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U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JAMES J. DAVIS, Secretary CHILDREN’S BUREAU GRACE ABBOTT. Chief HANDBOOK FOR THE USE OF BOARDS OF DIRECTORS, SUPERINTENDENTS, AND STAFFS OF INSTITUTIONS FOR DEPENDENT CHILDREN Bureau Publication N o. 170 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1927 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 20 CENTS PER COPY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3(ozn LL5*9 c_ vvo, n o CONTENTS Page ^ rendered18 ^ ^ r ir lN C O Letter of transmittal___________________________ C h a p t er I. T h e in s t it u t io n a s a n agency fob social w ork The development of child-caring work_________________ The field of the institution_____ ________________ ~ Forms of institutions for dependent children__________ need for the institution and the service to be Buildings_______________ ___ _______ - Sanitation____________ ________ Lighting_______________ £_____~______ Heating____________ Ventilation______________ ______ ! _ _ _ _ ! ! ! ! ! Chapter IV.— T he buildings_____________ Types of building_______________ ;____"_L_ ~___ The cottage type______________ The congregate type_______!____________ The group system in large buildings__ ! ______ The semicottage and semiconeregate type The pavilion type_________________ i __ Receiving homes______________ I_ I!H _ !_ Auxiliary buildings and rooms______________ Furnishings and equipment__________________ C hapter V.—A dmissions_______________ Policies governing admissions_____! ! _ ! ! _ ! I ! Importance o f investigation by trained workers! Court commitments and voluntary surrenders__ The financial responsibility of relatives____ Chapter VI.—P hysical care______________ ___ Safeguarding health______________ Health habits____________________ ~ _ ! ____I Exposure to sunlight___________ _______ The nutrition program_______I _____ I ____~____ " Chapter VII.— F ood and clothing___ _________ I _ The institution dietary___________ ______ The foods needed by children____!! _ _ ! Menus______________ Clothing. in Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 't * l f i l £ 5 ì C 5 © t - * O ì C 5 C ì Redefining of institutional programs___________ Conserving the child’s right to a normal h o m e !!..!___ Central clearing bureaus___________ Relating the institution to other f o r i s of a ssistan ce !I""T The measure of the institution’s value_____________ _ !!_ "* !_ _ . “ 5 C h a p t er I I .— A d m in is t r a t io n ___________ __ Incorporation__________________ ________ !T!!_T__ _~ Governing board___ ~ ~ The staff______________________1 ! ______L\_JI~~!I------------------------------C h a p t er I I I .— T h e p l a n t ________________ Character of the institution__I_I___~I - I I I ! ! ! ! ! ! Location___________________________ ___~ ~ Plot plan____________________~_________ C l , ““ ” ’ ~ ~--------------Grounds___________ __ f______________“__ “ Farm_______________ ~ | *— - 11 15 15 15 17 17 17 19 20 22 23 24 26 26 26 31 32 32 33 33 33 35 37 37 38 42 42 44 44 49 51 51 55 55 56 58 60 IV CONTEXTS Page Chapter VIII.— Mental h ea lth ______________________________________ General principles of mental health________________________________ Some essentials for mental health_________________________________ Chapter IX .— H abit formation___________________ ____________________ Habits and their development_____________________________________ Jealousy____________________ ______________________ _______________ Fear_________ *___________ _____________________ _________ __________ Anger___________________ ________________________________________ Sex education and sex problems____________________________________ Enuresis (bed wetting)________________________________IS*__ ______ Chapter X.— Spiritual and moral training___________________________ Religious instruction____________________________________ _____ ,___ Moral training___________ ___________§H___ fsf____________________ Discipline______________________ ____________________|_____ ________ Individual responsibility____________y_H __________ jj__ Wmt____■_____ Self-government____________ __________________________ ________ §£ Chapter X I.—Education__________________ L_______________ .1____ ______ The educational program___________________ ________________ *___ __ Opportunities for education beyond the high school________1______ ._ Vocational training.._____ :__ *______________________________________ Chapter X II.—R ecreation_____________________________________________ The necessity of play_______;____!JJM______________________________ Suggestions for the recreation leader_______________________________ Play for children under 10 years of age______________________97 Play for children over 10 years of age___________ __________________ The playground_______________________________ jipii.__________ 100 The indoor playroom_________________________________________ C hapter X III.— D ischarge and aftercare____________________ ________ Policies governing discharge______________________ __L_____________ Technicalities of discharge__________________________________ Return of children to their own families______________ __,___________ Placement in family homes________________________________ Discharge of children committed for long-time care________________ Methods of aftercare_______________________________:_______________ Chapter XIV.—R ecords and statistics__________________________________ The purpose o f records and statistics_____ i______________ *____ _____ Case records______________________________________ fjpiilp_____ ____ Administrative records__________ Financial reports___________________________ Social statistics_s_._______________ __________•___________ ___ _____ Chapter XV.—L ist of references___________________________________._ General____________ -_______.__L___________________ _____ _______ ,____ Administration_______»____________ __________________________ ______ The plant__________________ _________________ ___________ ___® _____ Buildings____________ ________ _________________ :_____ ______ ______ Admissions_________________________,______________________ !_______^ Physical care________________ ________ ?__ _______ ___:_______________ Food and clothing___________________ _________________ _______l___ Mental health and habit formation__________________ Spiritual and moral training__ ________ __________ __________ _ Education_____________ i_____________ \ _____ -S t ____________________ Recreation_______________________ __________ !__________________ ______ Discharge and aftercare__________________________________ f ________ Records and statistics__ _________ __________ i!_________ ____________ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 62 62 64 69 69 . 70 70 72 75 76 79 79 80 81 83 84 87 87 92 92 95 95 96 97 100 102 102 102 103 10 105 105' 108 108 109 116 116 117 120 120 122 122 123 123 123 124 125 126 127 127 128 129 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. D of L abor, C h il d r e n ’s B u r e a u , epartm ent W ashington, October 22, 1926. There is transmitted herewith a handbook for the use of boards of directors, superintendents, and members of the staff of institutions for dependent children. It was prepared at the sugges tion of the Georgia State Department of Public Welfare, and a manuscript written by Iihoda Kaufman and Mary McLeod, of that department, was used as the preliminary draft for this report. The following were appointed to serve as an advisory committee to the bureau in the preparation of the handbook: Dr. Ellen C. Potter, secretary, Pennsylvania Department o f W elfare; Rhoda Kaufman, secretary, Georgia Department of Public W elfare; Charles H. Johnson, secretary, New York State Board of Charities; Amy Steinhart Braden, executive secretary, California Department of Public W elfare; Mary Irene Atkinson, formerly chief, institutioninspection bureau, division o f charities, Ohio Department o f Public Welfare; A. T. Jamison, D. D., superintendent, Connie Maxwell Orphanage, Greenwood, S. C .; Franklin Thomas, superintendent, Orphan Asylum Society in the City of New York, Hastings-onIludson, N. Y .; Hastings H. Hart, LL. D., consultant in delinquency and penology, Russell Sage Foundation; and C. C. Carstens, execu tive director, Child Welfare League of America. To this committee was submitted the preliminary draft for suggestions and criticism. In addition to the help received from members of this committee, the whole handbook or sections of it have been read and criticized at various stages by many persons, officials of State departments of public welfare, and superintendents of child-caring agencies and institutions for dependent children. For assistance of this sort the bureau is especially indebted to Rev. Bryan J. McEntegart, director, division of children, the Catholic Charities o f the Archdiocese of New York, and Leon W. Goldrich, Ph. D., executive director, Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society o f New York Orphan Asylum, Pleasantville, N. Y. Help in the preparation of the manuscript was given by Dr. Ellen C. Potter, secretary, department of welfare, Harrisburg, Pa.; Dr. Rudolph R. Reeder, director, the Marsh Foundation School, Van Wert, Ohio; Dr. Helen T. Woolley, professor of education and, director of the institute of juvenile research, Columbia University; and Henry C. Wright, director, hospital and institutional bureau of consultation, New York, N. Y. v Sir : Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VI LETTER OP TRANSMITTAL Many of the experts on the staff of the Children’s Bureau have assisted in preparing the different sections o f the report, but it is especially the work o f A. Ethel Barger, who assembled and incor porated the suggestions made by the committee and other experts, and Emma O. Lundberg, then director of the social-service division, who was in general charge of the preparation of the handbook. Respectfully submitted. G race A Hon. J ames J . D a v is , Secretary of Labor, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis bbott, Chief. HANDBOOK FOR THE USE OF BOARDS OF DIRECTORS, SUPERINTENDENTS, AND STAFFS OF INSTITUTIONS FOR DEPENDENT CHILDREN Chapter I.— THE INSTITUTION AS AN AGENCY FOR SOCIAL WELFARE T H E D E V E L O P M E N T O F C H IL D -C A R IN G W O R K Insfcituti°ns for dependent and neglected children developed early m the history o f this country in response to definite local needs for the care o f groups o f destitute children. The first institution of kind in the United States was established in 1729 in connection with the Ursulme Convent in New Orleans, in order to shelter chil dren orphaned through the Indian massacres. In 1740 Rev George Whitefield founded the Bethesda Orphan House at Savannah, Oa., as a school for needy hoys. Institutions later grew up rapidly, many o f them in order to provide religious training and educational opportunities not then available to the masses o f the population and particularly inaccessible to the children of the very ? ° ? r S i e.evils o f caring for children in almshouses became mani fest, the almshouse children were transferred to private institutions, lne^ influx of large numbers of destitute immigrants during the amine period before 1850 and the Civil TVar’s aftermath of orphaned and needy children increased the amount of child dependency. In the last half o f the nineteenth century many other agencies con cerned with social welfare developed, and their interests graduallv became linked with those o f the child-caring institutions. The place ment o f dependent children in family homes on an extensive scale was begun by the New York Children’s Aid Society in 1853, and the organization o f similar societies followed throughout the counThirty years later a special impetus was given to this movement by the Children s Home Society, the forerunner o f 35 home-finding societies. There was no organized work for child protection until the establishment in 1875 of the New York Society for the Preven tion o f Cruelty to Children. The charity-organization movement with its important results in the field of family relief and welfare began at about the same time; Since 1875 there has been rapid increase in children’s aid activities and m the development o f the placing-out system for the care o f dependent children. The work o f family-welfare societies has multiphed. The so-called mothers’ pension system—the maintenance of their OWn homes means o f Public funds—began in ly il. this movement, which began almost simultaneously in Mis- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 HANDBOOK FOB IN ST ITU T IO N S souri and Illinois, has extended until at the beginning o f 1926 there were laws authorizing such aid in 42 States. In the early years the institution method was almost the only means provided for the care o f dependent’ children. With the de velopment of social work for the prevention o f dependency, the relief o f destitute families, and the protection and care of dependent and neglected children, institutional care has become one o f several forms o f child-welfare work. The institutions themselves have steadily changed in character, as they have adjusted their organization to meet the different needs that have developed. The prevention of child dependency through family-relief work and public aid for dependent children in their own homes, and changes in the social and economic life of the country have definitely lessened the need for institutional care. Institutions, thus relieved o f some of the stress of caring for large numbers of children, should become able to devote themselves to specialized activities. T H E F IE L D O F T H E IN S T IT U T IO N Three distinct types of assistance for dependent children—aid to dependent families, placement in foster homes, and institutional care—have developed in the United States. The form of aid pro vided has been largely a question o f the preference o f the person or group organizing the particular activity, and the kind o f care a child has received has depended largely upon the method employed by the agency to which application happened to be made. The service expense of good institutional care and of good placing work seems to be practically the same, but the capital outlay for buildings and expenses of maintaining the plant of institutional care are much greater. A few years ago the popular slogan was: “ Normal children should be placed in family homes” ; it was held that “ institutions will aways be needed for the subnormal and the handicapped.” To-day opinion has changed considerably, and some agencies main tain that the subnormal or handicapped child and the child showing tendencies toward abnormal conduct are in greatest need o f indi vidualized care in a family home. Certain agencies have met with considerable success in providing good family-home care for such children. Scientific study of the child before placement and careful selection and supervision of the homes are necessarily the founda tion of their work: On thfe other hand, it is admitted that there are cases in which an institution may be better for the child who has little or no train ing in proper social and health habits or one who requires special care because o f disease or physical handicaps. This may be true of the so-called normal child as well as of the subnormal or “ problem ” child. It is recognized by every one that the child who is seriously defective mentally or who requires the discipline of an institution equipped for training delinquent children should not be in an insti tution for dependent children nor under the care of a child-placing agency. More and more juvenile-court judges are distinguishing between the “ delinquent ” child whose mental traits or character defects make it necessary to commit him to a correctional institu tion and the child who has got into trouble chiefly because he lacked Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE INSTITUTION AS AN AGENCY FOE SOCIAL WELFARE 3 proper home influences. The complexity of types and the impossi bility o f classifying into definite groups prove the futility o f attempting to make categories o f the kinds of care required. Each child must be dealt with on the basis o f his individual needs. Broadly speaking, the purpose of an institution for dependent children should be the care of children who can not be provided for properly in their own homes or with relatives and for whose care a particular institution is better adapted than any other avail able agency. Sometimes the care provided by the institution is temporary, pending arrangement for care in a foster home or during a time o f emergency, after which the child is returned to his own relatives. In other cases the institution provides for children for more or less prolonged periods. Just what types of service need to be developed by institutions and what changes must be made in existing methods are matters for study. The present is pre eminently a time o f honest effort on the part o f many institutions to discover the field in which they can be of greatest service and to carry out that work in cooperation with other agencies. The institution for children that is meeting its problems in accord ance with modern ideals of social service recognizes its part in the whole program o f social-welfare work. It should be closely linked up with all other social-welfare agencies. Its interest can not be dis sociated from the interests of all other organizations doing local or state-wide work in the field o f family relief or child care and protection. ^In social policy the day is past for the isolated institu tion ; that is, the institution, large or small, which receives under care any child brought to it in presumable need, with no sense of responsibility for finding out what are the conditions that led to the application for aid and what action will best solve the child’s problem. A ll the agencies that have a part in the program o f care o f de pendent children and in the treatment of family and community conditions that tend to cause dependency are vitally concerned with the factors determining the standards o f health, decency, and com fort that normally may be attained. The institution, no less than the social agencies coming in contact more directly with community conditions and the causes of poverty, disease, and degeneracy, has an obligation to inform itself regarding the nature o f the problems with which it deals. It should work not only to develop fully the individual lives intrusted to its care but also to remove the underlying causes of dependency. Far more important than the rescue and rehabilitation o f unfortunate children is the prevention o f the need for the sheltering care o f the institution or agency. * F O R M S O F IN S T IT U T IO N S FO R D E P E N D E N T C H IL D R E N There are four main types of institutions for dependent children. Each o f these forms has variations which relate to the character of the specific problems dealt with and to the types of training or special treatment provided. According to the kind of service which the institutions render, they may be classified as follow s: 1. Receiving or detention homes 'providing facilities fo r diagnosis or emergency and short-tinte care.— These include small institutions Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS used as “ clearing bureaus ” for groups o f institutions and agencies, temporary shelters used by agencies pending placement in family homes, and detention homes of court or protective agencies. 2. Institutions combining the features o f receiving homes and clinics fo r the study and special treatment o f children.— Sometimes such institutions also provide convalescent care for cardiac, ortho pedic, or other cases. 3. Institutions fo r general care.—These include institutions making no limitations in regard to the type o f children received other than those based on such broad classifications as age, sex, race, or religious, fraternal, or group affiliation. 4. Institutions providing specialized care or training.—These are for special types of dependent children, such as those physically handicapped or convalescent, or “ problem children ” who need par ticular attention because of mental condition or moral traits. The auspices under which the institution is conducted—public or private, for instance—and the particular denominational, fraternal, racial, or other group which it aims to serve will determine the field and to some extent the methods o f work. There are, however, cer tain fundamental principles that should apply to all types o f insti tutions ; and these are discussed in the following section. D E T E R M IN IN G T H E N E E D FO R T H E IN S T IT U T IO N A N D T H E S E R V IC E T O B E R E N D E R E D Persons who are contemplating the building of a children’s insti tution should first make a careful study to determine whether such an institution as they are considering is really needed or whether they might perform a better service by undertaking some other activity for children. In most States the State board of public wel fare, board of charities, or board of control is equipped to give advice as to the needs for further institutional provision and can suggest the development of work that would be of constructive service to the children of a given community. As their work develops along the lines of prevention of dependency, these boards are the more able to offer valuable suggestions. Inquiry into the need of a proposed institution for dependent children may disclose that family-relief work should be done and that family rehabilitation may be possible through the correction o f bad housing and of other degrading conditions that may exist. In the States that have provided by law for public aid to children in their own homes it becomes the duty o f persons interested in child welfare to see to it that such aid be rendered available for the pur pose for which it was intended, namely, to give adequate assistance to mothers who, because of the death o f the breadwinner or for some other reason covered by the law, can not otherwise maintain their homes and give to their children the necessary attention. Institutions caring for dependent children and agencies providing for their care in family homes have an equal responsibility to make sure that they are not depriving the children o f natural homes, or relieving the children’s own families o f their obligation for the care and support that they can provide or that they could provide if aided. Institutions in their contact with social problems have an Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE INSTITUTION AS AN AGENCY FOR SOCIAL WELFARE 5 opportunity and an obligation to work together with the other social forces in the community for the prevention of child dependency and for the full application of such child-protective measures as are included in the laws o f the State. In recent years a great deal has been said and written about “ the dead hand 5 in charity—those bequests and foundations so circum scribed by their donors that they can not serve the changing needs o f social progress but must forever be administered in accordance with outworn methods. Institutions for dependent children espe cially have been the victims o f this sort o f handicapping benevolence. Well-intentioned and supremely generous, the testators have left their millions to found and endow in perpetuity institutions for some special class o f children. The real community loss in these endow ments based on conditions o f a generation gone by or on needs that were fancied by the donor but never really existed, lies in the service that could be supplied by the funds if their use were not restricted. R E D E F IN IN G O F IN S T IT U T IO N A L P R O G R AM S Authorities on institutions agree that mothers’ aid legislation, the restriction o f immigration as affecting certain racial groups, pro hibition, and improved economic conditions have definitely lessened the need for institutional or foster-home care o f dependent children. Improved health conditions, better maternity care, workmen’s com pensation laws, and other forms o f social-insurance measures are undoubtedly important factors that will increasingly operate to prevent child dependency. As a result, some institutions are finding it practicable to reduce the number of children cared for and in con sequence to change their methods and equipment to conform better to the new standards. Others are undertaking the care of new types of cases, frequently accepting children who, though not seriously delinquent, require because o f home conditions a period of care and retraining under wholesome surroundings. In former years such children would have been committed by courts to institutions receiv ing delinquent children. Still other institutions are undertaking the care o f convalescent children or o f orthopedic or cardiac cases, or of those requiring a special service for a limited period of time; or they offer to other agencies of the community a place for temporary care o f children during family emergencies or pending placement in foster homes. Persons or agencies planning new institutions or considering the reorganization of old ones should give due consideration to the whole program o f child-welfare work of the community and the State, and should consult with the other agencies concerned before they decide what field of service they wish to develop. C O N S E R V IN G T H E C H IL D ’S R IG H T TO A NORM AL HOME The conference on child welfare held under the auspices o f the United States Children’s Bureau in 1919 enunciated the following statement o f principles: The fundamental rights of childhood are normal home life, opportunities for education, recreation, vocational preparation for life, and moral, religious, and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 HANDBOOK FOR IN ST ITU T IO N S physical development in harmony with American ideals, and the educational and spiritual agencies by which these rights of the child are normally safe guarded.1 The conference recognized as fundamental principles of institu tional administration (1) thorough investigation before receiving a child, (2) cooperation with other agencies that are or should be interested, (3) maintenance o f the child’s community contacts and his relationships with his own family, and (4) continual effort toward the reestablishment in the child’s own family home or place ment in a foster home under healthful conditions. It was further agreed that “ unless unusual conditions exist the child’s welfare is best promoted by keeping him in his own home. No child should be permanently removed from his home unless it is impossible so to reconstruct family conditions or build and supplement family re sources as to make the home safe for the child or so to supervise the child as to make his continuance in the home safe for the community. In case of removal, separation should not continue beyond the period o f reconstruction.” 2 Although it is recognized as a fundamental aim of child care and protection that the family home shall be kept intact and be aided to function for the proper care of the children, the working out of the methods by which primary emphasis may be placed on family case work has been very slow. C E N T R A L C L E A R IN G B U R E A U S One of the most significant developments in social service, with important bearings on the institutional care of dependent children, is* the central clearing bureau for the investigation of applications to institutions and agencies. Such bureaus include those conducted by the charitable organizations o f religious groups or federations of social agencies as wTell as cooperative arrangements between cer tain agencies »and institutions. They stress thorough investigation as a basis of intake and try to have the children remain in their own homes whenever possible. The type of service given is illustrated by the Children’s Bureau of Cleveland, which was organized in 1921 as a cooperative undertaking of the child-caring agencies and insti tutions of that city (exclusive of the Jewish agencies). This office investigates all applications for care of children by the agencies and institutions affiliated, and on the basis of its findings it makes recom mendations in regard to the care needed. Mention should also be made o f the very important interchange of information rendered available to institutions and agencies in many cities through a confidential exchange, or social-service exchange, to which applications are reported for clearing. R E L A T IN G T H E IN S T IT U T IO N TO O T H E R F O R M S O F A S S IS T A N C E The way in which the institution may carry out its obligation to protect the rights of the children who come to its attention is de termined largely by the character o f the community and the re1 Minimum Standards for Child Welfare, adopted by the Washington and regional con ferences on child welfare, 1919, p. 11. U. S. Children’s Bureau Publication No. 62. Washington, 1920. 3 Ibid., p. 12. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE INSTITUTION AS AN AGENCY FOR SOCIAL WELFARE 7 sources that exist for the various forms o f service to families and children. There are exigencies in which it apparently becomes neces sary for the institution to expand its own activities in order that the varied types o f service may be provided; but sometimes institutions, as well as other organizations, unnecessarily or unwisely undertake work that they are not properly equipped to do and that might be done better by other existing agencies or by organizations to be created for some special type o f service. Whether an institution is to be praised or blamed for undertaking extra-institutional activ ities can not be determined without due regard to the situation in each community. Not only in connection with receiving children under care but throughout the stay o f the children the institution must work in co operation with the agencies dealing with family and environmental conditions and likewise with those equipped to give special types of service to the child. Many practical forms o f cooperation have been worked out between family-relief and child-caring agencies and in stitutions which are not equipped to do such work or which prefer to devote their attention more particularly to training and care within the institution. T H E M E A S U R E O F T H E IN S T IT U T IO N ’S V A L U E The measure of the worth of an institution is to be found not in its buildings, grounds, and equipment but in the degree to which it fulfills a real need in the child-caring program and gives to the child such care and training as will most nearly compensate him for the loss o f the spiritual, educational, and emotional values of a normal home. Buildings and equipment are only important means to an end. The personalities and ideals of the board members* superin tendent, matrons,_teachers, and all the institution workers create the spirit of the institution, and upon that spirit the vital interests of the child depend. New ideals of the physical aspects o f child-caring institutions have led to the development of a type o f construction very different from the original congregate form. The small cottage or adaptation of a family dwelling is now generally held to be the most desirable type o f building, and in new institutions a group of cottages and other necessary buildings usually replaces the former congregate struc ture. But the really vital progress is not in the changed character of the buildings; it appears in the changed method of dealing with the children which such a change in construction facilitates. The moral and spiritual training o f the children, the development of good habits, and the exertion o f right influences on their daily lives are the matters of greatest importance. To accomplish these ends the institution must make a consistent effort to supply the ele ments of home life in as great a measure as is possible outside of a normal family group. Some institutions with the finest equipment may lack the influences that are really vital for the childrens happi ness and well-being. Other institutions, large and small, which have not the approved physical equipment may yet give to the children in good measure the essentials for their development and future useful ness. There is always danger that overemphasis of the physical Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS features of institutional life may result in the substitution o f mate rial values for the spiritual. This danger is especially great if super vision is delegated through too many channels and if the people who come in direct contact with the daily life o f the children lack experience and understanding of child psychology and are there fore unable to give sympathetic direction. Attractiveness and con venience o f buildings are undeniably great assets in making pos sible a good type of service, but the quality of an institution depends far less upon the size o f the buildings and upon the equipment than upon the personnel and the understanding care that each child receives. The institutional situation at the present time is constantly chang ing. Old institutions are becoming out o f date in their physical equipment and even more so in their methods o f work, and many of them are honestly facing the problem and are undertaking re construction. Because o f the decreasing need for institutional care in communi ties with a well-developed child-caring program it is not probable that any large number of new institutions will be organized. In stitutions that can not change their physical aspects very consider ably are, nevertheless, giving heed to experiments that have been found practicable in arrangements modifying the building, so that the children may be grouped in accordance with the modern ideal of the small units, permitting more individual supervision than was possible under the old congregate plan. It is for existing institutions especially that this handbook has been prepared, with the purpose o f suggesting to them methods by which the child-caring institution may become a vital factor in social welfare and not an organization that is satisfied to live in its own past. The standards herein set forth can cover only in outline the more important details of institution construction and management. The purpose and value o f an institution may be tested by some such criteria as the follow ing: {a) What is the institution’s value in relation to the community? What real need does the institution fill, in view o f other existing agencies and the resources that might be made available ? (b ) What is the institution^ value in relation to the child? Will the child whom the institution serves be cared for better by this insti tution than by some other agency, or even better than through aid in his own home? (c) What is the institution’s value in relation to the service given? What kind o f help does it give to the child physically, intellectually, and morally? Is it developing right habits of body and mind with the object of adjusting the child to his future life in the community? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chapter II.— ADMINISTRATION IN C O R P O R A T IO N 1. Private organizations whose purpose is to care fo r dependent children should be incorporated. Incorporation should take place only upon approval by the State supervising board such as the board o f control, department o f public welfare, or board of charities and corrections. In many States the laws require incorporation; but whether or not it is compulsory it is desirable. The public institution is not incorporated, since the scope of its work is defined by statute. To engage in the work of caring for needy children is to assume a most serious responsibility and should therefore be permitted only to those who are definitely organized for the purpose, who are o f suitable character, and possess, or have reasonable assurance of securing, the funds needed for their support.1 G O V E R N IN G B O A R D Membership and organization. 2. The board should be elected by a vote o f the supporting membership directly or by a representative body. At present governing boards originate in three ways: (a) Election by membership group. (&) Appointment by governing body such as a church confer ence or a lodge council. (c) Selection o f new members by the board, which thus be comes self-perpetuating. The first two methods are in accord with democratic principles* but the third method is not, and it should be abandoned when pos sible. In an endowed institution the board usually is selfperpetuating. v 3. Ttie. members o f managing boards o f institutions should be rep resentative o f the supporting membership and o f the territory in which the organization functions. The point o f view o f the physician, lawyer, business man, house keeper, teacher, and others with special training is needed in the conduct o f the institution. There should be both men and women on the board. 1>. The governing board is the responsible governing body. I f its membership is large, an executive committee may be elected, with the officers o f the board as officers ex officio o f the executive com mittee. m M <,Di eren<? 1 on the Care of Dependent Children, Washington, D. C., January 25, 20 IPO», Proceedings, p. 11. Sixtieth Congress, second session, Senate Document No. 7 2 l’ Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. (Out of print; available in libraries.) The conclusions of the conference were reprinted as Appendix A of Foster-Home Care for Dependent Children (Children’s Bureau Publication No. 136 (revised), Washington 19261 For the paragraph quoted, see p. 210 of that publication. ’ 9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS When the governing board is larger than 9 to 12 members, thus becoming an unwieldy body for discussion and working out of busi ness details, an executive committee is essential. The board should be divided into several active committees such as finance, building, purchasing, admissions, and aftercare. The chairmen o f these committees should be on the executive committee. Duties. 6. Each member of the board should attend all board meetings^ visit the institution frequently, and make such studies as will aid Mm in making decisions wisely. ) Board members should study the methods by which similar insti tutions are conducted and also the relation of their work to the wel fare of the community, the county, and the State. They should attend conferences dealing with institutional and other child-wel fare problems. They should put the development of the children ahead of financial and other considerations in the affairs of the institution. 6. The board is responsible to the public for the general policies o f the institution. The board employs without term the superintendent or executive director and is responsible to the public for the conduct of the insti tution. The board is directly charged with matters relating to the purchase of the plant, erection of buildings, and securing o f equip ment, and with the collection and supervision of the disbursement of funds (including provision for an annual audit of accounts). The legal and moral obligations of the board may be summarized as follows : In general, the legal obligations of the board include the faithful and eco nomical handling of funds, the careful conservation of the health, morals, and education of the children under their care, and the conscientious execu tion as far as possible, of the benevolent intention of the founders. The moral obligation of the trustees is broader than the legal obligation. It demands that the trustees shall qualify for their responsibility by careful individual study of the institution and by observation of the organization and administration of other* similar institutions. It demands that, they shall not only take thought for the health of the children and for their proper clothing feeding, and housing, but that they shall have regard also to the happiness of the children and their development into wholesome and normal boinffs ^ ^ • The moral obligation of a board of trustees is not restricted to the children only It extends * * * to the homes and relatives from whom they come It extends also to the employees of the institution. It is a part of their duty not only to select faithful and conscientious people, but to see to it that they receive such compensation and have provided for them such opportunities and such living conditions as to enable them to discharge properly the duties for which they are employed.2 7. The board or executive committee should work out policies and plans in meetings with the superintendent. They should delegate to the superintendent the full responsibility fo r the execution o f the plans and details o f administration (except raising funds and equip ping the plant). The superintendent is directly responsible to the board or execu tive committee, not to individual members of the board nor to other 8 Hart, Hastings H .: The Job of Being a Trustee, pp. 4, 5. Monograph No. 1. New York, 1915. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Russell Sage Foundation ADMINISTRATION 11 committees. After his plans have been approved by the board he should be allowed to carry them out as Ions' as he is found’ competent. Any criticisms o f the superintendent or suggestions for changes m. policies should be brought before the executive committee with the superintendent present. When a decision has been reached the superintendent should be required to put the will o f the board into effect. I f he is unwilling to do so, he must be replaced by another superintendent. The morale o f an institution may be des royed and a competent superintendent forced to resign because board members, officers, or committees usurp the powers o f the executive and are guilty of unwarranted meddling. Through the superintendent’s reports to the board, frequent visits o f board members to the institution, and the cooperation o f members and special committees with the superintendent, the quality and com petency of the superintendent may be ascertained, and needed W * 111 We administration may then be brought to the attention o f the executive committee. Committees o f the board may assist the superintendent to carry out constructive plans by cooperating with him in the accomplish ment o f plans and by making helpful suggestions. THE STAFF The personnel of the staff of an institution necessarily depends upon the size of the institution and the kind o f work which it at¡£ 2 2 ? 5? The ™ °ike?s alonS sPecial lines> such as physicians, nurses, dentists, psychologist or psychiatrist, teachers, and recreation supervisor, are suggested m other chapters of this handbook. The most usual and immediately necessary members o f the staff and their duties are discussed in the following paragraphs. Executive head (superintendent). 8\ 4 . superintendent needs to have training and experience that w ith ch ild re** ^ duties and to be temperamentally adapted to work The man or woman chosen to direct an institution for children should be well educated, preferably having college training Ex perience m general social work is very desirable. He should possess executive ability and be energetic and resourceful, and his character must be above reproach. He needs to be alive to the progress being made m child-caring work and able to select and adopt those measures which will be of most value to the children cared for by the institution He must have the educational approach and the vision to plan for the development o f children as individuals. The superintendent should give nine-tenths of his time to the children and v -ii16 , ^ ls ^ reci contact with the human side and problems of the cmldien in the institution is very valuable. He must be freed from as much office routine as possible. 9. The superintendent should plan and direct, with the coopera tion o f the board, all affairs o f the institution except the raising o f its funds. His duties include especially the follow ing : L 8 Statement made by Leon Goldrich, M. D., superintendent of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society, Pleasantville, N. Y. w oueiienng 2204°—27----- 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS (a) Responsibility for buying all supplies. (In the larger insti tutions this work should be done by a business manager responsible to the superintendent.) (b) Attending meetings o f the board and submitting regular writ ten reports o f his work. This report should be followed by a dis cussion of the details of his policies so that there may be a complete understanding and agreement on the plans and purposes of the ad ministration by the board and the superintendent. (c) Assisting the board to understand the social problems involved in the admission, discharge, and training o f children. (d) Employing the other members o f the staff and assuming responsibility for their work. (e ) Studying the needs of the children in the institution and learn ing through conferences, visits, and study the most progressive method o f caring for them. ( f ) . Conducting weekly staff meetings for explanation and dis cussion o f -such methods and for hearing outside speakers discuss social and institutional problems. (g ) Providing for frequent personal conferences with members o f his staff and with the children ; seeking to create a spirit o f cheer fulness and good fellowship and mutual trust. (A) Providing educational and recreational facilities for the staff, such as specialized library, at least one full day a week of relief from duty, and at least two weeks’ annual vacation with pay. The supervisory staff. 10. The selection o f persons o f adequate training amd desirable personality to be placed m immediate charge o f the children is the most important single factor in providing fo r their character devel opment (see pp. 64-65). This is probably the point at which children’s institutions are most likely to fail. The idea that any able-bodied man or woman who is willing to undertake the task can be trusted to take charge o f children has been tragically widespread. The general scale of salaries paid has been too low to attract people with the degree of culture and education needed. No investment which institutions can make for the welfare o f their wards is more important than that necessary to obtain persons of the right kind o f personality and training. J A ll workers with children should have enough academic training to furnish an intelligent background for their special work. Teach ers should have normal-school training or its equivalent. Expe rience in general social work, such as family case work and special ized social work for children, is o f value to the supervisory staff, as is also experience in teaching. Women are needed to supervise the activities o f girls and small bojre, but a man should be employed to direct at least part o f the activities o f older boys, since they especially need the association and example o f men. The following minimum requirements for members of the super visory staff have been suggested: Good health. Training and experience which give an understanding of the needs of child hood and a sympathy with modern social-work policies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UDMaliiSTE.ATM)]sr ijcl3L£J& h 13 A background which gives an appreciation of culture. A youthful point of view. Stability of character and ethical principles. Children are very keen to detect the weakness of a vacillating person. An innate sense of humor.4 11. The necessary attention to the care and training o f the chil dren can not be given unless the supervisory staff is adequate. When the group is larger than 12 children the cottage mother should have an assistant. I f the institution includes a “ baby cottage,” a nurse and two assistants are needed for every group of 25 children under 3 years of age. When one person has entire charge of a cottage one relief cottage mother may be needed for every three cottages, depending on the number of days off duty given to the regular house mother. I f a cottage mother and an assistant are assigned to each group of 25, the proportionate number o f relief workers need not be so high, since one of the regular workers can relieve the other during brief absences from the cottage. One or more adults should be employed to do the heavy cleaning in a group of cottages. 12. It is the duty o f the board and superintendent to make ample provision fo r the com fort and relaxation o f the staff. Suitable living and recreation rooms, toilets, and baths should be provided. Such provisions benefit both the staff and the children. Among desirable working conditions for the supervisors dom from the fatigue of too long hours, sufficient relief of institutional care, sufficient diversity of experience both in the general community life so as to maintain mental, flexibility and buoyancy and health.5 there must be free from the monotony inside the home and social, and physical Field agent or social worker. 