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U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR CHILDREN’S BUREAU JU LIA C . L A T H R O P . Chief HANDBOOK OF FEDERAL STATISTICS OF CHILDREN PA R T 1 NUMBER OF CHILDREN IN THE UNITED STATES WITH THEIR SEX, AGE, RACE, NATIVITY, PARENTAGE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION Bureau Publication N o. 5 Second Edition WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 L A W E S T A B L IS H IN G T H E C H IL D R E N ’ S B U R E A U . AN ACT To establish in the Department of Commerce and Labor a bureau to be known as the Children’ s Bureau. [62d Cong., 2d session. S. 252. Public, No. 116.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there shall be estab lished in the Department of Commerce and Labor a bureau to be known as the Children’s Bureau.1 S e c . 2 . That the said bureau shall be under the direction of a chief, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and who shall receive an annual compensation of five thousand dollars. The said bureau shall investigate and report to said department upon all matters pertaining to the welfare of chil dren and child life among all classes of our people, and shall especially investigate the questions of infant mortality, the birth rate, orphan age, juvenile courts, desertion, dangerous occupations, accidents and diseases of children, employment, legislation affecting children in the several States and Territories. But no official, or agent, or representative of said bureau shall, over the objection of the head of the family, enter any house used exclusively as a family residence. The chief of said bureau may from time to time publish the results of these investigations in such manner and to such extent as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. S e c . 3. That there shall be in said bureau, until otherwise pro vided for by law, an assistant chief, to be appointed by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, who shall receive an annual compensation of two thousand four hundred dollars; one private secretary to the chief of the bureau, who shall receive an annual compensation of one thousand five hundred dollars; one statistical expert, at two thou sand dollars; two clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; one clerk of class two; one clerk of class one; one clerk, at one thousand dollars; one copyist, at nine hundred dollars; one special agent, at one thousand four hundred dollars; one special agent, at one thou sand two hundred dollars, and one messenger at eight hundred and forty dollars S e c . 4. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby directed to furnish sufficient quarters for the work of this bureau at an annual rental not to exceed two thousand dollars. S e c . 5 . That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, April 9, 1912. 1 Transferred from Department of Commerce and Labor to Department of Labor by Act approved March 4,1913. 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis w sto # b~ # CONTENTS. _ . Letter of transmittal........................................................................................................ Introduction...................................... Scope of P a r t i........................................... Number of children......................................................................................................... Sex....................... R ace........................... i ...................................................................................................... Nativity and parentage....... ....................................... Geographic distribution................ State distribution............................................................................................................. Size of communities......................................................................................................... age. 5 7 7 9 20 21 23 24 27 27 G EN E RAL TABLES. Children of the several States, b y race, nativity, and parentage, census of 1910: Table 1.— Children under 15 years....................................................................... Table 2 .— Children under 1 year........................................................................... Table 3.— Children under 5 years......................................................................... Table 4.— Children 5 to 9 years............................................................................. Table 5.— Children 10 to 14 years......................................................................... Table 6.— Children 15 to 19 years__ t................................................................... Boys of the several States, b y race, nativity, and'parentage, census of 1910: Table 7.— Boys under 15 years.............. ............................_•................................. Table 8 .—Boys under 1 year............................... ................... ................... _ Table 9.— Boys under 5 years................................................. ............................... Table 10.— Boys 5 to 9 years................................................................................. Table 11.— Boys 10 to 14 years. .......................................................................... Table 12.— Boys 15 to 19 years.............................................................................. Girls of the several States, b y race, nativity, and parentage, census of 1910: Table 13.— Girls under 15 years................................................. ....... .................. Table 14.— Girls under 1 year................................................................................ Table 15.— Girls under 5 years...................... .......... ............................................ Table 16.—Girls 5 to 9 years.................................................................................. Table 17.— Girls 10 to 14 years....................................... Table 18.— Girls 15 to 19 years............................................................................... Urban and rural children of the several States, b y race, and nativity, census of 1910: Table 19.— Children under 15 years................................................ ..................... Table 20.— Children under 1 year....................................................... ................. Table 21.— Children under 5 years.............................................. ......... ; ............. Table 22.— Children 5 to 9 years........................................................................... Table 23.— Children 10 to 14 years....................................................................... Table 24.— Children 15 to 19 years...................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 CONTENTS. Page. Urban and rural children of the several States, b y sex, census of 1910: Table 25.— Children under 15 years......... . .......................................................... Table 26.— Children under 1 year............................................ - - - - ...........-------46 Table 27.— Children under 5 years....................................................................... 47 Table 28.— Children 5 to 9 years........................................................................... 48 Table 29.— Children 10 to 14 years....................................................................... 49 Table 30.— Children 15 to 19 years....................................................................... Children of the several geographic divisions, b y size of communities in which they live, with percentage living in communities of specified size, census of 1910: Table 31.— Children under 15 years..................................................................... Table 32.— Children under 5 years............................................. - ....................... Table 33.— Children 5 to 14 years......................................................................... Children of cities having a population of 25,000 or over, b y sex, race, and nativity, census of 1910: Table 34.— Children under 15 years..................................................................... Table 35.— Children under 1 year......................................................................... Table 36.— Children under 5 years...................................................................... Table 37.— Children 5 to 9 y e a rs.............................................................. - ......... Table 38.— Children 10 to 14 years...................................................................... Table 39.— Children 15 to 19 years......... ............................................................. Appendix: Table A .— Children under 21 years of age, b y year of age, race, nativity, and parentage, census of 1910............................................................................ Table B .—Boys under 21 years of age, b y year of age, race, nativity, and parentage, census of 1910................................................................................... Table C.—Girls under 21 years of age, b y year of age, race, nativity, and parentage, census of 1910................................................................................... Table D .— Children under 21 years of age, b y year of age, for States, census of 1910....................................................... .............................................................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50 50 50 51 60 68 76 84 92 102 103 4 ^ 103 104 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. D epartm ent o f L abor, C h il d r e n ’ s B u r e a u , Washington, D. C., June 24,1913. : I transmit herewith a statistical report showing the number of children in the United States according to the census of 1910, and their sex, age, race, nativity, parentage, and geographic distribution. This constitutes Part 1 of a statistical handbook designed to bring together in a convenient form the available official statistics regarding children. We hope to follow this with other parts, as fast as they can be prepared with our limited force, relating to the proportion of children, the birth rate, and infant mortality, illiteracy and school attendance, child labor, and the defective, dependent, and delinquent children. The preparation of these reports is under the immediate supervision of Mr. Lewis Meriam, the assistant chief of the Children’s Bureau. He desires that special mention be made of the faithful service of Miss Lillian M. Lewis, who has prepared most of the tabular matter. Very respectfully, S ir J u l ia C. L athrop, Chief o f Bureau. Hon. W il l ia m B. W i l s o n , Secretary o f Labor. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HANDBOOK OF FEDERAL STATISTICS OF CHILDREN. IN T R O D U C T IO N . Several Government bureaus have in the past collected statistical material relating to children, but it is scattered through numerous volumes of official reports and has never been brought together and correlated by anyone interested primarily in its relation to the prob lems of child welfare. The object of this statistical handbook is to perform that task; to bring the material together, to digest, corre late, and annotate it, so that the user may have in convenient form a summary of the available data. The basic figures in this hand book are not new, but in most cases the arrangement and the deriva tive figures are. SCOPE OF P A R T 1. Part 1 of the handbook is concerned with the number of children, their age, sex, race, nativity, parentage, and geographic distribution. It is designed to answer the questions: How many children of each class are there ? and Where are they ? The first question which arises in. the compilation of such statis tics is, A t what age shall the fine be drawn between childhood and adult life ? The age at which it is drawn in legislation affecting chil dren differs for different purposes, and often differs for the same purpose in different States. For instance, a boy does not become an adult capable of binding himself by an ordinary contract until he is 21 years old, but he can generally marry at a considerably earlier age. The variation between the States in respect to the ages below which children are protected from the evils of child labor is notorious; and often, very reasonably, the child-labor laws of a State will pre scribe different ages for different occupations or for different types of children. Thus, so far as the law is concerned, there is no clearly recognized dividing fine between childhood and adult life. The 1910 census returns showing the number of children at each individual year of age were not available when the first edition of this part of the handbook was published. They are now to be found in some detail in the valuable chapter on age distribution in Volume 1 of the reports of the Thirteenth Census. To reproduce them in all their detail is, of course, beyond the scope of this handbook, but in the Appendix, beginning on page 102 of this pamphlet, will be found Tables A, B, and C, showing the number of children at each age from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7 d F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OP C H IL D R E N 1. under 1 to 20, by sex, race, nativity, and parentage; and Table D, giving tbe number at each age for States. In the majority of the tables the figures are given in five-year age groups beginning with “ under 5 .” The period of fife from birth to the twentieth birthday is thus divided into four periods: “ Under 5 years,” “ 5 to 9 years,” 10 to 14 years,” and “ 15 to 19 years.” B y adding the numbers in the first three of these periods together the total number of children under 15 years of age is secured; and the period of life from birth to the fifteenth birthday probably coincides as closely as any other with the popular conception of the years of childhood. Attention should perhaps be called to the fact that the number of children at any given year of age can be determined with a close approach to accuracy by dividing by five the total for the quin quennial period into which the given age falls. For example, in esti mating the number of children 16 years of age the number in the quinquennial period 15 to 19 would be divided by 5. In a natural population— that is, in a population not influenced by immigration or emigration— this method tends to understate the number of children in the lower ages of the five-year period and to overstate the number in the higher ages, provided, of course, the population is not decreas ing; but the percentage of error is so slight that it can generally be safely ignored, except in work demanding great refinement.1 The 1 It is rather interesting to compare the results of this method of estimating, as applied to the four quinquennial periods of childhood, with the results of an enumeration by single year of aee. Such a comparison is made in the following table, which gives the percentage which the actual number enumer ated as of the specified age forms of the estimated number: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 'V 9 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . error is, of course, greatest in estimating the number in the individual years under 5, because the mortality of children in the first year of fife is so high that the number less than 1 year old is much greater than the number a year old. Because of its special interest, the number of children under 1 year of age is given in these tables. A more accurate estimate of the number at the other ages under 5 can therefore be made by subtracting those under 1 from the total under 5 and dividing the difference by 4. N U M B E R OF C H IL D R E N . On April 15, 1910, according to the Federal census, there were in the United States 40,417,361 persons under 21 years of age and they formed 43.9 per cent of the total population of the country. The distribution of this great body of minors according to their ages is presented in Table I, which shows the percentage which the children of the specified age form of the entire population of the United States. (Footnote—Continued.) CHILDREN UNDER 20 TEARS OF AGE, CENSUS # OF 1910. AGE. Number. Number in each year from 10 to 14 as computed on hypothesis that the Actual number: Per cent which actual number in given age forms of num ber computed on hypothesis of even distri bution. 1,821,428 1,868,533 1,705,081 1,912,061 1,773,343 1,848,122 102.6 93.6 105.0 97.4 101.5 9,063,603 Number in each year from 15 to 19 as computed on hypothesis that the Actual number: 1,812,721 1,721,225 1,864,711 1,786,240 1,928,366 1,763,061 95.0 102.9 98.5 106.4 97.3 Figures for individual years of age, even as enumerated in a census, are not absolutely accurate. The facts regarding all the members of a family are often given the enumerator by the person who happens to be at home when he calls, and in making the statements as to age there is a tendency, clearly recognizable in the results, to give, in reporting the age of adults, an age ending in a five or a zero; and the figures above suggest that in reporting the age of children the general tendency is to prefer an age ending in an even num ber. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 T able F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . CENSUS OF I 1910. Per cent which children of Number of specified age children of specified age. form of the total population. AGE. 40,417,361 38,562,739 29,499,136 20,391,996 10,631,364 2,217,342 43.9 41.9 32.1 22 2 11.6 2.4 9,760,632 9,107,140 9,063,603 1,854,622 10.6 9.9 9.9 2.0 Persons under 15 years of age, the group which is generally thought of when children are mentioned, number 29,499,136 and form about one-third of the whole population. Babies under a year old num ber over 2,000,000 and make up almost one-fortieth of the people. It is generally believed that the census tends to understate the num ber of infants, possibly because some of them are omitted by the enumerators but more probably because mothers are likely to call their babies a year old when they are, in fact, only 10 or 11 months old. In the first case the babies do not appear in the census at all, and in the second case they appear as children 1 year old. SEX. The number of boys and girls is always very nearly equal, but the boys predominate slightly. The following table shows the number of boys and the number of girls at each age period and the number of boys to each 100 girls. T able CENSUS OF II AGE. 1910. Number of Number of Number of boys to each girls of boys of 100 girls. specified age. specified age. 20,333,126 19,433,754 14,906,472 10,304,719 5,380,596 1,123,409 20,084,235 19,128,985 14,592,664 10,087,277 5,250,768 1,093,933 101.2 101.6 102.2 102.2 102.5 102.7 4,924,123 4,601,753 4,527,282 899,372 4,836,509 4,505,387 4,536,321 955,250 101.8 102.1 99.8 94.2 Among the babies under 1 year of age there were, in 1910, 102.7 boys to each 100 girls, the boys outnumbering the girls by 29,476. Judging from the figures here given one would say that the excess of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . boys disappears at the ages 15 to 19 but it is very doubtful whether this is a fact. Census age figures are very seriously affected by the women who understate their ages, and this understatement carries into the age period from 15 to 19 years many women who should be in the older age periods. Among men there is probably no corre sponding tendency and hence in the age period 15 to 19 the women out number the men, though at all other quinquennial age periods below 75 years there are more men than women. This understatement of age means that certain women, older than 21 years of age, appear in the statistics as children. Exactly how many such cases there may be it is of course impossible to say, but the number probably does not greatly exceed 167,000 and most of these women are reported in the older ages of childhood, that is, from 16 to 20 years.1 R AC E. The following table shows the number of children of the different races and the percentage which the children of each race form of the total number of children at specified ages: T able n i CHILDREN ENUMERATED IN CENSUS OF 1910. AGE. Total. White. Negro. Indian. Chinese, Japanese, and all other. Under 21 years....................................... Under 20 years....................................... Under 15 years....................................... Under 10 years....................................... Under 5 years........... ............................. Under 1 year........................................... 4 0,4 1 7 ,3 6 1 3 8 ,5 6 2 ,7 3 9 2 9 ,4 9 9 ,1 3 6 2 0 ,3 9 1 ,9 9 6 1 0 ,6 3 1 ,3 6 4 2 ,2 1 7 ,3 4 2 3 5 ,3 1 5 ,2 0 7 3 3 ,6 8 4 ,8 8 6 2 5 ,7 1 6 ,4 9 5 1 7 ,7 9 8 ,0 8 7 9 ,3 2 2 ,9 1 4 1 ,9 5 5 ,6 0 5 4 ,9 4 1 ,1 4 8 4 ,7 2 5 ,5 2 3 3 ,6 6 5 ,1 0 7 2 ,5 0 9 ,8 4 1 1 ,2 6 3 ,2 8 8 252 ,38 6 142,547 136,804 108,318 76,9 25 4 0 ,3 8 4 8; 216 18,459 15,5 26 9 )2 1 6 7 '1 4 3 4 ,7 7 8 1)135 to 9 years.............................................. lOto 14 years.......................................... to 19 years.......................................... years of age......................................... 9 ,7 6 0 ,6 3 2 9 ,1 0 7 ,1 4 0 9 ,0 6 3 ,6 0 3 1 ,8 5 4 ,6 2 2 8 ,4 7 5 ,1 7 3 7 ,9 1 8 ,4 0 8 7 ,9 6 8 ,3 9 1 1 ,6 3 0 ,3 2 1 1 .2 4 6 ,5 5 3 1 ,1 5 5 ,2 6 6 1 ,0 6 0 ,4 1 6 215 ,62 5 3 6 ,5 4 1 3 1 ,3 9 3 2 8 ,4 8 6 5 ,7 4 3 2 ,3 6 5 2 ,0 7 3 6 )3 10 2 ,9 3 3 5 15 20 PER CENT WHICH CHILDREN OF SPECIFIED RACE FORM OF ALL CHILDREN OF GIVEN AGE. Under 21 years.'.................................... Under 20 years....................................... Under 15 years....................................... Under 10 years....................................... Under 5 years......................................... Under 1 year.......................................... 100 100 100 100 100 100 8 7 .4 8 7 .4 8 7 .2 8 7 .3 8 7 .7 8 8 .2 1 2 .2 1 2 .3 1 2 .4 1 2 .3 1 1 .9 1 1 .4 0 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 5 to 9 vears.............................................. 10 to 14 years.......................................... 15 to 19 years.......................................... 20 years of age......................................... 100 100 100 100 8 6 .8 8 6 .9 8 7 .9 8 7 .9 1 2 .8 1 2 .7 1 1 .7 1 1 .6 .4 .3 .3 .3 (2) (2) (2) ( 2) ( 2) 0 .1 ( 2) ( 2) .1 .2 1 The number 167,000 is arrived at by assuming that at ages 15 to 19 and at age 20 the number of boys to 100 girls is 102.1, just as it is at ages 10 to 14, and that the number of boys reported at 15 to 19 and at 20 is a reasonably true statement. For a discussion of the evidence which leads to the belief that the excess of females at ages 15 to 20 is due to an understatement of age see “ The proportion of the sexes,” Supplementary Analysis of the Twelfth Census, p. 101. 2 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OP C H IL D R E N . Roughly speaking, seven children out of every eight in this country are white. The rest are mostly negroes, for there are only 142,547 Indians and 18,459 Chinese, Japanese, and other colored under 21 years of age. The relative numerical importance of the races is practically the same at all the ages shown in the table, though the percentage which the negroes form of the infants under 1 year of age is peculiarly low. Too much weight should not be attached to this fact, because it is possible that it may result from a less accurate report of babies’ ages among that class of the population or from a less complete and thorough enumeration of negro babies. The number of boys and the number of girls of each race are shown in Table IY : T able CHILDREN ENUMERATED IN CENSUS OF IV 1910. AGE. Total. White. Negro. Indian. Chinese, Japanese, and all other. BOYS. 20,333,126 19,433,754 14,906,472 10,304,719 5,380,596 1,123,409 17,820,731 17,019,263 13,020,120 9,014,016 4,728,650 993,242 2,427,008 2,334,514 1,826,569 1,248,495 629,320 125,459 72,166 69,362 54,750 38,551 20,202 4,127 13,221 10,615 5,033 3,657 2,424 581 4,924,123 4,601,753 4,527,282 899,372 4,285,366 4,006,104 3,999,143 801,468 619,175 578,074 507,945 92,494 18,349 16,199 14,612 2,804 1,233 1,376 5,582 2,606 Under 1 year.......................................... 20,084,235 19,128,985 14,592,664 10,087,277 5,250,768 1; 093,933 17,494,476 16,665.623 12,696,375 8,784,071 4,594,264 962,363 2,514,140 2,391,009 1,838,538 1,261,346 633,968 126,927 70,381 67,442 53,568 38,374 20,182 4,089 5,238 4,911 4,183 3,486 2,354 554 10 to 14 years.......................................... 15 to 19 years.......................................... 20 years.............. ........- ........... .............. 4,836,509 4,505,387 4,536,321 955,250 4,189,807 3,912,304 3,969,248 828,853 627,378 577,192 552,471 123,131 18,192 15,194 13,874 2,939 1,132 697 728 327 Under 1 year.......................................... 5 to 9 years.............................................. 20 yearsi................................................. GIRLS. Under 21 years....................................... Under 20 years....................................... Except in the case of the negroes, the number of boys exceeds the number of girls at each age period shown in the table. Among the negroes the girls exceed the boys at all ages except 10 to 14. Among the negro babies under 1 year old there were 125,459 boys and 126,927 girls, or 98.8 boys per 100 girls. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . N A T IV I T Y A N D P A R E N T A G E . The nativity and parentage of the white children is given in the following table, which shows the percentage which the children in each class form of the total number of all children, both white and colored: T able "WHITE CHILDREN ENUMERATED IN CENSUS OF V 1910. Native. AGE. Both, par ents native. One or both par ents for eign bom. Total. Total. Foreign bom. Under 21 years................................... Under 20 years...................... ......... ... Under 15 years.................................... Under 10 years.................................... Under 5 years..................................... Under 1 year....................................... 35,315,207 33,684,886 25,716,495 17,798,087 9,322,914 1,955,605 33,623,587 32,251,779 24,957,149 17,397,071 9,220,407 1,948,870 23,792,363 22,820,635 17,731,580 12,407,297 6,546,282 1,369,140 9,831,224 9,431,144 7,225,569 4,989,774 2,674,125 579,730 1,691,620 1,433,107 759,346 401,016 102,507 6,735 5 to 9 years.......................................... 10 to 14 years....................................... 15 to 19 years....................................... 20 years............................................... 8,475,173 7,918,408 7,968,391 1,630,321 8,176,664 7,560,078 7,294,630 1,371,808 5,861,015 5,324,283 5,089,055 971,728 2,315,649 2,235,795 2,205,575 400,080 298,509 358,330 673,761 258,513 PERCENTAGE WHICH CHILDREN OF SPECIFIED NATIVITY FORM OF ALL CHILDREN, "WHITE OR COLORED , OF GIVEN AGE. Under 21 years.................................... Under 20 years.................................... Under 15 years.................................... Under 10 years.................................... Under 5 years..................................... Under 1 year....................................... 87.4 87.4 87.2 87.3 87.7 88.2 .83.2 83.6 84.6 85.3 86.7 87.9 58.9 59.2 60.1 60.8 61.6 61.7 24.3 24.5 24.5 24,5 25.2 26.1 4.2 3.7 2.6 2.0 1.0 .3 5 to 9 years.......................................... 10 to 14 years....................................... 15 to 19 years....................................... 20 years............................................... 86.8 86.9 87.9 87.9 83.8 83.0 80.5 73.9 60.0 58.5 56.1 52.4 23.7 24.5 24.3 21.6 3.1 3.9 7.4 13.9 The number of white children who are themselves foreign born is comparatively small, especially among the young children. Of the total number under 5 years of age only 102,507, or 1 per cent, are foreign-born white. Native white children with one or both parents foreign born; that is, white children born in this country of immigrant parents, or with one parent an immigrant, are numerous, forming in each age group approximately one-fourth of all the children. Most of the children are, however, native white of native parentage; that is, born in the United States of parents who were both bora in this country. Children of this class under 15 years of age number 17,731,580 and form 60.1 per cent of all children of that age. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . The number of boys and the number of girls in each of these classes of white children is given in the following table: T able WHITE CHILDREN ENUMERATED IN CENSUS OF 1910. VI Native. AGE. Total. Total. Both par ents native. One or both par ents for eign bom. Foreign bom. BOYS. Under 21 years.................................... Under 20 years.................................... Under 15 years.................................... Under 10 years.................................... Under 5 years...................................... Under 1 year....................................... 17,8 20 ,73 1 17,0 19 ,26 3 1 3 ,0 20 ,12 0 9 ,0 1 4 ,0 1 6 4 ,7 2 8 ,6 5 0 993,242 1 6 ,9 43 ,76 0 1 6 ,2 8 3 ,6 1 4 1 2 ,6 36 ,22 5 8 ,8 1 1 ,4 2 4 4 ,6 7 6 ,7 1 0 989,715 1 2 ,0 17 ,48 7 11,5 48 ,65 1 8 ,9 9 6 ,1 2 3 6 ,2 9 5 ,4 6 7 3 ,3 2 6 ,2 3 7 696,200 4 ,9 2 6 ,2 7 3 4 ,7 3 4 ,9 6 3 3 ,6 4 0 ,1 0 2 2 ,5 1 5 ,9 5 7 1 ,3 5 0 ,4 7 3 293,515 876,971 735,649 383,895 202,592 51,940 3 ,5 2 7 5 to 9 years.......................................... 10 to 14 years....................................... 15 to 19 years....................................... 20 years................................................ 4 ,2 8 5 ,3 6 6 4 ,0 0 6 ,1 0 4 3 ,9 9 9 ,1 4 3 801,468 4 ,1 3 4 ,7 1 4 3 ,8 2 4,8 01 3 ,6 4 7 ,3 8 9 660,146 2 ,9 6 9 ,2 3 0 2 ,7 0 0 ,6 5 6 2 ,5 5 2 ,5 2 8 468,836 1 ,1 6 5 ,4 8 4 1 ,1 2 4 ,1 4 5 1 ,0 9 4,8 61 191,310 150,652 181,303 3 51,754 141,322 Under 21 years.................................... Under 20 years.................................... Under 15 years.................................... Under 10 years.................................... Under 5 years..................................... Under 1 year....................................... 1 7 ,4 9 4 ,4 7 6 1 6 ,6 65 ,62 3 1 2 ,6 96 ,37 5 8 ,7 8 4 ,0 7 1 4 ,5 9 4 ,2 6 4 962,363 1 6 ,6 7 9 ,8 2 7 1 5 ,9 68 ,16 5 1 2,3 2 0 ,9 2 4 8 ,5 8 5 ,6 4 7 4 ,5 4 3 ,6 9 7 959,155 1 1 ,7 7 4 ,8 7 6 1 1 ,2 7 1 ,9 8 4 8 ,7 3 5 ,4 5 7 6 ,1 1 1 ,8 3 0 3 ,2 2 0 ,0 4 5 672,940 4 ,9 0 4 ,9 5 1 4 ,6 9 6,1 81 3 ,5 8 5 ,4 6 7 2 ,4 7 3 ,8 1 7 1 ,3 2 3 ,6 5 2 286,215 814,649 697,458 375,451 198,424 50,5 67 3 ,2 0 8 5 to 9 years.......................................... 10 to 14 years....................................... 15 to 19 years....................................... 20 years"............................................... 4 ,1 8 9 ,8 0 7 3 ,9 1 2 ,3 0 4 3 ,9 6 9 ,2 4 8 828,853 4 ,0 4 1 ,9 5 0 3 .7 3 5 ,2 7 7 3 ,6 4 7 ,2 4 1 711,662 2 ,8 9 1 ,7 8 5 2 ,6 2 3 ,6 2 7 2 ,5 3 6 ,5 2 7 502,892 1 ,1 5 0 ,1 6 5 1 ,1 1 1 ,6 5 0 1 ,1 1 0 ,7 1 4 208,770 147,857 177,027 322,007 117,191 GIRLS. The excess of males over females, previously noted, is common to all classes of white children except the native whites with one or both parents foreign born in the age periods 15 to 19. At that age the figures show 1,094,861 native white boys of foreign or mixed parentage as contrasted with 1,110,714 girls of that class. This apparent excess of females may not be a true statement of the facts but may possibly result from the understatement of ages on the part of a considerable number of women who in fact belong in the older age group.1 G E O G R A PH IC D IS T R IB U T IO N . The percentage which the children in each geographic division form of the total number in the country as a whole is shown on the following page for those under 15 years of age. The composition of the different geographic divisions is given in the tables on pages 20 to 49, where the States are arranged geographically. Almost all the figures presented in the general tables are given for each State as well as for the United States as a whole. In grouping the States in geographic divisions the Children’s Bureau has used the form followed by the Bureau of the Census, from whose reports Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 For a discussion of the understatement of age, see p. 11. 15 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . the basic figures have been taken. Because of the large number of States it is extremely difficult to exhibit the broad geographic con ditions regarding population by means of comparisons among indi vidual States. In addition, therefore, to the presentation of sta tistics by States they are given for nine groups of States which are designated as geographic divisions. The reasons for thus grouping the States is explained by the Bureau of the Census as follows: 1 “ This plan reduces the comparisons necessary to a general under standing of the geographic differences in conditions to a number which can be readily grasped. The States within each of these divisions are for the most part fairly homogeneous in physical char acteristics, as well as in the characteristics of their population and their economic and social conditions, while on the other hand each division differs more or less sharply from most others in these respects. In forming these groups of States the lines have been based partly on physical and partly on historical conditions. The grouping of these States in geographic divisions has facilitated a geographical rather than an alphabetical order in the tables which present the results for individual States. The advantage of this geographical order lies in the greater ease with which conditions in 4 contiguous States can be compared.” T able vn CHILDREN UNDER 15 YEARS OF AG E, CENSUS OF 1910: PER CENT WHICH THOSE IN GIVEN GEOGRAPHIC DIVISION FORM OF THE TOTAL NUMBER IN THE UNITED STATES. N ative whii e. GEOGRAPHIC DIVISION. Total. Total. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign bom. Foreignbom white. Negro. The United States............................. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 New England........................................... Middle Atlantic............................................ East North Central...................................... West North Central..................................... South Atlantic............................................. East South Central...................................... West South Central..................................... Mountain............ ................................ ........ Pacific.......................................................... 6.0 19.0 18.3 12.6 15.5 10.9 11.5 2.8 3.5 6.9 21.4 20.7 14.1 11.4 8.,5 10.1 3.1 3.9 4.0 15.6 19.3 13.8 15.6 12.0 13.2 3.0 3.4 13.2 33.4 24.1 15.6 2.0 .7 3.2 3.1 4.8 14.7 42.4 19.3 8.3 2.4 .5 4.4 3.1 4.9 0.4 2.6 1.9 1.6 44.7 27.6 20.8 .1 .1 This table brings out the great differences in the geographic dis tribution of the several classes of children under 15. The negro chil dren are located almost exclusively in the South and Southwest, 44.7 per cent being in the South Atlantic division, 27.6 in the East South Central, and 20.8 per cent in the West South Central. These three divisions contain 93.1 per cent of all the negro children in the country. i “ Abstract of the Thirteenth Census of the United States,” 1910, p. 14, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . The foreign-born white children and the native white children of foreign or mixed parentage, on the other hand, are located m ainlyW in the New England, Middle Atlantic, and North Central States. Of the foreign-born white children under 15, 42.4 per cent are in the Middle Atlantic States, 19.3 per cent in the East North Central, 14.7 in New England, and 8.3 in the West North Central, making a total for these four divisions of 84.7 per cent of all foreign-born white chil dren. Of the native white of foreign parentage these divisions con tain 86.3 per cent. The native white children of native parentage are much more evenly distributed. The highest percentage found in any one division is 19.3 in the East North Central and the lowest, 3, in the sparsely settled Mountain States. The figures mean, of course, that the composition of the child population is very different in the different sections of the country. The following table shows the percentage which the children of each class make up of all the children in each geographic division: T able CHILDREN UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE, CENSUS OF 1910: PER CENT OF THE TOTAL NUMBER IN THE SPECIFIED DIVISION FORMED BY— V III N ative whit e. GEOGRAPHIC DIVISION. Total. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign bom. Foreign bom white. Negro. The United States............................. 84.6- 60.1 24.5 2.6 12.4 New England............................................... Middle Atlantic............................................ East North Central...................................... West North Central..................................... South Atlantic............................................. East South Central...................................... West South Central..................................... Mountain...................................................... Pacific........................................................... 92.8 92.5 95.9 96.3 63.7 68.2 75.5 92.9 93.9 39.3 49.3 63.5 66.0 60.6 66.7 68.8 65.4 60.1 53.5 43.2 32.4 30.3 3.1 1.5 6.7 27.5 33.9 6.2 5.8 2.7 1.7 .4 .1 1.0 2.9 3.6 0.9 1.7 1.3 1.6 35.8 31.6 22.4 .5 .5 All other. 0.4 © 0.1 .4 •1 1.1 3.7 1.9 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. Native white children with both parents born in this country constitute more than half the child population under 15 years of age in all sections of the country except New England and the Middle Atlantic States; and in the Middle Atlantic States they just miss forming half. In New England only two children out of five (39.3 per cent) are native whites of native parentage, and a majority (53.5 per cent) are native whites with one or both parents foreign bom. Almost, three children out of every five in New England^ were either themselves bom in a foreign country or had one or both parents who were bom in a foreign country. In no other section of the country is the percentage formed by the children of foreign birth or parentage so high. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 17 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . In the South Atlantic and the East and West South Central "divisions the children of foreign birth or foreign or mixed parentage form only a very small percentage of the total number of children. In these divisions the negro children are numerous, the percentage which they form of all children in the division being 35.8 for the South Atlantic, 31.6 for the East South Central, and 22.4 for the West South Central. S T A T E D IS T R IB U T IO N . The rank of the different States according to the absolute number of children under 15 years of age is shown in the following tabular statement: CHILDREN UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE. CHILDREN UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE. STATE. STATE. Number. California.................................. 2 ,4 8 8 ,6 2 1 2 .3 6 8 .9 2 6 1 ,6 6 5 ,8 1 2 1 ,5 0 4 ,4 3 0 1 ,3 4 3 ,9 7 6 1 ,0 3 9,2 27 1 .0 2 2 .9 2 6 908,692 893,656 849,714 832,401 820,166 806', 938 7 96,039 762,878 750,203 737,916 723,848 687,062 661,475 645,748 636,603 629,645 620,241 543,796 Rank of State. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Number. West Virginia........................... Maryland*.................................. Nebraska.................................. Connecticut.............................. Washington.............................. Florida.".... .............................. North Dakota........................... South Dakota........................... Utah.......................................... New Hampshire..................... District of Columbia.... .......... Delaware................................... 537 ,69 6 448,324 401.001 389 ,96 4 309 .00 2 301,236 268,216 227,866 211,718 203,066 200,443 172,910 149,559 138,643 120,719 112,725 108,478 102,188 98,2 79 76,6 30 64,7 86 58,5 50 39,209 16,989 Rank of State. * 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 '4 9 New York stands first with 2,488,621 children under 15 and Penn sylvania second, with almost as many, 2,368,926. The other States having over 1,000,000 children of this age, ranking in the order named, are Illinois, Texas, Ohio, Georgia, and Missouri. The smallest number of children is reported by Nevada, 16,989, and the next smallest by Wyoming, 39,209. S IZ E OF C O M M U N IT IE S . In Tables 31 to 33, page 50, the children are divided into four classes according to the size of the communities in which they live; whether cities of 100,000 inhabitants or over, cities of from 32079°— 14----- 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . 25,000 to 100,000, places of from 2,500 to 25,000, or rural districts. These figures are given for geographic divisions with the percentager which the children in each class of communities form of the total number in the specified division. In the United States as a whole there are almost five-and-a-half million children under 15 growing up in the cities of 100,000 inhabit ants or over. Not quite one child in five lives in a big city. In the Middle Atlantic States the proportion is more than two in five (43.4 per cent); in the Pacific States more than one in four (28.2 per cent), and in New England and the East North Central States a little less than one in four (24.5 per cent and 23.7 per cent, respec tively) . The great body of children under 15 are, however, still to be found in the distinctly rural districts and in the communities of less than 2,500 inhabitants. The total number of children in rural communi ties of less than 2,500 inhabitants is 17,897,520, which is 60.7 per cent of the total number in the country. The lowest percentage of country children is found in New England (16.6) and the highest (86.4 per cent) in the East South Central States. The percentage is very high in all the Southern States. The children in cities having 25,000 or over are shown in Tables 34 to 39, classified by sex, race, and nativity. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , T a b l e 1 .— CHILDREN U N D ER 15 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RAGE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PAREN TAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1§10. NATIVE WHITE. Total.1 STATE. Total. Foreignor both born white. Both par One parents for ents native. eign bom. Negro, j United States................. 29,499,136 24,957,149 17,731,580 7,225,569 759,346 3,665,107 New England.......................... 1,781,323 1,653,168 700,541 952,627 111,323 16,077 Maine................................. New Hampshire................ Vermont............................. Massachusetts................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ 203,066 112,725 98,279 908,692 149,559 309,002 5,595,463 193,533 105,704 94,120 839,438 134,556 285,817 5,174,655 129,549 54,392 67,586 296,035 44,195 108,784 2,759,371 63,984 51,312 26,534 543,403 90,361 177,033 2,415,284 8,959 6,886 3,902 59,705 12,563 19,308 322,083 314 124 247 9,242 2,330 3,820 95,972 New Y ork.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania.................... East North Central.................. 2,488,621 737,916 2,368,926 5,388,431 2,268,910 674,547 2,231,205 5,165,118 1,011,689 322,551 1,425,131 3,421, 111 1,257,221 351,989 806,074 1,744,007 191,013 41,225 89,845 146,724 26,278 22,061 47,633 69,475 Ohio................................... Indiana.............................. Illinois................................ Michigan............................ Wisconsin.......................... West North Central................. 1,343,976 796,039 1,665,812 832,401 750,203 3,711,284 1,284,990 774,940 1,581,115 797,097 726,976 3,573,547 990,893 696,011 939,433 427,469 367,305 2,448,031 294,097 78,929 641,682 369,628 359,671 1,125,516 32,410 6,334 60,655 28,818 18,507 62,767 26,506 14,654 23,889 3,834 592 59,302 Minnesota.......................... Iowa................................... Missouri............................. North Dakota.................... ' South Dakota.................... Nebraska........................... Kansas............................... South Atlantic......................... 661,475 687,062 1,022,926 211,718 200,443 389,964 537,696 4,578,127 639,233 675,512 974,976 197,076 189,107 381,235 516,408 2,916,844 255,334 488,671 858,902 71,209 102,073 246,340 425,502 2,773,930 383,899 186,841 116,074 125,867 87,034 134,895 90,906 142,914 17,434 7,606 9,559 11,873 4,338 5,982 5,975 18,427 1,093 3,808 38,257 101 182 1,402 14,459 1,638,791 Delaware............................ Maryland........................... District of Columbia......... Virginia............................. West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................. Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Central.................. 58,550 401,001 76,630 762,878 448,324 893,656 629,645 1,039,227 268,216 3,200,666 47,724 318,369 53,767 502,817 425,721 592,891 263,077 555,539 156,939 2,183,577 38,065 258,583 43,282 489,573 405,368 589,708 260,124 548,180 141,047 2,136,346 9,659 59,786 10,485 13,244 20,353 3,183 2,953 7,359 15,892 47,231 879 6,220 1,121 1,767 3,916 410 288 809 3,017 3,776 9,944 76,391 21,693 258,073 18,672 296,864 366,120 482,821 108,213 1,012,091 Kentucky.......................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi......................... West South Central................. 820,166 806,938 849,714 723,848 3,407,022 740,547 640,147 489,975 312,908 2,573,318 719,343 630,760 478,641 307,602 2,345,581 21,204 9,387 11,334 5,306 227,737 890 934 1,243 709 33,344 78,612 165,769 358,055 409,655 763,986 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Mountain.................................. 620,241 636,603 645,748 1,504,430 818,878 450,643 358,796 555,734 1,208,145 760,622 439,306 327,912 524,476 1,053,887 535,293 11,337 30,884 31,258 154,258 225,329 843 3,046 1,886 27,569 ' 23,894 168,561 274,341 52,663 268,421 3,998 Montana............................. Idaho.................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................. New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada.............................. Pacific....................................... 102,188 108,478 39,209 227,866 120,719 64,786 138,643 16,989 1,017,942 94,213 105,877 37,166 217,831 109,268 46,892 134,411 14,964 956,300 51,550 80,508 25,605 151,103 98,594 28,069 90,054 9,810 611,376 42,663 25,369 11,561 66,728 10,674 18,823 44,357 5,154 344,924 3,620 1,390 1,180 7,076 2,256 5,173 2,858 341 37,008 296 92 267 2,270 390 448 173, 62 5,415 Washington....................... 301,236 172,910 543,796 284,196 166,546 505,558 178,738 123,622 309,016 105,458 42,924 196,542 11,206 3,893 21,909 815 187 4,413 California........................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i Includes Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. 21 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . T a b l e 2 .—CH ILD RE N U N D ER 1 Y E A R OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PAR EN TA G E , FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. NATIVE WHITE. ■ Total.1 STATE. Total. Foreignbom white. Both par One or both for ents native. parents eign bom. Negro. United States................. 2,217,342 1,948,870 1,369,140 579,730 6,735 252,386 New England........................... 137,227 134,694 52,407 82,287 1,152 1,311 Maine.................................. New Hampshire................ Vermont............................. Massachusetts...................» Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ 15,010 8,325 7,233 70,734 11,728 24,197 437,253 14,836 8,226 7,160 69,321 11,410 23,741 426,820 9,489 3,970 4,981 22,724 3,472 7,771 204,216 5,347 4,256 2,179 46,597 7,938 15,970 222,604 123 90 48 613 119 159 2,468 28 9 24 769 188 293 /,770 New Y ork.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania.................... East North Central.................. 191,553 56,198 189,502 394,110 187,794 54,143 184,883 387,513 74,261 23,061 106,894 259,026 113,533 31,082 77,989 128,487 1,278 322 868 1,212 2,300 1,729 3; 741 4,851 Ohio................................... Indiana.............................. Illinois................................ Michigan............................ Wisconsin........................... West North Central................. 98,776 56,098 125,159 62,050 52,027 268,488 96,669 55,061 122,973 61,250 51,560 263,032 72,242 49,549 72,409 34,919 29,907 191,697 24,427 5,512 50,564 26,331 21,653 71,335 243 46 480 291 152 555 272 47 3,706 Minnesota........................... Iowa................................... Missouri.............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska........................... Kansas................................ South Atlantic......................... 46,111 48,190 73,929 16,989 15,518 28,820 38,931 347,149 45,603 47,839 71,463 16,692 14,940 28,583 37,912 230,661 21,632 37,298 64,015 6,745 9,330 20,424 32,253 218,857 23,971 0,541 7,448 9,947 5,610 8,159 5,659 11,804 154 85 77 87 41 38 73 187 75 251 2,380 9 11 96 884 115,906 Delaware............................ Maryland........................... District of Columbia. . . . . . Virginia.............................. Weit Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................... Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Central.................. 4,180 27,864 5,489 56,168 35,729 72,605 47,405 77,737 19,972 240,129 3,523 22,511 4,018 38,231 34,211 49,416 21,451 44,731 12,569 171,565 2,665 18,353 3,190 37,231 31,789 49,160 21,277 44,126 11,066 168,565 858 4,158 828 1,000 2,422 '256 174 605 1,503 3,000 11 41 7 10 46 , 4 6 9 53 25 646 5,310 i'458 \ i, 901 1.471 22’ 852 25'934 32^992 7,342 68,455 Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi......................... West South Central................. 61,106 62,403 64,512 52,108 254,453 55,917 50,688 40,217 24,743 201,081 54,872 50,040 39,320 24,333 184,140 1,045 648 897 410 16,941 5 6 9 5 457 5,176 11,706 24^244 27,329 49,731 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas.................................. Mountain.................................. 47,646 44,569 49,795 112,443 63,729 36,819 27,098 43,126 94,038 61,265 36,081 24,706 41,137 82,216 43,791 738 2,392 1,989 11,822 17,474 6 13 6 432 286 10,804 17^435 3,544 17; 948 277 Montana............................. Idaho.................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................. New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada.............................. Pacific....................................... 7,902 8,288 3,165 17,124 9,889 5,116 10,885 1,360 74,804 7,549 8,173 3,089 16,892 9,258 4,303 10,765 1,236 72,239 4,200 6,559 2,072 11,612 8,214 2,398 7,917 819 46,441 3,349 1,614 1,017 5,280 1,044 1,905 2,848 417 25,798 44 9 17 42 54 87 23 21 10 393 13 149 31 33 14 6 379 Washington....................... Oregon................................ California........................... 22,079 12,389 40,336 21,409 12,159 38,671 13,660 9,223 23,558 7,749 2,936 15,113 115 55 223 64 16 299 1 Includes Indian, Chinese. Japanese, and all other. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 1,857 987 1,6 8 8 . 22 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , T a b l e 3 . — CHILDREN U N D ER 5 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PAR EN TAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. N A U V E WHITI Total.1 STATE. Total. United States................. 10,631,364 Foreignor both bom white. Both par One parents for ents native. eign bom. Negro. 9,220,407 6,546,282 2,674,125 102,507 1,263,288 New England........................... 640,825 618,574 250,625 367,949 16,105 5,876 Maine.................................. New Hampshire................ Vermont............................. Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ 71,845 39,581 34,171 328,886 54,098 112,244 2,050,139 70,118 38,416 33,343 316,870 51,487 108,340 1,975,894 45,777 19,109 23,657 108,005 16,347 37,730 992,447 24,341 19,307 9,686 208,865 35; 140 70,610 983,447 1,519 1,122 722 8,457 1,704 2,581 38,007 117 40 102 3,448 '862 1,307 35,298 New York.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania..................... East North Central......... ____ 898,927 266,942 884,270 1,907,713 867,152 253,635 855,107 1,860,957 361,400 114,416 516,631 1,252,251 505,752 139,219 338,476 608,706 20,845 5,360 11,802 20,898 10,061 7,922 17,315 23,428 Ohio................................... Indiana.............................. Illinois................................ Michigan............................ Wisconsin.......................... West North Central................. 479,475 275,524 597,989 298,554 256,171 1,310,909 466,080 269,747 581,260 291,752 252,118 1,277,506 355,022 243,438 347,529 164,742 141,520 917,228 111,058 26,309 233,731 127,010 110,598 360,278 4,453 985 8,417 4,586 2,457 8,583 8,921 4,763 8,248 1,285 211 19,127 Minnesota......................... Iowa................................... Missouri............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska............................ Kansas............................... South Atlantic......................... 226,840 236,063 360,503 82,399 73,489 140,096 191,519 1,657,219 223,022 233,548 346,902 80,01,7 70,251 138,259 185,507 1,082,498 101,321 178,844 310,107 31,110 42,022 96,668 157,156 1,027,812 121,701 54,704 36,795 48,907 28,229 41,591 28,351 54,686 2,143 1,207 1,257 1,397 609 883 1,087 2,575 382 1,245 12,299 37 60 477 4,627 570,516 Delaware............................ Maryland........................... District of Columbia......... Virginia.............................. West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................... Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Central.................. 20,045 137,714 26,669 268,825 169,118 332,792 228,459 376,641 96,956 1,160,471 16,841 111,114 19,222 181,949 161,401 224,028 99,639 209,026 59,278 811,745 13,038 90,049 15,476 176,965 151,585 222,869 98,624 206,419 52,787 796,697 3,803 21,065 3,746 4,984 9,816 1,159 1,015 2,607 6,491 15,048 115 610 139 232 739 60 46 91 543 426 3,089 25,987 7,290 86,555 6,974 107,297 128,712 167,498 37,114 347,803 Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi...................... i . West South Central................. 294,503 294,591 311,716 259,661 1,235,658 268,805 237,879 187,380 117,681 957,314 262,927 234,792 183,253 115,725 877,638 5,878 3,087 4,127 1,956 79,676 113 99 151 63 5,909 25,541 56,580 123,991 141,691 258,012 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas.................................. Mountain.................................. 230,701 224,069 241,904 538,984 305,804 173,191 131,165 209,343 443,615 288,996 169,391 119,812 199,142 389,293 207,466 3,800 11,353 10,201 54,322 81,530 107 326 280 5,196 4,226 Montana............................. Idaho.................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................. New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada.............................. Pacific.................... ................. 38,323 40,444 15,331 82,562 45,285 24,778 52,698 6,383 362,626 36,008 39,710 14,803 80,623 41,260 19,116 51,725 5,751 346,923 20,167 31,561 10,218 56,192 37,019 11,130 37,324 3,855 224,118 15,841 8,149 4,585 24,431 4,241 7,986 14,401 1,896 122,805 746 253 206 978 494 1,056 425 68 5,778 105 40 109 708 150 156 56 26 1,878 Washington....................... Oregon................................ California........................... 108,756 60,211 193,659 104,499 58,669 183,755 66,713 44,584 112,821 37,786 14,085 70,934 1,826 658 3,294 289 70 1,519 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1Includes Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all others ' , 57,330 92,439 18,186 90,057 1,350 23 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OP C H IL D R E N , T a b l e 4 .— CH ILDREN 5 TO 9 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PARENTAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. NA T I V E Total.i STATE. Total. W H IT ] Foreignor both bom white. Both par One parents for ents native. eign bom. Negro. United States................. 9,760,632 8,176,664 5,861,015 2,315,649 298,509 1,246,653 New England........................... 580,942 534,566 226,993 307,573 41,037 5,109 Maine.................................. New Hampshire................ Vermont............................ Massachusetts.................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ 66,633 36,873 32,657 294,846 48,447 101,486 1,819,238 63,190 34,365 31,095 269,871 43,252 92,793 1,661,112 42,179 17,539 22,433 94,675 14,195 35,972 904,614 21,011 16,826 8,662 175,196 29,057 56,821 756,498 3,278 2,460 1,485 21,999 4,417 7,398 126,182 80 44 73 2,889 754 1,269 31,026 New Y ork................... . New Jersey...... .. ................ Pennsylvania..................... East North Central.................. 803,868 242,279 773,091 1,773,959. 720,889 219,008 721,215 1,688,214 329,032 107,428 468,154 1,129,692 391,857 111,580 253,061 558,522 73,849 15,980 36,353 60,499 8,287 7,261 15,478 22,863 O h io ................................. Indiana.............................. Illinois................................ Michigan............................ Wisconsin........................... West North Central................. 438,899 264,947 546,868 275,367 247,878 1,229,701 416,742 257,266 513,370 262,068 238,768 1,179,740 325,556 231,980 311,147 140,262 120,747 807,949 91,186 25,286 202,223 121,806 118,021 371,791 13,518 2,741 25,584 11,135 7,521 24,954 8,621 4,907 7,873 1,273 189 19,894 M innesota........................ Iowa................................... Missouri............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska........................... Kansas................................ South Atlantic......................... 220,233 228,422 338,232 69,927 66,933 128,086 177,868 1,524,850 211,683 224,002 321,359 64,699 62,961 124,682 170,354 960,915 84,034 162,247 284,909 22,929 33,239 79,982 140,609 915,529 127,649 61,755 36,450 41,770 29,722 44,700 29,745 45,386 6,952 3,031 4,061 4,310 1,685 2,485 2,430 7,593 336 1,348 12,768 34 60 487 4,861 555,036 Delaware............................ Maryland........................... District of Columbia......... Virginia.............................. West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................... Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Central.................. 19,197 133,682 25,312 256,490 148,179 294,900 208,780 347,369 90,941 1,070,852 15,516 105,255 17,652 167,538 140,212 193,478 85,559 183,734 51,971 725,123 12,450 85,863 14,328 163,215 134,338 192,444 84,620 181,409 46,862 709,965 3,066 19,392 3,324 4,323 5,874 1,034 939 2,325 5,109 15,158 365 2,613 457 757 1,687 . 148 97 325 1,144 1,538 3,315 25,809 7,192 88,123 6,274 100,151 123,067 163,294 37,811 343,812 Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi......................... West South Central___•.......... 272,758 269,019 284,802 244,273 1,154,833 246,266 212,775 162,217 103,865 864,560 239,453 209,798 158,514 102,200 788,301 6,813 2,977 3,703 1,665 76,259 369 375 514 280 12,419 26,087 55,845 121,935 139,945 265,709 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas................................. Mountain.................................. 209,661 218,743 217,775 508,654 273,464 150,697 121,493 186,914 405,456 251,961 146,929 111,077 176,349 353,946 177,978 3,768 10,416 10,565 51,510 73,983 348 1,123 740 10,208 9,616 58,552 95,985 18,269 92,903 1,362 Montana............................. Idaho.................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................. New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada.............................. Pacific...................................... 34,179 36,132 13,049 75,616 41,026 21,917 45,875 5,670 332,793 31,259 35,159 12,211 71,800 36,867 15,409 44,289 4,967 310,473 17,192 26,624 8,445 49,888 33,385 9,355 29,774 3,315 199,994 14,067 8,535 3,766 21,912 3,482 6,054 14,515 1,652 110,479 1,442 555 531 2,847 925 2,044 1,128 144 14,671 96 33 102 755 134 162 62 18 1,742 Washington....................... Oregon................................ California........................... 99,678 56,923 176,192 93,386 54,566 162,521 58,957 40,775 100,262 34,429 13,791 62,259 4,443 1,584 8,644 252 63 1,427 1 Includes Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , Table 5 . — CHILDREN 10 TO 14 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PARENTAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. N A T I V E 'W H I T E . STATE. Total.1 Total. United States. ForeignOne or both bom white. parents for ents native. eign bom. Negro. 9,107,140 7,560,078 5,324,283 2,235,795 358,330 1,155,266 New England................. 559,556 500,028 222,923 277,105 54,181 5,092 Maine........................ New Hampshire___ Vermont.................. Massachusetts.......... Rhode Island........... Connecticut.............. Middle Atlantic.............. 64,588 36,271 31,451 284,960 47,014 95,272 1,726,086 60,225 32,923 29,682 252,697 39,817 84,684 1,537,649 41,593 17,744 21,496 93,355 13,653 35,082 ' 862,310 18,632 15,179 8,186 159,342 26,164 49,602 675,339 4,162 3,304 1,695 29,249 6,442 9,329 157,894 117 40 72 2,905 714 1,244 29,648 New York................ New Jersey.............. Pennsylvania........... East North Central........ 785,826 228.695 711,565 1,706,759 680,869 201,897 654,883 1,615,947 321,257 100,707 440,346 1,039,168 359,612 101,190 214,537 576,779 96,319 19'. 885 41,690 65,327 7,930 < 878 14,840 23,184 Ohio......................... Indiana.................... Illinois...................... Michigan.................. Wisconsin................ West North Central....... 425,602 255,568 520.955 258,480 246,154 1,170,674 402,168 247,927 486,485 243,277 - 236,090 1,116,301 310,315 220,593 280,757 122,465 105,038 722,854 91,853 27,334 205,728 120,812 131,052 393,447 14,439 2,608 26,654 13,097 8,529 29,230 8,964 4,984 7,768 <276 192 20,281 Minnesota................ Iowa......................... Missouri.................... North Dakota.......... South Dakota.......... Nebraska.................. Kansas..................... South Atlantic............... 214,402 222,577 324,191 59,392 60,021 121,782 168,309 1,396,058 204,528 217,962 306,715 52,360 55,895 118,294 160,547 873,431 69,979 147,580 263,886 17,170 26,812 69,690 127,737 830,589 134,549 70,382 42,829 35,190 29,083 48,604 32,810 42,842 8,339 3,368 <241 6,166 2,044 2,614 2; 458 8,259 375 1,215 13,190 30 62 438 4,971 513,239 Delaware.................. Maryland................. District of Columbia. Virginia.................... West Virginia.......... North Carolina......... South Carolina'......... Georgia..................... Florida..................... East South Central........ 19,308 129,605 24,649 237,563 131,027 265,964 192,406 315,217 80,319 969,343 15,367 102,000 16,893 153,330 124,108 175,385 77,879 162,779 45,690 646,709 12,577 82,671 13,478 149,393 119,445 174,395 76,880 160,352 41,398 629,684 2,790 19,329 3,415 3,937 4,663 990 999 2,427 4,292 17,025 399 2,997 '525 778 1,490 202 145 393 1,330 1,812 3,540 24,595 7,211 83,395 5,424 89,416 114,341 152,029 33,288 320,476 Kentucky................. Tennessee................. Alabama................... Mississippi............... West South Central....... 252,905 243,328 253,196 219,914 1,016,531 225,476 189,493 140,378 91,362 751,444 216,963 186,170 136,874 89,677 679,642 8,513 3,323 3,504 1,685 71,802 408 460 578 366 15,016 26,984 53,344 112,129 128,019 240,265 Arkansas.................. Louisiana................. Oklahoma................ Texas........................ Mountain........................ 179,879 193,791 186,069 456,792 239,610 126,755 106,138 159,477 359,074 219,665 122,986 97,023 148,985 310,648 149,849 3,769 9,115 10,492 48,426 69,816 388 1,597 866 12,165 10,052 52,679 85,917 1< 208 85,461 1,286 Montana................... Idaho........................ Wyoming................. Colorado................... New Mexico............. Arizona.................... Utah......................... Nevada.................... Pacific........................... 29,686 31,902 10,829 69,688 34,408 18,091 40,070 4,936 322,523 26,946 31,008' 10,152 65,408 31,141 12,367 38,397 4,246 298,904 14,191 22,323 6,942 45,023 28,190 7,584 22,956 2,640 187,264 12,755 8,685 3,210 20,385 2,951 4,783 15,441 1,606 111,640 1,432 '582 443 3,251 837 2,073 1,305 129 16,559 95 19 56 807 106 130 55, 18' 1,795 Washington............. Oregon...................... California................. 92,802 55,776 173,945 86,311 53,311 159,282 53,068 38,263 95,933 33,243 15,048 63,349 4,937 1,651 9,971 274 54 1,467 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Includes Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S ÖE C H I L D R E N . 25 T a b l e 6 .—CHILDREN 15 TO 19 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PARENTAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. NA T IV E Total.1 STATE. Total. W H IT E. Foreignor both bom white. Both par One for ents native. parents eign bom. Negro. United States................. 9 ,0 6 3 ,6 0 3 7 ,2 9 4 ,6 3 0 5 ,0 8 9 ,0 5 5 2 ,2 0 5 ,5 7 5 673,761 1 ,0 6 0 ,4 1 6 New England........................... 583,787 464,195 220,873 243,322 114,100 5 ,1 5 0 Maine................................. New Hampshire................ Vermont............................. Massachusetts.................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ 65,1 36 3 7 ,9 06 31,161 296,561 51,9 98 101,025 57,321 30,3 69 2 8,2 65 230,969 3 8 ,3 25 78,9 46 41,114 17,438 20,6 65 92,113 14,4 25 35,1 18 16,207 12,931 7,6 0 0 138,856 23,9 00 43,828 7 ,5 6 2 7,4 8 0 2 ,7 9 8 62,5 40 12,873 2 0,8 47 145 53 97 2 ,8 7 0 772 1,2 1 3 1 ,8 0 1 ,4 6 9 1 ,4 6 2 ,8 9 5 844,614 ■618,281 304 ,37 5 3 2,6 52 842,449 236,541 722,479 649,255 188,797 624,843 319,190 98,3 44 427,080 330,065 9 0,453 197,763 182,629 40,2 47 81,4 99 9 ,8 1 8 7,4 2 8 15,4 06 1 ,7 6 0 ,4 5 3 1 ,6 1 4 ,2 0 5 1 ,0 0 5 ,6 2 9 608,576 118,609 25,6 39 446,912 259,149 544,891 266,830 242,671 410,623 2 48,485 484,911 243,024 227 ,16 2 309,180 217,257 270,851 117,366 90,9 75 101,443 31,2 28 214,060 125,658 136,187 2 6,3 92 5 ,1 5 0 51,1 35 21,641 14,291 9 ,8 5 5 5 ; 452 8; 731 1,3 7 8 223 1 ,1 8 4 ,5 9 3 1 ,1 0 5 ,7 3 5 691,350 414,385 51,621 2 2,6 85 215 ,14 8 225,010 334,073 5 6,699 5 8,642 124,518 170,503 197,910 216,323 311,703 47,4 45 5 3,258 118,665 160,431 61,684 139,112 259,674 15,1 75 24,3 49 66,8 75 124,481 136,226 77,211 52,029 32,2 70 28,909 51,790 35,9 50 1 5,830 7 ,3 0 9 7,5 6 3 8 ,5 0 8 3 ,5 6 3 4 ,8 3 0 4 ,0 1 8 436 1 ,3 1 6 14,765 36 61 553 5 ,5 1 8 1 ,2 8 9 ,7 9 2 8 16,164 773,565 42,599 15,5 26 457,053 19,460 127,973 28,1 12 217,272 125,145 242,678 172,674 280,383 7 6,095 1 5,357 99,523 18,644 140,929 114,510 161,312 73,2 68 149,781 42,840 12,5 36 8 0,063 15,018 137,127 110,029 160,398 7 2 ,2 36 147,305 38,8 53 2 ,8 2 1 19,460 3 ,6 2 6 3 ,8 0 2 4 ,481 914 1 ,0 3 2 2 ,4 7 6 3 ,9 8 7 873 5 ,0 2 7 '8 2 0 1 ,2 1 5 4 ,0 5 0 275 251 665 2 ,3 5 0 3 ,2 2 8 23,3 98 8; 620 7 5,047 6! 575 80,253 99', 118 129,923 30,891 New Y ork.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania..................... East North Central.................. Ohio................................... Indiana.............................. Illinois................................ Michigan............................ Wisconsin.......................... West North Central................. Minnesota........................... Iowa................................... Missouri............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska........................... Kansas................................ South Atlantic......................... Delaware............................ Maryland........................... District of Columbia......... Virginia.............................. West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................... Georgia............................... Florida.............................. East South Central.................. , 9 05,052 607,680 588 ,05 8 19,6 22 2 ,8 8 2 294,183 Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................ Mississippi......................... West South Central................. 2 41,622 237 ,67 2 229,517 196,241 212 ,52 6 182,545 129,474 83,1 35 2 0 1 ,7 2 8 178,873 126,039 81,4 18 10,798 3 ,6 7 2 3 ,4 3 5 1 ,7 1 7 897 738 806 441 28,163 54,363 9 9 ,1 3 0 112,527 946,787 699,129 631,061 68,068 1 9,673 219,480 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas.................................. Mountain.................................. 173,888 1 75,227 174,402 423,270 122,925 9 5 ,9 36 149,850 330,418 118,910 86,8 29 139,613 285,709 4,0 1 5 9,1 0 7 10,2 37 44,709 593 2 ,3 1 5 1,3 5 3 1 5,412 50,3 09 76,8 68 14,974 7 7,329 235,240 208,911 139,951 68,960 16,8 72 1 ,4 3 0 Montana............................ Idaho.................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................. New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada.............................. Pacific...................................... 29,864 3 0,2 70 11,488 71,0 45 32,4 57 17,389 37,4 64 5,2 6 3 25,5 25 28,6 12 10,221 6 5,414 2 8,9 96 11,231 3 4 ,8 76 4 ,0 3 6 13,6 96 20,084 6 ,9 7 2 45,013 26,2 72 6 ,8 7 6 18,587 2 ,451 11,829 8 ,5 2 8 3 ,2 4 9 20,401 2 ,7 2 4 4 ,3 5 5 1 6,289 1,5 8 5 3 ,1 6 2 1,2 7 3 1,0 1 6 4 ,521 1 ,2 8 8 2 j 778 2 ,1 6 9 665 104 356,430 315 ,71 6 193,954 121,762 30,1 03 2 ,1 4 4 Washington....................... Oregon................................ California........................... 99,6 47 60,749 196,034 8 9,471 56,0 72 170,173 54,2 27 39,423 100,304 35,2 44 16,649 69,869 8 ,3 0 2 3 ,7 2 1 18,080 325 67 1 ,7 5 2 1Includes Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 33 97 852 123 136 70 15 26 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . T able 7 .— BOYS U N D ER 15 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND , PAR EN TAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. WB1TE. Native. STATE. Negro. Total. Both parents native. One or both parents for eign bom. Foreign bom. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. United States................. 1 4 ,9 06 ,47 2 8 ,9 9 6 ,1 2 3 3 ,6 4 0 ,1 0 2 383,895 1 ,8 2 6 ,5 6 9 59,783 New England........................... 895,752 354,115 4 77,650 55,7 80 7 ,8 2 8 379 Maine................................. New Hampshire................ Vermont............................ Massachusetts.................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic....................... 102,110 5 6,3 20 4 9,7 75 457 ,42 0 74,5 83 155,544 65,4 32 27,475 34,3 10 149,654 2 2 ,2 32 5 5 ,0 12 31,951 25,3 99 13,391 273,232 44,8 36 88,841 4 ,4 5 3 3 ,3 8 2 1,951 2 9,8 72 6 ,3 2 3 9 ,7 9 9 146 59 119 4 ,5 1 1 1,135 1,8 5 8 128 5 4 151 57 34 2 ,8 1 5 ,6 6 9 1 ,3 9 1,5 11 1 ,2 1 4 ,2 1 7 162,008 46,5 94 1 ,339 1 ,2 5 1 ,3 1 8 371,695 1 ,1 9 2 ,6 5 6 509,743 162,845 718,923 631,866 177,217 405,134 95,9 30 2 0,8 18 4 5,2 60 1 2,606 10,771 23,2 17 1 ,173 44 122 2 ,7 2 4 ,2 4 9 1 ,7 3 3 ,0 1 7 879,127 7 4,2 96 34,1 94 3 ,6 1 5 679,095 403,731 840,451 421,445 379,527 501 ,81 4 353,499 474,729 216,819 186,156 147,954 39,7 04 323,108 186,810 181,551 1 6,189 3 ,2 7 2 30,8 19 14,528 9 ,4 8 8 13,101 7 ,1 9 6 11,710 1 ,9 2 0 267 37 60 85 1 ,368 2 ,0 6 5 1 ,8 7 8 ,1 9 9 1 ,2 3 9,9 93 568,963 32,1 29 2 9,2 18 7,8 9 6 335,228 347,712 516,419 107,362 101,911 197,670 271,897 129,588 247,276 434,539 36,163 52,0 74 124,922 215,431 194,337 94,4 78 58,191 63,6 62 44,0 89 6 8,306 45,9 00 8 ,8 5 2 3 ,9 9 6 4 ,7 7 2 6 ,2 2 7 2 ,2 1 5 3 ,0 4 6 3 ,0 2 1 526 1,898 18,844 50 95 718 7 ,0 8 7 1,9 2 5 64 73 1,2 6 0 3 ,4 3 8 678 458 2 ,3 1 2 ,8 2 8 1 ,4 1 2 ,7 8 9 71,8 62 9 ,3 9 6 816,738 2 ,0 4 3 • 29,537 201,926 38,2 18 385,275 227,873 451,717 317,374 525,235 135,673 19,275 131,205 2 1 ,8 57 249,154 206 ,24 4 300,588 132,613 279,788 7 2,065 4 ,8 2 0 30,033 5 ,3 0 0 6 ,6 8 8 10,246 1 ,5 7 2 1 ,4 7 4 3,6 6 5 8 ,0 6 4 444 3 ,1 2 3 573 837 2 ,0 8 6 199 151 432 1 ,551 4 ,9 9 6 3 7 ,5 58 10,459 128,487 9 ,2 9 0 147,595 183,058 241,321 53,9 74 2 7 29 109 7 1 ,763 78 29 19 1 ,6 2 2 ,2 4 5 1 ,0 8 9 ,3 0 3 2 3,717 1,987 506,613 625 4 15,800 4 10,318 429,819 366,308 365,438 322 ,20 8 244,481 157,176 10,583 4 ,7 2 9 5 ,6 9 4 2 ,7 1 1 456 485 652 394 39,2 62 8 2,8 50 178,769 205 ,73 2 61 46 223 295 1 ,7 2 6 ,0 3 6 1 ,1 9 4 ,0 8 8 115,573 17,150 380,825 18,400 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas................................. Mountain.................................. 312,844 320,286 328,552 764,354 223,047 166,217 267,456 5 37,368 5 ,7 0 4 15,553 15,919 78,3 97 465 1 1 ,495 969 14,221 83,5 25 136,818 2 6,2 66 134,216 103 203 17,942 152 415,173 271,137 114,361 1 2,217 1,9 4 7 15,511 Montana............................. Idaho................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................ New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada:............................. Pacific....................................... 51,6 52 55,2 96 19,940 115,275 60,950 33,188 70,1 66 8 ,7 0 6 2 5 ,9 78 40,9 76 12,994 76,6 13 49,7 48 1 4,348 4 5,4 57 5 ,0 2 3 21,655 12,948 5 ,8 9 4 3 3,5 72 5 ,4 7 5 9 ,6 6 4 22,531 2 ,6 2 2 1,8 1 4 741 619 3 ,6 3 5 1,1 4 4 2 ,6 1 0 1,455 199 147 48 136 1,106 173 227 85 25 2 ,0 5 8 583 297 349 4 ,4 1 0 6 ,3 3 9 638 837 516,321 310,170 174,632 18,932 2 ,6 1 2 9 ,9 7 5 Washington...................... Oregon.................... ........... California........................... 153,039 8 7,897 275,385 90,7 18 6 2,923 156,529 5 3 ,6 98 21,716 99,2 18 5 ,6 9 0 2 ,0 1 7 11,225 400 92 2 ,1 2 0 2 ,5 3 3 1,149 6 ,2 9 3 New Y ork......................... New Jersey......................... Pennsylvania.................... East North Central.................. Ohio................................... Indiana.............................. Illinois................................ Michigan............................ Wisconsin.......................... West North Central................. Minnesota........................... Iowa................................... Missouri.............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska............................ Kansas................................ South Atlantic......................... Delaware............................ Maryland........................... District of Columbia.......... Virginia.............................. West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................... Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Ceptral.................. Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi......................... West South Central................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 27 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . T able 8 . —BOYS U N D ER 1 Y E A R OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PARENTAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. W H IT E . Native. STATE. Both parents native. United States Negro. Total. One or both parents for eign born. Foreign bom. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. 1,123,409 696,200 293,515 3,527 125,459 4,708 69,301 26,547 41,483 582 654 35 Maine........................ New Hampshire-----Vermont................... Massachusetts-------Rhode Island........... Connecticut.............. Middle Atlantic.............. / 7,525 4,185 3,607 35,813 5,918 12,253 221,745 4,747 2,037 2,471 11,542 1,779 3,971 103,439 2,695 2,096 1,103 23,561 3,971 8,057 112,873 56 48 24 318 60 76 1,298 17 4 9 378 101 145 4,027 10 New York................ New Jersey.............. Permsylvania........... East North Central........ 97,245 28,467 96,033 199,275 37,670 11,672 54,097 131,160 57,629 15,727 39,517 64,805 669 182 447 620 1,177 886 1,964 2,419 100 Ohio......................... Indiana.................... Illinois...................... Michigan.................. Wisconsin................ West North Central....... 49,903 28,345 63,255 31,418 26,354 136,023 36,552 25,076 36,606 17,776 15,150 96,943 12,330 2,749 25,532 13,225 10,969 36,370 120 28 239 150 83 303 898 490 869 140 22 1,806 3 2 9 127 130 601 Minnesota................ Iowa......................... Missouri................... North Dakota___ :. South Dakota.......... Nebraska.................. Kansas................ > .. South Atlantic............... 23,250 24,444 37,380 8,765 7,871 14,747 19,566 175,899 10,882 18,889 32,384 3,486 4,682 10,402 16,218 111,990 12,119 5,373 3,815 5,128 2,881 4,219 2,835 5,916 85 54 35 45 19 27 38 106 37 123 1,139 4 8 47 448 57,676 127 5 7 102 281 52 27 211 Delaware.............. Maryland.............. District of Columbia Virginia.................... West Virginia.......... North Carolina......... South Carolina......... Georgia..................... Florida..................... East South Central........ 2,085 14,243 2,732 28,384 18,205 36,700 23,942 39,459 10,149 121,441 1,338 9,427 1,593 18,992 16,296 25,068 10,867 22,684 5,725 85,818 415 2,128 400 489 1,148 126 90 323 800 1,531 7 27 4 6 21 2 1 4 34 10 325 2,660 732 8,888 740 11,316 12,977 16,449 3,589 34,036 188 7 2 1 46 Kentucky........... Tennessee................. Alabama................... Mississippi............... West South Central....... 30,779 31,839 32,438 26,385 129,145 27,683 25,697 19,941 12,497 94,335 524 336 450 221 8,467 1 4 3 2 231 2,568 5,800 12,017 13,651 24,518 3 2 27 14 1,594 Arkansas.................. Louisiana................. Oklahoma................ Texas........................ Mountain........................ 24,247 22,468 25,224 57,206 32,446 18,595 12,590 20,957 42,193 22,310 353 1,160 984 5,970 8,917 2 8 3 218 154 5,289 8,695 1,718 8,816 135 8 15 1,562 9 930 Montana................... Idaho....................... Wyoming................. Colorado................... New Mexico............. Arizona.................... Utah........................ Nevada............ .— Pacific............................. 4,071 4,293 1,618 8,726 4,929 2,586 5,484 739 38,134 2,135 3,412 1,046 5,975 4,088 1,212 3,985 457 23,658 1,751 828 539 2,627 543 971 1,435 223 13,153 23 6 8 19' 30 50 13 5 223 6 5 4 80 14 17 6 3 188 156 42 21 25 254 336 45 51 912 Washington___ . . . . Oregon..................... California................. 11,234 6,274 20,626 6,984 4,682 11,992 3,909 1,470 7,774 65 33 125 31 7 150 245 82 585 New England................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 7 4 108 8 271 1 3 9 28 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OE C H IL D R E N . T able 9 . — BO YS U N D ER 5 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PARENTAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. W H IT E . STATE. Total. Native. Negro. Both parents native. One or both parents for eign bom. Foreign bom. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. United States................. 5,380,596 3,326,237 1,350,473 51,940 629,320 22,626 New England........................... 322,860 126,803 184,962 8,091 2,876 128 Maine.................................. New Hampshire................ Vermont............................. Massachusetts.................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ 36,202 19,665 17,408 166,075 26,871 56,639 1,035,009 23,183 9,587 12,025 54,800 8,210 18,998 501,887 12,166 9,496 4,978 105,338 17,328 35,656 496,047 754 561 354 4,220 862 1,340 19,225 56 19 50 1,665 450 636 17,384 43 2 1 52 21 9 466 New Y ork.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania.................... East North Central................. 453,863 134,899 446,247 966,876 182,621 57,979 261,287 635,899 255,383 70,320 170,344 307,630 10,502 2,694 6,029 10,565 4,920 3,897 8,567 11,566 437 9 20 1,216 Ohio.................................... Ind ian a............................ Illinois................................ Michigan............................ Wisconsin.......................... West North Central................. 243,321 140,091 302,702 151,252 129,510 663,945 180,411 123,937 176,302 83,697 71,552 464,744 56,172 13,291 118,126 64,101 55,940 182,596 2,253 495 4,244 2,323 1,250 4,345 4,477 2,351 3,997 650 91 9,447 8 17 33 481 677 2,813 Minnesota........... ............... Iowa................................... Missouri.............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska............................ Kansas............................... South Atlantic.................... 114,822 119,591 182,523 41,724 37,167 71,148 96,970 837,884 51,332 90,509 157,230 15,773 21,278 48,991 79,631 524,072 61,570 27,805 18,567 24,790 14,279 21,199 14,386 27,597 1,092 630 613 700 312 475 523 1,317 186 621 6,088 17 30 244 2,261 284,101 642 26 25 444 1,268 239 169 797 Maryland...................... . District of Columbia......... Virginia.................. ........... West Virginia.................... North Carolina............... .. South Carolina................... Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Central.................. 9,998 69,622 13,401 135,692 85,804 168,321 115,296 190,765 48,985 588,522 6,559 45; 867 7,843 90,134 76,958 113,716 50,253 105,763 26,979 406,612 1,860 10; 672 1,893 2,494 4,935 596 525 1,313 3,309 7,515 61 327 74 96 375 30 21 53 280 231 1,518 12,755 3,581 42,927 3,534 53,279 64,470 83,625 18,412 173,902 1 10 41 2 700 27 11 5 262 Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi.......................... West South Central................. 149,226. 150,221 157,382 131,693 626,357 133,497 120,353 93,375 59,387 447,270 2,939 1,553 2,014 1,009 40,261 67 50 83 31 3,010 12,700 28,245 61,808 71,149 128,497 23 20 102 117 7,319 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas.................................. Mountain.................................. 116,494 112,577 122,854 274,432 154,68Ó 86,049 60,843 101,357 199,021 104,977 1,897 5,648 5,166 27,550 41,349 53 151 146 2,660 2,141 28,456 45,867 9,028 45,146 642 39 68 7,157 55 5,571 Montana............................. Idaho.................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................. New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada............................... Pacific...................... : ............... 19,409 20,544 7,775 41,819 22,679 12,571 26,577 3,306 184,463 10,184 15,990 5,204 28,564 18,576 5,652 18,789 2,018 113,973 8,075 4,180 2,316 12,301 2,136 4,076 7,298 967 62,516 366 142 94 498 254 533 213 41 3,015 46 19 55 335 69 80 28 10 905 738 213 106 1211,644 2,230 249 270 4,054 Washington....................... Oregon................................ California........................... 55,432 30,641 98,390 33,915 22,659 57,399 19,366 7,189 35,961 955 347 1,713 139 34 732 1,057 412 2,585 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , T a b l e 1 0 .— BOYS 5 TO 9 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PARENTAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. ■W H IT E . STATE. Total. Nat ive. Negro. Both parents native. One or both parents for eign bom. Foreign bom. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. United States................. 4,924,123 2,969,230 1,165,484 150,652 619,175 19,582 New England........................... 292,357 114,773 154,342 20,621 2,518 103 Maine............... ................. New Hampshire................ Vermont. 7......................... Massachusetts.................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ '33,475 18,474 16,474 148,656 24,222 51,056 914,673 21,205 8,874 11,393 47,940 7,105 18,256 456,258 10,548 8,383 4,304 88,196 14,527 28,384 379,504 1,650 1,195 742 11,030 2,220 3,784 63,395 34 22 34 1,454 356 618 15,074 38 36 14 14 442 New Y ork.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania.................... East North Central.................. 403,516 121,915 389,242 896,195 165,775 54,292 236,191 571,758 196,301 56,042 127,161 281,380 37,091 8,053 18,251 30,603 3,944 3,514 7,616 11,251 405 14 23 1,203 Ohio................................... Indiana.............................. Illinois................................ Michigan............................ Wisconsin........................... West North Central................. 221,410 134,437 275,742 139,447 125,159 621,746 164,455 117,881 157,039 71,181 61,202 409,097 45,994 12,713 101,749 61,575 59,349 187,541 6,731 1,391 13,050 5,599 3,832 12,701 4,221 2,435 3,881 630 84 9,850 9 17 23 462 692 2,557 Minnesota........................... Iowa.......... ........................ Missouri.............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska............................ Kansas................................ South Atlantic........................ 111,643 115,852 170,439 35,172 33,954 64,928 89,758 767,779 42,751 82,300 143,948 11,533 16,921 40,607 71,037 464,943 64,584 31,275 18,137 20,959 15,020 22,568 14,998 22,934 3,494 1,569 2,042 2,250 872 1,267 1,207 3,828 162 686 6,288 16 34 264 2,400 275,410 652 22 24 414 1,107 222 116 664 Delaware............................ Maryland........................... District of Columbia......... Virginia.............................. West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................... Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Central.................. 9,650 67,182 12,666 129,152 75,019 148,721 104,854 174,463 46,072 540,361 6,301 43,430 7,237 82,942 68,142 97,894 43,027 92,032 23,938 360,726 1,566 9,784 1,692 2,168 2,971 520 453 1,163 2,617 7,682 176 1,308 237 344 .888 76 41 174 584 797 1,607 12,659 3,494 43,658 3,015 49,662 61,303 81,086 18,926 170,969 6 40 3 569 30 8 7 187 Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................ Mississippi......................... West South Central................. 138,177 136,096 143,412 122,676 584,070 121,568 106,596 80,827 51,735 400,108 3,380 1,518 1,925 859 38,874 190 201 264 142 6,404 13,022 27,767 60,331 69,849 132,583 17 14 65 91 6,101 Arkansas...-.......... ............ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas................................. Mountain.................................. 105,399 110,164 110,608 257,899 138,291 74,310 56,182 89,633 179,983 90,021 1,881 5,342 5,418 26,233 37,489 186 557 376 5,285 4,786 28,987 48,020 9,223 46,353 663 35 63 5,958 45 5,332 Montana............................. Idaho.................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................. New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada.............................. Pacific....................................... 17,200 18,219 6,635 38,194 20,738 11,191 23,277 2,837 168,651 8,614 13,465 4,251 25,292 16,897 4,797 15,049 1,656 101,546 7,165 4,262 1,963 11,011 1,782 3,075 7,395 836 55,738 690 264 278 1,411 461 1,018 584 80 7,517 49 15 47 378 56 82 29 7 857 682 213 96 102 1,542 2,219 220 258 2,993 Washington....................... Oregon................................ California........................... 50,645 28,907 89,099 30,014 20,770 50,762 17,428 6,961 31,349 2,273 794 4,450 124 35 698 806 347 1,840 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 1 1 30 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . T able 11 . — BOYS 10 TO 14 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PAREN TAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. Native. Total. Both parents native. One or both parents for eign born. Foreign bom. ■ Negro. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. 4,602,649 2,700,606 1,123,728 182,739 578,068 17,508 New England............ 280,535 112,539 138,346 27,068 2,434 148 Maine.................. New Hampshire. Vermont............. Massachusetts.... Rhode Island----Connecticut........ Middle Atlantic........ 32,433 18,181 15,893 142,689 23,490 47,849 865,987 21,044 9,014 10,892 46,914 6,917 17,758 433,366 9,237 7,520 4,109 79,698 12,981 24,801 338,666 2,049 1,626 855 14,622 3,241 4,675 79,388 56 18 35 1,392 329 604 14,136 New Y ork........... New Jersey......... Pennsylvania___ East North Central... 393,939 114,881 357,167 861,178 161,347 50,574 221,445 525,360 180,182 50,855 107,629 290,117 48,337 10,071 20,980 33,128 3,742 3,360 7,034 11,377 Ohio................... Indiana.............. Illinois............... Michigan........... . Wisconsin........... West North Central. 214,364 129,203 262,007 130,746 124,858 592,508 156,948 111,681 141,388 61,941 53,402 366,152 45,788 13,700 103,233 61,134 66,262 198,826 7,205 1,386 13,525 6,606 4,406 15,083 4,403 2,410 3,832 640 92 9,921 26 29 425 696 2,526 Minnesota......... I o w a ................ Missouri............. North Dakota__ South Dakota__ Nebraska........... Kansas........... South Atlantic......................... 108,763 112,269 163,457 30,466 30,790 61,594 85,169 707,165 35,505 74,467 133,361 8,857 13,875 35,324 64,763 423,774 68,183 35,398 21,487 17,913 14,790 24.539 16,516 21,331 4,266 1,797 2,117 3,277 1,031 1,304 1,291 4,251 178 591 6,468 17 31 210 2,426 257,227 631 16 24 402 1,063 217 173 582 Delaware.......................... Maryland........................... District of Columbia......... Virginia.............................. West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................... Georgia............................... Florida................ '.............. East South Central.................. 9,889 65,122 12,151 120,431 67,050 134,675 97,224 160,007 40,616 493,362 6,415 41,908 6,777 76,078 61,144 88,978 39,333 81,993 21,148 321,965 1,394 9,577 1,715 2,026 2,340 456 496 1,189 2,138 8,520 207 1,488 262 397 823 93 89 205 687 959 1,871 12,144 3,384 41,902 2,741 44,654 57,285 76,610 16,636 161,742 2 5 13 28 2 494 21 10 7 176 Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi......................... West South Central................ 128,397 124,001 129,025 111,939 515,609 110,373 95,259 70,279 46,054 346,710 4,264 1,658 1,755 843 36,438 199 234 305 221 7,736 13,540 26,838 56,630 64,734 119,745 21 12 56 87 4,980 Arkansas.......................... 1 Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas.................................. Mountain................................. 90,951 97,545 95,090 232,023 122,202 62,688 49,192 76,466 158,364 76,139 1,926 4,563 5,335 24,614 35,523 226 787 447 6,276 5,290 26,082 42,931 8,015 42,717 642 29 72 4,827 52 4,608 Montana............................. Idaho.................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................. New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada............................... Pacific....................................... 15,043 16,533 5,530 35,262 17,533 9,426 20,312 2,563 163,207 7,180 11,521 3,539 22,757 14,275 3,899 11,619 1,349 94,651 6,415 4,506 1,615 10,260 1,557 2,513 7,838 819 56,378 758 335 247 1,726 429 1,059 658 78 8,400 52 14 34 393 48 65 28 8 850 638 157 95 121k 1,224 1,890 169 309 2,928 Washington....................... Oregon............................... California........................... 46,962 28,349 87,896 26,789 19,494 48,368 16,904 7,566 31,908 2,462 876 5,062 137 23 690 670 390 1,868 United States. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,196 20 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N -. 31 T able 1 2 .—BOYS 15 TO 19 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y AND PARENTAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. W H IT E . STATE. Total. Native. Negro. Foreign bom. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. Both parents native. One or both parents for eign bom. 4,527,282 2,552,528 1,094,861 351,754 507,945 20,194 New England................. 290,134 110,915 120,630 56,007 2,345 237 Maine....................... New Hampshire___ Vermont.................. Massachusetts.. . . . . . Rhode Island........... Connecticut............. Middle Atlantic............. 32,774 19,264 16,122 145,630 26,522 49,822 889,098 20,691 8,870 10,645 45,580 7,623 17,506 419,223 8,171 6,418 3,804 68,583 12,122 21,532 304,682 3,797 3,951 1,610 29,980 6,411 10,258 149,-591 65 23 62 1,331 '351 513 14,704 50 2 156 15 13 898 New Y ork................ New Jersey.............. Pennsylvania.......... East North Central........ 408,962 115,644 364,492 885,074 157,909 49,035 212,279 504,643 161,408 44,413 98,861 301,815 84,877 18,673 46,041 65,165 4,363 3,475 6j 866 12,374 405 48 445 1,077 Ohio......................... Indiana...'............... Illinois...................... Michigan.................. Wisconsin................ West North Central....... 225,299 131,143 270,700 135,439 122,493 599,264 155,135 109,563 135,197 59,438 45,310 348,136 50,410 15,514 104,836 62,806 68,249 207,585 15,013 3,399 26,320 12,105 8,328 30,068 4,705 2,624 4,256 684 105 11,078 36 43 91 406 501 2,397 Minnesota................ Iowa......................... Missouri................... North Dakota......... South Dakota.......... Nebraska.................. Kansas..................... South Atlantic............... 108,316 114,048 166,482 29,656 30,339 63,188 87,235 635,530 30,944 69,914 129,529 7,971 12,547 33,859 63,372 386,497 67,715 38,785 25,633 16,399 14,765 25,969 18,319 21,059 8,929 4,661 4,110 4,890 2,095 2,855 2,528 9,308 221 646 7,187 15 25 250 2,734 218,115 507 42 23 381 907 255 282 551 Delaware.................. Maryland................. District of Columbia, Virginia................... West Virginia.......... North Carolina......... South Carolina......... Georgia..................... Florida..................... East South Central.. . . . 10,022 62,871 13,232 107,821 65,029 120,248 84,448 134,719 37,140 449,105 6,479 39,885 7,258 68,692 55,849 80,440 36,306 72,342 19,246 295,268 1,414 9,411 1,795 1,961 2,273 450 524 1,243 1,988 9,617 479 2,406 436 755 3,179 177 160 405 1,311 1,687 1,648 li;i60 3,717 36,368 3,721 38,752 47,442 60,723 14,584 142,363 2 9 26 45 7 429 16 6 11 170 Kentucky........... . Tennessee................. Alabama.................. Mississippi............... West South Central....... 121,214 119,086 112,318 96,487 471,669 101,615 90,140 62,677 40,836 318,024 5,211 1,809 1,759 838 33,807 520 418 491 258 10,234 13,846 26) 705 47,343 54,469 105,269 22 14 48 86 4,335 Arkansas.................. Louisiana................. Oklahoma................ Texas....................... Mountain........................ 86,350 84,902 89,067 211,350 121,587 59,747 43,009 71,414 143,854 71,313 1,966 4,442 5,230 22,169 34,697 321 1,213 800 7,900 10,656 24,296 36)172 7,448 37,353 657 20 66 4,175 74 4,264 Montana................... Idaho........................ Wyoming.................. Colorado.................... New Mexico.............. Arizona.................... . Utah.......................... Nevada...................... Pacific.............................. 15,939 15,951 6,464 35,980 16,480 9,002 18,844 2,927 185,821 7,130 10,380 3,886 22,627 13,194 3,532 9,263 1,301 98,509 5,998 4,436 1,680 10,119 1,417 2,160 8,095 792 60,969 2,194 924 755 2,646 811 1,543 1,243 540 19,038 46 13 46 401 64 53 28 6 1,040 571 198 97 187 994 1,714 215 288 6,265 Washington.............. Oregon....................... California................... 52,025 31,796 102,000 27,818 20,282 50,409 17,800 8,348 34,821 5,253 2,526 11,259 158 34 848 996 606 4,663 United States Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 32 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , Table 1 3 .— GIRLS U N D ER 15 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PAREN TAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. W H IT E . STATE. Total. Nal ive. Negro. Both parents native. One or both parents for eign bom. Foreign bom. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. United States................. 14,592,664 8,735,457 3,585,467 375,451 1,838,538 57,751 New England-......................... 885,571 346,426 474,977 55,543 8,249 376 Maine.................................. New Hampshire................ Vermont............................. Massachusetts... ! .............. Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ 100,956 56,405 48,504 451,272 74,976 153,458 2,779,794 64,117 26,917 33,276 146,381 21,963 53,772 1,367,860 32,033 25,913 13,143 270,171 45,525 88,192 1,201.067 4,506 3,504 1,951 29,833 6,240 9,509 160,075 168 65 128 4,731 1,195 1,962 49,378 132 6 6 156 53 23 1,414 New Y ork.......................... New Jersey__ >.................. Pennsylvania................•.. East North Central.................. 1,237,303 366,221 1,176,,270 2,664,182 501,946 159,706 706,208 1,688,094 625,355 174,772 400,940 864,880 95,083 20.407 44,585 72,428 13,672 11,290 24,416 35,281 1,247 ' 46 121 3,499 Ohio................................... Indiana........................... . Illinois................................ Michigan............................. Wisconsin........................... West North Central................. 664,881 392,308 825,361 410,956 370,676 1,833,085 489,079 342,512 464,704 210,650 181,149 1,208,038 146,143 39,225 318,574 182,818 178,120 556,553 16,221 3,062 29,836 14,290 9,019 30,638 13,405 7,458 12,179 1,914 325 30,084 33 51 v 68 1,284 2,063 7,772 Minnesota........................... Iowa................................... Missouri............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska............................ Kansas................................ South Atlantic......................... 326,247 339,350 506,507 104.356 98,532 192,294 265,799 2,265,299 125,746 241,395 424,363 35,046 49,999 121,418 210,071 1,361,141 189,562 92,363 57,883 62,205 42,945 66,589 45,006 71,052 8,582 3,610 4,787 5,646 2,123 2,936 2,954 9,031 567 1,910 19,413 51 87 684 7,372 822,053 1,790 72 . 61 1,408 3j 378 '667 396 2,022 Delaware............................ Maryland........................... District of Columbia......... Virginia.............................. West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina.................. Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Central.................. 29,013 199,075 38,412 377,603 220,451 441,939 312,271 513,992 132,543 1,578,421 18,790 127,378 21,425 240,419 199,124 289,120 127,511 268,392 68,982 1,047,043 4,839 29,753 5,185 6,556 10,107 1,611 1,479 3,694 7,828 23,514 435 3,097 548 930 1,830 211 137 377 1,466 1,789 4,948 38j 833 11,234 129,586 9,382 150,269 183,062 24lj 500 54,239 505,478 1 14 20 112 8 1,728 82 29 28 597 Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama........................ Mississippi......................... West South Central................. 404,366 396,620 419,895 357,540 1,680,986 353,905 308,552 234,160 150,426 1,151,493 10.621 4,658 5,640 2,595 112,164 434 449 591 315 16,194 39,350 82,919 179,286 203i923 383,161 56 42 218 281 17,974 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma....................... Texas.................................. Mountain.................................. 307,397 316,317 317,196 740,076 403,705 216,259 161,695 257,020 516,519 264,156 5,633 15,331 15,339 75,861 110,968 378 1,551 917 13,348 11,677 85,036 137,523 26,397 134,205 2,051 91 217 17,523 143 14,853 Montana........................... . Idaho.................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................. New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah............................. Nevada........................... Pacific................................... 50,536 53,182 19,269 112,591 59,769 31,598 68,477 8,283 501,621 25,572 39,532 12,611 74,490 48,846 13,721 44,597 4,787 301,206 21,008 12,421 5,667 33,156 5,199 9,159 21,826 2,532 170,292 1,806 649 561 3,441 1,112 2,563 1,403 142 18,076 149 44 131 1,164 217 221 88 37 2,803 2,001 536 299 340 4,395 5,934 563 785 9,244 Washington....................... Oregon............................. California........................... 148,197 85,013 268,411 88,020 60,699 152,487 51,760 21,208 97,324 5,516 1,876 10,684 415 95 2,293 2,486 1,135 5,623 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 33 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N ". T a b l e 1 4 .— GIRLS U NDER 1 Y E A R OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PARENTAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. W H IT E . Total. STATE. Native. Negro. Both parents native. United States. . One or both parents for eign bom. Foreign bom. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. 1,093,933 672,940 286,215 3,208 126,927 4,643 New England,............... 67,926 25,860 40,804 570 657 35 Maine..................... . New Hampshire___ Vermont................... Massachusetts.......... Rhode Island........... Connecticut.............. Middle Atlantic.............. 7,485 4,140 3,626 34,921 5,810 11,944 215,508 4,742 1,933 2,510 11,182 1,693 3,800 100,777 2,652 2,160 1,076 23,036 3,967 7,913 109,731 67 42 24 295 59 83 1,170 11 5 15 391 87 148 3,743 13 87 New Y ork................ New Jersey.............. Pennsylvania........... East North Central........ 94,308 27,731 93,469 194,835 36,591 11,389 52,797 127,866 55,904 15,355 38,472 63,682 609 140 421 592 1,123 '843 1,777 2,432 81 4 2 263 48,873 27,753 61,904 30,632 25,673 132,465 • 35,690 24,473 35,803 17,143 14,757 94,754 12,097 2,763 25,032 13,106 ip, 684 34,965 123 18 241 141 69 252 959 497 819 132 25 1,900 4 2 9 110 138 594 Minnesota................ Iowa......................... Missouri................... North Dakota........... South Dakota........... Nebraska.................. Kansas..................... South Atlantic............... . 22,861 23,746 36,549 8,224 7,647 14,073 19,365 171,250 10,750 18,409 31,631 3,259 4,648 10,022 16,035 106,867 11,852 5,168 3,633 4,819 2,729 3,940 2,824 5,888 69 31 42 42 22 11 35 81 38 128 1,241 5 3 49 436 58,230 152 10 2 99 245 51 35 184 Delaware................... Maryland................. . District of Columbia. Virginia..................... West Virginia........... North Carolina.......... South Carolina.......... Georgia.................... Florida...................... East South Central......... 2,095 13,621 2,757 27,784 17,524 35,905 23,463 38,278 9,823 118,688 1,327 8,926 1,597 18,239 15,493 24,092 10,410 21,442 5,341 82,747 443 2,030 428 511 1,274 130 84 285 703 1,469 4 14 3 4 25 2 5 5 19 15 321 2,650 726 9,013 731 11,536 12,957 16,543 3,753 34,419 1 3 17 1 145 7 3 7 38 Kentucky.................. Tennessee.................. Alabama.................... Mississippi................. West South Central......... 30,327 30,564 32,074 25,723 125,308 27,189 24,343 19,379 11,836 89,805 521 312 447 189 8,474 4 2 6 3 226 2,608 5,906 12,227 13,678 25,213 5 1 15 17 1,590 Arkansas................... Louisiana................... Oklahoma................. Texas.......................... Mountain.......... .............. 23,399 22,101 24,571 55,237 31,283 17,486 12,116 20,180 40,023 21,481 385 1,232 1,005 5,852 8,557 4 5 3 214 132 5,515 8,740 1,826 9,132 142 9 8 1,557 16 971 Montana.................... Idaho...................... Wyoming................... Colorado.................... New Mexico.............. Arizona...................... Utah.......................... Nevada...................... Pacific.............................. 3,831 3,995 1,547 8,398 4,960 2,530 5,401 621 36,670 2,065 3,147 1,026 5,637 4,126 1,186 3,932 362 22,783 1,598 786 478 2,653 501 934 1,413 194 12,645 21 3 9 23 24 37 10 5 170 15 5 9 69 17 16 8 3 191 132 54 25 16 292 357 38 57 881 Washington........... Oregon....................... California................... 10,845 6,115 19,710 6,676 4,541 11,566 3,840 1,466 7,339 50 22 98 33 9 149 246 77 558 Ohio......................... Indiana.................... Illinois............... ...... Michigan.................. Wisconsin................ West North Central....... 32079° — 14— ' 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 17 4 34 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . T a b l e 1 5 .— G IRLS U N D ER 5 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PARENTAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. W H IT E . Native. STATE. Negro. Total. Both parents native. One or both parents for eign bom. Foreign bom. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. United States................. 5,250,768 3,220,045 1,323,652 50,567 633,968 New England........................... 317,965 123,822 182,987 8,014 3,000 New Hampshire................ Vermont............................. Massachusetts.................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic... T................. 35,643 19,916 16,763 162,811 27,227 55,605 1,015,130 22,594 9,522 11,632 53,205 8,137 18,732 490,560 12,175 9,811 4,708 103,527 17,812 34,954 487,400 765 561 368 4,237 842 1,241 18,782 61 21 52 1,783 412 671 17,914 New Y ork.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania..................... East North Central.................. 445,064 132,043 438,023 940,837 178,779 56,437 255,344 616,352 250,369 68,899 168,132 301,076 10,343 2,666 5,773 10,333 5,141 4,025 8,748 11,862 1,214 Illinois................................ Michigan............................. Wisconsin........................... West North Central................. 236,154 135,433 295,287 147,302 126,661 646,964 174,611 119,501 171,227 81,045 69,968 452,484 54,886 13,018 115,605 62,909 54,658 177,682 2,200 490 4,173 2,263 1,207 4,238 4,444 2,412 4,251 635 120 9,680 2,880 1,051 577 644 697 297 408 564 1,258 196 624 6,211 20 30 233 2,366 286,415 504 1.301 238 129 833 1,571 13,232 3,709 43,628 3,440 54,018 64,242 83,873 18,702 173,901 235 22,536 651 37 Missouri.............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska............................ Kansas................................ South Atlantic......................... 112,018 116,472 177,980 40,675 36,322 68,948 94,549 819,335 49,989 88,335 152,877 15,337 20,744 47,677 77,525 503,740 60,131 26,899 18,228 24,117 13,950 20,392 13,965 27,089 Delaware............................ Maryland........................... District of Columbia......... Virginia......................... West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................... Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Central.................. 10,047 68,092 13,268 133,133 83,314 164,471 113,163 185,876 47,971 571,949 6.479 44,182 7,633 86,831 74,627 109,153 48,371 100,656 25,808 390,085 1,943 10,393 1,853 2,490 4,881 563 490 1,294 3,182 7,533 Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi......................... West South Central................. 145,277 144,370 154,334 127,968 609,301 129,430 114,439 89,878 56,338 430,368 2,939 1,534 2,113 947 39,415 46 49 68 32 2,899 12,841 28,335 62,183 70,542 129,515 7,104 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas.................................. Mountain.................................. 114,207 111, 492 119,050 264,552 151,124 83,342 58,969 97,785 190,272 102,489 1,903 5,705 5,035 26,772 40,181 54 175 134 2,536 2,085 28,874 46,572 ' 9,158 44,911 708 34 71 6,938 61 5,661 Montana............................. Idaho.................................. Wyoming.................... — Colorado............................. New Mexico..................... 9,983 15,571 5,014 27,628 18,443 5,478 18,535 1,837 110,145 7,766 3,969 2,269 12,130 2,105 3,910 7,103 929 60,289 380 111 112 480 240 523 212 27 2,763 59 21 54 373 81 76 28 16 973 726 228 107 Pacific..................................... 18,914 19,900 7,556 40,743 22,606 12,207 26,121 3,077 178,163 California.......................... 53,324 29,570 95,269 32,798 21,925 55,422 18,420 6,896 34,973 871 311 1,581 150 36 787 Minnesota........................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 54 283 65 136 364 30 25 38' 263 195 20 13Ì 1,737 2,220 243 268 3,993 1,085 402 2,506 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . 35 T a b l e 1 6 .—G IRLS 5 TO 9 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PARENTAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. WHITE. state '. United States. Total. . Native. Negro. Both parents native. One or both parents for eign bom. Foreign bom. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. 4,836,509 2,891,785 1,150,165 147,857 627,378 19,324 New England................. 288,585 112,220 153,231 20,416 2,591 127 Maine....................... New Hampshire___ Vermont.................. Massachusetts.......... Rhode Island.......... Connecticut.............. Middle Atlantic............. 33,158 18,399 16,183 146,190 24,225 50,430 904,565 20,974 8,665 11,040 46,735 7,090 17,716 448,356 10,463 8,443 4,358 87,000 14,530 28,437 376,994 1,628 1,265 743 10,969 2,197 3,614 62,787 46 22 39 1,435 398 651 15,952 47 3 51 10 12 476 New Y ork................ New Jersey.............. Pennsylvania........... East North. Central........ 400,352 120,364 383,849 877,764 163,257 53,136 231,963 557,934 195,556 55,538 125,900 277,142 36,758 7,927 18,102 29,896 4,343 3,747 7,862 11,612 438 16 22 1,180 Ohio......................... Indiana.......... .......... Illinois...................... Michigan................ Wisconsin................. West North Central....... 217,489 130,510 271,126 135,920 122,719 607,955 161,101 114,099 154,108 69,081 59,545 398,852 45,192 12,573 100,474 60,231 58,672 184,250 6,787 1,350 12,534 5,536 3,689 12,253 4,400 2|472 3)992 '643 105 10,044 9 16 18 429 708 2,556 Minnesota................ Iowa......................... Missouri................... North Dakota.......... South Dakota.......... Nebraska................. Kansas............... South Atlantic............... 108,590 112,570 167,793 34,755 32,979 63,158 88,110 757,071 41,283 79,947 140,961 11,396 16,318 39,375 69,572 450,586 63,065 30,480 18,313 20,811 14,702 22,132 14,747 22,452 3,458 1,462 2,019 2,060 813 1,218 1,223 3,765 174 662 6,480 18 26 223 2,461 279,626 610 19 20 470 1,120 '210 107 642 Delaware................. Maryland................. District of Columbia Virginia.................... West Virginia.......... North Carolina......... South Carolina......... Georgia..................... Florida:................... East South Central........ 9,547 66,500 12,646 127,338 73,160 146,179 103,926 172,906 44,869 530,491 6,149 42,433 7,091 80,273 66,196 94,550 41,593 89,377 22,924 349,239 1,500 9,608 1,632 2,155 2,903 514 486 1,162 2,492 7,476 189 1,305 220 413 799 72 56 151 560 741 1,708 13,150 3,698 44,465 3,259 50,48ft 61,764 82,208 18,885 172,843 5 32 3 554 27 8 8 192 Kentucky................. Tennessee................. Alabama................... Mississippi............... West South Central....... 134,581 132,923 141,390 121,597 570,763 117,885 103,202 77,687 50,465 388,193 3,433 1,459 1,778 806 37,385 179 174 250 138 6,015 13,065 28,078 61,604 70,096 133,126 19 10 71 92 6,044 Arkansas.................. Louisiana................. Oklahoma................ Texas........................ Mountain........................ 104,262 108,579 107,167 250,755 135,173 72,619 54,895 86,716 173,963 87,957 1,887 5,074 5,147 25,277 36,494 162 566 364 4,923 4,830 29,565 47,965 9,046 46,550 699 29 79 5,894 42 5,193 Montana................... Idaho........................ W yom ing............... Colorado.................. New Mexico............. Arizona.................... Utah......................... . Nevada.................... . Pacific............................ . 16,979 17,913 6,414 37,422 20,288 10,726 22,598 2,833 164,142 8,578 13,159 4,194 24,596 16,488 4,558 14,725 1,659 98,448 6,902 4,273 1,803 10,901 1,700 2,979 7,120 816 54;741 752 291 253 1,436 464 1,026 544 64 7,154 47 18 55 377 78 80 33 11 885 700 172 109 112 1,558 2,083 176 283 2,914 Washington............ . Oregon..... . ........... . California................. . 49,033 28,016 87,093 28,943 20,005 49,500 17,001 6,830 30,910 2,170 790 4,194 128 28 729 791 363 1,760 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 1 4 36 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . T a b l e 1 7 .— G IRLS 10 TO 14 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y , AND PAREN TAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. ■ W H IT E . Native. STATE. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. Negro. Total. Both parents native. One or both parents for eign bom. Foreign bom . United States................. 4.505,387 2,623,627 1,111,650 177,027 577,192 15,891 New England........................... 279,021 110,384 138,759 27,113 2,658 107 Maine.................................. New Hampshire................ 20,549 8,730 10,604 46', 441 6,736 17,324 428,944 9,395 7,659 4,077 79,644 13,183 24,801 336,673 2,113 1,678 840 14,627 3,201 4,654 78,506 61 22 37 1,513 385 640 15,512 37 1 Massachusetts.................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ 32,155 18,090 15,558 142; 271 23,524 47,423 860,099 46 19 4 464 New York.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania.................... East North Central.................. 391,887 113,814 354,398 845,581 159,910 50,133 218,901 513,808 179,430 50,335 106,908 286,662 47,982 9,814 20,710 32,199 4,188 3,518 7,806 11,807 377 14 73 1,105 Ohio.................................... Indiana............................... Illinois................................ Michigan............................. Wisconsin........................... West North Central................. 211,238 126,365 258,948 127,734 121,296 578,166 153,367 108,912 139,369 60,524 51,636 356,702 46,065 13,634 102,495 59,678 64,790 194,621 7,234 1,222 13,129 6,491 4,123 14,147 4,561 2,574 3,936 636 100 10,360 11 23 19 405 647 2,336 Minnesota............. ............. Iowa................................... Missouri............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska............................ Kansas............................... South Atlantic......................... 105,639 110,308 160,734 28,926 29,231 60,188 83,140 688,893 34,474 73,113 130,525 8,313 12,937 34,366 62,974 406,815 66,366 34,984 21,342 17,277 14,293 24,065 16,294 21,511 4,073 1,571 2,124 2,889 1,013 1,310 1,167 .4,008 197 624 6,722 13 31 228 2,545 256,012 52$" 16 21 434 957 219 160 547 Maryland........................... District of Columbia......... Virginia.............................. West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................. . Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Central.................. 9,419 64", 483 12,498 117,132 63,977 131,289 95,182 155,210 39,703 475,981 6,162 40', 763 6,701 73,315 58,301 85,417 37,547 78,359 20,250 307,719 1,396 9,752 1,700 1,911 2,323 534 503 1,238 2,154 8,505 192 1,509 263 381 667 109 56 188 643 853 1,669 12,451 3,827 41,493 2,683 44,762 57,056 75,419 16,652 158,734 8 7 32 3 467 20 6 4 170 Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi........ .............. West South Central................. 124,508 119,327 . 124,171 107,975 500,922 106,590 90,911 66,595 43,623 332,932 4,249 1,665 1,749 842 35,364 209 226 273 145 7,280 13,444 26,506 55,499 63,285 120,520 16 19 55 80 4,826 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas.................................. Mountain.................................. 88,928 96,246 90,979 224,769 117,408 60,298 47,831 72,519 152,284 73,710 1,843 4,552 5,157 23,812 34,293 162 810 419 5,889 4,762 26,597 42,986 8,193 42,744 644 28 67 4,691 40 3,999 • Montana............................. Idaho.................................. Wyoming........................... 7,011 10,802 3,403 22,266 13,915 3,685 11,337 1,291 92,613 6,340 4,179 1,595 10,125 1,394 2,270 7,603 787 55,262 674 247 196 1,525 408 1,014 647 51 8,159 43 22 414 58 65 27 10 945 575 136 83 96 New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. » Utah................................... Nevada.............................. Pacific___ ................................. 14,643 15,369 5,299 34,426 16,875 8,665 19,758 2,373 159,316 Washington........................ Oregon................................ California....... '.................. 45,840 27,427 86,049 26,279 18,769 47,565 16,339 7,482 31,441 2,475 775 4,909 777 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 137 31 l , if® * 1,631 144 234 2,337 610 370 1,357 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N ". 37 T a b l e 1 8 .—G IRLS 15 TO 19 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE, N A T IV IT Y AND PARENTAGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. W H IT E . Total. STATE. United States . Native. Both parents native. One or both parents for eign bom. Foreign bom. Negro. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. 4,536,321 2,536,527 1,110,714 322,007 552,471 14,602 New England............... 293,653 109,958 122,692 58,093 2,805 105 Maine...................... New Hampshire___ Vermont................. Massachusetts......... Rhode Island......... . Connecticut............ . Middle Atlantic............. 32,362 18,642 15,039 150,931 25,476 51,203 912,371 20,423 8,568 10,020 46,533 6,802 17,612 425,391 8,036 6,513 3,796 70,273 11,778 22,296 313,599 3,765 3,509 1,188 32,560 6,462 10,589 154,784 80 30 35 1,539 ‘ 421 700 17,948 58 2 26 13 6 649 New York................ New Jersey.. . . ....... Pennsylvania.......... East North Central........ 433,487 120,897 357,987 875,379 161,281 49,309 214,801 500,986 168,657 46,040 98,902 306,761 97,752 21,574 35,458 53,444 5,455 3,953 8,540 13,265 342 21 286 923 Ohio......................... Indiana.................... Illinois...................... Michigan.................. Wisconsin................. West North Central....... 221,613 128,006 274,191 131,391 120,178 585,329 154,045 107,694 135,654 57,928 45,665 343,214 51,033 15,714 109,224 62,852 67,938 206,800 11,379 1,751 24,815 9,536 5,963 21,553 5,150 2,828 4; 475 '694 118 11,607 6 19 23 381 494 2,155 Minnesota................. Iowa.................... Missouri................... North Dakota.......... South Dakota.......... Nebraska.................. Kansas...................... South Atlantic............... 106,832 110,962 167,591 27,043 28,303 61,330 83,268 654,262 30,740 69,198 130,145 7,204 11,802 33,016 61,109 387,068 68,511 38,426 26,396 15,871 14,144 25,821 17,631 21,540 6,901 2,648 3,453 3,618 1,468 1,975 1,490 6,218 215 670 7,578 21 36 303 2,784 238,938 465 20 19 329 853 215 254 498 Delaware.................. Maryland................. District of Columbia Virginia.................... West Virginia.......... North Carolina......... South Carolina......... Georgia..................... Florida..................... East South Central........ 9,438 65,102 14,880 109,451 60,116 122,430 88,226 145,664 38,955 455,947 6,057 40,178 7,760 68,435 54,180 79,958 35,930 74,963 19,607 292,790 1,407 10,049 1,831 1,841 2,208 464 508 1,233 1,999 10,005 394 2,621 384 460 871 98 91 260 1,039 1,195 1,580 12,238 4; 903 38i 679 2,854 41,501 ö l)676 69;200 16; 307 151,820 16 2 36 3 409 21 8 3 137 Kentucky................. Tennessee................. Alabama................... Mississippi............... West South Central....... 120,408 118,586 117,199 99,754 475,118 100,113 88,733 63,362 40,582 313,037 5,587 1,863 1,676 879 34,261 377 320 315 183 9,439 14,317 27,658 51,787 58,058 114,211 14 12 59 52 4,170 Arkansas.................. Louisiana................. Oklahoma................ Texas........................ Mountain..'..................... 87,538 90,325 85,335 211,920 113,653 59,163 43,820 68,199 141,855 68,638 2,049 4,665 5,007 22,540 34,263 272 1,102 553 7,512 6,216 26,013 40,696 7,526 39,976 773 41 42 4,050 37 3,763 Montana.................... Idaho......................... Wyoming.................. Colorado.................... New Mexico.............. Arizona...................... Utah.......................... Nevada...................... Pacific.............................. 13,925 14,319 5,024 35,065 15,977 8,387 18,620 2,336 170,609 6,566 9,704 3,086 22,386 13,078 3,344 9,324 1,150 95,445 5,831 4,092 1,569 10,282 1,307 2,195 8,194 793 60,793 968 349 261 1,875 477 1,235 926 125 11,065 58 20 51 451 59 83 42 9 1,104 502 154 57 71 1,056 1,530 '134 259 2,202 Washington............... Oregon....................... California................... 47,622 28,953 94,034 26,409 19,141 49,895 17,444 8,301 35,048 3,049 1,195 6,821 167 33 904 553 283 1,366 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 38 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . T a b l e 1 9 . — URBAN AND R U R A L 1 CHILDREN U N D ER 15 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. T O T A L .2 Foreign bom. Native. Urban. United States. Rural. Urban Rural Urban. Rural Urban. Rural. 11,601,616 17,897,520 10,328,857 14,628,292 579,143 180,203 683,299 2,981,808 New England................. 1,485,287 296,036 1,367,006 286,162 103,464 7,859 14,451 1,626 101,602 Maine........................ 68,623 New Hampshire___ 45,301 Vermont................... 846,528 Massachusetts.......... 144,984 Rhode Island........... 278,249 Connecticut.............. Middle Atlantic. . . ......... 3,884,935 101,464 44,102 . 52,978 62,164 4,575 30,753 1,710,528 94,567 62,777 42,450 780,261 130,236 256,715 3,534,368 6,774 98,966 5,773 42,927 2,693 51,670 59,177 57,743 4,320 12,428 29,102 18,053 1,640,287 1276,832 2,185 1,113 1,209 1,962 135 1,255 45,251 218 69 152 8,351 3,451 73,166 96 55 95 891 120 369 22,806 New Y ork................ 1,983,918 558,476 New Jersey.............. Pennsylvania.......... 1,342,541 East North Central........ 2,596,073 504,703 179,440 1,026,385 2,792,358 1,781,410 508,157 1,244,801 2,433,332 487,500 179,829 166,383 35,233 986,404 61,770 2,731,786 114,445 11,184 5,992 28,075 32,279 22,235 15,037 35,894 47,723 4,043 7,024 11,739 21,752 Ohio......................... Indiana.................... Illinois...................... Michigan.................. Wisconsin................. West North Central....... 694,949 296,814 952,576 361,088 290,646 988,135 649,027 499,225 713,236 471,313 459,557 2,723,149 650,873 280,851 883,167 339,641 278,800 926,759 634,117 494,089 697,948 457,456 448,176 2,646,788 26,755 5,003 52,495 18,901 11,291 26,609 5,655 1,331 8,160 9,917 7,216 36,158 17,260 10,913 16,771 2,415 364 34,252 9,246 3,741 7,118 1,419 228 25,050 Minnesota................. Iowa......................... Missouri.................... North Dakota.......... South Dakota.......... Nebraska................. Kansas..................... South Atlantic__ 217,570 173,013 349,832 17,162 19,589 80,452 130,517 875,978 443,905 514,049 673,094 194,556 180,854 309,512 407,179 3,702,149 207,292 167,896 320,738 16,226 19,061 76,113 119,433 611,799 431,941 507,616 654,238 180,850 170,046 305,122 396,975 2,305,045 9,273 2,851 8,447 871 398 3,150 1,619 12,407 146 947 8,161 2,255 1,553 4,755 17,6SÖ 1,112 20,568 72 29 11,002 83 99 3,940 1,164 238 2,832 9,206 5,253 4,356 6,020 251,664 1,387,127 Delaware........ Maryland___ District of Columbia. Virginia.............. West Virginia... North Carolina.. South Carolina.. Georgia.............. Florida.............. East South Central.. 25,761 179,247 32,789 221,754 25,302 167,810 134,003 65,377 103,349 70,227 158;306 63,078 434,849 628,875 382,947 790,307 559,418 880,921 205,138 2,765,817 22,422 150,559 53,767 9Ö; 287 60,853 65,659 38,148 93,706 36,398 300,299 412,530 364,868 527,232 224,929 461,833 120,541 1,883,278 684 5,274 1,121 '872 781 205 185 687 2,598 2,286 Kentucky.......... Tennessee.......... Alabama............ Mississippi......... West South Central. 144,617 117,396 110,488 62,348 576,491 675,549 689,542 739,226 661,500 2,830,531 119,872 80,174 65,962 34,291 440,685 620,675 559,973 424,013 278,617 2,132,633 713 680 656 237 11,252 Arkansas............ Louisiana.......... Oklahoma.......... Texas................. Mountain................. Montana............ Idaho................. Wyoming.......... Colorado............ New Mexico...... Arizona............. Utah.................. Nevada.............. Pacific. Washington. Oregon........ California... 562,426 57,815 489,575 147,028 552,847 92; 901 278;747 1,225,683 252,992 565,886 68,700 33,488 90,813 17,665 28,921 10,288 128,155 99,711 106,163 14,556 47,012 17,774 81,816 56,827 14,306 2,683 511,066 506,876 165,100 136,136 110,472 62,438 235,494 308,302 41,770 99,452 80,159 219,304 240,643 32,018 17,322 9,688 94,964 14,117 15,010 54,962 2,562 473,966 128,469 59,348 286,149 408,873 259,344 475,575 988,841 519,979 62,195 88,555 27,478 122,867 95,151 31,882 79,449 12,402 482,334 155,727 107,198 219,409 . 2,210 2,654 23,404 21,693 42;836 3,743 37,483 31,892 63,900 24,059 132,214 215,237 14,929 259,381 334,228 418,921 84,154 879,877 177 24,019 254 36,529 587 43,866 472 27,800 22,092 122,509 54,593 129,240 314,189 381,855 641,477 195 946 895 3,135 205 103 122 419 1,490 676 167 1,505 1,541 1,460 426 9,118 18,451 8,876 15,018 2,453 1,167 1,103 287 799 381 4,206 2,870 244 2,012 3,014 2,159 1,702 1,156 275 66 22,972 14,036 4,878 6,328 1,343 2,550 7,815 14,094 15,830 46,003 10,396 50,280 2,851 231 42 196 1,806 181 267 118 10 4,469 607 148 3,714 7,290 52,987 152,731 228,338 42,267 218,141 1,147 65 50 71 464 209 181 55 52* 946 208 39 699 1All children living in cities or in incorporated places of 2,500 or more are classified as urban; children living in smaller places or in country districts are classified as rural. 2Includes Indian. Chinese, Japanese, and all other. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 39 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , T a b l e 2 0 .—URBAN AND R U R A L 1 CH ILDREN U N D ER 1 Y E A R OF AGE, B Y RACE AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. W H IT E . NEGRO. T O T A L .2 Foreign bom. Native. STATE. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. United States....... 888,783 1,328,559 836,150 1,112,720 4,805 1,930 46,895 205,491 New England................. 116,014 21,213 113,750 20,944 1,046 106 1,181 130 New Hampshire----Vermont................... Massachusetts.......... Rhode Island........... Connecticut.............. Middle Atlantic.............. 7,581 5,177 3,327 66,496 11,377 22,056 309,850 7,429 3,148 3,906 4,238 351 2,141 127,403 7,481 5,093 3,277 65,189 11,069 21,641 301,730 7,355 3,133 3,883 4,132 341 2,100 125,090 80 79 31 591 117 148 1,936 43 11 17 22 2 11 532 18 5 18 696 180 264 6,149 10 4 6 73 8 29 1,621 New Y ork................ New Jersey.............. Pennsylvania........... East North Central........ 157,085 43,674 109,091 198,883 34,468 12,524 80,411 195,227 153,913 42,201 105,616 194,469 33,881 11,942 79,267 193,044 1,132 275 529 952 146 47 339 260 2,012 1,196 2,941 3,414 288 533 800 1,437 Michigan.................. Wisconsin................ West N orth Central........ 53,461 21,624 74,471 28,385 20,942 71,614 45,315 34,474 50,688 33,665 31,085 196,874 51,999 20,834 72,827 28,002 20,807 69,201 44,670 34,227 50,146 33,248 30,753 193,831 201 39 420 205 87 247 42 7 60 86 65 308 1,255 749 1,207 170 33 2,136 602 238 481 102 14 1,570 North Dakota.......... South Dakota.......... Nebraska................. Kansas..................... South Atlantic............... 