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PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976

90 STAT. 1383

Public Law 94-435
94th Congress
An Act
To improve and facilitate tlie expeditious and effective enforcement of the
antitrust laws, and for other purposes.

aept. 60, lv7o
[H.R. 8532]

Be it enacted hy the Senate arid House of Representatwes
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, T h a t this Act may
be cited as the "Hart-Scott-Rodino A n t i t r u s t Improvements A c t of

Hart-ScottRodino Antitrust







Civil investigative demands.
Custodian of documents, answers, and transcripts.
Judicial proceedings.
Criminal penalty.
Effective date.


Sec. 201. Notification and waiting period.
Sec. 202. Effective dates.


Parens patriae actions by State attorneys general.
Conforming amendments.
Effective date.
Short title to certain antitrust laws.



SEC. 101. Section 2 of the Antitrust Civil Process Act (15 U.S.C.
1311) is amended—
(1) in subsection (a) —
( A ) by inserting " a n d " after the semicolon at t h e end of
paragraph ( 1 ) ;
( B ) by striking out p a r a g r a p h (2) and redesignating
p a r a g r a p h (3) as p a r a g r a p h ( 2 ) ; and
(C) by striking out " ( A ) " and ", or ( B ) any unfair t r a d e
practice in or affecting such commerce" in p a r a g r a p h (2) (as
.redesignated by s u b p a r a g r a p h ( B ) ) .
(2) by amending subsection (c) to read as follows:
" ( c ) T h e term 'antitrust investigation' means any inquiry conducted by any antitrust investigator for the purpose of ascertaining whether any person is or has been engaged in any antitrust
violation or in any activities in preparation for a merger, acquisition, joint venture, or similar transaction, which, if consummated,
may result in an antitrust violation;".
(3) by amending subsection (f) to read as follows:
" ( f ) T h e t e r m ' p e r s o n ' m e a n s any n a t u r a l person, partnership,
corporation, association, or other legal entity, including any person acting under color or authority of State l a w ; " .
(4) by amending subsection (h) to read as follows:
" ( h ) T h e term 'custodian' means the custodian or any deputy
custodian designated under section 4 ( a ) of this Act.".
Post, p. 1387.

90 STAT. 1384

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976

SEC. 102. Section 3 of the Antitrust Civil Process Act (15 U.S.C.
1312) is amended to read as follows:




Oral testimony.


"SEC. 3. (a) Whenever the Attorney General, or the Assistant
Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, has resison to believe that any person may be in possession, custody, or control of any documentary material, or may have
an^ information, relevant to a civil antitrust investigation, he may,
prior to the institution of a civil or criminal proceeding thereon, issue
in writing, and cause to be served upon such person, a civil investigative
demand rec^uiring such person to produce such documentary material
for inspection and copying or reproduction, to answer in writing
written interrogatories, to give oral testimony concerning documentary material or information, or to furnish any combination of such
material, answers, or testimony.
"(b) Each such demand shall—
" (1) state the nature of—
" (A) the conduct constituting the alleged antitrust violation, or
" ( B ) the activities in preparation for a merger, acquisition,
joint venture, or similar transaction, which, if consummated,
may result in an antitrust violation,
which are under investigation and the provision of law applicable
"(2) if it is a demand for production of documentary material—
" (A) describe the class or classes of documentary material
^Q j^g produced thereunder with such definiteness and certainty
as to permit such material to be fairly identified;
"(B) prescribe a return date or dates which will provide a
reasonable period of time within which the material so
demanded may be assembled and made available for inspection and copying or reproduction; and
"(C) identify the custodian to whom such material shall
be made available; or
"(3) if it is a demand for answers to written interrogatories—
"(A) proj)ound with definiteness and certainty the written
interrogatories to be answered;
"(B) prescribe a date or dates at which time answers to
written interrogatories shall be submitted; and
"(C) identify the custodian to whom such answers shall be
submitted; or
" (4) if it is a demand for the giving of oral testimony—
"(A) prescribe a date, time, and place at which oral
testimony shall be commenced; and
"(B) identify an antitrust investigator who shall conduct
the examination and the custodian to whom the transcript of
such examination shall be submitted.
"(c) No such demand shall require the production of any documentary material, the submission of any answers to written interrogatories,
or the giving of any oral testimony, if such material, answers, or testimony would be protected from disclosure under—
"(1) the standards applicable to subpenas or subpenas duces
tecum issued h^ a court of the United States in aid of a grand
jury investigation, or