13. A person who has had special training in social investigation and case work is needed to make the inquiry into conditions govern ing admission, to keep in touch with families o f children admitted, and 'to supervise children who have been placed out or returned to their homes. Training and experience in social work, a knowledge o f the funda mental principles of child care, and good judgment and tact are essential for this position. Business division. Ilf. There should be a business division or department, or at least a committee o f the governing boards to deal with all matters affecting the physical care o f buildings, equipment, plant, purchases, and general office work. Good organization demands that those who are appointed by the board and the superintendent to take care of the growth ana de velopment o f the children shall not be submerged by a number of details which can easily be delegated to others. O f course, the super* Child Welfare League of America Bulletin [New York], vol. 3, no. S (Mar. 15, 1924), p. 2. * A Study in Institutional Child Care; a survey of the Marks Nathan Jewish Orphan Home, made by the research bureau of the Jewish Philanthropies of Chicago, p. 69. Chi cago, 1921. See also Institutional Household Administration, by Lydia Southard, p. 39 (J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1923), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 HANDBOOK FOB IN ST ITU T IO N S intendent should know all about the institution and be held respon sible for the proper working of every department. The record keeping and clerical work of an institution are very important, and only people who are qualified to do the work in the best way should be employed. The standard o f training and experi ence required for an institution clerical worker must be at least as high as the standard for a similar worker in a business office. Housekeeping staff and farm workers. 15. Household and farm workers should he persons o f desirable character' as well as expert in their lines o f work. A large institution should have a head matron or general house keeper to oversee all housekeeping arrangements. I f much farm work is done there should be a head farmer responsible directly to the superintendent for the management of farm, garden, dairy, and transportation. The people who are engaged in the routine household or farm duties not only should be able to do their work well but must be of normal mentality and free from tuberculosis or venereal disease (see p. 45). Workers must be of good character, because the children learn from the example set by these helpers as well as from super visors. It is best to have the institution so situated that general workers may live outside the institution if this is possible. Other wise their association with the children during the leisure time may present serious problems. For list o f references on administration see Chapter X V , page 122. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chapter III.— THE PLANT » C H A R A C T E R O F T H E IN S T IT U T IO N 1. Two entirely different problems need to be considered in dis cussion of the plant. The first is the budding o f new institutions or rebuilding o f old ones in accordance with modern ideas/ the second is the remodeling and adapting o f buildings now in use so that better conditions and more individual care may be provided for the children. Many large congregate buildings ' are in use to-day, much as the boards of some o f these institutions housed in them would like to replace them with cottages. Since the capital invested in some of these buildings is very large, abandonment may not be practicable for years to come. Conditions approximating those found in a cot tage institution may be provided if the buildings are remodeled so that small groups of children similar to those living in cottages may have separate quarters and more individualized supervision than is otherwise possible. This is called the group system of care. 2. The basic policy o f the institution should be determined before grounds or plant are decided upon. The follow ing points especially affect the decisions to be made in regard to the character o f the budd ings: (a) Is the institution to be used primarily for a home for children for an extended time or primarily as a receiving station from which children will be placed out in private homes ? (b) What are the proportions of children o f the two sexes and of different ages likely to be cared for ? This should be estimated as closely as possible. (c) Are the children to be taught in the institution or at near-by public schools? (See Ch. X I, p. 88.) (d) Are the cottages to be operated on the basis o f mixed ages or o f classified ages? Must negro children be housed and educated separately from white children? (e) Are special types o f need to be met, such as the need for care of cardiac and orthopedic cases? ( / ) Are babies to be received and cared for in numbers warrant ing a babies’ building? (See Ch. V, p. 37.) (g ) Is the institution to meet the temporary boarding require ments of the community? (h) A re children to be received from other placing societies to be diagnosed mentally and physically and to be built up pending place ment? L O C A T IO N 3. The new institution {or one rebudding) should seek fo r the best possible combination of community conditions and physical condi tions. 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS Just as the neighborhood and community are to be considered in choosing a family home, so must they be considered when selecting a location for an institution. The main points in connection with location are: (a) Good schools (see Ch. X I , pp. 87-94). (b ) Churches (see Ch. X , p. 79). (c) Recreational facilities for the children and the staff (see Ch. X I I , pp. 95-101). (d ) Transportation facilities. (e) Desirability from the point of view o f the staff worker as well as from that o f the children. The site should be selected by people who are acquainted with the needs o f an institution for dependent children. Ground given or bequeathed is often badly located or for some reason is not well adapted for the purpose for which it has been offered. . ^ The location which meets the requirements fo r the averaqe institution is one■in the suburbs o f a city or town where sufficient land pan be^ obtained accessible to schools, churches, and other com munity activities, and close enough to connect with the water and sewerage systems. With such a location the institution is accessible, the services o f physicians and hospitals are available, and recreation facilities are within easy reach; yet at the same time enough ground can be procured at a reasonable price to permit gardens and large plavgrounds. • ^ J A location in a good residence district o f a city enables the very small institution to have less o f the institutional atmosphere: the children attend public schools and take part in the activities of the community. , h •The location o f the 'plant should be determined by the follow ing % v£ / fY ls& 0 (a) Community ¿¿/¿.—Opportunity to mingle naturally with chiloxen from homes in the city or village and to become part o f the community life. This is greatly affected by the location and should be a primary consideration. (&) Educational facilities.—Access to primary, secondary and technical educational facilities (unless the institution is to provide all these degrees o f education). (See Ch. X I , pp. 87-94.) (c) Water. Assurance o f an abundant and constant supplv of pure water. cq J (d) /Sewage. Assurance that sewage disposal can be provided efficiently and at a reasonable cost. (e) Accessibility.— Easy access to a trolley or bus line, so that the institution can bo reached easily by relatives and friends and be within a reasonable distance o f recreation and entertainment for the staff. a \.iTe VroteG^on. Proximity to a city equipped with ample hi e-fighting apparatus. The institution will thus have protection m addition to that afforded by its own fire-fighting facilities J&). Drainage. Assurance that all surface water can be carried oft quickly. (h) Supplies.- A location where railroad switching facilities can be provided (if the institution is large). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TH E PLANT 17 (i) Playgrounds.—Assurance o f abundant and level playgrounds. Not less than one-twentieth o f an acre per child is desirable for this purpose alone. (j ) Garden.— Space for garden plot for each cottage or small group o f children (see p. 99). (k ) Soil fertility.—This is a minor matter if only garden plots are to be provided, but it is an important consideration if farming is contemplated. PLO T P L A N 6. A fter the general policy has been adopted and the location chosen in accordance with the basic policy, a plot plan should be worked out which will show the location o f all buildings to be built at present and in the future. The plot plan must await a decision on the type of buildings, character o f heating, and sewage disposal. The location of each building should conform to the operating policy, and each building should occupy a sightly place if possible. Changing conditions in the care of dependent children make it unwise to plan on the theory of what the population may be years in advance. A competent architect should be selected and decisions on tech nical matters left to him. There is a possibility that the architect in his interest in the technical side o f construction, in his efforts to build attractive buildings, and in ignorance o f the special needs of an institution, may plan unsuitable buildings. Therefore a person who knows o f the needs of institutions should consult with the archi tect frequently when the plans are being drawn. Buildings can be both attractive and convenient if sufficient study is given to the problem. Local and State building inspectors should be consulted so that conformity to legal requirements will be insured. Assistance in this line can be secured from the State department of public welfare or board of charities. GROUNDS 7. Shade trees, lawns, and flowers are essential fo r the com fort and the esthetic education o f the children. Fruit trees, berry bushes, and vines are desirable when space will permit. 8. Playgrounds should be large, level, and well laid out, with room fo r equipment suited to children o f different ages (see p. 100). There should be some play apparatus and equipment for games, also free space for active play for both younger and older children where neither group will interfere with the other. Swimming pools or at least wading pools should be provided if possible. These may be made by damming natural streams or by constructing cement pools. 9. Some place should be provided where the children can keep pet animals (see p. 99). FARM 10. Country or suburban institutions o f certain types provide ground enough so that all the children may be taught gardening and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18 HANDBOOK FOB IN ST ITU T IO N S 'poultry raising and the boys adapted to farming may receive prevocational training in that subject (see p. 93). The attempt to operate a farm by means o f the labor o f the chil dren is never successful if sufficient time is devoted to education. Only a small number of boys and girls in institutions for dependents are old enough to do effective farm work. As a general rule the education o f the boys in farm work can be accomplished with a com paratively small acreage. A farm is advisable only if it is con sidered an economic asset to be operated with hired labor rather than regarded as a means o f vocational training. It must be kept in mind that the agriculture taught by a children’s institution is designed to convey to all the children chiefly three things: Knowledge ©f the earth and its relation to the life of man to whom it gives subsistence; appreciation and respect for those who till the soil; and a general knowledge of gardening and the care and use o f domestic animals. Opportunity for prevocational training is also to be given to the boy whose ability and tastes lead him to become a farmer. Such a boy would need to spend his years previous to high school in learn ing only the simple lessons o f farm work, spending most o f his time in school with the other children, developing his intelligence and laying such a foundation o f general knowledge as a modern farmer should have. After finishing the grade' school he should be sent to an agricultural high school. He can then make his plans to attend an agricultural college if he so desires. It must be realized that agricultural as well as any other specialized training given below high school is in no real 'sense vocational but only preparatory to specialized training. 11. Sufficient grou/nd fo r raising the fruit and vegetables to be used in the institution and fo r raising feed fo r stock is desirable. This insures at a relatively small cost the adequate amount of fresh and staple vegetables and fruits which are necessary for chil dren. It also enables the institution to keep cows in order that the children may have the necessary quantities of fresh milk. 12. A competent farm superintendent is necessary fo r every institu tion conducting a farm. Careful check o f the cost o f the maintenance and operation of the farm should be kept. Unless carefully managed, an institution’s farm may easily become an expense out of proportion to its use. Only a competent superintendent can manage the farm to the best advantage. 13. In addition to the farm superintendent a sufficient number o f farm laborers should be employed so that the education and training o f the children need not be subordinated to the cultivation o f the land,. A number of institutions have considered it profitable not only to do farming sufficient for their own needs but also to raise products for sale. There is then a danger o f exploiting the children by keep ing them out of school half the day or compelling growing boys to work in the early morning hours or for such long hours that they are too tired to apply themselves to their school work when they attend. This can be safeguarded by restricting the work of the children to the gardening or sometimes to the milking. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE PLANT 19 Play is a necessity to childhood (see p. 93). Since a children’s institution is established primarily to raise children, not farm products, no great help in farm work should be expected from the children. Ill.. Buildings and equipment should be adequate fo r practical use by the farm superintendent and helpers. The number and type of buildings and kind of equipment needed will vary in accordance with the agricultural conditions, which differ greatly throughout the United States. A special set o f plans will be required, since the kind of crops and the method o f raising them, the type and size of the farm, and the kinds of materials to be used for the necessary buildings must all be taken into considera tion. For specific and detailed information concerning these needs the United States Department o f Agriculture should be consulted. Guidance concerning local conditions can always be obtained from State departments or colleges o f agriculture and county farm agents. 15. The dairy should be built and equipped according to the needs o f the institution and in accordance with standards set by the State department of agi'iculture in the respective States. Eegistered stock should be bought at the beginning. In the long run this proves economical as well as advantageous in providing a good grade o f milk for the children. B U IL D IN G S Buildings have been planned in accordance with two general schemes—cottages and congregate, with adaptations (see p. 26). Whatever type of building is used, it is inadvisable to have children sleep or attend school in buildings more than two stories high. Construction and materials. 16. Sim plicity, safety, and durability are the chief factors to be considered in outside construction. Cottages should be planned to have a variety of exteriors, as in the case o f private homes, but they should be made to harmonize so that an artistic effect will be pro duced. {a) Facility in maintaining sanitary conditions should be one of the guiding principles in the construction of buildings. (b ) Exterior wall surfaces should conform to general local prac tice in dwelling-house construction, except that in two-story build ings the walls should invariably be so constructed as to prevent rapid spread o f fire (this applies also to all partitions). (c) Outside construction and surfaces should be simple and dur able so that upkeep costs may be kept as low as possible. (d) The old-fashioned guillotine double-hung windows are most reliable and satisfactory. (e) No baseboards should be used unless they can be so constructed as to obviate crevices in which vermin may hide. ( / ) Floors in living rooms, dining rooms, and dormitories should be o f hard wood—maple, oak, or long-leaf yellow pine—ripsawed. I f concrete construction has been used, a linoleum covering isudvisKable. Tile, terrazzo, cement, mastic, or linoleum will be serviceable for floors o f kitchens, pantries, hand laundries, and back entrances. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS Since bathrooms, wash rooms, and toilets need to be cleaned daily, and the dining room and kitchen need to be cleaned at least three times a week, their floors should be o f a material which can be scrubbed or cleaned easily. Battleship linoleum or composite floors are especially recommended for these.2 (g ) On walls and ceilings a hard plaster should be used. It is advisable to use cement plaster to a height of 4 feet on the walls. The ceilings o f basements should be made fireproof. Fire protection. 17. The location o f heating plants, the number, kind, and location o f fire escapes, the assurance o f sufficient water pressure, and the matter o f electric wiring must be considered. {a) When a separate heating plant is used in each cottage it should be placed in a fireproof room. (b ) Fire escapes are needed on all buildings higher than two stories; and there should be at least two exits from all second stories. These must be so arranged that the children can escape from any part o f the building and from any room. Unless there are several exits, fire escapes must be placed on all buildings higher than one story. They should not be placed against the side o f the building but should be so arranged that the children need not pass by windows on the way down. Fire escapes should be o f a type to comply with the State building code. (c) Smoke-proof fire escapes o f the tower type are necessary for large assembly rooms above the first floor. Other fire escapes may be o f the ordinary stair type. Fire chutes should be provided from dormitory windows (first floor) to the ground for cottages in which children under 5 years o f age are cared for. (d ) Chemical fire extinguishers should be placed in all halls.’ (e ) A ll doors should open outward, and all outside doors should be equipped with automatic fire locks. ( / ) There should be regular inspection o f electric wiring by city fire departments when available, and strict conformity to local fire ordinances. (g ) I f water pressure is not sufficient for fire protection it should be supplemented by an elevated tank or by a pressure tank. (h) Fire drills should be practiced once in two weeks. (i) Trash must not be allowed to accumulate in the basement or elsewhere in the building. S A N IT A T IO N 18. City water supply should be used when it is available and, declared by authorities to be safe. The institution which can not connect with a city system should ha/oe the services o f a sanitary engineer and construct an adequate plant under expert direction. It is almost impossible to obtain city water for institutions situ ated outside o f cities. This necessitates the establishment of a private supply, the sources depending on the location o f the insti tution. 2 Southard, Lydia : Institutional Household Administration, pp. 67-69. cott Co., Philadelphia, 1923. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. B. Lippin THE PLANT 21 Country institutions can have retaining or pressure tanks supplied from deep wells or springs, if unpolluted, and the water can be piped to the buildings. 19. Institutions having private water supplies should have the water atnalyzed by the State department o f health once in six months. Frequent analysis is the only method o f determining the purity of a water supply. A surface supply should be analyzed once a day, but less, frequent analyses are required when the source is deeper. 20. A connection with the city sewage system furnishes the most convenient method o f sewage disposal. I f the institution must build and maintain its own disposal plant, the services o f an expert are needed. Methods o f sewage disposal are such that only experts can deter mine in any particular case which type o f purification process should be installed. In certain cases sewage may be disposed o f by dilu tion in streams, but it takes an expert to tell whether any stream is of suitable size and whether conditions permit sewage thus taken from any institution to be disposed of so that a nuisance will not arise. I f this method is not feasible some other must be employed, depend ing in every case on the extent to which the final affluent must be purified before finally being disposed o f and allowed to run into streams or creeks. In the installing and maintaining of sewage plants care should be taken to conform closely to local sanitary regulations. Regular in spections should be made by health authorities. 21. Flush toilets should be provided in the various buildings} they should be accessible to dormitories, playrooms, and play grounds. Country institutions which can not avail themselves of adequate city water and sewage disposal should install such plants as are indicated in the preceding discussion, with indoor flush-toilet con nections. Until such plants can be installed in some of the poorer country institutions at least septic tanks should be provided. Plans for these usually can be obtained from State bureaus o f sanitary engineering. On no account are open-pit privies permissible. 22. Lavatory, bath, and toilet facilities must be adequate and sanitary. These rooms should be so placed as to receive direct sunlight' at some period o f the day because o f the value of sunlight as a disinfectant. Plumbing and fixtures.— Cheap plumbing should be avoided. It is expensive in the end and usually causes insanitary conditions. Lavatory facilities.— One bowl with running hot and cold water to four children, and in a separate room from bath, toilet, and dressing room (unless the institution can afford to equip its dressing alcoves so that each has a separate lavatory). Bathtubs.— One tub or shower to six or eight children, each in a separate compartment. Showers are replacing bathtubs in many institutions, because this method o f bathing is considered more sani tary ; but it is essential to have one or more tubs for use when chil dren are admitted and for emergencies that may arise. Elevated tubs should be provided for children too small to bathe themselves. Stationary foot baths are needed when showers are used in place o f bathtubs. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 H ANDBOOK FOB IN ST ITU T IO N S Toilets.— One toilet to eight or ten children. Many institutions which formerly had urinals in boys’ cottages have discarded them as insanitary. Each toilet should be in a separate compartment, not only to inculcate modesty but also to avoid any moral hazard. Toilets to be used by small children should be of proper height and size. 23. Screens are needed on all windows, doors, and ventilators. A 16-mesh wire screen protects against mosquitoes as well as flies. Copper screen is best. I f wire screens are used, they should be painted yearly. In very damp climates banana paint is effective in protecting the wire against rust. 24-. Garbage containers should be ample in size and kept tightly closed, so that no flies, rats, cats, or dogs can have access to the gar bage while it is awaiting disposal. 25. The dining room, kitchen, pantries, laundries, and all toilet rooms should be cleaned frequently. The floors of dining rooms, kitchens, pantries, laundries, and all toilet rooms should be scrubbed often., The dining room and kitchen should be mopped at least three times a week. Bathrooms, wash rooms, and toilets must have a thorough cleansing every day. Bath tubs should be cleaned after every bath. Hardwood floors should be cleaned with oil mops and treated frequently with oil and wax. 26. Bedding should be disinfected by sunning frequently fo r sev eral hours. It should be aired one or more hours daily. Bed springs and frames should be washed monthly with hot water and soap and sunned. When a disinfectant solution is used the dan ger from vermin is minimized.3 L IG H T IN G 27. The minimum window area allowed should equal at least onefifth o f the floor area. In climates in which there are many cloudy or foggy days the minimum window area should be at least one-fourth or even one-third of the floor area. It is much easier to shut out surplus light on very bright days than to obtain enough light on the dull days. A large amount of natural light will obviate the too frequent need o f using artificial light during the day time in school rooms and libraries. 28. Buildings in which children study or work (as schoolhouses or shops) should be so arranged that the greatest number o f rooms can receive direct sunlight during the day. This would necessitate that such buildings face southeast or south west when possible. All the buildings should be planned to have as many rooms receive some direct sunlight as can be arranged. This is not only for the sake of adequate lighting but also because of the salutary effect of the sunlight itself (see p. 51). 29. Electricity furnishes the most desirable artificial light, and it is the most convenient and the safest. Institutions which can not connect with established power plants usually find it practicable to install plants of their own. 4 Ibid., p. 193. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE PLAN T 23 Reading lamps are needed for study rooms. The number, type, and strength of lights required throughout a building should be deter mined b y an expert on lighting. SO. The seats in study rooms and class rooms should be so arranged that the light will come from the left. Window shades are needed to regulate the amount o f light admitted and also to insure privacy. H E A T IN G 31. H ot-w ater or steam or hot-air heating systems may be fu r nished by a central heating 'plant or by furnaces in the individual cottages. When a hot-water or steam heating system is installed a central heating plant in a separate building is possible. Having a central plant minimizes the danger from fire and keeps the temperature of all the buildings approximately the same. Many authorities con sider a separate heating system in each building preferable because it does not require the services of a skilled engineer as does a central plant and more freedom is possible in the location o f the cottages— whereas having a central heating plant is likely to neces sitate their being closer together. Individual heating plants should be placed in fireproof basement rooms. I f stoves are used to heat rooms, they should be inclosed in castiron or other metal casings to prevent accidents. The heat of stoves is very uneven, and a more modern method should be adopted if possible. 32. Open fireplaces or grates are desirable additions to any heating system, especially fo r cottage living rooms. Fires in grates or open fireplaces take the chill from the air on cool days; and during the winter they are excellent aids to good ventilation. They should have screens to prevent accidents. When it is necessary to use gas the grate must have a flue to carry off the products o f combustion. Electricity as a heating agent is coming into use in some localities. I f cheap power is available, the use o f electricity is desirable. 33. The temperature should be maintained at 65 to 70° in all rooms except sleeping rooms. In some climates the sleeping rooms may be unheated, provided the walls are not allowed to become damp. A heating system pre vents dampness, as floors and walls are kept dry by the pipes o f the heating plant. In cold climates, if children sleep on porches or if the dormitories are very cold in winter, sleeping bags or hotwater bottles should be provided. I f the sleeping room is unheated, separate dressing rooms with heat are necessary. Recreational rooms may have a temperature o f 60° or even less at times, depend ing upon whether the recreation consists o f active games like basket ball or quiet games like checkers. A wet-bulb thermometer (hygrometer) hung in each room where children sit, removed from sources o f heat and open windows, is the only safe guide. For obvious reasons the supervisors should not be allowed to regulate temperature for children according to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24 H AN DBOOK FOR IN ST ITU T IO N S their own feelings. The hygrometer indicates not only the tempera ture (Fahrenheit), but* also the moisture in the atmosphere of the room. A thermostat in every room will prevent tampering with temperatures if supervisors are properly instructed. V E N T IL A T IO N 3Ip. Ventilation is necessary to preserve the right temperature, the proper amount o f humidity, and the desirable movement o f the air. Badly ventilated rooms produce discomfort and injure the health chiefly because their temperature is too high and the air is not sufficiently in motion.4 The windows of rooms where children sit should be opened wide several times a day. Even though this tem porarily reduces the temperature the complete change o f air is beneficial. 36. A ir should be admitted to rooms in such ma/nner that it will be clean and warm but not hot. I t must be moist and kept moving. Too great dryness irritates the eyes, nose, and throat, and spreads coughs and colds. A saturation o f 50 to 80 per cent is considered normal. The body suffers in air above or below this normal saturation. Special steam valves are necessary in a steam-heating apparatus in order to keep the air moist. The steam valves may be purchased almost anywhere, but in their absence moisture may be furnished in a steam-heated room by hanging a very damp cloth behind the radiators or placing a pan o f water on a radiator. Air-heating appa ratus can be equipped with an automatic regulator, but this type of heating plant is not well adapted to an institution. It is now recognized that a room is not properly ventilated unless there are currents o f air. Even the standard amount of ventilation is inadequate unless some means of cross ventilation is provided. Cross ventilation in schoolrooms or libraries can be obtained by means of “ breeze windows ” placed near the ceiling at the back or right side o f the room. These windows should be hinged on the lowTer side, adjustable, and covered with opaque shades. Window boards made o f wood, glass, or burlap should be placed in wintertime at the bottom of open windows in schoolrooms or other rooms where children sit, to prevent direct breezes from striking the children. 36. I f the window space equals at least one-fifth o f the floor area, it is adequate fo r ventilation as well as fo r lighting. Arrangement should be made for cross currents o f air in all rooms. Large dormitories should have windows on three sides. Cross ventilation can be accomplished by placing windows and other venti lators on opposite sides of rooms. Ventilator doors or wall ventila tors can be used if it is impracticable to have windows on more than one side. Care should be taken to provide cross ventilation for kitchens to get rid o f the odor of food and for laundries to get rid of steam and to keep the room cool. In all buildings not so arranged a ventilating fan should be installed. * Ventilation. Report of the New York State Commission on Ventilation, pp. 219, 519. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York City, 1923. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TH E PLANT 25 37. In sleeping rooms 500 cubic feet o f air space should be allowed fo r each child, and beds should be at least 3 feet apart at the sides. F or an infirmary 1,000 cubic feet o f air space are required per patient (see p. 48). In sleeping rooms not less than 10 feet high a floor space of 50 square feet is required for every child. With beds 3 feet apart at sides this requires an aisle space of about 4 feet at the ends. It does not permit the placing of beds end to end (as is sometimes done in crowded institutions). F or list o f references on the plant see Chapter X V , page 122. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / Chapter IV.— THE BUILDINGS T Y P E S O F B U IL D IN G 1. There are several types o f building used for institutions for dependent children: The cottage type.—A cottage institution has the children cared for in separate buildings housing from 12 to 20 children each. The congregate type.—A congregate institution cares for children in buildings housing more than a small family group. Congregate institutions may be remodeled to provide for separate living quar ters for small groups of children within one large building in a so-called “ group system.” The semicottage, or semicongregate type.—These include many variations of the cottage and congregate plant, usually housing groups of 25 to 40 children. The pavilion type.—The pavilion type of building consists of two or more buildings connected by corridors. Each unit may house a group similar to those found in the individual cottages. Receiving homes.—The building usually resembles one of the cot tages in a cottage institution or it may consist of a group of cottages or be a small semicongregate building. It is used for very tempo rary care of children, often pending placement in family homes. TH E COTTAGE T YP E A system in which 12 to 20 children—preferably not more than 12—form a fam ily group and live in a separate cottage, thus receiving individual attention and careful training, is recommended. The cottage system enables the children to take part in all activ ities of the household much as in a normal family, with a near approach to home life and individual care. In a small group an opportunity is given for informality and individual freedom of action. This must be replaced by much more formal discipline and group behavior in the large group. By helping in the cottage the children can learn how a family home is managed. A housemother, with an assistant if needed, presides over the family and tries to make the approach to normal home life as close as possible for each child. Children who have not grown up in normal homes find it difficult to adjust themselves later to family life. The every-day customs of family life and the necessary social adjust ments can best be made a part of the children’s training and ex perience under the cottage system. Such individual attention as is necessary for the inculcation of good health habits (see p. 49) can usually be given better in a cottage than in larger residence units. 3. Cottage groups in which there are children o f various ages are desirable fo r the following reasons,' 26 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE BUILDINGS 27 (a) Families can be better kept together, brothers living with brothers and sisters with sisters. (5) The older and younger children assume more readily the rela tionship of brothers and sisters. (c) A child hard to adjust may be changed from one cottage to another until one is found which best suits his needs. (When care ful thought is given to the original placement the changes will be less frequent.) (d ) A child once adjusted with the house mother and cottage group which seem best suited to him may remain in that particular cottage as long as -he is in the institution. Thus the conditions in a normal family are more nearly approached. . 4- Several types o f cottage institutions are in use at the present time. (a) In one type of cottage institution everything related to an individual home, as peeping rooms, living rooms, dining room, and kitchen is included in the cottage, so that each cottage is a complete housekeeping unit. (h) In another type o f cottage institution all the food is prepared in a central kitchen but is served in the dining rooms o f the cottages. The food may be transported in thermos containers or is carried to the cottage and there reheated in a kitchenette provided for that purpose. Breakfasts are sometimes prepared in the cottage kitchen ette by the children. In favor o f this plan may be cited the diffi culty o f finding cottage matrons who are qualified and willing to direct the cooking or who can do so without neglecting other essen tials in the care o f the children. The desirability o f having the cooking done in the cottage depends largely on the question of whether this will mean training for the children or drudgery for both children and housemother. In cottages for older girls there is a special advantage in having a complete housekeeping unit if the group is small enough for the kitchen work to resemble that o f an ordinary family; otherwise it may be better to provide classes for training in cooking. (c) Some cottage institutions have a central dining room as well as a central kitchen. These should install dishwashing machines and other labor-saving deAuces; and most of the .work should be performed by adults, since this work done on a large scale is merely drudgery and lacks educational value. 5. There are certain advantages in the one-story type o f cottage and others in the two-story type. The r e l a t e cost of the two types o f cottage has not been deter mined absolutely. The claim has been made that one-story cottages are more expensiA*e. But lighter foundations and framing may bo used in a one-story structure; and no space is lost in adjusting a lower floor to an upper one. The saving in these two items, together Avith the lack o f necessity for stair space, offsets much o f the greater expense o f roofing and foundations for a one-story building. The fact that a two-story cottage requires less ground space may be an important consideration for institutions situated in cities, where land values are high. This type of building is likely to be better adapted to the need of small dormitories or single bedrooms 2204°—27----- 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 28 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS for the older children. Some of the disadvantages of the two-story house are less serious when the older boys and girls can relieve the housemother o f some o f the housework, especially by taking care of their_own rooms. 6. The one-story cottage is administered more advantageously to children and housemother than is the two-story cottage, a/nd its lire danger is less. The advocates of the one-story cottage in preference to the twostory house favor this type of building not only because o f its greater safety from fire hazards but also because unless the children are very young (see p. 13) one housemother can care for the group if some o f the cleaning and other heavy work is done by day employees. The one-story cottage has the following advantages: First, it simplifies the problem of cottage administration, having the children on one floor, where they can be readily supervised by the cottage m atron; second, it removes the fire risk, and this obviates the necessity of fireproof construction; third, it facilitates the outdoor life of the little children, who can go in and out re.adily; fourth, it diminishes labor and fatigue of the housemother, enabling her to give her entire strength to her proper work. It is surprising to discover how much of the strength of the housemother may be consumed in simply climbing up and down stairs between the first floor and the second floor and the first floor and the basement.1 7. The following recommendations are offered fo r the remodeling o f buildmgs and the planning of new cottages (see also pp. 19-20) : (a) Be sure that a convenient arrangement of rooms is adopted. \b) Provide suitable and comfortable living accommodations for the staff as well as for the children. (c) Make possible some degree o f privacy for both the children and the staff. (d) Make provision for study, for both active and quiet play, and for the different interests of both younger and older children. (e ) Arrange for folding doors between living room and dining room so that the dining room may be used for an evening study room. (f) Plan buildings and rooms so that they may be well ventilated, well heated, and easily cleaned. (g ) Do not plan to use the basement for anything except heating plant and storage of vegetables. (h) Have a rear or side entrance on the main floor with provision near it for wraps and overshoes. (i ) Have some lavatories, toilets, and drinking water accessible from the playroom and from the rear or side entrance. (j) Provide abundant storage and closet facilities. (&) Allow floor space in accordance with the following figures: Dinings room, 15 square feet per chair; living room, 30 square feet per child; dormitories, 50 square feet per bed (see p. 2 5); single bedrooms, 70 square feet per bed. (?) In a two-story cottage have the dormitories, toilets, and super visor’s bedroom on the same floor, and so arranged that the supervisors’ or matrons’ rooms are near the sleeping quarters o f the children. 1 Hastings H. Hart, in letter in The Organization and Construction o f a Child-Caring In stitution (a report on construction plans for the Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum Appen dix, p. 63). San Francisco, Calif., 1919. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE BUILDINGS 29 (m) Provide plenty of porch space. At least one porch should face southwest (see p. 51). The following statements are o f interest in regard to the building o f cottages to accommodate groups o f 20 children : Experience has shown that in certain details architects need explicit instruc tion which must be given precedence over all technical and esthetic considera tions which do not affect safety. The cottage must be easy of access, both front and back, for children and for vehicles. There must be quick and convenient passage from the sitting room or playroom to and from the open. The arrange ment must be such that much tramping in and out, even in wet weather, shall not upset or track up the whole house. There must be good contrivances for holding children’s individual supplies of books and school materials, separate provision for safe-keeping individual toys and treasures, and space for the safe bestowal and easy use of bulky possessions like bicycles, coasters, or big dolls and doll houses. Wardrobes and toilet articles make yet another demand for individual accommodations. Again, the living-room floor must be so planned as to allow 20 children to read, write, and study together in comfort, without getting in each other’s way. It should also give facilities for open continuity of the rooms, so that the whole floor space may be available for entertainment and dancing. Sleeping quarters should give the privacy and groupings of life in a large family— no dormitories, but rooms for single occupants or small groups. Good cross ventilation, especially of kitchens and bedrooms, must be given special care. * * * There should be a single room connected with the housemother’s bedroom, which can be used to isolate a suspect or observe an ailing child of either sex. ^ Bathing and sanitary facilities must receive most anxious care as regards size of fittings, accessibility for use and observation, privacy, adequacy, safety, and ease of repair. Storage space for dishes, linens, clothing stocks, household goods, cleaning utensils, and raw, cooked, or preserved food stuffs, must be ample, well ventilated, and dry.2 8. Small dormitories accommodating six or eight single beds ore satisfactory fo r the younger children, but single rooms or rooms large enough fo r three beds are more desirable fo r children of adolescent age. Cubicles with 6 -foot partitions may be used instead o f single rooms, but they should be large enough not to be stuffy, and the par titions should not be dust-catching-curtains. This permits privacy and requires less space and expense in construction. Sleeping porches are desirable for summer use; in some climates they may be used throughout the year. Separate - dressing rooms, preferably with alcoves for the sake of greater privacy in dressing, should adjoin large dormitories. 9. Lavatories, bathrooms, and toilets should be adjacent to the sleeping rooms or easily accessible from them (see also Sanitation, p . 2 0 ). ’ These rooms should be well ventilated and if possible placed so that the sun strikes them during some part of the day. The size of each room will depend upon the equipment in it and the number o f children using it. Arrangements making it possible to have privacy in the bath and toilet tooms are essential. Between the bath tubs and the toilets there should be 6 -foot partitions with swinging doors in front. This, or some similar method of insuring privacy, is desirable even for 2 Langer, Samuel: The Organization and Construction of a Child-Caring Institution • a report on reconstruction plans for the Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum, San Francisco, iy iy , pp. —o, ¿ 7 . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS young children in order to encourage modesty and to preserve morals. 10. Clothes closets are as essential fo r children in institutions as for people living in normal homes. When sufficient care is given to planning the buildings satisfactory closets can be included. One closet may be allowed for two or even three children. There should be closets for wraps m the entrance halls, and closets or wall hooks should be provided at the rear or side entrance. 11. The rooms for the daytime activities should he large enough to accommodate com fortably the group fo r whom they are intended. Not all institutions need separate living rooms, libraries, and play rooms. Under some conditions a combination of a living room and playroom, living room and library, or even living room and dining room is satisfactory. Whatever the arrangement of the rooms suf ficient space is needed so that active play, quiet games, study, read in g and conversation may be carried on by different groups without too oreat conflict. When the library and dining room adjoin the living room, with double doors between, a large space is available for use on special occasions. 12. Playrooms should he comfortable and attractive. They ^must never he in the basement. They should he sunny and well ventilated. Since the play o f children is important for their development (see p. 9 5 ) a suitable room should be available for it. The livingroom arrangement should lend itself to the placing o f toy lockers m the room. Basement playrooms are difficult to supervise and are generally unsatisfactory. 13. The number o f rooms needed for educational purposes will depend upon the use made of community resources fo r education. When children attend schools and churches in the neighborhood the institution does not need formal classrooms or a chapel. I f good manual training and gymnasium work are obtained in the community schools, the institution’s equipment for these two purposes also may be limited. Otherwise a suitable gymnasium and some proper manual-training equipment should be provided, and an arrangement should be made for the children to have this work. A comfortable room where the children can study in quiet is essen tial (see p. 90). Ilf.. A convenient arrangement o f the dining room, kitchen, and pantry is o f great importance. Much time and effort will be saved if the rooms used for the preparation and serving of food are well arranged. The pantry should be accessible from both the dining room and the kitchen, and the refrigerator should be reached easily from the kitchen. 15. The cottage kitchen should he similar to the kitchen of a pri vate home. A central kitchen equipped with up-to-date labor-saving devices is economical hut does not carry out the home idea. There should be a good sink and refrigerator, a porcelain or zinc covered table, a good stove, and built-in cupboards. This is the mini mum equipment. Cooking utensils should be fully adequate for the number of persons for whom the food is to be prepared. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE BUILDINGS 31 J6. Generous ^provision should he made fo r storing food supplies disposing o f dishes¡, cooking utensils, and cleaning apparatus con veniently , and keeping household linen in proper shape? Storeroom arrangements will depend upon the type of building, but they must be large enough so that supplies may be sorted in lots and be easy of access. I f there is a central kitchen, the storeroom must allow for economical storage of large quantities of food and nave adequate refrigeration for supplies which must be kept cold. Sometimes a general storeroom is used and distribution made from tins to the cottages which have individual kitchens. The storeroom should have plenty of shelf space, bins properly lined with zinc or cereals and other dry foods, and dark closets for jellies and canned fruits and vegetables. Ventilated racks should be supplied tor keeping vegetables. , A good refrigerator with separate compartments for ice, for the milk and butter, and for other perishable foods is necessary. Pantries should be properly lighted and ventilated; and there must be adequate shelving, both inclosed and uninclosed, and also drawer space tor linen. There should be a closet for brooms and other cleaning apparatus. -^^’.