16,329 12,048 25,003 1,384 1,565 5,984 9,301 64,221 29,782 36,142 48,926 15,605 13,953 22,836 29,630 282,928 16,173 11,860 23,657 1,377 1,548 5,882 8,704 46,897 29,430 35,979 47,806 15,315 13,392 22,701 29,208 183,764 92 32 62 5 9 20 27 127 62 53 15 82 32 18 46 60 58 155 1,276 2 6 80 559 17,184 17 96 1,104 7 5 16 325 98,722 Delaware................. Maryland................. District of Columbia. Virginia.................... West Virginia.......... North Carolina......... South Carolina......... Georgia.................... Florida..................... East South Central......... 2,025 12,287 5,489 10,067 5,008 8,119 5,219 11,394 4,613 30,849 2,155 15,577 1,670 11,888 3 35 2 3 1 8 14 163 1,627 1,458 3,113 256 2,735 2,187 4,112 1,533 8,682 483 3,683 31,286 29,470 44,035 18,422 37,458 9,535 149,413 9 35 7 7 11 2 3 8 45 11 2 6 46,101 30,721 64,486 42,186 66,343 15,359 209,280 1,853 10,623 4,018 6,945 4,741 5,381 3,029 7,273 3,034 22,152 14,788 1,215 20,117 23,747 28,880 5,809 59,773 Kentucky................. Tennessee................. Alabama................... Mississippi............... West South Central........ 9,793 8,606 8,106 4,344 40,554 51,313 53,797 56,406 47,764 213,899 8,289 6,093 5,227 2,543 32,617 47,628 44,595 34,990 22,200 168,464 3 4 2 2 163 2 2 7 3 294 1,499 2,509 2,877 1,797 7,627 3,677 9,197 21,367 25,532 42,104 4,077 10,035 6,806 19,636 18,858 2,624 1,325 764 7,020 1,068 1,456 4,401 200 37,940 10,141 4,664 23,135 43,569 34,534 42,989 92,807 44,871 5,278 6,963 2,401 10,104 8,821 3,660 6,484 1,160 36,864 11,938 7,725 17,201 3,067 7,115 6,004 16,431 18,507 2,586 1,317 741 6,875 1,050 1,372 4,374 192 36,827 9,926 4,586 22,315 33,752 19,983 37,122 77,607 42,758 4,963 6,856 2,348 10,017 8,208 2,931 6,391 1,044 35,412 11,483 7,573 16,356 6 3 3 282 200 32 8 8 23 52 57 10 10 156 45 20 91 1,007 2,908 660 3,052 203 19 3 12 121 15 20 10 3 319 47 14 258 9,797 14,527 2,884 14,896 74 2 7 1 28 16 13 4 3 60 17 2 41 Minnesota................ Louisiana................. Oklahoma................ Texas....................... Mountain................ . . . . Montana................... Idaho....................... Wyoming................. Colorado................... New Mexico............. Arizona.................... v Utah......................... Pacific............................ Washington............. Oregon...................... California................. 10 3 150 86 12 1 9 19 2 30 13 237 70 35 132 1All children living in cities or in incorporated places of 2,500 or more are classified as urban; children living in smaller places or in country districts are classified as rural. 2 Includes Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , T able 2 1 .—U R B A N AN D R U R A L 1 C H ILD R E N U N D ER 5 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. WHITE. TOTAL.2 NEGEO. Native. STATE. Urban. Foreign bom. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. United States....... 4,200,291 6,431,073 3,891,585 5,328,822 75,372 Rural. 27,135 229,080 1,034,208 538,000 102,825 517,791 100,783 14,809 1,296 5,261 615 35,942 Maine....................... 24,302 New Hampshire___ 15,896 Vermont................... 307,673 Massachusetts.......... 52,482 Rhode Island........... 101,705 Connecticut.............. Middle Atlantic.............. 1,436,005 35,903 15,279 18,275 21,213 1,616 10,539 614,134 34,773 23,336 15,332 296,337 49,939 98,074 1,377,082 35,345 15,080 18,011 20,533 1,548 10,266 598,812 1,078 944 494 8,168 1,684 2,441 31,338 441 178 228 289 20 140 6,669 77 22 68 3,101 814 1,179 27,364 40 18 34 347 48 128 7,934 New Y ork................ New Jersey.............. Pennsylvania........... East North Central........ 726,763 204,713 504,529 944,123 172,164 62,229 379,741 963,590 698,942 194,605 483,535 911,024 168,210 59,030 371,572 949,933 19,067 4,618 7,653 16,672 1,778 742 4,149 4,226 8,571 5,474 13,319 16,230 1,490 2,448 3,996 7,198 Ohio......................... Indiana.................... Illinois...................... Michigan.................. Wisconsin................ West North' Central....... 255,003 105,389 348,445 133,938 101,348 347,875 224,472 170,135 249,544 164,616 154,823 963,034 245,422 101,003 335,239 129,801 99,559 332,869 220,658 168,744 246,021 161,951 152,559 944,637 3,693 810 7,282 3,302 1,585 3,842 760 175 1,135 1,284 872 4,741 5,869 3,565 5,861 803 132 11,017 3,052 1,198 2,387 482 79 8,110 Minnesota................ Iowa......................... Missouri................... North Dakota.......... South Dakota.......... Nebraska.................. Kansas..................... South Atlantic............... 77,837 149,003 58,768 . 177,295 122,432 238,071 6,495 75,904 7,033 66,456 29,190 110,906 46,120 145,399 310,326. 1,346,893 76,235 57,570 114,718 6,367 6,920 28,297 42,762 224,991 146,787 175,978 232,184 73,650 63,331 109,962 142,745 857,507 1,258 477 1,090 118 74 483 342 1,582 885 730 167 1,279 535 400 745 993 314 713 6,596 9 31 396 2,958 83,710 68 532 5,703 28 29 81 1,669 486,806 756 8,015 2,333 17,972 149,146 138,525 199,231 85,438 174,267 45,108 704,315 95 497 139 124 128 26 24 76 473 237 20 113 221,668 144,821 294,943 203,491 321,053 74,686 1,009,681 8,545 53,618 19,222 32,803 22,876 24,797 14,201 34,759 14,170 107,430 8,296 57,496 Virginia.................... West Virginia.......... North Carolina......... South Carolina......... Georgia..................... Florida..................... East South Central........ 9,396 62,132 26,669 47,157 24,297 37,849 24,968 55,588 22,270 150,790 Kentucky................. Tennessee................. Alabama.................. Mississippi............... West South Central....... Arkansas.................. Louisiana................ Oklahoma................ Texas........................ Mountain........................ Montana................... Idaho........................ Wyoming................. Colorado................... New Mexico............. Arizona.................... Utah......................... Nevada.................... Pacific............................. Washington............. Oregon...................... California................. 48,642 40,845 39,597 21,706 200,222 20,558 49,276 34,108 96,280 91,296 12,332 6,307 3,809 34,570 5,159 6,717 21,432 970 181,654 49,331 22,089 110,234 245,861 253,746 272,119 237,955 1,035,436 210,143 174,793 207,796 442,704 214,508 25,991 34,137 11,522 47,992 40,126 18,061 31,266 5,413 180,972 59,425 38,122 83,425 41,152 28,830 25,000 12,448 157,793 15,276 34,056 29,853 78,608 88,665 11,987 6,207 3,654 33,608 5,045 6,104 21,127 933 173,940 47,596 21,429 104,915 227,653 209,049 162,380 105,233 799,521 157,915 97,109 179,490 365,007 200,331 24,021 33,503 11,149 47,015 36,215 13,012 30,598 4,818 172,983 56,903 37,240 78,840 85 57 66 29 1,885 28 202 75 1,580 1,373 230 69 58 351 29 380 241 15 3,634 1,100 439 2,095 New England................. Delaware.................. Maryland................. 10,649 75,582 7 ,2 9 0 108 14,224 611 1,293 34 13,024 22 10,741 15 20,747 70 7,620 189 43,105 28 42 85 34 4,024 79 124 205 3,616 2,853 516 184 148 627 465 676 184 53 2,144 726 219 1,199 7,400 11,953 14,531 9,221 39,826 5,237 15,005 3,505 16,079 978 84 19 86 574 75 96 40 4 1,589 218 59 1,312 72,331 5,681 94,273 117,971 146,751 29,494 304,698 18,141 44,627 109,460 132,470 218,186 52,093 77,434 14,681 73,978 372 21 21 23 134 75 60 16 22 289 71 11 207 1 All children living in cities or in incorporated places of 2,500 or more are classified as urban; children living in smaller places or in country districts are classified as rural. 2 Includes Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . Table 2 2 .—URBAN AND R U R A L 1 CHILD REN 5 TO 9 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. W H IT E . T O T A L .2 NEGEO. Native. STATE. Urban. United States....... 3,773,917 Rural. Urban. 5,986,715 3,314,215 482,933 98,009 440,073 Maine....................... 33,250 New Hampshire___ 22,248 Vermont................... 15,000 Massachusetts........ 274,330 Rhode Island........... 46,957 Connecticut.............. 91,148 Middle Atlantic.............. 1,253,818 33,383 14,625 17,657 20,516 1,490 10,338 565,420 30,714 20,174 13,918 250,370 41,834 83,063 1,122,029 New York................ New Jersey.............. Pennsylvania.......... East North Central........ 636,906 182,520 434,392 841,558 166,962 59,759 338,699 932,401 Ohio......................... Indiana.................... Illinois...................... Michigan.................. Wisconsin................ West North Central....... 224,120 98,027 307,654 117) 792 93,965 322,127 Minnesota................ Iowa......................... Missouri................... North D akota........ South Dakota.......... Nebraska................. Kansas..................... South Atlantic............... New England................. Foreign bom. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. 4,862,449 228,003 94,493 Rural. 70,506 228,796 1,017,757 38,172 2,865 32,476 2,467 14,191 2,051 1,035 17,177 19,501 21,303 1,418 4,383 6,933 9,730 539,083 108,126 811 409 450 696 34 465 18,056 55 22 44 2,614 716 1,140 23,468 ' 25 22 29 275 38 129 7,558 560,123 163,876 398,030 778,040 160,766 55,132 323,185 910,174 69,682 13,702 24,742 47,699 4,167 2,278 11,611 12,800 6,951 4,926 11,591 15,643 1,336 2,335 3,887 7,220 214,779 166,920 239,214 157,575 153,913 907,574 207,400 92,227 279,982 109,454 88,977 299,399 209,342 165,039 233,388 152,614 149,791 880,341 11,126 2,150 22-, 111 7,506 4,806 11,136 2,392 591 3,473 3,629 2,715 13,818 5,577 3,634 5,523 791 118 11,461 3,044 1,273 2,350 482 71 8,433 70,387 57,175 113,486 5,515 6,468 26,094 43,002 288,468 149,846 171,247 224,746 64,412 60,465 101,992 134,866 1,236,382 66,302 55.164 103,039 5,165 6,259 24,305 39.165 199,027 145,381 168,838 218,320 59,534 56,702 100,377 131,189 761,888 3,778 1,193 3,613 330 162 1,382 678 5,032 3,174 1,838 448 3,980 1,523 1,103 1,752 2,561 293 815 6,809 9 29 402 3,104 84,381 43 533 5,959 25 31 85 1,757 470,655 Delaware.................. Maryland................. District of Columbia. Virginia.................... West Virginia.......... North Carolina......... South Carolina......... Georgia..................... Florida..................... East South Central........ 8,315 59,160 25,312 44,114 21,348 33,705 22,695 52,518 21,301 143,762 10,882 74,522 8,376 56,093 392 1,369 66 32 47 165 612 896 7,786 7,192 14,321 1,253 12,622 10.463 21,515 8,333 44.463 2,419 18,023 138, 111 120,435 172,477 73,392 153,014 39,990 626,760 278 2,210 457 365 318 82 65 278 979 926 87 403 212,376 126,831 261,195 186,085 294,851 69,640 927,090 7,140 49,162 17,652 29,427 19,777 21,001' 12,167 30,720 11,981 98,363 73,802 5,021 87,529 112,604 141,779 29,478 299,349 Kentucky................. Tennessee................. Alabama................... Mississippi................ West South Central....... Arkansas.................. Louisiana................. Oklahoma................ Texas........................ Mountain........................ Montana................... Idaho........................ Wyoming................. Colorado................... New Mexico............. Arizona.................... Utah......................... '■ Nevada.................... Pacific............................. Washington............. Oregon...................... California................. 47,256 38,664 36,991 . 20,851 .194,689 19,600 49,522 31,290 94,277 83,643 11,080 5,829 3,335 33,091 4,961 5,876 18,541 930 162,919 44,377 20,090 98,452 225,502 230,355 247,811 223,422 960,144 190,061 169,221 186,485 414,377 189,821 23,099 30,303 9,714 42,525 36,065 16,041 27,334 4,740 169,874 55,301 36,833 77,740 39,086 26,151 21,819 11,307 147,378 14,014 33,172 26,803 73,389 78,979 10,522 5,696 3,102 31,324 4,804 4,836 17,817 878 150,927 41,503 18,871 90,553 207,180 186,624 140,398 92,558 717,182 136,683 88,321 160,111 332,067 172,982 20,737 29,463 9,109 40,476 32,063 10,573 26,472 4,089 159,546 51,883 35,695 71,968 300 276 272 78 4,246 61 569 157 3,459 3,528 460 116 162 1,153 90 847 667 33 9,138 2,528 1,050 5,560 69 99 242 202 8,173 287 554 583 6,749 6,088 982 439 369 1,694 835 1,197 461 111 5,533 1,915 534 3,084 7,868 12,235 14,898 9,462 42,401 5,512 15,773 3,699 17,417 963 73 17 68 598 65 95 43 4 1,425 177 49 1,199 18,219 43,610 107,037 130,483 223,308 53,040 80,212 14,570 75,486 399 23 16 34 157 69 67 19 14 317 75 14 228 4,591 518 1 All children living m cities or m incorporated places of 2,500 or more are classified as urban: children living in smaller places or in country districts are classified as rural. 2Includes Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 42 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , Table 2 3 . -U R B A N AND R U R A L 1 CH ILDREN 10 TO 14 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. W H IT E . Foreign bom. Native. STATE. Urban. United States....... 3,627,408 Rural. Urban. 5,479,732 3,123,057 Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. 4,437,021 275,768 Rural. 82,562 225,423 929,843 50,483 3,698 4,599 493 3,229 31,145 13,656 2,778 16,482 1,164 19,143 28,272 1,354 6,361 9,106 8,679 502,392 13^,368 933 526 531 977 81 650 20,526 86 25 40 2,636 680 1,132 22,334 31 15 32 269 34 112 7,314 522,345 149,676 363,236 744,268 158,524 52,221 291,647 871,679 91,080 16,913 29,375 50,074 5,239 2,972 12,315 15,253 6,713 4,637 10,984 15,850 1,217 2,241 3,856 7,334 209,776 162,170 224,478 149,122 150,821' 852,541 198,051 87,621 267,946 100,386 90,264 294,491 204,117 160,306 218,539 142,891 145,826 821,810 11,936 2,043 23,102 8,093 4,900 11,631 2,503 565 3,552 5,004 3,629 17,599 5,814 3,714 5,387 821 114 11,774 3,150 1,270 2,381 455 78 8,507 69,346 57,070 113,914 5,152 6,088 25,168 41,395 277,184 145,056 165,507 210,277 54,240 53,933 96,614 126,914 1,118,874 64,755 55,162 102,981 4,694 5,882 23,511 37,506 187,781 139,773 162,800 203,734 47,666 50,013 94,783 123,041 685,650 4,237 1,181 3,744 423 162 1,285 599 5,793 4,102 2,187 497 5,743 1,882 1,329 1,859 2,466 340 727 7,163 11 23 366 3,144 83,573 35 488 6,027 19 39 72 1,827 429,666 Delaware.................. Maryland................. District of Columbia. Virginia.................... West Virginia.......... North Carolina......... South Carolina......... Georgia.................... Florida..................... East South Central........ 8,050 57,955 24,649 42; 732 19,732 31,795 22,564 50,200 19,507 140,297 11,258 71,650 8,630 54,221 1,002 7,603 7,211 14,291 1,197 11,837 10,688 21,638 8,106 44,646 2,538 16,992 125,273 105,908 155,524 66,099 134,552 35,443 552,203 311 2,567 525 383 335 97 96 333 1,146 1,123 88 430 194,831 111,295 234,169 169,842 265,017 60,812 829,046 6,737 47,779 16,893 28,057 18,200 19,861 11,780 28,227 10,247 94,506 69,104 4,227 77,579 103,653 130,391 25,182 275,830 Kentucky................. Tennessee................. Alabama................... Mississippi............... West South Central....... Arkansas.................. Louisiana................. Oklahoma................ Texas........................ fo u n ta in .'..................... Montana................... Idaho........................ Wyoming................. Colorado................... New Mexico............. Arizona.................... Utah......................... Nevada..................... Pacific............................. Washington............. Oregon...................... California................. 48,719 37,887 33,900 19,791 181,580 17,657 48,230 27,503 88,190 78,053 10,076 5,529 3,144 32,050 4,436 5,181 16,854 783 162,303 42,428 20,259 99,616 204,186 205,441 219,296 200,123 834,951 162,222 145,561 158,566 368,602 161,557 19,610 26,373 7,685 37,638 29,972 12,910 23,216 4,153 160,220 50,374 35,517 74,329 39,634 25,193 19,143 10,536 135,514 12,480 32,224 23,503 67,307 72,999 9,509 5,419 2,932 30,032 4,268 4,070 16,018 751/ 149,099 39,370 19,048 90,681 185,842 164,300 121,235 80,826 615,930 114,275 73,914 135,974 291,767 146,666 17,437 25,589 7,220 35,376 26,873 8,297 22,379 3,495 149,805 46,941 34,263 68,601 328 347 318 130 5,121 78 770 194 4,079 3,975 477 102 161 1,366 125 932 794 18 10,200 2,700 1,061 6,439 8,751 80 113 12,341 260 14,437 236 9,117 9,895 40,282 310 5,081 827 15,225 672 3,192 8,086 16,784 6,077 910 74 955 480 6 282 42 634 1,885 712 41 1,141 76 511 35 2 111 1,455 6,359 212 2,237 40 590 3,532 1,203 18,233 41,003 97,692 118,902 199,983 47,598 70,692 13,016 68,677 376 21 13 14 173 65 54 20 16 340 62 14 264 464,354 95,202 409,142 32,410 Maine........................ 22,073 New Hampshire___ 14,405 Vermont................... 264,525 Massachusetts.......... 45,545 Rhode Island........... 85,396 Connecticut.............. Middle Atlantic.............. 1,195,112 32,178 14,198 17,046 20,435 1,469 9,876 530,974 29,080 19,267 13,200 233,554 38,463 75,578 1,035,257 New Y ork........... ..... New Jersey.............. Pennsylvania........... East North Central........ 620,249 171,243 403,620 810,392 165,577 57,452 307,945 896,367 Ohio......................... Indiana.................... Illinois...................... Michigan................... Wisconsin................. West North Central....... 215,826 93,398 296,477 109,358 95,333 318,133 Minnesota................. Iowa......................... Missouri.................... North Dakota.......... South Dakota.......... Nebraska.................. Kansas...................... South Atlantic............... New England................. 90,886 395 1,155 105 49 60 184 . 689 'A ll children living in cities or in incorporated places of 2,500 or more are classified as urban; children living in smaller places or in country districts are classified as rural. 2 Includes Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 43 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . Table 2 4 .— URBAN AND R U R A L 1 CH ILDREN 15 TO 19 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y RACE AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. WHITE. Foreign bom. Native. STATE. Urban. Rural. Urban. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. United States....... 4 ,0 0 3 ,2 7 1 5 ,0 6 0 ,3 3 2 3 ,2 1 2 ,0 0 5 4 ,0 8 2 ,6 2 5 531,837 New England................. 493,118 9 0 ,6 69 381,343 82,8 52 106,920 Maine....................... New Hampshire. . . . Vermont................... Massachusetts.......... Rhode Island.......... Connecticut.............. Middle Atlantic.............. 3 4,5 14 2 4,3 06 15,137 277 ,03 5 50,565 91,561 3 0 ,6 2 2 1 3 ,6 00 1 6 ,0 24 1 9,526 1,4 3 3 9 ,4 6 4 28,5 44 17,7 92 13,1 28 214 ,00 5 3 7 ,1 06 7 0,7 68 28,7 77 12,577 15,137 16,9 64 1 ,2 1 9 8 ,1 7 8 5 ,8 5 2 6 ,4 7 8 1 ,9 4 2 6 0 ,2 7 4 12,717 19,657 1 ,2 9 3 ,8 2 6 507,643 1 ,0 0 4 ,1 2 1 458 ,77 4 2 64,408 678,241 180 ,12 8 435,457 1 64,208 56,413 287,022 4 9 8 ,03 0 140,803 3 65,288 151,225 4 7 ,9 94 259,555 1 71,752 3 4 ,1 8 0 58,4 76 New Y ork................ New Jersey.............. Pennsylvania........... East North Central....... Rural. 141,924 253,427 806,989 7 ,1 8 0 4 ,6 6 8 482 1 ,7 1 0 1 ,0 0 2 856 2 ,2 6 6 156 1 ,1 9 0 102 32 66 2,6 3 1 714 1,1 2 3 43 21 31 239 58 90 3 9 ,9 67 25,001 7 ,651 10,8 77 6 ,0 6 7 2 3,0 23 8 ,2 6 7 5 ,1 1 2 11,6 22 1,551 2 ,3 1 6 3 ,7 8 4 909,485 850,968 795,177 819,028 9 5,455 2 3 ,1 5 4 18,545 7 ,0 9 4 Ohio......................... Indiana.................... Illinois...................... Michigan.................. Wisconsin................ West North Central....... 247,462 104,315 3 28 ,83 0 126,113 102,765 199,450 154,834 216,061 140,717 139,906 218 ,13 8 9 6 ,0 0 4 276,790 110,392 93,8 53 192,485 152,481 208,121 132,632 133 ,30 9 22,4 19 4 ,0 3 0 45,5 77 14,721 8 ,7 0 8 3 ,9 7 3 1 ,1 2 0 5 ,5 5 8 6 ,9 2 0 5 ,5 8 3 6 ,8 6 9 4 ,2 4 3 6 ,3 5 6 941 136 2 ,9 8 6 1 ,2 0 9 2 ,3 7 5 437 87 373 ,68 2 810,911 337,071 7 68,664 2 1,8 78 2 9,743 1 4,196 8 ,4 8 9 Minnesota................ Iowa......................... Missouri................... North Dakota.......... South Dakota.......... Nebraska................. Kansas..................... South Atlantic............... 82,820 64,£90 134,783 6 ,1 0 9 7 ,2 8 5 3 0 ,1 0 9 47,586 132,328 160,020 199,290 5 0 ,5 90 5 1,357 9 4 ,4 09 122,917 7 3,9 45 61,8 22 119,136 5 ,3 6 2 6 ,8 4 5 27,545 42,416 123,965 154,501 192,567 42,083 46,413 91,1 20 118,015 8 ,4 5 5 2 ,3 6 2 6 ,6 6 7 698 388 2 ,0 8 9 1,2 1 9 7 ,3 7 5 4 ,9 4 7 896 7 ,8 1 0 3 ,1 7 5 2,741 2 ,7 9 9 386 797 8 ,'5 1 12 25 453 3 ,5 7 2 50 519 5 ,8 1 4 24 36 100 1 ,9 4 6 304,513 985,279 201,597 614,567 10,2 94 5 ,2 3 2 92,5 52 364,501 9 ,0 7 3 6 3 ,9 30 28,1 12 4 7,9 39 22,2 46 3 4 ,2 0 8 2 4,0 52 53,855 2 1,0 98 10,3 87 6 4,043 8 ,0 2 4 4 8,9 60 564 3 ,1 4 3 126 76 106 316 982 9 ,1 1 6 8 ,6 2 0 16,541 1 ,5 3 3 12,928 11,225 2 2,977 8 ,6 3 0 2 ,2 4 6 14,2 82 1 10,189 9 4,7 08 140,189 60,6 18 119,466 3 2,413 758 4 ,241 820 651 907 149 175 559 2 ,0 3 4 115 786 169,333 102,899 208 ,47 0 148,622 2 26,528 54,997 7 ,3 3 3 50,5 63 18,6 44 3 0 ,7 4 0 1 9,8 02 21,1 23 1 2,650 3 0,3 15 10,427 58,506 5 ,0 4 2 67,3 25 8 7,893 106,946 22,261. 156,905 748,147 103,766 503 ,91 4 1,9 6 6 916 51,1 38 243,045 55,511 44,4 89 36,411 20,4 94 186, 111 193,183 193,106 175,747 44,4 54 28,213 2 0,465 1 0,6 34 168,072 154,332 109 ,00 9 72,501 701 578 489 198 196 160 317 243 1 0 ,3 44 15,6 90 15,451 9 ,6 5 3 17,819 3 8,673 83,6 79 102,874 192,316 754,471 140,143 558,986 7 ,0 1 5 12,658 44,5 55 174,925 2 0,243 50,2 72 29,757 9 2 ,0 44 153,645 124,955 144,645 331,226 13,7 76 32,4 17 25,2 35 68,715 109,149 63,5 19 124,615 261,703 175 1,2 2 2 374 5,2 4 4 418 1,0 9 3 979 10,1 68 6 ,2 7 2 1 6,619 3 ,6 2 4 18,0 40 4 4,0 37 6 0,2 49 11,3 50 5 9,2 89 83,301 151,939 75,6 88 133,223 6 ,2 3 9 10,6 33 1 ,0 1 5 415 1 0,535 6 ,2 3 5 3 ,5 1 7 35,511 4 ,3 3 9 5 ,1 8 3 17,007 974 19,329 2 4 ,0 3 5 7,9 7 1 3 5 ,5 3 4 2 8 ,1 1 8 12,2 06 20,4 57 4 ,2 8 9 9 ,4 1 7 5,911 3 ,1 1 0 3 2 ,7 0 8 4 ,1 0 9 3 ,9 3 7 15,640 856 16,1 08 22,701 7,111 32,7 06 24,887 7 ,2 9 4 1 9,236 3 ,1 8 0 993 280 313 2 ,1 1 9 169 1 ,0 2 4 1 ,265 76 2,1 6 9 993 703 2 ,4 0 2 1 ,1 1 9 1 ,7 5 4 904 589 84 21 20 12 31 203 4 11 196,.125 160,305 173,099 142,617 17,662 12,441 1,7 5 7 387 50,6 38 2 5,7 34 119,753 4 9 ,0 09 35,0 15 76,281 45,1 87 2 3,4 27 104,485 44,2 84 32,6 45 6 5,688 4 ,7 4 7 2 ,0 5 3 10,862 3 ,5 5 5 1 ,6 6 8 7 ,2 1 8 261 49 1,4 4 7 64 18 305 Delaware.................. Maryland................. Virginia.................... West Virginia.......... North Carolina......... South Carolina......... Georgia.................... Florida..................... East South Central........ Kentucky................. Tennessee................. Alabama.................. Mississippi............... West South Central.,... Arkansas.................. Louisiana................. Oklahoma................ Texas.......•............... Mountain....................... Montana................... Idaho....................... W yoming................. Colorado................... New Mexico............. Arizona.................... Utah......................... Nevada.................... Pacific...................- ........ Washington............. Oregon..................... California................. 66 649 52 89 50 71 47 20 i All children living in cities or in incorporated places of 2,500 or more are classified as urban; children living in smaller places or in country districts are classified as rural, aIncludes Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 44 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF. C H IL D R E N , Table 2 5 .—URBAN AND R U R A L 1 CHILD REN U N D ER 15 Y E A R S OF AGE B Y SE X , FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. TOTAL. BOYS. G IR L S . STATE. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. United States................. 11,601,616 17,897,520 5,808,267 9,098,205 5,793,349 8,799,315 New England........................... 1,485,287 296,036 745,066 150,686 740,221 145,350 Maine.................................. New Hampshire................ . Vermont............................. Massachusetts.................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ 101,602 68,623 45,301 846,528144,984 278,249 3,884,935 101,464 44,102 52,978 62,164 4,575 30,753 1,710,528 50,666 33,801 22,683 425,666 72,252 139,998 1,947,723 51,444 22,519 27,092 31,754 2,331 15,546 867,946 50,936 34,822 22,618 420,862 72,732 138,251 1,937,212 50,020 21,583 25,886 30,410 2,244 15,207 842,582 New Y ork.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania..................... East North Central.................. 1,983,918 558,476 1,342,541 2,596,073 504,703 179,440 1,026,385 2,792,358 994,962 280,174 672,587 1,301,415 256,356 91,521 520,069 1,422,834 988,956 278,302 669,954 1,294,658 248,347 87,919 506,316 1,369,524 Ohio................................... Indiana.............................. Illinois......................... . Michigan............................ Wisconsin.......................... West North Central................. 694,949 296,814 952,576 361,088 290,646 988,135 649,027 499,225 713,236 471,313 459,557 2,723,149 348,106 149,055 477,815 180,883 145,556 493,675 330,989 254,676 362,636 240,562 233,971 1,384,524 346,843 147,759 474,761 180,205 145,090 . 494,460 318,038 244,549 350,600 230,751 225,586 1,338,625 Minnesota.......................... Iowa................................... Missouri............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska.............. ............. Kansas............................... South Atlantic......................... 217,570 173,013 349,832 17,162 19,589 80,452 130,517 875,978 443,905 514,049 673,094 194,556 180,854 309,512 407,179 3,702,149 109,576 86,232 174,129 8,650 9,860 40,331 64,897 435,497 225,652 261,480 342,290 98,712 92,051 157,339 207,000 1,877,331 107,994 86,781 175,703 8,512 9,729 40,121 65,620 440,481 218,253 252,569 330,804 95,844 88,803 152,173 200,179 1,824,818 Delaware............................ Maryland........................... District of Columbia......... Virginia.............................. West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................... Georgia........................... . Florida............................... East South Central.................. 25,761 179,247 76,630 134,003 65,377 103,349 70,227 158,306 63,078 434,849 32,789 221,754 16,797 112,935 318,881 194,929 400,768 282,547 446,304 104,170 1,406,620 13,021 90,256 38,412 67,609 32,433 52,400 35,400 79,375 31,575 219,224 15,992 108,819 628,875 382,947 790,307 559,418 880,921 205,138 2,765,817 12,740 88,991 38,218 66,394 32,944 50,949 34,827 .78,931 31,503 215,625 309,994 188,018 389,539 276,871 434,617 100,968 1,359,197 Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi......................... West South Central................. 144,617 117,396 110,488 62,348 576,491 675,549 689,542 739,226 661,500 2,830,531 71,824 58,215 54,873 30,713 287,424 343,976 352,103 374,946 335,595 1,438,612 72,793 59,181 55,615 31,635 289,067 331,573 337,439 364,280 325,905 1,391,919 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas.................................. Mountain.................................. 57,815 147,028 92,901 278,747 252,992 562,426 489,575 552,847 1,225,683 565,886 28,722 72,715 46, f>21 139,366 126,844 284,122 247,571 281,931 624,988 288,329 29,093 74,313 46,280 139,381 126,148 278,304 242,004 270,916 600,695 277,557 Montana............................. Idaho.................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................. New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada............................... Pacific....................................... 33,488 17,665 10,288 99,711 14,556 17,774 56,827 2,683 506,876 68,700 90,813 28,921 128,155 106,163 47,012 81,816 14,306 511,066 16,595 8,857 5,208 49,935 7,215 8,939 28,730 1,365 254,998 35,057 46,439 14,732 65,340 53,735 24,249 41,436 7,341 261,323 16,893 8,808 5,080 49,776 7,341 8,835 28,097 1,318 251,878 33,643 44,374 14,189 62,815 52,428 22,763 40,380 6,965 249,743 Washington........................ Oregon................................ California........................... 136,136 62,438 308,302 165,100 110,472 235,494 68,683 31,464 154,851 84,356 56,433 120,534 67,453 30,974 153,451 80,744 54,039 114,960 1 All children living in cities or in incorporated places of 2,500 or more are classified as urban; children living in smaller places or in country districts are classified as rural. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 45 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , Table 2 6 .—URBAN AND R U R A L 1 CHILD REN U N D ER 1 Y E A R OF AGE, B Y SE X , FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. TOTAL. Urban. BOYS. Rural. Urban. GUSLS. Rural. Urban. Rural. United States................. 888,783 1,328,559 449,838 673,571 438,945 654,988 New England........................... 116,014 21,213 58,675 10,626 57,339 10,587 Maine................................. New Hampshire................ Vermont............................ Massachusetts.................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut....................... Middle Atlantic....................... 7,581 5,177 3,327 66,496 11,377 22,056 309,850 7,429 .3,148 3,906 4,238 351 2,141 127,403 3,832 2,573 1,632 33,722 5,751 11,165 157,144 3,693 1,612 1,975 2,091 167 1,088 64,601 3,749 2,604 1,695 32,774 5,626 10,891 152,706 3,736 1,536 1,931 2,147 184 1,053 62,802 New York.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania.................... East North Central.................. 157,085 43,674 * 109,091 198,883 34,468 12,524 80,411 195,227 79,687 22,117 55,340 100,325 17,558 6,350 40,693 98,950 77,398 21,557 53,751 98,558 16,910 6/174 39,718 96,277 Ohio................................... Indiana.............................. Illinois................................ Michigan............................ Wisconsin.......................... West North Central................. 53,461 21,624 74,471 28,385 20,942 71,614 45,315 34,474 50,688 33,665 31,085 196,874 26,881 10,946 37,601 14,275 10,622 36,118 23,022 17,399 25,654 17,143 15,732 99,905 26,580 10,678 36,870 14,110 10,320 35,496 22,293 17,075 25,034 16,522 15,353 96,969 Minnesota.......................... Iowa................................... Missouri............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska........................... Kansas............................... South Atlantic......................... 16,329 12,048 25,003 1,384 1,565 5,984 9,301 64,221 29,782 36,142 48,926 15,605 13,953 22,836 29,630 282,928 8,253 6,072 12,597 717 796 3,004 4,679 32,446 • 14/997 18,372 24,783 8,048 7,075 11,743 14,887 143,453 8,076 5,976 12,406 667 769 2,980 4,622 31,775 14,785 17,770 24,143 7,557 6,878 11,093 14,743 139,475 Delaware........................... Maryland........................... District of Columbia......... Virginia.............................. W eit Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina.................. Georgia.............................. Florida............................... East South Central.................. 2,025 12,287 5,489 10,067 5,008 8,119 5,219 11,394 4,613 30,849 2,155 15,577 1,063 8,010 23,295 15,655 32,705 21,311 33,636 7,778 105,855 1,003 6,054 2,757 4,978 2,458 4,124 2/588 5,571 2,242 15,263 1,092 .7,567 46,101 30,721 64,486 42,186 66,343 15,359 209,280 1,022 6,233 2,732 5,089 2,550 3,995 2,631 5,823 2,371 15,586 22,806 15,066 31,781 20/875 32,707 7,581 103,425 Kentucky.......................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................ Mississippi......................... West South Central................. 9,793 8,606 8,106 4,344 40,554 51,313 53,797 56,406 47,764 213,899 4,948 4,427 4,031 2,180 20,522 25,831 27,412 28,407 24,205 108,623 •4,845 4,179 4,075 2/164 20,032 25,482 26,385 27,999 23,559 105,276 Arkansas............................ Louisiana.......................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas................................. Mountain.................................. 4,077 10,035 6,806 19,636 18,858 43,569 34,534 42,989 92,807 44,871 2,076 4,995 3,422 10,029 9,634 22,171 17,473 21,802 47,177 22,812 2,001 5/040 3,384 9/607 9,224 21,398 17/ 061 21,187 45/630 22,059 Montana............................ Idaho................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................. New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada.............................. Pacific...................................... 2,624 1,325 764 7,020 1,068 1,456 4,401 200 37,940 5,278 6,963 2,401 10,104 8,821 3,660 6,484 1,160 36,864 1,337 672 373 3,666 544 727 2,204 111 19,388 2,734 3,621 1,245 5,060 4,385 1,859 3,280 628 18,746 1,287 653 391 3,354 '524 729 2,197 89 18,552 2,544 3,342 1,156 5,044 4/436 1/801 3,204 '532 18,118 Washington....................... Oregon............................... California........................... 10,141 4,664 23,135 11,938 7,725 17,201 5,116 2,377 11,895 6,118 3,897 8,731 5,025 2,287 11,240 5,820 3,828 8/470 , 1 All children living in cities or in incorporated places of 2,500 or more are classified as urban; children living in smaller places or in country districts are classified as rural. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 46 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , T able 2 7 .—URBAN AND R U R A L 1 CH ILDREN U N D ER 5 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. BOYS. TOTAL. GIRLS. STATE. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. United States................. 4,200,291 6,431,073 2,118,706 3,261,890 2,081,585 3,169,183 New England........................... 538,000 102,825 270,825 52,035 267,175 50,790 Maine.................................. New Hampshire................ Vermont............................ Massachusetts.................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ 35,942 24,302 15,896 307,673 52,482 101,705 1,436,005 35,903 15,279 18,275 21,213 1,616 10,539 614,134 17,991 11,921 8,052 155,368 26,057 51,436 724,488 18,211 7,744 9,356 10,707 814 5,203 310,521 17,951 12,381 7,844 152,305 26,425 50,269 711,517 17,692 7,535 8,919 10,506 802 5,336 303,613 New Y ork.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania..................... East North Central.................. 726,763 204,713 504,529 944,123 172,164 62,229 379,741 963,590 366,651 103,439 254,398 476,611 87,212 31,460 191,849 490,265 360.112 101,274 250,131 467,512 84,952 30,769 187,892 473,325 Ohio................................... Indiana.............................. Illinois................................ Michigan............................ Wisconsin........................... West North Central................. 255,003 105,389 348,445 133,938 101,348 347,875 224,472 170,135 249,544 164,616 154,823 963,034 128,883 53,610 175,747 67,380 50,991 175,414 114,438 86,481 126,955 83,872 78,519 488,531 126,120 51,779 172,-698 66,558 50,357 172,461 110,034 83,654 122,589 80,744 76,304 474,503 Minnesota........................... Iowa................................... Missouri.............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska............................ Kansas................................ South Atlantic......................... 77,837 58,768 122,432 6,495 7,033 29,190 46,120 310,326 149,003 177,295 238,071 75,904 66,456 110,906 145,399 1,346,893 39,427 29,631 61,460 3,308 3,542 14,745 23,301 156,261 75,395 89,960 121,063 38,416 33,625 56,403 73,669 681,623 38,410 29,137 60,972 3,187 3,491 14,445 22,819 154,065 73,608 87,335 117,008 37,488' 32,831 54,503 71,730 665,270 Delaware............................ Maryland........................... 10,649 75,582 112,075 73,472 149,451 102,636 162,630 37,736 512,597 4,710 30,821 13,268 23,540 11,965 18,979 12,308 27,453 11,021 74,865 5,337 37,271 221,668 144,821 294,943 203,491 321,053 74,686 1,009,681 4,686 31,311 13,401 23; 617 12,332 18,870 12,660 28,135 11,249 75,925 5,312 38,311 Virginia..;......................... West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................... Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Central.................. 9,396 62,132 26,669 47,157 24,297 37,849 24,968 55,588 22,270 150,790 109,593 71,349 145,492 100,855 158,423 36,950 497,084 Kentucky.......................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi......................... West South Central................. 48,642 40,845 39,597 21,706 200,222 245,861 253,746 272,119 237,955 1,035,436 24,500 20,706 19,875 10,844 100,775 124,726 129,515 137,507 120,849 525,582 24,142 20,139 19,722 10,862 99,447 121,135 124,231 134,612 117,106 509,854 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas.................................. Mountain.................................. 20,558 49,276 34,108 96,280 91,296 210,143 174,793 207,796 442,704 214,508 10,336 24,464 17,307 48,668 46,138 106,158 88,113 105,547 225,764 108,542 10,222 24,812 16,801 47,612 45,158 103,985 86,680 102,249 216,940 105,966 Montana............................. Idaho.................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................. New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada.............................. Pacific....................................... 12,332 6,307 3,809 34,570 5,159 6,717 21,432 970 181,654 25,991 34,137 11,522 47,992 40,126 18,061 31,266 5,413 180,972 6,191 3,211 1,894 17,563 2,574 3,374 10,849 482 92,269 13,218 17,333 5,881 24,256 20,105 9,197 15,728 2,824 92,194 6,141 3,096 1,915 17,007 2,585 3,343 10,583 488 89,385 12,773 16,804 5,641 23,736 20,021 8,864 15,538 2,589 88,778 Washington....................... Oregon................................ California........................... 49,331 22,089 110,234 59,425 38,122 83,425 25,042 11,232 55,995 30,390 19,409 42,395 24,289 10,857 54,239 29,035 18,713 41,030 1 All children living in cities or in incorporated plaoes of 2,500 or more are classified as urban; children living in smaller places or in country districts are classified as rural. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 47 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H ILDREN ", Table 2 8 .— UKBAN AND R U R A L 1 CH ILDREN 5 TO 9 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. TOTAL. BOYS. G IR L S. STATE. Urban. Rural. Urban.- Rural. Urban. Rural. United States................. 3,773,917 5,986,715 1,891,343 3,032,780 1,882,574 2,953,935 New England........................... 482,933 98,009 242,715 49,642 240,218 48,367 Maine................................. New Hampshire................ Vermont............................. Massachusetts.................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ 33,250 22,248 15,000 274,330 46,957 91,148 1,253,818 33,383 14,625 17,657 20,516 1,490 10,338 565,420 16,630 11,058 7,522 138,240 23,485 45,780 628,465 16,845 7,416 8,952 10,416 737 5,276 286,208 16,620 11,190 7,478 136,090 23,472 45,368 625,353 16,538 7,209 8,705 753 5,062 279,212 New York.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania..................... East North Central.................. 636,906 182,520 434,392 841,558 166,962 59,759 338,699 932,401 318,941 91,504 218,020 422,141 84,575 30,411 171,222 474,054 317,965 91,016 216,372 419,417 82,387 29,348 167,477 458,347 Ohio................................... Indiana.............................. Illinois................................ Michigan............................ Wisconsin........................... West North Central................. 224,120 98,027 307,654 117,792 93,965 322,127 214,779 166,920 239,214 157,575 153,913 907,574 112,326 49,215 154,652 58,995 46,953 161,500 109,084 85,222 121,090 80,452 78,206 460,246 111, 794 48,812 153,002 58,797 47,012 160,627 105.695 81,698 118,124 77,123 75,707 447,328 Minnesota........................... Iowa................................... Missouri.............................. North Dakota___i ............. South Dakota.................... Nebraska............................ Kansas................................ South Atlantic......................... 70,387 57,175 113,486 5,515 6,468 26,094 43,002 288,468 149,846 / 171,247 224,746 64,412 60,465 101,992 134,866 1,236,382 35,597 28,648 56,483 2,787 3,287 13,267 21,431 143,761 76,046 87,204 113,956 32,385 30,667 51,661 68,327 624,018 34,790 28,527 57,003 2,728 3,181 12,827 21,571 144,707 73,800 84,043 110,790 32,027 29,798 50,331 66,539 612,364 Delaware............................ Maryland........................... District of Columbia......... Virginia.............................. West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................... Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Central.................. 8,315 59,160 25,312 44,114 21,348 33,705 22,695 52,518 21,301 143,762 10,882 74,522 5,517 37,712 107,366 64,347 131,983 93,662 148,134 35,297 469,022 4,182 29,690 12,646 22^328 10,676 16,967 11,503 26,189 10,526 72,423 5,365 36,810 212,376 126,831 261,195 186,085 294,851 69,640 927,090 4,133 29,470 12,666 21,786 10,672 16,738 11,192 26,329 10,775 71,339 105,010 62,484 129,212 92,423 146,717 34,343 458,068 Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi......................... West South Central................. 47,256 38,664 36,991 20,851 194,689 225,502 230,355 247,811 223,422 960,144 23,524 19,132 18,435 10,248 97,465 114,653 116,964 124,977 112,428 486,605 23,732 19,532 18,556 10,603 97,224 110,849 113,391 122,834 110,994 473,539 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas................................. Mountain.................................. 19,600 49,522 31,290 94,277 83,643 190,061 169,221 186,485 414,377 189,821 9,821 24,634 15,779 47,231 41,957 95,578 85,530 94,829 210,668 96,334 9,779 24,888 15,511 47,046 41,686 94,483 83,691 91,656 203,709 93,487 Montana............................. Idaho.................................. Wyoming........................... Colorado............................ New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah.................. ................ Nevada............................... Pacific....................................... 11,080 5,829 3,335 33,091 4,961 5,876 18,541 930 162,919 23,099 30,303 9,714 42,525 36,065 16,041 27,334 4,740 169,874 5,511 2,908 1,712 16,567 2,469 2,922 9,395 473 82,000 11,689 15,311 4,923 21,627 18,269 8,269 13,882 2,364 86,651 5,569 2,921 1,623 16,524 2,492 2,954 9,146 457 80,919 11,410 14,992 4,791 20,898 17,796 7,772 13,452 2,376 83,223 Washington....................... Oregon................................ California........................... 44,377 20,090 98,452 55,301 36,833 •77,740 22,432 10,119 49,449 28,213 18,788 39,650 21,945 9,971 49,003 27,088 18,045 38,090 1 0 ,1 0 0 i All children living in cities or in incorporated places of 2,500 or more are classified as urban; children living in smaller places or in country districts are classified as rural. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 48 ' T able F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . 29 . — U R BAN AND R U R A L 1 CHILD REN 10 TO 14 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. G IR L S . BOYS. « TOTAL. STATE. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. United States................. 3,627,408 5,479,732 1,798,218 2,803,535 1,829,190 2,676,197 New England........................... 464,354 95,202 ,£31,526 49,009 232,828 46,193 Maine.................................. New Hampshire................ Vermont............................. Massachusetts.................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ 32,410 22,073 14,405 264,525 45,545 85,396 1,195,112 32,178 14,198 17,046 20,435 1,469 9,876 530,974 16,045 10,822 7,109 132,058 22,710 42,782 594,770 16,388 7,359 8,784 10,631 780 5,067 271,217 16,365 11,251 7,296 132,467 22,835 42,614 600,342 15,790 6,839 8,262 9,804 689 4,809 259,757 New York.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania..................... East North Central.................. 620,249 171,243 403,620 810,392 165,577 57,452 307,945 896,367 309,370 85,231 200,169 402,663 84,569 29,650 156,998 458,515 310,879 86,012 203,451 407,729 81,008 27,802 150,947 437,852 Ohio................................... Indiana.............................. Illinois................................ Michigan............................ Wisconsin.......................... West North Central................. 215,826 93,398 296,477 109,358 95,333 318,133 209,776 162,170 224,478 149,122 150,821 852,541 106,897 .46,230 147,416 54,508 47,612 156,761 107,467 82,973 114,591 76,238 77,246 435,747 108,929 47,168 149,061 54,850 47,721 161,372 102,309 79,197 109,887 72,884 73,575 416,794 Minnesota.......................... Iowa................................... Missouri............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska........................... Kansas............................... South Atlantic......................... 69,346 57,070 113,914 5,152 6,088 25,168 41,395 277,184 145,056 165,507 210,277 54,240 53,933 96,614 126,914 1,118,874 34,552 27,953 56,186 2,555 3,031 12,319 20,165 135,475 74,211 84,316 107,271 27,911 27,759 49,275 65,004 571,690 34,794 29,117 57,728 2,597 3,057 12,849 21,230 141,709 70,845 81,191 103,006 26,329 26,174 47,339 61,910 547,184 Delaware............................ Maryland........................... 11,258 71,650 99,440 57,110 119,334 86,249 135,540 31,137 425,001 4,129 29,745 12,498 21,741 9,792 16,454 11,589 25,733 10,028 71,936 5,290 34,738 194,831 111,295 234,169 169,842 265,017 60,812 829,046 3,921 28,210 12,151 20; 991 9,940 15,341 10,975 24,467 9,479 68,361 5,968 36,912 Virginia.............................. West Virginia.................... North Carolina.................. South Carolina................... Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Central.................. 8,050 57,955 24,649 42,732 19,732 31,795 22,564 50,200 19,507 140,297 95,391 54,185 114,835 83,593 129,477 29,675 401,045 Kentucky.......................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi......................... West South Central................. 48,719 37,887 33,900 19,791 181,580 204,186 205,441 219,296 200,123 834,951 23,800 18,377 16,563 9,621 89,184 104,597 105,624 112,462 102,318 426,425 24,919 19,510 17,337 10,170 92,396 99,589 99,817 106,834 97,805 408,526 Arkansas............................ Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... T exas................................ Mountain.................................. 17,657 48,230 27,503 88,190 78,053 162,222 145,561 158,566 368,602 161,557 8,565 23,617 13,535 43,467 38,749 82,386 73,928 81,555 188,556 83,453 9,092 24,613 13,968 44,723 39,304 79,836 71,633 77,011 180,046 78,104 Montana............................. Idaho.................................. Wyoming............... .......... Colorado............................. New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada.............................. Pacific....................................... 10,076 5,529 3,144 32,050 4,436 5,181 16,854 783 162,303 19,610 26,373 7,685 37,638 29,972 12,910 23,216 4,153 160,220 4,893 2,738 1,602 15,805 2,172 2,643 8,486 410 80,729 10,150 13,795 3,928 19,457 15,361 6,783 11,826 2,153 82,478 5,183 2,791 1,542 16,245 2,264 2,538 8,368 373 81,574 9,460 12,578 3,757 18,181 14,611 6,127 11,390 2,000 77,742- Washington....................... Oregon............................... California........................... 42,428 20,259 99,616 50,374 35,517 74,329 21,209 10,113 49,407 • 25,753' 18,236 38,489 21,219 10,146 50,209 24,621 17,281 35,840 1 All children living in cities or in incorporated places of 2,500 or more are classified as urban; children living in smaller places or in country districts are classified as rural. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 49 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . T a b l e 3 0 .—URBAN AND R U R A L 1 CH ILD REN 15 TO 19 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. TOTAL. BOYS. G IE L S . Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. United States................. 4,003,271 5,060,332 1,926,230 2,601,052 2,077,041 2,459,280 New England........................... 493,118 90,669 242,486 47,648 250,632 43,021 Maine.................................. New Hampshire................ Vermont............................. Massachusetts.................... Rhode Island..................... Connecticut........................ Middle Atlantic........................ 34,514 24,306 15,137 277,035 50,565 91,561 1,293,826 30,622 13,600 16,024 19,526 1,433 9,464 507,643 16,870 12,129 7,492 135,448 25,738 44,809 621,676 15,904 7,135 8,630 10,182 784 5,013 267,422 17,644 12,177 7,645 141,587 24,827 46,752 672,150 14,718 6,465 7,394 9,344 '649 4,451 240,221 New Y ork.......................... New Jersey........................ Pennsylvania..................... East North Central.................. 678,241 180,128 435,457 909,485 164,208 56,413 287,022 850,968 322,870 86,124 212,682 443,030 86,092 29,520 151,810 442,044 355,371 94,004 222,775 466,455 78,116 26,893 135,212 408,924 Ohio................................... Indiana.............................. Illinois................................ Michigan............................ Wisconsin........................... West North Central................. 247,462 104,315 328,830 126,113 102,765 373,682 199,450 154,834 216,061 140,717 139,906 810,911 121,576 51,267 158,896 61,969 40,322 177,271 103,723 79,876 111,804 73,470 73,171 421,993 125,886 53,048 169,934 64,144 53,443 196,411 95,727 74,958 104,257 67,247 66,735 388,918 Minnesota........................... Iowa................................... Missouri.............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota.................... Nebraska............................ Kansas................................ South Atlantic......................... 82,820 64,990 134,783 6,109 7,285 30,109 47,586 304,513 132,328 160,020 199,290 50,590 51,357 94,409 122,917 985,279 39,068 30,838 64,236 2,743 3,362 14,295 22,729 141,639 69,248 83,210 102,246 26,913 26,977 48,893 64,506 493,891 43,752 34,152 70,547 3,366 3,923 15,814 24,857 162,874 63,080 76,810 97,044 23,677 24,380 45,516 58,411 491,388 Delaware............................ Maryland........................... District of Columbia......... Virginia.............................. West Virginia.................... North Carolina................... South Carolina................... Georgia............................... Florida............................... East South Central.................. 9,073 63,930 28,112 47^939 22,246 34,208 24,052 53,855 21,098 156,905 10,387 64,043 5,581 33,146 85,573 54,040 104,417 73,529 110,384 27,221 375,753 4,632 34,205 14,880 25,691 11,257 18,377 13,133 29,520 11,179 83,553 4,806 30,897 169,333 102,899 208,470 148,622 226,528 54,997 748,147- 4,441 29,725 13,232 22,248 10,989 15,831 10,919 24,335 9,919 73,352 83,760 48,859 104,053 75,093 116,144 27,776 372,394 Kentucky........................... Tennessee........................... Alabama............................. Mississippi......................... West South Central................. 55,511 44,489 36,411 20,494 192,316 186,111 193,183 193,106 175,747 754,471 26,526 20,755 16,920 9,151 89,140 94,688 98,331 95,398 87,336 382,529 28,985 23,734 19,491 11,343 103,176 91,423 94,852 97,708 88,411 371,942 Arkansas........ .................. Louisiana........................... Oklahoma.......................... Texas................................. Mountain.................................. 20,243 50,272 29,757 92,044 83,301 153,645 124,955 144,645 331,226 151,939 9,316 22,901 14,164 42,759 39,990 77,034 62,001 74,903 168,591 81,597 10,927 27,371 15,593 49,285 43,311 76,611 62,954 69,742 162,635 70,342 Montana............................. Idaho.................................. W yom in g ........................ Colorado.......... .-................ New Mexico....................... Arizona.............................. Utah................................... Nevada.............................. Pacific....................................... 10,535 6,235 3,517 35,511 4,339 5,183 17,007 974 196,125 19,329 24,035 7,971 35,534 28,118 12,206 20,457 4,289 160,305 5,129 2,998 1,892 16,781 1,973 2,486 8,256 475 97,646 10,810 12,953 4,572 19,199 14,507 6,516 10,588 2,452 88,175 5,406" 3,237 1,625 18,730 2,366 2,697 8,751 499 98,479 8,519 11,082 3,399 16,335 13,611 5,690 9,869 1,837 72,130 Washington....................... Oregon................................ California........................... 50,638 25,734 119,753 49,009 35,015 76,281 25,451 12,656 59,539 26,574 19,140 42,461 25,187 13,078 60,214 22,435 15,875 33,820 1 All children living in cities or in incorporated places of 2,500 or more are classified as urban; children living in smaller places or in country districts are classified as rural, 32079°—14---- 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , Table 3 1 .—NUM BER AND PERCENTAGE OF CH ILD REN U N D ER 15 Y EAR S OF AGE L IV IN G IN CITIES OF SPECIFIED SIZE, B Y GEOGRAPHIC D IVISIO N S: CENSUS OF 1910. 100,- C I T IE S O F F R O M P L A C E S O F F R O M 000 I N H A B I T 25,000 T O 100,000 2,500 T O 25,000 C I T IE S O F ANTS OB OVEE. G E O G R A P H IC D IV IS IO N . IN H A B IT A N T S . R U R A L D I S T R IC T S . IN H A B IT A N T S . Total. Per Per Per cent Number. Number. cent Number. cent of of Number. o f total. total. total. United States........ 29,499,136 5,412,156 New England.................. Middle Atlantic.............. East North Central......... West North Central........ South Atlantic................ East South Central....... . West South Central........ Mountain......................... Pacific.............................. 435,736 1,781,323 5,595,463 2,430,966 5,388,431 1,278,674 3,711,284 376,881 4,578,127 302,735 3,200,666 154,852 3,407,022 96,123 818,878 49,383 1,017,942 286,806 18.3 2,206,558 24.5 43.4 23.7 10.2 6.6 4.8 2.8 6.0 28.2 448,184 584,597 405,502 207,635 195,237 74,172 169,962 63,299 57,970 7.5 3,982,902 25.2 10.4 7.5 5.6 4.3 2.3 5.0 7.7 5.7 601,367 869,372 911,897 403,619 378,006 205,825 310,406 140,310 162,100 Per cent of total. 13.5 17,897,520 60.7 33.8 15.5 16.9 10.9 8.3 6.4 9.1 17.1 15.9 16.6 30.6 51.8 73.4 80.9 86.4 83.1 69.1 50.2 296,036 1,710,528 2,792,358 2,723,149 3,702,149 2,765,817 2,830,531 565,886 511,066 T able 3 2 . — NUM BER AND PER CEN TAG E OF C H ILD RE N U N D E R 5 Y E A R S OF AGE LIV IN G IN CITIES OF SPECIFIE D SIZE , B Y GEOGRAPHIC D IVISIO N S: CENSUS OF 1910. C IT IE S O F 100,- 000 IN H A B IT ANTS OR O VER. G E O G R A P H IC D IV IS IO N . Total. 640,825 2,050,139 1,907,713 1,310,909 1,657,219 1,160,471 1,235,658 305,804 362,626 IN H A B IT A N T S . PLACES OF FROM R U R A L D IS T R IC T S . IN H A B IT A N T S . Per Per Per cent cent Number. Number. cent of Number. of Number. of total. total. total. United States........ 10,631,364 1,973,775 New England.................. Middle Atlantic.............. East North Central......... West North Central........ South Atlantic................ East South Central......... West South Central........ Mountain......................... Pacific.............................. C IT IE S O F F R O M 25,000 T O 100,000 2,500 T O 25,000 159,577 894,369 472,852 133,380 105.846 53,978 32,047 16,879 104.847 18.6 798,939 24.9 43.6 24.8 10.2 6.4 4.7 2.6 5.5 28.9 163,505 216,980 146,352 73,762 70,041 25,227 59,274 23,404 20,394 7.5 1,427,577 25.5 10.6 7.7 5.6 4.2 2.2 4.8 7.7 5.6 214.918 324,656 324.919 140,733 134,439 71,585 108,901 51,013 56,413 Per cent of total. 13.4 6,431,073 60.5 33.5 15.8 17.0 10.7 8.1 6.2 8.8 16.7 15.6 102,825 614,134 963,590 963,034 1,346,893 1,009,681 1,035,436 214,508 180,972 16.0 30.0 50.5 73.5 81.3 87.1 83.9 70.1 49.9 T able 3 3 __ NUM BER AND PER CEN TAG E OF CH ILD R E N 5 TO 14 Y E A R S OF AGE LIV IN G IN CITIES OF SPE C IFIE D SIZE, B Y GEOGRAPH IC D IVISIO N S: CENSUS OF 1910. CITIES OF 100,000 inhabit ants OR OVER. GEOGRAPHIC DIVISION. CITIES OF FROM PLACES OF FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 2,500 TO 25,000 RURAL DISTRICTS. inhabitants. INHABITANTS. Total. Per Per Per cent cent Number. Number. cent of Number. of Number. of total. total. total. United States........ 18,867,772 3,438,381 New England.................. Middle Atlantic.............. East North Central......... West North Central........ South Atlantic................ East South Central......... West South Central........ Mountain......................... Pacific.............................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,140,498 276,159 3,545,324 1,536,597 3,480,718 805,822 2,400,375 243,501 2,920,908 196,889 2,040,195 100,874 2,171,364 64,076 513,074 32,504 655,316 181,959 18.2 1,407,619 24.2 43.3 23.2 10.1 6.7 4.9 3.0 6.3 27.8 284,679 367,617 259,150 133,873 125,196 48,945 110,688 39,895 37,576 7.5 2,555,325 25.0 10.4 7.4 5.6 4.3 2.4 5.1 7.8 5.7 386,449 544,716 586,978 262,886 243,567 184,240 201,505 89,297 105,687 Per cent of total. 13.5 11,466,447 60.8 193,211 1,096,394 1,828,768 1,760,115 2,355,256 1,756,136 1,795,095 351,378 330,094 16.9 30.9 52.5 73.3 80.6 86.1 82.7 68.5 50.4 33.9 15.4 16.9 11.0 8.3 6.6 9.3 17.4 16.1 W H IT E . C IT Y . BOYS. Total. White. Negro. Native. Foreign born. White. Total. Native. Foreign bom. Negro. Total. Native. Foreign bom. Negro. ENGLAND. Maine: Lewiston___ .-................. Portland.......................... 7,477 13,521 6,489 12,883 981 584 7 53 3,723 6,656 3,225 6,350 495 283 3 22 3,754 6,865 3,264 6)533 486 301 New Hampshire: Manchester...................... Nashua............................. 17,478 9,093 15,273 8,084 2,194 1,007 11 2 9,500 5,568 8,266 4,865 1,229 702 5 1 7,678 3,525 7,007 3,219 965 305 Massachusetts: Boston.............................. Brockton......................... Brookline town............... Cambridge....................... Chelsea............................. 175,820 14,555 5,302 29,165 9,662 160,008 13,651 5,229 26,151 8,153 13,230 741 119 1,702 1,440 2,510 163 14 1,308 67 88,426 7,310 2,661 14,700 4,857 80,528 6,875 2,597 13,235 4,092 6,683 355 57 821 736 1,182 80 7 642 28 87,394 7,245 2)701 14,465 4)805 79,480 6)776 2) 632 12 ) 916 4)061 6,547 386 Chicopee.......................... Everett............................ Fall River................. Fitchburg........................ Haverhill.......................... 8,399 9,730 38,284 11,067 11,254 7,825 8,979 34,356 10,229 10,637 574 495 3,860 833 522 256 66 5 95 4,196 4,963 19,188 5,517 5,696 3,904 4|599 17,199 5,121 5,371 292 234 1,956 394 280 4 ,2 0 3 130 31 2 45 4,767 19,096 5) 550 5,558 3 Q21 4^380 17) 157 5,108 5)266 Holyoke........................... Lawrence......................... Lowell.............................. Lynn................................ Malden............................. 17,490 24,299 28,464 21,551 12,803 15,893 21,048 25,965 19,817 11,843 1,584 3,196 2,473 1,551 800 13 55 24 183 160 8,606 12,022 14,201 10,718 6,422 7,907 10,427 12,973 9,849 5,936 693 1,576 1,217 777 410 6 19 10 92 76 8,884 12,277 14,263 10,833 6)381 7,986 10,621 12) 992 9)968 5,907 New Bedford................... Newton......................... ,. Pittsfield.......................... Quincy......... ................... Salem........ ................. . 27,860 10,109 8,246 9,748 12,639 23,179 9,605 /, 7ib 9,024 11,770 3,858 392 382 712 837 820 110 89 10 29 13,891 5,070 4,179 4,827 6,303 11,583 4,828 3,950 4,462 5,893 1 1,915 182 179 360 392 392 58 50 4 18 13,969 5,039 4,067 4)921 6 336 11,596 4)777 3) 825 4)562 5,877 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 62 881 704 261 1,904 439 242 31 6 1 1 328 83 666 39 126 35 3 50 891 1 ,6 2 0 36 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . NEW G IR L S . 1 ,2 5 6 390 91 84 1,943 210 203 352 52 774 445 11 Ox H-* T a b l e 3 4 .— CH ILDREN U N D ER 15 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES H AVIN G A POPULATION OF g 25,000 OR O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910— Continued. C IT Y . Native. Rhode Island: Connecticut: New York: Total. Native. Foreign horn. Negro. Total. Native. Foreign born. Negro. 20,320 22,427 9,437 6,787 39,468 19,458 20,758 8,783 6,431 36,680 802 1,320 550 336 2,485 59 344 104 19 298 10,230 11,277 4,718 3,534 19,852 9,783 10,451 4,416 3,338 18,429 417 665 251 182 1,284 29 156 51 13 135 10,090 11,150 4,719 3,253 19,616 9,675 10,307 4,367 3,093 18,251 385 655 299 154 1,201 30 188 53 6 163 6,278 14,398 58,826 8,082 12,066 5,745 13,167 52,770 7,324 10,254 163 1,155 4,781 712 1,807 364 69 1,213 42 5 3,134 7,280 29,295 3,924 5,933 2,886 6,667 26,245 3,559 5,034 75 583 2,419 345 898 170 28 599 17 1 3,144 7,118 29,531 4,158 6,133 2,859 6,500 26,525 3,765 5,220 88 572 362 367 909 194 41 614 25 4 27,766 26,100 8,994 7,621 13,289 25,379 23,713 8,500 7,168 12,285 2,081 1,939 454 413 978 299 448 40 40 26 13,859 13,044 4,668 4,003 6,699 12,655 11,856 4,402 3,752 6,168 1,059 965 246 231 522 143 223 20 20 9 13,907 13,056 4,326 3,618 6,590 12,724 11,857 4,098 3,416 6,117 1,022 9/4 208 182 456 156 225 37,943 7,546 8,055 7,260 22,059 34,272 6,858' 7,327 6,558 20,296 2,915 558 654 628 1,541 753 129 73 73 220 19,031 3,782 4,081 3,690 11,161 17,148 3,454 3,690 3,314 10,306 1,504 272 353 338 747 376 55 37 37 106 18,912 3,764 3,974 3,570 10,898 17,124 3,404 3,637 3,244 9,990 1,411 286 301 290 794 377 74 36 36 114 22,507 7,893 •7,653 10,370 119,706 7,927 21,541 7,300 7,256 9,908 113,414 7,654 10,861 11,337 177 785 4,027 3,723 564 29 3,655 3,848 294 103 5,010 5,226 358 100 59,708 56,550 5,994 286 3,882 4,016 75 198 1 Town and city coextensive. 392 288 146 167 3,009 94 82 16 47 48 142 40 11,170 3,866 3,805 5,144 59,998 3,911 10,680 3,577 3,601 4,898 56,864 3,772 393 276 148 191 2,985 104 95 13 56 52 144 35 20 20 17 MIDDLE A T L A N T I C . Elmira.............................. -■............... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ) F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , NEW ENGLAND—continued. Massachusetts—Continued. Foreign born. White. White. Negro. Total. GIRLS. BOYS. W H IT E . 7,680 6,549 8,739 8,319 1,367,774 7,124 6,221 8,062 7,387 1,201,034 532 145 490 498 149,730 24 183 186 434 16,648 N ew bu rgh ............. Niagara Fails............ Poughkeepsie.......... Rochester................. Schenectady............ . 6,795 8,132 6,507 52,969 19,981 6,489 7,186 6,172 49,062 18,720 183 907 194 3,738 1,209 123 38 141 167 52 Syracuse................... Troy......................... . U tica........................ Watertown................ Yonkers..................... 33,280 17,801 19,163 6,332 24,007 31,472 17,122 17,525 5,855 22,400 1,593 567 1,557 463 1,262 212 112 81 14 342 New Jersey: Atlantic City............. Bayonne.................... Camden..................... East Orange.............. Elizabeth................. . 10/429 19,597 26,901 7,923 22,460 8,483 17,943 24,446 7,298 20,504 396 1,474 906 160 1,561 1,544 177 1,542 465 395 Hoboken.................. . Jersey City................. Newark..... ................ Orange....................... Passaic....................... 20,555 81,855 102,818 8,830 17,059 18,724 76,590 92,236 7,810 14,743 1,802 3,841 8,353 371 2,193 29 1,419 2,213 649 123 Paterson................... . Perth Amboy............ Trenton..................... West Hoboken town. 36,505 11,113 26,823 10,907 33,004 10,073 24,584 9,901 3,122 991 1,788 988 375 49 451 16 Pennsylvania: Allentown................. Altoona..................... Chester....................... Easton....................... Erie............................ 14,234 15,233 10,323 7,023 19,655 13,863 14,779 8,773 6,747 18,820 343 353 346 206 774 28 101 1,204 70 61 Harrisburg....... ......... Hazleton.................... Johnstown................. Lancaster.................. McKeesport............... 15,608 9,018 16,577 12,166 14,118 14,271 8,676 15,546 11,854 13,175 340 337 948 130 707 997 5 83 182 236 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , Jamestown............... Kingston.................. Mount Vernon......... New Rochelle.......... New York City........ T a b l e 3 4 .— CHILD REN U N D ER 15 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES HAVIN G A POPULATION OF 25,000 O R O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910— Continued. W H IT E . BOYS. Total. C IT Y . Foreign bom. White. Total. Foreign bom. Negro. Total. Native. Foreign bom. Negro. Continued. Pennsylvania—Continued. New Castle........................................... Norristown.......................................... Philadelphia........................................ Pittsburgh........................................... Reading................................................ 10,482 6,532 418,960 152,983 26,109 9,857 5,993 374,477 139,629 25,379 508 251 26,738 7,317 556 117 288 17,693 6,025 174 5,259 3,230 209,836 77,093 13,165 4,953 2,964 187,998 70,446 12,806 245 131 13,359 3,663 276 61 135 8,455 2,977 83 5,223 3,302 209,124 75,890 12,944 4,904 3,029 186,479 69,183 12,573 263 120 13,379 3,654 280 56 153 9,238 3,048 91 Scranton.............................................. Shenandoah......................................... W ilkes-Barre....................................... W illiamsport........................................ York..................................................... 41,609 9,577 21,228 8,106 12,163 39,535 9,077 20,222 7,747 11,747 1,945 494 836 96 73 125 6 169 263 343 20,713 4,669 10,875 4,012 5,999 19,675 4,423 10,361 3,830 5,816 973 244 430 51 42 63 2 83 131 141 20,896 4,908 10,353 4,094 6,164 19,860 4,654 9,861 3,917 5,931 972 250 406 45 31 62 86 132 202 Ohio: Akron................................................... Canton.................................................. Cincinnati............................................ Cleveland............................................. Columbus............................................. 17,151 12,615 84,997 159,993 41,271 16,199 12,119 79,242 145,356 38,103 786 437 2,360 13,162 743 163 59 3,391 1,457 2,414 8,583 6,201 42,638 80,339 20,665 8,139 5,951 39,792 73,055 19,129 361 216 1,186 6,565 374 80 34 1,659 711 1,155 8,568 6,414 42,359 79,654 20,606 8,060 6,168 39,450 72,301 18,974 425 221 1,174 6,597 '369 83 25 1,732 746 1,259 Dayton................................................. Hamilton............................................. Lima..................................................... Lorain.................................................. Newark................................................ ' 28,590 9,753 8,241 9,196 6,248 26,887 9,474 7,918 8,189 6,099 711 111 77 903 76 990 166 246 104 73 14,323 4,832 4,148 4,552 3,172 13/476 4,699 3,973 4,071 3,100 346 59 37 435 39 499 74 138 46 33 14,267 4,921 4,093 4,644 3,076 13,411 4,775 3,945 4,118 • 2,999 365 52 40 468 37 491 92 108 58 40 Springfield........................................... Toledo.................................................. Y oungstown........................................ Zanesville............................................. 11,491 44,905 21,951 6,769 10,258 43,027 20,027 6,366 55 1,541 1,490 . 46 1,177 331 433 357 5,809 22,562 10,977 3,353 5,190 21,644 10,030 3,149 25 765 737 29 593 147 210 175 5,682 22,343 10,974 3,416 5,068 21,383 9,997 3,217 30 776 753 17 584 184 223 182 Indiana: Evansville............................................ 17,804 16,365 48 1,391 8,879 8,184 31 664 8,925 17 727 EAST NOETH Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 CENTEAL. 8,181 1 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . Native. M ID D L E A T L A N T IC — G IE L S. White. Negro. Native. Or ^ 16,384 54,343 15,834 14,975 16,032 49,125 14,638 14,260 236 611 1,039 122 112 4,603 136 593 8,121 27,179 7,885 7, 522 7,922 24,581 7,287 7,169 136 315 520 70 62 2,282 64 283 8,263 27,164 7,949 7,453 8,110 24,544 7,351 7,091 100 296 519 52 50 2,321 72 310 Illinois: Aurora.................................................. Bloomington........................................ Chicago................................................. Danville.............................................. 7,490 6,049 600,860 7,460 7,184 5,749 551,323 7,089 235 97 42,653 38 71 203 6,769 333 3,713 2,974 301,706 3,755 3,581 2,836 276,767 3,576 108 45 21,563 16 24 93 3,313 163 3,777 3,075 299,154 3,705 3,603 2,913 274,556 3,513 127 52 21,090 22 47 110 3,456 170 Decatur................................................ East St. Louis..................................... Elgin.................................................... Joliet..................................................... 8,032 15,853 5,975 9,907 7,719 13,994 5,769 8,308 142 496 171 494 171 1,363 35 102 4,018 7,965 3,027 4,958 3,867 7,066 2,925 4,648 62 262 80 262 89 637 22 47 4,014 7,888 2,948 4,949 3,852 6,928 2,844 4,660 80 234 91 232 82 726 13 . 55 Peoria................................................... Quincy................................................. Rockford.................................... , ........ Springfield........................................... 15,586 8,669 11,292 13,675 15,043 8,303 10,677 12,590 243 31 585 401 300 335 30 684 7,789 4,383 5,660 6,836 7,509 4,200 5,349 6,302 128 15 297 205 152 168 14 329 7,797 4,286 5,632 6,839 7,534 4,103 5,328 6,288 115 16 288 196 - 148 167 16 355 Michigan: Battle Creek......... i ............................. Bay City.............................................. Detroit.................................................. Flint............... ...................................... Grand Rapids...................................... 5,533 14,047 126,373 8,299 30,467 5,288 13,552 115,533 7,763 28,782 120 460 9,814 448 1,572 125 33 1,015 88 110 2,706 7,162 63,315 4,052 15,160 2,592 6,924 57,866 3,808 14,355 54 227 4,922 198 748 60 11 520 46 56 2,827 6,885 63,058 4,247 15,307 2,696 6,628 57,667 3,955 14,427 66 233 4,892 250 824 65 22 495 42 54 Jackson................................................ Kalamazoo........................................... Lansing................................................ Saginaw............................................... 7,165 9,118 7,097 13,187 6,953 8,467 6,845 12,639 159 509 164 498 53 142 88 49 3,542 4,556 3,729 6,654 3,439 4,238 3,585 6,378 84 241 94 249 19 77 50 27 3,623 4,562 3,368 6,533 3,514 4,229 3,260 6,261 75 268 70 249 34 65 38 22 Wisconsin: Green B ay........................................... La Crosse.............................................. Madison.............. ................................. Milwaukee............................................ 8,158 8,205 6,193 106,875 8,032. 8,092 5,982 101,039 85 97 169 5,703 11 16 38 127 4,017 4,066 3,042 53,618 3,944 4,016 2,942 50,644 53 45 81 2,917 5 5 17 56 4,141 4,139 3,151 53,257 4,088 4,076 3,040 50,395 32 52 88 2,786 6 11 21 71 Oshkosh............................................... Racine.................................................. Sheboygan.................... ; ..................... Superior............................................... 9,569 10,442 ' 8,059 12,030 9,222 9,755 7,427 11,252 317 668 628 708 28 19 23 4,815 5,282 4,154 6,059 4,641 4,930 3,828 5,662 158 346 324 367 14 6 2 8 4,754 5,160 3,905 5,971 4,581 4,825 3,599 5,590 159 322 304 341 14 13 2 15 20,567 70,358 53,510 19,206 66,633 50,789 1,296 3,351 2,263 58 364 453 10,348 35,411 27,004 9,680 33,569 25,638 639 1,659 1,141 24 178 223 10,219 34,947 26,506 9,526 33,064 25,151 657 1,692 1,122 34 186 230 W EST NORTH CENTRAL. Minnesota: Duluth.................................................. Minneapolis.......................................... St. Paul................................................ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , Fort Wayne........... ............................. Indianapolis........................................ South Bend.......................................... Terre Haute......................................... Ol Cn T a b l e 3 4 .— CH ILD REN U N D ER 15 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AN D N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES H AVIN G A POPULATION OF 25,000 OR O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910— Continued. Foreign bom. White. White. Negro. Total Native. GIRLS. BOYS. WHITE. CITY. * Negro. Total. Foreign bom. Negro. Native. Foreign bom. west north central—continued. Iowa: Cedar Rapids....................................... Council Bluffs...................................... Davenport............................................ 8 ,1 7 2 6 ,4 6 5 7,9 7 2 10,797 7 ,8 5 8 6 ,2 3 2 7,791 1 0,505 270 77 134 161 44 156 47 128 4 ,0 4 2 3 ,2 4 0 4 ,0 0 8 5 ,5 2 6 3 ,8 7 6 3 ,1 0 9 3 ,9 1 5 5,3 6 3 142 40 69 91 24 91 24 72 4 ,1 3 0 3 ,2 2 5 3 ,9 6 4 5,2 7 1 3 ,9 8 2 3 ,1 2 3 3 ,8 7 6 5 ,1 4 2 128 37 65 70 22,0 85 9 ,7 4 4 11,776 6,7 4 3 2 0,9 42 9 ,6 3 0 11,2 32 6 ,6 5 0 481 93 477 93 661 21 66 1 1 ,0 67 4 ,8 6 6 5,881 3 ,2 8 4 10,493 4 ,8 1 5 5 ,6 0 0 3 ,2 3 1 261 41 252 53 312 10 29 1 1 ,0 18 4 ,8 7 8 5 ,8 9 5 3 ,4 5 9 10,4 49 4 ,8 1 5 5 ,6 3 2 3 ,4 1 9 220 52 225 40 349 11 37 9 ,3 3 2 52,7 36 18,7 07 170,983 9 ,7 0 7 9 ,1 5 2 47,7 49 1 7 ,5 82 156,482 9 ,1 8 0 22 1 ,2 9 0 363 6 ,4 9 7 7 158 3 ,6 7 7 805 7,9 5 3 517 4 ,5 8 0 2 6 ,3 '76 9 ,2 3 6 8 5,265 4,7 8 1 4 ,4 9 4 2 3 ,9 30 8 ,691 78,1 68 4 ,5 0 5 11 657 181 3 ,2 1 9 3 75 1 ,7 7 8 408 3 ,8 5 0 272 4 ,7 5 2 2 6 ,3 6 0 9 ,4 7 1 8 5 ,7 18 4 ,9 2 6 4 ,6 5 8 2 3,8 19 8 ,891 7 8 ,3 14 4 ,6 7 5 ii 633 182 3 ,2 7 8 4 83 1 ,8 9 9 397 4,1 0 3 245 11,0 47 2 9,2 94 8 ,3 9 9 1 0 ,1 17 27,3 35 7 ,7 5 8 798 1 ,2 6 9 484 131 684 157 5 ,531 1 4 ,6 57 4 ,2 2 0 5 ,0 5 8 13,691 3 ,8 8 0 396 627 256 76 335 84 5 ,5 1 6 1 4,6 37 4 ,1 7 9 5 ,0 5 9 1 3 ,6 4 4 3 ,8 7 8 402 642 228 55 349 73 2 3,0 24 10,4 55 12,643 2 0,3 15 9 ,1 1 4 1 1 ,9 28 454 229 116 2 ,2 4 2 1 ,1 1 2 598 11,345 5 ,2 4 2 6 ,2 0 6 1 0 ,0 32 4 ,5 9 9 5 ,8 4 3 233 108 60 1 ,0 7 3 535 302 1 1 ,6 79 5 ,2 1 3 6 ,4 3 7 10,283 4,5 1 5 6 ,0 8 5 221 121 56 2 3 ,3 22 20,5 82 671 2 ,0 6 8 11,513 10,1 79 334 1 ,0 0 0 11,8 09 1 0,403 337 1 ,0 6 8 125,755 5 ,1 5 0 19,195 74,492 6 2,819 2 ,5 9 7 9 ,0 7 2 7 5,618 62,9 36 2,5 5 3 10,1 23 Missouri: Springfield............................................ Nebraska: South Omaha....................................... Kansas: 2065 23 56 # 1 ,1 6 9 577 296 SOUTH ATLANTIC. Delaware: Wilmington........................................ Maryland: Baltimore............................................ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 150,110 1 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S O F C H I L D R E N . Native. Total. 76,630 53,767 1,121 21,693 38,218 27,157 573 10,459 38,412 26,610 548 11,234 Virginia: Lynchburg......................... . Norfolk................................ Portsmouth......................... Ricnmond........................... Roanoke.............................. 8,422 17,433 9,200 33,420 10,670 5,803 11,327 5,984 21,427 8,214 18 281 67 248 44 2,599 5,819 3,149 11,745 2,312 4,182 8,572 4,674 16,505 5,276 2,878 5,645 3,106 10,703 4,132 5 131 36 108 27 1,297 2,793 1,532 5,694 1,117 4,240 8,861 4,526 16,915 5,294 2,925 5,682 2,878 10,724 4,082 13 150 31 140 17 1,302 3,026 1,617 6,051 1,195 West Virginia: Huntington......................... Wheeling............................. 9,370 10,915 8,833 10,556 20 162 517 197 4,756 5,505 4,482 5,314 8 92 266 99 4,614 5,410 4,351 5,242 12 70 251 98 North Carolina: Charlotte.............................. Wilmington......................... 10,683 7,572 7,082 3,958 36 11 3,565 3,603 5,277 3,782 3,534 1,965 18 8 1,725 1,809 5,406 3,790 3,548 1,993 18 3 1,840 1,794 South Carolina: Charleston___ .-................... Columbia............................. 16,422 7,170 7,462 4,006 74 40 8,886 3,124 8,076 3,556 3,803 2,021 41 23 4,232 1,512 8,346 3,614 3,659 1,985 33 17 4,654 1,612 Georgia: Atlanta............ . ................... Augusta............................... . Macon.................................. . Savannah............ . ................ 42,575 10,368 11,386 17,176 28,735 6,022 6,477 8,930 321 27 48 175 13,513 4,316 4,861 8,068 21,382 5,098 5,564 8,264 14,593 2,991 3,199 4,410 168 15 18 103 6,619 2,091 2,347 3,749 21,193 5,2^0 5,822 8,912 14,142 3,031 3,278 4,520 153 12 30 72 6,894 2,225 2,514 4,319 Florida: Jacksonville.................... ...... Tampa................................... 13,679 11,549 6,732 8,058 114 1,270 6,823 2,218 6,839 5,730 3,386 4,002 64 659 3,384 1,068 6,840 5,819 3,346 4,056 50 611 3,439 1,150 Kentucky: Covington.............................. Lexington........................ . Louisville..... ....... ............... Newport................................ 14,036 7,771 56,266 7,970 13,426 5,468 47,933 7,700 29 28 436 132 581 2,2^1 7,897 138 6,890 3,942 27,953 4,066 6,5?3 2,780 23,923 3,926 17 14 200 77 300 1,145 3,830 63 7,146 3,829 28,313 3,904 6,853 2,688 24,010 3,774 12 14 236 55 281 1,126 4,067 75 Tennessee: Chattanooga I ........................ Knoxville.............................. Memphis.............................. Nashville............................ 11,091 9,438 30,261 29,799 6,716 7,712 18,986 20,810 98 37 346 155 4,277 1,689 10,919 8,833 5,562 4,658 14,910 14,830 3,409 3,813 9,469 10,457 42 17 191 77 2,111 828 5,247 4,296 5,529 4,780 15,351 14,969 3,307 3,899 9,517 10,353 56 20 155 78 2,166 861 5,672 4,537 Alabama: Birmingham......................... Mobile................................... Montgomery......................... 38,526 13,764 10,102 24,603 7,961 5,132 416 99 36 13,507 5,704 4,932 19,279 12,488 221 6,570 6,699 3,944 37 2,718 4,948 2,626 15 2,305 1Population is for the District of Columbia, with which the city is coextensive. 19,247 7,065 5,154 12,115 4,017 2,506 195 62 21 6,937 2,986 2,627 E A ST SOUTH CEN TK AL. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . District of Columbia: Washington1........................ <zj\ T a b l e 3 4 — CH ILD REN U N D ER 15 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X, RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES HAVING A POPULATION OF 25,000 OR O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910—Continued. Native. Native. Negro. Total. Negro. Total. Foreign bom. Native. Foreign bom. "W E S T S O U T H C E N T R A L . Arkansas: Little Rock. 11,401 8,091 Louisiana: New Orleans. Shreveport... 96,123 7,511 71,694 3,644 1,224 52 23,178 3,815 47,619 3,748 35,807 1,845 Oklahoma: Muskogee......... . Oklahoma City. 6,565 15,027 4,215 13,366 75 2,217 1,570 3,262 7,438 2,114 6,630 Texas: Austin......... Dallas.......... El Paso....... Fort Worth. 8,174 23,369 12,145 19,738 5,902 19,174 9,045 16,266 72 249 2,766 217 2,196 3,940 328 3,255 4,051 11,575 6,018 9,825 2,975 9.511 4.511 8,123 9,531 19,948 28,658 7,895 7,522 13,893 23,813 6,173 284 316 2,036 73 1,725 5,731 2,799 1,646 4,765 9,957 14,491 3,915 3,781 6,968 12,067 3,065 9,341 8,943 341 Colorado: Colorado Springs. Denver................ Pueblo................. 6,759 49,383 11,571 6,395 46,658 10,860 93 1,726 397 Utah: Ogden.............. Salt Lake City. 8,201 27,427 7,885 26,302 271 1,013 Galveston___ Houston....... San Antonio. W aco............ T,686 1,580 5,727 4,018 11,254 1,875 48,504 3,763 35,887 1,799 1,077 766 3,303 7,589 2,101 6,736 37 124 1,340 125 1,036 1,936 162 1,577 4,123 11,794 6,127 9,913 2,927 9,663 4,534 8,143 35 125 1,426 92 1,160 2,004 166 1,678 138 163 1,035 35 846 2,818 1,383 812 4,766 9,991 14,167 3,980 3,741 6,925 11,746 3,108 146 153 1,001 38 879 2,913 1,416 834 157 18 4,706 4,494 184 131 449 140 3,387 24,678 5,726 3,199 23,297 5,353 51 855 4,077 13,631 3,914 13,078 136 501 4,073 3,266 541 28 683 24 11,924 1,940 1,140 804 M O U N T A IN . Montana: Butte. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4,635 268 945 310 3,372 24,705 5,845 3,196 23,361 5,507 42 871 197 4,124 13,796 3,971 13,224 135 512 200 137 496 170 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . Foreign bom. 00 White. White. Negro. Total. C7t p a c if ic . Washington: ■» * Seattle.................................................. Spokane............................................... Tacoma................................................ 46,657 24,170 19,779 43,321 23,080 18,481 2,582 970 1,086 117 Oregon: Portland............................................... 39,009 36,477 2 ,1 2 1 119 California: Los Angeles.......................................... Oakland............................................... San Francisco....................................... Berkeley............................................... 64,334 33,728 78,908 9,175 58,631 31,103 73,115 8,677 3,561 1,444 4,121 300 1,608 530 227 61 Pasadena.............................................. Sacramento.......................................... San Diego............................................ San Jose............................................... 6,148 8,456 7,977 6,435 5,776 7,866 7,425 6,087 186 258 435 252 168 80 90 31 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 264 101 T a b l e 3 5 . — C H IL D R E N U N D E R 1 Y E A R O F A G E , B Y S E X , R A C E , A N D N A T I V I T Y , F O R C IT IE S H A V I N G A P O P U L A T IO N O F 25,000 O R O V E R : C E N S U S O F 1910. W H IT E . C IT Y . Total. Negro. Native. G IR L S . White. White. Total. Native. Negro. Total. Negro. Foreign bom. Native. Foreign bom. ENGLAND. Maine: 567 1,028 551 1,023 14 3 2 1,529 540 1,490 530 37 2 13,570 1,223 355 2,323 779 13,256 1,207 351 87 6 2 10 2 2 ,2 0 2 772 15 3 106 4 763 652 3,291 990 824 755 644 3,255 973 812 30 17 6 1,358 2,235 2,326 1,816 931 1,333 2,182 2,301 1,785 920 24 47 24 19 3 Salem".................................................. 2,551 698 612 764 1,085 2,385 684 599 756 1,074 57 7 6 8 6 Somerville................................ ........... Springfield............................................ 1,585 1,846 1,571 1,810 14 New Hampshire: Manchester........................................... Massachusetts: Boston.................................................. Brockton............................................. Cambridge........................................... Chelsea................................................. Everett................................................. Fall River............................................ Haverhill......................................... . Lawrence............................................. Lynn.................................................... New Bedford....................................... Newton................................................ Pittsfield.............................................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 10 215 8 2 11 6 6 6 1 6 1 12 8 109 7 7 5 2 22 269 484 263 480 4 3 763 262 741 255 6,941 632 165 1,158 380 6,802 624 162 1,096 377 372 330 1,697 513 441 368 326 1,677 506 434 17 7 4 684 1,123 1,158 873 445 671 1,104 1,149 859 439 13 17 9 9 3 1,303 364 320 387 566 1,219 355 313 384 559 823 931 815 912 21 2 1 298 544 288 543 10 1 766 278 749 275 16 3 6,629 591 190 1,165 399 6,454 583 189 1,106 395 39 5 126 3 7 52 3 391 322 1,594 477 383 387 318 1,578 467 378 674 7 1 89 7 2 1 8 54 2 1 48 4 1 • 3 3 3 3 3 10 2 3 11 1 30 15 4 1 1 ,1 1 2 5 3 1,168 943 486 1,248 334 292 377 519 1,166 329 286 372 515 29 762 915 756 898 5 7 3 4 3 6 7 4 13 2 56 4 6 1 12 1 1 1 662 1,078 1,152 926 481 28 5 1 1 10 2 1 7 5 53 3 5 5 1 2 2 1 10 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . NEW Foreign bom . BOYS. os ° Taunton............................................... Worcester........................•................... Rhode Island: Pawtucket............................................ Providence............................... . ...... Warwick town..................................... 761 465 3,138 462 1,050 4,760 635 952 432 1,033 4,623 621 924 2,360 651 594 1,199 5 374 249 1,642 365 246 1,611 1 8 3 17 13 248 535 2,364 324 493 231 528 2,285 316 479 4 18 58 6 2 1,183 1,006 336 309 591 1,158 981 332 305 589 10 6 2 2 2 14 19 2 2 1 57 5 9 9 16 1,541 286 354 330 965 1,508 284 348 324 949 5 27 10 2 768 395 308 417 4,544 274 760 393 303 412 4,515 271 13 8 1 26 25 29 10 6 32 10 98 4 27 1 2,311 1,970 645 588 1,191 21 12 27 39 3,009 549 676 623 1,921 2,940 539 660 607 1,885 h 1,529 805 609 820 8,973 530 1,509 800 598 809 8,894 521 526 397 620 649 403 3 New Rochelle........................... ........... Newburgh...................................... . .. 529 413 635 696 417 New York City.................................... Niagara Falls....................................... Poughkeepsie....................................... Rochester............ .................................. Schenectady......................................... 110,524 734 503 4,032 1,550 108,066 718 486 3,992 1,536 839 10 4 Syracuse............................................... 2,534 1,198 1,577 463 2,007 2,503 1 180 1,567 455 1,965 18 7 13 u 4 Connecticut: Bridgeport1 ......................................... Hartford 1 ............................................. New Haven 1 ........................................ Stamford town..................................... Stamford city....................................... Waterhury 1 ......................................... 2 ,0 2 1 4 4 7 5 6 6 20 16 2 14 2 2 2 7 2 2 3 3 9 4 5 9 5 405 225 1,548 396 219 1,527 214 515 2,396 311 459 505 2,338 305 445 1,177 1,015 315 285 608 1,153 989 313 283 602 11 6 2 2 5 1 1,468 263 322 293 956 1,432 255 312 283 936 6 30 5 761 410 301 403 4,429 256 749 407 295 397 4,379 250 254 192 305 340 189 252 185 297 317 184 2 1 1 1 22 54,487 353 236 1,974 764 53,315 344 226 1,953 757 381 780 1,223 587 776 253 1,006 1 ,2 1 0 8 7 3 4 6 201 6 14 4 13 3 4 4 13 1 12 13 4 40 2 1 13 20 6 6 7 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. New York: A lb a n y .............................................. Amsterdam.......................................... Auburn................................................. Binghamton......................................... Buffalo................................................ Utica..................................................... Yonkers................................................ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 3 2 4 62 2 1 1 3 3 11 3 29 6 6 11 9 7 16 7 15 14 44 11 1,594 4 14 11 1 23 2 4 1 4 3 5 1 275 274 221 212 1 1 323 332 219 2 2 22 54,751 374 260 2,039 779 458 5 814 2 12 6 5 7 1,2)93 607 796 206 976 10 8 1,311 611 8Ö1 210 1, 1 1 2 330 356 228 56,037 381 267 2,058 786 2 30 4 ooi Town and city coextensive. 8 7 3 7 2 1 4 2 2 2 5 19 573 771 249 989 6 2 1 2 39 6 1 5 4 11 6 7 6 1 17 4 7 4 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , 779 474 3,190 2 9 4 3 5 7 2 h ^ T a b l e 3 5 .— CHILD REN U N D ER 1 Y E A R OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES HAVING A POPULATION OF o> 25,000 OR O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910—Continued. W H IT E . CITY. BOYS. White. Negro. Total. Native. Foreign bom. Total. White. Foreign bom. Negro. Total. Native. Foreign born. Negro. Atlantic—continued. New Jersey: Bayonne.. .*......................................... Camden................................................ East Orange......................................... Elizabeth.............................................. 752 1,688 2,081 562 1,902 638 1,660 1,948 534 . 1,857 11 8 2 11 114 17 124 26 34 391 868 1,012 278 974 335 855 948 265 947 6 1 1 8 56 7 63 12 19 361 820 1,069 284 928 303 805 1,000 269 910 5 7 1 3 58 10 61 14 15 Hoboken............................................... Jersey City........................................... Newark................................................. Orange........................................... ...... Passaic.................................................. 1,499 6,229 8,519 667 1,767 1,483 6,061 8,269 619 1,720 14 39 49 4 35 2 129 200 44 12 758 3,171 4,345 333 905 748 3,083 4,217 310 878 9 19 30 3 21 1 69 98 20 6 741 3,058 4,174 334 862 „ 735 2,978 4,052 309 842 5 20 19 1 14 1 60 102 24 6 Paterson............................................... Perth Amboy....................................... Trenton................................................ West Hoboken town........................... 2,584 1,141 2,267 787 2,541 1,120 2,219 777 18 14 12 8 25 7 36 2 1,292 573 1,162 388 1,267 562 1,137 382 9 8 7 5 16 3 18 1 1,292 568 1,105 399 1,274 558 1,082 395 9 6 5 3 9 4 18 1 1,228 l'l39 739 534 1,513 1,223 1,130 649 526 1,507 5 2 4 3 2 7 86 5 4 610 572 394 258 759 605 568 334 255 757 2 2 4 58 1 2 618 567 345 276 754 618 562 315 271 750 2 2 1 2 3 28 4 2 1,101 670 1,466 898 1,193 1,022 3 2 14 1 1 76 507 346 744 462 626 48 7 3 2 11 544 324 712 433 556 515 322 703 428 543 1 2 7 28 5 7 23 557 346 754 465 637 2 1,447 890 1,169 1 2 5 12 922 484 32,889 906 459 31,144 8 4 148 8 21 1,595 481 230 16,652 472 217 15,747 4 2 78 5 11 825 441 ‘ 254 16,237 434 242 15,397 4 2 70 3 10 770 Pennsylvania: Chester.................................................. Easton.................................................. Erie....................................................... Harrisburg............................................ Johnstown............................................ New Castle........................................... Norristown........................................... Philadelphia........................................ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 668 5 1 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N Native. middle G IR L S. Pittsburgh. Reading..., 12,578 2,042 12,050 2,025 69 6 459 11 3,355 877 1,594 532 877 3,324 871 1,578 518 850 20 5 7 2 10 1 9 12 27 Ohio: Akron.................................... Canton....,............................. Cincinnati.............................. Cleveland.............................. Columbus.............................. 1,475 965 6,120 13,814 2,827 1,457 951 5,847 13,613 2,653 8 7 15 81 4 10 7 258 118 169 Dayton.................................. Hamilton....... ...................... Lima...................................... Lorain................................ Newark.......... ....................... 2,214 688 559 879 369 2,132 672 538 866 364 6 2 7 75 16 19 6 5 Springfield............................. Toledo.................................... Youngstown.......................... Zanesville.............................. 779 3,304 1,954 478 692 3,180 1,901 455 1 10 16 2 86 26 36 21 Indiana: Evansville............................. Fort Wayne.......................... Indianapolis.......................... South Bend........................... Terre Haute......... ............... 1,234 1,104 3,846 1,375 957 1,158 1,096 3,500 1,358 911 1 2 75 5 346 6 45 Illinois: Aurora.................................. Bloomington......................... Chicago.................................. D an ville.............................. 530 421 49,073 509 521 402 48,193 485 557 1,290 420 859 547 1,168 415 848 1 17 983 547 785 932 988 527 777 894 2 Scranton................................ Shenandoah........................... Wilkes-Barre...'.................... Williamsport......................... York...................................... EAST NORTH CENTRAL. Elgin......................................... Joliet.................................. . Peoria.................................... Quincy.................................. Rockford............................... Springfield............................ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 322 4 5 3 3 19 544 24 9 105 5 7 23 20 3 35 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . Decatur................................. East St. Louis...................... 11 1 * - 35. - C H n . B R E N U N D E R X Y E A R O I^ A G E , B Y ^ R A C E , A N D N A T I V I T Y , E O R C IT IE S H A Y IN G A P O P U L A T IO N O P White. White. Negro. Total. Native. G IR L S . BOYS. W H IT E . Native Negro. Total. Negro. Total. Foreign bom. Native. Foreign bom. east north centeal—continued. Michigan: Battle C reek .............................. Bay City....... . ........... - .......... --D etroit......................................... r u n t... — -........ >-.......-Grand Rapids............................... 475 . 985 10,442 762 2,440 460 918 10,273 742 2,416 1 3 96 17 15 14 4 73 3 8 234 514 5,257 360 1,223 228 512 5,172 352 1,211 1 45 8 6 Jackson.....................- .................. Kalamazoo.................................... Lansing.............................. Saginaw.. ........................ 527 747 595 934 526 733 584 927 4 3 3 1 10 8 4 253 377 282 485 252 367 278 479 3 1 3 Wisconsin: Green Bay.................................... La Crosse.................................... Madison... .f. ............. -• Milwaukee.................................... 591 524 474 7,955 586 524 468 7,906 2 1 34 286 258 243 4,154 283 258 241 4,131 17 O shkosh.... — ........ ---...........Racine................................... Sheboygan................................. Superior.......... ................ . ' 675 793 621 862 1 5 11 8 4 798 632 872 1 335 396 340 448 333 392 334 442 4 6 5 Minnesota: Duluth........................ . Minneapolis................................. St. Paul...................................... 1,588 5,383 3,762 18 29 16 3 22 29 801 2,692 1,975 789 2,668 1,947 12 13 10 Icrwa: Cedar Rapids.............................. Clinton........................................ Council Bluffs.. . . — — ... — Davenport................................... 538 374 544 740 2 1 4 7 2 3 270 211 286 368 265 205 284 366 W EST NORTH Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 241 471 5,185 402 1,217 232 406 5,101 390 1,205 1 2 51 9 9 8 3 33 3 2 1 7 3 274 370 313 449 274 366 306 448 1 2 3 5 1 1 305 266 231 3,801 303 266 227 3,775 1 17 2 8 345 402 292 424 342 401 287 420 1 1 5 3 2 11 18 808 2,743 1,833 799 2,715 1,815 6 16 6 3 11 11 2 2 274 171 260 375 273 169 260 374 6 1 40 6 2 6 2 1 1 CENTRAL. 1............................ 1 1 2 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . Foreign bom • 32079 1,595 690 834 527 5 2 7 3 57 1 5 850 351 412 251 818 350 407 248 2 1 4 3 Missouri: Joplin............................... Kansas City....... - ........... St. Joseph........................ St. Louis.......................... Springfield....................... 642 3,839 1,236 12,439 731 635 3,589 1,183 11,854 704 11 1 44 7 235 52 538 27 300 1,947 617 6,258 361 296 1,818 589 5,988 350 Nebraska: Lincoln............................. Omaha............................. South Omaha................... 957 2,093 649 943 2,041 636 4 10 3 10 41 10 481 1,045 314 Kansas: Kansas City..................... Topeka............................. Wichita............................ 1,660 782 918 1,516 716 880 4 6 139 60 38 Delaware: Wilmington..................... 1,874 1,733 9 Maryland: Baltimore......................... 10,239 8,859 District of Columbia: Washington1................... 5,489 4,018 Virginia: Lynchburg....................... Norfolk............................. Portsmouth.................... . Richm ond....................... Roanoke........................... 673 1,283 675 2,687 872 485 872 452 1,689 682 West Virginia: Huntington...................... Wheeling.......................... 585 781 563 762 2 North Carolina: Charlotte.......................... Wilmington..................... 870 622 616 333 1 South Carolina: Charleston....... ............... Columbia......................... 1,103 538 531 322 1 1 30 1 807 342 434 279 777 340 427 279 4 1 19 4 123 27 248 11 342 1,892 619 6,181 370 339 1,771 594 5,866 354 471 1,020 306 3 6 3 7 18 5 476 1,048 335 472 1,021 330 1 4 3 23 5 845 378 453 767 345 437 3 2 74 31 16 815 404 465 749 371 1 4 65 29 22 132 945 867 5 73 929 866 4 59 32 1,346 5,174 4,466 23 684 5,065 4,393 9 662 7 1,458 2,732 1,993 4 732 2,757 2,025 3 726 345 644 333 1,345 452 246 451 230 853 352 99 189 103 492 100 328 639 342 1,342 420 239 421 222 836 330 22 17 313 391 301 380 1 12 10 272 390 262 382 253 289 448 300 319 155 1 128 145 422 322 297 178 542 263 1 278 270 172 ........... 98 Population is for the District of Columbia, with which the city is coextensive. 561 268 268 150 3 1 3 7 25 443 27 1 4 3 112 25 290 16 S O U T H A T L A N T IC . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 2 188 406 223 996 190 * 571 215 3 2 1 89 217 120 504 90 10 7 125 144 1 293 117 OF C H IL D R E N , 1,657 693 846 530 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S Des Moines. Dubuque.......................... Sioux City....................... Waterloo.......................... T a b l e 3 5 .— CH ILD REN U N D ER 1 Y E A R OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES HAVIN G A POPULATION OF 25*000 OR O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910— Continued. W H IT E . CITY. Negro. Total. Native. A t l a n t ic White. White. Negro. Total. Native. Negro. Total. Foreign bom. Native. Foreign bom. — c o n tin u e d . Georgia: Savannah............................................. Florida: Tampa................................................ 1 1 490 148 136 280 277 422 4 230 87 494 256 1,874 288 472 188 1,616 284 3 160 60 374 313 420 334 1,091 1,018 267 276 696 761 1 153 58 394 257 1,040 271 205 476 151 148 1,423 466 328 956 282 170 1 1 466 183 158 321 100 398 280 1 514 126 131 284 1,604 389 391 628 1,113 241 254 346 1 V 244 91 507 513 18 64 255 7 3,355 741 753 1,296 2,347 467 485 729 4 1,004 274 267 564 1,751 352 362 668 1,234 226 231 383 3 1 2 1,007 1,098 532 899 1 21 474 178 500 585 255 477 969 504 3,754 '580 929 372 3,241 569 3 40 132 510 11 475 248 1,880 292 457 184 1,625 285 878 664 2,234 2,139 565 546 1,464 1,567 313 118 768 570 458 330 1,143 1,121 298 270 768 806 2,939 888 681 1,996 553 375 942 334 306 1,516 422 353 820 601 218 422 1 CENTRAL. Kentucky: Tennessee: Memphis............................................... Alabama: 2 2 1 1 1 2 22 68 255 4 "W E S T S O U T H C E N T R A L . Arkansas: Little R ock.......................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 118 O F C H IL D R E N . E A ST SOUTH G IR L S . Oi F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S s o u t h Foreign bom. BOYS. Ci Louisiana: New Orleans........................................ 6,848 471 5,227 253 Oklahoma City............ ....................... 488 1,140 337 1,034 1 Texos: Austin.................................................. Dallas.................................................. El Paso................................................. Fort Worth.......................................... 529 1,543 1,003 1,335 414 1,300 929 1,145 4 55 4 Galveston............................................. Houston............................................... San Antonio......................................... 660 1,401 2,183 483 535 1,040 1,963 401 39 MOUNTAIN. Montana: Butte........................... ........................ 772 767 1 Colorado: Colorado Springs.................................. Denver. ................................................ Pueblo..................... ............................ 423 3,445 859 407 3,364 841 1 8 2 Utah: O g d en .............................. - ............. . Salt Lake City..................................... 647 2,173 639 2,155 2 10 PACIFIC. Washington: Seattle.................................................. Spokane............................................... Tacoma................................................ 3,466 2,051 1,469 3,340 30 18 Oregon: Portland............................................... 3,086 3,023 31 4,798 2,669 6,153 665 4,554 2,545 6,000 42 5 30 417 656 552 480 399 632 541 470 3 1 5 6 OklaLomai: Pasadena.............................................. Sacramento.......................................... San Diego............................................. San Jose............................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,444 642 2 6 2 11 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , California: Los Angeles.......................................... Oakland............................................... San Francisco...................................... 2 ,0 2 1 8 Table 3 6 .— CH ILDREN U N D ER 5 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AN D N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES H AV IN G A POPULATION OF O 25,000 O R O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910. 00 WHITE. CITY. BOYS. Total. W l lite. Negro. Native. GIRLS. Foreign bom. White. Total. Foreign bom. Total. Native. Foreign bom. Negro. N EW ENGLAND. Maine: Lewiston.......................... Portland......................... . 2,569 4,811 2,418 4,703 148 90 3 18 1,226 2,347 1,144 2,292 79 47 3 8 1,343 2,464 1,274 2,411 69 43 New Hampshire: Manchester..................... . Nashua............................. 6,848 2,511 6,427 2,410 417 99 4 3,329 1,205 3,127 1,148 201 2 1 1 3,519 1,306 3,300 1,262 216 43 3 Massachusetts: Boston.............................. Brockton.......................... Brookline town................ Cambridge....................... Chelsea............................. 63,725 5,342 1,769 10,802 3,654 61,235 5,204 1,738 10,109 3,510 1,511 80 25 942 58 445 30 4 237 7 31,460 2,611 905 5,279 1,838 30,170 2,553 4,933 1,769 768 30 17 103 54 497 28 480 31,065 2,651 852 5,176 1,741 743 50 211 122 32,265 2,731 864 5,523 1,816 243 15 Chicopee............ Everett............................. Fall River........................ Fitchburg......................... Haverhill................... ...... 3,371 3,474 13,997 4,105 4,062 3,277 3,320 13,430 3,950 3,957 94 79 542 153 70 1,659 lj 768 7,070 2,037 2,109 1,616 1,696 6,779 1,965 2,050 43 40 279 71 41 1,712 1,706 6,927 2,068 Ij953 1,661 1,624 6,651 1,985 1,907 51 39 263 82 29 43 13 1 17 Holyoke................... ........ Lawrence......................... Lowell.............................. Lynn................................ Malden............................. 6,002 9,317 10,437 8,195 4,484 5,729 8,736 10,024 7,918 4,358 266 554 400 213 71 2,950 4,659 5,289 4,041 2,290 2,821 4,391 5,092 3,905 2,217 126 257 193 105 44 3,052 4,658 5,148 4,154 2,194 2,908 4,345 4,932 4,013 2,141 140 297 207 108 27 4 16 8 33 26 New Bedford.................... Newton............. ............... Pittsfield.......................... Quincy.............................. Salem.............................; . 10,700 3,460 3,057 3,502 4,726 9,646 3,349 2,951 3,392 4,573 673 5,370 1,730 1,550 1,712 2,418 4,854 1,679 1,494 1,660 2,349 331 28 36 51 63 5,330 1,730 1,507 1,790 2,308 4,792 1,670 1,457 1,732 2,224 342 40 38 54 80 195 74 105 143 Somerville........................ Springfield........................ 7,433 8,292 7,280 7,989 140 185 3,753 4,179 3,680 4,017 66 102 3,680 4,113 3,600 3,972 74 83 6 58 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 68 6 22 75 25 2 35 7 27 11 64 55 380 43 32 5 10 12 118 56 8 108 68 32 12 1 18 3 11 3 31 29 185 23 20 1 r 6 60 886 10 1 2 20 12 4 4 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , Native. Negro. 3,522 2,234 14,492 3,394 2,168 14,068 78 63 318 50 3 104 1,767 1,169 7,384 1,709 1,133 7,158 34 36 170 Rhode Island: Newport________ _______ Pawtucket......................... Providence........................ Warwick town.................. Woonsocket....................... 2,235 4,874 21,814 2,786 4,277 2,090 4,664 20,784 2,667 3,956 17 184 548 106 318 125 458 1,119 2,460 10,825 1,365 2,136 1,047 2,354 10,263 1,303 1,978 96 293 56 158 257 5 Connecticut: Bridgeport1 ..... ................. Hartford1 ................. ......... Meriden town.................... Meriden city...................... New Britain1 .................... 10,608 9,565 3,039 2,607 5,282 10,198 9,174 2,960 2,530 5,140 292 241 114 150 68 66 11 11 137 5 5,331 4,795 1,569 1,360 2,681 5,118 4,600 1,523 1,316 2,606 155 126 42 40 74 56 69 4 4 New Haven1. . ........„ ........ Norwich town................... Stamford town................... Stamford city.................... Waterbury 1 ....................... 13,702 2,574 3,045 2,768 8,385 13,125 2,466 2,915 2,642 8,055 305 73 96 92 244 271 35 33 33 85 6,893 1,299 1,504 1,369 4,313 6,609 1,243 1,442 1,310 4,153 149 43 47 44 118 New York: Albany............................... Amsterdam........................ Auburn.............................. Binghamton...................... Buffalo............................... Elmira................................ 7,603 3,258 2,962 3,691 42,257 2,644 7,448 3,153 2,862 3,610 41,285 2,596 117 91 55 46 880 24 35 14 45 34 3,867 1,663 1,470 1,910 21,262 1,358 3,795 1,606 1,423 1,869 20,779 1,337 52 48 26 Jamestown......................... Kingston............................ Mount Vernon.............. New Rochelle.................... New York City.................. 2,756 2,119 3,064 3,121 507,080 2,680 2,038 2,936 2,883 485,588 70 19 61 50 14,660 62 67 188 6,676 1,393 1,078 1,593 1,573 255,729 1,347 1,039 1,526 1,454 245,050 Newburgh.......................... Niagara Falls.................... Poughkeepsie..................... Rochester........................... Schenectady.....................i 2,173 3,279 2,313 19,066 7,859 2,105 3,127 2,225 18,432 7,677 31 136 33 576 166 37 15 55 58 16 1,119 1,673 1,209 9,552 3,943 1,088 1,595 1,180 9,266 3,845 Syracuse............................. Troy................................... Utica.................................. Watertown........................ Yonkers............................. 11,882 5,839 7,070 2,295 8,978 11,597 5,726 6,876 2,214 8,664 218 77 172 77 177 21 11 3 8 24 1,755 1,065 7,108 1,685 1,035 6,910 44 27 148 1,116 2,414 10,989 1,421 2,141 1,043 2,310 10,521 1,364 1,978 255 50 160 201 6 1 5,277 4,770 1,470 1,247 2,601 5,080 4,574 1,437 1,214 2,534 137 115 26 26 63 58 81 7 7 4 134 13 14 14 41 6,809 1,275 1,541 1,399 4,072 6,516 1,223 1,473 1,332 3,902 156 30 49 48 126 137 19 9 3,653 1,547 1,439 1,741 20,506 1,259 65 43 29 25 444 16 5 24 14 43 16 29 54 63 8 9 88 26 3 50 62 13 3 22 19 19 44 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88 24 6 . 6,029 3,011 3,583 4 1,148 136 4,538 1 Town and city coextensive. 66 36 22 5,882 2,949 3,492 1,107 4,372 436 13 45 8 3,736 1,595 1,492 1,781 20,995 1,286 41 5 28 37 96 3,227 1,363 1,041 1,471 1,548 251,351 1,333 999 1,410 1,429 240,538 16 70 15 12 17 24 7 1,054 1,606 1,104 9,514 3,916 1,017 1,532 1,045 9,166 3,832 314 75 5,853 2,828 3,487 1,147 4,440 5,715 2,777 3,384 1,107 4,292 106 30 91 39 82 21 11 30 23 7,364 262 91 1 12 47 81 38 95 21 20 8 35 15 10 3 70 11 8 31 27 7,296 1 34 30 92 3,449 15 22 66 21 7 38 34 9 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . Taunton............................ Waltham...................... . Worcester.......................... 31 21 12 1 66 05 CO T a b l e 3 6 .— CHILD REN U N D ER 5 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES HAVIN G A POPULATION OF 25,000 O R O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910— Continued. CITY. Native. Atlantic—continued. Foreign bom. Negro. Total. Native. Negro. Total. Foreign bom. Native. • New Jersey: Atlantic City....................................... Bayonne............................................... Camden................................................ East Orange......................................... Elizabeth............................................. 3,708 7,755 9,971 2,765 8,687 3,128 7,484 9,275 2,571 8,314 Hoboken.............................................. Jersey City........................................... Newark................................................ Orange.................................................. Passaic........ ............................... ........ 7,140 29,457 38,421 3,301 7,317 Paterson............................................. Perth Am boy...................................... Trenton............................................... West Hoboken town........................... 7 133 268 41 290 91 79 3,491 13,879 18,257 1,519 3,405 142 260 474 287 447 21 102 194 25 6,248 2,304 4,938 1,837 5,983 2,238 4,742 1,760 189 59 104 74 76 7 92 3 4 19 196 13 4 2,709 2,844 1,862 1,237 3,571 2,682 2,809 1,614 1,205 3,486 18 23 31 217 21 20 167 87 4 30 15 23 41 2,780 1,619 3,371 2,058 2,608 2,569 1,593 3,259 23 24 97 2 ,0 2 1 10 2,532 37 15 27 39 34 17 1,398 24 47 3,391 2,045 1,162 75,978 1,990 1,107 71,177 36 9 1,324. 19 46 3,472 231 536 79 569 172 142 1,944 3,922 5,036 1,381 4,486 1,655 3,778 4,697 1,285 4,325 19 105 60 15 98 268 38 279 81 63 1,764 3,833 4,935 1,384 4,201 1,473 3,706 4,578 1,286 3,989 6,872 28,366 36,559 3,028 6,914 262 530 984 44 356 6 3,506 15,028 19,240 1,659 3,693 3,381 14,487 18,302 1,509 3,509 120 557 875 229 47 270 510 23 162 5 270 428 127 22 3,634 14,429 19,181 1,642 3,624 12,546 4,668 9,959 3,750 12,017 4,511 9,576 3,626 396 135 6,034 2,273 4,834 117 183 7 6,298 2,364 5,021 1,913 1,8 6 6 207 76 96 43 56 15 91 4 Pennsylvania: Allentown............................................ Altoona................................................ Chester.................................................. Easton.................................................. Erie....................................................... 5,455 5,705 3,707 2.471 7,263 5,396 5,633 3,225 2,409 7,119 46 41 69 39 130 13 31 413 23 14 2,746 2,861 1,845 1,234 3,692 2,714 2,824 1,611 1,204 3,633 28 18 38 17 55 Harrisburg............................................ Hazleton............................................... Johnstown............................................ Lancaster............................................ McKeesport......................................... 5,554 3,248 6,810 4,233 5,298 5,155 3,201 6,596 4,169 5,151 44 44 184 14 67 355 3 30 50 80 2,774 1,629 3,439 2,175 2,690 2,586 1,608 3,337 2,148 2,619 New Castle........................................... Norristown........................................... Philadelphia........................................ 4,184 2,350 152,921 4,071 2,231 143,323 70 26 2,722 43 93 6,863 2,139 1,188 76,943 2,081 1,Î24 72,146 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Foreign bom. 40 191 126 22 200 132 22 . 1 21 86 66 22 75 1 9 12 10 10 188 2 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N middle White. White. Negro. Total. GIRLS. BOYS. WHITE. ^ ° Pittsburgh. Reading..., 57,788 9,543 54,737 9,400 809 83 2,240 60 Scranton.......... ..................... Shenandoah........................... Wilkes-Barre......................... Williamsport......................... York...................................... 15,348 3,925 7,755 2,722 4,315 15,025 3,852 7,597 2,620 4,178 283 69 108 18 8 37 4 49 84 129 Ohio: Akron.................................... Canton................................... Cincinnati.............................. Cleveland.............................. Columbus.............................. 6,758 4,589 29,172 62,512 14,337 6,561 4,511 27,673 60,326 13,406 143 62 350 1,662 91 54 16 1,148 519 836 Dayton.................................. Hamilton.............................. Lima...................................... Lorain..... ....... ............ . Newark................................. 10,647 3,436 2,885 3,892 2,136 10,165 3,354 2,788 3,713 2,098 107 19 14 137 374 62 83 42 26 Springfield............................. Toledo................................... Youngstown......................... Zanesville...................... ....... 3,975 15,891 8,873 2,463 3,583 15,612 8,448 2,323 12 Indiana: Evansville............................. Fort Wayne.......................... Indianapolis.......................... South Bend........................... Terre Haute........... .............. 6,150 5,441 18,697 6,320 5,052 5,710 5,366 17,071 6,081 4,835 182 31 428 32 1,557 53 186 Illinois: Aurora............; ..................... Bloomington......................... Chicago.................................. Danville................................ 2,612 2,057 223,767 2,497 2,550 1,971 215,475 2,365 46 14 5,765 5 16 72 2,472 127 Decatur.................................. East St. Louis...................... Elgin..................................... Joliet...................................... . 2,744 6,052 1,909 3,738 2,665 5,441 1,873 3,618 26 100 21 53 511 15 35 Peoria.................................... . Quincy................................... Rockford................................ Springfield........................... 5,338 2,838 3,828 4.755 5,210 2,727 3,722 4,485 , EAST NORTH CENTRAL. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 164 265 10 12 42 68 83 35 6 95 49 380 114 159 130 93 105 11 221 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N ”. ~ 12 T able 3 6 .— CHILD REN U N D ER 5 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES H AVING A POPULATION OF 25,000 OR O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910— Continued. WHITE. Total. CITY. Negro. Native. Foreign bom. BOYS. GIRLS. White. White. Total. east n orth centeal— Foreign bom. Negro. Total. Negro. Native. Foreign born. continued. Michigan: Battle Creek........................................ Bay City............................................... Detroit.................................................. Flint..................................................... Grand Rapids...................................... 2,027 5,020 48,715 3,450 11,280 1,954 4,937 46,669 3,268 11,008 16 67 1,715 152 235 57 16 330 30 36 982 2,608 24,588 1,701 5,571 945 2,566 23,553 1,614 5,446 Jackson................................................. Kalamazoo........................................... Lansing................................................. Saginaw................................................ 2,541 3,440 2,586 4,706 2,503 3,313 2,522 4,603 26 76 40 90 12 51 24 13 1,255 1,741 1,327 2,392 1,234 1,675 1,295 2,337 2,965 2,658 2,248 37,834 2,936 2,646 790 1,431 1,302 1,077 18,640 10 36,994 15 46 1,450 1,306 1,092 19,086 3 2 ,2 1 0 12 11 21 9 4 Madison................................................ Milwaukee............................................ Oshkosh............................................... Racine.................................................. Sheboygan............................................ Superior................................................ 3,343 3,785 2,883 4,362 3,281 3,673 2,777 4,234 47 107 103 103 14 5 3 1,713 1,937 1,536 10 2 ,1 2 0 1,678 1,875 1,490 2,056 Minnesota: Duluth.................................................. Minneapolis.......................................... St. Paul................................................ 7,486 25,797 18,426 7,280 25,257 17,932 179 422 326 23 113 164 3,774 13,031 9,390 3,662 12,759 9,151 Iowa: Cedar Rapids....................................... Clinton.................................................. Council Bluffs...................................... Davenport............................................ 2,894 2,140 2,736 3,634 2,831 2,069 2,711 3,576 49 14 59 1,431 1,123 1,366 1,826 1,404 1,086 1,352 1,801 Wisconsin: Green B ay........................................... 6 1 29 4 176 15 19 1,045 2,412 24,127 1,749 5,709 1,009 2,371 23,116 1,654 5,562 8 28 38 858 72 106 29 857 80 129 154 15 17 17 40 4 26 21 11 6 1,286 1,699 1,259 2,314 1,269 1,638 1,227 2,266 9 36 19 41 25 13 7 422 5 24 1,515 1,352 1,156 18,748 1,505 1,344 1,133 18,354 26 61 45 56 8 1 1 1 1,630 1,848 1,347 2,242 1,603 1,798 1,287 2,178 99 11 212 58 81 3,712 12,766 9,036 3,618 12,498 8,781 1,463 1,017 1,370 1,808 1,427 983 1,359 1,775 8 49 3 7 11 368 12 8 3 1 10 22 21 6 46 58 47 2 4 9 WEST NORTH CENTRAL. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12 17 23 8 33 157 19 8 6 31 5 17 9 8 80 210 169 30 6 8 15 12 55 83 6 28 3 16 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . Native. -3 63 7,850 3,191 4,019 2,547 7,562 3,168 3,931 2,526 Missouri: Joplin............. Kansas City... St. Joseph/.... St. Louis......... Springfield___ 3,424 18,598 0,454 60,100 3,448 3,368 17,202 6,157 56,574 3,298 174 42 825 Nebraska: Lincoln.......... Omaha........... South Omaha. 4,317 10,459 3,165 4,133 10,037 3,041 Kansas: Kansas C ity .. Topeka........... Wichita.*........ 8,264 3,738 4,455 69 17 229 4,000 1,631 2,017 1,279 3,852 1,619 1,977 1,263 39 9 32 16 255 2,685 150 1,702 9,384 3,178 30,290 1,679 1,675 8,672 3,027 28,579 1,597 143 176 72 41 243 52 2,203 5,261 1,570 7,415 3,343 4,224 96 55 27 745 340 204 8,569 7,900 92 66 21 1 109 3 3,850 1,560 8 2,002 1,268 3,700 l' 549 i, 954 1'263 82 23 389 27 623 128 1,314 82 1,722 9j 214 3; 276 29;810 1,693 8'530 3', 130 27,995 92 19 436 2,106 5,040 1,504 72 97 37 25 2,027 4'997 L537 16 29 2,114 5,198 1,595 71 122 79 35 12 1 4,102 1,919 2,258 3,696 1,728 2,137 49 25 11 351 166 110 4,162 1,819 2,197 3,719 1,615 2j087 47 30 16 394 174 577 4,257 3,922 49 286 4,312 3,978 43 291 6 21 55 1 ,2 1 1 30 8 120 3 34 13 1 28 588 127 1,371 23 94 SOUTH ATLANTIC. Delaware: Wilmington. Maryland: 51,986 44,882 474 6,628 26,189 22,677 258 3,253 25,797 22,205 216 3,375 District of Columbia: Washington1 ___ 26,669 19,222 139 7,290 13,401 9,736 74 3,581 13,268 9,486 65 3,709 Virginia: Lynchburg.......... Norfolk................ Portsmouth.......... Richmond............ Roanoke............... 3,095 6,198 3,343 11,602 3,865 2,209 4,146 2,272 7,556 3,092 3 39 7 27 7 882 2,008 1,064 4,019 766 1,525 3,115 1,690 5,751 1,965 1,072 2,103 1,172 3,770 1,577 1 18 4 1,570 3,083 1,653 5,851 L900 1,137 2' 043 1,100 3^786 1,515 2 21 3 21 3 431 1 016 4 451 992 514 1,975 384 West Virginia: Huntington.......... Wheeling.............. 3,302 3,868 3,149 ■3,761 3 28 150 79 1,700 1,976 1,620 1,917 1 15 79 44 1,602 1,892 1,529 1,844 13 35 North Carolina: Charlotte..-.......... Wilmington......... 3,981 2,827 2,748 1,545 8 2 1,225 1,280 2,006 1,445 1,404 778 5 1 597 1,975 1,382 1,344 767 3 1 614 South Carolina: Charleston............ Columbia.............. 5,666 2,570 2,667 1,525 14 4 2,985 1,041 2,868 2,798 1,250 1,276 734 1 8 2 1 514 '514 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 666 1,391 6 1,471 791 2 527 ■Population is for the District of Columbia, with which the city is coextensive. 1,320 2 2,044 382 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . Des Moines'... Dubuque........ Sioux City___ Waterloo^....... 71 Oo T a b l e 3 6 .— CHILD REN U N D ER 5 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES H AVIN G A POPULATION OF 25,000 OR O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910— Continued. WHITE. CITY. Total. Negro. Native. Foreign bom. BOYS. GIKLS. White. White. Total. Foreign bom. Negro. Total. Native. Foreign bora. Negro. Atlantic—continued. Georgia: Atlanta................................................. Augusta................................................ Macon................................................... Savannah............................................. Florida: Jacksonville......................................... Tampa.................................................. IS,589 3,508 3,875 6,008 10,922 2,181 2)357 3,372 42 1 6 10 4,622 1,326 1,512 2,623 7,866 1,748 l)9H) 2,982 5,570 1,090 l)Î42 1,679 22 1 2,273 7,723 5,352 20 2,349 3 7 765 1,294 l ’ 965 3,026 l)215 1,693 3 3 747 1,329 2,412 2,257 1,290 1)770 7 94 1,114 392 2,438 * 4,843 4,523 2,597 3,551 199 2,234 771 2,431 2,266 1,307 1,781 4 105 1 ,1 2 0 Kentucky: Covington............................................. Lexington............................. ....... Louisville.......... .................................. Newport............................................... 4,851 2,504 18,848 2,740 4,627 1,817 16,341 2,678 5 4 49 15 219 681 2,458 47 2,413 1,284 9,474 1,392 2,297 941 8,258 1,357 2 1 26 114 341 1,190 23 1 ,2 2 0 9)374 1,348 2,330 '876 8,083 1,321 3 3 23 3 105 340 1,268 24 Tennessee: Chattanooga......................................... Knoxville.......................................... Memphis.................................... Nashville.............................................. 3,937 3,187 10,756 10,172 2,438 2,638 6,996 7,440 11 3 28 1,488 546 3,729 2,721 2 ,0 1 0 1,606 5,483 5,132 1,233 1,322 3,629 3,770 18 772 283 1,834 1,356 1,927 1,581 5,273 5,040 1,205 1,316 3,367 3,670 6 2 10 716 263 1,895 1,365 Alabama: Birmingham.................................. Mobile............................................... Montgomery..................................... 14,202 4,635 3,373 9,560 2,760 1,843 4,598 1,863 1,529 7,187 2,262 1,656 4,889 1,384 944 22 5 2,276 873 712 7,015 2,373 1)717 4,671 1,376 '899 22 12 1 7 2,322 990 817 4,107 3,004 6 1,095 2,063 ' 1,536 3 523 2,044 1,468 3 572 11 379 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL. 11 44 12 5 1 6 5 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL. Arkansas: Little R ock.......................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . Native. south t* 32,047 2,546 24,262 1,355 151 10 7,624 1,181 Oklahoma: Muskogee............................................. Oklahoma City.................................... 2,358 5,671 1,608 5,092 3 14 696 555 Texas: Austin.................................................. Dallas................................................... El Paso......................... ..................... Fort Worth.......................................... 2,607 8,048 4,445 6,950 1,931 6,738 3,859 5,848 15 37 472 39 659 1,271 114 1,063 Galveston............................................. Houston............................................... San Antonio......................................... W aco.................................................... 3,232 6,781 9,977 2,552 2,646 4,939 8,689 2,053 41 47 391 8 545 1,790 895 491 Montana: Butte.................................................... 3,439 3,357 63 7 Colorado: Colorado Springs.................................. Denver................................................. Pueblo.................................................. 2,125 16,879 4,321 2,041 16,341 4,179 7 200 42 75 313 97 Utah: Ogden................................................... Salt Lake City..................................... 3,068 10,451 3,019 10,247 33 158 6 33 Washington: Seattle.................................................. Spokane............................................... Tacoma................................................. 17,043 9,066 7,094 16,193 8,807 6,838 447 213 176 99 37 44 Oregon: Portland............................................. 14,158 13,638 352 45 California: Los Angeles.......................................... Oakland............................................... San Francisco....................................... Berkeley............................................... 22,817 12,585 29,178 3,236 21,403 11,912 27,948 3,105 535 185 562 44 556 216 101 15 Pasadena.............................................. Sacramento.......................................... San Diego............................................. San Jose............................................... 2,039 3,080 2,689 2,256 1,919 2,898 2,586 2,178 48 37 59 29 29 15 MOUNTAIN. PACIFIC. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 66 35 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N Louisiana: New Orleans........................................ Shreveport............................................ T a b l e 3 7 .— CHILD REN 5 TO 9 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X, RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES H AVIN G A POPULATION OF 25,000 OR O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910. WHITE. CITY. BOYS. Total. GIRLS. White. Negro. Native. 05 Foreign bom. White. Total. Foreign bom . Native. Foreign bom. Negro. N E W ENGLAND. Maine: Lewiston.............................................. Portland............................................. 2,447 4)366 2,104 4,113 342 239 1 14 1,264 2,203 1 090 2,080 174 119 New Hampshire: Manchester........................................... Nashua................................................. 4,248 4,320 3,700 3,736 546 584 2 3,078 3,203 2,641 2,726 Massachusetts: Boston................................................. Brockton........................................... Brookline tow n................................... Cambridge........................................... Chelsea......... .................................... 56,779 4,566 1,768 9)471 3,151 51,050 4,222 1,726 8,412 2,514 4,971 287 40 653 619 742 57 2 405 17 28,568 2,269 891 4,794 1,626 Chicopee................................. . ........... Everett................................................. Fall River............................................ Fitchburg............................................. Haverhill............................................. 2,757 3,092 12,492 3,533 3)648 2,536 2,819 11,214 3,260 3,414 221 180 1,256 273 203 93 22 Holyoke............................................... Lawrence................. .......................... Lowell.............................. Lynn................. Malden................................................ 5,765 7,647 9,371 6,721 4,148 5,199 6,480 8,475 6,037 3,801 561 1,153 887 625 298 New Bedford........................................ Newton................................. Pittsfield........................................ Quiney.................................................. Salem.................................................... 8,864 3,359 2,676 3,224 4,143 7,231 3,205 2,493 2,923 3,833 Somerville............................................ Springfield............................................ 6,554 7,170 6,253 6,538 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 1 183 2) 163 2)033 1 014 120 10 436 477 1 1,170 1,117 1,059 1,010 110 107. 1 25,699 2,107 865 4,272 1,279 2,496 136 24 320 337 366 26 2 202 9 28,211 2,297 «77 4,677 1,525 25,351 2,115 1,285 l)469 5,528 1,670 l)694 112 85 621 129 118 41 13 31 1,398 1,595 6,162 1,799 1,825 13 6,330 1 724 1)823 5 14 9 59 -49 2,811 3,776 4,633 3,412 2,051 2,571 3,205 4,199 3,073 1,881 238 566 430 313 149 2 5 4 26 21 2,954 3,871 4,738 3,309 2,097 1,374 124 152 296 298 258 30 31 4 10 4,473 1,692 1,366 1,610 2,055 3,652 1,620 1,275 1,451 1,917 691 55 74 156 130 129 17 17 3 8 4,391 1,667 1,310 1,614 2)088 277 526 24 104 3,271 3,625 3,111 3,306 147 273 . 13 44 3,283 3,545 2,475 151 376 31 333 282 203 8 95 635 52 9 l)720 85 18 2,628 3,275 4,276 2,964 1,920 323 587 457 312 149 3 9 5 33 28 3,579 1,585 1,218'' 1,472 1,916 683 69 78 140 168 129 13 14 1 2 3,142 3,232 130 253 11 60 £fi1 4,140 1,235 1 359 1 251 1)4 9 7 l)350 5,686 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N Native. Total. Negro. 3,066 2,209 12,939 2,830 2,094 11,839 205 112 993 31 3 106 1,548 1,145 6,540 Rhode Island: Newport............................. Pawtucket......................... Providence......................... Warwick town.................. Woonsocket.......... i ........ 2,056 4,705 18,707 2,687 4,059 1,852 4,270 16,626 2,424 3,412 66 409 1,694 244 647 136 24 372 18 1,032 2,380 9,349 1,312 1,992 Connecticut: Bridgeport 1....................... Hartford 1 ........................... Meriden town.................... Meriden city ...................... New Britain1 .......... ...... 8,898 8,580 2,928 2,463 4,308 7,980 ‘ 7,675 2,745 2,297 3,907 805 759 171 154 388 110 146 12 12 13 4,442 4,289 1,477 1,240 2,176 New Haven K t.................. Norwich town.................... Stamford town................... Stamford city .................... Waterbury i ...................... 