________ 1933______________________ _ 1932_________________________ 1931_________________________ 1930_________________________ 1929_________________________ 1928_________________________ 1927 _______________________ 1926_________________________ 1925_________________________ 1924_________________________ 1923_________________________ 1922_________________________ 1921_________________________ 1920_________________________ 1919_________________________ 1918_________________________ 1917_________________________ 1916_________________________ 1915_________________________ 1914_________________________ 1913_________________________ 1912_________________________ 1911_________________________ 1910_________________________ 1909_________________________ 1908_________________________ 1907_________________________ Building trades (1947-49 = 100) Helpers and laborers All trades Journeymen Hourly Hourly Hourly Weekly Weekly Weekly wage wage wage hours hours hours rate rate rate 647 642 644 646 643 645 157.4 100.1 147.7 100.1 146.2 100.1 141.2 148.5 100.1 100.1 140.0 100.1 136.4 142.4 100.1 100.1 135.4 100.1 131.6 100.1 136.5 100.1 130.7 100.1 100.1 124.6 127.7 125.1 100.1 100.1 119.9 99.9 117.8 100.1 117.4 100.1 100.2 112.2 110.7 100.0 100.2 110.5 106.4 100.0 106.1 100.1 106.0 100.1 101.8 100.0 102.6 100.0 100.0 101.7 99.9 92.1 91.1 100.1 100.0 92.3 77.9 100.1 80.5 . 100.1 80.9 100.1 101.2 67.0 100.8 72.2 73.0 101.1 70.8 64.0 100.8 71.7 101.2 101.1 70.2 71.2 101.0 63.3 100.8 100.9 100.8 69.7 70.8 62.5 101.5 101.0 65.6 99.5 100.2 67.0 56.9 102.4 99.0 102.1 63.3 99.8 64.7 54.3 99.0 53.2 102.7 62.3 99.9 63.8 61.8 63.4 100.1 99.1 52.8 102.9 104.6 56.8 101.8 58.3 100.9 48.0 104.2 53.1 101.4 54.6 100.5 44.1 101.4 52.8 100.5 41.7 104.0 51.3 104.7 50.7 102.2 52.2 101.3 41.5 50.3 106.1 51.9 105.1 40.3 108.1 51.8 106.4 53.4 105.5 42.2 108.6 60.6 108.4 62.4 107.4 49.4 111.1 60.4 109.7 62.2 108.9 49.7 112.0 58.0 112.9 59.7 112.2 47.3 114.6 57.2 113.9 59.0 112.9 46.5 116.9 56.9 117.0 114.6 58.5 113.7 46.0 55.0 114.8 56.6 45.2 117.0 114.0 51.6 115.0 53.0 114.2 41.5 117.3 49.7 115.0 114.2 117.5 51.1 40.1 46.0 115.0 47.4 114.2 37.1 117.5 41.7 114.9 42.9 114.1 35.0 117.3 44.4 114.9 45.6 114.0 38.4 117.6 43.6 115.0 44.7 114.1 38.1 117.6 32.3 115.5 33.4 114.6 118.4 26.2 28.2 116.1 29.3 115.0 22.7 119.5 25.4 116.7 26.5 115.7 19.6 119.9 23.9 117.0 115.9 17.8 120.4 25.1 23.2 117.4 24.3 116.4 17.2 120.7 23.0 117.5 120.8 24.1 116.5 17.1 22.5 118.0 23.5 116.8 16.9 121.5 22.0 118.2 23.0 16.4 117.1 121.5 118.6 22.5 117.5 16.3 121.9 21.5 119.0 16.2 21.2 22.1 117.9 122.1 21.2 119.3 15.7 124.3 20.4 120.5 19.4 122.2 20.2 120.8 15.2 126.9 18.2 124.1 19.0 122.6 14.5 129.6 Printing trades (Jan. 2, 1948-July 1, 1949=100) All printing Book and job Newspaper Hourly Hourly Hourly Weekly Weekly Weekly wage wage wage hours hours hours rate rate rate 648 649 650 651 652 653 98.7 134.1 99.1 134.9 132.1 99.0 130.7 99.2 98.9 128.9 131.4 99.1 127.1 99.4 127.6 99.1 125.9 99.2 123.5 99.2 99.5 124.0 122.3 99.3 118.8 99.2 99.5 119.3 117.6 99.3 112.4 99.7 99.5 112.1 112.7 99.4 107.9 99.8 99.8 107.4 99.5 108.2 105.7 99.9 99.9 105.7 105.7 99.7 94.3 100.1 100.1 94.3 94.3 100.3 0) (x) C) C1) i1) (l)74.2 74.3 102.4 102.0 74.5 101.3 63.5 104.6 106.1 64.1 63.1 101.7 62.6 104.6 106.1 63.3 62.3 101.7 61.1 104.6 106.1 61.9 60.7 101.7 105.8 59.3 104.3 59.4 59.1 101.7 56.8 104.6 105.8 56.6 56.9 101.8 56.2 105.8 104.6 56.2 56.0 102.2 55.4 106.0 104.8 55.0 55.5 102.5 54.9 106.3 105.1 54.3 55.1 103.0 53.2 106.8 105.7 52.9 53.3 103.5 51.5 107.0 106.2 51.6 51.0 104.5 50.3 106.6 106.9 50.2 50.3 105.8 108.5 48.5 108.4 47.4 49.1 107.6 47.5 114.3 112.5 47.8 46.8 116.9 115.2 113.6 50.5 50.6 50.0 117.5 119.2 50.8 118.2 50.1 51.1 120.6 50.6 119.3 118.2 50.8 50.0 120.6 49.8 119.4 118.3 49.9 49.5 120.8 49.1 119.5 118.4 49.2 48.6 121.0 48.2 119.5 118.4 48.6 47.4 121.3 46.8 119.6 47.4 118.4 46.1 121.6 45.8 118.6 119.7 46.4 45.1 121.4 119.7 118.5 45.1 45.9 44.3 121.7 43.0 120.2 118.5 41.8 44.1 123.4 41.8 120.8 119.2 42.4 41.3 123.6 41.3 121.2 120.7 42.2 40.9 121.3 37.7 129.0 38.4 131.2 37.6 121.6 29.4 132.9 136.3 29.4 30.8 121.7 24.0 132.9 23.9 136.4 25.5 121.5 22.1 132.9 136.4 21.5 24.3 121.5 21.4 132.9 136.4 20.8 23.7 121.5 21.2 132.9 136.4 20.5 23.6 121.6 21.0 132.9 136.4 20.4 23.5 121.7 20.7 133.0 20.0 136.4 23.2 122.0 20.3 133.1 19.6 136.4 22.8 122.1 19.9 133.2 136.5 19.3 22.4 122.3 18.8 136.5 22.0 122.3 0) (1) 17.8 136.9 21.3 122.6 C1) C1) 16.6 138.1 20.4 122.9 C1) 0) 15.0 144.8 19.4 123.5 (x) (l) 93 D 654-684 LABOR Series D 654-668. Hours and Earnings, for Production Workers in 25 Manufacturing Industries, by Sex and Degree of Skill: 1914 to 1948 Year 1948 i_____ 1947______ 1946______ 1945______ 1944______ 1943______ 1942______ 1941______ 1940______ 1939______ 1938______ 1937______ 1936______ 1935______ 1934______ 1933______ 1932______ 1931______ 1930______ 1929______ 19 28______ 1927______ 19 26______ 1925______ 1924______ 1923______ 1922 2 1921______ 19 20 3_____ 19 14 4_____ 1 Average 2 Average All production workers Average Average Average hourly weekly weekly earnings hours earnings 654 655 656 $1,431 1.342 1.190 1.097 1.067 1.014 .924 .814 .739 .720 .716 .695 .619 .599 .580 .491 .498 .564 .589 .590 .579 .576 .568 .561 .562 .541 .494 .524 .606 .247 40.3 40.4 40.1 44.2 45.6 45.0 43.0 41.2 38.6 37.6 34.3 38.7 39.5 37.2 34.7 36.4 34.8 40.4 43.9 48.3 47.9 47.7 48.1 48.2 46.9 49.2 49.2 45.6 48.2 51.5 $57.22 54.27 47.55 48.46 48.83 45.88 40.03 33.62 28.54 27.05 24.43 26.80 24.39 22.23 20.06 17.71 17.05 22.62 25.84 28.55 27.80 27.53 27.42 27.08 26.43 26.61 24.29 23.77 29.39 12.68 Male Female Unskilled, male Skilled and semiskilled, male Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average hourly weekly weekly hourly weekly weekly hourly weekly weekly hourly weekly weekly earnings hours earnings earnings hours earnings earnings hours earnings earnings hours I earnings 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 666 665 667 668 ! i | i ! ' ! ! | | ! i 1 $1.503 1.414 1.260 1.185 1.164 1.103 .987 .867 .784 .765 .758 .735 .651 .628 . 607 .518 .526 .597 .622 .625 .614 .610 .601 .592 .592 .570 .520 .554 .642 .262 40.7 40.9 40.4 45.2 46.9 46.2 43.9 41.8 39.2 38.0 34.6 39.3 40.1 37.5 34.8 36.3 34.4 40.4 44.5 49.1 48.8 48.5 49.1 49.0 47.8 50.0 50.0 46.0 49.2 52.2 $60.98 57.77 50.72 53.47 54.65 51.05 43.46 36.18 30.64 28.96 26.07 28.72 26.02 23.49 21.07 18.69 17.96 24.00 27.66 30.64 29.95 29.59 29.51 29.00 28.27 28.39 25.90 25.35 31.69 13.65 $1,090 1.007 .876 .787 .752 .699 .609 .533 .491 .475 .482 .473 .434 .437 .427 .340 .325 .371 .395 .398 .396 .398 .398 .389 .393 .383 .352 .362 .414 .155 of 7 months, January-July. of 6 months, July-December. 38.4 38.7 39.0 40.8 41.3 41.1 39.2 38.0 35.5 35.8 32.6 36.1 36.2 35.2 34.0 36.6 36.3 39.8 40.5 44.2 43.4 43.7 43.5 44.1 42.6 45.0 45.0 43.2 43.0 50.1 $41.86 38.99 34.14 32.18 31.21 28.83 23.95 20.29 17.43 17.02 15.69 17.02 15.74 15.37 14.50 12.35 11.73 14.69 15.98 17.61 17.15 17.37 17.27 17.17 16.75 17.24 15.84 15.63 17.71 7.75 3 Average 4 July. $1,227 1.147 1.015 .917 .892 .854 .773 .682 .611 .594 .586 .570 .501 .495 .479 .401 .400 .460 .478 .486 .474 .471 .461 .455 .458 .443 .402 .437 .529 .203 40.7 40.9 40.4 44.8 46.0 45.4 43.1 41.4 39.3 38.6 35.5 39.6 40.0 37.0 34.4 37.4 36.4 41.8 45.9 50.2 50.4 49.9 50.2 50.3 48.9 50.3 50.5 46.5 49.2 52.9 $49 .88 46.80 40.86 41.03 41.07 38.86 33.49 28.19 23.91 22.82 20.67 22.41 $1,567 1.478 1.320 1.248 1.227 1.164 1.043 .914 .827 .808 .802 .777 20.00 .689 18.32 .665 16.46 .643 14.91 .550 14.48 .559 19.18 .634 21.90 .663 24.40 .668 23.89 .659 23.54 .656 23.21 .652 22.93 .644 22.41 .644 22.28 .619 20.30 .566 20.28 .599 26.06 i .687 10.71 | .291 40.6 40.9 40.3 45.2 47.1 46.4 44.3 42.0 39.2 37.9 34.4 39.3 40.1 37.7 35.0 37.1 35.1 39.7 44.0 48.8 48.5 48.1 48.5 48.6 47.5 49.9 49.8 45.9 49.4 51.7 $63.52 60.35 53.10 56.39 57.85 54.10 46.31 38.32 32.41 30.53 27.49 30.39 27.58 24.98 22.45 20.27 19.48 25.05 29.17 32.60 31.94 31.51 31.61 31.29 30.55 30.81 28.11 27.36 34.10 14.99 of 7 months, June-December. Series D 669-684. Hours and Earnings, for Production Workers in Selected Nonmanufacturing Industries: 1932 to 1957 Insur ance carriers,5 Average i Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average ; Average Average average hourly 1 weekly weekly hourly weekly weekly hourly weekly weekly hourly weekly weekly hourly | weekly weekly weeKly earningst hours earnings earnings hours earnings earnings] hours earnings earnings' hours earnings earnings 1 hours earnings earnings 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 669 670 671 680 681 682 683 684 Building construction 1 Year 1957. 1956. 1955. 1954. 1953. 1952. 1951. 1950. 1949. 1948. 1947. 1946. 1945. 1944. 1943. 1942. 1941. 1940. 1939. 1938. 1937. 1936. 1935 1934 1933 1932 $2.97 2.80 2.66 2.60 2.48 2.31 2.19 2.031 1.935 1.848 1.681 1.478 1.379 1.319 1.252 1.148 1.010 .958 .932 .908 .903 .824 .815 .795 (7) (7) 36.1 $107.22 36.4 101.92 36.2 96.29 36.2 94.12 37.0 91.76 38.1 88.01 37.2 81.47 36.3 73.73 36.7 70.95 37.3 68.85 37.6 63.30 38.1 56.24 39.0 53.73 39.6 52.18 38.4 48.13 36.4 41.80 34.8 35.14 33.1 31.70 32.6 30.39 32.1 29.19 33.4 30.14 32.8 27.01 30.1 24.51 28.9 22.97 (7) (7) (7) (7) Wholesale trade 2 $2.10 2.01 1.90 1.83 1.77 1.67 1.58 1.483 1.414 1.359 1.268 1.150 1.029 .985 .933 .860 .793 .739 .715 .700 .698 .667 .648 (7) (7) (7) 40.2 40.4 40.6 40.4 40.5 40.6 40.7 40.7 40.7 40.9 41.0 41.5 42.7 42.9 42.2 41.3 41.0 41.2 41.7 42.2 42.8 42.6 41.3 (7) (7) (7) $84.42 81.20 77.14 73.93 71.69 67.80 64.31 60.36 57.55 55.58 51.99 47.73 43.94 42.26 39.37 35.52 32.51 30.45 29.82 29.54 29.87 28.41 26.76 26.37 26.11 27.72 Retail trade 3 $1.65 1.57 1.50 1.45 1.40 1.32 1.26 1.176 1.137 1.088 1.009 .893 .783 .731 .679 .626 .580 .553 .542 .543 .551 .522 .521 .528 (7) (7) 1 Figures for 1947 and earlier refer only to on-site workers on privately financed construction; figures for 1948 and later cover both on-site and off-site workers on both private and public projects. * Data for 1937 and earlier years not strictly comparable with those for later years. Data for later years, but not those for 1937 and earlier, exclude supervisory employees. 3 Data for 1938 and earlier years not strictly comparable with those for later years. 4 Figures for 1947 and later years include only companies engaged exclusively in producing and distributing electricity; figures for 1946 and earlier years also include 94 38.1 38.6 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.9 40.2 40.5 40.4 40.3 40.3 40.7 40.3 40.4 40.3 41.1 42.1 42.5 42.7 42.6 43.3 43.5 41.8 41.5 (7) (7) $62.87 60.60 58.50 56.70 54.88 52.67 50.65 47.63 45.93 43.85 40.66 36.35 31.55 29.53 27.36 25.73 24.42 23.50 23.14 623.13 623.86 622.71 621.78 621.91 821.16 822.85 Electric light and power 4 $2.30 2.25 2.13 2.05 1.97 1.84 1.74 1.630 1.564 1.469 1.371 1.256 1.141 1.107 1.053 .983 .920 .884 .869 .858 .853 .803 .790 .775 .693 .696 41.3 41.5 41.2 41.3 41.4 41.4 41.9 41.6 41.5 42.0 41.9 41.6 43.5 43.1 41.6 40.1 39.8 39.7 39.6 39.9 40.3 40.1 39.3 38.8 42.0 44.0 $97.06 93.38 87.76 84.67 81.56 76.18 72.91 67.81 64.91 61.70 57.44 52.04 50.05 48.04 44.16 39.60 36.54 35.10 34.38 34.15 34.22 32.22 31.07 29.98 29.23 30.78 Laundries $1.09 1.05 1.01 1.00 .98 .94 .92 .861 .843 .817 .767 .704 .648 .605 .538 .482 .444 .429 .422 .414 .395 .378 .376 .378 (7) (7) 39.8 40.3 40.3 40.1 40.5 41.1 41.1 41.2 41.5 41.9 42.6 42.9 42.8 42.9 42.9 42.2 42.1 41.8 41.8 41.6 42.6 42.7 41.0 39.4 (7) (7) $43.38 42.32 40.70 40.10 39.69 38.63 37.81 35.47 34.98 34.23 32.71 30.20 27.73 25.95 23.08 20.34 18.69 17.93 17.64 17.22 16.83 16.14 15.42 14.89 (7) (7) $80.69 77.50 73.29 70.08 67.29 63.38 61.31 58.49 56.47 54.93 52.58 50.94 47.13 44.87 41.87 38.37 37.54 36.55 36.32 36.30 39.29 37.99 36.22 35.02 34.29 36.99 combined gas and electric utilities whose income results primarily from sale of elec tricity. & Data for 1947 and later years are for “insurance carriers” ; figures for 1946 and earlier years for “insurance.” 6Average hourly earnings times average weekly hours. 7 N ot available. 8 These figures bear the same ratios to the 1934 figures as the corresponding figures for 1932 and 1933 as shown in the Handbook of Labor Statistics (1947 edition) bear to the 1934 Handbook figures. HOURS, WAGES, AND WORKING CONDITIONS D 685-707 Series D 685-695. Average Annual Compensation Per Full-Time Employee, by Major Industry: 1919 to 1929 Year 1929_____________________________________ 1928_____________________________________ 1927_____________________________________ 1926_____________________________________ 1925_____________________________________ 1924_____________________________________ 1923_____________________________________ 1922_____________________________________ 1921_____________________________________ 1920___________ _______________ _______ 1919____________________________________ Total Agricul ture Mining 685 686 687 $1,489 1,478 1,459 1,450 1,421 1,394 1,382 1,294 1,311 1,424 1,220 ! 1 I ! | $651 646 648 651 642 629 614 551 567 830 725 Transpor tation Manu Construc and other tion facturing public utilities 688 689 690 $1,481 1,514 1,573 1,598 1,563 1,681 1,774 1,601 1,751 1,700 1,372 $1,508 1,500 1,467 1,442 1,417 1,394 1,372 1,255 1,306 1,497 1,264 ! $1,883 1,934 1,921 1,872 1,862 1,822 1,815 1,459 1,552 1,924 1,560 $1,679 1,656 1,629 1,619 1,595 1,572 1,546 1,531 1,599 1,721 1,412 Trade Finance Service Govern ment Miscella neous 691 6 2 693 694 695 $1,546 1,526 1,494 1,570 1,522 1,447 1,462 1,410 1,354 1,418 1,399 $1,904 1,886 1,864 1,854 1,844 1,795 1,751 1,782 1,717 1,623 1,467 $1,245 1,229 1,234 1,191 1,176 1,161 1,132 1,109 1,103 1,081 897 $1,703 1,673 1,642 1,593 1,545 1,515 1,510 1,473 1,429 1,375 1,151 $1,431 1,428 1,416 1,428 1,398 1,359 1,352 1,266 1,248 1,315 1,177 Series D 696-707. Average Annual Earnings Per Full-Time Employee, by Major Industry: 1929 to 1957 Private industries Year 1957________________________ 1956________________________ 1955________________________ 1954________________________ 1953________________________ 1952________________________ 1951________________________ 1950________________________ 1949________ _______ _____ 1948________________________ 1947________________________ 1946________________________ 1945________________________ 1944________________________ 1943________________________ 1942________________________ 1941________________________ 1940________________________ 1939 _______________________ 1938__________ _____________ 1937________________________ 1936________________________ 1935________________________ 1934________________________ 1933___________________ __ 1932________________________ 1931________________________ 1930________________________ 1929________________________ 1 Includes All in dustries 1 Total 696 697 $4,211 4,042 3,847 3,670 3,587 3,414 3,231 3,008 2,851 2,795 2,589 2,356 2,189 2,108 1,951 1,709 1,443 1,300 1,264 1,230 1,258 1,184 1,137 1,091 1,048 1,120 1,275 1,368 1,405 $4,248 4,074 3,876 3,707 3,632 3,444 3,255 3,006 2,849 2,801 2,591 2,359 2,253 2,190 2,018 1,731 1,454 1,291 1,250 1,207 1,240 1,164 1,109 1,056 1,002 1,070 1,241 1,348 1,390 Agricul ture, forestry, and fisheries 698 $1,690 1,639 1,554 1,515 1,540 1,544 1,481 1,349 1,330 1,353 1,288 1,207 1,127 1,027 867 673 498 408 385 369 360 307 286 251 230 247 312 388 397 Mining Finance, Communi Contract Manu Wholesale insurance, Trans cations and Services construc facturing and retail and real portation public tion trade estate utilities ment and govern ment enterprise* 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 $5,218 5,015 4,701 4,377 4,353 4,057 3,879 3,448 3,207 3,387 3,113 2,719 2,621 2,499 2,162 1,796 1,579 1,388 1,367 1,282 1,366 1,263 1,154 1,108 990 1,016 $4,922 4,674 4,414 4,324 4,225 3,991 3,711 3,339 3,211 3,126 2,829 2,537 2,600 2,602 2,503 2,191 1,635 1,330 1,268 1,193 1,278 1,178 1,027 942 869 907 1,233 1,526 1,674 $4,781 4,584 4,351 4,116 4,049 3,828 3,606 3,300 3,092 3,040 2,793 2,517 2,517 2,517 2,349 2,023 1,653 1,432 1,363 1,296 1,376 1,287 1,216 1,153 1,086 1,150 1,369 1,488 1,543 $4,019 3,860 3,702 3,558 3,446 3,284 3,171 3,034 2,899 2,832 2,632 2,378 2,114 1,946 1,781 1,608 1,478 1,382 1,360 1,352 1,352 1,295 1,279 1,228 1,183 1,315 1,495 1,569 1,594 $4,304 4,141 3,968 3,828 3,663 3,503 3,356 3,217 3,034 2,954 2,740 2,570 2,347 2,191 2,041 1,885 1,777 1,725 1,729 1,731 1,788 1,713 1,632 1,601 1,555 1,652 1,858 1,973 2,062 $5,246 4,972 4,697 4,503 4,398 4,205 3,994 3,696 3,556 3,456 3,145 2,948 2,734 2,679 2,493 2,183 1,885 1,756 1,723 1,676 1,644 1,582 1,492 1,393 1,334 1,373 1,549 1,610 1,643 $4,813 4,612 4,426 4,229 4,039 3,799 3,547 3,318 3,153 3,002 2,792 2,567 2,425 2,248 2,075 1,883 1,766 1,718 1,692 1,674 1,601 1,522 1,486 1,426 1,351 1,438 1,514 1,497 1,474 $3,146 3,008 2,867 2,786 2,677 2,545 2,367 $4,040 3,888 3,710 3,501 3,388 3,282 3,114 3,015 2,863 2,758 2,574 2,341 2,052 1,924 1,777 1,623 1,388 1,344 1,337 1,336 1,355 1,279 1,292 1,284 1,328 1,477 1,547 1,553 1,551 1,221 1,424 1,526 2,220 2,172 2,114 2,005 1,872 1,688 1,538 1,347 1,132 1,020 953 952 942 938 898 873 857 854 918 1,008 1,066 1,079 residual classification, “rest of the world,” not shown separately here. 95 D 708-727 LABOR Series D 708-719. Average Annual Supplements to Wages and Salaries Per Full-Time Employee, by Major Industry: 1929 to 1957 Private industries ! Year 1957________________________ 1956________________________ 1955________________________ 1954________________________ 1953________________________ 1952________________________ 1951________________________ 1950________________________ 1949___________ ____________ 1948________________________ 1947________________________ 1946________________________ 1945________________________ 1944________________________ 1943________________________ 1942________________________ 1941________________________ 1940________________________ 1939________________________ 1938________________________ 1937________________________ 1936________________________ 1935________________________ 1934________________________ 1933________________________ 1932________________________ 1931________________________ 1930________________________ 1929________________________ All in dustries Total 708 709 $292 258 236 212 195 188 180 160 138 119 124 123 104 81 69 66 63 60 60 58 50 28 20 19 20 21 20 19 18 Agricul ture, forestry, and fisheries 710 $295 264 247 226 207 196 187 159 127 116 113 99 102 97 85 73 67 61 61 60 50 26 16 15 15 16 17 16 15 Mining Contract construc tion 711 712 $549 515 488 429 403 358 352 308 214 206 160 117 106 100 97 87 83 79 81 80 66 32 19 19 $33 29 28 19 17 15 14 9 7 6 6 6 5 4 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 $277 250 232 222 203 191 189 167 147 139 133 714 715 $418 368 345 312 286 269 256 $179 160 149 137 210 112 160 140 134 117 129 120 24 24 2 1 713 137 134 128 120 98 87 85 84 74 45 36 36 40 44 43 42 38 20 22 22 Govern ment and govern ment enterprises Finance, Communi Manu Wholesale Trans cations and Services retail insurance, facturing andtrade and real portation public estate utilities 120 102 87 81 75 74 72 58 27 15 12 13 16 16 15 14 121 121 120 91 85 86 77 72 68 59 55 55 54 56 56 44 19 10 8 9 10 10 10 9 717 716 $394 360 324 297 279 269 255 233 218 200 224 176 164 157 151 139 117 $390 347 331 293 254 246 213 196 175 155 134 132 120 130 128 105 105 103 104 $489 443 427 411 379 366 353 319 266 244 235 221 221 194 152 132 131 127 123 123 97 61 47 39 40 31 31 J 110 108 106 99 59 40 55 45 41 40 36 33 102 88 59 42 35 35 42 45 47 50 718 719 $117 104 96 92 78 73 70 55 47 44 42 41 37 34 30 26 25 23 24 25 $279 229 187 151 142 152 149 168 200 136 192 229 109 44 28 36 43 55 49 ;i 20 10 5 5 5 6 5 5 4 ! ! ! ; 40 41 48 55 50 49 49 Series D 720-727. Average Annual Supplements to Wages and Salaries Per Full-Time Equivalent Employee, by Type of Supplement: 1929 to 1957 Employer contributions for social insurance Year 1957_____________________________________________________ 1956_____________________________________________________ 1955 1___________________________________________________ 1954_____________________________________________________ 1953_____________________________________________________ 1952_____________________________________________________ 1951_____________________________________________________ 1950_____________________________________________________ 1949_____________________________________________________ 1948_____________________________________________________ 1947_____________________________________________________ 1946_____________________________________________________ 1945_____________________________________________________ 1944_____________________________________________________ 1943_____________________________________________________ 1942_____________________________________________________ 1941_____________________________________________________ 1940_____________________________________________________ 1939_____________________________________________________ 1938_____________________________________________________ 1937_____________________________________________________ 1936_____________________________________________________ 1935_____________________________________________________ 1934_____________________________________________________ 1933 _ _ _ _ _ 1932______________________ _ _ _____ _ _____ ___ 1 9 3 1 _____ __ 1930 _ 1929__________ ________ Total supplements Total 720 721 $292 258 236 212 195 188 180 160 138 119 124 123 104 81 69 66 63 60 60 58 50 28 [ 20 19 20 21 20 19 18 $134 117 106 96 87 90 90 82 74 63 75 84 71 53 49 48 46 42 42 41 34 12 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 1 Old-age, survivors insurance; railroad retirement insurance; Federal civilian employee retirement systems; State and local employee retirement systems. 2 State unemployment insurance; Federal unemployment tax; railroad unemployment insurance. 96 Public Un retirement employment insurance 2 systems 1 722 723 $99 83 76 69 56 57 54 50 38 36 33 28 23 22 20 19 18 17 16 15 15 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 $34 33 28 26 29 30 33 30 27 25 29 26 24 27 29 28 28 26 26 25 18 7 (5) (5) Other 3 T o ta l 724 725 (5) (5) $2 1 1 3 3 2 10 2 13 30 24 5 (5) 1 (6) (5) (6) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) 3 Cash sickness compensation funds; 4 Includes pay of military reservists. 6 Less than $0.50. * v d.l>>r income Employer Compensa contributions tion for | to private injuries pension and and welfare funds other 4 | 726 727 $158 1 140 ; 130 1 116 i 109 98 90 78 64 56 49 40 33 28 20 18 17 18 17 17 16 16 15 14 15 17 17 16 16 government life insurance, $123 108 101 89 83 74 68 56 43 37 33 26 21 17 11 8 7 7 7 7 6 7 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 $35 33 29 28 25 24 23 22 21 19 16 14 13 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 10 12 11 11 11 HOURS, WAGES, AND WORKING CONDITIONS D 728-740 Series D 728-734. Earnings in Selected Professional Occupations: 1929 to 1954 Average annual salary Year 1954 _ 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 _ __ 1947 1946_____________________________________________________________________ 1945 1944 1943 _ _ _ 1942__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _______ 1941 1940 _ _ _ _ _________ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _____ 1939 1938 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ 1937 1936-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ 1935 1934 1933 1932 _ _ _ _ _ _______ 1931 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 1930 __ _ _ _ 1929 _ __ _ _ _ __ ______ Public school teachers 1 College teachers 728 729 $3,825 3,450 $5,106 1,728 1,507 4,354 4,234 4,123 3,736 3,465 3,277 3,331 3,039 2,914 1,441 1,374 1,283 2,906 2,861 2,843 2,732 1,227 1,417 2,666 3,010 2,639 1,995 1,420 3,111 3,134 3,065 3,056 Average annual net income Nonsalaried N onsalaried Nonsalaried lawyers physicians dentists 730 731 Average annual Median pay and base allowances, monthly U. S. salary Regular rate, Army engineers * commissioned officers 732 $10,258 9,392 9,021 8,855 $13,432 8,349 12,324 7,971 11,744 8,003 11,327 7,437 10,726 6,951 10,202 6,861 10,975 6,504 9,802 5,945 8,370 5,527 6,735 4,794 5,047 4,507 4,441 4,391 4,229 4,273 4,093 4,483 4,285 4,394 4,204 4,272 3,695 4,218 3,382 3,868 2,948 4,156 3,178 5,090 4,178 5,194 4,870 5,534 5,224 733 734 $518 $7,820 7,436 7,146 7,039 6,610 6,381 6,922 6,649 5,715 4,625 3,782 3,314 3,096 2,870 2,883 2,726 2,485 2,391 2,188 2,479 3,422 4,020 4,267 409 334 277 210 235 289 $6’ 552 6.552 6.552 6,552 5,528 5,528 5,528 5,096 5,096 5,096 5,096 4.800 4.800 4,800 4.800 4.800 4,800 4,800 4.800 4.800 4.800 4,800 4,800 4,800 1 Public elementary and secondary school teachers, supervisors, and principals. 2 For 1953, graduate engineers only. All other figures are for graduates and non Figures are for “school” years ending in the year indicated; for example, the figure graduates. The corresponding figure for graduate engineers for 1946 is $405. shown for 1954 is for the school years 1953-1954. Series D 735-740. Labor Union Membership, by Affiliation: 1897 to 1934 [Includes Canadian members of labor unions with headquarters in U. S.] Year Total union membership ( 1,000) BLS 735 1934_________ 1933_________ 1932_______ _ 1931_________ 1930 _ _ _ _ 1929_________ 1928_________ 1927_________ 1926 1925_________ 1924 1923 1922 1921_________ 1920 ________ 1919_________ 1918_________ 1917_________ 1916_________ Wolman 736 3,249 2,857 3,226 3,526 3,632 3,625 3,567 3,600 3,592 3,566 3,549 3,629 3,950 4,722 5,034 4,046 3,368 2,976 2,722 3,671 3,048 3,191 3,379 3,416 3,461 3,480 3,546 3,502 3,519 3,536 3,622 4,027 4,781 5,048 4,125 3,467 3,061 2,773 Wolman 739 Inde pendent or unaffiliated unions, total member ship ( 1,000), Wolman 740 3,030 2,318 2,497 2,743 2,745 2,770 2,809 2,759 2,715 2,831 2,853 2,919 3,273 3,967 4,093 3,339 2,825 2,457 2,124 641 730 694 636 671 691 671 787 788 689 683 703 754 815 955 786 642 605 649 American Federation of Labor Number of affiliated unions, BLS 737 109 108 106 105 104 105 107 106 107 107 107 108 112 110 110 111 111 111 111 Total membership ( 1, 000) BLS 738 2,608 2,127 2,532 2,890 2,961 2,934 2,896 2,813 2,804 2,877 2,866 2,926 3,196 3,907 4,079 3,260 2,726 2,371 2,073 Year BLS 735 1915________ 1914________ 1913________ 1912________ 1911_______ 1910________ 1909________ 1908________ 1907________ 1906________ 1905_______ 1904________ 1903________ 1902________ 1901________ 1900________ 1899________ 1898________ 1897________ 2,560 2,647 2,661 2,405 2,318 2,116 1,965 2,092 2,077 1,892 1,918 2,067 1,824 1,335 1,058 791 550 467 440 ] Wolman 739 Inde pendent or un- . affiliated unions, total member ship ( 1,000), Wolman 740 1,968 2,061 2,051 1,818 1,787 1,587 1,524 1,625 1,542 1,469 1,598 1,682 1,556 1,065 854 625 410 312 272 614 626 665 635 556 554 482 505 538 438 424 391 358 311 270 243 201 189 175 American Federation of Labor Total union membership ( 1, 000) Wolman 736 2,583 2,687 2,716 2,452 2,343 2,140 2,006 2,131 2,080 1,907 2,022 2,073 1,914 1,376 1,125 868 611 501 447 Number of affiliated unions, BLS 737 110 110 111 112 115 120 119 116 117 119 118 120 113 97 87 82 73 67 58 Total membership ( 1, 000) BLS 738 1,946 1,996 1,770 1,762 1,562 1,483 1,587 1,539 1,454 1,494 1,676 1,466 1,024 788 548 349 278 265 2,021 97 D 741-763 LABOR Series D 741-745. Labor Union Membership and Membership as Percent of Nonagricultural Employment: 1930 to 1956 [In thousands] N onagri cultural employment Member ship 1 as Total percent of total 744 745 Union membership Year Total 741 1956________________ 1955______________________ 1954_______________ 1953___________________ _ 1952______________________ 1 9 5 1 ______________ __ _ 1950_______________ _ _ 1949_______________ 1948_________ _____ _ _ 1947______________________ 1946_________________ ___ 1945______________________ 1944______________________ 1943______________________ 1 Excludes Canadian Excluding members Canadian of U. S. members unions 742 743 18,477 17,749 17,955 17,860 16,750 16,750 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,414 14,974 14,796 14,621 13,642 987 947 933 912 858 804 733 718 681 627 579 474 475 429 17,490 16,802 17,022 16,948 215.900 215.900 2 14,300 2 14,300 214,300 14,787 14,395 14,322 14,146 13,213 1 51,878 50,056 48,431 49,681 48,303 47,347 44,738 43,315 44,448 43,462 41,287 40,037 41,534 42,106 | 33.7 33.6 35.1 34.1 32.9 33.7 31.9 33.0 32.2 34.0 34.9 35.8 34.1 31.4 Canadian members. Union membership Year Canadian Excluding members Canadian of U. S. members unions 742 743 Total 741 1942 1941 1940_ _ 1939 1938 1937___________________ 1936 19351934___________________ 1933__ 1932___________________ 1931___________________ 1930___________________ 2 Rounded 10,762 10,489 8,944 8,980 8,265 7,218 4,164 3,728 3,249 2,857 3,226 3,526 3,632 382 288 227 217 231 217 175 144 161 168 176 216 231 j 10,380 10,201 8,717 8,763 8,034 7,001 3,989 3,584 3,088 2,689 3,050 3,310 3,401 N onagri cultural employment Member ship 1 as Total percent of total 744 745 39,779 36,220 32,058 30,311 28,902 30,718 28,802 26,792 25,699 23,466 23,377 26,383 29,143 26 1 28.2 27.2 28.9 27.8 22.8 13.8 13.4 12.0 11.5 13.0 12.5 11.7 to nearest hundred. Series D 746-763. Labor Union Membership, by Industry: 1897 to 1934 [In thousands] Year Mining, quarry Total ing, and oil 746 1934______________ 13,609 1933______________ 2,973 1932______________ 3,144 1931______________ 3,358 1930______________ 3,393 1929______________ 3,443 1928______________ 3,480 1927______________ 3,546 1926______________ 3,502 1925______________ 3,519 1924______________ 3,536 1923______________ 3,622 1922______________ 4,027 1921______________ 4,781 1920______________ 5,048 1919______________ 4,125 1918______________ 3,467 1917______________ 3,061 1916______________ 2,773 1915______________ 2,583 1914______________ 2,687 1913______________ 2,716 1912______________ 2,452 1911______________ 2,343 1910______________ 2,140 1909______________ 2,006 1908______________ 2,131 1907______________ 2,080 1906______________ 1,907 1905______________ 2,022 1904______________ 2,073 1903______________ 1,914 1902______________ 1,376 1901_____________ 1,125 1900______________ 868 1899______________ 611 1898______________ 501 1897______________ 447 1 Includes 98 747 579 355 357 309 230 271 333 397 386 439 493 530 387 470 439 419 433 373 338 332 380 432 343 311 275 307 290 312 265 297 279 280 197 218 131 75 44 21 Lum Paper, ber print Leath Cloth and er and ing wood ing, and shoes work book binding ing Build Metals, ma ing Tex con chinery, ship tiles struc build tion ing 748 605 583 806 890 904 919 905 903 867 837 814 790 826 869 888 802 701 606 553 533 542 553 509 479 459 426 445 433 389 373 392 369 263 192 153 97 74 67 749 222 180 173 191 203 211 205 204 202 750 751 40 16 29 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 38 37 37 205 218 257 506 728 859 618 396 310 267 224 226 219 204 149 60 49 41 29 196 178 21 210 200 212 187 166 213 205 137 104 81 59 46 50 88 22 30 29 23 21 14 17 16 14 14 15 19 15 7 8 7 8 8 117 76 29 38 44 47 45 49 55 54 47 56 90 96 113 104 75 73 61 53 58 55 56 50 47 40 40 40 40 41 43 42 24 15 10 8 12 15 752 405 336 211 224 230 218 239 267 292 292 282 295 310 323 374 324 258 222 210 174 158 164 131 145 98 80 73 65 54 63 78 77 59 38 25 15 15 15 753 754 10 8 8 12 13 13 13 13 11 10 11 11 12 20 24 16 14 18 18 21 25 25 26 29 28 19 20 27 36 42 52 48 34 32 26 16 12 6 11,000 union members in the professional service industry, not shown separately. 162 153 160 166 165 162 162 162 158 156 154 151 160 182 164 148 144 137 126 116 111 107 102 97 90 83 87 86 88 91 92 88 70 55 48 43 39 38 Trans Chemi porta Hotel Do cals, Food, tion Public Thea and mestic Mis clay, liquor, and service ters Trade restau and cella and glass, tobacco com personal neous rant music stone munica services service tion i 756 757 758 755 760 759 761 762 763 47 27 29 33 35 38 39 41 42 42 45 50 50 53 52 48 51 52 52 53 58 56 60 59 60 57 55 55 55 51 49 46 39 33 30 27 25 23 82 58 56 60 62 65 66 70 75 75 76 76 99 146 181 168 137 120 117 119 145 141 137 128 123 119 112 110 103 104 136 122 93 77 69 51 46 46 645 609 699 816 882 892 890 889 884 893 893 907 1,039 1,240 1,256 959 777 695 623 576 562 557 530 513 480 438 470 460 422 446 444 339 258 216 189 158 130 116 299 296 300 276 264 247 224 212 204 193 185 180 171 172 161 137 105 102 96 90 91 86 67 66 58 44 39 31 26 24 23 22 19 18 15 11 11 11 127 127 128 132 134 135 132 113 112 110 108 104 107 106 99 88 87 82 87 87 92 82 77 69 60 52 47 45 43 38 28 20 15 13 9 9 8 7 6 5 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 17 21 21 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 25 20 8 6 4 53 32 31 38 44 45 46 47 46 46 46 45 60 69 60 61 65 65 59 61 72 69 48 43 37 37 39 36 34 39 49 39 19 10 5 2 2 2 64 55 63 70 73 67 66 66 63 60 57 56 61 55 51 42 44 44 40 38 37 34 32 31 29 29 30 27 29 27 30 29 20 14 7 4 3 2 137 57 57 60 64 67 69 68 61 60 61 67 95 143 157 119 114 105 82 69 86 92 94 76 64 66 118 73 72 158 100 119 84 59 42 22 18 17 D 764-778 HOURS, WAGES, AND WORKING CONDITIONS Series D 764-778. Work Stoppages, Workers Involved, Man-Days Idle, Major Issues, and Average Duration: 1881 to 1957 Year 1957______________________ 1956______________________ 1955______________________ 1954_________ ____________ 1953______________________ 1952______________________ 1951______________________ 1950______________________ 1949______________________ 1948______________________ 1947______________________ 1946______________________ 1945______________________ 1944______________________ 1943______________________ 1942______________________ 1941______________________ 1940______________________ 1939______________________ 1938______________________ 1937______________________ 1936______________________ 1935______________________ 1934______________________ 1933______________________ 1932______________________ 1931______________________ 1930______________________ 1929______________________ 1928______________________ 1927______________________ 1926___ 1925 — 1924__ 1923 — 1922__ 1921 — 1920__ 1919__ 1918__ 1917__ 1916__ 1915__ 1914__ 1906-13 1905 — 1904 — 1903 — 1902__ 1901__ 1900 — Major issues and average duration Workers involved (1,000) Stoppages 3 Major issues Major issues Average duration of stop Wages Union Other pages Total Wages Union Other organi and not and organi and not (days) and hours zation reported hours zation 4 reported Work stoppages and man-days idle Stoppage beginning in year Man-days idle Workers involved Percent of esti Percent Per mated worker Total Total Number of em Number ( 1,000) working ployed involved ( 1,000) wage tim e 2 earners 1 770 768 769 766 767 764 765 3,673 3,825 4,320 3,468 5,091 5,117 4,737 4,843 3,606 3,419 3,693 4,985 4,750 4,956 3,752 2,968 4,288 2,508 2,613 2,772 4,740 2,172 2,014 1,856 1,695 841 810 637 921 604 707 1,390 1,900 2,650 1,530 2,400 3,540 2,220 2,410 3,030 1,960 2,170 4,600 3,470 2,120 1,980 840 2,360 577 1,170 688 1,860 789 1,120 1,470 1,170 324 342 183 289 314 330 3 1 16,500 4 3 33,100 6 2 28,200 3 7 22,600 5 .6 28,300 8 .8 59,100 5 .5 22,900 6 .9 38,800 9 .0 50,500 5 .5 34,100 6 .5 34,600 14 .5 116,000 12 .2 38,000 7..0 8,720 6 .9 13,500 2 ,.8 4,180 8 . 4 23,000 2 .3 6,700 4..7 17,800 2 ..8 9,150 7. 2 28,400 3. 1 13,900 5. 2 15,500 7. 2 19,600 6 .3 16,900 1 . 8 10,500 6,890 1 .6 0 .8 3,320 5,350 1 .2 1 .3 12,600 1 .4 26,200 14 29 0 26 0 21 0 .26 0 .57 0 .23 0 .44 0 .59 0 .37 0 .41 1 .43 0 .47 0 .09 0 .15 0 .05 0 .32 0 0 0 .10 0 .28 0 .15 0 .43 0 .21 0 .29 0 . 38 0 . 36 0 .23 0 ..11 0 . 05 0 . 07 0 . 17 0 .37 11 4 17 4 10 7 14 7 11 .8 16 .7 1 0 .3 16. 1 16.,7 17..4 15. 9 25. 2 11.0 4. 1 6 .8 5. 0 9. 8 11.6 15. 2 13. 3 15. 3 17. 6 13. 8 13. 4 14. 4 32. 4 2 0 .2 18. 1 18. 5 40. 2 79. 5 3,673 3,825 4,320 3,468 5,091 5,117 4,737 4,843 3,606 3,419 3,693 4,990 4,616 4,958 3,734 3,036 4,314 2,493 2,639 2,772 4,720 2,156 2,003 1,817 1,672 852 796 651 924 620 666 771 1,730 1,821 2,154 1,726 2,825 2,447 ! I ! | 772 751 774 844 588 745 839 2,102 888 2,559 1,682 1,737 1,707 2,238 1,956 2,146 1,906 1,423 1,535 753 699 776 1,410 756 760 717 926 560 447 284 373 222 273 919 781 780 1,102 1,617 946 808 585 943 2,138 1,243 1,411 1,385 2,728 1,083 945 835 533 162 221 207 382 226 240 773 774 775 776 777 778 1,192 1,230 1,322 1,154 1,521 1,831 1,747 1,365 1,143 902 884 1,135 1,714 2,004 1,243 670 641 497 529 611 582 317 298 265 213 130 128 160 169 172 153 19 .2 18 .9 18 .5 22 .5 20 .3 19 .6 17 .4 19 .2 22 .5 21 .8 25 .6 24. 2 9 .9 5. 6 5 .0 11 .7 18. 3 20 .9 23. 4 23..6 2 0 .3 23 3 23 .8 19. 5 16 .9 19..6 18.,8 2 2 .3 22.6 27..6 26, 5 1,390 1,900 2,650 1,530 2,400 3,540 752 1,270 1,780 886 1,460 1,450 1,180 1,460 1,540 1,210 805 3,710 1,340 810 1,220 429 72 183 244 54 162 841 136 130 82 228 931 568 671 395 226 191 744 190 641 224 1,160 365 288 762 465 73 116 76 102 95 45 563 447 625 591 781 1,244 904 819 1,410 518 431 663 1,060 922 523 232 512 148 185 211 347 94 151 372 135 18 74 33 80 88 43 2,220 2,410 3,030 1,960 2,170 4,940 3,070 2,130 1,970 852 2,360 573 1,180 688 1,950 710 1,102 1,480 1,144 325 346 182 286 323 319 1,110 235 352 252 436 251 663 346 544 234 155 73 104 140 232 Total Workers involved ( 1, 000) Stoppages 3 Major issues Major issues Wages Union Other Total Wages Union Other Year organi and not organi and not and and hours zation 4 reported hours zation reported 778 773 Total Workers involved (1,000) Stoppages 3 Major issues Major issues Wages Union Other Total Wages Union Other and organi and not organi and not and hours zation reported hours zation 4 reported 773 777 776 778 775 1,035 1,301 1,249 1,553 1,112 2,385 3,411 3,630 3,353 4,450 3,789 1,593 1,204 478 537 537 721 583 1,501 2,038 2.036 1,869 2,268 2.036 770 403 206 219 244 308 208 373 622 869 584 799 721 312 253 351 545 468 524 321 511 751 725 900 1,383 1,032 511 548 2,186 2,419 3.648 3,240 3,012 1,839 942 944 1,778 1,604 1,413 931 800 964 1,051 1,016 414 444 511 670 585 583 494 1899_ 1898_ 1897_ 1896_ 1895_ 1894_ 1893 _ 1892_ 1891_ 1890_ 1889_ 1888_ 1887_ 1886_ 1885. 1884 _ 1883_ 1882 _ 1881_ 1,838 1,098 1,110 1,066 1,255 1,404 1,375 1,359 1,786 1,897 1,111 946 1,503 1,572 695 485 506 476 477 1,014 645 680 547 810 865 783 693 867 1,039 662 540 836 1,073 486 341 372 353 382 1,200 302 574 788 692 564 568 191 272 396 279 288 210 57 210 235 279 161 282 54 92 156 134 115 76 1 “Employed wage earners” include all workers except those in occupations and professions in which strikes rarely if ever occur. 2 Estimated working time computed by multiplying the average number of “em ployed wage earners” each year by the days worked by most employees during the year. 471 236 193 297 217 206 257 261 334 318 173 163 299 210 67 50 55 38 32 353 217 237 222 228 333 335 405 585 540 276 243 368 289 142 94 79 85 63 432 263 416 249 407 690 288 239 330 373 260 163 439 610 258 165 170 159 130 288 184 335 160 305 469 162 122 221 276 207 100 249 445 214 145 131 133 118 66 30 36 53 51 25 59 59 55 32 29 23 91 79 14 4 28 12 5 79 49 45 36 51 196 66 57 54 24 41 99 87 30 16 12 14 7 3 Figures are for stoppages beginning in calendar years 1881-1927 and 1947-1957 For 1928-1946, figures are for those ending in calendar years. 4 Wages and hours were important issues in many of these stoppages also. 99 D 779-792 LABOR Series D 779-784. Average Monthly Labor Turnover Rates in Manufacturing, by Class of Turnover: 1919 to 1957 [Monthly rate per 100 employees. Beginning July 1929, averages are arithmetic means; prior to that, unweighted medians. See text for further discussion] Accessions Year 1957 1956 1955 1954. 1953. 1952. 1951 1950. 1949. 1948. 1947. 1946. 1945. 1944. 1943. 1942. 1941. 1940. 1939. 1938. 1 July 2.9 3.4 3 .7 3.0 3.9 4 .4 4.4 4.4 3 .5 4.4 5.1 6.7 6.3 6.1 7.5 7.6 5.4 4.4 4.1 3 .8 Separations Total 3.6 3 .5 3.3 3 .5 4.3 4.1 4.4 3 .5 4.3 4.6 4.8 6.1 8.3 6.8 7.3 6,5 3.9 3 .4 3.1 4.1 Discharge Layoff Quit 1.4 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.9 1.3 1.1 1.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.4 0. 6 0.6 1.1 1.3 2.2 2.2 3.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0. 1 0.1 0.2 1.6 1.1 2.3 2.3 2.4 1.9 1.5 2.8 3.4 4.3 5.1 5.1 5.2 3.8 2.0 0.9 1.1 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.2 1.6 2.4 1.3 1.0 1.2 2.3 Accessions Miscella neous 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.9 1.3 0.4 0.1 0.6 1937_ 1936 _ 19351934. 1933 _ 1932. 1931_. 1930_. 1929 V 1929 2. 1928.. 1927_. 1926_. 1925_. 1924. 1923 1922 1921_. 1920.. 1919.. 3.5 4.4 4.2 4.7 5.4 3.3 3.1 3.1 5.7 5.1 3.7 3.3 4.5 5.2 3.3 9.0 8.0 2.8 10.1 10.1 2 January to December average. Separations Total 4.4 3.4 3.4 4.1 3 .8 4.4 4.0 5.0 6.3 3.9 3.1 3.3 3.9 4.0 3.8 7.5 5.3 4.4 10.3 7.5 Discharge Layoff Quit 781 782 783 0.2 0.2 Miscella neous 784 3.0 1 .3 1 .1 2.5 3.0 2.7 3.5 2.9 3.0 2 .1 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.4 0 .9 0 .9 0 .9 0 .7 0 .9 2.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.7 0.4 1.1 1.1 1 .6 3 .4 3 .0 - 2 .2 2 .1 2 .9 1.8 3 .1 2 .7 6 .2 4 .2 2 .2 0.8 0.6 8 .4 5 .8 to May average. Series D 785-792. Work-Injury Frequency Rates in Manufacturing, Mining, and Class I Railroads: 1922 to 1956 [Rate is average number of disabling injuries per million man-hours worked] Year Manu factur ing 1 Mining T otal 2 787 785 1956. 1955. 1954. 1953_ 1952_ 1951. 1950. 1949 _ 1948_ 1947_ 1946_ 1945_ 1944. 1943. 1942. 1941. 1940. 1939. 1938. 12.0 12.1 11.9 13.4 14.3 15.5 14.7 14.5 17.2 18.8 19.9 18.6 18.4 20.0 19.9 18.1 15.3 14.9 15.1 Bitumi nous coa l 3 32.8 34.4 33.9 36.7 40.3 41.8 42.9 44.7 48.5 52.4 54.6 52.0 52.5 54.1 56.6 58.1 59.6 59.6 62.3 44.0 43.7 44.7 46.2 48.5 48.7 48.6 52.6 57.4 58.6 59.9 63.0 61.9 65.0 37.5 43.2 38.9 40.0 42.9 43.4 45.3 48.6 47.9 53.6 57.0 49.7 55.4 56.9 56.6 64.2 66.8 69.4 71.3 Class I railroads 7 Exclud NonAll Stone ing metals 5 quarries injuries : 1-3 day Year injuries 9 792 31.0 37.8 32.6 47.3 40.9 45.4 44.2 42.1 42.9 45.8 51.9 47. 50 53 55 51 44.2 42.2 41.1 21.3 22.0 22.0 23.7 24.5 26.2 25.4 26.8 28.3 32.4 32.8 32.8 34.9 34.0 35.7 40.1 35.7 36.5 38.2 14.2 13.7 16.2 18.2 19.0 20.5 20.6 20.3 17.6 14.6 11.5 11.1 11.1 7.7 7.2 6.5 6.7 7.0 7.5 7.3 7.0 8.5 9.7 10.5 11.9 11.8 11.9 10.2 8.3 6.7 6.7 100 17.8 16.6 17.9 20.2 19.3 19.6 18.9 23.1 24.0 22.5 22.6 24.2 Bitumi nous coal 3 64.9 64.7 67.1 69.0 67.5 70.0 74.3 69.6 67.0 72.9 70.8 70.2 74.4 81.6 85.6 78.9 76.3 65.8 71.4 65.8 57.2 58.0 Class I railroads 1 Exclud NonAll Stone ing metals 3 quarries 6 injuries 1-3 day injuries 9 792 48.7 48.6 50.7 52.4 53.3 45.2 47.5 40.6 39.5 38.2 41.8 42.0 38.5 41.0 40.3 46.9 47.5 59.2 58.0 61.4 62.9 13.6 13.7 9.4 13.8 16.2 19.4 23.9 26.1 27.3 30.9 27.1 6.8 1 Excludes petroleum refining, smelting and refining of nonferrous metals, cement and lime manufacturing, and coke production. 2 Includes anthracite coal mining, colce production, and metallurgical plants, not shown separately. 3 Includes lignite. 4 Copper, gold-placer, gold-silver, iron, lead-zinc, and miscellaneous. 5 Barite, feldspar, fluorspar, gypsum, magnesite, mica, phosphate rock, rock salt, sulphur, and miscellaneous. Excludes stone quarries. 1937. 1936. 1935_ 1934_ 1933. 1932 _ 1931. 1930_ 1929_ 1928. 1927_ 1926. 1925. 1924_ 1923. 1922_ Mining Manu factur ing 1 6 Granite, limestone, marble, sandstone, slate and traprock quarrying, and cement and lime manufacturing. 7 For 1922-1932, includes switching and terminal companies; excluded thereafter. 8 Includes fatalities and nonfatal injuries incapacitating employees for at least 1 day in 10 days immediately following date of injury. 9 Includes fatalities and nonfatal injuries incapacitating employees for more than 3 days in 10 days immeditely following date of injury. chapter E Prices and Price Indexes E 1-186. General note. An early interest in the statistics of prices is evident at the beginning of the 19th century, with the appearance in 1806 of Samuel Blodgett, Jr.’s Economica: A Statistical Manual for the United States of America, which included a collection of prices for 16 important commodities in 5 markets for 17851805. Many other contemporary accounts contained references to prices, but the first serious attempt to summarize compre hensive price data for the United States in the form of index numbers was made by Horatio C. Burchard, Director of the Mint. His report to the Secretary of the Treasury in 1881 contained wholesale prices for many individual articles and an index number (which contains some serious inadequacies). In 1886, a special report containing retail prices of about 60 “necessaries of life” was included in volume 20 of the Tenth Census, Report on the Statistics of Wages in Manufacturing Industries, by Joseph D. Weeks (usually called the Weeks Report). No summary figures were included in this volume. In 1891, a Senate Resolution led to the collection of a voluminous body of data which covered wholesale prices for 1840-1891 and retail prices for a 28-month period ending Sep tember 1891, for more than 200 commodities. The information assembled was summarized by Roland P. Palkner, whose in dexes have been widely used as evidence of price changes for 1840-1891. These indexes were prepared as estimates of changes in wage earners’ cost of living, but, in actuality, they were indexes of wholesale prices for one month of each year. Their technical adequacy was the subject of considerable con troversy at the time, but the deficiencies in the indexes do not detract from the historical value of the basic price data col lected for the Senate Committee and published in the “Aldrich Reports,” including Wholesale Prices, Wages, and Transporta tion (4 parts), Senate Report No. 1394, 1893, and Retail Prices and Wages (3 parts), Senate Report No. 986, 1892. In 1900, Roland Falkner extended his indexes to 1899 with quotations for 142 articles collected by the Department of Labor, with some adjustments in his methods. The results are published in Department of Labor Bulletin No. 27, Whole sale Prices: 1890 to 1899, pp. 237-313. In 1902, the Depart ment of Labor began publication of its index of wholesale prices, which has continued since without interruption. Interest in price measurements following the upturn in prices after 1897 led to the preparation of a number of wholesale price indexes for the United States, in addition to the official Department of Labor index series. John R. Commons pub lished an index of wholesale prices of 66 commodities for 1878-1900 in the Quarterly Bulletin of the Bureau of Eco nomic Research for July and October 1900. Bradstreet’s in dexes of wholesale prices, of about 96 commodities were estab lished in 1897 and carried back to 1890. Dun’s index numbers of wholesale prices for about 350 commodities were published in Dun's Review on a continuous basis beginning in 1901 and gradually extended back to 1860. These last 2 series were expressed as sums of actual prices rather than in the conven tional index number form. Several other relatively short-lived series were also compiled during the next 10 to 20 years. 