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STENOGRAPHER'S MINUTES THE RESERVE BANK MEMORANDUM OF EXHIBITS TO BE FURNISHED, 7-1 3053 8 8059 34 3091 35 3083 36 3C98 37 3098 39 3137 30 3137 31 3138 3139 33 3147 33 3164 34 see 38(bound book)* -— coOoo— zcoz THV nrPTRVT BASK QiQABZSm C* • f tof ba l r s t e r t f d i s t r i c t m m c t r awe-toom m of Frr. ■h i l f ^ tbvk bafk a ?o > kfad o m e n s . * Linac 1» # Wttor****, JmwiY? Ten A .i. BITCPF; The $*er<*t*rir « f ?b* Tr««, m r y , Th* $*«;et*ry cf A^rleuiture• APmfcAiersi Dft* P.L-KALL, R*?x**«rtia Line:in C la rify Hou e* kilt* v.FIFLD, R ^ r # » » A t U £ U m c I w Cl*?vriR£ Jkuae* L. f * W fttU fO R«r Lin«fcln Clearing HCU«6 * K. 8 . FTRFFfcAR, Eepr*a«fttins U»c<fe Hvii 0. ■ Q l^x im 3003 •/ i . MTL10R, * *j<r* t?erst i »*; &t« of Eefcri**fc*. LtJTKIH DR ASK, JV e*ia e»t * « r « J u n u B&ni« R#j>jreventing 0**h* C l^ r ln g Keu$* Aaeoei&ticrs. 'ARB K, B5R6K?>H# 8 *pr##*Bting Jobber* *x»4 *fcc.U».%ier# • 1 . 8# VRIOHT, R#pjre#£f*%jBg Cfc*&* .Ou Vhc<te«r.lf re • JCHF C . FKFKOH, R*pr**eMi?yi, 0 »Hfca C ie x ii% Hi u&e. HUfHY W• T4TTS, %:;$****&%iftg Qa*aa Cl« si f!cu««, rPFCrRICf H . 3AVI5 , B«presenti»fc 0* * & » Cie rinfc R ^U *e . rPAWlc rC^Lrn, Bej?*e*e«ti»£ Lu®b*r 4 Coal I r t « r « t t * c f tlu» Stfct-* of tfeter&ekA* I # 4f . PfKBFROT*, R * ? r e * e » U n g F ir * * *fcU © a »i t«*nkf Icrtfc P i * t t e # V e k r » « U * J . f . fttPTttl, Rtprewentir.^ ftrtfetuHfe B sk « f 0*e U * l e , J* H . IEU*T» RejjreeeMing C i t l * ? * * £';tist*ai Br»ak *004 c t Oct2itf5bur^;# He&r**k*. L* H* TAltMAOF, &e$r«*«stlfi£ Or**4 Island, Hsferask*. C .f# mjPBKAls, Xcrfsik Ifetlonfcl. I t * f o l k , Jsfer**k*# F . W. $CCt? ef $p*na«t, Se&ra&kfe, TH7V TOLPF* geribu^r 8tat* 8H.ftk# $c rib n «r# 8*i/r. (JfOHOF V« PTTMCOT, £«?resenting Elgin State B&mk f i r in, Vebrssk*. ?♦ ft* CtSltirT, fcepresentIng First &*ak af Fr* * « « ! , Wstr&sks* f . S* 0FLAWO, F*r»er, W esterTills, 0A*t«sr C#u*t^, l«lri«U » seat n e e t t Tas of ?h« Tr«&»tirjfi nt» acs* tc & r * r . n i®?, 6«mt £«*«»• tfc* a ^ U a * . will ?hs lfe» afcs**;t« ihX* $ « « i i u « * » U h t&$ duty cf ii'arising' the country late not 1**$ algbt cr »cr * ft^r tssls* districts, %r4 tfc« i&a%tiea In #*$& of of aiatriots/a Fsdsr&X A$*srv« Bdfik* A # plfpSpt c-f %lfe £ $*• •tittas in v i m i * e tfesse diff*r#B* o c ^ u R m * * is te giir« Ml to U # furious aitie* is f>fa*#»t tfcsi rs-*cns shy u « f «atyJ4 fc* ssisot*^ as tbs ioo **•&?? fey »n*fe t fti*o to pr**sfit t©t&* sawaittss smsh re«<os« $-« Ills/ i t ) fefc-vs far n. 4iri*l«i» $f t*»# gaunt*? inie districts* T h i* is *r ssorcvio prebiaft *n4 set .■ • ^ X l t i t s l profrlafti Tr-srsfsrs %**# C o c i iU it a&nfca to seafln# ttsalf tc tks fa*t*** -aaft fast* * siil saatls it t$ 6 a t *r *i» *# aa tas Xmw ts~ rairss, w&at sr faajg«a.a&t «>r bsst s ^ f * 44 visit* of th* eauiitrjr *SiI t&s aonvsaisao* *«4 tbs au*tc**rjr aeurss* «f tor^lnsss • fs h»vs fcaaa sfcUgsii U sfey 1 * tfcs a*r*r*i * •* * « * » ti*a • « & » * • * ! • ! « • « air**»y t H t it i* set Vf*tcrr »» * * * t . ’ * • ■u»t fo«t». »• m **t • « • *« * • u i 4 **”>'“ t!l* b,#*a U *ul •treet* ««« tfc# ««*«** tte*t »f« in ««•* « * * /» * » r U „J klBu. fU | «• n i t » a »««« f**t* ** * 4ii «* a* t* mm Uot?r*iiie sii' t * j i i fc««t o&rtiin portion# of th* oountry in tfe* c r a t io n of 4iatriotfr# &«U *hat *JXX o**t •«rv<r tfto oerausiltlot within tho*<? 4l«trlot&» ) f* ir* nc» f t*£*\r9tc to fe*«r suofe *'*S a«ne## •t nfi that Linocin *»2 os \3fiusr~ tc b* fco&r4 f irat; ^n&# Dr* 8%ii, I &«* your »?*•• fir*t o* tin* U * t of *nu if you «liX b« toed oaou^fc to try to aubodt $oy oviattns* ys^u «*y fe*ve »* to that 41»i*ien of tfc« ooantry *&oui'i feo *.*£«, ««? *oui<i fre giHi to fetev# yea dc mo. I f jroe h*VO & ®&|i &&oui4 f ii f e i tc te**# tfto Kftjp first, oltoviitjff whfvt y«u vm*+i have u*» I inoludo in ti»i* cuotriot* ,_______ W A r a m or c * . p . u j h a u . I Vr« H*li* K*r* itro th* *.*£3 «Mofe «« *i*fc to sru&ftit in aonneotion with tft* otat^fcent th#t I a*#ir« to *ub*sit to you* Thet S*or#t*ry of Tfeo frtuourys Wo-., Bootor, you &r# $oing to *u4ro#o yturoelf firtt to *fcioh airiaion — sigbt? Ifr. E*Xit All Of tfce». Tae 8oor*t*ry of Tte# Troft*uryt ^iv U io Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis n m ott »|U you tale ur t&* Or whiofc oao 4o you propose to for &QQ7 £r. P. L. Hull* first? tfr. Hail* *alX# the *»<y I fe&v* prepared preeent&ticn of thi » I n iil treat «jf the« ooliefstieeiy • Tfce Secretary of The Tremeuryt t e l l , I *oula U * « %« ai>ow v&iefe pl«ja yuu are goia* firet to p r«i«ntf k-^iviuivn plan take that. If it i * the you ft&area* yearm If to tii# pi*a of S~aivUloiu first, &a£ then you e&a tcao*i on t&e othere *fter*«trdLe. Mr# ii*iit f a l l , it *ouAO fee # little difficult for 2g« to tUfferejitlete, the <**y I h&ve pr#f?tjred sy jMr«**itt?»tici5, between the*# * * ? « , beeiw*# e&oh «®e of the© affeot* tfca dietriot tiifct « • euro •ttfctefttflng for the « & * . The Seojt#fc*ry of Tfc# Trefc*ury» * e l l # prc*#?4 io your cet> V I/. kr. Kails I fu&?« prepared »y *V*te**i*t in **«eusioript, Qentl#eei>t »e that if *ny e*e deeir *4 tc be «& 6# tc it aft*reard* by the Coaaltt*#* gtea tc *ttbslt you * Rd T eou 4 ee very 007y of it , if w o w n n * (The #tat#* 5flt her* pro?;©*ei to be «rabaiitt#4 by Dr. Well is received, a&rkea txhibit 1, received J a m * * ? Hth, 1514 ( aft* i* fcereto attacked.) Mr* Halls M , ** are a#fcia$ for the #etafelie*«»e*t of aco© I^r • ?*♦ L • H&li • * StfgiSftfti BfcjU'Witb Linooln *# t&* **at of ftegienal Bank, on the theory tfcet tho purp o^ of (M e bill i* to dooongoat tfto r*s«?rv»« cf tfcw sousstry, *o taking t&« pooitio* thAt t£« j*ux^o*<o cf tfe* bill i* to $>r«vtni tH* oongostien of r»#«rvo« asioh te ** o*sn so dotrinontal to t&o country &*?*tcforo* T i^t, in »hort# is tteo theory on *&lo& no &r# pro* fronting our oa&o* (Tfco th r«» * * $ « its luootion to offorod and id o n t lfio a *ero roooivod, **.rkod f*&lfeit» t o o , & # 3 ana 4 , Dr* H a l l , r « o « i * * & $4 t & #1 8 1 4 # and *r© attached. n *r t t o « ) Ifr. Hail: Wo*f gcntlsfeon, I *»▼• »&do tfeuroo p&$e* of tabulation* ft«r*# if you *ouio liko to &o*r tfeess, or tfcey *uy o* filo a, just as you liko* T&« Soorotary of Agriculturej a f i s t s i s / M M S f f on the ttftpo* The Secretary of f&o Treasury* oar*? t&cao fifurss in tlie *in d . the total banking $o«o* of Linooln It is not possible to fou *igfet stato &or« mhat is — th* total national banking powsr of Lincoln alon«* l*r» H^ll; th u«and I# Linooln *o hate &bout ono niliion t»o fcandrtd #«j;it*l «»d surplus ana about ton Billion 4opcait| m o$ Dr* P. Hell* / bot I st t*feal&tioa fch&t 1 ***1 4 IIIt® to a & U your r-ttentice to cf tke O^ni* • • we fe&re jg&vt* s. eo*Pp\jt&tio» &2$£ fatten rej-fcrte froe otary in ibe tsJty *e to tile aor£§*~ £ entente who now %lrea4y dc fcusines* witfe Uno&An. The Secret :txy of Bgrleulturej Ce» ie» is in tb« 3t&te cf Yetor&ata io tell U€ *het the gufcsoriftions toy St&te B^&fce? Mr. Unlit T/i® Et^te &%nk«, undar tn* present law, Attorney Oe» oral he Id*, t O M l cur 0*0case mes&fe^r* ttftdir tble at eyetea; fcut it it $en*relly wMefetoo* tbet/t fee ae*t »#*»&ton of tfe* Le iftlature tfc t lew will be eaended #o tfc&t thty •aif. Tiie ffeeretarjr of Agrieultures *fce* 1* th*\t neat m i i o o of the Legielature? Vr • Hulls Wext fftU* The Ittrttiry of A^rieuiture: Oferteia territory Hr* Hells Tou of H i l t in ***%*& tfcnir »oeaant« fe*ref TtOftif* Tii© $eoret*ry of Asrieuitur*: T^ t int*r««t it j* ia on lM l«M H t Hr. Bells Two *er e*at. The Beoreterjr *f A$rioulturot Two per cant* I* thet tke a m o Br* p . L. H m . uni for* rule? Mr. Halit VnifQtm tx\le. ?fea S«tr«t'*rj of Airiouitturtt Wfc&t afcemi o&aok oollooticm T Tlit? It^rttsry of Tfct ?J‘#a*u*yt Tin* t&arfo on tfx • Hi.iii Lincoln 1# « j»*jf point. The S*of9V*r>~ of Agricultural Haii| Fr$# collection** Fr*e collection# — O© oasfc l i « i , Tae Sccretnry cf The Tr«^*ury: is that oqulral^nt t« in t A« ©my of internet r#turn on 3*p©*itt culot© tb*t to fc© ©ortfe? *h*t do yott ©&!• I* it sorth cn« to tn« (i^ositiBg bsfikt V ,. Halil 1*1 1 , it wovlsi fe-t fenrd to »«?• It dc^ona* tn a dOcd *&ny Inci&tKt* octree tod ©itii ih* han&llttg, of ©*nh it 9ft*• If a fc*n* i« aol© to par a *oe4 portion of itt it*»* it «**«* ©or© out cf it* *3oett»t tfe^n if it ha.* to ©t&*& so*© ©barges. Tu« P©cr©t*ry of Tfc© Tr©a©nryt Hove you fini&h©4 ysur *tat©ao*>t# Doetor? k'r. ff*ll: Po* X ** not throw** yst. Air® tfcor© any other IttOtlOAl! Tn* Poorotory • / A s r i o i U H m X • * • » ! * U k « to fcs*v© you incicat* tho territory in ©Mch Va© k*»k« *r© located tfc&t £011 Er. P. I* Ball. bar* their Hr. H a l ;: h*^. I u*vt! caly given yeu S*fcr**k(t. S# im?® aoeouRts out«S<i* cf ti*e at&tt* ®k*- * r tet vr/ if I^ricu^tur#: Tlte#* *t&t«fce&t» jrtftrJf clu<»ir«ly tc E«&ra»k*7 J*r• Ball: Tea, tc 8«fcr**k« tb*t «l«*n we #t&rt*4 t© »r# firat intanticK wa# to pr«par* a I sight «&y# gifitI*a^B# *»$’* , ©f ccax** star o i l ; ©h&*iftg $e^raiia| tfc« territory acitfe *<*,ua4 be inalttdta in a region wh*r# U n » coin *otud to* iat«r<$*t*a or «ituit»4^ out after ©▼<# tfcft fitter CM 'tfuli/ *« thou^M i?rh%r* «« o«uia get ft acre eeeq r*ften*i*e eie* * f eur £©*itl<*a h*r* if • « px«?MMr#4 for y&u txp* under tb» t&ree g«&*rul aiei fieri* of P• $ ian-.i P>n**, « & * « ! * , «©r*ta»pIatJia* tight, tee t*«lv** Sc* # isfit4*wert I fc&ve t r e a t s tai* *&tt*r l£ t&i* *% / ui«-u*# a* &>t« *<& Jtiic*l*4g* of the **y invtAsh y«u teui^ bare the 4«eti©& presented. it in cur **y , *e h&we *tv*4i*a this eut ena ?r***nt*p if tfcare i* fc»y inferection cr if tfcer# *r© illy 3*t*Uft»* t&*t y*« *©ui«i like t© s i l , *e *&uaa &$ *jUa tt *na*er the* t© tfc* beat $f ©ur tkMiity# Tke Secretary cf The Treasury: M n «cl», Sector, t *&*«*▼# tfcat *Q 3 vt’U r% to thecoinytr*ll«r* rep©rt of 0«t©bex 2 U t # ii tht r#£$r?9a <?■/ c\fif-r 9$ticf*&l %$ th« «.f I f i #£4S#fe*$«QC4 I j?rcatt&« tfc*t 1 Kr* I think »6-, jrt#, » i r * A.*& ycu e » * tc «t*fcc fc^tik* T?»* ?e«rctft?y of T n * Tre* iar;*, ’ ; • • rJ *»*<; fcaju*.r« U #& M ,C C t ’*CO, ~»j ts* te ta l i<st&*it% of fcil kinc* *#€ms tc be f4 g636,44K * 8r« rtaii; §f t#i: nc«, cf auer.*&, this #t£t#»#i>t you l^y« ttovrc ac#* net include %t* *ub«rb* tf Lifcaila fcj cur *tr<»<rt r%ii»uys* smv* four suburb* h&?e tfr*t faftft A-*jJtio#4l idrfCfcii*; but ct ecur © act T *o *"'ftCXfitary cf fk* Tr*«*ury: be obc »,r? ??.*!»*, up j «■ fii*t a*? # iU cti cut lit**?* t&* 8-sU*triot», i in t a i * turrit cry for k t M C ^ ' 1K&rihW'}«tcrB ccrr«r of lfi**fcis&ri ouai;* I iu?tic* ycu s*Crfcoc i jMurt of It*** H i t « c * t 'i r a ^ I *J.oy d * n ? 0 cf r w i ^ e , A ll cf Colorado f^Tifi O ta;., a ll cf *yc»tft$ *»a * * « « I tl ira cf Wcnt-iRA, tfcc «kcle cf I t&fco ***4 * *m*Xl p&ti cf ffc*bin, ten &*4 Qr*gc&T Kr.B»«Ui ffci* T .: Secretary of Treasury: ?•>? Act r* <uire?# u ! *•? id :. furt, that * & • « • 4 U t fS e t « # & * U c© U i i cut by tb« Cww&itt*t «it*. a ri *w t© ocii**rvla$ tty* ••w x*ca «f cu*ift#*« A» tfccce «t»t*t &*a *»6 tH# c\*»ts**ry district*. S'0i4 £r* P » « . Kvw, Vr* Rv. i i ) Tc.# Scoi s*tajry of Tfc* It io * # &ky« you &*jrtJUng tc tr.fc? thit kiacola *< ;u^ b« t&# t i*.'in jucr. yoiet or fc**t ?&i*% jictjrict tc n « ** throughout t & U Vr • rffiilj the u a ^-x cf T?*at territory? I* yoy eight Httgiofcal ?€« to include, Hr. ?«cr*t ry, about tfc&t «-uos tc ?.W c t W le fio n r l Bank— T * Fecrct&ry of The- Tr***ury: Tn-t ie The Act re-iuire* u» to y;iv© $u* r s $ *r 4 u • o * # ie» ifcr £«l»t • t ■-«©»• ?ca»ld£r%t lor,|i laying cut fti; a u t r i o t it *u*t b{? Uitf out *ith r e ^ r d to t hs*t .*A*aatory p r o v i i o n j *«a *kbt « i »o ul 4 ilk* to fc&v^ i* *ny •vi&en^# you J*av« tisst Linotir. is t£« ci i ce#t r of t&J' Mr* K *il: I U trlet. « o k U | to i« t , X i. Secretary. I o * # its i*yi®c cut tnir* district to co*rly sllh thp r«***uI realist* fox thi k-Uir.tri«t »* tool tlint /« *X / iat ctf * ia * r ttoa ru *e l)^?e * g?r.tle#*fl her* *£*> will t r i v i a to you in * o r *« the ti«e ta*t i* te<5ttir«<i to get the moil into Lir> ccia fro* e*t*ry pcint of tk* scpe *e M.r* &a £* tfcere,— tfeet li^lit^Re. icftAi-BaRfe e .^ , :* c i U t l e * t»; efcv » i l . el*c give you t»<a tr*ue *r4 3c®fc«roi o? **y of tfce r a lr o ^ c 3014 *■ > ;« ♦ ? • tL« Hs I*# that <?nta* Linsein* S*cj<rt^> of th » tr**m nxfi But t&t q u *s t*c » i * . JKotor, t« *j*ii.t 8*t«nt LiiiiSC in s* 3 tex teii*y th«> or I*. f«rvifij{ Ip s eGiK^-orclstl a$n&t§ 0$tt$r th. n q it> ctiijr lc the a ia t r is t * Ifr. l U i i j Se t in ejU * — Tbe 8 «or*t-vxy of Tc« Tra&sury: Wo; I && U* i OCJfw; !«# • tfr • K * i i : .JU&y of I 1 * l l 9 ih%t *** cities tJ»»t *& oeuia mt 2v^ . r e ■itt ifi ti.# &atu&l csej&srco; but *s tcek it frcft #fc. t »* £a*r-,i cf t >c fearing* b#r*tcf«rs tfe&t thr *t 8.u2*i {U fft r e # © *, a m w, it. »t ?&r * * of tb* olty aiU not F * d * r * l B vb)l i* •*&*> a* tir-i c o m B U Q 0 « Vv the b&tifc* wfco jr* t«i tribute tc Xfs otbor*ror<iii# th&t t£s loo*I pri »<? or tfc# iecai int^r* «*t* of n< oity ffor« tc be by this Coatr,l*<-icn, cat tfce ■'aeiiitir# t i U * :tlob a Btgiois* .1 fc-r.^. ofru^u. be- r 4*&9 ft<h& wy ta« b n # # *b© ret*-4 -u^-ort tki* fc nfc . Tne P * 0 i i U r y of A fric a tur^j in f*© *w City Re*, ©n tfc*t $o i»t, a.$ce*t f .n y * » ? r * • • * * * * * • » » tc u$ m? people fro* aifftr««t psrts of fan.-:*# t,v.t t-i ir tr&a# relation* n«r« *itk ¥ r» H&lit Y **. Ml City* m u i-r. r . L. Hall* Staoret&ry *u -A<r iOuitMur# j *4*$* »*«$ t>a %... i it itCwia au’ v rv £* *at Yislono* to t&« ir ncr« vi tr-tae r#i.%ti«h« if K*&*a# **r# 6$t»s«*te6 sitfc &»y otfe'-r 0i • r.grt h*?*at err fefI £ sari * Jut &*or*t**ry of T ?e Tro;ftury* Ana lo ; . Til*? £>or$t**y ci Asriouiturti Tftnt p$rt Soai. .** corn** • isilfcin> th'4t tfitfir tr/ule wont tc n«t # *t> * ft- tbf.t . m u h+rk H&ve /<^u ,ny I f t f W i t j — in a t h%;-:« t a«tions «« U t&^lr w&eire to fe« r«- no*# tc to rr ni? *it& you, Mr. 8#cr*t*ry# to**a n t o M a f t*** source of jour &*▼*»»ti, &ti$*i* kvr§ in tfc* 41fforent oiti<r*# * hr j fAOtice «h«r« you h&ve na *t fina tia&t it fe&» !ior etc for* tn.* oortttPalnf for tte* Knvic* 1 Bor* eei8 befort you* *&** *e feavi fiu*no* you in tfcat r-y. in free? N ul M > » M * ll&oclrt? Itfr. H&l-: *u~ Vfc# fttM 3N>sws*lsSisse **?« *&4# *<&* th?/* isouid t&kft cut ©f thi* iUstfist a o^y,~ #iaiK%'clo * r * » . ±ate& U ml IX th-ir r ol& tic re- *>**cUo lly k i s *ith c*na%« Citi cr »*et • to Io Cit? or #&&t# *&£«; *e ssru;<2 h*?* 0#«n for % city that Ik fri«i*U to n? M tv |c* fcu*dr»4» of $*». today *»<? »oul4 toli yos %h*,% Uneoifc *c u *4 t>«tt*x . 0A6-4 I t . r . L. Hail. t^n«»*rrt %h<,xt int 3it**>* tfe-** §tay otk s si*y. *u&e W i t We tov$ tfeat ii*Yt oc»t YOiutit&ri iy , fcut, *# k&Yt r.ct yivyt<i p o litio * i" t & i* jExtttr, Ittts*# tc .nyoctfy aa & •r# set v/ritt^r, tfean tc- *lt£* fcr U ntclfu w* p r o je c t tc jr-rcutnt tc y$u ti«t f«*«t* *?*0 r t t t t n * Rt^io® ^ ir. Llnccln sitfcottt trying %c fo* a up* »»y- ihiag* Tfct Start* «Jry cf At r i suit are t *tlX # tfc**s *v*-tt*tst* **r * in t he fcr&* ©I ptxotfcttge* cf trwSt tr? t actually **e t to t&#> t Tae ?ft«f Itry c- Tr rary: ?h«y *tr$ f*ot* re<iirea cy t :*t Tto« r •••<;i.*«t nry o' Africa H u x *t Wet itt.- tiy tvsttft**** o-f || prtftrtcttn* but *t*toutfit# c* f&ttt Kr* ttzlii It• I tiUnfe tfc&t »«msu* ac«t tcci* unae* ifc* pro- fk-e« t f »y a o l i ^ u t * Jui£* FA* 14** pf «t«AtM>tiftft cf t M # , 8^c U .a *iru*. It » is my i attrition U i;#v.<gr6 free tht p**«*ttt tc yea sfct stun^niJit ** te »fe|f Liftucis n&uia * iTcc-.:* tfcj*etitt “ Ciftt fcr ' Kt*-’1 6 **1 Strife* ' ffeft fcttrtt&xy c f tr^?s4»\uyi ir tKi^ territory jf^u b&*t v*tUd it St £dB*>r » * * » * *t& O&aJ&t* 80* tc *ss«t b* re**r#i»g tht or4in&ry sour*# of o«*ia**t tr*e»- Zt. ? . X.. K* 11. 1 *net in rather tia** tc *cticr<* tc r oc»* to L*it30ln |c tc Cx'sha? I *r»y ftttltud« c.fe cur y # f t # imt tc term? oat i& « f&ot. Mr. Hftil: cf fiot »*if$ 4.y a* liRplyiiif; t&g * * l i # it i& his hear $M& feftjf *&siut«d free? O&st&a tc Lincc n . ?&« ? »o?fftit]r of ?a* Tr**«?uryi Tfe*% is not ih$ .tu - U ca ^ CUt it 1 is i* i'M«*tiQR Cf ti** 8v.uf ig cf 0C«J»^rOi*l traaftACticn. Mr. M*Xit U, fVsjLfig *fciofc *« y do they tr#A 4 # #«-«tv&r4 cf Tfcsr* i* r.e m o t i o n a* tc tfc-vt. Sy acntatlcn of tbJU na**UOft it tc #bc* ycu tfcit d x pr*:~ t&« £C** tc the* $ & * t . T.*i® Sfroratary oi nfctaral 7 Trsaawryi Ana ths trend »*cu*a fc< 5 tc Cr&h* ia«tc &4 &f fr *» 0»:r*li* tc UfiO^ittf Kr . H#Xis K uturuiiy the tr*B a *cu-« c<* «*st tc T ts 8«or©t*ry cf the ?r>&.*uryj r**p<rct# c« *«▼ *?»ln/ T<§#; it p cia t. in tfe&t tk« n o r«*l «oar«« of cu^-ifio** *xc &r> ## tc require 0»mfc& to «#*&<♦ tc iiuccit r^ttotr tii<*n Linco ln tc &c tc Mi* H % i*: Th~t ift tru«i »c sUr **» i? *«*?*. S*cr*t&xy cf Tt« T is & i^ r y ; Abu, *»\ilA tfc^t »i.*» t© Dor.v?rf *fci<*Si i* * irery iwj -*rtfcr>t s i t * # tcmUity m #Aiob i* ecu- *i£ 0 for U;« Icc^tiOR of oe« cf tfct*e c-: lust Mould it m ? Br. P. 1. Hall. oors^iiy l«o rttttlr# Dta^er•* tx*a#fcotio&« tc all it Lineelr? Ut, H&ili Ituoh of it* Th* Sccrttkry ci Hr. flail | Tr^as^ry* *h/T Bto&u e tfe* tr«Rti of all tfcsir bu*in*#t u v&i* : way* T.^e- B f i r f t u y *f ? * vr. Hail; Btst 1# it oltfe licooln 1 Tfcu tren^ fr?,* S o n t r to Lincoln *e^X4 b« the j *A*t a# free Qaah* to CTMoi^c• T£*» 8*©r*tiry of T&a Tr#« saryt Tc*j tut t&o point %zt Doctor, in orier to e$£*#r*« U c norft&l foroo* of &%«!&«** ca rot tv *#xictt*ly dial^oat* tiitm, tfeo Aot cortoafiat#* tfc# location of the*o b&nko at t.fc# ?oint* *&*r« tfeoto tr*a*~ aotiesa rfould; bo -sort no n u l l y Ml* **& *o*t eooversl *«tiy io *t would iioeoln fc>4 a % /or D«R*$r, fo in ’ , I «0*# #&« £i a net &awo fc S*Ji»fn B* n * # t&*a afloat City? Ut. Ealii I think <se, y<s*. ?i*« Saorotaxy of Hr, Kailt Treasuryj I thiiu *.*, ?**; Or 0s«ib&? "r-.. *••: f%r .« K*r City 1* «oRO«rnod* i f you t fc« tfeo tcIvui« of px^auot* t .• -t ^o fxoa Lenver e**t, I tfai»k probably $0 or 70 put eont of t&oa a 2018 • ©vJ*d f • L • Ha *. • f i JPit XhSL'iHi •) Li ?,©£X© * T'a ^ H©or#t*xy of A-anauiturdj Bui ooula U s y ©o&« to Llnoolnt The £*©rstary of Tfe® TroiMury: Mr. H»ii| fhy# no; tfe«y *•-» .d they *tOj hsf«? go ©ft to Chi$4»? o, f^robftfei-y, *,0*t ©f th«fc. Tft« 8<MUr«t&ry of Tft* Tre&*wryt S t.L o u i ? fe obot Hs* stixrufc 4lstri'<? jtie* s** City <*«4 in tfc&t 3©tiOft? K; • MmXix f«XX# I dent k»o»* fco^e; tout »p3Kki8^ frtK I •© *!£ ret j^ f f i IVtM «i*p e^eri«ftd» tfe,*it is rrcb*-tel/ four p«r sant cf our ta*i»«s» *>ce« to Dstmr **gfei##t f rofeftbXy **0<?ut 70 p r sent tc C M s m o *rd 30 p«x Cii/, oi cur tc fan a4* i»1 1?rn 6ufcin* -. The 8 ***«t»i’f fb# fr&aoutyj Wb#f# a© r<m bo^p your r<*' fjvf?*# Hooter —•» tb<? ©uifc of t&*£? Mr • BtiXs Tti« CbiOfcg©, Tori *ac* £t.Loul»* c*t*ry of Tb« T ro &*u r y : In »b*t p « x e « » t & t#T Ho* i * th*t a U t r i b u t s e Oetw**n *&© t b * # * altioo? H r . R%lls &r« # U **euBt I o»r*not «pt&fc as to <*XJ tfcfc ot h?r m n k t . in Chic*£© *** *••'* * * rk* in Cbia*#©* *Ri2 * * • pr*pe*4#r*timg lin e II VC!* Cr, L. H 1 U . ?t** 8 * e > t ry cr ?;$* Tresittrjr: Sc- L4*<k 1 » # *.,-u tfc* atrial *xch&.«£* ar<4 is nitfc Chloi^o •>i i£ftln*t I*a **t City, is U T Sfr. Halit Oh, -a*T o f Tfc* ffctttM Vt And &# ag&itut S t .L o u i i * cf course? Hr. 8*11: Te*. Tr*« Searrl&ry of Arrifl uturei I** flaiob 1* t&* ?Jo*fc?r, / ith C i t / cr w ith *t.Louis*? Mr. Kalij I think *itL r%a>-** City, ^Itfecut ;u**tictt« Tb« Ptertiary of fh« Trojurarys fait ic wn*t t .king \fi« t *n«rfel tucijv s* cf you* bnnk, *h?.t y«roeAtft;-« cf It i* nita Chio^ cl tfr . H *ii: T;,« Of tfc* feu«iii**Ji */>6t cf tfc* ftl* r? c f A§rteuiturct Tlj# t c t * l fcvainoa* *m«t~ **.ru. Hr. R^iit ?£« « 9irit>r]f cf Agritttlturtt k'*. H iis T#n. f * U # I »ficu*a **y 8C p** a»»tf » foagfU e»- * i»&t«» Tfcfr 8rij:4t ry cf Ag*Uuitur*t de*« t To *fe*t «*t*fit, Defter# i% »«sticr, LiftSfcin rcre etpeci&lly, ***e to 4U«eaxit •;0£C • £ * »L« tc the KC^tPeJit# of l?r*-HHiit Ygu fee*® th# fr&ai » its kiae^lnt ?&e 5*«r«tvry t f A^xioultui'«t iir. Kail* T#&#«ir. ?ery l i f t l * . T&e E«o:'«t'*jry cf The ?r$&&ury: T*&* t£* •>- tr^ae dwsana • Hr. Bulls V^ry little. Tue V*or*tv.iry cf T f* ^rt^u ry j Tm <3«mt n<iieaouut a* & rule? **r« U *il: Ca# r#41«*ett&t T«.e ?&or«t ry cf ?..# fr«a»*iryi ftst *ory asofc. To«kat extent, cf t/,* entire uniting—• IV . Halij lisa ?r«>b*fely t*vo or tfcr** sc-atls Jr th* y ^ r * * %rcunc ?? £ (,$£ $ cr f“4CC,000* ?i.« ftaorttt'.ry of T&« Tr«*«uryt 1# t" t **1T Tc » h 4 txtfMst 4ic jrcw U l n k , tale tfei* «rtlr«c t«jrrlt&*y ««;-fcraatsi it -;,/&** tOi* fiftltftOitf. lit *«A*Oft*l 8£tr<NN| & « • * ’ * r . Hail % *«ii# \ ia prett/ imro to * & | . Tfce fearotar/ fcf Tlx# T m w i / i you **y, off ban4, K f , Mall I Ho « & $ ; s a l l i e n , «< m U » * • r«3*lrtd, roughly? be Oil* it wca-a/pt teui t*. s.. e«ol4 att *a *«o r tfcat ^ « » t i t r . Federal Reserve Bank 11 of St. Louis . ___________________ ____^ I zon tor. P. I . Hr*U. TUtt bf ? b * ?Te^*ur> ; You bttr* & feftftfci&e; of stmtthlng 1* * « fao^OOCgOCO.oC- ©is t h f* ba*is cf 4i rtpc-rv* b*ais? If. H *lii Y*©. Tfce S?;o. et;--ry cf Ta* Trt&auryt frob&bljr be — Am: your r « a .;.m scuJS let# «.\.ii it nve p-,jr «**•«%. You *cu-^ fcea*r*aiy gp^fcin,?, stout 1$ fe lU ie iu r * & * r v * . 7 k t fc*fifc *©uxa b c ia about eight*® * stJUUcfts *ft*«rre cf ott* r be a* * . ttx. H*tlit I&Sgvlr. Tke 9 e*r«tary cf f b * Tre *aurjr: fct &yiil4bie S<r. H ^ii: Of * twa-»tfelr*i* *© uid for r#4 leaoustJug purpe?***? Ye*. ?ha Secretary cf Tj>* Tr**$uryi Ho* tb&i *oul£ give you *#11, you *cuia fe«v« about eighteen available «avit» r.»4 reeerve for rediscount is# fus^oaeeT ¥r. H « U } Y*e#* U . The S«ttr«t»i]r of Tt» T r ^ m r j f j To w&*t extent »© uli that bfcOE £w**e t© fe* feel?ft& cut to tfe* 8?**crtftl «!«**%& ir, tfe* territory? tir..H**lt I <io«t this* in t,t<ii»try *«*«&&• w* wcuiU b*.v* tc be heiptd at e l l . Tbe Secretary of Tfe* T r ^ e u r y : B&v* you *ajr r«?**c» fc* * S0*3 B r .P . L . S s i i . tb.t b*ycna tho acre Hx • H&iit H&ire you ^oy *ot&? lfo# I b&v* Ml f*ot* #%*$? % tui ■■., th-it r- fei*# afcit to tafc® s&re of tbi# tou*ir»**« s* it Is ft©*. Tfe# %*Qi 0%vty or Thf Tr*&ourjf s But you so met t*kf o*.f* cf t M « territory bow lr» — fcr. Haiit I *»y# »*# able to to&o o&rt* of thl* bu*An#** no** of oil i&«* fea*in**i« tfcat oo&o* trifcut*r/ to uo.Ko* bo* ^os* to Oftio&go* I *«■ ofttbls tv tail you. Tfta f.eoret^ry of Airiculture: Coulv you f*e* yotur o*»ft ktto*ioO*£* wte«t***?r t^is oouid 0* *poker cf »o » oorro*iAg territory or — •■ :■„..; ufcjrgoiy a fcorf*»in£ liftlltfjr* Tbe Seorotary The Tre*»uryt AI*«st r&olly, l*ot it . Dieter? Mr* liUt T**; l*v%*ly ft borrooiag tori T*ia 8 *0 *tturjr of JMft*oaittir«t *«*f anient al*t*iai? if* It oouio sot, tfc*», to Or* tfc*o*y ef thin M i l , i* tc fc»vo to«*e uiatriot* i * U »* ymfcms*, out «t %h%% In normal tifc«* ttey *o»*0 0* * o U - » u m o i * » t *84 ft«lf-*ftlrt*ifto4 *■*& *eifocntsinod* irr. t U Ii; I tfci** in acriutX *c *oa*d fc« j>roo*fciy 30*5 y.c*\t| r,*wri* . The ?ecr*t ry of ?hs T rt**»ry , Tfc&it* yvu, Boator. You fc^T# next J u ^ e F i*i4 , I think, tfr. Jud§« FIal<t. STk'tTMTKr OF ALLFtf t . FlfLD* T >.$ £eo.- #t*ry c f T fte? T r$n su r / 1 ^ i X i y<&\i I v«* ux c su? r- tlon fcr t/ic reaciat ¥ *• F I * 1 4 : Attorney &t X*»« T.*e £©o**}%*jry c f Taa T ri4 «o rft K r, Fl#14t In pr Ycu a * / p r e e ^ d . to * ? $ * « ? b *fe r# ycur b«Sy I p repare* ncfrfthiRg- ir s&Mttferlpt, cf ta# 41 <»««*? « i e * , tt x ttic p £r£*af t it *1 11 Cj?4>rs m tb .t it it? -«i y*rt I e&a * * « , by th« I * tn>t »X£n£ tius Xi?>*«* i.