Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), 1935-. "June 19, 1947," H.7 Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks (1947-06-19)., accessed on January 9, 2025.

Title: June 19, 1947

Date: 1947-06-19
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image-container-0 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM J.l DEPOSITS, RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS OF MEMBER BANKS. SBCQKD HALF OF MAY l9k7 June 19, I9k7 (Averages of daily figures l/. In millions of dollars) Gross demand deposits Demand Net Demand Borrowings Class of bank U. S. Govt. deposits demand Time balances due Reserves witn F. R. Banks at Federal and Total Intor- war loan Other adjusted deposits deposits from domestic Reserve F. R. district bank deposits 2/ 3/ V banks Total Required Excess Banks All member banks 86,197 10,814 l,76f«-p >73,616 68,651 7k,kl6 27,901 5,252 15,988 15,137 801 111 Cent. Res. city banksj New York 21,977 k,00k 339 17,63k 16,160 20,151 l,k6k k9 k,l38 k, 118 20 10 Chicago 1,910 1,107 82 .3,722 3,383 k,338 861 .156 919 919 Reserve city banks 31,815 It,801 6U9 26,365 23,969 27,09k 11,205 1,759 6.328 6,091 237 50 Boston 1,903 252 37 l,6H 1,181 1,697 201 38 359 352 7 New York 551 26 10 515 k7k k77 309 2k 117 ilk 3 2 Philadelphia 2,200 309 31 1,860 1,699 1,936 2g2 73 kll 6 5 Cleveland 3,678 kk9 9k 3,136 2,877 3,169 1,319 165 760 713 k7 7 Richmond 2,Oil 295 39 1,706 1,550 1,765 kk9 9k 398 380 18 6 Atlanta 1,989 423 28 1,538 1,373 1,670 klo 130 373 359 Ik 5 Chicago 3,851 168 99 3,201 3,025 3,196 2,066 306 797 763 3k 6 St. Louis 1,0% 512 kl 1,301 1,11*0 1,557 323 98 3k3 331 12 k Minneapolis 950 26? 20 663 57k 782 175 59 170 167 3 3 Kansas City 2,6b0 oak kk 1,791 1,580 2.11*5 350 255 k68 k50. 18 6 Dallas 2,212 k9k 26 1,701 1,563 1,818 337 233 kl7 303 3k 1 San Francisco 7,916 512 179 7,255 6,62k 6,802 k,965 285 l,71k 1,67k ko 3 Country banks 27.195 905 698 25.895 25.1k2 22.833 lk.371 3.280 k.603 k.05Q 5kli 51 Boston 2,202 81 51 2,071 1,950 1,076 1,113 169 358 329 29 12 Mew York 3,636 77 97 3,662 3,k93 3,292 3,302 289 727 659 68 21 Philadelphia 1,951 lit 65 1,076 1,026 1,660 1,620 176 37k 331 k2 6 Cleveland 2,3k9 23 06 2,21|0 2,103 1,96»3 1,733 2k9 kkk 379 66 3 Richmond 1,997 106 16 l,8ko 1,772 1,630 062 2k9 3lk 281 33 5 Atlanta 2,35k 160 a 2,ll£ 2,08k l,9k5 701 315 3k8 31k 3k 1 Chicago St, Louis 3,599 65 116. 3,H3 3,3k5 2,922 2,301 501 635 5k7 07 1 Chicago St, Louis 1,691,. 110 39 1,5U2 1,503 1,398 606 219 263 232 31 1 Minneapolis 1,327 60 k3 1,225 1,195 1,099 725 159 226 -197 28 Kansas City 2,119 66 52 2,001 1,901 1,706 30k 3k7 303 257 k6 1 Dallas 2,331 106 29 2,2hh 2,2,7) 1,905 193 k36 330 276 5k San Francisco 1 1,635 22 30 1,632 1,592 I l,kk2 097 1 173 2G2 256 26 For footnotes, see corresponding table in Federal Reserve Bulletin. - — -
image-container-1 G J. la DEPOSITS, RESERVES, AND BQhkOOTINGS OB' MEMBER BANKS - (Cont'd) (averages of daily figures. In thousands of dollars) Demand deposits except interbank Federal Reserve district 2nd half 1st half 2nd half Mav l?li7 May 1q1i7 May 191*6 Time deposits 2nd half May 191*7 1st half Ma. y 191*7 2nd half 124.6 „ Country banks l/in places with population of 15*000 and over 15,051,255 15.097.h93 rl7,022,Q97|8,aib,?71 3,111,315 7.362.925 Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Total 1,800,11*5 2,787,918 1,063,301 1,291,015 i,ol*5,l*07 1,521,162 1,878,1*97 618,550 539,797 5ol*,38l* 886,63U 1,111,165 1,302,513 2,771,801 1,082,1*83 1.292.889 1.050.890 1,539,881* 1,871*,981 616,81*1* 539,352 503,066 885,960 1,133,800 2,110,356 3,339,^95 1,210,720 1,1*81*, 555 1,189,381* 1,685,509 r2, 069, 651 61*8,895 572,662 53li,i27 932,81*7 l,2l*l*,696 882,599 2,160,1*56 7U,275 913,018 395,716 1*89,316 1,361*,71*9 332,1*1*1 291,730 105,201 138,929 599,31*1 882,325 2,162,311* 71*0,26? 911,065 395,535 1*89,691 1,360,175 329,109 291,588 lol*,5oo 156,1*06 608,338 81*0,128 2,027,015 689,037 861*, 336 366,320 1*58,669 1,258,920 310,1*77 265,772 102,611 121,681* 557,956 Country banks in with population of less than 15,000 r ll.5kO.932 11.637.368 rll.q32.008 5,956.2b? 9.952.869 5.!i53.611 Jfe Boston New York Philadelphia• Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco 321,036 970,822 877,287 1,031*, 539 81*6,1*61 660,81*1* 1,652,837 962,762 727,599 1,5148,903 1,386,213 551,629 321*,253 980,1*51 883,11*8 1,038,522 852,820 670,160 1,653,907 970,388 73li,073 1,565,338 1,1*05,21*0 559,068 359,527 1,115,997 965,267 1,083,180 879,6)0 736,1*76 rl,650,537 977,169 699,203 1,1*99,890 1,1*23,1*91 591,181 230,155 1,31*1,711 886,512 820,229 U65,910 212,009 935,859 273,921 133,765 198,809 59,316 298,021 230,137 1,11*0,020 885,791 819,260 1*65,923 212,062 933,101 275,199 U3l4,523 199,156 60,691 296,702 1498 % r Revised. l/ Includes any banks in outlying sections of reserve cities which have been given permission to carry the same reserves as country banks. All reserve cities have a population of more than 15,000.
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