Full text of H.6 Money Stock Measures : November 29, 1974
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FEDERAL RESERVE f^LRt^ statistical release Table 1 For Immediate Release November 29 % 1974 MONEY STOCK MEASURES H6 mm. Date Currency plus demand deposits^ IN BILLIONS OP M•L Mi plus time deposits M 2 plus deposits at commercial banks at nonbank other than large thrift institutions2' 'CD's*' Seasonally Adjusted M, !L M) plus time deposits M 2 plus deposits Currency plus at commercial banks at nonbank demand deposits' other than large thrift institutions3'' CD's*' Not Seasonally Adjusted ]L 1973—Oct. Nov. Dec. 266.6 269.4 271.5 561.6 567.2 572,2 880.0 887.8 895.3 266.1 270.9 279.1 559.8 565.6 577.3 876.9 883.9 898.5 1974--Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. p 270, 273, 275. 276. 277, 279. 280. 280, 280.8 281.7 575.5 580.8 585, ,5 589. .4 591..5 596. .7 599. .4 602, ,0 .6 603. r607.8 900 7 907 7 914 9 920 5 923 0 929 5 933 4 936 ,6 938 9 944 ,3 277.8 270.2 2*2. 278. 272, 277, 279, 277. 279. 281, 581, 578. 584, 593, 589. 596. 599, 598, 600, 605.9 905 905 915 926 922 930.8 934.5 932.6 934.6 941.1 1974—Oct. 2 9 16 23 30 280.7 280.8 282.4 282.0 r281.2 604.2 605.4 608.2 608.8 r608.3 278.7 280.6 283,9 280.8 r279.4 601. 604. 608. 606 T604.7 Nov, 6 13 20 282.0 r282.8 283.2 610, r612. 612. 284.1 r284.9 285.4 609.7 r611.1 611.2 2/ includes (1) den-ana deposits at all commercial banks other than those due to domestic commercial banks and the U S Government less cash items in the process ol collection and F R lloal (2) foreign demand balances at F R Banks and (3) currency outside the Treasury F R Banks and vaults 01 an commercial banks includes m addition 10 currency and demand deposits savings d<*pos,ts time deposits open account and time certificates ot deposits other than negotiable time ce'hhrates o< deposit issyed ,n denominations oi StOO 000 or more by large weekly reporting coirmercial banks P " Preliminary includes Mj plus the average o< the beginning and enc oi month deposits ot mutual savings banks and savings and loan shares r Revised FEOERAL RESERVE St»tnt»c*l Rel«*i*» H 6 Table 2 MONEY STOCK MEASURES PER CENT CHANGE AT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED ANNUAL RATES ! Penod October From July 1974 (3 Months previous) Apr 1974 (6 Months previous) Oct 1973 (12 Months previous) •; Currency plus demand deposits^ 2.1 3.7 5.7 1 M* W3 M i plus time deposits at commercial banks other than larg* CD %y M2 plus deposits at nonbank thrift institutions3'' 5.6 642 8.2 4.7 5.2 7.3 Four Weeks Ending Nov *2G, 1974 From Four Weeks Ending Aug 21, 1974 (13 Weeks previous) May 22,1974 (26 Weeks previous) Nov 21, 1973 (52 Weeks previous) | M 3.6 5.1 • J 1 r ludes (i) demind depos ts at all commercial Winks other than those due to domoftiic commercial banks arid the U 3 (JOvernmonl lota rash items in the p oeess ol collection and P R float 12) tore on demand balances at F ft Banks and (3) cu ency outs de the treasury f7 ft Bartks and vaults of all commert AI banks ^ includes n add t on to currency and demand deposits savings deposits lime deposits open ace ounf end I ImO certificates of deposits other thin n qo\ able i me ct ttf tcates of deposit issued in denominations oi $100 000 Or more t)y large weekly reporting cofflmorcial banks * < icfude M2 piu*> the avenge ot the beginning and end of momh deposits of mutuii saving* banks end savings end loan shares Not AM rates of change are based on dally average data rates of change ate not compounded • M * FEDERAL RESERVE Statistical Release H 6 COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND RELATED ITEMS SEASONALLY ADJUSTED. IN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS • B M M M U H M I Currency Date 1974--Jatu Feb, Mar. Apt. Nov. 4 Other Total 60.5 61,0 61.6 206.1 208.4 209.9 64.7 63.1 63.8 295.0 297.7 300.7 359.6 360.8 364.5 318.4 320.6 323.1 64,3 66.4 68.2 68.0 73,9 78.5 84.3 83.6 83.8 84.8 86.2 371,0 i 208.9 210,4 211.9 212.8 213.2 215.0 215.4 215.1 215.0 215,2 304.6 307.7 ! 