488910 0-60-8 After 1902, when the Department of Labor’s wholesale price index was continuously available, additions to wholesale price index numbers were mainly to obtain a better historical per spective. In 1932, the series of wholesale price indexes for 1720-1932 were completed by G. F. Warren and F. A. Pearson (see series E 1-12). Part of this work was done under the auspices of the International Scientific Committee on Price History referred to below. Walter B. Smith and Arthur H. Cole computed wholesale commodity price indexes covering 1792-1862 for Fluctuations in American Business, 1790-1860, Harvard Economic Studies, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1935. The series include wholesale commodity price indexes for Boston, 1792-1820; for Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, 1815-1845; and New York (primarily), 1843-1862. Wholesale prices in Cincinnati were assembled from news papers for 1844-1914 and an index for this market was pub lished by Henry E. White in Wholesale Prices at Cincinnati and New York, Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Memoir 182, Ithaca, 1935. The most extensive historical price investigations, however, were undertaken under the auspices of the International Scien tific Committee on Price History. The results of these re search projects for 6 important marketing centers were sum marized by Arthur H. Cole in Wholesale Commodity Prices in the United States, 1700-1861, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1938. The historical indexes are given in series E 68-100. Wholesale price indexes were compiled by Frederick C. Mills for commodities grouped according to economically significant factors. Mill’s studies of price relationships and price move ments contain a number of special indexes which he derived by recombining price relatives for commodities in the BLS in dexes. These indexes include some special commodity group ings not used by BLS, e.g., crops, as well as classifications by stage of processing and by durability. Some series were first published for 1890-1931 in Economic Tendencies in the United States, National Bureau of Economic Research, No. 21, New York, 1932, pp. 584-588. Additional indexes for 1913-1935 appeared in Prices in Recession and Recovery, NBER, No. 31, New York, 1936, pp. 491-547. Indexes through June 1943 were included in an appendix to Prices in a War Economy, NBER, Occasional Paper No. 12, October 1943, and through March 1948 in The Structure of Postwar Prices, NBER, Occasional Paper No. 27, July 1948. The volume of information available for wholesale prices is not matched at the retail level, especially for the early years. The official Consumer Price Index of the BLS was initiated in 1904 with a food index. The Eighteenth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor, 1903: Cost of Living and Retail Prices of Food contained an index of retail prices of food for 1890-1903 weighted by family consumption in 1901. This food index was continued until the end of World War I, when it became one component group of a comprehensive “cost-ofliving” index, originated as part of a study of cost of living in shipbuilding cities in 1918 and 1919. Supplementary price information had been collected by the BLS over the years, and a comprehensive index was compiled back to 1913. Since 101 E 1-12 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES World War I, the index has undergone a number of changes viving records was very limited. At the wholesale level, the in coverage and methodology, most of them in the direction commodity coverage was limited primarily to raw materials of improvement in the quantity and quality of data. At and goods in the early stages of processing. The limited cov present, the index is issued monthly under the official title erage of finished goods, especially after the Civil War, is an Consumer Price Index, in mimeographed releases and in the important factor in the interpretation of price changes. At Monthly Labor Review (see text for series E 113-147). retail, the available price data were relatively scant and the emphasis was on food and dry goods prices, with little infor The National Industrial Conference Board also compiled a Consumer Price Index from 1918 to 1958. This index was mation for other less important commodities and for rents and similar to the BLS Consumer Price Index but the collection of services. The perennial problem of changes in qualities, which data was primarily by mail instead of by personal visit. A is still present to some extent in the current indexes,, becomes description of the NICB index as it was compiled before dis accentuated as price comparisons are made over longer periods continuance is included in the August 1954 issue of Manage of time. The newspapers and other sources from which prices were ment Record. assembled for the early years give only brief or vague descrip The index numbers of prices received and paid by farmers for the commodities quoted and the compiler could not compiled by the Department of Agriculture were also initiated tions always be assured that quotations over time were for the after World War I; see chapter K, series K 122-138. same quality. Incomplete files, nominal prices, and nonpubli Prior to 1913, except for the data in the Weeks Report and cation in some issues were among the many other problems the Aldrich Reports, readily available retail price data are encountered. Data obtained from records of surviving firms extremely spotty and inadequate. As a result, many of the raise the further question of how well these surviving firms indexes widely used to approximate changes in retail prices, represented the movement of prices for all firms for the period rest entirely or partially on changes in wholesale prices. A under consideration. serious limitation in these indexes is that allowance was not made for the slow-moving rents and services nor was account E 1-100. General note. Wholesale price indexes are compiled from prices in primary always taken of the difference in movement between wholesale and retail prices of commodities. Falkner’s indexes referred markets; that is, prices pertaining to the first major commer to above, for example, were calculated entirely from wholesale cial transaction for each commodity. The quotations are usu price information. Adjustments to wholesale price movements ally selling prices of manufacturers or producers, or prices combined with available BLS retail prices formed the basis for quoted on organized exchanges or markets. They are not Douglas’ index of the cost of living (series E 159). The prices received by wholesalers, distributors, or jobbers. only “cost-of-living” indexes now available for any years before In addition to the indexes presented here, brief descriptions 1913, computed from retail price data, are Wesley C. Mit of the coverage and calculation techniques for other indexes chell’s Relative Cost of Living for 1860 to 1880, the Consumer may be found in G. F. Warren and F. A. Pearson, Wholesale Price Index for 1851 to 1880 compiled by Ethel Hoover (series Prices for 213 Years, 1720-1932, Cornell University Agricul E 148-156), and Rees’ cost-of-living index, 1890-1914 (series tural Experiment Station, Memoir 1U2, Ithaca, 1932, pp. 167E 160). The cost-of-living index computed by Wesley C. 196; and in BLS Bulletin No. 284, Index Numbers of Wholesale Mitchell for Gold, Prices, and Wages Under the Greenback Prices in the United States and Foreign Countries, 1921, pp. Standard, University of California Publications in Economics, 115-175. This bulletin also contains Wesley C. Mitchell’s “The vol. 1, Berkeley, March 1908, p. 91, utilized a portion of the Making and Using of Index Numbers.” retail data in the Weeks Report for 1860-1880. The Mitchell See also general note for series E 1-186. series was included as one of the links in the cost-of-living index estimate of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York E 1-12. Wholesale price indexes (Warren and Pearson), by major product groups, 1749-1890. (series E 157). The Hoover Consumer Price Index for 18511880 was based largely on a summarization of all of the usable Source: George F. Warren and Frank A. Pearson, Prices, retail price information from 'che Weeks Report, with some John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1933, pp. 11-13, 25-27. additions from other sources. The Rees’ cost-of-living index The indexes are also presented in Wholesale Prices for 213 utilized some components of the Douglas’ index, but most of Years, 1720-1932 (see general note, series E 1-100), part 1, the data were compiled from mail-order catalogs, newspapers, pp. 7-10 and 84-111. The “all-commodities” index for 1749and other sources. 1889, converted to the base of 1926, is included in BLS Bulle Over the years there has been considerable improvement in tin No. 572, Wholesale Prices, 1931, 1933, appendix, pp. 111-114. the quality of the price reporting, in the scope of the data, The primary aim of Warren and Pearson was to present and in the construction of index numbers. The lists of com monthly comprehensive index numbers for the 19th century modities that are now included in the price collection program corresponding to those of BLS for 1890 and later years. The cover a wider range of goods in the market, and services are full series constitutes the longest index now available for represented in the “cost-of-living” indexes. Commodities and 1720-1932. For 1890-1932, Warren and Pearson used the BLS services are now defined fairly precisely and the current col indexes (series E 13-24) converted to the base 1910-14. Their lection methods give the opportunity of securing supplemen work covered the period 1797-1890, and the index was ex tary data on discounts, terms of delivery, and other necessary tended back to 1720 by Herman M. Stoker. information to measure price change. Data for weighting The bulk of the prices on which the index is based relate to systems for index numbers can now be taken from the New City and were obtained from newspapers, supple greatly improved expenditure studies, censuses, and other offi mentedYork with prices published in the Report of the Secretary of cial statistics. the Treasury on the State of the Finances (usually referred to As the indexes and price reports were extended to earlier as the U. S. Finance Report) for 1863. The number of prod years, many of these advantages making for better price ucts included in the all-items index numbers for 1797-1890 measures were not present. The range of commodities and varied from a low of 113 in 1830 to 146 in 1880. For the services for which information could be obtained from sur extension back to 1720, Stoker encountered some serious 102 E 13-24 WHOLESALE PRICE INDEXES In 1921, a revision of the indexes extended the commodity gaps in the available source materials, especially for years prior to 1749. For 1720-1748, the price data were scarce and irreg coverage to include about 400 items as compared with 250 to ular, and an index could be computed only for certain months 325 in previous years. The weighting factors were changed in each year. For 1749-1782, the number of commodities in to represent the quantity of each priced item marketed in cluded generally varied from 11 to 19; and for 1783-1796, 71 1919. At this time an important change was made in the series were available for most years. method of grouping commodities. Articles properly classified The index numbers for 1797-1890 are weighted arithmetic in more than one major group were included in the appropri averages of relatives, computed first on the 1876-91 base ate groups with their total weights but, in the all-commodities then converted to the 1910-14 base using the relationship with index, the weights for such articles were counted only once. BLS index numbers for 1890-1893. When one commodity was In addition, a rearrangement of commodities within groups substituted for another, a linking procedure was employed. was made to provide separate indexes for 37 subgroups. Two all-commodity indexes were prepared, one with fixed group When the 1926 base period was adopted in 1927, the indexes weights throughout the whole period, and one with varying were recalculated back to 1913 with new sets of weights (see group weights. The latter is presented here as series E 1. BLS Bulletin No. 473, Wholesale Prices, 1913 to 1927, pp. Separate subindexes (series E 2-12) were computed by War 2-5). The figures for 1890-1912 were converted, not recal ren and Pearson for the 10 groups of commodities formerly culated in detail. used by BLS with a supplemental index for spirits. Within In subsequent years, the weighting factors were brought each group, weights representing the importance of the priced commodities in the total trade of the United States were up to date from time to time. Major additions to the lists of varied over the years to represent, insofar as possible, priced items in 1931 and again in 1940 provided better cover changes in importance. (Specific mention should be made of age of manufactured articles than in earlier indexes. By 1951, the reduction in the importance of cotton during the Civil War when these indexes were discontinued, the number of sub period. Cotton was scarce and prices very high so weights groups for which separate series were available had been en were based on the amount available for consumption for 1861- larged to 49. Because of changes in the list of commodities and in the 1866 and on production for 1867-1871.) Censuses, imports, exports, and similar official figures were used as weighting weighting factors, the indexes were calculated by the chain factors. However, data were meager for the early years and relative method. In this way, comparisons between any two some arbitrary weight assignments were necessary. periods were based on the same commodities with the same For 1787-1800, Stoker constructed a “71-commodity index” weights. Throughout the whole period, the weight used for with the same commodity group classification and methods of each priced commodity was the quantity marketed for that calculation as those employed by Warren and Pearson. These class of commodity. Classes of commodities not represented all-commodity and group indexes were linked to the Warren- by an item in the list priced were not represented in the Pearson indexes. His “15-commodity index” for 1720-1787 weighting factors. based on the 11-19 items (practically all farm products and Table I contains a summary of the number of commodities foods) was in turn linked to the 71-commodity index. and the weights used for the indexes in series E 13. There are discrepancies between Prices and Memoir 11+2 for Table I. Number of Price Series and Weighting Factors Used in BLS Wholesale Price Index (All Commodities, Series farm products (series E 2) for 1807, 1808, and 1827. The E 13): 1890 to 1951 figures shown in series E 2 are averages of monthly data in Memoir 14.2 . Number Year of W eights used E 13-24. Wholesale price indexes (BLS), by major product series groups, 1890-1951. 1949-1951__________ 900-947 Quantities marketed 1929 and 1931 Source: 1890-1950, BLS, Handbook of Labor Statistics, 1950 1940-1948_______ 881-890 1938-1939__________ 813 edition, p. 118; 1951, 1951 supplement to the Handbook, p. 42. 1934-1937 „ 784 784 Quantities marketed 1927 and 1929 Since 1902, when BLS began regular publication of whole 1932-1933................... 1931__________ 784 Quantities marketed 1925 and 1927 sale price indexes, there have been a number of changes in 1930__________ 550 404-550 Quantities marketed 1923 and 1925 lists of items, weighting factors, base periods, and methods of 1926-1929___________ 1924-1925 __________ 526-528 1922-1923________ 450-478 Quantities marketed 1921 and 1923 computing the indexes. Detailed descriptions of the early un 1920-1921 __________ 390-450 Quantities marketed 1919 and 1921 „ 296-371 Quantities marketed 1914 and 1919 weighted index numbers, and later the weighted indexes, are 1914-1919....... 1913____ 252 Quantities marketed 1909 and 1914 included in various annual bulletins on wholesale prices begin 1890-1912____ 251-261 Quantities marketed 1909 ning with Bulletin No. 39, issued in March 1902. The figures shown in series E 13-24 are weighted index numbers of The price quotations on which the indexes were based the fixed base weighted aggregative type. were obtained by mail from leading manufacturers or selling In 1914, BLS recalculated its series back to 1890 using as agents or from such other sources as standard trade publica weights the quantity of each priced item marketed in 1909 but tions, reports of boards of trade, and produce exchanges. Be retained the base 1890-99. The system of classification for fore 1913, most of the data referred to the New York market group indexes was generally according to origin rather than but after 1913, quotations were obtained in several major mar end use and each commodity was included in only one group kets for a number of important commodities. index. For 1914-1921, the index series were continued with For articles subject to frequent fluctuations in price, month little change except for expanding the list of priced items and ly averages were made up of quotations for one day in each rebasing the indexes several times. In 1920, the year 1913 week and for a portion of the period from daily quotations. was adopted as the base period in order to provide a prewar For other articles, monthly, quarterly, or semiannual quota standard for measuring price changes. tions were secured. 103 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES E 25-55 Since the revised index was initiated, there have been two Considerable attention was devoted to obtaining descriptive details so that price comparisons were based on the same or changes in the weighting factors. Value of shipments in 1952 comparable commodities. By 1931, BLS had developed a speci and 1953 were introduced in 1955 and only relatively minor fication for each commodity in the index. These specifications changes were made in the list of items priced. Another re defined quality as precisely as possible, including the principal vision in the weighting factors to represent value of shipments price-determining characteristics, terms of sale, and other in 1954 was introduced beginning January 1958. details. These specifications were refined and improved over Most of the prices in the index are collected by mail di the years. rectly from the manufacturer or other producer. A few are The prices used in the index were usually net cash prices, reported by trade associations or organized exchanges and f.o.b., for the article described by the specification. Delivered some are obtained from authoritative trade publications or prices were included only when it was customary for an in from other government agencies that collect price data for their regular work. dustry to quote on the delivered basis. Before 1952, prices used were monthly averages of 1-day-aSee also general note for series E 1-100. week Thereafter, prices have been for the most part E 25-41. Wholesale price indexes (BLS), by major product those prices. of the Tuesday of the week which includes the 15th of groups, 1913-1957. the month. However, for some commodities another day may Source: BLS Bulletin No. 1235, Wholesale Prices and Price be used as a more representative day. Indexes, 1957, p. 26. Whenever possible, prices are obtained at the production The current (1958) BLS wholesale price indexes on the point or at the central marketing point. Delivered prices are 1947-49 base period were begun in 1952 but calculated to used only when it is the practice of the industry to quote 1947, using new samples of items and new weights. However, prices on this basis. Prices obtained from manufacturers or the 1947-49 base period index is the official index beginning other producers are subject to the applicable trade and quan with January 1952, and does not replace the 1926 base series tity discounts. Cash discounts are deducted from the price as the official index for 1947-1951. The new series of in when it is determined that most buyers avail themselves of dexes was spliced to the former series (converted) by linking the reduced prices. Excise taxes are excluded from the price. as of January 1947. Indexes shown for 1913-1946 are con Closeout sales prices are usually not used. Free deals or al versions of series E 13-24. The former group indexes were lowances are used when possible in arriving at the net price spliced with the new ones when the value aggregate of com to be used for index calculation. Nominal prices are used modities in the former group represented 50 percent or more when they are indicative of the market situation and no other of the value of shipments in 1947 for all commodities (priced price is available. and unpriced) in the group. For a complete description of techniques used in the Whole With the revision in 1952, the conceptual definition of the sale Price Index, see BLS Bulletin No. 1168, Techniques of index was not altered, but major changes in coverage and Preparing Major BLS Statistical Series, 1954, chap. 10. methods were adopted. The list of priced commodities was See also general note for series E 1-100. expanded from 947 to approximately 1,800, embracing nearly 5,000 separate series. The weighting factors for each com E 42-55. Wholesale price indexes (BLS), for economic sectors, by stage of processing, 1913-1957. modity represented the value of shipments for the specific commodity priced and for all others in the same group which Source: 1913-1946, series E 42, 43, 47, and 53, BLS Bulletin were known (or assumed) to have price movements similar to No. 1235, Wholesale Prices and Price Indexes, 1957, p. 26; (these those for the commodity priced. By this method of weighting, series on a 1926 base appear in the following publications: values for all commodities in a group are accounted for and 1913-1941, BLS, Handbook of Labor Statistics, 1941 edition, the group automatically has its proper representation in the p. 733; 1942-1946, BLS Bulletin No. 947, Wholesale Prices, all-commodities index. The weight universe includes the net 191,7, p. 6) ; 1947-1957, BLS Bulletin No. 1235, op. cit., p. 27. selling value of all commodities included in the producing and the basic weights, the price data, and the calcula processing sector of the economy including sales for exports tionAlthough methods these indexes were the same as those used and imports for consumption but excluding interplant trans for the regularforindexes, series shown comprise two parts, fers, military goods, construction, real estate, transportation, one for 1913-1946 and thethesecond 1947-1957. Prior to the securities, printing and publishing, and transactions for revision of the regular Wholesale for Price Index (WPI) in 1952 services. (which was carried back to 1947), each commodity in the The indexes are calculated as averages of relatives weighted WPI was classified in one of three groups: Raw, semimanu by values of shipments. This is algebraically equivalent to factured, or manufactured. The prices were weighted using quantity weighted aggregative indexes but allows for more quantities as specified for series E 13-24. The list of com flexibility in processing. As in all the official indexes, the modities included in each classification is shown in BLS Bulle linking process is used when there are changes in lists of tin No. 473, p. 62. commodities, changes in weighting factors, or other changes The more refined economic sector classification used for making for noncomparability. In the case of quality changes, 1947-1957 adjustments to these procedures. Many adjustments are made to obtain month-to-month relatives for commoditiesrequired were considered fall appropriately in more the same quality insofar as possible. If the change in descrip than one category. The base toweight for each such article tion is minor, direct comparisons are made between the price was, therefore, distributed among the economic sectors on the of the old and the new items. For major quality changes, basis of percentage distributions by end use, derived from efforts are made to secure from the producer an estimate of the BLS interindustry studies for 1947. The same price series the proportion of the gross price change due to quality dif was used in several sectors when a commodity was classified ferences and to a price change. When such information can in more than one sector. It was recognized that this pro not be obtained, the new quality is linked into the index, thus cedure had some disadvantages, but it was believed to have assuming that the full price change is due to quality change. little effect on the measurement of price trend. 104 E 56-89 WHOLESALE PRICE INDEXES In splicing the two parts, the index for “raw materials” E 68-81. Wholesale price indexes (Bezanson), for Philadel phia, unweighted geometric average, 1784-1861. was considered as most nearly comparable with the new “crude Source: Anne Bezanson, Robert D. Gray, and Miriam Hus materials for further processing” ; “semimanufactured” with “intermediate materials, supplies, and components” ; and “man sey, Wholesale Prices in Philadelphia, 1784—1861, part I, Uni versity of Pennsylvania Industrial Research Study No. 29, ufactured” with “finished goods.” 1936, p. 392. E 56-64. Wholesale price indexes (BLS), by durability of Philadelphia, See also general note for series E 68-100. product, 1947-1957. Records of prices for Philadelphia provided continuous price Source: BLS Bulletin No. 1235, Wholesale Prices and Price reports for 186 series covering 140 different commodities for Indexes, 1957, pp. 32 and 33. 1784-1861 and 205 series for 157 commodities for 1819-1861. These indexes were constructed by recombining commodity Monthly relative prices for the individual commodities and segments of the regular BLS Wholesale Price Index accord changes in the description of the commodities quoted are ing to durability. The basic weights, the price data, and the included in part II of the source, published as Industrial Re calculation methods were the same as for the regular indexes search Study No. 30. Bezanson and her associates have also (see text for series E 25-41). The commodity groups in computed indexes for 1852-1896, corresponding to those for cluded in each of these special indexes are listed in the source, the earlier part of the century, which are available in a BLS pamphlet, Wholesale Price Indexes for Philadelphia, 1852-96: pp. 12-14. Manufactured commodities were generally classified on the Annual Group Totals. Indexes for all commodities and for subindexes using differ same basis as that used by the Federal Reserve Board for its Index of Industrial Production. The classification of the “raw ent modes of classification were computed as unweighted geo or slightly processed goods” was based for the most part on metric averages of price relatives. Two all-commodities in that used by Frederick C. Mills in Prices in Recession and dexes were prepared, one based on 140 commodities (series Recovery, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, E 68) and one for a more limited period for 157 commodities. In addition to the subindexes selected for inclusion here, 1936, pp. 472-474. other for commodity groupings generally compara E 65-67. Wholesale price indexes (BLS), by 2 levels of ble to subindexes those of the BLS were also calculated. All indexes are processing, for identical commodities, 1890-1926. available on a monthly basis. Source: BLS Bulletin No. 440, Wholesale Prices, 1890 to E 82. Wholesale price indexes (Bezanson), for Philadelphia, 1926, pp. 28-29. unweighted arithmetic average, 1720-1861. These series were calculated for the first time in 1915, were Source: See source for series E 68-81. extended back to 1890, and continued through 1926. The For the colonial period, Bezanson and her associates ob items in each of the indexes were selected from those in cluded in the BLS regular wholesale price index (see series tained some price data for 82 series. Because of the gaps in E 13). The indexes are fixed weight aggregative indexes, the data, however, indexes for the early years were based on derived by weighting the price series with the estimated quan prices for many fewer commodities. tity of each article marketed in 1919. Similar figures for Indexes for 1720-1861 were computed as unweighted arith 1890-1914 on the 1914 base, using 1909 quantity weights may metic averages of relatives of prices for the same 12 commod be found in BLS Bulletin No. 181, Wholesale Prices, 1890- ities for the full period. The source also includes an un 191 A, pp. 28-29. weighted geometric index of 20 commodities for 1731-1861. E 68-100. General note. E 83-89. Wholesale price indexes (Taylor), for Charleston, The inadequacy of the available statistics on commodityS. C., 1732-1861. price and wage movements over long periods of time led to Source: Arthur H. Cole, Wholesale Commodity Prices in the the formation of the International Scientific Committee on United States, 1700-1861, Harvard University Press, Cam Price History in 1929. In the United States, the attention bridge, 1938, pp. 153, 155-157, and 159-167. of this Committee was directed to providing long series of See also articles by George Rogers Taylor, “Wholesale Com prices for important commodities for pre-Civil War years. modity at Charleston, S. C., 1732-1791,” Journal of Price history research was initiated or expanded for 6 im EconomicPrices History, 1932, pp. 356-377, and “Wholesale portant markets—Philadelphia, Charleston, S.C., Cincinnati, Commodity Prices February at Charleston, S. C., 1796-1861,” August New Orleans, New York City, and Boston. Information is pre 1932 supplement to the Journal, pp. 848-868. sented here only for the first 4 of these markets. See also general note for series E 68-100. The results of the investigations in all 6 areas were sum Taylor’s research in commodity prices was summarized in marized in the form of wholesale price index numbers by the individual research directors and presented by Arthur H. Cole separate index numbers for 8 different periods. The choice in Wholesale Commodity Prices in the United States, 1700 to of time periods was made partly to reflect business conditions 1861, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1938. A statis in Charleston and partly to take account of availability of data. tical supplement to Cole’s report contains the actual monthly Newspapers and original manuscript materials produced price quotations for approximately 45 commodities for the years series for a maximum of 32 items for 1818-1842 and a mini mum of 6 for 1732-1747. Gaps were relatively frequent and covered in each market. no quotations at all appeared for 1792-1795. The source materials for the price data included newspapers, Indexes for each period were weighted arithmetic averages merchants price lists, account books, and similar records that could be located. Differences in the availability of price and of price relatives, with weights representing the approximate weighting data from area to area contributed to differences importance of each commodity in South Carolina commerce. in the indexes derived, particularly with respect to the appro The weights were unchanged for all years within each time priate base periods, the length of the series, and the classi period but were changed from period to period. An all commodities series was made up of prices for 6 articles for fications of commodities for subindexes. 105 E 90-112 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES 1732-1747, 10 articles for 1748-1761, and 16 articles for 1762- 1800-1812 (July). For a part of this period, 1804-1812 1775. In each period, rice represented 50 to 64 percent of the (A pril), 2 series were constructed, 1 for 29 domestic total weight. For the 5 later time intervals, weighted sub products and the other for 15 imported goods. For 2 later indexes were combined with group weights based on the follow periods, the volume of data was sufficient to set up 3 sub ing total number of price series: 1780-1791, 20; 1796-1812, indexes, classifying the commodities by origin. The number 18; 1813-1822, 13; 1818-1842, 32; 1843-1861, 20. During these of articles included w as: For 1815-1842, 5 Louisiana products, years, the importance of rice declined from about 37 percent 34 other domestic products, and 11 foreign imports; for 1840of the total weight to 5 to 7 percent, while the importance of 1861, the corresponding numbers of articles were 4, 37, and 8. cotton increased from zero in 1791 to almost 35 percent in All of the index numbers were calculated using the method 1843-1861. of weighted averages of relatives. The weights in the several The all-commodity series (E 83) was obtained by splicing time periods represented the importance of the various com modities in the trade of New Orleans. the indexes for the separate periods. The all-commodities index (series E 96) was obtained by E 90-92. Wholesale price indexes (Berry), for Cincinnati, splicing the “all-commodities” indexes for the different periods. 1816-1861. Source: Series E 90, 1816-1860, Arthur H. Cole, Wholesale E 101-112. General note. Commodity Prices in the United States, 1700-1861, Harvard From among the several hundred commodities for which University Press, Cambridge, 1938, p. 185 (averages of the wholesale prices have been published in various reports, 12 monthly data were computed from the source) ; 1861, estimated were selected for publication in the form of actual prices. by Ethel Hoover from series E 91 and E 92 with weights Generally, consideration was given to representation of com shown in Cole (cited above), p. 81. Series E 91-92, Thomas modities in different product groups, importance in U. S. trade, S. Berry, Western Prices Before 1861, Harvard University and the length of the series available. Press, Cambridge, 1943, p. 564. The descriptions for each commodity insofar as they could See also general note for series E 68-100. be determined and the sources from which the prices were These indexes were weighted arithmetic averages of price compiled are shown below in the detailed notes for each relatives, computed for 3 separate time periods which were series. When annual averages were not available in the orig spliced to obtain the continuous series. For 1816-1825, prices inal source, they were computed for this publication. If 12 for 21 commodities were assembled, 13 “identified with monthly figures were presented, a simple average was calcu northern agriculture” and 8 “not identified with northern agri lated, but if only quarterly figures were given, straight line culture.” For 1824-1846, the total was 37 with 20 in the first interpolation was used to estimate missing months. category and 17 in the second. For 1846-1861, the total was It was not possible to obtain one continuously comparable 50, with 29 for northern agriculture, and 21 for other. The series for the full period. The data were assembled from weighting factors for the first period were estimated from several sources for each commodity and there were, frequent New Orleans receipts in 1825, while those for the 2 later ly, changes in the basis of quotation even in the same source. periods were based on receipts at Cincinnati for 1845-1848 prices are shown for each year in which a change in the and 1852-1856. Berry’s analysis is accompanied by many tab Two series occurred, if it was possible to obtain the information. ulations of supplementary data, including actual prices for In some instances, mostly prior to 1890, changes in the basis individual articles. of quotation occurred and no overlapping prices were available. E 93-95. Wholesale price indexes (Berry), for Ohio River Val Such changes are noted in the text. ley, 1788-1817. Prices for earliei ?.rs for some corr.^jdities are available Source: Thomas S. Berry, Western Prices Before 1861, Har in the same sources as those indicated for 1800, and in other vard University Press, Cambridge, 1943, pp. 563-564. publications. Because of limitations of time and space, how ever, figures prior to 1800 were not included in this chapter. See also general note for E 68-100. In his study of Cincinnati prices, Berry encountered con For example, prices of wheat back to 1700 may be found in siderable difficulty in obtaining price information for years the publication by Cole cited as the source for wheat prices before 1816. He enlarged his geographical coverage for the for 1800-1825. Wheat prices in the New England colonies market to include Lexington and Louisville, Ky., and Pitts at 10-year intervals for 1630-1750 are included with prices for burgh, Pa., and was successful in constructing 14 commodity several other commodities in BLS Bulletin No. 604, History of price series for 1788-1816 from data in “account books of Wages in the United States From Colonial Times to 1928, p. 19. backwoods merchants” and from local journals. The Annual Report of the Director of the Mint, cited as the The indexes were computed as unweighted averages of price source for practically all series for some part of the period relatives. The annual prices used to obtain the relatives were for 1825-1880, was used despite the lack of commodity descrip medians of all Ohio Valley quotations for each item each year. tions. The prices included in this report were summaries of the New York prices included in the U. S. Finance Reports of E 96-100. Wholesale price indexes (Taylor), for New Orleans, 1863, 1873, and 1874 which had been compiled from the 1800-1861. newspaper, The New York Shipping and Commercial List. Source: Arthur H. Cole, Wholesale Commodity Prices in the Prices for 1875-1880 were also compiled from this source. United States, 1700-1861, Harvard University Press, Cam Such descriptions as appear in the notes for each series when bridge, 1938, pp. 170-179. prices were taken from U. S. Finance Reports were obtained from the report for 1863. See also general note for series E 68-100. A considerable difference was found in the volume of infor An alternate source for many of the price series included in mation available for New Orleans from decade to decade. the Aldrich Reports (cited for data prior to 1890) is Monthly Therefore, New Orleans indexes were prepared for 4 separate Summary of Commerce and Finance in the United States, 57th time periods. Data for 8 commodities, primarily agricultural, Congress, 2d Session, House Doc. No. 15, part 1, 1902, pp. were combined into an index for “Louisiana” products for 59-100. This summary covers not only the years included in 106 E 101-106 WHOLESALE PRICE INDEXES the Aldrich Reports, but also extends the data through July per pound. Prices for 1934-1957 include the excise tax of 1902. 53^ cents per 100 pounds, effective in May 1934. See also general note for series E 101-112. E 101. Wheat, 1800-1957. Source: A.—1800-1825, Arthur H. Cole, Wholesale Commod E 104. Cotton, raw, 1800-1957. ity Prices in the United States, 1700-1861, Statistical Supple Source: 1800-1890, Mathew B. Hammond, The Cotton In ment, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1938; B.—1825- dustry, Essay in American Economic History, American 1880, Annual Report of the Director of the Mint to the Secre EconomicanAssociation, Series No. I, Macmillan, New York, tary of the Treasury for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1881, 1897, p. 358; 1890-1957,New see source D for series E 101. p. 50; C.—1880-1890, Wholesale Prices, Wages, and Transpor For 1800-1890, prices refer to “Middling uplands” cotton for tation, Senate Report No. 1394, 52d Congress, 2d Session, part the New York market and are available back to 1790. For 2, 1893, p. 61 (one of the reports usually referred to as the 1800-1820, prices are estimates made by merchants or govern Aldrich Reports) ; D.—1890-1957, compiled from Bureau of ment officials. For 1821-1890, prices were taken from James Labor Statistics records. L. Watkin, Production and Price of Cotton for One Hundred For 1800-1825, prices are for Philadelphia (commodity de published by the Department of Agriculture, 1895. scription not available). For 1825-1880, prices are for New Years, For 1890-1941, are for New York, “Upland, Middling” York, “Northern” wheat; the 1863 U. S. Finance Report cotton, spot. In prices 1936, “7/8 inch” was added to the description. (from which these prices were partially compiled) shows For 1941-1954 (July), are for “Middling, 15/16 inch,” prices for “genesee” for most years, 1825-1863, but for a few 10 spot market average. prices For 1954 (July)-1956 (August), the years prices refer to “North River,” “prime white,” “western,” number included in the average was increased from “western red,” or “mixed and red.” For 1880-1890, prices 10 to 14.of markets The July average for 10 markets was $0,342 are for “wheat No. 2, Winter, Chicago.” For 1890-1913, prices per pound and for 141954 markets, per pound. For 1956 are for Chicago “Range No. 1 Northern Spring and No. 2 Red (August)-1957, prices are for $0,341 “Middling, 14 spot Winter” in carlots. For 1913-1948, prices are for Kansas City, market average. In August 1956, the average1-inch,” for 15/16-inch “No. 2, hard (ordinary)” in carlots. For 1949-1957, prices staple was $0,348 per pound and for 1-inch staple $0,357 per are for Kansas City, “No. 2, hard winter, closing spot market pound. price, carlots, f.o.b. track.” See also general note for series E 101-112. See also general note for series E 101-112. E 105. Wool, 1813-1957. E 102. Wheat flour, 1800-1957. Source: See sources cited for series E 101; 1813-1825, Source: See sources cited for series E 101; 1800-1825, A; 1825-1850, source B, p. 60; 1850-1890, source C, source A; 1825-1870, source B; 1870-1890, source C, p. 79; p.source 387; 1890-1957, source D. 1890-1957, source D. For 1813-1825, prices are for Philadelphia, “Merino clean” For 1800-1825, prices are for Philadelphia, “Superfine” flour, per barrel of 196 pounds. For 1825-1870, prices are for New wool except for 1819 and 1820 when description was “Merino” York, “Superfine” flour, per barrel. For 1870-1890, prices wool. For 1825-1850, prices are for New York, “Merino” wool. were provided by a New York firm (commodity description not For 1850-1890, prices are for Boston, “Ohio, fine fleece, available). For 1890-1913, prices are for “winter straights, scoured.” For 1890-1913, prices are for, “Domestic, Ohio, fine f.o.b., New York,” per barrel. For 1913-1943, prices are for fleece (x and xx grades), scoured” ; for 1913-1945, for Boston, “Straights, hard winter, white, in carlots, f.o.b., Kansas City,” “Domestic, Territory, staple, fine and fine medium, scoured”; per barrel. During 1943, the basis of quotation was changed for 1946-1949 for Boston, “Domestic, Territory, staple, fine from per barrel to flour in sacks, per 100 pounds. For 1950- combing, graded, scoured.” For 1950-1957, the description 1957, prices are for “hard winter, bakery, short patents, was changed with no difference in price level to “Domestic, plain or enriched, in 100-pound sacks, carlots, f.o.b. mill, Kan fine, good French combing and staple, clean basis.” See also general note for series E 101-112. sas City,” per 100 pounds. During 1918 and a part of 1946, prices were quoted on the standard provided under govern E 106. Cotton sheeting, 1800-1957. ment regulation. Source: See sources cited for series E 101; 1800-1847, See also general note for series E 101-112. source A; 1847-1890, source C, p. 155; 1890-1957, source D. E 103. Sugar, 1800-1957. Prices are for Philadelphia, “Russian, unspecified” for 1800Source: See sources for series E 101; 1800-1825, source A; 1804, “Russian, brown” for 1805-1814 and 1824-1847, and 1825-1860, source B; 1860-1890, source C, p. 114; 1890-1957, “Russian, half bleached” for 1815-1823. Prices were shown “per piece” (approximately 100 yards). For 1847-1890, prices source D. For 1800-1825, prices are for the Philadelphia market. are for “sheeting, brown, 4-4, Atlantic A,” per yard (no market Prices for 1800 refer to “Muscovado, brown” ; 1801-1802 (Oc specified). For 1890-1912, prices are for “brown, Indian head, tober), “Muscovado”; 1802 (November)-1813 (October), 4-4, 2.85 yards to pound, factory.” For 1913-1941, description “Muscovado, first quality” ; 1813 (November)-1815 (April), same except that the width designation was changed in 1913 “Muscovado, unspecified”; 1815 (M ay)-1825, “Muscovado, to “36-inch” instead of “4/4,” and “48x48, carded yarn” was prime.” For 1825-1860, prices are for New York, “Cuba” added in 1923. For 1941-1943 (May), prices are for “Un sugar; the 1863 U. S. Finance Report (from which the data bleached, 36-inch, 48x48, 2.85 yards per pound, Class A, non were compiled) quoted “Muscovado” for 1825-1829 and 1845- feeler, f.o.b. mill.” For 1943 (M ay)-1947, description same 1860, “Cuba Muscovado” for 1830-1836 and “Cuba” for 1837- except for change from “48x48” to “48x44.” For 1948-1957, 1844. For 1860-1890, prices are for “Refined, granulated” prices are for “Unbleached (series 1), 40-inch, 48x48, 2.85 sugar (no market specified). For 1890-1946, prices are for yards per pound, Class A, nonfeeler, f.o.b. mill.” The Jan New York, “Granulated” sugar. Prices were quoted for sugar uary 1948 price for the former description (36-inch, 48x44) in barrels until 1955 when the basis of quotation was changed was $0,279 and of the new description (40-inch, 48x48) was to 100-pound paper bags. For 1947-1957, the description was $0,289 per pound. amplified to “granulated, domestic, cane, refined, New York,” See also general note for series E 101-112. 