Full text of H.6 Money Stock Measures : December 14, 1978
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FEDERAL RESERVE »H.6 statistical release For I Table 1 MONEY STOCK MEASURES DEC. 14, 1978 M BILLIONS OF DOLLARS M-1 + M-1 M-2 M-S M-1 Plus M-2 Rue Time Currency Depot** at Depoettsat Plus M<-irrJK*»r>LCB's and ConwiefcisJ rfufiDanK Demand Thrift Deposits J/ Checkable Banks Other Deposits at Than Large Institutions^/ CD's & Thrift Inst.^/ M-1 Plus Savings Deports at Date M-4 M-2 Hue Large Negotiable CD's^/ M-3PIU8 Large Negotiable CD'sfi/ 876.3 383.5 892.2 898.5 904.7 913.7 922.2 92?. 3 933.6 939.8 950.5 955.6 965.9 1438.0 1450.1 1462.9 1472.5 1482.3 1494.9 1506.9 1516.5 1528.4 1541.4 1560.2 1572.5 1538.2 M-1 + M-1 M-6 Currency Plus Demand Deposits J/ M-2 n-i M-1 Plus M-1 Plus Savings Time M-2 Plus Deposits at Deposits at CB'sand Commercial Nonbank Checkable Banks Other Thrift Deposits at Than Large Institutions-*/ Thrift kiat.J/ OFs A' KM M-6 M-2 Plus M-3PIUS Large Negotiable CD's*/ JfJJV Negotiable CD's* ^•••rMialli mmmgm.m mm m. » .». • • ••••g .Arik**tari 1977 — NOV. DEC. 1978 — JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. 336.2 338.5 341.7 341.8 342.9 348.5 350.6 352.8 354.2 356.7 360.9 362.0 360.6 MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. P 557.7 560.2 564,6 565.0 566.2 572.6 575.2 577.1 577.8 582.0 587.9 588.3 585.3 805.4 809.5 815.9 819.1 822.6 830.3 835.2 840.6 846.2 853.5 862.4 867.4 370.5 591,6 r 591.1 585.3 869.4 869.3 865.2 955.8 956.2 954.1 1367.1 1376. 1 1386.6 1393.1 1400.3 1411.4 1419.9 1429.8 1441.0 1455.1 1472.1 1484.4 1492.8 338.4 348.2 347.5 335.9 338.2 350.9 345.3 351.7 356.0 354.2 358.8 361.3 362.9 558.1 568.1 569.4 558.3 562.7 577.3 571.7 578.1 581.9 r 579.2 r 583.7 586.2 585.7 802.8 814.9 820.6 813.9 821.1 836.0 833.6 842.0 848.7 350.8 858.4 864.5 867.6 364.9 364.8 356.0 r 590.7 589.9 r 580.4 868.6 868.0 859.7 r 582.6 589.0 588.9 582.8 581.6 d62.5 869.9 369.9 865.6 864.4 r 966.0 962.7 962.0 589.7 873.4 971.2 1360.1 1377.5 1389.0 1386.0 1400.2 1421.2 1420.3 1435.2 1447.9 1453.0 1466.4 1478.4 1484.3 874.4 890.9 897.0 890.8 901.4 917.9 918.2 928.3 936.0 938.8 948.7 955.3 964.0 1431.7 1453.4 1465.4 1462.9 1480.5 1502.6 1505.0 1521.5 1535.3 1541.0 1556.7 1569.2 1580.6 WEEK ENDING: 1978-OCT. NOV. 11 13 25 364.3 364.3 358.8 1 15 22P 29P 361.2 362.3 361.4 359.3 r 358.7 586.9 583.1 586.7 583.7 582.6 868.2 870.9 r 870,9 870. I r 869.2 960.0 964.9 r 966.3 966.3 r 965.6 6P 360.7 584.4 872.1 968.2 a DEC. r r 359.4 365.8 365.6 360.1 359.2 367.6 r 958.4 957.6 950.8 V55.7 964. 7 I/ INCLUDES (1) DEMAND DEPOSITS AT ALL C O M M E R C I A L rtANKS OTHEK THAN THOSE DUE TO DOMtSTIC COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THL U.S.GOVtHNMFNF, LESS C\SH ITEMS IN THE PROCtSS Oh COLLECTION AND F.R.FLOAT; (2) FOREIGN DEMAND BALANCES AT F.R.BANKS; AND (31 CURRENCY OUlSIiHTHE T R E A S U R Y , F.R.BANKS AND VAULTS OF ALL C C M M t R C I A L 3ANKS. 21 INCLUDES M l , PLUS SAVINGS DEPOSITS AT C O M M E R C I A L BANKS, NOW ACCOUNTS AT BANKS AND THRIFT INSTITUTIONS, C R E D I T UNIUN SHAKt. «>RAM ACCOUNTS, AND DEMAND DEPOSITS AT MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS. V INCLUDES, IN A D D I T I O N TO C U R R E N C Y AND DEMAND DEPOSITS, S A V I N G S DE^uSlTS, T I M E DEPOSITS OPEN ACCOUNT, AND T I Mt C t R T I M C A H S flfDEPOSITS OTHER THAN NEGOTIABLE T I M E C t R T I F I C A T E S OF DEPOSIT ISS'JbU IN D E N O M I N A T I O N S OF 1100,000 OR M O R b BY L A K G L w L t K L Y Kh ING COMMERCIAL BANKS. 