Full text of H.8a Weekly Department Store Sales : April 25, 1955
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NOT FOR PUBLICATION SPECIAL WEEKLY REPORT ON DEPARTMENT STORE SALES—UNITED STASp^,IMJ5ART CONFIDENTIAL - F. R. April 25, 1955 Sales in selected departments V Monthl^ justed indexes Percentage change from a year ago (I9li7-ii9 averaj^jjnonthly sales = 100) U weeks Nt One week ending D e p a r t m e n t ^ , * * vGO 195U ending 1955 Apr. 161 Apr. 9 jApr. 2 |Mar. 26 Apr. 16 Mar. |Feb. | Jan. Dec. Apr. | Mar. | Feb. Jan. 1953 Dec. GRAND TOTAL SALES 1/ 2/ -15 + 5 + 8 + 1 - 1 p 98 76 85 191 100 90 75 80 186 Furniture and bedding +U2 -23 + 2 + 1 + 3 pll8 111* 131 109 9k 105 109 110 103 Domestic floor coverings +1*8 r-15 +21+ + 1 + 9 p 86 81 89 85 70 76 72 75 81 Major appliances +77 r+17 +31 +15 +39 P 92 69 75 65 62 66 5U 59 57 Radio, phonograph, TV +H4. -19 - 8 - 9 - 7 pl03 93 107 23U 76 107 90 101 225 Total of +i*3 -16 + 8 + 5 + 7 pl02 9h 105 109 79 90 86 89 103 -20 r+ 8 + 9 0 - 2 p 98 73 82 202 103 90 7h 79 196 departments 1/ ALL OTHER SALES 1/ p—Preliminary. r—Revised. 1/ Monthly indexes for this category are not released publicly; they are shown here solely to permit comparisons with departmental changes. 2/ Figures are based on the abbreviated sample described in note below and are presented here solely to permit comparisons with departmental "" changes. For weekly movements of total department store sales, refer to the regular weekly sales report H.8a (based on about 550 stores). Note:—Total national sample is comprised of some 115 stores (varies slightly among departments) of the approximately 350 stores regularly reporting monthly departmental figures. During March and April changes from a year ago reflect in part the fact that last year Easter was on April 18 while this year it was on April 10. For this reason it is estimated that in comparison with last year an allowance should be made for an increase in sales of about h per cent for the month of March as a whole and a corresponding decrease for the month of April as a whole. These allowances apply to the figures for the United States. CONFIDENTIAL - F. R. United States Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland HOT FOR PUBLICATION SPECIAL WEEKLY REPORT ON DEPARTMENT STORE SALES—SUMMARY BY DISTRICTS Sales in Selected Departments Page 2 (Percentage change from corresponding period a year ago) r Major household appliances |~ Domestic floor coverings Furniture and bedding ~ " " JtT weeks k weeks i k weeksT One week ending One week ending One week ending ending ending ending Apr. ST Apr.161Apr. ?|Apr. 2[Mar. 26 Apr, 16 "2!Mar.% Anr.16 Apr. Apr.16|Apr. 9 Apr. 161 Apr. 9 Apr. 2 j MarTffS" +31 +H5 +39 + 1 +77 r+17 + 9 +2ir + l " H U T r^HT + 2 + 3 -23 w ~+25™ 0 +3338" T T T F +29 +lo +12 +10 TT - o + 5 -17 +2ST" -23 -10 + 1 -11 + 3 - 1 +14 - 6 +45 +72 -36 - 2 +24 -10 +40 -33 -10 +48 +13 + 8 +15 -12 4- 7 + 1 + 6 +65 - 3 +1 -34 -29 +31 +63 +42 -18 +16 +31 +57 +18 +93 +24 - 2 + 8 +73 -19 +1.0 +24 + 1 r-16 -25 - 2 + 9 +11 + 2 - 2 0 0 + 8 + 9 +20 + 2 +12 Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis +57 +118 +26 *63 Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco + 2 +22 - 2 -12 9 +44 +20 + 9 -26 +27 +78 + 9 +20 + 5 +29 -17 Radlos,phonographs,television,etc. a weeks One week ending ending Apr.16|Apr. 91Apr 2!Mar.26 Apr.16 t t - 9 - 7 +l4 -19 ~=5T -39 -27 1 -11 -16 - 4 +14 + l +27 +18 + 5 -35 - 8 -19 — 5 + 3 - 5 United States Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland +19 -16 - 8 Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis +52 +62 0 -15 - 7 r-12 Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco For footnotes, see page 1. -13 -39 +46 +37 -29 +10 +17 -22 -20 -28 -33 -21 — 2 + 4 -15 -15 -28 -15 -15 447 - l - 8 - 1 + 7 -18 -16 -30 -24 + 5 -12 +27 + 8 -10 - 3 +30 - 1 +34 +122 +21 +79 - 8 r-49 -16 -43 - 8 +31 +16 0 -13 - 1 -20 + 5 +22 +10 +10 + 2 +74 +203 +89 +79 + 7 r+12 + 3 +74 -22 +19 +31 +94 +23 +67 +36 +198 +17 +59 +37 +111 +21 +40 +33 +69 +72 +116 +70 +46 +24 <r 6 -18 -17 -14 Grand Total—entire store g/' h weeks 4 weeks One week ending One week ending ending ending Apr.161Apr. 9|Apr. 2jMar. 26 Apr.16 Apr.16|Apr. 9 Apr. 2|Mar.26 Apr.16 -15 + 5 + 8 . +1 +43 -16 + « + 5 + 7 - 2 +13 + 1 + 5 -23 ^nr + 9 +14 ™ ^ i r - 2 + 3 + 4 -12 r- 3 - 2 - 2 -30 + 4 +34 +20 - l - 3 -11 -16 + 1 - 2 +12 —28 +33 6 - 2 +10 -20 +11 +12 1 +15 +46 - 3 -19 -29 +156 + 4 +41 - -15 Total""bf +24 +44 +55 +126 +32 +55 - 1 r-l6 -19 +13 +33 +65 +34 -12 -11 + 3 +10 -18 +52 0 +29 0 -12 4 departments -19 + 9 +221 + 4 + 2 +79 + 1 + 8 +56 +47 +32 - 7 +14 +12 +14 - 5 + 6 + 8 +33 + 7 +23 + 7 +21 -14 - 7 +17 +43 - 3 +27 +19 +31 + 2 + 5 +18 +38 + 2 -17 - 5 -10 -13 -11 - 6 -24 0 +53 +53 +11 r+ 8 + 2 + 6 - l + 7 +16 +15 + - 8 8 8 6 - 3 + 4 - l o +11 + 9 +22 +14 + 6 +19 +18 + 2 +12 - 6 +12 + 2 + 3 +10 - 2 + 4