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976

90 STAT. 1385

"(2) the standards applicable to discovery requests under the
Federal Kules of Civil Procedure, to the extent that the application of such standards to any such demand is appropriate and consistent with the provisions and purposes of this Act.
"(d) (1) Any such demand may be served by any antitrust investigator, or by any United States marshal or deputy marshal, at any place
within the territorial jurisdiction of any court of the United States.
"(2) any such demand or any petition filed under section 5 of this
Act may be served upon any person who is not to be found within the
territorial jurisdiction of any court of the United States, in such manner as the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure prescribe for service in a
foreign country. To the extent that the courts of the United States
can assert jurisdiction over such person consistent with due process, the
United States District Court for the District of Columbia shall have
the same jurisdiction to take any action respecting compliance with
this Act by such person that such court would have if such person
were personally within the jurisdiction of such court.
"(e) (1) Service of any such demand or of any petition filed under
section 5 of this Act may be made upon a partnership, corporation,
association, or other legal entity by—
"(A) delivering a duly executed copy thereof to any partner,
executive officer, managing agent, or general agent thereof, or to
any agent thereof authorized by appointment or by law to receive
service of process on behalf of such partnership, corporation, association, or entity ;
" ( B ) delivering a duly executed copy thereof to the principal
office or place of business of the partnership, corporation, association, or entity to be served; or
"(C) depositing such copy in the United States mails, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, duly addressed to
such partnership, corporation, association, or entity at its principal office or place of business.
"(2) Service of any such demand or of any petition filed under section 5 of this Act may be made upon any natural person by—
"(A) delivering a duly executed copy thereof to the person to
be served; or
"(B) depositing such copy in the United States mails- by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, duly addressed to
such person at his residence or principal office or place of business.
"(f) A verified return by the individual serving any such demand or
petition setting forth the manner of such service shall be proof of such
service. In the case of service by registered or certified mail, such
return shall be accompanied by the return post office receipt of delivery of such demand.
"(g) The production of documentary material in response to a
demand served pursuant to this section shall be made under a sworn
certificate, in such form as the demand designates, by the person, if
a natural person, to whom the demand is directed or, if not a natural
person, by a person or persons having knowledge of the facts and
circumstances relating to such production, to the effect that all of the
documentary material required by the demand and in the possession,
custody, or control of the person to whom the demand is directed has
been produced and made available to the custodian.
"(h) Each interrogatory in a demand served pursuant to this
section shall be answered separately and fully in writing under oath,
unless it is objected to, in which event the reasons for the objection
shall be stated in lieu of an answer, and it shall be submitted under

28 u s e app.



Service upon
legal entities.

Service upon
natural person.

Proof of service.

90 STAT. 1386

governing oral




Right to counsel.

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976
a sworn certificate, in such form as the demand designates, by the
person, if a natural person, to whom the demand is directed or, if not
a natural person, by a person or persons responsible for answering
each interrogatory, to the effect that all information required by the
demand and in the possession, custody, control, or knowledge of the
person to whom the demand is directed has been submitted.
"(i) (1) The examination of any person pursuant to a demand for
oral testimony served under this section shall be taken before an
officer authorized to administer oaths and affirmations by the laws of
the United States or of the place where the examination is held. The
officer before whom the testimony is to be taken shall put the witness
on oath or affirmation and shall personally, or by someone acting
under his direction and in his presence, record the testimony of the
witness. The testimony shall be taken stenographically and transcribed.
When the testimony is fully transcribed, the officer before whom the
testimony is taken shall promptly transmit a copy of the transcript
of the testimony to the custodian.
"(2) The antitrust investigator or investigators conducting the
examination shall exclude from the place where the examination is
held all other persons except the person being examined, his counsel,
the officer before whom the testimony is to be taken, and any stenographer taking such testimony. The provisions of the Act of March 3,
1913 (Ch. 114, 37 Stat. 731; 15 U.S.C. 30), shall not apply to such
" (3) The oral testimony of any person taken pursuant to a demand
served under this section shall be taken in the judicial district of the
United States within which such person resides, is found, or transacts
business, or in such other place as may be agreed upon by the antitrust
investigator conducting the examination and such person.
"(4) When the testimony is fully transcribed, the antitrust investigator or the officer shall afford the witness (who may be accompanied
by counsel) a reasonable opportunity to examine the transcript; and
the transcript shall be read to or by the witness, unless such examination and reading are waived by the witness. Any changes in form or
substance which the witness desires to make shall be entered and
identified upon the transcript by the officer or the antitrust investigator with a statement of the reasons given by the witness for making
such changes. The transcript shall then be signed by the witness, unless
the witness in writing waives the signing, is ill, cannot be found, or
refuses to sign. If the transcript is not signed by the witness within
thirty days of his being afforded a reasonable opportunity to examine
it, the officer or the antitrust investigator shall sign it and state on the
record the fact of the waiver, illness, absence of the witness, or the
refusal to sign, together with the reason, if any, given therefor.
"(5) The officer shall certify on the transcript that the witness was
duly sworn by him and that the transcript is a true record of the
testimony given by the witness, and the officer or antitrust investigator
shall promptly deliver it or send it by registered or certified mail to
the custodian.
"(6) Upon payment of reasonable charges therefor, the antitrust
investigator shall furnish a copy of the transcript to the witness only,
except that the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust
Division may for good cause limit such witness to inspection of the
official transcript of his testimony.
"(7) (A) Any person compelled to appear under a demand for oral
testimony pursuant to this section may be accompanied, represented,
and advised by counsel. Counsel may advise such person, in confidence,