«air:u • & f yre* * a i * * ; fcut tb? dl*CU*miOTi *# t#XX ■fl&giv* »y ttfrr? el< • « • (The recsriveu &# fxkltolt rrt»#»t*4 Judge Fialsi ?s« receive** J*v?iu&ry &4t&,X 14, &j*i i« *tt*0to#4 i e r s t c . Rut 6s9»u *e cf the fri^utfit, •r a l int*rpcX *t iei*» t.n« * • & * Ju «#t cut as f o l i c * * : ) *084 * * £ * i* m Ix&li,* kr« The eeleetlcn of LI not in s,e & Federal rt«ejr?« city uftd*r tfee n<?* barking M t # H&nlly fteet* ever ire^ui re sent ot the l a * , »n<i i» in tfee eXo^e^t fe*r*o.ny *itb the apirit of th* enacts-?rt. LinooXn i* net nc* t&e lAr$**t city in perul^tion within any p r o c e e d F *d«r*l iiU t r ie t , %h*t * i U include the st*te cf ¥*t>r**ifc. So if thi* fceftfliH eyiU the ftonelueie& to fee reookiNi <*•«• e tc a*f «nu on tit* 3u«-*tiOfl cf ’ #&©*li^ of population, why it «oula of oouiat nev*r u occurred to the fo^.n-i^Aion h&** given Lincoln <* h i r i n g , freeeuee the *t*ti#sic* on nenc *caid »ho» »e Kre net the l&rgeet city in &ay possible u iftrio t. The *• **e touM be true* if f * *er# to take the eaiunt of b»nXlnj$ t u 4 n r ^ — %h+ w sunt of fc rkim capital** cr tile &*^unt cf oo»«ier** tfc^t |>e«^e throu&fe *»i #tor# wltA** ir oar lia it** Jt i* apparent ano eelf-eel ient Mfttotfcer title* within any aietriot ciad# J?*bra**fc have £f<9*tor ooffie*5rop esd gr<t&tsr fcan& 1s-ci lit lee« *^c 1 it tiiut tiicr* *u*t here be*n other conaiaeration* in the *ind of th* Co*»»l**io|i when tto<?y concertos to *:i** Lincoln a. b< rififc • Th* Secretary Of The Tre^euryt Let *e *&y th«re# Jua$c# ftOty A li*n F i*la. tfcM tr.o a®iee* let. of th« eiti $* In hearing© »ill &** *laqr iy £*Ig v .* s?.#«d shelly uycn % &$«lr®/to t«.k® points -^Mah wgr* rt&tUly *®o®£*ibXe tc- tb« p-topi® *ho eight <S*«ir® tc b* ke&xaj *.ri tb t it ha* ab*?cXut®Xy jic ai^ri fioanoe »h&t®var» Thin Is- ?i ocr.v ri*nt point* for ia«t*ne«t tc baar 0**ha ana Liaooln, ju*t *♦ Kan^a# Citysa* * oc»nY«ni«»t point to hoar roprea®?*t*tlvti6 ftc* many pl&etit, ana juet a# Houatefi* T®*&*# * i i i we* But it uo«® net Jt»a*a a tfc« Iwply that the {tomtitto® have pr«- in any way, or thf.t *« haw® ®tao* Uf our *l!id* 9 to *h*t cu ; Lt tc be t-h« location of & b*Rk. ¥r. F i*ld : F©| I * * • ret fca*us-’ift$ that In &»y *&y # tir. r®or*t ry, ®*c*jt that I *a® a b u sin g that th&y baa not rr®ju& ®4 it again®* u». The Secretary cf Th® Treasury: Absolutely net. Th*t Its kb*olut®ly true. Ifr. Fit 14 1 to #hiob I u*. Hc% if it was tc be ftotorttift^d upon th® Xlnoa ju*t r®f®rr«d, you au*t pr®a®ter*ia® it against* ?o »® think that th® Qa©*tion cf population is not involvad* io$ with In ooncoction «f/tfe® p t t r cf tfc® popui <tio» in ^®l*raii tx.e»® <|u#*tiOB® «e tfcuiu th® C0Mei«*i 0B tc b**r in aim* that aa> pur®lf agricultural region n *m r ha# prstfuoe* » Ail*n If, Fieia. & t oityj out &11 tbe large aitias in poyui&tion *re *i ' : »<■*■& ?94 fe:-v* fcssn, Ml I Ml ■• UMt | Kl na I presume . •• . ?,^r Ijn will be, and tfcvt a £ur*ly atriouitaraii. country doe* set *rodtt«re tfc<? aggregation of population tb*t ©tber fcln4a t-Rd otb>*r countri** nn3 other condition# will prc3uc&> ?unJ this* is M t u a l * tfeile tb* ?<“»«*▼«» of an agricultural dietrict #ay be a* great *na U ir production* a* l&rge* their bus in*** i-* important, it eoattari* ot r vnet reficius of territory r*u esimot 3<m» gregate within a certain point all of tbe intsrreats that rc irolucipa within th^t region. •Under the old banking i&w the £u*po*n >ini e&peritmce b>« been to collect ?md fcold the fin&rtci -U r#«oarne» cf the «ountry in iargn c itie *: » ._r«»t mcney ©enter. to nntabliab and aM ntain Xn fra&ing tne p r t i « d law strenuous efiort* acre a»^e to incorporate th* i<2e* of on$ great central fes-nfc Aft«r a thorough eoneideratIon sna discussion this- idea sa* rejected and in ite *ie*d the plea of regional br.rue ana segregation of banking capital and resource* %depted • It in tfce pur^o^o cf tr.b n<?* law to »ake equally sellable, tc a ll eesticn* of t^e country, nc to all '» • <s T iller, * . r»«sU. fiR^rcia.1 oat>, in$ ^ H - r t u a U i« i ;-aa faeiiitiaa* "Ir< h^racny «iti5 tfce ao*c antal aiatrJbatiaa to a i 1 «, isi&tior, &.?* *?eticru, oontoapifctec i» tfcr flm>&ai&X tfe* 4X*ooap.ii a&«<*iu$ tt'it ir *9 boon r* 2,1 %%t<l nsi a-*ay n-re tfc>*t •'ili. foiic* felony the- Unsfc of aOoiishinf artificial U i l io r*tes M i arraagm M U k l |fc * efclafe h * fjivr» tc roirts losa**d ea tfc# ItlaMfuri Ri v*r uftitr&rjr, Oenefioiai r&te* pritrilege*, *hi 1 # r&tea to irtsrior point*, fret. east, hav« fe«*a a^u&lly %rbitr*rialljr f ix«K*f at tfce Vi»-xcuri Rivsr rate* pi*# ioo*!r*t«n fro* tfc* river to int*ricr point©, and fro* tfct *«st th« river rat* plu* io«>-li rat«?« O'iOk • ” T&«*« oaaultiar* Have aaer. toe^-lmt roaeaiod ?-»a will to ocfer^«t£-iy o&*ag*d until every ioeaiity aavantagat of ite loo&tion* i f.ertande K« v# *112 an^cy t&* natural Different relative tueiaee* mi |M>p«l tioft ffil* re*ult • * $ « re rat c<'tkin& th i.. acw»pXaiat# aia* ly * - aoa- fi& in t , but aor* 4+e a etatfaent of t&e eo«4itJoae under ^t.iah Lincoln aau f t U f interior point a fe*ve >tt» foroed to &r<, *, ilea a» affooting tfco population # f tfc* U U | l i f tc*n*. • u “ -“ frviia already “ *,r " “ ■* “ •“ “ •“ - oar tea tea and presents yot* * population *itl*ir fti tfte territory b / it* strse eer# of b-*tt«*r 60 %Jsd 70 t:.cufc*ntf yopul t i e r .* Of ec-urA«# tfcat *t u ia ia tlw le C c U e ^ e v i< * . tJriver^ity Fi^oe, v.aat &* I within %hl* ens eot&smnity . •Tati l&w r#t$uir** th*t *£ l# tr l$t e >L*il cs, £g&f‘-£rtitmed with uue r«g«roi tc t i; ecnreniettcc *>nd tfu*tofi&ry ccurae of jn e * « *. " The map* U liiM li omrefuli/ prtg&rei i%ir* been w w l t»i *na pieceu ksfere ycta *hc* ho* fully toUii ec*rie tfly Lincoln Ktettte t&««e reiu;r<na#ttt»# beta a* t© ?,*ii f a c i l i t i e s -.ik5 eccwairocL&tion #? t r a v e l * 9 I tnmk y;>u *cuiu unie*etena tfci* bett*r If tli*#* fttvj' haa b**rt espi&lneci Tpricz; &ut t&ey w iil bt expX&ised ;a renftf>r# sbowir# ta** different sestet* and h«w free all the I • ft a cf Hjsy aietriat t>biofe *&y be K-xat, the *&$ X ffeciiitie* ill £C to ar« frcis Linecin tc tbc$e feint <& no %r%v#i c * ootse tc &n0 r.c free Linctin; fcut that * i i i epfgAr, ^ I i,A net unu<$rt*ke te giee &ny farther time tc i t . *Vcr« tk-n ninety p ;r cent cf tb« n&tic&al &&nk* in Hebreuk* *e«r * • « © » « ! « eith Li»ec xb Lincoln * Federal rs*erv<? city * $ « ! & course cf teu*in©®c*" that autkin*; fol*c#i«g tie cufctoeeiy 3039 A i 1»» * . T&« Finid* cf ?&* Trtsaaujryj Oft tfeat polot, JuUgs, i*nt it a faot that a»ny &oi<? S^brn«k« fe&nfcs k<e«p their ^ c o u n t s il ir 0&**ba -rc ir Chiea&o tfcaa in Linsc In? Vr* Fic'las Wo*# it ocuit not fc* w*rf ta.ny »or« in Caafca than Lir.ocir., bs*o*u*« we Imve oir*r 90 | r o*nt; cut *« are X .?i f«otl> *ii,ir. tc oonee4« Xb\«> ¥r. on*r. -iuat th t tfce aajerlty of tfc# baoke that we I pr*- «ot fe*.¥e in iinociji vre in G**&& &&4 »e«>t cf t a t if not &JU, ih/t ■ •'■ « fchw« in Lincoln have l ft*!* •©* ?«apoiKl«nt8 in Cr.afe* &nu ke<*p tn*ir aooo ;i*t* t k *;e . Tnr ^c«r~ti*ry vf ?r»* T i ^ i m y , fir*t, M m l t C«t.afca, for ln«ttnoa, rsj hcl<i* th« ft a tfV M of Hatioa&l bank* tc tfee extent of about {i,*< , • 0»»h» feta | U | M I | ( : »o ttal it «ouid appear that tbe suwtoa®. •( ( p - mi of «x#&ange«# f t isfctft, between tfcs b*nkfc tributary o^tw«»n tfc**e t»o oiti?x*f I in aore to C*»,ha th*n to Uoooin? Hr. T lti&i So n a tio n Vr. Tst; » s about t h a t . I uai«r*t».r<i you tv #\jr tiv. t Caaha hau rodttiwe to %tp extent c ( * 1 , 44$ $& M0 *C€T Tae Secretary of Ths TvefetWJi I Mi Mr.- >' * •' : ' «. , The Secretary «f ' ?r**>auryt I® •. I • Lincoln# r• An | i i t€i*4,00C.00. * Aiiufi w. Ur* fi Tilers? wouia &« rjo jMturpo*® *.ru rc lcWfttiei* to ccntan* tft&t Cs&ih* JE&6 Rot «¥|B & X&r^o* bvL&Xvi#*»$ fcffor* in wur o*r. «t*to, tfe^n Htsotifi. h* V* only *K«*p that *« fc ■▼« teu*lBftft*®t ion* witt *© l» tr i: * prroirftt to clc# that it it p«rf?otiy foxnibl* & m Ir th# lin* of or^itury trade, *r oi*«* t&oy would not fc« doing*ith a*- »t ft-t thi« t i * « . How, roftrring tc tft<s f&ot * r»>?. *** sv a c a t e d , ysu sty act id ret CWOh,v« aho* * i&jrgor I l o*nt. I thick Tt-ry 11*$i?. I ;t® act &R **|*rt %>r tts&t ilR *, tout I tteiRi *#ry liie iy . I tfeiRk p*rh*pe Mm Y&rr *ou .a Oeftt 'teftaux* t&* ts-R^en«y »r e^ua&ly l^rg© &t !~li ti** •• tR* ola t^r.jtiRr', &ot to ORBt^Rtfftt* %&t sour*** iR t&* oeBtral cities; atfld it It ac&oti? th* h m of tfe* tfc#oryf a* *e wfarfttotiML < t th* pr***ftt la*. H Tfc* 8 oei i.tMy c f T t * ?f a^fcuryi t & * pr<;**Rt I * * , yi?v*R t ffcir tfc.««»J7 *n« £-%ifjr*a* cf J-i4gfc, i « ,i m ..u->ctlen*bly, tc *fij.-«rat<> kr<* tfc»> ocnoisrt.&t Icr iR e, fc* citisx* h^% h *r *t o fo r * \ b*t*R U u c **; *Rii that i« to fc* »*<»cag»U*fe*4 ty tfc* yie*iR j>rc*i*ie«* of tb* Aot, s>«4 tfc* alTiding of tJbo OCuRtry iRt© act i # « * tk*R 8 or a»or* ttoa 1'- a i a t r i o t * . So*, ct08 t&* aiatriot Ss^a be*r. 4eoid*d u.?:©R, tfcc? ___________________________________________ _______ * £031 sftkce It «$m4&tcr? UjH>» thii? tfc looutv? ti*s . <*r.& In tfta* district c-t $ i'vist *fj*r<j th«* su$ios^ry coux sf «sii &«» fetut *ubs«rv*tf th* «t>n~ . V "ieflOe *111 r e m i t . trio*, ;*nvAr.. Fc»f tfcs *oui3 b e , the 41*~ bs#» l c e a t # i i « i s city la tk&t 4iwtrtet wouJti w*■ tn« b#*t for t&»fc j>urp<&*#. / fcr. Fi^lUt Tfc&t u the piirpo##. Tfte £*cr$t&ry of Tfc^ Tra&teur?: Vr. Fi*iij Th*t is *11. «<? tfc t itkafi you una•¥%*£• to ••t « b ll«b ■fe t by tfc* pmtent bu«ine*e I tfcinfc you will ssct ••ta&Hsfc scr icor.tai % singl# r«#«rvr' ai*triet »fc«» tfe»r« «<m*4 fist oilier cat*la« q£ t ie b nfc« pir#‘f«r cf fcur tfi^trioi #h*r# ft 4 & 1&$ tu si/i*** sitfcir ifc&t u i « U U t tc be? ecrr.«ste& with, tk&.n *\ o *;t iQ n * or tlaat, &t #&tur»e* «o u l4 fe&&* $r *ny ©it/ *. h*t ycu c .n lc«Hte «itfcln tfce a la t r la t . rJ r. Imrgex p*rveni T h *i* *eaid be F r tofcfei* S-.n ff».n*l<»ec '-e ■P^ifykk in*t*cae# M i few Tcri for i — tfcf <*»*$ but r * l*e St .Usui* snd Chioagc. If io©'-,t$ a b*#fc iR But — *euia fe& the #*teat. of tfcfi r$**r** fc*»k* — t{K f« is do q«*fftlo8 fcut *b/*t * m&jerity of r k* fc&i&lag c o i t a l iA»luaea 1b «ny d istrict t&at It i* pc*<»ibi* tc B&ke up Inoltidiftl C*lcr*4* *vuld j t t f * i — tfe« &r**t fcuU ef Ifees* — tc 4c feueiaet > with C&i<r,?o tfeftp. with Denver. I tUiBk tb«=re ear &© ik dcubt about t b *t . The Secret&ry cf The Treasury* :<x ♦ Fitfii: W&y *toid that b$ true? Because thet i» tfeo bietcry ^r.a f.rowt^ &&d oc&a&tion of butines# for ec lorn-. Tbelr relation* bevo be*» ectfcbilebed anu it elil require the %«?&riag sr of eld r*~ i^ticn*? -nii t-fre cuilditt# cf a ** tc »Uto these jne* ► Ju*t >..* in 7cur be&rin& y«etere-vy tit £*n «u» City it *?.* vi*keu he* about 0&&no oaeing tc gene** Citjr* K*-n »o City of tfc<s oyinicn tbet it ecuXd be & *ery dooiroble ocauiticr.; but *bot you asked t&n-** City fcc* they ecula like tc . c tc Gsua.^a, t&ty *iu not r e se n d • *roe*o*.t eitb your ei«R£*eticn. Ot ic. i in t&e etat* ebeerfui Tb»r®culd prefer tc £© tc Trw / scu~d prefer tc •;« t- Ft •Lcwti .,t? » #tfcOju..* th-v1j . .% r.■ ■turr i oc*retitcr* Th«y h u U net, boeo’f'-r, want tc go OUteide Cf tffe&t they OCT I |9 % ;* i l l U i M cf tra4e. And yet you *M 4t eotoblieli rooorve Oitie* tfcot * i l i require ir> a large portion cf the district * ccing cut a* tk« crdie^ry cf tr*<ie a# new o#t*ili #be* . TJse Ceo rotary cf T*e Trt^eury: &to«t t b t t*OiU*t ? * i l # there le nc .uealic* bein* don* aitfc reference tc b*&fciag osoUngeo, tble ne« »y«t*f* U frcin£ to »ebo % very **terloX and $ 0*3 X v .i /.it -T:.', i : r ir ' . %% * * * J A fe* * « ? * ! * » • * * * perfectly u*el**t for *e$* of the (»U1»» so* ha via;? r*lc? iane *itr* Chie*$€ tc la*i*t uj'-eR tft* fc&iftt*asy*3 * of thcae rel&tSean a eeveraree s f * 0# * of u*e tke law r*nulre* but the jurpois# <?f the H * i* U reletisnej eet&alieh tfci* b^aUs* lr. such * e&y, s* 1 **la befcre, Xi> a u t ^ z ^ ^ is the *&rge*t oe&rer tfo* ouAtc&ary et>ur«e of feu*i»ae& then eUhic. tae ai*tJriot«. Koe, the poiRt the Qmmitt*e v-^id H i e tc ii v* Lincoln swdareee itself tc i* this* Th*t i i h* for iRetrace, th^t u u ge«lr»fcl<» tv h&ve tt'.a territory yea h&ee i&Xa out here in cnc -Jistrict, tfcer the *r&u&ef)t * * *&at from jrc-tt %st to efro* ♦ . feat Liaa^In fc&# mipsriox etfvantiiges wits reference tc tr« 4 e cflH%iQR» with tfceee entire tetritcirf* tc the** of na/ ether Oitic# • H M r , the ^ it t r io t , U r ta? i t ^ i i o n 8 eee*v« ftMfcf heo&are th-*t I# aetereifl< . of & f * 4 er*l *$h « • an*#t ^ . th at, of eour»«, you e*e,«fa&fe, * « $ * « * *e * reiatiene With CMes-. c.r. triat eeaXd to- upast frc* Kx. F ie ld ; Cf ocur#e, ■ aee li of t. ny po*%ibl# Chlo&^c Dx* tr ie t. th *t, af n*C€*#ity, fe£iR£> iRte pis./ largely opinica *vioe^ee i?&«<s3 u$>o» whet * * * f**ate the 8-W4 b« uhc-wn• It is fears tc twXl ss&s* -« tm &e n&if £0e4 to CM sagc, «ii*n fots^S fey tte# scr,\U t <cf-^ of %hi& ntw fc^njK • y«twi6 to ChichiIU /•,o♦ Tr^ P*3t*t*jfy or ?&* Tr«ft«u/yt MM* It is not iatwage* tc £ iter tiie eoar&w of t r *4 *# toitte &it*r the eour«# of taw axor.ftH,;.# Wtwewn th* fo&nfe*. Yc-a &*** thwre in no ait*-rut U e ir the oourscK of Xraae ir; tfe* *f>ns$ tfc%t you r«f*r tc, few, ?&u*-6 wn&t $C'-'9 to 0*j&fcn end tc LiraoXn now *XiX w&ntinuw tc , o tfe$*'«* Cattle #1XX o« *oX<* in &**&* and Lincoln, i • ths-t i« & a&t£i* Market, ju*t *>4> fcwforw* But r* *»i*j iy £6la$ tc hold t&wir r*««rv&ft *na 4e&* wary Xa»rs$;*ly *itfc l*.'- o-n* .n-^ rwdliocanting fa eilitt?«' Sc pel at cf dcur*e J* to XcorUe t&~t fcsmfc wh$r« a* fcs a > june* tc !r»4« &n4 o©m»*Jfww within tfe* 4i*t?iet it *iIX oe z.--,i.% oor.v«aiwttt n£ will *»*rw* it* ^ury-Of*3 in i no bigf2i*ftt awgrww. fcr. Tivi&i If aonditlon# ar« t< reaftlr. with t%f4»r#n*w to tf id® " oo««sr«© ft* tfcey ar* »©*, t&#n thl* ^uw*tion fewo^«*& *i*j iy & tttaitiot of iavaiti^ it in,; *fcox* tjrcui* i*> new, n 1 taete i* actMag further to o<? ooaw, **a no wrgiswnt 1* yu3e**&ry« »» i* *« ftiaoriy * ®atv r of *o*pil*tier of fi u r n gut t&* country Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _I _______ - y, I tfein*, $ l d « * tfc&t t&i* biJLl * U m s A U *r t fi*X«U enult net caXy in t&« r*F.4jui?t©&nt cf fe-.isjs.inf.: f&oliltie* out tfe&t th*£f> *ill *l«c fe« & rft*6j;a^tf-«*-Crv of tr^a* a M M JM I M M M t44 M . * e fe^r® tL* f^aiXitXo* in taia 4i«triot to t If •***• of t&* cf thife ulsiriat, T thlmk timi fery ftafcuraXiy tfe$r« *Xii o« • a***g« III tlto# M i M i l l I H l t l t O l i Fcr ife» «t&ca« t?i® o attic *&▼«««&% is tfe« *cutb*ra part cf t M * *t t« I * la-r^ly tc fan aa C ity cr S t . l o e , fe«c« u*o ttf#y wa aX»*y# §®t *e»»ay a m w m e te ' ■ tr©« t W ffi i ffcat i s * cut V ; a yt 1fcoI r fei r -=%*ca • Ti*9 ?*orttv.ry cf ?h-* Treasury* D< at they go tn -t i# U * ti .;i*.«t *fc&r& they orr * * i i their It'r, Fi^ld: 4tuff? ! > & ,« ! * , it In tan? it&rfcet, Vtt&u** t&#y }*«** ».:.' f .r.>:/. fcare* &<»***** f« n l | | I &i<: .uetrat© cur M l experience U | fetid a fMfctlg fec««i« M i l ilUtf feer* * w r® *e ii llet* %ti& tott%6b*ffc6 &0**# -*1*4 eattX* **- quit* ft •ark et; but cf tne c*i>4.;Ue»* te r&l*e **:*!&** cur locality, * * *e<r# itft&fela tc ocspete altfe mtr* faTorafely XfcCi.t«u to<*n«# net b?Q&u«? vf cur **tur«l U*fc cf fa*er»frX* • o r 4 H i c r p M l b*€»u&e cf tfe# <urtifioi»X ffctK&it icr. * • W*a tfeeee ^rtif iciftl condition* bar* fe«*r. ri*e**3 iargeXy, au4 ^fesn tfcey art r«*cv«6 in tks tonkin; feuaiftft*** *« thin* tfe&t aH W* Flsl«S* w hile toasy « * fea** n© i l l ti* ve can; ?*a jack* try to tMn'K that oarlo*j.« of o a t t l* and train lo 4 » or he; « tUat &© 4&y t&rouffc our oity to tfc* «&»t~ *rs t»*r&«ts, wfcsr. * c &rc *e ® e n $ m i& n <94 th- t * u- 33.pit&l U plo e« if# ©an »wpply t^fce e^r® of i t . ^ 1 X 1 si<*| h^r?. — it# n &tu r^l ?c tfte <Sfcr;6 it le a * •-*# t t««f &rg to£.»./ &r« not t&* ocn— icnt un4 *r *hich *&ou~ct be a o t« £ * !& « & t&« Icontien# cf t & * i tifc* for tfe# futuro . Anothur thin*: ri^fct ir? lin? with th&ti ft • i>c«n s ic nr; »#at lin*a# Ail of cur tr*4e Dr* H &ii ha* -sa^ «t«4 , but •*<* &r« <Jor«lfcpi*$ u»a opening snc-thar line of trfe^e* and ♦fc», Granin;; uf tfce Pan&n*. $&wtl will l*rg*ly inore*»e tfcot iX m * Tnt •*Eport» from ifcl* great *griova,itur&l aiatriot iii U* a ft&rfcet *cutfc a* **ii 'tfe $:•-•<«1 . Our * re a c ts aunt furts^r outlet* IflMI tfc« tialtwi t i i i gc Thuy through t&o h r 4 « l £fctt*l »ni *$11 go through the Gulf cf Koiloo, *c tftst *« * tII have & trails *«l&tion north ni south Ofe #sl~ &*» ffc*t »#*% in I M t alstrlot. *e think tfet Li no*-In i* r*ry hftrpllf loo atoo. to *oot tfctt *o*i*g tr*ao. Uiink it i* th* natural area* ro*** for tfci* n^ «oot uni nurth *na *ouiL traffic t&ftt 1% oouna tc o o k # to tu» Re**ita*l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis B -rJ» t^ t Id loo*tod in t M s district. i037 • A i r * i n l&r^aet, •w ith er* fruits M a v e ln i# on# of the attributing points. Large *hi^«mis. ©f i\imb*xg vc'-’i , qk&£Tix , o i ;, s<, brisk, — a.-** fr«& t •-.* soutfe. M*itt* «u r airiauituxsii prcctuot* e*?kla& the s r H ^ . U i m&rket* ta* north **A ecutfc tr».£# tc &na fr©« this F* 4e r*i D U trio t ® ili *;ro* in i*p$rt&RGe -?-na efcvulsi fcs acft«i6sze&» Tc a*&4l* t'&e fee** i *.-..; bu*in#*3 f r y i n g out of t M # tr*&* n& Q it? is screen* t l / i<&&%**&* wT & i* FeasMrr*! Bi«ktri£t tha.t eu* i ^e *»£« uj in *cce »&y fro* turrit cry frc-u K*bra#&&v X* n-&<? # !«.*•«., V i»*o u ri, Scuth Xtefccta, teont*naf tfft»iRjjjf. cTfcrit«.*l*l&<ly Jic Otalera&o *111 b» cf neo***ity *n h i io *. tur U A little c* tfce Matory ef i^ .in e ** In %r*1 growth of the a^rioulturiU *$fit® I t&ittk ^ U . net bor<* your Cc&siHt*&, fceo u e I *m> inkin t? iisttfict". It ir IC-yr^r-i^pv. in.: ttext the i*£©rt*n«« ef thi* «t*te *£ rim iitu r*il| is r«ry great, ?>r«i thle et&t* re^reeente largely the eonm ti*?i* ©f t h i4 a i*t r i«t whior h*e sei»e inte feeing fr*etic»l£ y *lnsc ltfoO • na Lk# be«<ufe* tfte yr#viua*r of & * * & l t & th*t ia not i»t in a rery fe# ui t&e a ie trio t* th&t yea *111 t&fcli*fe «fe#» yea ac*e tc is y eut your * # * * • I h*r* & u#t-.-.ile4 3036 <:■: • f V f i i g t i of the K«il f * t tfc# y*&* I H I • *^M 1© tTi« pr*ac»in*rt inter ©at Is thi# F#4er&l district wii± ©t a&rJouitux*}# it is that int?*sat »M©ti ©a ©oiuia*r©d in Un<* fcrna?..tier* cf U b • vu taxation of tbe ?*© «r*i r&*trv * c ity . district f©fer*-*k& «t; nd c\it prominent Ijr &* s. r<?froecatati*© of pur«ly &&ri~ ouXtur*** ifttvr«*te. I; . :.^ pr&otio* fcinir.* It* ft nuf-'Mtt•■ .»*•ittg iriiitr.»*ts *re Sn tUf.*ir Inf^noyt iateraat*# Its a*, ri cultural inters**® cay b# raaliaad only by & *ca»ld©r*» tier vf its growth &fw. the vciu&e .na ?alu# cf it* prcauot#. Urbrabk* prouttUuoed ir, iece ItfC li:?€ £f0S§#03© fcu*keifc cf ©err. 8I>7#6£$ bua&ti* of fchsat g$#S0O,OCO fcueheXe cf ©cm 4 #3$ C #30D frfc* *»<*!* of *h<?At 1 5 e€ 1 0 1 , 1 2 0 ,0 2 0 ©usfcal* of ©era 1 7 , 4 0 0 , 0 0 * ©u^fcei* ©.f whe^t 39f*,50$,0C - cf coxa 1$*303#C3C bu*fc©l* cf 190* a49#7 W ,5 0 0 tu;>toei* of ©era $8 ,a S 8 ,6 $3 tyaafeol* of »a©ut• $038-* Ai.<*. W* F*i &A.& figure* *r* *&luabX« a* * no* lag &b«mt tfc* length cT it feft* tsfesa I«br**fc& tc ferifig her agriculture rs* scure*« tc til* r&int t&*y ftc* ixe. Tii» v-^lus Of the &^ric\uturi product* for tn* y**a 19X2 given ir; «iut f©r t&* f * * i * x»:0? to Xfclf; I n d u s ! * * ,i*usir bulk, *r* *& g* is fey tb.® fciiGuin t*bl<-'*« FROM THF » 0 I It I * X9X£. |£4,e?$,Q0O Corn Wheat 4 7 ,M B , $00 Gat* X§,747,000 H*y 3 £ ,7 7 8 ,W $ Alfalfa 31,§18,490 £*rl«y, ryn **nd o&n* Potato** 65 2 ,0 0 0 Her*** I8 ,S 3 1 |1 7 S Mule© ,,7 5 4 ,9 6 6 ’ C*111* Fcultry ‘ ,077,50® 3 3 ,7 3 9 ,§ 8 6 *&&• 3^ ,4 50,2 0* gpgl 45,930,406 Dairy pfcduota 36,5&C,24© Seed. Apple* e.esc.340 7 *37e‘ e6* 20** Aiittfi s . Fi*ia . onfming product* $ ,2 4 0 ,1£$ Fo ? & $90 Miner g&rdoa Mia fiei<i crop* xa,4-35,i5& Total production 1£1* $42S,$60#08C itU 4 0 O ,U t ,U O " 13X0 4 0 2 ,1 4 & ,» 3 6 • IfrCS 4 Q & ,5 7& ,0 6& * • 1308 361,451,012 • # ISO? 363, 372, 27$ * In 1^10 ha4 1S&,67S f*r*e*, &n iacr««e« of fc#iL3 or 6*7 p r c^nt c w 1$0C* l i l in c l * afto** & icere&ee of 4 .6 prr c*m» in the nu*feex of t*r&* for the- s*»« y*rloa: Io*?v S .I f*r e*Rt increase tCl»»eurJi 2*7 per o^nt inor*&*e Uir«r,6«ct» !• t & a *** £«7 per sent ittore&*« *iscu n sin 4 .5 p$r ccnt increase p»r c*ct lnor**is« Sefcr&sk* leading e^rry nertfesrn st^te in tfc*js?r cent of iccr aie cf fcer f a r * * . During the o ten /ear# febrask* ruxsl population *ac** An U a r « M « cf 7€#fcl5, or *n increase cf .i).6 p r a^nt. For the * ^ e period low* enot* & aeorense of 7 ." per c*nrt Indiana ft aeore&£# cf 3 .1 P&r c*?nt * deOre%*« of 3.S * « Missouri Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis oawt SC40 A Fi-»ia Illin o is «r. cf #1 higau *t. in«r«feM of • ' ”, r C-:Rt &•? p*r o?*!>t K&&6&# ar, iMretjtt of 7.? $k r ««nt 7#r f-ojr ««nt NeOr&*>ka in pcful^tioa *!<»«• l«tuU&£ %1* t>ihvt *%*.%** is t&« p*ro#stam* of it# f i t r t o t Ml ffturt popa1 stit s . • Th**a things I .ms- osilir^ your *tt ration to ©?*ly tc si.ow th* i»port«u»9« of ti>e &£ rioultoral ist*i*#«t* in tfefcfi iiairlet ?.jsu s*jscia4iy tbo MgJ* pi ce ss4 standing ii;*t !fefcr&«ka fta - 1 fcolci in thi * ai*triot ** r«p?9»9nt*tlv* of \h t inauistry. •Tft* t^iu * of agricultural * * * l t & to 1& 1 0 , fro& til* awur* i» «J*o*n by tft# ftfmexri t » b l * | 1900 oy »isi$ft it «$r«-ftr« th t B«br .* * * in i f 10 ht*A r t * a &«6 the fourth plcoo in v*ixit c; >.-.*• « j* r -auot • na aft in?r-- ..*« curing tko i -.--t ieo%u« of ! ? « . ! $•«* s*>nt, outstripping th* ^tfeo>r »t&t«f* who b v« an equal or £ r « *t *r Agjrioulturai *®*±tk llU o o i* 1V1C # 3#fc06#3.£l*O?S> i c ,., j,?4S,aeo,o44 i t* ;4 » 3 4 i ,& 4 t ft *** 3 #SlB,*4ft,ie4 W 2 t4?S,373 S#076#»ta,€47 H f|IH | *«ora«k& i #e i i #5 i4 #3Sii i04«s 1 ,266,168, i30ift . a 2041 k X1 I 1? » P1 • your Rtl*ntiou tc tfcfccs f w t * *?iv#ij*g the grc-umu for th* fteognitiefi <?f tLe a g r ic u ltu r a l in t *r **t m u *e sir« a«king ifcst it bt r*e<c$aiscdt fry choo&ing cur rs-^rtr# adapted ana a* ofcp«*ci«i>iiy £ $p c o i& Ily /r c p rc n c n t i»g t&*. a ^ r ic u i city frca cur ctat* and t u r & l internet# cf cur st&t<3, *c present the Q*ty cf L in c o ln . •The r’ig u r ** ^ n i t & b l«c fir st given relate largely to th# p r in c ip a l crops of corn .no Alort cth r lin e * * t<*in$ ecu 14 &<? & f;ue n u n i l y & * faver&b l* fcr P cb ra *la . Ir> tfc* it«c> cf fruit s ic n * the a#velcpa#»t of the i»a u *t ry hr-«i otwe tc b « & very important c&e for this«fc&t«; 5 na tiie output exceed© ar>ny c f the et^t*»# tk&t nuke their p r in c ip a l clfeia^ as a g r ic u ltu r a l « t ^ t e * deinmuent upon the production of ap p le*. QAfi . - But to go in tc a aor* exhaustive shoe in... wcuia X# etateftCfet b*f?- I 3iCnafcl* Ic&fgtft* It i* ftpptriiti th^t ffefereefca «ftOR$ the leading agricultural «t-wt«« cf the tfnicu «n4 that a recognition cf t M agricultural interacts *oula fc* g3veo oy placing #itfcir. h*r . er* onecf the Reaerv* ?• rAi:, irduntry er sjual opportunity with cth r in’iu?<tri «& to prc** <ni3 e the f in e n c ie l & i 6 thftt at i. *a*ay a re ;u ir * u In It iwmi4 afford tv that ir. th« c e r ta in *c;*aren« c f tfte year harveeting n l t*ovl*v or c r o p *. tft« 4airy bi*in»es it fthtfuid not bs ov rlrokad th--t ■?'043 AI '■ f • £143 Lincoln 44 the orig in al • of xk# largest 5re^s#ry lifthfs^at is t & * ooufitry; *na tfefet I t * Ou*ine*s i n tfei* line it r:ot 3i » n a . ? M M &. *ia ^X e QOB^ftny, W t «g»ity otfcv-r* uoing at tfce ju'eaent ttft# fin£ I M i M&ttTftl &MNI in L in o o in .p 8 c*, it i* true tikct « « hftYe &ut l i t t i * ir R*&r*afc& in .•the ninintT in*a#try $ri*etio*Xijr out a <L*ttu/$oturiB£ incuetry* future; out * « 3 •Aftct e ^ e o t per^ent^ge ? & » Xattetf *•* fcej>*> ror in tis* tc eosp«tf? ♦ithrr witfctfe* atinin^ in \h$ * « * t , b«e«tu»3* «efc-/.v«nt %»y $ in » « o f ».i*y kina cp o few td f , « te hi*¥« nothing that exc .