Full text of H.6 Money Stock Measures : June 15, 1972
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FEDERAL RESERVE tatistical release For Immediate Release June 15, 1972 MONEY STOCK MEASURES H6 -1 Date Currency plus demand deposits^ 1971--May June July August ! October November December 1972--January February March April May p Week ending 1972--May June r 3 10 17 24 31 p 7 p 1 r r |:IN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS Mg Mg M i plus time deposits M2 plus deposits at commercial banks at nonbank other than large thrift institutions27 CD's2/ 1 Seasonally Adjusted Currency plus demand deposits17 M2 1 M3 |M) plus time deposits M2 plus deposits at commercial banks at nonbank i other than7 large thrift institutions37 I CDs* Not Seasonally Adjusted 223 8 225 5 227,4 228 0 227 6 227 7 227 7 228 2 446 450 453 454 455 458 460 464 6 6 4 5 6 3 8 7 681 0 687,8 693 8 697 6 701 2 706 5 711 6 718 1 219.9 223 7 226 0 224 9 226 2 227 5 229 6 235 1 443,7 449 1 452 0 451 7 454 3 458 0 461 4 470 2 678 687 693 694 699 705 711 723 2 1 0 5 5 9 4 4 228 231 233 235 235 8 2 5 0 8 469 475 480 483 486 9 5 1 0 5 727 737 745 752 759 23S 229 231 236 231 3 0 3 1 6 475 472 478 485 483 3 7 7 4 6 732 734 744 755 756 8 1 9 6 3 234 234 236 235 236 7 5 8 0 2 484 484 487 486 488 2 6 5 4 3 233 231 232 229 231 2 2 6 2 6 483 482 484 481 484 9 6 4 6 8 236 5 r 3 4 9 7 1 234 3 489 3 .1 commerc al banks other than those due t ;es at F R Banks and rreasury F R Banks and vaults ot all c c os ts sav ngs depos ts l mi jed n denom nat ons o< $100 000 o s M2 Plus the average of t n ng and end ot month depos ts of i -1 * domestic commercia the U S Government depos ts open account and t me cert f cates of deposit: more by large weekly reporting commercial banks lutual sav ngs banks and savings and loan shares r r | 487 8 e process of collection and F R Mo p - Preliminary r - Revised ir, j^t 4?!;t*Ji + , | , », »€,» M (, Tiblf 2 MONfcY STOCK MEASURES *»!« ClHf CHA*»E At tlAfOHAttV ADJUiTtO ANNUAL HATES ". »«•> M. ' ' Cuntnty ptu* dtmind tftpoittf ^ t d t» Mi plus Unit dtpoitli i! comm#rati banks olhtf th4in J#rgf '—1 **3 M2 plus deposits at Ponbank thrift institutions'17 1972 from F e b r u a r y 1972 (3 months previous) NovembLr 1971 (6 months previous) M>y 1971 (12 months p r e v i o u s ) Four Weokb Ending J u n e 7 , From Tour Weeks Ending 8 0 9.3 11 8 7 1 5 4 11.2 8.9 13 4 11 5 1972 8 , 1 9 7 2 (13 weeks previous) 1971 (26 weeks previous) J u n e 9 1971 (52 weeks p r e v i o u s > March 7.4 9.1 7.3 11 3 8 9 December 8 , J inc ludos 5.2 ( i ) demand depositb at a l l commercial banks other than those due to domestic commercial banks and the U 8 Government less cash items in the process of c o l l e c t i o n and F R float (2) loreign demand balances at F R Banks and (3) currency outside the Treasury F R Banks and vaults of all commercial banks "~J includes n i d d t on to currency and demand deposits savings deposits lime deposits Open account and time certificates of deposits other than negotiable time certificates of deposit issued in denominations of $100 000 or more by large weekly reporting commercial banks ^ mc l u o c M 2 plus the a v e n g e of the beginning and end of month deposits of mutual savings &ariks and savings and loan shares Note Alt rates of change are based on daily average data rates o^ejjgnpe are not compounded FEDERAL RESERVE Statistical Release H 6 Table 3 COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND RELATED ITEMS SEASONALLY ADJUSTED, IN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS Time and savings deposits Date Currency Demand deposits 1971—May June July August September October November December 50.8 51 1 51.6 51.7 51.9 52.2 52.2 52.5 1972—January February March April May p Total Nonbank thrift institutions CD'S^ Other 173.0 174.5 175.8 176.3 175.7 175,5 175.5 175.7 28.5 29.4 30.4 30.8 31.6 32.7 32.2 33.4 222.8 225.0 225.9 226.5 228.0 230.6 233.1 236.4 251.3 254.4 256.4 257.3 259.6 263.3 265.3 269.9 234.4 237 2 240.4 243 1 245.6 248.3 250.8 253.4 52.8 53.2 53 7 54 0 54.4 176.0 178 0 179 9 180.9 181.4 r 33.2 33.8 33.4 34.7 36 3 241.2 244.3 246 5 248.1 250 7 274.4 278 1 279.9 282.8 287.0 257 4 261.8 265.8 269 7 272 6 54 1 54.4 54 4 54 5 54 5 180 180 182 180 181 r 35.6 36 0 36.1 36 5 36 7 249.5 250 1 250 7 251 4 252 1 285 2 286.1 286 9 287 9 288 8 252 8 289 5 r Week e n d i n g 1972--May June J 3 10 17 24 31 p 7 p 54 6 r 6 1 3 5 7 182 0 36 7 r r n luces negoi able I me ce t f cates of depos t ssued n denotr nai ors ot S100 000 or more by large weekly repo i ng comme c al banks A f j / ^ t i e m ng and end of month depos t at mutual sav ngs banks and sav ngs and loans shares p - Preliminary x ~ Revised v FEDERAL RESERVE Statistical Rei*#s* H.6 Table 4 COMtoNEWTS OF-MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND RELATED ITEMS NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED, IN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS Time and savings deposits Currency Date demand deposits CDV Other rota! Nonbank thrift institutions ^ US Gttv't demand ** 1971—May June* July August September October November December 50.5 51.0> 51.9 51.9 51.9 52.2 52.8 53.5 169..4 172..7 174. 1 173. 0 174. 3 175. 3 176. 9 181. 5 27. 28. 29. 31. 32. 33. 33. 33. 223 . 8 225 . 4 226 . 0 226 . 9 228.. 1 230. 5 231. 8 235. 1 251.4 253.8 255 258 260 264 265.5 269.0 234.5 238.0 241.1 242.8 245.2 247.9 250.0 253.2 7. 5. 6. 6. 7. 5. 3. 6. 1972*-January February March April May p 5^2.6 52.6 5372 53.6 54.0 182.7 176.4 178.1 182.6 177.6 33.7 33.6 33.3 33.8 35.0 2 4 0 . •0 243. 7 247. 5 249. 3 251. 9 213^1' 277.3 283.1 287.0 257.5 261.4 266.2 270.2 272.7 7.2 7.2 7.7 7.6 10.4 53 .5 54 . 4 54.. 1 53. 9 54. 0 179.7 176.-9 178.5 175.3 177.6 34.3 34.6 34.9 35.4 35.6 250.7 251.4 251.7 252.3 253.2 285.0 285.9 286.6 287.7 288.8 11.7 11.0 10.6 10.2 8.9 54. 7 179.6 36.0 253.5 289.5 6.1 280.8 Weak E n d i n g : 1972- •May June 3 10 17 24 31 p 7 p r r V Incfudes negotiable time certificates of deposit issued ir denominations of $100,000 or more by large weekly reporting commercial banks 2J Average of beginning and end of month deposits at mutual savings ban*s and savings and loan shares 3/ U S Government demand deposits at alt commercial oanks p - Preliminary r - Revised