Full text of H.6 Money Stock Measures : June 29, 2000
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FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release H.6 (508) Table 1 MONEY STOCK AND DEBT MEASURES For release at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time Billions of dollars Date June 29, 2000 M 11 M22 M33 DEBT4 Seasonally adjusted 1998-June July Au g. Sep. Oct. Nov. De c. 1077.9 1076.9 1 07 3 . 1 1078.2 1084.7 1093 .7 1097 .4 4 20 0 . 4 4 21 9 . 0 4 24 3 . 0 4 28 5 . 8 4327.2 4364.2 4396 . 8 568 2. 7 5 70 3. 6 5 7 6 2. 2 5 8 2 4. 3 5887 .7 5 94 5 . 0 5 9 9 6. 7 15767 . 6 158 55 . 8 15940 .1 1 60 19 . 0 161 05 . 3 16200 .7 162 82 . 9 1999-Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. S ep . Oct. Nov. Dec. 1096.0 1094. 3 1101.4 1107.2 1 101. 7 1100.1 1 09 9 . 5 1 09 8 . 7 1096.1 1101. 3 1109.5 1122.9 4422.2 4447.6 4463.5 4490.4 4 513. 0 4530.9 4552.8 4570 . 5 4590 .1 4 607. 1 4627.3 4655.4 6028 . 6 6077.9 6087.7 6123.8 6156.3 6187.3 6211.0 6229. 1 6255.9 6306 . 5 6384.7 6477.0 1 63 70 . 0 164 61 . 2 16579.1 1 6684. 7 1 6 7 59 . 0 1 68 37 . 8 1 69 20 . 0 170 17 . 8 17122 . 3 172 12 . 6 1 72 80 . 6 17381.1 2000-Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 1119.4 1 10 5 . 8 1112. 3 1116.5 1105.1 4679 . 3 4691.3 4728.3 4768.8 4764.8 6521.2 6539.0 6612.2 6655. 1 6675.3 1 74 69 . 9 1 75 36 . 0 1 76 3 9 . 2 1 77 1 8 . 7 p Not seasonally adjusted 1998-June July Au g. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec . 1075 .3 1074 .4 1069 . 5 1070.9 1077 . 6 1098 . 2 1121.3 4 18 7 . 4 4208. 1 4237 . 8 4272.8 4311.5 4367 .4 4422 .0 5 66 6. 4 5678 .9 574 7. 4 580 1. 7 5 86 9. 8 5 95 5. 2 6 02 6. 3 15723 . 6 157 95 . 8 15881 . 4 15966 . 4 16052 . 5 16174 . 4 162 79 . 8 1999-Jan. Feb. Mar. Ap r . May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1103 . 9 1085. 2 1097 .4 1113.5 1096 . 3 1 098. 2 1097. 6 1093. 5 1087. 2 1095. 2 1112. 9 1147. 4 4432.8 4443 . 0 4481.3 4528.4 4489 . 0 4515.2 4538.7 4560.6 4573.8 4592.4 4629.6 4683.7 6 04 3 . 0 6091.2 6115.6 6160. 1 6137 .4 6167.7 6177.9 6207.2 6226.2 6286.0 6396.3 6512.0 163 51 . 7 164 27 . 4 1 6 5 59 . 4 16655.1 16710. 4 1 6 7 88 . 3 1 6 8 57 . 5 16961.1 17 0 7 2 . 1 1 71 60 . 9 1 72 57 . 6 1 7 3 80 . 2 20 00-Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 1126.1 1097.3 1109.1 1125.3 1 099. 0 4689. 8 4689.5 4749.2 4814.3 4736.7 6537.5 6558.5 6645 . 6 6699.1 6653.3 1 74 5 5 . 0 17505.1 17620.2 17689.3 p Footnotes appear on the following page p preliminary Components may not add to totals due to rounding. Table 2 MONEY STOCK AND DEBT MEASURES Percent change at seasonally adjusted annual rates M2 M3 DEBT1 3 Months from Fob. 2 0 00 TO May 200 0 -0.3 6. 3 8. 3 5.7 6 Months from Nov. 1999 TO May 2000 -0.8 5.9 9.1 5.9 1999 TO May 2000 0.3 5. 6 8.4 6.2 -2. 1 6. 3 7.5 12 Months from May Thirteen weeks ending June 19 , 2000 from thi rteen weeks endi ng: Mar. 20, 2000 (13 weeks previ ous) Doc. 1. M1 20, 1999 (26 weeks previ ous) 0.5 6.2 9.7 June 21, 1999 (52 weeks previ ous) 0.5 5.8 8.5 Growth rates for debt are based on periods beginning and ending one month earlier than for the monetary aggregates, namely, January 2000 to April 2000, October 1999 to April 2000 and April 1999 to April 20 00 , respectively._________________________ p Footnotes to Table 1: 1. 2. 3. 