-pt * rioultur* i rrt.auoi*. I *e r e e te , A»d th*y are I t l l l y •* 4 ig cut o f the ground ?>. h&ve *o*,e aanufstotur ing ll *ln$. within it * be* tier » # a- natural JuVg»o*th of her -. ricultur&i position, largft *iiiin,-. &n<J flour in? U c t r ic t * ■jjn>ln bf C&U# e of tfc# f ^ f i i i t i ^ l prvuuoin- in%.&$ na <il»r o»in# of tl.'iir «utfut, £»ko Llrocin tL&ii na.tar»4 fcbidlSjj ji ::C O . *fW H | of « • *bcit t U * t»> ' •■ ■ ■ '■ * ■ ■ * :,f *' •' •*■ »• ««fcr**ta h< » a«T*ifef »a lt« *iat«- **>«*» lnau*ixy It i« certain t h t tfe* & % r u f*e t u r # c f olcvtr >111 b< s. "Tfte rj-ir..- a u x in s*** « » » • a l g M b« rcr*s*«d ®f * il %" e * iils ’4 *■**•» * ! •* ------ ---------- ZQ4Z n «id a ctr:T\9QX«a witfc Agriculture. capital Tk&y no 06 &mi require **#* tk* f * o iiit i* # for procuring the * r * o tf >*Aa at 1ii« ti&o r r*^n tfc«y sr# tio$&oO# & 1X cf #PA$h &t$ #vaonti^X tc their prep*r growtk. " It i< fceXiov^i U fc&ve b«*t* tha purr«•«*€■ cf tfai^ X*» tc so uAbtribut« !£«■ fin^» rs±^uroe& of tfte country ttet tfro- r*at interest* cf Agriouitur* oou a ^r,a would be fo#ter«r i sud encouraged *»d *4 sufcieii tfcat the Xcoation of a Reserve Bark in ifte eery he’urt of tfcia great agrtouiturvi region woui4 toe to t£e pragtioaX un^ feaeifcl* #*Y/pfometi una increase ihi# p &rticu lar industry. * Ir* con oXufcicn I ue«lre tc «*>, ti.*< Co;vi-i.* •• tor. if it i» *j4r pur^c*e of r-oo$niae# *»ong oth-'f g m t intereat* that w ill Vo reocgnieed* tht agricultural illifM lfl of t fete *U tc, that Kebr v«kat 1* boXdiro out a at reng bid for th*t r eo<: rnit ic n # tiut whon it Qc»e»p If it i« tc oc$© to Kcor*aka# tb< re i* nc » u t « sc centrally located, to of ffc^y/a 0* - tc ,r.c ! r c f , cr * 1vh b»tt*r sail ■*ollitiee. Ara tuteldc of ths fsot that #« *r<? net doing this buaneie in \hht U a e f I think thtre i* ft® shewing c^nfce fc^>de *■ > -inr t «u . Of course under it# condition* w t&*> oavc bean in -•*<* a 2044 ir« the tr* 4 o of ifcjU district |* r.ot sifcfc Lincciri, nwr i* it *itfc 0 *& h a # nor i« it sltfe & n f s ity par t ic u la r ly itU s th# 31 s tr ic t* ; i * t r i 3t s.*d it w ill It h&& gon# out -..o cf t&t But *by tfecuS that b&ve AJBy effect or fee*rla§ aj.on t,h* p rc p e *U ic e of #e**fcii#hiR£ a WiV: . it eoftre to the Icostlcn of a fcs-.nk, in a«t. the pjtao# *hioh i# tn« ao*t aooetfiibl® *.«c eoet e&eily *<&eb*a In tha ortire a iftrio t tfe« proper ana fit pl&o* for *ueft o o ni iO 0® Iccat^dl IthMJk you, ana %©uld «a | « j. JUU to answer *ny%M r.$ that d«»llr#4 . Tbe Seeri*t*ry of A g ric u ltu re You do act furni ..•ft such fcunafetlon ferp<M» I* Isa ir yc-ur preeoatfetioft* K r. F i e i a : get t h i* I Seat tkiak it eeuXd o& ft&ptt for *tArt«fU » £ * i a , but I *t*fc to * * y that la iS(.c * * icc&tra ia t M * o o u r t/ uj'&E tUi» £*#*t M p U f gra* * e * l t h »**a * t * t e , A voicei to • &o&««te&&,--tna I fc&*e fret * ftlldexse** to it* p*ee*£ *:& I tat *. v ee*lfcl«t9 T*.ct &r CTt4# i«t » fUvtr.t you ;st th&t turned idfettaU, Jua c? Ycu dent *t*a th:>t ye 4 at« it jr.e**1*1 *t • Vfc* Field s TJi« Ho; I ft?*- *.T» Oftialftt* Secret r* of Ar rioulture: 1 * i i i & **• to re*iad the •C4t A1 5 *. F I nla. Juit 9 at the asfinitJon of * • 1U •npi'.t* U > «t»tft»«Bt. £■•..<3 tc lire with o p U n lrt*. Vr. It sayte th&t tfc*t It 1* ttet ft® i* ©Be who b»* (U u g b t o *.) I tave liTod is th« Stste of Itcraikt *scng *„fc« «o*t p<-j»l»t«tBt .»t tf cpti*.lat* yea eiij fina fenf»h?r» ir th* country. (i»u M r . ) ^TATryri?? cy i , t , WfT?Li*o. Tha 8 eor#tar/ • f A |f1euItur>♦ Vr. Settling: I ** et AttC*t*ar*l T-f Tec. T .y 2 *»<£ aooouat%nt for ike «r'i the Baileey <toyj|.i**ltefi« t rj cf Tae Tr*^miry: Jtee, Vr. fettli®£, yu.u etate briefly te the Cor^ittes *fc*at yau h,nv» tc g&y itut the*** m/thiftg in * C i t i e s tc &p£*&re ©a , Hr. i -reared <;ulre Th t is* ft? intent, Sr* 3«*jret*ry. maps tlfuflty th*t i»e Cot&fcitt«f na t?« ***• territory ©uteiae r«- **>& • u££®**ie»ft tfcet thoy ccu!3 get fro*5 -^ r / g p ^ ifi ell j>$.rt$ endeavored, *c f%r ** *e h.^Te courtry* *e sca.u tna i « l r ft* »e fcne* tfae c«r 0«»# to grew tfc* Xiftee cf tfe***k*ti«^ *046 l. r. t im iw . between t « r r i t e r i c p . the *e«t rational ide** that *« ocui.d fino , having in yi^w, of aeur &e# the trend of the i(L>Itic0 outel&e of th« e*ti-«ee ^eet # everyone re©c?g.j>i*»tfc 1% to**ra* the laet* * e — el th '•t t &cU£ fc th 14 «taglveetion k* y e ee>& <* i i 111• uit presttaptious yet we sanx to yea tfc&t #e ar<s not to a*ct&te to th£ Ccm Itte* v« tc fcow these ais- jr trio t* *fciUl be out up, nor Oc we e?eii fe e l thfct *e ar«* uaelrou* cl ir.flue ming you. Our «n tir* ieair« In tc $!▼« you j*ucr. -e yea *i.-?ht b« iifc*Xjf tntfe ( I I I f.:4T«. *e hWPi « M U • M f tfctWtftg t; • r'-iirc; v I »| llti*».> It iy the cn* th-*t henge ner«. (The »ap fcere referred to by Hr* Weitiin* «-:*s aarked s x i b i t nuahez 6# r«0«lir*d January 341 , 1&14, an:i i * :. *.rev. i t, i, retum #a*) fcr. *ettii»ti i ( ng. This xwn« Is&aedlateiy around Lincoln i* the fir** the wall t M l l l t ie e re^cheu vit bin A s hour# — tha s^il free thi* stna re&ehlng Lincoln rithin tfcet tiae. o next s- , l i l i g ilM p a le green, ehc* sklofc r eacae# Lincoln i l l U p i* h o u r*. *on# Tfcet# cf acur . i oaxried farther to the aaet than any alaim i* a&de for terri •v047 tcry • Li-ftsc-lr, &ut It 1* jtt»t mttaly tt* in « M « & *u* >Uu-''tM. the scanner T&« a**t *sn®, baitig ifce plat, i^ •:. *.or« «&ie&&*&efee* Lia«$in in X€ fceursu The p-a# bius br/cnu in r?4 **c\ar** t&* U l * # wit&ift SO fccur* *»& *&*• £&!** j ink i fcoir* *>S'J tfc* pale grsen btyor.a 4". fcturs• The *>er*t jr? cf ffe# Ti*«r**ury: is th* estre*e * enter * point tlure, -uvy city cr te*n? Vr* w^ttXint; Wo* # ifc* 4V-hear *cne fcw&y out beycijii tfc* Ottlef cf £afc*d* ***• t^o-tftirsU at the «&y &«*©#* ?fee Secretary of ?h* ?r*«#uryj Sfr. * •% % * iu^: th-1 vcu a e*bris* £*sr-«»lX*ug&ttr) « cf o e u r* * won4a 1U * th#ir terr ito ry tc tfcr t* T$u *s&r*e« H stvc, t #uj;-jri&s$T tc *?*d £ l * * r 3 « *c » * o f »t3d get it CT^r cur w y ; 'm% ^e 4© *H>t hop® aor.ceie tfc^t to tro •) w*et <*mi *. little northerly cf tv t it ju#t p&***n t&# I^ajsc line &&* tc the Sort;-.* v*t it r *&«&*» Butto Or^t t c r /il« l|, net alsimiB, # ©f roue** &11 of U .l« $e tut *r * s^ritl) vc*j »ft.y r ^ c iiiy «**« ju*t * h * t *# h *** territory tc t M * i# *td i*i4 H^i»ns, it on ♦.&* «a? in crder t&*t tfte fsiaiiit is** ®re for Lincoln# at u& *wier i- a* r&Vi rally tributary »*a tie n . i>4 v&net iin ^* oenrergn «■» surely &34S ** *'lager* o» your h&na ocfcv«rg« to the * r i s t , li: W M if fit M l| ; * rt c : Kortar.*., i f rythl^v v TIs# t . - *iern 6&o$t lor iiroolfc. ?fc« & airact lin*;& to tf:*r ■#&*! fllexf out liiic Sov&sH o-sses^J:i through Lincoln &w£ on fc«yoe4 . ,outfc«rly air*«tio n oc-ks through HcLen frca tfc* »ora 0 taJ&#Colors £c ami Kefer^fc* ’■ -• ** Jn*c K&r. &« in this &lr*Gtlon« &r < 9 *D *ciu t*iy airoct *#> &*.?« e?«*n Ha,## tfe&t on t&a Hcak Itfl&tta oit-^r ac*r. inti? Ttxi.e> unu nortii »n* south tc Wim.sact?* -*»a S • utfc S^kvta* Cfcii.&cw!» b| 41root Xlite*» IHay j-cint* ? re r i ‘ ehra i;n 13 tc 18 hcur»* .v*~ Tn® 8*or*t ry cf Agriculture t'-.iro u i tr»/flof k r . W o t t l in * : cccuntMit • lew, ¥>fe*ro ac t£c..« i t R ^ Y*u *&y y^u &ro & r^ilrc&a *t&ti*tio i*n. I '** net » railro a d *i iii*ti®iauf»j ^u*t && Tnc traffia frt^a tfei* extreme m>rtfc***t sststicn o:' the ocuntry i* scfce*;'i&t «ivia*U. A In**,;* proportion cf it — The Scerst&ry of A^rioulturot #Dofe* It fering U fcr. Wattling: «r« ft-*— t i U ( i a i l o * U n « *« not t*** it in 4«t*il|* tc LirtOvXnT Ir. il»t portion of tfce territory w&Ufe *# M U* ob tb« **!>>• * sii * • *■* tha t « « l t o |ry • • 91* 1* 1 !,are ht!te * rst&sr B*P of * t f * A .:04* i. « f • tii • rsfitjrictfd territory mlial ehow* th* t a n n e r y to *h.iqfe Vt ;*y Ciftiir-• (?r.> stag fesrg r*ferr*tf te 'ey *fc* **tVU s£ i* **rk&4 FjfcUit 7, r*e*tv*4 J&&3Murjr S4tfc# m * f ^ 1a. &*j*«it& r»ta*it*4«) Ux • ^ « tXii> 4 ; 3<&*# ta« coic-rin; sn tftfei tatf on *.»:c e-fctxesto ctat is xefctrict t<£ tc tfc&t * *rc & leak ** ir: t <, you tl».« for 1?. 4l*triata on tfc* t%fel* fe®fcr« Th^t 1* tc <, -.v, tfc* 9<lerin Cf: tfi'.t i\rg*r c I aeirrtfrjwrtU tc t H i bicck 1*U& out in t;;c* IS -aisttiot »f,r a<u«« The >— Itliiy of I f l i l l l l l : Ik *, »'*■. , Cc tns x *lir *M U fttiivtrft, wh*fe 4efc* the tr*r?Se ton▼crg»T • I , v«nXiit£i Cor,v rg> c» th* Misseu-ri fciv r # *t Csttht, th* tfi**Quri R ir * §»t**ay. Tnt l « « r i t « r y o f A g f io u l i« r « : Ktw tutfc of it t o * * * U Lir>orir now — Ur. ftttUiigt what y £is*ntfcg«s of it At f<* ae-rst ? «*** would fee- but * t * * U p w o**>Ug* »top her®. n * * « c r *t >ry of«uit«r.: *fc*i i« foo»«*a tight mso L« F . WftttliB;. . Mr, till* i « in trsrnd, w« f# would be tut $. #*&iX lin e of tfea - n«r<*l j* r swntu * * f it • tope ri^ht & *re in L in c o ln , &ut tbera so u *<5 c*e fu lly £0 p; r eent of it pft«««» tferougfc Lincoln cn lie rivi ecutbc&at* coln .n ir *e, of c o u r **, to ti:e nortiMM^t "trn int«r^«totii f ir at in Lin t&« dl^trlot *nio< neuld naturally to* ac-r.ti#u- cu* tc it> -n>t *e a*v* rather ***a»*d tfcst tfcs te&»ltt«e • ill finally core to ths senolunien tb t it will b<:? re«fc*«*.r|y to h &*t IS d ij !r l o i t .l j v j it i» therefore to tn»t ocna t ion tat cf * * p i l l *adre&» our r«m *rfc* wit & r #gar A * t * t &« «& 11 r iiiTiaicn of territory* h-tvc 5. i?en *h*t t r u fM o , Zr &«fcing tnefia a l Y i* l o n » ■** *0 tctuider fe» au* regard to the trenu of -na Oue r«$/*r£ tc cur n«if>fccra in tfe* adjoin tag. .:i«trlet»« *« ask fc«r* only tint territory wfcicfe 1* ana ca* be plainly shows to to* strictly tributary* ^ iil ooik Cf>a« of oour*e th«t tfc# flow of banking ccrrtKf-ondnno*, fUiS sug&a*t«4 in anat of tli# mention* *£iiefe put put n low aoacnta **o f « e u U fe* r*tA«r gre&t^r to»«rd* O m .u tbna t o ^<*ru* L i no 0in • The S*orirtnry of T*i* Trwnsarys Mr* VtttUifiS course Tc j any £ &l&y U &* tculrt o* naturally gr«&t*rj ’out that of does not naed • • • £0*1 L. t# 'Settling. 7;s$ S*ar*tary cf ffc© Yr#»*t*xys W©w# &*lds froa is<* tro&kliK ^ c i l i t i t # %Hts to-xit'T of bft»4 ©*©&ma§:©# «* it ©& i $%* k w # ft • • • • i i W i» »<;t *© important a# ftfU H k l sUuatiofc, cee*u«* tfc* Ooa# ©*©&*ag«s ar© going to b* *aisr**ll> affaottu fcy t«i* law *seii it £©** ir>to ep©r&ti©Kt£ bat wiiat ** »©ui& v;«#ire tc knc» i« aor* about tfc# ror»fc2 ©our*©* of &u*4b©«© M i *k©r© I M g©»* i© is tfci* district, B©*, is it : t$r tftroagfe 0»&aft* fcr iftct'ino©, tfenji Lirc<tl»T K*» * ©tiling* fatur&lly* The 8«ifft r ; of Yfc© Tr^^s^ry: Mr* Wittlingi Ana to ©fcnt ©JttofttT Onnfc* i* j*. toura of two . rj ©?,*-&*,If tic«€» rh© si** cf Llnoolft, &n«i t&© btt«in©**-# I *tiou:4 **%y# * s ‘ rii./e \i* ** ■ :fc rx **t %u L in e .In 1ti • Tiie 8©or«»t<sry ©f fto# Tr©n*uryt Vr» *»ttli&£t Ana f: * a» t© £*&«** City? Kftiiui Citjr i* ^retenbly t*l©« ©* Xarg# ••;* C«*ba; tut tha t rad© &«?#* net naturally run U U n llO i fOOtiCft M i d * * * # • I* ths t «it& U t ooutn cat of t i l l - ©Ottfit** i I# It ?> r , luuofc; ta^t i* to * & y # I wouiu *»y tnroe-fcaxtfc *o u i4 go #a*t *t Ag©in*t cne '-;v»rThe 8©©*«t**y o / A^riaa-ta/*: ••*.. t . Tc *hfet e*t#r,t aoes it £© tc the ncrti«e»*t — t©*©*<*• tb© T»i?j Citi$«? 3032 i* • ’ r« *ettll&£* r* Se % !• $r *at 3$*si • ffc# 8eoret&jry cf AgTUultarei Mr. V | | I U l | t T-ss-fe« *ye*in f. t | l i U | l»» no H f i there I I h it* r.atursl territory la teward* tfee M isu a ri !Uv> r Linaali;. The ?*C4 ei*iry cf Tiue Tr*4*#uryt fcr* *ettilfi£j T*a,*ir T*i« SJ*«r*t*ry cf The Trefetarjrt fcr* **ttlingt Tnrtu. r. Lia-tivlcT Sjr©*i*u T Yiroart cc t&* Wort h*cateYi* Lir-*t tiMi wvs»l& c to On)th» first; but tr-e Sufi intern rcuta — Tfto Secretary cf Tfe# Treasury* tk»t **tiu*lly | 6 #— f . i « Scjtt Dakota . fbeffe ill tfci* gzm t t i f r i t t i / t. r ( iiu Of. th* * * p ) . Tb* territory ir« ti><? -cutsweet, * Aeh *fr. X r. r rcfc«bl> th* &*«t tsrrltcry ir tfc<* e m ir s state, *na tfei« fM tt i t^iliiW lA ii I ,r ,■?:r »ottld rerratent **■'* a * & * * # eey l » jM&fttlatlcr, ic the BlAdk Hills** TRe 8»«ret*ry of T*e Tr*%*ury: But wfcere *««« tfcst t r ^ e otse tof Mr* v*ttAlngt Tc the Ti,^ f««retftty of The Kieeeuri Hlv^r. 8&«* not «ete to Uneeint * SG53 L. Kx, r Ottii*g: • a grtut d£teX cf It &0C4, The SeQr*t*ry <?f Th# Tr««**\Hry{ • ?v wfe**t e * . t Y 1 c^nrif.t i«XX /o u . Hr, ?#ttilngt ?fc« f ecratarjr cf Tfca Tr *?&*«?;?: ?ou *•*$ tbcs* &r# tit* ,i&c\ tht.t &rc Kfist Bec*?**&ry fo* u* tc kiss*, *oeo&u«* c lin ic *, /c u r un *«p r*rted fcy f * s t * # 1* act o f -usy great ralue to the Ccjusittee. vi • ? et * * iac : *e hi:s r.c " ^.nt i $i< t rd; u >:t t ; -'-s « n j we w i l l prtff&re ecfce s&orc? v.= t i :■•. , *r>u iet t b m { q u o * , «iti- r&f«reftoe tc %&*>%• Tfc© Secretary cf Tike Treasury t Tfeey Kay to t*$p&re4 «tna fcii.0* • (Tac ^6ta tc fc« furui*hp»d fcfccttiii fc«- dcelgn&ted fsfcifcit tfr. L . ? . * s i * i i r ; # iftte&«us*u in eTieiena* January '4 th ,l&14*) Tiiff Secretary of T&e T *« a *u r y ; H e * , I *& *# it tfc«* tkecry cf LA nss ipf» o«£ft*r«l&l influence i« ^uite iKpejrtent. /cu Si*. pi*t it on a »*p *c *e o m » •« ju*t *fc*t kina cf * district i* taker* hers? The Sflcrit ry cf AfriOttlturi: it sn&<±9* &w&y? We*» *e n*v* The au«J> isfcrR&ticc smppllea iXi tth- r o it ie * tfc^t * * h &*« r i * i % e 4 . cf i t , They tore f l c t t e d tte L. J • ui*trist la Ung f i l r * « # of & ru I s t r i v e n„ pi o tfe«*<s *iffer«ftt ^i5 p;-uniti«fe *r* - * t t i l n g t 80* * t&« rue.%t ic-A »•*« &$k$U ir» x«f£r& tc Or.*ha in ©cnR^otlori * i t b tb**c *&** lln&s ojf ra&as *-.nsi «o> cn. ut « « «»7 H a l |v r«g* * 4 t * M i l section ihroufh h#r^ M U U h i I 1 i* Llac^ln sbout h » lf p *,*t qis# ir- the ^ftitjrnv&ii and tL#p a^all it a ^ H T r r e d by twt d e l s * * , ?\a *hc n a i l * * y b* getter* bftgk, — they &.ay =»#H3l etitr^g&ey, fvr in&t&rtQ*, mm* i t voultt be feoeV tn it * w&y tc tfcs t e r > tor/ vner# it w&* rec*uir#& befor* t&* &»*il would aofcuftlljr r <•’iOh Or. ihft. Tft« - S*«r#t&xy c f fh# T^ft»uryi £ u r r * :-* l&*re *#;*• * br&rali bank hrr« ii* Lincc-inf Tiie f torwtsxy of Agjrioultar*:;.> if< Lin©oltw Sui^c*-0 jrc« & branch Tcu *«ui4 *tl il b«r abi# tc do th* *«.&• tfcir»£, wvui4 you act? *r. **ttli% t *rote.*bIjr, Tfc« Buo- fit :*t/ of T j# Trsanury; Tc a kite* tfc# 1** r e t i r e * t v- U<ostlor> of branch fe*iUu* itr. *c t* lir.&: but a m x i Ywtj w t *• th.*t tfc* »e u l& i t likiiboo^ of a br*a*b ovr* so olo»e to s R egl&r& 1 &-ort L . F . Stitiift^* if Or .;u »e a ;d g *t & R c g ie a *! B nfc. ec ^.'-.r}1 cf Th# Trt#»*tftff: ?ne ?%** D<t»v r* fcr intit&tt, ttii* ttrritery-(irtaie&U&£- <?» ta* &**•) *rt?» tfce-u tit*- I*- t.aO’.i Rt&rf»r Denver, if Di&fc i& to to*? %h# 4tt$fiiAjiB| fttie?. ¥r. fffttllngt Trte Est entirely, Mjp* 8t«rttf*ry of f Jit Trtttary* 8«?eret&r?* TJ*t»t i» th* O r ^ c n $fc*rt i .1T3i$ • if** C«a*«* iivte Oage» h * t & 9 & m -e t * * »&fct .iv*at*--&t» Tilt S tt ftt a r y i f Tfct> Trsaautfyt Ar.u t•■.** t?u Bariiaj,|o» . eir.4 ar t&rtwgii Stonver threap that %t:rti%t,ry. tfr. v«%tJ.lHfi T«»«f^ it fuTia up ir, tfe^v •*?.?, t>at it «ouiji i. . ;. vlclentA to tfce fifitui \t tr*cs <?f tv-e feu-in»*.-. It -culd ... C ticitffWSt tt i t . Tii^f 8to*tt **7 cf TJ»t Yrt*f*$ty; » c a :4 tod » U tfct Ir^nd of fro* tfctrt Dv,irr~r/th t* t* Lir&&i&» ^aivini it? * r . *sttlitt£: Sv#*iX* Tb« 8 t a * t t * * 7 « * ?*>« T m i w n ]3tj,f 1x r *n * pl*%)* H e*, fcr iattfe&tt, hot* i * t $ i * territo ry tiircu^ft h t r t(ln ^io ttir . Tfct n?»turfel tr«iw htrt <*.» t« w r # t 1- *^-f a th&n tc Liruuoin, 5»c-. la. it m t? ***• *«•- * iiagt i* n ^ h t natural %r#a& of tfc-^t tfriitfciy through tb|» «&y* fru*ine«* I* ac-* m uittK ci-’U nj Tfc*S the *&y t&* ttm B i o U * r 4ow*i h#r«, frcs-, the Blfc«k H 11 * cubing' 30 a a in thi$ s ir *e t A o ** T*** S#«fetftrjr c f T&* Tr#**u*yt W #iX# ao.*» it cc*o to Lincoln? fcr# W«ttiiftgt Anti *l«o tc 0* k £*« Tfi« S M N f M i f t f Tfc«TRoa*ury: 9v#i it #gfc* %♦ fcSttH I cr *h*r«? fcr. T t U lS n ii cv t M i iin* it On thi* iins, it «IA &e»* tfcrou*?fe Lir?ocio; 9cat* through iinoein. i 8«or»t&*y of I g f l f U l l f t l $MI 0* f Hfctaugh &lm«6 lft** I*t it r^nala^ h*rt? Sir* fettling* O M IM B 0 . A good d««X cf io * # tfe« ~is -, , pr« re -/ii to t&# oorr«i^iKiifi| & & ***• ?&«*$ 1* no liutotiofi out *o%e of tho*** **ao Dan** h&vo corrosponaefit b*.n** IB **a ?trli*ji* IM f it * / Ift *t*4 lt4ft4t h a l iM * * t L ^ e th»* h?r*; tut th«y *irrt*laly so*** L«r# fsr •errenlgao* .or p*rf of th^Xr ltt*iti«i«> *nd tfc«-- the e « « « • o*»fc# sl#o o&rry tlM l* H M M t l in 9 *>» « • * • • • * * * * tc rt* W l u *« &CS? L. 7* bere U tfce Union P a c ific ?;n4 here ie the Buriin ton, «&ie& are«cin iintswj s.r*4 fe**« a* tfee R«i«n I*ian£ w&i*& ge«* ol<.~-*4P <jo*r isto |M h eno # Ok I'* ftC? & * -it his &4 lu-ux & • The 3g«ret&jry cj The Yr*lMmr$fs T ? *; Out JTi«?r& you a x * ifcyin* *<:»« oftrhieia cn t&e &ail f s 9 U H H » , fcr. S e tt lin g * Y e e ^ a ir . Tr.« geeretsry c f the Tjr»*«ury: ?u[*c. ? piu b *4 4 br*«®fc ir Urny«r cr a B e e * * * * b *»* if- Dsnir^r, afcsut tfc* 4?&lpfe$nt c f ourI easy, /o u ooui£ get ourjrenoy *ut cf to Bil i»g* *uoh sci-e 'lu U 'k i/ tt, r. cut cf Lineoiii. Mr. "'titiitn t I & #* I r j tb«y cou±<i»t g. t it. any ^uidkor 'r c * tfcer* to B illin g * ttara fro^. Linooin Oee*u*e of the winner is wMofc tfce trains run eotloiu* to BiiUii&jt &4 tn« ooni>» V# kir« giror * I I satt*r % ffftftd &e*i cf fttta&y. The Beoretftry cf ?ne Trefceuryt ccbv r M i T e l y fo il t&»t i * * R itter of i i t t l e *oaaoiu$no* «M»jr»e> a* ee»p *re4 s ith r-tU-r *H.ttor*. Hr* Wottilngt train here T h i* ie * OrsrROk lin e *ft<i it i * tfce * * » # «otu 4 uiti»*teXy carry it tfcr;>uffc. TJ;o Secretary of igriomitmrc* K&re you &a? A U a thfct *oi;*a them ufe wh*t i# t*« cUetrtbution oentsr for t & i* se o tH n f ffce E'eorets.ry of Tkc frti*urjfi For j rocmot * T £0»f v' ?*•« : £ti*%tib\)\in t 'esr»t >ry cf AgriO' itu * ; in wte*t ffe«* *it> .* *or# **r£ e iy c v ?i tui# *xe$ sA<nkfiu»tar«d '*.rK fc&6fe}n$r/ , 1 ftp!««'.tut* "p.a *0 or? #? » ^ot* i i a j j Ir. $&* vnc Ui*y £oc&e <,r^ grav el#* m&tKzt 0»ah* « J l i tf t*r# .i ". ^ ztiit»-ry *ana * fttr* tv oiritii fortlom «l tfc# i#?rit«rr ttota & • #%i f f M t t l M *« * 1 A;. & r.-vr>r. agea ,*«* • r?,;. cf in tm * «eulfett<Mtt £*ift *r * i i l Cc #«r* bi*.r &»4 uy h*re ir. the north* #t 0*.*.$* » H 1 Tiit* fU o r^ia xy cf A j*ri«u tw r «i Ur. -, Os-film if &&re« Hsn ftfc-eut Kmi > ■ Z iiy t v -'Itii u«. :-ilets, t£* !*&•■■*# Ci tf vcu?ii i )n « cl fefcr»'*#**, n»<i X»»«* it * #tr*n,j*l» ft.* It §ct* ir t^ t fe* t « ? U c f 7 « ?&s jry of A g ricu ltu re: f hi s> >io*» » v r * in t M ; **at&cil# »&?• Kaatft* CUty or L in co ln ,— in t&i *> icath rr» *«O t lO «t fcr. W#ttlln^x l« tlit #*cticn fceicw tfc* S»fer. >k^ iiis« K^n &# C ity *cui& . cf (lnU lo^tlD t SCX. t f t t u i i g i Ana vhink ur in i&l *« ti*n *&« p in t)! In tfci* t*o U cft QitfeU sauia tb« t « a f £059 L. 3*ttXIag i« thi* *e<moxi of the 4l*trlct(lt)die%tlsif)lt i* Uircoiii t rrittry.fetrietly. th® IfC/ctajff Sit The T f ^ i e r n ^r. Oh, F;,;- f^r? st ?»&&!*«• « i« & r into tt*A* ai «l* lot ( \r-ai6 , v;flg) • Thei Secretary cf fb * TjrefcHttffyt i^r. Kew sids? 9?x«*d9 *e it £***» 11 kf * fae a iv 'f e* The 6 * « r e t w y 0* AgriQiUtM»;r«: ffo*# ®«uld you cr a n ,i*y- SxUy fc‘k« us a a*;- * hewing h©v tb&i i* &* to voltm* *.»c * h« extort of it? Vx« W «ttli&gi I thin* w« otn h*v* *udh * §G9r#%iVtj of T&# Yr«&»ury: pf9f^jr#»u *»£ fe**»rd i t tv Is" you * i i i b^T* it *# * i i i r« s«iv e i t i *.» *r; e x U b it to /our t * 3 t i* o » y . (The •»!> bift plORiitd to fee fttjr»i*b#d 1* to 0# !j g^rkad lifcltit * « • 8 , #r . Iiit*e4tt0*d J **u *ry ;4 t h *iv l4 , fct L4c«c lr, *«fcr »*'*.*.) T^e Pscrstsry ef Thu Tr«*»urjrt E®*-# *** /$** * i i i ie*ve tb#*e b*xo r* #xluM t« to ytur t**ti»c»y you m y ao so (r«f«rriA | to the m*i» tl*o*wJy identified ** TxciMt# dvT&r^l* F# ie ttiiftt % k. r. Vr. it m y , -of ®our^t# »? ?«•*** &8c$r4i**$ t© :1 * i;' * QC th?t txr? &e;&*p iiii£ %h-<& cut ju-t r r© ? «**is «; frit ttoxt i * tr *$ aatirsiy b y **.-$*<:•* of %h$ 3.01 Uicvt t t*rrltcxy li 3Rne<5 »ore e^ex**iy **t', ** «•* ocurw^ it x qc o rustic*} le &** **%t4bl%*bin& th%»* * l t & -pre^tnt w m i t l w * , $tt ycu 4 U lc'..k ti;» f jt u r *; set *r*. r-j « * fe«i that the %i v »tt4 til# *6ttilftg up cf tti««t impetus ry $n<s t&e I I ita r^tourotii g f»at*r th^n ^ny ©tfe r single &<n •eftgre** J ..^CC* in v. .. if o i thiv, »* *t**n ©our-trf ln r*d i*itly tributary fc%* &««?» fgs*&% \u xht p-st, it fclil ba &*£*» jcftfcrk&feJU in y# ro. » $ * i r*» 5 s * , I h-v© prepar&d a*?t*4T* * ia t*«#» t s &-»£ LlQu I ttiiula life* tt i t * * * wit’- 1 1..: Ooi-'ftUtett* ? A.* fiUcr v»,*ry c.f A*.rltu*tvir<»: » b4 ?h*y w ill fe* Kui rk#4 a # ***.Mbit*. (T&* *#**r*X *t*te *«*% * •U / *u * *nd tubui tiore h«r« reaeiv#a in ©vixens* ;?o t iv # ly Exxiitii* & t« i? itiQLusWo, r^- r&c$i*?a J*m »*ry 341&# i * i 4 , £Mi »r« J»«re*itb N M M l O Hr. V.ttllnct T*'» ititl»tle« * H « i »rr««i* Ofl the »*F* ij • T ♦ her* *re Uk«Ti fro& t W ^ t?11 XX iv^ • i**t o»a#«e of tbs Sfcitfwi 8t * t * » # -# to population *bu t a r m o r / ; »%»* *$ to tfc* tailors*.! B^t** capital *uca *arritt«# Jfrc* tfc* last *tat«**at J**u $4 0? tfefc . uc?r nFtc r.t cf %h<: Treasury* o*iag *attfc*r a 6*r & **« « f *ev*ais r t, « :)0t h ,l i l 2 , --n^ s i l l b,- f©u«u to o&tofc ate«clut«lyL #‘/c^ttir*f; * & « r * a^bitrar? aiTl*i©n* k*v* Xizm m&dn of &t&i*$* r-; a * e * ;t i n g &# tc- oar own territo ry t*»?t I * BOt lRt#ft4*£ M «*»OT . is Th^V- ■I tefl tfsfe^fc ti s ■ • » iith * of otataa ana **de approximate aiviaio?ifc una . i l l not, #x««j:tin^ a# to Lir»oolm, out &fe*«4ut«.ly * /$ t .ny a®cuiate» revi*ior. of tfc*» * i i l tct aisturfc tfe«« tout U&t 01 K ttSR s. SSITTM. *■> i* V «4W iv r> wi i;lw Lifctt*JUi 8 JUtt*& a«a i Ca w». Xiiw t*43N,fc~rj7 &X vs* trupiiti* jj ** a & s a i» £ * i t i u tfr* 9 & i t t a & , you u*w Xi ywfe e * & g ii u ua *&y l&rejra** *Ui\M i*i feUUitiwft&i tt *ub.% trtt&ft S&£ | i i «»* # * « aiuui &» *lt*l tv M f « it* \ kr. f< t*&t *r. 0 « s r # W r y , I *eui4 nvi aw&l ^ tc tel*!;* that tu* VttlUfcll w* cuaifc#** ift I*i«C<. ill i * ^ f ^ U t Ifci' t» ti>&t i & m *»*w r i Kiv*x to *i^ %&&fc & *« Avx «*s.6 vi jr»fcl<*iu*i *r*a^s# livir tlu>t ttux* i# jHtftxaniMjr j t * r n t&r* tiii i *<» ofiu •adiu o iv «i|* Xfe« W n i U f ^ t&«t •>cxrwu*i...» Lit^ix *. i » *v f Q & m b wvt-isU'Uftj ^LiwUAjpilI I St* »*** jUOiJIfM C it) | feJSS- iu l&*| a»»tldXA >.\fl w* it *l4fe £***iV«ir. Liuefcifi *Jsj{Hr$ u «o lu *a eu» t a t * * * i & * ***** i i & i W x.uia*ifc„ t & * a i i j * „i « u .t 4 tji * * &©»« i» £ « a i & t * i y T«JFj our* O ui^iua oi t u .s vyr r<4irfc*a r&t© * « * * e ^ ii * ttiU tJ^s tU Jl M i»»vull Rlifw? %*«£* irifcavifi in & * « !» * &Li*k * * » * ifc *a i**U a i» #« e & «p *t » wifcli* d f V# »*<, i w a t i **. tc 1 a w n « ti*w t»rritwx> t )*^ *&* *■#*»• A'uJtriwJT afcsi, i uwt « * Ut*t *,•*»* tfcift* tin*t ^ i i i s i ^ t 1 Ml «**&&# &*«£ * * 4 4 * * ceatlum * j * « a t r k » t* aoid 9^ t v t «ja♦ $&» i » r h ^ f | Utfti ki.muX& is ***£&**& vi fiwW*i4,'^|/ **y* ill &aJU?%& # Ajj'5wfeiji£# &4bt&%H£U C& A Vtt« j fiox & *?& **&#«>«» $« r^4.o^ tx.iwXi f«.wiXic J**r« *s tfr gRUftt tofjrifcvx* ev uix#ea wjr #«y el Gr*.&d Isiju^a, t$ *ii; v* UfatXCUfcL %t+it*z$ but Avfic 1 tlteifi* * & k i % 4.t Gruva 1*1*&4 »}th **msy 2c lv w r tt&ii & m vs^r**# txvia* cSiu & * ? * & £ « *w; utTa alartfct iifcca aj *&«* £urlUi^lca* T© th* * - C t . V I * * ftwv* l£*&££ »cXt*d Wfc &v* Oki/ W *-<** j ti ; i * # i»wi tc ife* Cvi.4*— 6»&a vc i ^ 4 » c «cu Qfcl*bca& «viU<5 Wc»bi if. vGMUtirtivii *i U; \i*i ^ u i u « i 6 F«oiXis .. .w Vic. A* IV 30 lv k*it»«L» Civ> &« *i V& w^^r«W»r> Uir^: ^ S-XiCi’^A i»jpe )»i>* iV^iM itgj* it. «« fc*v* Ui^w 9I« il&o*. 