Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), 1935-. "January 26, 1981," H.8 Assets and Liabilities of Insured Domestically Chartered and Foreign-Related Banking Institutions (1981-01-26)., accessed on March 27, 2025.

Title: January 26, 1981

Date: 1981-01-26
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image-container-0 FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release H.8 (510) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JANUARY 26,1981 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF DOMESTICALLY CHARTERED COMMERCIAL BANKS l/ ·(E'ARTLY .. III KILLIONS OF DOLLARS) JANUARY 7,1981 BY SIZE OF A~,U.§ Y Y§lli 1. LOANS AND INVESTMENTS, EXCL. INTERBANK A. SECURITIES, U.S. TREASURY B. OTHER SECURITIES C. LOANS, EXCLUDING INTERBANK (1) (2) COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ALL OTHER 2. TOTAL CASH ASSETS A. BALANCES WITH FRB B. CASH IN VAULT C. BALANCES WITH DEPOSITORY D. CASH ITEMS 3. OTHER ASSETS 4. TOTAL ASSETS/LIABILITIES l,.IABILITIE§ 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS A. DEMAND B. SAVINGS C. TIME 6. BORROWINGS 7. OTHER LIABILITIES 8. RESIDUAL (ASSETS LESS LIABILITIES) MEMORANDUM: TREASURY TAX AND LOAN NOTES . INCLUDED IN BQRROIINGS ABOVE !/EXCLUDES U.S. BRAICHE.S OF FOREIGN BARKS. 1,170,660 110,726 2111,8113 845,091 278,346 566,743 175 ,IJ85 24,894 19,510 60,765 70,316 171,782 1,517,926 1,166,973 1103,571 210,712 552,691 165,368 .76,516 109,069 4,406 BANKS OF $1 BILLION YBASED C)J TOTAL ASSETS II DOilESTIC <'FICES :..s OF DEC 31,1971. !lHLQll.B 538,889 39,929 7 4, 4 70 424,491 167,6Ll8 256,841 10t•r 794 16,7145 7,828 26,236 53,985 97,171 7ll0, 854 502,9511 198,547 71,067 233,341. 131,433 59,117 47,349 2,686 BANKS UNDER $1 BILLIQ! 631,11l 70,797 140,373 Lf20,600 110,698 309,902 70,691 6,149 11,682 34,529 16,331 74,611 177,072 664,019 205,024 139,645 319,350 33,935 17,399 61,720 1, 720 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
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