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976

90 STAT. 1387

either upon the request of such person or upon counsel's own initiative,
with respect to any question asked of such person. Such person or
counsel may object on the record to any question, in whole or in part,
and shall briefly state for the record the reason for the objection. An
objection may properly be made, received, and entered upon the record
when it is claimed that such person is entitled to refuse to answer the
question on grounds of any constitutional or other legal right or privilege, including the privilege against self-incrimination. Such person
shall not otherwise object to or refuse to answer any question, and
shall not by himself or through counsel otherwise interrupt the oral
examination. If such person refuses to answer any question, the antitrust investigator conducting the examination may petition the district court of the United States pursuant to section 5 of this Act for Post, p. 1389.
an order compelling such person to answer such question.
"(B) If such person refuses to answer any question on grounds of
the privilege against self-incrimination, the testimony of such person
may be compelled in accordance with the provisions of part V of title
18, United States Code.
18 USC 6001.
"(8) Any person appearing for oral examination pursuant to a Fees and mileage,
demand served under this section shall be entitled to the same fees and
mileage which are paid to witnesses in the district courts of the United

SEC. 103. Section 4 of such Act is amended to read as follows:

15 USC 1313.


"SEC. 4. (a) The Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice shall designate an antitrust investigator to serve as custodian of documentary material,
answers to interrogatories, and transcripts of oral testimony received
under this Act, and such additional antitrust investigators as he shall
determine from time to time to be necessary to serve as deputies to
such officer.
"(b) Any person, upon whom any demand under section 3 of this
Act for the production of documentary material has been duly served,
shall make such material available for inspection and copying or reproduction to the custodian designated therein at the principal place of
business of such person (or at such other place as such custodian and
such person thereafter may agree and prescribe in writing or as the
court may direct, pursuant to section 5(d) of this Act) on the return
date specified in such demand (or on such later date as such custodian
may prescribe in writing). Such person may upon written agreement
between such person and the custodian substitute copies for originals
of all or any part of such material.
" (c) (1) The custodian to whom any documentary material, answers
to interrogatories, or transcripts of oral testimony are delivered shall
take physical possession thereof, and shall be responsible for the use
made thereof and for the return of documentary material, pursuant to
this Act.
" (2) The custodian may cause the preparation of such copies of such
documentary material, answers to interrogatories, or transcripts of
oral testimony as may be required for official use by any duly authorized official or employee of the Department of Justice under regulations which shall be promulgated by the Attorney General. Notwith-

Ante, p. 1384.

15 USC 1314.

Responsibility for

official use of

90 STAT. 1388


availability to

Legal actions, use
of investigative

FTC investigations or
use of

material, return
to producer,

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976
standing paragraph (3) of this subsection, such material, answers, and
transcripts may be used by any such official or employee in connection
with the taking of oral testimony pursuant to this Act.
"(3) Except as otherwise provided in this section, while in the possession of the custodian, no documentary material, answers to interrogatories, or transcripts of oral testimony, or copies thereof, so produced
shall be available for examination, without the consent of the person
who produced such material, answers, or transcripts, by any individual other than a duly authorized official or employee of the Department
of Justice. Nothing in this section is intended to prevent disclosure to
either body of the Congress or to any authorized committee or subcommittee thereof.
" (4) WTiile in the possession of the custodian and under such reasonable terms and conditions as the Attorney General shall prescribe, (A)
documentary material and answers to interrogatories shall be available for examination by the person who produced such material or
answers, or by any duly authorized representative of such person, and
(B) transcripts of oral testimony shall be available for examination by
the person who produced such testimony, or his counsel.
"(d) (1) Whenever any attorney of the Department of Justice has
been designated to appear before any court, grand jury, or Federal
administrative or regulatory agency in any case or proceeding, the custodian of any documentary material, answers to interrogatories, or
transcripts of oral testimony may deliver to such attorney such
material, answers, or transcripts for official use in connection with any
such case, grand jury, or proceeding as such attorney determines to be
required. Upon the completion of any such case, grand jury, or proceeding, such attorney shall retTirn to the custodian any such material,
answers, or transcripts so delivered which have not passed int-o the
control of such court, grand jury, or agency through the introduction
thereof into the record of such case or proceeding.
"(2) The custodian of any documentary material, answers to interrogatories, or transcripts of oral testimony may deliver to the Federal
Trade Commission, in response to a written request, copies of such
material, answers, or transcripts for use in connection with an investigation or proceeding under the Commission's jurisdiction. Such material, answers, or transcripts may only be used by the Commission in
such manner and subject to such conditions as apply to the Department
of Justice under this Act.
"(e) If any documentary material has been produced in the course
of any antitrust investigation by any person pursuant to a demand
under this Act and—
" (1) any case or proceeding before any court or grand jiiry arising out of such investigation, or any proceeding before any
Federal administrative or regulatory agency involving such
material, has been completed, or
"(2) no case or proceeding, in which such material may be used,
has been commenced within a reasonable time after completion
of the examination and analysis of all documentary material and
other information assembled in the course of such investigation*
the custodian shall, upon written request of the person who produced
such material, return to such person any such material (other than
copies thereof furnished to the custodian pursuant to subsection (b)
of this section or made by the Department of Justice pursuant to subsection (c) of this section) which has not passed into the control of
any court, grand jury, or agency through the introduction thereof
into the record of such case or proceeding.

