Full text of H.6 Money Stock Measures : May 17, 1973
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FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release Table 1 For Immediate Release MONEY STOCK MEASURES May 1 7 , IN H H I O H . OF D O L U M M, Date Currency plus demand" deposits1' Ms K M i plus time deposits! M j plus deposits at commercial banks at nonbank other than large thrift institutions 3 ' CD's 2/ Seasonally Adjusted M, M« Currency plus demand deposits1' M| plus time deposits at commercial banks other than large M 2 plus deposits at nonbank thrift institutions 3 ' Not Seasonally Adjusted 243.0 243,8 245.1 247..J 248.6 250.1 251.6 252.7 255.5 492.1 761 244,3 495.5 499.3 504.5 508.4 512.1 516.4 519.8 525.1 767, 775 784, 791 799 807 813 822 239.5 243.2 246-,* 245, 248, 251. 254, 262, 495.0 493.1 498.8 503.6 505.1 510.4 515.2 518.7 530.3 765 766 775 784 1973--January February March April p 255.4 256.7 256.6 258.3 527.9 530.5 532.6 536.3 828.7 834.9 839.7 845.5 262.6 254.0 254.1 259.6 534.1 527.8 531.4 539.6 834.6 831.6 838.8 849.7 W .sk ending; 1973--April 4 11 18 25 257. 257, 258, 257.0 534.1 534.1 537.9 r 535. 7 257.6 260,4 262.4 258.0 536.0 539.2 543.2 r 538.3 257.5 256.1 r 538.3 537.0 1972--April May June July August September October November December May 2 P 9 P 259. 259. 538.5 538.3 1973 788 796 805.2 811.2 826.5 'nclutes ( i j demand deposits at^TTcommercial banks other than those due to domestic commercial banks and the U S Government leas cash items m the process of collection^and P R tloat (21 foreign demand balances^! F R Banks and (31 cur-ency outside the Treasury F R Banks and vaults of all commercial banks mciudes ,n addition to currency and demand deposits savings deposits time deposits open account and time certificates of deposits oiher than i « • negotiable lime certificates of deposit issued in denominations of S100 000 or more by large weekly reporting commercial banks P " *reilminary includes Mj plus the average ol the beginning and end of month deposits of mutual savings banks and savings and loan shares r Revised FEDERAL RESERVE Statistical R e b a t e H6 Table 2 MONEY STOCK MEASURES PER CENT CHANGE AT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED ANNUAL RATES «1 Period Currency plus demaiid deposits^ m o M i plus time deposits at commercial banks other than large CD's 2/ «3 Mj plus deposits at nonbank thrift institutions37 April 1973,from: Jan, 1972 Oct. 1972 Apr. 1972 (3 months previous) (6 months previous) (12 months previous) 4.5 5.3 6,3 6.4 7.7 9.0 5.3 5.4 6.4 7.0 7.8 9.0 Four weeks ending May 9, 1973 From four weeks ending: Feb, 7, 1973 (13 weeks previous) Nov. 8, 1972 (26 weeks previous) May 10, 1972 (52 weeks previous) *S includes (1) demand deposits at all commercial banks other than those due to domestic commercial banks and Vhe UfS Government less cash items In the process of collection and F R float (2) foreign demand balances at F R Banks and (3) currency outside the Treasury F R Banks and vaults of all commercial banks V includes m adoption to currency and demand deposits savings deposits time deposits opeh accounUand-tlme certificates Of deposits other than negotiable lime certificates of deposit issued in denominations of $100 000 or more by tarjje weekly reporting commercial banks includes M 2 pius the average of the beginning and end of month deposits of mutual savings banks and'savlngs and loan shares. Note Ail rates of change are based on daily average data rates of change are not compounded. 