4. Consists of (1) currency outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults of depository institutions; (2) travelers checks of nonbank issuers; (3) dem and deposits at all commercial banks other than those due to depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions, less cash items in the PlTcf\SS co,]ect'°^ and Federal Reserve float; and (4) other checkable deposits (O CDs), consisting of negotiable order of withdrawal (N O W ) and automatic transfer service (ATS) accounts at depository institutions, credit union share draft accounts and demand deposits at thrift institutions. Seasonally adjusted M1 is calculated by summinq currency, travelers checks, dem and deposits, and O CDs, each seasonally adjusted separately. Consists ol^M1 plus savings deposits (including money market deposit accounts), small-denomination time deposits (time deposits— including retail RPs— in amounts of less than $100,000)^ and balances in retail money market mutual funds. Excludes individual retirement account (IR A ) and Keogh balances at depository institutions and money market funds. Seasonally adjusted M 2 is computed by summing savings deposits, small-denomination time deposits, and retail money fund balances, each seasonally adjusted separately, and adding this result to seasonally adjusted M 1 . Consists of M 2 plus large-denom ination time deposits (in amounts of $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 or more), balances in institutional m oney funds, RP liabilities (overnight and term) issued by all depository institutions, and Eurodollars (overnight and term) held by U .S. residents at foreign branches of U.S. banks worldwide and at all banking offices in the United Kingdom and C anada. Excludes am ounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, money funds, and foreign banks and official institutions. Seasonally adjusted M3 is calculated by summ ing large time deposits, institutional m oney fund balances, RP liabilities, and Eurodollars, each seasonally adjusted separately and addinq this result to seasonally adjusted M 2. Debt. The debt aggregate is the outstanding credit market debt of the domestic nonfinancial sectors — the federal sector (U.S. government, not including governm entsponsored enterprises or federally related mortgage pools) and the nonfederal sectors (state and local governments, households and nonprofit organizations, nonfinancial corporate and nonfarm noncorporate businesses, and farms). Nonfederal debt consists of mortgages, tax-exem pt and corporate bonds, consum er credit bank loans commercial paper, and other loans. T he data, which are derived from the Federal Reserve Board’s flow of funds accounts, are break-adjusted (that is, discontinuities’in the data have been sm oothed into the series) and month-averaged (that is, the data have been derived by averaging adjacent month-end levels). T he presentation of the debt data in this release differ, therefore, from the quarterly flow of funds statistics contained in the Federal Reserve releases Z.7 and Z.1. In those releases, published levels of credit market debt are m easured on a quarter-end basis and contain discontinuities. Note: Current and historical H .6 data are available each w eek on the Federal Reserve Board's web site (http://w w w.federalreserve.gov/). Monthly data are available back to January 1959, and w eekly data are available back to January 1975 for most series. For information about individual copies or subscriptions, contact Publications Services at the Federal Reserve Board (phone 20 2-4 5 2 -3 2 4 5 , fax 2 0 2 -7 2 8 -5 8 8 6 ). For paid electronic access to current and historical data, call S T A T -U S A at 1 -8 0 0 -7 8 2 -8 8 7 2 or 2 0 2 -4 82-1 98 6. H.6 (508) Table 3 Pa9e 3 MONEY STOCK MEASURES Billions of dollars Seasonally adjusted M1 Period ending M2 M3 13-week average 4-week average week average 13-week average 4-week average week average 13-week average 4-week average week average 2000-Mar. 27 1113. 