Full text of H.8a Weekly Department Store Sales : March 14, 1957
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BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM H.8a FOR H IT,DIATE RELEASE March ll±, 1957 •ilEEKLY DEPARTMENT STORE SALES Percentage change from corresponding period a year ago One week ending District Mar, 9 I Mar* 2 |Fob.23 1 Feb. 16 Boston I'levf York Philadelphia Cleveland =16 -18 -17 - 6 Four weeks ending Mar. 9 • +13 +13 + 5 0 0 + 1 3 1 5 3 - 2 +11 +10 + 3 - 2 -12 0 r-16 r- 5 : f + 1 + + + - r i Jan. 1 to liar. 9 0 + 3 - 3 - 2 Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis -iu -5 r—• 9 - 2 - 7 Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco - 1 -5 -10 - 1 r+ 5 - 5 — 6 - - 2 - 8 -9 + 3 +10 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 2 0 - 1 + 1 -10 r- 5 + 3 + 7 - 1 + 1 U. S. Total k + 1 - 6 + 3 - 3 -JL + + + - 2 1 2 2 U.S. weekly index, without seasonal adjustment, 19U7-li9=100 i/ Feb*l6 Feb. 2-3 101 102 100- 1956 Feb.' '11 Feb. 18 Feb; 25 . Mar. - 3 War; 10 • _ 97 95. 97 1955 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb.26 92 90. A. r 99' S8_ r—Revised. ~~ 1/ For description and vreekly indexes for the period January 1937 to March 1952 s.ee Federal Reserve Bulletin for April 1952, pp. 359-362. Indexes for the period April 1952 to date may be obtained upon request from the Division of Research and Statistics• Weekly indexes at the district and city levels are published by several of the Federal Reserve Banks.