8.1 9.5 11.0 FEOERAL RESERVE Statistical Release H.6 Tibia 3 COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND RELATED tTEMS SEASONALLY ADJUSTED, IN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS Time and tavlngi deposits Date Demand deposits Currency •mmi«>ie^iissssssssssenbHBSssassiisssJ 1972— A p r i l June July" August September October November December [ 36.8 ! ! ; Other 35.2 36.8 37.5 38.3 39.1 39.8 40.0 41.2 43.2 269T6 Total 1 284.3 288.6 291.7 295.0 298.9 301.9 304.8 308.4 312.8 269.4 272.4 275.7 279.6 283.2 286.9 290.6 293.8 296.9 300.8 304.4 307.1 309.2 J 1 198.4 199.3 198.7 199.7 44.4 48.8 54.9 58.7 272.5 273.8 276.0 278.0 316.9 322.6 330.9 336.7 249.1 251.8 254.2 256.8 259.8 262.0 264.8 267.1 1973--January February March April p 57.0 57.5 57.9 58.6 Week endlag; 1973--April 4 11 18 25 58.2 58.7 58.7 58.8 199.3 198.9 200.2 r 198.2 57.7 59.0 58.1 58.8 276.6 276.6 279.0 r 278.6 334.3 335.6 337.1 r 337.4 58.6 59.2 200.9 200.2 59.3 61.1 279.0 278.9 338.3 340.0 May 2 p 9 P 1 •ncfuccs negouabie time certificates of deposit issued in denominations of $100 000 or more by iarge weekly reporting commercial banks A e ^ a ^ o' beginning and end of month deposits at mutual savings banks and savings and loans shares 1 Nonbank 1 thrift institutions^ J 189.1 189.6 190.7 193.1 193.8 194.8 195.9 196.5 198.7 53.9 54.2 54.4 54.6 54.8 55.3 55.7 56.2 May CO's^ r 1 D _ p r e Hmi r - Revised FEDERAL RESERVE Statistical Release H 6 Table 4 COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND RELATED ITEMS NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED. IN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS Time »nd'»»ving» dapotiU Currency Date Demand deposits CD's^ | Nonbank thrift institutions & • US Gov't demand^ 282.0 284.5 288.6 291.4 294.0 299.5 302.7 305.9 307.7 311.7 266.3 270.3 272.9 27€.8 280.6 283.2 286.5 290.0 292.5 296.1 7.9 7.7 10.5 6.9 7.3 5.3 5.9 6.6 6.2 7.3 300.5 303.8 307 .4 310.1 8.0 9.6 10.1 8.2 Total Other i972--March April May June July August September October November December 53.1 53.5 53.9 54.4 55.1 55.1 55.2 55.7 56.7 57.8 190.8 185.6 188.8 191.5 190.5 193.5 195.5 197.7 205.0 35.8 37.0 39.9 41 ,*0 41.9 43.3 44.3 248.7 250.7 253.6 255.6 257.0 259.6 261.7 264.0 264 .4 267.5 1973--January February March April p 56.7 56.7 57.3 58.2 205.9 197.3 196.7 201.5 45.1 48.6 54.0 56.1 271.-5 273.8 277 .3 280.0 316.6 322.5 331.4 336.1 Week ending: 1973--Anri1 4 11 18 25 57.6 58.6 58.4 58.1 199.4 201.8 204.0 r 200.0 55.756.6 55.6 56.2 279^0 27S.8 280.8 , r 280.2 334.6 335,4 336.4 1 r 336.4 10.1 6.1 6.0 9.2 57.8 59.1 199.7 197.0 56.5 57.9 280.9 281.0 337*4 338.9 11.4 10.7 May 2 p 9 P 33.3 33.8 185.9 35.1 I 1 ! Y includes negotiable time certificates ol deposit issued in denominations of $100,000 or more by large weekly reporting commercial bankt, •^ Average of beginning and end of month deposits at mutual savings/banks and savings and loan shares, ^ US Government demand deposits at all commercial banks. p - Preliminary r - Revised