62.0 62.7 63.3 63.9 314.0 317.0 319.2 321.5 322,8 326.1 325.2 326.9 329.5 331.1 331.5 332.7 334.0 334.5 335.3 336.6 214.8 214.6 215.8 215.6 r2l4.5 86.0 86.4 86.1 86.2 86.1 323.5 324.6 325.8 326.8 r327.0 409.5 411.0 411.9 413.0 r4l3.1 215.0 *216.0 216.2 85.7 85.5 85.1 328.1 r329.2 329.3 413.8 r414.7 414.4 P 64.6 64.8 65.4 65.8 66.5 2 9 16 23 30 65.9 66.3 66.6 66.5 66.7 6 13 20 p p p 67.0 66.8 67.1 I 1 i ! ! ! | 310.3 312,7 yoc HP-30 3tte tme certtlicates of deposit issued in denorr nations ot $t00 000 or **ore by larg*» weekly <-poort ng ca«*«wfc at banks P-JP c* fc*- "n ng and end ot month deposits at mutual savings banks and savings and loans shares Nonbank 1 thrift institutions^ CP!s^ , 1974--Oct. ^*^^^^^^TmeTnThiaWngsdepMits^^^^^^^^ Demand deports 1973--Oct. Nov. Dec, July Aug. Sept. Oct. r 1 ! i| ! 375.9 378.3 386.7 392.5 398.4 402.8 405.3 407.6 r412.3 ! p - Preliminary FEDERAL RESERVE Statistical Release M 6 COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND RELATED ITEMS N O T S E A S O N A L L Y A D J U S T E D . IN B I L L I O N S OF O O l t ARS | Date 1973--Oct. Nov. Dec. ! 1 1974--Jan. Fob. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. p 1974—Oct. Nov, 2 9 16 23 30 6 p 13 p 20 p 1 | Tunc and savings deposit Demand deposits Dornctn. nonmember ? Currency total ' 60.4 61.5 62.7 205.7 209.5 216.4 149.7 151.8 157.0 51.8 55.1 56.6 61.6 61.9 62.7 63.5 64.1 64.8 65.3 65.7 65.8 66.4 216.2 208.3 209.8 214.7 208.7 213.1 214.4 211.6 213.2 214.8 156.4 151.1 152.4 155.8 151.3 J.53.6 154.4 152.4 153.5 154.5 56.9 54.6 54.7 56.2 54.8 56.1 56.5 56.2 56.8 57.4 | 213.3 213.7 217.1 214.5 r213.4 154.5 153.8 156.0 154.0 1153.8 55.9 57.0 58.3 57.6 56.8 ! 216.8 r217.3 217.7 156.3 rl55.8 156.2 57.7 58.6 58.3 65.4 66.9 66.8 66.3 65.9 67.2 r67.5 67.7 1 Member 3 | North .ink thrift institutions''' US Gov t demandb Othor Total 66,6 64.3 64,0 293.7 296.7 298.2 360.3 359.0 362.2 317.0 3J8.3 321.2 ! ! 6.0 4.3 6.3 65.8 66.1 66.7 71.8 77.2 79,6 82 ,8 87.1 88.7 88.8 303.6 308.3 312.4 315.3 316.7 318.3 319.2 321.2 321.4 324.7 369.4 1 374.3 379.1 387.1 393.9 397.9 402.0 I 408.3 410.2 i 413.5 | 324.5 326.9 330.8 333.2 333.0 334.7 335.6 334.2 334.1 335.2 l 8.1 6.6 6.4 6.0 7.6 6.J 5.4 4.0 5.4 3.6 1 89.3 i 89.2 88,8 88.9 88.3 322.4 323.6 324.8 325.5 if 325.4 411.7 412.8 413.5 414.3 C413.7 6.7 4.6 3.0 87.4 87.1 86.7 325.6 V326.2 323.8 413.0 r413.3 412.6 3.2 2.8 3.1 CDs ' ' i !! j [ ! i i 3:? 1 / Total deposits include, in addition to the member and domes lie nnnmember deposits shown, deposits due to foreign and international institutions at F R Hanks and M ] type balances at agtfncies and branches of foreign banks. 2 / Based on most recent cell report single-day observations. p - Preliminary 3 / Include! negotiable time certificates of deposits issued in denominations of $ J 00,000 or more by large weekly reporting commercial banks. 4 / Average of beginning and end of month deposits at mutual savings banks and savings and loan shares 5 / U.S. Government demand deposits at all commercial banks. Rev. 2/74