12,438 2,500 2,652 2,394 7,237 11,072 2,246 2,371 2,124 6,537 1,119 208 261 250 622 246 46 20 20 77 6,163 1,291 1,382 1,257 3,647 New York: A lban y.............................. Amsterdam....................... Auburn.............................. Binghamton...................... Buffalo............................... Elmira................................ 7,406 2,312 2,388 3,302 38,312 2,589 7,005 2,119 2,255 3,121 35,813 2,479 322 186 105 150 2,405 85 78 7 28 30 89 25 3,713 1,194 1,216 1,652 19,038 1,314 Jamestown......................... Kingston............................ Mount Vernon................... New Rochelle.................... New York City................. 2,472 2,176 2,835 2,659 438,263 2,261 2,059 2,537 2,321 375,290 205 51 218 210 57,736 6 66 80 128 5,114 • 1,250 1,067 1,432 1,333 219,110 Newburgh......................... Niagara Falls..................... Poughkeepsie..................... Rochester........................... Schenectady...................... 2,241 2,578 2,193 16,803 6,568 2,130 2,210 2,066 15,207 6,085 70 356 82 1,544 467 41 12 45 52 16 1,146 1,273 1,104 8,485 3,357 Syracuse............................. Troy................................... Utica...................... : .......... Watertown........................ Yonkers............................. 10,674 5,900 6,056 2,028 7,815 9,921 5,649 5,473 1,864 7,204 666 215 554 160 490 86 36 29 4 119 5,440 2,959 3,054 1,014 3,932 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Town and city coextens F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . Taunton............................. Waltham........................... Worcester......................... T able 3 7 .— CHILD REN 5 TO 9 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X, RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES H AVIN G A POPULATION OF 25,000 O R O V E R : C E N S U S O F 1910— Continued. White. White. Negro. Total. Native. GIRLS. BOYS. WHITE. CITY. 00 Total. Native. Foreign bom. Negro. Total. Native. Foreign born. Negro. MIDDLE ATLANTIC— c o n t i n u e d . New Jersey: Atlantic C ity ...................................... Bayonne............................................... Camden................................................ East Orange...................... .................. Elizabeth............................................. 3,500 6,373 8,824 2,652 7,267 2,827 5,744 7,978 2,442 6,451 166 579 335 51 679 505 48 509 159 137 1,743 3,213 4,458 1,348 3,611 1,430 2,903 4,027 1,242 3,201 74 289 168 24 343 239 20 262 82 67 1,757 3,160 4,366 1,304 3,656 1,397 2,841 3,951 1,200 3,250 92 290 167 27 336 Hoboken............................................... Jersey City.......1.................................. Newark................................................ Orange.................................................. Passaic.................................................. 6,673 26,865 33,074 2,921 5,272 5,968 24,919 29,001 2,583 4,478 699 1,490 3,355 132 758 6 455 712 206 36 3,337 13,595 16,604 1,465 2,639 2,982 12,606 14,563 1,292 2,234 352 773 1,676 71 383 3 216 363 102 22 3,336 13,270 16,470 1,456 2,633 2,986 12,313 14,438 1,291 2,244 347 717 1,679 61 375 3 239 349 104 14 Paterson............................................... Perth Amboy....................................... Trenton................................................ 12,237 3,472 8,560 3,628 10,919 3,096 7,712 3,257 1,197 362 722 365 120 14 126 5 6,105 1,725 4,275 1,784 5,429 1,534 3,865 1,605 610 188 357 179 66 3 53 6,132 1,747 4,285 1,844 5,490 1,562 3,847 1,652 587 174 365 186 54 11 73 5 Pennsylvania: Allentown............................................ Altoona................................................ Chester................................................. Easton.................................................. Erie....................................................... 4,595 4,827 3,386 2,313 6,382 4,452 4,627 2,856 2,209 6,036 136 168 141 81 320 7 32' 389 23 26 2,270 2,408 1,697 1,188 3, 111 2,199 2,309 1,453 1,134 2,933 70 88 67 43 165 1 11 177 11 13 2,325 2,419 1,689 1,125 3,271 2,253 2,318 1,403 1,075 3,103 66 80 74 38 155 6 21 212 12 13 5,033 2,990 5^303 3,983 4,534 4,590 2,872 4,882 3,885 4,163 135 118 390 49 290 308 2,321 1,413 2,465 1,916 2,070 62 54 219 32 159 20 22 45 2,499 1,523 2,599 2,013 2,260 2,269 1,459 2,417 1,969 2,093 73 64 171 17 131 157 31 49 81 2,534 1,467 2; 704 1,970 2,274 151 Johnstown............................................ Lancaster............................................. McKeesport.......................................... New Castle.......................................... Norristown.......................................... Philadelphia........................................ 3,417 2,128 134,955 3,177 1,911 118,583 1*98 107 10,728 42 110 5,623 1,684 1,073 67,559 1,568 970 59,449 97 51 5,386 19 52 2,716 1,733 1,055 67,396 1,609 941 59,134 101 56 5,342 23 58 2,907 Harrisburg........................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ 266 28 247 77 70 11 27 36 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . Foreign born. .r r P ittsbu rg............................. R eading............................... 48,803 8,499 44,013 8,200 2,843 239 1,942 60 24,678 4,301 22,267 4,142 1,431 130 978 29 24,125 4,198 21,746 4,058 1,412 109 964 31 Scranton................................ Shenandoah.......................... Wilkes-Barre......................... Williamsport......................... Y o r k ..;............................... 13,658 3,085 6,946 2,630 3,979 12,850 2,877 6,513 2,497 3,833 759 207 379 44 35 48 1 54 89 111 6,778 1,520 3'550 1,311 1,932 6,363 1,424 3,335 1,241 1,861 39l 95 190 24 22 23 1 25 46 49 6,880 1,565 3,396 1,319 2,047 6,487 1,453 3', 178 1,256 1,972 368 112 189 20 13 25 Ohio: Akron.................................... Canton.............................. Cincinnati......... .................... Cleveland.............................. Columbus.............................. 5,385 4,112 26,408 50,420 13,507 5,028 3,915 24,357 44,538 12,382 313 178 1,021 5,422 338 44 19 1,029 453 784 2,691 2,030 13,171 25,267 6,764 2,518 1,931 12,177 22,362 6,227 151 88 511 2,684 171 22 11 482 218 365 2,694 2,082 13,237 25,153 6,743 2,510 1,984 12,180 22,176 6,155 162 90 510 2,738 167 22 8 547 235 419 Dayton.... ............................. Hamilton.............................. Lima.................................... Lorain................................... Newark..... ........................... 9,265 3,174 2,734 3,012 2,108 8,618 3,065 2,611 2,590 2,049 322 53 31 387 36 325 56 92 35 23 4,637 1,600 1,417 1,460 1,083 4,313 1,547 1,355 1,245 1,054 165 27 15 197 18 159 26 47 18 11 4,628 1,574 1,317 1,552 1,025 4,305 1,518 1,256 1,345 995 157 26 16 190 18 166 30 45 17 12 Springfield............................. Toledo................ 1 . . . . . . . ___ Youngstown......................... Zanesville.............................. 3,798 14,844 7,072 2,246 3,370 14,058 6,337 2,097 19 670 581 21 409 114 154 128 1,967 7,473 3,484 1,113 1,750 7,076 3,118 1,043 8 340 288 13 209 55 78 57 1,831 7,371 3,588 1,133 1,620 6,982 3,219 1,054 11 330 293 8 200 59 76 71 Indiana: Evansville................. ........... Fort Wayne.......................... Indianapolis.......................... South Bend........................... Terre Haute.......................... 5,784 5,376 18,078 4,952 4,995 5,316 5,258 16,285 4,471 4,734 19 79 268 439 47 449 38 1,523 36 214 2,847 2,640 8,998 2,468 2,592 2,616 2,577 8,104 2,222 2,452 11 41 132 227 29 220 22 761 14 111 2,937 2,736 9,080 2,484 2,403 2,700 2,681 8,181 2,249 2,282 8 38 136 212 18 229 16 762 22 103 Illinois: Aurora............... .......... ........ Bloomington......................... Chicago................................. Danville................................ 2,439 1,896 191,294 2,573 2,309 1,790 171,235 2,456 104 47 17,883 12 26 59 2,147 105 1,238 931 96,134 1,270 1,185 884 85,980 1,209 48 22 9,106 5 5 25 1,033 56 1,201 965 95,160 1,303 1,124 906 85,255 1,247 56 25 8,777 7 21 34 1,114 49 Decatur................................. East St. Louis...................... Elgin..................................... Joliet..................................... 2,659 5,216 1,945 3,236 2,538 4,510 1,864 3,003 61 228 72 206 60 478 9 26 1,304 2,653 1,019 1,646 1,242 2,315 974 1,524 29 118 40 107 33 220 5 15 1,355 2,563 926 1,590 1,296 2,195 890 1,479 32 110 32 99 27 258 4 11 Peoria.................................... Quincy................................. Rockford............................... Springfield............................. 5,002 2,813 3,734 4,654 4,803 2,701 3,453 4,260 95 16 273 175 104 96 8 219 2,513 1,394 1,877 2,335 2,406 1,334 1,738 2,148 47 6 135 91 60 54 4 96 2,489 1,419 1,857 2,319 2,397 1,367 1,715 2,112 48 10 138 84 44 42 4 123 29 43 62 EAST NORTH CENTRA1. F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis --7 CO T a b l e 3 7 .— CH ILDREN 5 TO 9 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES HAVING A POPULATION OF 25,000 OR O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910— Continued. CITY. Foreign bom . Total. Native. Foreign bom. Total. Negro. Native. Foreign bom. 1,774 4,702 40,488 2,642 1,699 4,502 36,180 2,460 41 191 3,960 153 34 9 343 29 874 2,390 20,231 1,288 841 2,282 18,078 1,213 15 103 1,983 60 18 5 166 15 900 2,312 20,257 1,354 858 2,220 18,102 1,247 1,977 93 9,205 2,358 2,633 2,064 4,100 649 62 211 55 202 45 19 49 30 19 4,924 1,218 1,460 1,041 2,194 4,591 1,179 1,335 995 2,081 311 32 100 24 101 21 7 25 22 12 4,977 1,221 1,433 1,108 2,127 4,614 1,179 1,298 1,069 2,019 338 30 111 31 101 24 12 24 Lansing................................................ Saginaw............................................... 9,901 2,439 2,893 2,149 4,321 Wisconsin: Green B ay........................................... La Crosse............................................. Madison............................................... ' Milwaukee............................................ 2,689 2,619 1,956 33,721 2,637 2,577 1,880 31,213 37 37 63 2,463 4 5 12 44 1,293 1,312 1,003 16,784 1,267 1,291 962 15,513 21 18 32 1,260 1 3 11 1,396 1,307 953 16,937 1,370 1,286 918 15,700 16 19 31 1,203 3 2 4 33 3,109 3,332 2,521 4,106 2,983 3,042 2,280 3,787 117 285 240 294 8 5 1 7 1,550 1,656 1,258 2,134 1,498 1,490 1,134 i;976 47 164 123 150 4 2 1 4 1,559 1,676 1,263 1,972 1,485 1,552 1,146 1,811 70 121 117 144 4 3 3 Minnesota: Duluth................................................. Minneapolis......................................... St. Paul................................................ 6,734 22,085 17,485 6,197 20,575 16,416 525 1,392 928 11 115 140 3,443 11,187 8,789 3,173 10,453 8,261 265 672 459 4 61 68 3,291 10,898 8,696 3,024 10,122 8,155 260 720 469 7 54 72 Iowa: Cedar Rapids....................................... Clinton................................................. Council Bluffs...................................... Davenport............................................ 2,645 2,221 2,668 3,489 2,514 2,120 2,593 3,376 116 30 53 69 15 71 22 43 1,302 1,108 1,356 1,793 1,232 1,045 1,315 1,723 62 16 30 46 8 47 11 24 1,343 1,113 1,312 1,696 1,282 1,075 1,278 1,653 54 14 23 23 7 24 11 19 Flint..................................................... Grand Rapids...................................... Jackson................................................ Oshkosh............................................... Racine.................................................. Superior............................................... 8 V. 26 Negro. 88 16 4 177 14 8 7 WEST NORTH CENTRAL. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N ". east n o r t h centeal—continued. Michigan: Battle Creek........................................ White. White. Negro. Total. Native. GIRLS. BOYS. WHITE. oo ° Des Moines Dubuque.. Sioux City. Waterloo... 32079 Missouri: Joplin.......... Kansas City. o St. Joseph... St. Louis__ Springfield.. 6,950 3,177 3,615 2 145 201 34 211 232 7 26 3,714 1,607 1,929 1,069 3,502 1,585 1,802 1,045 103 19 116 24 108 3 11 3,670 1,611 1,923 1,120 3,448 1,592 1,813 1,100 98 15 95 20 124 4 15 3,176 17,159 6,210 54,667 3; 156 3,120 15,415 5,774 49,277 2,978 9 548 162 2,786 1 47 1,189 274 2,588 177 1,561 8,641 3,124 27,077 1,584 1,531 7,786 2,903 24,432 1,490 8 287 77 1,390 22 565 144 1,243 94 1,615 8,518 3,086 27,590 1,572 1,589 7,629 2,871 24,845 1,488 1 261 85 1,396 1 25 624 130 1,345 83 3,535 9,535 44 Nebraska: Lincoln.......... Omaha........... South Omaha. 2 ; 737 3,137 8,739 2,462 349 554 215 49 239 60 1,782 4,782 1,423 1,578 4,390 1,267 173 269 122 31 121 34 1,753 4,753 1,314 1,559 4,349 1,195 176 285 93 18 118 26 Kansas: Kansas City Topeka....... Wichita....... 7,595 3,419 4,129 6,638 2,943 3,877 185 87 42 769 389 210 3,753 1,717 2,005 3,271 1,491 1,889 100 43 20 381 183 96 3,842 1,702 2,124 3,367 1,452 1,988 85 44 22 388 206 114 Delaware: Wilmington........ 7,521 6,540 274 706 3,719 3,264 127 328 3,802 3,276 147 378 Maryland: Baltimore........... 49,617 41,035 2,164 6,416 24,739 20,586 1,093 3,060 24,878 20,449 1,071 3,356 District of Columbia: Washington1 ___ 25,312 17,652 457 7,192 12,666 8,929 .237 3,494 12,646 8,723 220 3,698 Virginia: Lynchburg......... Norfolk............ ,. Portsmouth........ Richmond.......... Roanoke............. 2,684 5,830 3,073 10,885 3,379 1,846 3,738 1,935 6,948 2,608 6 120 30 99 15 831 1,972 1,108 3,838 756 1,372 2,807 1,568 5,359 1,648 928 1,811 1,015 3,491 1,280 1 51 12 43 10 442 945 541 1,825 358 1,312 3,023 1,505 5,526 1,731 918 1,927 920 3,457 1,328 5 69 18 56 5 389 1,027 567 2,013 398 West Virginia: Huntington....... . Wheeling....... . 3,147 3; 553 2,957 3,424 9 60 181 69 1,560 1,775 1,471 1,706 5 36 84 33 1,587 1,778 1,486 1,718 4 24 97 36 North Carolina: Charlotte............ Wilmington........ 3,481 2,438 2,244 1,232 19 7 1,218 1,199 1,689 1,226 1,089 617 9 5 591 604 1,792 1,212 1,155 615 10 2 627 595 14 1,385 1,236 2,989 2,635 25 2,413 5,427 476 5 643 12 1,024 1,124 1,295 2,331 1 Population is for the District of Columbia, with which the city is coextensive. 2,792 1,207 1,177 652 11 7 1,604 548 SOUTH ATLANTIC. South Carolina: Charleston. Columbia.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , ¿5 7,384 3,218 3,852 00 T a b l e 3 7 .— CHILD REN 5 TO 9 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES H AVIN G A POPULATION OF 25,000 OR O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910— Continued. CITY. Total. Native. Foreign bom. Negro. Total. Native. Foreign bom. Negro. SOUTH ATLANTIC—continued. Georgia: Savannah........................................... Florida: Tam pa......................... ................... 13,721 3,422 3,713 5,696 9,310 2,023 2,064 2,846 124 13 20 69 4,284 1,384 1,629 2,781 6,945 1,707 1,845 2,734 4,759 1,007 1,046 1,429 69 5 6 41 2,116 694 793 1,264 6,776 1,715 1,868 2,962 4,551 1,016 1,018 1,417 55 8 14 28 2,16S 69C 83f 1,51/ 4,486 3,'870 2,165 2,593 42 492 2,273 784 2,256 1,953 1,103 1,316 19 260 1,131 377 2,230 1,917 1,062 1,277 23 232 1,145 40' 4,523 2,548 18,270 2,566 4,341 1,800 15,571 2,463 15 8 179 58 167 740 2,520 45 2,216 1,289 9,118 1,311 2,120 900 7,767 1,253 10 4 85 35 86 385 1,266 23 2,307 1,259 9,152 1,255 2,221 900 7,804 1,210 5 4 94 23 81 35. 1,254 25 3,603 3,054 10,044 9,731 2,117 2,495 6,173 6,783 40 20 133 64 1,446 539 3,736 2,884 1,799 1,491 4,873 4,920 1,073 1,241 3,004 3,471 19 8 82 32 707 242 1,787 1,417 1,804 1,563 5,171 4,811 1,044 1,254 3,169 3,312 21 12 51 32 73S 29' 1,94i 1,46' 12,853 4,656 3,346 8,161 2,661 1,686 179 38 16 4,513 1,957 1,643 6,467 2,263 1,652 4,172 1,287 866 97 14 8 2,198 962 777 6,386 2,393 1,694 3,989 1,374 820 82 24 8 2,31. 99. 86f 3,851 2,705 17 1,127 1,923 1,355 8 559 1,928 1,350 9 56S EAST SOUTH CENTRAL. Kentucky: Covington.......................................... Newport............................................ Tennessee: Chattanooga....................................... Nashville........................................... Birmingham...................................... Montgomery...................................... WEST SOUTH CENTRAL. Arkansas: Little Rock........................................ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . Foreign bom. White. White. Negro. Total. Native. GIRLS. BOYS. WHITE. oo ^ 32,030 2,627 23,722 1,210 477 16 7,824 1,401 Oklahoma: Muskogee............................................. Oklahoma City.................................... 2,223 5,024 1,380 4|437 26 815 558 Texas: Austin.................................................. Dallas................................................... El Paso................................................. Fort Worth.......................................... 2,713 7,971 4,126 6,864 1,891 6,526 2,941 5,596 25 102 1,073 86 796 1,340 112 1,182 Galveston............................................. Houston............................................... San Antonio......................................... W aco.................................................... 3,224 6,706 9,529 2,665 2,512 4,625 7,844 2,079 126 119 754 33 586 1,969 928 553 Montana: Butte.................................................... 3,066 2,922 128 9 Colorado: Colorado Springs.................................. Denver................................................. Pueblo.................................................. 2,307 16,176 3,922 2,184 15,170 3,654 34 693 156 89 299 111 Utah: Ogden................................................... Salt Lake City..................................... 2,655 8,794 2,524 8,372 112 387 11 30 Washington: Seattle.................................................. Spokane............................................... Tacoma................................................. 15,123 7,807 6,448 13,895 7,394 5,949 1,043 382 449 72 27 32 Oregon: Portland............................................... 12,403 11,379 893 42 California: Los Angeles.......................................... Oakland............................................... San Francisco...................................... Berkeley............................................... 20,518 10,675 24,908 2,844 18,500 9,714 22,809 2,686 1,383 595 1,640 108 515 183 61 21 Pasadena.............................................. Sacramento...................... ................... San Diego............................................. San Jose'............................................... 1,993 2,643 2,589 2,062 1,872 2,446 2,387 1,939 65 100 169 91 53 24 27 10 MOUNTAIN. PACIFIC. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , Louisiana: New Orleans........................................ Shreveport.................... ....................... T a b l e 3 8 .— CHILD REN 10 TO 14 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES H AVIN G A POPULATION OF 25,000 OR O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910. BOYS. WHITE. Native. White. White. Negro. Total. Foreign bom. Total. Foreign bom. Native. Foreign bom. N EW ENGLAND Maine: Lewiston........................ Portland......................... 2,461 4,344 1,967 4,067 491 255 3 21 1,233 2,106 991 1,978 242 117 10 1,228 2,238 976 2,089 249 138 New Hampshire: Manchester.............,....... Nashua........................... 6,382 2,262 5,146 1,938 1,231 324 5 3,093 1,160 2,498 991 592 169 3 3,289 1,102 2,648 947 639 155 Massachusetts: Boston............................ Brockton........................ Brookline town......... Cambridge.................. Chelsea........................... 55,316 4,647 1,825 8,892 2,857 47,723 4,225 1,765 7,630 2,129 6,748 374 54 838 699 826 48 423 28 27,593 2,310 906 4,383 1,415 23,764 2,117 880 3,787 1,072 3,444 169 25 393 331 371 24 1 203 12 27,723 2,337 919 4,509 1,442 23,959 2,108 885 3,843 1,057 3,304 205 29 445 368 Chicopee......................... E verett........................ . Fall River...................... Fitchburg....................... Haverhill...................... . 2,271 3,164 11,795 3,429 3,544 2,012 2; 840 9,712 3,019 3,266 259 236 2,082 407 249 88 19 3 29 1,139 L600 5,956 1,681 1,762 1,003 L434 4,892 1,486 1,627 136 109 1,056 194 121 1 14 6 1,132 1,564 5,839 1.748 1,782 1,009 1,406 4,820 1,533 1,639 123 127 1,006 213 128 Holyoke........................ . Lawrence.......... ........... . Lowell........................... Lynn......... ................... Malden......................... 5,723 7,335 8,656 6,635 4,171 4,965 5,832 7,466 5,862 3,684 757 1,489 1,186 713 431 14 4 60 56 2,845 3,587 4,279 3,265 2,081 2,515 2,831 3,682 2,871 1,838 329 753 594 359 217 1 3 3 35 26 2,878 3.748 4,3^7 3,370 2,090 2,450 3,001 3,784 2,991 1,846 428 736 592 354 214 New Bedford................ N ew ton....................... Pittsfield....................... Quincy.......................... Salem............................ 8,296 3,290 2,513 3,022 3,770 6,302 3,051 2,331 2,709 3,364 1,811 200 156 311 396 182 37 26 1 9 4,048 1,648 1,263 1,505 1,830 3,077 1,529 1,181 1,351 1,627 893 99 69 153 199 78 18 13 4 4,248 1,642 1,250 1,517 1,940 3,225 1,522 1,150 1,358 1,737 Somerville..................... Springfield 6,333 6,965 5,925 6,231 385 609 23 122 3,206 -3,473 2,992 3,128 204 290 10 52 3,127 3,492 2,933 3,103 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 1 57 181 319 Negro. F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . Native. Total. Negro. 2,849 2,344 12,037 2,559 2,169 10,773 267 161 1,174 23 13 88 1,403 1,220 5,928 1,272 1,131 5,295 124 78 598 7 10 34 1,446 1,124 6,109 1,287 1,038 5,478 143 83 576 16 3 54 Rhode Island: Newport................................... Pawtucket................................ Providence............................... Warwick town......................... Woonsocket.............................. 1,987 4,819 18,305 2,609 3,730 1,803 4,233 15,360 2,233 2,886 80 562 2,539 362 842 103 24 383 13 2 983 2,440 9,121 1,247 1,805 904 2,160 7,644 1,074 1,384 34 268 1,291 168 420 45 12 175 4 1 1,004 2,379 9,184 1,362 1,925 899 2,073 7,716 1,159 1,502 46 294 1,248 194 422 58 12 208 9 1 Connecticut: Bridgeport1.............................. Hartford1................................. Meriden town......................... *. Meriden city............................. New Britain1........................... 8,260 7,955 3,027 2,551 3,699 7,201 6,864 2,795 2,341 3,238 984 939 215 193 453 75 152 17 17 8 4,086 3,960 1,622 1,403 1,842 3,582 3,407 1,496 1,284 1,599 475 473 115 108 240 29 80 11 11 3 4,174 3,995 1,405 1,148 1,857 3,619 3,457 1,299 1,057 1,639 509 466 100 85 213 46 72 6 6 5 New Haven1............................ Norwich town..................... . Stamford town...................... Stamford city .. ........................ Waterbury1............................. 11,803 2,472 2,358 2,098 6,437 10,075 2,146 2,041 1,792 5,704 1,491 277 297 286 675 236 48 20 20 58 5,975 1,192 1,195 1,064 3,201 5,077 1,039 1,029 904 2,848 783 131 154 148 321 114 21 12 12 32 5,828 1,280 1,163 1,034 3,236 4,998 1,107 1,012 888 2,856 708 146 143 138 354 122 New York: Albany................... ................ . Amsterdam.............................. Auburn..................................... Binghamton............................. Buffalo...................................... Elmira...................................... 7,498 2,323 2,303 3,377 39,137 2,694 7,088 2,028 2,139 3,177 36,316 2,579 346 287 134 162 2,709 89 64 8 30 36 109 26 3,757 1,170 1,162 1,664 19,408 1,344 3,540 1,024 1,082 1,578 17,995 1,287 187 142 68 71 1,356 39 30 4 12 15 54 18 3,741 1,153 1,141 1,713 19,729 1,350 3,548 1,004 1,057 1,599 18,321 1,292 159 145 66 91 1,353 50 34 4 21 55 8 Jamestown........... ................... Kingston................................... Mount Vernon......................... New Rochelle............... ........... New York City........................ 2,452 2,254 2,840 2,539 422,431 2,183 2,124 2,589 2,183 340,156 257 75 211 238 77,334 12 55 39 118 4,858 1,240 1,084 1,408 1,242 210,598 1,095 1,029 1,293 1,058 169,752 141 32 97 125 38,553 4 23 17 59 2,246 1,212 1,170 1,432 1,297 211,833 1,088 1,095 1,296 1,125 170,404 116 43 114 113 38,781 8 32 22 59 2,612 Newburgh................................ Niagara Falls........................... Poughkeepsie........................... Rochester............... ................. Schenectady............................. 2,381 2,275 2,001 17,100 5,554 2,254 1,849 1,881 15,423 4,958 82 415 79 1,618 576 45 11 41 57 20 1,171 1,143 993 8,596 2,803 1,101 917 930 7,740 2,496 40 220 42 830 297 30 6 21 25 10 1,210 1,132 1,008 8,504 2,751 1,153 932 951 7,683 2,462 42 195 37 788 279 15 5 20 32 10 Syracuse................................... Troy.......................................... Utica..................................... . Watertown............................... Yonkers.................................... 10,724 6,062 6,037 2,009 7,214 9,954 5,747 5,176 1,777 6,532 709 275 831 226 595 4,949 60 5,340 2,985 2,846 40 30 3,099 2,652 6 983 878 3,635 3,295 87 1 Town and city coextensive. 366 121 431 104 296 24 18 16 1 44 5,384 3,077 2,938 1,026 3,579 5,005 2,901 2,524 899 3,237 343 154 400 122 299 36 22 14 5 43 27 8 8 26 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OP C H IL D R E N . Taunton................................... Waltham___ ............................ Worcester.................... ............. 00 T a b l e 3 8 — CHILD REN 10 TO 14 Y E A R S OF AG E, B Y SE X , RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES H AV IN G A POPULATION OF oo 25,000 O R O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910—Continued. BOYS. WHITE. Potai. Native. White. White. Negro. Native. Negro. Total. Negro. Total. Native. Foreign bom. Foreign bom. MIDDLE ATLANTIC—continued. New Jersey: Atlantic City............................... Bayonne...................... .............. Camden...................................... . East Orange............................. .. Elizabeth................................... 3,221 5,469 8,106 2)506 6,506 2,528 4,715 7,193 2,285 5,739 190 704 445 87 651 503 50 464 134 116 1,575 2,787 3,938 1,236 3,217 1,240 2,376 3,486 1,135 2,861 104 385 232 34 304 231 26 216 67 52 1 646 2,682 4,168 1,270 3,289 1,288 2,339 3,707 1,150 2,878 86 319 213 53 347 Hoboken..................................... Jersey City.................................. Newark....................................... Orange........................................ Passaic........................................ 6,742 25,533 31)323 2,608 4,470 5,884 23,305 26)676 2,199 3,351 841 1,821 4,014 195 1,079 17 407 626 214 40 3,389 12,753 15,474 1,272 2,223 2,942 11,627 13,190 1,066 1,693 438 927 2,008 103 514 9 199 272 103 16 3,353 12,780 15,849 1,336 2,247 2,942 11,678 13,486 1,133 1,658 403 894 2,006 92 565 Paterson..................................... Perth Amboy............................. Trenton...................................... West Hoboken town................. 11,722 2,973 8,304 3,529 10,068 2)466 7,296 3,018 1,529 494 866 506 123 13 142 4 5,908 1,466 4,134 1,747 5,044 1,229 3,616 1,495 786 235 450 251 76 2 68 5,814 1,507 4,170 1,782 5,024 1,237 3,680 1,523 743 259 416 255 47 11 74 4 Pennsylvania: Allentown............................. Altoona....................................... Chester....................................... Easton........................................ Erie........ ....... ........... ................ 4,184 4,701 3,230 2,239 6,010 4,015 4,519 2,692 2,129 5,665 161 144 136 86 324 8 38 402 24 21 2,091 2,226 1,552 1,110 3,011 2,003 2,145 1,311 1,048 . 2,836 83 66 70 46 164 5 15 171 16 2,093 2,475 1,678 1,129 2,999 2,012 2,374 1,381 1,081 2,829 78 78 66 40 160 3 23 231 8 10 2,454 1,361 2,184 1,944 2,132 2,212 1,277 1,978 1,867 1,904 81 83 199 38 191 161 7 39 37 2,567 1,419 2,280 2,006 2,154 2,314 1,326 2,090 1,933 1,957 80 92 175 29 159 173 1 15 44 38 1,436 969 1,304 870 114 63 18 36 1,445 1,085 1,305 981 126 55 14 49 Harrisburg............................. Hazleton..................................... Johnstown.................................. Lancaster................................. McKeesport................................ 5,021 2,780 4)464 3,950 4,286 4,526 2,603 4,068 3,800 3,861 161 175 374 67 350 334 2 22 83 75 New Castle................................. Norristown............................. . 2,881 2,054 2,609 1,851 240 118 32 85 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11 1 272 24 248 67 64 8 208 354 111 24 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S O F C H IL D R E N . Foreign born. Philadelphia........................ Pittsburgh........................... Reading............................... 131,084 46,392 8,067 112,571 40,879 7,779 13,288 3,665 234 5,207 1,843 54 Scranton.............................. Shenandoah......................... Wilkes-Barre....................... Williamsport....................... York..................................... 12,603 2,567 6,527 2,754 3,869 11,660 2,348 6,112 2,630 3,736 903 218 349 34 30 40 1 66 90 103 Ohio: Akron.......................... , ____ Canton................................. . Cincinnati............................ Cleveland___ ____ ............ Columbus.........?................. . 5,008 3,914 29,417 47,061 13,427 4,610 3,693 27,212 40,492 12,315 330 197 989 6,078 314 65 24 1,214 485 794 Dayton.........................____ Hamilton.............................. Lima.................................... . Lorain.................................. Newark............... ................. 8,678 3,143 2,622 2,292 2,004 8,104 3,055 2,519 1,886 1,952 282 39 ■32 379 28 291 48 71 27 24 . Springfield........................... . Toledo.................... .............. Youngstown..... ................. . Zanesville....................... :... 3,718 14,170 6,006 2,060 3,305 13,357 5,242 1,946 24 707 644 15 388 103 120 99 Indiana: Evansville........................... . Fort Wayne.......................... Indianapolis___ '............. . South Bend.......................... Terre Haute.......................... 5,870 5,567 , 17,568 4,562 4,928 5,339 5,408 15,769 4,086 4,691 17 115 275 418 44 514 42 1,523 47 193 Illinois: Aurora................................... Bloomington......................... Chicago................................. Danville................................ 2,439 2,096 185,799 2,390 2,325 1,988 164,613 2,268 85 36 19,005 21 29 72 2,150 101 Decatur................................. East St. Louis........... '.......... Elgin......................... ........... Joliet..................................... 2,629 4,585 2,121 2,933 2,516 4,043 2,032 2,687 55 168 78 205 58 374 11 41 Peoria................ ................... Quincy.................................. Rockford............................... Springfield............................. 5,246 3,018 3,730 4,266 5,030 2,875 3,502 3,845 113 103 134 11 244 EAST N ORTH CENTRAL. 9 217 177 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . oo T a b l e 3 8 . — C H IL D R E N 10 T O 14 Y E A R S O F A G E , B Y S E X , R A C E , A N D N A T I V I T Y , F O R C IT IE S H A V I N G A P O P U L A T IO N O F 25,000 O R O V E R : C E N S U S O F 1910— Continued. BOYS. W H IT E . C IT Y . Native. G IR L S , White. White. Negro. Total. Foreign bom. Total. Foreign bom. Total. Negro. Native. Foreign bom. Negro. east north centbal—continued. Michigan: Battle Creek...................................... Flint.................................................. Grand Rapids.................................... Saginaw............................................. Wisconsin: Milwaukee......................................... 1,732 4,325 37,170 2,207 1,635 4,113 32,684 2,035 63 202 4,139 143 34 8 342 29 850 2,164 18,496 1,063 806 2,076 16,235 981 31 86 2,081 66 13 2 178 16 882 2,161 18,674 1,144 829 2,037 16,449 1,054 32 116 2,058 77 - 164 13 9,286 2,185 2i 785 2,362 4,160 8,569 2,092 2,521 2,259 3,936 688 71 222 69 206 29 22 42 34 17 4,665 1,069 1,355 1,361 2,068 4,318 1,026 1,228 1,295 1,960 331 35 101 49 99 16 8 26 17 9 4,621 1,116 1,430 1,001 2,092 4,251 1,066 1,293 964 1,976 357 36 121 20 107 13 14 16 17 8 2,504 2,928 1,989 35; 320 2,459 2,869 1,892 32,832 36 49 85 2,450 1 10 11 37 1,274 1,448 947 17,748 1,246 1,423 903 16,491 23 23 39 1,235 1 2 4 21 1,230 1,480 1,042 17,572 1,213 1,446 989 16,341 13 26 46 1,215 8 7 16 3,117 3)325 153 276 285 311 6 9 1,465 1,565 1,204 1,630 85 121 156 161 3 1,565 1,636 1,295 1,757 1,493 1,475 1,166 1,601 68 155 129 150 4 6 1,552 1,689 1,360 1,805 2 3 3,562 2,958 3,040 2,370 3',23i 6,347 22,476 17,599 5,729 20,801 16,441 592 1,537 1,009 24 136 149 3,131 11,193 8,825 2,845 10,357 8,226 275 775 525 9 59 74 3,216 11,283 8,774 2,884 10,444 8,215 317 762 484 15 77 75 2,633 2,104 2,568 3,674 2,513 2,043 2,487 3,553 105 35 64 69 15 26 17 52 1,309 1,009 1,286 1,907 1,240 978 1,248 1,839 61 18 30 37 8 13 8 31 1,324 1,095 1,282 1,767 1,273 1,065 1,239 1,714 44 17 34 32 13 9 2, fißfi Superior............................................. 21 6 6 3 west north central. Minnesota: St. Paul............................................. Iowa: Davenport......................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . Native. 00 6,851 3,335 3,905 2,007 6,440 3,285 3,686 1,979 211 42 200 28 200 8 19 '3,353 1,628 1,935 936 3,139 1,611 1,821 923 119 13 104 13 95 4 10 3,498 1,707 1,970 1,071 3,301 1,674 1,865 92 29 96 Missouri: Joplin................................ Kansas City..................... St. Joseph......................... St. Louis.......................... Springfield...................... 2,732 16,979 6,043 56,216 3,103 2,664 15,132 5,606 50,631 2,904 12 568 159 2,886 6 56 1,277 276 2,680 190 1,317 8,351 2,934 27,898 1,518 1,288 7,472 2,716 25,157 1,418 3 288 81 1,440 3 26 590 136 1,293 96 1,415 8,628 3,109 28,318 1,585 1,376 7,660 2,890 25,474 1,486 9 280 78 1,446 3 Nebraska: Lincoln............................. Omaha............................. South Omaha................... 3,195 9,300 2,497 2,847 8,559 -2,255 306 539 197 41 202 45 1,546 4,614 1,227 1,374 4,261 1,109 151 261 97 . 20 92 21 1,649 4,686 1,270 1,473 4,298 1,146 155 278 100 Kansas: Kansas C ity .................... Topeka............................. Wichita............................ 7,165 3,298 4,059 6,262 2,828 3,827 173 87 47 . 728 383 184 3,490 1,606 1,943 3,065 1,380 1,817 84 40 29 341 186 96 3,675 1,692 2,116 3,197 1,448 2,010 89 47 18 30 687 140 1,387 94 387 197 S O U T H A T L A N T IC . Delaware: Wilmington..................... 7,232 6,142 305 785 3,537 2,993 158 386 3,695 3,149 147 Maryland: yland: Baltimore. 48,507 39,838 2,512 6,151 23,564 19,556 1,246 2,759 24,943 20,282 1,266 District of Columbia: Washington i___ 24,649 16,893 525 7,211 12,151 8,492 262 3,384 12,498 8,401 263 Virginia: Lynchburg........ Norfolk.............. Portsmouth....... Richmond......... Roanoke............ . 2,643 5,405 2,784 10,933 3,326 1,748 3,443 1,777 6,923 2,514 9 122 30 122 22 886 1,839 977 3,888 790 1,285 2,650 1,416 5,395 1,663 878 1,731 919 3,442 1,275 3 62 20 59 13 404 856 477 1,894 375 1,358 2,755 ' 1,368 5,538 1,663 870 1,712 858 3,481 1,239 6 60 10 63 9 West Virginia: Huntington........ Wheeling___ ___ 2,921 3,494 2,727 3,371 8 74 186 49 1,496 1,754 1,391 1,691 2 41 103 22 1,425 1,740 1,336 1,680 6 33 North Carolina: Charlotte............. Wilmington........ 3,221 2,307 2,090 1,181 9 2 1,122 1,124 1,582 1,111 1,041 570 4 2 537 539 1,639 1,196 1,049 611 5 585 585 South Carolina: Charleston....... Columbia............ 5,329 2,269 2,382 1,186 35 24 2,912 1,059 2,573 1,176 21 1,376 1,112 587 16 509 * Population is for the District of Columbia, with which the city is coextensive. 2,756 1,157 1,206 599 14 8 1,536 550 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 482 983 500 1,994 415 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . Des Moine Dubuque______________ Sioux City........................ Waterloo.......................... T a b l e 3 8 .— CH ILDREN 10 TO 14 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES H AV IN G A POPULATION OF 25,000 O R O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910— Continued. Native. A T L A N T IC — Total. Native. Foreign bom . Negro. Total. Native. Foreign bom . Negro. coMinued. Georgia: 13,265 3)438 3)798 5,472 8,503 1,818 2,056 2,712 155 13 22 96 4,607 1,606 1,720 2,664 6,571 1,643 1,809 2,548 4,264 894 1,011 1,302 77 9 9 55 2,230 740 789 1,191 6,694 1,795 1,989 2,924 4,239 924 1,045 1,410 78 4 13 41 2,37' 86( 931 l,47i 4,350 3)156 1,970 1,914 61 579 2,316 663 2,152 1,511 976 905 41 294 1,133 312 2,198 1,645 994 1,009 20 285 1,1« 351 Newport............................................... 4,662 2,719 19,148 2,664 4,458 1,851 16,021 2,559 9 16 208 59 195 850 2,919 46 2,261 1,369 9,361 1,363 2,156 939 7,898 1,316 5 9 89 30 100 419 1,374 17 2,401 1,350 9,787 1,301 2,302 912 8,123 1,243 4 7 119 29 9. 43 1,54. 2i Tennessee: Chattanooga......................................... Knoxville.” .......................................... Memphis.............................................. Nashville.............................................. 3,551 3,197 9,461 9,896 2,161 2,579 5,817 6,587 47 14 185 80 1,343 604 3,454 3,228 1,753 1,561 4,554 4,778 1,103 1,250 2,836 3,216 18 8 91 39 632 303 1,626 1,523 1,798 1,636 4,907 5,118 1,058 1,329 2,981 3,371 29 6 94 41 71 30 1,821 1,70. 11,471 4,473 3,383 6,882 2,540 1,603 193 49 19 4,396 1,884 1,760 5,625 2,174 1,640 3,427 1,273 816 102 18 7 2,096 883 816 5,846 2,299 1,743 3,455 1,267 787 91 31 12 2,30( 1; 00 94< 3,443 2,382 17 1,044 1,688 1,182 8 498 1,755 1,200 9 541 Savannah............................................. Florida: Tampa.................................................. EAST SOUTH CEN TRAL. Kentucky: Covington............................................ Lexington............................................ Alabama: ' Birmingham........................................ Montgomery......................................... W E ST SOUTH CE N TR A L. Little R ock.......................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . SOUTH Foreign bom. White. White. Negro. Total. C IT Y . G IR L S . BOYS. W H IT E . g ^ 32,046 2,338 23,710 1,079 596 26 7,730 1,233 Oklahoma: Muskogee.............................................. Oklahoma City.................................... 1,984 4,332 1,227 3,837 6 35 706 457 Texas: Austin.................................................. Dallas................................................... El Paso................................................. Fort Worth.......................................... 2,854 7,350 3,574 5,924 2,080 5,910 2,245 4,822 32 110 1,221 92 741 1,329 102 1,010 Galveston...........*................................ Houston............................................... San Antonio......................................... W aco.................................................... 3,075 6,461 9,152 2,678 2,364 4,329 7,280 2,041 117 150 891 32 594 1,982 976 602 Montana: Butte.................................................... 2,836 2,664 150 17 Colorado: Colorado Springs.................................. Denver................................................. Pueblo.................................................. 2,327 16,328 3,328 2,170 15,147 3,027 52 833 199 104 333 102 Utah: Ogden.................................................. Salt Lake City..................................... 2,478 8,182 2,342 7,683 126 468 7 27 Washington: Seattle.................................................. Spokane................................................ Tacoma................................................ 14,491 7,297 6,237 13,233 6,879 5,694 1,092 375 461 37 41 Oregon: Portland............................................... 12,448 11,460 876 32 California: Los Angeles.......................................... Oakland............................................... San Francisco....................................... Berkeley............................................... 20,999 10,468 24,822 3,095 18,728 9,477 22,358 2,886 1,643 664 1,919 148 537 131 65 25 Pasadena.............................................. Sacramento.......................................... San Diego............................................. San Jose................................................ 2,116 2,733 2,699 2,117 1,985 2,522 2,452 1,970 73 200 126 56 27 34 M O U N T A IN . P A C IF IC . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 121 93 6 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H I L D R E N . Louisiana: New Orleans........................................ Shreveport............................................ T able 3 9 .— CHILD REN 15 TO 19 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X, RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES HAVIN G A POPULATION OF 25,000 OR O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910. BOYS. G IR L S . White. White. g W H IT E . C IT Y . Negro. Total. Total. NEW Foreign bom. Native. Foreign bom. Negro. Total. Negro. Native. Foreign born. ENGLAND. Maine: 1 ,4 7 8 2 ,5 8 2 975 2 ,2 2 9 497 336 6 17 2 3 ,8 4 6 1,293 2 ,3 2 6 918 1 ,5 1 9 375 1 5 ,7 9 4 389 65 688 466 336 21 2 171 9 2 8,7 92 2 ,5 1 6 1,1 6 5 4 ,6 3 0 1,5 6 3 21,6 82 2 ,1 0 6 924 3 ,5 2 8 982 6 ,6 3 9 381 235 870 566 469 29 827 1 ,2 5 5 3 ,8 9 8 1 ,3 7 8 1 ,5 1 3 377 207 1 ,8 2 9 447 431 1 35 5 17 1 ,3 7 0 1 ,5 4 0 6,3 6 1 1 ,8 3 8 1 ,9 6 6 811 1 ,3 1 0 4 ,1 0 0 1 ,3 6 8 1,613 559 194 2,2 4 5 468 337 36 14 2 16 2 ,9 1 8 3 ,9 4 9 4 ,941 3 ,7 8 3 1 ,9 3 2 2 ,2 0 3 2 ,3 8 6 3 ,4 3 9 2 ,9 1 9 1 ,6 0 9 712 1 ,5 5 0 1 ,4 9 2 816 307 2 12 7 38 16 3 ,1 9 4 4 ,2 5 6 5 ,2 1 6 3 ,7 8 9 2 ,0 7 7 2 ,2 9 9 2 ,4 3 7 3 ,6 5 9 2 ,9 4 2 1 ,6 7 8 889 1 ,8 1 4 1 ,5 4 9 817 380 6 5 8 . 30 19 7 9 4,6 1 3 1 ,6 2 8 1 ,3 9 2 1 ,5 0 6 1,9 6 1 2 ,7 5 6 1,2 9 5 1 ,2 0 6 1 ,221 1 ,5 0 1 1 ,7 3 3 312 175 282 455 122 19 11 2 3 4 ,7 4 9 1 ,8 5 9 1 ,4 2 2 1 ,4 2 0 1,981 2,7 0 1 1,4 8 5 1 ,2 6 5 1 ,1 9 0 1 ,4 8 9 1 ,9 5 2 353 148 225 485 95 21 9 5 6 21 134 2 ,9 4 8 3 ,7 6 5 2,5 7 3 3 ,0 2 1 365 684 10 59 3 ,2 2 6 4 ,0 3 1 2 ,8 1 0 3 ,2 3 6 405 720 11 75 2 ,7 6 5 4 ,9 4 5 1 ,8 5 9 4 ,291 897 626 9 28 1 ,2 8 7 2,3 6 3 884 2 ,0 6 2 400 290 7 ,7 8 7 2 fi87 4 ,6 2 9 1 ,781 3 ,1 5 5 906 3 3 ,9 4 1 1 ,3 9 4 2 ,3 0 3 863 1 ,6 3 6 531 Chelsea. T.............................................. 5 5,8 66 5 ,0 3 1 2 ,0 2 9 8; 930 2,9 9 1 42,5 87 4 ,211 1 ,7 2 0 6 ,9 6 7 1 ,9 3 3 1 2,433 770 300 1 ,5 5 8 1 ,0 3 2 805 50 8 402 24 2 7 ,0 74 2 ,5 1 5 864 4 ,3 0 0 1 ,4 2 8 20,9 05 2 ,1 0 5 796 3 ,4 3 9 951 Haverhill........ ................................... 2,5 7 5 3 ,0 3 8 1 2 ,0 96 3 ,6 6 5 3 ,9 2 8 1 ,6 3 8 2 ,5 6 5 7 ,9 9 8 2 ,7 4 6 3 ; 126 936 401 4 ,0 7 4 915 768 1 71 19 2 33 1 ,2 0 5 1 ,4 9 8 5 ,7 3 5 1 ,8 2 7 1 ,9 6 2 Malden................................................. 