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976
"(f) In the event of the death, disability, or separation from service
in the Department of Justice of the custodian of any documentary
material, answers to interrogatories, or transcripts of oral testimony
produced under any demand issued pursuant to this Act, or the official
relief of such custodian from responsibility for the custody and control of such material, answers, or transcripts, the Assistant Attorney
General in charge of the Antitrust Division shall promptly (1) designate another antitrust investigator to serve as custodian of such
material, answers, or transcripts, and (2) transmit in writing to the
person who produced such material, answers, or testimony notice as to
the identity and address of the successor so designated. Any successor
designated under this subsection shall have with regard to such material, answers, or transcripts all duties and responsibilities imposed by
this Act upon his predecessor in office with regard thereto, except that
he shall not be held responsible for any default or dereliction which
occurred prior to his designation.".

90 STAT. 1389


SEC. 104. (a) Section 5(a) of such Act is amended by striking out
", except that if" and all that follows down through the end of the
sentence and inserting in lieu thereof a period.
(b) The first sentence of subsection (b) of section 5 of such Act is
amended to read as follows: "Within twenty days after the service of
any such demand upon any person, or at any time before the return
date specified in the demand, whichever period is shorter, or within
such period exceeding twenty days after service or in excess of such
return date as may be prescribed in writing, subsequent to service, by
any antitrust investigator named in the demand, such person may file,
in the district court of the United States for the judicial district within
which such person resides, is found, or transacts business, and serve
upon such antitrust investigator a petition for an order of such court
modifying or setting aside such demand.".
(c) The second sentence of subsection (b) of section 5 is amended by
striking out the period at the end thereof and by inserting in lieu
thereof: ", except that such person shall comply with any portions
of the demand not sought to be modified or set aside.".
(d) Subsection (c) of section 5 is amended by striking out "delivered" and inserting in lieu thereof "or answers to interrogatories delivered, or transcripts of oral testimony given".
(e) Section 5 is further amended by adding at the end thereof the
"(f) Any documentary material, answers to written interrogatories,
or transcripts of oral testimony provided pursuant to any demand
issued under this Act shall be exempt from disclosure under section
552 of title 5, United States Code.".

15 USC 1314.

Order, filing,



SEC. 105. The third paragraph of section 1505 of title 18, United
States Code, is amended to read as follows:
"Whoever, with intent to avoid, evade, prevent, or obstruct compliance, in whole or in part, with any civil investigative demand duly
and properly made under the Antitrust Civil Process Act, willfully
withholds, misrepresents, removes from any place, conceals, covers up,
destroys, mutilates, alters, or by other means falsifies any documentary
material, answers to written interrogatories, or oral testimony, which
is the subject of such demand; or attempts to do so or solicits another
to do so; or".

15 USC 1311

90 STAT. 1390

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976

15 use 1311
Ante, p. 1384.

SEC. 106. The amendments to the Antitrust Civil Process Act and
to section 1505 of title 18, United States Code, made by this title shall
take effect on the date of enactment of this Act, except section 3(i) (8)
of the Antitrust Civil Process Act (as amended by this Act) shall take
effect on the later of (1) the date of enactment of this Act, or (2)
October 1, 1976. Any such amendment which provides for the production of documentary material, answers to interrogatories, or oral testimony shall apply to any act or practice without regard to the date
on which it occurred.

15 use 18a.

Waiting period.