3 1 109. 3 1 11 5. 0 469 6 . 6 4725.2 4739.1 6554 . 0 6 609. 2 6623.3 Apr. 3 10 17 24 1112.1 1111.2 1110. 8 1111. 4 1 11 5 . 1 111 5. 9 1115. 9 1118. 7 113 1. 4 110 3 . 8 1 1 1 3. 3 1 126. 4 4 7 0 2. 4 470 8 . 8 4716.1 4 7 2 3. 4 4735.5 4745.6 4753.5 4764.7 4745. 4 4757.3 4772. 0 4784. 0 6561.0 6571.6 6582.6 6593 . 3 6621.1 6627.8 6638 . 9 6649. 4 6627 . 6 6645.9 6658.6 6665 . 3 May 1 8 15 22 29 1111.4 1110. 5 1 110. 6 1 110. 8 1 111. 0 1114. 2 1111. 9 1109 . 6 1105 .4 1104. 4 111 3. 3 109 4. 5 1104.3 110 9 . 5 1 10 9. 3 4729 .9 4734.1 4740. 1 4746.5 4752.2 4770.4 4768.5 4766.5 4763.9 4 762. 7 4768.3 4749. 8 4 763. 9 4773 . 5 4763 . 5 6603.2 6612.8 6 624. 5 6634 .7 6645 .1 6657. 3 6660. 4 6666.4 6669.5 6673 . 2 6659 6658 6682 6677 6674 June 5 12p 19p 1110. 7 1109.9 1108.9 1107 . 0 1103 . 2 1 1 0 1. 0 1 10 4 . 7 1 08 9. 4 1 10 0. 7 4757 . 6 4762.0 4765.2 4768 . 9 4771.4 4773.7 4774. 8 4773. 8 4782. 5 6653 . 9 6660 . 6 6668 . 8 6682 . 2 6688 . 1 6698.8 6694 . 1 6706 . 2 6 720. 9 .3 .3 .5 .9 .1 Not seasonally adjusted 2000-Mar. 27 1113.9 1105. 3 111 1. 4 4707.1 4744.9 4740 . 5 6576.9 6644.3 6638 . 1 Apr. 3 10 17 24 1109.6 1108.3 1108.7 1110. 0 1 114. 6 1 119. 4 1 124. 4 1128 .7 114 2. 6 1 11 5. 8 1 12 7. 8 1 12 8. 7 4713.2 4722 . 8 4734. 1 4 74 4 . 7 4759.7 4783.1 4806.5 4823.3 4793 . 8 4840.1 4851.4 4808.0 6585 . 3 6599.2 6613.2 6 626. 1 6655 .1 6 671. 3 6693.7 6705 .4 6668 . 3 6732.2 6736 . 3 6684 . 8 May 1 8 15 22 29 1110.6 1110.1 1110.5 1 110. 6 1110.6 1 121. 9 1115. 9 1108.1 1 09 9. 9 109 6. 8 1115.1 1 0 9 2. 0 1096. 5 1096. 1 1 1 0 2. 4 4751.8 4755.0 4759. 2 4762.6 4765.9 4811.2 4787 . 3 4760.5 4740.3 4734.8 4745.1 4744.5 4744.3 4727.3 4722.9 6635 . 6 6643.1 6651.1 6657 . 3 6664 . 6 6697 . 2 6677.6 6659.6 6 64 8. 4 6651.3 6635.4 6653 . 9 6664.2 6639. 9 6647 . 3 June 5 12p 19p 1110. 7 1110.1 1 10 9 . 3 110 0. 4 1098 . 6 109 8. 8 1106.6 1089. 1 1097.1 4769 .4 4771.7 4772.0 4 743. 5 4 751. 5 4760.1 4779 . 6 4 776. 3 4761.6 6671.2 6675.1 6678 .7 6665.7 6679 . 3 6692 . 6 6711. 2 6718.7 6693 . 2 Note: Special caution should be taken in interpreting w eek-to-w eek changes in money supply data, which are highly volatile and subject to revision. p preliminary data. Components may not add to totals due to rounding. H.6 (508) Table 4 Pa9e 4 SEASONALLY ADJUSTED COMPONENTS OF M1 Billions of dollars Date Currency1 4. 5. Other checkable deposits Demand deposits3 At commercial banks4 At thrift institutions5 Total 1999-Jan. Feb. Mar. 463.0 467 .4 471.5 8.2 8.1 8.2 374 .0 371 . 3 371 . 9 147 .0 142.8 144 .2 103.9 104 .6 105 . 5 250.8 247 .4 249.7 Apr. May June 475.6 480.0 483 . 5 8.2 8.3 8.8 371 . 6 365 . 9 360 .6 1 46.1 142.3 142.1 105.8 105 .2 105.1 251.8 247.5 247 .2 July A u g. Sep. 487 .3 491.2 495 .3 9.1 8.9 8.7 360 .1 3 56 . 5 3 51 . 3 138 .1 137 . 0 136.5 104 . 9 105 . 0 104 . 3 243 .0 242 . 0 240 . 8 Oct. Nov. Dec. 499 .3 504 .2 515.5 8.4 8.2 8.3 353 .3 3 55 . 9 355 .2 136 . 3 137 . 6 141.3 103 . 