^toreroom s fo r hedding and fo r clothing not in use mau he provided either m a central place or m the separate cottages. Storerooms should be large enough to allow clothes to be hung so that light and air will reach them. There should be plenty of shelf or drawer space for undergarments, shoes, and other articles. There must be room for storing winter clothes properly during the summer and for storing summer clothes during the winter, so that thev will remain m good condition. 18. The cottage laundry should he on the first floor, not in the basement. i laundries in cottages are desirable in order that the older girls may learn to launder personal clothing and small articles. The heavy house linen should always be sent to a public laundry or to the institution laundry (see p. 3 5 ). The equipment needed in a cottage laundry should be like that found in the average home (stationary tubs, electric iron, ironing boards, hot plate, boiler, wringer, and washboard). TH E CONGREGATE TYPE 19. The congregate institution is characterized generally hy larqe bmldmgs fo r the care o f children en masse, with little approach to fam ily h f e. In spite of the evils o f the congregate system, which have been discussed for the past 50 years, many substantial congregate build ings have been constructed for institutions in recent years. Thousands o f dependent children are in institutions o f this sort, m which obviously they can not receive the degree of individual care which they should have. It is held by some that a congregate institution can be built at less cost than accommodation for the same number o f children dis8 Southard, Lydia : Institutional Household Administration dd 15ft— pincott Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 1923. ’ pp' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. B. Lip- 32 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS tributed in cottages. This has not been proved where equal safety is provided. A congregate institution must be fireproof. The cost of fireproofing probably offsets the extra costs of separate cottages, which may be built o f slow-burning material and need not be fireproof. T H E G ROU P S Y S T E M IN L A R G E B U IL D IN G S 20. Adaptation o f a congregate plant is possible as a temporary measure so that the children may receive more individual care. The group arrangement may be effected by remodeling the congre gate building, the addition o f new wings being necessary in some cases. Plans for remodeling institutions to make possible the small-group method of care should be developed after much consideration of the existing buildings and their possibilities. Competent advice is needed on the technical problems. By reducing the number of children cared for some institutions can remodel the buildings to give satisfactory separate living quarters. Others will find it advis able both to remodel and to add especially fitted wings. Local con ditions must determine the course of action to be followed. 21. The aim under the group system, as under the cottage system., is to provide physical conditions which will make possible the indi vidual care and treatment of each child. The children should be divided into groups of not more than 25. A smaller number is preferable. A supervisor should be assigned to each group, and separate quarters should be provided for each. A separate playroom or living room is also necessary. Two dormi tories are desirable (one for the older and one for the younger children), with adjoining rooms for the group mother, so that care ful supervision may be maintained night and day. Separate wash rooms, bathrooms, toilet rooms, and clothes rooms are needed. Small dining rooms are preferable and have been provided in some institutions, the food being distributed from a central kitchen. Other institutions use the central dining room. The molding of a child’s character demands intimate personal contact be tween each child and those who take the place of his parents. Such contact can hardly be present where children are handled in large masses, as under the old congregate system. W ith the passage of years there has come into existence a third type of care known as the group system. It is adaptable to buildings built on the congregate plan. Its aim is to bring the children those advantages that are to be had only when they are cared for and educated in small groups. Experience has shown that almost every child-caring home can adopt this method of caring for its children without assuming an intoler able burden. Very often rearrangement of rooms with a slight decrease in the population and a few extensions is sufficient to provide the facilities needed. T H E SE M IC O T T A G E A N D S E M IC O N G R E G A T E T Y P E 22. The terms “ semicottage ” and “ semicongregate ” are applied to many variations o f the cottage and congregate plant. Probably the most important variation in which features of both the cottage and congregate type o f institution are embodied is that * a Program for Catholic Child-Caring Homes (report of the committee on standards, Sisters’ Conference. National Conference of Catholic Charities, 1923, Proceedings), pp. 9-10. Obtainable from the Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE BUILDINGS 33 whtn the P°Pulati(>n is divided 1°chlldren’ eaoh group being mmriteiS l d W J ? Droviskms T h if m ^ w “ y ° r -may not contain a11 housekeeping provisions. This method is an improvement over the congregate institution, but it is not so desirable an arrangement as that obtained when small groups o f children are cared for in a cottage. ° DtameCl oome institutions have the large residence including d i n i n g - tZ m dLbi n g t r S r a i ^ haTC b° th the ^ T H E P A V IL IO N T Y P E TU s ty pe com ists o f two or more connected by corndors, each housing a group o f 12 to 20 children. V dinilit ;i l mg arraii?ements provide for separate kitchens and d ^ i ^Li <pmS’ ° r thieiS® may be central- The pavilion type may be desirable for a small institution such as a receiving home if it is S ^ X l t i bUt 14 " n0t Wdl adapted R E C E IV IN G H O M E S H . The building fo r a receiving home usually resembles one o f g le la te aty p e m ° 96 institution,o r it may be o f The size o f the building will depend upon local conditions and its equipment will be similar to that o f the types o f institutions described m the foregoing pages. Since a receiving home is designed to give very temporary care, often pending family placemen! I t should have the best features that characterize the^other types o f institution. The children should be made to benefit as much as posht \ dT ngi brief stay. A receiving home should have— P \f{ c mPii facilities for reception and isolation. (o) Small dormitories and some single bedrooms which permit segregation of the children who may be cared for at any one time as boys and girls or older and young children, and children w £ be others ° f P° SSlble moral or PhJslcal condition might contaminate generalEn° Ugh bath ^ entire y s n s ^ 1 t0llet rooms’ and g°od sanitary conditions in ^ in the r° ° ms ^oughout^ the (e) An arrangement o f the supervisors’ rooms permitting close supervision o f the children. g C10se J f ) A supply o f books, toys, games, and handicraft equipment which will interest the children quickly and keep them interested. A U X I L I A R Y B U IL D IN G S A N D R O O M S 25. A n administration building o f the cottage type is preferable \ V n b u S i g ^ mMCh mormmental tyPe ° f central administra- Office rooms should include at least a private office for the super intendent and a general office in which are found the necessary desks Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 34 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS files and typewriters. A reception room should be near the general offices. In the cottage institution some of the central storerooms may be located in the administration building. °26. An assembly room should be provided in the large institu tions, also suitable rooms fo r religious services if the children do not attend church outside. This may be a regular auditorium or a large room with a movable stao-e in which the children can gather for parties, theatricals, and other entertainments, and should be sufficiently large to seat all the children. Provision should be made for a proper place for religions services, preferably separate from the assembly hall. 27. Convenient and attractive living quarters should be furnished fo r the staff if people o f the desired intelligence and culture are to be obtained to care for the children (see p., 1 2 ).. , The superintendent’s home or apartment should be large enough for comfortable living. A reasonable proportion of space and ex pense must be devoted to living quarters for the staff. W ork with children is tiring, and the people who do this work deserve com fortable accommodations. Each supervisor should have a living room and bedroom (with private bath) adjacent to the doimitories, so that nio-ht supervision may be maintained. Quarters should be provided for relief matrons as well as for the regular supervisors, and some provision should also be made for guests. » When the institution is so located that the teaching stall, gen eral houseworker, or other employees can come in by the day, rooms which can be used in an emergency will suffice. I f all the workers must live in the institution, each appropriate group of them needs comfortable single bedrooms, with a bathroom and living room m common. 28. Isolation rooms should be in a separate cottage or entirely isolated from the rest o f the house. The isolation cottage should be some distance troin other cot tages. Every device is needed to keep the children comfoi table and happy during the period of isolation. Single rooms and rooms accommodating three children in the isolation or reception cottage will perrpit such segregating as may be desirable. I f both boys and girls are received by the institution, suitable plans should be de veloped for their supervision and care while in the isolation cottage. The nurses or matrons in charge o f the isolation cottage should have rooms similar to those for the supervisors in other cottages. The treatment room or dispensary (see pi 48) should not be attached to the isolation department. y ‘ ' 29. Rooms fo r the sick should be similarly isolated. W hether one or more rooms which can be isolated from the others are used or a separate building provided will depend upon the type o f building adopted and the number o f children to be cared for by the institu^When a separate building is used for infirmary purposes it may be one story high and of inexpensive construction. The amount of space and of equipment desirable for an infirmary* also for laboratory, dispensary, and treatment room (see pp. 25, 48-49), will depend upon the outside "hospital service available. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ï H È BUILDINGS 35 SO. The central laundry should be well ventilated and should have modern machinery. It should be in a separate one-story budding if possible but may be combined with the heating plant. In case a separate building* can not be provided there should be rooms placed so that the steam and odor will not reach other parts of the house and the ironing room should be separate from the wash room. Adult employees should do the work in the general laundry. It is likely to be too heavy for children and has little vocational interest or value. Moreover, many of the operations required in a steam laundry are forbidden to children under most State factory laws. Adequate labor-saving machinery makes for economy and should be supplied whether the work is done by paid employees or by the larger children in the institution. 31. W hether a tool house and garage or still other auxiliary build ings are needed will depend upon the size o f the institution and its requirements. F U R N IS H IN G S A N D E Q U IP M E N T 32; The rooms in an institution should not differ greatly from similar rooms in a comfortable private residence. A. homelihe effect must be sought.5 The choice of colors for walls should be made carefully. Cheerful colors rarely cost any more than depressing ones, and the atmos phere of a room depends largely upon the background furnished by its walls. Pretty window draperies should be used. Materials of good quality are cheaper in the end than those which cost little at the start but need to be replaced soon. 33. W ith a little study and forethought, the living room may be made an attractive room that will especially appeal to the chil dren. There should be comfortable straight chairs and rocking chairs, small tables, a piano, and a phonograph, if possible, and a radio set. Built-in seats are a pleasing addition. There should be some good pictures of subjects which interest children. Pictures and mirrors should be hung rather low on the walls. A fireplace (with screen always in place when the fire is burning) is desirable. Durability and suitability must be considered in the selection o f furniture.6 Furniture should be of simple lines and strong construction. Steel furniture may well be considered because of its strength and its durable finish. In general a paint finish should be avoided except in the form of baked enamel. Well-constructed furniture does not break or wear out so quickly as cheap pieces; therefore it is more economical in the long run. In addition to tables and chairs o f ordinary sizes for the larger children, there should be some small chairs and low tables for the small children. Bookcases and cupboards to which the children have free access should be low enough to permit all the shelves to be reached easily. 5 Sanders, Mrs. Charles Bradley : How to Furnish the Small Home ; a handbook for furnishing and decorating the inexpensive house. Better Homes in America, Washington, D. C., 1924. 6 Southard, Lydia : Institutional Household Administration, pp. 70-99. J. B. Lippin cott Co., Philadelphia, 1923. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 36 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS 35. The library and study room should be so arranged that the children may study com fortably and quietly, in good light. There should be low shelves for the books which the children may have at will and closed cases for books to be used only with per mission. A number of comfortable chairs of different sizes should be provided, and enough tables to obviate any need o f crowding. The walls, window draperies, and pictures should receive as much consideration as those of the living room. 36. The playroom should have accommodation fo r both quiet and active games (see pp. 95, 100). There should be sufficient closet or cupboard room for games and toys, individual lockers for the children’s private possessions, and enough tables and chairs o f different sizes. A piano or phonograph is a desirable addition. Proper protection for lighting fixtures and windows will permit a greater latitude in the kinds of play allowed. 37. The dining room should have small tables (each seating six or eight children). It should be attractive and convenient. The chairs should be accommodated to the sizes of the children so that each child may be comfortable and have opportunity to eat properly. Linen should be white.7 Doilies, mats, or runners may be used on polished or painted tables. There should be indi vidual holders for napkins. The dishes should be of reasonably light porcelain or earthenware, and the glassware in keeping with it. Knives, forks, and spoons should be of plated silver or a metal resembling it. F or list o f references on buildings see Chapter X V , page 123. 7 Ibid., pp. 113-114. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chapter V.-—ADMISSIONS PO LIC IE S G O V E R N IN G A D M IS S IO N S The admission 'policy should be determined by three main fac tors: 1 he needs o f the group to be served, the resources o f the com munity, and the type o f work to be undertaken. The needs ° f the group which the institution is endeavoring to serve should be considered carefully. Note should be taken o f all the resources m the community which are available for meeting some of i - nee(*s- Then the type of work which the institution, by virtue ot its plant, staff, and financial support, is best qualified to undertake can be chosen most intelligently. In communities where the social work is well organized an insti tution may find it advisable to specialize in a certain type of care or in ,[or a certain group. In other places it may be necessary to ex tend the activities of the institution to include work ordinarily per formed by other social agencies. Policies must of necessity differ since needs vary, the resources of communities differ, and the plant, staff, and financial backing of institutions are not alike. Denning the intake policy should cover the following points : (a) Designation of the person or group responsible for pass ing upon admissions. & Type o f investigation required. w Person or agency responsible for investigation. (d) Restrictions upon admissions. (e) Form o f transfer o f custody or control required. (/) Length o f time during which the children received will remain in the institution. Ih e admission policy should be reconsidered at intervals and revised when it appears that the institution can thus render a more valuable service. The admission policy should be definite, but it must not be allowed to crystallize. Periodic revision is desirable in order that account may be taken o f changing conditions. J . Admission should be limited to the children fo r whom the institution is qualified by staff and equipment to give adequate care. Diverse activities for varied groups are successfully conducted by some institutions, but the average institution must confine itself to providing for the needs o f a rather limited group. Only those chil dren should be received whose needs can be met by the institution and they should be kept only so long as they benefit more from the5 care given in that institution than from other available care. , Delin1 K T Ï S “ ttaeimttationerS Si0UW b“ ronslderea tlh e"e of vfcw of 37 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 38 HANDBOOK FOE INSTITUTIONS quent children and those having any decided mental defect should not be accepted for care with dependent children (see p. 63). Jf. Responsibility fo r admissions should be definitely fixed. The superintendent, acting alone or in conjunction with a case committee o f the board, should control all admissions. The superintendent should be empowered to make final decision on all emergency cases. The case committee should meet at least weekly when there are any applications to consider. 5. E very child should be regarded as a member o f a fam ily group whose integrity is of importance both to the child and to society. No child should regarded as an isolated unit. Facts relating to the social, economic, physical, and mental condition o f the child’s family as well as of the child himself all should be procured. When sufficient data have been obtained a decision should be reached on the following questions: . . . (a ) Is there any possible way o f caring for the child properly m his own home? " . (b) What resources does the community offer for care in a foster home? . . . . (c ) Is the institution equipped to give the kind o f care which this child needs ? (d) Does institutional care meet the needs o f this child better than any other kind o f care which can be provided for him ? IM P O R T A N C E O F IN V E S T IG A T IO N B Y T R A IN E D W O R K E R S 6. A thorough investigation o f applications for admission is es sential to any well-conducted institution. The inform ation needed os a basis fo r intelligent admission is the same fo r a small institution as fo r a large one. An institution should feel itself obligated, no matter what its size, to find out the facts about the children it admits. Careful in vestigation should be made for every child admitted, regardless of the probable length o f his stay. 7. Some methods o f accomplishing thorough investigation are as follow s (see also Ch. X IV , especially pp. 109, 111, 114) : _ (a) The institution may employ one or more trained social workers to make the investigations for admission. It is important that these people do their work in close cooperation with other social agencies in the community. (b ) Two or more small institutions may cooperate in procuring the services of a competent person. Such combinations are advisable only when the number of applications is so limited that one person can handle the joint work in an adequate manner. (c) A private agency, such as a children’s aid society or a family agency, may make investigations for an institution. (d) A central admission agency or bureau may be maintained by a group of institutions. The group may be united by a common religious faith, or all may receive support from a common fund, or there may be a loose organization o f voluntary members. Although the methods of operation in such agencies differ, time is generally saved by them for both relatives and institutional workers, duplica tion o f work is avoided, better understanding of the children who Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ADMISSIONS 39 need help is acquired, and a more satisfactory adjustment is likely to be made. These agencies find it desirable to work very closely with the family case-work agency, for the child’s problem must be considered as a family problem and the plans made for him should include his family. When the family agency is enlisted the possibilities of ad justments in the child’s own home are greater. 8. Trained social workers are needed fo r investigations, the num ber to be employed defending upon the size o f the institution. The superintendent should not be expected to make the investiga tions. The experience and training which qualify a person for the work o f superintending an institution are quite different from those required for. a social case worker. Moreover, the superintendent has enough to do managing the institution, and he could not devote time to investigation without neglecting his other duties. Volunteer workers seldom have the experience necessary to make adequate investigations or the time to devote to it. This work de mands the best type of experienced social worker, just as a physician o f recognized standing should be called upon for a diagnosis of the child’s physical condition. 9. Persons who are in charge o f admissions should be inform ed as to the help which the State is prepared to give and should familiarize themselves with all types o f social work being done in the community and with the assistance available from the various agencies. Through the preliminary investigation the type o f care required is determined, and constructive plans can then be made. Conditions may point to the desirability of hospital care or the need of training in a special school or in a State institution rather than in a private one. Sometimes care must be provided for a child who if placed in the institution would be detrimental to the other children (see p. 63). A carefully selected boarding home may meet such a child’s need. Every child has a right to the kind o f care best suited to his needs. 10. No child should be considered fo r admission until something is known of his relatives'1 ability and willingness to care fo r him. Personal visits should be made to relatives who live fairly near. Contact with relatives living at a distance should be made by re questing agencies there to make visits. The cooperation o f relatives should be sought at the start, not after the child has been in the institution for months. Relatives can be very helpful in giving facts concerning family history and an insight into the character of different members of the family, and also by active cooperation in carrying out a plan for the child’s future. 11. A detemnined effort should be made to adfust the child with his own fam ily satisfactorily. P overty alone is not a sufficient reason for removal. Financial aid may be the chief thing required to keep the family intact. Aid from public funds for dependent children or assistance from a family case-work agency may solve the family problem. In communities where such funds are not available some institutions are maintaining children in their own homes with institution funds. An investigation frequently discloses the fact that no real reason exists for the removal of children from their own homes. Institu Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS tional care may be the line of least resistance, but when it is denied many families are capable of making their own adjustments. A mother with one child sometimes attempts to place the child in an institution so that she may work. Assistance may be given by finding for such a mother a suitable place to live where the child may be well cared for while she works. Such help is especially needed by the widow and deserted woman and by the unmarried mother who with some help can maintain herself and her child. In many cases this may be much better than providing institutional care for the child. Children o f widowers require very careful consideration. I f they are accepted for care in the institution, as close a relationship should be maintained between the father and children as is possible and advisable under existing conditions. The father should be required to pay for their care according to his ability, and every effort should. be made to foster in him a feeling o f responsibility for his children. Children whose parents are separated should be accepted only after careful investigation o f conditions. Easy disposition of these children is not in the best interests o f the family or o f society. 12. I f applicants fo r admission are not eligible in accorda/nce with the policies o f the institution, the institution should be able to refer them to other agencies or to help them in some way to obtain the kind o f assistance needed. 13. A social investigation should be made before admission except when emergency care must be given and when the investigation mustin consequence follow immediately upon the reception o f the child. The first purpose o f an investigation is to determine whether the child should be received by the institution. The importance to the child, to the family, and to the institution o f admitting only those children who are in real need of care has not been sufficiently appre ciated by many organizations which are doing good work in other respects. The information obtained in the earlier investigation (see p. 38) should be preserved and used as the basis for the later and more thorough study. . A social investigation should include visits to the childis home and interviews with relatives and other sources o f inform ation con cerning the character o f the home and the needs o f the child. A careful questioning of the immediate family and relatives is nec essary ; and many statements—such as those concerning wages, prop erty, and cash holdings—must be verified. The following sources may be o f help in learning the facts which make it possible to under stand the background of the family and to discover present needs: The confidential exchange and social agencies which have known the case; near and distant relatives; employers; members o f fraternal orders; the minister; the physician; and teachers. The information which the teacher and the school authorities can give is especially important. 15. The facts collected rrmst be considered carefully and a plan made fo r the child and his fam ily as soon as the child has been ad mitted. . Care in the institution may be a part o f the plan, but the imme diate need for care should not be allowed to obscure the larger need for adjustment in a family home—the child’s own when possible, 14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ADMISSIONS 41 otherwise a foster home. A t the time o f admission of the child to the institution a plan should be made for his early adjustment into his own home if this is possible. I f there is no suitable home a plan should be made, based on a careful study o f the child as an indi vidual and in relation to his family group. Individualization re sulting from thorough study should be the basis of any plan. It should be a part o f the social worker’s duty to keep in touch with the child’s family, keeping alive the contact between child and parent. 16. E very child admitted to the institution should have cl thorough physical examination, without delay (see Ch. Y I, Physical Care p. 46). The preliminary investigation deals with the child in his relation to his family and to the community. When the need for institu tional care has been demonstrated, the child’s individual possibili ties and needs must be studied. Children admitted to institutions are much more likely to need especial attention in regard to both physical and mental needs than are the children living in normal homes (see p. 44). 17. Inform ation should he procured which will tell something o f the child’s mental and moral development and his general behavior (see p. 69). The best sources for this information are: The child himself* members o f the child’s immediate family and other relatives ; teach ers and school records ; and mental examination by a skilled psychol ogist (see p. 65). For some cases a study of the child’s personality and behavior by a psychiatrist specializing in work with children is desirable (see p. 65). 116. There are some children who should not he received in institu tions fo r dependent children, either fo r their own good or fo r that o f the other children. ' (a) Some children, chiefly among those over 12 years o f age, have become so firmly established in delinquency and are at the same time so dominating with younger children that they should not be ad mitted to institutions for the dependent. It should be left to the psychologist and the physician o f the institution staff to decide however, whether a given child is a real menace to the others, and therefore to be excluded, or whether his delinquent tendencies can be corrected by wise treatment without danger that the other chil dren may be subjected to corrupting influences (see Ch. V I I I Mental Health, p. 65). i (h) Children very much below the general average o f the com munity are not able to adapt themselves to conditions set for the average. They suffer from a sense of inferiority and are a handicap to the other children. They should be placed in institutions for the defective or in individual family homes. (c) Children who are quite normal but who have the type o f per sonality that does not adapt itself easily to group life suffer in spirit when placed in a group and they react badly. I f it proves impossible to make a child, happy in an institution and he continues resentful and uncooperative in spite o f an earnest effort to understand his troubles and to help him, the psychiatrist or psychologist should be consulted as to the provision that should be made for him (see p. 63). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 42 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS C O U R T C O M M IT M E N T S A N D V O L U N T A R Y SURRENDERS 19. Court commitments are always desirable when permanent cus- ' tody is assumed and when children are removed from their own homes, either temporarily or permanently, because o f im proper guardianship, neglect, or cruelty. When a permanent commitment is made or surrender is given legal custody o f the child is assumed during the period of minority. A temporary commitment gives control for the period specified or until such time as the committing court changes the court order. 20. Transfer o f legal custody should be made only through court action. , The permanent transfer of legal custody is a serious matter. Hasty and ill-considered action should not be allowed. By court procedure the rights of both the parents and the institution can be safeguarded more readily. Parents should not be permitted to release children for adoption without court action. Surrenders by parent to institutions in States which do not have laws covering the transfer of legal custody of children 2 should be made subject to the condition that the institution promises to return the child to the parent when thorough investigation by the institution shows that the parent is able and fit to care for the child satisfac torily. This puts the burden of proof on the parents, but also places on the institution the responsibility for investigation. When a child is placed in an institution because he is improperly cared for in his own home it should be possible to keep him under jurisdiction until the unfavorable conditions are remedied. This can be done with certainty only when the court orders the child com mitted to the institution, thus necessitating an order from the court to remove him. This need not mean that the child must be kept in the institution; he may be placed in a family home, though remain ing under the jurisdiction o f the institution. 21. When careful investigation has been made and follow-up work done the cases ( other than those o f im proper guardianship and neglect) which appear to require temporary care may be accepted without recourse to the courts. Very careful investigations are needed in all cases, whether the children need only temporary care or whether permanent custody is required. Ill-considered and hasty action in accepting children for temporary care frequently separates families unnecessarily for pro tracted periods and sometimes breaks up the family. It is advisable to make careful investigations, for every child admitted, regardless o f the probable length o f his stay. 22. In case children have been received for temporary care only, and after they have been admitted the necessity for a permanent transfer of custody arises, the court should be asked to make the order. T H E F IN A N C IA L R E S P O N S IB IL IT Y O F R E L A T IV E S 23. I f children who are placed in institutions have relatives who are able to pay in full or in part for the children's care, these rela tives should be compelled to pay. 2 Adoption Laws in the United States, by Emelyn Foster Peck. Bureau Publication No. 148. Washington, 1925. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis U. S. Children’s ADMISSIONS 43 When there are relatives who can pay for the children in the institution, they should be held responsible for their support, accord ing to their ability to pay. In order to gauge their ability to pay a study of the income and necessary expenses o f the family should be made a part of the investigation and an order to support made to fit each case. When a temporary commitment is made by the court, an order for support should be made by the court. 2Jf.. I f the child is received direct from the fam ily, a contract to support should he signed by the person responsible. An order or agreement to support should be enforced, like any other order or agreement. Relatives should not be allowed to go for months without paying. I f conditions are such that the money can not be paid without causing hardship, the order or agreement should be modified to fit new conditions. Many children must be kept without any financial assistance from relatives. When a careful study has shown that there are no rela tives who can pay, even in part, for the support of the child in the institution, then the responsibility for the child must be assumed by public or private charity. F or list o f references on admissions see Chapter X V , page 123. 2204°—27----- 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chapter VI.— PHYSICAL CARE 1 S A F E G U A R D IN G H E A L T H 1. The medical work in an institution fo r children should he organ ized from the standpoint o f maintaining health. Everything possible must be done to prevent illness and to build up strong, healthy bodies able to resist disease rather than to pro vide elaborately for treatment of the disease after it has been con tracted. Most o f the children who are accepted for care are re ceived from dependent or semidependent families. For this reason they have a larger percentage of physical defects (15 to 20 per cent greater in some instances) than are to be found among similar groups o f children who come from well-to-do homes. Hence they are in especial need o f preventive work. This fact places upon the trustees and staff of an institution an obligation to compensate for the earlier years of neglect which have left the child malnourished, susceptible to infection, and handi capped by physical defects and behavior problems. Their obligation can be met only by— {a) Thorough physical and mental examinations preliminary to the child’s admission. (b) Carrying out o f the recommendations based upon examina tions made (including all corrective work the need of which is re ported to be immediate). (c) An organized régime for the physical and mental life of each child calculated to maintain health after any gross effects o f past neglect have been corrected. The medical and nursing staff. 2. The staff fo r health service depends upon the size o f the institu tion. Usually it should include a physician, nurse, and dentist/ con sultation and clinic or private-office service should be had when needed. (a) A supervising physician, preferably one trained in the dis eases of children, should be employed regularly. He may be either a full-time resident physician or a part-time visiting physician, but in any case he should be a regular member o f the staff, responsible to the superintendent and submitting regular reports. This will relate the health work to the supervisory and administrative work o f the institution. In matters o f health the physician’s authority should be superior to that of the superintendent, who otherwise might not carry out the spirit or letter o f the instructions. Many institutions are able to secure volunteer medical service but can not 1 It is the consensus of opinion that institutional care for babies should be avoided, care in individual boarding homes being preferable. Since some babies are being cared for in institutions at the present time, however, this chapter has been prepared to include standards o f care for infants as well as for older children. 44 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PHYSICAL CARE 45 pay a supervisory physician. It should be recognized that the volunteer service is not a satisfactory substitute for paid service and is used only until the institution can meet this necessary item in its budget. (b) A trained registered nurse or a practical nurse should be in residence. A visiting nurse may serve, the nurse or her organization being compensated for her service, but few institutions are so small that they do not need the full-time services of a nurse. (<?) A dentist on full-time service should be in residence or give part-time visiting service; or service may be given in the dentist’s office and compensated. (d) Consultation or clinic or private-office services of oculist, and nose, throat, and ear specialist must be sought whenever needed and should be compensated i f possible. (e) A psychologist should be in residence or should visit for men tal measurements and consultation on behavior problems.1“ ( / ) . The services of an orthopedic surgeon should be available. This is necessary for the examination of certain children and for the supervision of posture work for the whole group of children. 3. The health of the staff arnd employees should be under the super vision o f the medical staff of the institution. The members of the staff and the employees should be examined to insure the absence o f tuberculosis and venereal disease (see p. 14). The isolation period. 4- I f the children _have no outside contacts, such as attendance at public school, social functions, and public theaters, an isolation period o f at least three or four days follow ing admission is desirable. There is a difference of opinion as to the length o f isolation neces sary. Some physicians hold that a two weeks’ period is required, since this is the minimum time for quarantining against infectious diseases. I f the period is shorter than two weeks, certain diseases will be avoided, but others will not be. When life in the institution permits outside contacts a period of isolation is useless so far as the common contagious diseases are concerned. However, if such an isolation period is adopted it should be absolute during both waking and sleeping hours for each child in the receiving home or isolation ward, since each new admission is a potential source of infection for all children. This period of quarantine may be used for a careful study of each child’s physical and mental state and behavior and the administration o f such treat ment as may be prescribed by the physician—as vaccination, toxinantitoxin, or treatment for pediculosis or for scabies. Training can also be started for the correction of any bad habits. The loneliness suffered by children in isolation must be guarded against as far as possible. In actual practice the isolation period is very likely to become ob solete since most progressive institutions tend to increase outside con tacts for all their children, and a careful preadmission history of exposure with close observation o f the preliminary symptoms and physical signs of contagious disease will serve to reduce to a minimum 10 Some State departments provide sucli service» or it may be secured by cooperative agreement with some private organization. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 46 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS the dangers o f an epidemic. But in institutions for infants or in in stitutions where young children are housed separately from older children, isolation should be made the regular practice. Physical examination. 5. A thorough 'physical examination o f each child should he made by a competent physician before the child is admitted or immediately thereafter. I solation should continue until the examination. Examination by a physician who is a member of the staff is prefer able. The following items should be considered and the findings made a matter o f record : 2 Age, height, weight. General appearance : Facial expression. Color of skin and mucous mem brane. ' Body temperature. State of nutrition. Muscular development. Subcutaneous fat. J oints. Skeletal development : T ype: Thin, intermediate, stocky. Posture. Spine : Lordosis, scoliosis, kypho sis. Evidence of rickets. In head, chest, extremities. Skin: Dry. Rash (describe). Scalp. Lymph nodes : Enlarged. Cervical, epitrochlear, axillary, inguinal. Eyes : Strabismus. Other defects. Vision. Ears : Discharge. Hearing. Drums. Nose : Obstruction. Discharge (describe). Adenoids. Turbinates enlarged. Septum deviated. Throat : Tonsils enlarged. Tonsils diseased. T ee th : Clean. Number. Carious. Abscessed. Filled. • Out. Occlusion. Tongue tie. Palate defect (specify). G u m s: Bleeding. Inflammation. Heart : Specify details if abnormal. L u n gs: Specify details if abnormal. Abdom en: Muscles. Liver enlarged. Spleen enlarged. Umbilicus infected. H ern ia: Umbilical. Inguinal. Femoral. G enitals: Testes descended. Phimosis. Circumcised. Hydrocele. Vaginal discharge. Nervous system : Chvostek’s sign. Knee jerks. Spasticity. Paralyses (describe). M entality: Normal. Retarded. 6. Certain laboratory examinations should be made as a matter o f routine. Additional examinations should be made when recom mended by the physician. 3 Standards for Physicians Conducting Conferences in Child-Health Centers. U. S. Children s Bureau Publication No. 154. Washington, 1926. The physical-examination record forms shown in this publication may be obtained in quantities from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. For children over 6 years of age, see the Baldwin-Wood weight-height-age tables (American Child Health Association, New lo r k ). Nearly all State departments of public health or welfare furnish the blanks that institutions need for examinations. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P H Y SIC A L CARE 47 ( a) Wassermann test, tuberculin test, Schick test, vaginal smear, urine examination, and throat culture should be made for every child on admission, (b) All children not already vaccinated against smallpox should be vaccinated on admission, and all children having positive Schick tests should be given toxin-antitoxin. ( c ) Other examinations, such as blood, sputum, stool, and X ray, should be made as indicated. (d) Certain tests, such as the tuberculin, urine, and blood test, should be repeated as indicated from time to time. (e ) Prophylaxis against typhoid fever, scarlet fever, and measles should be undertaken in case o f exposure .o f any children to these diseases. Satisfactory arrangements usually can be made with hos pital clinics for examinations, when there is no staff physician, and also for laboratory tests. 7. H eight and weight should be recorded at regular intervals. The weight of infants under 1 year of age and that of under weight children of any age should be recorded weekly ; that of chil dren over 1 year should be recorded monthly; and that of children 6 years of age and over, once in three months. 8. A ll medical records should be kept in the institution (see Ch. X IV , p. 1 1 2 ). Records must be kept for each infant or child. These should include the history o f previous illnesses, accidents, and operations, all physical examinations, notes on the feeding or diet recommended by the physician, and notes on conditions observed by the nurse or nutrition worker. The notes made by the physician and nurse should be made on the same sheet, the order being chronological. Notes made by the nurse may be in red ink and those made by the physician in black ink so that they may be quickly differentiated. Medical and health-supervision records should be in the control of the institution physician. Definite medical-history blanks should be supplied having printed on them each item on which information is desired.3 9. A routine dental examination should be made every six months. Having the teeth in good condition promotes general good health. Frequent examination will insure the immediate correction o f defects that might otherwise pass unnoticed until they become aggravated Regular cleaning by the dentist is also essential. 10. A routine health examination by the staff physician every six months is necessary if the children are to be kept in the best physical condition, and also routine eye, ear, nose, and throat examinations once a year by specialists. In addition to the regular examinations and the calls made when ever any special need arises, the physician should visit the institu tion at regular intervals in accordance with the following minimum : He should see any babies in the institution once a week; the chil dren under 6 years o f age once in two weeks; and the children over 6 years of age once a month. Since the medical work o f an institu tion for children should be essentially preventive, the physician must work from the standpoint of health and not of disease. This neces sitates constant supervision. 2 See footnote 2, p. 112. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 48 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS 11. A report o f the physical condition o f the children should he made by the nurse or superintendent to the physician onee each week. Deviations from the normal on the part of any child should be made a matter of record on the child’s continuous history sheet (see p. 1 1 2 ). Correction o f defects. 12. Special surgical, medical, and dental services should he ob tained when necessary. Cases o f diseased tonsils, adenoids, and nasal obstructions require surgical treatment by a specialist. Infected tonsils must be treated or removed, and adenoids or nasal obstructions should be removed. I f general hospital facilities are not available, it is possible to ar range for periodic clinics to be held at the institution as occasion requires. An oculist should be called in consultation for all cases presenting symptoms o f eye strain; and glasses should be furnished to children whose need o f them has been determined. Posture classes should be organized for children in need of cor rective work in relation to posture. Such classes should be organ ized under the direction of an orthopedic surgeon and the exercises performed daily thereafter under the supervision of the staff nurse.4 Nutrition classes should be organized and systematic nutrition work planned unless such unusual facilities for the care o f under nourished children are available that individual care may be given (see p. 51). Measures should also be taken to care for children who are abnormally overweight. Decayed teeth must be treated and filled promptly, or they must be removed if the dentist so advises; and all other needed dental care must be given without delay. The infirmary and dispensary. . I 3- A treatment room fo r the dressing o f minor surgical cases and injuries is needed. This room may also serve as a dispensary. Depending upon the physician in charge and the size o f the insti tution, there may be in addition to the dispensary a room and equip ment for minor operations, a laboratory for use in making urinary analyses and simple bacteriological smears, a sterilizer, and a dental chair. The equipment needed will also depend upon the hospital facilities available in the neighborhood. Ilf.. The infirmary should he eguipped fo r the- control o f coniaaion (seep. 45). When a regular hospital is available for the care o f children suf fering from eruptive diseases and fevers it should be used. Chil dren suffering from colds and respiratory diseases, as well as other illnesses, should be cared for in the infirmary o f the institution. 