SEC. 201. The Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. 12 et seq.) is amended by
inserting immediately after section 7 of such Act the following new
"SEC. 7 A . (a) Except as exempted pursuant to subsection (c), no
person shall acquire, directly or indirectly, any voting securities or
assets of any other person, unless both persons (or in the case of a
tender offer, the acquiring person) file notification pursuant to rules
under subsection (d) (1) and the waiting period described in subsection (b) (1) has expired, if—
" (1) the acquiring person, or the person whose voting securities
or assets are being acquired, is engaged in commerce or in any
activity affecting commerce;
"(2) (A) any voting securities or assets of a person engaged in
manufacturing which has annual net sales or total assets of
$10,000,000 or more are being acquired by any person which has
total assets or annual net sales of $100,000,000 or more;
"(B) any voting securities or assets of a person not engaged in
manufacturing which has total assets of $10,000,000 or more are
being acquired bv any person which has total assets or annual net
sales of $100,000,000 or more; or
"(C) any voting securities or assets of a person with annual
net sales or total assets of $100,000,000 or more are being acquired
by any person with total assets or annual net sales of $10,000,000
or more; and
"(3) as a result of such acquisition, the acquiring person would
"(A) 15 per centum or more of the voting securities or
assets of the acquired person, or
" ( B ) an aggregate total amount of the voting securities
and assets of the acquired person in excess of $15,000,000.
In the case of a tender offer, the person whose voting securities are
sought to be acquired by a person required to file notification under
this subsection shall file notification pursuant to rules under subsection (d).
"(b) (1) The waiting period required under subsection (a) shall—
"(A) begin on the date of the receipt by the Federal Trade
Commission and the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the
Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice (hereinafter referred to in this section as the 'Assistant Attorney General') of—
"(i) the completed notification required under subsection
(a), or

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976
" ( i i ) if such notification is not completed, the notification
t o the extent completed and a statement of the reasons for
such noncompliance,
from both persons, or, in the case of a tender offer, the acquiring
person; and
" ( B ) end on the thirtieth day after the date of such receipt (or
in the case of a cash tender offer, the fifteenth d a y ) , or on such
later date as. may be set under subsection (e) (2) or (g) ( 2 ) .
" ( 2 ) The Federal T r a d e Commission and the Assistant Attorney
General may, in individual cases, terminate the waiting period specified in p a r a g r a p h (1) and allow any person to proceed with any
acquisition subject to this section, and promptly shall cause to be p u b lished in the Federal Register a notice t h a t neither intends to take
any action within such period with respect to such acquisition.
" ( 3 ) As used in this section—
" ( A ) T h e term 'voting securities' means any securities which at
present or upon conversion entitle the owner or holder thereof
to vote for the election of directors of the issuer or, with respect
to unincorporated issuers, persons exercising similar functions.
" ( B ) The amount or percentage of voting securities or assets
of a person which are acquired or held by another person shall be
determined by aggregating the amount or percentage of such
voting securities or assets held or acquired by such other person
and each affiliate thereof.
" ( c ) T h e following classes of transactions are exempt from the
requirements of this section—
" (1) acquisitions of goods or realty transferred in the ordinary
course of business;
" ( 2 ) acquisitions of bonds, mortgages, deeds of trust, or other
obligations w hich are not voting securities;
" (3) acquisitions of voting securities of an issuer at least 50 per
centum of the voting securities of which are owned by the acquiring person prior to such acquisition ;
" (4) transfers to or from a Federal agency or a State or political subdivision thereof;
" ( 5 ) transactions specifically exempted from the antitrust laws
by Federal s t a t u t e ;
" ( 6 ) transactions specifically exempted from the antitrust laws
by Federal statute if approved by a Federal agency, if copies of
all information and documentary material filed with such agency
are contemporaneously filed with the Federal T r a d e Commission
and the Assistant Attorney General;
" ( 7 ) transactions which require agency approval under section
18(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1 8 2 8 ( c ) ) ,
or section 3 of the B a n k H o l d i n g Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C.
" ( 8 ) transactions which require agency approval under section 4 of the B a n k H o l d i n g Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C.
1843), section 403 or 408(e) of the N"ational Housing Act (12
U.S.C. 1726 and 1730a), or section 5 of the H o m e Owners' Loan
Act of 1933 (12 U.S.C. 1464), if copies of all information and
documentary material filed with any such agency are contemporaneously filed with the Federal T r a d e Commission and the
Assistant Attorney General at least 30 days prior to consummation
of the proposed transaction ;
" ( 9 ) acquisitions, solely for the purpose of investment, of
voting securities, if, as a result of such acquisition, t h e securities

90 STAT. 1391

Waiting period,
Publication in
Federal Register.