9 103 . 6 102 .7 240 . 3 241.2 244 . 0 2000-J a n . Feb. Mar . 524 .4 518 . 5 517 . 5 8.2 8 .1 8.2 343 .7 338 .1 343 . 0 141. 6 137 .4 137 .1 101. 5 103.7 106 . 5 243.1 241.2 243 .7 Apr. May 518.5 520.0 8.2 8.3 341.9 334 .4 140.0 135 .7 107 . 9 106 . 8 248 . 0 242 . 5 519.1 8 .1 347 .6 143 . 8 107.8 251.6 Week endina 2000-Apr. 24 1. 2. 3. Travelers checks2 May 1 8 15 22 29 518.4 518.7 519 . 5 520 .0 521.3 8 .1 8.2 8.2 8.3 8. 4 340 324 335 338 337 .1 .7 .5 .4 .8 139.1 134 .4 134.4 135.9 137 . 3 107 108 106 106 104 .5 .6 .7 .9 .6 246 . 6 243 . 0 241. 1 242.8 241.9 June 5 12p 19p 520 .3 520.9 522 .1 8.5 8.5 e 8.5 e 332 .8 3 21 . 2 329 .3 134 .4 131.3 134 . 1 108.7 107 . 5 106 . 9 243 . 2 238 . 8 240 . 9 Currency outside U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks and the vaults of depository institutions. Outstanding amount of U .S. dollar-denominated travelers checks of nonbank issuers. Travelers checks issued by depository institutions are included in dem and deposits. Dem and deposits at com m ercial banks and foreign-related institutions other than those due to depository institutions, the U.S. government and foreign banks and official institutions, less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float. Consists of N O W and A TS balances at commercial banks, U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks, and Edge Act corporations. Consists of N O W and A TS balances at thrifts, credit union share draft balances, and demand deposits at thrifts. e estimated p preliminary Components may not add to totals due to rounding. • • • • • • Page 5 H.6 (508) Table 5 SEASONALLY ADJUSTED COMPONENTS OF NON-M1 M2 Billions of dollars Savings deposits1 Date At commercial banks Total At commercial banks At thrift institutions Total Retail money funds Total Non-M1 M2 1999-Jan. Feb. Mar. 1198.6 1212. 6 1217.3 419.2 426 .0 429.9 161 7. 7 163 8. 6 1 64 7. 2 622.6 618.6 616.9 3 24 . 3 322.5 320.4 947 . 0 941.1 937 .3 761.5 773 .6 777 .6 3326.2 3353 . 3 3362.1 Apr. May June 1230 .9 1242 .4 1252 .2 431.5 442.0 447 .7 1 662. 4 1 684. 4 169 9. 9 615.9 616.1 616.4 3 19 . 2 3 17 . 7 3 15 . 0 935 .2 933 .8 931.4 785 .7 793 .2 799 .5 3383.2 3411.4 3430 . 8 J uly Aug. Sep. 1264 .3 1274.0 1285. 7 453 .7 455 .6 455 .7 1718.1 1729.6 174 1 . 5 617 . 3 618 . 9 622.1 314.2 314 . 5 315.5 931.5 933 .4 937 .6 803 .8 808 .7 814.9 3453 .4 3 471. 8 3494.0 Oct. Nov. Dec. 1289 .7 1289 . 0 1285 .7 453 .4 451.8 448.7 1743.1 1740 . 8 1734 .4 625 . 6 630 . 3 634 .7 3 16 . 7 318 . 9 320 . 5 942 . 3 949 .2 955 . 2 820 .4 827 . 9 842 . 9 3505. 8 3517. 8 3532 . 5 2000-Jan. Feb. Mar. 1288 . 3 1302 .0 1309 .1 447 . 2 449 .6 452 .3 1735 . 5 1 75 1 . 6 1 76 1 . 4 639 . 0 644 .4 6 50.1 322 . 9 323 .7 324 .7 9 61 . 9 968 .2 974 . 8 862 .5 865 .6 879 . 8 3559 . 9 3585 . 5 3615. 9 Apr. May 1325.2 1322.2 449.3 453 .2 1774.5 1775 . 5 659.7 666 . 9 324 .2 326 .4 983 . 9 993 . 3 893 . 8 890 . 9 3652.3 3659.7 1329.1 448 .7 1777 . 9 660 . 8 325 .0 985 . 8 894 . 0 3 657. 6 987 989 992 994 996 .8 .8 .0 .0 .7 889 . 3 885 . 1 891.5 892 . 6 895 . 0 3655 . 0 3655 . 3 3659 . 6 3664 . 0 3654.2 1000 . 5 1004 .4 1007 .7 889 . 8 889 . 9 887 . 5 3670 . 0 3684 .4 3 681. 8 Week endina 200 0 -Apr. 24 1. 2. At thrift institutions Small-denomination time deposits2 May 1 8 15 22 29 1324 . 6 1328 . 6 1324.0 1322. 7 1308 . 8 453 . 3 451.8 4 52.1 454 .8 453 .7 1778.0 1 78 0 . 4 1776.1 1777 . 5 1 76 2 . 5 662.2 663 . 