15. One bed in the infirmary to every 25 children in the institution is a minimum provision, and 100 square feet o f floor space per bed, with good cross ventilation. . ‘ -Posture Clinics; organization and exercises, by Armin Klein, M. D. U. S. ChilS f l l S Ure8U Publication No. 164. Washington, 1926. A set of six charts on posture standards may be purchased from the Government Printing Office, Washington D C (See description obtainable from the U. S. Children’s Bureau, Washngton, DV C ) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PHYSICAL CABE 49 The number o f infirmary beds is determined by the relation o f the institution to outside hospitals. When no outside hospital facilities are available the institution will require more beds than the mini mum provision. I f a ward is used cubicles should be provided to minimize the danger o f cross infection. Muslin curtains or screens may be used, or beds may be arranged alternately head to foot. I f funds permit, the partitions may be of glass in order to reduce the loneliness of the children and to facilitate nursing supervision. H E A L T H H A B IT S Eating. 16. M eals, should be served at regular hours. Eating between meals or shortly before a meal should be discouraged. I f children are in school a hot lunch should be provided at noon and the evening meal made the substantial meal o f the day. Suf ficient time should be .allowed at each meal for the thorough mastica tion o f food (25 to 30 minutes). 17. A start should be made in training the children in good habits just as soon as they enter the institution. Children must be taught early to eat simple nourishing foods and not to refuse any variety of food served to them. Some bad food habits commonly found in children which need correction are eating between meals, refusal to eat certain foods such as cereals and green vegetables, the desire to eat only sweet or starchy foods, eating too fast and not chewing the food properly, washing down food with liquids, and not sitting down at a table for meals. To Teach children good food habits requires patience and much individual attention; but even children of normal weight may suffer in later years if they do not learn to eat properly. Elimination. 18. A n attempt should be made to secure a bowel movement at a ■fixed time, such as immediately after breakfast or supper. Health depends to a great extent on the elimination o f waste prod ucts. Calls to the toilet should be obeyed promptly. For that reason it is essential that an institution be equipped with sufficient toilets. Satisfactory elimination is prompted by eating fruits, green veg etables, and whole-grain cereals, and by drinking plenty o f water. 19. The^ bladder should be emptied immediately on rising and be fore retiring, with at least one or two additional evacuations during the day. Children’s eliminative processes are more active than those o f adults. This fact should be kept in mind by persons who undertake the chil dren’s training. Kegular and fixed times for going to the toilet should be established. W ashing and bathing. 20. A daily bath is desirable/ two warm baths ( tub or shower) each week should be the minimum. Cold plunges or showers may be taken in the morning, but they must be followed by a vigorous rubbing to stimulate the general cir culation. Warm baths should be given at night at least twice a week even i f cold baths are given daily. Cold baths are not intended to be Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS cleansing. Their temperature should be between 50° and 60°. Warm baths should have a temperature between 98° and 105°. The hair should be washed not less often than every two weeks. 21. A daily routine should ■be established. The follow ing items (in addition to the bath) are recommended: (a) Wash the hands and face on rising and before retiring. (b ) Brush the teeth on rising and before retiring. (c ) Wash the ears regularly (as before retiring). (d) Wash the hands and brush the hair before each meal. (e) Wash the hands after going to the toilet. ( / ) Clean the finger nails daily (they should be trimmed weekly). Each child should be taught as soon as possible to perform these services for himself. There should be sufficiently close inspection to insure the carrying out o f the routine. Personal cleanliness pro motes self-respect and training the children in habits of cleanliness will result incidentally in economy in the laundering of towels. 22. Individual toilet articles are needed. (a) The comb and hairbrush belonging to each child should be labeled and kept in a separate sanitary place so that they do not come in contact with articles belonging to other children. They should be kept clean by washing in borax water once a week. (b ) Toothbrushes should be labeled and should hang where air and light can reach them. (c) Soap o f good quality and tooth paste (or powder) should be provided for each child. 23. Individual towels and wash cloths should be provided. (a) The wash cloth for each child should be hung so that it will not come in contact with articles belonging to other children. Wash cloths should be changed three times a week. They should be boiled and sunned weekly. (b ) Face towels should be changed at least three times a week. Each child’s towel should be hung "where it does not come in contact with other children’s towels and where it will be well aired. (c) Bath towels should be changed weekly. The hangers must be arranged to provide for airing and to prevent any child’s towel from coming in contact with those of any other child. The ordinary bent-wire clothing hook, with a little adjustment, provides a hanger for the towel and a rack for the toothbrush. Sleeping. 2Jf. The habit o f going to bed at a fixed hour a/nd ¡promptly going to sleep should be form ed early. Health, both mental and physical, depends upon properly regu lated hours o f work, recreation, and sleep. No hilarious play should be permitted immediately before the hour o f going to bed, since the excitement is very likely to delay sleep. 25. Ghild/ren under 6 years o f age require 12 hours o f sleep at might (7 p. m. to 7 a. m .) and a nap o f at least an hour during the day. Ghild/ren between 6 and 11 years o f age require at least 10 hours o f sleep at night (8 or 9 p. m. to 7 a. m .). Many children over 6 years o f age need a daytime nap or at least a period of rest during the day as much as the younger children Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PHYSICAL CARE 51 need it. This is especially true of the nervous, high-strung, or undernourished child (see p. 5 3 ). E X P O S U R E TO S U N L IG H T 26. A ll children should be exposed to direct sunlight during a part o f every sunny day in both winter and summer. The baby or young child who has been kept out of doors and tanned by the sun is strikingly healthy and vigorous in contrast to the pale, flabby child who has been kept indoors. Sunlight has undeniably beneficial effects.5 Children under 2 years of age should have their sun baths on southwest porches or at least in front of a sunny open window even in the wintertime; and older children may play in sunny yards. The rays of the sun must reach the child’s skin directly. Window glass, as well as clothing, obstructs the passing o f the ultra-violet rays that have been found to exert the preventive and healing influence especially observed in the case of rickets. T H E N U T R IT IO N P R O G R AM 27. ^The purpose o f a nutrition program is to maintain the normal nutrition o f all the children in the institution 6 by giving especial attention to the nutritional needs o f those who are undernourished. The services of an expert nutrition worker and of a physician ex perienced in this field should be obtained if possible when the nutri tion program is to be initiated. Institutions fortunate enough to be situated in cities having nutrition clinics usually can receive service from them. I f the permanent services of a nutrition worker can not be afforded and no clinic is accessible, an expert should be employed for a time to cooperate with the staff physician; and the latter should familiarize himself with this type of work so that he can continue it with the help of the staff nurse and the cottage mothers. 28. E very institution should develop a system whereby the children are examined regularly^ to ascertain their nutritional state, and those found to be undernourished are selected for special care. The value of a nutrition program in institutions has been demon strated repeatedly by improvement in the health of undernourished children. The superintendent of an institution which has conducted a nutrition program for a number of years says : 7 I f it were merely a matter of pounds it might not be worth the effort it costs to put on weight, but so many ills disappear as the normal weight is reached that we can not doubt the benefit to the Children. They are less irritable, better behaved, happier, and more alert— in short, more nearly normal in every way. 6 There has been definite proof of the power of sunlight in the prevention and control of rickets, one of the commonest diseases of infancy. See Sunlight for Babies (U. S. Children s Bureau Folder No. 5, Washington, 1926) and A Demonstration of the Com munity Control of Rickets, by Martha M. Eliot, M. D. (reprinted by the U. S. Children’s Bureau from the Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of State Directors in Charge of the Local Administration of the Maternity and Infancy Act 1926) «That children’s physical condition has a direct effect upon their conduct has been observed frequently. A study of 300 “ problem children ” made in 1924 showed that 108 of these children (36 per cent) were poorly nourished. See “ Physical findings in nroblem children,” by William E. Carter, M. D., in Mental Hygiene [New York], Vol X No 1 (January, 1926), p. 76. ' 7 Annual Report, 1922, Cleveland Protestant Orphan Asylum, p. 6. Cleveland, Ohio, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 52 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS 29. The way to select the children in need o f special attention is to compare^ their heights, weights, and ages with figures showing the height, weight, and age o f the average child, and to give to each child a careful physical examination (see p. 46). The state of a child’s nutrition can be determined only by an exam ination o f the child stripped and by comparison o f the child’s height and weight with the average standards set forth on height-weight-age tables. Use o f these tables alone, without observation of the amount o f subcutaneous fat, the tone of the tissues and muscles, and the gen eral appearance o f the child, may give false impressions of the child’s nutrition. Height-weight-age tables give standards for average boys and girls .8 Having been based on average children, the tables are somewhat low for normal children. Any child falling 10 per cent below the average here given should probably be considered under nourished. Any child 20 per cent above the average may be too fat. Examination of children without their clothes will bring addi tional evidence to bear on the individual cases. 30. Nutrition is promoted by having the body free from physical defects and by follow ing good health habits. The physical-growth examination discloses with remarkable regularity the following defects in underweight children: Fatigue posture, including round shoulders, ptosis, protruding abdomen, and flat fe e t; spinal curvature (in 20 per cent of the cases), pallor, lines under eyes, and anxious expression; mouth breathing, enlarged anterior cervical glands, and other signs of nasopharyngeal obstruction (60 per cent of the cases) ; flabby muscles (tested by feeling the upper arm ), and mental apathy or overstimulation.8 These defects are o f two types. Nasopharyngeal obstruction, diseased condition o f the tonsils, and decay in teeth are defects that may interfere with improvement in a child’s nutrition even when his health habits are good. Correction o f such defects is therefore one o f the first requirements o f the nutrition program. Poor posture, pallor, and flabbiness o f muscles are, strictly speaking, indications o f a poor nutritional state rather than defects in themselves. They should therefore diminish and finally disappear as a result of efficient nutrition work and posture training.10 31. The first requirement o f the undernourished child, after pre liminary correction o f the more obvious type o f physical defects, is the right hind o f food in sufficient amounts. The kind of food needed by each child and the amount he should eat will be prescribed bv the nutrition expert. The amount varies with the age o f the child. A ll children require a greater amount of food and water in proportion to their size than is necessary for adults; and undernourished children need extra quantities until they have attained normal growth. An extra meal consisting o f a glass o f milk and one or two graham or oatmeal crackers will be needed in the middle o f the morning and the middle o f the afternoon in addition to the regular meals. I f this seems to diminish the child’s appetite for the regular meals an orange may be substituted for the milk 5 it contains valuable food elements See Average Heights and Weights of Children under 6 Years of Age (U S Children’s Bureau Publication No. 84, Washington, 1921) and Weight-Height-Age Tables for Bovs and Giris (American Child Health Association, New York 1923) S y K1^v.S1? í^^ST>n, “ Nutrition and growth in children.” Boston Medical and 8ulgi cal /ournai, yol. 188, No. 1 (January, 1923), pp. 8-10. ana 10 See footnote 4, p. 48. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PHYSICAL CARE 53 and may stimulate the appetite rather than reduce it. The extra lunch in the afternoon should be given as soon as. the child returns from the school or just before the afternoon nap. (Some schools provide lunches o f this character for all the children or for those who have been determined to be undernourished.) 32. Undernourished children need midmorning and m idaftem oon rest^periods in addition to the fu ll amount o f sleep at night (see Since undernourished children require more sleep and repose than the normal child, they should have naps or at least rest periods in the middle of both morning and afternoon. I f they are kept in school where no rest period in the morning is feasible they should go to bed immediately after they return from school in the after noon, having had the midafternoon lunch as promptly as possible. To be most effective the rest periods should be supervised; it must be certain the child is really resting even if he has not fallen asleep. Couches or cots on a sunny porch or blankets on the lawn should be used in summer; and in winter the porches or at least -rooms permitting wide opening o f the windows should be used. 33. ' Strenuous play and work, both mental and physical, must be restricted fo r underweight children and quiet occupations sub stituted. Although the normal child with plenty o f reserve energy thrives under strenuous play adapted to his age, nutrition programs con ducted in large institutions have demonstrated that the underweight child has not the vigor necessary for such physical exercise. Keplacing vigorous exercise or work by quiet outdoor occupations may help an undernourished child to begin to gain weight. But he needs fresh air and sunlight even more than the normal child, and he should not be kept indoors because of inability to join in the strenuous games o f the other children. Too great mental activity may likewise inter fere with the ability o f a child to gain weight. Extra tasks such as music lessons and practice, elocution lessons, or religious studies may be too exacting for undernourished children, some of whom can not stand even the strain of the full school session. 31f.. Nutrition classes are helpful in winning the interest and coop eration o f each child in the whole nutrition program. Health habits and especially, the eating of adequate foods often may be taught best in nutrition classes. There should not be more than 2 0 children in a class. This permits giving enough individual attention to insure the establishment o f correct habits and the detec tion and discouragement of undesirable ones. The interest of the group may be enlisted by various methods and a wholesome spirit of competition developed. Every child in the class should be weighed weekly to ascertain the gain made. The child’s own effort is increased when he can see recorded on charts or elsewhere the progress he is making.11 Devices for recording and recognizing im provement in habits and in health, such as individual charts plainly displayed, also praise judiciously given, will serve to stimulate in terest and effort and thus to aid in accomplishing the results desired. fo-r « ecoroing Pr0&ress in nutrition can be obtained from the American Child Health Association, 370 Seventh Avenue, New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 54 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS Any suggestion of command or of punishment must be avoided, as this would hinder the success of the work. 35. Cottage mothers should attend the nutrition classes. Their intelligent cooperation is essential. Great care should be taken to explain to the cottage mothers the purpose o f the program, the reason for undertaking it, the means by which the desired ends can be gained, afid the importance of their part in its successful accomplishment. It is quite as important for the cottage mothers to attend the nutrition classes as for the children to go. The recommendations o f the physician and nutrition worker must be carried out with sympathetic interest and an understanding of the child’s deficiencies. The cottage mothers should be responsi ble in large part for carrying out the nutrition program and for maintaining the children’s interest in it. F or list o f references on physical' care see Chapter X V , page 123. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chapter VIL— FOOD AND CLOTHING T H E IN S T IT U T IO N D IE T A R Y 1. The institution dietary should be planned by some one loho understands food values in order that the right proportions as well as the right hinds o f food may be served. The well-being and future development of all children are vitally affected by the quality and quantity of their food. This fact has been learned from study of children in both institutions and private homes. Many persons think that if children do not seem hungry they have been given sufficient food to satisfy their needs. Indiffer ence to food and lack of appetite are characteristic of the malnour ished child. Eating inadequate food may give a feeling of satisfac tion; therefore a child may be really hungry and his body suffering from lack o f foods of the right kind while he seems satisfied. An adequate diet is one which contains the right kinds of food in suffi cient quantities to insure good appetite and maximum growth and development. Every person responsible for providing the food for children in institutions should have some understanding of the food needs of a growing child and should see that these needs are met as adequately as possible in the dietary. Skillful planning of menus is necessary in order to include the right amounts o f desirable foods. A study of what the children actually eat must also be made. Even when adequate food is provided, a child may have an inadequate diet, because he may have a habit of rejecting certain foods. A few days’ carefully recorded observation of the food habits o f each child at table will give much valuable information which should be thor oughly studied by the person planning the menus. It is difficult to overcome dislikes of foods; and a sympathetic interest shown by new methods o f preparing or of flavoring a disliked food will greatly assist the children in overcoming any dislikes which have become established. 2. Providing an adequate diet requires careful planning o f menus based on the needs o f the children, skillful and pleasing preparation o f the food , and gradual education o f the children so that they will really enjoy the right fo o d l Having the food prepared and served for small groups of children may be advantageous if the person responsible for providing food for each small unit has been trained to do such work. That the food be cooked in small quantities is not essential, however. Food cooked in large quantities should be equally palatable if the persons who pre pare it are resourceful in planning and genuinely interested in good flavoring, and have a real understanding o f their work. 1 Child Management, by D. A. Thom, M. D., pp. 6-9. No. 143. Washington, 1925. U. S. Children’s Bureau Publication 65 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 56 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS Help in planning a dietary for an institution and suggestions as to how to develop good food habits in the children may be obtained from nutrition clinics, when they are accessible; from State and Federal departments; from national organizations interested in nu trition problems; and from departments o f home economics in col leges.2 3. The adequacy o f a diet should be measured by the 'physical con dition o f the children. The amount o f food needed by growing boys and girls depends entirely upon their activity, their rate o f growth, and their size. Each o f these items should be recorded for every child no less fre quently than every six months. The diet should be sufficiently liberal to maintain a high standard of physical development for each child. When any child’s weight falls below the standard for his height and age this should be reported to the physician. Special provision should be made for extra food if this is advised by the examining physician. T H E FO O D S N E E D E D B Y C H IL D R E N Certain foods are essential fo r children, and they should be pro vided in the requisite quantities. Within the last few years there has been much practical demon stration of the immense importance o f several different kinds o f food in maintaining adequate growth and development in children. Milk, eggs, fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain cereals are called essential foods because each of these serves a particular function in the diet, and none o f them should be omitted.8 A limited amount of substitution is possible, but expert advice should be sought before the substitution is made with any fre quency. Milk is so necessary for children that when it is impossible to include all the recommended foods in the desirable amounts in the dietary the children’s diet should be safeguarded by using not less than 1 quart o f whole milk per day for each child instead o f the 1 y2 pints mentioned in paragraph 5 . There are some differences in the food needs of children o f different ages. The children under 6 years of age are especially in need o f all the essential foods. They are less able to tolerate substitution than the older children are. 5. The minimum quantity o f whole milk recommended for each child each day is a pint and a half, though a quart is desirable. I f it has not come from tuberculin-tested cows it should have been pasteurized. Cocoa made with milk may be substituted for milk two or three times a week. Some of the milk may be used in custards, puddings, and other cooked foods. 6. Eggs should be served three or four times a week or oftener. Eggs are particularly valuable for children under 6 years of age. When because o f cost the supply is limited they should be given to them more often than to the older boys and girls. 2Organizations that may be mentioned are the Children’s Bureau, U. S. Department of Labor ; Bureau of Home Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture ; Bureau of Educa tion, U. S. Department of the Interior ; American Red Cross, Washington, D. C. ; Ameri can Child Health Association, 370 Seventh Avenue, New York. 3A diet containing liberal amounts of the essential foods (milk, eggs, vegetables, and fruits) is a safeguard against tooth deterioration. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FOOD AND CLOTHING 57 7. Vegetables should be provided liberally. They must be cooked in a variety o f ways and carefully flavored in order that the chil dren may really enjoy these important foods. Some vegetable other than potatoes should be served at least once daily, preferably twice daily. Leafy vegetables (those from which the leaves and stalks are eaten rather than the fruits, roots, or tubers) are especially valuable.. They should be served three or four times a weeks. Some uncooked vegetable (as in a salad) should be included i f possible. Fresh vegetables should be given the preference. Dur ing the winter the dried and canned vegetables are a valuable sup plement to those that can be stored. Potatoes should not be given m place o f other vegetables, as they are primarily a starchy food; but they may be served daily. 8. Fruits should be served at least once a day. Although dried and canned fruits are an important part o f the institution dietary, it is desirable to use some uncooked fruit or vegetable several times a week. Raw tomatoes (as in salads) may take the place o f fruit. 9. A t least part o f the bread served should be whole wheat, graham, rye, or corn bread. Breakfast cereals should be chiefly the whole-grain ones. Such cereals as include the whole grain o f wheat, corn, and oats are particularly valuable. 10. Meats, fats, sugars, and sta/rches are necessary foods. A cer tain amount o f each must be given, but none o f them should be overused. Meat served four times a week is adequate if fish, eggs, cheese, dried beans, or dried peas are substituted for it on other days so that the children may get the protein which they need. A good weekly plan for the main protein dish o f the day would include meat four times, fish once, eggs and cheese once, and dried beans or peas once. Fats in the diet are valuable and add greatly to its flavor. Butter is a fat which is an especially useful growth food. TVhen every child is given 1 % pints of whole milk daily the children are probably receiving an adequate amount o f butterfat; and margarin may be served with the bread if necessary. I f part o f the milk is skimmed, then an allowance o f butter should always be given. Fats should not be used excessively in cooking foods; and fat-rich foods such as pastry are to be avoided. Starchy and sweet foods are, together with fats, the main sources o f energy in the diet; and active children need them. But such foods as bread, potatoes, rice, hominy, macaroni, and other cereals are often given in excess because o f their cheapness and substituted for a proportion o f the essential foods (meats, fats, green vegetables, and raw fruits). No menu should contain more than two starchy foods as main dishes. Sweet potatoes and yams may take the place o f white potatoes, although they are not so nearly equivalent in starch content as cereals. Sweet dishes in the form o f dried or fresh fruits, a prepared milk dessert, or a simple cake such as gingerbread or cookies add to the pleasure of the noon and evening meals and are at the same time nourishing foods. Some wholesome candy may be given (preferably at a time when it is not likely to diminish the appetite for the next meal). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS MENUS Planning the menus.4 11. The menus should he planned at least a week in advance, preferably several weeks/ and certain general principles must be kept in mind. (a) Menus should be arranged with the idea of including in each day’s food plan adequate amounts of the right foods. It is essen tial to use the week as the unit in making out menus because certain foods (such as eggs) are not always used daily. ( b) Variety is so itaportant an element in making food attractive that great care should be taken not to serve the same dishes on a certain day o f the week. A file should be kept of all the daily menus served. Repetition can be avoided by a careful study o f this file. It should be augmented constantly as new methods of preparing foods are adopted and changes made in flavorings, and as the food materials vary from season to season. (c ) The food must be properly distributed among the meals of the day. Supper or lunch must not be too light and dinner too heavy, nor the reverse. It is not desirable to concentrate in one meal the greater part of the required food. Children who have been active all day long need a fairly substantial supper even if dinner was served in the middle of the day. (d) Soft and soupy foods should not be served in excessive quan tities. Soups and thin porridges or cereals contain too little nutri ment in proportion to the liquid content. Foods which are solid enough to require the use o f knife and fork should predominate in each day’s menu. Ease of preparation must not be the determining factor in selecting the dishes to be served. Attractive and wholesome meals providing all the elements needed for growth can be served as cheaply as inadequate, unattractive meals. (e ) Although skillful flavoring is an important element in the preparation of the food, very high seasoning should be avoided. ( / ) No tea or coffee should be given to children. I f the habit of drinking tea or coffee has been established before a child has entered the institution, this habit should be broken if possible. Menus for children from 2 to 6 years o f age. 12. In the follow ing menus cocoa may be substituted fo r milk two or three times a week. The bread should be a day old. Cereals should be cooked and should be served hot/ the uncooked cereals may be served occasionally fo r the older children. P lenty o f water should be drunk between meals rather than at the meals. B r e a k f a s t (7 to 8 a . m .) : Fruit (if none is served at dinner). Whole milk (1 to 2 cupfuls). Bread (2 or 3 slices) with butter. Cereal (3 to 4 tablespoonfuls). D in n e r (12 m . to i p. m .) : An egg (never fried) four or five days of the week. broiled, or roasted) on the other days. Potato (plain boiled, mashed, baked; never fried ). Meat or fish (boiled, * In regard to the food needs of undernourished children, see p. 52. All the menus in this section have been adapted from hood for the Family (New York Association for Im proving the Condition of the Poor Publication No. 120 (revised). New York, 1922). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FOOD AND CLO TH IN G 59 D in n er — Continued. One other vegetable (mashed fine or in a purée) (1 to 3 tablespoonfuls or more) such as— Spinach or other greens. Carrots. Lettuce. Cauliflower. String beans. Squash. Green peas. Celery. Asparagus. Onions. Tomatoes. Turnips. Cabbage. Dried beans, peas, or lentils. Bread (1 to 2 slices or more) with butter. Whole milk (1 cupful). Simple milk desserts or fruit (if none is served at breakfast), such as— Juice of an orange. Banana (fully ripe). Prunes. Peach or plum (fully ripe). Apple (baked, in sauce, or raw ). Cooked pear. M idafternoon l u n c h (3 p. m .) : Crackers and milk, bread and butter, or bread and milk. S upper (5 to 6 p , m .) : Cereal (3 to 4 tablespoonfuls). Whole milk (1 to 2 cupfuls). Bread and butter. Vegetable or fruit (see lists suggested for dinner). Menus for children over 6 years o f age. 13. In the follow ing menus cocoa may be substituted fo r müh two or three times a week. Prepared cereals are more expensive but may be served occasionally fo r a change when another hot food is served at the breakfast. Plenty o f water should be drunk between meals rather than at the meals. B r e a k f a s t (7 to 8 a . m .) : Fruit. Whole milk (1 cupful). Bread and butter. Cereal. L u n c h or supper (12 m . to i p . m . or 5 to 6 p. m .) : Whole milk (1 to 2 cupfuls). One or two of the following three groups : 1. Bread or toast. 2. Macaroni or hominy, rice, or other cereal with milk, butter, molasses cheese, or peanut butter. ’ 3. Cookies, gingerbread, or other simple cakes. One of the following three groups : 1. Green vegetable (mashed, boiled, baked, escalloped, in purée, soup chowder, or salad ; never fried ). 2. An egg (poached, scrambled, boiled, in custard, and the like) 3. Fruit. D in n e r (12 to i p . m . or 5 to 6 p . m .) : ® Bread and butter. Potato, rice, hominy, or macaroni. Meat, fish, eggs and cheese, dried beans, dried peas, or lentils. Gieen vegetable. This should be a leafy vegetable three or four times a week. , Milk (if the full allowance of 1 % pints of whole milk has not been used in the other meals of the day). Fruit, custard, or cereal pudding, or simple cakes. is no,t the children who are in school to eat their main meal at noon ‘ he evening meal should be made proportionately more hearty. Children who carrv a lunch to school should have a full dinner menu served for the evening meal. y a 2204°— 27----- 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 60 H ANDBOOK FOB IN ST ITU T IO N S C LO TH IN G I l f , . The standard o f dress fo r the child in the institution should be as high as that for the average child with whom he associates in the community. With such a standard the child in the institution is made a part o f the general community life. Uniforms or special costumes set the child apart from the ordinary life o f the community. They become the badge of misfortune and should never be used. A child’s cloth ing ought to help him maintain his self-respect instead o f destroy ing it. 15. Each child should have clothes that fit, that are becoming, and that are as different from the clothes worn by the other children m the institution as is compatible with a reasonable standard o f economy. Clothes must be adapted to the individual’s taste and style if they are to give satisfaction to the wearer. Differences in color and varia tions in style will prevent the atmosphere of monotony that would arise if all the children were dressed exactly alike- or practically alike. Clothes that are pleasing will receive better care than those disliked by the children and will help to develop their self-respect. The style and type of clothing must be accommodated to the seasons. Wraps, also gloves, mittens, and overshoes, must be ade quate for the climate. Dress clothes for Sundays and social occasions are needed in addi tion to school and working clothes. Special play clothes sometimes prove to be an economy. Accessories such as ribbons, ties, and handkerchiefs should be regarded as personal possessions. Sufficient underwear and sleeping garments should be provided so that each child can change to a clean suit at least once a week. 16. No child should be compelled to wear garments that are out o f date, outgrown, or in bad repair. Articles that are out of date should be remodeled or discarded. Those which have been outgrown should be modified for some younger child or otherwise disposed of. Those which are in bad repair should be discarded if they can not be satisfactorily mended. Routine mending should regularly follow laundering. (Most of the mending should be done by paid help.)6 17. Garments should be marked. A record of the clothing given to each child is desirable. Having garments plainly marked makes it easy to return to each child the same clothes after laundering and mending.6 The sense of ownership which this gives is an important element in the develop ment and maintenance o f self-respect and personal pride. Personal responsibility for clothes will also be more readily accepted. 18. Children should be taught to mend their clothes. The older girls can mend their own things and boys can learn to sew on buttons. Responsibility for at least the simpler processes of repair will help to emphasize taking care of clothes and being respon sible for their condition. 8 Southard, Lydia : Institutional Household Administration, pp. 110, 111, pincott Co,, Philadelphia, 1923, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J, B. Lip FÓOD AND CLÓÌHlNd 61 19. N ot more than two or three children should be expected to keep their clothes in one closet or wardrobe. Ventilated lockers should be provided if there are not enough built-in wardrobes. Some drawer space also is necessary for each child if the clothing is to be cared for conveniently and a proper pride in possession developed. The children’s arrangement o f their clothes in wardrobes or lockers and drawers should be supervised for hygienic disposal o f garments which have been worn once or oftener as well as for orderly placing o f freshly laundered articles and o f accessories. F or list o f references on food and clothing see Chanter X V . page 12^. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \ Chapter VIII.— MENTAL HEALTH G E N E R A L P R IN C IP L E S O F M E N T A L H E A L T H 1. E very child has a 'personality which grows and which can he guided} When we are dealing with children, whether average, superior, subnormal, or abnormal, we may always appraise their mental-health status in terms o f : 1. Intelligence. 2. Sense of values. 3. Emotional control. 4. Morale.2 The term “ intelligence ” here expresses a general capacity for mak ing mental adaptations. A sense o f values enables the child to recognize the application o f such abstract ideas as justice, truth, frankness, courage, and the appreciation o f other persons’ rights and the value o f their good opinion. Control of the emotions is ob viously an extremely important factor. There are thousands of individuals who have only a limited degree of use fulness, owing to the fact that their intellectual capacities are handicapped by their emotional conflicts.3 Morale is a general expression for the degree of self-reliance and confidence in meeting every-day issues as well as extraordinary ones which is to be found in every human being. 2. Emotional stability and good physical health stimulate intel lectual processes} The physical, intellectual, and emotional aspects o f the child’s life should not be considered independently of one another. They are closely interrelated. As intellectual processes are stimulated by good physical health and emotional stability, so also the emotional side o f the child’s life is profoundly altered if his physical body is out o f adjustment. Hence it has come to be realized that just as there is need o f physical-hygiene measures there may frequently be a need for mental-hygiene measures as well. 3. Mental health and wholesome emotional life are most easily secured in a normal home. Because of the importance for the mental health o f children of the normal emotional relationship between parent and child, in which the child centers his life o f affection in the protective love o f a parent, it is exceedingly desirable that children be kept with parents and not placed in institutions, if it is possible to accomplish it. Children who have mothers competent to care for them should be kept in their own homes. No institution no matter how good can 1 Gesell, Arnold, M. D .: “ Mental-hygiene service for children.” Social Aspects of Men tal Hygiene, p. 90. Yale University Press and Oxford University Press. New Haven, Conn., and London, England, 1925. » Thom,PD. A., M. D .: The Practical Application of Mental Hygiene to the Welfare of the Child, p. 130. Reprinted by the U. S. Children’ s Bureau from the Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of State Directors in Charge of the Local Administration of the Maternity and Infancy Act, 1926. 4 Ibid., p. 131. 62 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M ENTAL H EALTH 63 take the place o f a mother’s care. Through the loss o f the family background the child may suffer from a sense o f inadequacy and social inferiority; hence the importance o f preserving the home ties i f possible. Some children who are admitted to institutions prove to have the type o f personality which does not adapt itself to group life I f a child seems unhappy in the institution and if he continues to be resentful and uncooperative in spite o f an earnest attempt to under stand his troubles and to help him, a special effort should be made to try him m a family home even i f his own home is out o f the question (Final exclusion from the institution should rest with the psychiatrist or psychologist. See Ch. V, Admissions, pp. 37—38.) T te principles o f mental health fo r children should be con sidered in the treatment o f children in institutions. The laws and principles o f mental health and mental develop ment are less well understood than those for physical health and physical development. In view o f this fact, it seems worth while to state the most general of them and then see how they apply to the care o f children in institutions : J (a) An affectionate and intelligent interest in the child on the part o f some adult whom the child recognizes as standing in the place o f a parent and in whom his affections are centered. (b) Individual treatment, based upon an understanding o f the physical, mental, and social make-up o f the child. Such an under standing can be reached only as the result of adequate scientific examinations A child whose treatment is based upon an under standing of his nature and his capacities will not have demands made on him which are either too far above or too far below his possibilities o f accomplishment. . (p) relationship with adults which involves friendly coopéra i t 11 an<* mutual helpfulness rather than that o f mere domination on the part o f the adults or a battle for supremacy on the part of the child. 1 (d) A daily regime which is well planned, regular, and suited to the age of the child. A daily regime which is correct in its alter nation of sleep, work, study, and play helps to lay the foundations of a well-ordered personality. (?) environment so planned that it furnishes a full oppor tunity for self-initiated activity on the part o f the child. A legiti mately busy and interested child is a good child and has a better chance to be a healthy one. . ( / ) Normal association with other children under enough super vision, but not too much. . .($). Normal contacts with the larger community in which the child is ultimately to live. ^*7 children who have suffered from am, inferior envirormient are likely to display minor conduct disorders. Most o f these can be corrected by wise treatment without danger that the other children will be subjected to corrupting influences* and it should be one o f the functions o f an institution to correct W » ™ problems. Institutions should be very slow to class young children as actually delinquent or as displaying delinquent tend encies and therefore properly to be excluded from their walls. (See Ch. V, Admissions, pp. 37-38.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 64 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS 6. The more nearly the institution can reproduce the conditions of normal home life, the better fo r the child's mental health. In a home environment the child finds his natural background and prepares himself for future adjustments. Children brought up with out home life find it very hard as adults to become members of homes. Not only the social and emotional adjustments to family conditions, but the technique of family life should be part o f the training and experience o f every child. For this reason the cottage plan, m accordance with which a group o f not more than 20 children form a family, with a housemother in charge of them (see p. 26, is by far the most desirable. The inclusion in each cottage of children ot various ages, rather than segregation by age groups, also has its advantages. Most o f the children who are in institutions will live in homes ultimately, and they should learn early the mental adjustment necessary in normal home conditions so far as the institution can approximate them. SO M E E S S E N T IA L S FO R M E N T A L H E A L T H 7. The child needs successful experience. Successful experience has been urged as the second of the funda mental needs after the first great need o f a child—a home: W e all know children who are silent and day dreaming, or who are embit tered, or fearful, or sneaky, or bullying. They are all children who do not know success. They have not experienced the glow of self-respect which comes from accomplishment recognized by their peers. Success may come in the classroom, or the kitchen, or the swimming pool, or the dance floor, or the office, or the garden, but it is a teaching problem to see to it that every child finds something which he or she can do that has worth in his own eyes as well as in the estimation of his fellows.® 8. A child needs fam iliarity with the outside world. # Children in institutions need to know schools, churches, neighbors, parks, banks, factories, stores—all the life of the outside com munity—not as outsiders but as children from normal homes know them. They need to learn the value o f money by spending real money. This is important not only from an educational standpoint but in promoting healthy emotional life. 9. Emotional instability is a serious problem in institutional life. The social handicap o f the dependent child must be recognized, fo r in the process o f the breakdown o f the fam ily many unfavorable influences ha/ve been brought to bear upon the children. In addition to poverty, ill health, neglect, immorality, desertion, or whatever the immediate cause for removal o f the child from his own home, there have been in the majority o f homes bad environment and emotional instability. The hereditary and social forces which have brought the child to the institution have had a decided ellect upon his character and personality. Those factors which tend to bring about mental ill health and maladjustment must be corrected or compensated so far as this is possible. 10. The chief factor in providing an environment which is favor able to the development o f the best in the child's nature is a high type o f personnel. 5Ueland, Elsa: A réévaluation of methods of child care— t ^ c a r e of children in in stitutions. National Conference of Social Work, Proceedings, 1924, pp. 128 ldO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M ENTAL HEALTH 65 The most important influence in the life o f a child is that exerted by the people with whom he comes in contact. The essential element for successful living in institutions is wise direction. The time has come to shift the emphasis from houses and lands to the more vital center of educative force in the life of the child, namely, to the per sonality of teacher, foster parents, or companion. * * * O f all the work ing forces which make or mar the child’s future well-being, the personality o f those in close touch with him far outranks every other influence. * * * I f the institution is managed so that the children come into intimate relations with adult characters who are strong, sympathetic, intellectually alert, and socially, morally, and spiritually uplifting, it ceases to be a mere abiding place where the creature comforts only are provided and becomes a cultural school home from which the children go forth better prepared to make their own way in the world.® 11. The selection o f persons o f adequate training and desirable type o f personality to 'place in immediate charge o f the children is the most important single factor in providing fo r their mental health. This is probably the point at which children’s institutions are most apt to fail. The idea that any able-bodied woman who is willing to undertake the task can be trusted to take charge o f children has been tragically widespread. The general scale of salaries paid has been too small to attract women o f the degree of culture, education, and personality needed. No single investment that institutions can make for the welfare o f their wards is more important than that necessary to have women o f superior training and personality in charge o f the children. The staff should consist of— (а) A pediatrician. (See Ch. Y I, Physical Care, p. 44.) (б) A consulting psychiatrist, to whom may be referred children whose behavior borders on the pathological (see p. 63). The plan o f individual treatment o f the child, both social and educational, should be based upon the analysis made by the psychiatrist or psy chologist. (c) A psychological examiner, capable of determining the child’s mental level and making an analysis o f his personality. The psy chological examiner should be a clinical psychologist who knows not merely how to give mental tests but also how to interpret them in the light o f the child’s physical condition, his social history and home conditions, and his educational history (see p. 45). (d ) An educational adviser, who can help to establish an educa tional regime for children o f preschool age and who can show the staff how to use for educational ends the opportunities afforded by the institution (see p. 90). Such matters as the care o f animals, care o f the lawn, gardening, housework, sewing, and the care o f younger children may be made useful educational activities or harm ful and oppressive pieces o f drudgery, depending upon how they are organized and how the children are employed in them. (e) A recreational adviser, who knows how to organize and direct music, games, dramatics, and expeditions, and how to secure for chil dren in the institution a share o f the recreational life o f the com munity. In a small institution the educational and recreational ad vising might be done by one person (see p. 96). XT uiRef äxTrV ? ucl?lpl1, ? - H°^'-.Two Hundred Children Live and Learn, pp, 192, 194, 195. Noble Sc Noble, New York, 1911. r ’ v Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 66 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS ( / ) Cottage mothers who have at least high-school education and who, if possible, have some specific training in the care and manage ment o f children (see p. 12). They should be selected carefully with reference to personality—even-tempered, self-controlled, cheerful, wise women, with a keen interest in children and liking for them. Nothing affects the personality of a little child more vitally than the atmosphere created for him by the persons in charge. I f he must be separated from his mother, then he has a right to affectionate understanding and sympathetic treatment from the person who takes her place. 