107 E 107-160 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES For 1800-1825, prices are for the Philadelphia market. E 107. Coal, anthracite, 1800-1957. Source: See sources cited for series E 101; 1800-1825, Prices are for “Copper in sheets,” 1800-1801 (April) and 1805 source A; 1825-1833, source B; 1890-1957, source D. For (June)-1809 (June) ; “Sheathing unspecified,” 1801 (M ay)1833-1890, American Iron and Steel Association, Statistics of 1802 (December), 1809 (July)-1818 (April), and 1824 (Sep the American and Foreign Iron Trades for 1896, Philadelphia, tember)-1825; “Sheathing, cold rolled,” 1803-1805 (May) ; and “Sheeting unspecified,” 1818 (May)-1824 (August). For 1897, p. 91. prices are for New York, “Sheathing.” For 1860Prices are for Philadelphia, “Virginia” coal for 1800-1811 1825-1860, 1889, prices are for New York, “Lake Copper.” Price shown and 1814-1825, and “Domestic” for 1812 and 1813. There was for 1890 is the as that in Metal Statistics, 1921. For no description for 1826-1833. For 1825-1833, prices are for 1890-1907, prices same for New York, “Lake Copper” ; for 1907New York, “anthracite coal (Schuylkill).” For 1833-1890, 1927, for “Copperareingot, electrolytic, early delivery, refinery prices are for “Schuylkill white ash lump” coal, by the cargo, in New York”; for 1927-1953, for “Copper, electrolytic, de at Philadelphia, per gross ton. For 1890-1957, prices are for livered, Connecticut Valley” ; and for 1954-1957, for “Copper “Pennsylvania anthracite, chestnut,” but the basis of quota ingot, electrolytic, producers’ prices, delivered, f.o.b. cars, tion was changed several times. For 1890-1928, the basis was U. S. destination.” “New York Tidewater,” per gross ton; for 1928-1931, “des See also general note for series E 101-112. tination on tracks,” per gross ton; for 1931-1947, per net ton (2000 pounds) ; and 1947-1957, “f.o.b. cars at mine” per net E 111. Turpentine, 1800-1957. ton. Source: See sources cited for series E 101; 1800-1825, See also general note for series E 101-112. source A; 1825-1840, source B, p. 56; 1840-1890, source C, p. 240; 1890-1957, source D. E 108. Steel rails, 1847-1957. For 1800-1825, prices are for the Philadelphia market per Source: 1847-1890, American Metal Market and Daily Iron and Steel Report, Metal Statistics, 1921, p. 91. For 1891- barrel (31^ gallons per barrel). No description was avail able, but a comparison of prices indicates that they may be 1957, see source D for series E 101. For 1847-1867, prices are for “Iron rails, Eastern Pennsyl for “soft” turpentine. For 1825-1840, prices are for the New vania mill” (production of steel rails did not exceed produc York market (no description is available). For 1840-1890, tion of iron rails until 1877). The source also shows prices of prices are for New York, “Spirits of turpentine.” For 1890iron rails of this description for 1868-1882. For 1867-1870, 1942, prices are for “Southern, barrels, at New York.” The prices are for New York “Steel rails, Bessemer,” per gross ton. description was amplified in 1936 by the addition of “carlots, For 1871-1890, prices are for “Steel rails, Pennsylvania mill.” ex dock, gum spirits.” For 1942-1951, prices refer to “Gum For 1891-1913, prices are for “Bessemer, Standard, f.o.b. mill, spirits, bulk, f.o.b. Savannah, Ga.” For 1952-1956 (Oc Pittsburgh,” per long ton; for 1913-1946, for “Open hearth, tober), quotations are for “Spirits of turpentine, tank cars, at standard, f.o.b. mill” ; for 1947-1953 (April), for “Standard, New York.” The January 1952 price for the former specifi heavier than 60 pounds, No. 1 open hearth, f.o.b. mill” (refine cation (Savannah) was $0.80 per gallon and for the new ment of previous specification and quoted per 100 pounds— (New York), $0.76 per gallon. For 1956 (November)-1957, no break in series) ; and for 1953 (M ay)-1957, for “Standard, prices are for “gum, tank cars” at New York. The October carbon steel, No. 1 open hearth, 115 pounds per linear yard, 1956 price for the former specification (spirits) was $0,640 per gallon and for the new (gum ), $0,635 per gallon. control cooled, base quantity, f.o.b. mill.” See also general note for series E 101-112. See also general note for series E 101-112. E 112. Brick, 1849-1957. E 109. Nails, 1800-1957. Source: See sources cited for series E 101; 1849-1890, Source: See sources cited for series E 101; 1800-1828, source A; 1828-1834, source B, p. 54; 1890-1957, source D. source C, p. 222; 1890-1957, source D. For 1835-1890, see source for series E 107, 1833-1890, p. 87. For 1849-1890, prices are for “common domestic building” (For 1835-1849, prices were compiled from the Report of the (market not indicated). For 1890-1933, prices are for “Com Secretary of the Treasury, 1849; for 1850-1859, by the Ameri mon, Red, Domestic, at New York” ; 1933-1947, for “Common can Iron and Steel Association from the books of the Dun- building, f.o.b. plant” (composite of approximately 50 firms) ; cannon Iron Company; and for 1860-1890, by an official of for 1947-1957, for “Building brick, f.o.b. plant or New York the Duncannon Iron Company.) dock” (composite of approximately 25 firms). Changes in list For 1800-1828, prices are for the Philadelphia market. For of firms from time to time did not result in any significant 1814-1827, prices are for “Cut nails, all sizes” ; for other years, differences in the annual average prices. “assorted sizes.” For 1828-1834, prices are for New York, See also general note for series E 101-112. “Nails, cut.” For 1835-1890, prices are for “Cut nails.” For E 113-160. General note. 1890-1953, prices refer to “wire, 8 penny, fence and common, appropriate name for indexes of retail price changes 100-pound keg, f.o.b. Pittsburgh.” “Base price” was added to hasAnbeen of considerable discussion. Most indexes the description in 1926 and fence nails were not included after that havetheat subject some time been called “cost-of-living” indexes 1947. For 1953-1957, prices refer to “wire, carbon steel, 8 d, measure changes in retail prices for the goods and services common, carload lots, f.o.b. mill.” The April 1953 price for families buy. Insofar the retail prices are for former specification was $7.41, and for the new specification the same list of items inasthepossible, same localities, the same qualities, was $7.33 per 100 pounds. “Packed in fiberboard boxes” was and the same quantities from one period to the next. The added to description in 1955. indexes, therefore, measure changes in costs for living in See also general note for series E 101-112. the same way and in the same place. E 110. Copper, 1800-1957. Generally, people tend to think of the amount of money Source: See sources cited for series E 101; 1800-1825, they spend for commodities and services as their cost of living. source A; 1825-1860, source B, p. 52; 1890-1957, source D. Changes in total expenditures reflect changes in costs result For 1860-1889, see source for series E 108, 1847-1867, p.. 299. ing from differences in the place or manner of living, such as 108 E 113-139 CONSUMER PRICE INDEXES Food prices are obtained from about 2,000 food stores, in shifts in the kinds of goods and services bought, and may represent a better or a worse standard than at some earlier cluding all important types of food retailers in each city. date. Rent figures are collected from tenants for approximately The term “Consumer Price Index” was adopted by the Bu 30,000 rental units selected from block listings of the total reau of Labor Statistics and the National Industrial Conference rental housing market in each city. Prices for other goods Board after much controversy during World War II regarding and services are obtained from about 4,000 retail and service the BLS Cost of Living Index. For a discussion of differences establishments patronized by wage earner and clerical families in concept and measurement of the cost of living, see the and including department stores, specialty shops, etc., with a Report of the President's Committee on Cost of Living, Office minimum of 4 quotations per item per city in most cases. For most cities, the samples of reporters are located in the city of Economic Stabilization, 1945. limits, but for rents, data are obtained from the “urbanized E ,113-139. Consumer price indexes (BLS), by major groups areas” as defined by the Census Bureau. and subgroups, 1890-1957. Price collection for the majority of goods and services is Source: BLS, U. S. Consumer Price Indexes (19U7-U9 —100) ; made by personal visit of BLS full-time field representatives. Historical Series A -l to 1-1. Food prices are collected by local part-time agents while for See also general note for series E 113-160. some items mail collection is supplemented by occasional per The BLS Consumer Price Index measures changes in re sonal visits. tail prices of the goods and services bought by city wage The indexes are calculated using a variation of the base earners and clerical workers. It was originated on a compre quantity weighted index formula. In practice, the aggregates hensive basis at the end of World War I when data were in are obtained by applying price relatives to “value weights” demand for wage negotiations in shipbuilding cities. A Depart representing the cost of 1951-1952 quantities as determined ment of Labor study of the cost of living in 92 shipbuilding from the 1950 family study. The importance of and other industrial centers was made in 1918-1919, as re each item in the indexexpenditure represents the expenditure for the ported in BLS Bulletin No. 357, Cost of Living in the United item and in addition the expenditure for all items it represents. States. The first publication of changes in the “cost of living” City indexes are computed using the expenditure weights for was in the Monthly Labor Review for October 1919 and regu each citv. National indexes are calculated by combining city lar publication has continued since February 1921. The fre data with weights representing their 1950 population. quency of publication was increased from semiannually to quar For a more complete description of the current index see terly in 1935. Since September 1940, the index has been Techniques Preparing Major BLS Statistical Series, BLS computed and published monthly in mimeograph releases and Bulletin No. of1168, chap. 9. in the Monthly Labor Review. A number of changes in coverage, methodology, classifica The present index (1958) is based on prices of about 300 individual items- The list of goods and services priced for the tion, and base periods have been made since these indexes index are those important in family expenditures and were were first issued in 1919 with index numbers back to 1913. chosen to represent price trends for all goods and services Until 1935, the “cost-of-living” indexes were calculated using bought by families of wage earners and clerical workers. The quantity weights derived from the BLS family expenditure selection was made on the basis of a detailed study of expendi study in 1917-1919. The weights related to the individual tures of 8,000 families in 1950 and studies of price trends for items priced and to geographic areas rather than to individual many individual items to determine items with similar price cities. Group indexes were combined with percentages repre fluctuations. The average size of the families covered by the senting the importance of the group in total expenditures. index was estimated to be about 3.3 persons and their average The goods and services included were described in general family income after taxes was estimated at about $4,160 in terms only. The measurement of price change for comparable articles was accomplished by careful attention ofi the part 1952. the field representative in obtaining price quotations for the The sample of 46 cities on which the. index is based was of same quality from one period to the next from the same chosen to represent all urban places with population of 2,500 respondents. or more in 1950. Characteristics of different city types which A major improvement in the index calculation method affect the way families spent their money were taken into account, including size, climate, density of population, level of was introduced in 1935 and is described in Faith M. Williams, income, and distance to market center (for small cities). Margaret H. Hogg, and Ewan Clague, “Revision of Index of Prices for foods and fuels and some services are obtained Cost of Goods Purchased by Wage Earners and Lower-Salaried monthly in all cities. Prices for most other goods and services Workers,” Monthly Labor Review, September 1935, pp. 819are obtained monthly in the 5 largest cities and quarterly on a 837. In the 1935 revision, consumption weights for individual rotating cycle in 41 cities. Separate indexes are computed cities were derived from the 1917-1919 expenditure study, and population weights (average population in 1920 and 1930) for 20 large cities. were used to combine city data. At this time, indexes back All retail price data are collected with the use of specifica tions to ensure comparisons from period to period of prices to 1913 were recalculated based on the prices collected for the for the same or similar qualities insofar as possible. These former indexes. “Specification pricing” was also introduced specifications include the quality factors associated with price in 1935; see John H. Cover, Retail Price Behavior, University differences and other physical characteristics needed for iden of Chicago Press, 1935. tification from store to store and from one pricing period to Another revision was completed in 1940 to take into account the next. A discussion of the use of specifications is con the results of a study of family expenditures in 1934-1936. tained in BLS Bulletin No. 1182, Average Retail Prices: Col At this time, indexes back to 1935 were recalculated with lection and Calculation Techniques and Problems. Every effort weights derived from this study. Indexes for earlier years is made to obtain the prices paid by the customer, not list were not recalculated completely, but the former group in prices from which discounts are normally given. Sales taxes dexes were recombined with revised weights. Other improve ments introduced are described in The Bureau of Labor are reflected wherever applicable. 109 E 140-156 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES Statistics' New Index of Cost of Living, Serial No. R. 1156, wartime conditions was taken into account in December 1945 reprinted from the August 1940 issue of the Monthly Labor when the Office of W"ar Mobilization and Reconversion esti Reveiw. mated that for the full period January 1941 to September 1945, Table II. Number of Cities Included in BLS Consumer Price the understatement amounted to a total of 5 index points for Index for All Items (E 113) and for Foods (E 114-115), large and small cities combined. and Weights Used: 1913 to 1957 In 1949, the Joint Committee on the Economic Report re viewed BLS methods in the compilation, composition, and Number of cities W eights used presentation of the Consumer Price Index; see The Consumers Period Price Index: Report of the Joint Committee on the Economic Family All Population Food expenditures items in— Report, Joint Committee Print, 80th Congress, 2d Session, in— 1949. 1913-1917______ 19 40-45 1917-19 none In 1951, a Special Subcommittee of the House of Representa 1918-1924__________ 32 45-51 1917-19 1920 and 1930 1925-1930_________ tives held extensive hearings and concluded that the Consumer 32 51 1917-19, 1920 and 1930 1 1934-36 Price Index was generally adequate for the purpose for which 1930-1934 33 51 1 1934-36 1930 1935-1942 ____ 33-34 56-64 1934-36 1930 it was intended. See Consumers Price Index—Report of a 1943-1949 ______ 34 56 1934-36 May 1942 1950-1952_________ 34 56 2 1947-49 1950 Special Subcommittee of the Committee on Education and 1953-1957_______ 46 46 3 1950 1950 Labor, House of Representatives, 82d Congress, 1st Session, Subcommittee Report No. 2, 1951. 1 Individual item w eights for 1913-1935 were derived from the 1917-19 study. Group weights as shown. E 140-147. Consumer price indexes (BLS), for special groups, 2 Family expenditures in 7 cities. 3 Adjusted to 1952 for price change. 1935-1957. ' During World War II, shortages and rationing imposed many Source: 1935-1946, BLS, Consumer Price Index: Price In measurement problems. The adjustments made by BLS in dexes for Selected Items and Groups, July 1956, p. 2, March weights and in pricing are described in Faith M. Williams, 1957, p. 9, and mimeographed tables; 1947-1957, “Bureau of Labor Statistics Cost of Living Index in War Monthly Labor Review, April 1958, historical p. 468. time,” Monthly Labor Review, July 1943. These indexes are based on a reclassification of the items Prior to the comprehensive revision in 1953, when present priced for the Consumer Price Indexes (series E 113-139). index procedures and coverage were introduced, an “interim The goods services included in each series are listed in adjustment” was made in 1951. This adjustment included footnotes inand the April 1958 issue of the Monthly Labor Review. a correction for “new unit bias” in the rent index (resulting The basic weights, data, and calculation methods were from wartime rent controls) for 1940-1950 and the introduc the same as those usedprice for the regular CPI. tion of revised commodity weights based on expenditure sur veys in 7 cities during 1947-1949. The revised commodity E 148-156. Consumer price index (Hoover), 1851-1880. Source: Ethel D. Hoover, “Prices in the 19th Century,” weights were used to recalculate indexes back to January 1950 but not earlier years. A description of the adjustment is in Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 24, Princeton University BLS Bulletin No. 1039, Interim Adjustment of Consumer Press (forthcoming). See also general note for series E 113-160. Price Index. The “interim adjustment” resulted in the pub lication of two index series for 1940-1952—the “old series” The basic price data for these series are from Joseph D. and the “adjusted series.” When the comprehensive revision Weeks, “The Average Retail Prices of Necessaries of Life,” was completed in 1953, the revised indexes were linked to the Report on Statistics of Wages in Manufacturing Industries, “adjusted series.” Tenth Census, vol. 20, 1886. Averages of retail prices for 58 In the 1953 revision, the city sample was changed to in commodities were calculated by making simple averages of the clude small and medium-sized cities and the expenditure con prices reported for each item by one or two storekeepers in cept was broadened to include the purchase price of a house. approximately 40 cities. The consistency of price movement (See February and April 1956 issues of Monthly Labor Re and price level between prices identified as of “June 1” and view for a discussion of housing costs in the CPI.) Pricing those as “year” averages led to the inclusion of all prices to of restaurant meals and home repair and maintenance items calculate an all-city average for each year. In calculating the was begun and several other items were added. Items were relative prices for each commodity, a comparability procedure regrouped into 8 major groups. was used; that is, for each year two average prices were cal The BLS Consumer Price Index has been the subject of ex culated—one comparable with the preceding year and the other tensive analysis and investigation. A comprehensive review comparable with the following year. Data for these 58 com made by a committee of the American Statistical Association modities were supplemented with estimates of price change in 1933 led to the 1935 revision. During World War II, the for services (shoe repairs and medical care) as well as some effect of such factors as quality deterioration, “black market” additional items important in family spending estimated from prices, disappearance of special sales prices and low-end other sources. The number of price series included in merchandise, and similar wartime developments was esti each of the index groups was food, 40; clothing, 12; rents, 2; mated by the President’s Committee on the Cost of Living to fuel and light, 5; and other, 7. have produced an understatement of the rise in retail prices Relative prices for the individual commodities were com from January 1941 to September 1944 by a maximum of 3 to bined with value weights derived from the study of family 4 index points. The Committee also estimated that if small expenditures in Massachusetts in 1875, supplemented by de cities were included in the national average, an additional half tailed expenditures of 232 families as given in the Aldrich point would be added. The various reports submitted to and Reports (Wholesale Prices, part 1, pp. 62-63). The formula by the President’s Committee are included in its report cited for calculation of the index was the algebraic equivalent of in the general note for series E 113-160. The continuation of the Laspeyre index. 110 E 157-176 COST-OF-LIVING INDEXES E 157. Cost-of-living indexes (Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y.), purchases by the Army and Navy, and miscellaneous publica tions. 1820-1913. Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Index of E sti E 159. Cost-of-living index (Douglas), 1890-1926. mated Cost of Living in the United States (1938 revision Source: Paul H. Douglas, Real W ages in the United States, mimeographed). 1890-1926, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston and New York, Indexes for 1820-1952 converted to .he 1947-49 base and 1930, p. 60. figures showing purchasing power of the dollar “in terms of See also general note for series E 113-160. retail prices” for the same period are available in a mimeo This index was called the “Most Probable Index of the graphed release with same title dated March 17, 1953. Movement of the Total Cost of Living for Workingmen” by See also general note fo^ ,<•<ries E 113-160. Douglas, who constructed the series for his study of real This index was oht< v m by splicing together parts of in wages during this period. The all-item indexes are available dexes already available to approximate a continuous series. for two base periods, 1890-1899 and 1914. No adjustments were made to the original series other than For 1890-1914, the sources of the price data were BLS those necessary to convert to a common base period. Indexes wholesale and retail reports. The available retail prices for for 1820-1839 were taken from Alvin H. Hansen’s cost-of- foods were supplemented with wholesale prices for additional living indexes which were based on wholesale prices for these foods. These wholesale data were adjusted for the variation years. For 1840-1859, the indexes used were also obtained in movement between retail and wholesale prices for identical from Hansen’s index which had in turn utilized the weighted foods. Wholesale prices were also adjusted to approximate re index of wholesale prices (assuming all unpriced items moved tail prices for clothing, fuel and light, furniture, tobacco, and with all priced items) computed by Roland P. Falkner for the spirits. The combined index for all items is a weighted arith Senate Committee on Finance. The Falkner indexes for 1840- metic average of price relatives, using weights derived from 1891 may be found in Senate Report No. 1394 ( Aldrich R eport), the BLS consumer expenditure study of 1901-1902. No esti Wholesale Prices, Wages, and Transportation, U. S. Senate mates were made for rent movements because of lack of data. Committee on Finance, 1893, p. 93. For 1860-1879, the Fed For 1913-1926, the individual city indexes in the BLS “Costeral Reserve Bank used the relative cost-of-living series pre of-Living Index” were combined with city population weights. pared by Wesley C. Mitchell, who calculated his index from retail price data for 60 of the “necessaries of life” included E 160. Cost-of-living index (Rees), 1890-1914. Source: National Bureau of Economic Research, Thirtyin the W eeks Report. The original series may be found in Mitchell’s Gold, Prices, and W ages Under the Greenback Stand eighth Annual Report, New York, May 1958, pp. 59-60. ard, University of California Publications in Economics, vol. 1, Rees’ cost-of-living index was based largely on retail prices. Berkeley, March 1908, p. 91. For 1880-1889, the indexes were Douglas’ estimates were adopted for food at retail, and tobacco those of W. Randolph §„urgess in Trends o f School Costs (see and spirits at wholesale prices (see text for series E 159), but series E 158). For 1890-1909, Paul Douglas’ “Most Probable retail data were assembled to compute new components for Index of the Total Cost of Living for Workingmen” (see series fuel, rent, clothing, and housefurnishings. Prices for gas ob E 159) as published in American Economic Review, March tained from utility companies, and retail prices of kerosene 1926 supplement, p. 22, was used. Indexes for 1910-1912 were as used for the New Jersey State cost-of-living index, were derived from the cost-of-living index for Massachusetts ap included in fuels. Wholesale prices of coal were included be pearing in the Department of Labor and Industries of the fore 1907 and for kerosene before 1898. Rents for six cities Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Report o f the Commission were compiled from newspaper advertisements. Prices for on the Necessaries of L ife, February 1920, p. 118. clothing and housefurnishings were compiled from mail-order catalogs. E 158. Cost-of-living index (Burgess), 1841-1920. The index is a weighted average of price relatives, using Source: The Review of Economic Statistics, February 1934, weights derived largely from the BLS consumer expenditure vol. XVI, No. 2, p. 26. study of 1901-1902. Original data in dollars are shown in W. Randolph Burgess, E 161-176. Retail prices of selected food in U. S. cities (BLS), Trends of School Costs, Russell Sage Foundation, New York 1890-1957. City, 1920, p. 54. Source: 1890-1922, BLS Bulletin No. 396, Retail Prices, 1890 See also general note for series E 113-160. to 1924, pp. 8-10; 1923-1934, BLS Bulletin No. 635, Retail To determine changes in the purchasing power of teach Prices of Food, 1923-36, pp. 77-89; 1935-1939, Serial No. R. er’s salaries for his study of Trends in School Costs, 1172 (August 1940), Retail Prices, pp. 28-35; 1940-1957, an Burgess compiled the series, “Cost of Living Per Week for a nual or biennial bulletins, Retail Prices of Food (including Small Family Using the Same Amount of the Same Commod Serial No. R. 1264, and Bulletin Nos. 707, 799, 899, 938, 965, ities Over the Entire Period.” This series is based on prices 1032, 1055, 1141, 1183, and 1217). for 10 foods important in wage earners’ spending. Quantity While there were scattered statistics of prices of many weights, derived from BLS 1901-1902 consumer expenditure individual commodities in various publications, it was not until studies, were used to combine prices of the 10 foods. On the 1901, when BLS began the collection of food prices on a regu assumption that other less important items fluctuated with lar basis, that a regular price collection program was ini food prices, the total food cost was adjusted upward to ap tiated by the Federal Government. At that time, information proximate the total weekly cost for all items for a typical was secured from dealers’ books for 1890-1901. Since then, wage earners’ family of man, wife, and two children. The retail prices of food have been obtained by BLS, first at annual factor used for adjustment was based on the ratio of food intervals, then monthly or semimonthly. costs to total costs in 1901. The source of the price data is As the pricing program was expanded to other commodities indicated by general reference to BLS, the Massachusetts and services purchased by families for daily living, the avail Bureau of Statistics of Labor, the Aldrich Reports, records of able resources and review of data requirements for the over-all 111 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES E 161-171 Consumer Price Index resulted in sampling and methodology as given on the wrapper or reported by the store was con changes for foods. The growth in importance of some foods verted to 16 ounces. and declines for others, changes in kinds and sizes of pack National averages have not been computed for 1890-1913. ages, different methods of preparation of foods for retail stores, Prices for individual firms are available in the early retail and similar developments were taken into consideration in the price bulletins. adjustments made to the list of foods priced. Of the many E 163, round steak. For 1890-1939, the averages include foods included for most of the period since 1890, only 16 quotations for the best cut of the best grade handled in each were selected for publication here. store for whole round or top round, mostly bone-in. For 1940The list of cities in which food prices were collected changed 1957, prices were for top round, bone-in, U. S. choice grade over the years. In the main, the cities covered were indus (comparable to U. S. good grade prior to the changes in grades trial localities in 30 to 40 States up to 1952. Beginning in by the Department of Agriculture in 1950). 1953, the collection of food prices was restricted to the 46 E 164, chuck roast. For 1913-1939, quotations were re cities included in the CPI. ported for the best cut of the best grade handled in each The number of stores in each city reporting food prices, store and include both bone-in and boneless. Since then, all after the initial collections through 1904, generally ranged from quotations have been for “bone-in” roasts. The grade priced 25 in the larger cities to 15 in the smaller cities until 1932. for 1940-1957 was the same as for round steak. Beginning Average prices for the United States were obtained by making in 1951, the more precise description of the cut was “blade simple averages of quotations from the total number of firms pot-roast cut from upper part of shoulder before rib roast and reporting for each food for 1915-1932. Average relative prices behind neck, U. S. choice, bone-in.” for each commodity were applied to prices in 1915 to estimate National averages have not been computed for 1890-1913. national averages for 1890-1914. Some chain stores were Prices for individual firms are available in the early retail added to the samples as their sales volumes became significant price bulletins. in each city. E 165, pork chops. For 1890-1935, quotations were for loin During 1932-1934 the store samples were expanded, particu chops of the best grade handled. Rib chops and chops from larly in the larger cities, and the method of averaging prices the thick end of the loin were excluded. Beginning in 1935, was adjusted to reflect food sales by chain and independent prices were obtained for center cut loin chops of U. S. No. 1 stores in each city. National averages were obtained by com grade. bining weighted city averages with the use of consumption 166, bacon. Most of the quotations included in the aver and population weights. Refinements to the sampling and the ageE were sliced bacon for all years. In the early years weighting system have been introduced from time to time (probably for before 1930) bacon was sliced when sold and (see “Store Samples for Retail Food Prices,” Monthly Labor prices for slab bacon may be included. Sliced and packaged Review, January 1947). bacon has been priced since about 1930 in 1 pound or two V2 During the revision of the CPI in the late 1930’s, comparable pound packages of cellophane or similar material. Grade revised national averages were calculated back to 1923. descriptions were: 1890-1942, best but not fancy grade; 1943The national averages shown here are those estimated by 1945, first quality or fancy grade; 1946-1957, standard Grade A. price relatives for 1890-1915, simple averages of quotations E 167, butter. All prices refer to creamery butter, 92 to 93 from all cities for 1916-1922, and weighted city averages be score or better for 1890-1942 and 92 score for 1943-1957. ginning with 1923. Tub or print butter was priced up to 1940, roll or print in 1941 Food price data were collected by use of mail schedules and and 1942, package of 4 sticks or quarters for 1943-1946, and occasional personal visits until 1934. Since that year, all package print or roll, including quarters for 1947-1957. prices have been collected by personal visit of BLS representa 168, eggs. Averages are for fresh eggs for all years. tives. Changes in descriptions for the foods priced, the cities ForE 1890-1942, prices are for the highest grade sold in volume covered, sizes and designs of samples of stores, and methods in each store; for 1943-1944, U. S. extras or Grade A; for of processing introduce some noncomparabilities into the 1945-1952, the highest and size sold in volume in each series. However, the only change, which is significant on a store; since 1953, large grade Grade A eggs in most cities, although national basis, is the change in the description of the com some ungraded eggs included in some small cities. modity. E 169, milk, delivered. Until 1935, prices are for fresh The BLS publications have regularly included actual prices fluid milk, raw or pasteurized, no grade designation, in quart for individual nonfoods only for fuels, gas, and electricity. bottle or in bulk, delivered to homes; for 1935-1946, raw or For review of retail prices available for articles other than pasteurized milk of the dominant grade in each city in quart foods and fuels, see BLS Bulletin No. 1182, Average Retail bottles or cartons; for 1947-1949, same grades, but sizes Prices: Collection and Calculation Techniques and Problems, included 1-quart, 2-quart, and 4-quart containers in many cities; pp. 90-105. for 1950-1956, pasteurized milk, homogenized or nonhomoge E 161, flour. Prices are for general all-purpose white wheat nized, without Vitamin D, of the volume-selling grade in each flour. The size of package on which quotations were secured city in quart or half-gallon cartons or bottles; for 1957, pas were: 1890-1928, 1/8 or 1/4 of a barrel although some smaller teurized, homogenized milk with Vitamin D added, 3.25 per units were also included; 1929-1938, 12 or 24 lb. sack; 1939- cent or over butterfat content in quart or half-gallon cartons or bottles. 1942, 5-12 lb. sack; 1943-1957, 5 lb. sack. E 170, oranges. California and Florida oranges of the E 162, bread. Prices are for white bread, pan style exclud ing all specialty type bread. For 1913-1936, prices were ob variety and size constituting the bulk of sales each month tained from bakeries for 16 or 18 ounces in the dough and were quoted from 1919 to about 1935. After that time, the converted to 16 ounces baked weight. Both wrapped and size range was narrowed to include only size 176-222 in stand unwrapped breads were included. Beginning in 1937, prices ard box of U. S. No. 1 grade (good quality). have been obtained primarily from grocery stores for the vol E 171, potatoes. White or Irish potatoes, excluding large ume-selling size loaf of wrapped bread. The baked weight baking types, have been priced consistently for all years in 112 E 172-179 RETAIL PRICE INDEXES the quantities in which sales have customarily been made. Fuels: Retail Prices, 191*1-48, pp. 1-4. These reports contain references to earlier bulletins and include other index and The designation of U. S. No. 1 grade was added in 1935. E 172, tomatoes, canned. The volume selling brands of price series. canned tomatoes, standard grade, in No. 2 can were priced for E 177. Indexes of retail prices of electricity for household use, 1919-1954. For 1955-1957, the description was expanded to composite, 1913-1957. specify “small and large pieces, with a maximum of 50 percent Source: BLS, Retail Price Indexes of Fuels and Electricity, liquid, standard grade (C )” and the can size was changed to January 1935-Dec ember 1957 (issued September 1958). No. 303. Prices for 1919-1954 have been converted to No. 303 See also general note for series E 177-185. can. This is an extension backward of a current BLS E 173, navy beans. Dried beans, white, navy, or pea beans, series. composite For 1913-1934, the index is based on the average price No. 1 choice, hand picked, packaged or bulk were priced for per kilowatt-hour for the amount of electricity used 1915-1957. For 1949-1952, California small white beans were by families in each of the 32average cities included in the CPI. Aver also included and for 1953-1957, Great Northern beans. age prices for the 32 cities were combined as simple averages. E 174, coffee. For 1913-1956, whole bean or ground roasted 1938, a new method of computation for the revised CPI coffee was priced. Bulk or packaged coffee was quoted up to wasIn inaugurated, and data were extended back to 1935. Net 1938. For 1939-1955, coffee in cans, glass, cardboard, or paper bills for typical residential services were calculated containers were averaged. For 1956 and 1957, prices are for monthly from rate schedules for each city. The number of cities in ground roasted coffee in airtight cans only. the composite included 34 cities for 1935-1952, and 46 cities E 175, margarine. Prices are for uncolored oleomargarine, for 1953-1957. Some changes were also made in the typical animal and vegetable, in 1-pound cartons for 1919-1948. For services. For 1935-1952, bills were based on 25, 40, 100, and 1949 and 1950, uncolored vegetable margarine in 1-pound car 250 kilowatt-hours. December 1952, 3 services have ton was quoted. For 1951-1957, averages are for colored been priced, 40, 100, andSince 200 kilowatt-hours. vegetable margarine in 1-pound cartons. The net monthly bills for the typical services above were E 176, sugar. Prices are for white granulated cane or beet first combined into an index for each city by using weights sugar but the size package has varied over the years. For approximating importance of each of the services in that 1890-1916, prices for the volume-selling quantity were quoted; city. The city the indexes were then combined with the consump for 1917-1928, 1 pound; for 1929-1942, 10 pounds; and for tion and population weights of the CPI. 1943-1957, 5 pounds. For a short period during World War II, E 178. Indexes of retail prices of electricity for household use, the ~ ound unit was the only one available. 100 kilowatt-hours, 1923-1957. E 1/ 5 General note. Source: See source for series E 177. The „ction of retail prices for fuel and light was initiated See also general note for series E 177-185. in 191.1 with coal and gas data for 1907-1911. After that This index is based on net monthly bills for one of the time, the program was expanded to include gas, electricity, and the heating fuels used in important quantities in the cities typical services included in the composite, series E 177. When covered. Prices were collected semiannually up to 1920, and the new method of calculation was inaugurated in 1938, net monthly bills were obtained from rate schedules supplied by at quarterly or monthly intervals from 1920 on. companies or in BLS files. The indexes were originally The number of cities for which prices for this group have the calculated the 1923-25 base and converted to later base pe been compiled has varied widely. Before 1947, the city cover riods when on the CPI was revised. age had gradually been extended until prices for fuels and For 1923-June 1947, the cities in the series totaled 51 (in utility rates were obtained in 51 cities. In 1947, this program was cut back to the 34 cities in the CPI. The revision of the cluding the 34 CPI cities). Thereafter, only CPI cities were CPI in 1952 resulted in changing the city sample and enlarging included. The weights used for 1923-June 1947 represented the number of residential customers as of December 31, 1935. the number to 46 cities. Since July 1947, the weights were the CPI consumption and The changing importance of particular kinds of fuel in par population factors. ticular localities, coupled with the over-all change in the city sample over the years, produced many changes in the volume E 179. Indexes of retail prices of gas for household space heating, 1935-1957. of data for the indexes. The amount of supplementary in formation for deriving weights has also varied. In order to Source: See source for series E 177. produce continuous index numbers, all changes in samples and See also general note for series E 177-185. methods of averaging were handled by the linking process. The use of gas for home heating grew in importance as All prices have been collected by mail from retailers and additional pipelines made natural gas available to more and utility companies in each city, except that reports for elec more cities. Although gas for space heating was not included tricity have been secured through the Federal Power Com in the CPI before 1953, a special study in 1943 provided infor mission since 1937. mation on the volume of sales for space heating as of 1940 The terms of sale for the quotations were net cash payment and rate schedule data back to 1935 for cities in which gas basis, delivered to the residential consumer in specified quan was an important heating fuel. The number of cities included tities. Charges for special services were excluded but all ap varied from 27 of the 51 cities for 1935-1946 to 16 of the 34 plicable sales taxes were included. Annual averages were CPI cities for 1947-1952, and 28 of the 46 CPI cities for computed using standard BLS procedures. 1953-1957. The price for each city was calculated as an average of the The following bulletins contain the history of the collection and publication of prices for this group: BLS Bulletin No. 664, rates per therm in all of the heating rate blocks of the rate Changes in Retail Prices of Electricity, 1923-38, pp. 17-19; schedule, weighted by the total number of therms sold by the BLS Bulletin No. 628, Changes in Retail Prices of Gas, 1923- gas company in that rate block for residential heating. For 36, pp. 48-52; BLS Bulletin No. 950, Residential Heating 1935-1952, the average rates per therm for the various cities 113 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES E 180-186 Data for the early years by type of coal for each firm were then combined, using total thermal sales for residential heating in each city as weights. A fter 1952, they were com reporting were published in BLS Bulletin No. 105, Retail Prices, 1890-1911. Similar data for 1912-1917 are included in later bined with consumption and population weights in the CPI. E 180. Indexes of retail prices of gas for household uses other issues of Retail Prices. Since the first collection, BLS has continuously obtained retail prices for all locally important than space heating, all types, 1935-1957. fuels. Source: See source for series E 177. This index is based on average prices per net ton delivered See also general note for series E 177-185. at the curb or in the bin if there was no extra charge. Prices In 1935, BLS adopted the method of computing net monthly from in each city have always been combined as a bills based upon a definite number of heat units (therms of simple dealers average for each city. For 1913-1928, city averages 100,000 BTU each) for each of 4 selected services—10.6, 19.6, were also combined an unweighted basis. Through a re 30.6, and 40.6 therms. These 4 typical services were continued vision of method in on1936, city average prices for 1929-1952 through 1952. For 1953-1957, net monthly bills for 10 and were weighted by fixed weights based on anthracite ship 25 therms were used. This method of calculating prices has ments to each city by rail during the year ending July 1936. provided a better measure of price changes since differences Beginning 1953, the city averages were combined with con in heating values over time could be taken into account. sumption and population weights of the CPI. Indexes based on 10.6 and 30.6 therms back to 1923 and a for which anthracite prices were obtained varied part description of the methods adopted in 1935 are included in ly Cities because of change in consumer demand and partly due to BLS Bulletin No. 628, Changes in Retail Prices of Gas. CPI revisions. Generally the number of cities has declined For the number of cities included and methods of combining until, at the end of 1957, only 8 of the 46 cities in the CPI monthly bills used, see text for series E 177. were reporting prices for anthracite. (For complete listing E 181. Indexes of retail prices of manufactured gas for house through 1948, see BLS Bulletin No. 950, Residential Heating Fuels, p. 2.) hold uses, 10 therms, 1907-1956. Source: 1907-1913, unpublished data compiled by BLS; 1935- E 184. Indexes of retail prices of bituminous coal, all domestic 1957, see source for series E 177. sizes, 1913-1957. See also general note for series E 177-185. Source: See source for series E 177 and E 183. When price collection for gas was begun by the BLS in See also general note for series E 177-185. 1911, the majority of cities were served with manufactured For methods of collection and averaging of prices, see text gas. As a result of the increasing trend to the use of straight for series E 183. Generally, the index was based on un natural gas, the number of cities for which BLS obtained weighted averages of all prices for all sizes and types of prices for manufactured gas declined from 35 out of 39 cities bituminous coal for 1913-June 1947, and on city averages in 1911 and 42 of 51 cities in 1923, to none of the 46 cities weighted with CPI weighting factors for July 1947-1957. in the CPI in 1957. E 185. Indexes of retail prices of No. 2 fuel oil for household For 1907-1922, the index was based on simple averages of use, 1935-1957. net prices per 1,000 cubic feet (approximately 5.3 therms) Source: See source for series E 177. based on consumption of 3,000 cubic feet. For 1923-June 1947, See also general note for series E 177-185. the net monthly bill for 10.6 therms was computed for each Retail prices of petroleum fuels were first collected in 24 city, and cities were combined using the number of residential cities beginning in 1937 data were obtained back to 1935. customers as of December 1934. For July 1947-1956, prices Thereafter the number ofandcities was increased as fuel oil for were obtained for 10 therms and city averages were combined heating became more important. Beginning in 1947, the city with the consumption and population weights of the CPI. coverage was restricted to those included in the CPI and Annual averages were estimated from April figures for 1907- since that time has usually covered about 20 cities. 1920 and from quarterly figures for 1921-1951. Prices were The prices from which the index was computed refer to collected monthly beginning in 1952. prices per 100 gallons delivered in “the amount usually deliv E 182. Indexes of retail prices of natural gas for household ered at one time.” No. 2 fuel oil has been priced continuously uses, 10 therms, 1913-1957. and for 1939-1947, No. 3 oil was also priced and included. Source: See source for series E 177. Average prices for each city were simple averages of quota See also general note for series E 177-185. tions from a sample of dealers. For 1935-1938, city aver The increase in distribution of natural gas is reflected in ages were combined with CPI consumption and population the number of cities for which BLS obtained prices over the weights. For 1939-1946, weighting factors to combine city years. In 1913, 8 or 9 of 50 cities were using natural gas, averages were obtained from 1941 shipments to each city as 18 of the 50 were reporting natural gas prices by 1935, and measured by OP A rationing authorities. CPI weights were by 1957, 33 of 46 cities then covered were being served with again employed after 1946 to obtain the U. S. averages. natural gas. E 186. Rent indexes (Warren and Pearson) for dwelling units For 1913-1923, the index was computed from simple aver in 5 large cities, 1860-1880. ages of net prices per 1,000 cubic feet (approximately 10 Source: George F. Warren and Frank A. Pearson, Prices, therms) based on consumption of 5,000 cubic feet. Net month John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1933, p. 267. ly bills for 10.6 therms were used for 1923-1952 and for 10 See also G. F. Warren and F. A. Pearson, Wholesale Prices therms for 1953-1957. For the frequency of collection and the fo r 213 Years, 1720-1932, Cornell University Agricultural Ex methods employed to combine city data, see text for series periment Station, Memoir 1J+2, Ithaca, New York, 1932, p. 27. E 181. The method of calculating this index was not indicated. E 183. Indexes of retail prices of Pennsylvania anthracite, The rental data were obtained from the special report by stove size, 1913-1957. J. D. Weeks, “Report on the Average Retail Prices of Neces Source: See source for series E 177. saries of Life in the United States” in volume 20 of the Tenth Census of the United States, pp. 104-107. See also general note for series E 177-185. 114 WHOLESALE PRICE INDEXES E 1-12 Series E 1-12. Wholesale Price Indexes (Warren and Pearson), by Major Product Groups: 1749 to 1890 [1910-14=100] Year 1890 1889_________________________ 1888_________________________ 1887_________________________ 1886_________________________ 1885_________________________ 1884_________________________ 1883_________________________ 1882_________________________ 1881__________ .______________ 1880_________________________ 1879_________________________ 1878______ _ _ _ ____ 1877__________ _ ____ 1876______ _ _ ____ 1875______ _ _ _ ____ 1874________ _ _ ____ 1873_______ __ _ ____ 1872___________ ___ ______ 1871_________________________ 1870____________ ________ _ ^ 1869___________ __________ 1868___________ _ ______ 1867_________________________ 1866_________________________ 1865_________________________ 1864_________________________ 1863_________________________ 1862_________________________ 1861_________________________ 1860__________ _________ 1859___________ ________ 1858______ _ ____ 1857______ _ ____ 1856________ _ ____ 1855___________ ________ 1854___________ _________ 1853_____ 1852_________________________ ________ 1851___________ 1850 _ _ ________ 1849___________ 1848___________ ________ 1847___________ ________ 1846___________ _____________ 1845_________________________ 1844_________________________ 1843_________________________ 1842___________ ____________ 1841_________________________ 1840_________________________ 1839_____ _ ____ 1838______ _ _ _____ 1837_______ ___ ________ 1836______ _ ________ 1835_________________________ 1834_________________________ 1833_________________________ 1832 1831_________________________ 1830___________ ___________ 1829 __ _ _ _ ___ 1828______ _ ________ 1827___________ _________ 1826_________________________ 1825_ _ _ _ ___ 1824_____ ___ ___ _____ 1823___________ ___________ 1822_ ___ 1821. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1820_______ __ _____________ 1819. __ _ 1818. _ _ __ ______ 1817 1816. _ __ _________ 1815 ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1814 _ _ __ 1813 _ -__ 1812 __ _________ ___ _ ___ 1811_________________________ All com modities Farm products Foods 1 2 3 82 81 86 85 82 85 93 101 108 103 100 90 91 106 110 118 126 133 i 136 130 ! 135 / 151? 151?' 