5 665 .7 667 .8 669 . 8 325 . 6 326.3 326 . 3 326 .1 326 .9 June 5 12p 19p 1331.1 1339.5 1333. 7 448 . 6 450.6 452.9 1 7 7 9. 7 1790. 1 1786.6 673.2 676 .1 67 8 . 4 327 .3 328 .4 329 .3 Savings deposits include m oney market deposit accounts. Small-denom ination tim e deposits including retail RPs— are those issued in amounts of less than $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 . All IRA and Keogh account balances at commercial banks and thrifts are subtracted from small time deposits. p preliminary Components may not add to totals due to rounding. Page 6 H.6 (508) Table 6 SEASONALLY ADJUSTED COMPONENTS OF NON-M2 M3 AND DEBT Billions of dollars Date 1999-Jan. Feb. Mar. 3. 4. Large-denomination time deposits1 RPs3 At commercial banks2 At thrift institutions Eurodollars4 Total Debt components5 Total Non-M2 M3 Federal Non-Federal 523.3 533 .2 535 .9 541.4 537 . 8 534 . 5 90.3 90.0 89.5 631.7 627 .8 624 .0 300.6 315.1 305 .7 150 .7 154.1 1 58 . 7 1606 .4 1630 .3 1624 .2 3742 . 7 3723.7 3723.9 12627. 3 12737 . 5 12855. 2 Apr. May June 544 .4 550.1 553.9 537 .1 537 .2 535 .9 89 . 4 88.6 88.9 626 .5 625 .8 624 .9 300 .9 305 .0 312.8 1 61 . 5 1 62 . 3 1 64 . 8 1633.3 1643 .2 1656.4 3718.6 3702.8 3703.6 12966 . 1 13056 . 2 1 31 34. 1 J uly Aug. Sep. 556 .1 563 .8 566 . 9 537 .6 533 .9 540 . 0 88.8 89. 6 89 . 6 626 .4 623 .5 629 .5 31 2 . 7 313.3 313 . 5 163 .0 158.0 155 . 8 1658 .2 1658 . 6 1665 . 8 3708.0 3711.0 3698 . 1 13212. 0 13306 . 8 13424. 3 Oct. Nov. Dec. 577 .7 592 . 1 607 . 4 563 . 6 588.9 614 .4 89 . 5 91. 0 91. 5 653 .1 679 .9 705 . 9 313.4 321.5 334 .7 155.2 163 . 9 173 . 5 1699 .4 1757 .4 1821. 5 3680.2 3656.9 3659.5 13532 .4 13623 . 8 13721.7 200 0-Jan. Feb. Mar. 623 .5 617 . 5 640.7 618.7 620 . 5 627 . 6 94.3 95 . 0 95.1 713.0 715.4 722 .7 329 .4 343 .2 339 . 5 176 . 0 171. 6 180 . 9 1841.9 1847 .7 18 8 3 . 9 3646 .2 3609.4 3618.8 13823 .7 13926 . 6 14020.4 Apr. May 640.0 649 . 2 644 .7 649 .6 94 .6 93 . 3 739 . 3 743 . 0 334 .5 341.2 172.6 177.0 1886 . 3 1910 .4 3602.3 p 14116. 4 p 637 .7 642 .4 94.5 736 .9 335 .1 171.6 1881. 3 Week endina 2000-Apr. 24 2. Institutional money funds May 1 8 15 22 29 637 .5 644.4 652 .5 654 . 2 648 . 5 645 656 653 644 645 .8 .0 .9 .0 .8 93.6 93 . 5 93. 9 93. 2 92. 9 739 .4 749.5 747 .8 737 .2 738 .7 339 339 344 336 342 .5 .6 .3 .9 .5 174.8 17 5 . 0 173 . 9 176 . 3 180 . 9 1891.1 1908. 5 1918.6 1904 . 5 1910.6 June 5 12p 19p 645 .7 654 .2 660 . 3 647 . 5 657 .7 662.4 93. 6 94.8 95.1 741.1 752.5 757 .5 347 .4 347 .0 345 .0 185 . 1 178.8 175.6 1919.3 1932.4 1938.4 Large-denomination time deposits at commercial banks less those held by money market mutual funds, depository institutions, U.S. qovernment, and foreiqn banks and official institutions. Overnight and term RPs of $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 or more issued by depository institutions, excluding those held by depository institutions and by m oney funds. Overnight and term Eurodollars issued to U.S. addressees by foreign branches of U.S. banks worldwide and by all banking offices in the United Kingdom and Canada, excluding those held by depository institutions and by money funds. Debt data are on a monthly average basis, derived by averaging adjacent end-of-month levels, and have been adjusted to remove discontinuities. p preliminary Components may not add to totals due to rounding. % • • • • H.6 (508) Table 7 • • • • • Page 7 NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED COMPONENTS OF M1 Billions of dollars Date Currency1 Travelers checks2 Other checkable deposits Demand deposits3 At commercial banks4 4. 