12. The most vital years in laying the foundations of character and personality are the first five years o f life. A child learns more in the first five years of life, before the school comes in contact with him, than in any other equal period of time. I f children under 5 years o f age are to do their learning to good advantage they need to have the stage carefully set for it. They need teaching, though not the formal teaching o f the schools. Chil dren learn by trying things, exploring, experimenting. They need to be furnished with a great variety o f things to do from babyhood on. Many children’s institutions fail completely to provide for the normal activities o f very young children. Such institutions lose their greatest opportunity for service to the children. To keep little children just sitting still with nothing to do, or just running around a bare room, constitutes a serious form of neglect o f their real needs. 13. The most fundamental social attitudes become established in the preschool period. The kind o f training and management which a child receives at this time has a permanent effect on his character and personality. Attitudes formed then are hard to modify later. 11. The child’s attitude toward love and affection is form ed in early years. Children in institutions are apt to suffer most in lack of personal affection. A child in an institution should be helped and stimulated to maintain an affectionate relationship with members of his family from whom he is separated. There are relatively few children with out some ties o f relationship, which are vital to their development and which should be preserved. Family affection should be kept alive by frequent letters and by occasional visits of the child to his relatives and o f relatives to the institution. It should be one of the duties of the trained workers o f the institution to try to keep the child and the home in touch with each other. 15. A child should have real affection from his housemother in the institution. Children may suffer from too much coddling and too violent ex pressions of love on the part o f adults, but very few children in institutions are likely to suffer from this kind o f spoiling. They are much more apt to have too little of the feeling of being loved and petted, and they become hard and resentful from lack o f it. They should learn to give and receive wholesome affection. I f thé cottage mother can win the child’s affection and confidence she can safeguard him in many ways. The best kind of sex instruction (see p. 75) is that given in response to questions asked by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M ENTAL H EALTH 67 child o f an adult whom he loves and trusts. To maintain such an atmosphere o f confidence requires individual treatment for each child. 16. A manifestation o f interest in each child’s personal projects helps to maintain the right spirit. . . Birthday celebrations are o f value, for example. I f each child’s u-r Can ce^e^rated individually, all the children whose birthdays are in the same month may celebrate together. Then these children prepare the “ party” for those whose birthdays come m the following month, and they act as hosts for it. The actual outlay of effort when the cottage mother arranges for a child to be an “ honor guest,” with perhaps a cake and candles at dinner, is slight in proportion to the children’s enjoyment o f the celebration (see p. 100). 17. Children must learn early to obey, yet they must also learn to control cund direct themseVoes and to be independent. To some extent children must yield to authority and be directed. Too much demand for obedience and too much domination on the part of adults is bad for children. I f they try to resist, as the best o f them do, they become stubborn and set themselves off in opposition to adults. I f they yield they lose initiative and the power of selfdirection. Children may also be harmed by too little demand for obedience; but children in institutions are more apt to suffer from too much “ bossing ” than from too little. The ideal to be sought is that o f self-direction and self-control on the part o f the child. 18. Children should be guarded against all unnecessary fears. Serious effort should be made to understand children’s fears and to overcome them. A profound effect may be exerted on the child by fears, often intense, which seem absurd to adults (see pp. 70-72). Much o f the behavior o f young children which seems erratic or naughty can be traced to fears, most o f them foolish but none the less real to the child. Under no circumstances must children be threatened as a means of punishment, with things of which they are afraid (see pp. 72, 81). v 19. A regard fo r property rights may be taught to very younq children. Children should have possessions o f their own when they are very young. Other people should respect these objects and not take them without permission. The children in turn must learn to respect the property o f others and never take what belongs to another person without asking permission. Children should, o f course, learn to share and to be generous, but they can- not learn the joy o f giving unless they possess. Many institutions fail to provide for training about property. One essential is that each child have at least a drawer or locker in which to keep his own possessions (see pp. 20. The young child’s attitude toward truth teTling and reality depends chiefly upon the persons with whom he comes in daily con tact. * The most effective method o f establishing a habit of truth telling and a respect for the truth is by telling the truth to children. They Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 68 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS are naturally truthful. Children, if they learn to lie, usually learn through the example set by adults. It is very essential to select as caretakers for children people who are themselves strictly truthful. Punishments which are too severe may lead to untruthfulness. Tuttle children must be helped to distinguish between dreams and reality—or between imaginings and reality. They should never be punished for telling imaginary tales, nor should the tale be accepted as true. They should be taught the difference between stories and plays for fun and therefore legitimate as games, and that which is real. 21. The attitude o f young children toward their companions must be observed. Desirable attitudes should be encouraged and unde sirable ones must be discouraged. Children only 3 or 4 years old often display marked social reactions; older ones usually do. Some o f them are excessively shy; some are domineering; some are self-conscious; many o f them are selfish; occasionally one is cruel to his companions or dishonest; some of them are too yielding and lacking in initiative; and some are very responsible and full o f executive ability. The group situation af fords an excellent background for the correction of excessive tenden cies and for the cultivation of the desirable types o f reaction. Chil dren are sensitive to the judgments o f their own group. It rests with the person in charge whether the group association is made the means o f valuable social training or whether it is made a situation which oppresses, subdues, or even perverts the children. F or list o f references on mental health see Chapter X.V, page 125. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chapter IX.— HABIT FORMATION 1 H A B IT S A N D T H E IR D E V E L O P M E N T 1. The health, happiness, and efficiency o f the adult man and woman depend to a very large extent upon the type o f habits they acquire from their training and experience during early life. “ Habit ” is such a common, everyday sort o f term, with which everyone is more or less familiar, that it hardly seems necessary to discuss it at all. However, it is in this very fact—that habits are so commonplace and ordinary in the minds of the great mass o f indi viduals—that the danger lies. A ll too frequently the fundamental importance o f forming right habits in early life is minimized or over looked altogether. 2. 'N ot only habits o f acting hut habits o f thinking and feeling, habits in regard to the care o f the hody— eating, sleeping, eliminating, hathing— are easily form ed and vitally affect health. The morals o f most of us are, to a large extent, the result o f habits of thinking formed in early life— our attitude toward the drinking o f alcoholic liquors or the taking o f others’ property, or the problem o f sex, as well as our attitude toward other people, whether sincere or deceitful, friendly, or antagonistic. Most of our prejudices are the outcome o f habits of thinking formed in childhood. 3. ' A ll these tendencies toward thinking and acting in certain ways, which are called habitual, are the outgrowth o f training and expe rience. They are not inherited. We begin to form habits at birth and continue to do so throughout life, forming them quickly and easily in youth and more slowly and with difficulty as the years advance. The oftener the act is repeated or the thought is indulged in the more lasting the habit becomes. Since habit formation begins early and is more or less constant throughout life, it is of great importance that emphasis be placed upon establishment o f desirable habits. 1. A child has a mental life far more delicate and complex than his physical body, far more difficult to keep in order, and far more easily put out o f adjustment. A child lives a real mental life, full o f hopes, ambitions, doubts, misgivings, joys, sorrows, and strivings that are being gratified or thwarted much the same at 3 years of age as they will be at 30. 5. Study o f the child is the first step in an individualized program. Study the child. Find out why he behaves as he does. Is he aggressive, belligerent, and defiant? Is he sullen and resentful, or does he explode in outbursts o f temper which clear the atmosphere? It may be that he is shy, quiet, and always a model o f good behavior, 1 The material In this chapter is largely a summary and adaptation of sections of Child Management and o f Habit Clinics by Dr. D. A. Thom (Ü. S. Children’s Bureau Publica tions Nos. 143 and 135, Washington, 1925 and 1924). 69 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 70 H ANDBOOK FOB IN ST ITU T IO N S letting life slip past him without taking an active part. Think the thing over; try to see his reasoning. Remember that the attitude he is showing may be the very opposite of what he really feels. A g gressiveness and defiance may be a mask for feelings of failure and discouragement; passive indifference may cover deeply wounded feelings. On the other hand, the child’s conduct may be only the result o f imitation and may be patterned after an admired “ grown up ” or child with whom he comes in contact. 6. The attitude o f concern regarding what other people think in a force which may be used in developing right conduct. Rarely is a child found who does not care for the approval of some one, and training should make a child realize that it is to his advan tage to win approbation for desirable acts. Praise for unselfishness, kindness, and general consideration for others tends to perpetuate that type o f conduct. Real sympathy for others, which is one of the finest qualities of ersonality, may be developed by training and form the basis o f a abit o f kindness and understanding which will last throughout life. E JEALO U SY 7. Few emotions are experienced by man which, from a social point o f view, are more important than jealousy. Anger and frequently hatred toward the object of jealousy are aroused by this emotion. It causes the jealous individual- to feel disregarded and inferior to his friends and neighbors, it damages pride, and it lowers self-respect. This may- produce a desire for revenge and retaliation or may cause him to withdraw and hide his true feelings under a mask of indifference. The jealous child is likely to be one who in early life has not had the opportunity of developing interests outside himself. 8. Jealousy results in a tremendous handicap. It is the jealous child who becomes the jealous man or woman, and as a child he encounters innumerable difficulties in getting on with his playmates. Because o f this he develops a sense of failure and shame which is a serious handicap. He feels wronged and neglected; he has missed a “ square deal.” His self-centeredness becomes more marked, and he draws away from his playmates and the activities o f life thoroughly discouraged; or he may become domineering and pugnacious in an effort to gain attention for himself. Later in life this emotion causes an inability to share in the joys of others and makes it impossible to see others succeed without manifesting open resentment. The jealous person becomes an object of dislike. Often he develops the idea that he is unjustly treated or persecuted, and too frequently this idea causes uncontrolled resentment and disastrous results. FEAR 9. Fear is perhaps the most common emotion which human beings experience, yet it is extrem ely doubtful whether the child has any inherent fears at birth. Most fejirs are produced by some experience through which the individual has had to pass in early life. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H A B IT FO RM ATION 71 In dealing with children we are very prone to speak of their foolish fears, yet they are foolish and unreasonable to us as adults simply because of our inability to understand how certain experiences have left upon the mind of the child impressions and feelings which govern conduct for a long time. 10. There appear to he two distinct types o f fear, which may he called objective and subjective fears. Objective fears, aroused usually by things seen or heard, are recog nized easily in most cases and are comparatively easy to overcome. Subjective fears are often so vague that the causes are very hard to find. 11. Fears o f things which can he seen or heard, like animals, police men., doctors, lightning, guns, and high places, are objective. Sometimes the child has forgotten the experience with which the fear was associated in the first place, but if it can be recalled the fear can be taken out o f it by a straightforward explanation. Some fears due to unpleasant experiences may even extend to objects which are merely associated with that experience. For instance, a child who has been hurt in a physician’s office may be afraid to enter any place which looks like such an office. A book agent, with his black bag, may be a terrifying figure to such a child. This kind o f fear may be overcome by gradually associating pleasant things with the same situation or by appealing to the child’s courage and urging him to face his fears bravely. Some children are afraid o f anything new or strange, but they soon become accustomed to it if they are allowed to do so gradually. It is a mistaken notion that a child should be pushed into a situation where he is afraid in an effort to “ train him.” A little child who cries at his first experience o f bathing in the ocean is not helped by being thrown in, but, on the contrary, often gets an experience o f dread and a fear of water which can not be overcome easily. Fear o f animals may occur at a very early age but usually passes off as soon as the child becomes accustomed to the sight o f them, unless he has some especially unfortunate experience in being fright ened either by the animal itself or by threats that the animal will get him if he is not a good boy. 12. Children quickly adopt the attitude o f persons around them, he it o f bravery or o f fear. Imitation plays an important part in the development and control o f fear. Adults who have shown fear when they thought the chil dren were not noticing should not wonder "where the children got their fear o f lightning or o f animals. Adults who are terrified by such things and whose fear is seen by the child can be o f no assistance to him. I f they are apprehensive o f lurking marauders or if they have talked o f ghost stories in the presence o f a child, they are help ing to develop fear in him rather than teaching him an intelligent control o f fear. 13. Subjective fea/rs are more intangible than objective fears. They are very hard to trace back to their causes and to overcome. They are based on the feelings and attitudes o f the child toward something which he has heard and upon which he has brooded without daring to express his fear. They are often so vague that Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 72- handbook FOR INSTITUTIONS an adult would not dream that a child could be thinking o f such things. As Victor Hugo says in his Kecollections o f Childhood: But a thing once said sinks in the m ind; that which has struck the brain often from time to time comes back again, and in the breast of simple infancy lives unexplained full many a mystery. For example, vague and poorly formulated ideas about death are the basis o f more mental anxiety in children than is generally sup posed. To one child death meant being buried in a hole; another child had a fear o f being buried alive; and many children are disturbed by the line in the evening prayer which is familiar to . most children, “ I f I should die before I wake.” It would be im possible to state all the vague fantasies o f childhood about this ever-present problem of death, but it should not be difficult to give the average child a conception o f death and the hereafter which will do much to allay the common fears surrounding this mystery. H . Fear is a driving force i/n human conduct. I t is useless to talk about eradicating fear, but in training the child every effort should be made to see that fear does not become a curse instead of a means o f 'protection. A child should fear punishment, danger, loss o f the approval of those he cares for, and, when he becomes old enough to appreciate it, loss of the approval of his own conscience. He should not have to spend his early years weighed down by fears which make him nervous and sleepless at times, afraid to play happily or work with enthusiasm, all because some one found it convenient to get him to obey through fear or failed to help him by wise under standing and explanation at the right time to get rid o f the scars o f unpleasant experiences. Fear makes us do things; it keeps us from doing them. It pro tects from danger, and without a reasonable amount o f fear man kind could not live. ANGER 15. A nger is an intense emotion which almost every one experiences from time to time and which often leads to undesirable conduct. Because their training and experience are limited and because they have not developed adequate self-control, children often show a vicious attitude toward any object which has aroused their anger. How often the little child is seen to turn in wrath on the blocks that will not stay in place or the train o f cars that will not go. He strives to break and destroy them because he can not construct or operate them as he wishes. Anger is frequently stimulated when any o f the instinctive tenden cies are thwarted or obstructed. The child, and the adult, too, mani fest anger when personal wants are obstructed or when pride and selfimportance are injured. Fear with no outlet for flight or escape may arouse anger, as in the animal at bay. It is produced by innumerable causes that may operate in the environment in which the individual is living, and it may express itself in many different ways. 16. The reason fo r the anger is particularly important in dealing with the temper problems o f children. The vital thing is not the anger; this is only a danger signal which warns us to probe deeper fo r the fundamental cause from which it arises. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis itA B lT FORMATION1 73 In dealing with anger in children it is necessary not only to be sure that a certain act was an expression of anger but also to deter mine so far as possible how the anger was aroused. I f a child for two weeks has been breaking window glass, an investigation may show, among other things, that he was always angry when he broke the glass. The next step in solving the problem is to find out the circum stances and conditions o f the environment which produced this emo tion o f anger. In one case o f this kind the cause was jealousy; but it might well have been stimulated by many other feelings, such as resentment at receiving punishment which the child felt was unde served, or failure in school or at games. The anger shown by most children is not out of proportion to the stimulation, is of short duration, and is a normal, healthy reaction. In fact it might be said that there is something wrong with the child who never becomes angry. 17. The so-called temper tantrum, an uncontrolled outburst o f kicking and screaming, is a common dramatic 'physical demonstra tion o f anger and resentment and is freguently used by the child to get his own way. A temper tantrum may result in undesirable conduct for the mo ment, and then the atmosphere may clear until the next occasion for anger arises. Almost invariably the temper tantrums manifested by children work out, either directly or indirectly, to their advantage for the moment at least. The child may be determined to have his own way; or craves attention, no matter how it is gained; or feels that he can obtain a bribe if he holds out long enough. The demon stration the youngster makes of his anger is so spectacular and im pressive to those who have denied him his desires that they sur render and agree to his demands in order to avoid further unpleasant scenes. It is quite amazing to see the acuteness with which a child can choose the time and place where giving in to him will seem almost a necessity. In this way the child quickly learns that he can partly control his surroundings. Soon the tantrums originally due to situations arousing intense emotion are produced to dodge any situation requiring submission to the will o f others. The temper has become out o f all proportion to the demands of the occasion, and the child will stage a violent tantrum as readily over a trifle as over some real grievance. 18. The child who meets all difficult situations in life with chronic irritability or a temper tantrum is in grave damger o f developing other personality defects later which w ill make o f him an unhappy, inadequate adult. In the first place, the child who has these explosions o f temper is likely to be emotionally unstable by nature, the type o f child who is not capable of withstanding the average amount o f stress and strain without undue fatigue. Temper tantrums are only one of the many symptoms o f nervous fatigue in childhood. They are often preceded by restless sleep, capricious habits regarding food, fault finding, and complaints of being “ picked upon ” by playmates and unjustly treated by associates and teachers. This may indicate that the child is in need o f more rest and sleep, as well in need o f more energetic play during his waking hours. He should not be confined to the house and cut off from playmates— a situation which in itself Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 74 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS makes him self-centered, cross, and hard to please and keeps him in a chronic state of tension, ready to explode at any moment. 19. I f temper tantrums, when considered in relation to the exciting cause and the personality o f the child, represent his unconscious protest against the thwarting o f some fundamental desire, every effort should he made to determine the cause and remove it or to alter the child’s attitude toward it. Suppose the boy in his play is quietly following out a line o f action he has planned and is eager to finish. A t a word from an unin terested fi grown-up ” all his plans and efforts must be stopped or tossed aside, whether he can see any reason for this or not. Is there any cause for surprise that he should show his resentment in the most emphatic way possible for him ? On the other hand, if tantrums have become habitual—that is, a crude method o f gaining an end, as described in paragraph 17, then it must be made clear that they will no longer work out to the child’s advantage. Once a definite stand is adopted, it will not take the child long to see that his former methods o f gaining his ends are no longer tolerated ; that he is making no material gain and is losing approbation by his conduct. When once he senses this the temper tantrums will be discarded. ‘20. A nger is not always expressed by explosive reactions. Some children become sullen and moody when angered. This may harm the child more than the temper tantrum does. It fre quently leads to brooding and unhealthy fantasy formation of a revengeful nature, which gradually may cause the child’s interests to “ turn in ” and his energy to be wasted in living a “ dream life ” o f things as he would have them and not as they really are. There is a group o f cases in which the individual is so overcome by anger that temporarily action is quite impossible. Common ex pressions, such as “ being paralyzed by rage ” and “ so mad I could not speak,” convey well the idea. This type of reaction is not so common in children, yet it does exist. Frequently the emotion is pent up and repressed from day to day until it reaches the breaking point. Then suddenly and without apparent reason, or perhaps for some trivial cause, the explosion takes place, and those with whom the child comes in daily contact can not understand how this hitherto quiet, reserved youngster could have produced such an outburst. 21. The control o f anger depends upon the development o f certain inhibitions or restraints. I f the child is to become a self-controlled and useful adult it is essential that certain inhibitions be established early in life. The important thing for the child to learn is that the natural tend ency to react to this emotion by retaliation does not work out at all times to his advantage. 22. Many periodic and apparently u/nexplaindble outbursts of anger might be avoided if the child’s general condition were con sidered from time to time. Are there any evidences of nervous fatigue, such as twitching or jerking o f the larger muscles or blinking o f the eyes? Is he eating and sleeping well, and is his elimination good? Is he getting on well in school? Does he mix well with other children, or do they tease him; and if so, why? Does he play with older or younger Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . HABIT FORMATION 75 children? Is he inclined to be a bully? Does he take his part in games? What are his duties outside the school? Has he enough exercise out o f doors? What is he thinking about? What are his problems, hopes, and disappointments ? I f he seems unhappy, what is the cause of his discontent? He may be jealous or troubled by some ill-defined fear, or worried by the problem o f sex. He may feel inferior to others, and needs to be helped to see things clearly and in their true light. The big task is to see that the child is happy and that he is learn ing how to meet the problems of everyday life successfully. S E X E D U C A T IO N A N D S E X P R O B L E M S 23. A large 'percentage o f all mental conflicts and abnormalities in adults and children are directly caused by unfortunate attitudes or experiences with the ever-present force which sex creates in all mental life, or they are colored by them. The very fact that discussion of sex is refrained from in the pres ence o f the child accounts for the intense curiosity which many children develop at an early age regarding the subject. A ll too frequently the child’s natural desire to be enlightened on this subject just as freely as on any other is met by cold reserve, a sharp rebuff, or a dishonest answer from one who in all other ways is a considerate and wise guide. Therefore it is not surprising that the child soon learns to keep to himself the knowledge he has gained from his own investigations or has gathered from some more sophisticated playmate, and soon becomes self-conscious about his sex life. The housemother should be the friend and confidant o f the child, encouraging him to bring to her his daily experiences, remembering that she stands in place of the child’s own mother. The evening hour around the fire can be made a time of great influence in the life of the child. The housemother should realize the obligation to teach the child the sacredness of the body and to interpret rightly to the child the vital facts of his existence in answer to his questions. I f such ques tions are answered in the right time and way by the right person, much suffering as the result of violation of physical and moral law may be avoided. la A. child should never be told that his questions are “ bad ” or “ d irty ” or “ shameful.” I f he asks them at an embarrassing mo ment he need only be quietly informed—with no show of emotion— that he will be told all about that later when there is more time to talk with him. He must be led to appreciate that such subjects are private, like many other matters which are not made subjects of general conversation. Care must be taken, however, that the child does not as a consequence associate all matters o f sex with those o f elimination. Children may early develop a sensitiveness in regard to their bodies and a curiosity to see themselves and others nude. On the other hand, they may become overmodest and prudish. Try never to \ la Helpful pamphlets for instruction on sex hygiene can be obtained from the American Social Hygiene Association, 870 Seventh Ave., New York. 2204°—27-----6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 76 HANDBOOK FOE INSTITUTIONS arouse special interest or attract the child’s attention to his body. This early period of what may be called awareness is transitory, unless emphasized by unwise treatment on the part o f the adults; and it should play no more important part in the life o f the child than does the early habit of bed wetting. 2Jf. L ittle children have no thought o f wrongdoing when first 'prac ticing masturbation, and care should be taken that they are not shamed and severely punished, as this may injure their pride, cause them to become self-conscious, focus their interest, and make them cling tenaciously to the habit. In every case where a child is found to indulge in the practice of masturbation a careful examination should be made to determine whether there is any physical cause such as irritation, constipation, intestinal-worms, local adhesions, or other abnormalities. The urine should be examined for hyperacidity and for bacteria which might indicate an inflammatory condition. The genitals must be kept free from accumulation o f any foreign matter. The child’s trousers and underwear should be well fitting. Too tight or irritating cloth ing is a source of much annoyance to children and draws their atten tion to their bodies. 25. W ith some children masturbation is only a symptom o f an unhappy state o f mind. The habit then comes to afford a retreat when life, with its m anifold problems, becomes too complicated and lacking in satisfaction. The practice under these circumstances may be compared to the situation o f the adult who turns to drink for momentary relief. The child who is moody or lonely or who has been punished may resort to the practice for consolation and comfort. I f this is the case the problem is quite different and far more difficult. The personality of the individual needs careful investigation, and no generalization will be o f value. Those in charge o f the child must know him well and must understand his moods and the causes. They should learn his interests, plans, and hopes, and what brings happiness and satis faction to him. 26. Those in charge o f children should not allow fear and anxiety to sway them and to make them give the habit o f masturbation more weight than it should have. 'the big thing to remember is that the dangers to the physical and mental well-being o f the child are more apt to come from the adult’s own attitude and unwise treatment than from the habit itself. E N U R E S IS (B E D W E T T IN G ) 27. B efore treating enuresis as an undesirable habit it is necessary to eliminate, so far as possible, every organic cause. Enuresis may occur both day and night. It occurs in both sexes with about the same frequency. It may begin in infancy and last until the sixth or seventh year or even longer, or it may cease at the end of the first year with the condition returning at indefinite periods and lasting from a few days to a few months at a time. Conditions affecting the bladder, acute inflammations, and calculi; are the most common physical causes of enuresis. Local irritations, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H A B IT FO RM ATION 77 an adherent prepuce, phimosis, or a narrow meatus should also be considered. Rectal irritations due to worms or fissures may exist. Incontinence of urine is frequently associated with a high concen tration and acidity o f urine due to insufficient fluid intake. Much more commonly the enuresis may be brought about by too great an intake o f fluids, which naturally increases the amount o f fluid to be excreted. The more general conditions— anemia, malnutrition, and an unstable nervous system (of which enuresis is only a symptom)— should receive proper consideration. 28. The cause and persistence o f enuresis depend upon faulty habit form ation in many eases where no organic cause can be found. In most cases the condition is purely habit, often associated with other habits which indicate an unstable or highly nervous system.2 The most common failures in developing correct habits about the use of the toilet have to do with the age at which training is undertaken and with the emotional atmosphere that surrounds the training. * * * The child whose training is begun as late as 2 years of age or more has already reached a stage of greater independence of personality and of fondness for the negative reaction. He is apt to resent and to resist training as a younger baby does not.3 There are a few generalizations that may be made about every case. Any demand for excessive mental strain should be avoided so far as possible. The child should have definite hours o f sleep. His diet should be a simple one free from spices and sweets. Routine measures should be instituted to prevent constipation. 29. One o f the first and most important steps in the treatment of enuresis is to interest the child in making an effort to overcome 'the habit. The changes that should be induced in the attitude o f the child have been noted as follow s: Eliminate fear. Build a faith that suc cess can be attained. Stimulate interest in success. Develop a sense o f responsibility on the part o f the child for his own behavior. * * * Getting the child to adopt the idea that he can learn to waken himself at night when he needs the toilet is a long step toward success.” 4 ■ 30. The chart system has been utilized with gratifying success in cases o f enuresis. The child keeps his own chart and makes a mark for each day and night o f success. Over each mark is placed a star. The best policy is to mark successful days only and leave the unsuccessful days blank. * * * Fully as important as developing a strong interest and motive is the development of a sense of responsibility on the part of the child. It is absolutely essential that the child be made to feel that attending to his own toilet needs is distinctly his job and that he can not depend upon any outsider to do it for him. * * * In many instances the child whose sense of responsibility about bed wetting must be aroused is also in need of it in other directions.5 31. The habit is rarely overcome through punishment hut is fre quently conquered by appealing to the child's love o f approbation. 2 Holt, Emmett L., and John H owland: The Diseases of Infancy and Childhood, p. 665. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1919. 3 Woolley, Helen T . : “ Enuresis as a psychological problem.’* Mental Hygiene [New York], Vol. X, No. 1 (January, 1926), pp. 41-42. * T h ir l n KO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 78 H AN DBOOK FOB IN ST ITU T IO N S Persons in charge of children should not blame or punish them for bed wetting. It has been well stated that—Bed wetting is not a conscious and willful performance save in a few in stances whep revenge or fear are motivating factors. Rare, indeed, is the child who enjoys enuresis, and few are there who reveal its existence as part of a pleasurable or frightful dream. There are those who fear to get up in the darkness of the night or who dislike exposure to cold, and therefore do not exert great resistance to urination. There are others who in deep sleep fail to be aroused or who manage to awaken just in the act of urination. In almost all cases the bed wetting causes a sense of shame and a sensitiveness to criti cism. The terms of disparagement visited upon the victim only tend to increase his fears and to weaken his confidence in the possibility of self-control. Mentally defective children are lacking in their higher cerebral processes, and the formation of useful social habits is attended with difficulty. Hence there is a higher freauency of enuresis among the mentally deficient than among average children. But enuresis itself is not an index of weak mental powers. It is exceedingly frequent among highly intelligent children, and even more-prevalent among children with that highly nervous organization which, for lack of better understanding, we term neurotic. The very bright, alert, impulsive, quick-actioned type, or the dreamy, self-conscious, sensitive, shy, capable type provide a large proportion of the children whose enuresis disturbs the home. Whether stupid, dull, average, bright, or precocious, the habits of conscious control over the bladder may be developed or strengthened by particular appeals,8 32. The feelings o f inferiority and shame that are associated with enuresis may color the child’s entire mental life. • I f the methods used in training for the toilet are repressive and the child is sensitive, he may develop a fear of not being able to control himself and thereby actually prevent control. Intense social disapproval is an even more common source of this type of fear than is severe physical punishment.7 33. Suggestion just as the child is going to sleep at night has worked well in a certain group o f cases. When the child is just about to fall asleep he is asked to repeat over and over again, “ I am not going to wet the bed.” Some im portant general suggestions that should be kept in mind by persons in charge o f children afflicted with the habit o f enuresis are: f- Stop all punishments. Stop all arguing and rowing. Stop all displays o f intense emotional concern and substitute for them a matter-offact attitude. Cultivate an optimistic spirit. * * * Very fre quently some outside source o f stimulation and inspiration is neces sary. * * * Often a new social situation furnishes a most vital kind of interest and motive for controlling enuresis.” 8 F or list o f references on habit form ation see Chapter X V , page 125. 8 Wile, Ira S .: The Challenge of Childhood, pp. 2f\ 30. Thomas Seltzer, New York, 1925. 7 Woolley, Helen T . : “ Enuresis as a psychological problem.” Mental Hygiene [New York], Vol. X (1926), No. 1 (January), p. 46. 8 Ibid., pp. 50-52. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chapter X.— SPIRITUAL AND MORAL TRAINING R E L IG IO U S IN S T R U C T IO N 1. Instruction in accord with the faith o f their 'parents should be provided fo r all children. I t should be definite and positive. It is a principle o f good social work to provide for the training o f children in the religion o f their parents. The type o f religious training to be given will necessarily be determined by the individual institution. Expression is given to the need for religious training in the following quotations from authorities on institutional care for dependent children: The natural starting point and the surest foundation for moral instruction is the religious instinct. Early in childhood nearly all children learn of a Supreme Being called God, and that in some way or other He is concerned in their conduct and welfare. Whether their relation to God is chiefly that of fear or of love depends upon the child’s early religious training. To many children, God is a being to be feared rather than loved. It has been said that man is a religious animal. A t least, religious instincts seem to be basic in his nature. To permit the child to grow up, therefore, without religious training fails to develop these fundamental instincts. Early impressions per sist, and it is extremely important that the child begin his religious life with impressions that draw him toward God as father, teacher, and friend whom he would like to please.1 The staff must remember that upon them devolve the duties of parents as well as school-teachers. In many cases children look to them for all the religious training they will ever receive * * *. Religious instruction should not be confined to the classroom but should be correlated with the child’s daily life. Numerous opportunities are afforded the group mother during the day in the associations of the group to bring home the lessons of religion and the stories of the Bible.1 . It is our endeavor to make the religious life of our children harmonize with their social life, so that they may look upon it with spiritual joy and »satis faction, the remembrance of which will linger in their minds long after they have left their alma mater and have become independent members of society.8 2. Instruction in great religious experiences as taught in the Bible should be given understanding^. Mechanical or rote memorizing o f songs, psalms, or chapters, with out understanding, had better be avoided. The constant repetition often begets indifference. But fine classical expressions o f the virtue o f obedience (Samuel’s rebuke to S a u l); o f patriotic devotion (the Jew’s lament for Jerusalem when in captivity); o f humility (prayers o f the Pharisee and the publican); o f dependence on God (Solomon’s prayer when taking over the kingdom ); o f personal attachment (Ruth’s words to N aom i); o f neighborly kindness (story of the Good Samaritan); o f God’s universal requirement o f all men (He hath showed thee, O man, what is good and what doth the Lord 1 Reeder, Rudolph R . : Statement in personal communication. 2 A Program for Catholic Child-Caring Homes (report of the committee on standards, Sisters’ Conference, National Conference of Catholic Charities, 1923, Proceedings), p. 16. Obtainable from the Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. 3 Report o f board of directors of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society, p. 19. Pleasantville, N. Y., 1924. 79 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 80 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS require o f thee but to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy G od ), and many more like them should be taught and memorized understanding^, together with other religious classics. M O R A L T R A IN IN G 3. Moral training in an institution depends upon the atmosphere and tone o f the institution and the relation between staff and children rather than upon form al moral instruction. Play associates, example, and imitation are the great factors in moral training. Rules, regulations, and instruction in moral train ing without experience and contact with strong personalities are empty and ineffective. Moral convictions must be developed through experience. Character-developing experience is a part of the daily life o f the child as it is o f the adult. In order that children may have the moral training that comes through experience, an environment rich and varied in interests and activities is necessary. Without many-sided interests, richness of content, and range of child experiences little can be done in moral training. Play life with plenty o f play material and personal possessions, competition, and team work ; work life in which the child makes and builds and buys and sells; social life in which he is conscious of his obligation to contribute to the pleasure o f others; school life in which he learns his own powers ; religious instruction with story and biography— all these are pregnant with moral content. Much o f this content, how ever, may not appear in the consciousness of the child unless his attention is directed to it through interpretation and instruction. 5. Children should have as much moral freedom as they can stand or as much as they will not seriously abuse. I f their environment is so restricted that they can never make wrong choices there is little opportunity for development o f selfcontrol and moral decision. Hence freedom to choose, with wise guidance, and range o f environment in play, work, and school, offer moral options indispensable to sound moral training. Substantial character building is impossible where children are hedged iri on every side by walls, rules, and regulations, or by programs o f play, work, and study that run in deep grooves. Moral training o f chil dren must lead to-—but not compel— right choices. Forced choosing is a contradiction of terms. The most important factor in child training is the conscious cooperation of the child. 6. Self-respect must be developed in the children. The best defense an individual can have against many temptations is his own self-respect. Conditions in the lives o f many dependent children have tended to destroy self-respect; the experience in the institution must be such that it will rebuild this. Suitable clothes are a help. The ability to succeed in something is essential if one is to believe in himself. Something at which even the dullest can excel and make a contribution to the group life must be discovered and receive favorable comment. 7. More than the usual emphasis should be given to the moral train ing o f the dependent child. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SPIR ITU A L AND M ORAL TR A IN IN G 81 The dependent child is deprived of the close ties of the family home which are a source o f strength. Hence he must learn to rely upon himself earlier in life than is necessary for the child whose situation is normal. D ISC IP L IN E 8. Obedience to authority is one o f the fundamental lessons which must be learned in childhood. Obedience to rightly constituted authority is a basic principle o f society. Without it no program o f child training is adequate or safe. But external control should gradually pass over into selfcontrol, the child thereby achieving moral freedom. That person is free who does as he pleases but pleases to do right. Hence the ability to direct and to become independent must be encouraged. 9. Too Touch demand for obedience from children and too much domination o f them on the part o f adults has a demoralizing effect. The ideal o f conduct should not be so high that attainment o f it is nearly impossible nor the goal o f achievement so far distant that* it makes effort seem futile. The children must be made to feel, how ever, that obedience is expected. Commands should be few, well thought out, definitely enforced, and positive rather than negative in form. I f directions have not been given plainly and simply and the child’s attention has not been fully obtained, a child may disobey quite unintentionally. Before children are charged with disobedi ence their motives for their actions should be fully ascertained.4 10. Discipline based upon fear is bad, no matter how perfect the order may be. I t weakens rather than strengthens self-control in the child. It may be put down as generally true that wherever punishment is made a prominent feature in the lives of children self-control and moral standards are at low ebb. Efficient moral character, the goal toward which we work in all our educative endeavors, is an inner structure, not an outward form. Where punishment functions largely there is certain to be a lack of wholesome incentive to self-mastery and constructive moral effort. In order that punishment shall not have a large place in the training of children it is, first of all, necessary to provide abundantly for their occupation. A child left to his own devices is a danger signal. To require a child to behave and yet give him nothing to do is cruel. Under such conditions au thority is maintained by fear of punishment only. It is entirely external and has but little or no educative worth. To attempt to make punishment take the place of occupation and wholesome incentives in the training of the child is blundering tyranny.5 11. A well-managed Institution fo r children should put very lit tle stress on mere punishment. I f the children are kept busy and happy and are taught over a period o f time to direct themselves, there will be little need for punishment. Encouraging mutual helpfulness and a kindly in terest in others is the best stimulus to good behavior. 