90 STAT. 1392


Waiting period,

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976
acquired or held do not exceed 10 per centum of the outstanding
voting securities of the issuer;
"(10) acquisitions of voting securities, if, as a result of such
acquisition, the voting securities acquired do not increase, directly
or indirectly, the acquiring person's per centum share of outstanding voting securities of the issuer;
(11) accfuisitions, solely for the purpose of investment, by any
bank, banking association, trust company, investment company,
or insurance company, of (A) voting securities pursuant to a plan
of reorganization or dissolution; or (B) assets in the ordinary
course of its business; and
" (12) such other acquisitions, transfers, or transactions, as may
be exempted under subsection ( d ) ( 2 ) ( B ) .
"(d) The Federal Trade Commission, with the concurrence of the
Assistant Attorney General and by rule in accordance with section 553
of title 5, United States Code, consistent with the purposes of this
"(1) shall require that the notification required under subsection (a) be in such form and contain such documentary material
and information relevant to a proposed acquisition as is necessary
and appropriate to enable the Federal Trade Commission and the
Assistant Attorney General to determine whether such acquisition
may, if consummated, violate the antitrust laws; and
"(2) may—
" (A) define the terms used in this section;
"(B) exempt, from the requirements of this section, classes
of persons, acquisitions, transfers, or transactions which are
not likely to violate the antitrust laws; and
"(C) prescribe such other rules as may be necessary and
appropriate to carry out the purposes of this section.
"(e) (1) The Federal Trade Commission or the Assistant Attorney
General may, prior to the expiration of the 30-day waiting period
(or in the case of a cash tender offer, the 15-day waiting period)
specified in subsection (b) (1) of this section, require the submission
of additional information or documentary material relevant to the
proposed acquisition, from a person required to file notification with
respect to such acquisition under subsection (a) of this section prior
to the expiration of the waiting period specified in subsection (b) (1)
of this section, or from any officer, director, partner, agent, or
employee of such person.
"(2) The Federal Trade Commission or the Assistant Attorney
General, in its or his discretion, may extend the 30-day waiting period
(or in the case of a cash tender offer, the 15-day waiting period) specified in subsection (b) (1) of this section for an additional period of
not more than 20 days (or in the case of a cash tender offer, 10 days)
after the date on which the Federal Trade Commission or the Assistant Attorney General, as the case may be, receives from any person
to whom a request is made under paragraph (1), or in the case of tender offers, the acquiring person, (A) all the information and documentary material required to be submitted pursuant to such a request, or
(B) if such request is not fully complied with, the information and
documentary material submitted and a statement of the reasons for
such noncompliance. Such additional period may be further extended
only by the United States district court, upon an application by the
Federal Trade Commission or the Assistant Attorney General pursuant to subsection (g) (2).

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976

90 STAT. 1393

" (f) If a proceeding is instituted or an action is filed by the Federal
Trade Commission, alleging that a proposed acquisition violates section 7 of this Act or section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, or
an action is filed by the United States, alleging that a proposed acquisition violates such section 7 or section 1 or 2 of the Sherman Act, and
the Federal Trade Commission or the Assistant Attorney General (1)
files a motion for a preliminary injunction against consummation of
such acquisition pendente lite, and (2) certifies to the United States
district court for the judicial district within which the respondent
resides or carries on business, or in which the action is brought, that
it or he believes that the public interest requires relief pendente lite
pursuant to this subsection—
"(A) upon the filing of such motion and certification, the chief
judge of such district court shall immediately notify the chief
judge of the United States court of appeals for the circuit in which
such district court is located, who shall designate a United States
district judge to whom such action shall be assigned for all purposes ; and
"(B) the motion for a preliminary injunction shall be set down
for hearing by the district judge so designated at the earliest practicable time, shall take precedence over all matters except older
matters of the same character and trials pursuant to section 3161
of title 18, United States Code, and shall be in every way
" (s) (1) -^^y person, or any officer, director, or partner thereof, who
fails to comply with any provision of this section shall be liable to the
United States for a civil penalty of not more than $10,000 for each day
during which such person is in violation of this section. Such penalty
may be recovered in a civil action brought by the United States.
(2) If any person, or any officer, director, partner, agent, or
employee thereof, fails substantially to comply with the notification
requirement under subsection (a) or any request for the submission of
additional information or documentary material under subsection
(e) (1) of this section within the waiting period specified in subsection
(b) (1) and as may be extended under subsection (e) (2), the United
States district court—
" (A) may order compliance;
"(B) shall extend the waiting period specified in subsection
(b) (1) and as may have been extended under subsection (e) (2)
until there has been substantial compliance, except that, in the
case of a tender offer, the court may not extend such waiting period
on the basis of a failure, by the person whose stock is sought to
be acquired, to comply substantially with such notification requirement or any such request; and
"(C) may grant such other equitable relief as the court in its
discretion determines necessary or appropriate,
upon application of the Federal Trade Commission or the Assistant
Attorney General.
"(h) Any information or documentary material filed with the
Assistant Attorney General or the Federal Trade Commission pursuant to this section shall be exempt from disclosure under section 562
of title 5, United States Code, and no such information or documentary
material may be made public, except as may be relevant to any administrative or judicial action or proceeding. Nothing in this section is
intended to prevent disclosure to either body of Congress or to any
duly authorized committee or subcommittee of the Congress.