5. Total 4 62 . 4 4 66 . 4 471.2 8.3 8.3 8.3 379.2 364 .3 367 .2 149.3 142.7 144 . 8 104 .7 103 .4 105 . 9 254.0 246.1 250 .6 Apr. May June 475.7 479 .7 4 83.0 8.3 8.3 8.6 372.1 361.5 359 .3 149.0 141.9 142.2 108 .4 104 . 9 105.2 257 .4 2 46.8 247 .4 July Aug. Sep. 487 .7 490.2 493.3 8.7 8.6 8.5 359 .9 355 .2 347 .2 136.8 135 . 6 135.2 104.4 103 . 9 103 . 0 241.2 239 .5 2 38.2 Oct. Nov. Dec. 4 98.3 505 .1 521.2 8.4 8.3 8.4 3 50 . 7 359 .2 371.2 1 34 . 9 136 . 9 142.3 102 . 8 103 .4 104 . 3 237 . 8 2 40.3 246 .7 200 0-Jan. Feb. Ma r . 523 .1 517 . 5 517.6 8.4 8.3 8.3 348 .4 331.7 338 . 5 143.8 137 .2 137 .7 102.4 102 . 6 107 . 0 246 .2 239 .8 244 .6 Apr. May 518 . 9 519.6 8.3 8.4 344 .4 329 .2 142.8 135.4 110 . 8 106 .4 253 . 6 241. 8 518.4 8. 3 344.8 147.3 109 . 9 257.2 339 .2 319.9 329 .7 328.8 332.5 141.0 134.2 133 . 3 135.2 137 . 3 109 .2 109.4 105 .7 104 . 8 103 . 9 250 .3 243 . 6 239 .1 240 . 0 241.1 332.3 320.5 326.9 1 34 . 6 131.1 1 34 . 3 110 . 1 107 . 3 106 . 6 244 .7 238.4 240 . 9 Week endina 2000-Apr. 24 1. 2. 3. At thrift institutions5 1999-J a n . Feb. Ma r . May 1 8 15 22 29 517 .4 520.2 519.4 518.9 520 .3 8.3 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.4 June 5 12p 19p 521.0 521.8 521.0 8.5 8.4 8.3 e e Currency outside U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks and the vaults of depository institutions. Outstanding am ount of U.S. dollar-denominated travelers checks of nonbank issuers. Travelers checks issued by depository institutions are included in dem and deposits. D em and deposits at comm ercial banks and foreign-related institutions other than those due to depository institutions, the U.S. government and foreign banks and official institutions, less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float. Consists of N O W and A TS balances at commercial banks, U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks, and Edge Act corporations. Consists of N O W and A TS balances at thrifts, credit union share draft balances, and demand deposits at thrifts. e estimated p preliminary Components may not add to totals due to rounding. Page 8 H.6 (508) Table 8 NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED COMPONENTS OF NON-M1 M2 Billions of dollars Savings deposits1 Date At commercial banks Total At commercial banks At thrift Total Retail money funds Total Non-M1 M2 1999-Jan. Feb. Ma r . 119 6 . 8 1 20 5 . 9 1 2 2 0. 4 418.5 423 .7 431.0 1615.3 1629.5 165 1 . 4 624 .1 6 20 . 8 618 . 5 325 .1 323 .7 3 21. 3 949 .2 944 .5 939 .7 764 .4 783 . 8 792.8 3328.8 3357.8 3383 . 9 Apr. May June 1 24 4 . 9 1238 .8 1253 .4 436.4 440.7 448.1 1681.2 1 67 9 . 5 1701.6 6 16 . 4 6 14 . 3 6 13 . 3 319 . 5 316 . 8 313. 4 935 .9 931.1 9 26 . 7 797 . 8 782.1 788 . 8 3414.9 3392.7 3417.0 J uly Aug. Sep. 1265 .7 1272.5 1282 . 0 454.2 455 . 1 454 .4 1719.9 1727.6 1736.4 615. 5 617 . 3 621. 5 313 . 2 313 .7 3 15 . 2 928 .7 931.0 936.7 792 . 5 808 . 6 813 . 5 3441.1 3467 . 1 3486. 6 Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 285. 1 1288.6 1288.5 451.8 451.6 449 .7 1736.9 1740.3 1738.2 626.7 631.9 635 . 5 3 17 . 2 3 19 . 6 3 21 . 0 943 .9 951.5 956 .4 816.4 824 .9 841. 6 3 497. 1 3516.7 3536.3 2000-Jan. Feb. Mar . 1286.5 1294.6 1311. 