1 Ikifc*. »* 'J'-f 1 Bfifcfcl Wv M&&-& iv»i*iiur (t^lti tflf-♦ tiii &• R ^ii W&feittg *u i& W Ifwltt i£»«i «&i*4sfc Xo**6iS** L i& c e i* o*.luruilj *j»« 6 «8 f*»**l ** ^wuiu r«e«fe Oa*JM». *r tt« tr»fc*urjrt *6* * » * * i i t*lnt*1 ifc Mt, H*% u«r& * li £44%v*j, m f sir, i^ut Xxw-ie L V** Bt-Xi.ifcfcU.* ^ U < l i s m .*i&4 lb# Hm & I »A«t^ «*.*& th± i*4 w U * w .l t v /i o t * fci tt* frwas£UX>J Ce**lit«g fc^s is &*ux*iiss is tfci*: i<*t Uii & 60 1£m* i W t iLw «*u**livi> 1 «, U *i« is w &<*r# | « & fc# » s i # * r i e u Sk,w *ity in ifttt *jU t x ie if ^cufor, wx ♦*,*<* «iii.*x sity , 1 #v»* | ^ t i h U U 6| i&«; p&i&x .i * *x¥•- t&» e«i v * * a i o i feua tiu 0Uitdf%xy ccux*-** vi' &to»li>*iM u. ^ t u Xfex ifei$ U yau **.4-aax*#tt y cwx*<iii Ife tbv t, 4*&a teil ua at&y S|;««iXlo X#i.s?tttta €ttt*i£* vl *»feea« &i.x#«-j.y *x*a*jato*# • Vh* «.v** gXwtelU, di i&exs is nblalk W W 4 ttfcJtv u»* duv^xia* *Hfi*Xi^X Iv a&y gtjuax f iiU *# &*ail**um lex ijuii* *«§ixu, #v #**wu i j .*,^ i>u L**X tkv*** *x«*kltl»al Kvt «i*i aoaoUier tft*& Xix*t U.-* s^ii a*xVi.oo *au ***x *** *»xvic* — * 1L* &%>wX*?l~X> vi III* fXv^tfUXy; AX« i^vU. X«f Mr. EfeittM S Wi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t£*y »&** £<* & S M *Wttt lUu«is* it* » * * * » *•* i4 * * ***«•« ta “ * fau^ia***!*^ * * • * * ffcej M 5 411* gX fc^ux** U t*j*la a % i# - 1 1 1 cot up * u & C it y M t «it& G ****, t«v e w f . u i j f wX $&* fx*»<n*rys 3*1 i # £&*&«&& i» &&t i£tt 4.uu«* ir, wiiiii »|c«vi*ie a i t w rit** «*& y*>u fe*vw a^xu i t wwt, ^tA* i *& *uaw*iifcfc tA6t £sit %hu c l U it i « i »€k*»i«sU« i*r«Vfel i w c i &e X^<r w* SJ$fcf*x U BbftiJUvtf, *fclifttXfcetUtt&£ fc&O, 1m *«ry ife 4 Xtt«?tf *X uv^*« i& uu «**>*•» cut ci LimHili, &&fcuX«otttrl&fc «-&& ; & U i K ; ax. luar U«iaW Jrjr ©i U** f r « * * u r y : jftfU JH&UTmS £V* i a , tffcitt#n$ C^-XU-Ct %k* ¥ & iu ^ -4* Sv y w t iv « U s*i? tt*ar« £&< 1 cazi * i * « you t*u Xi£iur«a c& li& a v ifcj 1 y w<u Xi£fc£i>3 t?£ 1 W f» U«4£ ljb i ’*.iiV«iJf & tiUii.v^x wX U i *4 *ttl &&&w 11*4. 1 t&ey lwi<0 lv a-ua& X&€ „. /,v Is&ta# Ml ***> ti va U H Ift* fr»*iMRfcfyt £ $ * yvi* .>#11 U** u<*tfe $« «Wfv Z*Q%* le x iWrt^Mtri »«&* i i yvU vieX. *,*¥« u<* tit* i o t, ** vu iitaclfc# ** *i<U it*aflMto«uy u» it, £*1 tiav&e 4v« t<- l»-»WT4r f.kufc «« &** fc&tfX** L*er*iu x> wi A ^ ricxu tu r*; S***i r »£•#€»£ fe**s y v * X«r t*» t« *rv « U i * *i» u ri« * * 4.** &* **& u % u«*ti«ii » i& ** u*&t Ll&©©l*i OX <?auxte* »« iw vto *©t *0 «*&»«& t & £> ifc<s a<?isfr4ifii «& & * ti tin* *•&<* ilttt i & %ui * oom m ilx& • b&tr* j?&ta Xs-x tk l& iu % *£.»« t&* £.*v*.i# ut UlfiW't^i j h *& •-,■ •£<p a tw ♦0 W * 1 ^*,^ ii<it* , *fca X"cf # $ *>*» i&fet u**jr ivuiu i«itv «*£!<*&4 ;c x tfe** a&a «s<&r« i& tc * «&**-■*- c+ %&ilr &u*i&«4 v« it *vt& t*.* &*.tyx*o. H»v« ysu *£$ Sac %u ox WVi4«J»e«? fra, I fcfe*# fcvW % iaafc %&fct la U»id« t&fct tiU*3 wwiii «*fct &« wa - «&£t jfc*.V* lux* *fc~r„ i t «*\u^ b« jr*&afc,«a u*&£ «u&£ tt&a *** * * tfc*y v^uiKi w «#xv «>«* t$i *** t'iiv Afe&ft’l u c l a./ • liw ^ ^ W t ) el Afcxi«*i<*tux*l f* .U , v»s.-» thvy U.I& .1 * v .» x*i**v*.u t?e*«in& &«*x*x tv In9 * vX i t &i$&t - * fc.L*ix w»i. CwAJsfciilty* *x„ V M tt«&* ¥ * l i , tk* &«8iU*sw » &#x* «eSms» wa t&*«* i.*, ii r a i i *&XtiOI*luX fclivfiUtift tfc tlUit. t*** « « « r « i a y wi A*jrl«fci***x*l I **$ * i ^ t y&*x«» aw**uia<i*ti*M X f » % * G i«*xl»4 fettu*®* »Ad efe«fcto«x<» wi i u w .a u i a i i eiaA ««t4a * * * * Lit*$Oi>A« Iks« * * t : M tjn * W l l l o f J M y ls * tXitti w^uiit U u« C l*i «f » •* * vW *x s i t / , m&% u+&Xtuit*g a $ 1 fc&i&fc jov fhfei i« wi9u-.itiMli|' * i i l iiite U ;* t U i ^ t i e i s *&*r#r*ir jrat $ e # t & * t tiu * o » k * Uifet * ** •o & U i& U i svt % k*w i'j ».vt « wtdl«a bWML*t - \.h&% Ua^r* b*twv*u t&« m & k * %Lt*% t^*y w*J aMXfv, <;*J it: 9h#t* iiiH/ Wi&i i,© &&nn&t} t w , Tfi* &i*cr«i*ry «f A ^xi«uiU iZ»t axe®, t tir»ut tfutt « & & t t&«$ *« &&a &a ;ki&ir#&. iur»f*.i«. t. ^r<i A* I usu«jt»Wfi& X r ^» *wx meklsiltm* a&jf s>i Ut« vitwj £&&&* £*s *** Jr*»*Ui&« <*i \b*\ kiMlm flu Jiv:raL^> ui' A^ri^ui u*ry* iiUi*»r, u**t *« #**• 3h>ia* i& * * * ffc<*l uia i*wt »**-i « l t i * « t; *> -vui.^ i> r^ i # r •i*^ijr« XtLa ^s*crw wr> al T**immmhu 1*4* *« &**> in *&a<« U 4 i.#U «* n&llmX lo tu* »*&*» &y Vmi «©*&«** 1 * 1 &**;!• s # . ty ii x« uvt waijr titt Civferlr^ fcc-uss* t i*»i &»v*i l i i * r©»oiutioU»# *>ut ii* sk*Jii >,v*4i*rci«*i, wciii#* s i i<o«* *?« tftv *ctit-u c f t e l u s t * * * ! * ; *i*i in rt»tO M ¥ %«* » ***» itnuijry to* u> U #1* JltHi 1 M l ***■ C w a t t # * l% **lt b| &$>£© q \u * xz i&«y i« r « *r*iw jf ^ a a ilio ii U> tfeat tcj&i i&« i * « § U « i l k £ tht^bih. i%* <,** i*xi«* adiur#**#* t * ii4 il# r *«t i ^ T t i w * u u x w § u isiXcriaiiiv.. va %& wh*x* %&&&* Qom.mmxtirn» &ad feuding #tfr *&* i9 a m «# iUiV^s feyI s*sJu*u, *&Xy bttftir.*** *w& , - »& •*« Uivj- Sm l i«4«irvtta Uu.i tlwy »g u U fr* fe«#l va« iea«ti^fe c l *& «& « iwutfcg* i * a \ >x * ^ w X # I h * i U i ,; li.troau«u^ sc $«s « * « (fetvjr^u, * xvs* M bMlL«x^ lrt#% «yyx<5** *> t>fe<ss ttfD&i («Uit 1 W£a*x»lvvu #&.$ t© *>ft **-.* *laag i*lfteei&9 ** &air*iiifc£*aua jiitxiw utJU *, poiat* X *# * Mr, gt^rcU-fy, &&xa * & ,&v * t&* voXu*** #£ dvi t m b f ii jefefejjh^ you o*iX# iwx UiAt« I*.** *«wX*%»Xj' wX ll-v ?x«&dux>• iv i i i « *Lr, * t 4 t t * & : u *-4..-l 1* #Xxl w C*ii yci» %u*r «*ui t&&l »£s«»tT ¥ «*, 1 # i i i XAI* iiU *1** #h*i»&ix J®x« B U & A U f U*6 t»Jf« * * fciivUi«I tfe*t X «i wk to i l i e * (Xi*v waXw i l l & i &*» ttitf&jLki tv ^ MX« ffiai t«£»# i» r « x «c *i? *£ fcj&luit 14, <a** kjihiuix h !, fciUi«a» S «4 t» x S* »lii*t*B , X *c *iv *4 J6k;,fci»rjp i.»l'if «•>&» fcXfc. liiw S i a r i U x ) t»2 t£« Tx**<w*x>: U au^***, kr, **• 4*att*fc: Ifev *«r*t*xy iiWX <*fei W*i X«* t uX t-.wu• } &Mf* ycu »xgrt6i&& luxtJux VfcltttfAf **# &*r # * k*v* fifcU cX ifc* Tx«.**uxyi T^ t U ftU t & » n , am * S. jol, M x«yfem «cu b t A U ^ t Of j j ^ . . JfifefcMB. i»x, frs^miis ^ m i* E, S. Ir«se»w& *ao> i «** vie#* First &«rW.»Mt« Tfe* ^ « 4 t u a si«t» r « c *i*o u *1 1 uf:y i * i u * x &&&*&* «* iw *feo*fc«x ** &*u «? s«ru * xo« & * iMtttk* Vfcrsu&ja v & l* AS tO ti*«ilX tfllfcisj* i& fia . it iN klU l* t 0 & » » volii&%w4riiy itAi 1 ;i wiiw wtiiui on i t . feftftfc #1 Ui . XRj Wv* 1 ^ .f « 4 * w^r-u f * o * <n*» of %>X %'M dlf C&Xw * &ti4 »*o V<* *a a i a nov iuiio* i & * t I m & w * Qi%$ h m «**u v & l* o**xa it out Vo fcisi* u*u* until U U « a&fes. ft* *<*c*4»*a/»fea tt,«> iv Vfcer* *«u # r w w it i o r i.u*soiii» 40c>tt Wl*j-»*oli« tfto**>»**« IMWi Xoa ^ $ c r d U ^ £&& «*- fe**« I*tts»X£* Ol' A^XivUi VUXy «i » lu » £ & V wAtfctit WQUltt jfgo J toy tww/ OuVdXteii ik* fsft jrf&«&A£i ?ou f-fatt V£U«V Sfctti vi. f i&» lor L i& e o la aouio fc* tfeoa* P*>wiliw K «4 lro *a or PA&&t# 8 &oxtA»n& * * r % o£ litfti** **** Coior*~o i i » * * jf-£<s*hrk}zm X,} t &£ui»k oX Vfc» Ur-itn i f tu&aihi, down i&v^ Vso •# # t * r « *^ x * &»u v^ui tc tn* I ft & aofo **• ^ 8»or*t*ry«rf Agriculture: * * 1 1 , I t thfct ycur l»j,**«*|ie(>, u i * >wv, sm* * iix. jrx»*«ftjfet dal? w«* * * * * * * * vf 1 fc*v« i * Uu*t £&>*> *%a?# t* i& * t *i'l*ct *& & i £ f * r « » t ^ r u « i u tiitiv lv *i*litic^* Vk** fiiWX«V«t»X3f Ct tk* $X**4ttXy! iU* i & «&**.$ s ^ 1 fee t & i * fc&tt t * l « £ & * & * *>«&$*£#*• «3*£X«v*xy ci ifet f?***w£jr i £*& jr^u i i i u tOr» ?X**fcfcU * * 3<Hiu# iilit t&* f c r w & U Citjf * * * «.lf**4} * * * t *>ttt iaw j! t.cuu^. w & **&;* 0 b * & * v. LUL X& w .+ «*a t *» v **-*»*# iivt 1 * l i & U* i * &«&*£ t.. 'lhVi%iB'%ly&&t wfei *A lu # j*ff«£'*!’ tv t'&Qu* ** & tfe#| &&*; dev*x X24£. it*. *1 it ivX i£> X.i,.*vi6* * Aiw ti*fat i * i,-u vvui*t tXU* *fc vti*<SX **4#*« I ju* ^ r t f U r / v..-*r t « * t r ^ a u r jf: t«w> &c#* * Ji*x**<i * r * l * & u • Xg* *e*afeuijf « ! * * ii ti**x * * * « tlU# -AirJUl ti* i t 4-VttX **.*!&* at* fx**«*6l t»rritw *> uzkli'k ¥**# *»t*$ x* * «*x>si « 4 b s *& t vut cir*r t&i£ Ui*| LiiiecXo wf Oat Hi, fc8 vj.f»»*a w. * * 3f vttiar #lt> lc t&« U » t t « f l « svt- llftaa, 1 U U a * I t * ) #euio **> • » ,# liotrrt**? tl U s l i w M ) i to * *i*ftt «<m . U * t **«*- Mo *** tio&» *o ai^i o» &Xft& tfc £*&¥& L«v tXXwX »lu* £&« Osm- t&eAa «&¥*;» «** A&rivu*tur«* lis w i * ~istrict. »*> or *& « v%hmt* Ox &* u &»? fctfc*r c i ^ &»*«¥er# tfo*t id $&iti& to u* a&n# &«##<*? & | tfciti C « i^ l il l * * Xiiw 3*ox*tur$ ox tfes ?r*»*urjt ¥**♦ fe safeta* *'or U;*i, our<>«iV w«# • At&iRg. I or *«& &fe&wlfe%4ly ftr«« «**-raaiiivu wi oti U** $4rt ojf tfea t e e tli# Q&xmxvX&X t w i ^ , Ti**| Ci*l> tttii fcMii COffifcltt*« »itiidui &##i&*$iaE Uli^ir $ r«» |. f*r*ne*« Xii^ ^*orati-r? oi A&rieu* tur**i Ana &i&o lu* l ^ x * W x y et tiu tt*nauXji Ia«^ a«.i 4*fu ua ^u&-«, l&u industrial feudi** toa. w.*i* v u a i or; t»&* *u*aii;>fi ar*« oc 1 u & « it ife* vii-i as ^ b i u &* i •*£.***4*4 cw> ilt<#«> #vbX4 0t f.--wlCw £Tw *v« if. &aui to u«^u **&itf. &<» to uiiio«***•**■ i»Uf.^ricy #&— *or tfei* ** a *. ef*r „r lliwtf &vtt#& Ot&«iX*l£## you «a| 4tfi* Vfe**;*, K£. ««•.. i &**& air^etAjr t<» O ^ s * or £#dr»rf i‘or iafet*ri«*# oifc*x city of v&* * i * t r i a t f jir* fr«#»*fc* X oon o&iy *&¥ «*> jL jt «-» *&* *aii « m c «r&*a , tiujB it U &*%t*r **rv io * tr*Oi^pertuU©e X u e l U t U * etfc- »fty otfe** tv**» i& t&« t#rrit©ry# *r«o X o*& «a | £ m fz XX tfcftt tiis a m Iii« t*S.tfv«u&& wi tiife Ty^usyyy: twt uw 2i* t *««**-•. tJ&*t iv i * & « t W f OTa.r¥ir»i i <5 J*r# lr#c#At«i I*,* w u liiA ^ ¥v* u Wfc*t ***** ii*»t iitor^juy? iiwi *v£"£ £& <$**&« tvr It, saiw* tv- sar** t&» w *u & in *&* tsurriwx^ liuiju «Uij $ & * « * *v#fc in *& *t terri ttefy• Ti»w 5a»jr»t«ur>* vjf two f **»j|k»xy $ f&aiO. y s u # Ml* • i.w .t i a s^i,it* a ? Sc* that cg¥*r* tb« i i s t &£ im i Lifc*0 &As &««&, atf* g * ^ * MX. a ^ A l fell, «* *&? a w w « £ i*« tv «£u*r«** I XLw 5 * ^ ^ u r y u « 4 r«d tv iX v * t v t# h**uni» il wi v); u 4*«*t 7r«**«urys «il o * * « . ife* £(*v&ii,\*+ *« &ut *x# 11 *&-*•* i« »© & * * « «&t*xi«4, .fed* ~lki j'v'v ii&Wte tv to# & i * i t » & * * * fJMtt Hist* ktov&s but iliwXis i * fcattUy i i * * kvuX* Tfc- S**»x*t«*f ai* tfcw triwMiiwrjFj Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , sw xm «ar« tw ^ fcd U£vfc i itiin* tfc* Q£ jK»«£ibl» ©*p e r i u n i t / U» :*u **•> wf. th~t , *v *x» J&£K<t4 %k* *, ty & « *x Q*fr&fc* 4 OilAt tiifc* t ***** vf 5fi*» i* vt** » •* * * ____________ — ^ — j %hi*k * * ao^iu t « i« *fcvi& 4 r ss is aero 1 Gtflf^faex # is 1^ 1.64 tv Wc*tIk 6> £ * « * « & %fcli£I|* wvV%»r^vr 3»« I $**£ «? w i*&v * i&&& tk* vA&M ra* S^CTfctiUCJf Vi t£« IJteS.iVUrjft w 3« a&V'^iO, VdXJ j~.lfca i***r Arv** >vu, ©v? *?&£?» _ . . wvV*\TXivf i*uf4fiia^ J _ . 1 *>*i4&Vv ttSMSX* iUv« vfc«*X* i&£vx*&xt *u . iir« t&»& I tfe*fc 1 * i i i attu&M **x* *«* fe * Mr* t&litx* if ■*... ■« ..AiOLGiif 1 *a * * crater? oi ui*» kubi'^zkt* Bftfcxg Ui Au/lwVl UiXv* llw vi U»* Tr^tei-ujry: u,,V* mx. JSv*# *jr. k ^iiv x , ywt W a i*Xe«^«sa.iiJR avXv? B ilo x i ILv J«**# ***♦ mi a<#*l *Xcu.;.a * > i * # Xt*o%« u* ifcf. *~US>XS iiu# IzvtkHtoX? t V« Afc*i 1 tU fti «« &&v* gttf. & a* <3£\*xw* A* *&i£* i*i ** *-<* * 1 ** *a ^ v?*r tk« » * » * ^tidlUttiua ti*«kA, I * * * * * * tw t*v* >‘vi, aui*e ifcCU * * X « * S O * 4k u xz W* X&l $• r^&ieftfcl b&aji skL-uiu u-w i o c ^ w j m 1 &*. Sadr*ujry «X t k *U. • lu &»fex**a4urf in A&& £*cr*d&.*» In i*|$4 %hu& i?v $ 4&t & uriw <;X Uv« riafc*£i, uno. in j rcuuotiva ^ w W i a Uftiofu lfc~ i>aeritt&ry w,' A^riwui tur©; itt i&*y iU tifiiiO fe *« k&v* W •« tel* *«iio i'{ H&.v*n#V *« got U*o*<* £ suits fXasa^U at M ^. fid, iiir, &ut in v v. *& * 1 & * v * *as*H£wi lh*m+ ''■ *y X iuiV ^ j;r*##fiWa i& «& in » u i l 2 o£$&t **a/ *' xw* t&»t in tfc*.> M«iV« iiwrttSvivftf (kr* jpx*»»vnta<d. & w u u r & *r s r**>a ^ iM e ^ #fo» r «c ^ iv ^u ad ^jaiiuit *na wurwUj.Qzi ssar&acl in h ib it f* $« Iteilor, r » o « iv « u u>, S i t n « * » J&nu&r? *4tfe, i * X 4 # «*&* is iiorw^i tls roturnwu*) t&« a « c f « t ^ *i' A s r ie w t u r s s in yvur frtifr&x W i aJ*Eu£ Att Mr. tb« ii?10 * » i u * u *vfc.« tiii/ifc t¥4'JT k * i i u r , you r ^ i& r r «u iiv * siv<ii an £our&ak* L,0* GC'O #UvU• 0 0 • £fc»r« «*£ t L i * ii&naidat kr. «^JLiur; T u* &«crvit-r> oi fe «iii Tki & » & » h * m i w i >±i Scutfc Qc***n»*, Tr*u*uxy: Tl;^n& yvu, Mr, f e u e r , t*fc* *•■ r*oa*><> fcv* ut.iii it^c u #a i ^ j t jp. it. H uff ***-&& * r * o « * * **«$ tuJutii u n til i j a g F* j*. AX* son m a s KiCEss. Al«4v O ’ Cieek f‘. Xiw c*9*«t&ry oX the Tx**«»rys to v-iU«r* *&« fc. will fto» £&*« iu w i U & 0 * fe«*teX X ro * 0fc#fe& axm I #Ug;£0£t t w t i&# x < 3* r <*nmtni&tiv * * t&&t yote ««ust to i&v * k « & n u /ct &<-* i^iiy *x* you siisfc u» to o & l i t Luti*#x D x*Ju : '#* fc&v* X iv« ox & i & I v $ * 0&cau>, ^x«i - i<irt» *<o£.o«*r vX oou&vxj U ^r««e«4 th*Xs» &*&&v»x» fc&&t & « « & to o« {tew^-iy «it o tiiite «*tatifi&, *fw <»Xt«r #* is.*** * x * o * » W a ^uf itiu i**, li yvo t i* * i x * , 90 swy wisH to «**. you to Xvt fc*o&« w* feturu * iV 6 r « # X ^ r ^ o « to t&« pojrti?tU.&x oetk*i tlottis t&«u ixi iuwir ^ « Y a f U ee«i**iJUti*ft* If* *l*fe fir at to oX X»x# i f woo**.t*»toi« to yott, t#o e£ our I c & iiA g afc©!****!* *&*rc&eitta, Xixu 5kor«kjry oX tii* tr• » • & * ? I if* *; «x« oX your uiotxict Xiratt fixafc#* It i * ri$fet In Xrtmt oX you. Ia<* S«oxat&ry oX tfc* T x •* * u r y : *x. Po you &o aiX 4 to fe*v* put &i‘* * o : f & i * i & youx A t^t T*a# ^ ir . I<i4 S*OX« 1&X> oX ti*« IX«A8UXyJ It »lii XwSOiVasU 446 (toA wxtiioit* |r tTktt &»*• »o ie U n tiX i*^ «*&d oiXer<*o# *«i» r*o«iv<s>a j.tiuritfw *4W tii«#X«Ui,0£i •W?Jfc#4. i**iilwit 4 f fltO *** ------------------------------------- 2078 * * * * * * r«ceiw*a im u a x g i&H ») & *»£ •& )*xy oi &&* ?x«**fcx>: Xw»t vi fit?* ysu u iv iu ^ iiiu ovuutxy itttc d is t r ic t s so fcljati wi*%# x-w^i uX tisw oouaixy * i l i kx.Exfckel *i£ &* o*y iru-w a'M % &«t 9 * A&v«s &et . Xi&fcx«»# ti*« %q ojb U;3t« $ * iiiiVv tfttii fcftJi* tiiw i i i u j k u . a ^r^swrii>«a *4 w>- !**« Iiiw vi cX il * tx»MKaryi £ &i* i » $ & Ut* $&«oxy %u»i> iU elXlOtdT fcl • irXaa.a: Y»tt* $« noiiX* IXLa to &*¥>. MX* iiuX6«a* w 4 a ^ . * * thv XiXfc* aUlmats* 9 tt.nis.iit car _*a^ j». su n s^ Zb* k#®x*»t*xy uX Uis ft^te^uryi • a . &uxg#*e* Ca ^ L u , Uu i^ru a* fcux**#*, *iiuis*iuc dry Mr* & » « * £ W r y , * * * * M j iK-r-t CiVi; yxux Xuil & & & •* fay tfc* u w t i t W gfceas iftaex*® &v~ryti*if.£ l£*.i $*&fc;Us&*iu »it*i r «X «r*A c # u> l*&.oxt«fc«* wX J,ifcfcUA» ac* Q&&&I* *a & t b l * » * « L l c t $X tiiw c cun try * Si ttu ut fc&y di«p*x«4*ift»fit cX U m c i i t , i. r a & ic r ^ l o-iu. i& G**fc& * « &*k l o r UtsjU uX ti*« i&£oxt*r,«© ^X Ois^U* * s & aJutxifettUfi* «*» t # x **w 1 * * v « iv *XX#x Viu.t t m t t i W i M S * * * * tfc&t • « i * uur ***,. i»v* il tf. JOT? atejro. i iiur tUfrifcg Jfe&t-i && tete$i&£3£ jfi| X'&Xfoii .xuZi^t-au ujkk *ix ty feiiiicA aoi.i*ri? £t»£*u*iXy # *> i*rg* £«.r«* v*' #&iafc X* .-c-uia ii/>v tv it* tv sfelftptd i * t * *fc;U u m 1 fc&y* i i %lii* $ZYQiiti%i»$v, fiii. iittcr^tfery ^T A gU eaX U iTat *r* a ir ; t ^ . By i U | « i | Xi yvu — you & * * & t fey sifctys* i£*v & « c *»t^ry c-f %k* f r « * * u r y : l*s# «* *&uXa i l k # u & *v « Ui*t. Uiu w , c m u r y ui i^rAeuiUUTu* T*a* tu** y u ss&*5*- ... iLult «i« uk* £ ^ * qi »1 vvr iivt ssiar* &iv « you tJt& ^ r « ' 4i i u ^ ^ s I s iii iirat, liiw U c r ^ u i)' wi t*w ua'. Y * * # ii #cu li*© . We ac 4&J. *alcji io #*.f6 6 7 #& & « 0 d lc-., , 11(jiii». ia &*&&*«, c«at lawtfX* «jl* 4i f#TSf,0g0 .ifQ. vur & u & i& « d » in fcv^r&afcfej Sa .,c ^ ♦ '•t p *x e *a t i & f* uw 40*41? £«* «*ftt i& a * * * v *t cant in CaXcrauoj ^ * 7 ? p *r a«At ir* &>o*4n^j ti 4.«x Gi»;*i ifi SteutJl £ » U U | X«2 */ £«* afciU i& Uft :*i ili tJUtfu Tfe- X tfcis* ttsat *?©▼#** *-XX #* Qi.«.i** <s* l^ricuitur- i .. ;• s.. .... J j • -*• ^v." A e u MoflNfet C 3 ii« * ** HWfctlUMfc# c.rc IV « u t « a , »ed tuc o U .*ra / * i i iina ^*Xft " - -v , M * 4a t u r « i .-1, Ita S i*- W iv. 4 A? aafs Ifc v » * Xig ux*# &**«♦ a W cf Ofefe*»fc «* lr*t«*#«t» * u t i r # i ^ In ©ivy Q **h * Sow cn tlu feM&ft s* ikat it i * QmtJi&j • U U » i« &u%*iua q X i&y tfee *uzxst#m &*&* &*£Uf«st ;**£&$ &&*£ ttejrea&UAe &UQLum»#9 *blr‘4 U U ' Safcr***.;* |X&O*OOO*GuO*0Q & y#ssr|*fei£* lj&te T & * ^ax«ttiury Xkclttr*! QJT 4<#fc*r<a *a& &***«& ahead $lfcfOQO#©l& &«O0J iL&ftafcs 8X?#OuOf0vjO«OO# Cole- ruae $XG#0vH>*0C£«w0j !^ * C t f U fCK&«Gdi X«itth6 $ & #^ £wfit*uk* of $ « & * * & ! mm&~ wski a*r«fc&&fU&»f Mr* i*ur&»£&; I wmu it Agxl6*atu*«t tX£#vC&#OO0*S?0i Setttfc #€oa#oo* Stfcil $7#f t ® > 0 0 ^ 0 0 * # ■ |4 |4fi|0 (*0 *0 0 * T & * & «e r »t *X 7 «X Afjriaultur** Sffciefc i » yen* eeife* j/#ti8g tfityt kr. Oux bifc***t «#Kg*#tl&§ aitiy - Uw Missouri K W t , y«w ■■»** Xfe« h « < w > ot tb* t r * * * w y j II,„ s^«r*tfcarj vX Agricultures «r. tfur*«»*» Xu* * * i i * y««» n • * » » »* u .« Yus, “l r . I* * • Cfeia«*v. i M H t a ; cl A**l«m l»»*** * & « • kc,i* t*rrlt«ry . 3079 * X* iford *• £&*&*»«• 8fcrg«ft*t T«a# sir* tiitt S^ojruWry cf Jfrteu&ttsfes ! & * * *tout I *bjr* .* * * , ncrt&«rr* Mr* &urg«*«i C i i k ^ g is & &«£&«? ee«|* titer i& eeuUrara £*&rte*i& *ua ri<s2Mi*x& Til- &*9X*Utff c f tii* ?r«iittttryl Mr, &'uxg*4*i * uy utt*vt o i l ;, tkSU*k $&&&*% Citjrt k w h &erto tfc&& Ju ju m City* Tdv S»<nsfi4«ry * f tfc# Tr*&»uryj &r«* tfe#a« £i£ur*fc && t* t&« ca^A o ^ u u a fc*r* &&%lv£Lai 0*»k* <*&ly qx mtioa&X $ M ykU MfcJ&M*T ter. i*ux£e*3 S f&n/ «*xa Tii& fltforaury of tM« fr*&aury: fefcnitft *4o&*# o£«tiusifsiy, £o feu tfcir.*; er »ouU yew a*y tM*t ©*&.&& Abaft &» esusfc Ousinv*i, Aa txu» «<sy of tt#r<i&' &*i*# f*oturis& ** * &»&& iR t&* di#%rib%» tic* — Mr* £turg~a«s !<**• fa« i**<sr»t&x> of tfc* Treasury: tot* *&**<;*** &o *0 , 1 «OiU£ fifcrt* V Tiu> $«er*t4*ri oi t&a Trfc&auryi Hot a w ^ ^ r * do y^u truru 1 Cfiie**o avaaT Mr* £ur&»*»: 1 t U & & CJ*io**o *>rviwfcfciy 4e*a *&**« %i*ee &360 a if / Tfc* at A g t lG u lim & i «% A li4 **• & & & » & $ C it y , m # itb Q m h & l fccrgesa: V «U » JUfcsfea C it / £ $ * * & t*xy »*&&££ j*jrt>« & **§ § Qi &u»iw*4*i in tiicvt U m l l i r i feu&i&«** u u ix im i & * w m p & t& X *x%u €t a & & « i& th«a« # $ » * « $ i4 v^xy ttMUa. ¥ & « i* Hurt la c*»t &f t«m to *y. fi*w & * it * % * t g &£ hk* Tr««A uryi 4o ywi tiiifek %h* i w k t i m fee#* a*xv * U « v u W zaim M * m & in a * i a t x i « t auefe * * t&£ &, s*£ a &t Qa&J*«, io u ia td* m x m L i c *% & *# * i?uair»e«* in t & * * & t i r « a i # t r i a | t *4r. iiuxe****2 Afew>iut#iy* Ui*« U#<jr*fcaXjr ^ i*ia fr*aai*rjrt £ « i l , fee* *•£«* lydttiSi? ,.;^ tut.i »«CtivIi sarvteu ix o m Cfcie&g* fc&si St. p*%4 it* a£X»fri G<ii»xa« $X tU i t * w Mr• BwiX&*sa$ |f&jrfca&& a-OUi^ *&&t W tern* £ * & * ilvltur X &««& t*±$h% i*«* *« x v *a &a w«iX or j^ea&ieiy * thv & *< ? «t *r r el fcfce f****u r y t kx, & u x g # $ *: tk* i*r. &turi«»*s F j t m € & ie *$ « t fra® ci A g r ifiu iM m i l& a % * w * t #%• Pfcui * « a ***** **** * * * » aix*ct lit ** ittw St, r * u imd t&fey *&■?¥& %h&s, ju#t §K*ii6 i*»a tc l«fexfea&& &* & *» ©tfida; ku£ »yo*ir,g uifttxiwutii^ j/xcp^aitlcn* ^aa »b 4c fcfc# &&v•* 4 ix#©t iitM*$ is Syos4j^6 lfitc fycs4*m &$ #vsxy ©tfc$x \ c«at*x. %L# &%axw t&xy aft «*** w^li &# A§xiCtti4ux#5 &x« y w x x$i&iife]Qu* City - Q**fc**a X *i&U © »a «iUi JUiiaa* City « 1« ft tr«Mi« **y? Ax« tiitiiy f#Xy iafctait** ^x r^tt MX# &bx&34>*$ ld«, six* Ii*tt Socrstwry ci a&xiauXtuxsj Tv wk*t ©xt*xn,t ivX* t**y seofe &r«*t*x tluus with Cfci«*fc&j. X X f;X3S&m*# U*&*4 •i t s £*&»*» Cityt ikX. G&# y *»# fiaaafc &xsfet«sx* feuafc *w>X« X je«t&fc ** iv ?«xy »**& Gfcis*^© *&&-£ » « a© * t 1 uisuiiaviXd t^oU yuur £#&*** City* c» & is tv* tii« x«i^*«**h*n X a*ki4 tk«y «#X<$ T#xy lft U w l f * Tfc*y *x * v*ry XriataUy 1& & atoitil **yi &i4 t #to«fc i t e©*#* fcc ir<*4 » X#1 « U « » « *« 4 © i»wl « «M in aAy A i g * * i « t *fei©* **& »*» C ity #wU*i #<*xv*. T&* t»*«x* w xy ©i **xie\sdtttx*; &x« fcctfcifti te •!> *** « * t MX. 8*r&«*»t # **• tfc«ix x *U tt< m * r* •I £&rt cultural nti»« to i£*«**?ar*t# Mr* jtexr&fts** is t&* d i s u U i « n & I * a s & s Cityt A h m lu % *X y m % * th* 3»er«wry a t A&u yvu w hU 6 swl %kluk it Agjrir4l«ri{ Evas U Um **a*rve b*&& «*r« *ut is Oitefe&t If* • Bur****** I He# 1 a© s$t tfcto £&&*&* c*t> v^ui^ »® <earv«u ’ •* “ • * - “ * *“ “ ' * • * “ “ ** “ i ° ““ “ “ *“ • tt“ * * " TSk* £*e**tttxjr tX A^riculuur«: II** t »^ui& fe* your *«9o&4 ffc* t*cr* Wry &£ tk* Tr«*».#urys 4«rv* &«axk *t Gvti&b*, uk+r& Mr* £ux§«*«i 1 / ti*«r# sfeetote fc* x«- $ m few* itl At Cfcle&&%>* tiie S * c r # W r y uf th% t r * * » u r y : ?& « * t * & t a so « Osw^fc <J&rry &*r r**«rr## i» iii*# » * U # ## iwwjr »*ry * * * * * r«*«*rv*s lie C&X <£«*&</♦ cj*n&at &fi4i**r tbfct (MieWftWljf • TLa gs ,jr#lA»y of t&* f*d**fcry: Mr, £ur*»«*J i £ *# *» *• ae&* **«* *»** 1w*l k** ** t&» ta&*#r»-f * « * * i&r&* r ***r **& tfc*r<** ^ S«a*ft*ry U te. | U * * * * • • * *■*** »nr« y*u *&$ ett*#r w k M*. * « * * « •* * |IM « I * « '* “ ** 1 * * * •• to ft ta km &UX&4Z&* thv £ ««r#t&xy &£ A«rietU tur*t tou «s*n jtil* %b$% *itfc u », i f you trliXt tk* t^jr«ti*i7 $x t&a fr^ftsearjpi will f-ut U fll* U it i# « t * t i » t i a & i *3 t&« r«o^rei* iiuxgxmi tr&&*«eU o&« li jusfc mussfc I 6*t| i s y M t I M t h e # • * * * • * * *>£ Q&»ka ##*« $&*XSi**Oev,GOC>OG* f&*t Uwt wur olflu-rlAg huv»« tria4fc&.«*io&», but g o u a t » r - t r U v > f t » # ~ &v*~il« 09 *Ci*>$ UtfOU&b cur ? &« S « t l « t ^ Jefe&ittg; e *& t « r t <>Jf tfc« Treasury* te # *t*$t i « Stak& & Bt>» &>*£ it ces^&ars in tia&t ras$.«K2t with &&**<&£ City a a * Jetoblog c«Ktur1 **:• vu£$tifKsi £«*£* u Q&&&& *itfc tfc« U*x tii* * art tiii9 t w r i w r y (*&die&ti&&) is juat && ift£u*t&&t« i& j u s *« <» Je&bi&& «#iit** aa I*& *a & City is U &s t&pwtumt t&slx UjntI ter/ m t th#y h&V#. th* S**r*t*ry tb# fr*a*uj?y* At fc&fiafca City i# to tfc« *uuth t&«»? iix# Bvr£*a &s 1 t & i& X tfcm t*£ * w # ia *« u« it cur t#rxiU *y la gxefctar tfe&te tb« £«*««*? i& ttt«ijr k n i W h <w* w ^ w i i a & » & • ay tt*uy &*¥* t&# c * % » t i U s i i tk*j &&ir« *t St* irOUl • • * tkm 6iqsr«t«jry uf tfc« t r ^ « u f ) i i«\Ua ycv* any f rest yvux mm U 2$ M±ra ** Bus***** / : k m ml **a^« ©i ih * g#*s»x&i so nm% v i b u s i m z s is* i M * territory / £n>& jro« ia$*x«*si$e aid® <£ «&# fe*«i&«*& $&&% Cti«to.|,t «o^si i s i l | ^ Xx^te youjr *.&;/#1 #4 *,# o f *&<* i& tifi& t# triiud x«l«* fcisfcskijp# t x i t U n i lUut#s*«£ ()&&.&* &i*u Cfeid*g9 # lim t & x*»»yv«, »iU* Cfci«**o* i‘ sx &« &«££<siuiurt«X3 i^ x tt»« r ^ i w i . ^ ©suai # ^ 4 u *#r?« U i » t+xtit&sy $**%%** *& *& t& k&v» It a*£***$«& Xx©» Gfciv;***? «&4 &*v* t» r©»^nr# *>&&* in Os^u^.t IP* &urge*&I v»i4*&t £*; 1 tMiU. t&&t $£&&& w^uisi U ft s*x* eofc- I I I t£« p0*#l9 40ii% m & i m & x in %h&% ta x riW r y tfcaw Cziig&$6 Tiw 2*cx* wxy cf tt* Treasury i A i m * * fck*u j?*>u &&a 4\2»r‘»M*s bftiU ^1 C&ie*go *au & etxor^, vr&nm *t ih* Xt*i*X e*Mg*m*x% j» r * * s r iU 4 Mr* j*ux&«*fct y g f ) ixiv#lj & fcy*u*%%k *y Ifc* Aat* V4> *«* c^u ia £*ifc« e«ur« « l fc&*t is tli&fc &i#fcxi«t| fciit £$ u u&\ m ** ftoi Iifc?« l&» preetii* thut *« ««uia L»v» *itt* to* x*fciv£u4 i&e*tea id Ott&A*tb4 | # r « u i f o* ife* Tr**»u*?* l*«i *w> * » U kx« fcuxg*##! V« a*vi4 W R * « * * * ** i^cx*iV«jry tc w a fi»ftMi7) tfc* |sr««U&** tfc# feu*ifc#«*f /#«! *ix* Ai*a I® &«t ri&fet a^an* jitofc»«» ©X %&« jtxefel#* **a i»uc|#s^iatic^ %&* o*rr*x** out oX »l*t U m» A«*t r«a-Uy i**«ttti& sli&ii fee &»&#, aoaft - Ward sU Miff#*#* iMirvlz^g ia« C€/S.v*4*i«fl8ij &&& $&§ &«>iii*r&i $$&?