162 174 185 193 133 104 89 93 % 93 111 105 110 108 97 88 83 84 82 82 90 83 83 77 75 82 92 95 112 110 115 114 100 90 95 95 94 91 96 97 98 99 103 98 103 106 102 106 125 147 151 151 170 182 162 131 126 71 67 75 71 68 72 82 87 99 89 80 72 72 89 89 99 102 103 108 102 112 128 138 133 140 148 162 113 86 75 77 82 76 95 84 98 93 83 77 71 71 62 59 72 58 58 52 48 53 64 65 86 82 84 89 75 64 69 63 61 58 59 58 59 62 67 61 64 70 64 68 87 117 126 119 117 112 104 81 82 86 79 86 86 78 84 93 103 114 106 96 90 93 115 113 120 126 122 121 130 139 154 171 167 173 180 189 123 107 89 96 99 97 123 116 126 117 98 95 84 84 88 87 96 84 84 72 77 80 90 102 126 128 132 128 107 93 100 99 98 94 100 99 100 98 100 99 108 109 102 109 140 172 184 172 187 181 172 141 140 Hides and leather products 4 74 80 92 86 Textile products Fuel and lighting 5 6 103 99 98 98 101 100 105 111 107 108 109 113 100 95 109 104 123 128 132 130 126 128 134 126 132 146 152 164 133 108 90 105 109 116 119 119 128 114 115 125 138 141 151 175 177 170 179 194 197 220 245 266 264 206 147 102 115 110 139 121 104 100 84 70 65 67 64 56 66 57 63 66 69 72 86 80 90 80 80 78 74 70 76 85 91 85 85 90 87 91 99 97 97 93 89 83 101 113 95 86 85 96 77 72 73 120 119 120 123 138 129 125 124 119 113 115 116 111 113 117 122 125 125 114 132 140 146 159 157 167 177 170 161 162 161 179 181 182 190 186 188 198 191 209 218 215 211 233 275 268 274 300 300 291 257 243 Metals and metal products 7 123 116 121 119 72 71 72 70 70 72 77 89 92 91 92 80 93 108 127 128 135 148 153 152 134 166 149 144 160 214 197 125 87 80 98 93 90 97 97 110 109 124 144 157 150 166 134 126 141 i 157 175 194 243 257 203 200 102 121 102 93 87 95 93 93 90 88 96 90 87 94 111 105 122 121 130 130 111 101 111 137 112 116 133 138 137 138 131 133 131 138 142 157 162 149 141 190 318 525 334 185 166 !j 227 225 248 278 306 354 236 180 152 149 150 154 173 174 176 191 186 144 141 147 155 170 186 191 189 179 172 183 204 204 220 219 243 241 206 201 205 212 209 209 227 234 243 269 279 242 247 257 261 270 285 279 277 310 399 464 419 356 325 Building materials 8 84 81 80 81 82 81 84 85 88 83 81 74 72 80 84 90 101 106 107 102 101 110 116 120 128 118 114 88 69 63 65 64 67 73 73 71 70 67 64 61 61 58 61 61 64 64 59 58 62 67 65 70 70 70 53 52 52 51 49 49 47 49 51 51 52 50 48 49 50 50 53 55 56 60 68 76 69 63 58 57 Chem icals and drugs 9 90 101 103 97 99 100 105 114 110 120 120 120 127 136 140 149 176 181 175 177 199 227 204 229 283 300 297 234 206 174 175 168 168 171 176 178 174 169 156 153 154 152 153 156 164 178 187 188 203 220 238 250 257 264 251 225 212 220 226 211 207 251 287 298 313 304 320 342 306 300 306 318 327 376 538 814 848 735 570 222 Housefur nishing goods Spirits Miscel laneous 10 11 12 91 94 94 92 94 99 105 110 109 109 l 117 105 109 118 123 134 149 160 159 154 164 178 178 196 220 214 222 165 124 110 117 118 121 130 128 129 129 128 118 117 114 110 111 117 110 74 80 77 79 79 81 83 80 81 83 82 82 86 86 88 78 75 73 74 78 86 117 146 154 150 106 45 28 21 23 24 23 27 30 31 27 22 19 20 89 80 73 75 74 78 78 93 93 90 91 90 88 95 98 98 111 115 125 120 128 136 153 162 170 175 189 146 122 98 98 98 102 107 114 103 103 96 89 86 21 21 22 88 20 86 24 107 108 99 113 21 20 121 19 17 19 128 21 25 25 25 25 23 19 22 22 23 19 19 19 21 21 22 19 20 21 21 22 24 29 31 34 41 48 37 34 31 92 99 99 85 96 109 111 113 108 122 120 119 130 126 109 105 110 111 111 117 113 112 110 114 119 119 118 129 124 144 149 156 177 202 246 251 234 204 115 E 1-24 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES Series E 1-12. Wholesale Price Indexes (Warren and Pearson), by Major Product Groups: 1749 to 1890—Con. [1910-14 =100] Year All com modities Farm products Foods 1 2 3 1810______ _ 1809__ 1808_____________ 1807_____________ 1806_____________ 1805_____________ 1804____________ 1803_____________ 1802_____________ 1801_____________ 1800_____________ 1799_____________ 1798_____________ 1797 1796 1795 1794 1793 1791 1790 1789 1787 1786 1785 1784 1783- ___ 1782 1781 1780 _ _ _______ 1779_____________ 131 130 115 130 134 141 126 118 117 142 129 126 122 131 146 131 108 102 85 90 86 90 90 92 90 83 71 92 95 106 89 83 84 113 99 98 93 98 116 102 76 75 57 68 68 78 75 139 129 113 142 150 162 142 135 132 177 157 147 145 163 186 163 135 125 99 104 94 103 Hides and leather products 4 75 73 79 82 85 85 84 83 80 71 62 62 65 Textile products Fuel and lighting 5 6 278 323 279 274 280 270 252 232 230 236 225 227 226 167 147 148 161 153 196 182 152 153 167 159 150 131 144 150 155 125 122 100 95 99 127 Metals and Building metal materials products 7 8 332 59 350 60 336 57 327 59 328 58 309 58 300 56 290 53 301 55 348 55 322 51 310 51 304 51 299 54 284 58 259 56 258 40 240 39 240 34 247 35 250 35 236 36 Chem icals and drugs 9 483 538 455 440 519 511 493 431 377 445 427 523 442 Spirits Miscel laneous 11 12 29 27 23 22 23 24 23 25 24 27 25 24 26 26 31 25 23 22 19 17 16 15 Year All com modities 1 208 197 164 173 179 165 149 138 145 173 194 206 177 177 204 220 158 163 148 141 152 148 216 225 226 1778 1777 1776 1775 1774 1773 1772 1771 1770 1769 1768 1767 1766 1765 1764_____ 1763 1762 1761 1760 1759 1758 1757 1756 1755 1754 1753 1752 1751 1750 1749_____ 140 123 86 75 76 84 89 79 77 77 74 77 73 72 74 79 87 77 79 79 70 65 66 66 65 65 66 65 60 68 Series E 13-24. Wholesale Price Indexes (BLS), by Major Product Groups: 1890 to 1951 [1926=100] Year 1951_________________________ 1950_________________________ 1949_________________________ 1948_________________________ 1947_________________________ 1946_________________________ 1945_________ , ______________ 1944_________________________ 1943_________________________ 1942_________________________ 1941_________________________ 1940_________________________ 1939_________________________ 1938_________________________ 1937_________________________ 1936_________________________ 1935_________________________ 1934_________________________ 1933_________________________ 1932_________________________ 1931_________________________ 1930_________________________ 1929_________________________ 1928_________________________ 1927_________________________ 1926_________________________ 1925_________________________ 1924_________________________ 1923___ _____________________ 1922_________________________ 1921_________________________ 1920_________________________ 1919_________________________ 1918_________________________ 1917_________________________ 1916_______________________ _ 1915_________________________ 1914_________________________ 1913_________________________ 1912_________________________ 1911_________________________ 116 All com modities 13 180.4 161.5 155.0 165.1 152.1 121.1 105.8 104.0 103.1 98.8 87.3 78.6 77.1 78.6 86.3 80.8 80.0 74.9 65.9 64.8 73.0 86.4 95.3 96.7 95.4 100.0 103.5 98.1 100.6 96.7 97.6 154.4 138.6 131.3 117.5 85.5 69.5 68.1 69.8 69.1 64.9 All commod ities Farm other than products farm products and foods 14 15 196.1 169.4 170.4 153.2 165.5 147.3 188.3 151.0 181.2 135.2 148.9 109.5 128.2 99.7 123.3 98.5 122.6 96.9 105.9 95.5 82.4 89.0 67.7 83.0 81.3 65.3 81.7 68.5 86.4 85.3 80.9 79.6 77.9 78.8 78.4 65.3 71.2 51.4 48.2 70.2 64.8 75.0 85.2 88.3 91.6 104.9 105.9 92.9 94.0 99.4 100.0 102.6 99.7 104.3 102.4 104.9 161.3 128.8 124.6 114.2 88.3 68.0 66.4 70.0 100.0 109.8 100.0 98.6 93.8 88.4 150.7 157.6 148.0 129.0 84.4 71.5 71.2 71.5 72.6 66.8 Foods 16 186.9 166.2 161.4 179.1 168.7 130.7 106.2 104.9 106.6 99.6 82.7 71.3 70.4 73.6 85.5 82.1 83.7 70.5 60.5 61.0 74.6 90.5 99.9 101.0 96.7 100.0 100.2 91.0 92.7 87.6 90.6 137.4 129.5 119.1 104.5 75.7 65.4 64.7 64.2 66.8 62.0 Hides and Textile leather products products 17 221.4 191.9 180.4 188.8 182.4 137.2 118.1 116.7 117.5 117.7 108.3 18 172.2 148.0 140.4 149.8 141.7 116.3 and Building Chemicals HouseFuel and Metals metal allied furnishing lighting products materials and products goods 20 21 22 100.0 98.4 97.4 96.9 84.8 73.8 69.7 66.7 76.3 71.5 70.9 72.9 64.8 54.9 66.3 80.3 90.4 95.5 95.6 100.0 19 138.2 133.2 131.7 134.2 108.7 90.1 84.0 83.0 80.8 78.5 76.2 71.7 73.1 76.5 77.6 76.2 73.5 73.3 66.3 70.3 67.5 78.5 83.0 84.3 88.3 189.2 173.6 170.2 163.6 145.0 115.5 104.7 103.8 103.8 103.8 99.4 95.8 94.4 95.7 95.7 87.0 86.4 86.4 79.8 80.2 84.5 92.1 100.5 97.0 96.3 225.5 206.0 193.4 199.1 179.7 132.6 117.8 115.5 111.4 110.2 103.2 94.8 90.5 90.3 95.2 86.7 85.3 86 2 77.0 71.4 79.2 89.9 95.4 94.1 94.7 143.3 122.7 118.6 135.7 127.3 101.4 95.2 95.2 94.9 95.5 84.4 77.0 76.0 77.0 82.6 78.7 79.0 75.3 72.1 73.9 79.3 88.7 94.0 95.0 96.1 105.3 101.5 104.2 104.6 109.2 171.3 174.1 125.7 123.8 93.4 75.5 70.9 68.1 64.5 58.8 108.3 106.7 111.3 100.2 94.5 164.8 135.3 137.2 98.7 70.4 54.1 54.6 57.3 55.7 55.5 96.5 92.0 97.3 107.3 96.8 163.7 104.3 109.2 105.4 74.3 51.8 56.6 61.3 51 4 46.7 103.2 106.3 109.3 102.9 117.5 149.4 130.9 136.5 150.6 116.5 86.3 80.2 90.8 89.5 80.8 101.7 102.3 108.7 97.3 97.4 150.1 115.6 98.6 88.2 67.6 53.5 52.7 56.7 55.9 55.3 100.8 95.6 92.8 104.6 95.4 89.6 86.6 80.9 72.9 86.1 100.0 109.1 121.4 107.7 100.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.8 98.9 100.3 115.0 164.7 157.0 182.3 165.0 160.7 101.1 112.0 81.4 80.2 80. 7 81.6 23 176.0 153.2 145.3 144.5 131.1 111.6 104.5 104.3 102.7 102.4 94.3 88.5 86.3 86.8 89.7 81.7 80.6 81.5 75.8 75.1 84.9 92.7 94.3 95.1 97.5 100.0 103.1 104.9 108.9 103.5 113.0 141.8 105.9 93.3 74.2 61.4 56.0 56.5 56.1 53 .0 52.7 Miscel laneous 24 141.0 120.9 112.3 120.5 115.5 100.3 94.7 93.6 92.2 89.7 82.0 77.3 74.8 73.3 77.8 70.5 68.3 69.7 62.5 64.4 69.8 77.7 82.6 85.4 91.0 100.0 109.0 93.6 99.7 92.8 109.2 167.5 139.1 134.4 122.1 100.6 86.9 89.9 93.1 106.4 108! 6 WHOLESALE PRICE INDEXES Series E 13-24. Wholesale Price Indexes (BLS), by Major Product Groups: 1890 to 1951—Con. E 13-41 [1926=100] All commod ities Farm All com other than products modities farm products and foods 14 13 70.4 74.3 67.6 62.9 65.2 61.8 56.4 60.1 58.5 59.7 55.6 59.6 58.4 58.9 52.8 55.3 50.5 56.1 52.2 45.8 44.9 48.5 46.6 42.5 39.6 46.5 43.9 48.8 44 .6 47.9 53.4 51.3 52.2 49.5 54.2 55.8 50.4 56.2 Year 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904. 1903 1902 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. 1897. 1896. 1895. 1894. 1893. 1892. 1891. 1890. Hides and Textile leather products products 16 64.9 62.6 58.7 57.0 53.4 55.1 54.0 52.0 53.3 50.5 50.8 47.7 47.8 45.5 44.1 47.3 48.2 54.7 51.0 54.8 55.5 and Building Chemicals HouseFuel and Metals metal allied furnishing lighting products materials and products goods 18 58.4 56.5 54.8 63.5 58.7 54.1 52.9 52.8 49.4 48.1 53.3 47.7 44.9 42.9 43.1 44.3 46.1 54.1 55.2 54.6 57.8 17 60.2 61.5 55.6 58.0 57.7 53.9 49.7 49.9 50.8 48.9 49.4 49.4 48.3 45.9 45.2 49.4 43.0 45.1 47.2 47.9 47.5 19 47.6 51.6 53.7 54.4 52.0 49.6 53.3 60.3 51.8 44.6 46.3 41.2 34.5 33.9 39.5 40.3 34.3 35.3 34.8 37.0 38.1 20 85.2 84.5 86.3 109.8 102.4 89.1 79.9 90.2 91.0 93.1 98.0 100.0 65.3 65.0 71.2 70.4 65.7 76.8 84.0 92.2 105.3 21 22 82.0 79.9 79.6 78.5 76.8 82.3 84.1 84.1 86.5 84.2 82.1 81.1 77.4 70.9 65.0 64.7 65.5 72.7 74.6 74.0 73.2 55.3 53.7 52.0 56.8 54.0 48.1 45.0 46.7 45.3 44.3 46.2 43.6 39.6 37.4 38.9 38.8 39.8 41.6 41.7 44.2 46.5 23 54.0 51.7 51.6 55.0 51.3 49.7 50.3 50.9 49.2 48.9 48.9 45.0 44.0 42.5 43.4 43.5 45.3 48.1 48.1 50.4 49.9 Miscel laneous 24 152.7 129.6 97.8 108.2 115.3 117.4 109.5 98.9 88.1 93.4 102.0 97.4 93.4 92.5 90.2 88.9 86.4 89.0 86.6 94.3 97.9 Series E 25-41. Wholesale Price Indexes (BLS), by Major Product Groups: 1913 to 1957 [1947-49=100] All commod ities All other Farm commod than products farm Year ities products and foods 26 27 25 90.9 1957____ 117.6 125.6 88.4 1956____ 114.3 122.2 89.6 1955___ 110.7 117.0 95.6 1954___ 110.3 114.5 97.0 1953____ 110.1 114.0 1952____ 111.6 113.2 107.0 1951___ 114.8 115.9 113.4 97.5 1950____ 103.1 105.0 92.8 1949____ 99.2 101.3 1948___ 104.4 103.4 107.3 1947___ 96.4 95.3 100.0 83.2 1946____ 78.7" 78.3 71.6 71.3 1945____ 68.8 70.4 68.9 1944____ 67.6 1943___ 67.0 69.3 68.5 1942____ 64.2 68.3 59.2 1941____ 56.8 63.7 46.0 1940____ 51.1 59.4 37.8 58.1 36.5 1939____ 50.1 1938____ 51.1 58.4 38.3 1937___ 56.1 61.0 48.3 1936____ 52.5 56.9 45.2 1935___ 52.0 55.7 44.0 1934____ 48.7 56.0 36.5 1933____ 42.8 50.9 28.7 50.2 26.9 1932____ 42.1 1931____ 47.4 53.6 36.2 1930____ 56.1 60.9 49.3 1929____ 61.9 65.5 58.6 1928____ 62.9 66.4 59.2 67.2 1927____ 62.0 55.5 1926____ 65.0 71.5 55.9 1925____ 67.3 73.4 61.3 1924____ 63.8 71.3 5£>.9 74.6 1923____ 65.4 55.1 73.2 1922____ 62.8 52.4 1921____ 63.4 49.4 75.0 1920____ 100.3 115.3 84.2 1919____ 90.1 92.1 88.0 89.1 82.7 1918____ 85.3 1917____ 76.4 81.7 72.1 1916____ 55.6 63.1 47.1 48.6 39.9 1915____ 45.2 1914____ 44.3 47.5 39.8 191a____ 45.4 50.0 39.9 488910 0 - 6 0 - 9 Proc essed foods Furni Hides, Fuel, Chem Pulp, Metals Machin ture Rubber Lumber paper, Textile skins, power, icals ery and and and and products leather, and and and and other rubber wood metal motive and lighting allied and allied house apparel leather materials products products products products products products hold products durables 29 28 105.6 95.4 101.7 95.3 101.7 95.3 105.3 95.2 104.6 97.3 108.8 ’ 99.8 111.4 110.6 99.8 99.2 95.7 95.5 106.1 104.4 98.2 100.1 77.6 82.6 71.1 60.8 69.9 60.4 61.6 69.2 59.1 68.9 50.5 60.3 43.6 52.4 43.3 49.5 45.6 47.4 52.4 54.2 50.8 50.1 52.1 50.4 42.6 51.8 46.0 36.3 39.0 36.5 47.1 44.8 53.3 57.1 64.2 58.5 67.9 59.4 56.7 67.9 58.2 71.1 77.0 57.8 75.8 53.3 79.1 55.1 51.0 71.2 54.0 67.1 81.9 117.1 78.2 96.1 97.5 73.1 70.1 63.6 45.8 50.0 39.9 38.4 39.2 38.8 38.2 40.7 30 99.4 99.3 93.8 94.2 98.5 97.2 120.3 104.6 96.9 102.1 101.0 74.6 64.2 63.4 63.9 64.0 58.9 54.8 52.0 50.5 56.9 51.9 48.7 47.1 44.0 39.7 46.8 54.4 59.3 66.0 58.5 54.4 57.3 55.2 56.7 56.9 59.4 93.1 94.7 68.3 67.3 50.8 41.1 38.5 37.0 31 117.2 111.2 107.9 108.1 109.5 106.6 106.7 103.0 101.9 107.1 90.9 76.2 71.1 70.3 68.4 66.4 64.5 60.7 61.8 64.7 65.7 64.5 62.2 62.0 56.1 59.5 57.2 66.5 70.2 71.4 74.7 84.6 81.7 77.9 82.4 90.8 81.9 138.5 88.3 92.4 89.2 62.9 43.8 47.9 51.9 109.5 107.2 106.6 107.0 105.7 104.5 110.0 96.3 94.8 103.8 101.4 76.3 70.6 70.2 69.5 69.3 61.6 56.6 55.8 55.9 59.0 56.4 56.0 53.7 51.2 33 145.2 145.8 143.8 126.9 125.0 134.0 148.0 120.5 98.9 102.1 99.0 99.4 98.9 102.0 103.3 100.6 86.5 80.2 86.3 82.7 84.4 71.7 66.4 65.8 56.8 53.8 62.0 73.0 83.5 96.0 121.0 159.3 34 119.0 125.4 123.6 118.0 120.2 120.3 123.9 113.9 99.2 107.2 93.7 60.3 52.5 51.9 48.0 45.4 41.8 35.2 31.6 30.8 33.7 28.7 27.4 28.5 24.2 20.3 23.8 29.4 31.9 30.8 31.6 33.7 129.6 127.2 119.3 116.3 116.1 116.5 119.6 100.9 98.5 102.9 98.6 36 151.2 148.4 136.6 128.0 126.9 123.0 122.8 110.3 104.8 103.9 91.3 73.9 65.9 64.8 64.8 64.9 64.0 62.8 62.6 63.1 65.6 57.3 56.2 56.2 50.9 49.9 54.1 60.3 67.0 64.5 64.6 68.9 70.7 70.1 74.2 62.7 67.1 97.7 85.3 98.4 116.7 84.5 52.7 44.3 51.4 146.1 137.8 128.4 124.6. 123.0 121.5 119.0 108.6 106.6 100.9 92.5 80.3 71.6 71.0 71.0 71.2 68.6 122.2 119.1 115.9 115.4 114.2 112.0 114.1 105.3 103.1 101.4 95.6 83.0 78.6 78.4 76.4 76.8 71.2 66.2 66.8 65.3 65.4 65.6 67.2 60.6 59.8 60.2 55.5 55.4 62.8 68.2 69.3 69.9 71.7 73.5 75.4 76.3 80.3 76.0 85.2 101.5 75.2 63.6 53.4 46.6 43.9 43.4 43.4 N onmetallic minerals, struc tural 134.6 129.6 124.2 120.9 118.2 113.6 113.6 106.9 104.4 101.7 93.9 84.2 79.1 75.9 74.5 74.1 71.3 69.7 69.5 71.1 73.4 71.7 71.6 71.6 66.9 63.4 67.6 72.4 72.6 73.8 71.4 74.5 Tobacco manu factures Miscel and laneous bottled products bever ages 126.1 122.3 121.6 120.6 115.7 111.8 109.4 103.5 102.3 100 .5 97. z 89.7 85.8 83.4 83.0 79.1 78.1 77.3 76.4 76.4 76.5 75.8 75.9 76.0 72.8 81.4 84.6 87.1 86.6 86.9 89.6 91.0 92.0 102 .597.8 108.3 104.9 96.6 96.1 103.1 100.8 88.0 88.0 117 E 42-67 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES Series E 42-55. Wholesale Price Indexes (BLS), for Economic Sectors, by Stage of Processing: 1913 to 1957 [1947-49=100] Crude materials for further processing All commod ities Year 42 117.6 114.3 110.7 110.3 1957_______________ 1956_______________ 1955_______________ 1954_______________ 1953_______________ 1952_______________ 1951_______________ 1950_______________ 1949_______________ 1948_______________ 1947_______________ 1946_______________ 110.1 111.6 114.8 103.1 99.2 104.4 96.4 78.7 42 1945____ 1944____ 1943____ 1942____ 1941___ 1940____ 1939____ 1938____ 1937____ 1936____ 1935____ 1 Goods Food Nonfood stuffs materials, and feed except fuel stuff’s 43 97.2 95.0 94.5 98.3 99.2 107.4 116.9 101.8 93.4 108.0 98.6 80.0 Inter Crude mediate materials materials, for further supplies, com processing and ponents 43 47 69.4 62.8 67.3 61.6 66.6 60.8 59.8 60.6 49.6 56.9 42.7 51.8 41.7 50.4 42.8 49.4 50.4 55.9 47.5 49.7 45.8 48.2 All commod ities Year Total 68.8 67.6 67.0 64.2 56.8 51.1 50.1 51.1 56.1 52.5 52.0 44 87.7 84.0 85.7 94.7 94.6 105.7 112.3 97.0 90.5 108.8 100.7 Finished goods 1 53 69.0 68.4 67.9 66.9 60.4 55.3 54.5 55.7 59.1 55.6 55.7 45 112.5 114.2 110.1 104.2 106.2 110.9 128.1 111.0 97.2 106.8 96.0 Year Fuel 46 119.7 113.3 105.8 106.0 111.0 107.2 106.5 104.6 105.0 105.6 89.4 All commod ities 42 48.7 42.8 42.1 47.4 56.1 61.9 62.9 62.0 65.0 67.3 63.8 1934__ 1933__ 1932__ 1931__ 1930__ 1929 — 1928__ 1927__ 1926__ 1925__ 1924__ Total 47 125.1 122.1 117.0 114.8 114.1 113.5 116.9 104.3 99.9 104.0 96.2 Intermediate materials, supplies, and components Materials and components Processed Con for— fuels and tainers, Supplies nonlubricants Manufac Construc returnable turing tion 49 50 51 48 52 126.9 132.9 113.0 134.3 112.5 123.7 132.0 106.7 128.5 111.3 118.2 103.5 125.6 119.8 108.5 115.4 120.9 103.5 118.2 110.2 115.2 120.2 103.6 116.2 107.8 113.4 102.8 116.0 118.3 113.5 118.4 104.2 119.1 122.7 113.5 104.5 99.7 108.9 104.4 100.8 99.6 97.8 103.5 101.7 97.5 104.0 107.4 103.2 101.3 103.5 96.4 93.3 94.8 97.0 99.0 72.6 78.7 Inter Crude mediate materials materials, for further supplies, com processing and ponents 43 47 40.8 47.7 33.6 42.8 32.7 38.8 39.0 45.2 50.1 53.6 57.9 61.5 58.9 61.9 57.3 61.8 59.4 65.5 63.4 69.0 58.0 71.2 Finished goods 1 53 53.0 47.8 47.7 52.2 59.7 64.1 65.0 64.4 67.8 68.2 65.3 Year All commod ities 1923__ 1922 — 1921 — 1920-__ 1919__ 1918 — 1917__ 1916__ 1915__ 1914__ 1913__ 42 65.4 62.8 63.4 100.3 90.1 85.3 76.4 55.6 45.2 44.3 45.4 Finished goods 1 Con sumer Total 54 53 118.1 114.0 110.9 110.7 110.4 111.5 111.1 108.0 106.4 107.1 107.1 109.0 110.3 100.9 99.2 104.1 96.8 112.1 102.4 103.5 95.9 100.6 Inter Crude mediate materials materials, for supplies, further com processing and ponents 43 47 77.7 58.5 64.8 57.0 52.5 62.9 90.2 129.8 86.7 103.3 80.7 100.7 72.9 98.5 49.1 77.5 39.9 53.2 45.8 40.2 40.9 49.0 Pro ducer 55 146.7 138.1 128.5 124.7 123.1 121.3 119.3 108.7 106.1 101.1 92.8 Finished goods 1 53 67.3 65.4 70.0 101.6 88.6 84.6 74.0 55.8 46.7 46.0 47.1 to users, including raw foods and fuel. Series E 56-64. Wholesale Price Indexes (BLS), by Durability of Product: 1947 to 1957 Year 1957_____________________________________ 1956_____________________________________ 1955_____________________________________ 1954_____________________________________ 1953_____________________________________ 1952_____________________________________ 1951_____________________________________ 1950_____________________________________ 1949_____________________________________ 1948_____________________________________ 1947_____________________________________ Total 56 117.6 114.3 110.7 110.3 110.1 111.6 114.8 103.1 99.2 104.4 96.4 [1947-49=100] All commodities Manufactures Durable Nondurable Total Durable Nondurable 57 58 59 60 61 141.4 104.7 123.2 142.0 108.4 136.7 102.1 119.5 136.8 105.8 128.2 101.2 128.5 115.0 104.3 123.3 103.4 113.7 124.1 105.5 122.2 103.6 112.8 122.6 105.2 119.8 107.2 120.0 112.9 107.4 119.3 112.4 115.5 119.3 112.5 108.8 100.1 104.1 108.9 100.3 104.7 96.2 100.3 105.1 96.5 102.5 105.4 103.8 102.1 105.1 92.8 98.4 95.9 92.7 98.5 Raw or is lightly processed goods Total Durable Nondurable 62 63 64 98.9 122.3 97.7 97.0 136.3 94.9 96.6 121.6 95.3 99.3 100.9 99.2 101.1 110.6 100.6 107.3 116.0 106.8 112.5 119.6 112.1 99.9 105.9 99.6 95.5 91.1 95.8 106.4 113.3 106.0 98.1 95.6 98.2 Series E 65-67. Wholesale Price Indexes (BLS), by 2 Levels of Processing, for Identical Commodities: 1890 to 1926 [1913 =100] Year All commod ities (97 series) 1926_______________ 1925_______________ 1924_______________ 1923_______________ 1922_______________ 1921_______________ 1920_______________ 1919_______________ 1918_______________ 1917_______________ 1916_______________ 1915_______________ 118 65 145.3 154.1 142.6 142.0 133.5 131.6 225.3 215.4 205.9 183.3 127.6 102.9 Raw commod ities (27 series) 66 139.4 150.7 139.1 138.2 130.0 121.2 220.3 216.0 208.0 184.0 125.4 101.0 Manu factured commod ities (70 series) 67 154.6 159.6 148.2 148.1 139.1 147.7 233.2 214.6 202.6 182.1 131.0 105.9 Year 1914_______________ 1913_______________ 1912_______________ 1911_______________ 1910_______________ 1909_______________ 1908_______________ 1907_______________ 1906_______________ 1905_______________ 1904_______________ 1903_______________ 1902. _ _________ All commod ities (97 series) 65 99.6 100.0 96.9 88.9 97.8 93.7 87.3 89.6 83.7 82.3 81.9 80.2 81.0 Manu Raw All factured commod commod commod ities ities Year (27 series) (70ities (97 series) series) 66 67 65 98.7 101.0 1901_______________ 75.8 100.0 100.0 95.1 99.7 1900_______________ 76.8 86.3 92.9 1899_______________ 71.7 1898_______________ 66.1 95.4 101.4 1897 62 7 91.1 97.8 1896 61.7 83.7 92.8 86.6 94.2 1895 65.2 81.3 87.5 1894 63.0 1893 71.7 78.2 88.5 1892 69 7 79.1 86.2 1891 75.1 76.5 85.9 77.1 86.9 1890 76.1 Manu Raw factured commod commod ities (27 series) (70ities series) 66 67 72.2 81.5 72.8 83.0 67.4 78.5 61.2 73.6 57 2 71 2 56.2 70 .1 60.5 72.5 56.8 72 .4 64.2 83.2 62 0 81 5 68.3 85.6 86.6 69.3 WHOLESALE PRICE INDEXES 68 - 82. Wholesale Price Indexes (Bezanson), for Philadelphia: 1720 to Source Do mestic 94.7 95.7 98.7 94.8 106.1 103.7 107.6 105.6 96.8 89.5 86.4 85.2 81.6 84.2 90.7 83.4 82.3 77.4 77.2 85.1 93.6 96.8 110.8 103.2 109.7 113.0 99.9 91.6 93.8 91.8 89.7 84.7 90.2 90.7 93.2 96.3 97.4 94.4 99.7 105.4 100.5 108.6 123.8 138.8 145.1 159.5 160.8 159.0 135.5 125.6 134.2 131.6 121.9 112.4 121.9 125.8 131.6 123.9 115.9 118 129 121 115 123 134 140 125.3 101.6 91.2 85.5 84.7 83, 76 78, 85, 90.0 97.0 104.8 Unweighted geometric average (1821-25 =100) Major groups Industrial Lumber Im products Indus Con ported and trial Raw sump Crops Deriva foods naval tives tion stores 77 74 76 Type Im ported 84.9 83.0 88.0 99.9 99.2 96.5 91.5 82.3 74.8 76.7 78.2 82.0 80.2 80.5 82.4 81.4 79.1 81.6 86.6 87.1 85.4 88.6 91.6 92.3 94.7 99.9 93.8 97.3 102.9 103.8 104.7 116.4 125.0 122.9 146.6 186.4 223.4 187.8 158.6 139.4 147.3 151.1 133.6 123.7 128.8 130.8 132.6 124.9 129.5 137.4 138.0 142.2 131.9 135.8 142.6 141.3 120.7 103.0 99.3 96.5 89.9 88.8 89.7 92.7 93.8 93.5 97.7 Agri cul tural 111.6 118.0 123.3 115.4 134.8 128.8 142.5 131.8 117.4 107.7 102.2 98.6 94.0 97.4 112.8 93.2 90.1 81.1 81.1 89.0 102.2 107.6 136.6 123.3 131.0 135.7 115.4 97.6 101.9 99.7 97.0 87.3 90.9 89.5 95.0 100.3 97.0 92.6 101.5 107.9 97.5 109.2 132.9 160.3 178.0 177.8 161.1 151.5 133.4 126.3 129.4 133.4 119.3 109.4 126.0 135.5 142.0 126.9 114.7 120.5 143.8 129.6 123.3 128.8 135.9 144.6 129.6 108.7 97.8 88.0 88.4 93.5 80.7 84.5 97.5 101.6 101.8 107.0 79.9 83.2 84.0 85.3 92.5 93.9 93.1 90.7 82.8 75.1 75.9 77.1 76.1 78.7 80.6 78.9 78.6 79.0 78.7 83.2 87.1 89.8 95.6 92.6 95.3 93.8 87.3 86.4 88.3 88.2 87.1 84.2 88.7 90.2 92.2 94.0 97.0 94.9 98.2 103.3 104.7 105.7 113.5 1£1.8 121.8 143.2 175 205 175 153 141 146.2 145.9 132.6 128.4 131.7 131.9 129.5 123.1 124.0 131.6 130.5 133.4 129.0 130.0 136.0 130.4 110.7 92.8 89.4 87.0 85.4 85.2 85.4 88.3 88.6 90.9 96.9 117.9 113.8 124.3 115.6 136.8 129.9 147.7 135.5 116.4 107.6 110.0 109.2 100.1 103.7 123.1 101.7 94.2 87.7 88.0 97.1 111.8 109.5 146.7 123.9 132.0 142.8 126.6 101.3 102.2 99.6 94.3 84.3 91.1 86.5 96.8 106.7 100.5 91.4 101.8 107.7 95.3 112.9 136.7 162.5 183.5 185.0 154.1 147.5 133.2 120.5 122.2 130.3 115.7 108.7 125.9 132.3 145.5 130.9 120.6 121.7 142.7 129.0 127.4 136.6 142.8 147.8 124 104 88.4 88.3 96.6 84.6 89.3 104.2 106.1 105.9 101.7 106.4 121.7 122.4 115.2 133.1 127.9 138.2 128.7 118.3 107.7 95.9 90.3 89.1 92.4 104.6 86.4 86 . 75. 75. 82. 94. 106.0 128.5 122.9 130.3 129.8 106.5 94.6 101.7 99.8 99.4 89.9 90.7 92.2 93.4 95.1 94.1 93.7 101.3 108.1 99.4 106.2 129.6 158.4 173.5 171.8 167.3 154.9 133.7 131.6 135.9 136.1 122.5 110.0 126.0 138.2 139.0 123.4 109.9 119.4 144.8 130.1 120.0 122.4 130.2 141.8 134.6 112.3 96.9 87.7 88.4 90.8 77.4 80.6 92.1 97.9 98.4 111.8 67.3 64.7 63.1 66.0 86.5 83.0 75.1 75.1 71.8 65.4 71.3 71.5 64.3 64.8 72.2 71.7 73.1 68.6 64.3 60.8 65.0 63.7 67.2 67.4 68.5 75.0 74.8 68.0 71.7 84.4 81.2 80.7 84.9 90.1 91.9 96.1 102.4 92.3 95.3 103.6 103.5 107.7 126.1 136.6 133.0 157.8 194.8 217.7 182.4 143.8 127.0 134.2 146.8 135.7 128.8 138.3 142.8 142.2 130.8 137.3 144.2 155.3 158.7 152.3 169.3 178.3 173.3 143.7 133.3 132.5 128.7 109.3 102.7 107.5 110.9 113.0 110.7 122.0 125.0 100.0 103.3 97.2 99.9 92.5 100.2 111.0 101.2 92.9 87.9 79.1 73.2 72.6 75.3 78.4 75.5 70.2 75.7 83.0 88.6 90.1 95.0 94.0 97.6 105.2 99.0 94.1 91.6 87.4 84.7 80.9 89.8 96.2 95.5 98.0 102.8 97.8 100.1 102.5 95.6 109.1 121.5 126.9 123.4 146.3 165.8 176.6 132.9 120.7 132.5 138.6 131.3 113.9 114.3 114.8 124.7 126.6 125.0 115.2 120.5 116.2 104.8 122.7 133.9 130.7 114.2 86.6 79.1 72.4 74.2 67.0 60.5 56.5 59.9 69.6 92.4 104.3 82.5 87.0 87.1 86.9 93.8 94.3 92.7 92.1 86.8 78.2 78.9 80.1 78.1 80.6 82.6 80.9 81.4 82.4 81.7 87.2 90.9 93.1 99.3 94.7 97.2 97.4 89.9 90.1 90.1 88.7 88.6 85.3 89.9 91.8 94.4 97.2 101.0 95.5 97.6 102.2 101.8 101.8 109.6 118.3 117.2 141.8 175.1 209.5 177.0 158.3 146.1 151.3 148.1 136.3 133.9 135.3 130.9 131.6 126.1 125.7 132.1 131.5 132.9 125.4 125.4 126.1 124.9 104.2 91.7 88.7 87.3 89.9 91.1 91.7 93.7 95.9 100.6 103.9 76.2 77.8 79.6 82.9 90.5 93.4 93.6 88.8 77.2 70.7 71.6 72.8 73.1 75.9 77.7 76.1 74.7 74.2 74.3 77.5 81.8 85.2 90.5 89.6 92.6 88.6 83.6 81.3 85.7 87.5 84.9 82.7 87.0 87.9 89.0 89.4 91.4 93.9 99.1 104.9 109.3 111.8 119.4 127.0 128.8 145.1 175.0 199.9 174.2 147.0 135.7 138.9 142.6 127.4 120.7 126.4 133.3 126.5 118.9 121.4 130.9 129.1 134.2 134.6 137.1 152.0 138.9 121.0 94.4 90.6 86.5 79.2 77.1 76.8 80.8 78.7 78.3 87.4 Fish Unreigh aritl meti ivera 1741 = 10 ' 79 82 118.5 150.8 152.4 136.5 161.9 156.8 153.4 156.7 146.5 135.7 118.7 126.1 104.0 118.4 123.1 119.6 128.3 126.5 107.7 109.3 131.8 139.7 177.5 130.7 120.3 124.9 167 164 176 165 198 194 234 211 171 152 144 147 146 149 177 144 142 129 131 135 152 165 203 211 233 217 181 163 171 166 165 150 172 165 161 160 163 163 179 183 160 180 223 276 307 298 337 371 286 257 260 249 224 192 217 233 262 241 212 , 211 274. 111 91 92 86 , 97 88.0 91.4 96.4 95.4 84.1 99.4 105.0 106.8 99.2 108.5 137.9 164.4 155.1 196.8 220.5 227.8 174.7 165.0 157.7 140.2 136.9 128.1 167.6 171.7 163.0 147.9 138.2 167.1 169.4 124.6 146.2 189.5 226.3 211.0 200.3 141.9 113.8 116.5 117.1 105.5 103.5 103.5 116.2 117.8 121.9 127.9 266’ 295. 257. 174' 156. 149. 160. 128. 120 . 135. 145. 158. 172. E 68-89 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES Series E 68-82. Wholesale Price Indexes (Bezanson), for Philadelphia: 1720 to 1861—Con. Year Un weighted arithmetic average (1741-45 = 100) 82 1774________________ 1773________________ 1772_ __ _ _ 1771________________ 1770________________ 1769________________ 1768________________ 1767________________ 1766________________ 1765________________ 1764________________ 127.5 133.7 141.0 126.7 121.6 115.9 119.7 123.7 124.7 118.4 119.4 Un weighted arithmetic average (1741-45 = 100) 82 Year 1763________________ 1762________________ 1761__ __ 1760________________ 1759________________ 1758________________ 1757________________ 1756________________ 1755________________ 1754________________ 1753________________ 136.4 133.4 121.2 125.7 125.0 109.6 107.1 109.6 107.3 109.1 109.9 Un weighted arithmetic average (1741-45 = 100) 82 Year 1752________________ 1751________________ 1750________________ 1749________________ 1748________________ 1747________________ 1746________________ 1745________________ 1744________________ 1743________________ 1742________________ 111.9 112.8 113.0 121.5 124.7 110.6 99.7 92.7 90.9 95.6 108.3 Un weighted arithmetic average (1741-45 = 100) 82 Year 1741________________ 1740. _ _ _ 1739________________ 1738________________ 1737________________ 1736________________ 1735________________ 1734________________ 1733________________ 1732________________ 1731________________ 112.6 87.3 82.2 91.1 91.1 83.6 87.8 87.2 90.0 83.6 87.1 Un weighted arithmetic average (1741-45 = 100) 82 Year 1730________________ 1729________________ 1728 1727________________ 1726________________ 1725________________ 1724___________ ___ 1723___________ ___ 1722________________ 1721________________ 1720________________ 98.0 92.5 92 8 97.6 101.0 96.6 88.9 84.3 81.6 78.6 86.2 Series E 83-89. Wholesale Price Indexes (Taylor), for Charleston, S. C.: 1732 to 1861 Year All All commodities (1818-42 commodities = 100) S. C. export staples U. S. products, other than S. C. export Foreign imports 1 Year All All commodities (1818-42 commodities = 100) 84 85 1843-61=100 1861 1860 1859 1858 1857 1856 1855 1854 1853 1852 1851 1850. 1849 1848 1847. 1846 1845 1844 1843 113 94 94 90 106 97 84 77 78 133 111 111 106 125 114 115 103 99 91 92 102 86 79 105 105 116 120 120 135 116 108 100 108 96 97 123 85 66 110 82 80 77 74 85 107 103 108 107 103 108 108 93 93 86 81 82 82 85 87 92 109 108 93 93 86 81 82 82 85 87 92 109 93 98 108 121 121 67 81 75 108 88 92 129 123 97 94 78 70 78 72 80 77 83 133 99 94 100 103 144 113 112 99 123 116 132 111 96 91 90 85 86 100 85 82 74 74 80 88 90 114 123 133 124 100 91 93 91 80 85 81 87 96 84 82 94 108 92 97 138 160 166 96 92 94 109 109 95 79 84 91 90 92 107 105 1822 1821 1820 1819 1818. 1817. 1816 1815 1814 1813 1812 1811 106 1810 106 1809 1808 1807 1806 1805 75 1804 86 1803 1802 83 1801 90 92 1800 90 1799 100 1798 1797 91 1796 91 89 89 102 93 97 103 104 104 1791 - _ 1790-. 1789._ 1788-1787__ 1786__ 108 113 101 101 1785______________ 121 114 1784______________ 110 110 131 128 1783______________ 133 133 220 179 135 1782______________ 179 1781___________ _ 1780______________ 1 Combination for 1796 to 1822 designated as “Other than South Carolina export staples.’ 3 Based on part of year only. * Includes goods imported from abroad and from other parts of the United States, 120 86, 87 1813-22 =100 1818-42 =100 1842. 1841. 1840. 1839. 1838. 1837. 1836. 1835. 1834 1833. 1832 1831. 1830 1829. 1828. 1827. 1826 1825 1824 1823 1822 1821 1820 1819 1818 Other than S. C. export staples 1 S. C. export 110 102 111 122 198 79 67 71 99 110 131 116 115 101 110 133 179 -189 172 149 123 109 110 101 1796-1812 =100 95 96 96 90 87 107 109 126 114 112 106 136 123 133 129 122 145 92 97 88 97 108 108 100 110 3192 138 3118 84 85 85 79 76 94 97 63 70 80 74 70 106 100 91 85 83 88 92 105 102 90 91 118 103 110 106 108 100 101 98 93 116 100 106 96 108 117 114 108 128 114 125 123 108 134 111 101 122 120 12 2 S. C. products (1762-74=100) Imported 2 (1781,1784-91=100) 88 89 110 119 113 128 142 142 135 150 3 250 170 *137 106 106 86 87 97 98 84 86 *178 150 *146 E 83-95 WHOLESALE PRICE INDEXES Series E 83-89. Year All commod ities (1818-42 = 100) S. C. products (1762-74 = 100) Wholesale Price Indexes (Taylor), for Charleston, S. C.: 1732 to 1861— Con. All commod ities (1818-42 = 100) 83 Year 88 1775. 1774. 1773. 1772 1771 1770. 1769 1768. 1767 1766 1765 3 Based 380 81 91 107 84 72 81 80 74 78 3102 104 116 137 108 93 104 102 94 100 87 67 72 60 62 72 87 67 61 60 67 67 1764 1763 1762 1761 1760 1759 1758 1757 1756 1755 1754 All commod ities (1818-42 = 100) 83 S. C. products (1762-74 = 100) 88 92 77 80 92 112 86 78 77 86 86 1753 1752 1751 1750 1749 1748 1747 1746 1745 1744 1743 76 65 78 75 68 54 35 36 50 54 S. C. products (1762-74 = 100) All commod ities (1818-42 = 100) 83 Year 88 112 97 100 96 88 69 45 46 64 70 1742 1741 1740 1739 1738 1737 1736 1735 1734 1733 1732 66 76 60 65 •98 92 75 82 84 62 62 S. C. products (1762-74 = 100) 88 85 97 77 84 *125 117 96 105 108 80 79 on part of year only. Series E 90-95. Wholesale Price Indexes (Berry), for Cincinnati, 1816 to 1861, and Ohio River Valley, 1788 to 1817 Cincinnati, weighted (1824-46=100) Year 1861. 1860. 1859. 1858. 1857. 1856. 1855. 1854. 1853 1852. 1851 1850. 1849. 1848. 1847. 1846 1845 1844 1843 1842 1841 1840 1839 1838 1837 1836. 1835. 1834. 1833. 1832. 1831. 1830. 1829. 1828. 1827. 1826. 1825. 1824. 1823. 1822. 1821. 1820. 1819 1818. 1817 1816 All commodities Identified with northern agriculture 90 91 103 110 114 102 128 121 123 110 104 93 90 86 77 75 90 76 87 77 72 72 89 104 138 129 131 145 117 95 102 101 99 93 98 92 91 93 100 98 98 101 86 140 193 190 205 196 123 133 140 120 154 141 153 128 118 112 107 98 87 83 102 81 97 81 73 70 91 111 150 137 142 159 125 93 101 103 100 86 91 81 79 81 85 85 87 78 68 112 164 160 175 164 Not identified with northern agriculture 92 76 80 79 77 94 93 81 85 84 68 68 72 65 65 76 69 68 71 70 76 87 91 116 115 112 121 102 97 98 98 106 112 113 114 115 127 122 129 166 160 237 265 264 272 289 102 Year 1817______________________________________ 1816______________________________________ 1815_____________________________________ 1814______________________________________ 1813______________________________________ 1812______________________________________ 1811______________________________________ 1810______________________________________ 1809______________________________________ 1808______________________________________ 1807_____________________________________ 1806______________________________________ 1805______________________________________ 1804______________________________________ 1803______________________________________ 1802_____________________________________ 1801______________________________________ 1800______________________________________ 1799______________________________________ 1798_____________________________________ 1797______________________________________ 1796_____________________________________ 1795______________________________________ 1794______________________________________ 1793_____________________________________ 1792______________________________________ 1791______________________________________ 1790 _ _____ 1789_____________________________________ 1788_____________________________________ Ohio River Valley, unweighted (1788-1817=100) Not Identified identified All with with northern commodities northern agriculture agriculture 93 94 95 125 116 108 122 106 77 79 87 90 95 95 95 145 131 117 134 114 84 78 86 85 82 84 89 87 84 88 90 93 97 109 133 127 111 96 106 98 92 98 102 104 88 87 89 92 95 86 88 89 108 134 125 110 95 110 101 88 90 87 93 75 75 86 90 86 60 82 85 97 110 104 96 89 90 88 99 94 106 117 113 129 132 114 100 96 92 104 118 139 130 121 E 96-112 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES Series E 96-100. Wholesale Price Indexes (Taylor), for New Orleans: 1800 to 1861 All commod ities (1824-42 = 100) 96 Year All commod ities La. products 97 98 U. S. products, other than La. 99 Foreign imports All commod ities (1824-42 = 100) 96 Year 100 All commod ities La. products 97 98 1843-61 =100 117 105 107 104 136 114 103 90 91 85 89 103 80 68 93 78 74 75 70 75 93 91 1861____________________ 1860____________________ 1859____________________ 1858____________________ 1857____________________ 1856____________________ 1855____________________ 1854____________________ 1853____________________ 1852____________________ 1851____________________ 1850____________________ 1849____________________ 1848____________________ 1847 1846____________________ 1845____________________ 1844_ _ _ _ _______ _ _ 1843____________________ 1842____________________ 1841________________ ___ 1840____________________ 125 114 111 144 112 121 110 96 97 90 95 110 85 73 99 83 79 80 74 78 100 97 1 Combination 75 93 91 116 107 108 132 123 96 99 88 80 75 93 91 116 107 108 132 123 96 99 88 80 138 102 113 118 118 156 110 110 104 136 124 129 114 101 91 93 95 85 81 90 77 80 74 70 79 97 106 121 96 82 94 91 98 123 85 66 108 88 77 84 75 76 102 88 86 86 90 91 90 91 73 89 78 105 98 103 140 133 99 103 84 74 85 84 92 Foreign imports 100 1824-42 =100— Con. 206 110 106 106 115 107 107 101 96 84 86 95 81 80 82 83 85 84 89 93 104 105 1824-42 =100 1842 1841____________________ 1840____________________ 1839____________________ 1838____________________ 1837____________________ 1836____________________ 1835____________________ 1834____________________ 1833____________________ 1832____________________ 1831____________________ 1830____________________ 1829____________________ 1828____________________ U. S. products, other than La. 99 78 100 110 136 123 118 129 114 95 95 92 86 82 94 86 75 85 82 93 96 98 103 95 87 95 102 97 103 108 110 1827___________________ 1826___________________ 1825___________________ 1824___________________ 1823___________________ 1822___________________ 1821___________________ 1820___________________ 1819___________________ 1818___________________ 1817___________________ 1816___________________ 1815_ _ _ _ 90 95 130 110 105 124 115 119 151 197 214 170 200 90 95 130 110 105 124 115 119 151 200 197 214 170 87 88 97 155 88 96 90 90 94 83 98 127 146 150 184 142 122 112 140 130 126 160 224 218 227 178 112 116 123 123 132 152 160 190 200 220 151 182 1805-11 =100 1 1811____________ 1810____________ 1809___________________ 1808___________________ 1807___________________ 1806___________________ 1805___________________ 1804___________________ 110 119 120 112 133 142 147 126 87 95 95 89 106 113 117 87 91 91 90 109 114 118 100 89 108 112 83 92 106 111 101 100 1805-11=100 1811___________________ 1810___________________ 1809___________________ 1808___________________ 1807___________________ 1806___________________ 1805___________________ 1804___________________ 1803___________________ 1802___________________ 1801___________________ 1800___________________ of series E 98 and E 99 designated as “ Domestic products.’ 2 Based 83 87 88 89 112 118 124 99 95 106 120 J114 110 119 120 112 133 142 147 126 115 130 146 * 138 on part of year only. Series E 101-112. Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities: 1800 to 1957 In dollars per unit. Where 2 prices are shown for a single year, those in italic are comparable to preceding years, and those in regular type comparable with following years; see text for detailed explanation] Year Wheat Wheat flour Sugar Cotton, raw Wool Cotton sheeting Coal, anthracite Yd. 2 0.205 .229 Ton 3 14.67 13.53 Steel rails Nails 100 lb. 4 5.442 4.946 100 lb. 9.596 8.917 12.93 4.663 14.01 4.463 ( 84.086 15.45 I 93. 775 14.30 3.672 14.19 3.600 8.180 7.651 12.58 12.04 11.57 10.33 l k . 11 | Copper Turpentine Brick Gallon 5 102 Bu. 1957 1956 2.201 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 2.256 2.307 2.238 2.387 2.403 1950. 1949. 1948 1947 2.225 2.149 2.409 2.602 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942. 1941 1.895 1.664 1.604 1.440 1.189 .992 See footnotes at end of table. 122 2.219 5.680 5.676 5.935 6.133 5.649 5.477 5.750 5.429 5.215 5.036 5.445 Lb. 0.090 .086 .084 .086 .084 .082 1.608 1.373 1.423 1.705 1.729 1.665 2.702 .210 .222 .212 .078 .078 .076 .362 .316 .338 .345 1.991 1.662 1.646 .064 .054 .055 .055 .055 .049 .305 .226 .212 .206 .193 .139 .1U6 1.025 1.192 1.188 1.183 1.195 1.091 6.200 3.181 3.184 3.170 5.448 4.752 Lb. 0.338 6 .335 7 .351 .336 .341 .329 .387 .416 .213 .226 .275 .243 .264 .153 .145 .142 .141 .115 .121 11.89 11.47 10.89 10.31 3.415 3.208 2.938 2.606 per gross ton 47.90 42.94 40.00 40.00 40.00 112 0.303 .418 0.662 .645 1,000 30.86 30.61 7.123 6.930 .373 .300 .290 .245 .245 .640 .653 .594 .632 .812 29.15 28.22 27.85 27.35 27.33 6.339 6.136 5.823 4.467 3.971 .216 .195 .223 .213 .528 .387 .481 .751 25.67 24.73 23.65 20.98 20.50 3.477 2.850 2.550 2.550 2.550 2.550 .141 .120 .120 .120 .120 .953 .794 .776 .668 .619 7.06 .617 18.13 15.89 14.29 13.43 13.21 12.59 .120 E 101-112 WHOLESALE PRICE INDEXES Series E 101-112. Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities: 1800 to 1957—Con. [In dollars per unit. Where 2 prices are shown for a single year, those in italic are comparable to preceding years, and those in regular type comparable with following years; see text for detailed explanation] Year Wheat 101 1940. 1939. 19381937. 1936. 1935. 19341933. 1932. 1931. 1930. 1929. 1928. 19271926. 1925. 1924_ 19231922. 1921. 1920. 1919. 1918. 1917_ 1916. 1915. 1914. 1913. 1912. 1911. 1910. 1909_ 1908. 1907. 1906. 19051904. 1903. 1902_ 19011900. 1899. 1898_ 1897_ 1896_ 1895_ 1894_ 1893. 1892. 1891. 100 lb. i 4 307 3 872 4 364 5 606 5 441 6 197 5 755 4 633 3 104 3 570 .900 1.180 1.324 1.372 1.496 1.670 1.232 1.112 1.213 1.326 2.455 2.418 2.159 2.296 1.329 1.290 .939 .877 .953 1.049 .984 1.097 1.200 .990 .907 .793 4 865 5 794 6 406 1.010 1880. 1879. 1878. 1877. 1876. 1875. 1874. 1873. 1872. 1871. 1870. 1869 1868 1867 1866 1.373 { 1.651 2.541 2.844 2.945 See footnotes at end of table. 102 Bn. 0.871 .755 .777 1.201 1.123 1.040 .932 .724 .494 .606 1.039 .790 .741 .719 .704 .711 .885 .795 .641 .600 .559 .677 .788 .962 .893 .865 .895 .886 .769 .797 .864 .913 1.038 1.198 1.154 1.057 1.253 } 1.223 1.252 1.685 1.320 1.403 1.517 1.787 1.780 1.581 1890. 1889. 1888_ 1887. 18861885. 1884. 18831882. 1881. Wheat flour 6 686 7 7 5 5 6 7 252 678 980 353 130 034 11 580 10 695 10 302 10 551 6 091 5 612 4 125 3 847 ] U 308 4 686 3.,984 4. 691 5. 451 4. 291 3.,988 3. 615 4. 543 4. 826 3. 592 3. 489 3. 309 3. 349 3.,382 4. 145 4. 361 3. 620 3. 231 2 , 750 3 .283 4.,122 4.,905 4,.652 6. 039 6 .540 6 .,120 5.,817 6 .119 6 .275 7,.043 7,.735 9 .020 8 .895 .895 8 8 .632 9 .101 10 .806 9 .898 10 .218 10 .728 11 .498 12 .141 10 .245 .281 }• I5 .029 .725 7 .912 9 .164 7 .920 Sugar 103 Lb. 0.044 .046 .045 .047 .048 .049 .044 .043 .040 .044 .047 .051 .056 .058 .055 .055 .074 .084 .059 .062 .127 .089 .078 .077 .069 .056 .047 .043 .051 .053 .050 .048 .049 .047 .045 .053 .048 .046 .045 .051 .053 .049 .050 .045 .045 .042 .041 .048 .044 .047 .062 .063 .080 .071 .059 .062 .064 .068 .087 .095 .097 Cotton, raw 104 Lb. 0.104 .095 .087 .114 .121 .119 .123 .087 .064 .085 .135 .191 .200 .176 .175 .235 .287 .293 .212 .151 .339 .325 .318 .235 .145 .102 .121 .128 { .115 .130 .151 .121 .105 .119 .110 .096 .121 .112 .089 .086 .096 .066 .060 .072 .079 .073 .070 .083 .077 .086 .111 .115 .107 .103 .103 .094 .105 .106 .106 .122 .113 .099 .086 .092 .111 .106 .107 .106 .112 .124 .131 .104 .113 .117 .130 .150 .170 .182 .205 .170 .135 .162 .163 .159 .166 .240 .290 .249 .316 .432 .120 Wool 105 Lb. 0 .966 .823 .691 .971 .881 .723 .817 .663 .459 .621 .763 .987 1 .159 1 .107 1 .152 1 ,392 1 .407 1 .379 1 ,.238 .828 1 . 604 1 ,.775 1 .815 1 .568 .845 .707 .593 .562 : 589 .647 .647 .686 .738 .716 .718 .718 .759 .686 .655 .577 .545 .659 .623 .615 .496 .394 .377 .445 .564 .612 .686 .716 . 733 .735 .680 .733 .740 .713 .805 .860 .905 .955 Cotton Coal, sheeting anthracite 106 107 Yd. 2 Ton 3 0.085 9 .55 .079 9 .14 .076 9 .44 .107 9 .37 .097 9 .74 .110 9 .59 .109 9 .64 .088 10 .06 10 ..88 .062 11 .40 .072 \/ 12. 77 .105 12 .72 .125 12 .,89 13. 00 .135 \( 10. 93 . 1.20 10 .95 .123 1 1 .,48 .147 1 1 .19 .161 1 1 .37 .163 1 0 . 88 .129 1 0 .60 .131 10 . 53 .288 9. 50 .232 8 .27 .235 6 . 86 .145 5. 94 .088 5. 57 .068 5. 33 .080 5. 32 } .084 5. 31 .081 5. 28 .088 5. 00 .084 4. 81 .075 4..82 .078 4.,82 .084 4.,82 .080 4..86 .076 4..82 .080 4..83 .068 4..83 .063 4..46 .063 4. 33 .062 3. 92 .054 3..65 .054 3..55 .059 3.,74 .062 3. 56 .059 2 . 98 .060 3.,54 .068 4..17 .065 3. 94 .073 3..46 .073 3..35 .067 3. 92 .067 4..04 .069 4. 21 .068 4..05 .064 4..00 .067 4..10 .069 4 .42 .075 4..54 .079 4. 61 .080 4..53 Steel rails 108 100 lb. 4 40.00 40.00 41.79 41.89 36.63 36.38 36.38 39 33 42.38 } 43.00 43.00 43.00 } 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 40.69 45.65 53.83 49.26 56.00 40.00 33.33 30.00 30.00 ( 30.00 } \ 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 27.33 32.29 28.13 17.63 18.75 28.00 24.33 24.00 28.13 30.00 29.92 Q1 . 7Q |V 01 1o /\ 29.25 29.83 37.08 34.52 28.52 30.75 37.75 48.50 61.08 109 100 lb. 2.550 2.461 2.575 2.773 2.229 2.628 2.623 2.089 2.050 1.978 .081 .076 .074 .080 .084 .099 .109 .128 .135 .125 4 .53 .70 3 .22 2 .59 3 .87 4 .39 4..55 4..27 3 .74 4 .46 67.52 48.21 42.21 45.58 59.25 68.75 94.28 120.58 111.94 102.52 3.68 2.69 2.31 2.57 2.98 3.42 3.99 4.90 5.46 4.52 .898 .905 .140 .153 .160 .174 .236 4 .39 5 .31 3 .86 4 .37 /\ 5 .80 106.79 132.25 158.50 166.00 } 83.12 86.75 4.40 4.87 5.17 5.92 6.97 .888 i .133 i .313 111 112 .112 .102 .131 .097 .089 .087 .073 .058 .084 1.888 2.117 1.958 1.896 1.906 2.075 2.104 2.365 2.633 2.388 1.438 1.485 2.925 2.118 1.652 1.992 2.190 2.467 2.965 2.00 2.00 2.03 2.30 2.27 2.33 2.39 3.06 3.47 3.09 Brick 110 1.917 2.100 Turpentine Lb. 0.115 2.191 2.667 2.676 2.638 /\ 2.750 2.820 2.989 3.035 2.610 3.056 4.187 3.518 3.600 3.633 2.596 1.746 1.679 1.819 1.740 1.804 i .028 .718 .748 .910 .870 i .045 i .153 i .198 i .568 i .068 2 Copper Nails / 1 .132 .184 .148 .132 . 130 } .138 .141 .131 .145 .134 .126 .180 .191 .247 .294 .275 .173 .134 .157 .164 .125 .129 .131 .133 . 208 . 213 } .196 .158 .131 .137 .120 .169 .166 .177 .119 .113 .110 .108 .095 .109 .115 .131 Ir j 1 . ±Oo I .138 .168 .113 .110 .111 .138 .159 .185 .183 .215 .186 .166 .190 .210 .227 .220 .280 .356 .241 .212 .243 .230 .254 .343 1,000 Gallon 5 0.371 12.13 12.05 .314 .294 12.00 .387 12.05 .438 11.74 .500 11.77 12.00 .529 j .463 1 10.53 9.19 9.54 .431 .447 10.02 .473 10.10 .550 10.73 .565 13.00 .621 13.88 .930 16.46 1.013 14.70 .912 17.04 1.171 19.81 1.150 17.34 .681 15.21 1.734 21.85 1.210 15.96 .594 11.93 .488 8.89 .491 8.04 .459 6.05 .473 5.53 .428 6.56 .470 6.76 .679 5.89 .683 5.72 .491 6.39 .453 5.10 .634 6.16 .665 8.55 .628 8.10 .576 7.49 .572 5.91 .474 5.39 .373 5.77 .477 5.25 .458 5.69 .322 5.75 .292 4.94 .274 5.06 .292 5.31 .293 5.00 .300 5.83 .323 5.77 .380 5.71 .408 ir O. DO --4U .461 7.00 .398 6.52 .358 7.40 .395 7.58 6.36 .351 6.52 .328 8.14 .432 10 7.58 .518 11 7.50 .476 .383 .315 .298 .362 .371 .345 .396 .497 .618 .549 6.94 5.26 4.89 4.94 5.71 7.00 7.44 8.02 9.96 9.31 .427 .458 .510 .639 .810 8.40 11.33 12.08 10.85 11.44 123 E 101-112 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES Series E 101-112. Wholesale Prices of Selected Commodities: 1800 to 1957—Con. [In dollars per unit. Where 2 prices are shown for a single year, those in italic are comparable to preceding years, and those in regular type comparable with following years; see text for detailed explanation] Year Wheat Wheat flour Cotton, raw Lb. 0.834 1.015 .672 .313 .130 5.190 5.110 4.295 5.785 6.420 8.760 8.945 5.780 5.005 4.520 Lb. 0.207 .235 .146 .113 .090 .096 .085 .088 .087 .118 .098 .072 .067 .072 .070 .075 1.275 1.240 1.175 1.365 1.085 1.040 .975 .981 1.140 1.185 5.550 4.510 5.960 6.685 5.060 4.935 4.670 4.855 5.570 5.585 .074 .069 .067 .077 .085 .059 .062 .057 .046 .060 .123 .076 .080 1.055 1.245 1.920 1.775 1.780 5.295 300 956 140 495 5.855 4.980 5.565 5.770 5.710 4.985 6.452 5.580 5.140 4.810 5.130 5.11 5.61 6.84 6.58 4.78 4.71 6.89 9.97 11.72 9.80 8.57 8.11 8.94 9.34 10.06 9.65 6.86 5.53 7.12 7.27 10.07 8.21 6.85 6.90 10.40 10.03 .058 .068 .069 .070 .090 .078 .071 .072 .065 .058 .070 .076 .086 .085 .082 .093 .115 .118 .089 .134 .101 .133 .165 .175 .129 .123 .094 .097 1865. 1864. 1863. 1862. 1861. Bu. 2.160 1.942 1.640 1.390 1.425 100 lb. i 7.706 8.062 5.690 5.165 4.965 1860. 1859. 1858. 1857. 1856. 1855. 1854_ 1853. 1852. 1851. 1.495 1.435 1.325 1.675 1.755 2.435 2.210 1.390 1.105 1.075 1850. 1849. 1848. 1847. 1846. 1845. 1844. 1843. 1842. 1841. 1840. 1839. 1838. 1837. 1836. 1835. 1834. 1833. 1832. 1831. 1830. 1829. 1828. 1827. 1826. 1825. 1824. 1823. 1822. 1821. 1820. 1819. 1818. 1817! 1816. 1815. 1814. 1813. 1812. 1811. 1810. 1809. 1808. 1807. 1806. 1805. 1804. 1803. 1802 1801 1800 Sugar 1.220 1.058 1.193 1.260 1.185 1.070 1.245 1.218 .992 .940 .920 .998 1.103 1.354 1.248 .880 .928 1.344 1.981 2.406 1.942 1.565 1.482 1.622 1.774 1.846 1.796 1.248 1.000 1.308 1.379 1.953 1.357 1.133 1.193 1.835 13 1.819 .120 .122 .114 .123 .153 .148 .158 .184 .215 .220 .205 .142 .129 .125 .127 .120 .120 .125 .140 .138 .122 .114 .118 .134 .110 .121 .122 .135 .103 .104 .110 .110 .095 .121 .112 .079 .056 .077 .073 .079 .095 .100 .099 .103 .093 .122 .186 .148 .114 .143 .143 .170 .240 .240 .265 .295 .210 .150 .125 .105 .155 .160 .160 .190 .215 .220 .230 .200 .190 .190 .440 .240 Lb. 1.660 1.770 1.515 .938 .828 1.025 1.093 .825 1.020 1.048 .858 .913 1.070 .818 .855 .833 } .uoo .361 .343 .352 /\ .323 .351 .400 .305 .320 .442 124 Steel | Nails rails 109 108 100 lb. 4 100 lb. 7.08 98.62 126.00 7.85 5.13 76.87 3.47 41.75 2.75 42.37 .082 .080 .078 .085 .072 .072 .075 .074 .066 .066 3.40 3.25 3.43 3.87 4.11 4.49 5.19 3.70 3.46 3.34 48.00 49.37 50.00 64.25 64.37 62.87 80.12 77.25 48.37 45.62 3.13 3.86 3.53 3.72 3.92 4.10 4.76 4.85 3.13 3.28 .073 .064 .066 .078 } 8.50 8.45 3.64 3.62 3.50 3.80 3.90 3.46 3.20 3.27 4.18 5.79 47.87 53.87 62.25 69.34 3.71 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.50 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.75 5.25 8.10 7.67 7.92 8.57 8.92 .391 9.26 .512 9.22 .381 9.60 .424 10.56 .586 10.50 .539 8.62 .488 8.53 8.74 .490 .475 9.28 .535 10.00 .390 10.24 .345 9.44 .370 8.99 .390 9.17 .495 9.94 .585 | 10.52 .530 9.80 .550 14.50 .717 .750 15.00 .750 16.00 .750 16.00 .825 16.50 .892 16.99 .750 17.96 .975 19.47 20.00 1.333 3.312 22.68 12 2.750 21.60 19.04 19.04 21.58 25.17 22.50 20.69 21.83 21.27 19.21 16.00 16.00 17.35 17.38 1 Beginning 1943, per 100 pounds; for prior years, per 196-lb. barrel. 2 Beginning 1847 (in regular type), per yard; for prior years, “per piece” ; see text. 3 Beginning 1825 (in regular type), per ton; for prior years, per 80-lb. bushel. 4 Beginning 1947, per 100 pounds; for prior years, per gross ton. 5 Beginning 1825 (in regular type), per gallon; for prior years, per 31 H-gal. barrel. 6July through December. 7 January through July. Cotton Coal, sheeting anthracite 106 107 Yd . 2 Ton 3 0.370 7.86 8.39 .513 .342 6.06 .176 4.14 3.39 .093 Wool / \ / \ 4.91 5.00 5.27 6.72 6.64 4.84 4.84 5.23 }______ 6.82 10.21 7.08 9.05 10.72 10.92 11.34 10.92 9.16 }______ .250 j .300 .325 .325 .325 .317 .338 .327 .322 .360 .597 1.134 .919 .412 .370 .369 .295 .276 .297 .323 .399 .293 .290 .290 .303 .309 8 May through December. 9 January through April. 10 July price. 11 January price. 11 December price. 13 June through December. j \ 5.50 6.00 / \ 7.33 8.87 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.67 9.60 10.90 12.83 12.50 11.25 8.50 8.50 9.33 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 10.50 10.50 10.52 11.65 10.67 10.67 Turpentine 110 111 1J / \ Brick Lb. Gallon 5 0.393 1.525 .470 2.978 .339 2.924 .219 1.574 .833 .223 .229 } .423 .262 .481 .261 .460 .260 .453 .301 .401 .312 .427 .297 .556 .302 .593 .291 .452 .235 .353 .205 1,000 9.67 8.27 6.41 4.16 3.88 .334 .333 .370 .402 .450 .405 .335 .338 .338 .319 J .266 .245 1 .276 .335 .245 .320 .255 .390 .270 .550 .270 .548 .235 .471 .235 .415 .230 .225 .365 .222 .292 .220 .292 .235 .360 .247 .376 .262 .365 .297 .302 .304 .405 .303 io 2.619 .252 2.556 .260 2.692 .282 2.543 .300 2.219 .290 2.368 .302 2.877 .293 3.542 .273 2.902 .364 3.688 .449 4.478 .600 6.665 .504 3.083 .463 2.425 .356 3.228 .428 3.937 .449 3.835 .456 3.052 .508 2.548 .520 2.979 .505 3.610 3.500 .480 .430 3.625 .409 2.981 .500 2.667 .526 13 2.500 4.85 3 .85 .215 .215 .215 .232 .235 .227 .215 .212 .227 .250 6.12 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 5.80 5.60 5.50 7.10 7.50 7.08 6.76 7.21 Copper 4.49 5.00 3.96 4.21 4.29 4.31 4.89 5.42 4.63 4.69 CONSUMER PRICE INDEXES E 113-139 Series E 113-139. Consumer Price Indexes (BLS), by Major Groups and Subgroups: 1890 to 1957 [1947-49=100] Year All items 113 1957____ 1956____ 1955____ 1954____ 1953____ 1952____ 1951____ 1950____ 1949____ 1948____ 1947___ 1946_ 1945____ 1944____ 1943____ 1942____ 1941____ 1940____ 1939____ 1938____ 1937____ 1936____ 1935____ 1934____ 1933____ 1932____ 1931___ 120.2 116.2 114.5 114.8 114.4 113.5 111.0 102.8 101.8 102.8 95.5 83.4 76.9 75.2 74.0 69.7 62.9 59.9 59.4 60.3 61.4 59.3 58.7 57.2 55.3 58.4 65.0 All foods 1 Total 114 115 115.4 111.7 110.9 113.8 112.6 112.8 114.6 - 110.2 109.7 111.9 112.5 114.6 112.6 112.6 101.2 100.0 101.2 100.0 104.1 95.9 79.0 68.9 67.4 68.3 61.3 52.2 47.8 47.1 48.4 52.1 50.1 49.7 46.4 41.6 42.8 51.4 Year 104.1 95.9 79.0 68.9 67.4 68.3 61.3 52.2 47.8 47.1 48.4 52.1 50.1 49.7 46.4 41.6 42.8 51.4 Total 128 1957________________________ 1956________________________ 1955________________________ 1954_________________ ______ 1953________________________ 1952________________________ 1951________________________ 1950________________________ 1949________________________ 1948________________________ 1947________________________ 1946________________________ 1945________________________ 1944________________________ 1943________________________ 1942________________________ 1941_________________ ______ 1940 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1939________________________ 1938_______________ _______ 1937________________________ 1936________________________ 1935________________________ 1934________________________ 1933________________________ 1932________________________ 1931________________________ 106.9 105.5 103.7 104.3 104.8 105.8 106.9 98 99.4 103.5 97.1 83.7 76.3 72.6 67.8 64.9 55.6 53.2 52.5 53.4 53.7 51.0 50.6 50.2 45.9 47.5 53.6 Food Food at home Cereals Meats, Fruits Other and poultry, Dairy and food at bakery and products vegetables home products fish 116 117 118 119 120 130.5 125.6 123.9 121.9 119.1 116.8 114.0 104.5 102.7 103.4 94.0 75.6 65.9 65.6 65.1 63.6 59.2 58.6 57.2 60.4 62.5 60.9 61.6 Men’s and boys’ 129 109.0 107.4 105.7 106.8 107.4 108.2 107.7 99.5 100.0 102.7 97.3 82.2 72.4 69.5 66.3 63.3 54.3 51.6 50.8 51.7 52.0 49.3 48.7 105.2 97.1 101.6 108.0 109.9 116.2 117.2 104.9 100.5 106.1 93.5 69.4 56.5 55.9 57.6 54.2 46.3 41.2 41.6 42.6 45.5 42.6 43.0 Apparel Women’s and girls’ 130 99.2 98.7 98.0 98.9 99.7 100.9 102.2 94.8 98.1 103.8 98.0 84.6 78.8 74.8 69.4 66.4 57.5 55.0 54.5 55.3 55.7 53.0 52.6 111.8 108.7 105.9 106.1 109.6 111.5 107.0 95.9 96.9 106.3 96.7 85.7 69.5 69.4 69.9 65.1 58.2 52.6 49.8 51.7 54.7 52.8 50.6 118.6 119.0 113.5 111.9 113.5 117.2 106.7 97.6 101.9 100.5 97.6 89.3 86.7 82.4 82.7 64.1 50.5 47.3 46.3 45.6 52.8 51.3 48.8 T otal 2 Rent 121 122 125.6 121.7 135.2 132.7 130.3 128.5 124.1 117.9 113.1 108.8 105.0 100.7 94.4 91.4 90.9 90.6 90.3 90.4 88.4 86.9 86.6 86.5 83.8 80.1 78.2 78.4 83.6 97.1 108.2 112.9 112.8 111.5 114.8 112.2 109.3 114.6 101.2 97.5 102.5 100.1 120.0 119.1 117.7 114.6 112.4 106.1 103.3 101.7 95.0 88.3 86.1 84.7 82.8 81.8 78.3 76.4 76.1 76.6 75.4 72.8 71.8 123 111.6 107.9 105.1 102.4 92.6 85.9 84.3 83.9 82.3 80.6 78.1 76.2 75.7 76.4 76.6 76.6 77.0 77.5 76.5 79.1 83.3 104.6 103.0 104.1 106.1 107.9 108.5 111.2 100.3 99.6 103.2 97.2 83.9 76.9 71.9 66.2 64.4 56.6 53.0 53.4 54.5 55.0 50.8 50.0 48.9 44.4 45.0 51.7 127.5 122.9 119.1 117.4 115.3 111.8 109.0 101.2 100.1 102.6 97.2 85.8 82.5 80.9 77.9 74.4 69.9 68.5 68.4 69.0 69.0 68.7 69.1 Public Other goods and services 134 135 136 137 138 139 125.8 118.8 117.1 119.2 122.2 119.9 112.4 107.6 107.4 101.2 91.4 80.5 76.1 76.2 76.3 77.6 178.8 172.2 165.7 161.1 150.9 141.5 132.8 120.3 138.0 132.6 128.0 125.2 121.3 117.2 124.4 112.2 125.5 Private 131 132 133 136.0 128.7 126.4 128.0 129.7 126.2 118.4 111.3 108.5 100.9 90.6 82.1 78.1 78.2 78.2 78.5 72.2 69.8 70.2 71.9 71.3 70.2 69.6 92.0 93.2 108.6 98.1 72.0 65.4 62.1 60.2 59.0 46.9 42.5 40.6 41.6 44.5 42.7 42.7 110.7 107.9 106.6 104.5 103.1 102.7 102.5 100.0 97.6 97.9 100.7 101.6 101.9 102.5 103.0 103.9 104.9 105.0 105.1 106.9 109.0 137.4 130.7 125.2 123.5 123.9 118.7 116.4 110.5 106.8 104.4 88.8 77.9 73.0 71.7 68.7 65.5 61.6 58.0 56.4 57.5 57.9 56.8 56.0 Reading and recrea tion Total 101.6 111.8 Personal care Other apparel 4 92.1 91.4 90.6 90.7 92.1 92.1 113.0 (*) (3) (3) (3) (3) 113.5 Medical care Foot wear 127.9 123.9 117.7 116.4 115.2 115.3 117.7 104.0 102.4 103.2 94.5 75.6 67.3 65.7 63.1 59.9 53.0 51.1 50.3 51.0 50.9 48.4 47.7 House House furnish hold Solid Gas and fuels ings operation electricity fuel and oil 124 125 126 127 Total Transportation 1 Beginning 1953, includes “food away from home” (restaurant meals and other food bought and eaten away from home), not shown separately. Beginning 1953, includes “other shelter” (home purchase and other homeowner costs), not shown separately. Housing Fuel, electricity, and refrigeration 68.2 64.8 65.5 67.5 65.5 64.3 68.0 3 N ot available, 4 Includes diapers, 111.2 100.2 88.6 84.8 82.3 82.3 82.2 82.0 81.4 81.3 81.3 81.0 80.1 80.9 81.7 111.1 106.0 104.1 100.9 94.9 87.7 83.1 81.2 78.7 75.1 73.1 72.7 72.6 72.5 72.3 71.6 71.4 70.9 71.0 72.7 74.1 120.0 115.3 113.4 112.8 111.8 110.5 101.1 101.1 101.3 97.6 87.4 81.5 79.0 73.8 66.9 61.0 59.5 59.6 59.8 58.5 55.3 54.6 108.1 106.6 107.0 108.0 107.0 106.5 103.4 104.1 100.4 95.5 89.7 86.8 83.4 75.3 69.5 66.4 64.1 63.0 62.9 60.8 59.1 58.1 122.0 120.2 120.1 118.2 115.4 109.7 105.2 103.4 100.5 96.1 88.6 85.7 82.4 80.2 76.3 74.2 72.8 70.6 69.4 68.8 67.0 67.2 yard goods, and miscellaneous apparel. 125 E 113-147 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES Series E 113-139. Consumer Price Indexes (BLS), by Major Groups and Subgroups: 1890 to 1957—Con. [1947-49=100] Year 1930________________________________________ 1929________________________________________ 1928________________________________________ 1927________________________________________ 1926________________________________________ 1925__________________________________ _ 1924___ __ _________ _ ___ _ _ _ 1923______________________ _ ___ 1922 ______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1921____________________________________ 1920 _______ . . 1919 _ . _ _ 1918__ _ ___ _ 1917 _ _ _ _ ___ 1916 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1915 _ _ _ _ _ 1914________________________________________ 1913 _ _ _ _ 1912___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1911_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 December All items Food at home, total Rent 113 115 122 71.4 73.3 73.3 74.2 75.6 75.0 73.1 72.9 71.6 76.4 85.7 74.0 64.3 54.8 46.6 43.4 42.9 42.3 62.4 65.6 64.8 65.5 68.0 65.8 60.8 61.4 59.4 63.5 83.6 74.2 66.5 57.9 45.0 40.0 40.5 39.6 38.6 36.4 Housing Fuel, Houseelectricity, and furnishings refrigeration 123 126 114.2 117.4 120.3 123.2 125.2 126.4 125.9 121.6 118.5 115.1 85.2 86.7 88.2 89.6 86.0 88.2 86.9 86.5 87.2 81.7 69.6 64.4 55.4 49.7 47.8 47.6 47.3 88.1 100.2 85.3 78.8 77.4 78.1 77.2 76.6 76.6 57.4 58.9 59.6 61.1 62.6 64.0 65.4 66.5 61.9 73.0 86.8 70.7 56.1 43.6 37.4 33.5 32.0 31.2 Apparel, total Medical care 128 136 58.9 60.3 60.9 61.8 63.0 64.0 65.3 65.8 65.7 80.9 105.1 74.2 73.5 72.7 72.2 5 72.1 88.2 66.6 49.2 40.9 37.3 36.5 36.2 Food at home, total Year 115 1910_______ 1909_______ 1908_______ 1907_______ 1906_______ 1905_______ 1904__ ____ 1903_ _ _ _ 1902_ __ _ 1901 _ _ _ 1900 1899 _ 1898 1897. 1896 1895 1894_______ 1893. 1892. _ _ _ 1891. _____ 1890_______ 36.8 35.1 33.4 32.5 31.2 30.3 30.1 29.7 29.9 28.3 27.2 26.8 26.6 25.9 25.7 26.3 26.8 28.1 27.4 28.0 27.6 data. Series E 140-147. Consumer Price Indexes (BLS), for Special Groups: 1935 to 1957 [1947-49=100] Year 1957______________________________________________________ 1956________________________________ ____________ _______ 1955______________________________________________________ 1954___________ ___________________________________________ 1953 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 1952 ___ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ 1951______________________________________________________ _____ _ ________ ___ 1950 ______ 1949_______________________________________________________ 1948______________________________________________________ 1947 _ _ __ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1946 -__ _ 1945_______________________________________________________ 1944______________________________________________________ 1943 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ 1942 _ _ _______ _ _ _ __ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ 1941______________________________________________________ 1940 _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _______ _ __ _ 1939 _ _ _ ____________ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ 1938______________________________________________________ 1937_____________________ _ _ _______ __ _ ___ 1936____________ _ __ _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1935______________________ __ ___ ______ __ _ _______ 126 Commodities Excluding food All items, exclud ing food All items, exclud ing rent Total 140 141 142 118.8 116.7 116.4 115.7 113.5 110.8 117.8 114.0 112.4 113.0 113.1 112.7 110.5 104.2 103.0 101.9 95.1 87.0 83.4 81.5 78.5 76.4 71.4 69.4 69.1 69.6 68.9 66.5 65.8 101.3 103.1 95.6 82.3 74.8 72.9 71.6 66.6 59.1 55.8 55.4 56.4 58.0 56.2 55.5 122.8 102.0 113.6 110.1 109.0 110.2 111.3 111.7 110.3 101.2 100.6 103.2 96.3 80.1 72.3 70.2 69.4 63.8 55.7 51.1 51.6 52.7 54.7 52.7 52.0 Services Total Durable Non durable 143 144 145 112.3 108.9 107.5 108.6 110.0 109.8 108.9 101.3 101.5 102.9 95.7 84.7 79.7 76.7 72.7 69.8 62.7 59.8 59.4 60.4 60.4 57.9 57.3 108.8 105.1 105.1 108.3 112.6 113.8 112.4 104.4 103.3 101.8 94.9 87.5 83.7 77.8 71.2 68.9 60.7 56.8 57.3 58.5 57.5 54.1 53.3 116.1 113.0 110.6 116.6 110.1 109.1 108.5 100.9 101.1 103.1 95.7 83.3 77.6 74.9 71.3 68.4 61.8 59.3 58.7 59.6 59.9 57.6 57.1 Includ ing rent Exclud ing rent 146 147 137.7 132.6 129.8 127.5 124.2 119.3 114.1 108.5 105.1 100.4 94.5 90.8 89.0 87.9 85.8 84.2 81.6 80.6 80.4 80.3 78.7 76.4 75.6 138.6 133.0 130.1 127.7 124.6 120.1 114.6 108.1 105.2 100.1 94.7 90.2 87.0 85.2 81.3 77.8 74.5 73.6 73.5 73.5 72.9 72.2 72.6 CONSUMER PRICE INDEXES E 148-160 Series E 148-156. Consumer Price Index (Hoover): 1851 to 1880 [1860=100] All items Year Total Less food Less rent 148 149 150 1880_ _ _ _____ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1879_________________________________________ 1878 _ _ _______ _______ _ _ _ __ _ _ 1877___________________________________ _____ 1876_________________________________________ 1875 _______ __ _ _ _ _ ___ 1874_ _________ ____________________________ 1873_ _______ __ _ _ __ ____ _ _ 1872___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _______ _ _ _ 1871__ _____________ __________ ___ 1870_ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1869 _ _ _ __ _ _ _______ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1868 __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 1867________________ _______________________ 1866_______ _________________________________ 1865_________________________________________ 1864_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1863 ____ _ _ _ ______ __ 1862_ ___ _ __ __ __ __ ___ _ __ _____ _ 1861 _ _ _______ _. __ ________ _ ___ 1860_________________________________________ 1859_________________________________________ 1858_________________________________________ 1857_________________________________________ 1856_________________________________________ 1855_________________________________________ 1854_________________________________________ 1853_________________________________________ 1852_ _ _ ___ ________________ __ _ _ _ 1851_________________________________________ 108 105 107 109 113 116 122 128 132 133 137 141 141 149 163 181 187 151 120 103 110 108 111 118 119 123 129 133 135 135 141 147 154 157 167 175 176 139 113 101 106 105 108 117 118 122 102 100 101 99 99 105 104 101 93 93 92 100 98 99 106 100 102 102 102 96 95 96 101 106 108 116 122 125 127 135 141 143 157 178 209 222 173 131 107 128 131 133 134 141 148 157 161 172 183 185 144 115 100 100 100 Less food and rent 151 100 102 101 102 104 101 92 91 90 102 103 100 100 99 Food Cloth ing Rent Fuel and light Other 152 153 154 155 156 94 94 95 99 104 105 115 122 126 128 141 148 148 166 194 238 261 197 143 127 122 124 123 123 129 133 139 144 144 142 141 138 135 138 134 130 113 101 95 100 102 100 100 100 100 100 111 110 113 125 124 129 134 136 136 137 143 151 164 163 169 170 167 129 107 99 110 98 99 99 108 102 100 100 102 105 99 100 100 87 103 100 88 99 100 100 101 100 86 103 103 102 100 100 100 95 92 93 98 106 133 134 135 138 138 140 141 142 141 142 143 145 144 144 146 147 141 115 105 110 114 120 122 125 126 132 133 140 152 159 155 136 112 103 102 100 100 99 98 98 96 97 96 95 95 95 98 103 109 106 109 113 102 99 99 Series E 157-160. Cost-of-Living Indexes, (Federal Reserve Bank of N. Y., Burgess, Douglas, Rees): 1820 to 1926 Year 1926 ______________ 1925_ _ _ ______ 1924_______________ 1923_______________ 1922_______________ 1921_______________ 1920 ______________ 1919_______________ 1918_______________ 1917_______________ 1916_______________ 1915_______________ 1914_______________ 1913_______________ 1912_______________ 1911________ ______ 1910_______________ 1909_______________ 1908_______________ 1907 ______________ 1906_______ ______ 1905_______________ 1904_______________ 1903_______________ 1902_______________ 1901__ ____________ 1900._____________ 1899_______________ 1898_______________ 1897_______________ 1896.............................. 1895_______ ______ _ 1894.............. ............... 1 893............................. 1892_______ _______ 1891_______________ 1913 = 100 Federal Reserve Burgess Bank of N. Y. 158 157 203.7 188.7 171.1 147.8 113.4 101.1 100 102 96 96 91 91 95 90 87 87 88 84 82 80 77 75 75 74 73 73 75 77 76 1 Douglas’ index for 1890 is 104. 102.5 100.0 92.8 91.5 93.1 88.6 84.4 82.0 78.2 76.0 76.1 74.8 74.8 70.6 67.7 66.1 65.9 63.9 62.9 64.2 65.3 69.1 67.5 68.8 Douglas , 1 Rees , 2 (1890-99 (1914 = 100 ) = 100) 1913 = 100 Federal Reserve Burgess Bank of N. Y. 157 158 Year 160 159 241 240 234 234 229 246 286 247 218 179 149 136 139 137 133 132 128 121 121 126 119 115 115 116 111 108 106 102 100 100 99 97 97 100 102 101 1890 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1889 1888________________ 1887 __ 1886__ 1885________________ 1884 __ _ _ _ _ 1883________________ 1882____________ ___ 1881-1880__ __ ______ 1879_ _ _ ______ 100 1878__ _ _ _ _ _ _ 99 1877________________ 97 1876__ 95 1875______ _______ 95 1874__ _ 91 1873 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 92 1872________________ 94 1871_______ ______ 90 1870________________ 89 1869__________ __ 89 1868______________ 88 1867-_ _ _ _ _ _ 86 1866________________ 85 1865________________ 84 1864________________ 83 1863________________ 83 1862________________ 83 1861________________ 84 1860________________ 84 1859________________ 86 1858________________ 90 1857________________ 91 1856________________ 92 78 78 78 76 76 75 77 81 86 83 80 79 80 80 81 86 88 88 90 89 91 95 98 102 103 102 95 78 69 63 61 63 69 70 68 67 8 67.8 67.5 65.4 65.3 64.6 66.4 71.7 76 1 73.8 71.3 68.8 69.6 77.2 78.0 81.2 83.1 84.7 86.3 86.9 92.5 97.8 104.2 103.5 107.4 108.1 104.6 80.0 66.0 61.2 63.0 63.7 61.2 67.3 63.9 Rees , 2 (1914 = 100 ) Year 160 91 1855________________ 1854 __ __ _______ 1853________________ 1852_ ___ _ _ _ ___ 1851. _______ -__ _ 1850________________ 1849 _ _ _ _______ _ 1848 __ __ _______ _ 1847-_ _ ________ __ 1846_ _ __ ___ 1 8 4 5 .____ _______ 1844 _ _ _ 1843. _ _ _ ___ 1842 _ _ _ __ 18411840- __ _ _______ 1839 1838 _ _ _ _ 1837______ ______ 1836. 1835_________ ______ 18341833. 1832 _ 1831. 1830__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18291828 1827_ _ _______ __ _ 1826. 1825. 1824. 1823__ __ _ ____ 1822 _ 1821_ 1820. ___ _ _ ___ 1913 = 100 Federal Reserve Burgess Bank of N. Y. 157 158 67 64 64 60 60 54 51 54 58 58 54 52 51 55 60 60 71 71 72 64.1 60.9 53.9 53.7 53.0 58.4 61.1 63.1 63.4 59.0 56.3 54.9 53.6 53.5 55.9 68 60 51 58 57 56 54 58 57 57 55 58 57 61 64 62 65 2 Preliminary figures. Final figures and full description to be published at a later date. 127 E 161-176 PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES Series E 161-176. Retail Prices of Selected Foods in U. S. Cities (BLS): 1890 to 1957 [In cents per unit indicated] Meats Year 1957______________ 1956______________ 1955______________ 1954______________ 1953______________ 1952______________ 1951______________ 1950______________ 1949______________ 1948______________ 1947______________ 1946______________ 1945______________ 1944______________ 1943______________ 1942______________ 1941______________ 1940______________ 1939______________ 1938______________ 1937______________ 1936______________ 1935______________ 1934______________ 1933______________ 1932______________ 1931______________ 1930______________ 1929______________ 1928______________ 1927______________ 1926______________ 1925______________ 1924______________ 1923______________ 1922______________ 1921______________ 1920______________ 1919______________ 1918. _ _ _ __ 1917- _ _ 1916_ _ _ _ __ 1915______________ 1914______________ 1913-_- _________ 1912- _ _ _ 1911_ _ _ _ 1910_ _ _ ____ 1909- _ -_- _ 1 9 0 8 _ ___ _ __ 1907_ -_ _ 1906. _ _ 1905__ _______ 1904- _ 1903- __ 1902 _ 1901- _ _ _ ____ 1900_ _ ____ 1899_ 18981897- ___ _ 1896_ _ _ 1895- ______ __ 1894_ _____ _ 1893- _ . __ 1892_ _ _ _ __ 1891_____________ 1890___ _ _ _ __ 1 N ot 128 Dairy products and eggs Flour Bread Round steak Chuck roast Pork chops Bacon Butter Eggs Milk, delivered 161 5 lb. 54.6 53.3 53.8 53.6 52.3 52.3 51.9 49.1 47 9 49.0 48.2 35.4 32.1 32.4 30.6 26.4 162 Lb. 18.8 17.9 17.7 17.2 16.4 16.0 15.7 14.3 14.0 13.9 12.5 10.4 163 Lb. 93.6 164 Lb. 52.5 48.4 50.1 51.4 52.9 73.5 74.1 61.6 55.5 64.4 51.5 36.6 28.1 28.8 30.2 29.3 25.5 23.5 23.4 22.8 25.7 22.3 24.0 17.5 16.0 18.5 22.7 28.6 31.4 29.6 25.2 23.7 165 Lb. 86.6 78.2 79.3 86.3 82.7 80.3 79.4 75.4 74.3 77.2 72.1 48.5 37.1 37.3 40.3 41.4 34.3 27.9 30.4 32.9 36.7 34.1 36.1 25.5 19.8 21.5 29.6 36.2 37.5 35.2 37.2 39.9 37.0 31.0 30.3 33.0 34.9 42.3 42.3 39.0 31.9 22.7 20.3 166 Lb. 73.8 57.3 65.9 81.7 78.5 64.9 67.2 63.7 66.5 76.9 77.7 53.3 41.1 41.1 43.1 39.4 34.3 27.3 31.9 36.7 41.3 40.7 41.3 29.1 22.6 24.2 36.6 42.5 43.9 44.4 47.8 50.8 47.1 38.4 39.7 39.8 42.7 52.3 55.4 52.9 41.0 28.7 26.9 27.5 27.0 24.4 24.7 25.5 22.4 20.7 20.1 19.6 18.1 18.0 18.2 17.7 15.8 14.3 13.4 13.1 12.7 167 Lb. 74.3 72.1 70.9 72.4 79.0 85.5 81.9 72.9 72.5 86.7 80.5 71 0 50.7 50.0 52.7 47.3 41 1 36.0 32.5 34.7 40.7 39.5 36.0 31.5 27.8 27.8 35.8 46.4 55.5 56.9 56.3 53.6 55.2 52.2 55.8 47.9 51.7 70.1 67.8 57.7 48.7 39.4 35.8 36.2 38.3 37.4 33.7 35.9 34.5 32.8 32.7 30.4 29.0 28.0 28.5 28.7 26.5 26.1 25.1 24.4 23.9 23.8 24.9 26.1 28.3 27.5 27.4 25.5 168 Doz. 57.3 60.2 60.6 58.5 69.8 67.3 73.7 60.4 69.6 72.3 69.6 58.6 58.1 54.5 57.2 48.4 39.7 33.1 32.1 35.5 36.2 37.1 37.6 32.5 28.8 30.2 35.0 44.5 52.7 50.3 48.7 51.9 55.4 51.0 49.9 44.4 50.9 169 Qt. 25.0 24.2 23.1 23.0 23.4 24.2 23.1 22.6 21.5 19.0 19.8 24.0 23.8 25.3 24.5 19.5 16.0 18.0 23.0 25.5 26.5 27.5 30.0 30.5 24.5 23.5 25.5 29.0 40.5 36.0 33.5 35.0 22.0 21.0 17.0 16.5 17.5 17.0 18.0 18.0 16.5 15.5 14.5 16.0 16.0 13.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 14.0 14.0 12.5 12.0 11.5 12.5 14.0 15.0 14.5 available. 8.8 8.8 8.9 8.7 8.1 8.0 7.9 8.6 8.6 8.2 8.3 8.3 7.1 7.0 7.7 8.6 8.8 8.9 9.2 9.3 9.3 8.9 8.8 8.7 9.9 11.5 10.0 9.8 9.2 7.3 7.0 6.3 5.6 88.2 90.3 90.7 91.5 111.2 109.3 93.6 85.3 90.5 75.6 52.1 40.6 41.4 43.9 43.5 39.1 36.4 36.0 34.9 39.1 34.1 36.0 28.1 25.7 29.7 35.4 42.6 46.0 43.7 38.7 37.1 36.2 34.8 34.3 32.3 34.4 39.5 38.9 36.9 29.0 24.5 23.0 23.6 22.3 19.9 17.5 17.4 16.4 15.9 15.2 14.5 14.0 14.1 14.0 14.7 13.8 13.2 12.9 12.7 12.5 12.4 12.3 12.2 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.3 22.8 21.6 20.8 19.7 21.2 26.2 27.0 26.6 20.9 17.1 16.1 16.7 16.0 22.0 21.0 19.2 17.9 19.2 17.4 16.0 15.6 15.2 13.9 13.7 14.0 14.1 13.0 11.9 11.2 10.9 10.8 10.7 11.0 11.2 11.8 11.1 10.9 10.7 12.6 13.0 13.5 14.2 12.9 12.6 12.5 68.1 62.8 59.0 48.1 37.5 34.1 35.3 34.5 34.1 32.3 33.7 31.9 29.7 29.0 27.8 27.2 27.1 25.9 24.7 21.9 20.7 20.9 19.9 18.9 19.2 20.6 19.9 22.4 22.1 22.1 20.8 20.6 21.1 21.8 19.6 17.6 15.6 15.6 15.5 15.0 13.6 12.8 12.2 12.5 12.5 12.0 11.7 10.4 10.7 11.2 12.6 14.1 14.4 14.2 14.1 14.0 13.9 13.4 13.9 13.1 14.6 16.7 15.5 13.9 11.2 9.1 8.8 8.9 8.9 8.7 8.5 8.4 Fruits and vegetables Toma N avy Oranges Potatoes toes, canned beans 170 171 172 173 Doz. 10 lb. 303 can Lb. 57.1 16.1 57.9 15.0 58.3 67.7 15.2 16.3 52.8 56.4 15.1 0) 55.4 52.6 2 14.6 17.6 49.0 53.8 14.8 17.0 50.6 76.0 16.1 14.8 48.7 50.8 15.8 16.7 46.1 12.4 15.3 49.3 16.4 51.8 54.6 12.8 44.7 55.9 13.9 22.0 43.4 50.3 16.3 21.3 49.9 46.8 12.6 14.0 48.5 49.3 10.3 11.4 46.0 46.5 10.1 10.7 44 3 45.6 10.1 10.6 35.7 34.2 9.9 9.0 31.0 23.5 7.7 7.4 29.1 23.9 7.2 6.6 28.9 24.7 7.2 6.2 26.7 21.3 7 .5 6.3 38.9 27.9 7.9 9.6 8.0 33.6 31.9 6.7 32.0 19.1 8.6 6.2 34.1 6.1 23.0 8.8 27.3 23.0 7.7 5.3 30.2 17.0 7.8 5.2 35.0 24.0 8.5 8.1 57.1 36.0 10.2 11.7 44.7 32.0 14.1 10.8 58.6 27.0 9.9 11.8 52.0 38.0 10.0 9.4 51.6 49.0 9.9 9.4 57.1 36.0 11.1 10:3 44.8 10.8 28.0 9.9 49.7 30.0 10.5 10.9 57.4 28.0 11.3 9.9 49.6 31.0 10.2 8.2 63.2 63.0 12.5 11.4 53.2 38.0 13.6 12.6 32.0 17.3 43.0 17.9 27.0 11.0 15.0 7.8 18.0 17.0 22.0 22.0 6.7 6.7 6 .7 17.0 19.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 17.0 18.0 17.0 18.0 18.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 14.0 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 14.0 15.0 17.0 14.0 18.0 16.0 8.1 8.0 7.8 7.4 7.2 7.2 7,2 7.0 6.8 6.8 6.8 12.0 Average of January-September inclusive. Other Coffee Marga rine Sugar 174 Lb. 101.7 103.4 93.0 110.8 89.2 175 Lb. 29.9 28.9 28.9 29.9 29.4 29.4 34.7 30.8 30.8 41.4 40.8 28.3 24.1 24.1 23.6 22.1 17.1 15.9 16.7 17.5 19.2 18.5 18.8 13.5 13.2 15.4 19.9 25.0 27.0 27.3 28.3 30.1 30.2 29.3 28.1 28.0 31.6 42.3 41.3 176 5 lb. 55.2 52.8 52.1 52.6 52.8 51.5 50.6 48.7 47.6 47.0 48.6 38.4 33.4 33.6 34.2 34.1 28.6 26.0 27.2 26.6 28.2 27.9 28.2 27.5 26.5 25.0 28.0 30.5 32.0 34.5 36.0 34.0 35.0 45.0 49.5 36.5 40.0 97.0 56.5 48.5 46.5 40.0 33.0 29.5 27.5 31.5 30.5 30.0 29.5 29.5 29.0 28.5 30.0 29.5 28.0 28.0 30.0 30.5 2 9.5 2 9.5 2 8.0 2 8.0 26.5 27.5 29.5 28.0 30.0 34.5 86.8 86.8 79.4 55.4 51.4 46.9 34.4 30.5 30.1 30.0 28.3 23.6 21.2 22.4 23.2 25.5 24.3 25.7 26.9 26.4 29.4 32.8 39.5 47.9 48.2 47.4 50.2 50.4 42.6 36.9 36.1 36.3 47.0 43.3 30.5 30.2 29.9 30.0 29.7 29.8 RETAIL PRICE INDEXES—RENT INDEXES E 177-186 Series E 177-185. Retail Price Indexes (BLS), of Electricity, Gas, and Fuel for Household Use: 1907 to 1957 [1947-49=100] Composite 1 Year 177 1957 1956_________________________________________ 1955_________________________________________ 1954_________________________________________ 1953_________________________________________ 1952_________________________________________ 1951_________________________________________ 1950_________________________________________ 1949_________________________________________ 1948_________________________________________ 1947_________________________________________ 1946_________________________________________ 1945_________________________________________ 1944_________________________________________ 1943_________________________________________ 1942_________________________________________ 1941_________________________________________ 1940_________________________________________ 1939_________________________________________ 1938_________________________________________ 1937_________________________________________ 1936_________________________________________ 1935_________________________________________ 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918_ 1917_ _ _ 1916_ 1915 1914_ 19131912. 1911. _ _ 1910 1909 19081907 100 kw. hrs. 178 106.9 106.5 106.1 104.7 104.3 103.0 102.0 101.2 100.9 99.1 100.3 104.4 104.9 105.2 105.3 105.9 106.7 107.8 109.5 111.2 113.7 117.4 123.6 133.6 135.0 136.5 138.6 141.2 146.4 149.1 151.2 153.3 155.0 156.2 159.5 161.3 158.3 158.5 153.2 152.7 156.9 161.0 166.2 5169.6 100.0 Coal Gas Electricity 104.3 103.8 103.4 102.2 101.2 100.3 100.1 99.4 99.4 100.9 99.6 100.4 102.4 102.5 103.2 103.2 103.7 105.1 106.4 107.8 109.3 111.7 116.6 120.0 123.5 124.5 129.2 133.8 138.0 143.8 149.2 154.0 157.2 161.2 165.1 For other household uses Manu All types 2 factured 10 therms 3 180 181 For space heating, all types 179 122.8 121.5 120.6 114.6 111.5 105.8 102.6 101.6 101.2 99.9 99.0 98.0 99.0 99.8 100.3 100.6 102.5 104.3 105.3 105.6 109.2 118.5 121.4 1 Combination of 40, 100, and 200 kw.-hrs. from 1953 to 1957, and 25, 40, 100, and 250 kw.-hrs. from 1935 to 1952, and the “average consumption" in each component city prior to 1935. 2 Combination of 10 and 25 therms from 1953 to 1957, and 10.6, 19.6, 30.6, and 40.6 therms prior to 1953. 117.4 115.1 112.6 109.1 107.5 105.4 103.8 104.0 103.9 99.7 96.3 95.5 97.1 98.3 98.8 99.8 100.1 101.2 101.9 100.8 99.5 100 .5 101.2 112.8 109.1 108.0 107.6 107.2 106.6 106.5 109.8 99.1 91.2 87.0 86.7 86.6 86.5 86.1 86.2 86.5 85.8 85.5 85.1 85.1 85.2 84.6 84.4 84.9 85.2 85.4 84.8 84.6 84.9 84.9 85.2 85.1 85.4 87.5 89.5 78.4 72.2 66.7 63.3 63.2 63.9 64.5 65.1 64.3 64.5 65.7 66.6 67.3 s 68.0 ! Natural therms 3 10 182 107.1 105.5 102.6 100.0 99.0 96.2 94.4 97.5 99.5 99.5 100.9 102.1 107.1 109.6 111.4 113.6 114.9 117.2 117.4 113.8 114.2 114.6 115.9 119.5 120.5 120.7 120.7 120.7 120.8 112.3 110.4 108.4 104.7 100.1 98.2 93.4 86.0 77.2 75.0 68.9 62.6 60,1 59.7 59.7 859.7 Pennsylvania Bituminous, anthracite, all domestic stove sizes size 184 183 146.2 136.6 128.1 129.0 134.6 127.0 125.2 113.0 107.5 101.7 90.8 83.7 75.4 72.8 68.9 65.0 62.5 59.4 56.6 57.5 57.9 61.6 59.9 63.9 63.6 65.8 71.7 73.5 74.2 74.6 75.4 76.9 75.9 75.7 75.7 74.2 74.6 70.9 59.3 50.5 45.8 40.9 37.9 37.9 37.8 129.8 124.8 120.4 119.1 119.2 116.8 114.6 112.1 108.1 104.3 87.6 74.1 70.4 68.9 66.5 63.7 60.6 57.1 56.6 57.0 56.6 55.4 54.3 54.0 50.1 50.4 54.4 57.8 57.9 58.7 60.7 61.1 59.3 60.1 67.6 66.4 69.9 69.8 53.6 51.3 ; 47.3 38.4 36.5 37.1 36.2 Fuel oil, No. 2 4 185 137.2 130.5 124.4 120.4 119.6 113.7 111.1 105.1 104.0 109.7 86.2 72.3 71.7 75.1 75.0 69.0 60.2 58.6 55.9 61.4 64.5 55.6 53.4 3 10 therms, 1953 1957; 10.6 therms, 1923-1952; prior to 1923, price per 1,000 cu. ft. based on consumption of 3,000 cu. ft. for mnaufactured gas and 5,000 cu. ft. for natural gas. 4 Includes fuel oils No. 2 and 3 from 1939 through 1947. 5 December only. 6 April only. Series E 186. Rent Indexes (Warren and Pearson) for Dwelling Units in 5 Large Cities: 1860 to 1880 [I860 = 100. Covers Boston, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Louisville, and St. Louis] Year 1880 1879 .................. ........................... 1878 1877 1876. _ __________ - _____ Index 186 151 148 152 148 147 Year 1875_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1874_________ _______________ 1873. _ _ __ _ 1872_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1871_________________________ Index 186 162 166 173 173 173 Year 1870__ _ _ _ 1869_________________________ 1868______________ 1867___ _______ 1866_________________________ Index 186 180 187 179 167 187 Year 1865- _ _ 1864__________________ 1863______ 1862______ 1861__________________ 1860_________________________ Index 186 175 168 123 101 101 100 129 chapter F National Income and Wealth NATIONAL PRODUCT AND INCOME (Series F 1-157) F 1-157. General note. In broad terms, national product or its equivalent, national income, is a comprehensive measure of the Nation’s total annual production of commodities and services. Only the end prod ucts of a year’s economic activity are included. For example, since the output of bread is included, the output of wheat used in producing the bread is excluded. At any given time, national product may be measured as the sum of the value added in various forms of economic activity (agriculture, min ing, manufacturing, etc.) ; as the total of the incomes accruing to persons supplying different productive factors (wages and salaries, profits, including undistributed corporate profits, etc.) ; or as the aggregate value of the final products of the economy (food, clothing, shelter, etc.). While each of these approaches yields the same total (given a consistent scheme of valuation), the component detail illuminates different facets of the process of production, distribution, and consumption of the Nation’s output, and, hence, serves different uses. These three ap proaches, of course, do not exhaust the possibilities. Changes in national product may be measured either in current prices or in prices of a given year. In the latter case, the change ideally reflects only the change in the real volume of commodities and services. Each of these two forms of valuation has its particular uses. For example, in a study of financial developments or market trends, the current price series is often preferable, while for analysis of consumer levels of living or national productivity, the constant price series is more appropriate. It may be useful to indicate briefly some of the more general conceptual limitations of national* product estimates. First, national product is primarily a measure of the output of the market economy. Only a few items of “income in kind” are included. The most important are the value of food and fuel produced and consumed by farm families and the rental value of owner-occupied dwellings. No account is taken of items such as the value of the housewife’s services or of home repairs, home dressmaking, or noncommercial recreation. Since economic growth generally involves a progressive com mercialization of such activities, the increase of national product reflects to some extent a transfer of production from the nonmarket to the market sector rather than a real growth in the total volume of production. Second, there is no complete agreement on all of the goods that may properly be considered end products of the economy. National product, as ordinarily constituted, includes, among other things, all items of consumer expenditure. This leads to the inclusion of such things as expenditures on transporta tion to work and payments to labor unions, which the consumer may not consider end products in themselves, but rather a necessary means under .modern industrial organization to se cure the money income needed to obtain goods that do consti tute the goal of economic activity, such as food, clothing, and recreation. Also, since national product typically includes all government expenditure for commodities and services, criti cism has been voiced regarding the inclusion of war and defense goods and government services to business, such as police and fire protection for factories and warehouses. If this argument is accepted, national product measures would be viewed as overstating the growth of the final product of the economy over time, since these items tend on balance to increase in relative importance as the economy develops. Third, because of the techniques used in adjusting for price changes, national product in constant prices fails to reflect fully changes in the quality of goods during economic growth. In contrast to the foregoing limitation, this one would tend to understate the growth of national product, since on the aver age, quality of products probably tends to improve over time. Finally, national product may fail to measure accurately changes in the material level of living provided by economic activity, even when placed on a per capita basis, since the aggregate figures do not reflect changes in the distribution of income between rich and poor, in consumption needs arising from changes in the age composition of the population, or in man-hours spent in economic activity. Despite these shortcomings of national product measures for historical analysis, there are wide areas of agreement on the proper means of constructing and interpreting such measures. Their usefulness in providing insights into the nature and growth of the economy is attested to by the wide acceptance of the figures. Most of the series presented here are based on recent work. The principal works of comprehensive nature used are: Office of Business Economics, U. S. Income and Output, 1958, Nation al Income: 19 5U Edition, A Supplement to the Survey of Cur rent Business, and Survey of Current Business, July 1957; Simon Kuznets, Capital in the American Economy: Its For mation and Financing, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York (forthcoming), and “Long-Term Changes in the National Income of the United States of America Since 1870,” in International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, Income and Wealth of the United States: Trends and Structure, Income and Wealth Series II, Bowes and Bowes, Cambridge, 1952; John W. Kendrick, Pro ductivity Trends in America, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York (forthcoming) ; and Raymond W. Gold smith, Dorothy S. Brady, and Horst Mendershausen, A Study of Saving in the United States, vol. Ill, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1956. Earlier works of historical nature are: Robert F. Martin, National Income in the United States, 17991938, National Industrial Conference Board, New York, 1939; Simon Kuznets, National Income and Its Composition, 19191938, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1941, and National Product Since 1869, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1946; Enterprise and Social Progress, National Industrial Conference Board, New York, 1939; Willford I. King, The Wealth and Income of the People of the United States, Macmillan, New York, 1915. A basic source for discussion of conceptual issues in the field is Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, Studies in Income and Wealth, vols. 1-24, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York. The extent of detail presented was limited by space requirements; greater detail is frequently available in the original source. No attempt was made to utilize estimates of 131 F 1-9 NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH contemporaries available for the 19th century, since these items accounting for the difference between gross national figures have not yet been subjected to critical review in the product and the given aggregate. (See the reconciliation light of modern concepts and techniques. (See George Tucker, among the aggregates in table I below.) The values of the Progress of the United States in Population and Wealth in reconciliation items are given in Raymond W. Goldsmith, Doro Fifty Years, Press of Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine, New York, thy S. Brady, and Horst Mendershausen, A Study of Saving in 1843; Ezra C. Seaman, Essays on the Progress of Nations, the United States, vol. Ill, Princeton University Press, Prince Charles Scribner, New York, 1868; Annual Report of the Com ton, 1956, pp. 435 and 441; 1929-1945, Office of Business missioner of Patents for the Year 1848; David A. Wells, Our Economics, Survey of Current Business, July 1957, pp. 10 and Burden and Our Strength, Loyal Publication Society, New 11; 1946-1957, Office of Business Economics, U. S. Income York, 1864; Edward Atkinson, The Distribution of Products, and Output, 1958. New York, 1885; and Michael G. Mulhall, Industries and The following are definitions used by the Department of Wealth of Nations, Longmans, Green, London, 1896.) Commerce: F 1-5. Gross national product, total and per capita, in current Net national product is the market value of the net output and 1929 prices, 1869-1957. of goods and services produced by the Nation’s economy. All Source: Series F 1 and F 2, 1869-1873 to 1928, John W. business products used up by business in the accounting period Kendrick, Productivity Trends in the United States, National are excluded. Net national product comprises the purchases Bureau of Economic Research, New York (forthcoming) ; 1929- of goods and services by consumers and government, net pri 1945, Office of Business Economics, Survey of Current Busi vate domestic investment (including the change in business ness, July 1957, pp. 8-9; 1946-1957, Office of Business Eco inventories), and net foreign investment. nomics, U. S. Income and Output, 1958. Series F 3, 1869-1945, National income (sometimes called national income at factor John W. Kendrick (cited above) ; 1946-1955, computed by cost) represents the aggregate earnings of labor and property applying Kendrick’s implicit price index for 1946-1955 to the arise from the current production of goods and services revised gross national product figures in U. S. Income and which by the Nation’s economy. Thus, it measures the total factor Output, 1958. Series F 4, computed by dividing gross na of the goods and services produced by the economy. tional product by population estimates in series A 1-2. Series costs Earnings are recorded in the forms in which they accrue to F 5, computed by dividing Kendrick’s current price series of residents of the Nation, inclusive of taxes on those earnings. gross national product by the constant price series. As such, consist of the compensation of employees, the Gross national product, as defined by the Department of profits of they corporate and unincorporated enterprises, net inter Commerce, is the market value of the output of goods and est, and the rental income flowing to persons. services produced by the Nation’s economy, before deduction Personal income represents the current income received by of depreciation charges and other allowances for business and persons from all sources, inclusive of transfers from govern institutional consumption of durable capital goods. Other busi ness products used up by business in the accounting period are ment and business but exclusive of transfers among persons. excluded. The Nation’s economy in this context refers to the Not only individuals (including owners of unincorporated en labor and property supplied by residents of the Nation. Gross terprises), but also nonprofit institutions, private trust funds, national product comprises the purchase of goods and services and private pension, health, and welfare funds are classified as by consumers and government, gross private domestic invest “persons.” Personal income is measured on a before-tax basis, ment (including the change in business inventories), and net as the sum of wage and salary disbursements, other labor income, proprietors’ and rental income, interest and dividends, foreign investment. and transfer payments, minus personal contributions for social The current dollar estimates for 1929-1957 are the official insurance. estimates prepared by the Department of Commerce. For the Disposable income is the income remaining to persons after years prior to 1929, the underlying estimates are those of Simon Kuznets, but they have been adjusted for 1889-1928 the deduction from personal income of personal tax and nontax by John W. Kendrick to the same conceptual basis as the Com payments to general government. merce figures. The estimates for years before 1889 are in The precise relations among the various national accounts terms of the somewhat different Kuznets concept of gross na aggregates for 1957 are presented below in table I. tional product. As is clear from the overlap values for 1889- Table I. Relation of Gross National Product, Net National 1893, however, the quantitative difference between the two Product, National Income, Personal Income, and Disposable Income: 1957 series is less than 5 percent for these early years. The specific [In billions of dollars] nature of the conceptual differences is indicated below in con nection with the discussion of series F 104-130. The constant Item 1957 dollar estimates at all dates are basically those of Simon Kuz Gross national product ________________ _____ . . . 440.3 nets (see text for series F 131-157), but have been adjusted Less: Capital consumption allowances . ... 37.7 E quals: N et national p ro d u ct____________ __ _______ ..... 402.6 to the Department of Commerce concept for 1889-1955 by Plus: Subsidies minus current surplus of governm ent enterprises ________ _________________ ______ .... ... Kendrick, who prepared constant dollar estimates for the rec Less: 1.3 onciliation items between the two series. Indirect business tax and nontax liability __ 37.6 Business transfer paym ents __ __ ... _ ... 1.6 With regard to statistical reliability, the Commerce estimates Statistical discrepancy .7 Equals'. N ational income .. . ____ ..... _ 364.0 are considered to be “subject to only a small percentage of Less: Undistributed corporate profits . ... ..... ..... _ error.” The same is very likely true of the estimates for 9.4 Corporate profits tax liability____ _____ ... _ _ 21.6 1919-1928, but for the years prior to 1919 the margin of error Corporate inventory valuation adjustm ent — 1.5 Contributions for social insurance _ ... ___ __ ___ 14.2 widens noticeably. For further discussion of the margin of Excess of w age accruals over disbursem ents___ ... ______ error in the early estimates, see text for series F 104-130. Plus: N et interest paid by governm ent 6.2 F 6-9. Net national product, national income, personal income, ftnvprnmpnt transfer paym ents 19.9 'Business transfer paympnts 1.6 and disposable income, in current prices, 1897-1957. Equals', Personal inr.omp. . 347.9 TiPRsr Personal tax and nontax paymenta ______ . 42.7 Source: 1897-1928, computed by adjusting the gross national Equals: 305.1 Disposable personal incom e-----------------------------------------------------product totals in series F 1 by the estimated values of the 132 F 10-21 NATIONAL PRODUCT AND INCOME Theoretically, net national product and national income are F 10-21. Value added by selected industries, and value of output of fixed capital, in current and 1879 prices, 1839superior to gross national product as measures of the final 1899. output of the economy, since some duplication is involved by the inclusion in the latter of the production of fixed capital Source: Robert E. Gallman, “Commodity Output in the which serves merely for replacement purposes. However, the United States, 1839-1899,” Conference on Research in Income depreciation charges, taken as an approximation of the value and Wealth, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 24, National of capital currently consumed in deriving net national product Bureau of Economic Research, New York (forthcoming). and national income, are largely in terms of original cost, and Value added in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and con hence are on a basis of valuation not comparable to that of struction, though narrower in scope than national product, is the gross production of fixed capital (see National Income: the most reliable output series of fairly comprehensive cover 195U Edition, p. 43). In practice, therefore, the measures of age for the period prior to 1870. “Value added” is the value the net product of the economy which are obtained are not of output, at producers’ prices, less the value of commodities consumed in production, at delivered prices. Viewed from the fully satisfactory.1 While net national product and national income are both income side, it comprises for any given sector the sum of pay measures of current national production (ideally, free from the ments to factors of production (net income originating), pay duplication involved in gross national product), they differ in ments made to noncommodity producing firms (including gov but excluding transportation), and depreciation. the manner in which this production is valued. Conceptually, ernment, Generally speaking, the coverage of the total for the four sec in net national product, current production is valued at market tors combined is fairly to that for finished commodity prices, while in national income, it is valued at factor costs, output plus construction close materials (see also text for series that is, at the cost of the capital and labor used in producing P 250-306). It differs from gross national primarily it. In practice, as table I shows, the principal difference be in that it excludes the value of transportationproduct and distributive tween these two forms of valuation is indirect business taxes. services and of services to ultimate consumers, such as medi Personal income, which measures the actual current income cal and educational services, and refers to the product pro receipts of persons from all sources, differs from the national duced within a given area rather than that accruing to the income in that it excludes certain types of income which accrue residents of the area. in production but are not received by persons (for instance, the The series for agriculture includes the value of food, fuel, undistributed part of corporate profits) and, on the other hand, and manufactures produced and consumed on the farm; that includes certain types of income which do not arise in current for mining excludes the output of precious metals mining; and productive activity but constitute personal receipts (such as that for manufacturing excludes home manufactures and the relief and unemployment benefits). Hence personal income, products of the independent hand trades. Forestry and fish unlike the national product and national income aggregates, is eries are not covered in any of the series. not a measure of national production. Personal income net of Estimates in constant prices were obtained for each sector taxes (i.e., disposable income) is the closest over-all statistical as the difference between the constant price value of the output approximation to consumer purchasing power derived from of the sector and the constant price value of the sector’s pur current incomes. chases of materials. The Department of Commerce figures (1929-1957) are be The series on value of output of fixed capital covers the lieved to be subject to only a small percentage error. Person value of construction, manufactured producers’ durables, and al income figures are more reliable than those for national farm improvements. The value of repairs and maintenance is income because the major items included in personal income included only in the estimates for construction. Fixed capital (but not in national income) are reliable, and the exclusions produced by the independent hand trades—chiefly artisans’ tools and agricultural implements—is not included. As noted either do not affect reliability or actually increase it. in connection with the earlier series, the figures relate to output, Since the estimates for the period prior to 1929 were derived not domestic use. Constant price estimates were obtained for by adjusting the gross national product estimates in series construction by deflating the current price series by an index F 1, the remarks concerning the reliability of the gross national of the cost of labor and construction materials. For producers’ product figures for this period apply to the present series also. durables, an index of selling prices was chiefly used, and for The estimates for the items needed to move from gross national farm improvements, use was made of a series on acres of land product to the other aggregates were made in a manner and improved. from sources as closely comparable as possible with the De In general, the principal sources were the Federal and State partment of Commerce current figures. However, the esti censuses of the period, but a wide range of additional materials mates for these adjusting items “are probably affected by a was used either directly for the estimates or to test the larger margin of error for the period before 1929 than the results. Compared with the national product estimates for the Department of Commerce figures for the same items. . . . In late 19th century, the present series might be considered less addition, two adjustments were ignored altogether for the reliable, because of the greater scarcity of materials at the period before 1929 because no reasonable estimates could be earlier dates and the lower reliability of the census returns. made for them, viz, subsidies less current surplus of govern On the other hand, restriction of scope to the commodity sec ment enterprises and business transfer payments” (A Study tors would tend to improve reliability relative to the national of Saving . . . , vol. Ill, p. 424). However, these items are product estimates, since the basic sources for the service esti quite small at the present time, and were probably relatively mates included in the latter are much less satisfactory than those for commodity output. The estimates for the different less important prior to 1929. commodity producing sectors are believed about equally relia 1 Unofficial estim ates of depreciation valued on a basis comparable to ble, except that for construction which is substantially inferior that of the gross production of fixed capital are available for most years to the others. Also, because of the greater relative importance shown in these series. Cf. Raymond W. Goldsmith, Dorothy S. Brady, and Horst Mendershausen, A Study of Saving in the U nited States, vol. Ill, of construction in the fixed capital series, it is less reliable than the value-added series for all sectors combined. p. 437. 488910 O - 6 0 - 10 133 NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH F 22-43 depend on a single industry. Finally, the income shares of F 22-48. General note. These series present distributions of total income or product the various industries are shown before deduction for personal by industrial origin. In obtaining such a distribution, the in and, for 1929-1957, corporate income taxes. These taxes have come originating in an industry is generally measured by sum a differential effect on the various sector totals. ming employee compensation, income of unincorporated enter F 22-33. National income, by industrial origin, in current prises and corporate profits (both including adjustment for prices, 1929-1957. inventory valuation), and net interest. Because of statistical Source: 1929-1945, Office of Business Economics, National difficulties, rental income of persons is assigned wholly to the Income: 1951+ Edition, A Supplement to the Survey of Current real estate industry, rather than to the industry of origin. Business, pp. 176-177; 1946-1957, U. S. Income and Output, One of the most important uses of a distribution by indus 1958. trial origin is to indicate the changing importance of various The income total used in this distribution is that of national productive activities in the economy. For example, such a dis income (see text for series F 7). The industrial classification tribution shows whether agriculture is growing or declining, follows closely that of the Standard Industrial Classification and how it is changing relative to other sectors. However, Manual published by the Office of Statistical Standards of the certain qualifications must be attached to such an interpreta Bureau of the Budget. For a comparison of the classification tion of the sector totals. In the distribution of employee com used in the national income accounts and the Standard Indus pensation by industry, establishments are classified wholly in Classification, see National Income: 1954 Edition, pp. the industry that accounts for the principal part of their activ trial 66- 6 8 . ity, even though they may perform other functions that In the discussion of series F 49-54 below, it is noted that should properly be classified in another industry. Thus, the there are differences in the reliability of the estimates for distributive functions carried on by a manufacturing establish types of income, and, in particular, that the estimates ment are generally classified under manufacturing rather than various for proprietor income and for rental income are of a much under trade. Hence, shifts in the relative weights of different lower order of accuracy. This information may be used to industrial sectors may reflect in part a transfer of activities draw some inferences concerning relative accuracy of the from one sector to another rather than a change in the relative industry estimates, since, generallythespeaking, for magnitude of the functions performed. An even greater de those sectors in which the least reliable typestheof estimates income bulk parture from an activity classification occurs when corporate large will be lowest in statistical accuracy. Accordingly, the profits and net interest are distributed by industry. In this estimates for the construction, trade, and service sectors should case, the distribution is based, because of statistical neces be considered least reliable, since in each of these, proprietors’ sity, on the principal industrial attachment of the company, income accounts for a disproportionately large share. The though the company may include establishments engaged in estimate for the sector labeled “finance, insurance, and real several industrial lines. Thus, the industrial distributions only estate” should also be included in this category, because rental approximate a true distribution by type of activity. income is of preponderant importance. The most reliable esti Aside from this, changes in the relative importance of the mates are those for mining, manufacturing, transportation, income totals for different industrial sectors may reflect not communications and public utilities, and government, while only changes in the relative magnitude of different productive those for agriculture would probably rank somewhat below activities, but also differential movements in the prices re these, but noticeably above the least reliable group. ceived for products or the prices paid for material and service F 34-43. Percent distribution of national income or aggregate inputs. However, in series F 44-48, which present a constant payments, by industry, in current prices, 1869-1948. dollar distribution by industrial origin, the influence of differ ential price movements has been removed, though unfortun Source: Simon Kuznets, “Long-Term Changes in the National ately this adjustment is presently possible for only a few sec Income of the United States of America Since 1870,” in Inter tors. For an analysis of the difference between the current national Association for Research in Income and Wealth, In and constant dollar distributions, by industrial origin, see come and Wealth of the United States: Trends and Structure, Simon Kuznets, “Long-Term Changes in the National Income Income and Wealth Series II, Bowes and Bowes, Cambridge, . . . Since 1870” . . . , pp. 92-106 (for complete citation, see 1952, p. 89. source for series F 34-43). The basic estimates used in deriving this series are those of A distribution by industrial origin may also be viewed as an Robert F. Martin, National Income in the United States, 1799approximation to the incomes of groups in the population at 1938, National Industrial Conference Board, New York, 1939; tached to particular industries. For this purpose the current and Simon Kuznets, National Income and Its Composition, 1919dollar figures are more appropriate than the constant dollar 1938, National Bureau Economic Research, New York, 1941. figures, though adjustment of the current dollar figures for The Kuznets series wasof extended through 1948 on the basis cost-of-living differences among the various groups would be of appropriately adjusted Department of Commerce figures. still more satisfactory. On the other hand, there are impor This measure of income originating in an industry differs tant limitations that should be kept in mind in attempting to somewhat from that employed in the Department of Commerce identify the income of a group in the population with the income originating in an industry. For example, while farmers estimates, series F 22-33, corporate taxes having been ex draw most of their income from agriculture, they may also cluded and interest on government debt included. Also, in the receive income from part-time employment or investments out Martin series on “aggregate payments,” undistributed corporate side agriculture. Conversely, some income originating in agri profits are not included. Hence, aside from variations in sta culture, such as interest paid on mortgages held by nonfarm tistical technique and sources, the income totals differ some landlords, may be paid to persons not engaged in farming. what for the years where the three sets of estimates overlap. Indeed, for property income in general (profits, interest, and Also, there is some variation in industrial classification. The rent), identification of the income originating in an industry finance and miscellaneous category in the National Bureau of with a particular social group is difficult, because those persons Economic Research estimates includes items such as income to whom property income is important are likely to receive originating in fisheries and in bus, truck, and air transporta income from diverse industrial sources and are not likely to tion, and dividend and interest flows from the rest of the 134 F 44-54 NATIONAL PRODUCT AND INCOME world. In the Martin estimates this category also includes ponents, are probably less accurate, they are nevertheless income from fisheries and the net international flow of interest based on fairly satisfactory sources, even for the earlier dates. and dividends, as well as income from miscellaneous profes F 49-66. General note. sional occupations, such as the clergy, and from the hand These series present distributions of total income by type of trades. (In the other two sets of estimates these last two income compensation, entrepreneurial income, inter categories are classified in the service sector.) Also, in the est, etc.).(employee Perhaps interest attaching to a distribu Martin estimates shown in the last three lines of series F tion of this kind liesthein chief the indication provide of the 34-43, rents are distributed among the various industries, changing manner in which total income itinmay the economy is di whereas, in the estimates for all other years they are classified vided between returns from labor and returns from property. under the “finance” sector. However, the figures as given suffer from certain limitations The comments made above in connection with series F 22-33 for this purpose, one of the most important being that entre regarding variations in the statistical reliability of the esti preneurial income (including rental income) includes a return mates for the different sectors are relevant here. (See also both on invested capital and on personal services. Also the National Income and Its Composition, 1919-1938, pp. 509-523.) income shares are before deduction for personal (and, in the Also, the Martin estimates, particularly for the dates prior case of series F 53 and F 59, corporate) taxes. Since these to 1899, should be considered of a definitely lower order of taxes have a differential impact on the several shares, it would reliability. sometimes be desirable to eliminate them. Three other recent studies, drawing largely on the same F 44-48. Gross domestic product originating in private farm and nonfarm sectors and government, in 1929 prices, 1869- sources as those used here, which present historical data on the distribution of income by type should be noted: Daniel 1955. Creamer, Personal Income During Business Cycles, Princeton Source: John W. Kendrick, Productivity Trends in the United States, National Bureau of Economic Research, New University Press, Princeton, 1956, appendix A; George J. Schuller, “The Secular Trend in Income Distribution by Type, York (forthcoming). 1869-1948: A Preliminary Estimate,” The Review of Economics Gross domestic product in series F 44 differs from gross and vol. xxxv, No. 4, November 1953, pp. 302-324; national product in series F 3 in that the former excludes and Statistics, Edward C. “United States Factor Shares, 1850net factor income from abroad. Thus the return on capital 1910,” ConferenceBudd, on Research Income and Wealth, Studies located abroad but owned by United States residents is ex in Income and Wealth, vol. 24, inNational Bureau of Economic cluded, while the income from capital owned abroad but located Research, New York (forthcoming). in this country is included. However, the quantitative differ F 49-54. National income, by type of income, in current prices, ence between the two series is not great. 1929-1957. Kendrick derived these estimates as follows: Gross national Source: 1929-1945, Office of Business Economics, Survey of product in constant prices, as given in series F 3, was adjusted by a constant price estimate of net factor income from abroad Current Business, July 1957, pp. 8-9; 1946-1957, U. S. Income to obtain gross domestic product. A constant dollar estimate and Output, 1958. of gross farm product was derived as the difference between The following are definitions used by the Department of constant dollar estimates of the total value of farm output and Commerce: of the value of intermediate products consumed. This pro the definition of national income, see text for series cedure is preferable to the more common one of taking the F For 7. Compensation represents the income ac physical outputs of an industry and weighting them by unit cruing to persons in ofan employees employee status as remuneration for values in the base year. The latter procedure yields a meas their work. From the employer’s standpoint, the direct ure that includes purchases from other industries, and the cost of employing labor. It includes wages andit issalaries, i.e., figures for a number of industries cannot be summed without the monetary remuneration of employees commonly regarded duplication. For example, assume that the output of artificial as wages and salaries, inclusive of executives’ compensation, fertilizers was to increase and to cause higher yields in agri commissions, tips, and bonuses, and payments in kind which culture; the effect on the combined output of agriculture and income to the recipients. It also includes supple manufacturing (which would include the manufacture of arti represent to wages and salaries such as employer contributions ficial fertilizers) would be exaggerated if the individual sector ments social insurance; employer contributions to private pension, estimates were derived without allowance for changes in the for health, and welfare funds; compensation for injuries; direc constant dollar value of purchases from other sectors. tors’ fees; pay of the military reserve; and a few other minor “Farm” as used in series F 46 differs slightly from “agri items of labor income. culture” in series F 23 in that F 46 excludes agricultural Income of unincorporated enterprises represents the mone services, forestry, and fisheries. tary earnings and income in kind of sole proprietorships, part Gross government product, in accordance with present nerships, and producers’ cooperatives from their current busi Department of Commerce concepts, consists of a deflated series ness operations than the supplementary income of on compensation of general government employees. The de individuals derivedother from property. Capital gains and flation procedure used does not allow for changes in the pro losses are excluded and renting no deduction is made for depletion. ductivity of these employees. An inventory valuation adjustment is included, which meas Gross private product was obtained as the difference between ures the excess of the value of the change in the volume of gross domestic product and gross government product. Gross inventories, valued at average prices during the period, over nonfarm product is the difference between gross private and the change in the book value of inventories. The adjustment gross farm product. is required because income of unincorporated enterprises is The reliability of gross domestic product is essentially the taken inclusive of inventory profit or loss, as is customary in same as that of gross national product, from which it was business accounting, whereas only the value of the real change derived (see text for series F 1-5). While the estimates for in inventories is counted as current output in the national farm and government product, the two directly estimated com product. 135 F 55-86 NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH Rental income of persons represents the monetary earnings to 1929, and particularly before 1919, the general level of of persons from the rental of real property, except those of reliability of all series is less than for the later period. For persons primarily engaged in the real estate business; the 1929-1952, there may be minor discrepancies between the per imputed net rental returns to owner-occupants of nonfarm centage distribution shown in series F 55-60 and those derived dwellings; and the royalties received by persons from patents, from series F 49-54, since the latter series incorporate some recent revisions. copyrights, and rights to natural resources. Corporate profits before taxes represent the earnings of F 61-66. Percent distribution of aggregate payments, by type corporations organized for profit which accrue to residents of of income, in current prices, 1870-1948. the Nation, measured before Federal and State profit taxes, Source: See source for series F 34-43, p. 136. without deduction of depletion charges and exclusive of capital These series provide a somewhat longer historical perspec gains and losses. In most major respects, the definition of tive on the trend in the distribution of income by type, chiefly profits is in accordance with Federal income tax regulations. by drawing on an earlier study by Willford I. King, The Wealth As in the case of income of unincorporated enterprises, an and Income of the People of the United States, Macmillan, New inventory valuation adjustment has been made in order to York, 1919. However, the reliability of these earlier figures eliminate inventory profits. is uncertain, as is clear from the following statement accom Net interest represents total interest (monetary and im panying presentation of the table in the source: [The following table] assembles the information available on [the] puted, private and government) accruing to United States distribution of aggregate paym ents by type for the period under consid persons and governments, minus total interest paid by United eration. W. I. K ing’s figures are of somewhat doubtful usefulness in connection, since the treatm ent of corporate and governm ent sav States governments. The imputed interest component of net this ings is not clear from his analysis, and the statistical basis for the estim ates is quite thin. Although M artin’s figures are on a somewhat interest is measured in general as the excess of property in more secure basis, the differences in level between [the overlap values come received by financial intermediaries from funds entrusted for 1909-1918] indicate lack of comparability with the more acceptable estim ates for recent decades. One must, therefore, pick one’s way with to them by persons over property income actually returned in caution in any attem pt to infer long-term changes in the distribution monetary form by these intermediaries to persons. of income paym ents by type. These series are based on a somewhat different aggregate The figures are official Department of Commerce estimates. The relative accuracy of the various series as evaluated by the than those in series F 49-54 and F 55-60, the most impor Department is, in terms of decreasing reliability: Employee tant difference being that the “aggregate payments” concept compensation, corporate profits before taxes, net interest, in includes only corporate dividends rather than corporate profits come of unincorporated enterprises, and rental income. In before taxes. Hence, corporate profits tax liability, undistrib particular, “the entrepreneurial income estimates [including uted corporate profits, and the corporate inventory valuation rental income] are subject to significant shortcomings when adjustment are all excluded from the total underlying series F 61. In addition, the interest series includes government compared with the other income shares.” F 55-60. Percent distribution of national income, by type of interest and excludes imputed interest (though in bringing the National Bureau of Economic Research series up to date by income, in current prices, 1900-1952. means Department of Commerce data, the first three Source: D. Gale Johnson, “The Functional Distribution of entries ofin the series F 65, a series including imputed interest was Income in the United States, 1850-1952,” Review of Economics used). With regard to the remaining three series (employee and Statistics, vol. xxxvi, No. 2, May 1954, p. 178. compensation, entrepreneurial income, and rent), the under The definitions for series F 55-60 are the same as those for lying concepts correspond closely to their counterparts in series series F 50-54, except that prior to 1929 corporate profits F 50, F 51, and F 52, though the statistical procedures fol before taxes (series F 59) does not include an inventory val lowed differ somewhat. uation adjustment, and income of unincorporated enterprises F 67-157. General note. (series F 57) includes one only for farm income. Also, im These series provide a summary view of the end products of puted interest is not included in the series used to extrapolate the Department of Commerce estimates of net interest prior the economy. From these data one can determine, among other things, to what extent the annual flow of production took to 1929. the form of consumers’ goods, on the one hand, and capital The underlying figures were prepared by D. Gale Johnson, on the other. In addition, one can examine the com who carried the Department of Commerce estimates (series goods, position the flow of goods to consumers (in terms of broad F 49-54) back to 1900 on the basis of Kuznets’ estimates for categoriesof such as services, nondurable goods, and durable 1919-28; King’s for 1909-1918; Martin’s for 1899-1908; and goods), and of capital formation, classified according to types certain other sources. (Simon Kuznets, National Income and such as construction, producers’ durable equipment, etc. Its Composition, 1919-1938, National Bureau of Economic Re F 67-86. Gross national product, by major type of product, in search, New York, 1941; Willford I. King, The National Income current prices, 1929-1957. and Its Purchasing Power, National Bureau of Economic Re Source: 1929-1945, Office of Business Economics, Survey of search, New York, 1930; and Robert F. Martin, National In come in the United States, 1799-1938, National Industrial Current Business, July 1957, pp. 8-9; 1946-1957, U. S. Income and Output, 1958. Conference Board, New York, 1939.) The following are definitions used by the Department of The procedures followed are summarized by Johnson as Commerce: follows: For the period 1910-28 the Bureau of Agricultural Econom ics’ esti For the definition of gross national product, see text for mates of farm operators’ income is used. The estim ate of corporate series F 1-5. Personal consumption expenditures (series profits is taken from a series of net profits after taxes published by the N ational Industrial Conference Board, to which is added the amount F 68) represent the market value of purchases of goods and of corporate taxes paid. K uznets’ series for wages and salaries, nonfarm entrepreneurial income, and rent were accepted as published for 1919services by individuals and nonprofit institutions and the value 28. His interest series is substantially below that of the Departm ent of food, clothing, housing, and financial services received by of Commerce after interest paid by governm ents is eliminated. It was linked with the Departm ent of Commerce series in terms of average them as income in kind. It includes the rental value of ownerrelationship for the period 1929-33. The estim ates of King for 1909-18 and Martin for 1899-1908 were adjusted in a sim ilar fashion. occupied houses but does not include purchases of dwellings, The evaluation of the relative accuracy of series F 50-54 which are classified as capital goods. Consumer durable com applies also to the present series, though for the years prior modities are generally defined as those having an average 136 F 87-130 NATIONAL PRODUCT AND INCOME The difference between the gross national product series life of 3 years or longer. Gross private domestic investment (series F 72) consists of acquisitions of newly produced capital presented in series F 104 and the Department of Commerce goods by private business and nonprofit institutions and of the series in series F 1 and F 67 is primarily conceptual, and value of the change in the volume of inventories held by busi relates almost wholly to the treatment of government in the ness. It covers all private new dwellings, including those ac estimation of national product. In series F 104, government quired by owner occupants. Producers’ durable equipment is purchases of goods and services is omitted as a component of defined in terms of items having an average life of one or gross national product. However, an estimate of government more years. Net foreign investment (series F 80) is the net services to consumers is added to personal consumption ex change in international assets and liabilities, including the penditures to obtain an estimate of “flow of goods to consum monetary gold stock, arising out of the current international ers” and government capital formation (consisting of both war flow of goods and services, factor incomes, and cash gifts and nonwar public construction, purchases of durable equip and contributions. Government purchases of goods and serv ment including durable munitions, and the change in the stock ices (series F 81) measures purchases of goods and services of monetary metals) is added to private capital formation. In by government bodies, exclusive of acquisitions of land and addition, series F 104 excludes from flow of goods to consumers used depreciable assets and of current outlays of government and from gross national product the imputed value of unpaid enterprises. It consists of general government expenditures services of financial intermediaries. for compensation of employees, purchases from business (net effect of these adjustments is to yield a lower aggregate of sales by government of consumption goods and materials), forThegross national product, chiefly because government ex net government purchases from abroad and international con penditures which are considered not to take the form of serv tributions, and the gross investment of government enter ices to consumers or capital formation are omitted from the prises. Transfer payments, government interest, subsidies, total. In effect, these omitted expenditures are treated as and loans are excluded. Federal national security expenditures yielding intermediate services that facilitate the flow of goods include, in addition to national defense outlays, expenditures to consumers or capital formation, but do not in themselves for international security and foreign relations (other than constitute final products; just as the production of wheat con military assistance) and promotion of the merchant marine. tributes to the production of bread but is not counted as a The figures are official Department of Commerce estimates. final product in addition to bread. For the earlier years, the With regard to the relative accuracy of the different product quantitative difference between the two series (F 1 and F 104) series, the Department states that government purchases of arising from this conceptual difference is fairly small, but for goods and services, particularly Federal Government purchases, the most recent decades it would be quite large, because of is highest on the scale of reliability, while the change in busi the great relative expansion in Government expenditures for ness inventories (which includes an inventory valuation ad military and defense purposes, which in the Kuznets concept justment) is lowest. Lying between these extremes are, in are largely excluded from the total. order of decreasing accuracy: Producers’ purchases of dura Net national product differs from gross national product in ble equipment and personal consumption expenditures for that an allowance for capital consumed during the year in the durables and nondurables; personal consumption expenditures process of production has been deducted from the gross na for services; and new construction. While the estimate of net tional product total. In the present case, capital consumption, foreign investment is based on a good deal of statistical infor both private and public, is valued at reproduction cost. Thus, mation, it is nevertheless liable to substantial percentage error a piece of equipment used up during the current year is valued because it is derived as the difference between much larger at the current cost of replacement, irrespective of the original numerical values. cost of the equipment. In addition, the capital consumption F 87-103. Gross national product, by major type of product, estimate includes an allowance for depletion of natural re sources. in 1954 prices, 1929-1957. The differences between the present series and the De Source: Office of Business Economics, U. S. Income and partment of Commerce series with regard to the major compo Output, 1958. nents (that is, between personal consumption expenditures and These series present estimates in 1954 prices for most of the flow of goods to consumers, and between gross private domes current price series presented in series F 67-86. The general tic investment and private and public capital formation) have procedure followed by the Department of Commerce was to been indicated above in the discussion of the differences in the divide the current price figures (organized in a product break gross national product concepts. Consumer perishables, semi down much finer than that shown in series F 67-86) by appro durables, and durables are commodities that, without marked priate price indexes based on 1954 = 100. The price indexes change and retaining their essential physical identity are ordi used in deriving the 1954 price estimates do not generally narily employed, respectively, less than 6 months, from 6 allow for quality change. Therefore, the constant price figures months to 3 years, and more than 3 years. Because of differ do not reflect part of the secular quality improvement in the ences, usually minor, in the scope or method of derivation of economy. Also, the present series overstate somewhat short- the figures, the estimates presented here differ somewhat from run fluctuations in output, because available price information those for apparently comparable categories (such as consum understates effective short-run fluctuations in prices. The ers’ durables) in series F 67-86. choice of a recent year price base rather than an earlier year With regard to the statistical reliability of the estimates, the base (for example, 1929) to derive the constant price estimates tends to reduce somewhat the magnitude of the long-term following quotation, relating to decade rather than the quin quennial averages presented here, is relevant: growth in gross national product. F 104-130. Gross and net national product, by major type of product, in current prices, 1869-1931. Source: Simon Kuznets, Capital in the American Economy: Its Formation and Financing, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York (forthcoming). For the comprehensixe totals of national product and their major components, such as flow of goods to consumers, gross value of pro ducer durables, gross construction, the maximum error in the estim ates for the decades before 1919 can be said to be 15 percent; for the later three decades [1919-28, 1924-33, 1929-38] less than 10 percent. The maximum errors may be somewhat larger for the various categories of the flow of goods to consumers; and, on a percentage basis, much larger for the net totals— net producer durables, net construction, changes in inventories, changes in claims against foreign countries, particularly the last two. 137 F 131-157 NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH Owing to possible shortages in the underlying data or errors inherent F 104-130, but in the narrowest categories that production in some of the assumptions, the comprehensive totals for the 1869-78 decade may be understated by as much as 10 percent; for the 1874-83 statistics permitted, and at producers’ prices, were deflated by decade by as much as 5 percent; for the subsequent decades through price indexes for corresponding product groups. The result 1899-1908 by as much as 2 to 3 percent. (Sim on Kuznets, N ational Product Since 1869, N ational Bureau of Economic Research, N ew York, ing estimates of commodity output in 1929 prices were then 1946, pp. 85-86.) This statement, though made with respect to an earlier set of adjusted upward by a constant ratio to allow for transportation estimates, is also applicable to the revised figures presented and distributive margins, thus yielding commodity output at here, but since the present estimates refer to quinquennial final cost to consumers. The current dollar estimates of serv periods, the allowance for maximum error should be increased. ices included in series F 104-130 were deflated by the implicit F 131-157. Gross and net national product, by major type of average price index for all consumer commodities, except in the case of rent, which was deflated by a specific rent index. product, in 1929 prices, 1869-1931. Source: See source for series F 104-130. The discussion of margins of error with regard to series See also text for same series. F 104-130 applies here also, except that the deflation pro These series are exact counterparts of series F 104-130, cedure increases the possible error somewhat. In particular, except that the estimates are expressed in 1929 prices instead since the price indexes used for deflation do not adequately of current prices. allow for quality change or new goods, an element of downward The estimates were derived as follows: For commodity pro bias is introduced that is not present in the current dollar duction, the current dollar estimates used in deriving series estimates. 138 NATIONAL PRODUCT AND INCOME F 1-21 Series F 1-5. Gross National Product, Total and Per Capita, in Current and 1929 Prices: 1869 to 1957 Current prices Year Total Per capita Total 1 2 3 Dept, of Commerce Bil. dol. concept: 1957__________________ 440.3 1956__________________ 419.2 1955__________________ 397.5 1954__________________ 363.1 365.4 1953__________________ 347.0 1952__________________ 329.0 1951__________________ 284.6 1950__________________ 258.1 1949__________________ 1948__________________ 259.4 1947__________________ 234.3 1946 . _____________ 210.7 213.6 1945__________________ 1944______________ 211.4 192.5 1943__________________ 1942__________________ 159.1 1941__________________ 125.8 100.6 1940__________________ 91.1 1939__________________ 85.2 1938__________________ 90.8 __________ _ 1937 82.7 1936 _ _ _ _ 72.5 1935__________________ 65.0 1934__________________ 56.0 1933__________________ 1932__________________ 58.5 76.3 1 9 3 1 _________________ 1 N ot available. [5-year periods are annual averages] Implicit price index Per (1929 = Year or period capita 100) 4 5 1929 prices Dollars 2,572 2,493 2,405 2,236 2,289 2,210 2,131 1,876 1,730 1,769 1,626 1,490 1,526 1,527 1,408 1,180 943 761 695 656 704 645 569 514 446 468 615 Bil. dol. ( 1) 0) 230.8 212.6 215.3 206.7 199.9 187.1 171.1 174.4 165.6 166.8 180.9 183.6 170.2 154.7 138.7 121.0 111.0 103.2 109.1 100.9 91.4 80.8 74.2 76.4 89.5 Dollars ( 1) (l) 1,396 1,309 1,349 1,317 1,295 1,233 1,147 1,189 1,149 1,179 1,293 1,327 1,245 1,147 1,040 916 847 794 846 787 718 639 590 611 721 <M (»> 172 171 170 168 165 152 151 149 141 126 118 115 113 103 91 83 82 83 83 82 79 80 75 77 85 Current prices 1929 prices Total Per capita Total Per capita 1 2 3 4 Dept, of Commerce Bil. dol. concept— Con. 1930__________________ 91.1 104.4 1929__________________ 98.2 1928__________________ 1927__________________ 96.3 97.7 1926__________________ 91.3 1925__________________ 87.6 1924__________________ 86.1 1923__________________ 74.0 1922_ . ______________ 1921. . _ ___ 74.0 1920__________________ 88.9 78.9 1919 1 9 1 7 -19 2 1 _____ _ 75.6 1912-1916 ___ _ 40.3 31.6 1907-1911 _______ 1902-1906________ 24.2 1897-1901______ _ 17.3 13.6 1892-1896_____________ 13.5 1889-1893_____________ Kuznets concept: 13.1 1889-1893__ _______ _ 12.3 1887-1891 ___ __ 1882-1886_____________ 11.3 9.18 1877-1881_____________ 1872-1876_____________ 7.53 6.71 1869-1873_____________ Dollars 740 857 815 809 832 788 768 769 672 682 835 755 719 408 349 294 231 199 Bil. dol. Dollars 95.1 772 104.4 857 98.5 ' 817 97.3 817 96.4 821 90.5 781 88.4 775 85.8 766 75.8 689 71.6 660 73.3 688 74.2 710 71.9 683 62.5 632 55.0 608 46.8 569 37.1 496 29.6 434 27.3 424 210 204 199 204 186 171 165 26.1 24.0 20.7 16.1 11.2 9.11 405 388 374 327 254 223 Implicit price index (1929 = 100 ) 5 96 100 100 99 101 101 99 98 103 100 121 106 105 64 57 52 47 46 49 50 51 55 57 67 74 Series F 6-9. Net National Product, National Income, Personal Income, and Disposable Income, in Current Prices: 1897 to 1957 [In billions of dollars. 5-year periods are annual averages] Year N et Personal national National product income income 7 6 8 Dispos able income 9 347.9 330.5 310.2 289.8 288.3 273.1 256.7 228.5 208.3 210.4 191.6 179.3 171.2 165.7 151.4 305.1 290.5 274.4 256.9 252.5 238.7 227.5 207.7 189.7 189.3 170.1 160.6 150.4 146.8 133.5 1957 ____1956___ __ 19551954 -- _ 1953 1952________ 1951________ 1950 __ 1949 _ 1948 _1947_______ 1946________ 1945 __ _ 1944 _ .. _ 1943________ 402.6 384.5 365.5 334.3 338.9 323.0 307.0 265.5 240.8 244.0 221.3 200.0 201.0 199.4 181.6 364.0 349.4 330.2 301.8 305.6 292.2 279.3 241.9 217.7 223.5 198.2 180.9 181.2 182.6 170.3 Year 1942________ 1941________ 1940 _______ 1939__ _ 1938 1937________ 1936________ 1935 _______ 1934 _ - -- _ 1933__ _ 1932______ _ 1931________ 1930______ 1929 _ _____ 1928________ N et Personal national National product income income 6 7 8 149.0 116.8 92.5 83.3 77.4 83.0 75.2 65.3 57.9 48.8 50.9 68.1 82.6 95.8 89.7 137.7 104.7 81.6 72.8 67.6 73.6 64.9 57.1 49.0 40.2 42.5 59.7 75.7 87.8 82.8 123.5 96.3 78.7 72.9 68.6 73.9 68.5 60.2 53.6 47.2 50.1 65.7 76.9 85.8 79.8 Dispos able income 9 117.5 93.0 76.1 70.4 65.7 71.0 66.2 58.3 52.0 45.7 48.7 63.8 74.4 83.1 77.5 Net Personal national National product income income 6 7 8 Year or period 1927________ 1926_ ___ 1925 1924 1923 _____ 1922________ 1921________ 1920 1919 _ _ 1917-1921.__ 1912-1916.-1907-19111902-1906- 1897-1901--. 88.2 89.9 84.0 80.7 79.5 67.9 68.1 83.0 73.8 70.3 36.9 28.9 22.1 15.8 81.7 8 3 .7 78.2 75.2 74.3 63.1 64.0 79.1 70.2 66.9 34.8 27.2 20.7 14.6 79.6 79.5 75.0 73.2 71.5 62.0 62.1 73.4 65.0 62.5 33.7 26.7 20.2 14.3 Dispos able income 9 7 7.4 77.4 73.0 71.4 69.7 60.3 60.2 71.5 63.3 61.0 33.3 26.4 20.0 14.1 Series F 10-21. Value Added by Selected Industries, and Value of Output of Fixed Capital, in Current and 1879 Prices: 1839 to 1899 [In billions of dollars] Current prices Year 1899_______ ________________ 1894__________ _____________ 1889__________ _____________ 1884................................................ 1879________________________ 1874-....................... ...................... 1869_______ ________________ 1859................................................ 1854................................................ 1849..............................................1844................................................ 1 83 9 .._ ........................................ Total Agricul ture 10 11 • 10.20 7.83 7.87 7.09 5.30 5.40 4.83 2.57 2.39 1.40 1.09 1.04 3.40 2.64 2.77 2.84 2.60 2.53 2.54 1.50 1.46 .83 .69 .71 Value of Construc output of Mining Manufac turing tion fixed capital 12 13 14 15 0.47 5.04 1.29 3.47 .29 3.60 1.30 .28 3.73 1.10 2.82 .20 3.05 1.01 .15 1.96 .59 1.64 .15 2.07 .65 .13 1.63 .54 1.51 .82 .23 .62 .03 .66 .23 .03 .02 .45 .11 .31 .01 .31 .08 .01 .24 .08 .20 1879 prices Total 16 11.75 10.26 8.66 7.30 5.30 4.30 3.27 2.69 2.32 1.66 1.37 1.09 Agricul ture Mining 17 3.92 3.27 3.24 3.00 2.60 1.98 1.72 1.49 1.32 .99 .94 .79 18 0.55 .39 .35 .23 .15 .11 .07 .03 .03 .02 .01 .01 Value of Manufac Construc output of turing tion fixed capital 21 19 20 6.26 1.02 3.35 5.48 1.12 4.16 .92 2~72 3.22 .86 1.96 .59 1?64 1.69 .52 1.08 .40 1.09 .86 .30 .73 .68 .30 .49 .16 .39 .29 .13 .19 .11 ............ 125 139 F 22-48 NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH Series F 22-33. National Income, by Industrial Origin, in Current Prices: 1929 to 1957 [In billions of dollars] Total Year 22 1957________________________ 1956________________________ 1955________________________ 1954________________________ 1953________________________ 1952________________________ 1951________________________ 1950________________________ 1949________________________ 1948________________________ 1947________________________ 1946________________________ 1945________________________ 1944________________________ 1943________________________ 1942________________________ 1941________________________ 1940________________________ 1939________________________ 1938________________________ 1937_______________________ 1936________________________ 1935________________________ 1934________________________ 1933________________________ 1932________________________ 1931________________________ 1930. ______ _________________ 1929________________________ 364.0 349.4 330.2 301.8 305.6 292.2 279.3 241.9 217.7 223.5 198.2 180.9 181.2 182.6 170.3 137.7 104.7 81.6 72.8 67.6 73.6 64.9 57.1 49.0 40.2 42.5 59.7 75.7 87.8 Agricul ture, forestry, and fisheries 23 16.2 16.1 16.1 16.9 17.5 19.5 20.5 17.9 16.9 21.9 19.3 18.7 14.9 14.5 14.1 12.4 8.5 Mining Contract construc tion Manufac turing 25 19.6 19.1 17.4 16.0 15.9 15.4 14.2 26 112.5 109.9 104.5 91.1 98.0 90.2 88.5 74.4 62.7 66.8 58.7 48.5 52.0 60.1 58.1 45.3 33.0 22.3 17.9 15.0 19.3 16.2 13.3 10.9 7.6 7.2 12.4 18.2 21.9 24 6.2 6.3 5.6 4 .9 5.2 5.2 5.5 5.0 4.3 5.2 4.2 3.0 2 .7 2.9 2.7 2.6 2.3 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.9 1.5 6.2 5.9 5.9 7.2 5.4 6.4 3.7 3.7 3.3 4 .9 11.8 10.5 8.4 6.5 4.3 4.1 5.5 6.5 4.2 10.6 2.6 2.3 2.0 2 .1 2.0 1.3 1.2 1.2 .6 6.2 8.3 1.0 .7 1.1 .8 1.1 2.2 1.6 2.0 3.2 3 .8 Wholesale Finance, and insurance, Trans retail and real portation estate trade 27 59.6 57.3 55.0 50.6 49.8 49.0 47.2 42.7 40.6 41.5 37.3 34.4 28.0 25.7 23.8 20.3 17.3 14.3 12.5 11.9 28 34.6 32.1 30.9 29.3 27.6 25.6 23.6 21.8 20.0 17.6 15.3 14.5 12.8 12.2 11.6 10.6 9.2 11.2 10.8 8.6 6.3 5.0 4.6 4.1 4 .6 4.3 3 .7 3 .4 3 .0 3.2 4.4 5.6 7.9 7.7 7.2 6.6 9.2 8.1 5.5 6.4 9 .7 12.2 10.2 10.5 8.2 12.2 10.6 13.4 29 17.3 16.8 15.8 14.4 15.8 15.4 14.9 13.3 11.9 12.7 11.5 5.9 5.6 5.7 6.8 8.6 10.6 12.7 6.6 Communi Govern cations ment and Rest of and govern the Services public ment enter world utilities prises 30 31 32 33 39.4 13.3 42.9 2.2 12.5 37.0 40.3 2.0 11.7 33.7 37.8 1.8 10.8 30.2 35.9 1.6 10.1 29.2 35.3 1.3 9.2 26.9 34.5 1.3 8.3 25.1 30.2 1.4 7.2 23.1 23.5 1.2 6.6 21.3 21.9 1.0 5.9 20.7 19.7 1.0 5.1 18.9 18.6 .8 22.6 4.8 17.2 .6 4.2 14.6 36.8 .4 4.1 13.6 .4 33.7 3 .9 .4 12.3 27.0 3.7 16.3 .4 11.0 3.3 9.8 10.5 .4 .4 3.1 8.9 8.8 2.9 8.3 8.5 .3 8,5 .4 2.7 7.9 2 .7 8.2 7.8 .3 2 .5 7.5 8.1 .3 6.7 2 .3 6.7 .4 2 .2 6.2 6.3 .3 2 .0 5.6 5.3 .3 6.1 5.2 .4 2.3 2.6 7.9 5.4 .5 .7 2.8 9.2 5.3 .8 2 .9 10.3 5.1 Series F 34-43. Percent Distribution of National Income or Aggregate Payments, by Industry, in Current Prices: 1869 to 1948 [Percents based on annual averages of periods shown] Period 3ased on N BE R estimates of national income: 1939 to 1948___________________________________ 1934 to 1943___________________________________ 1929 to 1938___________________________________ 1924 to 1933___________________________________ 1919 to 1928___________________________________ Based on Martin’s estimates of aggregate payments: 1919 to 1928___________________________________ 1914 to 1923___________________________________ 1909 to 1918___________________________________ 1904 to 1913___________________________________ 1899 to 1908___________________________________ 1889 and 1899__________________________________ 1879 and 1889__________________________________ 1869 and 1879__________________________________ Total Agricul ture Mining 34 35 36 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 9.4 9.2 8.5 8.7 10.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 . 0 . 100.0 15.2 17.7 17.0 16.7 17.1 16.1 20.5 12.2 Manufac Contract con turing struction 37 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.9 2 .5 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.1 2 .5 2.1 1.8 38 27.1 24.2 19.4 19.6 21.9 22.2 22.2 20.8 18.9 18.4 18.2 16.6 13.9 Trans portation and other public utilities 39 Trade Service Govern ment Finance and miscel laneous 40 41 42 43 3 .4 2 .9 2.9 4.2 4.4 7.3 8.5 10.4 9 .8 13.3 13.2 13.6 13.3 13.6 11.6 3.9 3 .0 3.2 4.3 4 .5 4.9 5.5 5.3 11.3 11.0 10.7 11.0 10.7 10.7 11.9 11.9 13.7 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.3 16.8 16.6 15.7 9 .4 8.3 8.2 8.9 9.6 11.8 13.6 14.7 10.0 10.5 12.1 13.9 13.4 17.2 15.4 14.4 11.8 9.6 8.6 7.9 6.3 5.4 5.6 6.0 4.9 4 .4 10.2 12.7 15.6 16.7 16.1 15.7 15.0 15.4 16.2 16.0 12.0 12.6 11.7 Series F 44-48. Gross Domestic Product Originating in Private Farm and Nonfarm Sectors and Government, in 1929 Prices: 1869 to 1955 [In billions of dollars] Year 1955..................................... 1954.............. .......................... 1953....................................... 1952.............. .......................... 1951......................................... 1950......................................... 1949.......................................... 1948.............. ........................ 1947....................................... 1946............................... 1945.......................................... 1944.................................... 1948.................................... 1942.................................... 1941.................................... 140 Gross domestic product 44 226.2 210.5 213.1 204.9 198.5 186.6 169.9 172.3 163.5 165.2 180.6 183.2 169.9 154.3 138.3 Gross private product Total 45 212.9 197.0 199.3 191.1 185.5 176.2 159.8 162.7 153.9 152.7 157.2 159.2 148.9 140.6 128.7 Farm 46 14.1 13.5 13.1 12.2 12.1 12.9 12.7 12.8 11.9 12.4 12.2 12.7 13.2 12.3 12.6 Nonfarm Govern ment product 47 198.8 183.5 186.2 178.9 173.4 163.3 147.1 149.9 142.0 140.3 145.0 146.5 136.3 127.4 116.4 48 13.3 13.5 13\8 13.9 13.0 10.4 10.1 9.6 9.6 12.5 23.4 24.0 21.0 13.7 9.6 Year Gross domestic product 44 1940___________________ 1939___________________ 1938___________________ 1937___________________ 1936___________________ 1935___________________ 1934___________________ 1933___________________ 1932___________________ 1931___________________ 1930___________________ 1929_______ ____________ 1928___________________ 1927....................................... 1926....................................... 120.6 110.6 102.8 108.8 100.5 91.0 80.4 73.8 75.9 88.8 94.4 103.6 97.7 96.6 95.7 Gross private product Total 45 112.7 103.0 95.2 101.8 93.0 84.7 74.5 68.8 71.4 84.2 89.8 99.3 93.5 92.5 91.7 Farm 46 11.4 11.5 11.4 10.9 9.8 10.4 9 .5 11.0 10.7 11.2 10.0 10.7 10.4 10.6 10.3 Nonfarm 47 101.3 91.5 83.8 90.9 83.2 74.3 65.0 57.8 60.7 73.0 79.8 88.6 83.1 81.9 81.4 Govern ment product 48 7.9 7.6 7 .6 7.0 7 .5 6.3 5.9 5.0 4 .5 4.6 4 .6 4 .3 4.2 4.1 4 .0 F 44-66 NATIONAL PRODUCT AND INCOME Series F 44-48. Gross Domestic Product Originating in Private Farm and Nonfarm Sectors and Government, in 1929 Prices: 1869 to 1955—Con. [In billions of dollars. Annual averages for periods shown] Gross private product Gross Govern domestic ment Farm NonfarmTotalproduct product Period Gross domestic product Year or period 44 1925____________________ 1924____________________ 1923____________________ 1922____________________ 1921____________________ 1920____________________ 1919_____ _______ ___ _ 1917-1921_______________ 46 45 89.8 87.7 85.1 75.2 71.3 72.9 73.6 71.6 85.9 84.0 81.5 71.7 67.7 69.3 68.7 67.0 47 10.4 9.7 9.6 9.0 9 .5 9.7 9.7 10.2 Total Farm Nonfarm Govern ment product 45 46 47 48 44 48 75.5 74.3 71.3 62.1 58.7 59.8 59.0 57.3 Gross private product 3.9 3 .7 3 .6 3 .5 3 .6 3 .7 5.0 4.6 59.9 52.9 45.2 35.8 28.5 26.3 20.2 10.9 62.5 55.1 46.9 37.3 29.8 27.5 1912-1916______________ 1907-1911______________ 1902-1906______________ 1897-1901 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1892-1896______________ 1889-1893______________ 1879-1888- _______ ___ 1869-1878______________ 21.2 11.6 49.8 43.7 36.3 27.4 21.7 19.7 14.4 10.1 9.2 8.9 8.4 6.8 6.6 5.8 4.1 2.6 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.0 .7 6.8 Series F 49-54. National Income, by Type of Income, in Current Prices: 1929 to 1957 [In billions of dollars] Year of Rental Compensa Income income tion of unincorpo of rated employees enterprises persons 50 51 52 Total 49 1957_________ 1956_________ 1955_________ 1954_________ 1953_________ 1952_ _______ 1951______ 1950___ _ 1949. 1948_________ 1947._ _ 1946_________ 1945_________ 1944_________ 1943_________ 364.0 349.4 330.2 301.8 305.6 292.2 279.3 241.9 217.7 223.5 198.2 180.9 181.2 182.6 170.3 254.6 241.8 223.9 207.6 208.8 195.0 180.3 154.2 140.8 141.0 128.8 117.7 123.2 121.3 109.6 43.0 42.4 42.1 40.4 40.7 42.2 42.3 37.5 35.6 40.2 35.5 36.6 30.8 29.6 28.2 11.8 10.9 10.7 10.9 10.5 10.2 9.4 9.0 8.3 7.3 6.5 6.2 5.6 5.4 5.1 Corporate profits before tax N et interest 53 54 41.9 42.9 43.1 33.7 37.3 37.7 41.0 35.7 28.2 30.8 23.6 17.3 18.4 23.0 23.8 Year Income of Rental Compensa unincorpo income tion of rated of employees enterprises persons 50 51 52 Total 49 12.6 11.3 10.4 9.1 8.2 7.1 6.3 5.5 4 .8 4.2 3 .8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3 .7 1942________ 1941________ 1940________ 1939________ 1938________ 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933________ 1932 1931 1930 1929________ 137.7 104.7 81.6 72.8 67.6 73.6 64.9 57.1 49.0 40.2 42.5 59.7 75.7 87.8 85.3 64.8 52.1 48.1 45.0 47.9 42.9 37.3 34.3 29.5 31.1 39.7 46.8 51.1 23.9 17.4 13.0 11.6 11.1 12.7 10.5 10.4 7.0 5.6 5.3 8.7 11.5 14.8 Corporate profits before tax N et interest 53 54 4 .5 3 .5 2.9 2 .7 2.6 2.1 1.8 1.7 1.7 2.7 3.8 4.8 5.4 2.0 19.7 14.5 9.1 5.7 4.3 6.2 5.0 2 .9 1 1 - 2.0 - 2.0 4 .3 4.5 4 .5 4 .6 4 .6 4 .7 4 .7 4 .8 4 9 5.0 54 5.8 6.6 10.1 6.0 1.6 6.4 Series F 55-60. Percent Distribution of National Income, by Type of Income, in Current Prices: 1900 to 1952 [Percents based on annual averages for periods shown] Period Rental Compen Income of income sation of unincor of porated employees enterprises persons 57 58 56 Total 55 1947-1952____ 1940-1949____ 1935-1944____ 1930-1939____ 1925-1934___ 64.5 64.3 64.4 66.8 63.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 15.7 16.9 16.1 15.0 15.8 3 .4 3 .6 4.0 5.0 6.6 Corporate profits before tax 59 14.1 12.9 11.5 4.9 6.4 N et interest Period 60 Rental Compen Income of income sation of unincor of porated employees enterprises persons 56 57 58 Total 55 2.2 2 .2 4.0 8.2 8.1 1920-1929.__ 1915-1924__ 1910-1919__ 1905-1914__ 1900-1909__ 17.6 21.0 24.2 22.9 23.6 60.5 57.2 53.2 55.2 55.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Corporate profits before tax 59 7.6 7.6 7.7 9.1 9.1 8.2 8.9 9 .7 6.9 6.8 N et interest 60 6.2 5.3 5.2 5.8 5.5 Series F 61-66. Percent Distribution of Aggregate Payments, by Type of Income, in Current Prices: 1870 to 1948 [Percents based on annual averages for periods shown] Period Total 61 Based on Dept, of Commerce estimates: 1939-1948________ 1934-1943 _ _ 1929-1938 _______ Based on N BER estimates of aggregate payments: 1929-1938_______ 1924-1933............... 1919-1928............... 1914-1923.............. 1909-1918.............. Employee Entrepre D ivi compen neurial dends sation income 62 63 64 100.0 100.0 100.0 69.6 67.6 64.1 18.4 16.7 14.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 64.9 63.1 61.7 59.2 56.2 15.9 16.6 19.5 22.5 24.6 1 Excluding entrepreneurial savings. 3 .5 4 .7 6.1 6.6 6 .5 5.6 5.6 6.1 Interest Rent 65 66 6.6 10.0 4 .5 4.0 4.4 5.1 8.4 7.8 6.1 5.6 5.4 4 .3 5.9 7.1 7.2 7.6 Period Total 61 Based on Martin’s estimates of aggregate payments : 1 1909-1918 _ _ _ 1904-1913_______ 1899-1908_______ Based on King’s estimates of value of product: 1900 and 1910___ 1890 and 1900___ 1880 and 1890___ 1870 and 1880___ Employee Entrepre Divi compen neurial dends sation income 62 64 63 100.0 100.0 100.0 59.7 59.6 59.5 23.3 23.3 23.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 47.1 50.4 52.5 50.0 28.8 27.3 23.0 26.4 Interest Rent 65 66 6.5 5.7 5.3 15.9 14 .7 16 .5 15.8 4.9 5.1 5.1 5.7 6 .3 6 .4 8.3 7 .7 8.2 7.8 141 F 67-86 NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH Series F 67-86. Gross National Product, by Major Type of Product, in Current Prices: 1929 to 1957 [In billions of dollars] Year 1957______ ________________ 1956________________________ 1955________________________ 1954________________________ 1953________________________ 1952________________________ 1951________________________ 1950________________________ 1949________________________ 1948________________________ 1947________________________ 1946________________________ 1945________________________ 1944 _ _________ __ . _ _ _ 1943________________________ 1942________________________ _______ ______ 1941____ 1940________________________ 1939-_ _ ________ .__ _ _ 1938-. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1937__ __ ________ __ ___ _ 1936 ___ _______ _ _ _ 1935 _______ ______ __ _ _ 1934__ _ ___ __ __ _ 1933__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 1932________________________ 1931._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ 1930 ______ ____ _ _ _ 1-929 _______ __ Year 1957________________________ 1956________________________ 1955-_ _____________________ 1954________________________ 1953________________________ 1952________________________ 1951________________________ 1950________________________ 1949________________________ 1948________________________ 1947________________________ 1946__________ ___ _ _ 1945________________________ 1944________________________ 1943________________________ 1942. _______ _____ ________ 1941______________ ________ 1940________________________ 1939 ___ _________ _ _ _ _ 1938 __ ___ _ ___ ___ . 1937_________________ __ ___ 1936________________________ 1935________________________ 1934________________________ 1933________________________ 1932________________________ 1931________________________ 1930________________________ 1929________________________ 1 Less than $50,000,000. 142 Personal consumption expenditures Gross national product Total Durable goods Nondurable goods Services Total 67 68 69 70 71 72 440.3 419.2 397.5 363.1 365.4 347.0 329.0 284.6 258.1 259.4 234.3 210.7 213.6 211.4 192.5 159.1 125.8 100.6 91.1 85.2 90.8 82.7 72.5 65.0 56.0 58.5 76.3 91.1 104.4 39.9 38.4 39.6 32.4 32.9 29.1 29.5 30.4 24.6 22.7 20.6 15.9 284.4 269.4 256.9 238.0 232.6 219.8 209.8 195.0 181.2 178.3 165.4 147.1 121.7 109.8 100.5 89.7 81.9 71.9 67.6 64.6 67.3 62.6 56.3 51.9 46.4 49.3 61.3 71.0 79.0 Farm 77 78 79 0.2 6.8 - 3 .1 4.7 - .5 6 .4 - 1.1 - 1.0 -.8 1.8 4 .5 2 .2 -.4 - .9 2.2 1.0 .9 - 1.1 - 1.6 - 2.6 - 1 .3 - .4 i. 5.9 5.5 2.1 1.1 2.1 - 6.0 2.2 3.0 1.3 6 .4 .7 4.0 1.9 .3 - 1.0 1.7 2.1 .4 .2 - 1 .4 - 2.6 - 1.6 -.1 1.8 81 1.2 - .9 1.7 1.8 -.2 1.2 2.8 1.1 1.0 .6 3.8 3.5 9.0 4.9 - 1 .4 - 2.1 - 2.2 .5 .3 -.2 1.1 .5 1.1 .1 -.1 .1 .1 - 80 - .4 1.3 2 .4 - .5 - .4 -.6 -.6 -.6 Total 4.9 .8 - N et foreign investment 0.8 - .5 .3 .5 -.6 .9 9.1 10.2 106.5 99.6 92.5 86.3 81.8 75.6 70.2 64.9 60.0 56.9 51.4 46.4 40.4 37.7 34.7 31.5 29.0 26.9 25.8 25.0 25.1 23.5 21.9 21.0 20.7 22.9 26.9 29.8 32.1 65.3 68.2 63.8 48.9 50.3 49.9 56.3 50.0 33.0 43.1 31.5 28.1 10.4 7.1 5.6 9.9 18.1 13.2 9.3 6.7 11.7 8.4 6.3 2.9 1.4 .9 5.5 10.3 16.2 36.5 35.7 34.9 29.7 27.6 25.5 24.8 24.2 18.8 19.5 15.3 17.0 17.7 18.7 15.4 13.8 12.8 12.5 14.1 9.6 10.1 7.5 4 .8 11.0 3 .8 2 .7 2.3 3 .7 10.1 9.2 9.3 7.7 6.3 2 .7 1.9 1.4 2 .0 3.1 2 .5 .9 1.7 3 .5 3.0 2.7 2.0 1.9 5.5 4.8 4 .0 4 .4 3.3 2.3 1.7 1.4 1.9 4.0 2.1 2.0 2 .5 1.7 1.3 1.6 1.0 .6 1.1 1.0 1.2 .5 .6 1.6 6.2 27.9 27.0 23 1 20.8 22.3 21.3 21.3 18.9 17.2 18.9 16.7 10.7 7.7 5.4 4.0 4.3 6.9 5.5 4.2 3.6 5.1 4.2 3.1 2.3 1.6 1.6 2.8 2 .4 4.1 5.1 2.1 8.7 76 19.5 18.1 16.2 14.3 13.8 12.7 12.3 1.1 .8 6.6 Producers’ durable equipment 3.6 4 .5 5.9 Government purchases of goods and services Nonfarm - 99.8 96.6 98.7 93.4 84.8 73.2 65.4 59.3 51.3 43.2 37.2 35.1 34.0 35.2 32.8 29.3 26.7 22.3 22.8 28.9 34.0 37.7 7.0 9.7 7.8 6.7 5.7 6.9 6.3 5.1 4.2 3 .5 3 .6 5.5 7.2 9.2 Total 5.4 5.8 - 1.6 .4 3.1 110.1 8.1 6.8 6.6 Gross private domestic vrsuiiciit---UUI Change in business inventories 1.0 138.0 131.4 124.8 119.3 118.0 115.1 Gross private domestic investment New construction Residential Total Other nonfarm 74 73 75 1.1 .5 - 1 .3 - .3 .3 - .3 0) -.2 1.5 .9 Federal Total 82 85.7 ■78.8 75.6 75.3 82.8 76.0 60.5 39.0 40.2 34.5 28.4 30.5 82.9 96.5 88.6 59.7 24.8 14.1 13.3 12.8 11.7 11.8 -.1 10.0 .2 .2 .2 8.0 8.1 .4 .7 .8 National security 83 9.8 9.2 9.2 8.5 49.4 45.7 45.3 47.5 58.0 52.9 38.8 19.3 22.2 19.3 15.7 74.8 89.0 81.2 52.0 16.9 44.3 40.3 39.1 41.2 49.3 46.4 33.9 14.3 13.6 11.6 11.4 18.8 75.9 88.6 80.4 49.6 13.8 6.2 2.2 20.6 5.2 5.3 4.6 4 .8 2.9 3.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 Other 84 Less: Govern ment sales 85 5.5 5.7 0.4 .3 .4 .3 .3 .3 .3 6.6 6.7 9.0 6.7 5.2 5.2 8.9 8.2 5.4 4 .5 .1 .2 .5 1.1 2.7 1.0 1.6 5 .3 4 .6 4,.8 2:.9 3 .0 2 1 .5 1 .5 1 .4 1 .3 :.o 1.5 2 .7 3.2 4 .0 3 .9 (l) (*) (l) C1) C1) (l) C1) C1) (01)) (*) 0) ll) 2.2 1.2 .6 .2 State and local 86 36.3 33.1 30.3 27.7 24.9 23.2 21.7 19.7 17.9 15.2 12.7 9 .9 8.1 7.5 7.4 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.2 7 .5 7.2 7 .0 7.1 6.8 6.0 6.6 7 .7 7.8 7.2 F 87-117 NATIONAL PRODUCT AND INCOME Series F 87-103. Gross National Product, by Major Type of Product, in 1954 Prices: 1929 to 1957 [In billions of dollars] Personal consumption expenditures Gross national Year product 1957. 1956 _ 1955. 1954_ 19531952_ 195119501949_ 1948. 19471946. 19451944. 1943. 1942_ 19411940_ 1939. 19381937_ 1936. 1935. 1934. 1933_ 1932_ 1931. 1930. 1929 _ Total Non Durable durable goods goods Services 89 87 88 407.0 402.2 392.7 363.1 369.0 353.5 341.8 318.1 292.7 293.1 282.3 282.5 314.0 317.9 296.7 266.9 238.1 205.8 189.3 175.1 183.5 173.3 152.9 138.5 126.6 130.1 153.0 164.5 181.8 270.3 263.7 256.0 238.0 235.1 224.2 218.5 216.8 204.3 199.3 195.6 192.3 171.4 160.2 154.6 150.8 154.3 144.6 137.3 129.9 132.1 127.7 115.8 108.9 103.5 106.0 116.6 120.3 128.1 38.1 37.9 39.6 32.4 33.1 28.5 29.2 32.1 26.3 24.6 23.3 19.4 9.8 8.6 9 .4 10.9 17.6 15.3 13.3 11.2 13.8 13.1 10.7 8.6 7.5 7 .8 10.3 11.8 14.9 Total 90 91 92 132.7 130.2 125.4 119.3 118.3 115.0 99.4 95.6 91.0 86.3 83.7 80.8 78.2 75.5 71.7 69.6 67.0 65.3 60.2 57.6 55.2 52.6 51.1 49.1 47.3 45.9 46.8 45.3 42.9 41.5 40.8 41.4 44.6 46.4 48.0 57.8 63.1 62.5 48.9 50.6 50.4 57.7 55.9 38.5 49.8 41.5 42.4 17.0 12.3 10.7 18.8 36.7 29.0 21.6 15.5 27.0 111.2 109.2 106.3 105.1 105.3 107.6 101.4 94.0 90.0 87.3 85.6 80.2 76.7 72.8 71.6 69.2 62.1 58.8 55.2 56.9 61.8 62.1 65.3 21.0 16.1 7.4 4 .0 3.9 15.0 23.6 35.0 Gross private domestic investment Change in business New construction inventories Pro ducers’ durable Resi Non Farm Total dential Other equip Total non farm ment farm 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 32.3 32.8 33.9 29.7 27.6 26.0 26.0 27.4 22.3 22.7 19.9 17.3 15.5 16.4 18.2 15.4 13.6 12.8 12.9 15.5 11.2 11.4 9.6 7.3 6.6 1.8 1.4 1.7 3 .6 7.9 7.3 6.8 5.1 5.0 4.6 3.1 1.9 4.8 4.4 7.8 15.3 13.6 12.2 10.1 11.3 9.4 6.7 5.1 4.6 6.0 10.9 15.4 20.9 1.6 2 .1 1 4.2 5.1 8.7 16.9 16.4 15.7 14.3 14.0 13.2 13.2 11.9 24.1 24.8 22.5 20.8 22.5 10.3 22.8 11.1 11.2 10.0 4.8 3.4 2 .7 4.2 7.4 6.3 5.4 5.0 6.3 4.9 3 .6 3.2 3 .0 3.9 6.6 10.4 12.2 1.4 5.6 - 6.1 1.6 - .5 2.6 9 .7 7.2 - 3 .6 4 .4 -.1 9.0 - 2 .4 -1 .7 -.6 3 .6 21.8 22.0 21.3 19.8 21.7 16.1 12.7 9.2 6.9 7.4 12.9 10.9 8 .5 7.3 10.5 9.2 6 .7 5.0 3 .7 3 .5 5.9 8.6 1.0 1.8 5.2 2 .4 2.6 2.8 - 4 .2 -5 .6 - 1.8 - .7 3.0 8.8 11.1 5.5 5.4 2 .1 1.1 2.2 .0 9 .0 6 .5 - 2.6 3 .0 1.4 9.1 - 1.6 - 1.1 - .5 1.6 7.6 3 .8 .6 - 2 .3 3 .4 4.3 .9 .3 - 3 .5 - 6 .3 -3 .5 - .3 3 .2 4 .5 - 1.4 0.1 .7 .5 - .7 .4 .7 .7 - 1.0 1.4 - 1.6 -.1 -.8 -.6 .0 2.0 1.0 .6 .4 .4 - 1.8 2.0 1.7 - 3 .1 - .7 .7 1.7 - .4 - .3 N et foreign invest ment 100 3 .9 2 .4 .9 1.0 - .9 1.2 2.2 .2 2.6 2.0 8.0 3.8 - 5 .6 - 6 .7 - 6.6 - 2 .9 -.6 1.1 .3 .8 - 1.6 - 2.2 - 1 .9 -.6 -.8 - .3 - .3 .2 .2 Government purchases of goods and services Total Federal State and local 101 102 103 75.0 72.9 73.2 75.3 84.3 77.7 63.3 45.1 47.2 42.1 37.2 43.9 131.2 152.2 137.9 100.1 47.7 31.1 30.1 28.8 26.0 26.9 23.0 22.8 19.9 20.5 21.6 20.5 18.5 42.7 42.0 43.5 47.5 58.8 53.3 39.3 21.6 25.3 22.9 19.4 28.2 117.1 138.4 123.9 84.7 30.7 13.1 11.0 11.4 9 .6 10.3 6.7 6.9 5.3 3 .9 3 .7 3 .4 2 .9 32.3 30.9 29.7 27.7 25.5 24.5 24.1 23.5 21.9 19.2 17.8 15.8 14.0 13.8 14.0 15.4 16.9 18.0 19.1 17.4 16.4 16.6 16.3 15.8 14.6 16.6 17.9 17.1 15.6 Series F 104-130. Gross and Net National Product, by Major Type of Product, in Current Prices: 1869 to 1931 [In billions of dollars. 5-year periods are annual averages] Period Gross national product N et national product Flow of goods to consumers Commodities Total Perish able Semidurable 89.9 84.8 71.6 38.9 30.4 23.5 16.8 13.1 12.3 11.3 9.18 7.53 6.71 Services Gross Private and public capital formation Gross construction Private Public N et Total Nonfarm resi War Other Non war dential 109 104 1927-1931 1922-1926 1917-1921 1912-1916 1907-1911 1902-1906 1897-1901 1892-1896 1887-1891 1882-1886 1877-1881 1872-1876 1869-1873 Durable Total 79.4 75.1 62.6 34.6 27.2 21.2 15.0 11.8 11.0 10.3 8.48 6.92 6.20 73.0 54.9 30.8 24.1 18.2 12.9 10.1 9.58 9.10 7.33 5.94 5.38 66.8 25.1 23.3 22.9 12.5 10.0 7.68 5.60 4.44 4.09 4.09 3.24 2.58 2.29 9.46 9.31 8.33 3.93 3.20 2.49 1.79 1.48 1.54 1.41 1.20 1.05 1.01 7.76 7.56 5.15 2.72 1.97 1.52 1.03 .84 .87 .74 .56 .53 .50 30.7 26.7 18.5 11.7 8.90 6.53 4.44 3.38 3.08 2.85 2.33 1.78 1.59 16.8 18.0 16.7 8.05 6.35 5.29 3.89 3.01 2.69 / 2.21 1.86 1.59 1.34 6.35 8.30 7.68 3.80 3.15 2.96 2.13 1.63 1.44 1.23 1.16 .97 .82 10.3 10.6 5.85 4.17 4.25 3.29 2.26 2.21 1.91 1.40 .91 .90 .77 3.22 4.50 1.19 1.26 1.19 .93 .65 .72 .81 .57 .31 .25 .22 4.46 4.21 2.98 2.27 2.56 2.05 1.43 1.35 .98 .74 .52 .59 .50 2.56 1.88 .99 .64 .50 .31 .18 .14 0.02 .01 .69 .01 .12 .10 .07 .07 .06 143 F 118-157 NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH Series F 104-130. Gross and Net National Product, by Major Type of Product, in Current Prices: 1869 to 1931—Con. [In billions of dollars. 5-year periods are annual averages] Gross producers’ durables Period 1927-1931_____________________ 1922-1926_____________________ 1917-1921_____________________ 1912-1916- _ _ _ 1907-1911. 1902-1906_______ _ 1897-1901. 1892-18961887-1891____________________ 1882-1886_____________________ 1877-1881____________________ 1872-1876____________________ 1869-1873. Total Non war War Total 118 119 120 121 5.85 5.54 5.57 2.28 1.62 1.36 .84 .60 .64 .53 .45 .41 .39 5.68 5.44 4.53 0.17 .10 1.04 3.69 4.95 .88 1.71 2.28 1.81 1.14 1 31 1.10 .78 .46 .54 .46 Private and public capital formation N et construction N et producers’ durables Private Public Nonfarm Total Non war War Other Non war War resi dential 122 123 124 125 127 126 128 1.59 3.16 .09 .64 .66 .56 .36 .50 .63 .45 .23 .18 .16 0.72 .90 - .1 4 .69 1.31 1.07 .69 .74 .40 .28 .20 .33 .28 1.56 1.08 .38 .37 .32 .18 .10 .07 .06 .05 .03 .03 - 0 .1 7 - .1 9 .55 .01 1.94 1.49 1.50 .49 .39 .50 .20 .13 1.96 1.99 .93 - 0.02 - .5 0 .57 .20 .18 .19 .16 .18 .02 N et change in— Inven tories Claims against foreign countries 129 130 0.04 1.21 2.54 .67 .46 .47 .47 .22 .24 .33 .44 .39 .35 0.68 .65 2.75 .93 .02 .17 .31 - .0 3 -.1 0 - .0 6 .06 -.1 1 - .1 8 Series F 131-157. Gross and Net National Product, by Major Type of Product, in 1929 Prices: 1869 to 1931 [In billions of dollars. 5-year periods are annual averages] Period N et Gross national national product product 131 1927-1931__________ 1922-1926...................1917-1921__________ 1912-1916__________ 1907-1911__________ 1902-1906__________ 1897-1901__________ 1892-1896_______ __ 1887-1891________ 1882-1886__________ 1877-1881_________ 1872-1876__________ 1869-1873__________ 93.4 84.4 67.7 59.7 52.5 45.0 35.4 28.3 24.0 20.7 16.1 11.2 9.1 132 82.6 74.6 59.0 52.6 46.6 40.2 31.4 24.9 21.3 18.7 14.6 10.1 8.3 Flow of goods to consumers Commodities Total Perish able Semidurable Durable 133 134 135 136 76.0 66.4 52.4 46.6 40.9 34.3 26.7 20.9 18.1 16.2 12.4 8 .5 7.0 26.6 24.1 18.5 16.5 14.1 11.4 9.0 7.5 7.1 5.4 3 .5 20.0 2.8 Gross producers’ durables Period 1927-1931_________________ 1922-1926_____________________ 1917-1921______ ______________ 1912-1916____________ _______ 1907-1911____________ _______ 1902-1906 ________ ___________ 1897-1901_____________________ 1892-1896___________________ _ 1887-1891_______________ _____ 1882-1886........................ ............... 1877-1881. ................................... 1872-1876.................................. .. 1869-1878.................................... .. 144 Total Nonwar War 145 146 147 6.05 5.58 5.09 3.57 2.98 2.72 1.75 1.47 1.82 1.00 .77 .51 .46 5.87 5.48 4.09 0.18 .10 1.00 9.77 8.40 6.44 6.72 5.79 5.02 3.96 3.21 2.92 2.49 1.96 1.37 1.22 8.18 7.55 4.85 4.33 3.74 3.27 2.62 2 11 1.95 1.50 1.07 .77 .64 Total Services 137 Gross 138 31.5 26.3 21.1 17.0 14.9 17.4 18.0 15.2 13.1 11.7 11.8 10.8 8 .7 6.6 5.7 5.1 4 .0 2 .9 2 .4 8 .7 7.4 5.9 4 .5 3 .7 2.6 2.1 Private and public capital formation Gross construction Private Public N et Total Nonfarm resi Other Non war War dential 140 139 141 142 143 144 6.58 8.19 6.58 6.05 5.71 5.94 4.73 3.98 3.24 2.52 2.23 1.62 1.30 Private and public capital formation N et construction Private Public Total Nonfarm Other Non war War resi dential 150 151 152 149 148 3.80 5.06 .95 3.11 4.31 3.85 2.80 3.29 2.61 1.79 1.13 1.11 .93 1.64 3.31 .09 1.19 1.29 1.24 .96 1.40 1.63 1.11 .60 .40 .34 0.71 .93 - .1 0 1.24 2.41 2.22 1.60 1.70 .84 .57 .45 .65 .54 1.62 1.00 .34 .66 .61 .40 .23 .19 .14 .11 .08 .07 .05 - 0 .1 7 - .1 8 .61 .02 10.6 10.8 6.0 7.4 8.0 7 .0 5.5 5.5 4 .4 3 .1 2.1 1.8 1.5 3.34 4.70 1.31 2.34 2.30 2.10 1.72 2.09 1.41 .82 .55 .47 2.02 4.57 4.34 2.99 3 92 4.73 4.21 3.30 3.14 2.01 1.47 1.14 1.13 .92 N et producers’ durables 2.66 1.75 .92 1.12 .95 .65 .43 .34 .27 0.02 .01 .74 .02 .21 .16 .13 .11 N et change in— Total Non war War Inven tories Claims against foreign countries 153 154 155 156 157 1.98 1.50 1.44 .76 .72 1.01 .41 .32 .42 .32 .33 .19 .22 2.00 2.01 .86 -0 .0 2 - .5 1 .58 0.11 1.00 1.60 .85 .65 .75 .87 .42 .41 .51 .66 .46 .39 0.69 .64 2.60 1.33 .03 .32 .66 — .05 — .20 — .10 .10 — .16 - .2 4 chapter F NATIONAL WEALTH AND SAYING (Series F 158-345) F 158-251. General note. The national balance sheet is derived by summing similar balance sheets for groups of transactors in the economy— nonfarm households, agriculture, unincorporated business, cor porations, etc. The balance sheet of each group is in turn derived by summing the balance sheets of the constituent units, based as far as possible on a comparable valuation of assets and liabilities. In deriving the balance sheet, no creditordebtor or owner-issuer relationships among units are elimi nated; for example, the debts of households to corporations appear on one side as assets of corporations and on the other as liabilities of households. When all relationships among constituent units are canceled, whether these units be in the same or different groups, the balance sheet reduces to a na tional wealth statement. This statement shows only tangible assets plus the net balance of United States claims against foreign countries, in effect, consolidated net national worth. (In the series shown, the estimate for total tangible assets in the national balance sheet differs very slightly from that in the national wealth statement because of a minor disparity in the treatment of monetary metals.) Thus, the national balance sheet adds to the national wealth statement a comprehensive summary of the various types of financial obligations outstand ing at a particular date, and provides perspective on the magnitude of financing activities in the Nation’s economy. The national balance sheet falls somewhat short of the goal of a comprehensive summary of the assets, liabilities, and net worth of all transactors in the economy, since, for lack of data, obligations among households are not included, and in the case of corporations with subsidiaries, the balance sheet of the parent company is used, thus eliminating relationships among the subsidiary units. In addition, intangibles such as goodwill and patent rights are excluded from the balance sheet. Finally, and this limits the comprehensiveness of the national wealth statement as well, inventories of nondurable goods in the hands of consumers, expenditures on soil improvement, subsoil assets, and military and naval equipment held by the government are omitted. Needless to say, no account is taken of the economic value of the stock of the Nation’s human resources. The value for “equity” in the national balance sheet exceeds total national wealth, that is, consolidated net national worth. This is primarily because in the balance sheet the net worth of the various constituent units are added together. For exam ple, the net worth of a corporation is added to the net worth of the stockholders. In the national wealth statement, however, they are consolidated. That is, the outstanding stock of the corporation is canceled against the holdings of the owners, leav ing only the net worth of the stockholders and the undistributed earnings of the corporations. Stated differently, the “equity” entry in the balance sheet includes the equity of intermediaries as well as of ultimate owners. F 158-196. National balance sheet, in current prices, 19001955. Source: 1900-1949, Raymond W. Goldsmith, et al., A Study of Saving in the United States, vol. Ill, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1956, pp. 60-61; 1955, National Bureau of Economic Research, Thirty-Seventh Annual Report, p. 36. The figures for 1955, which were prepared by Raymond W. Goldsmith and Morris Mendelson, represent preliminary esti mates and in some cases are not fully comparable with those for earlier dates. The national balance sheet is derived by summing similar balance sheets for various transactor groups in the economy— nonfarm households, agriculture, unincorporated business, etc. (see general note for series F 158-251). For most of these groups, however, balance sheets of the constituent units are nonexistent, so that in practice the group balance sheet is compiled from separate estimates of the various categories of assets and liabilities, net worth being derived as a residual. Only in the case of corporations and the Federal Government does a substantial proportion of the items come from their own financial statements. The estimates presented are in current prices rather than original cost. Essentially this means that reproducible tangi ble assets are valued at reproduction cost, and nonreproducible tangible assets and intangibles at market value, though some intangibles, particularly short-term claims, are valued at par or face value. In deriving the estimates, a problem sometimes arose be cause of a difference between two groups in the value at which the same item is carried on the balance sheet, a difference not attributable to bad debt reserves alone. Where this was the case, no attempt was made to force consistency. Both valuations were carried over into the national balance sheet on the appropriate sides. This, together with the treatment of net holdings of foreign assets and liabilities, principally ac counts for differences between the asset and liability totals for certain intangible items; differences which are generally small compared with the balance sheet totals. The following statement from the source bears on the relia bility of the estimates: There is unfortunately no way of estim ating the m argin of error in the individual items of assets and liabilities and net worth, or in the balance sheet totals. This is due partly to conceptual difficulties, i.e., the difficulty of agreeing [as to] what should be regarded as the true figure for a given asset or liability of a given group at a given date, even if the basic principle of valuation at current prices is accepted. It also reflects the absence, in almost all cases, of benchmark or alter native estim ates. The margin of error obviously is considerably lower for assets like cash, inventories, bonds, and farm and residential mort gages, and for the corresponding liabilities, than for items like structures and equipment, land, accounts receivable and payable, common stock, and interest in unincorporated business. The estim ates of net worth, being derived as residuals, are of course particularly subject to error, and the more so, the smaller the proportion of net worth to total assets and liabilities. Similarly, the figures are as a rule more reliable— for the same class of assets or liabilities—for groups like corporations and agriculture, for which comprehensive balance sheets of some type have been available, than for nonfarm indiv'duals, unincorporated business, personal trust departm ents, and governm ents, for which they have had to be developed practically from the ground up. Finally, the margin of error is undoubtedly smaller—again for the same group and type of asset or liability—for the last three benchmark dates [1939, 194b, and 19491 than for earlier dates. This statem ent, however, must be quali fied by the fact that over-all national wealth statem ents, which provide valuable checks, exist for the first three benchmark dates, but are entirely absent for later pnes. The source provides considerable additional detail, in par ticular, balance sheets for separate transactor groups, such as nonfarm households, agriculture, etc., and makes it possible to trace the patterns of claims and counterclaims among the various groups. 145 NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH F 197-246 F 197-221. National wealth, by type of asset, in current expenditures on construction . . .. ” (same source, p. 259). For some of the components of total wealth, the reliability is prices, 1850-1956. Source: 1850-1900, Raymond W. Goldsmith, “The Growth of strengthened because of the possibility of checks against al Reproducible Wealth of the United States of America From ternative estimates. “This is the case primarily for residential 1805 to 1950,” International Association for Research in Income real estate, farm structures, inventories and international and Wealth, Income and Wealth of the United States: Trends assets . . . . Checks are less satisfactory for nonfarm business and Structure, Income and Wealth Series II, Bowes and Bowes, structures and equipment . . . but the information provided Cambridge, 1952, p. 306 (estimates for 1805 presented in this in corporate balance sheets submitted to the Bureau of Inter publication have not been reproduced here because of ques nal Revenue assures us that the Perpetual Inventory estimates tionable reliability) ; 1900-1945, see source for series F 158- are not too far off the mark for the last 20 years. The 196, pp. 14-15; 1949, 1956, preliminary estimates by Raymond only sectors of reproducible tangible wealth in which the Per W. Goldsmith, following the methods of A Study of Saving petual Inventory estimates can be subject to no checks, or to in the United States, vol. Ill; final estimates to be published only very unsatisfactory ones, are consumers’ durables and government fixed assets . . . . ” (same source, pp. 260-261). by National Bureau of Economic Research. The same source also presents considerably greater detail The estimates for 1900 to the present were constructed by Goldsmith by means of the “perpetual inventory method.” In (for example, annual estimates for 1896-1949). Estimates of this method, the stock of an asset in existence at a given point national wealth by contemporaries are also available for vari in time is estimated from annual output totals extending back ous dates during the 19th century. See, for example, Samuel over a period equal to the average life of the asset, the output Blodget, Jr., Economica; A Statistical Manual for the United total for every year being depreciated to the end of the period, States, 1806 edition, and Annual Report of the Director of the and the results summed. The underlying estimates for 1850 Mint, 1881. appear in the Census Office, Preliminary Report of the Eighth F 222-246. National wealth, by type of asset, in 1929 and Census, 1862, p. 195; and those for 1880, 1890, and 1900 in 1947-49 prices, 1850-1956. Simon Kuznets, National Product Since 1869, National Bureau Source: see source for series F 197-221, p. 307; of Economic Research, New York, 1946, pp. 202-215. In every 1900-1945, 1850-1900, see source for series F 158-196, pp. 20-21; 1945case, the original estimates were adjusted by Goldsmith, that 1956, see source for series F 197-221. for 1880 substantially, to improve comparability with the estimates for 1900-1956. The basic sources for these earlier These estimates were derived by adjusting the current dollar estimates were returns on stocks of various assets in the in figures for a given class of assets in series F 197-221 for the dustrial censuses and censuses of wealth. Hence, there is a change in price or cost of construction of that type of asset sharp break in the method of derivation between the earlier between each year and the base year. Thus, conceptually, and later estimates. However, the figures for the overlap changes over time in the constant price value of a category year, 1900, agree reasonably well. The figures for 1850 ex of assets reflect changes in the physical stock of that asset clude the value of slaves. and not in its value. For 1945-1956, a different base year was The estimates for 1900-1956 are in “current prices,” that is, necessary because estimates in 1929 prices for the most recent each asset is valued at its replacement cost in the given year. years are not available. This shift in base years introduces This is preferable to valuation at original cost, whether de some element of incomparability, since the relative weights preciated or undepreciated. Assets appearing in the wealth of individual assets in the price index differ between the two statement for any given date were produced in different years, years. and since prices change from year to year, summation of orig For 1900-1956, an attempt was made to adjust for price inal cost values would often result in an arithmetic aggregate changes by fairly narrow classes of assets, using construction without economic meaning. (However, totals in original cost cost or price indexes referring specifically to the assets in each are also given in A Study of Saving in the United States. . . .) class. For 1880, 1890, and 1900, a more summary adjustment For the estimates for 1850 to 1900, which are primarily from was used. Only three separate deflators were employed for the Federal censuses, the basis of valuation is not always construction (residential, other private, and farm), and a single certain, and is not uniform among types of assets and among deflator was used for all types of equipment. For 1850, the industries. It is possible that the figures may approximate same price index (Snyder’s index of the general price level) either current market values or original cost, depreciated or was applied to all types of structures and equipment, although undepreciated, or some combination of the two. Some assur for the adjustment of inventories the wholesale price index ance as to the comparability of the earlier and later sets of was used. figures on this score is provided, however, by the overlapping Goldsmith states that the conceptual significance of a con values for 1900, though this comparison applies only to a stant price estimate for land is open to question. If land is single year. carried for all dates at its absolute value in the base year, the As to the reliability of the estimates, the source (Income and relation to the constant price value of reproducible assets tends Wealth of the United States: Trends and Structure, p. 264) to become unrealistic, particularly at dates fairly far removed states “that the margin of error in the estimates is substan from the base year. In the present estimate, an alternative tial, amounting to hardly less than 10 to 20 percent at any procedure is followed, a constant price value of land being date; that this relative margin increases as we go back in derived, generally speaking, as a fixed proportion of the time; but that it is not at all certain that comparability is im constant price value of structures. This permits derivation of paired by as much as the size of the margin may imply because a constant price series for aggregate national wealth, but it the error probably tends in the same direction for most if not should be recognized that the deflated estimates of land values all benchmarks although it is likely that the understatement included in the totals cannot be conceived as reflecting changes is more pronounced in the early part of the period than in the in physical units alone. latter.” With regard to the estimates for 1900-1956, derived The adjustment for price changes introduces errors in the by the perpetual inventory method, it is noted that “the most estimates in addition to those discussed in connection with important source of error . . . resides in the estimates of series F 197-221. On balance, any error is likely to lead to 146 F 247-260 NATIONAL WEALTH AND SAVING wards an overstatement of the price rise over the period and the Goldsmith estimates exclude military assets. Another im hence an understatement of growth rates because the tech portant difference is in the. treatment of consumer durables, niques used in adjusting for price change fail to make ade which in both the Department of Commerce and Kuznets in quate allowance for improvement in the quality of the assets, come estimates is not considered investment, but in the Gold and there is no evidence that the error is larger for one part smith estimates of saving and wealth is so considered. Finally, of the period than for another, although the possibilities of there are important differences in the scope and valuation of error are certainly greater in the 19th century than the 20th. capital consumption allowances. Beyond the conceptual differ In addition, it is likely that the failure to allow for quality ences, there are variations in the sources and techniques em improvement has a differential effect on the different compo ployed by the different estimators. The broad outlines of the nents of wealth. In particular, it leads to a more serious relationships among the different social accounts can, never understatement in the growth of components such as producer theless, be distinguished. In addition, the saving statistics and consumer durables and livestock than for structures and throw important light on the nature of the different groups inventories. of savers in the economy and the forms that saving takes. F 247-251. Value of stock of structures and equipment in F 252-260. Gross private saving, in current prices, 1929-1957. specified sectors, in 1929 prices, 1880-1948. Source: 1929-1945, Office of Business Economics, National Source: Simon Kuznets, Capital in the American Economy: Income: 195U Edition, A Supplement to the Survey of Current Its Formation and Financing, National Bureau of Economic Business, pp. 164-165; 1946-1957, U. S. Income and Output, 1958. Research, New York (forthcoming). The following are definitions used by the Department of Com These estimates fall somewhat short of the value of all reproducible wealth in each sector, since the value of inven merce : Gross private saving represents the sum of series F 253-256 tories is omitted, and considerably short of total wealth, since land is excluded. Also, data are not available for other busi and F 260. Generally speaking, it is the total of household ness sectors; for example, trade and the service industries are and business saving. Saving through government, including omitted. However, it is estimated that the four sectors in government insurance funds, is excluded. Household ex cluded here accounted for about 80 percent of the stock of penditures for consumer durables, except on residential con struction, are not treated as saving. Series F 252 is “gross” structures and equipment in 1880. The underlying sources of the estimates are three mono in that it includes business capital consumption allowances and graphs prepared in connection with the National Bureau of depreciation on residences. Personal saving represents the excess of personal income Economic Research Study of Capital Formation and Financing: Alvin S. Tostlebe, Capital in Agriculture: Its Formation and over the sum of personal consumption expenditures and per Financing Since 1870, Princeton University Press, Princeton, sonal tax and nontax payments. It includes the current saving 1957; Daniel Creamer, Israel Borenstein, and Sergei P. Dobro of individuals (including owners of unincorporated business), volsky, Capital Formation and Financing in Manufacturing and nonprofit institutions, and private pension, health, welfare, and Mining (forthcoming) ; and Melville J. Ulmer, Capital in Trans trust funds. Personal saving may be in such forms as changes portation., Communication, and Public Utilities: Its Formation in cash and deposits, security holdings, indebtedness, and re and Financing (forthcoming). With the exception of the last serves of life insurance companies and mutual savings institu monograph, the approach followed in deriving the estimates of tions, the net investment of unincorporated enterprises, and capital stock differed rather noticeably from that chiefly em the acquisition of real property net of depreciation. Inventory ployed in obtaining the figures presented in series F 197-246, profits and other capital gains are excluded. since the basic data, such as census returns on capital or Undistributed corporate profits represent the difference be balance sheet items in Statistics of Income, related to stocks tween corporate profits after tax and dividends. Corporate rather than output flows. Further detail on capital investment profits after tax are the earnings of corporations organized for by type and/or minor industrial sector is given in these mono profit which accrue to the residents of the Nation, measured graphs. after Federal and State profit taxes, without deduction of de pletion charges and exclusive of capital gains and losses. F 252-345. General note. Dividends measure cash dividend disbursements by corpora Statistics of saving provide the link between the statements tions organized for profit to stockholders who are residents of of national income or product, on the one hand, and the nation al wealth statement and balance sheet, on the other. Gener the United States. Corporate inventory valuation adjustment is the excess of ally speaking, for the Nation as a whole, aggregate saving, which equals national income less national consumption, is the value of the change in the volume of nonfarm corporate identical with net national investment, and the latter, in turn, business inventories, valued at average prices during the period, is equal to the change in real national wealth. For the indi over the change in the book value of nonfarm corporate in vidual economic unit, however, saving is equal not to the ventories. Capital consumption allowances represent the sum of busi change in holdings of real assets, but to the difference between the change in total assets (both tangible and intangible) and ness depreciation charges, accidental damage to fixed business total liabilities. The national balance sheet registers the effect capital, and capital outlays charged to current expense. of saving on the stock of intangibles as well as tangibles. Business depreciation charges are charges made by private The link provided by the saving statistics is imperfect for business against receipts for the current consumption of dura both conceptual and statistical reasons. To note only some of ble capital goods and comparable allowances for nonprofit in the principal conceptual differences, there are, first, variations stitutions. They include depreciation charges against ownerin the treatment of government. In the Department of Com occupied houses. Depreciation reported by business is not merce estimates of income and saving, government investment adjusted for changes in the replacement value of capital and government saving are excluded, while in the Kuznets goods, except for farm enterprises. income estimates, and the Goldsmith saving and wealth esti Accidental damage to fixed business capital represents the mates, Government saving and investment are included, though value of the physical losses by fire, natural events, and other 147 F 261-345 NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH accidents to fixed capital of private business not covered by saving subdivided among three major groups—nonagricultural depreciation charges. individuals (including private nonprofit institutions and per Capital outlays charged to current expense represent new sonal trust funds), agriculture, and unincorporated busi construction and purchases of new durable capital goods in ness. There are also some differences in the scope of the cluded in gross private domestic investment (series F 72) that saving concept. While these estimates include all forms of are charged as current expense by business rather than en saving covered in series F 252-260, they also cover saving in the form of consumer durables, and of brokers’ and dealers’ tered on capital account. Excess of wage accruals over disbursements represents commissions and profits on change of hands of existing assets. In addition, in deriving these estimates of net saving, capital wages earned during the current period but not disbursed. allowances have been valued at replacement cost. With respect to reliability of these estimates, the Depart consumption Neither set of figures, however, includes saving in the form of ment of Commerce notes that the margin of error in the soil improvement additions to military assets. An impor estimates of gross private saving and its components tends tant difference alsoor exists between the two sets of estimates generally to be high. Because personal saving is derived as in the technique of derivation. estimates in series F 252the difference between two much larger totals, it is subject to 260 were derived by the incomeThe approach; these figures, with large percentage error in both level and movement. Undistrib exception of those for corporate saving, were obtained by uted corporate profits is more accurate, but the corporate in the sheet method. In this respect, they are similar to ventory valuation adjustment is liable to considerable error, so the balance estimates of personal saving presented in series F 261that the reliability of the two items combined is not high. the though differences in techniques and in concept cause the Furthermore, while approximately half of the estimate for 303, actual for personal saving to differ between the two capital consumption allowances is based on fairly solid data, tables, estimates e.g. because of inclusion in series F 337 (but not in the remainder is estimated on the basis of a variety of sources series F 289) of stock issues of small corporations not dis and methods, and some of these are subject to a wide margin tributed by security dealers. of error. following statement from the source (pp. 40-41) provides F 261-303. Individuals’ saving, by components, in current anThe indication of the reliability of the estimates: prices, 1929-1957. Evaluation of the possible errors in the individual series from which estim ates of group and national saving have been constructed indi Source: 1929-1932, Irwin Friend and Vito Natrella, Indi the cates that the margin of error is hardly under 10 percent for any given viduals' Saving, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1954, pp. 85 year or for the average annual figure in any series, that it is probably in the order of magnitude of 20 to 30 percent in many of them, that and 91 (except series F 293 for 1929-1932, Raymond W. Gold it may run even higher in not a few cases, but that the relative margin of error in most cases is reduced for sequences of several years and smith, A Study of Saving in the United States) ; 1933-1957, generally the smaller the longer the period. . . . Securities and Exchange Commission, records. Most of the components utilized in building the estim ates of saving of the major saver groups are statistically independent; and Conceptually, individual saving in series F 261 is iden ofthe any estim ates for the major saver groups are very largely independent of each other except for those of nonfarm households and unincorpo tical with that in series F 253. However, the total is derived rated business enterprises. Accordingly since the number of components in an entirely different way. In the procedure followed in of saving is large for each of the groups, running to several dozen even if only those of substantial quantitative importance are taken into obtaining series F 261, referred to as the direct or balance account, there is reason to assum e that errors in one direction, i.e. overstatem ents or underestimates of saving, made in any one year in sheet method of estimating saving, the total is derived by some of the component series w ill be offset by errors in the opposite summing the changes in the various assets and liabilities of direction in other series. As a result, the relative error in the estim ates of saving by the major groups, and still more the estim ates of broad the economic units included in the personal sector. Since aggregates such as national or personal saving, may be expected to be the reliability of the underlying components varies widely, it is considerably lower than the average of the relative errors in the com ponent series. Indeed, it is quite possible that, if we take account of not possible to state unequivocally that the total in series the number of independent com ponent series and their relative size, and even take a pessim istic view of errors in constituent series, the relative F 261 is subject to a smaller margin of error than that in error of national or personal saving in any one year does not on the series F 253. Rather the two series should be viewed as pro average exceed som ething like 10 percent. quality of most of the individual series used in the measurement viding a reciprocal check, with the present series also present of The saving has undoubtedly improved. It would seem to be substantially ing detail on the various types of saving. While the difference poorer for the period before the thirties than for the last two decades, and within the earlier period, in turn, to be particularly poor for the between the two series is substantial for a few dates, they are years before approxim ately 1905. Nevertheless, there is no statistical evidence, such as might be provided by the difference between estim ates generally in fair agreement with regard to absolute amount. of saving and investment, that the estim ates of aggregate saving have relative errors in the earlier part of the period than in the later The estimates for saving in the form of currency and de larger part. Indeed, from that point of view, the relative error in the estim ates posits (including deposits in savings and loan associations) would have to be regarded as substantially the same through the thir ties, and as considerably lower only for the last decade. There is, have a relatively small margin of error, while those for saving however, evidence . . . that the error is . . . in the direction of an overstatem ent of saving in the first three decades and an understate in the form of corporate and State and local securities prob ment during the thirties. ably have a greater margin of error. Generally speaking, the F 316-345. Personal saving, by major components, in current estimates for the earlier years, particularly 1929-1932, are prices, 1897-1956. subject to greater error than those for the later years. For a discussion of the limitations of the estimates for a number of Source: 1897-1945, see source for series F 304-315, pp. the components, see the source (Friend and Natrella). 353-355; 1946-1956, preliminary estimates by Raymond W. F 304-315. National saving, by major saver groups, in current Goldsmith and Morris Mendelson, following the methods of A Study of Saving in the United States; final estimates to be prices, 1897-1945. Source: Raymond W. Goldsmith, A Study of Saving in the published by the National Bureau of Economic Research. See text for series F 304-315 regarding concept and relia United States, vol. I, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1955, p. 345 (saving, excluding consumer durables, computed bility of personal saving estimates. by subtraction of estimates of saving in consumer durables The estimates for 1946-1956 are not fully comparable with for nonagricultural individuals, p. 359, and for agriculture, p. those for earlier years. The savings and loan association lia 756). bility called loans in process and the surplus of mutual finan In contrast to series F 252-260, these series provide an esti cial intermediaries are imputed to personal saving in the new mate of saving by government (thus permitting the deriva estimates, though not in the earlier figures. Furthermore, in tion of aggregate national saving), and estimates of personal the estimates for the earlier years brokers and dealers were 148 F 316-345 NATIONAL WEALTH AND SAVING not distinguished from other unincorporated businesses, and Commission data, particularly in the case of net trade debt the estimates for the components of saving included the of nonfarm, noncorporate business (included in series F 344). changes in the assets and liabilities of these brokers and This change was made primarily to achieve consistency with dealers. In the new estimates, brokers and dealers are treated other bodies of data utilized in the National Bureau’s postwar as financial organizations and personal saving through brokers Capital Market Study where flow-of-funds data are used ex and dealers is assumed to take the form of changes in equity tensively. The result is that the present estimates of per in these organizations. Changes in loans in process, surplus sonal saving diverge more from the SEC estimates than do of mutual financial organizations, and equity in brokers and those of earlier years. dealers are all included in total personal saving (series F 316 Loans in Other Equity in process of savings brokers and F 317), but not included in any of the components shown Year saving and in mutual and loan asso financial in series F 316-345. The data for these three forms of per dealers ciation institutions sonal saving are given in the tabulation below. Bil. dol. Bil. dol. Bil. dol. There are also other differences between the new and old 1956____________________________________ -.0 2 .12 .61 estimates which reduce comparability. The estimates of ac 1955____________________________________ .12 .54 - .1 7 .24 .27 .63 crued tax liabilities were not carried forward and as a result 1954____________________________________ .06 .47 .09 1952____________________________________ .08 .37 - .0 6 the estimates of personal saving are somewhat higher in most 1953____________________________________ .02 .41 - .0 3 and lower in a few years than they would otherwise be. 1951____________________________________ 1950____________________________________ .14 .40 .04 1949____________________________________ .01 .04 .42 Finally, in several instances, changes in the sources of data 1948____________________________________ - .0 4 .35 .06 .06 .30 - .0 9 used influences comparability. The most important of them 1947____________________________________ 1946____________________________________ .10 .25 - .1 4 is the substitution of flow-of-funds for Securities and Exchange 488910 0 - 6 0 - 1 1 149 F 158-196 NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH Series F 158-196. National Balance Sheet, in Current Prices: 1900 to 1955 [In billions of dollars. As of end of year] Year Deposits in— Total assets (F 181 plus F 196) Tangible assets 158 1955________________________ 3,0 7 4.0 1949________________________ 2 ,0 1 6.0 1945________________________ 1,557.5 1939________________________ 877.2 1933________________________ 733.1 1929________________________ 981.8 1922________________________ 653.0 1912________________________ 308.6 1900___________________ _ _ 159.0 Total Currency Commer cial banks Other financial insti tutions 159 160 161 162 163 1,329.0 881.3 570.3 395.0 322.4 426.9 326.2 167.6 90.2 1,745.0 1,134.7 987.2 482.2 410.7 554.8 326.8 141.0 54.0 49.0 45.0 22.4 8.1 6.5 6.9 2.5 1.4 68.8 145.0 131.1 137.9 54.1 36.2 44.8 34.2 15.8 6.7 Intangible assets Pension and retirement funds Life insurance reserves Private Govern ment 164 165 80.0 58.8 44.3 29.2 20.9 17.5 8.7 4.1 112.0 53.4 44.0 28.8 18.8 17.9 10.5 4 .5 2.6 Receivables from— Business House holds Loans on secu rities 167 168 169 166 15.0 6.8 2 .9 1.0 .7 .5 58.0 38.8 25.5 6.2 3.0 1.5 .3 .1 1.6 123.0 64.0 41.0 26.3 30.2 46.7 32.7 17.2 10.9 44.0 26.8 11.7 14.6 11.9 15.3 11.1 5.6 1.9 9.0 3.6 8.1 2 .7 5.2 16.3 6.7 2.3 1.3 Intangible assets—Con. Mortgages Year Securities Equity in— Nonfarm Farm U. S. govern ment State and local govern ments Corpo rate bonds Preferred and common stock Unincor porated business Finan cial nonprofit insti tutions Govern ment corpo rations Accruals Other 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 1955_____________________________________ 1949______________ __________________ _ 1945_____________________________________ 1939____________________________________ 1933____________________________________ 1929_____________________________________ 1922_____________________________________ 1912___________________ _ _ _ 1900____________________ 9.0 5.4 4.7 6.6 7.7 9.6 10.8 4.3 2.3 121.0 60.8 33.1 32.0 33.5 37.3 16.3 7.5 4.4 272.0 253.3 274.4 47.0 23.9 16.2 23.0 46.0 21.9 15.9 19.8 19.1 16.9 10.4 4.4 1.2 1.2 69.0 39.5 25.9 32.5 37.7 38.1 23.7 14.5 5.2 2.0 437.0 158.8 150.8 100.1 101.7 186.7 76.1 38.0 13.9 9 .0 5.0 3.3 2 .3 2.3 83.0 51.7 26.1 17.6 27.5 22.2 8.9 6.3 68.8 6C► .0 0) 26. 