8 446 .6 447.1 453 .2 1 733. 1 1741.7 1765 . 0 640. 6 647 . 0 652.1 323 .7 325 .0 325 .7 964 .3 972 . 0 977 . 8 866 . 3 878 . 5 897 .3 3 563. 7 3592.1 3640 . 1 Apr. May 1341.5 1317 .4 454 .9 451.6 1796.4 1769.0 660 .4 664 . 6 324 .5 325 . 3 984 . 9 989 . 9 907 . 8 878 .8 3689.1 3637 .7 1336. 1 451.0 1787 . 1 660 . 8 325 . 0 985 .8 906 . 3 3679 . 3 882 874 877 879 882 .8 .9 .6 .6 .8 3630. 0 3652. 4 3647. 8 3631. 2 3620. 5 878 .2 882 . 2 876 . 4 3673.0 3 687. 2 3664 . 5 Week endina 200 0 -Apr. 24 2. At thrift institutions Small-denomination time deposits2 May 1 8 15 22 29 1311.6 1335.4 1327 .7 1310.8 1296.4 448 454 453 450 449 .8 .1 .4 .7 .5 1760.4 1789.6 1 781. 1 1761.6 1745.9 6 61 . 5 662 . 3 663 . 8 665 .2 6 66 . 5 325 325 325 324 325 .3 .7 .3 .8 .3 986 . 8 988 .0 989 . 1 990 . 0 991.8 June 5 12p 19p 1346.2 1352.1 1334 .2 453 .7 454 .9 453 .0 1799 . 9 1806 . 9 1787 . 2 6 69 . 4 671. 8 673 .8 325 .4 326 . 3 327 . 1 994 . 8 998 . 1 1000 . 9 Small-denom ination time deposits including retail RPs thrifts are subtracted from small time deposits. p preliminary Components may not add to totals due to rounding. are those issued in amounts of less than $1 00 ,0 00 . All IRA and Keoqh account balances at commercial banks and H.6 (508) Table 9 Page 9 NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED COMPONENTS OF NON-M2 M3 AND DEBT Billions of dollars Date 3. 4. 5. Large-denomination time deposits1 RPs3 Eurodollars4 At commercial banks2 At thrift institutions Total At commercial banks At thrift institutions Total Total Non-M2 M3 Debt components5 Federal Non-Federal 1610.2 1648.2 1634 . 3 373 6. 6 3721. 8 3741. 2 12615, .1 12705, . 5 12818, .2 161.3 163.9 164 .7 1631. 7 1648. 4 1652. 4 3717.1 367 4. 2 3662. 8 12938, .0 13036, . 1 13125, .4 310.8 312.9 312. 6 160.9 156.9 154.4 1639 . 3 1646 . 6 1652.4 3652. 2 3 66 5. 8 3 65 5. 8 13205, , 3 13295, . 3 13416, .3 65.5 64. 6 63. 5 310.7 324 . 1 330.0 153.8 1 64.1 175 . 6 1693 . 6 1 766. 7 1828 . 3 363 5. 5 3641. 7 3 66 3 . 1 13525. . 3 13615. . 8 13717. .1 265 .2 282 .7 282.3 64.5 62.5 59 . 9 329 .7 345 . 1 342.2 177 .2 173.0 180 . 8 1847 .7 1869 . 0 1 896. 4 363 9. 0 3605. 4 3 63 3. 6 13815. .9 13899. .7 13986. , 5 739 .0 748 .3 273.3 284 .4 59 . 8 60 . 9 333 . 1 345 .3 172 . 5 178.5 1884 . 8 1916.6 359 7. 2 p 14092. -1 P 94.5 736 .8 272.4 59 . 9 332.3 172.0 1876 . 8 1999-Jan. Feb. Mar. 534.8 552 .4 544 .1 533 .2 533 .9 534 .6 89.0 89 . 4 89.6 622 . 2 623 .3 624 .2 252.9 265 .7 252.9 48.0 51.0 54.7 300.9 316.6 307 .6 152.4 155 .9 158.4 Apr. May June 544 .2 545 .3 547 .6 536 .7 541.0 537.1 89.3 89 . 3 89 .1 626 .1 6 30 . 2 626 .2 243 .8 250 .9 254 .0 56.3 5 8. 1 59.9 300.1 309.0 313.9 July Aug. Sep. 540.5 555 .0 553 .2 538 .2 532 .5 542.2 88 . 9 89.4 89 . 9 627 .1 621 . 9 632 .2 248.5 249 .2 246 . 8 62.2 63.6 65 . 8 Oct. Nov. Dec . 570.9 595 . 1 618.9 567 .9 591.9 612 . 6 90 . 2 91.5 91.2 658 .1 683 .4 703 . 8 245 .2 259 .6 266 . 5 2000-J a n . Feb. Ma r . 638 .2 640.6 650 . 5 609 . 8 616 . 0 627 . 8 92.9 94 . 3 95 .1 702 .7 710.3 722.9 Apr. May 640 .2 644 . 5 644.5 654 .3 94.5 94 . 0 635 .6 642.4 Week endina 20 0 0-Apr. 24 1. 2. Institutional May 1 8 15 22 29 631.0 637 .6 645 .5 650.6 645 .6 648 .7 661.0 657 .7 648 .2 651.3 94 . 1 94 . 2 94.4 93.8 93.7 742.8 755 .2 752.1 742.0 745 .0 280 .7 281.5 286 .3 280.5 287 .8 59. 3 60 . 8 61.6 60.3 61.1 339 .9 342.4 347 . 9 340.8 348.9 17 6 . 6 174.3 1 74 . 3 179.1 184.8 1890 . 