15 USC 18,45.
15 USC 1, 2.

Civil penalty,




.^. .

90 STAT. 1394

15 use 1311

15 use 58.
Report to

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976
"(i) (1) Any action taken by the Federal Trade Commission or the
Assistant Attorney General or any failure of the Federal Trade Commission or the Assistant Attorney General to take any action under
this section shall not bar any proceeding or any action with respect to
such acquisition at any time under any other section of this Act or any
other provision of law.
"(2) Nothing contained in this section shall limit the authority of
the Assistant Attorney General or the Federal Trade Commission to
secure at any time from any person documentary material, oral testimony, or other information under the Antitrust Civil Process Act, the
Federal Trade Commission Act, or any other provision of law.
"(j) Beginning not later than January 1, 1978, the Federal Trade
Commission, with the concurrence of the Assistant Attorney General,
shall annually report to the Congress on the operation of this section.
Such report shall include an assessment of the effects of this section,
of the effects, purpose, and need for any rules promulgated pursuant
thereto, and any recommendations for revisions of this section.".

15 u s e 18a note.

Ante, p. 1390.
15 u s e 18a.

SEC. 202. (a) The amendment made by section 201 of this Act shall
take effect 150 days after the date of enactment of this Act, except that
subsection (d) of section 7A of the Clayton Act (as added by section
201 of this Act) shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act.

SEC. 301. The Clayton Act is amended by inserting immediately
following section 4B the following new sections:

15 use 15c.

15 use 1-7.

Treble damage


"SEC. 4 C . (a) (1) Any attornev general of a State may bring a
civil action in the name of such State, as parens patriae on behalf of
natural persons residing in such State, in any district court of the
United States having jurisdiction of the defendant, to secure monetary
relief as provided in this section for injury sustained by such natural
persons to their property by reason of any violation of the Sherman
Act. The court shall exclude from the amount of monetary relief
awarded in such action any amount of monetary relief (A) which
duplicates amounts which have been awarded for the same injury, or
(B) which is properly allocable to (i) natural persons who have
excluded their claims pursuant to subsection (b) (2) of this section,
and (ii) any business entity.
"(2) The court shall award the State as monetary relief threefold
the total damage sustained as described in paragraph (1) of this
subsection, and the cost of suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee.
"(b)(1) In any action brought under subsection (a)(1) of this
section, the State attorney general shall, at such times, in such manner,
and with such content as the court may direct, cause notice thereof
to be given by publication. If the court finds that notice given solely
by publication would deny due process of law to any person or persons,
the court may direct further notice to such person or persons according
to the circumstances of the case.

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976
"(2) Any person on whose behalf an action is brought under
subsection (a) (1) may elect to exclude from adjudication the portion
of the State claim for monetary relief attributable to him by filing
notice of such election with the court within such time as specified in
the notice given pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection.
"(3) The final judgment in an action under subsection (a) (1) shall
be res judicata as to any claim under section 4 of this Act by any
person on behalf of whom such action was brought and who fails to
give such notice within the period specified in the notice given pursuant
to paragraph (1) of this subsection.
"(c) An action under subsection (a) (1) shall not be dismissed or
compromised without the approval of the court, and notice of any
proposed dismissal or compromise shall be given in such manner as
the court directs.
"(d) I n a n y action under subsection (a)—
"(1) the amount of the plaintiffs' attorney's fee, if any, shall
be determined by the court; and
"(2) the court may, in its discretion, award a reasonable attorney's fee to a prevailing defendant upon a finding that the State
attorney general has acted in bad faith, vexatiously, wantonly,
or for oppressive reasons.

90 STAT. 1395
Monetary relief,
Final judgment,

Dismissal or
compromise of
action, notice.
Attorneys' fees.


"SEC. 4 D . In any action under section 4 C ( a ) ( l ) , in which there 15 use 15d.
has been a determination that a defendant agreed to fix prices in
violation of the Sherman Act, damages may be proved and assessed 15 use 1-7.
in the aggregate by statistical or sampling methods, by the computation of illegal overcharges, or by such other reasonable system of
estimating aggregate damages as the court in its discretion may permit
without the necessity of separately proving the individual claim of,
or amount of damage to, persons on whose behalf the suit was brought.

"SEG. 4 E , Monetary relief recovered in an action under section 15 USC 15e.
4C (a)(1) shall—
"(1) be distributed in such manner as the district court in its
discretion may authorize; or
"(2) be deemed a civil penalty by the cx)urt and deposited with
the State as general revenues;
subject in either case to the requirement that any distribution procedure adopted afford each person a reasonable opportunity to secure his
appropriate portion of the net monetary relief.