6 ,1 1 2 8,205 10,1 57 7j 572 4 ,0 0 9 4 ,5 0 2 4 ,823 7 ,0 9 8 5,8 6 1 3 ,2 8 7 1 ,601 3 ,3 6 4 3,0 4 1 1 ,6 3 3 687 8 17 15 68 35 5 ,4 5 7 2 ,7 8 0 2,4 7 1 2,4 1 1 2 ,9 9 0 3 ,6 8 5 665 323 507 940 217 40 Saleml.................................................. 9 ,3 6 2 3 ,4 8 7 2^ 814 2 '9 2 6 3 ,9 4 2 Springfield........................................... 6 ,1 7 4 7 ,7 9 6 5 ,3 8 3 6 ,2 5 7 770 1 ,4 0 4 Portland............................................... New Hampshire: Massachusetts: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ' 20 3 11 6 231 15 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . Native. 3 ,0 3 5 2 ,625 1 2 ,9 6 8 2 ,4 3 4 2 ,2 4 6 1 0 ,410 578 370 2 ,4 6 5 23 9 92 1,4 7 3 1,2 3 3 6 ,4 6 4 1 ,1 9 9 1 ,0 6 4 5 ,1 4 3 259 166 1 ,2 7 7 15 3 43 1 ,5 6 2 1 ,3 9 2 6 ,5 0 4 1 ,2 3 5 1 ,1 8 2 5 ,2 6 7 319 204 1 ,1 8 8 8 6 49 Rhode Island: Newport............................ Pawtucket......................... Providence........................ Warwick town................. . Woonsocket....................... 3 ,6 4 2 4 ,9 7 8 2 0 ,010 2 ,725 4 ,1 7 0 3 ,3 0 5 3 ,8 8 7 1 4 ,3 6 4 1 ,9 4 0 2 ,6 3 7 225 1 ,0 6 6 5 ,2 3 4 770 1 ,5 3 0 111 23 398 15 3 2 ,5 9 6 2 ,5 2 9 9 ,8 5 4 1 ,3 4 2 1 ,9 5 7 2 ,4 0 9 1 ,9 7 6 7 ,043 943 1 ,2 4 3 135 542 2 ,6 3 4 394 712 52 9 169 5 2 1 ,0 4 6 2 ,4 4 9 10,156 1,383 2,213 896 1,911 7,321 997 1 ,3 9 4 90 524 2 ,6 0 0 376 818 59 14 229 10 1 Connecticut: Bridgeport1...................... . Hartford1.......................... Meriden town.................... Meriden city...................... New Britain1.................... 9 ,3 7 0 8 ,3 9 4 3 ,3 1 0 2 ,8 0 6 4 ,193 6,7 8 5 6 ,4 1 2 2 ,8 8 5 2 ,4 2 9 2 ,835 2 ,5 0 2 1 ,8 4 4 398 350 1,351 83 134 27 27 7 4 ,5 8 4 4,103 1 ,7 3 0 1 ,483 2 ,0 3 7 3 ,3 2 8 3 ,2 0 2 1 ,5 0 8 1,281 1 ,3 7 6 1,221 835 204 184 659 35 62 18 18 2 4 ,7 8 6 4,291 1 ,580 1,323 2 ,1 5 6 3 ,4 5 7 3 ,2 1 0 1 ,3 7 7 1 ,1 4 8 1 ,4 5 9 1,2 8 1 1 ,0 0 9 194 166 692 48 72 9 9 5 New Haven1. . . . ............... Norwich town................... Stamford town.................. Stamford city.................... Waterbury1............. ......... 1 2 ,012 2,651 2 ,5 5 7 2 ,2 5 4 6 ,6 6 6 9 ,0 3 2 1 ,9 9 6 1 ,9 7 9 1 ,7 1 9 5 ,0 9 4 2 ,7 0 9 587 551 510 1 ,5 1 7 270 65 27 25 55 5 ,9 2 9 1,231 1 ,2 1 5 1 ,0 5 0 3 ,2 7 7 4 ,3 9 2 949 946 806 2 ,4 2 8 1 ,4 0 8 253 260 235 825 128 28 9 9 24 6,083 1 ,4 2 0 1 ,3 4 2 1 ,2 0 4 3 ,3 8 9 4 ,6 4 0 1 ,0 4 7 1,033 913 2 ,6 6 6 1,301 334 291 275 692 142 37 18 16 31 New York: Albany............................... Amsterdam....................... Auburn............................ Bimghamton.................. Buffalo..................... ......... Elmira................................ 8 ,503 3 ,1 9 7 2 ,9 6 7 4,071 42,049 3 ,7 6 4 7,771 2 ,1 7 7 2 ,4 3 6 3 ,451 3 6 ,8 7 6 3 ,3 8 8 656 1 ,0 1 5 503 582 5 ,0 6 3 310 76 5 28 38 103 66 4 ,0 6 4 1 ,3 7 6 1 ,4 3 8 1 ,8 0 2 20,427 2 ,021 3 ,7 0 2 973 1 ,1 8 0 1,591 1 7 ,994 1 ,7 3 6 333 400 246 197 2 ,3 8 9 239 29 3 12 14 42 46 4 ,4 3 9 1,821 1 ,5 2 9 2 ,2 6 9 2 1 ,6 2 2 1,7 4 3 4 ,0 6 9 1 ,2 0 4 1 ,2 5 6 1 ,8 6 0 1 8 ,8 8 2 1 ,6 5 2 323 615 257 385 2 ,6 7 4 71 47 2 16 24 61 20 Jamestown......................... Kingston............................ Mount Vernon................... New Rochelle.................... New York City.................. 2 ,8 8 6 2 ,6 3 7 2 ,813 2 ,5 7 7 457,616 2 ,3 4 7 2 ,4 1 9 2 ,2 8 8 1 ,9 1 6 3 0 9 ,247 531 157 442 521 141,943 8 61 83 139 6 ,2 8 0 1 ,4 2 7 1 ,225 1 ,2 8 6 1 ,3 2 4 216,071 1 ,1 1 8 1 ,1 1 0 1 ,0 7 4 994 150,430 306 89 182 283 62,883 3 26 30 46 2 ,6 6 0 1,4 5 9 1 ,4 1 2 1 ,5 2 7 1,253 241,545 1 ,2 2 9 1 ,3 0 9 1 ,2 1 4 922 158 ,817 225 68 260 238 7 9 ,060 5 35 53 93 3 ,6 2 0 Newburgh.......................... Niagara Falls..................... Poughkeepsie.................... Rochester........................... Schenectady...................... 2 ,6 3 2 2 ,5 9 6 2 ,395 2 0 ,122 5 ,6 8 0 2 ,3 8 8 1 ,7 7 0 2 ,0 9 9 1 6 ,866 4 ,7 3 8 193 808 240 3 ,1 9 0 924 51 17 56 60 18 1,273 1 ,3 0 7 1 ,1 3 6 9 ,973 2 ,8 9 7 1 ,167 877 981 8 ,2 4 7 2 ,393 89 419 127 1 ,6 9 2 497 17 10 28 34 7 1 ,3 5 9 1 ,2 8 9 1 ,2 5 9 1 0 ,149 2 ,783 1,221 893 1 ,1 1 8 8 ,6 1 9 2 ,3 4 5 104 389 113 1 ,4 9 8 427 34 7 28 26 11 Syracuse............................ T roy..., , ............................ Utica.................................. Watertown........................ Yonkers............................. 1 2 ,169 7,175 6 ,9 3 4 2,261 7 ,7 3 4 10,505 6 ,4 8 5 5 ,2 4 5 1 ,897 5 ,7 4 5 1 ,5 8 7 657 1 ,6 7 4 360 1 ,865 74 33 15 4 122 5 ,9 8 2 3 ,3 0 0 3 ,2 9 0 1 ,096 3 ,6 0 7 5 ,081 3 j 001 2 ,5 2 8 894 2 ,7 4 5 865 286 758 199 814 35 13 4 3 46 6 ,1 8 7 3 ,8 7 5 3 ,6 4 4 1 ,1 6 5 4 ,1 2 7 5 ,4 2 4 3 ,4 8 4 2 ,7 1 7 1 ,0 0 3 3 ,0 0 0 722 371 916 161 1 ,051 39 20 11 1 76 M ID D L E A T L A N T IC . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Town and city coextensive. • F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OE C H IL D R E N . Taunton......................... .. Waltham........................... Worcester.......................... co Co T a b l e 3 9 . — CH ILDREN 15 TO 19 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X, RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES H AV IN G A POPULATION OF 25,000 O R O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910— Continued. Total. Foreign bom. Native. Foreign bom. Negro. Total. Native. Foreign bom. Negro. M ID D L E A T L A N T IC — c o n t i n u e d . New Jersey: Atlantic C ity . Bayonne....... Camden___.'. East Grange.. Elizabeth___ 3,439 5,129 8,706 2,910 6,755 2,568 3,920 7,382 2,394 5,362 304 1,173 823 355 1,262 567 36 497 160 131 1,701 2,543 4,219 1,299 3,281 1,263 1,931 3,597 1,177 2,627 161 599 407 80 592 1,738 2,586 4,487 1,611 3,474 1,305 1,989 3,785 1,217 2,735 143 574 416 ' 275 670 290 23 285 118 69 Hoboken... Jersey City. Newark___ Orange___ Passaic....... 6,793 25,635 32,809 2,724 7,177 5,408 21,439 25,158 2,084 2,587 1,377 3,803 6,899 464 4,531 3,419 12,514 15,535 1,317 2,435 2,704 10,435 12,090 1,002 1,252 711 1,905 3,110 235 1,161 3,374 13,121 17,274 1,407 4,742 2,704 11,004 13,068 1,082 1,335 666 391 750 175 59 1,898 3,789 229 3,370 4 219 416 96 37 Paterson.................... Perth Am boy............ Trenton...................... West Hoboken town. 12,398 3,022 9,285 3,432 9,631 2,024 7,466 2,681 2,644 982 1,624 744 118 16 193 5,982 1,454 4,563 1,619 4,677 977 3,692 1,284 1,252 473 798 330 6,416 1,568 4,722 1,813 4,954 1,047 3,774 1,397 1,392 509 826 414 122 2 5,119 4,820 3,689 2,600 6,045 4,396 4,586 2,976 2,336 5,394 713 198 340 231 628 36 372 33 23 10 2,270 2,409 1,915 1,253 2,962 2,090 2,289 1,531 1,112 2,608 177 103 216 124 343 2,849 2,411 1,774 1,347 3,083 2.306 2,297 1,445 1,224 2,786 536 95 124 107 285 7 19 204 16 12 5,709 2,687 5,616 4,509 4,212 5,073 2,392 4,511 4,333 3,429 261 294 1,076 102 712 375 1 27 74 69 2,680 1,280 3,015 2,116 2,088 2,387 1,117 2,242 2,027 1,665 132 163 763 60 392 3,029 1,407 2,601 2,393 2,124 2,686 1,275 2,269 2.306 1,764 129 131 313 42 320 214 3,207 2,513 141,540 2,525 2,207 113,501 630 235 22,263 52 71 5,743 1,645 1,186 67,600 1,247 1,034 55,217 376 118 10,085 1,562 1,327 73,940 1,278 1,173 58,284 254 117 12,178 30 37 3,475 Pennsylvania: Allentown. Altoona___ Chester___ Easton....... Erie........... Harrisburg.. Hazleton___ Johnstown.. Lancaster... McKeesport. N ew castle.. Norristown.. Philadelphia. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 12 1 19 45 40 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . Native. White. White. Negro. Total. Pittsburgh;........................... Reading................................. 50,803 9,128 41,458 8,550 7,513 512 1,822 66 Scranton................................ Shenandoah.......................... Wilkes-Barre......................... Williamsport......................... York...................................... 13,163 2,434 6,856 2,996 4,276 11,485 1,826 6,003 2,851 4,110 1,626 607 812 47 67 52 1 41 98 99 Ohio: Akron.................................... Canton................................... Cincinnati............................. Cleveland.............................. Columbus.............................. 6,515 4,733 35,285 52,383 16,479 5,801 4,241 31,775 41,076 14,846 662 . 464 2,004 10,726 572 52 27 1,506 569 1,056 Dayton.................................. Hamilton........................... . . Lima.... ................................ Lorain.................................... Newark.................................. 10,393 3,441 2,971 2,282 2,359 9,418 3,335 2,815 1,662 2,228 618 66 58 580 91 355 39 98 40 40 Springfield............ ................ Toledo............ ....................... Youngstown.......... .............. Zanesville.............................. 4,405 15,978 6,867 2,552 3,905 14,655 5,427 2,372 63 1,203 1,301 41 437 115 138 137 Indiana: Evansville......................... Fort Wayne.......................... Indianapolis.......................... South Bend........................... Terre Haute.......................... 7,041 6,277 20,307 5,092 5,431 6,433 6,055 17,939 4,381 5,094 43 178 647 667 94 565 43 1,720 37 243 Illinois: Aurora................................... Bloomington......................... Chicago.................................. Danville...................... ......... 2,832 2,464 208,368 2,632 2,538 2,320 167,681 2,463 270 72 37,979 38 24 72 2,618 131 Decatur.................................. East St. Louis...................... Elgin..................................... Joliet...................................... 2,948 5,338 2,445 3,202 2,815 4,392 2,324 2,743 67 457 109 427 66 489 12 32 Peoria.................................... Quincy................................. Rockford............................... Springfield............................. 6,034 3,665 4,190 4,607 5,713 3,498 3,625 4,133 206 29 551 219 115 137 14 253 EAST N ORTH CEN TRAL. F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T a b l e 3 9 .— CHILD REN 15 TO 19 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y SE X , RACE, AND N A T IV IT Y , FO R CITIES H AV IN G A POPULATION OF O 25,000 OR O V E R : CENSUS OF 1910—Continued. 05 BOYS. W H IT E . Native. Foreign bom. White. White. Negro. Total. C IT Y . Total. Foreign born. Total. Negro. Native. Foreign bom. east north central—continued. Michigan: Battle Creek......................................... Bay City.............................................. Detroit.................................. .............. Flint..................................................... 2,160 4,665 43,392 3,542 1,987 4,399 35,094 3,212 129 252 7,906 287 1,006 2,261 21,669 1,976 910 2,114 17,234 1,761 73 140 4,240 195 23 6 191 20 1,154 2,404 21,723 1,566 1,077 2,285 17,860 1,451 56 112 3,666 92 Grand Rapids...................................... Jackson................................................ Kalamazoo........................................... Lansing....................... ........................ Saginaw................................................ 10,662 2,562 3,622 3,218 4,964 9,487 2,407 3,233 2,974 4,653 1,131 134 329 220 285 5,046 1,233 1,655 1,919 2,379 4,435 1,150 1,459 1,756 2,215 590 74 171 152 156 20 9 24 11 8 5,616 1,329 1,967 1,299 2,585 5,052 1,257 1,774 1,218 2,438 541 60 158 Wisconsin: Green Bay............................................ La Crosse.............................................. Madison............................................... Milwaukee........................................... 2,576 3,307 2,446 38,520 2,506 3,193 2,298 34,017 59 109 132 4,454 1,150 1,551 1,164 18,737 1,115 1,491 1,092 16,194 32 57 61 2,523 1 3 5 19 1,426 1,756 1,282 19,783 1,391 1,702 1,206 17,823 Oshkosh............................................... Racine.................................................. Sheboygan........................................... Superior............................................... 3,395 3,708 2,889 3,595 3,170 3,180 2,470 2,874 211 516 419 501 1,620 1,855 1,455 1,589 1,489 1,536 1,190 1,317 127 314 265 258. 3 5 1,681 1,644 1,280 1,557 202 2 1,775 1,853 1,434 1,806 7,122 28,312 22,125 5,887 25,110 20,025 1,209 3,045 1,915 3,497 13,294 10,370 2,833 11,760 9,337 647 1,463 943 14 77 86 3,625 15,018 11,755 3,054 13,360 10,688 562 1,582 972 3,226 2,561 2,894 3,977 3,041 2,432 2,766 3,798 173 97 104 145 1,535 1,226 1,401 M l, 899 1,442 1, li>4 1,315 1,804 90 53 69 79 3 19 15 16 1,691 1,335 1,493 2,078 1,599 1,278 1,451 1,994 W EST NORTH 84 154 243 CENTRAL. Minnesota: Duluth................................................. Minneapolis......................... ................ St. Paul................................................ Iowa: Cedar Rapids....................................... Clinton................................................. Davennorti........................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 68 129 Negro. F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , Native. 32079°— 14 i : Moihfl Dubuque’ ....................... Sioux City.................... ], Waterloo................... 7,856 I 3,787 4,807 2,448 • 7,274 3,685 4,295 2,350 344 97 488 96 238 V ^ § 5 1 4 T, 758 24 2,373 2 1,180 3,560 1,697 2,059 1,128 182 57 301 52 109 3 13 4,005 2,029 2,434 1,268 3,714 1,988 2,236 1,222 162 ^ 40 187 44 129 1 11 2 3,053 21,535 7,494 66,410 3,695 2,962 18,861 6,782 57,907 3,443 13 924 312 5,168 23 78 1,742 399 3,319 226 1,454 10,177 3,511 32,064 1,744 Nebraska: Lincoln............................. Omaha......................... South Omaha............... . . 1,411 8,875 3,155 27,827 1,607 9 512 167 2,660 14 34 784 188 1,567 123 1,599 11,358 3,983 34,346 1,951 1,551 9,986 3,627 30,080 1,836 4 412 145 2,508 9 44 958 211 1,752 103 4,016 11,501 2,669 3,558 10,278 2,252 398 943 351 56 275 63 1,927 5,551 1,363 1,718 4,952 1,123 180 471 205 25 123 32 2,089 5,950 1,306 1,840 5,326 1,129 218 472 146 31 152 31 8,004 4,157 4,953 6,687 3,541 4,631 472 120 87 841 494 234 3,938 1,988 • 2,330 3,268 1,679 2,163 295 64 49 372 245 117 4,066 2,169 2,623 3,419 1,862 2,468 177 56 38 469 - 249 117 Kansas: Kansas City................ Topeka..................... Wichita................. S O U T H A T L A N T IC . Delaware: Wilmington...................... 8,236 6,714 746 776 4,044 Maryland: Baltimore......................... 3,305 402 337 4,192 3,409 344 439 54,253 42,525 4,114 7,607 25,124 District of Columbia: Washington i .................... 20,226 1,810 3,084 29,129 22,299 2,304 4,523 28,112 18,644 820 8,620 13,232 Virginia: Lynchburg....................... Norfolk.............................. Portsmouth.................".. ] Richmond................ Roanoke................... "’ 9,053 436 3,717 14,880 9,591 384 4,903 3,280 6,086 3,392 12,865 3,689 2,146 3,595 2,243 7,869 2,713 20 184 61 188 39 1,114 2,304 1,088 4,807 936 1,440 2,754 1,874 5,949 1,727 West Virginia: Huntington.................... Wheeling............................ 1,018 1,649 1,334 3,794 1,315 13 99 32 101 20 409 1,003 508 2,054 391 1,840 3,332 1,518 6,916 1,962 1,128 1,946 909 4,075 1,398 7 85 29 87 19 705 1,301 580 2,753 545 3,291 3,893 3,046 3,582 20 222 224 89 1,579 1,879 1,461 1,740 North Carolina: Charlotte..................... . Wilmington......................\ 9 97 108 42 1,712 2,014 1,585 1,842 11 125 116 47 3,558 2,434 2,226 1,260 20 11 1,311 1,159 1,612 1,120 1,063 613 South Carolina: Charleston................... . Colum bia................. 10 6 538 498 1,946 1,314 1,163 647 10 5 773 661 5,920 2,525 2,649 1,288 j 73 26 3,198 1,211 J 2,582 1,226 42 1,314 1,162 j 637 12 513 Population is for the District of Columbia with which the city is coextensive. 3,338 1,363 1,423 651 31 . 14 1,88^ 698 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . Missouri: Joplin........................... Kansas City........ St. Josep h ...___ St. Louis............... Springfield.......... T able 39 — C H I L D R E N 15 T O 19 Y E A R S O F A G E B Y S E X , R A C E , A N D N A T I V I T Y , F O R C IT IE S H A V I N G A P O P U L A T IO N O F 25,000 O R O V E R : C E N S U S O F 1910—Continued. C IT Y . At l a n t ic Native. Foreign bom. Negro. Total. Native. Foreign bom. Negro. —continued. Georgia: 15,280 4,180 4,138 6,029 9,777 2,171 2,290 2,826 235 39 29 144 5,267 1,968 1,819 3,059 7,054 1,812 1,918 2,715 4,665 958' 1,106 1,369 138 24 18 89 2,250 829 794 1,257 8,226 2,368 2,220 3,314 5,112 1,213 1,184 1,457 97 15 11 55 3,017 1,139 1,025 1,802 5,252 3,633 2,394 1,799 120 1,018 2,735 815 2,475 1,735 1,212 847 64 536 1,197 351 2,777 1,898 1,182 952 56 482 1,538 464 5,412 3,186 22,152 3,159 5,151 2,133 18,075 3,005 24 25 470 98 236 1,025 3,604 56 2,617 1,524 10,708 1,534 2,494 1,030 8,742 1,464 12 22 247 45 110 470 1,716 25 "2,795 1,662 11,444 1,625 2,657 1,103 9,333 1,541 12 3 223 53 126 555 1,888 31 4,360 4,134 11,968 11,602 2,502 3,232 6,765 7,461 65 30 318 125 1,793 872 4,881 4,016 2,072 1,935 5,679 5,425 1,212 1,531 3,246 3,556 34 16 191 54 826 388 2,240 1,815 2,288 2,199 6,289 6,177 1,290 1,701 3,519 3,905 31 14 127 71 967 484 2,641 2,201 12,456 4,844 3,873 7,294 2,698 1,858 283 88 31 4,878 2,057 1,984 5,966 2,158 1,762 3,621 1,250 877 172 50 21 2,172 858 864 6,490 2,686 2,111 3,673 1,448 981 111 38 10 2,706 1,199 1,120 Arkansas: Little R ock.......................................... 4,469 2,825 58 1,584 2,078 1,341 35 702 2,391 1,484 23 882 Louisiana: New Orleans........................................ Shreveport........................................... 33,843 2,616 24,142 1,159 932 54 8,755 1,403 15,626 _1,128 11,484 571 431 25 3,698 532 18,217 1,488 12,658 588 501 29 5,057 871 Savannah............................................. Florida: Tampa.................................................. E A ST SOUTH C E N TE A L, Kentucky: •Covington............................................ Lexington............................................ Newport............................................... Tennessee: Memphis.............................................. Nashville.............................................. Alabama: Birmingham........................................ Montgomery............ ........................... W E ST SOUTH CEN TRAL. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . s o u t h Total. Foreign bom. White. White. Negro. Total. Native, G IR L S . BOYS. W H IT E . « 00 2,324 5,545 1,449 4,851 14 105 825 574 Texas: Austin.................................................. Dallas................................................... El Paso................................................ Fort Worth.......................................... 3,199 8,765 3,492 6,685 2,281 6,878 1,954 5,321 79 191 1,416 189 836 1,693 114 1,173 Galveston............................................. Houston............................................... San Antonio......................................... W aco.................................................... 3,249 7,514 9,762 2,807 2,357 5,006 7,545 2,144 187 246 1,103 50 702 2,259 1,104 608 Montana: Butte.................................................... 2,808 2,534 251 13 Colorado: Colorado Springs.................................. Denver.......................... ...................... Pueblo.................................................. 2,499 18,613 3,502 2,375 16,971 3,052 53 1,241 426 68 377 111 Utah: Ogden................................................... Salt Lake City..................................... 2,613 8,832 2,400 7,991 189 766 7 41 Washington: Seattle.................................................. Spokane............................................... Tacoma................................................ 18,175 8,580 7,405 15,812 7,822 6,521 1,969 675 794 88 52 55 Oregon: Portland............................................... 16,583 14,721 1,675 37 California: Los Angeles.......................................... Oakland............................................... San Francisco...................................... Berkeley............................................... 25,606 12,329 32,465 3,839 22,061 10,764 27,545 3,436 2,561 1,040 3,726 259 644 201 107 22 Pasadena.............................................. Sacramento.......................................... San Diego............................................. San Jose................................ .............. 2,388 3,630 3,132 2,550 2,193 3,128 2,763 2,316 115 296 297 198 60 49 47 6 M O U N T A IN . P A C I F IC . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . Oklahoma: Muskogee............................................. Oklahoma C ity ................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 102 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . T able A .— C H I L D R E N U N D E R 21 Y E A R S O P A G E , B Y Y E A R O F A G E , R A C E , N A T I V I T Y , A N D P A R E N T A G E : C E N S U S O F 1910. W H IT E . Native. AGE. Negro. Total. Indian. Chi nese, Japa nese, and all other. Both. parents native. One or both parents foreign bom. Foreign bom. Under 21 years... 40,417,361 23,792,363 9,831,224 1,691,620 4,941,148 142,-547 18,459 Under 5 years................ 10,631,364 6,546,282 2,674,125 102,507 1,263,288 40,384 4,778 Under 1year............ 1 year....................... 2 years..................... 3 years..................... 4 years..................... 2,217,342 1,976,472 2,166,492 2,156,141 2,114,917 1,369,140 1,234,536 1,327,263 1,318,604 1,296,739 579,730 502,148 551,414 535,578 505,255 6,735 11,902 18,420 28,279 37,171 252,386 219,240 260,037 264,547 267,078 8,216 7,618 8,350 8,232 7,968 1,135 1,028 1,008 901 706 5 to 9 years..................... 9,760,632 5,861,015 2,315,649 298,509 1,246,553 36,541 2,365 5 years..................... 6 years..................... 7 years..................... ¿years..................... 9 years..................... 2,035,398 2,033,834 1,954,226 1,919,357 1,817,817 1,238,688 1,226,208 1,169,561 1,142,037 1,084,521 485,667 480,673 463,026 450,334 435,949 47,070 55,787 62,074 66,876 66,702 255,703 262,815 251,742 252,473 223,820 7,634 7,814 7,369 7,265 6,459 636 537 454 372 366 lOto 14 years................. 9,107,140 5,324,283 2,235,795 358,330 1,155,266 31,393 2,073 10 years.................... 11 years.................... 12 years.................... 13 years.................... 14 years.................... 1,868,533 1,705,081 1,912,061 1,773,343 1,848,122 1,094,252 1,018,791 1,105,685 1,032,630 1,072,925 449,595 419,490 462,603 445,157 458,950 74,836 66,003 75,253 67,511 74,727 242,509 195,048 261,300 221,861 234,548 6,983 5,412 6,815 5,731 6,452 358 337 405 453 520 15 to 19 years................. 9,063,603 5,089,055 2,205,575 673,761 1,000,416 28,486 6,310 15 years.................... 16 years.................... 1,721,225 1,864,711 1,786,240 1,928,366 1,763,061 998,643 1,061,439 1,012,512 1,058,615 957,846 433,464 471,989 444,729 449,045 406,348 75,185 99,995 119,048 181,545 197,988 207,555 224,403 203,847 231,307 193,304 5,794 6,093 5,199 6,242 5,158 584 792 905 1,612 2,417 20 years.......................... 1,854,622 971,728 400,080 .258,513 215,625 5,743 2,933 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 103 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , T a b l e B . — B O Y S U N D E R 21 Y E A R S O F A G E , B Y Y E A R O F A G E , R A C E . N A T I V I T Y , A N D P A R E N T A G E : C E N S U S O F 1910. W H IT E . Nat ive. AGE. Total. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign bom. Foreignbom. . Under 21 years__ 20,333,126 12,017,487 4,926,273 876,971 Under 5 years................ 5,380,596 3,326,237 1,350,473 Under 1 year........... 1 year....................... 2 years..................... 3 years..................... 4 years..................... 5 to 9 years..................... 1,123,409 1,001,392 1,098,266 1,084,982 1,072,547 4,924,123 696,200 627,612 675,476 666,169 660,780 2,969,230 293,515 254,087 278,557 269,524 254,790 1,165,484 5 years..................... 6 years.................... 7 years..................... 8 years..................... 9 years..................... 10 to 14 years................. 1,027,836 1,022,740 986,480 966,821 920,246 4,601,753 628,400 618,923 592,139 578,606 551,162 2,700,656 10 years................... 11 years................... 12 years.................. 13 years.................... 14 years................ 15 to 19 years................. 946,561 857,584 969,032 892,602 935,974 4,527,282 15 years................... 16 years................... 17 years.................... 18 years................... 19 years................... 20 years.......................... 862,475 925,246 900,649 949,876 889,036 899,372 Negro. Indian. Chi nese, Japa nese, and all other. 2,427,008 72,166 13,221 51,940 629,320 20,202 2,424 3,527 6,057 9,302 14,227 18,827 150,652 125,459 109,357 130,192 130,526 133,786 619,175 4,127 3,771 4,225 4,069 4,010 18,349 581 508 514 467 354 1,233 244,710 241,577 233,196 225,907 220,094 1,124,145 23,823 28,287 31,246 33,521 33,775 181,303 126,709 129,804 125,950 124,937 111,775 578,074 3,847 3,875 3,727 3,658 3,242 16,199 347 274 222 192 198 1,376 555,792 513,523 562,740 521,767 646,834 2,552,528 226,310 210,629 233,196 223,034 230,976 1,094,861 37,822 33,359 38,079 34,279 37,764 351,754 122,880 97,062 131,267 110,226 116,639 507,945 3,562 2,821 3,486 2,973 3,357 14,612 195 190 264 323 404 5,582 504,547 530,805 513,800 521,571 481,805 468,836 215,448 234,541 222,945 219,106 202,821 191,310 37,069 49,421 60,266 96,241 108,757 141,322 101,921 106,679 100,185 108,316 90,844 92,494 2,990 3,113 2,652 3,213 2,644 2,804 500 687 801 1,429 2,165 2,606 T a b l e C . — G IR L S U N D E R 21 Y E A R S O F A G E , B Y Y E A R O F A G E , R A C E , N A T I V I T Y , A N D P A R E N T A G E : C E N S U S O F 1010. Under-21 years__ 20,084,235 11,774,876 4,904,951 814,649 2,514,140 70,381 5,238 Under 5 years................ 5,250,768 3,220,045 1,323,652 50,567 633,968 20,182 2,354 Under 1 year........... 1 year....................... 2 years................... . 3 years..................... 4 years..................... 5 to 9 years..................... 1,093,933 975,080 1,068,226 1,071,159 1,042,370 4,836,509 672,940 606,924 651,787 652,435 635,959 2,891,785 286,215 248,061 272,857 266,054 250,465 1,150,165 3,208 5,845 9,118 14,052 18,344 147,857 126,927 109,883 129,845 134,021 133,292 627,378 4,089 3,847 4,125 4,163 3,958 18,192 554 520 494 434 352 1,132 5 years..................... 6 years...................... 7 years..................... 8 years..................... 9 years..................... 10 to 14 years................. 1,007,562 1,011,094 967,746 952,536 897,571 4,505,387 610,288 607,285 577,422 563,431 533,359 2,623,627 240,957 239,096 229,830 224,427 215,855 1,111,650 23,247 27,500 30,828 33,355 32,927 177,027 128,994 133,011 125,792 127,536 112,045 577,192 3,787 3,939 3,642 3,607 3,217 15,194 289 263 232 180 168 697 10 years.................. 11 years................... 12 years................... 13 years................... 14 years................... 15 to 19 years................. 921,972 847,497 943,029 _ 880,741 912,148 4,536,321 538,460 505,268 542,945 510,863 526,091 2,536,527 223,285 208,861 229,407 222,123 227,974 1,110,714 37,014 32,644 37,174 33,232 36,963 322,007 119,629 97,986 130,033 111,635 117,909 552,471 3,421 2,591 3,329 2,758 3,095 13,874 163 147 141 130 116 728 15 years................... 16 years................... 17 years................... 18 years................... 19 years................... 20 years.......................... 858,750 939,465 885,591 978,490 874,025 955,250 494,096 530,634 498,712 537,044 476,041 502,892 218,016 237,448 221,784 229,939 203,527 208,770 38,116 50,574 58,782 85,304 89,231 117,191 105,634 117,724 103,662 122,991 102,460 123,131 2,804 2,980 2,547 3,029 2,514 2,939 84 105 104 183 252 327 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 104 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , T able D . — CH ILD RE N U N D ER 21 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y Y E A R OF AGE FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910. State. Under 1 year. 1 year. 2 years. 3 years. 4 years. 5 years. 6 years. . 2,217,342 1,976,472 2,166,492 2,156,141 2,114,917 2,035,398 2,033,834 New England................ 137,227 120,302 131,080 '130,090 122,126 119,650 118,560 Maine...................... New Hampshire___ Vermont.................. Massachusetts. . . . . . Rhode Island.......... Connecticut............. 15,010 8,325 7,233 70,734 11,728 24,197 13,424 7,329 6,314 62,168 10,240 20,827 14,323 8,021 6,940 67,565 11,150 23,081 15,208 8,064 6,935 66,475 10,816 22,592 13,880 7,842 6,749 61,944 10,164 21,547 United States. Middle Atlantic............ 13,866 7,317 6,695 , 60,352 10,185 21,235 13,565 7,552 6,524 60,093 10,087 20,739 437,253 385,330 422,618 411,088 393,850 379,808 377,321 New York............... New Jersey.............. Pennsylvania........... 191,553 56,198 189,502 170,191 48,991 166,148 185,875 55,472 181,271 179,862 54,091 177,135 171,446 52,190 170,214 165,965 5Q,339 163,504 165,227 50,197 161,897 East North Central........ 394,110 358,060 389,321 385,402 380,820 367,685 366,875 Ohio.......................... Indiana..................... Illinois....................... Michigan................... Wisconsin................. 98,776 56,098 125,159 62,050 52,027 90,157 51,370 111,546 56,585 48,402 98,109 55,940 122,227 60,785 52,260 96,598 55,961 120,955 60,069 51,819 95,835 56,155 118,102 59,065 51,663 91,231 54,371 114,015 57,823 50,245 90,569 54,226 113,310 57,195 51,575 West North Central........ 268,488 247,035 265,356 . 267,092 262,938 253,267 255,357 Minnesota................. I o w a .. .................... Missouri.................... North Dakota........... South Dakota........... Nebraska................... Kansas................. 46,111 48,190 73,929 16,989 15,518 28,820 38,931 42,509 45,001 66,477 16,098 14,068 26,681 36,201 46,085 47,128 73,505 16,894 14,864 28,358 38,522 46,394 47,926 73,537 16,594 14,786 28,268 39,587 45,741 47,818 73,055 15,824 14,253 27,969 38,278 45,013 46,170 69,620 15,025 14,044 26,584 36,811 45,465 46,730 71,303 15,170 13,946 26,261 36,482 South Atlantic................ 347,149 303,480 334,103 334,675 337,812 319,371 324,010 Delaware................... Maryland.................. District of Cplumbia. Virginia.. . . . . . . . . . . . West Virginia........... North Carolina___ * . South Carolina......... Georgia...................... Florida....... .............. 4,180 27,864 5,489 56,168 35,729 72,605 47,405 77,737 19,972 3,657 24,946 4,969 48,431 31,809 62,355 41,434 68,337 17,542 4,119 28,085 5,450 54,209 33,906 66,125 46,186 76,176 19,847 4,064 28,236 5,371 54,729 34,167 64,969 45,953 77,337 19,849 4,025 28,583 5,390 55,288 33,507 66,738 47,481 77,054 19,746 4,016 27,419 5,242 53,133 31.865 62,303 43,677 72,850 18.866 3,938 27,618 5,294 51,649 31,118 64,469 45,443 74,718 19,763 East South Central......... 240,129 210,402 234,626 237,886 237,428 226,831 224,113 Kentucky................. Tennessee.................. Alabama.................... Mississippi................ . 61,106 62,403 64,512 52,108 55,126 54,266 55,447 45,563 58,928 59,043 63,516 53,139 58,808 59,406 64,725 54,947 60,535 59,473 63,516 53,904 56,483 56,644 60,950 52,754 57,263 56,965 58,535 51,350 West South Central......... 254,453 224,933 253,183 254,353 248,736 242,176 241,627 Arkansas............ ....... Louisiana.............. . . . ' Oklahoma.................. Texas......................... ’ 47,646 44,569 49,795 112,443 42,240 39,149 45,242 98,302 47,432 46,793 48,976 109,982 47,393 47,212 49,259 110,489 45,990 46,346 48,632 107,768 44,258 46,180 45,468 106,270 45,123 46,369 46,996 103,139 Mountain........................... 63,729 57,765 61,767 61,896 60,647 57,665 57,564 Montana..................... Idaho.......................... Wyoming................. Colorado...................... New Mexico............... Arizona....................... U t a h ...,.............4. . " Nevada.................. 7,902 8,288 3,165 17,124 9,889 5,116 10,885 1,360 7,375 7,614 2,987 15,472 8,288 4,554 10,223 1,252 7,999 8,180 3,251 16,632 8,762 4,996 10,635 1,312 7,720 8,246 2,976 16,831 9,191 5,224 10,463 1,245 7,327 8,116 2,952 16,503 9,155 4,888 10,492 1,214 7,201 7,650 2,817 15,449 8,824 4,737 9,793 1,194 7,146 7,604 2,734 15,918 8,544 4,649 9,732 1,237 Pacific................................ 74,804 69,165 74,438 73,659 70,560 68,945 68,407 22,079 12,389 40,336 21,091 11,476 36,598 22,038 12,334 40,066 22,114 12,195 39,350 21,434 11,817 37,309 20,735 11,657 36,553 20,685 11,647 36,075 Washington........... Oregon.................... California............... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 105 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N , T able D __ CH ILD RE N UN D ER 21 Y E A R S O F AGE, B Y Y E A R OF AGE, FO R STATES: CENSUS OF 1910—Continued. State. 7 years. 8 years. 9 years. 10 years. 11 years. 12 years. 13 years. United States 1,964,226 1,919,357 1,817,817 1,868,533 1,705,081 1,912,061 1,773,343 New England....... ......... 117,476 114,133 111, 123 112,743 107,088 115,028 111,594 Maine........................ New Hampshire....... Vermont................... Massachusetts.......... Rhode Island............ Connecticut.............. 13,489 7,511 6,731 69,778 9,609 20,358 13,050 7,359 6,369 58,101 9,356 19,898 12,663 7,134 6,338 56,522 9,210 19,256 12,953 7,247 6,316 57,552 9,240 19,435 12,531 7,023 6,161 54,460 8,810 18,103 13,154 7,452 6,482 58,507 9,788 19,645 12,755 7,165 6,225 57,050 9,403 18,996 Middle Atlantic.............. 364,891 353,743 343,475 352,480 326,769 359,942 339,071 _ New York............... . New Jersey............... Pennsylvania........... 162,609 49,008 153,274 156,919 46,876 149,948 153,148 45,859 144,468 158,507 47,520 146,453 148,744 42,949 135,076 164,692 48,047 147,203 156,479 44,108 138;484 East North Central......... 352,904 349,460 337,035 344,498 325,843 349,705 337,147 Ohio.......................... Indiana................ .... Illinois....................... Michigan................... Wisconsin................. 86,963 52,398 108,262 55,493 49,788 86,864 52,745 107,427 53,838 48,586 83,272 51,207 103,854 51,018 47,684 85,750 51,714 105,842 51,995 49,197 80,548 49,153 99,153 49,787 47,202 87,545 51,805 107,182 52,621 50,552 84,760 50,462 101,409 51,804 48,712 W est N orth Central........ 244,734 241,902 234,441 239,500 223,550 239,413 229,879 Minnesota................. Iowa.......................... Missouri.................... North Dakota___ ... South Dakota........... Nebraska.................. Kansas.................... 44,257 46,115 66,132 13,813 13,371 25,511 35,535 43,566 45,164 66,699 13,467 13,034 25,157 34,815 41,932 44,243 64,478 12,452 12,538 24,573 34,225 43,720 45,133 65,501 12,629 12,691 25,352 34,474 40,841 42,693 60,889 11,549 11,601 23,548 32,429 43,749 45,390 66,360 12,404 12,271 24,644 34,595 42,664 44,107 63,491 11,181 11,691 23,889 32,856 South Atlantic................ 304,841 300,728 275,900 291,777 261,430 305,701 265,927 Delaware................... Maryland.................. District of Columbia. Virginia.................... West Virginia........... North Carolina......... South Carolina......... Georgia...................... Florida...................... . 3,876 26,837 5,052 53,549 29,115 58,132 41,443 68,915 17,922 3,681 26,319 4,909 50,489 28,988 57,625 41,496 68,933 18,288 3,686 25,489 4,815 47,670 27,093 52,371 36,721 . 61,953 16,102 3,892 26,328 4,964 50,002 27,766 55,075 40,983 65,602 17,165 3,478 24,151 4,610 42,789 24,728 48,812 32,470 56,096 14,296 4,125 27,369 5,279 51,717 27,343 58,140 44,124 69,944 17,660 3,684 25,513 4,773 44,893 25,127 50,904 35,866 59,965 15,202 East South Central.......... 214,395 211,754 193,759 200,254 177,465 208,126 185,742 Kentucky................. . Tennessee................. . Alabama................... . Mississippi..1............ . 54,615 53,033 58,344 48,403 53,660 53,243 56,074 48,777 50,737 49,134 50,899 42,989 52,427 49,657 52,623 45,647 48,245 45,459 45,098 38,663 51,811 5i; 188 56,072 49,055 49,197 46,706 47,801 42,038 W est South Central......... 233,778 228,608 208,644 210,847 186,958 218,083 194,766 Arkansas.................... Louisiana................... Oklahoma.................. Texas.............. .......... 41,436 43,934 43,235 105,173 42,001 43,471 42,437 100,699 36,843 38,789 39,639 93,373 37,001 40,625 38,346 94,875 32,843 34,187 35,252 84,676 38,224 43,181 39,342 97,336 34,825 36,751 35,395 87,795 Mountain.......................... 54,681 53,527 50,027 51,623 46,188 50,018 45,425 Montana..................... Idaho................... ...... W yom ing.................. Colorado..................... New Mexico.. ; .......... Arizona....................... U ta h ......................... Nevada....................... 6,854 7,130 2,662 15,163 8,312 4,457 8,960 1,143 6,760 7,131 2,473 14,856 7,998 4,238 8,998 1,073 6,218 6,617 2,363 14,230 7,348 3,836 8,392 1,023 6,348 6,824 2,404 14,539 7,743 4,163 8,561 1,041 5,596 6,156 2,062 13,200 6,351 3,220 7,654 949 6,142 6^504 2,252 14,456 7,340 £899 8,387 i; 038 5,616 6,087 2,015 13,553 6,303 3,346 7,599 906 Pacific..................'............. 66,526 65,502 63,413 64,811 60,790 66,045 63,792 Washington............... Oregon........................ California.................... 19,882 11,535 35,109 19,528 11,428 34,546 18,848 10,656 33,909 18,908 11,255 34,648 17,623 , 10,433, f 82,734 18,862 11,362 35,821 18,495 10,983 34,314 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ’ 106 F E D E R A L S T A T IS T IC S OF C H IL D R E N . T a b l e D .-C H I L D R E N U N D ER 21 Y E A R S OF AGE, B Y Y E A R OF AGE, FO R STATES; CENSUS OF 1910— Continued. 20 years. 14 years. 15 years. 16 years, i 17 years. 18 years. 19 years. United States.......... 1,848,122 1,721,225 1,864,711 1,786,240 1,928,366 1,763,061 '1,854,622 New England................... 113,103 109,092 115,885 115,575 123,546 119,689 124,477 Maine.......................... New Hampshire......... Vermont..................... Massachusetts............ Rhode Island............. Connecticut................ 13,195 7,384 6,267 57,391 9,773 19,093 12,692 7,164 6,197 55,072 9,380 18,587 13,053 7,705 6,423 58,264 10,165 20,275 12,967 7,524 6,145 58,299 10,569 20,071 13,486 7,975 6,284 63,078 11,235 21,488 12,938 7,538 6,112 61,848 10,649 20,604 12,706 7,901 6,127 65,009 10,828 21,906 Middle Atlantic................ 347,824 326,909 364,934 354,105 387,331 368,190 390,271 165,339 46,308 142,458 183,746 50,710 152,875 175,826 48,019 144,345 188,250 51,349 150,672 State. New York.................. New Jersey................. Pennsylvania............. 157,404 46,071 144,349 148,260 43,607 135,042 169,278 47,897 147,759 East North Central.......... 349,566 328,.608 360,843 350,841 372,426 347,735 363,557 Illinois........................ Michigan.................... Wisconsin................... 86,999 52,434 107,369 52,273 50,491 82,174 49,559 100,207 49,215 47,453 91,126 52,903 111,596 54,754 50,464 89,030 51,647 108,035 53,419 48,710 96,050 54,201 116,072 56,201 49,902 88,532 50,839 108,981 53,241 46,142 93,627 52,596 117,215 54,033 46,086 West North Central......... 238,332 224,710 241,064 234,742 249,276 234,801 242,633 43,060 44,662 65,560 11,195 11,537 24,860 33,868 45,067 47,379 - 71,072 12,166 12,254 25,856 35,482 42,584 44,195 65,781 11,481 11,678 25,008 34,074 44,005 45,383 67,122 12,343 12,427 26,066 35,287 Minnesota................... Iowa........................... Missouri...................... North Dakota............ South Dakota............ Nebraska.................... Kansas........................ 43,428 45,254 67,950 11,629 11,767 24,349 33,955 40,531 43,131 63,128 10,604 11,172 23,659 32,485 43,906 45,643 68,532 11,253 12,001 25,135 34,594 South Atlantic................. 281,223 255,167 273,532 249,946 275,575 235,572 248,430 3,783 25,246 5,500 42,833 24,556 47,702 32,801 52,998 14,527 4,085 27,052 6,176 45,471 26,855 51,467 38,154 59,462 16,853 3,839 24,374 6,030 39,761 24,114 43,063 29,907 50,060 14,424 3,983 24,645 6,418 39,457 24,332 44,344 34,077 55,746 15,428 Maryland.................... District of Columbia.. Virginia...................... West Virginia............ North Carolina........... South Carolina........... Georgia....................... Florida.................... . - 4,129 26^244 5,023 48,162 26,063 53,033 38,963 63,610 15,996 3,777 24,483 4,816 43,674 23,974 48,807 33,706 57,484 14,446 3,976 26,818 5,590 45,533 25,646 51,639 38,106 60,379 15,845 East South Central.......... 197,756 179,247 193,709 179,743 192,499 159,854 170,933 Kentucky................... Tennessee................... Alabama.................... Mississippi.................. 51,225 50,318 51,602 44,611 48,047 45,987 45,769 39,444 51,025 50,220 49,959 42,505 48,167 47,574 45,208 38,794 50,374 50,486 49,014 42,625 44,009 43,405 39,567 32,873 44,907 45,103 43,792 37,131 West South Central......... 205,877 187,569 197,888 185,695 200,690 174,945 181,599 Arkansas.................... Louisiana................... Oklahoma.................. Texas.......................... 36,986 39,047 37,734 92,110 33,913 35,146 34,035 84,475 36,423 36,845 36,327 88,293 34,387 34,209 34,272 82,827 37,509 36,951 37,093 89,137 31,656 32,076 32,675 78,538 32,502 34,285 33,545 81,267 Mountain.......................... 47,356 44,610 47,496 45,556 50,390 47,188 51,105 Montana..................... Idaho.......................... Wyoming................... Colorado...................... New Mexico............... Arizona....................... Utah........................... Nevada....................... 5,984 6,331 2,096 13,940 6,671 3,463 7,869 1,002 5,538 5,873 1,925 13,283 6,423 3,444 7,233 891 5,817 6,101 2,169 14,353 6,817 3,481 7,838 920 5,710 5,901 2,155 14,028 6,202 3,139 7,401 1,020 6,387 6,477 2,509 14,982 7,115 3,842 7,816 1,262 6,412 5,918 2,730 14,399 5,900 3,483 7,176 1,170 7,243 6,165 3,227 15,040 6,336 4,237 7,400 1,457 Pacific............................... 67,085 65,313 69,360 70,037 76,633 75,087 81,617 Washington............... Oregon........................ California.................... 18,914 11,743 36,428 18,520 10,983 35,810 19,710 11,949 37,701 19,486 12,052 38,499 21,209 13,036 42,388 20,722 12,729 41,636 22,086 13,595 45,936 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O -