12. No corporal punishment should be perm itted in institutions. Corporal punishment is not the best method o f correction. It frequently produces resentment and misunderstanding and makes the * For discussion of obedience see Child Management, pp. 22-25 (U. S. Children’s Bureau Publication No. 143, Washington, 1925). ' < ), > 5 Reeder, Rudolph R .: How Two Hundred Children Live and Learn, pp. 145, 146. Noble & Noble, New York, 1911. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 82 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS children in their turn apt to use violence to gain their ends, thus increasing rather than decreasing antisocial behavior. Punishment should be regarded as medicine for moral illness, the offending child being the patient. The object to be attained is res toration to moral soundness and not merely the satisfaction o f law or the payment o f a penalty.- Like medicine, it should be adminis tered sparingly and with great care. There should be real under standing o f what the results will be. 13. Punishments should be individual. Group punishments are unjust except in cases in which the ma jority o f the group have transgressed. They produce the atmos phere o f mass treatment which is one of the worst features of institutional life. Individual consideration is what children need. Although group punishments are bad, group standards o f behavior which itself develops and enforces constitute one o f the best means o f encouraging right behavior and o f punishing bad behavior. Children are more sensitive to the judgments o f their peers than to the judgments o f adults. Some measure of selfgovernment is possible even to very young children. With older children a large measure o f self-government is both possible and desirable. 14- Punishments inflicted by adults should be in the nature o f allowing the child to suffer the natural consequences o f his u/ndesirable acts. The child should be able to see why the punishment logically follows the act. Deprivations are ineffective unless they are the natural result o f the offense. Requiring a child to make good the damage he has done and to make restitution in case of stealing have a good effect. Love and approval of the good go much further than displeasure and disapproval o f the bad in securing good conduct. 15. Punishments which humiliate or degrade should not be inflicted. Putting special clothing on offenders or inflicting other punish ments which humiliate or degrade a child are relics o f barbarism and have no place in any institution for children. A ll suggestions of revenge or vindictiveness on the part o f the adult should be care fully avoided. Many dependent children suffer from marked feelings o f in feriority. Instead o f having this condition aggravated by the kinds of punishment given, the child should have his own sense o f fair play appealed to. His character should be strengthened rather than weakened by the punishment. Isolation may be good punishment for the type o f offense in which the child’s behavior has been annoying and disturbing to the group, but isolation without occupation should be maintained for very short periods only. It must be remembered that the mind is busy—and not usually with wholesome thinking—when the body is in duress. There is danger to the child if he is left too long alone and unoccupied. A short period o f isolation may have a good effect; a prolonged period may be very detrimental. 16. Rewards may take the form o f special privileges, the oppor tunity to do or have some desired thing, symbols (such as those Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SPIRITUAL AND MORAL TRAINING 83 used in scout w ork). The satisfaction which results when work is honestly done is to be held as an incentive before the children. Kewards which express group approval of real effort at improve ment or good conduct are helpful. Prizes for the best-behaved child or for scholarship are not in accord with the best educational stand ards. Care must be used therefore to give rewards for the right things. Mere facility o f performance should not be rewarded above honest effort The slower, less gifted individual should receive re wards commensurate with those given the clever child who may net better results with half the effort. The granting of material rewards must not be overdone. When they are given the point to be stressed is the accomplishment of the object rather than the material reward received. Pride in accom plishment can be stimulated by a judicious giving of rewards, or it may be obliterated by an injudicious distribution of them. IN D IV ID U A L R E S P O N S IB IL IT Y 17. The children must be trained to decide fo r themselves and assume responsibility fo r the results o f their decisions. The dependent child has been deprived of many of the advantages which are considered fundamental to childhood, but he is expected to go at an early age into the community and make his own way. I f he is to do this successfully the institution must train his will as well as his mind and his hands. He must be taught to think for himself, to decide wisely, and to assume responsibility for his actions. The ability to choose rightly is developed by exercising the right of choice under wise direction; responsibility in small things trains for the assumption o f responsibility in larger things. The daily life must be planned and opportunities sought to give all the children varied experiences and to develop initiative. 18. Some plan should^ be developed which will enable the children in the institution to gain experience in handling money. Earning, saving, and spending money involve moral responsibility and open a large field for its development. Knowledge of the rel ative value o f money is the right of every child. The dependent child who must rely upon himself at an earlier age and more com pletely than the average child is in special need of it. This can be secured only from experience in handling real money—not token money. A system o f payment for certain duties has been worked out in some institutions. The child who receives the money should be taught to keep an accurate account of the amount received and the purpose for which it is spent. This plan gives the child some money which he is free to save or spend as he wishes, and it makes him responsible for the purchase o f certain necessities. This practical experience with money teaches many valuable lessons. Some mis takes will be made, o f course, but if there is wise direction the child will profit by his mistakes. His economic training should include the earning, saving, spending, and giving o f money. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 84 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS S E L F -G O V E R N M E N T 19. Real self-governm ent in an institution depends upon the spirit o f its administration rather than upon some form o f organization, but adult guidance without domination is necessary. Every child is not only an individual but also a member o f a social group. Beside rules governing individual conduct there are prin ciples and laws governing the group—the family, school, class, and neighborhood. The responsibility for the proper observance of these social laws and ‘customs should rest largely upon the mem bers o f the group as a political organization or community whole. Teaching children, especially those 12 years of age and over, through both instruction and practical experience their duties and respon sibilities as members of a self-governing body is not a fad or an experiment. It is o f equal importance with other subjects of the home and school curriculum. Definite preparation for the respon sibility o f citizenship should begin with 12-year-old children in all group units of which they are a part. 20. The essential thing is that each child shall develop social con sciousness and a sense o f group responsibility. The important factors for obtaining a large degree o f self-gov ernment in children’s institutions are the right spirit in the people who initiate and oversee the plan and their ability to inspire the children with right ideals. Under wise direction the meeting of group units o f boys and girls to consider and pass judgment upon matters relating to them all is fine training for them. The con scious cooperation o f the child as an individual or as a member of a group is the largest and most helpful factor in any program of child training. It bridges the chasm between those in authority and those under authority. An annual report of an institution in which a self-government system has been in operation for about 15 years contains the fol lowing statement: The older hoys and girls have assumed larger responsibility for the welfare of all and have participated to a greater degree in the administration of affairs than in any previous year. A self-government organization has been effected consisting of a cottage council elected by the cottage group. Questions of discipline, protection o f property, good manners, cooperation, cottage spirit, etc., come before this council, sometimes sitting alone, oftener in a section of the whole cottage. Once a month a general meeting of all the cottage councils is held, at which time the standing of the cottage upon various administrative objectives enumerated on the cottage chart are brought under review and dis cussion. The meetings have proved very helpful in developing public spirit and social responsibility among the boys and girls.6 The superintendent o f an orphanage says: W ith some reservations as to recommendation that the method be given general trial in all institutions it appears quite clear that the self-government principle at least can quite frequently be introduced in a time of exigency. Even though a formal organization may not be made with governor, mayor, attorney general, chief of police, and the like, there will arise occasions when a temporary organization may be effected to meet a special situation. When a definite trouble arises three or five of the older and more trustworthy chil dren may be brought together to consider the difficulty, and it is usually easy 9 Orphan Asylum Society in the City of New York, One Hundred and Eleventh Annual Report, April I, 1917, p. 10. Hastings-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SP IR ITU A L AND MORAL TR A IN IN G 85 to secure their cooperation by merely soliciting it. A t Connie Maxwell Orphan age the children have frequently been organized informally at a time of stress when misdemeanors were becoming marked. Testimony from this institution indicates that there has never been difficulty in securing cooperation of a group of children when they were selected by the superintendent and appealed to for assistance in ferreting out a trouble and curing it. There has not been an instance of failure or hypocrisy or untrustworthiness on the part of any of the children organized in such a way. On the other hand, they have from time to time been organized informally not to ferret out trouble, but to support and help put through movements that were desirable and worthy. Children selected at such times and for such purposes have usually taken it as quite a high compliment and have in great sincerity and earnestness given their coop eration. It looks as if any institution might, at least upon occasion and in certain situations, use to high advantage the principle of self-government. - 21. A self-governing body should have a simple plan o f organiza tion. The simpler the organization is the better, provided that the mem bers o f the group actually participate in a responsible manner in the government of the whole and that they deliberate and pass judg ment upon matters o f group concern, such as proposed rules for public welfare, the punishment of lawbreakers, fixing individual and community responsibility, measures for betterment, and social obligations. 22. In various attempts to promote self-governm ent among chil dren several errors have been prominent. First, the organization has been too elaborate and complex in its operation for children to understand and administer it. It is not necessary in a system of self-government maintained by children that there should be formal court proceedings with judge, jury, and lawyer, to try cases arising out o f the ordinary life of the school, community, or social group. The main thing is that the members o f the self-governing body shall feel and express responsibility for the welfare arid good order of the group, that they shall deliberate upon questions o f behavior and public policy, and that they shall pass and execute judgments upon matters which concern the best interests of the community life. Second, self-governing projects among children have frequently been made a show feature. They have been regarded as fads, or experiments, and neither the children nor the teachers have looked upon them seriously and as a necessary and important part of the community relationship. Third, it has been assumed that self-government in a group of children necessarily means that absolute control and authority must rest with the children. This should never be the case, for children are not capable of assuming such responsibility. The object is to teach self-government to those not yet wholly competent to exercise it. Hence they should not be left entirely to themselves in render ing important decisions, but larger responsibility and authority should come with increasing success. The consideration of very serious offenses should never be left to the children. 23. The degree of self-governm ent perm itted to any^ group or unit o f children should be just as much as they can administer. i Jamison, A. T. : Statement in personal communication. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS In order to learn how to govern themselves, the children should even be allowed to make mistakes that are not too serious. They can learn in no other way. Children and some adults often have difficulty in understanding the difference between self-government and self-control. Self-gov ernment is a social function; self-control is entirely individual. F or references on spiritual and moral training see Chapter X V , page 126, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chapter X I.— EDUCATION T H E E D U C A T IO N A L P R O G R A M 1. A high-school education should he given to every child capable of profiting by it, and technical or trade training should he provided fo r children to whom it will be of advantage in obtaining the right kind of work after schooling has been completed. Dependent children need special educational opportunities because o f the social and educational handicaps from which so many have suffered, and because they must assume self-support and self-direc tion at an early age. In these days for a child capable of profiting by a high-school education to stop short o f completing such a course means both individual and social waste. The program for children o f preschool age. 2. The foundation o f education should be laid during the preschool period. There is no period when th'e child learns so many things as during the first five years o f his life. In this period his health and behavior habits are formed. Therefore a definite educational program should be planned. Education during this period is not o f the formal type. It includes training in proper health habits, the use o f the hands, the beginning of home-making, and right social relationships. 3. E very institution should provide a wide ra/nge o f activities, both indoor and outdoor, fo r the preschool children. The older children who attend schools outside the institution have some of their normal interests provided for at school, but those under school age are entirely dependent upon the institution.' Chil dren of preschool age should spend several hours in out-of-door play except in cold and stormy weather. (For equipment for outdoor play see p. 100.) i. Play is an important factor in the education o f children o f pre school age as well as o f older children. The following are suggested as indoor educational equipment for the preschool child: Building blocks (large size). Toy animals. Dolls and doll furniture. Montessori apparatus: Cylinders (3 sets). Long stair. Broad stair. Insets. ! Color matching box. Plasticine or modeling clay. Pictures to be cut out and scissors. Paste. Puzzle pictures. Picture books. Story books (to be read aloud to the children). Provisions for music (piano and phonograph). 87 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88 HANDBOOK DOB INSTITUTIONS The use o f these materials requires skilled adult supervision. 5. Supervision, not domination, is especially important in the pre school period. Free activity, with skilled help and guidance as it is needed, is the ideal. The value o f such activities as those suggested above is not mere amusement for the child, but mental growth and development. The reflex effect on character and personality of training during this period can not be overestimated. 6. The nursery school for the child o f preschool age is an im por tant new educational development which the institution director will wish to study. The program for children o f school age. 7. Children of school age should be sent to the school of the neigh borhood. This is the surest way of giving children normal contacts with other children and with the general life of the community as well as securing for them accepted educational standards. Educational leaders in the United States favor the day school rather than the boarding school for children whose parents are free to choose the very best for their children. This is because normal home life and community relationship are preferred to the artificial environment o f a boarding school from an educational as well as from a social standpoint. But when home and school are com bined in an institution the problems ‘o f each are increased. 8. A n institutional school may be advisable under some circum stances. Some institutions are so situated that attendance at the school in the community is very difficult, if not impossible. The community •school may be below the State educational standards and the man agement unwilling to cooperate in working out the joint educational problems o f the institution and the neighborhood. Attendance at community high schools is frequently possible even though elementary-school facilities are so limited that the institu tion must maintain its own grade .school. As the high school re quires more expensive equipment for laboratories and vocational training and a specialized staff, it is a great advantage to be able to use the community high schools. 9. The justification fo r the social and educational losses which the children, suffer who are educationally and socially segregated should be that the institutional school offers opportunities superior to those o f the local schools. I f the institution school is * * * enriching the life of the child in a hundred ways that are possible and giving him an understanding of him self, of the community, of commercial and social life, adapting its program to the needs of retarded children and those who do not fit the common curricu lum of the public school, it is thoroughly justified. If, on the other hand, it is not meeting these various special adjustments, then, by all means, the children should attend the public school. For the effect of the institution school not so maintained will be to contract rather than expand and to insti tutionalize, isolate, and make the child queer. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis EDUCATION 89 It Is probably true that not one institution school in ten is furnishing the educational, tailor-made fit * * *. It would, therefore, be better for the nine to send their children to the public school.1 10. I f an institution school is provided, the equipment and pro gram o f the school maintained by the institution must be as high in every respect as those maintained by the best local public schools. The following standards should be met: (a) The school building should be separate from other buildings.2 (b ) The rooms used for school purposes must be adequate in size and number, well lighted, heated, and ventilated, and desirably located. Basement rooms should not be used for classrooms. (c) Overcrowding must be avoided. (a ) The curriculum should be similar to that found in public schools. (e ) The school year should extend over a period o f nine months at least. ( / ) The hours spent in actual school work each day should equal the number spent in the public schools. (g ) The qualifications for teachers must be at least as high as for those employed in the public schools of the community. The teachers should be o f pleasing personality, have satisfactory train ing, and hold licenses to teach according to the laws o f the State. Salaries must be high enough to attract competent people. Teach ers should participate in the social life and civic and educational activities o f the local community. In other words, they should not be “ institution persons,” increasing the artificiality of the child’s en vironment. ( h) Institution schools should be under the general supervision o f the city or county and State board or department o f education. (i) Adequate supplies o f books, properly adjusted desks (one for each child), blackboards, maps, and material for handwork should be provided. 11. Occasionally an institution which is not situated so as to be able to send the children to a public school can make arrangements to have the teaching done within its walls by public-school teachers, the rooms and equipment being provided by the institution. 12. Individual work is more important in the institution school than in the public school.3 Dependent children with their histories o f irregular attendance, frequent changes in schools, and retardation need the best teaching service possible in order to regain lost grounckeducationally as well as physically and socially. The special needs of each child should be met through a flexible curriculum and adaptation o f the program to the needs o f the individual. The experiences o f one o f the larger institutions in connection with the inauguration of a new plan o f education is o f interest. 1 Reeder, Rudolph R . : How Two Hundred Children Liye and Learn, pp. 192, 194, 195. Noble & Noble, New York, 1911. 2 Suggestions for plans, and specifications for buildings and equipment, can be obtained from the Bureau of Education, U. S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C., and also from State departments of education. P 8 For brief descriptions of certain educational systems emphasizing individualized in4/struction see The Child: His Nature and His Needs; a survey of present-day knowledge 'concerning child nature and the promotion of the well-being and education of the young, pp. 17, 18. The Children’s Foundation, Valparaiso. Ind., 1924, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 90 H AN DBOOK FOB IN ST ITU T IO N S It undertook, in 1919, a detailed study of the individual capacities of the children and of their educational achievements. The super intendent stated that he considered it his imperative duty to classify and individualize the children— so that each child would receive the home care, the type of education, the stimulus, the training in cooperation and in leadership, the special oppor tunities for individual growth and development of initiative which each child’s talents, aptitudes, or capacities would indicate. As the first step in such a program it was necessary to develop complete individual records of each child, giving his social history, his habits, his attitudes, his reactions, his progress, his physical development and his mental intelligence. * * * I f individualization means anything at all, it means classifying our various groups into types such as superior, average, or normal, and various subdivisions of subnormal, and then giving to each individual in each group such intensive individual attention and opportunities for development as will bring out the best latent possibilities that each child in the group possesses. * * * No two individuals are alike in intellect, habits, emotions, actions, or reactions. Then why do we not proceed deliberately to discover these differences and to serve to the best of our ability the unique personality of each child in the normal as in the typical group? The answers generally given for not ministering to individual needs are either that the system or organization is too large, or that the institution has definite limitations, or that we are absorbed with too many routine details, or that we should be satisfied if the general appearance, tone, or order of the organization is good. So long as nothing very bad happens or becomes known, the public is gen erally satisfied. It is not, however, the negative aspect of control which should satisfy us. The real criterion of our educational and social efforts should be, what positive good are we accomplishing for each individual child under bur care?4 13. Teaching material is easily accessible in the daily life o f the institution. t Food supplies, whether produced or purchased, barrels o f flour and sugar, purchase of shoes and clothing, tons o f coal, garden patches o f corn or o f potatoes, offer many problems of arithmetic, industrial geography, transportation, and nature study for the classroom. The quantitative factors and the relations involved in maintaining the institution, if handled educationally, will provide a large part of the arithmetic in the classroom. The record and story of the various activities going on in the institution will furnish much of the mate rial for instruction. Teaching material o f this sort should, however, not be limited to the institution. A much wider environment should be utilized, and an identity with the life of the town, the county, and the State should be assumed. lit,. A suitable room should be set aside for home study and for reference boohs. Study outside o f regular school hours is necessary for many chil dren, and adequate provision must be made for a comfortable, quiet room for home study and reading. A dictionary, an encyclopedia, an atlas, and books of history, travel, and literature should be available. 4 Goldrich, Leon, in introduction, pp. 5—7, to Report on the Psychological Examination of All the Children at the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society, by Mrs. Elizabeth T. Wood. Pleasantville, N. Y., 1923. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis EDUCATION 91 15. A t least the larger institutions need an educational director who can study the general educational needs o f each child, repre sent the institution in its contacts with the schools which the children attend, have general supervision over their home study, and he responsible fo r their vocational guidance. Such a staff member might supervise home study, help new chil dren to make satisfactory adjustments, discover the cause of any failures in grade and endeavor to correct the underlying conditions, be responsible for the coaching o f any children who need it because they are falling behind (or because they can go ahead with greater rapidity because of unusual capabilities), work out plans for co operation with the schools, and do any other pieces of work in con nection with the educational program. Home study should be made as much a matter of individual responsibility as is compatible with good school work, but a certain amount of supervision is required. The supervisor can be particu larly helpful in the adjustment which is necessary when schools are changed and in assisting a retarded child to make progress. 16. Training fo r the right use o f leisure time is quite as essential as training fo r work. Because under modern industrial conditions the working day has become shorter, and because many jobs offer the worker little or no opportunity for self-expression, it is important that children be trained to use their leisure hours in wholesome and pleasurable avo cations. One of the most valuable contributions which can be made to the life of the child during his stay in the institution is a quick ened interest in things about him. Every possible avenue o f ex pression should be cultivated so that natural and wholesome emo tional outlets may be found now and in the future. A varied pro gram of activities is required in order that each child may find some thing he will enjoy doing. Some people take great delight in mak ing things with their hands, others express themselves best through music or painting or drawing; sports appeal particularly to the active child; cooking, sewing, and many other practical things when rightly taught are sources of real pleasure to the person who does them well. Needs and likes differ, but some mode of self-expression is essential if a sane and healthy attitude toward life is to be de veloped. A love and appreciation o f beauty, the arts, and nature, and an interest in what people have done and are doing should be cultivated in every child so far as is possible. 17. E very child should he exposed to as many cultural influences as possible during his stay in the institution. An important part of the educational program should be the development of good taste in the children. The institution has a serious responsibility for the creation of a taste for the best in music, art, literature, and methods o f self-entertainment. During the de velopmental years the habit can be inculcated of attending lec tures, concerts, dramas, and moving pictures of good quality. This will preclude the likelihood at a later date o f any great interest on the part of the children in trifling or actually degrading amuse ments. 2204°—27----- 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 92 H ANDBOOK FOR IN ST ITU T IO N S OPPORTUNITIES FOR EDUCATION BEYOND THE HIGH SCHOOL 18. Children capable o f 'profiting by education beyond the highschool training which they have completed should be aided in ob taining this. Whether the training desired be collegiate, normal school, voca tional, or in some branch of the arts, an effort should be made to en able the child to have it. Some children may be able to work their way through the college or university or the specialized school which they wish to enter. For such children encouragement and wise counsel will suffice. Others may need financial assistance. Scholarships and loan funds should be sought for these, and it may be desirable to finance outright the higher education of certain children. Some institutions have scholarship funds of their own, usually administered by a committee of the governing board, who make grants upon recommendation of the superintendent o f the institution. 19. Plans should be made for the training o f any children found to be especially gifted in music or any of the fine arts. I f there is no fund available for this purpose, it is often possible to interest well-to-do individuals in gifted children. VOCATIONAL TRAINING SO. The change in polxcy from long-time care to short-time care now taking place in many institutions makes trade training or other vocational training in these institutions impracticable. When a child remains in an institution for only a few months, real vocational training preparing directly for wage-earning is impracticable. Under these circumstances the training given adol escent boys and girls must be primarily of the type known as ‘ prevorational,” the object of which should be to provide sufficient range o f experience in practical work for the young people to try them selves out and thus discover their vocational capacities and pref erences. 21. Prevocational training should give the child a variety of experiences in practical activities. Good equipment for prevocational training is expensive, and when it is possible for the children in an institution to benefit by the equipment installed in many public junior and senior high schools its duplication by the institution is not justified. However, in order that the school work in practical as well as academic subjects should be supplemented in every possible way, the institution might have some workbenches and tools in order to give the children an oppor tunity to put into practice at home the things which have been learned in the classroom. If public-school facilities for prevocational training are not avail able, institutions caring for children of junior or senior high school age should provide equipment and teachers for training in some of the elements of business practice (the keeping of simple records, use of business forms, filing, use of the telephone and of the typewriter), and in a number of the processes fundamental to some of the common Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 93 EDUCATION trades, such as is given in a well-organized junior high school.5 Some equipment for woodworking, metal working, electrical work, and printing would be helpful.6 Training and experience in gardening, horticulture, and chicken raising also offer desirable prevocational training for both boys and girls i f organized for teaching purposes. Prevocational training not only 'provides a basis fo r educa tional and vocatioinal guidance but is valuable also as a part o f the child's general training. Doing oyer and over again things already learned is not educa tional and is not vocational training. Any attempt to make practical vocational work serve as a partial support of the institution or reduce the necessary staff o f the institution is sure to destroy its training value. J 6 ?&& In institutions where long-time |care is given, actual voca tional training may be made a part o f the education o f the older children. The school facilities of the community should be used when avail able for vocational training as well as for training of the prevoca tional type. Older children may obtain special training, including commercial or business training, in vocational schools of various kinds if the institution is in or near a large city. Trade* training should be available for all who desire it and have the ability to profit by it .7 J 2jf. Farm work can not be called vocational training unless there is a consistent effort to give educational content to the farm work which the children perform . . Hoeing, weeding, digging Vegetables, and picking fruit are merely forms o f manual labor, and unless instruction is given to fit the boys to carry on the varied activities o f a farm they are not receiving vo cational training. When it is the purpose of the institution to give real training in farming, a trained agriculturist who has ability to teach as well as experience in managing a farm is needed. Instruc tion is needed in soils, varieties o f plants, methods of planting and cultivation, o f harvesting and marketing. Instruction in poultry raising should involve a study o f every phase o f the work neces sary to carry on the business profitably. More than tending the garden or feeding the chickens is necessary if. the work is to be o f vocational value. The experience at Mooseheart is interesting in this connection.8 25. In institutions where the child remains long enough to receive vocational' training, facilities fo r training girls as well as boys for wage-earning occupations should be available. In addition every girl should receive as much practical training and experience in the home making arts as her age, abilities, and time in the institution permit. thPBFr i J ^ 8 nf0rn r « ? ^ Zii“ ? i « ai? ing 111 Practi?al arts, as well as a discussion of •1 a,rts 1 ° general education, see Vocational Education, by David Snedden (The Macmillan Co., New York, 1920). pp. 455-511. y n ^xi?nai Guidance and Junior Placement (U. S. Children’s Bureau Publication > - - - HR— - — training in relation to modern occupations ana rneir demands, see Vocational Education in a Democracy, by Charles A. Prosser and Charles R. Allen (The Century Oo., New York and London, 1925) espedlllyehreprortYfor 1 ^ 1 -2 2 ^ p S 100? S° Vernor’s annual reP°rt- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Mooseheart, 111. See 94 H AN DBOOK FOB IN ST ITU T IO N S In providing vocational training for girls it should be borne in mind that, although the majority of the girls will probably marry, some will not. Vocational education for women must then train women both for industry and for-th e home. I f it does the former without the latter, it is preparing the average woman for at most only 10 years of her future li f e ; if it does the latter alone, it is shirking the needs of those who will continue in industry, and is allowing the temporary workers to stay at ill-paid and unskilled jobs. Training in the home-making arts is important for a girl not so much because she may need to make her living by doing domestic work, although this is to be considered, but because, in all prob ability, she will have a home o f her own some day 5 and the success of that home will depend in no small measure upon her ability as a home maker. However, it must be remembered that drudgery is not training, and great care should be taken lest the child be a victim of the routine o f keeping the institution clean. Frequent change of occupation is essential. Training in cooking should include a study of food values and desirable combinations o f foods, methods o f preparation, and attrac tive ways o f serving. Each girl must have an opportunity to gain experience in actually planning, preparing, and serving meals, under normal cQnditions and with wise direction. In regard to making training practical the school director for an institution for girls says: * Rather than try to create within the school itself situations that are intended to develop certain powers and qualities in the children, we find it better to send the children out to deal with the real situations that already exist. In this way they not only learn the special skills that are called for in that kind of work, but .also develop a resourcefulness and a readiness to meet emergen cies that would not be brought out under more artificial conditions. Thus, cooking is not taught in the school, but the school programs certain girls during each term for “ dinner work ” with different cottages, and these girls are taught and trained by their housemother to cook the dinner for that family. They do not prepare a meal for an ideal fam ily of four, but an actual, hungry fam ily of 6 to 12 people.10 F or list o f references on education see Chapter X V , page 127. 9 American Apprenticeship and Industrial Education, by Paul H. Douglas, p. 137. ^ ^ E L & e * : “ Educational adventures in an institution.” York], Vol. IV, No. 4 (June, 1923), pp. 95-98. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Co- The Family [New Chapter XII.— RECREATION THE NECESSITY OF PLAY 1. P lay is essential to the 'physical development o f children and to their mental well-being. To the child play is a serious occupation. Children at play rarely smile They are very serious and deeply in earnest. I t is only when they commence to have regular and routine tasks that play commences to appear as an escape, in earliest childhood it is the all-engrossing occupation, and, further, it is the mam avenue of education. Play is his form of gathering experience and later Becomes his preparation for the serious activities of his adult life * * * Unless he is successful in the social life of childhood he will scarcely be suc cessful in the social life of maturity, and play offers him the most important introduction to this social life of childhood.1 2. Time should be allowed fo r both active play and quieter forms o f recreation. Play should consist not only of vigorous exercises and healthy fun but also o f some kinds of recreation which are not primarily physical. n Games, athletic sports, and folk dancing are diversions that pro mote physical development and offer opportunity for incidental moral training; stimulation o f intellectual alertness, and other de sirable qualities. Reading, music, handicrafts, and dramatics fur nish excellent mental recreation. Scouting, nature study, and simi lar activities offer occasion for both physical exercise and mental exercise. 3recreation program should make some provision fo r all the children in the institution. Shy or timid children need to take part in games and athletics even more than children who are sufficiently assertive. They are V correspondingly less strong and active than the other children ; and unless careful plans are made to include them in group games they may miss the training opportunity which they espe cially need. I f the recreational life o f the institution has taught them an appreciation o f the most desirable kinds o f recreation and a desire tor these kinds it has given them a valuable asset for their future lives. Incidentally the influence o f happy memories o f child hood can hardly be overestimated, and the method in which leisure or tree time was spent is seldom forgotten. There is a certain amount ot training for future citizenship in the experience o f being: “ m the game.” & child should be out o f doors as much as possible. Children need fresh air and sunshine (see p. 51), and out-of-door play is better than indoor play except on days when the weather is unusually inclement. ^ M ycrson , Abraham, M. D .: “ Mental hygiene and family lif e ” Social Asneot« n t Haven! &Dd ° xford University Press, New 95 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 96 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS 5. The children need 'playmates from outside the institution. So far as it is possible the children in an institution should play with the children o f the community. I f convenient o f access, the community playground may be used so that the children will be un<fer the supervision of the playground leader. Some institutions encourage the children in the neighborhood to come in for play on the institution’s playgrounds. This aids in providing the outside contacts which teach children to adjust themselves to community life. 6. E very child should have at least an hour o f supervised play and one hour o f free play every day. Games o f all kinds should be taught so that children will know desirable ways o f amusing themselves in their free recreation periods. A free period is one in which the children play on their own initia tive and have entire control o f their activities. The recreation super visor should not, however, be unaware of what the children are doing. 7. I f the institution is not large enough to have the services o f a recreation expert, a member o f its staff should devote part time to the recreational program o f the institution. A member o f the staff who has adaptability or fitness for the work or who has had some recreational training should be assigned to take charge o f the children’s recreation. Some small institutions have this work done by one of the educational staff. Help or advice may sometimes be obtained from the playground leader o f a near-by community playground even if it is not feasible to have the children o f the institution play there. SU G G E S T IO N S FO R T H E R E C R E A T IO N L E A D E R 8. The recreation leader should be responsible fo r the general planning o f thè recreation program, the com petitions, expeditions, entertainments, and special celebrations. Exercises designed to correct physical defects should not be in cluded in the recreation program. Such exercises as those for im provement in posture are a part of the institution’s work to safe guard health (see pp. 44-49). Although a regular time must be allotted to them they should not be allowed to encroach upon the recreation periods. 9. The recreation leader should be responsive fo r directing the supervised play. Certain points should be kept especially in m ind: (a) Know the game thoroughly; then put yourself into teaching it, and the children will catch your spirit. (b ) When explaining a new game have the children stand in a circle. This m à e s it easy to maintain quiet and order. (c) Choose clever children to start a new game. After the game is comprehended choose the dull ones and let them take an active part. a (d ) Be sure all the children understand the game. A certain mental satisfaction should accompany the physical exercise. (e) Make the game easy at first, then gradually make it more difficult. Let the children discover the point of the game themselves. ( / ) Give every child a chance to be “ it.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION 97 . (&) Encourage each child to be alert. TJse the opportunity to improve the children s quickness of action, o f seeing, and o f hearing. (h) Urge the timid children to take some risks, but develop rea son and judgment about risks and dares. (*j E o not make any game too serious. Get laughter out o f it. 0 ) Have quiet play or folk dances alternate with the active games. \k) Make rules and stick to them. Fair play is an important matter. (l) Remember that team play is very valuable, since it stimulates loyalty and unselfish effort toward a common end. (m) Minimize the importance o f winning. Good sportsmanship, excellent technique, and above all a scrupulous honesty are of much greater consequence. (n) Permit the older boys and girls to serve frequently as assist ants to the recreation leader by allowing them the responsibility of supervising the younger children’s play and o f leading their games.2 P L A Y FO R C H IL D R E N U N D E R 10 Y E A R S O F A G E 10. Circle and singing games and folk dances are suitable for little children during the supervised period. Children 6 or 7 years o f age or older enjoy tag, hide and seek, and similar games. The recreation leader should see that each child has opportunity to be “ it ” , at least once, and that shy or backward children are en couraged to do their part in each game. 11. In the free periods the smaller children should be given oppor tunity to build make-believe houses and camps, as w ell as to play running games. 1 J Little girls can play with their dolls, making doll houses from discarded boxes and crates, furniture from cardboard boxes, doll clothes and doll-house furnshings from odd bits o f material. Paper dolls can be cut from old fashion and other magazines; and cutting out various pictures from magazines, old catalogues of seeds and household and other goods will entertain little boys as well as little girls. The children should learn neatness as well as skill. I f a box o f old clothes can be furnished the smaller children will enjoy dressing up in them. Most little girls like to play at being grown up and keeping house, and the little boys have analogous plays. P L A Y FO R C H IL D R E N O V E R 10 Y E A R S O F A G E 12 Organized team play fo r older boys and girls should include such games as baseball, basket ball, hockey, volley balk football and tennis. Rules 3 for these games can be obtained easily and should be available tor consultation by the players as well as by the director. 13. Field sports are excellent. Competition between classes or cottages or between the institution and other schools or other institutions is a good way to promote & anu3 1 of Games for Organized Play Adapted from Ständen Sources, by U. S. Children’s Bureau Publication No. 113. Washington, “ Published by A. G. Spalding & Co., Fifth Avenue, New York City. 19235 lla Tray“ la Speakman. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 98 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS class or cottage loyalty. Pennants may be given to winning groups. No money or individual prizes should be offered. The following field sports are suggested: 100 -yard dash, 2 2 0 -yard dash (never longer except for the older boys), broad jump, high jump, and hurdle and relay races. Ilf,. Swimming should he taught. # . Concrete swimming pools are too expensive for most institutions (see p. 17), but if the institution is near a city or town in which there is a public or semipublic pool it may be possible for the institution to make arrangements to use the pool on certain days. Location near a small lake or river affords the best opportunity for swimming. There should be adequate supervision so that the safety o f all the children is assured. 15. Folk dances, can he. taught hy way o f variety from the more strenuous nto/ys* Folk dances express the life and spirit of the people in the old countries, their industries, and their customs. The wholesomeness and simplicity o f these dances are very appealing.4 Simple “ fancy ” costumes will increase the children’s enjoyment of the folk dances. 