"SEC. 4 F . (a) Whenever the Attorney General of the United States
has brought an action under the antitrust laws, and he has reason to
believe that any State attorney general would be entitled to bring an
action under this Act based substantially on the same alleged violation
of the antitrust laws, he shall promptly give written notification
thereof to such State attorney general.
"(b) To assist a State attorney general in evaluating the notice or
in bringing any action under this Act, the Attorney General of the
United States shall, upon request by such State attorney general, make

15 USC 15f.

fi^^S' availability.

90 STAT. 1396
i * :,

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976
available to him, to the extent permitted by law, any investigative files
or other materials which are or may be relevant or material to the
actual or potential cause of action under this Act.

15 use 15g.

«SEC. 4 G .

For the purposes of sections 4C, 4D, 4E, and 4F of this

"(1) The term 'State attorney general' means the chief legal
officer of a State, or any other person authorized by State law to
bring actions under section 4C of this Act, and includes the Corporation Counsel of the District of Columbia, except that such term
does not include any person employed or retained on—
" (A) a contingency fee based on a percentage of the monetary relief awarded under this section; or
' ( B ) any other contingency fee basis, unless the amount of
the award of a reasonable attorney's fee to a prevailing plaintiff is determined by the court under section 4C(d) (1).
"(2) The term 'State' means a State, the District of Columbia,
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any other territory or
possession of the United States.
"(3) The term 'natural persons' does not include proprietorships or partnerships.




15 use 15h.


"SEC. 4 H . Sections 4C, 4D, 4E, 4F, and 4G shall apply in any State,
unless such State provides by law for its nonapplicability in such

SEC. 302. The Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. 12 et seq.), is amended—
(1) in section 4B (15 U.S.C. 15b), by striking out "sections 4 or
4A" and inserting in lieu thereof "section 4, 4A, or 4C" ;
(2) in section 5(i) (15 U.S.C. 16(i)), by striking out "private
right of action" and inserting in lieu thereof "private or State
right of action"; and by striking out "section 4" and inserting in
lieu thereof "section 4 or 4C"; and
(3) by adding at the end of section 16 (15 U.S.C. 26) the following: "In any action under this section in which the plaintiff
substantially prevails, the court shall award the cost of suit,
including a reasonable attorney's fee, to such plaintiff.".

28 use 1404.

Ante, p. 1394.

SEC. 303. Section 1407 of title 28, United States Code, is amended
by adding at the end thereof the following new section:
"(h) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1404 or subsection
(f) of this section, the judicial panel on multidistrict litigation may
consolidate and transfer with or without the consent of the parties,
for both pretrial purposes and for trial, any action brought under
section 4C of the Clayton Act.

15 use 15c note.

SEC. 304. The amendments to the Clayton Act made by section 301
of this Act shall not apply to any injury sustained prior to the date
of enactment of this Act.

PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976

90 STAT. 1397


SEC. 305. (a) The Act entitled "An Act to protect trade and com- 15 USC 1 note,
merce against unlawful restraints and monopolies", approved July 2,
1890 (15 U.S.C. 1 et seq.), is amended by adding immediately after
the enacting clause the following: "That this Act may be cited as
the'Sherman Act'.".
(b) The Act entitled "An Act to supplement existing laws against
unlawful restraints and monopolies, and for other purposes", approved
October 15, 1914 (15 U.S.C. 12 et seq.), is amended by—
(1) inserting " ( a ) " after "That" in the first section; and
(2) adding at the end of the first section the following new
"(b) This Act may be cited as the'Clayton Act'.".
(c) The Act entitled "An Act to promote export trade, and for
other purposes", approved April 10, 1918 (40 Stat. 516; 15 U.S.C. 61
et seq.) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new
"SEC. 6. This Act may be cited as the 'Webb-Pomerene Act'.".
15 USC 66.
(d) The Act entitled "An Act to reduce taxation, to provide revenue
for the Government, and for other purposes", approved August 27,
1894 (28 Stat. 509; 15 U.S.C. 8 et seq.), is amended by adding at the
end thereof the following new section:
"SEC. 78. Sections 73, 74, 75, 76, and 77 of this Act may be cited as 15 USC 8 note,
the 'Wilson Tariff Act'.".
Approved September 30, 1976.

HOUSE REPORTS No. 94-499, No. 94-499, Part 2, No. 94-1343 accompanying H.R.
13489, and No. 94-1373 accompanying H.R. 14580 (all from
Comm. on the Judiciary).
SENATE REPORT No. 94-803 accompanying S. 1284 (Comm. on the Judiciary).
Mar. 18, considered and passed House.
May 25, 27, 28, June 3, 4, 7-10, considered and passed Senate, amended.
Aug. 2, H.R. 13489 and H.R. 14580 considered and passed House.
Aug. 24, House agreed to Senate amendment with an amendment.
Aug. 27, 30, 3 1 , Sept. 7, 8, Senate agreed to House amendment with an
Sept. 16, House agreed to Senate amendment.
Sept. 30, Presidential statement.