3 1909.5 1919.8 1912 . 6 1924 . 3 June 5 12p 19p 646 . 6 656 .5 651.6 652 .9 660 .4 664 .1 94.4 95.2 95.4 747 .4 755 .6 759 .5 292 .0 289 .7 284 .4 60.3 61.2 61.1 352.4 350.9 345.5 185.3 179.5 175 . 0 1931.5 1942 .4 1931.6 Large-denom ination time deposits are those issued in amounts of $1 00 ,0 00 or more, excluding those booked at international banking facilities. Large-denom ination time deposits at commercial banks less those held by money market mutual funds, depository institutions, U.S. qovernm ent and foreian banks and official institutions. ^ Overnight and term RPs of $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 or more issued by depository institutions, excluding those held by depository institutions and by m oney funds. Overnight and term Eurodollars issued to U.S. addressees by foreign branches of U.S. banks worldwide and by all banking offices in the United Kinqdom and C anada excluding those held by depository institutions and by money funds. Debt data are on a monthly average basis, derived by averaging adjacent end-of-month levels, and have been adjusted to remove discontinuities, p preliminary Components may not add to totals due to rounding. H.6 (508) Table 10 Page 10 MEMORANDUM ITEMS Billions of dollars, not seasonally adjusted Demand deposits at banks due to Date Foreign commercial banks Foreign official institutions Time and savings deposits due to foreign banks and official institutions U.S. government deposits Demand deposits at commercial banks Balance at Federal Reserve Note balances at depository institutions1 Total cash balance IRA and Keogh Accounts Time and savings deposits at commercial banks At commercial banks At thrift institutions At money market funds Total 1999-Jan. Feb. Ma r . 8. 8 8. 7 8. 7 1. 8 1. 8 1. 7 18. 2 18. 6 19.1 2.9 1. 4 1.5 6. 6 4.8 5. 5 30. 8 6. 9 1 2. 1 40. 2 13. 0 19. 1 4.6 4.3 4.0 151. 5 151. 6 151. 7 9 7. 0 9 6. 8 96. 5 119. 4 12 1 . 1 122. 7 367 .8 369 . 4 3 71 . 0 Apr. May June 8. 6 8.5 8. 3 1.6 1. 6 1. 6 19.1 1 8. 6 18.1 4.6 1. 4 2.6 6. 4 5. 4 5. 9 16. 5 28. 4 24 .0 27. 5 35. 3 32. 5 3. 9 4.0 4.0 151. 6 151. 3 15 1 . 1 96. 4 9 6. 3 9 6. 3 1 24. 2 125 . 2 1 26. 3 3 72 . 2 372 . 9 373 . 7 July Aug. Sep. 8.2 8. 2 8.2 1. 6 1. 4 1. 3 18. 7 20. 7 2 2. 6 1. 3 1. 3 2.5 5. 2 5.1 6.4 27. 2 9. 2 29. 3 33. 7 15. 5 38. 2 4.1 4.3 4.5 150. 8 150. 7 150. 6 9 6. 2 96.0 95.8 128 . 5 131 . 9 135. 4 3 75 . 5 378.6 381 . 7 Oct. Nov. Dec. 8. 5 9.1 9. 7 1. 3 1. 4 1. 4 24 . 8 2 7. 4 30.1 1. 4 1. 2 1. 4 5. 2 5.1 8. 3 2 8. 6 8. 0 39. 0 35. 2 14. 3 48. 7 4.7 5.0 5. 3 150.1 149. 3 148. 5 9 5. 6 9 5. 3 95.1 137. 9 139. 4 140. 9 383. 5 384.0 384 . 5 2000-Jan. Feb. Ma r . 9. 7 9. 3 8. 8 1. 4 1. 3 1.2 30. 6 2 9. 2 2 7. 9 2.9 1. 2 1. 3 8.1 5. 3 5. 3 52. 5 24. 3 1 4. 1 63. 5 30. 8 20. 8 5. 4 5. 4 5. 5 148. 0 148. 0 147. 9 94. 7 94 .1 9 3. 5 142 . 6 e 14 4 . 2 e 14 5 . 9 e 385.3 e 3 86 . 3 e 387.3 e 8.6 e 8.6 e 1.2 e 1.2 e 27.2 e 27.2 e 5. 0 1. 5 8. 4 7.1 40. 0 57. 5 53. 3 66. 0 5.5 e 5.5 e 147. 8 e 147 . 5 e 93 . 2 e 93 . 0 e 147 . 5 e 14 9 . 2 e 388.5 e 3 89 . 8 e 8. 8 7.9 42. 3 59. 0 Apr. May Week endina 200 0 -Apr. 24 May 1 8 15 22 29 7.3 1. 5 1. 3 1.1 1. 1 16. 7 8. 3 9. 2 5. 0 5. 0 7 4. 2 7 3. 2 68. 9 53. 2 41. 7 98. 2 83. 0 79. 4 59. 3 47. 8 June 5 12p 19p 1. 2 1. 6 4.1 4.6 5.0 6.7 11. 8 2. 4 38. 8 17.7 9.0 49. 7 1. Source: Daily Treasury statem ent, e estim ated p preliminary Components m ay not add to totals due to rounding.