$«# cf **%**&«»<» in Uw i U s m e t l Mr, Jter&«*gi 7 ««* Tkw £p*c*«t6X)r of tfc© t*<te«mrys Sla#t# i© yotar wttXu Uu tn* e&st *rrftttg«tt«mt# ** m? to C M e a * t # or it and U oa a ^ ^ r & t s a from/ fc&fe ft u i a i r i o i fcvrvt *r» itor$***; My j«igft*&t# & $ i« t&«a %n^t wrri- V. ry w&uia 4>tf U t U f a«rv ao by &i&vlt\g a r*#ion*U btati* ii. 0 *i*bA, f * fc*« lli «X e »«r t&USfe *ifc& * & » vcuiu **& «» tiUfcfc C&iCk&O CMc**fc <*$»* sor* fcu©iti«t«* %h*t* £or th* **&&&& ti^t it i* t*ry i&ua& X*r&*r; t?ut •— fbw loetdUljf cl' tfcs Tr»Jtftury: Unit X m ? p as«uo» tfc&t y«b ho* » b r*a t& aitti toi«*ufct« ±*n*«r to 4 * * 1 « * t t to# si tu*~ u<tm Mr* £ur$*s«: • * estUa a » m i« 1% v«ry cicely. tii® 8*er» w>ry oi A&riso±tux*: T©u twd&r &*«&&» of eour*#, *£ 1 X s < iU U ii 0 % & «ir a c r o m tuut tfc* iaatviduttX &&* Uftuui tXAH»4.GtivR«T AST. BuTft*#!** !**# ***• tiiv & * * r « t a r r U *&x * * A»4 * * * * t&« br*a©fe# *o ti.« X&# * o * » # - tfc* o&ly 4i«tl£ fttt6& in t&# *vttmu * t 44 , *>i&ti&& AcrKfuXtur^i bo6Jfci^ 36 Ifera M, Ml*. &urg*«»i !«# • fb« to*or»wr* oX Asriouitur*t ■:h a u r^e**: &> JTa * * * t&* i*w |«**t fkute you, Mr* Biirga#** m m m tfto £ « « * * * & * > Mr. ^rig&t* or ©X A&rlauitur«* Your i? *lii|iit t Jefefe#* «**& #feoi#iwd»r • fefcrM&xn iXMltwm* *t Qmukk* ?b* 6»«jr«t*rj 44 4*riouito.r*s Xou &&<*» ta* j>*«toivfe tu&t it oooXrootii** m $ Mr.frig&fc? Jir.Wri§&t; !««f sir. T&«» S«o r«i^rr of Agrieuitur»* tit&%*u&* %s*m% j*r .W r U & tt tiii. you &i*«* us &.&? **- you «& & ? X l«v » sot ft*as * * * *r$j.-&r&ti$* At « a i # but X) la v * «o*dtf fcM tf T»rr wri«*ijr Uu»t, o&s** o& wfcAt X &#?* a*»jrd &<*r« tiii# worries msa **«. ia*««s * r * Xoofeiog i'cr f i r s t you tfc« «&fctur*JL iocAtici* for & r**ioJiAi fcA&Jt & »a tfc* t r « ^ i «X % & • tr & iU . Ho* ia * A *ou±& b» t & * t tJMfci i * ei#Arly aflfdNMiHMi without ***y & r&ui*r*t ir. tiio a t A t i * U S * *&At * i i i a ^ t ojC G a a A a Ad a fr# «ife*itt*a to you* th« 4*v#lo£~ «urfc«t a « f i U r , tfc* a»?#iop*tefcl oi t&« * m i# 0* yftrUO1 i&UlXefcia, fc&« JMMSfci*i$ t U t * *# 9 % % , the iitXr* \ In- Wjr«*t», i&« gr&ife U w r # i U # t&* was* *wrifcst &&a &XX t&*$# ? *x iv u & * © i i v i U # s mkiah ii fc«r* *S*4 tv*QLui± & Xiktgif iX*H i \ A , UtJlG&l* tlu&t tfefct ', «jsd «* jutturox sssurea «£ w n a tmrie*fctrfcfca>4 ir, m % w e*ll$ ■ ; tttKU X i o * s . 3stvii 1 » ft %X&&* jfe* t & * territory* fci' &&»k e i« & x i& & # it* aiix§uy 0®*.k# t&* ol tb# c X *& rir % * i * & i a & t » &&U 1 * * $ * &*;«*• «X«*rii&£* ilfi&iO&t* feu*i&»s*# W d ilid B ^ &M it is &fctiiX*XXy a tri&ut#ry «s£tatf* Xiw £*MSX*Wrjr A & r ie u X w r * l &£ $ * l i # & e y *u t h iu t Uw*i id uX#****. tft« Mr* I r i t i s & * ^ ru X *, f l w i» ***y tw Me«$>tteiui« f^ l ***y w« e k t « a X t&i&iL' Tiw &*ejr*t*xy «£ A^rieuiiurtij $ * X i , t r e ^ 't t&*ra a o ^ti&«t a r U i i o i U , *ti«*t*lft»tet t& 9 vvt£htt ***X i# ***t 1 thinks Tju*i ;a*ax«t**? $X Agricuitours* £*« * & * X * s i# it, f v* iftsWrass, » # is»<feXly *1X t & * & » & * » fvund in th xw fr A X U fi* * * 44ic«»#x«<l t&&-t t & *t » * « a u « tc t & * ffcift t t H ftfeat 4|A it »aui*i <*£ thsy * * u i a toeofi* Wdratl Federal ■ Reserve Bank of St. Louis free *H d »*mm& * * *&*.«£ tfea* t&lfc fctt* & I X i f tfc*y »u i* cX CttUTftw *i**r tfcrvufcfc Beat©® XX * & & & * mm U 27 W« S. ft** &lfefc*sy © 1***1**#, feufc &-*»««&£& i#v fciiliu^e fcf t&frt 1$ ttXtitf1*1*1. T&* » # •* * * * * * ia * ¥***euryi fke &4G7# **¥y fei Afcxtcul U»JF*t la l^ r g * fajrt* 1& nntuaXaMski* : £ * 0 «.r® ysu * **$*$?! kJf. Vrifbii ik*# *1*» ?fe* 5« cr*W if) a f A&ri<sultu<r&$ I Wtemtfet £**& *.$* juy. *«*r* & tte&ker * 1 &&* ftr«8riftfett ffc* Wit #lx; #&«l#»&i*r.. &**$&*%**¥ 4*1 A * * l « u i t o * i& t £*« £>?*•«& t p&p/uXik- tivii vl Q&feJl*? lir* irigjkti Hy i» t*«fc Iks l * a i «*.« i«*Jb*v*VV • Xiic 4># iif A&XifiJUity*a| Its, t a*tui& |«tt y^ii&lufejp si* tc- i t * v * 1 ia#« &1 i»U4i i* t * * ii 3 u*x* W r f iM r y ftnwyfrfifffc 4ltii ifcftt vl k&tim* CllyT *ur. SrifciaU I*ii# i® ***** p**tl«ul*jr 11&* City Ju * «* iH w l**#* lii fctoi* I t t f f i w i y * Xfc* B «(iN W r/ af A * * l * * i t u r * i A& c u ^ * * * * iir«fri£fet« 1< d^4tt^fcX«r4 »4t3i 3t« L&ui#* iu tfiii w m u x y # XUe Stftif» V^py Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & aw L au l** $i* L#vi» 4o»s>, a es>B*i&*ir*i>l* rvla** ai &^ai£«#6. A $ri*fcl ¥<*u & *v* * i«.ar&a & **& **? & $* S. M r*!*!**** ¥«**, aix* Tft* -yJfetbXjf o* A^xiieuittur^s zi&wi&g *>*• * * i & % t Wi* X i * a t C ^uM ysru * 1 #* u» &a> i&*& bmit&si* iu Ih w v afcfcx«»st I p*#£&r«d «x I isU rt#^ fcu $ * t *&«** ii& u x** %'tmm* thstx* & *« $ftljr fcne £«tift'tft i $ * & &>** x * o * il* ii'i Ftv+zttinn %* <*-ux M ailt* ftu*i&£43 tu* ai& ixi& b* li«& iu l * * * #&e 1& *>#* e*i*i ui' %&* l& tU * Our tW fttiUfe# <*t $UX fcU«4&#»tf 1ft ift ©X tftft tr&l&i* $&##£ trft fcui# W riA t#X i'# 1 ft&Ut&d ftfcf £xe& lk0»« i x&wjt**, Mwi a w I **•£»&;» w&g Aw |-#X *uui 4 ^XfeetiefcAly ft*?x- #1 tft lft>.*« Xi&wr* 4 !fe»t &*• 8tt£&#»$ a* 4 * tb *i iw « j^ir i&Uiajhiiui* u£ tfc« tx * 4 * Aieixlfeu%l«s* ffcv 3*ex*tux/ wi i&* fr*«i*ux*r CftliM»£« ift tfe# fcu*i ft## a© y^u $*«$ & *« »iti* tfc*l y-vu 4 * I k 5.&A* texjrituxyt r kr. 5*i*&i5 lft tft** * * * * * t *x x it *x y t ffe* $##r*i##jr fti %a* fx«te»uxjf) ilXtf JTigfttt ift« tx«^e % ¥««» 1 • ^ • • f t l ^ f t * « U i& ## XXfcJfc «£«.t 1 *UC* fcX a i# tfilm ti# ft s* CiUo&^c, uc.**d o& ift* & jr*<*x* wc ft-^V«*> IN>$ft t^ft#X# <fe% 0IMfclMkf X4 V&®.U & V I ft* I^XtfftWit# ii&<$ ?caus** u «ur 4 l# triiH rtiM 1ft tfc-fc lu r iU fi h u * *&#£ 1 ***4 * vi/ uwr fuAu#**, 1 atfc.i« ift ift*i U i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ - B fcfc 30S0 S. touai £*»€>« oif fcfici &&t & Vvigfci. ottit wkr ffc*> S t a r e ***? ©I iii» ? * * * « i * y f b&aevaUhM-* I Bui X et#»M $«jf tifc&t u n i l # ^ in & a * * & ? &«< #* & » c * l a » 4 * '& i < u t»# &#s*#fc**y * r ,$ r i £ & t : Rlv^jr Ito Tefe & * & » f r s * Ossfck** m &% d « C M r for «g¥i6*tt«»!*l. Qm &* X&« & *a r *t *r y ei &i\M SI* L w A s *fc« &m is %u* in & £ # SL*&*±& Qi%$> t&* T*a&*iflr>| Vaijt* & * £>$*«**$ G k lu «&$ u^«» i«* i**$ *r vi a m i M a a *& il a a i & tfci« *a*Y|U»«¥? Mr* m i A ^ ; C&jU?*&d« ttu $#sr<*V&ry *£ tfea l m $ i t f / l iir. ffll^it T ««i &r* ffrl&ftts u^ii* ( tiUA* i t &«**«? sif. X * * 8 # « r « *& r * vX *&u 0&sfc&? \^ Xk* &*a*®tfr*y ta4T 4|#4a«lttir#t W * S ri&k U Xrom X a *aa «* le-U uwertHwrn a****- of our lixta* w\.Uk*t * t le a X tfctei * a*&4 ia&frlf ga&a**Xly i& £&&#»$, QlUafe»ait t&& f SatrtJMfcaat itrrifccxy* fW g * s * a t a * t a* t&» f t « f t « ^ ! i *&«**% Co±w*«afc B U *T k r .i n t i i i Ik c*±v»**» *>*» a u k 1 *a*«ia a»j u « SCltl U & i **>&<**%i<*& « « u i& *p&Xf+ M jri**, Vfc&% a srigat* tifeie*gv9 | $&&«&& *«)r «&a £«*i n&i'$ *# * M * t*-rirlt*xy #fcioa * &* # *t tti#« t&# *ai&4a#s*> fck&t &t« tv%a» 4fc«4u T&* &*«r*Vfcjrjf tfe*» thNto#wry| Xfe« &«er»tft*y U' A&rltfttiiufftiS t&wt*« *£i& * r .$ n & * ;U £&*£& IrSfc* ikd*4* y©u 4 « i& r * U g-ca*!*** *& ** to Uft* | «6u a * Uu*t« (Tiw ir4<i>rMiAtl«di in '&« ftur&itb** fc> Iri^V *r« uia~ fcy &r. *JU1 &* au*r*«a jEj&i&it i i t M ktm ** ir i^ k i, *&iry- ^WkOtfU «UtilH&'j ±-*l4ki) s t m n t B f at j a m , W M ttlitt* fuw $ # •* * $ * » » ef l u s*r* fr«i»«Jts Tr**tfurit Tvw »*# ***** j&tr &&&•* &ffu C. T f m & t *«**iu»r «l t** $%««& Yfare a | » U « l u a Jte&ij INWrtll O H M * tb« S# 8r<*i&ry e* $ii4 Tr»**urjr * y<.wr«*li“ lh« M l yew tl&kiy *4*r **$ fe*£*►*« (taptttf## &* *« $&«** \ a^wfttry a i**r l« t » *ct& ifc r«r#r*a«^ *e tfeia £*rtl«ttl*r 4 i * m * n - yvi» & *** 0Utii^«4t * r . tx+&Qt*i Ik# fifciwr** X H A w p*iA«&»»iiy -------------------------------------------- ft 31 <?* •*** 1& bviiyi«6U5B »4Ui U*w r * 0 * 4^ 1 * al Ilf-® #i$sk g&l£«e&ts #*** avrir«£ 3 Xrvii *4 *% « *•* & m *«tiUUi#**fc tel $fe* Soiitb i&dt y*ar %»rxitvxi*$ iyk&g $ m % 9 mw%h»*»% * m ua» * 1*4 «&«« £«« #&«$« T&a aitKthur vl- &««4 «i U v t atoGk Tmm&v&i m % t, f?3>4#$E$f «£ *u« zatlmtntfk V&lu« Vrl |l%»l#u4 t»#^?^* 4)U* ffcl« i * %£«* V&i&fr txi wttlsfe i*»&aa #&»& t&#y M Ti*«& fc$ is****!. Ti»* v*4imi o* I h* a±matUti px&kw t *.& put vv% ay ifen *&eklii& h m m m &*cui<t*a t« $10£»bl9tC&Q*C0« B& per a»i;t vi tfe##* r#» cuipte o*4 ** £ « » » $ & * &i*tjri*t i&$l'ii4«i& t6 Sxtalblt * 1 * Vi%mn& £ *« *« )• gi lwrtw * & $ tfyv«4 fi* UikZ*±i »4# f i r s t * m *• 4fe v#* ^ u i # or uae^tib.1 % c f liir« » w a « 1& tfe«t &«* irsrf **rla$ tuxv* $ & i l io© fe«*u * jUfe&g **.* I&UXW i, f&* ««ewn% tfl tu * ? ^ #00w &#*&» Ge£6*Mto M&fiQCQ h v m i aoutfc Dt*Ju*U * ! * & i & ? *4 ; *iUi 20C»£$0 1* t&« *»**&******£ i>«r%i«4K ef asoyifc t&# &gui&v«»t* * 6 » JSX&e& B ill* *a& F*fc«* fcvRtfc** w* x»«*iv#4 U&# &u*&«r# iiii^ &«xt * K » lii#44G *#*<*&♦ Or^vft *fc* 6 * * 1 , sttl &«ui«**a* ¥&&*»« «jr« fli# t»Qt*UJty «f A^rlom tur«s 1 % >ildv C*tu* m & l l miftWrt* Po ^ Jhm»« »&*t f-« re »&*£»«« «£ tfetf Ilf# » I 6«1 li* COier«*2te fctti Utfeii £0#a t« SLan*** Cifc/ J dktkX it id &i*tewk iur« f r«£M?i*i Larw x £«*&•& 3 Qi\y &&& 08»&*? i*v* X u%%}, Mir# S»^x#$*4fy* *>ut $i&Q& cocgi&g r#*ii*#*i tiM» v&iu# o£ tfca* Xor «o%fer«UT(i |?***w *,0 *##, uao. #Atfc your $#raixtfiou I «ou*u. ii&# to g&tb«r tk&«« ^ t&ti4bi64i X (f&w sill & 0&«§ &£& XfMfttftlKt t&«& to you* &k& izf&rm&tiv® o$ro to fev fura} mn$X be afertedXjuilfelt *,0 , 9itJUrd* F fe a c & , i « U w u « ^ J * n .u&ry in o¥ ia*ns# 2 4 * ;U X 4 ») Tix- 8eor«t&ry of A&ri<nUtur«s tii* «r»*t»rc ^xt oX H K M i <u& to *iifct a U r . t M l Ut&b s*©*&#* to or*# & m to tfc# Othar oX i & 0 &« i^ U 4 # & . kr, j>'r«fta&: I « i X # U*w> &*v# v*ry ^ k ^itM.ii: *' j*owa« I<-oiAi%i»# *% £w&Vi*r &o»| c *t o «* y *x a * oi** vUt *»tiXX *, or r«~ iro£» CaXorfc&e X * a i ye-r * « r * & & & #0OQ fiu> &#cr#t*ry oX A$riyuA *ur#j 0ou*& you w u you <ir»* t &*t jCro» tfc* u*#t«rr; or t&# ^ » u ^ i £r» Stvt&hi tifefc* X r o * £0 ^ ovuatry* $i**t $ « * « # & * * § • of iiv # U ii* #«*tio& *oui4 &o t^xougk I* C&io&gv, *ouia "'i:'i^.. you «&yf Mr* *.^rtt X ro * fcotiij r # i^« o * u * * , «&&y o£ Tit*, * # o r * W r y of i^ r i a u i t u r a : stvc* i& us « & « & # ? fxe&efe* A very «A#il ^ r e # K t ^ . t&Uft 0* fh* of A$rle«l tears* Oc-uia $vu % *ii u* m?%hX&& afccut *&* dltuetle* is* £r* Fr*&e&} 1^ &«t ;* v*ity a e a a l & * r * & « «a&iuit iro & m n t W k «* itQf& % i** ^ w r U ^ q£ Um*\mjk t»rl&ut&£>- %a t&« h\jcliug%&& tena* Tn+ti mu %.*% m y&m , %&&%, *&6 $&£** &cw<* to S i. Pixiu. fcf it £&#& %m But tii^ro i& & nastier* ci' Mc»t&4* irgii *Mafe * * r#e*»i?* & vsr> ftisa *cutk*u»t• #i th $u*t * U« CUr a&cu^t vi m*%%lm$~ life# to j?.tf3 **«&t ycu jj&j; x fi^wra* i & Q&Am <en #ife£ tfc* d£U*itt& tfcfct It r^tursu l/ &&#« tO*£*«Ui Cfcic«&c iiJU* dC&» Ifc&t *#*!+ t«rt*l Uteiiut. oX **u#i&«Mg# ShlOh the gfrw Cfc Y~*a® SihtlMUU I m with Chio*£c umcuftt#* tc weal u h«v« tv tr6C'«^9t«U l*.«t jre«* * # T 4^0^#00v *v l0| QVdi «a»* fcfe# * «u*i u* uii tc tife&i ic ** vi «feii* goi&g «« »«;*» euli«a t£ vXi§wt t&s&ir r*i&iti*4*c-c6 k«r« x o «itt«^ /c u r Li-Rtr^r fcci*** fccrr<*%*vj&iisi£ »lt& us £?#*v c#0v c*00. tta £*ur«t&r? vi A&rieuityr** I I Qtfth* *«rw «ot m & # t&« iea&fci v*i X<#r b ffftgieMl tWfcWjtf «h#jfv if W &t%uQh*±1 kr* fTvUMbl / vliliJw^v. / o£ t&« iTfc^sury: _____.__ « >cu thi&& It cught tc Whi*& uc >vu ti*ii>*# - ____________________________________: 309* a a* C* Fttaofe, liK'Xiteg *t i i so* fr o & «uj$r ttUuKijfOitti* <u&i Hit&vot *«£<«**.&&-# to *j&y io o &i jNrta* or iiu «x if;g &a* $>oi£fc o* m l*i? *&& «?** «*%»• v*Xy f ro » % &* *t&afiU' Ui« &xr*at«*t <$vwr*®Xmuv* »ad & •& •£ & t t r i e I or to * d is t r i c t xi i*i oi *&ioto t & i * jfwu: j *»*£&& at o* oottsr akouisi ko <& Jr**t* to to * Jta^at|o&frt#*« fcfc&fc I k t n or so^&r&iv *i to u n * u l a~ i% it tc CMo&#,& ** pr&xv&m h * x * ui*d fc«v« t&« &'4&sUiu&r w r « '&»&» &t Q&uk&t Mr* fre&oiiJ *urj>u#* t u iiy | tfc~ C & 4 6*& $ $tffc&fc totted <a*owor cur * » *«XX« Xfeo Boor* w ry of t&o %x®&mxyi %hlsh do you think *ou,oi ow o ?tto * fo r &»<* oa* a i ^ u o & t o f t&« ai 4 trio t? J£*« jpr*fio-ii: c^- ^* Thu £ « e r *i*r y of tti« Trwuiurjr* *r, *r»&«i** ¥«1 X* X & « S «a *e ai tfcyt 1 iki&Jt •■— t&s tr*4uaury: You #oigX£ not ^ v « no stro*£ *. Xift*f*ai«Jl ia s t it e t lo a * tfr«, fro&ftiu iio, # t i U X btU ^f# ** to t * k * w x # o« t&« to U f f H i- r i ua to ia*«* c^r** of (u is triet, Aft/ r « * * r ? * *il tat* W* *rw o a i a * it iio» in * O&Lfii. »vu^ few* oo# » t r a *g *« &*v# outfit;**! U i© r»# wi * & * t fi*fe,*vro without a 36 aase i. J«4Sfe C. K t a m a , I tfc* Sftsr*WX/ *S Ihm *r* f*»oftlkt T&* » ir , ef ie 2*0 **$ q£ T«* tfAaJc it *e*ju* fe« fiMflX- i ftNUMttig? * ifefct i s y«*ujr m&ximm f w & x » * w * * m tQt kx* ¥x*t*<uii i jm m & l «**atiat «#**& i^ x t»&* <$*Wx su i * * lx * * u # ii* l* &&** 4b M&*% * i i 4 j t o Xreap, *iv # &41 XikJi deli-AXa* SI# u£ aat- fc&iiili# i i «&%ix«Xy til a av;i lu&y# & M%fc£* iu&M Xi*ux ex tkxwifj^i* t &xv ug& sfeiofe # * x*-al*© ^u& t ttutt ^i< 4*r* fW Si«jN»t4jry yf & $ s l o u i t&urst A t siuafc * * * ,.& * vi ska i s t £ « t %h« « tx « Jig **tt . ftx* ixufec&x I * U * it i a *u i 1 ****)<? Uircu&& %fc* t>f t & * y ^ x ; but t * x * & « & tfc«i» t&« <^*xMAti&*j ax# e^nriwc && **>#fc l*xg#ljp im %h± <*i&$**» Taw $#ex«t*»x|f fcX £&Xi£&L£uf$* to# tli* wuifitifc mtkWMX wu jfwtt * »f U *t Vli*i <Mi|/iM i*r, fr^ao&s qu i &<&&*»# W &. r v w n r « &&£& ie#fa&«a ^ l i . , r#*ujnr*# *<? &* a * #u&±ift*a «r* t&# 6* ^ ? a«**x»i $&#% **hum to &« iiW i&fe&iS*USi a*fet»CiUxi * * * « tv fr* « * t &y t& ia feft&Jt i& i&oa® x**<mx©##T Tfc** »ouJL4 4«j***ja, a x . ft#*r*t«x>* %&m hv* $*<§.&&&+ X Q* tha Tliw at. w m U A $ in %h& $r«9M* t it le s * r i I && mt* %k*i w u y &*il$fl&l U*£*.s $«$£ lute ifc* #?$*«&* iir* fxe&a&s U lt But £ &»&&* »&*-*&« r i&* £*<**«&* A&Uwjuu &&tu.* i *~.«>th*r t&$ &c*%i.u&i;*.i £&&&$ %.u Oimhn w&vlii &$ *iis&xii6L t«& £*<** t b±t qX *&**&& e&x$ vi ifcis w»jk*j& t ur tim%b*x 1% wwiua fell *»rv« i»u^« *»t*u IX tie«? 414 &<** 4$ tc t&* x+&iQm.i } « * *i&& i&« Gisefca ctv.ei' &*»*# Ifc Limo'ih k#t* m & * l 8fcnj&*r« Urn r«a**fcjr6»» ax is* m && mute tw% ©# tsry ausii th*u it %h* ik^«e £mu&&* $&s*? «l &&& n^Jiiy tUtf «£09s# **«fc to t&$ u*iu&i «&&jt»# &&&&* S*sr*t*ry oX A&ri*ul tyjr^i araife«rj &*&*« aouia m# i s 1^« |*r#»i»t t&&ka* tk i* & m i& «sX nitki* #2 & r ^ * / & * r f * afcia. X$r r«wi»<s6v«it. kr, ?r*A£ife; 4*. i 2t« Tfc*t #ovla cU j^m <m tli# x&%&$ *l r , tk« S*cr*t*ry oX ifc* f m i u r r i f^ j««v ti.t ln g * » * *4)»« «a*& iii* Ytlj fewt oftftk* tfe&* tfc# I & * * u t u 14 & i-./, a u t i « i l * « • • * 1 ^ * *#au&Xz£ Uwit ifctf JTttUiftettrati** *** „t s * »iu* tfe# •CUTtf** U a # ttu^iiM^i b*»* U * t <***# * • » yvu fc**i tc x*Ay %<*© ifc* ra~ lB * * * * * * *1 tfe<**« JT**OU*<5«* * * * * * * * * * r«* «<>****** u * * * * * * * * s*&**»*a som n *7 M s e* ?*#&*&• iiivwiv ^ in ifei© ift, ¥i^. i* & va?*- allXitviU wm&tkQn is, *»<»««* 1 £g »<#«&# «-! Afi^aiui, $&&% & * & & ! & $ t&a t Ui** o i% i4‘* i& a iziM i&i Stferwtiurjr ©f tfe* ¥ *« & •« *? s %#»<* i ©6 «u~a ***'4 it*a« Cfeiws.* It is m *xx? fc*i t-fe* d*«grtr€»il«r *&*•* &*>* X *v* Otfctf* &*(&$«£«*# *<,* &&&« &<»?$*«• «W iu U < i« C£ tiiaiT fcr* fXMUlil iiif, » U # iuut I a&sAI te« v*jr> ^l*a to «*£* I2£> »U.V ii^ U *4 « «f£ Ski**. Ik* vX tfe* XrtnAiidryi *1 U u*&«*t*iM $«* «*&* # « * * Xi&ur»* x»r t**t Mr« fr#fc*fc* i ef«ar& X w ill w to jl« * e 9 & m »C *fc* fw**mwyt trsoi&uit Um»* t*> i&# JuAl * * / *iil in &#*%«** #&*$>-« to jfow* 2 #cr« Jm % m t o t «*-&& *fc*& /wu 8*a«rr* Ba&Jt 09&^i^t)i< N K 0e»>fc4tt«« U**y &** ***t fe| Y«<iu«»t4iK U d (lii«6 »uit4fc«at« A&ritfti $ t * M k * l&tr&&w6i& ?*ry &4&a &&4 <t$ult» ilfc* to *tft Xur«*jF4 W Ti.* T*** &«**• 0« im tlft«, % * &* £ux&is&*a * * & &?# fi %&*»# J «u m x j feitfe* 1$X4«) itili. 1 n & atiSKM Kr at vxxstt s. u tm . tin SMftiUtjr «s£ tb* Ir»4.»urji Sti-ta yewr &»«« arsi ysuar 0G*A*4Uefi. U kal ?r#sfeid*£* • / tfce £&Uv-*ua &&&k Ttu £*>or4 w r y of Ifc# 7x&**ux!y t Do y«*u y4px»##iifc t&* Ci«iftri£& Evu*ta otf Oa&fcs? &*♦ TiiUnt A t t & « g**»*ox*te*jry# o* a i i t&« Q m & & $ I &*v* p*4js&r»s>a & orial fcy & U %ha *u &&»* tu* $«N6r*iiury wiJ Agxiouittur*! *r , 7* toaj Mia &*ttOJ5&it ¥#*# #ix* tu« £#cjro%*fy o£ t&* 7r*w*uxyi u»*t? f i i i jr«% U ^ i > - sufcait &o you »iu»fc *o r««s» it? iir, I&fet *ouia to* t&« Geftfcittna'tt $rX*ftftujr*t X; 1« not ?#xy Xor^# uu% X »ouia &« |*t*£*«U .y # i i i i $ £ to 1st it X U « a *r** t&#& 7 fc* your ^ i i U ^ i i * oi tfea f*#*«tt*ys u*~ «*iiit*iXio^«t &£ tJai# • t*#ct £it* it **** t u & *. X * M i & /i,v a u ^^ria * ^ o io t out it f© r u» - &&0. C o **IH w u I tiiuu^t t!;«t #ooia a* sfeojr* 6Jjd X ii«4 * ao|.y fx#s>&x*<i in *>**»tty $©oo «feaf>« i‘orfc*«fc o&* ”%K* at you *Hfc y e * * £ *&## us*m * & * « • Federal Reserve Bank , of St. Louis ^ ^ ^ m■ ■ ■ ppp n & V 1 bmt& fey I r , ¥&!»#& w&# r#e«iv«£ &&d m*tkmx Sx&i< *& # Wit&*»« H«£ury !♦ T & W a , *«efrivdtt Jaj.uuxj M tfe, itfi4*) •**■ Mr• Y ^ U $ t 18c-** G *&% l&k $n $t %tm *& * vwr c r i * f , Oaaaife is not ii# v # it ie ao £&t &# * to ea fc&# |}ff«s#frt *itvwtUvri. iivt t w & i n g an tfe« p&at owl * « * r » 1*01 8# * x * >f,.r^ && our fuiura *& * % & •* ^ .r ^ p t t o u ; tmt/w? fc&v* f * j ? i s ^ u a i‘i£ u x **# w w w<* fcftv* % ***£ ift our territory 0i*t i£ *t * i t & i*s t. * * fc&?$ %«&«** * r^b *ctutd # * ta*v4 m territory kvaia**i% in t&« X iteulo iiJk« t&* 0e iu 4tl# # %& sii»1feifiaU| ui^sr#**,&& ■ * fe h^Ta tri«d *© &«** *ur yrvw*i\ty>a «?»tir*iy *v Vikut. %jl* bguiua ljT nJsubt 1® *b»eit»t<»Xy jt m & X i& l U e * X s^ula X % k *f i I f the Ociftfoit**# * i i l kislric t# . - U tric u t# X4Jt*X %e feh« % t i*«U d & 1 tfcin* yet *$*.«& Mr# Sur^ys^ IX £* t&cm&bi tfc# #& g u 14 fc# l i * i W a la c© **r * uuM>*t of f r * * «o *t oJT «$ r t M t !ti Ii^ma * • im&£ u ox »o r«* ifc tti« j a«lWV* ii& t tin* U ittfti U« »or® I itr# - si U X 4in # jr Cl ««****;& Hwu*« i s t h * t tfcU U « | - tldob g ro t* iw Jm iIU i *«rv«k *y m * U a i i t t l o u »*** it *>«*M »« by * * » ov* ***»• » • • 1 i- * am * X a 4Q \ * * * * * W. ¥*t**. Xcx lifii c* &** wsa«x&t*»u «&*t gxs&t*r aafcxlf ii*£«* l^x*,.* a*|>it&X &4sd «#«M Cs cfct&i£»a la & Iftijjt ©X &*£fcaiirfc u&&«x tfei* JU# w*fc& ccvia to* efet*i£«d ie * *** 1 1 *x siivtriet itm . * x<*8*x¥* C&&* qpta *oa vXdit^£ feu*i&**& u&&*x fe&* **&* etSMitlcn** Tfcte &*ex*t*jry cX Agxlcultur*s t * i i , scuic ycc &&** •*** C**oaa tfcc toik-au tii*t/«s*Alftue pxt’iriaic*; cX %k* Aott Mx* Y« t«»s 1 fe-sx&ly %UXm> it &*&*&&*£? tc &c t&* i***i«4i®$ Cut 11 &*e***&r?> &Xt*x ycc Mir* &c&# cv*x t&i* um wry v. a 4 Xcuftfi *itfc x*x*x*fcc* tc t&* &*a&*x cf a u i n a u Uu.1 • « &«<*u * little ahex** **? uy tc 14 or I S , it ** * * * tc &« t**gr *houl* Co j.rc?ia#s X^x. In ctw*x scxas* t fc»t tijw Juu*iC*x cX ci*txiet* *&ciO& zivvur fctxvtt c*«ft *xCiixcxiiy Xia«a» 04 Tou ttfeattlU ii&¥a XvUi.i XiX^t tfev a i * t X i 0 t* £ *•& *£ , t&*u b**n ivt lic^xfcy tc * ut tUa& ix. t&c 1&*« **At vc iia^r*** t&ct cc* pwiAt riftbt iux«5. etllftii : iiXv A il l i & i W u fee&csx C<a&*« fio» 1 Thum t e s cy A/$*l9*ftt*£* «X tcfe s«*<c*sit* cX tfc* X ^c act #** fee* tc« «*£C*lt* «*& $re * l*x&*f t&4MTi th a t, it,ai the c **i tiij. U Xi*v s>«*x*i*xyitf AgxicuiU*x«s i i K l t * u ii* tJ»* * » * * »&&<;* x« Am ic tfc* l*»t x«*c*i j yee *114 icci tc tfc* iir. T«tw*: Y*«* A#* S*cx«st&xy fccAat* *h*Uisx * mm * 4X &***? i* ¥**«*• I I I iaXti* r tiofeii* # i $ & i%ueg#r rapture** a «&wia giy# &e&eKs&4*""* Xtir » « i t SOUX4 3tfv& to €>$ 4&|M*##i»X* & fcm.fik is C k i6 « |« or S#** T<n* t& $r*A t *11 xica,<r a****** 1$ ifcis e ily iX & » } e^jrvte b *ak . T&* $<&* Xvsk *ui « M * * « « * r v * &&?&* wovia »« oo *sp*r*U *«ay Uu; U»* r*«* *«<&**** ^ « * i u &&&XX sv^is « « *£ % *« & « i i k nos* aX t & & & ** txiafciag, tecU*, - or mt vary jfcuefe l& r g *? * * 1 tk ia *. Tfc* $*or*t&ry of t&» tftMwryt **t ic n e X t tfc M M Is ee&&iK*ii&& » H & siiaulii k*Vu itfcfMNl i&#ir ft*t of the l/usie&ti** / i i t U * u u * air ci *£u lofi tfrelo}'- 4 & W ttr, U U « i i * «*.*fcir*fri# • ^ ftt*v i*l& n * llx. g iving 1 ® Ufcswxi XI i s t&a -u* eo&«i4tfX*tfle» wn4 fcfen couxksm cX i>«@AUs# fcXX tft# I tktfviy* Iktf fe«ar«t**y vX tfcc Urt**fc*y* \,h* tfcX** |S » £.*«!» &g£ I fc-OV* &#*& ^ x * * * « d to a** tfc*t you * x * vrfi^X 7 U ia U *k# » * * you wr* &oi£*& tv Iim* u ,a C c » s 4 U i 4 * &*♦ rifriit * & f tO 60 it# * tO g*tr &cx# al Via* ©X t&« £#* fc&* tMH» w i uixi»rftUna t # fc§ &la^ oX tk* Hfc«»Ucft«£# Out ord* to ferll&i cut th# «1 jshw <*r 1k* * i * ***aSUtoX| w&a*r oX *&® A«t* X w *4**+W tl but I nan* %e *%&%* t«*t $m .k& a 42 &***¥ f* T u t *» « %&m* »*** i* i *y*#iX /ox SO y*ara. 2%&«« &*»«*& in tb« fewi* 1 in *&# ©la dajrs b a t o n r ’ * fSfcilXOSM*.* ii’U«l»*»#«5 j»M tMURfcl&& &Utiil><»3 d $&&£ *tf *# nttttaariUijr to tii^ &o tj&« # & i# r o«£t«r IM &&&>&% &&mn iiiii# Ws * * * # « k i » *#**#*& stsufctr* wh#& &*&;$»&& Citjf tut& oe«§»*rotl*«l)F »*apy l i t t l e It *&* &&# bXtoiiti £t&m t&^Sv tfo# Xir^t r*iiry u &» £V&ti&«ftt*l ana ar&i ixosua o*i.&* &11 *«&t Xxoas $£i<*>*£.• 1 i*»v »^fil Xjroc* Ott&fe** fu* U r m Tr*&#~ lt« i&iviuu £’« i& t * * • io a U tt At O&fcto* fc* f»r*aia®ftt Lii&oi&« JUoessuri-j &&a ttuturaiiy tfe* * t i i * * « 4 fcullaiitg la Usi* i*#«uoii oi ti«* ttixrilory fc*t a l l t<*c&*a to oo&« to Ofc^k&* w ill & «tle* owr «*$ h«r» jr^i w ill so tie« A*** IX yeu t&*t tfc* u&- «xrl£& tx « & 4 oX «v#ry raiX«*»jf Is tfc« %«&t# lta&t&«tfet ^uaa ^ V{i &*Xt%b9*ut 1* to <)«***» 31w« sn»r uiSfci && btaolsu#«>$ & * * 0»«i* Xuily «<w^»H4ur&t« vivfe tfeut o o a altio a OX tfeiji§#« report <*X U « *l*t » i**lo# Tix« «o*i>tr©llor oX t&» eorjre&©> Xor GotoO*r t&s Xor Umi iiotioo&i £&■*£><* « j & Soutfe Q<&&&w » yyu *1X1 X iai tfci* o& #*fc* o e£ *y Ori*X, ttiii uoaitioao prof! I# | ^ i ^ 4 #M lt(K ). 4 , fll« t , lo^iirloo^i ® » U 1 vi(**>uat* U « a iw * l i« SMjii#, Sl*4 fe * * fi*nry «. i- So arvi< t«JU u* * 4*y*fe**o Th* $«****&*? «x iii yvv* « * i * i *& *% i a l * * © * * i « $ * i d IN*. &&X6ft6#*t »i% 9* ae m t ia U U * s*ul i mill **y %% im *lictdk* rfet * *!«* oi»ai* «ffc* S*e*#**xy &* %&* **• ¥&**<»* So# a&cut efc*o* soA.te»U#»t la **£«?«*«* to <*&*«?* «soAi.*eU$»3, Us*:r« i« Tory &u«& ait *x#ity * & i i & %h$ m kg« t&tajc. »» ii»v» &&otfe<*r feoftjuu? w * a&4 oi-U fcito $ m ?4»ry ^ X **ft. o*tt«x la X c M ^ t i^ a oft t&at l ^ a Th* a*<j**t&xy of la* fr**&u*£i F**« ffc« &*is*jral roXo i & o o X X «o U v a «t *r» lUWtii ILw o«*a* So; w# &*** *voia#a tt&%$ &« &wos *.* j*o«*lto*o. U m l X fcfeV* r*jijr***aWa & * * sot ,iwa* *o 9 #4 ft&va 6f th* *!£ »* koafc** 8o&« o£ fca* ot&er oon** ao j^oy tfeo eoX*«o%i€t* *&&**»*, oar ftfeaetfc ta * & # a$ ** s*Xi i* i& U*v u*vi^» ='«* frtottlJMIiKIt *.8i4 aoia- x iim OX Ifc* OOftfe* &£¥» ****** ik ia &i but X a * U i*t«ly & « goou Ou*£a*»w« &*,« X •»* U> «*X X yaujr i*t i*stio*a * « taa ffcoto *o..uv Ik * aftftirltotfttiifli &w %a $ « & • ?* U UU m ^ T dt ay Ori*f ysa * i i l » •* # * * !* tm *x & **3 j i f you a * u r«£ *r »** tfeat « # U*v* iaoX«**A fcox* tfco Urrt tory *fcicfc is soa /j*r » 44 ^ nos * to 0 &*&*«.♦ - i*t x i< u . Sa 4U l&t% # i*4 & %&*.% «&tix$iy fitf OUX ?&* u i * t x i o t , tii* a*X*i& <& %&*% $#&£*»* lut«ly *U A rim fkix% *»« t& if& *uuiu '&* tt^ a v &*** p r ^ # r ^ fcviaa i*t t&* fetuu. 4 o u .u a t u it* it a U *, £ * « * * & O a & M < U *txiet* * i * * » eo&sivi«x«&i« j;i*xi wi t&« tain G is t x is t * * asajmsi itk tfc* v$mfr%SQll*x*& 1 » i*&f« fiVwtt you th* I l 6 t « fc&i /i& U X s s , net 1& « ** « «wxu«, But a^U r&a t&«& du* fjpvs* 0 *fc&fc &i*v*tk Qa»&« t<» U U U u i fern » U t « INU&* i& 4 ,Qfrl»£ 5 3 * 0 &« 4«i>o«it# « * * * tti* t r i b u t e 19*2 * * 0 * * ft t * # fc^#& e 4 t 4wi>»6Qj $ 14 f m #€i0 0 #u0 i £*br&aiu» l<3* & C «ie «u io &*> M c e u & t d , v«i£** i ± i ll4HMU8 i l | &8 #1 $)L§4 C&«{j04 |2tf4,^v0*w04 b7 a a o a u & l*, $ i #& & f?OOtCO; Utsii Si; &C$<rUft$9 * X£*fet 40 **ofcU*2i«*# $ 34 ? * 6 $O.O0 i Ssvti* £«Ju m $^**300*00* Thu 8#cr-t*x> gf Agrieui tux»i iscf&wnt* *** lit-* i« t * * i & W r r .