16. Dramatics may extend from the make-helieve o f the smallest children to the preparation o f plays which have educational value. Little children enjoy dramatizing the stories which they hear or read. Many institutions present an annual play which gives a great deal o f pleasure and affords opportunities for varied training in connection with its preparation. Charades are suitable for parties and are especially enjoyed by the older children. Marionettes—tiny toy characters made o f clothespins, small dolls, or by carving out of soft wood—have great dramatic possibilities; the children manipu late them by threads from in back of the miniature stage that may be made from a hatbox.5 17. The children should have the opportunity •to hear good music. They should he encouraged to sing, especially on Sunday evenings, and also to learn to play some musical instrument The phonograph and the radio put some acquaintance with good music within the reach of everyone. Music memory contests can be used to increase the children’s interest in the best music. Whenever it is possible, the children should also be taken to hear good music outside of the institution. Many institutions have their own orchestras and bands. A piano and other musical instruments should be a part o f the institution equipment. The bands and orchestras should never be commercial ized. 18. A taste fo r reading should he cultivated in all the children. It is not advisable that any child be left out of the enjoyment de rived from reading any more than that he be left out of games. A well-selected library suitable for different ages and different tastes * Suggestions may be found in Old English and American Games, by Florence Warren Brown and Neva L. Boyd (Saul Bros., Chicago, 1915), in Folk Dances and Singing Games, by Elizabeth Burchenal (G. L. Schirmer, New York, 1909), and in Listening Lessons in Music, by Agnes Moore Fryberger (Silver, Burdett & Co., New York, 1924). 5 Lists o f plays may be obtained from the Playground and Recreation Association of America (315 Fourth Avenue, New York). In regard to marionettes, see The Tony Sarg Marionette Book, by F. J. Mclsaac (B. W. Huebsch, New York, 1921). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION 99 is essential.8 Cast-off books and magazines from outside sources should not be accepted unless they are suitable. Some supervision is necessary to teach the children not to read by poor light nor to read too steadily without resting their eyes. Beading may be varied by table games such as checkers and dominoes, which are quiet enough to be played in a library and may be kept on a shelf in this room. 19. Handicrafts may be taught to both boys and girls. In many institutions basketry, knitting, weaving, and woodcarving are among the most popular handicrafts in addition to the more usual household arts.5 Materials and directions for chair caning, reed and raffia basketry, and simple weaving may be obtained from some o f the large kindergarten supply houses. Several o f the larger magazines for women issue bulletins on basket making, knitting, crocheting, and simple gift making. The boys and girls should be encouraged to make gifts for their friends and to participate in such civic enterprises as sending scrapbooks and toys to the hospitals or to community Christmas celebrations. 20% The making of' radio sets and simple electrical apparatus and the use o f tools in simple carpentry give great pleasure to the boys who like to create things. I f a workbench and simple facilities for carpentry and other work can be supplied, this will be found to have educative value as well as to furnish entertainment. Wooden and cardboard boxes, spools, cord, nails, wire, and similar materials should be available for the manufacture o f radio sets, bird boxes, weather vanes, kites, and similar projects. Jig-saw toymaking has great possibilities, is inexpensive, and is easy to teach. Marionette theaters (see p. 98), toy villages, and doll houses offer opportunity for cooperative effort m the designing and manufacture of interior and exterior proper ties that is extremely valuable social training. A project of this sort develops without much supervision if simple materials and a few suggestions are supplied. 21. A n effort should be made to give every child some real knowl edge o f nature and natural history. Walks in the field and woods with a teacher who knows and loves trees, flowers, and birds will be both pleasurable and instructive. 22. Each child should have garden space a/nd seeds. Gardening is one o f the very best kinds of recreation. When a child’s gardening is not compulsory it can become a source of genuine pleasure and continued interest. Seeds'should be o f his own choosing. 23. Some provision should be made fo r keeping pets. Almost all children wish to have pet animals. Dogs, cats, rabbits, and birds are suitable, and the children can take the major part o f the care of such pets. 21f-. Membership in recreational organizations should be encouraged. In many institutions scout troops and camp-fire groups have been successful. The boys and girls not only enjoy all that scouting means m itself but find it a link with other groups o f children. Informa«Suggestions for books to be obtained may be found in Graded List of Books for Chil dren, prepared by the elementary-school iibrary committee of the National Education Association of the United States (American Library Association, Chicago, 1922). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100 H AN DBOOK FOB IN ST ITU T IO N S tion about these organizations can be obtained from their headquar ters.7 Leaders for scout troops can frequently be obtained among outside friends of the institution. 25. The observance o f special days should be made a prominent feature o f the children's recreational program. Holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, St. Valentine’s, St. Patrick’s, Halloween, and special anniversaries can be celebrated by having appropriate parties. Celebration of the children’s birth days and o f school anniversaries by the whole institution are o f great value in promoting wholesome mental and emotional attitudes (see p. 67.) To have special occasions to look forward to and to plan for gives genuine pleasure. Making the preparations can be educa tional in an indirect way as well as enjoyable in itself.8 THE PLAYGROUND 26. The playground should be level and large enough fo r several groups to play without interfering with one another. Grass makes the best surface for a playground. A pavilion or some shelter against sudden showers is desirable. Trees, shrubs, and flowers along the sides o f the playground or against its fence will make it attractive. There should be plenty of open space for games. 27. There should be diversity in the playground equipment. The following pieces o f apparatus are desirable: 9 Swings. Seesaws. Horizontal bars. Horizontal ladders. Flying rings. Slides. Sand boxes. The sand boxes for small children should be as far as possible from the baseball diamond or other space where older children will play with balls. 28. Baseballs, bats, basket balls, and footballs should be supplied fo r each cottage or separate unit in the institution. These articles should be in charge o f some responsible person who will teach the children o f the cottage or other unit how to take care o f them properly. 29. Material should be accessible fo r free play. In some corner of the playground should be placed some boards and any other discarded building material from which the children can build forts, houses, or whatever they wish. Care must be taken to have all nails drawn out o f old lumber. THE INDOOR PLAYROOM SO. A n indoor playroom {other than the gymnasium) is a necessity. The furnishings should be comfortable, attractive, and homelike. There should be one game closet where table games, such as check7Boy Scouts, 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City; Girl Scouts, 670 Lexington Avenue, New Y ork; Camp-Fire Girls, 31 East Seventeenth Street, New York. 8 Suggestions for making inexpensive decorations for various occasions may be obtained from paper specialty companies. 9 For suggestions in regard to simple equipment and its construction and placing, see Background Playgrounds (U. S. Children’s Bureau Folder No. 2, Washington, 1923). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION 101 ers, authors, and dominoes, are kept. A “ dress-up” box contain ing articles for costumes for informal dramatics can also be in this room. 31. E very child should have a separate place in which to keep his toys or treasures. It is difficult for a child to have any distinct idea as to the in dividual rights and personal possessions o f others unless he has felt the experience o f having personal belongings (see p. 67). The children should be taught to keep shelves, toy lockers, and drawers in reasonably good order, but they should not be compelled to throw away things which they wish to keep. The apparently valueless treasures that children collect are very precious to them, and the “ collecting stage ” is a recognized period o f child life. F or list o f references on recreation see Chapter X V , page 127. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chapter XIII.— DISCHARGE AND AFTERCARE POLICIES GOVERNING DISCHARGE 1. “ The stay o f children in institutions fo r dependents should^ be as brief as possible. -The condition o f all children in such institu tions should be carefully studied at frequent intervals, in order to determine whether they should be restored to their own homes, placed in foster homes, or transferred to institutions better suited to their needs.” 1 2. Depending upon the nature o f the commitment and the institu tion’s policy, discharge may relieve the institution o f control over the child or may leave with the institution the responsibility o f super vision even though the child is returned to his own home or placed in another home. TECHNICALITIES OF DISCHARGE 3. Release can be only upon court order if a court has committed a child temporarily to the institution. The institution should re ceive notice o f the proposed action so that investigation o f home conditions may be made. I f it is agreed that the institution is to make the investigation o f home conditions with a view to the discharge of the child the insti tution should submit a full report o f the facts to the judge for him to use as a basis for his action, this report to cover an account of both the child’s condition and the situation in the home to which it is proposed to return him. I f the probation officers of the court are to make the investigation the institution should be notified o f the intention to return the child to his own home and asked for a report on the child’s condition. This should be submitted to the judge to consider together with the facts concerning the home conditions. If.. W hen a child has been committed permanently to the institu tion and it has assumed legal guardianship during m inority, trans fer o f legal guardianship is possible only through adoption proceed ings or through transfer to the parents by court action. When adoption is contemplated there must be thorough knowledge o f the prospective foster home and its desirability for the particular child .2 Return of legal guardianship to parents should be based on careful study o f conditions in the home and assurance of their per manency. 5. In case o f placement under an agreement between the institu tion and the parents, unless permanent surrender has been given or 1 Minimum Standards for Child Welfare Adopted by the Washington and Regional Con ferences on Child Welfare, 1919, p. 11. U. S. Children’s Bureau Publication No. 62. Washington, 1920. 2 Adoption Laws in the United States, by Emelyn Foster Peck, pp. 17—18. U. S; Chil dren’ s Bureau Publication No. 148. Washington, 1925. 102 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DISCHARGE AND AFTERCARE 103 an agreement entered into that can be legally enforced, the parents have the legal right to remove the child when they please; but fre quently they can be persuaded to leave the child until they are able to give proper care. I f the parents insist on removal, regardless o f the care they can give, it may be necessary to resort to court procedure to secure the right to retain custody until such time as conditions are more favor able. 6. The institutions responsibility usually ceases on discharge o f a child to another institution or agency unless it has been granted the legal guardianship and retains it. RETURN OF CHILDREN TO THEIR OWN FAMILIES 7. A n institution should not be a permanent substitute fo r a fam ily home. A child must go out from the institution eventually. He must make his adjustment to family and community life sooner or later. It is important that this adjustment be made as expeditiously as possible. Social and emotional values are attached to the child’s relationship with his own family, even if it be a poor one. These often outweigh the superior physical and material benefits that can be supplied by an institution or a foster home. Permanent breaking o f family ties should be permitted only after a determined and intelligent effort to conserve and rehabilitate the family has failed. 8. During the child's stay in the institution an effort should be made to rehabilitate the; fam ily: Contact with the family will disclose ways in which help can be given. Sometimes the problems are moral, at other times they relate to health or material resources. A social worker with a knowledge o f family difficulties can make use of community resources to im prove conditions. Thus while the child is being cared for in the institution constructive influences may be brought to bear upon the family so that the way is paved for quicker and more satisfactory adjustment of the child in his own home. This should be done by a local family agency in cooperation with the institution. Desire for the return of the child will serve in many cases as an incentive to the improvement of conditions. The plans for the child and his family should be related; neither can rightfully be considered independent of the other. 9. Reinvestigation o f conditions is necessary at intervals unless constant supervision o f the fam ily is maintained. Through investigation the institution will be able to determine the best time for the return of the child to his own home or the need for the permanent separation of the child from his family. In re investigation it is necessary not merely to note conditions as they are but to compare them with the original conditions. The family which is trying to improve should be given every encouragement. 10. Hasty action in returning children to their fam ilies, or action based upon superficial knowledge o f conditions may render useless the work o f the institution fo r these children. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 104 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS When the child is allowed to return to conditions which will be detrimental to his welfare, the time, money, and effort expended by the institution in his behalf may be largely wasted. Children will benefit by institutional care only if their discharge is delayed until family conditions have been improved. Some can never safely be returned to their own homes ; if they are to have any chance in life they must be separated permanently from their families and some other home found for them. 11. Supervision should Toetgiven children returned to their own homes. The duration o f the supervisory period depends upon the need in each particular case. Follow-up is especially necessary when the separation has been of long duration, for the child may find it difficult to adapt himself to the unfamiliar conditions. I f the child is not guarded, the family may grow careless and allow very unfavorable conditions to exist. In assuming the care of children the institution acquires an oppor tunity and obligation to see that they have a fair chance after leaving. PLACEMENT IN FAMILY HOMES 12. Institutions need to recognize the fact that placing children in families is not so simple a process as it has sometimes been considered but is a complex and difficult piece o f social work requiring special training.3 Because of changes in ideals o f education and conditions of farm labor and domestic service fewer children under 16 years of age are placed for their economic value on farms or in homes than was the case in the early years o f placement by institutions. It is now recognized that a high degree o f care and skill is required for adjust ing the child to a foster home and safeguarding his welfare. 13. Cooperation o f children's institutions with high-grade chiMplacing agencies, which are especially equipped to do this work, is the most effective plan fo r providing care in family, homes. Some institutions are doing child-placing work according to the best standards o f child-caring agencies, providing for the investiga tion necessary to safeguard the child and find for him a proper foster home. It must be seriously considered whether it will be in the best interests o f the child for the institution to undertake this work. It is undoubtedly desirable that the work for a child shall be carried through by the same agency if this can be done, in order to give him a sense o f belonging somewhere and of having some one person or agency to whom he can look for assistance and friendly interest. But unity o f service must not be obtained at the expense of quality and o f safety to the child, which can be had only through expert work in home finding and supervision, and this as a rule institutions are not prepared to give. 8 Placement of children in family homes is not discussed in this handbook. For child placing standards, see Chapter XV.— List of References, p. 128. See especially FosterHome Care for Dependent Children (U. S. Children’s Bureau Publication No. 136 (revised), Washington, 1926). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DISCHARGE AND AFTERCARE 105 DISCHARGE OF CHILDREN COMMITTED FOR LONG-TIME CARE I f. Children can not be expected to become self-supporting on be ing discharged from the institution unless they have been given good preliminary training and such experience as will fit them to take their places in community and industrial life. It is unfair to thrust a child abruptly from the sheltered environ ment o f the institution in which limited opportunity is afforded for self-direction and self-initiated activity into a world in which he must assume entire responsibility for his own actions. I f the harden ing process has been accomplished gradually, the training given in the institution having been designed to encourage self-reliance and to develop a spirit o f independence, the children may be discharged when educationally prepared. 15. Children should not be discharged from the institution on the basis o f physical age but according to their preparation to make their way in the community and in the light o f their educational and other individual needs. They should not be sent out without some definite plan fo r their future. Institutions are getting away from the earlier idea o f providing for children until they reach a certain age. Rigid age limits are not in accord with the individualization of children and the emphasis on the equipment o f the child for home life in the community. When, however, it has been found desirable to keep a child in the institution until he reaches the age limit beyond which care can not be provided plans should be made for him which will insure satisfactory condi tions. In arrangements for the change the child’s own home should be considered first. No child should ever be turned out merely because he has reached the age limit unless suitable provision has been made for him. I f no suitable home can be provided by his relatives other steps must be taken in accord with the age and need o f the child under con sideration. METHODS OF AFTERCARE 16. The institution should be responsible fo r fitting into com munity life each child whom it discharges b y : (a) Returning the child to his own home if suitable; (b) finding a suitable home if his own is not the proper place; (c ) finding work to which he is adapted; (d) providing fo r further education if desirable; (e) making a church connection; ( /) finding wholesome recreation. I f the child is not returned to the home o f parents or relatives the institution should find a suitable home elsewhere. I f he is o f proper age to begin work he should be guided to employment for which he is adapted and in which he will have opportunity for ad vancement. The position o f dependent children should not be made different from the position o f the average child in his own family in regard tq assuming the responsibility for his own living. W e expect orphan children to go out into the world at the early age o f 15 or 16 and make their own w a y ; but the child normally situated in his own home is never cut loose entirely from those deeply interested in him, can always count upon his parental roof as a haven to return to if he should fail in his first ventures at self-support, and he returns to it again and again Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 106 H AND BO O K FOB IN ST ITU T IO N S for a new start whenever failure overtakes him. W hat proportion of men and women succeed in their first ventures? Certainly not a large percentage * * *. Consider this in deploring the failures of orphan children. Again, what an inestimable influence for success is the inspiration that the normal home lends to the first endeavors of the child to earn his own support; and how reluctant the whole family is to acknowledge that the child has failed ; how quick to praise successful effort and to ascribe failure to condi tions rather than to the personal equation, * * * But the orphan child must fight his battles alone. He is not an endeared member of a fam ily group and usually receives but little sympathy in his troubles. He is liable to hear censure only if he fails and has few to rejoice with him if he succeeds. These spiritual elements, born of kinship ties and so closely related to success or failure, are so much weightier than material conditions, however favorable, that they can not be estimated by the same standards.4 17. The institution's responsibility does not end with return o f a child to his own fam ily or 'placement o f a child in a home. Many children who have been returned to their own families or placed in foster homes still need the advice o f a person who has an intelligent understanding of their needs and possibilities and knowl edge of the opportunities for wholesome work and play. , 18. A ftercare mazy be provided by (a) one or more trained work ers on the institution staff or (b ) through cooperation with another agency equipped to give such care. The method of securing follow-up service will depend upon the in dividual organization. Some large institutions have found it de sirable to organize a separate department with a trained staff of workers to supervise the children after they leave the institution; Such a department should be directly responsible to the superin tendent o f the institution. Smaller institutions may require the services o f only one person. Children’s aid societies or family case work agencies may be enlisted by others. Volunteer workers may give valuable help, but they should work under expert direction. A suggestive discussion of the work o f Fellowship House, which has been developed for the aftercare o f children discharged from the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society o f New York, is given in a recent report: The activities center largely around a program of adjustment for the adolescent boy and girl temporarily removed from the community, to which he later returns after a period of care in the institution or home bureau. Since the larger percentage of our children return to the homes of their own people, we work with the parents and relatives as well as the children * * *. When we find no surviving relative, or none who is morally fit to receive the child into her home, the home-finder secures a home. * * * Scholarships cover the board and maintenance of some deserving boys who continue their education. After the home is arranged for Fellowship House finds employment. Through a vocational-guidance program the best attempt is made to place our children in the work or school to which they are best adapted. In recreation as in employment we,utilize what the community has to offer for other young people. * * * The health work is based on the use of existing community clinics and health organizations, except in special cases where we secure the volunteer services of some physician or psychiatrist or dentist. * * * In our educational work we plan to keep our children in school, academic, commercial, or vocational, as the individual capacity of the child may demand. This we do through moral suasion o f the relatives, through part-time work of the child and through the aid of scholarships that we can secure.5 * Reeder, Rudolph R. : How Two Hundred Children Live and Learn, pp. 75-76. Noble & Noble, New York, 1911. 'R ep ort of the board of directors, the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society. Mav 25 1924, pp. 28, 29. New York. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DISCHARGE AND AFTERCARE 107 A leaflet issued by the Catholic Guardian Society of New York giyes the following brief summary of the purpose o f this work, which relates largely to children o f working age who are released from institutions: The aftercare of the boys and girls who are brought up in our asylums is the work of the Catholic Guardian Society. The boys and girls who have no relatives, when they become 16 years of age, are placed in the hands of this society, which in turn places them in good boarding homes, pays their board until they can pay it themselves, gives them car fare and lunch money, provides them clothes when necessary, procures employment for them, loans them money when they are out of work, encourages them to save when they can, provides honest recreation for them in its clubs and reunions, takes care of them when they are ill. * * * The society visits the boys and girls frequently. It maintains two free employment bureaus, it has a loan fund and a relief fund, and it has a savings plan. It would like to extend all these activities, and it would like to inaugurate a scholarship fund.6 19. The character o f the institution, its equipment fo r this type o f social work, and the services that are available from other agencies in the community will determine which o f the methods o f providing supervision and assistance to children after they leave the institution is to be used. Under some conditions it is desirable that the institution itself should remain a guiding influence. In other cases it may be more desirable to transfer to other agencies responsibility for supervision,, discontinuing institutional control and strengthening other com munity influences. The method o f providing aftercare will be deter mined largely on the basis o f the place the institution occupies in the community program o f child-caring work—whether the institution is an independent unit embracing a variety o f interests or is a part o f a plan participated in by other child-caring and family agencies. F or list o f references on discharge and aftercare see Chapter X V , page 128. «Ludlow, Samuel: After the Orphan Asylum— What? York, 1924. 2204°— 27------ 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Catholic Guardian Society, New Chapter XIV.— RECORDS AND STATISTICS THE PURPOSE OF RECORDS AND STATISTICS 1. The institution fo r dependent children must have a record system by which may be known definitely the problems with which it deals, the details o f its management, and its accomplishments. Records should be written in concise and orderly form and filed so that information regarding children is readily accessible and data for periodic reports easily abstracted. 2. Good case records are so important that managing boards should more generally recognize the necessity o f having the staff devote a part o f their time to keeping the records complete and up to date. The board has a direct responsibility to provide for the work of record keeping, since a high degree of efficiency can be maintained only by having this work done well. In large institutions the records o f financial transactions and o f administrative work are generally kept by staff members whose whole time is devoted to this work. 3. The primary purpose in keeping records is to collect such in form ation concerning each child in the institution's charge as is necessary to give prom pt and effective care, to safeguard the parent and child from separation, and to serve as a guide in planning for the future care o f the child. To give individual care to a child, such as institutions are now priding themselves upon giving, full knowledge of the child’s per sonal and family history is necessary. The plan o f treatment for the child— whether he shall be kept in the institution or placed in a foster home—and the special care and training to be given him depend upon comprehensive knowledge and understanding o f his personality and background. The very fact that there, are now so many more community resources than formerly upon which one may draw in planning fot a child makes necessary more detailed knowledge o f him in order that these resources may be used to his best advantage. 4. A secondary purpose in keeping records is to collect information to meet reguests fo r facts and figures. These requests come both from without the institution—namely, from the public, the State department o f public welfare, the board o f trustees, and various social agencies ; and from within the institu tion, as from the administrative officers and various departments o f the institution. 5. The collection., o f inform ation fo r the purposes stated in para graphs 3 and 4 calls fo r case records, administrative records, financial records, and statistics. 108 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECORDS AND STATISTICS 109 C A S E REC O RD S 6. The purposes fo r which case records are kept are: (a) The more effective treatment of the child through a compre hensive knowledge of his family background and the social prob lems involved. (b) The betterment of social conditions in general through an increased understanding of the factors entering into child depen dency. (c) The promotion o f clear, critical thinking on the part of the case worker through the process o f assembling record material. 7. Case records should include all major facts and any other facts without which the worker is unable to plan and carry out effective treatment. Some facts which social workers generally agree upon as signifi cant for treatment are pointed out in the following quotation: A family-history record should show clearly certain facts about each mem ber of the family, living and dead— the name, age, sex, the race, nationality, and religion. Because of the close connection which often exists between ill health and dependency, the physical and mental condition of each member should be noted, and if any are dead, the cause of death. The card should show how many children are in school, how many members of the family are working, their occupation, income, and efficiency. The habits and reputation of the parents and children should also be carefully determined and recorded. In order to learn these facts it is usually necessary to consult several sources of information, and the family-history record should include the names and addresses of relatives, friends, and disinterested persons and organizations, such as physicians, employers, unions, churches, and so on, who may be able to cooperate or to give information which will*be helpful in developing a plan for the child. * * * Records of membership in lodges or unions, previous addresses, and previous employers * * * may be of immediate use when more direct means fail.1 To this summary o f requirements for a family history it would be well to add legal residence of the family and date and place of birth of each child. In the records of institutions for dependent children it is also important to record the name and address of the person from whom the child was received; whether or not the child was committed by a court or other public officer and for what reason he was committed; and whether or not payment is to be made for his care; and if so, by whom it is to be paid and what is to be the amount. (For other items necessary in the personal record of the child and in the record of the foster-family home see pp. 111-113.) 8. W hatever information is recorded must be definite and accurate. “ Date ” calls for day, month, and year; “ address55 for street and number as well as city and State. The exact date o f birth o f a child is involved in the operation o f school attendance and child labor laws; in juvenile-court jurisdiction, legality o f marriage, ascertain ing birth status; in choice of a guardian; and in the prosecution o f crimes against children. The definite addresses o f parents, relatives, references, or previous residences may play an important part in the plan for a child’s future. Many a dependent child has relatives who would be willing to help if consulted before the child is admitted to the institution. 1 Ralph, Georgia G .: Elements of Record-Keeping for Child-Helping Organizations, pp. 22, 23. Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1915. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 110 H AN DBOOK FOE IN ST ITU T IO N S 9. The case records should include a record o f the child’s fam ily, a personal record o f the child, and a record o f the home into which the child goes if the institution 'places him in a foster home. The record o f the child’s fam ily. 10. Generally the fam ily history is recorded by means o f a face card and a current record {sometimes called story sheet or running record). The face card— This is a printed sheet or card with blanks for the entry o f certain facts which are frequently needed. Speedy ref erence is thus possible, and hunting through the current record for these items is rendered unnecessary. The entries on the face card are o f two kinds: (a) Permanent facts which serve to identify the family, such as names, date and place of birth, nationality, and previous addresses. (b ) Facts which may change with further developments and which give an outline o f th§ social situation, such as wages, physical and mental condition, occupation, and school grade. The initial entries on the face card pertain to the social situation existing at the opening of the case. With further developments some of the items on the face card are no longer true. New entries must be made to preserve its usefulness as a source o f reference and to aid in rapid comprehension o f the situation at a given time. For each o f these new entries indicating change in the family situation— s s ii6 w addresses, change in wages or in occupation—the date o f the change should be entered in a date column. The birth of children subsequent to the opening o f the record should be made clear by entry o f the dates of their birth. The death of a member o f the family is generally indicated by inclosing the name of the person in parentheses and entering the date o f his death. In addition to identifying the family and outlining the social situation the face card serves as a source for filling out statistical cards and as a spur to the worker to ascertain essential facts by revealing clearly any gaps in the information. When a new face card is being planned the following suggestions should be borne in m ind: (a) The card should be so simple that its contents may be read rapidly and easily.’ (b) The arrangement of items, should be such that related facts are brought together, as birthplace and nationality, addresses, and names of interested individuals and agencies. (c) O f facts subject to change, only the most important and those essential to the outline o f the situation should be included. (d ) Only such facts should be included as may be stated accu rately without qualifying statements requiring addi tional space. (e) Space may be provided in which check marks can be made to indicate the verification of such items as date o f birth, date o f death, court records, marriage, and divorce. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECORDS AND STATISTICS 111 The current record.—This consists o f blank sheets on which are entered reports o f investigations and interviews. It contains infor mation as to the history o f the family, including the circumstances leading to the application for the child’s admission to the institution and the subsequent record o f the contact with the family while the child is in the care o f the institution. Either the chronological or the topical method may be used in writing up the current record, but a combination of the two methods has been found advisable, the first investigation being recorded topi cally and the subsequent history chronologically. In the chronological method the information is recorded in the order in'which it has been obtained, the interviews and visits being reported in the sequence in which they took place. The advantage o f this method is that the process o f the investigation is shown step by step, and the interview with its details and total impression is preserved in its entirety. In the topical method the information obtained as a result of several interviews is arranged according to subject matter or topics and not according to the dates at which the facts were ascertained. Its advantage is that it organizes the information by placing details in their right relation to one another so that the worker will see them in proper perspective. In a combination o f these methods all the information resulting from the first investigation—that is, all the information assembled as the basis for deciding whether the child shall be admitted and for making a plan for him and his family—is arranged under such headings as reason for application, marital status of parents, other children, relatives, home life and surroundings; and the accounts o f visits to parents and interviews with them after the child has been admitted to the institution are recorded chronologically as units instead of topically. The personal record o f the child. 11. The inform ation included in the child's history consists of admission data, history of supervision while the child is in the insti tution’s care, and disposition data. Admission data.—These are such items as name, date and place o f birth, date and place o f christening ; nationality ; religion ; legal resi dence o f family ; from whom received, whether committed by court ; reason for commitment; whether the institution is to be reimbursed for care, and if so, by whom and to what extent ; name and address o f parents, their marital status, and whether they are living. I f commitment papers are received they should be filed with the case record. Every effort should be made at the time o f admission to learn from the committing officer or other person from whom the child is received all the facts known to him about the child. For this purpose a supply of blanks calling for facts which such an official might be expected to know or to be able to find out is needed, these to be supplied to court officers and directors o f the poor or other applicants with the request that they fill out the forms and send them with each child. The report o f the medical examination made at the time o f admis sion is really part o f the admission data; but i f a health record is Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 112 HANDBOOK FOR IN ST ITU T IO N S kept this report is best filed as a part o f the child’s history in the institution. (See the following paragraphs.) H istory white the child is in the institution's care.—This includes the health, education, character and habits, and important happen ings in the child’s life during the period of his stay in the institution. The health record should include important facts in the health history o f the other members o f the family, the child’s physical his tory, report of the entrance examination and succeeding physical examinations, results o f the laboratory tests made, a continuous height-and-weight record, a diagnosis, recommendations, and record o f treatment given. There should be also a record of dental exam inations and the treatment given and o f mental examination» showing the tests used, the diagnosis, and the recommendations.2 The educational record covers school attendance and reports, re tardations or advancements, general tendencies in the child’s mental life, and general vocational tendencies. Such records indicate to superintendents or school principals the need for specialized educa tional care, as by placement in retarded or advanced classes, and reveal to the psychiatrist any legitimate reasons for retardation such as illness or late start in school. The vocational record serves as a guide in considering specialized higher training. It is absolutely essential that there be a careful record of the child’s character, traits, and habits as learned through the investigation of his family history and from observation of him while in the institu tion, and also a record of the special care and treatment given the child in view of the knowledge so gained. The greater part of this character study of the child will be included in the current record of important happenings. The suggestions as to the method of keep ing the current record (see p. I l l ) made in'the discussion of the family record will apply here. It is advisable that a periodic summary o f the child’s progress as shown by the current record be made from time to time. Disposition data.— These refer both to placement under supervision and to complete discharge from care. They should include date of and reason for placement or discharge and the name and address of the person with whom placed or to whom discharged ; the nature of the placement or discharge—whether to parents, relatives, or foster family home (boarding, wage, free, or adoptive), or to another in stitution; and whether the discharge is by court order. I f the dis position data and the admission data are recorded on separate cards or sheets it is advisable that certain items, such as date of birth and name and address of parents, be repeated on the disposition card. After the child has been placed his history while he is in the foster 2 The institution-inspection bureau of the State department of public welfare, division of charities, has prepared health-record forms for the use of Ohio institutions. These include separate forms for children under and over 6 years of age, with supplementary health records covering personal and family history, entrance examinations, reprints of the weight-height-age tables issued by the American Child Health Association, forms for report by the superintendent o f the periodic examination of all children, and health leaf lets. The department of finance, Bureau of Children’s Aid, Sacramento, Calif., has a simple health-record form for institutions consisting of a single sheet which Rovers report o f entrance examination and tests, health history of the child and his family, report of periodic examinations, dental chart, and space for child’s picture. See also Standards for Physicians Conducting Conferences in Child-Health Centers (U. S. Chil dren’ s Bureau Publication No. 154, 1926). The physical-examination form from this publication may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Print ing Office, Washington, D. C., at 3 cents per copy, or $24 per 1,000 and $11 for each additional 1,000 ordered at the same time. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECORDS AND STATISTICS 113 home, similar to the histories kept while children are in the insti tution, should be filed with the rest of his personal records. Although in general the content of the child’s history as outlined is that covered in more or less detail by most institutions for de pendent children the method of recording it varies somewhat. Some have simply a face card containing blank spaces for recording ad mission, disposition, and identifying data, a medical sheet, and a running record. Others find it helpful to keep separate cards per taining to different phases of the child’s life, such as admission card, discharge card, medical sheet, monthly height-and.-weight sheet, psychological-clinic card, dental-clinic card, eye-clinic card, school record, daily schedule, character-analysis card, and clothing card. Still others prefer four-page sheets divided into sections according to topics. The record o f the foster-fam ily home.8 12. The inform ation included in the record o f the foster-fam ily home consists o f application data, report o f the investigation, and history o f supervision o f the home. Application data.— These are generally recorded on the application blank filled out by prospective foster parents. They should include the composition of the household, the name, sex, age, religion, na tionality, occupation, and relationship o f each member; the appli cants’ statements as to health and financial standing; their reason for desiring to take a child, the type o f child they desire, and their plans for him ; directions for reaching the home; and names and ad dresses o f references. R eport of the investigation.—This consists o f the report that the visitor o f the institution makes concerning the home and the family, together with the written references. The purpose o f this investigation is to determine the fitness o f the applicants to care for a child and to gain such an insight into their characteristics as will aid in deciding for what special type o f child they are best suited to care. The investigation of the prospective foster-family home is similar in principle to the investigation made of the child’s own home and family, but its procedure is slightly different. The visitor’s report o f visits to the family and to the references is generally made on a printed form topically arranged. It covers family composition and history; moral character; habits and person ality; education and evidence of culture and refinement; financial circumstances; health; standing in the community; the neighborhood with reference to associates, influences, and accessibility to school and church; the home itself with reference to comfort, housekeeping, and sleeping arrangements for the child; and the worker’s impression o f the home and recommendation for its approval or disapproval. For references many institutions use form letters containing questions as to the applicants’ dispositions, habits, health, church attendance, financial condition, fitness to care for children, and other matters, 8 For discussion o f investigations and extracts from case records, see The Selection of Foster Homes for Children, by Mary S. Doran and Bertha C. Reynolds (New York School of Social Work, New York, i919) ; and The Child in the Foster Home, by Sophie van Senden Theis and Constance Goodrich (New York School of Social Work, New York, 1921). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 114 H AN D BO O K FOE IN ST ITU T IO N S which are sent to people given as references by the family and to others known to be acquainted with the family. Historyr o f supervision o f the home.—This should consist o f a list o f the children placed there and the reasons for their removal or transfer, together with an account o f conditions found on visits to the home that show changes in the social situation following the investigation, and the degree of the foster parents’ success or failure in dealing with children. The use o f a current or running record form for the entry of such information seems preferable to visitation blanks, but an outline o f points to be covered in recording conditions in the home is helpful. Special points in record making. In record making there are some special points to be observed. These apply not only to the fam ily record but also to the child’s per sonal record and to the foster faTniZy home record. (a ) The observations of an investigator and the statements of persons inter viewed should be recorded as soon as possible after the visit or interview. (&) Care should be taken to have, the proper names in records correctlv spelled. (c) A ll records should be carefully dated, and if a record is continuous each new entry should be dated. (d) In recording an interview always give the date, the full name and ad dress of the person interviewed, his relationship or connection with the child or family, important details of the interview, and the name of the visitor (W h at the person actually said should be stated, never deductions based upon what was said.)4 (e) Terms which express judgments, such as “ good,” “ bad,’ “ doing well,” and which are indefinite, such as “ incorrigible,” “ immoral,” “ laborer,” should be avoided. (f ) information has not been secured on any point, state why the facts are not given. (ff) Under points relating to relatives, reference, membership in organiza tions, and so on, the full name and address of the person o f organization should be given. (h) Points requiring special or expert knowledge to determine should be answered in a way that will leave no doubt as to the source of information. (i) A detailed account of investigations should be written up in addition to answering the questions covered by the record form. O') Records of all children in care should be reviewed periodically, and a summary of important developments in each case should be made. (fc) Records should be kept up to date.* Case-record form s and methods of filing them. 14.' The number and detail o f the record form s will depend upon the size o f the institution, the variety o f its activities, and the amount o f time which the workers can devote to keeping records. A set o f detailed case-record forms adapted to the use of child placing agencies and institutions having adequate provision for clerical work has been prepared by the Child Welfare League of America; and a set o f brief forms adapted to an institution that, wishes to record the essential facts but is limited in its facilities for keeping records has been prepared by the National Conference of 4 Some additional points which might well be included about the person interviewed are facts which make for or against his reliability as a witness, any interpretation of the facts which he may offer, and any plans for treatment which he may suggest (see The Sociai Case History, by Ada Eliot Sheffield, pp. 124-126, Russell Sage Foundation, New xorK, lyzu ) . Georgia G .: Elemental of Record Keeping for Child-Helping Organizations, pp. 112—124. Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1915. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECOUDS AND STATISTICS 115 Catholic Charities.6 Many State departments o f public welfare supply record forms. 15. N ext in importance to the form in which records are kept is the way in which they are filed. In order to be o f the greatest pos sible value they must be readily accessible1 It will be found most practicable to use folders o f standard corre spondence size and to have all record forms o f standard letter-head size ( 8 y2 by 11 inches) so that all or nearly all the paper may be inserted flat. These folders may then be filed in standard lettersize vertical files (preferably fireproof), with provision for locking. When only one child is received from a family all records and papers pertaining to the child, his family history, commitment papers, school record, medical record, letters received and carbon copies o f letters sent, and miscellaneous records may be filed in one folder. I f two or more children are received the family-history record may be filed in the folder o f the first child received, and a reference made to it on the face card o f the personal record of each o f the other children received from that family. The numbering of cases may be on a family basis. Although each child may have his own folder, all the folders should bear the same record number with the child’s name or some other device clearly distinguishing the rec ords. These folders may be filed together. Records o f foster-family homes should be filed separately from the children’s records. In addition to this file of foster-home records it is advisable to have for ready reference a card file of all family homes approved for use showing the name, address, and telephone number ; the rate of board ; the number, age, and sex of the children for whom the home is available; and the names of children placed in each home with the dates o f placement and removal. 16. Records may be filed alphabetically according to name o f the child or numerically according to record number. E xcept for small institutions with very few records the numerical system is recom mended. Records filed numerically are made accessible by means of a card index arranged alphabetically, from which the record number is obtained. This card index should include a card for each child for whose care application has ever been made to the institution. Such a card needs to contain only the information necessary to identify the child and show where his record may be found; that is, the child’s name, sex, and date o f birth, the name and address o f each parent, and his record number. A similar index should be kept for all persons who have ever applied to take children. Cards 3 by 5 inches (a standard size) are suitable for such indexes. 17. F or the sake o f accuracy and uniform ity, the responsibility fo r keeping and filing records should rest upon one worker. This is advisable whether the institution is so small that only an inconsiderable portion of one person’s time is thus occupied, leaving him free to perform other duties, or whether it is so large that his * Samples of these forms may be obtained from the Child Welfare League of America, 130 East Twenty-second Street, New York, and from the National Conference of Catholic Charities, 700 Eleventh Street NW., Washington. D. C. 7 For detailed discussion of record filing see “ Methods and devices for making records available,” in Elements of Record Keeping for Child-Helping Organizations, by Georgia G. Ralph, pp. 132—155 (Russell Sage Foundation, New York; 1915). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 116 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS full time and that of one or more assistants are required. The confi dential nature of case records and the necessity of securing them against loss or misplacement make it advisable that access to records be had through this worker only. • A D M IN IS T R A T IV E REC O R D S 18. Administrative records are those kept to facilitate administra tion and supervision and will vary in form and number according to the size and organization o f the institution. (a) Daily reports from the house mother o f each cottage (or, in the semicongregate system, of each group), showing the activities of the cottage or group, its special needs and its problems. (b) Daily reports from hospital and clinics. (c ) Reports of the activities of the institution visitor, usually kept by day sheets or day books showing number and nature of visits, interviews, and letters written and received. (d ) Register of children received, discharged, and placed, serving as a chronological record and a check if records are misplaced or lost. (e ) Personal records of each employee, consisting o f his applica tion papers and his record while in the employ o f the institution. It might be helpful to get information regarding the forms of these records by writing to some institutions which have worked out methods o f recording such activities,8 also to State departments of public welfare. F IN A N C IA L R EP O R TS 19. The purpose o f the financial report is to show all the financial transactions o f the institution. The sources o f income and nature o f expense should be analyzed very carefully. The increase in the number of activities carried on by the institutions calls for a careful allocation o f expenses in order to compare costs o f different types o f service. A considerable number of persons in the child-caring field have been working for several years over schedules to be used by agencies and institutions in making their financial reports. A t the National Conference o f Social Work in 1921 in Milwaukee the subcommittee on statistics of the children’s division approved the classification of current expenses under three main divisions: (a) Administration: (b) direct service to children; (c ) financing, publicity, and educa tional work .9 8 For example, the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of Pleasantville, N. Y., has among its general report forms a daily hospital census and daily report from the dental clin ic; a schedule of daily activities of the cottage group; stock record, bathing list, laundry list, honor roll, inspection report, requisitions for goods and household supplies for each cottage, and a time sheet for employees. The New England Home for Little Wanderers, 161 South Huntington Avenue, Boston, Mass., has monthly report forms for the various departments showing the activities of each ; for example, the number and disposition of applications to the foster-home department; th.e number of children re ferred to the department of advice and assistance, the type of care asked, and the dis position of these applications; the number of children received by the department of placing out, the number transferred, placed, and discharged, and special medical, mental, and dental care given. 8 A committee of the Child Welfare League of America (130 East Twenty-second Street, New York) has prepared financial and population schedules for the use of child caring organizations. The financial schedules follow in the main the classification made by this committee on statistics. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECORDS AND STATISTICS 117 20. To insure accuracy o f financial records and to facilitate the making o f the annual financial statement it is advisable to— (a) Have only one open bank account and have the treasurer or a board member countersign all checks. (b) Enter on the treasurer’s books all receipts from every source and allow no withdrawal of expenses of solicitation of funds before turning in receipts. (C) Pay traveling expenses out of traveling advances. These should be made by the treasurer and accounted for by monthly ex pense accounts filed by each traveling representative. (d) Keep careful record of each contributor, with name, address, date, and amount given. (e) Check invoices of goods purchased against the monthly state ments before paying bills. ( / ) Attach all receipted bills and invoices to canceled checks and keep them separate by months. (g ) Keep a receipt and expense register on which all receipts and expenditures are entered with date, check number, name o f account, amount and classification of purchase for each expenditure, also date, source, amount, and classification o f every receipt (including dona tions). Such register may be balanced at any time and a classified statement of receipts and expenditures easily drawn up for any given period. (h) Verify the bank balance at the end of each month and prepare regularly a monthly statement o f receipts and expenditures, assets %and liabilities, one copy to be submitted to the governing board and one to be kept on file. (i) Have the books audited semiannually or annually by a certified accountant. SOCIAL STATISTICS 21. The purpose o f keeping social statistics is to shoio to the man aging board, the public, and the State department o f public welfare the nature and volume o f the institution's work and to facilitate comparison with other institutions. The case records are the chief source o f the population figures and other social statistics collected fo r annual reports and special studies. The material could be compiled directly from the case records, but this would be a laborious process ; and unless case records are filed chronologically their information regarding admissions and dispositions of the current year is almost inaccessible. Since only certain items are collected for statistical purposes—mainly those previously classified under admission and disposition data—it is better to enter on statistical cards o f standard size (4 by 6 inches or 5 by 8 inches) the data required, and then make the tabulations from these cards. Many State boards of public welfare require reports o f admissions, placements, and discharges; therefore in those States the items needed for such reports should be kept in mind when a statistical card is being planned. It may be possible to use Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 118 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS one card form for both the report to the State board and the mate rial needed in compiling the annual report.10 22. Among the items contained on the statistical card should be the follow ing : 11 (a) Child’s name, address, and record number. (b) Date of admission and of admissions prior to this year. Space should be left for additional admissions. (c ) Date of birth, age at admission, sex, race. (d) Source from which child was received. (e) Reason for admission. ( /) Whereabouts of child at time of admission. (g ) Diseases and physical defects of child. (h) Birth status, marital status, and whereabouts o f parents at time of the child’s admission. (i) Country of birth and mother tongue of father and o f mother. (/) Religion of father and of mother. (k ) Occupation of father and of mother. (l) Date o f child’s placement under supervision and name of person with whom child is placed. Space should be left for addi tional placements. (m ) Date of discharge from care and age at discharge. Space should be left for additional discharges. (n) Nature of discharge. 23. I f the statistical cards o f dll children under care during the year—that is, o f all children under care at the beginning of the year plus those admitted during the year—are filed together dlphabeti- • colly, tabulations may be made easily o f facts regarding dll children under care during the year as well as o f admissions, placements, and discharges during the year. Tabulation at the end of the year will be made simple if metal signals or flags o f different colors are used to indicate classifi cations such as admissions, réadmissions, placements, replacements, discharges, and redischarges. This method will be especially help ful in making out the population report, for which it is desirable to know how many o f the children admitted during the year had never been under care before or had been under care in the current year or in previous years, and in which the number o f children under care o f the institution but placed out in foster-family homes must be shown. When all tabulations have been made and the annual report com pleted the cards of the children discharged from care and custody should be removed and placed in an inactive .file. The active statis10 A good example of the type of card suited to this purpose is that used by the depart ment of public welfare in Georgia for reporting intake and discharge from institutions. It is 5 by 8 inches in size, with its face arranged for the entry of admission data and the reverse for the entry of discharge and placement data. When a child is admitted the face of the card is filled out and the card is sent to the State department. When the child is discharged or placed a blank which is a duplicate of the reverse of that card is filled out and sent to the State department. The data on this duplicate are then trans ferred by the State department to the reverse of the card containing the child’s admis sion data. (Samples of these cards may be obtained from the State department of public welfare, Atlanta, Ga.) Blanks which might be adapted to this purpose are used by the State board of charities in New York for reporting admissions, placements, and dis charges. (Samples may be obtained from the State board of charities, Albany, N. Y.) 11 Suggestions for tables based on the items of the statistical card and definitions of these items may be obtained in mimeographed form from the Children’s Bureau, U. S. Department of Labor, Washington, D. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis KECORDS AKD STATISTICS 119 tical file will then contain only the cards o f the children under care at the beginning o f the new year whether they are in the institution, in family homes, or elsewhere under supervision. The -file should include only one card fo r each child under care . during the year. I f a child is admitted and found by reference to the general card index o f children (see p. 115) to have been under care before the current year but not within it, his statistical card should not be removed from the inactive file. A new card should be made out with social data corresponding to the situation existing at the time o f this readmission. But i f a child who has been under care during the current year is discharged and then is readmitted, no new card should be made out. The card already in the active statistical file should be used, the date of the new admission being entered on it, and any change in the social data (such as different parental status or occupation of parents, or new reason for commitment) with the date of the admission to which they apply .12 For list o f references on records and statistics see Chapter X V , page 129. 12 Children who are simply returned to the institution after placement under super vision in a family home are not to be regarded as discharged and readmitted; hence this paragraph does not apply in the case of such children. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chapter X V .— LIST OF REFERENCES The following list contains the names of books, pamphlets, or magazine articles recommended for reading by superintendents and staffs of institutions for dependent children and by members of boards o f directors. Some references are given also to agencies or institutions that issue from time to time publications relating to this field. These public or private organizations will on request send the latest or most appropriate and useful publications that they have available. There is given first a general list o f references which in cludes publications that deal with more than one phase o f institution management, and following this are special lists for the chapters of this handbook. The arrangement is alphabetical. GENERAL 1. A labam a State Child W elfa re Com m ission: Minimum Standards for Child-Caring Agencies and Institutions. Montgomery, 1922. (Mimeo graphed.) 2. California State Board of Charities and Corrections: “ Standards for chil dren’s institutions.” Ninth Biennial Report, 1918-1920, pp. 64-65. Sac ramento, 1922. 3. The Child: H is nature and his needs. Prepared under the editorial supervision of M. V. O’ Shea. The Children’s Foundation, Valparaiso, Ind., 1924. 516 pp. 4. Children’ s Bureau, United States Department of Labor: Child Care— The Preschool Age, by Mrs. M ax W est. Publication No. 3 0 .' W ash ington, 1922. 82 pp. 5. ------- — : Child Management, by D. A. Thom, M. D. Publication No. 143. Washington, 1925. 36 pp. 6. -----------: Foster-Home Care for Dependent Children. Publication No. 136 (revised). Washington, 1926. 289 pp. 7. ---------- : Habit Clinics for the Child of Preschool A g e ; their organization and practical value, by D. A. Thom, M. D. Publication No. 135. W ash ington, 1924. 71 pp. 8. -----------: Infant Care, by Mrs. Max West. Publication No. 8. Washing ton, 1926. 118 pp. 9. --------— : Minimum Standards for Child W elfare Adopted by the W ash ington and Regional Conferences on Child W elfare, 1919. Publica tion No. 62. Washington, 1920. 15 pp. 10. -----------: Standards of Child W elfa re; a report of the Children’s Bureau Conferences, May and June, 1919. Publication No. 60. Washington, 1919. 459 pp. 11. Doherty, W illia m J., Ludw ig B. Bernstein, and R. R. Reeder: ChildCaring Institutions; a plan of inspection— questions, suggestions, and standards. Department of Public Charities of the City of New York, 1915. 12. H art, H astin gs H .: Preventive Treatment of Neglected Children. New York, 1910. 419 pp. (Out of print; available in libraries.) 13. Illinois Department of Public W e lfa re: “ Report of the children’s com mittee, December, 1920.” Report of the subcommittee on standards for licensing institutions, pp. 13A-155. Springfield, 1921. 14. Indiana Board of State Charities: Boarding Homes for Children. Rules and regulations adopted November 19, 1912. 8 pp. This refers also to institutions for children. 120 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIST OF REFERENCES 121 15. Jamison, A . T .: The Institution for Children. Baptist Book Depository, Columbia, S. C. [1925]. 207 pp. 16. Johnson, Charles H . : “ Standards of efficiency in institutions for chil dren.” National Conference o f Social W ork (formerly National Con ference of Charities and Correction), Proceedings, 1914, pp. 171-178. 17. Langer, Sa m u el: The Organization and Construction of a Child-Caring Institution; a report on reconstruction plans for the Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum, San Francisco, 1919. 64 pp. 18. M cEntegart, Bryan J. : “ Institutions for children— their relation to other agencies.” National Conference o f Social Work, Proceedings, 1924, pp. 139-144. 19. -----------: “ Child-caring homes.” The Catholic vCharities R eview [New York], Yol. V I, No. 8 (October, 1922), pp. 263-266. Treats o f the standards o f admission, care, and aftercare. 20. M ichigan State Board of Corrections and Charities: Rules and Regula tions for the Government of Child-Caring or Placing Agencies, Novem ber 18, 1913, amended May 27, 1920. Lansing. 1 p. 21. M innesota State Board o f Control, Children’s B u reau : Minimum Stand ards for Boarding and Permanent Homes. September 2, 1924. St. Paul. 30 pp. The appendix contains blanks, report forms, and resolutions. 22. M issouri State Board of Charities and Corrections: Rules and Regula tions for the Government of Boarding Houses for Infants, Boarding Homes for Children, and Child-Placing Agents and Agencies. Bimonthly Bulletin [Jefferson City], vol. 24 (March-April, 1922). Applies also to institutions for children. 23. M ooseheart Y e a r Book, bein g the governor’s n in th annual report. 1921-1922. Mooseheart, 111. 160 pp. 24. N ew Y o rk State Board o f C harities: Rules Governing the Reception and Retention of Inmates and Reports of Institutions (Homes for Children), as amended to May 17, 1916. Albany, 1920. 12 pp. 25. N orth Carolina State Board of Charities and Public W e lfa r e : The Care of Children in Institutions. Special Bulletin No. 5. Raleigh, 1925. 26. O’ Grady, John: “ Child-welfare work and family responsibility.” Special Conference of Religions, National Conference of Catholic Charities, Pro ceedings, 1923, pp. 270-277. Treats of the obligations of the family toward a child placed in an institu tion and the attitude of the institution toward the family. 27. Ohio State Department of Public W elfa re, D ivision of Charities: ChildCaring Institutions ; suggested minimum standards for children’s homes in Ohio. Columbus, 1925. 54 pp. 28. -----------: A Guide Book for Boarding Mothers. Columbus, 1925. 44 pp. Applies also in part to institutions. 29. Oregon State Child W elfa re Com m ission: Standards for Child-Caring In stitutions. Portland, 1921 (reissued). 10 pp. 30. P ennsylvania Department of Public W elfare, Bureau of Children: Child Care in Institutions. Bulletin 16 (M ay, 1924). Harrisburg. 30 pp. 31. A Program for Catholic C hild-Caring H om es. Report of the committee on standards, Sisters’ Conference, National Conference of Catholic Charities, Proceedings, 1923. Obtainable from the Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. 39 pp. 32. Reeder, Rudolph R . : .How Two Hundred Children Live and Learn. Noble & Noble, New York, 1911. 247 pp. Treats of the dietary, training, education, and environmental conditions of the children in a large orphanage. 33. Richmond, M ary E .: Social Diagnosis. Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1917. 511 pp. Treats of the processes used in the collection of data in the social treatment of individuals. 34. -----------: W hat is Social Case W ork? Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1922. 268 pp. Treats of the application of case-work methods to certain types of social work, including institutional care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 122 HANDBOOK FOR INSTITUTIONS 35. Standards of W o r k for Child-Caring Institutions, D ay Nurseries, and Placing-O ut Societies. Council of Social Agencies of the W elfare Fed eration of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1925. 12 pp. 36. A Study in In stitu tion al Child Care; a survey of the M arks N athan Jewish Orphan H om e. Research Bureau of the Jewish Philanthropies of Chicago. Chicago, 1921. 37. Trotzkey, E lias L .: A Program of Institutional Child C are; report of the superintendent of the Marks Nathan Jewish Orphan Home. Chicago. 1923. 38. TJeland, E lsa : “A réévaluation of methods of child care— the care of children in institutions.” National Conference o f Social Work, Pro ceedings, 1924, pp. 128-130. 39. W h a t Dependent Children N eed; as stated b y men and women who daily live and learn w ith them. Edited by C. V. Williams. Child W elfare League of American Bulletin, No. 7. New York, 1922. 148 pp. An outline of the standards of care for dependent children in relation to their pnysical, mental, moral, and emotional needs. A D M IN IS T R A T IO N 40. H art, H astin gs H . : The Job of Being a Trustee. tion, Monograph No. 1, New York, 1916. 16 pp. Russell Sage Founda ofTthisClis tPaiiy tbe Round TaMe Plan for Trustees of Institutions. See No. 43 41. Johnson, Charles H .: “ The efficient cottage mother.” New York State Conference of Charities and Correction, Proceedings, 1911, pp. 241-249. 42. Modern Cottage Plan for Care of Dependent Children; a m anual for cottage mothers and supervisors. Hebrew Sheltering Guardian So ciety, Pleasantville, N. Y., 1925. 136 pp. 43. Richardson, C. Spencer: Round Table.Plan for Trustees of Institutions for Dependent Children. Russell Sage Foundation. New York 1916 15 pp. 44. Southard, Lydia, B. A . : Institutional Household Administration J B Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1923. 214 pp. Deals from the business point of view with the management of the instituof°the h o u S S p in | SPeCiaUy the general administration o f living quarters and See also bulletins of the Child W elfare League of America on this subject, and Nos. 11, 15, 16, and 36 of this list. THE PLAN T 45. A yres, M ay, Jesse F. W illia m s, and Thomas D. W o od : Healthful Schools; how to build, equip, and maintain them. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1918. 292 pp. 46. California State Board of Charities and Corrections: “ Requirements regarding fire protection.” Tenth Biennial Report (1920 to 1922) pp 78-80. Sacramento, 1923. (Also published separately.) U, 47. Jackson, Edward, M . D . : “ Daylight in the schoolroom.” National Edu cation Association, Addresses and Proceedings, 1921, pp. 308-315. 48. L igh tin g the Schoolroom. Published by permission by the National Com mittee for the Prevention of Blindness, New York, 1924 4 pp tgszjsrsL Sgs* ° f Architecte a” d y 49. ^ P o r t of the Committee of Oculists and Electricians on Artificial L igh tin g of School Buildings. School Document No. 14, Municipal Printing Office, Boston, 1907. 20 pp. municipal 60- ° f School Ventilation, by the Chicago Commission on ra«o°A* A meri1m ? ]N£edlcal Association, sixty-second annual ses sion, Los Angeles, 1911. 7 pp. 51. B iddle, H . S .: The Boiler H ouse; a treatise for the promotion of effiS S S J S ? e£?n(T T11 the boiler house0hio Board of Administration Publication No. 4. y Lancaster, 1915. 10 pp. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L IS T OF REFERENCES 123 |52. Bosenau, M ilton J. : Preventive Medicine and Hygiene. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1921. 1567 pp. Water, pp. 1015-1190 : sewage disposal, pp. 1191-1217; refuse disposal, pp, 1219-1224 ; ventilation, pp. 966—984; heating, pp. 984—989; school sanitation, pp. 1325-1350. 53. V entilation ; report of the N ew Y o rk State Commission on Ventilation. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, 1923. 620 pp. 54. W in slow , Charles E. A .: Fresh Air and Ventilation. E. P. Dutton New York, 1926. 182 pp. 55. W isconsin Industrial Com m ission: School Lighting Code. Madison 1921 34 pp. See also publications of the United States Public Health Service Washington, D. C., on this subject and No. 44 of this list. B U IL D IN G S 56. A n Outline of the Plans for the Children's Com m unity Center of the N ew H av en Orphan A sy lu m . Floor plans. New Haven, 1925. 57. Sanders, M rs. Charles B ra d ley : How to Furnish the Small H om e; a handbook for furnishing and decorating the inexpensive house. Better Homes in America (an educational organization with national head quarters at 1653 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C .), Washing ton, 1924. 32 pp. and* decorating the pamphlet is a brief selected list of publications on furnishing See also Nos. 12, 15, 17, and 44 of this list. A D M IS S IO N S 58. Carstens, C. C. : “ W hat children should be received for care by an insti tution or agency and what is the responsibility for those not accepted.” National Conference of Social Work, Proceedings, 1925, pp. 83-88. 59. Cole, Lawrence C. : “ The plan of a general bureau of inquiry.” National Conference of Social Work, Proceedings, 1922, pp. 150-154. 60. Doherty, Bev. John: “Agencies for determining whether care outside of own home is necessary, and if so, what kind of care.” National Con ference of Social Work, Proceedings, 1925, pp. 88-94. 61. Johnson, Charles H . : “ How many children are needlessly in institu tions?” National Conference of Juvenile Agencies (formerly National Conference on the Education of Truant, Backward, and Delinquent Children), Proceedings, 1914, pp. 104-111. Discussion, pp. 112-115. 62. McCoy, Helen L .: “ The Philadelphia plan of a central bureau of inquiry and specialized care.” National Conference of Social W ork Proceed ings, 1922, pp. 145-150. 63. Oregon Child W elfa re Com m ission: Standards of Investigation for Ad mission of Children to Institutions. Portland. T p. 64. Beynolds, W ilfre d S .: “Admission to child-caring institutions and socie ties of neglected and dependent children.” National Conference of So cial Work, Proceedings, 1921, pp. 93-95. See also Nos. 6, 10, 15, 16, 18, 19, 26, 33, 34, and 39 of this list. P H Y S IC A L C A R E 65. Baldwin, Bird T., Ph. D ., and Thom as D. W ood, M . D .: Weight-heightage tables for boys and girls. American Child Health Association New York, 1923. 66. Bancroft, Jessie: The Posture of School Children. New York, 1913. 327 pp. The Macmillan Co 67. Carter, W illia m E ., M . D .: “ Physical findings in problem children” Mental Hygiene [New York], Vol. X , No. 1 (January, 1926), pp. 75-84. 2204°— 27------9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 124 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS 68. Children’ s Bureau, United States Department of Labor: Posture Clinicp; organization and exercises, by Armin Klein, M. D. Publication No. 164. 69. -----------: Posture E xercises; a handbook for schools and for teachers of physical education, by Armin Klein, M. D., and Leah 0 . Thomas. Publi cation No. 165.1 70. -----------: Demonstration of the Community Control of Rickets, by Martha M. Eliot, M. D. Reprinted by the Children’s Bureau from the Pro ceedings of the Third Annual Conference of State Directors of the Local Administration of the Maternity and Infancy Act, 1926. 5 pp. 71. -----------: Sunlight for Babies. Folder No. 5. Washington, 1926. 72. -----------: Standards for Physicians Conducting Conferences in ChildHealth Centers. Publication No. 154. Washington, 1926. 11 pp. 73. ---------- : Statures and Weights of Children under Six Years of Age, by Rob ert M. Woodbury. Publication No. 87. Washington, 1921. 60 pp. 74. Cleveland Protestant Orphan A s y lu m : Annual Report. Cleveland, 1922. 20 pp. 75. Dublin, Louis I ., and John C. Gebhart: “ Do height-and-weight tables identify undernourished children?” American Journal of Public Health [New York], vol. 13, no. 11 (November, 1923), pp. 920-927. Reprint issued by the New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. 76. Emerson, W illia m R . P ., M . D .: Nutrition and Growth in Children. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1922. 342 pp. 77. ---------- : “ Nutrition and growth in children.” Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, vol. 188, No. 1 (January 4, 1923), pp. 8-10. 78. H olt, L. Em m ett, M. D .: Care and Feeding of Children. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1923. 252 pp. 79. ----------- and John H ow land, M . D . : The Diseases of Infancy and Child hood. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1919. 1180 pp. 80. Lucas, W illia m Palm er, M . D .: The Health of the Runabout Child. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1923. . 229 pp. 81. M y L ittle Child’s H ea lth ; study outline of the preschool child. Ameri can Child Health Association, New York, 1923. 48 pp. 82. Ohio Departm ent of Public W e lfa r e , D ivision of Charities: Child Health in Institutions (Interpretation of Health Leaflet Series, Institution Series No. 2 ) , by Joanne Ortelle, R. N. Columbus, 1925. Deals with the responsibility of the institution, of the admitting physician, and of the community, and with defective nutrition. 83. Term an, L. M ., M . D . : The Hygiene of the School Child. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, .1914. 417 pp. 84. Thomas, Leah C., and J. E. G old th w ait: Body Mechanics and Health. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1922. 112 pp. 85. W ood, Thom as D ., M . D ., and H u g h Grant Rowell, M . D .: Health through Prevention and Control of Diseases. World Book Co., Chi cago, 1925. 122 pp. See also Nos. 4, 5, 7, and 8 of this list. FO O D A N D C L O T H IN G JO F! 86. Bureau of Education, United States Department of the Interior: Diet for the School Child. Health Education Series No. 2. Washington, 1922.. 14 pp. 87. Bureau of H om e Economics, U nited States Department of A gricu ltu re: Food for Young Children, by Caroline L. Hunt. Farmers’ Bulletin No. 717 (revised). Washington, 1920. 26 pp. 88. -----------: Good Proportions in the Diet, by Caroline L. Hunt. Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1313. Washington, 1923. 24 pp. 89. -----------: How to Select Foods, by Caroline L. Hunt and Helen W . Atwater. Farmers’ Bulletin No. 808 (revised). Washington, 1921. 15 pp. 1 The Children’s Bureau has a motion-picture film entitled “ Posture,” which may be obtained on lean from the bureau. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIST OF REFERENCES 125 90. California State Board of Control, Department of Finance: “ Standard dietary for an orphanage,” by Adele S. Jaffa, M. D. Report of the Bu reau of Children’s Aid, 1920-1923, pp. 38-55. Sacramento.' 91. Children’ s Bureau, U nited States Department of Labor: Milk, the In dispensable Food for Children, by Dorothy Reed Mendenhall, M. D. Publication No. 163. Washington, 1926. 43 pp. 92. Food for the Fam ily. New York Association for Improving the Condi tion of the Poor Publication No. 120 (revised), ew York, 1922. 31 pp. 93. G illett. Lucy H . : Food for Health’s Sake. National Health Series. Funk & Wagnalls, 1924. 47 pp. * 94. H o lt, Em m ett L . : Food, Health, and G rowth; a discussion of the nutrition of children. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1922. 273 pp. 95. M cCollum , E. V ., and N . Sim m onds: The Newer Knowledge of Nutrition (revised). The Macmillan Co., New York, 1925. 675 pp. 96. -----------: Food, Nutrition, and Health. East End Post Station, Box 25, Baltimore, 1925. 143 pp. 97. Monroe, D., and Lenore Monroe Stratton: Buying and Our Markets. M. Barrows & Co. Boston, 1925. 321 pp. 98. Receipts for In stitutions. Chicago Dietetic Association. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1923. 163 pp. 99. Rose, M a ry S w a r tz: Feeding the Family. Revised edition. The Mac millan Co., New York, 1924. 487 pp. Gives instructions for the preparation of food and the planning of menus for children of various ages. 100. -----------: “ Child nutrition and diet.” Journal of Home Economics [Balti more], vol. 15, no. 3 (March, 1923), pp. 129-142. 101. Smedley, E m m a: Institution Receipts (fourth edition). E. Smedley, Media, Pa., 1924. 342 pp. See also Nos. 4, 5, 7, and 8 o f this list. CLOTHING 102. Bigelow, Zella G .: “ The hygiene of clothing.” Journal of Home Eco nomics [Baltimore], vol. 12 (June, 1920), pp. 253-258. 103. Bureau of H om e Economics, U nited States Department of Agriculture: Selection and Care of Clothing, by Laura I. Naldt. Farmers’ Bulletin 1089. Washington, 1920. 32 pp. 104.. -----------: Home Laundering, by Lydia Ray Balderston. Farmers’ Bulletin 1099. Washington, 1920. 32 pp. 105. Cranor, Katharine T aylor: “ Clothing and health.” Journal of Home Economics [Baltimore], vol. 15, no. 8 (August, 1923), pp. 426-430. 106. Glanton, Louise P .: “ The relation of clothing to health.” Journal of Home Economics [Baltimore], vol. 16, no. 4 (April, 1924), pp. 185-191. A bibliography. 107. Sherman, Florence A ., M . D .: “ The hygiene of clothing.” Journal of H om e Economics [B a ltim o re ], vol. 17, no. 1 (January, 1 9 2 5 ), pp. 2 0 -2 6 . See also N os. 4, 8, and 44 o f th is list. M E N T A L H E A L T H A N D H A B IT F O R M A T I O N 2 108. Baldwin, Bird T ., and Lorle I. Stecher: The Psychology of the Preschool Child. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1924. 305 pp. 109. Burnham, W illia m H .: The Normal M ind; an introduction to mental hygiene and the hygiene of school instruction. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1924. 702 pp. 110. Cameron, Hector Charles, M . D .: The Nervous Child. Oxford Medical Publication, Oxford University Press, New York, 1924. 233 pp. * References on these two subjects have been combined because of the similarity of the source material. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 126 HANDBOOK FOB INSTITUTIONS 111. Children’s Bureau, United States Department of Labor: The Practical Application of Mental Hygiene to the W elfare of the Child, by D. A. Thom, M. D. Reprinted by the Children’s Bureau from the Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of State Directors of the Local Admin istration o f the Maternity and Infancy Act, 1926. 9 pp. 112. Cleveland, E lizabeth : Training the Toddler. J. B. Lippincott Co., Phila delphia, 1925. 172 pp. 113. Gesell, A rnold, M . D .: The Mental Growth of the Preschool Child. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1925. 447 pp. 114. Groves, Ernest R ., and Gladys H oagland Groves: Wholesome Childhood. Houghton# Mifflin Co., Boston, 1924. 183 pp. 115. M iller, H . Crichton: The New Psychology and the Teacher. Thomas Seltzer, New York, 1922. 225 pp. 116. M organ, John J. B .: The Psychology of the Unadjusted School Child. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1924. 300 pp. 117. Pennsylvania Department of W elfare, Bureau of Children: Some Unde sirable Habits and Suggestions as to Treatment, by Jessie Taft. Bul letin No. 4. Harrisburg, 1922. 118. Richard, Esther Loring, M . D .: “ The elementary school and the indi vidual child.” Mental H ygiene [New York], vol. 5 (October, 1921), pp. 707-719. 119. R ichm ond, W in ifr e d : The Adolescent G irl; a book for parents and teach ers. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1925. 212 pp. 120. Scott, M iriam F in n : How to Know Your Child. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1915. 316 pp. 121. Social Aspects of M ental H ygiene. Addresses by Frankwood E. W il- liams, C. Macfie Campbell, Abraham Myerson, Arnold Gesell, W alter E. Fernald, and Jessie Taft. Yale University Press, New Haven, and Oxford University Press, London, 1925. 150 pp. 122. Taft, Jessie: “ Problems of normal adolescence.” Mental H ygiene [New York], vol. 5 (October, 1921), pp. 741-751. 123. W h ite, W illia m A ., M . D .: The Mental Hygiene of Childhood. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1919. 193 pp. 124. W ile , Ira S .: The Challenge of Childhood; studies in personality and behavior. Thomas Seltzer, New York, 1925. 305 pp. 125. W oolley, Helen T .: “ Enuresis as a psychological problem.” Mental H y giene [New York], Yol. X , No. 1 (January, 1926), pp. 38-53. See also issues of Mental Hygiene, published quarterly by the Na tional Committee for Mental Hygiene, 370 Seventh Avenue, New York, and many excellent papers obtainable as reprints from it (especially Nos. 44, 58, 80, 81, 83, and 85) ; pamphlets issued by the American Social Hygiene Association, 370 Seventh Avenue, New Y ork ; and Nos. 3, 5, 7, and 38 of this list. S P IR IT U A L A N D M O R A L T R A IN IN G 126. A n n u a l R e p o r t, O rp h an A s y lu m S o c ie ty in th e C ity H astin gs-on -H u dson , N ew Y ork, 1917. of N ew Y ork Contains an outline of the self-government system in operation in this asvlum for 15 years. * ■ 127. C abot, E lla L y m a n : E veryd ay Ethics. 439 pp. 128 ----------- : E th ics fo r Children. H en ry H o lt & Co., N ew Y o rk 1906 H oughton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1910. 129. Cabot, R ic h a rd C la rk e : W h a t Men L ive B y. ton Mifflin C o .), Boston, 1914. 341 pp. 262 pp. H oughton Co. (now H ough 130. G ru e n b e rg , B e n ja m in C., e d ito r: O utlines o f Child S tu d y ; a m anual for parents and teachers. T h e M acm illan Co., N ew Y ork , 1922. 260 pp. Obedience, pp. 2 3 -2 5 ; truth and falsehood, pp. 34-37 ; fear, pp. 42-46- the use of money, pp. 8 2 -8 4 ; children’s books and reading, pp. 135-140; arts in the life of the child, pp. 141-150; religious training, pp. 196-198. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIST OF REFERENCES 127 131. H ealy, W illia m , M . D, : Honesty ; a study of the causes and treatment of dishonesty among children. The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, 1915. 220 pp. > 132. Patri, A n g elo : Child Training. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1922. 434 pp. A collection of short popular essays on various phases of child training. 133. Report of Board of Directors, H ebrew Sheltering Guardian Society, 1924. Pleasantville, N. Y. See also Nos. 3 and 5 of this list. . E D U C A T IO N 134. A lln u t, Phoebe C .: “ Educational adventures in an institution.” T h e Family [New York], Vol. IY , No. 4 (June, 1923), pp. 95-98. 135. Children’s Bureau and U nited States Em ploym ent Service, U n ited States Departm ent of L a bo r: Vocational Guidance and Junior Place ment. Children’s Bureau Publication No. 149 and Employment Service Publication A. Washington, 1925. 440 pp. 136. D ouglas, Paul H .: American Apprenticeship and Industrial Education. Columbia University, New York, 1921. 348 pp. 137. Fryberger, A g n es Moore: Listening Lessons in Music. Silver, Burdett & Co., New York, 1925. 254 pp. General instructions to teachers, graded for schools, with suggestions as to songs and phonograph records. Can be used by persons who are not trained teachers. 138. Graded L ist of Books for Children, prepared bv the elementary school library committee of the National Education Association of the United States. American Library Association, Chicago, 1922. 235 pp. Contains annotated lists o f picture books and easy reading for children, by school grades, with prices and publishers. 139. O’ Shea, M . V .: Mental Development and Education. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1921. 403 pp. 140. Prosser, Charles A ., and Charles It. A lle n : Vocational Education in a Democracy. The Century Go., New York, 1925. 580 pp. 141. Snedden, D avid S .: Vocational Education. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1920. 587 pp. 142. W ood, E lizabeth T .: Report on the Psychological Examination of All Children at the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society. Pleasantville, N. Y., 1923. See also bulletins of the Bureau of Educational Experiments, 144 W est Thirteenth Street, New Y o r k ; numbers of Progressive Education, a quarterly review of the newer tendencies in education, published by the Progressive Education Association, Washington, D. C .; bulletins of the Bureau of Education, United States Department of the Interior, and of the Federal Board for Vocational Education; the yearbooks of the National Society for the Study of Education, Public School Pub lishing Co., Bloomington, 111.; and No. 3 of this list. R E C R E A T IO N 143. A tkinson, Robert K . : Play for Children in Institutions. Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1923. 44 pp. 144. B ancroft, Jessie H . : Games for the Playground, Home, School, and Gym nasium. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1918. 456 pp. 145. Brown, Florence W arren, and N eva L. B oyd: Old English and American Games. Saul Bros., Chicago, 1915. 55 pp. 146. Bryant, Sara C.: How to Tell Stories to Children. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1905. 260 pp. 147. Burchenal, E lizabeth: Folk Dances and Singing Games. G. L. Schirmer, New York, 1909. 92 pp. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 128 HANDBOOK FOE INSTITUTIONS 148. Bureau of Education, U nited States Department of the Interior: Athletic Badge Tests for Boys and Girls. Physical Education Series No. 2. Washington, 1923. 17 pp. 149. -----------: Preparation of School Grounds for Play Fields and Athletic Events, by Dorothy Hutchinson. Physical Education Series No. 1. Washington, 1923. 17 pp. 150. Children’s Bureau, United States Department of Labor: A Brief Manual • of Games for Organized Play, Adapted from Standard Sources, by Martha Travilla Speakman. Publication No. 113. Washington, 1923. 39 pp. 15 1 . --------- : Backyard Playgrounds. Folder No. 2. Washington, 1923. 152. Cockran, M ary R udd: A Children’s Home Library. The Ohio Bulletin of Charities and Correction [Columbus], vol. 22, no. 2 (April, 1916). Re print obtainable. 14 pp. 153. Gulick, Luther H .: A Philosophy of Play. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1920. 291 pp. 154. H azeltine, Alice I .: Plays for Children. American Library Association, Chicago, 1921. 116 pp. 155. Lee, Joseph:. Play in Education. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1923. 500 pp. 156. M clsaac, F. J .: The Tony Sarg Marionette Book. W . B. Huebsch, New York, 1921. 58 pp. 157. Moses, Montrose J .: Treasury of Plays for Children. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1921. 550 pp. Plays ‘suitable for older children. 158. O ne-Act P lays for ¿Young Folks. Edited by M. A. Jagendorf. Brentano’s, New York, 1924. 220 pp. 159. Stories to Tell to Children; a selected list w ith stories and poems for h oliday program s. Third edition. Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, 1921. 76 pp. 160. Tw ice 55 Games w ith M usic. C. C. Burchard & Co., Boston, 1924. 48 pp. See also publications of the American Child Health Association, 370 Seventh Avenue, New Y o rk ; and Nos. 137 and 138 of this list. Pamphlets and charts for nature study may be obtained from the United States Department of Agri culture, Washington, D. C., and from the National Association of Audubon Societies, 1974 Broadway, New York. Lists of playground equipment and of manufacturers of equipment, lists of plays, pageants, suggestions for holiday celebrations, and bulletins on various recreational activities may be had from the Playground and Recreation Association of America, 315 Fourth Avenue, New York. Suggestions and directions for certain handicrafts and for decora tions for entertainments may be obtained from the larger kindergarten supply companies and paper specialty companies. D IS C H A R G E A N D A F T E R C A R E 161. Children’ s Bureau, United States Department of Labor: Adoption Laws in the United States, by Emelyn Foster Peck. Publication No. 148. Washington, 1925. 51 pp. 162. Evans, M rs. Glendower: “ W hat do you know of the children after they leave your home or institution? Do you supervise th em ?” National Conference of Charities and Correction, Proceedings, 1907, pp. 274-278. 163. Folks, H om er: “ Report of special committee on standards of placing out, supervision, and aftercare of dependent children.” New York State Conference of Charities and Correction, Proceedings, 1915, pp. 174-289. 164. H art, H astin gs H . : “ The responsibility and methods of the institution in relation to the ‘ discharged child.’ ” National Conference of Juvenile Agencies, Proceedings, 1922, pp. 18-23. 165. Ludlow, Sam uel: After the Orphan Asylum— W h at? Catholic Guardian Society, New York, 1924. 166. Reynolds, W ilfre d S .: “ Standards of child-placing and supervision, a committee report.” Annual Conference of the National Children’s Home and Welfare Association, Proceedings, 1919, pp. 19-21. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L IS T OP REFEREE CES 129 167. Slingerland, "W illiam H . : Child-placing in Fam ilies; a manual for stu dents and social workers. Bussell Sage Foundation, New York, 1919. 168. Taft, Jessie: The Need for Psychological Interpretation in the Placement of Dependent Children. Child W elfare League of America Bulletin No. 6. New York, 1922. 169. -----------: “ Relation of personality study to child placing.” ference of Social Work, Proceedings, 1919, pp. 63-67. See also Nos. 6, 10, 15, 18, 25, and 37 of this list. National Con R E C O R D S A N f> S T A T I S T I C S 170. Aronovici, Carol: “ Wider use of case records.” National Conference of Social Work, Proceedings, 1916, pp. 468-471. 171. B liss, George S., M . D .: “ Interinstitution records.” Conference on the Education of Dependent, Truant, Backward, and Delinquent Children Proceedings, 1915, pp. 110-112. Records helpful to superintendent in administrative supervision. 172. Bruno, Frank J .: “ W hat a case record is for.” National Conference o f . Social Work, Proceedings, 1916, pp. 452-460. 173. C alifornia State Board of Charities and Corrections: Institution Re ports ; W hat They Are and W hat They Should Be, by Samuel Langer. pp. 75-78. Sacramento, 1916. Reprinted in 1919. A discussion of the form in which reports should be prepared to attract public interest. 174. H ew ins, Katharine P .: “ Shaping the record to facilitate research.” N a tional Conference of Social Work, Proceedings, 1916, pp. 460-468. 175. Johnson, Fred R . : “ Case records; discussion.” National Conference of Social Work, Proceedings, 1916, pp. 471-472. 176. Ohio Board of State Charities, In stitutional Inspection D ivision, Chil dren’s W elfa re D epartm ent: A Child’s H o m e; suggested minimum standards for child-caring institutions, by Mary I. Atkinson and Joan Ortelle, R. N. Columbus, 1920. 177. Pennsylvania Departm ent of Public W elfare, Bureau of Children: The W hat, W hy, and How of Children’s Records. Harrisburg, 1925. (Mimeographed.) 1 178. Ralph, Georgia G .: .Elements of Record Keeping for Child-Helping Or ganizations. Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1915. 195 pp. Contains a bibliography on the subject. 179. Sheffield, A d a E lio t: The Social Case H istory; its construction and con tent. Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1920. 227 pp. See also record forms published by the Child W elfare League of America, 130 East Twenty-second Street, New York, and the Conference of Catholic Charities, 700 Eleventh Street N W ., Washington, D. C., and several of the State departments of public w elfare; and No. 33 of this list. o Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis