Full text of H.6 Money Stock Measures : June 13, 1991
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iSSSSt,' FEDERAL RESERVE statisticgUetep^ H.6 ( 5 0 8 ) Table 1 MONEY STOCK, LIQUID ASSETS, AND DEBT MEA$UftE? JUNE 13, 1991 Billions of dollars Date Ml 3 M22 M3 3 DEBT Seasonally adjusted 1989-JUNE JULY AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. 774.3 779.3 779.9 781.8 787.9 788.9 793.6 3105.0 3129.4 3147.3 3162.8 3183.0 3203.4 3223.1 3982.8 4004.9 4012. 4018. 4027. 4041. 4055. 4783.4 4807.4 4826.1 4834.5 4851.7 4869.4 4889.9 9457.9 9506.9 9570.7 9629.1 9689.0 9751.7 9790.4 1990-JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. 795.4 801.1 804.7 807.7 807.5 811.5 810.7 816.5 821.8 821.2 823.3 825.4 3233.6 3255.0 3269.6 3279.9 3282.8 3290.6 3295.4 3309.5 3321.5 3324.3 3323.5 3327.6 4061. 4073. 4077. 4082. 4082. 4085.8 4089.2 4103.3 4109.0 4109.3 4108.8 4111.7 4895.3 4902.9 4914.6 4920.5 4903.2 4922.8 4926.8 4935.4 4957.4 4955.6 4956.8 4958.8 9833.8 9897.1 9969.5 10026.6 10070.4 10128.4 10188.7 10257.3 10312.4 10349.5 10399.5 10436.1 1991-JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY p 826.7 836.4 843.0 842.2 851.9 3331.0 3354.3 3375.0 3382.8 3394.3 4124.5 4160.4 4168.8 4169.7 4171.3 4977.0 5010.0 5013.3 4975.6 p 10467.8 10525.9 10563.9 10578.8 p Not seasonally adjusted 1989-JUNE JULY AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. 773.9 781.9 777.8 778.9 784.5 791.4 811.9 3099. 3133. 3147. 3158. 3180.8 3206. 3236, 3978.4 4006.8 4016.6 4016.8 4025.2 4048.4 4067.0 4823.7 4833.5 4848.8 4874.9 4907.4 9414.0 9460.2 9516.6 9578.3 9648.5 9719.2 9775.9 1990-JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. 802.4 788.3 796.2 818.0 797.3 810.8 812.9 814.5 818.9 817.6 826.1 844.3 3244.5 3245.6 3267.7 3292.8 3262.8 3284.1 3298.6 3310.2 3316.8 3321.6 3327.1 3341.6 4067.8 4061.5 4075.8 4090.8 4064..3 4080..8 4091..4 4108..3 4107..2 4106..4 4115..9 4123.8 4911.5 4893.9 4912.2 4930.3 4888.6 4914.1 4919.2 4933.5 4956.0 4951.4 4961.5 4977.2 9822.2 9864.3 9925.6 9980.8 10024.1 10084.6 10145.5 10208.2 10263.1 10310.0 10370.0 10423.3 1991-JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY p 833.2 823.4 835.0 852.9 841.9 3341.3 3345.1 3374.2 3396.3 3373.7 4130.7 4148.5 4168.1 4178.8 4152.5 4993.0 5000.5 5011.4 4986.9 p 10455.7 10490.8 10518.6 10534.2 p Footnotes appear on the following page, p—indicates preliminary data. 4777.1 4aoo.3 H.6 ( 5 0 8 ) Table 2 MONEY STOCK AND DEBT MEASURES Percent change at seasonally adjusted annual rates Ml M2 M3 Debt 7.4 4.8 1.0 4.2 3 Months from FEB. 1991 TO MAY 1991 6 Months from NOV. 1990 TO MAY 1991 6.9 4.3 3.0 4.4 1991 5.5 3.4 2.2 5.5 12 Months from MAY 1990 to MAY Thirteen weeks ending JUNE 3> 1991 from thirteen weeks ending: MAR. 4, 1991 (13 weeks previous) 7.8 5.5 3.5 DEC. 3> 1990 (26 weeks previous) 5.8 3.7 3.0 4> 1990 (52 weeks previous) 4.9 3.2 2.2 JUNE 1. Growth rates for debt are based on periods beginning and ending one month earlier than for the monetary aggregates, namely> January 1991 to April 1991, October 1990 to April 1991, and April 1990 to April 1991, respectively. 1. Consists of (1) currency outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults of depository institutions* (2) travelers checks of nonbank issuersi (3) demand deposits at all commercial banks other than those due to depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions, less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float * and (4) other checkable deposits (OCDs), consisting of negotiable order of withdrawal (NON) and automatic transfer service (ATS) accounts at depository institutions, credit union share draft accounts and demand deposits at thrift institutions. Seasonally adjusted Ml is calculated by summing currency, travelers checks, demand deposits, and OCDs, each seasonally adjusted separately. Consists of Ml plus overnight (and continuing contract) RPs issued by all depository institutions and overnight Eurodollars issued to U.S. residents by foreign branches of U.S. banks worldwide, money market deposit accounts (MMDAs), savings and small-denomination time deposits (time deposits — including retail RPs — in amounts of less than $100,000), and balances in both taxable and tax-exempt general purpose and broker/dealer money market mutual funds. Excludes individual retirement account (IRA) and Keogh balances at depository institutions and money market funds. Also excludes all balances held by U.S. commercial banks, money market funds (general purpose and broker/dealer), foreign governments and commercial banks, and the U.S. government. Seasonally adjusted M2 is computed by adjusting its non-Mi component as a whole and then adding this result to seasonally adjusted Ml. Consists of M2 plus large-denomination time deposits (in amounts of $100,000 or more) and term RP liabilities issued by all depository institutions, term Eurodollars held by U.S. residents at foreign branches of U.S. banks worldwide and at all banking offices in the United Kingdom and Canada, and balances in both taxable and tax-exempt institution-only money market mutual funds. Excludes amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, money market funds, and foreign banks and official institutions. Also subtracted is the estimated amount of overnight RPs and Eurodollars held by institution-only money market mutual funds. Seasonally adjusted M3 is obtained by adjusting its non-M2 component as a whole and then adding this result to seasonally adjusted M2. Consists of M3 plus the nonbank public holdings of U.S. savings bonds, short-term Treasury securities, commercial paper and bankers acceptances, net of money market mutual fund holdings of these assets. Debt of domestic nonfinancial sectors consists of outstanding credit market debt of the U.S. government, state and local governments and private nonfinancial sectors. Private debt consists of corporate bonds, mortgages, consumer credit (including bank loans), other bank loans, commercial paper, bankers acceptances and other debt instruments. The data are derived from the Federal Reserve Board's flow of funds accounts. All data on debt of domestic nonfinancial sectors are presented in month-averaqe form, derived by averaging adjacent month-end levels. These data have also been adjusted to remove statistical discontinuities that may arise in the underlying flow of funds statistics. The presentation of debt data in this release differs, therefore, from the quarterly flow of funds statistics contained in the Federal Reserve releases Z.7 and Z.l. In those releases, published levels of credit market debt are measured on a quarter-end basis and include discontinuities. Footnotes to Table 1 2. 3. 4. 5. H.6 ( 5 0 8 ) Table 3 MONEY STOCK MEASURES B i l l i o n s of dollars Seasonally adjusted Ml Period en<ding 13-week average 4-week average 1991-MAR. 11 18 25 831.2 832.3 833.6 838.1 838.4 840.5 APR. 1 8 15 22 29 835.5 836.8 838.5 839.7 840.4 MAY 6 13 20 27p 3p JUNE M2 week average 13-week average 4-week average 839.7 840.0 844.3 3342.2 3345.9 3350.1 3361.3 3366.1 3372.4 844.0 844.6 845.6 844.8 841.8 851.9 842.1 844.0 841.1 840.0 3353.9 3358.7 3363.5 3367.4 3370.1 841.7 842.9 844.0 845.2 843.8 845.7 848.7 851.6 849.9 851.7 853.0 851.9 846.2 851.8 850.6 M3 week average week average 13-week average 4-week average 3368.9 3375.6 3382.6 4138.5 4142.9 4147.4 4166.2 4168.5 4169.9 4171.1 4173.8 4169.3 3376.8 3381.0 3384.1 3384.2 3382.8 3380.2 3385.7 3387.8 3383.2 3374.4 4151.2 4155.6 4161.2 4164.7 4165.8 4168.9 4168.2 4170.5 4171.5 4170.4 4161.3 4168.2 4183.0 4173.6 4156.6 3373.6 3376.9 3380.1 3383.1 3383.8 3385.6 3389.3 3394.9 3389.9 3394.8 3398.0 3396.8 4167.6 4168.6 4169.4 4170.2 4170.5 4168.0 4168.2 4172.6 4168.8 4172.9 4174.6 4173.9 3385.0 3394.2 3387.1 4169.7 4170.2 4159.4 Not seasonally adjusted Ml Period en ding 13-week average 4-week average 1991-MAR. 11 18 25 834.2 833.5 832.0 827.0 829.2 832.0 APR. 1 8 15 22 29 831.1 831.0 832.8 834.9 836.6 MAY 6 13 20 27p 3p JUNE M3 M2 week average week average 13-week average 4-week average 3374.5 3376.1 3368.6 4139.8 4143.5 4146.7 4157.0 4162.8 4167.2 4173.6 4173.7 4159.0 3375.2 3386.3 3396.8 3403.1 3397.3 3381.7 3418.8 3418.0 3393.7 3358.6 4149.6 4154.4 4159.7 4162.8 4164.3 4167.8 4174.3 4182.8 4186.7 4180.0 4165.0 4199.6 4207.5 4174.8 4138.0 3374.0 3376.3 3378.7 3380.4 3386.8 3376.4 3372.4 3373.3 3376.7 3376.7 3377.4 3362.5 4165.9 4166.0 4166.4 4166.5 4168.9 4156.3 4151.5 4152.8 4155.3 4157.0 4155.6 4143.2 3381.9 3374.5 3381.5 4166.0 4152.7 4155.1 13-week average 4-week average 838.0 832.7 825.3 3346.7 3349.3 3351.8 3355.6 3363.3 3370.4 834.9 840.8 849.0 856.4 853.2 843.4 861.8 865.5 854.7 830.6 3354.5 3358.7 3363.7 3367.9 3371.0 838.4 839.6 841.1 842.2 849.8 844.7 841.7 841.4 848.4 844.9 842.8 829.3 843.7 841.8 850.2 week average Note: S p e c i a l c a u t i o n should be taken in i n t e r p r e t i n g week-to-week changes i n money supply data> which are h i g h l y v o l a t i l e and subject to revision. p—indicates preliminary data. OtAlfl CMCOM MiOtf tfCMCJ> rororo CMflO iHrHlfl N K 1 K 1 tf tf >? OMO<j^D ^O ^D ^4D C>iHrHCO **0 >± CM I D O C M IflrHtfCM COCOMdl^- OCMr^fH CM K> CMrH rorororo O O OCMsO ^D ^D ^D ^D l f l O CO 10 M M M M O fO rH coo^crco N. is, is. rs. Kiroro wroro COCMO h-lArs. 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CO CO CO CO CO CMCM N^-lf1>d-m rHrHrHiH CM CM CM CM vOsONsO CO CO CO CO CM-tftf t o o rHCM CMCM sOCO O^iHCO <r*iH\T O H H CMCMCM coco mrs-co o o o cococo Otfrs. CMCMCM N N N wirtm cococo cococo ro>d-in o o o cococo cococo OM5U) CMCMCM rsrsco co co co fOsOM cMrom o o o MSOiH rHCMCT MCOCMfs. O^OCMfl COrHlflMS rs M5 rs rH CM CM CMCMCM rHCOKl CM CM CM CM fs.cofs.rs. COCTIH o^o© rHrHCM M3tfO rs.rs.fN.rs |s.fs.^CM CM CMCMCMCM IOMO>± o OCMM3M) co vOCO mmmm \ 0 sO M3 fs. cococo co M3iHrs m m in in o o o o CMCM OOCOfs a«cMfH cors cM^ors. mco rs.is.rs. rs.rs rs.co <ro CMCMCM -d-cMi-i CMCMCM cococo rvfs.NO rs.rs.is. rotftf CMCMCM cococo mcoo rN.rs.is. COOCM CMCMCM rococo coiflMs rsrsrs. rscoco CMCMCM rs.rs.rs r^crco rs.is.rs. iflsOsO fs-stm CMCMCMCM lAM)M3rs. cors.rs.rs rs.rs.fs. wo^rs. sOvO <ro<t iDMixt' CMCM CMCMCMCM rHlflsO 991- -APR. MAY ininm r H C M CM a MJroors. CMCMCM iHCMCM comcMo IflCOiH MU1M3 K>M>± tf tf >fr CMCMCM CMCMCM a APR. MAY a ro 257 JUNE OrHfO rOMKl CMCMCM " 1 U - Z 0) > > >• > .*—• > > xx z H-» 0) X L £ 0J -H • OJ (0 (TJ 0J E OJ ErH M £ E L. <H •H O £ O OJ +* • H I • H (A 2 •H rH O 0J O) *H (TJ 3 -H (0 0J • H E X (A - H (TJ H-» • (A (/) (A (A (ATJ £ D £ TJ • H (A OJ O £ OJ - H flj OJ-H r H <A X HL. -H (0 <A 3 *.r-i 0 t- O) -H * O £ ~TJ • H > ( 0 <A • a «H > rH £ - H 1. (A O (0 O (TJ O £ > OrH <A a • H O G •frH 1 rH Q) 3M-H» X £ (TJ "O •** O (A £ O £ •H O .H OJ<-H a H•¥> > - H (A -Q (A i . O J ' H (A D (TJ - H CJ £ OJ 0 ) i . < TJ • H (A •H ( A T J X Q 0) -H 3 OJUJ-HZ (A (A M £ - H I. TJ-H (A O r H £ (TJ * • H • H w E ^ - H (TJ (TJ • H L M L M D (A OJ ^ - H OJ (A (A J*: 0 " D (A'HrH OJ 0 . Q) a O J ^ (A (TJ O (A O U . £ O OJ W X £ • * (TJ Q . T J (OX c o T3 0 TJX Q ) \ H h • H (A (TJ O £ TJ i. - H i_ - H (0 £ OJ X • (A D Q) o r e * •+>r-i TJTJ O J £ H c 0 • H Q) £ £ U O OJ (TJ i. 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H «s (A L T J «AH-> t - (A O (A > ( T J D - H O £ L - H O UJ OJ OJ a X a: £ H - O 0J*+- £ T J • H • H E " H O OJTJ T J - H E 1 - E - H £ »A -H E (A (0 1 . (0 0 £ D O X (TJ-H O - H * D (0 1- £ •H (A- r - l ( A r H OJ OJ (A-H-H-H 1-TJQ.rH H0T> OJ l ^: (A (o (0 (TJ m a : O U_ L. £ £ »H TJ ( I J ' H (A ( A r H > E 0 (0 •»rH X OJ 0J O - H i - i . r H O O T J — • OJ D >rH r H (TJ £ £ O ( 0 - H U J L O • ( O - H (U (TJ t - £ DTD <A A-H u-H'-t 3 O * T J (0 - - H O ' H (TJ (tJUJ (A (A £ OJOVH i - M - X X (IJ-H (TJ OJDffl ^ -H(AE-HQ)£ L. • (A OJHTJ O'H (U l - D O E OG0</> £ (A (A (A - - H Q.E H I - (TJ O Q . (TJ (0 •»*-0JOTJ<< (A aoi-HTJ </) OTJ O £ (A'H OJ (TJ (UTJTJQ. T J - H X > D-HTJ-H ££ttE X t££(TJ(A(0(0 DO) OTO (TJ K» ^ - m M O rs. •H.H I I I I OJ a TJOEWCIZX . H c-H'H • H E CJ-H (TJOO D)(A-H L (0 E (A ( T J T J - H X Z Z ' H . H OJ E-H •H W £ X OJ >'HrH 3 0>£ O £ H - H - L i - 0 ) 0 - H Q) O £ - H a O ) 0 O OJ t. (A L •H oj-H > . oj**- OJ a >TJTJTJ OJ (A (A O (A«-( O O £ CJ LH-"-H -H (A (A £ (TJTJTJ O (A (AH--HH--H OJ OJ OJ-H D £M-.H-H O (A O £-H-H L (ArH (TJ (A (A O D (TJ (TJ J-H O ETJ £ £ E CLE O O O D D £ 0 J £ O O D 0 J D E-H-H U O ' H O (TJOO</)TJ(/) (OTJTJ £ £ IHCM N O N ending <tM9C0 CMCMCM CMCMCM uOiu r->o DDUJ . UJ > a > z J O a o z o o -><</> a . . . ZflDor <z-> < U J < -^u-z I o a* 991- H.6 (508) Table 4-continued COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK, LIQUID ASSETS, AND DEBT Billions of dollars, seasonally adjusted At At commercial thrift banks institutions Date Total Small-denomination time deposits 2 Savings deposits 1 Money market deposit accounts At At thrift commercia 1 banks institutions Total At At commercial thrift banks institutions Total Large-denomination time deposits 3 At At thrift commercial institutions banks* Total 1990-JAN. FEB. MAR. 355.3 358.1 360.9 132.8 133.8 134.8 488.2 491.8 495.7 189.6 191.4 192.1 216.4 217.3 218.2 406.0 408.7 410.2 532.8 536.9 540.7 613.7 609.9 609.3 1146.5 1146.8 1149.9 401.1 400.4 399.2 158.9 154.5 150.1 560.0 554.9 549.3 APR. MAY JUNE 364.4 366.1 369.6 134.9 134.3 132.6 499.3 500.5 502.3 192.3 192.7 194.0 219.1 218.6 217.8 411.5 411.3 411.8 544.4 553.4 563.8 607.8 600.2 590.8 1152.2 1153.5 1154.6 396.8 397.5 397.7 146.9 143.0 140.3 543.7 540.5 538.0 JULY AUG. SEP. 371.8 374.7 376.1 131.6 131.2 131.3 503.4 505.9 507.4 195.2 195.9 196.5 217.5 216.8 215.8 412.7 412.7 412.3 571.6 574.9 579.4 585.2 583.4 580.7 1156.8 1158.3 1160.1 398.7 395.8 390.9 136.4 133.4 131.0 535.0 529.2 521.9 OCT. NOV. DEC. 376.7 377.4 378.4 130.0 129.4 127.6 506.7 506.8 505.9 197.7 198.2 199.4 213.9 212.9 211.4 411.5 411.1 410.8 588.1 589.5 598.1 573.3 572.3 566.1 1161.4 1161.8 1164.2 386.8 387.4 386.1 128.3 125.1 121.1 515.1 512.5 507.1 1991-JAN. FEB. MAR. 377.7 383.2 388.9 127.5 128.3 130.3 505.2 511.5 519.2 201.4 203.2 205.8 210.6 212.2 214.7 412.0 415.4 420.5 601.6 605.6 607.8 562.3 557.2 550.5 1163.9 1162.7 1158.3 393.9 401.1 399.9 118.0 114.9 111.6 511.9 516.0 511.5 393.7 399.9 132.9 136.3 526.6 536.2 208.9 211.5 218.4 221.7 427.3 433.3 604.1 601.8 546.2 539.3 1150.3 1141.1 398.0 398.1 108.7 104.5 506.7 502.6 8 15 22 29 391.9 394.6 393.8 394.4 132.1 132.6 133.0 133.9 523.9 527.2 526.7 528.3 207.8 208.5 209.2 209.9 217.3 218.1 218.8 219.3 425.2 426.6 428.0 429.2 605.2 604.5 603.7 603.0 548.5 547.3 545.5 543.8 1153.8 1151.9 1149.2 1146.8 397.2 398.3 399.0 398.3 110.5 109.6 108.2 106.8 507.6 507.9 507.2 505.1 MAY 6 13 20 27p 397.0 399.9 400.5 400.6 135.3 136.1 136.6 136.9 532.3 535.9 537.1 537.5 210.2 210.8 211.5 212.5 220.6 221.3 222.0 222.4 430.8 432.2 433.6 434.9 602.7 601.9 601.3 600.9 542.6 541.1 539.7 537.9 1145.3 1143.1 1140.9 1138.8 397.8 397.7 398.8 398.1 106.2 105.1 104.6 103.3 504.0 502.8 503.3 501.4 JUNE 3p 401.8 136.7 538.5 213.2 222.4 435.6 602.9 533.4 1136.3 398.3 102.7 500.9 APR. MAY P Meek ending 1991-APR. 1. 2. Savings deposits exclude MMDAs. Small-denomination time deposits—including retail RPs—are those issued in amounts of less than $100,000. All IRA and Keogh account balances at commercial banks and thrifts are subtracted from small time deposits. 3. Large-denomination time deposits are those issued in amounts of $100,000 or more, excluding those booked at international banking facilities. 4. Large-denomination time deposits at commercial banks less those held by money market mutual funds, depository institutions, and foreign banks and official institutions. p—indicates preliminary data. H.6 (508) Table ^-continued COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK, LIQUID ASSETS, AND DEBT Billions of dollars, seasonally adjusted Debt components 4 Non-M3 Components of L Institutiononly money market funds Date Savings bonds Short-term Treasury securities1 Bankers acceptances2 Commercial paper 3 Federal debt Non-Federal debt 1990-JAN. FEB. MAR. 102.5 103.4 105.2 117.9 118.4 119.2 330.7 327.3 336.9 40.3 38.5 37.2 345.0 345.6 344.1 2275.8 2291.6 2316.1 7558.0 7605.5 7653.5 APR. MAY JUNE 106.9 107.6 108.1 119.9 120.7 121.4 329.9 315.4 331.7 36.0 35.4 34.7 351.9 349.1 349.1 2330.6 2345.1 2374.2 7696.0 7725.3 7754.2 JULY AUG. SEP. 109.8 114.0 116.2 122.2 123.0 123.8 334.3 329.8 333.8 33.0 32.3 31.8 348.2 347.0 359.0 2401.7 2439.6 2461.9 7787.1 7817.8 7850.5 OCT. NOV. DEC. 119.6 120.5 125.7 124.5 125.2 126.0 330.4 329.8 327.1 32.6 34.0 34.7 358.8 359.0 359.4 2473.9 2507.3 2534.3 7875.6 7892.2 7901.8 1991-JAN. FEB. MAR. 130.1 139.3 142.0 126.7 127.8 128.9 326.4 330.5 330.8 36.0 35.2 32.4 363.4 356.1 352.4 2556.3 2588.6 2599.7 7911.4 7937.4 7964.2 145.6 146.2 130.1 p 307.5 p 30.7 p 337.6 p 2590.9 p 7988.0 p APR. MAY p Week ending 1991-APR. MAY JUNE 8 15 22 29 140.7 148.6 146.6 146.9 6 13 20 27p 145.5 148.5 146.1 146.1 3p 143.9 1. Consists of U.S. Treasury bills and coupons with remaining maturities of less than 12 months held by other than depository institutions, Federal Reserve Banks, money market mutual funds, and foreign entities. Net of bankers acceptances held by accepting banks, Federal Reserve Banks, foreign official institutions, Federal Home Loan Banks, and money market mutual funds. 3. Total commercial paper less commercial paper held by money market mutual funds. 4. Debt data are on a monthly average basis, derived by averaging adjacent end-of-month levels, and have been adjusted to remove discontinuities. p—indicates preliminary data. 2. H.6 ( 5 0 8 ) Table 5 COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK, LIQUID ASSETS, AND DEBT Billions of dollars, not seasonally adjusted Other checkable deposi ts Currency 1 Date Travelers Demand checks 2 deposits 3 At commercial banks* Nontransactions components At thrift institutions5 Total In M 2 6 In M3 only 7 Overnight RPs 8 Overnight Eurodollars9 General purpose and broker/dealer money market funds 1990-JAN. FEB. MAR. 223.0 224,4 227.1 282.8 271.3 271.6 202.6 199.7 202.4 87.0 85.8 87.8 289.6 285.5 290.1 2442.1 2457.2 2471.5 823.3 816.0 808.1 64.6 67.5 67.0 16.9 14.9 14.9 318.5 327.8 331.6 APR. MAY JUNE 229.6 231.8 234.9 280, 268. 275, 209.6 200.9 204.0 91.5 88.2 88.7 301.1 289.1 292.7 2474.8 2465.5 2473.3 798.0 801.5 796.7 64, 66. 66, 15.1 16.5 15.5 330. 321. 322, JULY AUG. SEP. 237.3 239.4 241.0 277.3 276.8 278.2 201.4 201.8 203.9 88.2 87.6 87.1 289.7 289.4 291.1 2485.7 2495.7 2497.8 792.9 798.1 790.4 68, 67, 65, 15.8 15.2 16.4 325. 334, 339. OCT. NOV. DEC. 242.8 245.7 249.6 278. 280. 289. 203.0 206.0 211.5 85.4 85.9 85.5 288.4 291.9 297.0 2504.0 2501.0 2497.3 784.8 788.8 782.2 66, 60. 54, 17. 17. 19. 341. 343, 345, 1991-JAN. FEB. MAR. 249.8 252.7 255.6 277, 268. 270, 213.7 211.4 215.7 84.2 83.5 85.9 297.9 294.9 301.6 2508.0 2521.6 2539.1 789.4 803.4 793.9 51.5 51.0 48.6 19.7 19.1 20.5 354.2 362.3 370.0 256.0 257.4 277. 271. 222.4 217.1 89.4 88.1 311.8 305.2 2543.4 2531.9 782.5 778.7 49.1 49.8 19.9 15.9 368.5 360.5 8 15 22 29 257.7 256.6 255.7 254.5 281, 284, 276, 267. 224, 226, 225, 215, 91. 90. 89. 85. 315. 317. 315. 300. 2557. 2552. 2539. 2528, 780.8 789.6 781.1 779.4 52.4 48.8 48.3 47.7 20, 19. 20. 20. 370.9 371.3 368.8 364.1 6 13 20 27p 257.3 257.7 257.2 257.6 274, 273. 273. 263. 218.9 217.8 216.7 214.9 90. 88. 87, 85, 309. 306. 304. 300. 2528.3 2531.8 2534.6 2533.3 778. 780. 778, 780, 49. 47. 51. 50. 17. 16. 16. 15, 360.1 360.8 359.5 361.7 3p 257.2 275.9 219.9 89.4 309.2 2531.3 773.6 50.1 12.9 360.0 APR. MAY P 8.8 Week ending 1991-APR. MAY JUNE 1. 2. 7.9 Currency outside U.S. Treasury* Federal Reserve Banks and the vaults of depository institutions. Outstanding amount of U.S. dollai—denominated travelers checks of nonbank issuers. Travelers checks issued by depository institutions are included in demand deposits. 