* & t you T*u* feooouBitt ax* • M f i f f t l i v * ! ; X** ix&» rtae* Mr* U * liny f T^#« i,#o r#w *y ^jf w&i£*£ j Wfcjrt »t i*ri*uJltux<ii vwX^twdf Do >ou * * a » «u«t S * 2ar*x i©x iiistAixo«# tu Qi$**bm, in »&i# a B ear? ti9 f& t i& t | Kx* T U U » x I **. tr«xy & U & , fcx, ©ssxetoqr* ! ^ | * X«i'*X.X*u to £*£»** X , fe*&&Uf»6 1 « M t t i l l a l io s & « • il I *etO& i i & « 16 x *& a JTre» «y jaxktt; « 1 s i n ov*x t&* w i * «jri^^«Xfljb0&u*Xj# cf th*a# »*? tpui t& iv X , &*&&$*«& e*iX« ^uiaidjr %*Ufcfc ii I Zivmvx M & **«&&$ 4t«a Ivr o&* etiittiit tfcu; sjf %kt# veuia f iMl&USHL* tot ikiif £*Xt id i t to I M t |MMUfct, U «*xty w(?ui£ i# feti uA&*tfeXai. iuXtfifitf q £ %&» fcu*i£&#*& v£ t&# &u»t ia^oxfeast .v^ir **jriouJUux*i *«d tt(m ©X fcfe* owu&*r> r««t *x XeiieviriU S u U ie i«£ » w U it & * * M k vjuj c ^ ik i &&0. be »UX}iti« M Awt *X i»t in fc&* fetfXXA tftffj ttfel«fe »• ixl&uifcxy It P««t«r fee £«*Xifcife til HM m^MkmMm •£ ft x « i i « n « 4mjjijl# fo *«ia u fe&&fe 4iaixi<st vx <>ux j.*x% of tfc©&# in ©xa*x W * qil Lj. *»«t * i l & fefc* *Ct » i i « * , &i**f>fX0V&£ «f wirjf fcu*iR##« tfcioUy « « t U « i with & tLif l * 8t Ufcit«4 &<*&#&&, &&is* u*. fcfc* a e l i c i t s * i » t « x * « $ i® feii« tofriltfjrjf &XX«ct<**, *> *x*av*U &&< **»£**§# » * » t dX fefc* *Xi4i &i*&x«sii& i© ©*«<*X i #SOOtOOO it * * * • * & « i f x & « *x iy i&fcaa « & U * X *x * fcb* **»WXfc OuUfc~*Xy fcX Ctti«&X«*Uf» Ifcafe ift# * • « « * • » vux x*in M UXUi l , * * * B«ttV«* *»r In» U , *k«x» exo*& * * * * *fc#jf* i * * •*.*«* 8* nor U 4$ 1< two wr t&r** M M M tkat j f t g j j fcllMltl ^ &*rx*n u m i o r ) ’ , «*£«$?* wfc&r* cun vi* ir r i& * to i* fc&ai# 4 . »tr*&&£ n*& *t& $r$j*s» Xi« £T&±m ia &ssu feuftiaeta a u a iV i ******t Xrvs; tk*&$ s i C^lorsas *tt& tfe* » « u m $£ i i i h*i* &i* « y $ fc**e «iu$t#&ra - &&*az #«al#«xa* tr«u * fej^i liij #*&r 4 * *ry wi i&* Tra*s>ur*s Bo y«fc %&k&k it ¥i</l»i*4H» tv t&u vttii&Mty' SwUfiEv «*£ it- »** *ot lluit t « i r l K r ; *v iowk s,o £»ittr«rt Mr, Y&t*»l 1 »*g i m « ^ » r? w.%$\*% &&a ¥&«* jW4»i*»* uu*i i***** ttft in i#i£ »i$&# . ifewW:Wu u* fewft* Ui^r. $$£*& ii)vv 1& ? $ • w # frtti t k * v * l u * ol lutfcr&ttfc*** *fc«&t, g a t * is»jr U l « &&** fcet X *r i£?JU » * a it* it*& ^ # s&itffc ftftmp al g rfc* w f * r JSiHb * & w #0 vii• v • &**&&# M»» ii\<ar»itt« ii*<& fi£t*r*&« iw J i£X& ia Vttitt# i^dwUi^ tli<3 t v U * ©tfcer I t * $<*r* a r& f fcTtt&lfO%iw& ui Wt* Uci t»u 0Wfc#« t*>t %&* s*ft« j$wx* tfc,» S##r#i«-ry <4* % * • tr*4*aury; ttfe&t yet* 4 g u r* t & * t SlHAil! itr. |& t« « ; *a* &©la I £i&u?$ ut |!NltCKi^#0a0«00 4*»u t£»# c r * * $ UtiUXU to* * fcu«t «M*Vf ii |» u #*r* t a »ttUi-cfe § $^ ,C 0 0»u v g # 0 ^* fe&dW «i' te $ £ 4 tfcii &*&?«*• i ua<i* i t aaoa * 4? &*©*«***> oX AgrieiUUirtt ir< ik« %h*it *jr. !&«y k&v* fe&$& &*&%&% & if £ « t iv iu Y*«, &ir* XL* S*ar*U xy cX A&nsuituXet ffc«* ycy iiiii »b&ut t&* ilftifi«ijt4 n«¥*tt#»t X&ixfcwi^ Uis a&&* ftt*«**$t Er. Y<*t*&s *x*i $k* tfu&iiS w «ut cl w » *t « ll« Kjt U # v « 6 d « | t*Ju* tu« *%«*££ S4au it & e « s ifclw if e ^ a l a t * Ua«* tur&x &li i & X l & X W Y ftjria ^ X*iu> a * » &!«»&.« t X* * * u w u a tti u»« Uimi «k*<* i t MCw*»a «o*a tiftw it x# i*ut ^ur u t&tm * a p*rt*i T^t#S} ***#4rv* 9«««9Tt 6 U U « Y&#jr*i fe*$ b it t * & & r t i i i a i * l a0**wUtt<»» *« a & * » t&«r* uoct tn* l»M*r tfo» patm***% U#ti fcfci**#### *w w » v I 2"4X«JTstfiUiitf Xvx **© &*&£ «• «X « # i u i £ vX ^U 4x^ »* tkva^ tvw r vlr«t« *Xjti&»w* Tii* w*iir» Wry *X tfc<* tr«4«mry; *«* **4*WW tfte * * i x ^u\mm. ittt x x w l f e r « «s£ (HUTI144 «t& by *&xtl» #e b&Y* A 0 « » t n a fk *t i* * I «&'£ic\il~ #1 OU* !£•«<.<* fcs* jfcat tiCfcaiu#* *fc*t «& ir.i i& itu x* t^»3PtiXc^u* mi\ «x *i**rw v*i%uk& fctiawl&tiwa l£L tfe« eavJRtJty, ftfit, i# it it iu* of tti* **<M*&iai£ «xu* t&* ftxot ft *4 teat? i, %&%*** *s>%&bUakmxi%. &£ till* sjfstftis *ja& t&# rs&ior&Uaa o* iK?*** ii 11, *iu*& Uisa*t,ii**Uy # iil <*«&» XxuJi •w^jUfe1^ is ^e r **!^* wiifeirf &$ C v w H i w t , Of t&s #<& «&*• Y*td*t tfc* %m% u&dsMF t&i» fco*i*fcl t UflfitoubttftiUf W t&ry oi ttii? frrefcaturys tow tfeia* fcimt *&# &&r,k* ftt i& * pTtfsisfcftl lift* Ufc fiw5 r*£*i*Ot its* true i&port**6« d«*ttrllMte; «X thw *r iiila i«a tft&uiti«* vsbtvk l tow*. bui %k±% # iih u m t m l m m i% k n & ikv? #ouia u* T»xjf feUiA i£$jr«Hkiwu r&%&*r i&»s tarn Hr. ffc*t i» &? a ***t mjxo* Ur «fert M*. S i d t f U f ^ S&ou&i* I ttii# *jrttfici*l ®ti&uitt* & « ei#*riJ&$*>* XLw &9#x*t*r) &t %&* f i m w y i fc.xriuz of ttttaflft#* lew ior ia *U & © * * U * «. ffe#»« ,g u tuKi * ratt<*rv# * * * « ill |^r >&u* in *JU p*rt» &*&&*. mmbm$rn &auia tfcfc sou&fcsrj ju&t &» auofc ao *» jfc&* L a MJfciiffli ae*a SM» tj[£bit»t Ui*r^ k M *u*a aasuiuag tu&* tf&ili tkfci ev^iUwfc «s# fto r * & * m mhjf *fc&# wjmhztQ* $ti*«r ik~i< Qt&bsi i» % k U & 4 *tr i«* «©wia &<* m %l*tm %® tf1 Ui»i fe« tru*? kx* X*#* $roto*frly *et*la .4 trus* f«vaa»»t , 3U0 a ** ii#&ry 1, ?****, i? i Ii» w th« Ir®&sft»yj go* ir t-itet tru *, •v u ia ji't ikfct t<u»a to * f u r t u t M l a c «{ » B^r# t i * u oX XiiiaaeiiU Mr. T«l«i} tr*A*&£t|» fed* 1ft %fe« giftttftatf iit* &*erat*rj, i& ^ a c « * t & in $ X*r usual- t&\ikin% Tj&* s#er*taxy osifii^fi jrau e *& & e t ™* t&» lr<MiittS|t I +M£ ii££H9 #Jt t *;«* vl aAe^>A4 »«* Mr. y* u « t wi t,u*iC 4 ** I«»| 1 «<** tutitaretAM tfe&ti feut t&i* icreir^ kM% at It* x*ta G h z & m i& in nm #x fca* ^ f c V id fr«£itafei*« Iii« & «£ *« u **/ al tiw fraugury * But wu*i. « * • out uX it® fc^tfar** tii« U~i& la fcvi fa*ttt&4 £ut it ir. i^i* Vii*t t&« lUtiOJtei £*&&& A^t $fc& jf*a#4ttif $ha la* « 6 U ^ U « k i A | t<*« aatiuaU. «urr*£t fct jpar 9V«iy?^»r^* «w*r4£cy &* *«aitt& it &•*•«<* He* tfe« a*aai tfcftesy tn« tt-JTv* 4Tv<?uir%iU '<*f tf fttfh-nftfct-f &®t»#%£ tfi*fca U*xUbtf i£ til# a i n * r v f i t fiNfcfiit# at |#ar it n i l i W # $ $ & & ! ia & t&a *«urity ©x »ji«touiiid mmrpto**** *r, n t«»t Mr* ga<w*a**# tiur*. ^ust * * * * * * &* * *iXf*rvi*o* is, 4&a**£ 4«»» U u **!«***. 0Q&&&# ix u ^ ©iaarix* a i**?i t© **** t»i> OJ* *a&* is U«fc*i* ifltf*fet»a to a»ctfc«* ^u** tfcat M O i ssuat ***** S * * ------ — »Jf 4 U ©wrr^noy ** wt*9%hifc£ to su*&% i* » *s c d . fcfe* ***!**?# Ik## &c« i * i i i**£ £ to 4 # tfaat touts a i i * * * * ft6*£t&la|», & *» fe&w c&a i i * f X $ * & tc * c tiu # £vr M U U |? * l * w*cx*i»jry «* tfe* ' *>*** b*z* i * sa * *i jfe# fciu v im *** w&ffcatt ttl. 1 *»c»* fc\*t >at ri «**¥*> t&e tight H «&**&« &r U U js te a i l « « &»&* i«&Uur»<i c f tfti* fcili* Ti.ot of deure« fe*s fccfc fca kr, ui vhkz&m** fU&x IX «Aft&6*£« «<&« £r«» i s ttw fcay *c vk* *& o i# s U w m c f e * Zvtovttti & & & & , titC Jfefetttt? W&vZu i t zA u\ t»«i# iHiuia fc># uwam p^ ifc tJur** £ * ? » • Ifi« ^ o r «r U fjr ©X t&« Jfwu X **t u r # aX ifc* * # * * r t * tfe«r* «r«e» U **r* u * x*«ture «*£ U*iw * rc*A*tt tfe*t 1 * * fcCin^ U* *u»fc y^fe. afecli* «k i i f U * *jju *fcie& fe»* X«*..fajr« cX u« yb% tc ** **ZL*ii m ii. l o i * ^ ia 4 e * i tfcfct l * * 6 c o » u m * 8 » i » »*« •* « & * £ « * * * i * t t « M kr. T»t<«: au% mi* U U I * net « * a * m zm *± m * twnftjtn fe&V©* Vi&»&Z Uiw 1&* f *©«*£%<** * t * * * • 1 £**• *X U lz% *zs I X a» *£*3kfciK£, cl r*#toX6U«'it wXtAfife&at* ii*w «A£Av-ft£d0 « !^ t i»# tv §<i fcC *C T« JMWfifc&i cX tisa** a i * t x i c U t aottM* febt-ut I I , Hr,Bt#*»turyi i Ziff^ it SC *«< & C*£*ri«£fi». uc * * 0 * 1 *«* * * « Xcre* ee&aiticCL*. I * 3 Owe l l y»c nr# Hm t? f . fcoing to from on« pfcrt of t&t country to tn* other *&»#fc©ay fe*« to p&y ih*t o & r r i* f « * Th# $e*r*t»ry of TH« Yretmryt ’Inaejr ycur present ayfct*Ms of check collections l i U delay* ana & !* , the n*x?#»*.«ity of charge* e*i»t# is very &ueh greater degree becna** it i« * *1 «L®s# efficient *y*te* th»n tfe* *y*t*tt 02; fc&a*. «X#*af&ne**. Tn<r ooet inr<;jXir*3 in tfee fe^nk eXser&aeee ftyst«tt the ahsox collection sy&tem *<ml4 fc* w y &g&i&*t greet*-*- tit* t *#, tbe difference in cost *oul*£ t>* ?«ry great anc* very muon jn favor of b*nk clearance:* # fee#$tt«e these *ouiU b# only a e leering of fe%«k b&lEnciia* Hr. Tat eej That f**tur* there i© 3ttit* populftr in *ot&* ;u»r*%re, but it i<, ni t r^rjr popular aaotts; cooatry O&nke . It Hah nc ruction £<sr the*# The 8oor*t*ty cf %h# ?rm *ur?i Yft# difficulties thare are t/is-t the jpurjsoisea of t&* iot are not c l*& r l/ unaer** *toc4, &n£ of courae t&# eatsct »*efcia*ry by *nicfe it i* to toe icecapli*fced &.%* not yet fe«»n eorfced out. Mr* Yjv.%**: On jrou «i*der*te«a * e # »r . Secretary, t.e i*p- peeing the plan* I tfcin* it is &n fcdairefeie one; but — ft# Secretary cf Tfce Treaeury: Tfcle i* net sc ®uon of couf a **tt*r of & running ©oirrcns&tioE, tout to elicit f&ot*# *.g m i I * JT*i £?$&$* t«? &&&!!« % &# &&# &$, * * * t * ta * * * 1 »iU * Siio^. t# jM4 ik &&£ fciii — ~ ii** £##x*uo7 $f A&xi**ltiur«; iitii* &*€ ***®>*y la lo v *!.^ i,'or %$&*%$ Mr* f&t,4*&0 %% '&»& &$&& &l^$#ataa •**~t J»i£aa*a *©vi*i & imsx* m m *&tim & asiaax fat tii« s* tfci* diatrlot tiu*s ©**fea, &m tfe? aus^risx a^ii w r«UU»*y «*x*ia*# *te*# &mt« Mi'* ##li# Jflt«ft***atatj> #aiai*& out* a l& i& m z w & y m*t&* it*jr «a**» i.l<«#& v£ tfci JteXll>aa xa«&* I*i4&oai2l caarj&i c i^ l* tUiJf 0 UCU vi)« X& r&S&rti ZO Qtfkvt 11&&& af qq&~ li /& « 6iia £«*£ i& %&& Liaevl* £tafa*» « i u « f t vfciefe Id at * 1 1 ftiTattfrla to U * * a l A # « « * * & t yvu vc> aaae^t ii* I * a t* f# ? j &uc*i a & ii$ # a ta taa gaatlam is fax »vaxytfcia* tfc&t fe** & * * a ««££ liar* ta la « * x a i a $ t fa t «» fcuiii* *V* SM9X4 &*» S**& **au tu«»t 1* {tot **±«* Xavataal* to Omsk ms lica W &,!&«**& aaa taai*y * * **a«la a*f* |>axt af t&*t |rX«,*aatatiai* fi laa *& & |.&it a f <*ut ««fct*fltiait, l i t&at #fl* a* a a a *» fa * & * u r « t a t f <jl AfttAcftl tat at (|*«ty&&%*x*} £a 1 **ktk«r in jr&at * v ^ * s U v 6 ia«t U » r « & ** <*«*n aatfelaf ifc tfettir affueetft ■ as>«* »ct W 'lJf * « » ax* T* tans « r « N U / t# 0«*J>«t 1 *auia li& * yak a»ii*i#a#* tw u&t - * 24 S. £i OF vifcaaUttfi. tom, ?h*x* **# m m &m*XX±&% gm&tX*m& i & Lim v x z ir«xj i t s * s&uk&t* mm, ia e * X»JU%«** T&* IMHSi^t&i^ uX i&$ • You u# *u t*6&« %hm e i t&* a ^ ie ife iiT U&u&&t*?<) ifcr* 1ft U « { u lttu But otu& p$'i&% jfv*i M«i ts£ * * &&& Yum &*£ U<mv#x *#• XlRiitfetft* S l U i I souid 1 U « ycu ta fe«*r — Xh* S«er»t*jr? a/ tfe* fjr ^ * u * y j iir* Y«*t»»s *iid&u* * o i» t »*# t& i* £•*»£«« of &« to t&g ^ x * - it t&emiit »* *e*&a ofct#i& tfe# vpXt+im X t v * m l tfc<* Uatft* *!*& tks HISii**»toaclii$ %&&% ««? al*i r*ofc *v t * a f Xl&*i&g 0 Ure*ti*r ^ k x ^ g tb*m to w & U k *«bt& *fc£Xovl&& of 0 «i&fc** feta * * *«>& out v alreuifcx s» a l i i ^it* yeti & eefrjr ©f ti»* alr©ui&.* ifi ii*ia urt«£# «* u* &*&k« *.cuiro*&#& t© / i l l & fclfciik Linovlfi t,r Ii«RV<*r. Ve« * * tofTltv-iy *# ©liJUfc# i£ U a « *ifck #1 t&df C m * to *v^ry tMMlt in ii** »» ?&#j fttv «1 X i# ar«^«ivi*u WXO em y iu ©*&** ***** tiio#4 fidiKV^ti I « • ? * ft* * r * » t i t to Uvw SNkt*-*..® *v% « * * •# * < ©4fc vjretn Q m u u , <*& **© t« » • * • * * j p a l i M l i t to i&eln«itf tfc* *$> !&•*># ox &©&# «rot# U i*i * * tkbM ghl IX &*y ©*j&i i t am « S4 U&ht$ I. T y »*r*t«a E»*iV*r* tJa#>#£>uld $&y *- Dar»for «0w> «X £ X » **# & «* bvt t£*rs> *&» not $ 3 gMFd»&3&« low w* t&l&k t&* $ $ £ **£ «x*ji«* for hincelt. jfeeula fe* »& 4 *d to tfc* b4o x'or ~~ ( k u ^ u ; t) &«ajtet*S7 oi t&o Acd. Mr. X * W & i A&a & *& « it u a ^ i & o u s . w w i.iaooin IrittMa #i*i it wfe#j&i**u*. (U ^ u r ,) *iUk &* too 1 tiu&x «*&> * * » a u # tiiii &mt& ih±&£. tk«. i i ^ k x j o£ i*ricvitta«*2 la t&v* t*bl# 2 not« you Mfettf 772? ****** in lo«6» ffc&t fefcwUt VfcO*«? Mr* Tat*#J W* got 4&g Xojt Qk&h&iuus of 40& *&»»**« r®~ c « iv « i 4ww #«§** for C**fe*« tik* wxinStoxy U A*rioui tur^; But «« Mev« «o gui&u &**« *<$ tc »fc**t tkwir £T*f »r «*<«<* sowc vc » a o<« t&*«& Cfc-ube &o£ * ciiu o Vi, «x ci ty • Mx» Tfei#*i ** Sc, tfc*t i* v#ry txu», Mr* b ^ r i w r ; . t&a* tfc« »«#;* x»#ii i« m j *« &a)&>#u aUjl &Ll« iru** Xb«, &0Cjr«wxy <*f 16* Tar*&*iur>; X a&vttia, i i * * w <*ak. a* ^at •iii, Ail* #itfc U » C o t o t U s U>a *d£ ii«« o/ i*j. Ybteit* I# &£.** %hm& aax* o& t&* Jii* uX U « X r ^ » u r y : A^u lat So, * i r , ULfikst c« a m b i l l ». Ja ts s , ) & ftxUfci*# to ysux t*s>%i*aay» I u i v*ry & U 4 to && ie« The g »e *«t**y fcf ttM&wxy* of tho t«rrAt^ry *o%0£ &iv* us » & fty t&* & ijfi #jr«**u *&&*>« * * l<r»te# icx i&*tft«ga» &»u # 1 U fc* v#yy ifik f«g U < i| tv fca$i*. (£fe* Ljzx<&*m%i*ti a*x« to u f«*rtti*fe«d ^ &r* «iil fe* waken ZmiUil Mtt wit**##* K»*o»# l&tjrc&uM « l ^ u x / **ib> l i n « ) Tfc* 3*or**<ijry oX u»v fr**,>ox*i fo « y*?u a i^ u t * * & & feut l*tt#r U? j©»* * e& &ak *&*»& w&io& t&*y *«*&& $r«jter» \ O k ^ juu yr C&ioa&ot } **• lit* ttr» Secretary* tfeat is ^ c U y i-oint I & & * ! & g&? & IV# * * t & * u^oe# \0 Tfc* 9*ar* t*xy 9t %km f t !*& , * w svuiu Aiks is teta yvux VJU»* w« tfe*t» jur« Y*t«»t v Jhmi iiva/jfMUos* attfcia «oui*txy# a&ftlftati£$ 1 4&v«jr iOiu oUa4a*Ufcfc fcaaa^a C ity - fete**** 1 Si* Louia baifts^ A& Mk* aaa* at&fca * M I * * , , - . „ .* « » - . . . & ****# C ity W A <?&&*.&$ jpfae* - territo ry * * y faAfa ottly or** aa&k - — #•& %«***& t h « » f - &kov<* City t & * * « i * b» a l l y a b a t e r * * to coo j,aW aiU* O u u « C*»fe& Aa t&» <^cly o i*f AaXi oA *&y i?xinii&%wv vr e&axaoter &*iury I. Yfctsa* City* «fitir$ly« w* (Uugtut#;,) I «& &#»&*i.%Li <;.i f»i&» U n » JK?JWi*tiO£ Oi Qwfcin* &Q6 #00& fay oux »t)r**v» & #o|»is&&ilox* oi &t v;*r i i u « 6 . 1 m n t lQ n i&* i & , #OvO> km %&#x it i& t 1 « a u tfe&t, to &***«, oor tr«fiu t r * v * l i & to ifes SMfc * * & Jtxo* t&s* 2 & « t * I xc* tfc*** *x# 4? &*lif traits* to Zkiu*&® ~ tra us to -ui Xxo* CiJia&go* &*«&«»£. Ci*y ifc«r* 4*r« |vu **tT©*S Ll&eulliT *m. f*u?li»*i&t ui%k%* fx o » Qm*&±* Fxw« Qfe*iufcY Ai*d i f yo& 4v uot tafco I r o * &m*hik9 '»<*&** &%*«*. £xo& stfiy#&$x$* *«£ of tfe* » W U . Til* £*cr* U jtj of o? $<uuy &oi*>& aofcik tv Si. Tb* $«ox« s*x# of U M ffftffctitityi MX. Yfet#** Out »*aa|»t £xo& th« (I tl^tuitti^i You sx* not oooi.-.i*&& t w u * h l « .) M i, Y * t« fc | Jiotklfc* fcOufi £JW& I.ifcO C iR eAOw^t i t ,;$|»« tfcxwo^li ()*«&*« Yoo c a £ * i fi£y* * \xaib tiaat uv<*» not vtin Uiroufjk Gk*2uu iv x ij<&t&a&*, t fc*t ju u $ k > 4 4 |4»oia# tfcfci. yoii fc*4 ft ifc*** *.aoy&& b&iW *Vx GfeJU«.f<», vlt&oot j6 * * £ U £ & OX lOSfc, Xv«ra ox a#art8Liaijr **** «*x*ifiifcs tfc» SOOlU t&* |fJNX#r6?m* id <juW& fe*&&<§Xg U> tt&«UX t2U»*£ OvISsiitiOfStf fc «4**t*x$ j.*xt WOUi4 i t fcrf vis tilt SOUt&T to til# OOfctfc *O w U l>* YliiSiX 45.# 0 * t & & * # , B 3U8 & Hsfcr? 1 , tfctfj k&V* fcfc SLfc-jrtiiT fcr&iSi* trfc&fi «* kfc*#. 8$f. !£*■$ # fif| a?*# of f&ki4 is fej* iT tr&liMk ii**% * £ k&t* $$ XtiSQugh .&tz& %&?% «f l^wfc ^&ii Xfe^c^A «Vwry ^fc.rt si v&# #*&&« ©i' J«f«i &r«& it ii? * * *«»? X©r feU«ift##ft t& Uz %XHU§&3l*& iXQK 4ife> 4.iUt Of 10»& Witfc k * i% XiSt* I uatttiea tfe&t warily && t w £# witi« £v# itt &&* *®#fc Ifetf »«»« UU2i£ «££&*#*• tii* S#«r*i#ry e?l tk* tx*i»mx$i rr # *l ;rofci#* &*r« ia tfcias Mr. Y *i# *t c£ s^ura*. our v is &ut & &X prld* or j>r«#t*&#« &r. Yfc.i#a* He* tli* ««a*4t&ry cX ife<i t*& &m x y s fi**c in & sr#**. omamn ytviiX**. »Sii4 it tsuat b* >i»civ«a I t tfc« inti^r*»t oX ail u* t£# wi this, oou&Xtf) &&4 ttot ifc tfc« ir.i«r*ai cf k4H£«3jM> or wX »Ay ** r l i * u i* r <»£ 4V#*y i&teruat , i>t»t i* t&3 U l t n i i t in t&ia country ©way £«*>*&&«&* #^0 issrit® i't-r a kivlug Ms& fer * U ? i ^ < anrary** Sfr* ## sifc % u t f ua*„r#i*&A *fc«* a&tur&i pri4* siX it#®* &tff«r$a l &IU t&* riv&ljrlae toxibtl&s feN£t**«ia %h*«i uiXi*r^Bt siti#* for Jsk#*<i^ii-«rt*r# Xor *. &&&*,, out u«- is to ttifcr«&*ru ifcat, afcd it la efciift*a tc ftak >tf»ry ft*& s&* coi-et &«rw to $&&ftl&#r tfcia p f ^ o i u i o s &r$k4#*t I ’Jti bus Kaarj «* I&t#$* i ^ t io iu U %b , *&a 1,0 a&v* it OoufcU*. ; & % * & & & 3 q i % w r^ * t r i o t i a& in tiitf i * t * r « s t So* tfeftt l$ t&« %klng sHr»o tifc^ it* &tis 6U < ^ i *k# X i&kt *# 0*01* &B<2 it &£ t&* & 11 to mkiah p w p l# & 4$«ir& &£ &&« £©«i»4 t t «*3 1 * 16 g#% ^ ii nthUfe ** ill X&r tfei* * « * « « & M* &ek tfce U ltv £ «r«&t *u«#tio&a# l « r iai»4fc*iss*# IlMlt « * iu*** &*£«& )‘a Cfcioi*£C, «« &r* f 6 W l « l » l i % ftlMfttt t & l * *41 6<U #*0£oJ*io 40 feot i&fc*x& *r o O i** fettu tot &a & * o i i U o U . g r v & i m , Xor *# to *i±eit j,o iitio * to OBt«r into ovr a ^ i a k R >.o*«ioiw £ * § * & * • %k* in t&<* *iifei*&o&t Ik *afci^. $|iiM**ti«aa &feoiit Ofci«*fco our **jrr.»«t £***r«. is to £ 1 M «r«t isiittt, Xro* au& tooaoifeio $«iA t wX viofc# foui-i 0* tfc* front Xor U ii* g xm % &«ou>i& <*£ « visa try ioofcicfe to tfe* XuUtr*. fto* ii it &* fcy a too&fc it e&ie«&w# tb*a it owg&t to ^ i* M^^t ey * #A&d *.t 00$ t a ^ # w f v a * t Qfeieofo* «»ra iX | it ou&&t to &o &i witu r«*i;o«t to kifcsoiii* &»a tii# lioa 1 *ofc*» ax* Froaofe iX b+ tfcvug&t t&»t tfci* ai»triot » e U a fe« * » » * oorv&Ki fey &tWofel&» it# Xor i.a*i*a«*# to Ckia*&o r*t*#r % u m %u Qe*&«» gCtt j 4jUV* t&*t i s * »»rsi ^ *6 flit vi to & & & & » & & But io o *ia * * t it Xro» tfc* vi«*i*iftt 1 fc^v* ft to 1 dbowia iiite to i,r*v« t your o«m ^ofwiet Ju*4»«fit or. tiu^t i»* just |.x*- yw-u t&izUt, 212Q. B &9 8-cry «. Mr. It** f e a o r a 4 i ms tttj auiiii to y®t Icjf *1 U *** *igfet feax* u * t 1 fcav* t&i* %to**UGa oatix*ly Xxca & j^saic atattipa&t, *$a X &c <yw **x a&fct 1 <u> * m fe^y in Xavcx «f Owtia* act Xcx *4* £-&xiicui.*x ii* 0 *» &»,» but b#8ftUi« X aeXiii?# it » i * i &#t& tc %&a »uc^«*ae ex i£i« $ x * * i »clfcam« sr&icfc fvv *&cut t4> jpwl x& cp*x&tic&. &x» asm 1 Xiraix t&*t A»Xw »« &*Y* * ttt*2k t&fct thXufc£& feJU t&* j?«*X* fee* &<£& i » ijfei&taxccuxtf* witfc a li t&© #*fc Y«atax& coeatxjr* U tm sU oX fciuia tc »<**# a x«#urv~ &*&& a m « # i } iv.uat uo *c&vtfcins. aox# ttf*&a a*x*i>- + a M fe^n^jf it to it * **>w eaxa, ^c44i#<c it &u*t i**xr« «cafi»t&i£g o£ U;* a&tgr* c& tfc* c©<Uai*xol ufi« &«cuxlty it# »#*fc#xa oX«ax £cr ai.icvui.t* s&^ut uc |v/u u;it;* & xaaaxta &*&* i& -^uu^u iiJtu afeaus ta« tmtti* x<a&c&cs aitt i cr iu sW i© *, c&att*i ,4 .. ,*il t^w v i s i o n # * *£ e»cuxitt*to «« & *? « &*xa iii tc? iuufciis i £ kiyaiiJ^ a it a #%ur oacfttxjr &i*6iaaa«? 0*.va4«. $h«jr *^uui Urn#* &£*&*&*• &«cx*taxy cX tk« fXaaa**X?; Uo# i * that & f * i x « U v * > it Hx« l* t « « * I **!M * &cn#i &&t# a £#x*© aai k&tomlvX&m, a SO *132 t . ¥at*a. 1 &ev*r aia *&#*«* Tk- $«» t f v U iy ei fc&# TrfM&twryi IL* ItifvuUiX* vwt tfe* &*t*A a&&li u &*»** fci |ii* th*t $&*»*«<* w* to* ife# a#IMfiiis* it is loafctoa v r«£r»tf*atfctl4*tt «a fe* £*&*#r Qi*£&& ssuia. UU*t &vi fc»* Aal IXNURi* Hr* Y*Uirj Ut *0 ~~~ fb * Q*#**t*xy &£ Urn t i h U at Am it Ih* fckE* * * « is- &«£V«r \mul& ks&* u& )&&t &v<u&i* i & t i «& gfe t&fefc fcfttf ttiMMNL &f 4&Zm&%%£& vi‘ th*» f*«~ w*rv* s^<ii i * to &* r « $ & • • • & * * ti vet #1 tfe* 4Uv#r*i~ Xi-w* «f Vii« tt&tira «U #ix A #U Mr* 3f*t4»* 1 »4fi»it %u*t$ hu% l « t 4SU, ,4-.a^ticii* U SiMuif *u&i %4ms &&ate«rv? &Z Oiu»iu. &&?« tm*Ui iii t & i* fciatfiA#** &© ?«& *&• Qtoi:ti* «^tsl4 & * * • fciva y*a» *&wti;*4r A * * » » n r * bsoik i6 * & t « d %& tk# «**»#£** $£ tfe# l l | 4 f l $ B il cX aV*r/ *.«*% &*•*!»*•* b *t *9 m % *,*» $ 4* * i x * « u r ti«OI * * 6 » t * f | U t t t * **K>fct liUAlJMMfe* &!** *&., CJsulIW#^ *r«i ti;- S. tfe-i ***& l-Wi 16 &»<* tfroftft ti*#r» ttfey Et€*t fefscw jfcUwii Ut it* f&s s*gr*t*xy tu l r # im jr i in %&*% & ^ o « t y^u *©uia jitviMUAy £«* « * * * Aifttitwtty la c ** # « o k l V %Vj & U23 i* * X ceU fc*i*A*u«*xi<»xs* ii you &&& & fcxiyiofc, ifc&a U iMTik, & ©*o4u»# uC Ui« sot&til ol t&* tLw d ix ^ c *© *# i & t k * ir w t t & * i »i ytn* utm $h te&&£* s&jujs «&G-c&iiv4 t&« $x * u i t * a t £ £ «**«$ i s U u x # *»x ? « **&&*,» t^ifc A ct, ie x i 8 » ^ « # |>rwvjUU* t&&% * & « * $ * & a i In »**<m tiir+eto** « l & hx&m b feuUtf o&£»*fc v> tA** x«&ttrv« tooti a m wV U«* b<*xu> Xvu? &£ whm mh^lj. u& t $r «« «*y t&>? jr*»«jnrc fee&xu a a u» t&« ^ r i i U v i i i &£ *&« bzm ah n*twr*A ljr t&# ti£?JNr*tt9&s « i i * fcs «$x*» U i d l « 4 t&#& "> vX * r » » * * * * k&&*. fux Ui« tf&fciXs. a i « t * i@ t * afca yyu ftiii &i*t & & x » is c ^ i a ir s o io x * oil fc&a w^w-ru s£ t & « fetmfe b**,* tA*fe wC tlhttt tt* tii« 4 i » t r i e t fe*fiiU JS*& *&«X£ »*X fe»*a«twMrt«r» ®X Utia fcX4i*4& t e k **? $ * # - Ule 1 * OftftJtft* £vx i a s t * & * « # JMui 4 fer&a&fe# fo b *oui4 g«t t & # fe«n«iit el «aA i t 4 Q^ii«. a&*i4*xa i * ^ « « i f i | v§^fc F*#tV te Ihfti t&SeJ6G& fc&&* X&X <il »<?bbi*t» Hr* T*t«*i I *iil fctft wrgs ***y £*#*tly tfe# iHrttiim e* i^tiikix^ w« i t * &<***& * t &xi«*» I til* 1# \i*#tn U» ©wr*#n«y * * *r «r Vi £ *** fc*a aott$. txoiiox* *X t «k &i££ *x««aO» r*u&»x x *«a iy &av%. & t«va & * » » wfc At UtaSi ! * « # • *a«w» b & & * * x * . ol i# i**y »x Ufci 6**1 »& & 4 i*jrjr**i *&£ tit«*^tx&Ai** tu m silly itujrr*£iQs wk& m*r* «*t Haarj *, Yus««. i&nkvs&g /a t i* ifc* bah *&v &&« control *s&liy ui * l i tiu W a k i c ^ i&t«*i?#u cf t&« ct>*&try, *t*Jw **• X fc«> *s*»fc t u & l fcfc&* tit# bk&k m #\ &*$$&* c* n * d>& m\iJtQ*$i$ vi -*ui«4fc i&«* ontiv ^ir«ctvjr$# fcttt it t.ii»i itXM^ti^n i&fet &« w r *4 i& k u if £ i i# £wt if- fc&* w « r <*ar ciijr *&«*# v&*Jr» 1 $ & !&-*£* tag&A^i f w ^ x n A ijr *%%& * 1 1 * * x t * * f tli* «%***» T&» «f i&tf **£&*€ vmvtit tr<nM>uxyi 01 iul«ap»fc%i«ft ttit; *CfUi* aot %j»&t * 0* 6* iix* £& i&*s t£ui«x|' fc&** ilut &» is « to I f #« *JtetO& &* t« yfent vM s^o kiw* fcbvut jKtfejra*** ox £&*»*«* ©X C©l&rfe44 <*r «?* /r-v ly^lA g t It «m A 4 *aw* tkkiklz&i «fc u * & 4.**vX « & * I # 1 1 4 4 * * 1 &*€rtll U , Tin* $ # « * * * * * * ci l&ric\iltvr*i 0 &a&* * & $ C&xJ&fc jw feHUNfe «t * lo o *! feooxs s*i^gs«*a of awx* £ft»tli*x « l & *&<*«** loool cem iUw fti* Mr. T*-t#*l To wif * x**4 ixufcfc, 1 **▼<# loofco* & i Ui&* ;r*Jt*fc fcuaifr*** «^a 1 « * s #fc ***** 3fti*fc ou* of it . #»» 1 awH A i l kftV *o«**» ** **» ***»& 6**k « u i b*. ■V, Tju; ^ o x v fc**J <4 A gxieu ltu xst Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . U*£*x te* i6« *fex**-i «wMU# «*>!&* ***** tfc*F «« *m* ftU* u ttip r* i* !***&* 1 % Xoo&i& to &« tot&i£tkJU Mr# «ouXa %® AUL^ii ^iJL v u i.r u$in&« t$ t&* p&xm% w&fc* 1b* %***•% «-r* »* A g r t e f c H u r •&&* it, * m t t * r U **g m *» U ^ iu OX u$\i£&ii ii %bs hxm&h. Im&k h&a &XX t&o i*£* I*.t*aj wA *&» tfe&i *£kt *vfcl& i4<>V £*» Ofci> V&i&&* l»v% MUKry &u% %k& t y l t i I oi fc&* o i i i * 1 jur.«# um&tikln% 4-ixtul tfe&t b i l l , & & * I k&o# m®*%hl&£r a tov a% tk** ci*u»« lu U u *,i*«ocr4iU« $Xi*%£&xm, p&t&*>%,* Iteming &mi titli.* to uo « i t & I t » y r * * I . *«ot U vw k.*r% ifc %h* ffeo wfeel* liii**i in » » do ttofc of « i l y bu**&««4' v 9 iu * *vsw of *y $ * X # m » in %k* to*&*ir<£ ou U ii**© . *&*» *ro *«ry oio#*«ly 4 & « * t i & « A «$ CfeA&b&o* 1 >*a *' f*>r So&o of 1 &* &e*j to* * tit* Jwgorffc* «l fcu* £#*r*tiufy of A &rtcuitar«< Mr. * & * » * * *tt$ ***OM»« Cfc, «a 1 U W It of f o r * * 0 4 . »»r« * * * * * 4 a * fefevut i ^ n v o t . oooia mot ^o £ & * & & * * * with I & e v *r if, tA*t tifOU&d 0& out fiuf tir*4 4U##tlO*U aowio &« i i * « %\azXbg u * »t#*a Uu It *&o«X» of i.-ro§rs»B.ti &*&&***&& i&~ Xi *eiu 4 b tU« $ •« * « * * * * of Affi«ttAt*aro* iis£0#»i & U * Sou Ht^y* «ti&&*j*t«& «o& k*oii;4 p«Mr»r *U& i4f # f«t a «t **U # **twr*i,Ajf I t e trt«£ of &oaiu*#*o, - y,** fcAfjr ! # ***** &***% **% nutf***. *xx yeii e&a 4& is ts*u id i«> <i«jnr* i t * § r* « t* * l j&fete&fi y^fe 7iu* iisscrvWry ^X A&jrl$tojktaiUN&i $4 M u&m s s&jr, iX yt-w 1 % »«KV^ *s& % £ * m * £ *<*uia. %# &«tftgr# - iX &***# * i » &&t t* iutVv & r«j^*nr^ *&*&« l&r« Y^t«si 1 v^jilure te *«y i U i £t#ittr#r »iXX «*$ u t* t I f thay *x* t« &«* i© a *& *xi r* * a rt# &*&£$x&ti&j& *&*y scuid jjr*X»* G**M* i fc*Xi*y* %&** «xaa av a # ~ ««$*<*t*£Xy iX y&u aw net ^i*t a b*Bk if: l&U y©S*4i*Jry U /v u r t*ri*X t Mr, Y&t*«t X \himk X &**« Cil| * t#A±, &*¥* to* |wU ii*£jto~ p©late. XX ywu a * ft t ******* c ^ iiii ft «w ao&at&izi& U i t W * t yau »&tuvi «tttjut ££ &s*. n«# *fcOvt, I fc&fcXA iNt ¥«ry &Xfc& tux X itiitit i t i» & Xi&«* ej?j#Jft*iaity i * ..xv« U i t Uit?*ou&&«Xy aiottutffetiKi* ft** £«tirtft**y *r* Y * w o i A*riaui*tfx»l I mm*ifi Xi*» %q »** y«jt — X 0.1a eoi *t»y **tyUti&& * &t» IV u i &<& S|AB#A|N»Xi6i* fk* fc*«**uxy « l A*xi*uX*iar«* , X «*i*t«ei It # » * y*u &£#o**t f j -**« ** P* ***** to l&s tfttAttO* «X ttiuia**© of Sya*4tiS sihbnmi ifc iM t &iv&at&£t& to Qifo-fcfe, or to ?*.u* 1* Ifc tg *, ifid KA »&<*«*• ©AA*? ter. | a U # i $©m*a t« •»u«aWfeB #©»*&>»&, l I f y©ii &*& «*u *©itfu *&f %h&% a% *#&t is «*** & t . 1***4 ii^ia jiAstfu>**©Aiii* bun iryeMag ttt^wfttl&ft&fcA? «©&*# %& Qm &± , Ou t ** X X x g & & * *ur* ru» tkr©©&& * & « * « u.Ar$©fc* Tii* te<iX#ih.t? ©X Ai:iiiiM)iUi£ut *i> *© 4©s»© ^ tula* fc&&I Id **AA lv*~fao, 1 b*v* 1 w ill t*fc# g ?*&t £l*&*«ure i s Mr* y©ur teri»l‘ very «fcr«£©Uy* Tiia * # * r * W y ©A tfc* f r « M W y i t^iU u i 1 *As& t© &a* |<m. •$*i>© t&© i *sA*v* U Mr, ©u* or taw TiU» I t t ©£ «u*> a $ « m © « i <U| i t » .<$•*&«* e>©j&*©, *AfcJn u*&&*;a, a©ii©w &&&* is* fcuefc ©*&&# fcj*f- f«uurta * ttesSV* tiuiik * * j aA*©©v&t a&%**9 i&X$£%&t tut yAAi* gi ©i;«Ui&© £X'AwA±i& ©lit ©A «Ct*fcA ©©**©*fci&i ijr*##4,©fcAvfc«$ t©*t As# rntm*t &**£%»» * * & fcAAAs ojC £«tfb&&jge A®*u#d itt ux*«xi Xax ^ r i o u A t w ^ A # l«A*«t*ifci# ©r ©o&awxcjUA pui>©»*«# «r tiitv £*■$©#©£* al *&A©J» iM&it# ©«**$ u$$-4# ©jXcr g*txp0*m*t tJfc« f f t d s t n r a t© ©© ©&©&# i© lug tb* f j | h t t$, ©tft^XifcAA© ©* SL©Jfifc# fcii* ©&&£©<§tr#X wi t l*v jr&jp&f ’VliU© *Ai£iwl* * y* »At&i& ifc© k * U & & g U t&U Ac t, * Jfo# t*« 4«fl»4U © ft ©4“ 9©#©*rci&l, £**:«* &£* &A«*ye »©«& 4 * * * ) £iiXJfl©toit |Mr©fel€*# <*&A w* *ATfo 3Clfcxs* l©A«a & $$ i , I *%<*** <iaa 9l«&£i&g k$w&* t&& es&yjcijrj tfc *ufc*lfc t&«i* ¥**#§ oa %}&% m'bjn&%* ^i>r« i** t&al? m 1 «& *& ay *1 }*&&mu\ *.* %& *hu% vmlH fe* tbz *a*v*>i»r u*ii/U*iv.r. ox g0g&«¥$i&i «r wi%t,m t&* m m i u g $x %l x » /« r v&s $ru*peft9 of 5k* *« **o.l Uvau vl«*» ao&*ia**«&& Us* ^Uadtri^® «&$n au r-*-**&£; it, geod U **$ y«m ce&*iit*»jr tuvfc ift jrafc* Q«&.l& Ci*s&*iJ§g Uvum feta* *l*v «« ^c'-.*a ii*« ilUi l,i$®Qlnp Jtebt&vk*,, Qi><$&$lt*& HOt*« V«r tfe* *U*atifc& feuvirv*,i#u fcfr 1 * 1 t«r uc ftU i ttui itut *1X4. w* 4 f#rjr i vltkiu & %m %**&», «» M . ^ s ^ U vr. VTfc* l&£$rm>%ii*& t*> t» fu? &£.*&#& t»« u*»liu*.%&± *«* fcxfriaii JkUBUeJPy *,&* tc Er. 'tut,** mli i &>» fiHfc**# ik tK a w ^ Ifci** } tfiu « u u » » f c i i* ^«s £urAl?ix*M by fci&aelxij 6 £0 * Li^uoiu, ix^r^ucwU »£il ww a*«l§£Atb«a At i» *vi*w£«* Jt.iiU4tr/ *4tfc, 1£14*) Mr* t~w*>t i»r« mete**, i **v U >vu * x * i * * * !* & i i 4iufc%i*t » * • te& gifcidali,** ill fciU will* rju y$fc ^HTaJT W X^0#4Vll ^iUktr X** ii+wemUS* ^ £r« ! » * « « ; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis U » T***siar>; On v&w ** Oft x**#rr* 1 &~ n 67 B#nry I. *jan r«© #ivif% i r e * ^ tn *r U*&& 5 &«Ji&»r fetL&k*. t & * &«er*t*rjf vX t&« Treasury: 1 Mr. \ ;.>v I uis iwt f m U euXX#& uXttwiiuu *« t W t«c uX&Ufctio i n U $ ©rlgi&&X it, JT&et iMfct tn^r* **£« U X li tn&t he-\> tet^n ad i n fciife BiXX u« pn»4is«ia. Tiiw Stferaikry • ! u M U »r tiuut | tfiii Mr* in w r»«t vb* S M M t t y t It i * 1 a r*oe-Ai i t / It i .* gXaa to I oak up, tb*t aliiuat sfcivL ^ r g v id *^ I fa# ub &«jr * xe»pt & *n s r m 0 R t a m o u n t , u l .l ;.t of y ta h X tlt » tfcw a * £ t * it £ro«i any «*©«*** ©attfcor Tfc* a^rttt^ry ©f tfc* trm*d\txy: Y*-tes>. X ug ts*>i ii, &r* Xt j,.rct‘«.bXy X* tfc*r$* Mr. Yttii*s Xt i s net in iliw B i i i & & !>&&£«&* I t «*a Xaf t tut* XLw £»<*<***. t*xy <4 *n« tr*&»iiryi 3* ,«iX i g iv e %h*% o o n »ia«r*- Ufli* Mi. YftUil &*dfeu«*» ywu wkuix * * * $ & , X »&rxutft to * 4 * t A i * HiXX **d e & tnaroufckly in fern X OAJkiidiy u#~ Hjf* Ih»\ mllL*X it i* iiwXua<w. in «&£* otWr j^trt of Uu fliiX» or — * I 8#nry w, TL& cf Tftc T r ^ s u r / j one or t#c *or« *p#*tio«& t k t it is afaiR pr&vldt* *» U U *Tri« .Just * xeiumt, l?r. Ya>t««, X *l*fc to Is. Uo*f »ot in e t c u e * lit Federal H **$**# goatr* #k.»n »•&*# n.n<i jsroisuig&t* frc** ti*e to tin© r*gttXfttltji* g&rer&iag t&* t*&«*?*? of fua^* mi «&&rg«£ tk«r*for $.s&on? ?#&«£»£ raa#r*« fe&nfc* r^ th«lr fcr$nofc**» oufi it* o*#.rcia* tfc? fvisatloft* of « el^rifcg a#®** for P«4«r«x r * * * * * * t Q ls , or *-5/ d #*ig r&tf & Fadrral r * # * r r * berth t© fstoK fURdtiOa*, ift4 Wfcf ll«o I fluiJfe ha* r g i # tfc« ftt*etit«t* cf % c l % t i n $ ****e i*e euefe to*ni to h<its*« lor it- amssifc^r fc*nfc«.* Ti:$re ^;;4r. i* & ?vrr insert*** prcfelem aonfrert i** tfco Rosrd* *JHt C»r*fc*» v* *&&X1 feo to h&v* th« c f tfe* CX-v.ri»,v Hcu*e upon t«* ruefttlon* tfcsrs pr<?*#»te4# *n4 ftKcvi 4 U N to ftilr tb« U n o e ir C i * * r i m ]M i»» ic 4* t Ibt «<*e tMtig* (t & « «t*t«Hi*£t to fc* /ar-!U*fc®a toy !U r.Y&t«* oa fct&aif 0* tbc Clf&ri-ftg will assi^mtt *4 f fsfclfcit 31, #fctfcB&«o#& 1ft *iri4«sflc<* Jnouiurf 24tb# 1SU. *t&te£&ftt tc b*fu*riick«$ on setaklf of tfe* V !’• ?*• V*% 2 ! tft SeMjrt*. K ... .• ;• /■ . / , r Ii Lincoln ' wiXl l .trtauo^ in fsM l&t Jkr-usiT 24tfe#iyX4*) T*e B # a r t t a t y o f T h * ? r e * * u r / : r 4per;. y o u r 4<Mfl(pi«-tf6 **#, y*. i& * « * r ^ f® r to ** fe a v in i b#*r. r # # o iv # d i a r e p ly tc t circular Xottef «bl9h«ft »a*r#***4 fe? tfc* Ohm&» ffX»* ric Rou*a to (ill the to?all* cf tjfc# di*triot, «•■* v*$ h?, 1?* &&$ cur \ t t ( M ic r . e-*IX *a fc*x* t o * t s l t p ' O * * m % m % b y thm Ctefcs, O le a rlm * Hgu*« A # * £ © i& tic -» t o *o s* c f th e fefenk* ahiofc fe&v# ret (e p iitu , ana I Xikfl to *.*k a -c c u t . rjLiia t & U * tt $ £ * * t io a i n i t v n io h I *houJ 4 fk ii i a t lit* t$ A # g r * & , •H*vt not r*c»i'Tfto csrtf tfO ftttrnlftg FodoJr&A J k » # r ir e 8 rk. ?oAitl«*,l influence t*»on| fcr Denver. c^Xa&ity for »ebr**k* fc*nk*. cctfitai *itbaut Wcfcrtaka. »: Would fc* D*a*$r mnnct ombine *t*ffi«i«nti t i« sard or *xit# o&«*, u » s 1« *ho*t in «toicJi to offer fast# a»S flgura* tc 1 2.* or£«ni**tio» ooasitfco*. 0®*fc*5CX«M4.ri»% fteu«* A a t o a ln t lo a ." (L * a £ f e t * f •) fcr. T i l t t i I « 1 XX #*y# # r . «*t r*< *. c « i - o c # o f l l i l %#!•**• *• * * r ;ttt M r « r * ? # *•* wftet » '-* An il *«* I **** t h » t t * X « $ r * » * * # r e t b i. 1» tb« flr.t U » * I i*»v« i9*rn*d th<s-t. I r e » X iy fead U X f g r ^ ,* - %***? *♦ Yet*#, Thet S?ior«t«ur> cf Tfc* Tr#fc»**ryi ju*t %• weix ?er * a l l f I thiru it U Q»*&& Ciesjriag Kouie * i& 6 * tfcis tel*- gra* 6&« b««* #*nt ia it* » * » * e l i d i n g j?eiltie*a i»~ fiutnee «trong To/ Denver, tfeet It ecu 2a be *ery * i « # X fcr it to infers fc*v* Cc«»itte a# tc- th* fc&ei* ss|>©n f M e h »\*e£ v. *t«t£**nt it * & & * ' Hr. Tetee: fb^r* *** m &e tim *t t&* C lo sin g Heme* I wixi #*jr ftteet • Bight fe*r*« t# » i l i get til* fc&rs *& * wrct* tto* t*l*g r & * tc *xp&*l& i t . Tk« S*er*t*ry cf Agriculture: *s & * * * Rot *$$*& * f any : p o litic a l influ«m*## * * * * $ *oa 4 fe* gl&d to kfcc* it ocase* fro** The ?*«r*t&ry cf Tfee ?r*&*uryj W* a?« $*rti«ctlft*Xjr en&ictt* tc ai*oov*r tli«? politics.! in ar*f*r*na* tc tfci* »ettt*r* 8 r . Y&t«fts ftoftlly, is *«»**r»eti«ii# an t»jrtJi#ioB t*»*t ttotf^t & * • t««R % f f $ * t i » f yc» f * « t X * » * « * * * * * tc* ok *o»e j»e litit * set is t*« * ligh test d c g r e *. ffc^t i » o r*** tcv*t tfcu ret it* of the %»« ®eXsr*4e $er>.*tors for tfce t a r i f f M U I# It * * * ft*0 S «*a r 7 tc | l i « l k « » *«**tlllftg or p r o e i* * the* « e * * t M * g # t c i * * * **« reting on th* t e r i f f their f * e « * # fcec*u*s in D il i t l * y & *4 tc g& •4 ' Kmt? p o o l a j u t t air<?otiy against tl»® interest© of 4 h * i t own * 6 o p i * # ana you o&» put the two two t e g «tb «r . Sul I **a t t«. * *y right fc#r* that tfc# C l e a r l y Korns « A **o o i&titm c f G&*fe* oetrer » * 4 « u; that ttX tgra** It «u *t k v ? bfc«r.rt done by »c<«« #sthtt«la*tlo M t )» « f & t t t i » g t*$’ tfc* a l « p * t o h , T&t* 2*oratary ®f Th* Tro&awrys I think owrtalaXjr it u *ius the Co#6*ittft<* to furcisli *o«o **pS.*n«.ttoi> of tfc$ ft&tt«r« r Tn* S«orot«ry cf A^riouitursi oo Asia tb« evi&o&ao oug&t is furitiftfc«4 for tfcat »tat*«-$»t. » ifr* Tat o « : \ I a» « m U 9 « I to t fei»k that thi* i» th* only Z" ^▼idanoe I our g*t you . Tbs S*o rotary of A£riouItur*s Mx , Yatnot Dc you r*g&rd that *« ovidoneajf I dost Jrao* t&at I 40. ?c.u xaoe how UWrO# \ thin*;* ooour — tfi6 ftotrotary of Agriculture r occur e®p*oi*Uy 1b tt s**poa«i*l* fcotfy I fca#* he* t i f f f f M l i « % A * * S *&tt*f«$ fcat it «xrpri*e* as that 1 U « tfc* Clearing fteu*# A*«o«iatlo* of \ Oaak* *ouiU cut * •tato*#at lik e that * & * « it is ^4- slttad tfcat it id *«**« ruaor* *r. Tato#5 Mr. Bxysn, X * * nt t0 ^ **** 1* *? m * m * w wiH?r« with ?cr »o»« iaoorutafcio r«*»*cn# to fe# in favor of | i U i % r * * * • # * * • Baok for Bo»T*r; a&o i 41 a net 1 &*ar? i m k IX j ¥&%##, uni*rtt*&4 «?hy Ifr, Bry&n in C*DTsr. 4U& & r«?»srir** c-©.nlc »©*# it May fc$ tti&t ih#y h«y« inflysnsea * $ * • j p fc fl* t© ti ink tfc«*e *%» polities in it , Tfte 9«ertt*r/ cf Tit Treasury: 1* ) fcir. Srjran &&# »♦*»*- sjspr^ # ? 4 vie* tc tfclU C o»*ittes &»* ntfey or the o % J w * U 4 ! X regard tfei* of sufficient iipftYtftso* t • tc an inv#*ti£~ t i o n . n*£fc«s*i~ Cf oaur*#*!fte 0m m l%%4 h ** f ^ a i r to uopotn* «itn***e* 3-ftd to jut the* uncUr 0, c re to t ke XhaX eouret y*t. X 4c not If * *ftti« footer? «x?i« 8 *tieft rt:*i;. oe furnished, *o *^y fee willing to nece$'t Other- •• ;»« is »luUX Inke ii««urt« tc thorcu^aiy i n s t i g a t e the i U i « a i o t nent cut i® tfci# di*f-*t«tu Hr. f t i n I h* I *ftnt tc say further, in oonneotion * U h *b*t .ia ir r ^ ra to Kr, Bry**, that Us • Bry-*a# that 'i fcrfti the*: net aware of the fo«t/t*#rt *** **** *as not *uf iaiert ecntigucue territory i& Denver to *ak« u$ & rri rw- l o k ana •* fr**kiy «xpro#«ft M*a«rtf. Tne S u f f e r * f Agfl#»X%»*#t thi* Co«aitt*t by Ur. Xitt#i Vttfcing fcaa fea«ft *ai4 tc / "vlcn^ i M t ±in«, I * * * • no *<*•* there fca* * i r . Tn# Seoretary cf Agriculture: tiauticn » i & **• * * * ef n * Ind U i » U *fc« first in% 3134 The Secretary of Tfce Tre&aurys $&%$ a«yfc*dy el*« froa Ca^fca dcusir* t* be heard? Hr. Drahet We & f .n t*e *iti?e*»$*# Mr. t>m 1« and Mr. Fowler . » a rm w w T or ir a & ie i: h. 04n s * Tfid ?« .r«tdry of The freaa&rys feti » * ? « tate |eur »&*e tUR-i your eonneotiea• Hr. Oa*i*t Frederick H. Davis*, Tie* Freeidettt <r the Firet Katicc*! B&nk of On&ha* The S M r t t a r f of Tfc« Treasury: Ifr. BaeJrf Ycu knc* o«r p r z b l m , t i l l you kindly $ i* e »« ycwr t J#*# of it* Kr. JDavi* * I fe&*e $ r « £ ir *4 , Mr. »f?eoret*rytf e c t the remitters©** heaaled fcy the 6 * * h * feaxtke whlftlt I ««nt out e*efc<&y to the reximas c it ie e , flteaeietiag of draft# ?-na ©heok# tfc&t go through the fc&aka tfe#r*f *»a I *ent to *h&» you the peroe»t*^e» of tfc#»e tfet are sir**** ©a the T^ricu^i e i t i e * . «e e * i l ©ur *e*itt*i*oe T o r *; it m s ^e &ad S$ per ©eat on fe* 36 t « t ©eat on Chieasro; *l*oell*»*© tt* «outfc*rn p e i« t « j Our total amount of «hr*t 9 p^r ©eat ca Rt.L©*!i* , aad three p**f ©*mt on M ln a e & p t U * £136 H#»ry » . ■ni St.PauXi 3 oent <m £ # & » * * . I «p«**k c f t&fct to : ycu ec» for tha reason tfc^t I s&jtt to «tio* yea «fc»t I think i &r* Inalo atio a cf t & « tremi cl 9 ift ?r##t tc ifc«t from na bp* it t« dl#trlta»t«g it go*« throughifo* Os&&k& o^nkft. I »hcu»u ilk* *iso tc apssfc of tte*attor A# )fr. Y*t o* b i of rediscount** •tmt*d# tfc* 0*uha ta&nk* r s&oli thio t$rr tor/ ?sr; thoroughly. Th«y £&*e *o«oufft* niid very i*p«rtfc»t \3 ccunta from all cf th« tfc&t &r# *fcc*fi &»& I i»y »*? for cur b*nk — I s& sot f f t S i U ^ *itfe tb* etfc^r w»iu* ir» that re^ara «*- ta^t 1* »c<t a *t&to *fco»& o© th» flip %fc»r* that wo ao M i reaiaoouftt for 8*** if » R<*£ior*l R « i i m Bank *or« located in ©tt&hn# thnt tr?n4 • ou-o. ocntimio* Cur# what *© osli eut~cf-to«n lit*** sie %ii to *o f#4 it 0 6 u»t for *T«ry -tfcto oho** tfe*r»t Vont?nft# Color**©# lohrfc#**, v**t«r» Ic*& m H * U # on th* r«ir.acr***ont of tuo ho*** ft«4 Unitor*. Tin. Soore «.ry 0 / the ?r©*amry; Oont you t ain *., or ao you or ac you not think tfcftt * h n n o h **n k »t ® **ud »<*rTe th# purpO*« ** if t U y **11 * i t h % R *$ l« m *l B*r.k *t that y o U t t ¥r. B*vloi for ifiat*i>o»# »o,«ir* * * • RCt* Frcderiok Tn« ? no.'e: -ry of The Treasurys **r ® ******* SbyT Ifcff r*&*cn t&*t i f *s b *i tfc* fc#&soS* fes**k# it *ould vrofc*fciy frs>® O hla&gc. * * » k at a ifc t;i» fcntter of tboea ro4ifoou£ta t sfciois I 'gtfiactotaaa i * £&® o f tfee ieyortwvt featurs* of tisi* feiU , iw ord«v that ttongy * s y fc* lc ^n ei to various ftav&atagteu* * * y f of %kt$ country ia tfeo fcoftt I think & fogies**! S&nit in $cuXu pi-<oe tne o f f i c i a l * of tb it b&nk i& o iso t* tomo& *it& f*ia tn« &>nk« th-'.t ao fta*l»««« cn tfe* Kisi»««i) Alvr»f} &t*l by reason of our r *ilr o & a aim tt&ll ios& tioa, ®«* & & * * ti*« v*?xy fe<r«t fit®I lit its to tfcc»o •* .» * * * 1?o4 Imfoud th«&# «t&t#»« .i© «, t*fc# it la tho City o f J5*ftv*x» Tbaro I® nti &n is&port*** to;** ic tbo c i t y of &««r*« tfc*t 4 c©* not &«$$ % vary it&rg* p .roontHv-r cf it* r #*•?▼« aopoait* Kith OmaUMk f oscunts fro* ttoo i*jrg#*% Tine Secret * * y o f T b* Treasury: *« &*** m Sfcfc Fr»&*i*oo« Tv *&&t ****** aces Be&v#jr keep &er * in U r. DftVioi I ****** report# ec u ia efeew. The ti># *«ro*rit* 4?:«, but the tttatftreUeAi You !■*▼• m * a « of The Treasury: of g e ttin g tfc*t» Oft, ? * * , * * I &ut>pc*e4 you **r o f » * i l l * r w ith i t . Os&&& k»tp * * * balance* i® ©Mongol To eh *t got i t ; Out eatert ao«t 313 7 Fretterlek H. 7 - “tfr* £ * * i# t Am nx in %h* #&«« pere«ii&*ge-#. Mr* $ * • * #tt|rjrt I Ofct-uiO »ajr t&&t t & *# « rettltt%86fc» 1 fe*¥* *&p&\c«K £f h*?!5* *&#* * I thir*k f r o * 60 ts £S per d«nt of $ur r# & * * * * 0 &l& £ # *t £0 is *r * itt Iht Oit? cf CJhio&go —» (tpm The fc * * * * t* r y « f Treasury* pmr o» «t * a$ you OMriy the r«*&ln&«jrt Mr* 9 iv l « t Srtirsijr ifi lew fork* Tfce R # ***t**y a f ?h * Tre**uryt Ifr* D & * i * * Small $m lose in ft*Loui*T m there* but net t ft t ir iil. ycta t&ink X4*ka a* The 8 *o r # t*r y «?£ tfee »ore tributary, far iKct»i*cet to Ow*fc* tfe&u to a y cth** learge oity i» the *&&t? Mr* CftVlfti I f i to any ot&*r *&rg$ oitjr# tut for tfc© fur- po**a of & Reserve B&nk# < «ttU «r» 2<fo-fee *© ui4 aet&Tfciif eo*e to ltd• It ao«* no** T&* Oeftkt or *et§tb#rn l&itfeo reaieeenat at Ois;«ifta* T.s* Seoretery cf ffce Tr«*e*ary{ * e l l * you fc&*« iaeluiie* xtertttera Utab *m*4 Xottiftat iir# it, 3 &vi«t I o f &4*t Oar fig u r e * %re 0 #*&♦ s.* I uft&er*t4is4 fr©» Soutfcara laafeo 0nior. F e o U l e S&ort L i n * , on H e a t *** * * r e s t & *& o? ifce In & * * & ~ th e Bircret^xy o f Tfc* T re*»u *yt Tour «*p fi*r* U U * tfc*t •1»4 in . T&fe.? i « a siotok** Kr* It *houi& go Tfrftt it put oa « tfeere, a* our figure* ** il X verify. Jo V%ko th*t $»*t of V6Masftt Hr* Soo*«t*ryf t&ast it i*rir«d toy t&« BurXia&ten t&cao it a ll oo&#*> dewn h$; s. All aioftg tta**o !*&** .seecunt.* in £XXil»g*# Butt# fejMi &*!*&** tr*« ***t«jrn i m ir*ou*aing it reaoho* #Xo*r cut t I 00*414 out off tk&t dth&r jt&r* i *iRd X«&ve that go to 0fel#&$o cr 3tlfi$«&$oXi*# &» the ©ospfitiefr •Ufct 4eeid*(i»£iefctin$ 0ft tfco p X & t ). low, in laahc h&e# a Olxeet o&Xi on tfc# *o#t i&i ort*«t itiae cf Xae.fc<? — t&e southern y *r t # tJwri-tt&fc our *s*X fn o iiitie s o*sr t&« Hnloft FooXflc m u tk* Oregos S?b«rt Lin©. Tho 8 *e ret wry of The ?r**#ary: 80* &toout $ & I t L*k# City? I toe you fe&vo iRoXudea tfcot. Ur# Dovlo: GXtf *>** Too. Our fco»i r<&X*.tletu with L&k* n n Tfee Feorot&J*? of The T m i u r y t G i*s « « *o»e ide* of t&e extout of tfeot* Wr. D »t U t City **\* Our o»Ak k** liurgo o&X*r.o* f r a S&Xt L&*« osd * $ *x t cf the re»»jrve OoA&aee* e f g * i * U k « C it f * » • 1b 0»# h ». *13* Ttederlak g* Th« cf Th* 1to*mryt ^r« D&ri»t Om» you | l t « $ v r 6 *« t *g « e f I &em io & tfe&i f&ot i& zh%t wnj for re^eoi* th^t I unuer«taii4 tfe&t i*$e u&oc t& vhieh tfe-eee fefglOMtl e\i»k« * i i i os «iii s#*v* t$« b&nfc# tft&t &#*«;. meitstit sitfc tft*»# tae*e e&fik* 0/ Ofc^:i lu it been, in theXx ocim«otio» ^ito the os'-nk* cf t&# v#*%# efc&t the Regional B&*fc *1X2, fee hereafter *itis tfce this territory* Tr*<s &&«tfe« if, tn* 8 » *e I *& a « * y s e l f e l t * * of Tae f t m m & f x Hr*D*rX*t tribut&ry to or tfc&fcf T **. A* to the ;*41e#eant f n Q l l l i i m nn& *u?$iflng o m z e M y a*a h»naii**i< eheo&fc* Tne i N r e t i r y o f the T riM W y t Of c t h e r e # i i x o# & &iter&tlo«i in the »& *»** of abeclt teXltttloii uaae? lAle new i*w» I tbisfc tfe^t I* fftiftg te It* fo r tfe* feefteflt o f the iserehant*. The £ # c m e r y of The T t*&*uxyt gr (S t b « n * m *Mott wvuld be fcr the « f U « *«o 6Ji«t* #»<* gl»« ! » • » » « »«lo sity te tfce eb«ek* *n« ur.acubt*41} r»*uit infimty ss-ioi. aorx *«| e^l» isu» settee cf setting tne retura tft n you a*re n c ». Mr. Ceeiet t w .t i i t * » * * * * » uni for* m ® « , pr The Be®r«t»ry of *& * Tresettryj ak 4 wire uslfcra rateu awl * 11*9 / rr<si#rloii H. ItarJU, gr$%t3r ©xjauitiots «il ev^r fc&t oouctary* Ssr# v&vi&{ It »iX i o# »R ocuf*# *a& f a c i l i t a t e oo#»«*ro« tfccrsby* Tfc® Storet&ry of Tb* fij j il g f l 8* * * you say fcftM&tdfc* of tbia telegram that I lm?e just read to Mr* ¥<rt«s? Hr* D *v i*j Hr. S*orotary I fe&ve not* m u $m v*ty »or*y to &»ar the w * t i # l # of tfefct «##*&.&«. I K ill just « & ; tfel#* of six I * * or the oc*tsm «*- ~ tb$ c©*&itt<t-c / *«tbo*ift«4 14- M *ft sr the prcf-ar^tica of th«r*« *,«$& &no «0 fortfe, mkI tfe# funding out cf tfco*c pont&i car*#,-- & » & b^re at css stoctiag t#n a&yn I rsttcnfcer *ca*tbiRg * * * *fcld by »c*tbo4y that t m y h^a act got *«& t out • trot «c*o «f tn« p o at&i o&r#i tht-t fc<*^ b©«n Ar o h» * » * * i tae S # « r « t $ *y of tfe« A »«co i*tio B tc teUa^r&jl* tc %1<m* p *r t i« « *ftd a » I lbe#t for *«£lltf*« I b#«c ju *t a« wudli oA?'an^ca cut ifc* «oet««ti» cf tXi*t t«3legr®». * & * » X iVaUi There «% « R« ftutbc^lftrti<m by t&« oltnrla t bou®« or by £Ry ftvttlftg f w tb^t » ♦ * * * * •» IU But the vor&lag of * * & #n ifc4 **.s to brin& ar « & » * « r from t b t »« *bc fefrd not * a * » e * * a the Tb« f t e r n a r y « * th e T r » » *u r y : r * * t i £ * t # tb*t *r£ I f you gtftUtattR * U i ifi- u# *o&6 ligkt or it you * * y da *© . Frea&nofc B. D * n » . Iff# D&rl* t Hr. Tstiti it ea the fee £ia4 to ©o $o» f * few* ^ goat taf it*r« *«d we w ill put 8 #9 i$t*x?* Tnti g*QFist*ry of ?*>c TnMutfjr: it Oft ifi/Cfta, cut Wt • Dfr*i*i 4oai *$mt you tc- rat **®t tv fc»0* ffcOtfc* I thiisk §e» 0to0dy in his £+*irtm§ tc it * * out A* & » ! * « * , *&i4 ft U t t i « bit %m mQQh. Tfco l*op«t»rjr of Tfe« t r * & # « * * t 0c you «mmui tc tail u* th*>t tfc* fool* &r« act y*t a ll «to»4T * •1 1 , »« * 1 1 1 fc#*r fro® £r. (laughter)* Fo *l«r* mnnprr or n u n roviiiR* »*■* fouleri X| »&»# li FrwUt uo4 I && 8 #«r#t*ry cf the lyt*Nteii4<Mr*Ffttl«r Oo«jmuy of ?r«*<mt* V«tr**fc«# lu»b«r# fltli &>*&! H r * ttoak • Th«* Seertt&ry « f Th« f m i D l r i Tc\i Jijhow tha *robl**. v« jut* «ciw»i4cri**t #*. h i l i t l X **»« t t i t t N * t *4 *y . T&a Ss*rot**>* of Tfc# Tfiw ury? i f j ri^w# / w Mr* f c f i it t ( 0 » * ! « • fill/ you U » 4 l | srt*s *** to of f #r • */• «y fcc*.* i* ift rreiKmt *bcut uoith « f fc«r* *ft£ 40 * 1 1 $ * *«#t of I *a?« 3142 TtskttK Ttm l#r. eo«olut*ly rc fc&nkin,* b*r<? &er iy i nt #r*tts? of *toefcj am4 I h twain**# »«» in *&tf.r£<* $f a is-rg* busi«e*£# out *it4liy int*re*tiMi In **siing — ©n *030unt of fin&n##* -• tfei* Rf-gice;.i B&i& leo&t*& #fet#T« it » ili b**t »«r*« til* * territory n&is*<i by thi« **$*• I upp^&t h&s’a in- 'c r r *iiy # b***ua* X snly oak* ae*a this ®oraing> sn.i this mcrnla«? in tbi* r fcr fcfe« first ti*# *$:* Vs* lining tfc* 0*«fc* contentlen $at~ »y first talk tbi*> Kctftiag 4 to tfe*ir o isi*. P r h t f * # ,;*nti***ft# it »oui6 b* * * U firat in thi* * * / . fcm>e to im>iify cf Cut z«epl$ **- til* **»G*r»/whi 0fc I .%fc in *fc*rg« — &r* pri»«riiy t k i i t h i i 0$ii**iia *n£ ***©rt gr ir. de*Xer#f «itb t # ** 1 *5*1 f& © iIU i*a ir th« alff$rm % m rloXs .nncj *t tfe* ss%p$tt • I *xnfcineu tfei* * * r t k t But it c-c h*rp«ne th*t «* c-ttr country pX&*»t* *****c * 4 frc* ♦.:>•» *r«t by tn« wsststn t ** r * n i* * *<?*#* &t l«s»t tfci* 4i*triot cr jr-lfi prodwiBg pertiozs rdrytiicreugSjly. Ir f»et th« k o *« of cur *euntry #t*tien» »r» in tut* plot >.*i *« f. nal« at tbe«» country itatlon* net o»ly grain, cut iaitii«r, cool *.(U U n itcok. F » r * M * l l y , if you * i U p«r_»it « * , 1 ok thcrcugaly f«Miiil»r " 1 th t h i* territory. I « • • *o r» V ’ **** Txt&k t h r e s h i% for a ? « * i f m $ f*r e*t*t$e that X n&re M s a i *4; tc- I aan fairly *ay I familiar with i&« buei&eee »* it i« trajiaacrted* *au whar^ it — not only gr^in, mjt general buxine** sbu land *s&i£er$i feiut an that $o*m*ciion I **nt to K&fce the statement that this ««p cf C».aLs -- &*i4 2 * $ * * & in %h#ir feeh&lf i»a hoaeel *4ip. in be&alf that there i* It refleot* as well a* sou id fce expected uftuer t^eae e<;fc41t*on# ttw siaifc they »h«ttlA »a*e* The heart or scro cf th*t texritor? or rather the sain body of it i * # I fceliere, lOjral to ©B&ha, ab& r**ogfti*«» that c * i t « fir*t Isrge sity to ohioit it *ould go for in formation, a6*iat*nee» finance* and $tft**ft& feiftsift«»« aorfc* A* to the outlying portion, it i* &l*o fair to &&y that ©*<%ha ha* * £004 fighting, half *•* that i * , it ha# & fair aiii^r for a gooa fc&lf of t M fcu*i»e*a on the outer pOtftiewa, on the ©ut*r part of that »alm Vodjrj and a simple e***in&titn of the U d o o of railroad# «fit«r i«| i* Omaha and running out there fhs* where they »*et the oth* r it t a i and wkero they t c _ a t>o# at the out tide to H i * n e a f * U * the north and • * « * * City on * t .P * u l cn <outh ayoordlitf to *h«re tfce r *ilr o *4 U «e# run «n eitfce* tide of th« e r o d i n g . B\*t la t*<* * * i n body a ^ i n a* It *p*>rofvoh<** the Xlaafcurl R i m m * • fx&afc faults* I it I* hoa«*t tc »*jr %h%t IB fiftfta*tft$9 Sfc* Or all* «•— i#t ©e fttftxi *£$£*-** ftUD i# %fe« ftftiA bed/ * f tfci* d is t r ic t «r«Heud c f ccttxs* fix #t f in&im * at & & * # • Wrxt #cula fo te tfce U t g « %o*a A * « * « » t & U . That t ^a id fc* & U freeenar.ry temlUme p cint* Hut $fe# mcmm% && got a*&y fxt-is tfcM *»a *&# fa-aing ia & l&xge »*y ft ¥ l**m x ± Hiv*x feimfc* tt« & * i & co^ar ttould t&kft G&ft&ft *.* fetlw#ft» S t .F & u i *na X i»&*ftp *;u * Oe^ift «b 4 Kka»&* C ity * I »#&© ttk&t th# t&#y tt&eh t,h$ H i*#cu xi R i * ^ x , before tfe*y would $&£ *yo*d t * \U#y eculS tftk* C*.ftfc*j &aa in our lex xitcx y C &ie&go woulil pxinaipfciiy b« fcltoi aest fc«£*ad* ay t**a«rftl Wcwt 1 4c not w i l l be of *a o & tfe$fc &n& I **&% tc •* ? tfc&t in a o »i»& in ia tfcie *»j? I t**d & v#xy y*n ft#, to what would be Yftlu^fcle fe»X0 fc«a wfeMj/wouid but I *ee r x i » ^ x i i y you are fir e * •• Cine v=*g,u* i&#?& ««&*; l»t#x««t<*d in tfc* fi£ u x « » the f»ff*«ftt*£t »ftU®£ up tfei« te r r ito r y & »d ay« eetrklR$ to locate ts*» fe**t t**n in the p la t &e © f?*r «d — tfc* one «<Mt a v a ila b le and tfee fe«tt to &*’X T io c . asked the *nc th#y t^- t i * t tod I k&T * *& ld they weula fu rn ieh ycu tfco&e £*rcestft£s* * * «o»n#Q tion with «mar l in e ^u#t * * ytu b&?