5 17. 2 4. 5 3. 1 4 7 2.1 1.2 .6 23.4 19.0 7.8 5.4 7.6 4 .7 1.1 .7 .3 39.1 30.7 18.0 24.0 45.3 26.6 8.2 6.0 Liabilities Pension and retirement funds Deposits in— Year Total 181 1955_____________ 1,265.0 1949_____________ 874.0 1945_____________ 772.5 1939_____________ 356.5 1933_____________ 281.4 1929_____________ 324.3 1922_____________ 222.4 1912_____________ 94.1 1900_____________ 47.2 1 Consolidated 150 Payables to Life Borrow Other insur Finan ing on Mort Currency Commer finan ance cial gages Other House secu cial cial reserves Private Govern inter rities ment banks insti medi business holds tutions aries 182 183 54.0 49.2 44.8 22.2 7.7 6.4 6.8 2 .5 165 0 131.1 137.9 54.1 36.2 44.8 34.2 15.8 6.7 1.2 into Federal Government. 184 112.0 53.9 43.5 29.0 18.9 17.9 10.5 4 .5 2.6 185 186 187 188 189 82.0 58.8 44.3 29.2 20.9 17.5 8.7 4.1 15.0 6.8 2.9 1.0 .7 .5 58.0 38.8 25.5 6.2 3 .0 1.5 .3 63 .0 34.8 18.6 17.4 18.3 25.4 20.4 10.1 4.3 77.0 51.1 31.7 24.6 19.4 28.6 23.0 10.8 7.6 1.6 .1 190 .9 .8 .4 .3 1.2 .5 2 .1 Bonds and Accruals Other notes 191 192 193 194 195 9.0 3 .6 8.1 2 .7 5.2 16.3 6.7 2.3 1.3 130 0 66.2 37.8 38.6 41.1 46.9 27.1 11 8 6.7 397 0 316.1 320.3 107.3 83.8 76.1 59.5 23 9 10.4 1C>4 23.4 19.0 7 .8 5.4 7.6 4 .7 1 l .7 0 Equity 196 1 809 0 39.3 1,142.0 784.9 37.3 15.9 520.6 451.7 20.6 33.5 657.4 430.6 19.9 6 8 214 5 4^0 111.9 NATIONAL WEALTH AND SAVING F 197-221 Series F 197-221. National Wealth, by Type of Asset, in Current Prices: 1850 to 1956 In billions of dollars. As of end of year except as noted. Figures in italics for 1900 are comparable with earlier years; those in regular type are comparable with later years] Year 1 Total national wealth Total 197 198 1,448.2 900.2 561.2 395.6 330.2 439.1 334.2 165.2 87.7 1,199.6 728.7 446.1 305.3 241.0 313.2 233.2 109.1 59.1 63.8 46.1 25.8 4.5 1958 __________ 1949___________ 1945____________ 1939____________ 1933____________ 1929____________ 1922___________ 1912____________ 1900____________ 1900i _ 1890 1________ _____________ 1880 i______________________ 1850 1________ _____________ Year Total 209 1956____________ 1949___________ 1945____________ 1939____________ 1933____________ 1929___________ 1922____________ 1912_ _ 19001900 1. 1890 1______ ___ 1880 1_ 1850 _ __ Reproducible tangible assets Structures 120.2 79.2 52.0 30.4 21.9 38.0 32.6 16.7 10.0 11.8 9.6 6.6 1.1 Total Nonfarm Nonresi Resi dential dential 199 200 721.7 432.9 275.7 188.5 159.4 189.8 134.5 62.5 35.0 35. 0 25.0 13.3 350.1 216.0 143.2 86.3 69.6 89.5 56.6 25.4 15.7 15.0 10.8 4.9 201 .8 Reproducible tangible assets—-Con. Inventories Private Public Live Nonfarm Crops stock 210 211 212 213 11.2 12.9 9 .7 5.1 3.2 6.5 5.4 5.6 3 .1 3 .3 2.6 2.0 .5 7.1 6.0 6.0 2.2 1.8 3 .0 3.1 2.6 1.4 .2 95.0 56.9 33.6 22.1 16.9 28.4 24.0 8.4 5.4 8 .5 7.0 4 .6 .5 7.0 3.4 2 .7 1.0 .1 .1 .1 151.7 91.6 56.0 49.4 46.7 55.0 42.6 22.6 12.5 U .3 10 .3 5 .8 Mining (under ground) Farm Insti tutional Govern ment Total 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 137.3 74.6 45.4 33.8 26.2 23.4 15.5 5.9 331.2 188.1 94.5 66.7 54.9 80.6 61.7 27.3 177.6 98.0 48.3 34.2 29.2 38.4 30.8 13.8 6 .5 9.3 5.8 3 .0 153.6 90.1 46.2 3 2.5 25.7 42.2 30.9 13.6 26.1 13.6 7.8 4.7 3 .4 4.1 3.3 .9 .4 21 .1 34.3 24.8 16.3 9.0 8.7 12.2 12.4 5.6 3.3 3 .6 2 .7 2.0 .7 Monetary gold and silver Total AgricuU tural 214 215 216 26.5 28.4 23.9 19.6 4.7 4.8 4.4 2 .5 1.6 1 .7 1.2 .6 .2 Equipment 230.8 157.7 117.4 88.6 81.1 113.5 92.8 58.2 30.9 (3) (3) (3) (3) 74.0 50.7 43.5 23.2 22.8 34.9 41.5 31.6 14.5 (3) (3) (3) (3) 22.2 12.4 7.0 5.4 4.8 5.6 4.1 2.0 1.1 2 .0 2 .I 1 .2 .6 .1 Land Private Nonfarm Resi Nonresi dential dential 217 218 54.4 33.9 22.6 22.9 18.7 24.1 15.4 7.0 4 .4 (s) (3) (3) (3) 12.6 15.3 10.3 5.4 51.1 34.3 23.3 22.2 22.1 36.1 19.8 10.2 6 .5 (s) (3) (3) (3) Forests 219 12.2 7 .5 3 .8 2 .9 2 .2 3 .1 3 .5 2 .0 1 .5 (3) <*) (3) (3) Producer Consumer dura dura bles bles 2 .2 6.0 6. 0 4 .5 2 .4 .3 Public N et foreign assets 220 221 39.1 31.3 24.2 17.4 15.4 15.3 12.6 7.5 4 .0 (») (3) (3) (3) 17.8 13.8 - 2 .3 1.7 8.1 12.4 8.2 - 2.1 - 2 .3 —1.1 - 1.6 - .5 -.2 1 As of June 1. 4 Producer durables in the hands of nonagricultural business included with nonfarm nonresidential construction. 3 N ot available. 151 F 222-251 NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH Series F 222-246. National Wealth, by Type of Asset, in 1929 and 1947-49 Prices: 1850 to 1956 [In billions of dollars. As of end of year except as noted. Figures in italics for 1900 are comparable with earlier years; those in regular type comparable with later years] Total national wealth Year Reproducible tangible assets Structures Total Nonfarm Resi Nonresidential dential Total Mining (under ground) Farm Total 229 227 1947-49 Govern ment Insti tutional Equipment Pro ducer dura bles 232 Con sumer dura bles 233 p r ic e s 1956. 1949 _ 1945_ 1,118.9 885.4 774.3 940.6 719.2 617.1 541.0 430.0 403.0 435.6 424.8 421.5 445.8 336.6 265.3 179.5 331.5 317.8 301.5 318.7 238.0 186.3 185.3 191.7 194.1 193.5 140.4 113.2 73.0 81.5 58.4 31.1 266.7 212.8 198.5 107.7 88.0 81.6 19.8 13.4 11.3 44.5 49.8 55.5 56.8 44.8 39.0 24.9 5.2 4 .5 4.1 4.2 3.3 1.7 27.8 24.3 16.1 102.9 79.4 77.9 268.5 181.2 119.1 128.0 91.9 61.5 140.5 89.3 57.5 4 .4 5.1 5.7 5.6 4.3 37.2 35.5 30.1 23.8 15.1 11.2 5.1 89.4 78.8 72.0 83.0 60.7 49.6 30.0 36.5 24.3 42.6 34.7 33.9 39.1 31.8 24.6 13.5 19.9 11.-7 4.7 2 .4 46.9 44.1 38.1 43.8 28.9 25.0 16.6 16. 6 12.6 6 .5 12.1 11.6 22.2 1929 p r ic e s 194519391933. 1929_ 1922 _ 1912_ 1900 _ 1900 i_ 1890 i_. 1880 i_. 1850 i_. 122.6 139.0 99.7 53.7 10.8 60.8 48.2 33.1 35. U 26.0 Total 234 Live stock 235 Crops Public Non farm 10.4 11.3 12.5 12.0 9.4 6.8 U.7 2 .7 1.4 .3 23.2 13.2 2 3 .0 11.6 2.1 Reproducible tangible assets— Con. Inventories 10.1 Mone tary gold and silver Total 11.2 Land Private Nonfarm NonresiResi dential dential Agri cultural Public Forests N et foreign assets 239 236 1947-49 PRICES 1956_________ 1949_________ 1945____„____ 1929 p r ic e s 1945_________ 1939_________ 1933_________ 1929_________ 1922_________ 1912_________ 1900_________ 1900 1________ 1890 i________ 1880 1________ 1850 i________ 14.7 13.6 14.9 107.2 81.7 73.3 7.5 7.9 3 .9 3.2 3 .0 3 .0 3 .2 3 .6 7.2 7.1 6 .5 7.2 6 .5 6 .4 6.U 6.2 4 .5 44.0 36.4 31.2 38.0 32.9 21.3 18.2 19.3 15.6 6. 6 10.8 2.2 1 As of June 1. 2 Producer durables 8.2 7.8 3.8 3.7 23.9 26.2 21.7 164.3 153.4 160.0 50.9 49.4 53.8 41.3 33.4 31.3 33.3 33.0 34.2 5.3 5.7 5.9 33.5 32.0 34.8 30.8 24.9 21.1 28.4 2.1 12.7 10.9 4.2 4.3 4.0 2.1 1.3 1 .7 103.3 105.0 109.2 114.7 90.4 82.2 61.6 35.9 31.8 34.5 34.9 35.5 36.3 28.0 20.9 22.9 23.4 2 4.4 16.6 13.3 9.2 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 2 2.5 2 6.4 2 8.5 37.0 22.7 20.2 15.2 (2) (3) (3) (3) 3 .1 3 .4 2 .9 3.1 3.2 2. 6 2 .5 (3) (3) (3) (3) 2 0.4 20.0 15.3 12.4 9.9 6 .7 (3) (*) (3) (3) 1.6 .1 .1 .1 22 11 9 10.3 7.1 4.3 2.6 2. 6 2.3 2.0 .3 1.1 76.5 56.9 46.9 1.2 .6 .3 .8 in the hands of nonagricultural business included with nonfarm (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 20.8 14.0 12.9 - 2 .7 2 .1 10.8 12.4 8.2 - 3 .2 - 4 .7 - 3 .1 - 3 .6 - 1.0 - .3 nonresidential construction. 3 N ot available. Series F 247-251. Value of Stock of Structures and Equipment in Specified Sectors, in 1929 Prices: 1880 to 1948 [In billions of dollars. Figures in italics for 1900 are comparable with earlier years; those in regular type are comparable with later years] Year 1948, Dec. 31______ _ _ 1940, April 1____________ 1930, April 1___________ 1922 Dec. 31 1 Includes 152 Total, specified sectors Agri culture 1 Mining 247 248 249 103.9 85.2 92.9 78.0 value of farm residences. 18.5 13.5 15.5 15.3 5.3 4.7 6.2 5.3 Trans portation Manu and other facturing public utilities 250 251 34.8 25.3 27.0 22.0 45.3 41.6 44.2 35.4 Year 1912, Dec. 31 __________ I 1900, June 1_ _ \ 1890, June 1_ . __ 1880, June 1 _ _ ____ Total, specified sectors Agri culture 1 Mining 247 248 249 65.1 38.5 39.0 29.1 20.6 } 13.4 3 .4 8.8 1.6 0.8 7.3 6.6 0 .4 Trans portation Manu and other facturing public utilities 250 251 / \ 15.3 7.2 } 7.6 4 .5 1.9 33.0 21.0 16.5 11.8 F 252-275 NATIONAL WEALTH AND SAVING Series F 252-260. Gross Private Saving, in Current Prices: 1929 to 1957 [In billions of dollars] Year 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1952___ _ _ ___ _______ __ __________ 1951 _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ 1950________________________________________ 1949________________________________________ 1948________________________________________ 1947________________________________________ 1946 ___ _ ________ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ 1945_______________________________ _______ 1944________________________________________ 1943______ _ _ _ _ ______ __ _ _ ___ _ _ 1942 1941 1940 __ _ _ _ _ _________ . _ _______ _ ___ 1939__ ___ ___ _________________ 1938 _ ___ ___________ ______ _ ___ _ 1937______ ___ ______ __ ___ ___ _ _ ___ 1936__ _ __ _ ______ __ _ _______ _ _ 1935 _ _ _ _ _ _______ ______ _ _ _ 1934 1933 _ _ _ _ . _____ 1932 _ _ __ _ ___ 1931__ _ _ _ 1930-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ 1929__ _ _ _ _ _ Gross private saving Personal saving Undis tributed corpo rate profits 252 253 254 66.32 64.21 59.58 54.35 54.14 52.18 49.20 40.32 36.10 37.62 23.57 26.52 44.25 54.15 49.30 41.90 22.59 14.59 11.16 8.88 11.50 10.15 8.37 4.96 1.94 2.05 7.72 20.71 21.05 17.51 18.86 19.83 18.94 17.68 12.64 8.50 10.99 4.70 13.46 28.66 36.93 33.01 27.77 11.11 4.20 2.87 1.05 3.74 3.61 2.03 .09 - .6 5 - .6 5 2.51 3.41 4.17 12.20 15.70 Corpo rate inven tory valua tion adjustment 255 - 1 .5 5 - 2 .5 6 - 1 .7 4 - .3 2 - 1.00 .98 - 1.20 - 4 .9 7 1.86 - 2 .1 5 - 5 .9 0 - 5 .2 6 - .5 6 - .2 9 - .7 7 - 1.20 -2 .4 7 9.42 11.03 11.82 7.00 8.86 8.28 10.68 13.56 8.52 13.27 11.72 7.66 3.60 5.70 6.00 5.18 4.91 2.44 1.17 - .92 .05 -.2 0 - .7 1 .96 - .03 - .74 - .2 3 - .6 3 - 2 .1 4 1.05 2.41 3.26 .47 -.22 - .6 7 - 1 .6 2 -2 .4 3 - 5 .9 7 -5 .3 7 -3 .0 1 2.45 Total 256 Capital consumption allowances Accidental Capital Business damage outlays deprecia to fixed charged tion business to current charges expense capital 259 257 258 33.70 30.76 27.94 25.20 23.07 20.87 18.75 16.50 15.09 13.10 11.06 9.04 11.25 10.79 9.85 9.16 8.08 7.32 7.12 6.94 6.91 6.70 6.67 6.60 6.66 7.04 7.55 7.74 7.70 37.74 34.69 31.99 28.81 26.53 24.00 21.97 19.07 17.28 15.47 13.03 10.70 12.55 12.01 10.87 10.16 9.04 8.15 7.84 7.78 7.75 7.50 7.24 7.12 7.16 7.62 8.17 8.54 8.62 0.90 .73 1.06 .92 .81 .68 .91 .62 .52 .57 .57 .41 .38 .36 .40 .48 .27 .25 .22 .39 .30 .38 .24 .24 .28 .33 .35 .39 .41 Excess of wage accruals over disburse ments 260 3.14 3.20 2.99 2.69 2.65 2.45 2.31 1.95 1.67 1.80 1.40 1.25 .92 .85 .61 .51 .69 .59 .50 .46 .53 .42 .33 .28 .23 .25 .26 .42 .51 - 0 .0 8 -.0 2 .07 .02 - .0 5 .04 .02 - .0 3 .01 - .1 9 .21 Series F 261-303. Individuals' Saving, by Components, in Current Prices: 1929 to 1957 Year lnai vict uals’ saving (F276 + F 279 minus F 294) 261 Total Non farm homes 262 263 30.58 15.17 1957_____________________ 22.30 16.22 30.67 1956____________________ 19.50 17.34 32.99 1955_____________________ 18.15 14.24 1954_____________________ 16.64 27.61 1953 _ _ _ _ _ _ 21.09 25.53 12.75 25.24 11.96 1952_____________________ 19.16 26.29 11.61 1951_____________________ 19.93 12.70 27.73 1950 ___________________ 10.01 18.36 1949_____________________ 8.09 8.23 9.00 1948_____________________ 11.19 22.41 14.97 6.76 1947_____________________ 7.05 4.42 1946_____________________ 12.13 11.49 1.09 1945_____________________ 29.52 4.31 3.18 .98 1944_____________________ 35.14 1.14 2.68 1943_____________________ 33.73 5.62 1.90 1942_____________________ 29.99 8.96 3.67 1941____________________ 11.12 3.15 6.92 1940_____________________ 5.13 5.54 2.79 1939_____________________ 4.03 .41 4.08 1.83 1938_____________________ 5.45 1.63 1937_____________________ 4.06 1.27 3.05 1936_____________________ 3.96 3.02 .54 1935____________________ 1.64 .19 .07 1934____________________ .42 .10 .09 1933____________________ - 3 .1 7 .35 .62 1.57 1932____________________ 1.25 3.23 5.64 1931____________________ 1.52 5.19 4.73 1930____________________ 7.78 3.20 5.82 1929____________________ 1 Includes farm dwellings. 2 Includes accidental damage to fixed property. [In billions of dollars] Investment in tangible assets Gross investment Other construction and producers’ Inventories of noncorpor durable equipment ate and farm enterprises Non Non corpor Farm Non ate profit Total Total nonfarm enter institu Farm farm enter prises 1 tions prises 264 266 267 | 268 270 265 269 14.60 14.80 14.80 13.09 13.14 12.44 12.99 13.04 11.49 10.76 9.91 6.66 3.25 2.15 1.84 2.38 4.10 3.18 2.63 2.28 3.09 2.42 1.78 1.19 .78 1.01 2.19 3.68 4.57 8.10 8.86 8.60 7.02 6.91 6.32 6.48 6.96 5.76 5.53 6.01 4.34 2.05 .96 .78 1.16 2.55 2.04 1.68 1.36 2.03 1.68 1.26 .94 .70 .69 1.25 2.02 2.43 4.07 3.83 4.19 4.19 4.70 4.71 4.99 4.65 4.52 4.28 3.33 1.86 1.08 1.13 1.02 1.11 1.31 .93 .73 .69 .87 .60 .44 .17 (3) .12 .54 1.14 1.58 2.44 0.80 - .3 6 2.01 .29 - .36 .84 2.12 1.87 1.53 1.41 1.53 1.44 1.21 .95 .57 .45 .12 .06 .03 .11 .24 .21 .22 .22 .19 .14 .09 .08 .08 .20 .40 .53 .56 .86 1.68 1.99 - 1 .3 5 2.66 -1 .7 0 .41 - .0 3 .05 - .3 0 1.34 1.18 .59 .12 -.02 .73 - .6 4 .70 -1 .3 1 - .7 6 - .7 5 -.21 0.04 .12 .56 .26 - .0 8 .50 1.18 - .4 9 .92 .06 .38 .43 .50 -.1 2 .18 .73 .32 .06 - .1 3 .21 .48 .16 .01 - .5 0 - .7 8 - .5 2 -.20 -.2 2 - .4 7 .26 (3) 3 Less than $5 million. 0.76 - .4 8 .30 .49 - .62 .92 1.18 .82 -.8 6 1.73 - 1 .7 6 .03 - .4 6 - .4 4 - .1 8 1.16 .45 .27 .06 .10 .52 - 1.11 s .54 -1 .3 2 - .2 6 .04 .31 - .2 5 - .2 5 Depreciation 2 Total Noncor Non- porate Farm farm nonfarm enter homes enter prises prises 271 272 273 14.33 13.36 12.81 12.14 11.58 10.89 10.26 9.01 8.21 7.15 6.15 5.04 5.57 5.38 5.14 4.84 4.33 3.94 3.81 3.84 3.77 3.65 3.45 3.37 3.32 3.26 3.48 3.66 3.68 4.64 4.26 3.92 3.61 3.32 3.02 2.83 2.53 2.29 2.12 1.94 1.84 1.81 1.80 1.79 1.76 5.24 4.85 4.68 4.46 4.31 4.07 3.85 3 .45 3.22 2.72 2.37 1.76 1.51 1.47 1.45 1.37 1.16 1.68 1.62 1.56 1.58 1.54 1.53 1.47 1.47 1.48 1.42 1.46 1.46 1.44 1.02 .95 .96 .97 .95 .90 .87 .83 .79 .82 .82 .81 | 274 3.92 3 .75 3.74 3.63 3.53 3.42 3.24 2.74 2.44 2.07 1.62 1.23 2.04 1.91 1.71 1.51 1.29 1.13 1.12 1.12 1.09 1.00 .91 .87 .84 .89 1.05 1.23 1.27 Non profit institu tions 275 0.52 .49 .48 .45 .43 .39 .33 .29 .26 .24 .23 .22 .20 .20 .20 .20 .19 .18 .17 .18 .17 .17 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 153 F 276-303 NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH Series F 261-303. Individuals’ Saving, by Components, in Current Prices: 1929 to 1957—Con. [In billions of dollars] Year Investments in tangible assets— Con. N et investment in tangible assets Total (F 262 Nonfarm Other minus homes F 271) 276 277 278 1957_______________ 1956_______________ 1955_______________ 1954_______________ 1953_______________ 1952_______________ 1951_______________ 1950_______________ 1949_______________ 1948_______________ 1947_______________ 1946_______________ 1945_______________ 1944_______________ 1943_______________ 1942_______________ 1941_______________ 1940_______________ 1939_______________ 1938_______________ 1937_______________ 1936_______________ 1935_______________ 1934_____ 1933__________ _ _ 1932_______________ 1931_______________ 1930__ _ _ _ _ 1929_______________ 16.24 17.31 20.18 15.47 13.94 14.34 16.03 18.72 10.15 15.26 8.82 6.45 - 1 .2 6 - 2.20 - 2 .4 6 .79 4.63 2.97 1.73 .24 1.68 - .6 0 - .4 3 —3.29 -3 .2 1 - 2 .6 4 - .2 5 1.07 4.10 10.53 11.96 13.42 10.63 9.44 8.94 8.78 10.17 5.94 6.88 4.83 2.58 - .7 2 - .8 1 - .6 5 .14 1.98 1.53 1.22 .24 .09 - .2 7 - .9 3 —1.27 —1.39 —1.06 — .20 .07 1.76 5.71 5.35 6.76 4.84 4.50 5.40 7.25 8.55 4.21 8.38 3.99 3.86 - .5 4 - 1 .3 8 -1 .8 1 .64 2.64 1.44 .51 (3) 1.59 - .3 3 .50 - 2.02 -1 .8 2 - 1 .5 9 — .05 1.00 2.34 Increase in financial assets 4 Currency and bank deposits Total 279 24.29 22.90 22.46 17.40 18.85 20.06 14.06 11.09 6.94 6.98 9.47 13.48 34.38 37.90 33.94 24.14 10.04 4.60 4.02 1.60 2.74 5.01 2.12 2.80 - 1 .4 7 - 1 .3 9 .45 1.03 2.37 Total 280 5.65 4.87 3.81 5.41 4.93 7.14 6.00 3.74 -1 .3 8 -1 .7 8 2.07 10.61 19.01 17.57 16.20 10.95 4.84 2.93 3.04 .42 .46 3.66 2.47 1.81 - 1 .2 8 - 1 .7 0 - 1 .5 8 - 1 .4 6 - 3 .5 7 Currency Demand deposits 281 282 -0 .0 3 .03 .37 - .3 6 .58 1.11 .77 - .0 6 - .7 9 - .4 6 - .4 3 - 0 .9 2 .57 - .0 6 1.08 -.2 1 1.52 3.08 3.20 -1 .5 6 -2 .2 3 .22 5.12 7.19 5.87 7.12 6.05 2.54 1.45 1.90 .36 - .4 9 2.04 .12 2.96 4.55 4.72 4.12 2.18 .77 .45 .04 .20 .52 .23 - .10 .16 .28 1.01 .03 -.1 2 Increase in financial assets— Con. Private insurance and pension reserves Year 6.60 4.27 3.50 4.68 4.56 4.51 2.14 .59 .97 .91 2.28 5.37 8.86 7.15 4.36 .78 .11 .71 .69 .02 .74 1.09 1.02 1.22 .24 - .5 4 - .31 - 2 .1 8 - 2 .5 4 1.67 - 2 .6 5 - 1 .4 4 - 2 .2 7 .69 - .9 2 1.21 Total Insured pension reserves Noninsured pension funds Total Con sumer debt 290 291 292 293 294 295 18.23 20.71 24.49 16.24 11.70 15.25 10.16 19.81 9.00 11.05 11.24 7.79 3.61 .57 - 2 .2 6 - 5 .0 7 3.55 2.44 1.72 1.43 .36 .45 .04 - .9 1 - 1 .5 0 - 5 .6 0 - 5 .4 5 - 3 .0 9 .64 2.58 3.14 6.09 .96 3.65 4.36 .99 3.64 2.64 2.41 2.81 2.32 .48 .14 -1 .0 3 - 2 .9 6 .69 - 0 .0 7 - .7 5 .60 .86 .40 .60 - .3 0 10.15 12.41 13.98 10.54 8.58 7.89 8.36 .22 8.86 1.01 - .2 3 -.1 2 - .4 9 .06 - .0 4 - .4 7 - .2 5 - 1 .0 6 - 2.10 - 2.20 - 1.66 7.81 8.05 7.57 7.31 6.88 6.39 5.41 4.82 4.31 4.15 3.94 3.72 4.38 3.81 3.05 2.61 2.22 1.90 1.77 1.60 1.82 1.75 1.60 1.38 .62 .29 .87 1.15 1.21 3.56 1.58 4.44 1.20 4.19 1.30 1.18 4.21 3.94 1.10 3.76 1.12 .98 3.09 3.!92 3.71 3.75 3.i64 3. 42 3. 46 3.21 2 .;85 2 .49 2 . 14 1.85 1 . 72 1 . 54 1 .76 1 .67 1 .55 1 .33 57 .24 82 1 . 10 1 .05 2.68 2.41 2.08 1.93 1.84 1.51 1.35 .90 .60 .40 .30 .30 .93 .60 .20 .12 .08 .05 .05 .06 .06 .08 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .16 .81 - .6 2 .58 1.29 .83 .40 -.1 0 -1 .1 3 - 1.22 - .5 7 .84 3 Less than $5 million. 4 Includes changes in assets of noncorporate enterprises of the types specified. Ex cludes changes in government insurance and pension reserves, and small amounts of Armed Forces leave bonds. Total 284 285 4.80 4.83 4.79 4.45 3.64 3.05 2.07 1.54 1.51 1.19 1.20 1.18 1.06 .81 .55 .25 .36 .20 .04 (3) - .0 6 -.1 1 -.20 - .29 - .5 8 - .5 9 - .38 .06 .48 6.02 5.16 6.29 .23 3.41 3.48 .58 .99 2.51 3.42 2.26 -2 .0 3 9.93 15.71 14.14 10.33 2.64 - .4 3 - .8 3 - .4 2 .57 - .3 4 - 1 .7 6 - .09 - .23 .61 1.54 1.28 4.25 Other State U. S. U. S. and local savings Govern govern bonds 6 ment ment 286 287 288 -1 .9 1 - .0 9 .26 .60 .20 .09 - .4 7 .25 1.46 1.60 2.08 1.22 6.85 11.80 11.14 7.98 2.75 .86 .66 .41 .42 .28 .13 1.95 1.54 1.62 - 1 .6 0 .06 .35 - 1.00 - .4 6 -.1 0 - .2 8 - .8 5 -3 .1 0 4.44 4.64 3.37 2.56 .66 - .3 9 - .6 4 - .6 1 .71 .58 - .5 6 1.09 .60 .70 .84 - .49 - 1 .2 7 Increase in debt to corporations and financial intermediaries Mortgage debt Net trade On non debt of Securi corpo noncor On ties rate On porate Total nonfarm nonfarm farms nonfarm loans homes enter enter prises prises 296 297 298 300 299 301 Insur ance reserves 1957_______________ 1956_______________ 1955_______________ 1954_______________ 1953_______________ 1952_______________ 1951_______________ 1950_______________ 1949_______________ 1948_______________ 1947_______________ 1946_______________ 1945______________ 1944_______________ 1943_______________ 1942_______________ 1941_______________ 1940_______________ 1939_______________ 1938_______________ 1937_______________ 1936_______________ 1935_______________ 1934_______________ 1933_______________ 1932_________ _____ 1931_______________ 1930_______________ 1929_______________ 154 Time and savings deposits 5 283 Securities Savings and loan associa tion shares .32 .43 - .7 6 - 2 .3 4 1.48 1.38 .58 .27 5.34 5.87 5.54 4.37 .14 - .5 4 - 1 .0 5 - .3 7 .93 -.2 0 .48 .16 .07 - .4 4 - .3 2 .98 -.2 2 -1 .4 4 - .6 4 .40 -.1 1 5 Includes 8 Includes .86 1.11 8.25 10.38 11.93 9.01 7.30 6.52 6.59 7.29 4.12 4.72 4.62 3.60 .22 - .0 5 - .3 8 .10 .82 .85 .50 .17 .01 - .0 9 - .1 3 .55 - .6 2 - .8 9 - .3 4 .11 .86 1.53 1.53 1.48 1.20 1.00 1.02 1.48 1.30 1.03 1.07 .81 .79 .16 - .1 3 -.20 - .1 5 .16 .04 .11 .08 .15 - .2 8 - .2 4 - .0 4 .66 - .2 4 - .1 7 .41 .37 0.38 .50 .57 .34 .29 .35 .30 .27 .19 .08 .11 -.0 2 - .2 5 - .3 6 - .4 8 - .3 1 - .0 6 - .0 3 - .1 3 - .0 9 - .0 8 - .0 7 .06 .47 - .2 6 - .3 1 - .1 3 -.1 2 -.1 2 3.52 3.96 - .1 8 1.57 - .4 7 2.17 .35 2.42 - .9 6 1.84 1.25 1.11 .86 - .3 2 - .6 4 - 2.01 1.28 .53 .33 1.77 .43 - .4 3 - .5 5 - 1 .3 8 - .3 1 - .9 8 - .3 2 - .1 6 .06 1.98 1.44 1.68 .66 1.83 .96 .38 .49 .41 .98 .33 - .1 5 -.20 - .0 5 -.1 2 -.22 - .2 8 - .4 6 - .2 3 - .2 3 - .0 5 - .4 7 -.1 2 — .79 - .6 7 - .2 9 .58 .78 .88 Corpo rate and other 289 3.99 2.27 2.73 .57 1.32 2.07 1.67 .71 .73 1.12 .69 (3) -1 .1 6 -.6 8 - .2 6 .01 - .5 0 - .4 4 - .6 2 .02 - .5 1 - .7 3 - 1.20 - .3 9 - .1 6 .20 .12 .98 4.64 Nonrealestate farm debt Bank debt, not else where classified 302 303 0.64 .23 .54 .34 - .3 7 .30 .96 .81 .41 .70 .60 .45 .03 -.1 0 .04 -.0 1 .29 1.41 1.72 3.46 1.97 - .0 9 - .0 8 -.2 1 .20 .10 3.85 1.25 1.80 1.87 .61 .01 - .1 5 .01 .47 .03 .07 .04 - .3 4 -.22 -.1 0 - .0 6 - .1 4 - .3 5 - .5 8 - .7 1 - .3 4 .38 .21 .26 - .0 4 .19 - .3 0 - .2 6 - .4 1 - .4 6 -.2 0 .01 shares and deposits in credit unions and the Postal Saving System. increases in redemption value of outstanding bonds. F 304-315 NATIONAL WEALTH AND SAVING Series F 304-315. National Saving, by Major Saver Groups, in Current Prices: 1897 to 1945 [In billions of dollars] Year 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937. 1936 1935. 1934 1933 1932. 1931. 1930. 1929. 1928. 1927. 1926. 1925. 1924. 1923. 1922. 1921. 1920. 1919. 1918. 1917. 1916. 1915. 1914. 1913. 1912. 1911. 1910. 1909 1908. 1907. 1906 National saving Total Including Excluding consumer consumer durables durables 304 Including Excluding consumer consumer durables durables 307 - 7 .3 1 - 7 .2 8 - 3 .6 4 4.50 14.31 10.98 4.84 2.00 7.29 1.56 .24 - 4 .4 2 - 8 .8 5 -1 0 .4 9 - 3 .3 1 5.82 15.97 10.91 13.69 15.89 15.45 12.13 13.61 7.95 2.26 9.97 6.57 1.61 9.93 9.58 6.27 3.51 4.14 5.23 2.93 4.60 3.69 2.45 3.13 4.21 4.31 2.04 2.77 3.95 2.20 2.10 2.82 1.62 - 6 .5 6 - 5 .6 1 - 2 .1 4 5.81 11.23 8.76 3.47 1.87 5.32 -.21 - .3 3 - 3 .7 6 - 7 .3 4 - 8 .3 9 - 2.21 5.89 14.02 9.25 12.02 13.18 12.82 10.29 11.42 7.05 2.57 9.46 6.10 1.91 9.26 8.74 6.07 3.35 3.69 4.76 2.58 4.11 3.24 2.35 2.70 3.70 3*. 94 1.82 2.49 3.67 1.98 1.92 2.59 1.49 .79 36.41 39.30 36.17 33.24 13.97 8.54 6.85 3.72 7.32 5.28 2.35 - .9 5 -3 .8 1 - 3 .2 7 2.47 5.62 11.49 6.01 10.07 10.10 10.74 8.62 9.88 6.30 1.29 6.57 9.76 12.69 10.07 5.56 4.68 2.55 2.67 4.24 2.09 3.24 3.00 2.00 2.10 3.24 3.46 1.42 1.50 2.94 1.36 1.27 2.19 1.29 ..5 5 37.15 40.96 37.67 34.55 10.89 6.31 5.49 3.58 5.35 3.51 1.79 - .2 9 - 2 .3 0 - 1 .1 7 3.56 5.67 9.53 4.35 8.40 7.40 8.11 6.77 7.70 5.40 1.59 6.06 9.30 12.99 9.40 4.72 4.47 2.38 2.22 3.76 1.74 2.76 2.55 1.90 1.67 2.73 3.08 1.19 1.10 1.96 1.16 .41 Personal saving N onagricultural Agriculture individuals Unincor porated Including Excluding Including Excluding business consumer consumer consumer consumer durables durables durables durables 309 312 311 29.31 30.78 27.85 23.80 10.54 6.54 6.08 3.95 6.32 4.26 .62 - 1 .4 5 - 3 .3 8 - .7 2 6.01 7.99 10.98 6.28 10.17 9.30 10.52 7.74 9.81 5.96 3.01 6.50 10.33 10.92 8.65 5.85 4.47 2.07 2.85 3.88 2.78 2.79 3.08 2.30 2.25 2.90 2.87 1.56 1.61 2.21 1.78 1.07 1.72 .82 .66 29.92 32.21 29.37 25.15 7.71 4.39 4.86 3.78 4.50 2.67 .18 - .8 0 - 2 .0 6 1.08 6.85 7.92 9.16 4.72 8.44 6.69 8.09 5 7..67 4 2.76 5.77 10.08 11.29 8.30 5.14 4.34 1.95 2.44 3.48 2.50 2.41 2.72 2.24 1.87 2.44 2.53 1.36 35 1.97 1.58 .91 1.52 .72 .54 3.61 4.22 4.40 5.04 2.74 .95 .83 .39 1.29 -.02 1.25 -1 .1 3 .02 .19 .01 - .1 8 .13 .11 -.11 - .0 4 .07 .58 .33 -.20 - 1 .8 4 -1 .6 3 -1 .7 6 1.50 1.22 - 1.10 .21 .40 -.66 .27 - .6 5 -.01 .10 .03 - .2 7 .10 .10 .08 - .1 4 .48 - .3 5 - .0 3 .11 .23 .04 3.75 4.44 4.38 5.01 2.49 .86 .69 .43 1.14 -.20 1.13 - 1.12 .20 .50 .26 - .0 5 -.0 1 .01 - .0 6 - .1 4 - .1 4 .59 .29 - .0 3 -1 .2 9 - 1 .4 2 - 1 .9 7 1.43 .90 - 1 .2 3 .12 .36 - .7 0 .19 - .7 2 -.1 1 .00 -.01 - .3 2 .04 .06 .05 - .1 6 .45 - .3 7 - .0 5 .08 .21 .02 3.48 4.31 3.92 4.39 .69 1.06 - .0 6 - .6 3 - .2 9 1.04 .48 1.63 - .4 4 -2 .7 5 -3 .5 5 2. 2 0 .38 - .3 8 .02 .85 .16 .30 - .2 6 .54 - .12 1.71 1.19 .27 .20 .81 .01 .07 .48 .09 - .0 4 .46 - .1 7 - .3 3 .12 .25 .49 -.22 .03 .25 - .0 7 .24 .36 .23 - .1 5 Government saving Corpo rate saving State and local 313 314 2.51 4.79 4.23 2.86 1.70 1.62 - .0 9 - .5 7 - .5 5 -1 .4 1 -1 .2 9 -2 .7 2 -4 .6 9 -5 .0 3 -3 .3 6 - .5 1 2.14 2.11 1.37 3.39 2.37 1.46 2.35 .95 1.34 3.44 2.48 .42 2.53 3.19 1.25 .74 .92 .57 .58 2.59 3.17 2.72 1.82 1.72 1.85 .80 1.50 1.31 1.23 .75 1.41 .77 - .9 5 - .4 8 .90 1.25 1.75 1.11 1.10 .42 .41 .77 .73 .68 .40 1.07 .72 .65 .67 .55 .37 .29 1.22 1.32 1.27 .41 .50 .09 - .1 9 .13 .06 .16 .22 .20 .20 .45 .30 .20 .16 .22 .08 .16 .12 .14 .23 .14 .22 .12 .12 .07 .07 .07 Federal -4 8 .8 1 -5 4 .5 3 -4 6 .7 6 -3 3 .4 2 - 3 .0 8 - 1.02 - 2 .7 3 - 2 .6 4 - .7 9 - 3 .5 4 - 1 .5 8 - 2 .1 6 - 1.12 - 1 .2 3 - 1 .9 3 - .1 9 1.10 1.04 1.14 1.17 1.02 .80 .96 .20 - .4 5 .15 -5 .8 1 -1 1 .5 6 -2 .8 3 .61 .15 .03 .10 .13 .06 .09 .05 - .0 4 .10 .12 .04 .06 .06 .09 .03 .01 -.11 -.00 .02 155 F 316-330 NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH Series F 316-345. Personal Saving, by Major Components, in Current Prices: 1897 to 1956 [In billions of dollars] T otal 1 Year Includ Exclud ing con ing con sumer sumer durables durables 316 317 1956______ 35.60 1955______ 33.33 1954______ 27.59 1953______ 28.61 1952______ 27.27 1951______ 28.67 1950______ 25.30 16.58 1949______ 1948______ 22.22 19.12 1947______ 1946______ 21.33 1945______ 36 41 1944______ 39 30 1943______ 36 17 1942______ 33 24 1941______ 13.97 8.54 1940______ 6.85 1939______ 3 72 1938______ 7 32 19372_____ 1936______ 5.28 2 35 1935______ - .95 1934______ 1933______ - 3 . 8 1 -3.27 1932 2 .47 1931 1 5.62 1930______ 11.49 1929 1928 6.01 10.07 1927 10.10 1926 10.74 1925 8.62 1924______ 9.88 1923 6.30 1922 1.29 1921 _ _ _ 6.57 19209.76 1919 12.69 1918-. _ 1917-_ _ J 10.07 5.56 1916__ _ _ 4.68 1915-- _ _ 2.55 1914___ __ 2.67 1913__ _ _ 4.24 1912______ 2.09 1911______ 3.24 1910___ __ 3.00 1909_2.00 1908______ 2.10 1907 _ 1906 3.24 1905__ _ 3.46 1.42 1904 1.50 1903______ 2.94 1902 1.36 1901______ 1900 _ . _ 1.27 1899 _ __ 2.19 1.29 1898______ .55 1897 __ 1 Components 156 28.96 22.20 21.78 Nonfarm construction NonResi residen dential tial 318 319 10.71 12.02 8.34 21.60 7.90 22.59 6.93 22.09 7.10 13.44 7.29 8.48 4.07 14.16 5.00 10.57 2.46 15.34 1.01 37.16 -1.33 -1.44 40.97 37.68 -1.19 34.55 -.26 1.78 10.89 6.31 1.29 5.50 .95 .14 3.58 5.36 -.06 -.31 3.51 1.79 -.99 -1.50 -.29 -1.60 -2.31 -1.17 -1.45 3.57 . - .51 5.69 -.07 9.54 1.45 4.34 2.73 3.17 8.39 7.40 3.79 8.11 4.00 6.78 3.75 7.70 3.16 5.40 2.19 1.59 .90 .54 6.06 9.30 .75 -.06 12.99 .38 9.40 4.72 .69 .61 4.47 2.38 .60 2.23 .73 .72 3.76 1.74 .65 2.75 .73 2.55 .73 .55 1.90 .68 1.67 .61 2.72 .55 3.09 .36 1.18 .40 1.22 .27 2.67 1.14 .14 .00 1.09 .07 1.96 .04 1.17 .07 .40 1.98 1.80 1.38 .97 .66 .91 .72 .40 .29 -.07 .18 -.30 -.44 -.50 -.39 -.10 -.16 -.19 -.21 -.17 -.25 -.44 -.44 -.41 -.24 .04 .45 .65 .69 .81 .85 .72 .51 .47 .40 .27 .24 .07 -.01 .13 .17 .06 .09 .20 .15 .10 .13 .14 .14 .24 .18 .13 .11 .15 .23 .19 .20 .12 .13 .15 Farm Producer construc Consumer durables durables tion 320 321 0.25 .40 .47 .57 .77 .75 .64 .55 .65 .48 .36 -.17 -.11 -.05 -.04 .09 6.65 11.13 5.81 7.02 4.68 6.58 .02 -.02 -.09 -.04 -.10 -.14 -.26 -.26 -.29 -.23 -.13 .05 .10 .15 .06 .08 .06 .09 .04 -.04 .39 .64 .41 .44 .29 .17 .17 .17 .18 .16 .18 .16 .13 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .11 .10 .08 .09 .07 322 0.81 .91 .62 1.54 1.79 2.44 2.62 2.51 2.95 2.46 11.86 8.09 8.06 8.55 5.99 -.75 -1.67 -1.51 -1.31 3.08 2.23 1.35 .14 1.96 1.77 .56 -.66 -1.50 -2.10 -1.10 -.07 1.95 1.67 1.68 2.70 2.63 1.84 2.18 .90 -.30 .51 .46 -.30 .67 .84 .21 .17 1.11 .67 .46 -.18 .15 .83 .49 .20 .09 .52 .33 .00 -.35 -.59 - .70 - .44 .03 .36 .18 .20 .31 .23 .07 .18 -.12 -.37 .36 .23 .25 .28 .13 .44 .48 .35 .49 .45 .10 .43 .52 .37 .24 .28 .27 .22 .18 .23 .12 .15 do not add to total for years 1946-1956; see text for explanation. -.00 .06 .16 .15 .07 .11 .10 .05 .18 .17 .10 .07 .09 .14 .06 .03 .02 -.0 1 - .0 4 Inven tories Cur rency 323 324 -1.02 .97 .55 - .56 1.00 2.41 2.73 -1.57 2.44 -1.68 .32 .05 .35 -.17 1.64 .79 .56 .13 -.02 .90 -.67 .80 -1.31 -.82 - .54 - .23 -.73 .20 -.26 -.23 .03 .10 -.92 .47 .11 -.80 1.97 .56 -.17 1.19 -.82 .41 .50 -.21 .51 - .4 5 .47 - .0 6 - .03 - .2 4 .25 .27 - .1 3 - .0 4 .54 - .5 7 .19 .21 .27 -.1 0 2.87 4.58 4.67 4.21 2.13 .89 .45 -.01 .20 .53 Credit Savings Commer Savings unions and cial bank and loan bank deposits associa coopera deposits tions tives 325 3.87 3.80 6.29 4.28 6.96 4.68 3.54 -1.42 -1.43 2.48 9.48 13.26 10.59 9.98 6.26 2.54 2.00 2.44 .09 .13 -.91 .37 -.02 .96 .61 .33 .30 - .1 4 .05 .09 - .0 7 .04 .06 - .2 8 .12 .06 .34 .35 2.77 2.48 2.14 -1.83 -1.98 -3.66 -.90 -.80 -1.75 2.64 - .36 1.58 2.08 1.25 2.47 -1.36 -1.02 4.06 1.46 2.85 2.92 1.73 .21 .50 .76 .79 .46 .67 -.1 0 - .2 8 .47 .22 1.12 .18 -.01 .19 .31 .75 -.00 .00 -.06 -.05 -.04 -.10 -.03 - .0 7 .06 .06 .04 .06 .12 .04 .03 .14 .22 .45 .63 .29 .59 .33 .18 326 327 328 0.66 .60 .54 .53 .47 .39 .35 .30 .29 .28 .16 2.75 2.32 1.57 .28 .03 .25 .36 .19 .23 .35 .21 .34 -.02 .31 1.03 .76 .16 .59 .66 .54 .47 .51 .44 .40 .28 .51 .44 .18 .15 .35 .17 .13 .19 .20 .16 .15 .17 .06 .07 .17 .18 .13 .12 .15 .13 .19 .12 .12 .09 .21 .17 .11 .11 .15 .11 .08 .07 .07 .06 .06 .05 .00 -.00 - .00 -.00 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 4.85 4.77 4.41 3.60 2.99 2.07 1.49 1.48 1.21 1.20 1.18 1.11 .83 .61 .30 .40 .29 .17 -.00 -.09 -.18 -.30 -.24 -.36 - .42 - .23 .20 .53 .69 .74 .63 .60 .60 .45 .35 .28 .28 .17 .11 .13 .09 .10 .08 .08 .09 .08 .06 .06 .04 .04 .03 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .01 .01 -.0 1 .01 .01 .01 .00 -.01 -.0 2 .00 -.0 2 ‘-Components do not add to total; source offers no explanation. Mort gage hold ings Life insur ance reserves 329 330 1.75 1.31 1.19 1.04 .81 .82 .55 .66 1.13 1.28 1.46 .65 .02 -.24 -.23 .08 -.28 -.29 -.20 -.09 .10 .13 -.53 -.90 -.23 - .18 .78 1.89 1.65 1.32 .68 .43 -.46 .18 -.18 .28 2.24 1.14 .51 1.11 .55 .27 .47 .62 .26 .25 .22 .06 .08 .07 .04 .07 .07 .07 .06 .05 .05 .06 .06 .06 4.97 5.41 5.32 4.92 4.81 4.12 3.84 3.75 3.63 3.51 3.36 3.38 3.19 2.87 2.50 2.20 1.84 1.72 1.61 1.62 1.69 1.51 1.13 .54 .27 .77 1.01 1.12 1.29 1.25 1.14 1.02 .82 .79 .66 .53 .62 .53 .37 .39 .35 .27 .20 .23 .23 .25 .21 .21 .18 .17 .21 .19 .17 .15 .15 .14 .11 .10 .10 .08 F 331-345 NATIONAL WEALTH AND SAVING Series F 316-345. Personal Saving, by Major Components, in Current Prices: 1897 to 1956—Con. [In billions of dollars] Pension and retirement funds Year U. S. Govern ment State and local Pri vate Share in saving of foreign corpora tions Corpo rate and Stocks other than foreign U. S. bonds subsidi- U. S. Govern ment State and local 335 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942. 1941 1940. 1939 1938 1937 1936. 1935 1934. 1933. 1932. 1931. 1930. 1929. 1928. 1927. 1926. 1925. 1924. 1923. 1922. 1921. 1920. 1919. 1918. 1917. 1916. 1915. 1914. 1913. 1912. 1911. 1910. 1909. 1908. 1907. 1906. 1905. 1904. 1903. 1902. 1901 1900 1899. 1898. 1897 2.05 1.90 1.48 2.31 3.37 3.22 .52 1.98 2.94 3.34 3.33 4.80 4.41 3.71 2.42 1.68 1.14 1.11 .96 1.25 .45 .14 .05 .03 - .0 4 - .4 0 .13 .16 .13 .13 .16 .16 .09 .04 .04 .03 1.41 1.30 1.22 1.04 .96 .84 .74 .62 .53 .39 .34 .25 .26 .24 .02 .02 .01 .01 .22 .20 .19 .18 .16 .16 .13 .12 .11 .09 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .06 .05 .04 .04 .04 .03 .03 .01 .01 .01 .01 2.50 2.16 2.00 1.79 1.69 1.48 1.02 .73 .68 .66 .54 .80 .60 .20 .13 .08 .05 .05 .06 .06 .08 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .16 .08 .07 .04 .03 .02 .01 .03 .01 0.95 2.63 - 1 .3 4 .20 .15 - 1 .4 7 - .3 9 .85 - .1 8 2.08 - .3 4 11.84 17.80 14.67 10.57 3.40 .29 - .0 8 .00 1.03 - .9 0 - .2 3 1.11 .69 .72 - .2 3 - .4 7 - .9 8 -2 .2 6 - .6 4 - .3 0 - 1 .5 2 - .2 8 -2 .6 9 - .6 1 - .6 7 3.15 8.67 3.40 -.1 2 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 -.00 -.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 - .0 3 .00 - .0 8 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 .00 .00 .00 Less change in liabilities Securities -.00 .00 .02 .01 -.02 -.02 -.02 - .0 3 - .0 5 .13 .09 -.02 1.67 1.87 1.10 1.84 1.13 .26 .59 .72 1.11 .50 -.22 - .3 1 - .0 8 - .1 5 - .1 8 - .1 5 - .1 3 -.12 - .0 5 .10 - .3 6 -.01 -.86 - .9 1 .13 1.78 .59 .51 .38 .45 .15 .23 .20 .62 .75 .70 .68 .03 .50 .21 .22 .30 .23 .01 .14 .11 .14 .01 .21 .12 .07 05 .02 .02 .00 .03 .02 .06 .03 .03 1.67 2.03 -.68 .25 - .1 7 - .6 4 - .2 3 - .4 7 - .1 7 - .4 7 -1 .1 7 -1 .5 8 -1 .1 4 - .6 5 .06 - .9 6 - .4 2 - .6 7 - .0 5 -1 .0 6 - .9 2 - .9 4 .04 -.10 --.4 0 .56 .67 .66 1.63 2.02 1.90 1.94 1.44 1.57 1.26 1.40 1.67 .52 1.01 .69 1.09 1.46 .47 .20 .67 .41 - .0 3 .53 .61 .08 .42 .66 .30 .08 .47 .39 .24 .29 .12 .06 3.50 3.21 2.13 1.90 2.42 2.56 2.14 1.50 1.71 1.76 1.70 1.25 .52 .47 .19 .63 .49 .57 .23 .83 .19 -.0 7 .42 .44 .23 .60 1.28 4.79 3.41 2.08 1.76 2.09 1.25 1.23 1.35 .96 1.82 2.00 .96 .96 1.38 .69 .46 .54 .93 .25 .80 .75 .66 .69 .81 .35 .36 .48 .72 .56 .26 .54 .10 .11 .05 .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 .02 .03 .03 .03 .05 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .04 .04 .03 .03 .03 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Nonfarm mort gage debt on— Debt Con Farm to banks Borrow sumer and Resi N onresi- mortgage and other ing on dential dential debt insti securities other tutions debt struc struc tures tures 340 342 343 339 10.90 12.58 9.44 7.80 7.01 6.92 7.29 4.42 5.21 4.98 4.28 .39 -.11 - .5 5 - .2 3 .96 .78 .57 .20 .11 0.97 .81 .71 .46 .42 .44 .37 .37 .48 .53 .51 .04 - .0 9 - .1 9 - .1 4 - .0 6 - .0 8 -.11 - .0 6 - .0 6 - .2 3 .01 -1 .2 6 - 1 .1 5 - .5 6 .57 1.95 2.50 2.39 2.60 2.18 1.74 1.70 1.00 .81 1.17 .36 .27 .62 .33 .25 .36 .41 .22 .20 .24 .23 .13 .14 .19 .17 .13 -.10 - .0 9 - .0 8 - .1 4 .07 0.84 .78 .52 .51 .59 .61 .49 .29 .22 .17 .14 - .2 5 - .4 6 - .5 6 - .4 2 -.11 - .0 9 - .1 8 - .1 6 - .1 5 - .1 9 - .0 9 - .0 3 - .7 1 - .6 0 - .2 8 .21 -.2 2 -.20 .11 .10 .06 .06 .03 .02 -.00 .02 .39 .55 .54 .54 .80 .55 .55 .30 .20 .35 .15 .10 .19 .12 .10 .13 .14 .08 .08 .09 .08 .06 .06 .07 .07 .06 .05 .05 .04 .04 .03 .03 .02 -.12 .01 .11 - .0 5 - .1 9 - .7 4 -.11 .09 .49 1.77 1.31 .60 .71 .57 .27 .28 .36 .42 .41 .31 .12 .11 .11 .10 .10 .10 .09 .09 .09 .08 .08 .08 .07 0.45 3.01 1.74 - .3 2 .17 - .2 7 4.09 .42 - .3 7 1.87 2.28 .48 .05 - .0 4 - .5 5 .82 .49 .28 -.10 .28 .15 .17 - .2 3 - .9 5 -.88 - 1.22 - .9 9 .05. .19 - .2 3 - .0 4 .21 - .8 3 .64 -.21 -1 .4 8 .92 1.78 .41 1.04 .63 .64 .01 .11 .32 .14 .16 .30 .03 - .0 3 .34 .04 .28 .27 .30 .23 .22 .07 .14 - 0.02 .95 .70 .50 .41 Tax lia bilities 345 1.25 7.31 1.29 4.22 5.98 -.10 2.68 .33 .19 - .03 - .0 3 -1 .5 0 1.38 1.57 .56 .06 - .0 9 - .2 8 - .1 5 -.10 - .5 2 2.77 2.97 3.48 2.87 2.00 - .0 8 - .6 7 .79 .37 .14 .28 .40 .11 -.02 .10 .05 1.46 .31 -1 .5 1 - 4 .2 0 .98 1.30 1.10 .42 1.22 1.10 .23 - .8 5 - .4 6 .44 1.14 1.28 1.09 .98 .35 .45 .64 .15 .30 .13 - .1 5 .57 .65 .15 .26 .32 .19 .10 .14 .16 .14 - .4 1 .70 .61 -1 .0 9 2.44 .49 .08 - .5 4 -.22 .55 .26 .39 .48 .33 - .1 9 - .5 1 - .0 3 .40 .38 .19 .15 .08 .18 -.10 .25 - .1 9 -.02 .30 .61 .01 .12 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 -.1 1 - .2 8 - .0 4 - 1 .0 3 - 2.01 -2 .0 5 - 1 .3 3 1.65 1.33 -.00 1.48 .84 -.10 .66 .11 .04 - .0 5 .04 .14 .03 .07 .08 .15 .11 .11 .07 .07 .17 .01 .09 .13 .11 .06 .07 .08 .07 .06 .06 .05 .03 .68 .24 .18 .14 .04 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 157 chapter G Consumer Income and Expenditures FAMILY AND INDIVIDUAL INCOME (Series G 1-190) G 1-190. General note. The development of reasonably reliable nationwide estimates of income distribution for families and individuals was depend ent on the availability of comprehensive basic source material from Federal individual income tax returns and from repre sentative sample field surveys of family incomes. Annual tabulations of tax-return data originated during World War I, but until the 1940,s, when the minimum income requirement for filing returns was substantially lowered, these tabulations provided information for only a small fraction of the upperincome population. Sample field surveys of family incomes that were designed to cover all income and occupation groups in the Nation were not introduced until the 1930’s. Reflecting the lack of adequate source data, the early esti mators of income distribution had to piece together various sets of sample income statistics that were available for se lected occupation groups or local areas, and combine these figures with income data from State or Federal income tax returns or with income distribution series derived by applying yield rates to estimated size-class distributions of wealth. Among the early estimators were Charles B. Spahr who con structed a family income distribution in 1896, Willford I. King who developed income distribution estimates by size-class for families for 1910, and for individuals for 1921 and 1928, Fred erick R. Macaulay who constructed income distributions for individuals for 1918, and Maurice Leven who did the same for families and individuals for 1929. The following publications relate to these early efforts: C. L. Merwin, “American Studies of the Distribution of Wealth and Income by Size,” Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 3, Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, Na tional Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1939. Charles B. Spahr, The Present Distribution of Wealth in the United States, New York, 1896. Willford I. King, Wealth and Income of the People of the United States, New York, 1915; also unpublished manuscript at the National Bureau of Economic Research, New York. W. C. Mitchell, W. I. King, F. R. Macaulay, and O. W. Knauth, Income in the United States, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1921 and 1922. Maurice Leven, H. G. Moulton, and Clark Warburton, America's Capacity to Consume, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D. C., 1934. The Consumer Purchases Study of 1935-36 was the first sample field survey in the United States in which income data were collected from all types of families without restriction as to occupation or earnings group. Based largely on the 300,000 family income schedules collected in that study and on tax returns for upper incomes, the National Resources Com mittee constructed estimates of family income, by income sizeclass, for a 12-month period during 1935 and 1936. Aside from their firmer statistical basis, the figures developed by Dr. Hildegarde Kneeland and her staff represented a marked improvement over earlier estimates by providing separate in come distributions for numerous subgroups, e.g., for families classified by major occupation of the head, type and size of community, region, color, and family size. (See National. Re sources Committee, Consumer Incomes in the United States: Their Distribution in 1935-36, Washington, D. C., 1938.) The Survey of Spending and Saving in Wartime provided the only other pre-World War II statistics on the distribution of families, by total income brackets, on a nationwide basis. This survey for 1941, though much smaller in size than the 1935-36 study, represented a further advance in that the sample of families selected for interview was designed specific ally for the purpose of “inflating” the results to produce na tionwide estimates of family income distribution. (See Bureau of Labor Statistics, Family Spending and Saving in Wartime, BLS Bulletin 822, 1945; also Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics, Rural Family Spending and Saving in W ar time, U. S. Department of Agriculture Misc. Publication No. 520, 1943.) Detailed distributions of families, and of persons 14 years old and over, by size-class of their money wage and salary income in 1939, were provided by the 1940 Census of Popula tion, the first decennial census to include income questions. For items of income other than wages or salaries, the census obtained only a “yes” or “no” response as to the receipt of $50 or more, so that over-all size-class distributions on a total income basis are not available. A 5-percent sample of these returns was tabulated with extensive cross-classifications. For many types of analysis, e.g., for studying occupational differ entials in wage-salary earnings distribution, these tabulations for 1939 comprise the best available data for comparisons be tween the prewar and postwar periods. (See Bureau of the Census, Population— The Labor Force (Sample Statistics) : Wage or Salary Income in 1939; and Population—Families: Family Wage or Salary Income in 1939. For other decennial census reports that include income data, and for list of avail able tabulations, see Edwin D. Goldfield, “Decennial Census and Current Population Survey Data on Income,” Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 23, Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, National Bureau of Economic Research, Prince ton, 1958.) For postwar years, annual nationwide sample survey data are available from two sources: The annual Current Population Surveys of the Census Bureau which present distributions by total money income brackets for families and for persons 14 years old and over for 1944-1957; and the annual Surveys of Consumer Finances conducted by the Survey Research Center of the University of Michigan for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, which furnish distributions by total money income brackets for families and for “spending units” for 1945-1957. Income size-class distributions from both these sets of sample survey data are available for numerous subgroups of the population. (See Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports: Consumer Income, Series P-60, Nos. 1-29, and Series P-S, Nos. 22 and 22-S; and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, “1958 Survey of Consumer Finances: The Financial Position of Consumers,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, September 1958, and corresponding articles for earlier years.) 159 G 1-190 CONSUMER INCOME In the 1950 Census of Population the income questions cov ered all items of money income, not just wages and salaries. The tabulations based on this census show separate money income distributions for families for local areas, and for per sons 14 years old and over, classified by demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. (See Bureau of the Census, 1950 Census of Population, vol. II; see also article by Goldfield, cited above.) Comparative distributions for 1939 and 1949 of persons classified by money wage or salary brackets and cross-classified by sex and detailed occupation and industry groups have been compiled from the census material by H. P. Miller. (See Herman P. Miller, Income of the American Peo ple, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1955; and “Changes in the Industrial Distribution of Wages in the United States, 1939-1949,” Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 23, Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, National Bureau of Economic Research, Princeton, 1958.) In addition to these nationwide surveys and censuses, other postwar surveys providing income data for selected population groups are the income-expenditure surveys conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which show urban family income distributions for 1944 and 1950, several studies of farm family incomes by the Department of Agriculture, and a number of surveys in individual localities conducted by the Bureau of the Census. (See Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Expenditures and Savings of City Families in 1944,” Monthly Labor Review, January 1946; “City Family Composition in Relation to Income, 1941 and 1944,” Monthly Labor Review, February 1946; and Study of Consumer Expenditures, Incomes and Savings, Sta tistical Tables, Urban U.S.—1950, vol. XI, Details of Family Accounts for Incomes, Savings, Insurance and Gifts and Con tributions, tabulated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania, 1957; Department of Agriculture and Depart ment of Commerce, Farms and Farm People, A Special Coop erative Report, 1953; and Farmers' Expenditures, A Special Cooperative Survey, 1956.) Since 1937, income distributions are also available for work ers covered under the Old-Age and* Survivors Insurance Pro gram. These figures show workers classified by size brackets of “covered” wages and salaries (and, since 1951, “covered” self-employment income). The group of workers covered by these series was substantially expanded in the postwar period, but the usefulness of the series is limited by the upper limit of $4,200 for “covered” earnings for 1955-1957 ($3,000 prior to 1951; $3,600 for 1951-54). (See Social Security Adminis tration, Handbook of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Statis tics: Employment, Wages, and Insurance Status of Workers in Covered Employment, 1953-54, 1957, and earlier issues.) Distributions of Federal individual income tax returns by income bracket are available annually since 1913. Until World War II, the minimum filing requirements were relatively high so that the tabulations covered only a small fraction of the population. Successive lowering of the filing limit coupled with the rise in incomes after the depression of the 1930’s led to a very marked expansion in coverage so that all but a very few groups of the population are included in the postwar tabula tions. (See Internal Revenue Service, Statistics of Income, Individual Income Tax Returns, annual.) Tax-return data have been used in several studies to meas ure changes in relative income distribution over time. Rufus Tucker applied measures of dispersion to tax-return distribu tions for 1863-1935. He included in his series some less re liable tax data for the Civil War period. (See Rufus S. Tucker, “The Distribution of Income Among Income Taxpayers in the United States, 1863-1935,” Quarterly Journal of Eco nomics, vol. L II, 1938, pp. 547-587.) The most detailed 160 AND EXPENDITURES study of the tax-return statistics is that by Simon Kuznets (see text for series G 131-146). A number of the family income distribution estimates for the pre-World War II period were developed by integrating tax-return and survey data. Among them are the estimates of The Brookings Institution for 1929 and the National Re sources Committee for 1935-36, both cited earlier, and the Sur vey of Spending and Saving in Wartime distribution for 1941 as subsequently adjusted in the light of tax-return data by Joseph Pechman. (See Joseph Pechman, “Distribution of In come Before and After Federal Income Tax, 1941 and 1947,” Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 13, Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1951.) In developing these prewar distributions, data from Federal individual income tax returns could be used only to construct estimates for the top ranges of the family income scale, which were then linked directly to field survey data for the low and middle income brackets. The much broader coverage of Federal individual income tax returns introduced in World War II, coupled with the avail ability of annual postwar sample survey data, made possible the construction of family income distributions for the post war period that are more firmly based statistically than the earlier estimates. As part of its national income work, the Office of Business Economics has developed distributions of families and family income by brackets of family personal income for 1944, 1946, 1947, and for each year, 1950-1957, by combining the two sets of source data and adjusting the re sults so that they accord statistically and definitionally with the personal income series prepared in that office. (See Office of Business Economics, Income Distribution in the United States by Size, 1944-1950, 1953; revised and brought up to date in articles on income distribution in the Survey of Current Business, March 1955, June 1956, April 1958 and 1959.) In order to derive meaningful comparisons over time, the family distributions for the prewar period required adjust ment to make them consistent with postwar series. Adjusted family income distributions reasonably comparable with the postwar series of the Office of Business Economics were de veloped for 1935-36 and 1941 by Selma Goldsmith, et al (see source cited for series G 1-28 for 1935-36 and 1941). Mrs.