3. Demand deposits at commercial banks and foreign-related institutions other than those due to depository institutions* the U.S. government and foreign banks and official institutions* less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float. 4. Consists of NOW and ATS balances at commercial banks, U.S. branches and agencies of foreiqn banks, and Edge Act corporations. 5. Consists of NOW and ATS balances at thrifts, credit union share draft balances, and demand deposits at thrifts. 6. Sum of overnight RPs and Eurodollars, money market fund balances (general purpose and broker/dealer), MMDAs and savings and small time deposits. 7. Sum of large time deposits, term RPs and Eurodollars of U.S. residents, money market fund balances (institution-only), less the estimated amount of overnight RPs and Eurodollars held by institution-only money market mutual funds. 8. Consists of overnight and continuing contract RPs issued by all depository institutions to other than depository institutions and money market mutual funds (general purpose and broker/dealer). 9. Issued by foreign branches of U.S. banks worldwide to U.S. residents other than depository institutions and money market mutual funds (general purpose and broker/dealer). e—indicates estimated data, p—indicates preliminary data. 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M _ J ro H Z 0 fLin H* oOg- © — o Sta in 3 -rj u i o w u i co M O H W M."=* H.6 (508) Table 5-continued COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK, LIQUID ASSETS, AND DEBT Billions of dollars, not seasonally adjusted Term RPs 1 At InstitutionAt only money commercial thrift market funds banks institutions Date Debt components6 Non-M3 Components of L Total Term Eurodollars2 Savings bonds Short-term Treasury securities3' Bankers acceptances4 Commercial paper5 Federal debt Non-Federal debt 1990-JAN. FEB. MAR. 105.9 107.1 106.8 47.9 51.6 50.1 49.6 48.9 48.3 97.5 100.5 98.4 74.2 68.4 66.7 118.0 118.5 119.4 338.0 328.8 337.2 40.4 37.5 36.1 347.3 347.6 343.8 2277.5 2295.0 2319.2 7544.8 7569.3 7606.4 APR. MAY JUNE 105.9 106.8 106.2 49.5 50.1 53.4 48.7 49.2 48.9 98.2 99.3 102.2 65.3 67.1 64.4 120.2 120.9 121.6 328.6 310.6 321.4 35.3 35.2 34.9 355.4 357.6 355.4 2331.0 2339.7 2363.0 7649.9 7684.4 7721.5 JULY AUG. SEP. 108.3 113.1 113.4 53.5 55.5 51.7 47.0 46.5 46.6 100.5 102.0 98.3 65.1 68.3 70.0 122.2 122.8 123.5 324.2 325.1 336.2 33.1 32.4 32.3 348.2 344.9 356.8 2386.8 2422.3 2444.5 7758.7 7785.8 7818.5 OCT. NOV. DEC. 117.1 121.2 127.0 50.7 52.3 47.6 44.9 43.4 42.5 95.6 95.7 90.2 70.2 70.0 71.4 124.2 125.0 125.8 335.0 335.8 336.9 32.8 34.6 35.7 353.0 350.3 355.1 2459.3 2498.8 2532.1 7850.7 7871.2 7891.2 1991-JAN. FEB. MAR. 134.8 144.0 143.9 46.6 47.1 46.1 41.6 39.7 37.1 88.2 86.8 83,2 71.9 72.6 70.9 126.8 127.9 129.1 333.8 331.7 330.8 36.1 34.3 31.5 365.7 358.2 352.0 2557.7 2590.7 2602.8 7898.0 7900.1 7915.8 144.1 145.2 46.7 46.3 35.4 35.2 82.1 81.6 67.9 65.6 130.4 p 306.2 p 30.1 p 341.4 p 2593.0 p 7941.2 p 8 15 22 29 140.6 147.7 143.6 145.0 45.9 47.2 46.5 47.3 35.9 35.7 35.0 34.9 81.8 82.9 81.5 82.2 66.8 69.5 68.6 66.8 6 13 20 27p 142.8 146.7 144.6 147.1 47.2 46.9 45.6 46.0 35.5 36.0 35.6 35.0 82.7 82.9 81.2 81.0 65.9 64.5 65.8 66.1 3p 143.4 45.8 33.3 79.1 66.1 APR. MAY p Week ending 1991-APR. MAY JUNE Term RPs are those with original maturities greater than one day, excluding continuing contracts and retail RPs. Term Eurodollars are those with original maturities greater than one day. Consists of those issued to U.S. residents by foreign branches of U.S. banks world-wide and by all banking offices in the United Kingdom and Canada. Excludes those held by depository institutions and money market mutual funds. Consists of U.S. Treasury bills and coupons with remaining maturities of less than 12 months held by other than depository institutions, Federal Reserve Banks, money market mutual funds, and foreign entities. Net of bankers acceptances held by accepting banks, Federal Reserve Banks, foreign official institutions, Federal Home Loan Banks, and money market mutual funds. Total commercial paper less commercial paper held by money market mutual funds. Debt data are on a monthly average basis, derived by averaging adjacent end-of-month levels, and have been adjusted to remove discontinuities, -indicates preliminary data. H.6 ( 5 0 8 ) Table 6 MEMORANDUM ITEMS 10 Billions of dollars> not seasonally adjusted Demand deposits at banks due to U.S. government deposiits Time and savinas deposits due to Foreign Foreign foreign banks ccommercial official and official banks institutions institutions Date Demand deposits at commercial banks Balance at Federal Reserve Note balances at depository institutions Total cash balance IRA and Keogh Accounts Time and savings At deposits A* thrift at commercial commercia 1 banks institutions banks At money market funds Total 1990-JAN. FEB. MAR. 9.7 9.0 9.0 1.6 1.6 1.6 3.4 3.4 3.4 4.4 3.5 3.6 6.0 6.2 5.3 18.8 18.5 13.1 29.1 28.2 22.0 1.3 1.3 1.3 110.3 111.9 113.3 133.9 133.9 133.9 31.4 33.0 33.6 275.7 278.9 280.8 APR. MAY JUNE 9.2 9.4 9.1 1.5 1.7 1.5 3.4 3.4 3.3 5.1 3.4 5.5 4.4 5.1 5.0 14.9 21.8 15.4 24.4 30.3 25.9 1.3 1.3 1.2 115.6 117.7 119.5 134.0 133.8 133.6 34.0 34.2 34.3 283.6 285.8 287.4 JULY AUG. SEP. 9.0 9.2 9.4 1.5 1.8 1.9 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.8 5.1 5.4 5.4 6.4 11.9 19.7 25.9 20.6 28.9 37.5 1.3 1.4 1.2 121.1 122.6 124.4 133.5 133.1 132.5 34.4 35.2 36.9 289.0 291.0 293.8 OCT. NOV. DEC. 9.0 8.9 8.8 1.5 1.4 1.4 3.6 3.3 3.2 3.5 3.7 5.0 5.5 5.6 5.2 17.5 15.4 18.1 26.4 24.8 28.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 126.8 128.6 130.3 132.0 131.5 130.7 37.9 39.2 40.7 296.7 299.3 301.7 1991-JAN. FEB. MAR. 9.2 8.2 8.1 1.5 1.5 1.4 3.2 3.2 3.2 4.9 4.2 5.1 7.8 11.5 6.8 24.5 35.1 23.3 37.2 50.8 35.1 1.4 1.3 1.3 132*1 133.6 135.3 130.3 130.3 130.3 41.5 42.1 42.8 e 303.9 306.0 308.4 e 8.6 8.3 1.4 1.4 3.3 3.3 5.3 3.7 4.7 5.6 15.0 16.2 25.1 25.5 1.3 1.4 137.3 138.5 129.9 e 129.2 e 43.6 e 44.0 e 310.8 e 311.7 e APR. MAY P Week ending 1991-APR. MAY JUNE 8 15 22 29 9.5 8.0 8.6 8.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 6.5 6.3 5.0 4.9 4.0 5.2 3.9 10.7 2.5 17.5 26.2 19.0 13.0 29.1 35.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 6 13 20 27p 8.8 8.1 8.2 8.3 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 4.6 3.1 3.9 3.1 7.0 5.1 5.4 4.9 30.9 17.5 6.8 10.7 42.5 25.7 16.0 18.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3p 8.3 1.3 3.2 4.5 5.7 18.2 28.3 1.3 e--indicates estimated data. p--indicates preliminary data.