« * * i e d tfeefc in connect itn eitfe **«# <iry ^cc.a and k*xd»&xe* *U & Frank . A® to %h# lia&nolag of t&A* Urriteirjr, U « r « A* & AlttX# »&tt»r of iat#r*fet ttAt X *eui4 Xifc* to #ontAs». w* *ro getting to jrskjUs « good &«sfel s f isfco&t tfcro\a@fe tfcia oeotAoiw ¥lio$.t A# A oro? tk *t o * 4 i * * r i i y tu rn * icto m m t f sfcuioUy. It An «bXAaa & fe&«*k#r* erep in this s&otA&o. But * * * r « feoyoaa tfe»t# b*oima« ne jssr oma ao « lar$* grain &u«ln« 4« Ai» tfeio territory «jmi fray mi4 * * U ffeere A* no pre/At %% th& tS*♦«« 3ft » profit. But wfc«& he mcnoy At A# vheft ho • * * fim m ® fe ie »«lf my to o&rry it &i*4 «?rn tto* ©i*rrylftg oh*rgo *aa m&tkot At mhmlto*** i« « d***nd for At. fk&ttfcfco* fton«y aJUd fund** oro*, &«*! tfcA* torrAtor; 0 « m is our $r«*t«*t reffffttnU th# toofrrt of tb« #om Oeit »o »t o f tfee MioalftsA?;A River or mrth v? « a It is i&rf«Xy *te*«A en^/weAl* Com 1* not & banker1* crop. w ill f Axed f«r»«^ oorry At through tfce *e&»o*i a»4 l&rgeiy At gee* Auto lAve etook ohiofc An theAr tstfrm sail on tfe* fe*i*k* for fuiM* for tfc# furofe*** of the *toofc ».na ofc*«# of the f#«A to go Ante t&# ©took. fcr tfe» j«r- there** «he&t# Af * 0**3 «*rly, ao«etU *« tho return* oo»« to the fe*«k*r An tile early of th* «e&son, fcut tfc« ooxn go** * * r * laurgely Acto the *o*t *w»*«r,er eprin# * t i*&&t «hoa the U f * *took 0 4 y for ft»rk«t. At * * It tfck«« voet fun-2* to do A* »Ath# *o 314* INteJlfc &» v© &r*j && 4. x#** fell t&fOSIglj th *r* i« «* taorvsou* *to*&g# «f ***& im soritois §&& &** »t t*rsiftl*j «.c4 it t*fc«« to fia&ns* && !&»*&*« a»««&t of & *ud«o^*!\xi gr^in bu#i&**# to4*y> let %l<m« iit 'v atoo*. m i It 1^ toalijr #t^s#.nssf# t&*« it *t tfc* fei&fc **&*o & «L,»a tfc* f*Tmtx» *r* netting H fe»* » il #&<? cur, go| &®d to&ty Q*fcfe* to **i«t£ our e«ai* on & • * , *&»t i * # tfc* oil 1* of U e giftU £*opi*. Tfe&t i* w&ar I **14 ia tfc« at*rt tfc-t *e *r« vitally i»t*ar#***4 in #*«iftg tfeftt aotfeiag ooour* to I•«$*«& tb#*« *«* tfcat *v**y feel^ i* fiimn tfeoa * And %iv\t it th« r*fc*#» I sub &**# to »>e# if I a&n fe*i£ you is Of<i«t *tt»* that ft« roduotioi* t*l*ft plHOe* I XkXnk %h&t i*> * l i 1 H-*v* to #ay* The 8 *or*tary of Th* Tf «Mwryt Ar$ you * * t i* f l * & that t?,ii aiatriot, %* eatii**4 h*r*# 4* tfc* logitl«ftt* «?&«** of C s ^ M 1* QCtt»*roi&l iefiy*RO#« Ifr. ro*l*rt I do, y * * #* i f , a* I **itf# t&o «&Ja to4y &J*4 c u t t in g portion* too# with tfe*** other p U * * * # fto«eH4a| to th* **41»t*a«* T&c 8**Y«t**y of TB« T r***u * 7 * T s B*sr«*»ry of Agrl«ttit«Jf*s u« th&t i t » l « M » M Tm &k you, Ur. Fowlar. Tou1*** gci«$ te t*rat*b Freisk * ifr. Foei rz iHe Storet&rjr cf tar*j ?&«t &e&orit£&Mi will be reoelve£ it *r. * * M b i t . (Trs« e.ftK r%r.v*uft of *%fct«nemt t» &« furnl*&«<i &.* .'u*geets4 b? Hr. Fo**r 1 * to be n&rked Zthlbii 3 3 , Introauoea «?*£u&ry £4tb,ltfl4. ) m T n r m Mr. fU«beJ$ers of r . r . m t n a x f t * I &* ? realdent of the First Ifat tonal &*ak cf Voxth Fi*tt«* Tr*e ^eorat^ry of The fre*«iur?i Mr* Seebtr-ferj tfcers 1» Hortfc FIstfc#? Tkree feuadrea &iU*& *a*t of Cta&iut on ta* tJnloa Pacific* The Secretary of A ^n ev ltu re ; Mr* Ffc&t I r x«ff*rd tc the ytu aealr# to p ra*«*t? H *lf of Vebr&afc*, if* c r 4tr tc eapjMUtn or to introduce the testimony in regar* to t l « tr*»U of b u d a e » a in th*t ooantry, 1 «ieft to M f the eoat tm o k ly poyttl&tmi port lor* of tfc* eastern n aif of 8 ebr**k* 1 * aloft# t^e tfnlon F *e ific »*ui PX&tt#- 8 lv * r . In *plt< of the feet tfeet ee *r* nearer tc Bs«y$r than * t &r» tc Qmzh*. fc? «ft«e * U e e » **»& that * « grt & Itrgft* p«rctnta€3 or our d&l ly bftlanftee — better rete *« our aaily )»tliii«« — vc fin* it nee&ftd&ry to fceep 00 pet ##»t of $ur fe&i&*0ee in !0&a.h&; *r*a our oi*ajfrs£«$ &c& our ex$£&j$ge «e h&*« but four or five p^i «e«t &f & H m x «%e&&ft$e f*i*£ ta Eeaeer* Furth?; r in the t k * » t h * t , « h il e * * & r * perfe&js* %h* t fe&&fc/w*«tent h%\f of S « b r & »k n f »e a<? net fifcd it a#****«ury to ©i? ««e9u&t in K a«u*« City or in Lifccslu* i The Secretary ef Agricultures it Tear first ehcio*/for * district eitfc Cftaft* as the lee*tics of the reeerlr* bank? V i . 8«*b erg *r: Yeef*ir« The M f « t t r | of Agriculture; ffe&t veuia be year *ece»4 ofccicat H r . Seefc«r#<?r: C h ic ***. The Secretary cf AftiCttltsire* 0M 6 *$c t Hr. Seefccrgex* The Seeret&ry of Agricoituret 1 « teeerde The tr^sd of your fcuelve** the efc«t? » r . Sesfcexgert Y * * #* i r . Tfce Secretary of Agriculture* A*4 the W a l in g foil*** th t? Mr. l<t*N9|*f) Tm #«*»• Th« lis r it tir ©f Agriculture: I* tft*»% *feeut eti*t fouat&nt<*4 £.14* & t* ¥* Secberger , to fT twentl Hr. 8ecfeerger* T **#$ir. Ttie Secretary cf Agricyituret The Secretary cf Ti>e Treasury* Tfcamkyfcu. Wh»t aid you cay your b*nk %»*f J*r. te^fcargen Tns Fir*t Ifctica&X Bank of Berth Platte. m f s n B f of j . i . m r r o * . Hr. WelptCR: Hy a»ae l* J . * • telfcton of OgaJU^la. The Secretary of The friftftoryt You n v& hear 4 tni* di«ou«»icaT Hr. Weipto'n: Y3*»«ir. The Secretary cf Tse Treaceryt Ana kfK« $fc*t our profele* ifet Mr. *elptonj I Yee#* l r . The Secretary cf The Tr©**uryt W ill yeu t e l l us * te-*t i« in four a i& it Mr* *el*>tcaj I aa located about 350 isll** * w l of her a the Union P a c ific L in e . The Secretary c f The Tra&eurjr* Ur* tclptcai J a la the Y^u * re n **r fo r th F l& tte ? About 50 aXle*.*est of Werth Platte. C clcrauc lin e — our county &oe*i *e »a4 the a a lu r a l 2 B « tr«n6 c f fru*iao&« &na « f jptotfttftto fro# cu* Xoo&llty 80 or 95 £8* 9«at of i t — fXo**# into Omhh&* 4 * i l y fe*X»ao* ««tU «l]r *>ith &*»&*• *fc.y k**p m x *# &?« wpp$*$& to ko«p * «**XX fe&lv»o* in &*im-r H i m w t of tfet osokaaft* I tain * it i* on saoou&t of ife* r«aia$; . .. of th « i* eX*«.rt&g &ou*ot -i>J t& *t 1a ifc# o&Xy r^a-toa *fey thuj*o At * i i witte §«ftver fcoo$ a& &oaoa**t os £ e«ou;m of th is •**& *& $•» Tii* S # « f * t * r y o f A&ri«ttltur*s F*&«ti«*kiiy &XX of yotsi? t u * i a « « « i« wit*> 0**Jiat K r. ^ o lft o a : Y «t |«ir » Tfc« Sooretfery of l |fl 0Hlt«i«l Do you ko^p &ay teXaitt* ir. iiiaoeia? Ujr» Soiptoat LiaooXa) ?•*# I Tij« X taiak *« fc&*e «. l i t t i t kaXftfco* la *» Jury#* o f *&# T r***u ry: you fcafj ???«* *•;***¥$ **l» X y in OR^.ii&l * r . *#Xj>t*at Tt*%%f *uok- Tfce *<t«rot*ry of Tfc« t f f M a i f * *t»t U |fr. WoXptoat Tb# ?#o&&ng«* Iwik o» This M n U i y of Th# Tro^wwyj Hr. | U I « ^ to » : 0gs>XX%X&* Hot a *o t * Kstioa^X l&n k ♦ you* fennk ? fatioaoX l*ak? 1 tm** two «%a«? SUi Tfee cf Th« Tr#*«uxy? yr» *«l$tOftt l^t,oco*oo. Tfc*S*«r#t*ry of AgrlouitBrtt *&&t yo«r c«?UsXT Vfe*t »vui4 fe# ss-ocua «hv io«* Hr, VdjtCAt Mr* «*ip to »: t e ll, &*▼**£ 6i»»» tfcmt «ott«# «c taught ~ the ftftlarU eour#* of ouaiis«i&s t e « i y*rfe*p* t#fc* Ohl«ft|0 « Ti**t it with tfe« to portico of tfe« r*e*tfir«# or» &oacu&t of tfc* tai*i*«tt jreX&tiGK*. Our it«&« ar« pretty fcuot &«kx e««t«$rr U « t « — th. t ia e.*«t of u » • The S * o r « t ’:*y o f I f t l n X t w t i Tbsrfcjrcu *f>r? eu eh . m nm nr <r.’ . a. x«up» Hr* EtXlys My »**# it J . B* lolly* I M pr«*i£t&t of the Citi»«s» lfetUa*l ift*t of dotfeotifeufg* Tfea £o#r*t*jry « f A f l U t i U m t K : . Kollyi Ton uro a*ar Itrth Platt«T T###» i f • Tfcs P« 9 r«t&ir of A | f t iu n « f « { Wfe&t did you attire to |f»iflilt Mr* S o il/I X tJ»yXy * t*ft to tttto tfcot eux k u l i t u ex »orc tlu* SC p*f sent I «a»t. I a j « * o*at of 1 * to ana ficm tn* kbeut 360 * i l « * f » « Om JM »»* «*«** 3S0 » U t * * aisa J . H« folly. itea £«&vtr* la B^air^r &«4 * * htvv# ?«ry l i t t l # cur prlaolfftl Ou*ln«»« 1ft *ith Cjr.&fc& *n& *nfc ft flight amount *tth Chio±ifC ftBdi It* York for oxok&ttfo purvo**#. is T&o £oorotory cf Agriculture: «b *t/ |rour first sfcsico for tto ioofttion of « fU«#rv« B&nkf Mr* lo lly: OKftkft.w©u*l fc* til# fce*t ootnronloftt pl&oe for u«* Tfeft S««r«ttry of Agrioultur*: Mr• fo lly : A»d yeur ooeosdT to-1* »y »®ooau# if I aisy vouil fce Cfelo^fo with ft kronok ftt Cftft^ft • The fftorotftry of A*riooltur#; Thank you v«ry waofe. Ta* ffOJffttftT) of Tfco Tr*ftft*ry: I r . Iftllyt CitUoB* fttieftal B^iik. Tfcs, tftor#t»ry of Tko Troaoury: Hr. felly f kcie ftt tfco or 1* yeur &*ak? Wfettt 1» >cor e»j;itai? | » 0> iurplufe 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 * 0 0 . I && act cf ft*y olt*jrl»£ feou«o or grour of fc*«ksro *l*r ir * 9 M 4Mf. tc|»%lr.*»*8tlcn Tciunteriiy. / n»3 6 MIUHSM Ib . or u m. u u m s . SoexsiAr? oX Afcrioul tarsi g u t s j>eur ^ t w m i. attb *ii-t iH&k jfwu t»X» Jir. u ftiawc t iu rx^hl n r a xn $fesUt oX Qr^i^a tfe* ««A t «r gX tfe* faii«6 Xrv k q m u « Ji*u £ « & r * w y A ^n ciix tu x #; 1a U u * wiahtm Seui^ * * * fc*Xi u * *oux mmMmtl *r* I*j.«u4 *; r i f i l * • «*« in u*v **ni»~X*#4A»# *.*u & * v * U « a ju u a t L'*»t »v **r y X *»i i & *&« Ur4 4ueiift$ *9 o u l ivA. tufw t#X *w&ur X* X«u t© Ifco o t t U « * tbvrsi $ t a w » » *.*& • m&** % h l* $v i$ Abu M A T iy ftii oi OttJT \ tk* i r # w u our I cur x*v^# j cwm U «r< £(w u %&• St* jwrf wutfcfft* lUr*ba l#«UAtl), ?&*** A X#*r $x 1 » fit l«f i&* surfc i« * i i X#* te >*cr*tary «X A ^rlcuituiat Mir* 01^^ is i« tfc* 9 & *t e ftftrAet* 10 j-<r*XsJtefiC* i » *iKi **«ui i * your *u g g **t i# a f %h*% %hia ^ Aoowuoi uX avr fin*ae (e # Xufei® lfi ba» ioefcWa 4 » c *£ t*iu ttX l&% y»tf« Xfe< 8 ^ x « u i / a A * * i< m U u * * l Acu #a*t *euic * • jr$ur * * * * £ 4 ( M m ! ifcr, ltikASk*S*S lu # ^ i » u r / CllA«J*4$t sMl *CuuUu* fcX uUT ItftfctflAftftft* A ^r ic iu tu r is AM «fc*t i*arw*fct&** U ilM & £ U £041 it . IiO m im * ***«***♦ 0®fc-jU**t »ouiii yev t oircf CO irtsr * » « , U & i i>t *rf t-w »»*»,is6 o v a ii«M » %h&t4 &$*& %k* r$&% %w it Thw fi#dr$tfciy ill tii<» Trts*a«r>’: * x » T «1k ^«i2 To ChlGhgti a&i & * * £«€r«;t4iy aJ Asrieuiiursi *OUX*i J&L ^ Jf, &e» *a$U4 it alvidsa, t&fts* t*$ ©Xli*i$? &tou* %h<» **&* mmmt A*r. Iclk*..^; l * i l # in mkzh i-iee*. tu~ . wvis ;ur> ai U*« Ixn^dury; Th&&fc /o u f kr* T r j V •»!’' ,fej» ikt.iftfaflH-r’iitv« Mr. b\*rnhi~&: \ Mr r-wt* ie C. £« gtriJkan* <*i iterf&JU, &«&r&*&A« Tk* v«ar « W r / U A&xieuIUora* fcr* v* « z ^ ; i# in jcur *iwu u * i x i yeti U1X wiU* IfeX^ pr&fei**! lit. *u*£Ji*ftS f*il# Mr* &9cratury, «fet*t i# ii* *y W w 1# ti*6 «o«*Uwfi of tfc* r^iwCfal b*fr* ifc ttow pX&c* %L*i * i U djnf# to f n f i t h * X## fe fiuc’Oii»jS| £3©*-ifi& if* iKX;4i thwi * i* r * * torritsr/ *t^j,Xi«tt ai%h *cuj .u t* a*iriMAt«JL tc i&* i&teroe&£ *x ou o w *** oi Ut oeimtry *>* !* * £ « « X&yfc G**r#h«issia* o^iUtX BiXX *Md Urn 1 r**x*&w»»V tb* to«au* i& i*t M» l h * nMrilm atWrii / of £*orott*.i —_ !***• «*«/> *i»ty cf A^ri^Ui tUT--} Ajfii )?0V &t|$fegur&£#3 Vo 4p*Ak io r ttk*m\ **• Bo ralu*.t*f for *-Gk* Oi Ui<*** I the oncirottry of tfcc Troaaurj: kr. Boxx*L*** i;utr^4^; t&o*«» o«u&®t Ju *t &&«» tfc** now ft* ffeOriOl*- fiatiwua « * £ * , lh* al B*m » t IL * Citi««A» CU u fit*** y«ju 1 will gift tfco»« boon*, & r * S s o r ^ r y , of tfc# Trt&ouryi •r . coar**ot«fci *itia* tiia o & fiction- 6 t*t« Bv.i'k ox ifcttia Crc®*, tiu fto^kis* £k4il ut £o»fcl&» oviy io U ;* i&s&iie te locality oi Sivr- XoU. I few &#er*t*rjf uf k^tieul w t»t ff&at city uo you *u#ir« tv w4 OC&neOtfe* Mr* 2>\>jrtiii**l Qm+h*. ?fce b#or«U rjf of Agriculture; AM #&** fc* your »«wCAa «fcui««t fcx. B u r i a l U U &* ii Cfei«*tc# ^ **.*!£& C&i0*40 1 4 « 001 oooiu 00 to tb« i n i * r # * t s of fcttbrttakfe to 0* cerm et- *Xtfk 4k *>*»* liMlXO Uiut arOUid li*0tf***Ti IJ koTifif tt x*«afc « • * •» * .# * * . 6Wi ana 00 •© in tb» territory * * f w OJf m t nm n 4 2* £* oi Agriculture Yu« «*« ir, l«b r ^M 4? *»x. Burftttk&i y«i&# iiir. T*** k**»«t&ry cl Agricultural fb&t wcuia y#u tui&k &t 01,* Fi.uj. &aa *-• liw traaa cX fcvr feu&i£*9» 4e#« &*% $» wa&fc * « * # M r*fiw ia U iy . fa * kr^fei i « *vr«s *& « & ? & « Qsiii* &su fci*# Bioi* Itw «-»vr; t~r> gJt Agricultures X® ta*t uru« vl ti*« afcwi* oi ficrUtfia iivtora&*ftt wr* £tur«Uu.Jtf ¥#9, «ir* Thu w^gru u x y U Agriculture SUUKEH The *>a«r«tury kr# fwuafcl ^ Of f^jj^_ j&Q&IL. Agriculture: Glv« your ikum* «Bi rc*iacft€#» 3*<*&«*r# M#fcr&#iuu «*cr*t*r? U Mr«vat4ts & * & * . you, Mr* Bvntfc**. Atriaultur** ifcer* i* % *&c«rT U* i * tit* Jwrife *»r&»r uf U>* a U l # fe*r$ ^cvui © / 4C « i i « * ( n * Klofcwur*., «|> is U « b m U »m u w [ o«ra«v eX tfe* s U W . fb« S«*r*t**y A*rieuivwr<»» ffatt «re y««ur i* nsr a § I* M» tfe l* Mr, v e e a » T &0U2& AfcT« %WiAft«»{ 9» #«.fV ysi vo Oi«*-*.*i, 4>r Uuret*£k 0 £*«*&* to & # i to Ti*# u*<jr«*t«ufy oi A&ricuitirfca l}$ &$&&&% $Uh*x jt& i& t* tiuU &%k*t pmlalt * * • Serial *<41, CL>«*£* »ot4.a fee t M * » v f o io c & W a * 3 0 i u ( ( i **n r iji£ • u r r i t o r / tm*9ib l* £ o U *« n urU Lw vut »£ QmU** &&1 *% *x* ik ^ r * X r o a owf &*&&# X o r * m % h m r &»&&**& Vo XdC f c u «4 &<>rtfc**st Ir c iA k * # t& « r a iir s a a # * t * iia 8 o u t • t i « * XJTcft tfcfet t # m t c * j r $& c m& 9 & l i l* t it* tit ^ 4 i . c K W f j <*£ kgtieuiiur«$ *x« 8v w < : T&* & * « x s W r / « / A & x iv u l% \& < u *& ^-uU» I Hv-* JUr ix&*» X jO t a i i C Xiii £ * « r * t * o A^ricuiUiir^t tfj* I # l i «X C & * * * * £ ? * * » <4 A § f i « « 3U i» f * i tfc*Xi i l l # V l i v #fcJ«fe * * * to *• & d i i t i r i d l H ft »ooaei .,*V'u* ietw #1 *# x ***** ***** U «i k r* *& It <ka*k#*;uiiit 4 »t Vov jp*fcolt«*JU y * * ? r *» « » 4 U a t m # l # Siu^li* » 1 W* C**k* * * t&* e ^ t « r t i» i& * G<u.y * & * , * r . t # a * « * a * y # i b a t * # nm A te I in, U rr iU X jf **!• Missouri m v «r *jtt#&aa &ii **** A * * fc«*A * bAfffitft * W A ii t&nt ttffeS# £ &!»£ U * «*&** )bU«t «£**« sij*** t k« r i ? « r . tfc* ^mriXbiy as AgtlvullkXiit *iwi*fcfc* k y^ur « * c u a hi> t&ifci; i t wflKitf 4v tc $» tfcteugA St. pu*if fcX. SvWCl W« «*tU>& fit#t | «t V&cft* vlifcetit tkstkugk,* v i r t u a l * . Tfi# l4urwUjry of A^rlcmitur*: Ar^ ycur t««9L4 elu>i«* t j yt»U l&uiottWA* *nvi* i»« « ^oi&t tf?«9vt4»l a ftiiitt toeffefltt <•* s>* C&i«fcg&» ***** «ijr. t t lf lt f m Mr, V ^ i ; t % 01 f f i t , .1f,fljU££^ £«&* l# f*** <?i £ari&*#*f *s,gr*%*ry s?i tik* ¥r#&»urys Wlurfu i<» 3«rifeiMwrt *r* V«l*ft &**€» #«wu;tjr. Xi** S v w iv U o » * tiui Y m i»t | l AT. »c l*jj * 68 » i i * 4 X»b® t * « 8» «r*t*x* « f Ji*xiovi t w a i iix, fi,i««> Ha# £** ir^fe 0«*£&t 9 t*t **« j . m n«s<*, &r. t & j, «ur bU »lM »* i» ).li tifciiai«i »i o « ^ ^ . Xfi* S m ( * u i y U A$rl«»a*v»*» A I j. «i U t urn a #r* i4r* 1‘* * «v«r«v*i* ui taa fraaauryi **. ?© l^i w&st u *o*r t**fct Tfca ;*r i*a a f State &aaju i'a« wowi#%«4ry wX u « fra* awry t Mh&i ia your Q^it&xH Mr* f o l i * : S40#000*00. Ia« *;#ar*t*ry t,x U u Traaawurys *&& y*a iL&or&e afe&t &&a JV»i t««* OtlUT ar# f o l ^ t ; AbaelutaXy* ?*♦» i*a r » t n r / aX t**a tm iitfjfi Si* pmuX ^our & * a i » a 8 ** a^t a*tb uad Mlaaoapellat kr. faipp* Be* fa* **grwt*jry ©X U i Tr***ury$ Qt to a vary aligfet ax taut • i l k <*ny at&«r $alatf *r* He, aaly CM a&av, & aawui &ea»uafc ia Cfeiaa^a *ad * v *r* #**ii aaaaaat ta fcaa twit* **ar aa&t aX tur aaai^asu la aita fraaftfc* Taa t*aar*t*xy o* tfea T m i u x ;s Ta*t ia t m a ai your a*» a«4 aaaiaaaa i ^ v w i t Mr* 7 « ^ l Taa# i W . I*® u«6f « u r y aX tfc* Tr**aar> i Tfcaa* yaa vary fcaaa. C&iaa&e aauia a# jraar «aa*a afevleat Mr* f o i w i !•« ! 3M0 * fc flffATXMtlit Of OEOBOE X. «rrany», #84 luf. f c « j j r It^ a*ftr*tftxy •£ Ur9 uit u 3. Tx*&s&f%t Twu itijiii, Xtf»& Exgls? ¥*», *ir« -®cr*Urj *X ihit «*• u / W w r : H*« X*r is *fc&t £*** QeA&Ml ii*g &!!«*« i *« %fe* oi t&* SXgl& & W l « ite&jL ©X L i&ia , »&• Aliftd ft&&& cX M4t*l#y t &m> Vie*®** i£*91u*i*i vX t£u» of Cl9&r#di^jr *&X t&« Ofci&ftl£ & 6.JUL0 ILw SftolatftXJf oX U « T*ft*suryt **% S#yttcteri £i&l£ in *&aXset eou*t>» i« is/ «£,€«* ' _ I *ot*l4 k v « le •*? it t&fti Xex • oi & cs&iuff 1 fc*¥* UfiKi in iiort&**a l4l*;r*ak©. - a&x%b***t, £#!»**«*&• 1 hifv bftxuiw* ft** lift ftAsi & 0* * ft£$ ftM iiv* aW<s« <,*i+£u±iy *u* &i*isk$ %&*% %Xm #* Ala a© Oiuk^t t « i a u r ; U 4 a«# **>**£ U *ow our «ut*ia« oX oWi**. 1 ft^a*t U i U tfa*t ft 1 *Jm* o! l*o^8 &*«■ fe*«* eblp$mi Wo ftlay oUwr » n # l lUr. Sotatfc Om^&m i'*e» »ux tvxriXvt? Xor ta& y^*jfc 80 ti««u fc* ^iUi. a w ofttU« W yaftrd h $ i ftftfr**iftiljr m ~ -jr • v " " _ ., ■ , , .,„„ ti** ikftaty V k X liiiu i l^u% tlk«> ttftjrkfttft ce t&* IHft^^uxi «•« eaiftily 0****# tiui fcoa* of &*** «>#*# « * «*a& t)«tur tJa&a our curttl* g© &fcytt£ur*« «!»*» ft&i tt*v p«r- 1, 411 • IQ G « ,r 4 « k. • • f t U i* a i o w * ia o a * w& Itycwwx. t & t u m t L b w a iA a a * i a vb Um <i«#U »al l u r l « U ul U t i Ofc>fc»f « « j « « U i 4 / o ax lo o a a iila *, f4 Ui ««*t i t ^ o u •£ *< « I I I* ^ru iiM O i/ 60 . ftll U*« b a * l * » * « — Ta« l « « i i U i | wjta ik r v a -r r . u u« U »t l* tr» 4 Mj|ii i« u « i v a « c* alltfca N U i? ail Um Aar* • U u in u f/ ■— vru« o f * 1 1 ift « A i a h iii« fe*uDUu» ax*» trua oX Mgr o m u « , *&a 1 »M ud u x iijr u i o J m |c *# A o fa u a * «« feav* ao M L i a m i « y% l a it * o o r lt la i i i i A i «1U to u *a a * Cfcloa*o« 1 •*!<* aay ci our r t l a l l »«r« 4 *aV #1 U aU uaa* 76 far o*ftt a l t * g — ki aaa m ;t » « i t H 1 a«a\ * ilk *ar • « « ! vltfc VI* Jo# * w U « k «Q f«U X | H « 1a « m §1 Iu m i u*« fraaaaryt • * !!!• City* t a l i , your & a t U & * i . t * « ft »«f«U r} oX IAa t m m f j r i t* a Mr« O u r & a y i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (a a l«f a*A ana o t a a r * lo o t to o * * * * ? M r«I t /f e i U l Aliaoiowol#* la fcaffa M «r« itffeiiiit Chicago *jsa iw ft* « u « r m m * o f t ia o lf e t r o u t i » t . Ba otfcar ^ < T I W o a A w r .) fr« a a « u r jrt t U ik m iU M X t 01 1* R» yen va ry tlifUiaY 1 am flo«-f>r aaUkaJut ol Ifca l l n l y jU o aal 21§a !• lo t of I* Qwr&fcjr* rr«a o «t9 !fc« ft/ %fc» T T m i u I ) I Mr* tort>«ys T «», ie e rn U n »U i fb *% U *lift« utttj O M h hT of ( N ^ M i tu feu l M d f t i >*•*% &w» U*« 0 * 11 * 7 ? lw«ft M i a i kf» 1 4 « t i r « l M n w r / i **4 u « i « l » v » r i i U U t i r . Qwr&*>s Xfejr%fc*r i4 M « i» 0 ) i o l * • U Mgr* 0i- oa« l i t U « ^ o lu l 1 ■4 ||ll •X X t l ft *fc*4 *atlftft# ftftd t U l Xtmiiug oui */ Q a*** u « It 0ft»V«| Iftfcl Uu» fillrum iB » « r ; •w lim m t in t b « ir o i ^ m u x . b * l « * r * c i f l c mi* tkd l a u T*« u « 4 x M t 19 ln u n «*ui u « &fcjrlii«4fcwa« ty i k * i ! • l A i l U l U M il !« n r lN i i f t r i 4«p#M ftkJii *jm vOBftWai; mm 1% i » 4 ^ v ; u i i l H f t f t ift U « M ft ftil}, U i f t ! ftii * * * l « 1 f i l l I f t f t lU il U f t t l OftUft am fto* tfc* ftiftriUxjf ftf A iiic iilt u r n Hftv« jrsw * a y Hr. O m n i C*i*ft#e • M h Tftftf « l f | 1 U i M ftX i^ritfiaturMit l i t U ftt mm Mr. BThk.i h wmM d M iM t l»« w*f m m « S i# Mt g w * ft# Hr. M f t f M U 1# M i l #ft Mr. |r O A B • i l l Xftliftft* t o , lU X M ll t e « i»*ft o U *«a * « | «Mt 1 * • « to . I r t t a a u r * . fk« « • « * • * * * * a Atrioml%ur»s y » ( y#u o f *ttoi h h i I M Cl ia Mr# f«wi>l* o lo *#* x U u i* gy* /i*u Xer of sur ok £ * U $ a e # » iU i «fcieii yen &&?« -0 «UI flUt#AdIitl &£& t 2mS 83Urt#&i*4 3& 0*** Tfc* 8 * « r * t* ty 6/ Agrluulttt*«; j X* tfc«rs ^ny ottur £**rU «&&3 I tb*t d*&i roa to t>a fec&rdt t&* l^eTwt.,ry ui |l4« r * 2&*ur>i *Ji*4 &J*y li^AI a | X« Um?» feay «&« #&« c&a wLa iivbiamt m v n s t r of ju , sm m u l tty HiUb* Xfi * . 8» PwXiUHJ. X *fc /XOfS t i l l # , KeJMNt**** Cu«t#r ocu&ty* Xac $ # *r»t*ry ©/ tfc# t r * A ^ r i K ft^U M t c f A^ricwinur*! yacup&tl^t W ill you * lv * t * yovtr ^1«»«Y x « i# * , Hr. S « « f a u i n «a»y t&«x* ttfcouia fc* * 1 # « } * ! » * *X Afid y w l«nur, Xk% *r*ft«U ft*i ** ia« osfc Wn* lft l«fcr*«km* f r y * tfcs a tm xtst. *o I «Ua tot « i | * « t %o oo*« t>*Xor* uoi« C w « lt t * o ox X *l>ula t*v * &*£ «y « jw^t X i$yjr«-ci s>ut I ©*-* & t? » you tfcft X & * .« * •» 1 * rcuiw *au*b*r* ana o&b *u b *it jk*« ***u;t IX ***# * i i l » » Wi IX Tk+ S f t f . w i y i «X tfc# Tf«a»uryi luw cay *l»* Xl£iir*# a 13 *• S. ksuiui©* (T&<« »iuw«Mki.t ttt ^ *ufe«itwa fcy Kr.E«la*© * iii Jterioa **fci*4t M # «Xta«** 2*X&&s, o/f*r*4 ia #via«cc« J ant* 27 24th # 1214*) w * Doltcoi Jfiitot 1 X si**i> gitr* y^u &a vu%llm nosr of t«wa t« m / oif 0*&*lf th* X&m xft* tviiirax sv »i«« «c»tni u j^retcUftAiAjf h*ai i-r tfc« Vbi\*i &t*to*j l * * U + » x<nUfcs of 4UC K i i i i , /or t i t / wX t&« *£rieu±tur&i ui $fcXo*&o* udi tfc«& Vhe «- *i*ro **orfc*Ju&* vitfcor lie*>oik or & & & * > o r *u iu * el 40C ^U «U U ur4 of tiwt ifc* eit$ tfc# lortfc *©uJU c^var f>*<J«tt©aJUy tlu&t &r«ut m iU i m u^ft ft&u ir. tt*a iat#r$«t# of tfc-, f&r&ora tiuy or* wAt i U « a tv out* tfe« »o#t oea~ 4^ r a to-ix atv»uv> *>*a bo r«t*io*g« ?«al*at mitt ffco f arfeur* of t a i* » U l t #»orw ooa »or« or# aa.vit*£ o aur^lu# it»<*o# fc&d a*r«tofor# Ixi ay U k » o* o citi#of* ioOoraor 1 L*v* ftuau »hoa JU iim oivtroo* earn* this sujh»x i* **»* iA fcfc# o iti**. »o teui* lifc# to hov# & rogioaiU. &&*& la is JU&raaJu. «fc#r# thi» aoo#y a*y u* rewieoo* ffc$ i'^ut A&ot the «9 hfcv« tidfit g i M l MW&tfc ia Uius# t i t aootioa* *ad /loo*~ t&«.t I X May* &iv*a yvv «ouju »«r*# u u « * r * * i **«*. I / la ta« i f t i i i o l of u « lAX*»ri of tfc# froru* taatfol e ^ U a . 3**1 • MWPIP A 14 s* 6* £*!£*&» | / TA* 6*or*t«jry oX A ^ r i o u U w m ti.«t ii tii**# r*«*jnr*a tA*t ^ ox tA* i>«oti o a #» *9 « ttM teU c*, A«r**tg|$?« i« A&v* $ $ * * tfe*y »oui 6 x^ti4fi*a i& tfe# « i# t tfc* serA *l & «o*«alty / Xox im u *lt i*l £«v *!*£*§& t r«tA*r thixu ovte*tiiin^ ft$>*cuiutiv» $,**&*£*? Ar*£ai*fcvt *x » a u U « N i r « |i« a Y*«* tk&t 1 * U * 14**. to A*Y« th« tkt«$ tA*st * * pSVriMm in %hi& r « u iM 4 ta r* . TA* S f W v U l ) M *,D*i&Aoi * f A*Xl«UifeUr*t * n t &4f 41 $UX%rit*W*p Y « if » 4 i . t&« £aor*tkry oX X+rluui tu/«i *W l$ | I&* Ufct ta&um&t *<m & tO tAift g * « * t N « U v f i iA A*x«1 Ar« ^ U & u i l « i # air. S # « r # U i y oX ^V>lit U u aiw it Ai^fet u* 60&«*rf»£ *s*c IX tft« iOOfctiOft * * * * &|,4i j>l*«* 0 1 *&*%&*£> ^roviu»u it a *ti«X i*u youf | » b « m i«U * a * to tA* you aAy | « r U 0 uI*r pf*X*x«Ao# Xoi tA* iwJfeUe* oX *VwA A b+Hkl ■ «ll» *k « e 1 U « t r * * » uf U » th* g rc it iA »y ftOAtiOB oX tA* ftt*ta, it U •e a « i n t . ! » * • ito s. « M * * Xfc* & * 1 C»*A & # ftAct t A # r * 1 * tA « p o ifci *fe«r* ouar r* « 4 t t * & c ^ 1 u t « <M«a ttu Omah& * e r U t **« * i » * * *>«*<» *• o g r a X i* ia '* to a i m i t b i M w o * CO* Uv» «to>*fc * * * * * * o / t*o t $ i k , iu ao*«* x*»ta**«8 i t i a Us? »*eo&l« Csw.** ii*»* i« | * o slatil*% o f &»&?£? *<?• 1 %<& m x 11 not i i i * £U«*lftfc to til# &«Ot*l& fjL*0 « t X ** 3*or<* ta jf oX igriou*tur*«t fcoro g# &fta «ju«r* do you loo* ffcoro 4o you fcjac your **i&&~ Xox t*« %x*m & oUojs oX feUoi*e«*t Mr# E*A*#tei G *«**<», tv t U Our * r a * aaU our iiv« atooi aXi 40 i# G»* <u« Murioi* Ti*% &»or*W ry oX t*« fra*auryi I tferou£*out l u t You ifcij*& your **i£fe*cra **ollu* uX tfe* #VuU l U ftift tft* ®*.fco . »toy »l»«rUl lit Xt.V+l&sxci »*y # 1 * * 0 * t*#lr U4fie4- * H go** t&oro* 'V. Vu 6 m « k n vX ill* Tr»*»uryj Ajw* you tfelal * o*&* ut t * u f $ o i& t aoulu 0d<? t couaorvo tk* i&tor^at oX i k * t stct i u * ul tx*« d U U t Mr«**l«u*#l Y#*« Yfc« *>#or*V*ry ©X t*o Tr**euryi Afti oX U H district? Y«»# »i»* Ta v & o o r *t *r y oX A&jriouiturai S*or*t*ry oX th« Tr«*aury; j IN U * « l t I tfciBfc i# *<U* Is t**r*Aay og* «ia# to i '#1 to a ay wit Oofe&li' of 1 *tiu lii /iiOtf »fc*w i»aGj>tr*i ky * K r ii« I ^ v o r i^Xoruitoti^fc **xt act I n d i H U v i *k*w v *f» o£ &ny ~ny a l a i n o t * in ♦ u**»t &&» iifi# «£ %o$$tio&iim t»&« & * * * £ % # « i b o u t h i 9c & f & * t *• t r « W t<iv a o « t h *u ra i r e * b* * * « U U A iii *iJL s ^ y tar<*M o f **# & # t *.r©ai*~ «jiy .av e r i t y * & * o i 9 ya» *0 * #fcti« U U # A&a I * * * * * to *«y lb# » & U ? e f&* i* « t # & * v * » » £ ~ jP *• « « iiAYO b««ft &Oi* U & u * i 4hs 0 * * i l tfc** « of **r $$oaai>* its 441 Usus ii& fc t «&u *fc&t**r» ittu u u t jU *&a cojk&bfclty ©a o* tv* c « ^ £ * t *lil ** to £ •£ #•$* oouavry & * * *o *fe & o& tfefcV &o o««t< b o * & orvu^ii t & u i !& #*« f O* *&# i-S vb ii& k « U k * # * ft&oitj 4*fei ttfttU t&fct tife* fcraraf*# « * o^ci tf+i-4 -v ,a«e«aio&j Jaw *& 4a » « ao &uJu* & u*«i*ioia i t •H i O-* W k l h VO t & * Ta» ftattlAft * i u <V&Oi« £JT3 0 l 4ft* »«« fc« *uiJourf»tf4* A A t «»I 3 C 0 9( & ^ ol J ^ u & r y » 1 ^ 1 4 # tiU & • & * ! * % letter *#* o lo m tf* F . Mt# ©fi t&« M tfc &*y 1* tta« * & o t #