4/ INCLUDES M?, PLUS THF A V E R A G E OF THE B E G I N N I N G AND END OF M J N T H D E ^ H i l T S OF M J T U A L S A V I N G S B A N K , S A V I N G S AND LCAN SMAKtS, C R E D I T UNION SHARES. 5/ INCLUDES M2, PLUS N E G O T l A D L t T I M f c C f c R T I F 1 C A T t S OF D E P O S I T I S S U f c D IN D E N O M I N A T I O N S UF i i C O , 0 0 0 GK MOKF. 6/ I N C L U D E S M ^ , PLUS N E G O T I A B L E T I M F C E R T I F I C A T E S OF J E P O S I T ISSUED IN D E N O M I N A T I O N S OF 4100,000 OR MOKF. p - PRELIMINARY; R - REVISED FEDCHALI STOCK MEASURES CHAf^OE AT $EA$Q£*ALIY ADJUSTHED AMWUM. RATES Dsfe NOV. FROMs AUG. 1978 MAY 1978 NOV. 1977 13 MONTHS PREVIOUS) C 6 MONTHS P R E V I O U S ) { 1 2 MONTHS P R E V I O U S ) FOUR W E E K S ENDING: DEC. FROM FOUR WEEKS ENUlNG: 6, m-i M-1+ M-2 i*-3 M-4 M-5 CufiBfiey Rus Demand Deposits V M-1 Rus Savings Deposits & CB's and Cfiecfcabte Deposits at Thrift tost 2/ M-1 Bus Time Deposits at CocraDerctei Banks Other Than Large CD's 3, M-2 P$us Deposits at Nonboik Thrift institutions I/ M-2 ttu* Lape NegotisMe CD's ^ M-3 Plus Urge Negotiable CD's* 4.4 5,7 7.3 2.3 y.o 3.5 8,5 4.9 8.1 10.4 10.3 9.2 11.1 12.1 9.5 10.8 10.2 10.5 1978 SEPT. 6, 1978(13 W E £ K S PREVIOUS) 2.2 0.4 6,8 JUNE 7t 1978(26 WEEKS P R E V I O U S ) 4.7 2.8 7.9 DEC. 7, 1977(52 WEEKS PREVIOUS) 7.0 4.7 7.9 10.2 9.0 10.0 I/ INCLUDES (!) DEMAND DEPOSITS AT ALL COMMERCIAL BANKS OTHER THA?4 THOSE DUE TO DOMESTIC CCMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE U.S.GOVERNMENT t LESS CASH ITEMS IN THE PROCESS OF COLLECTION AND F.REFLOAT; (2) FOREIGN DEMAND BALANCES AT F»R.BANKS; AND (3) CURRENCY OUTSIDE THE TREASURY, F.R.BANKS AND VAULTS Of .ALL CCMMERCIAL BANKS. 2/ INCLUDES Ml, PLUS SAVINGS DEPOSITS AT COMMERCIAL BANKS NOW ACCOUNTS AT BANKS AND THRIFT INSTITUTIONS* CREDIT UNION SHARE DRAFT ACCouNTSt AND DEMAND DEPOSITS AT MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS. 3/ INCLUDfcS, IN ADDITION TO CURRENCY AND DEMAND DEPOSITS* SAVINGS DEPOSITS, TiMfc DEPOSITS OPFN ACCOUNT, AND TIME CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS OTHER THAN NEGOTIABLE UHE C E R T I F I C A T E S OF DEPOSIT ISSUED IN DENOMINATIONS OF $100,000 OR MORE 8Y LARGE WEEKLY REPORTING CCMMERCIAL BANKS. 4/ INCLUDES M2 r PLUS THE AVERAGE OF THE BEGINNING AND END OF MONTH DEPOSITS Of MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, SAVINGS AND LOAN SHARESf AND CREDIT UNION SHARES. 5/ INCLUDES M2, PLUS NEGOTIABLE UM£ CfRT I»- !C AFE S OF DfcPOSlT ISSUED IN DENOMINATIONS OF 1-100,000 CR MORE. 6/ INCLUDES M3, PLUS NEGOTIABLE T iMff tc«TCMCA!t$ Of >')£ POSIT ISSUfcO IN tit NOMINATIONS OF tlOO»000 OR MORE. NOTE: ALL RATES OF CHANGE ARE BASED ON DAILY A V F R A C F D A T A ? RATES OF CHANGE ARE NGT COMPOUNDED. FEDERAL RESERVE Statistical Retoeee H.t Tab!* 3 COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND RELATED ITEMS SEASONALLY AD JUSTED, IN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS Time and Saving* Depaeita^ Date Currency Demand Deposits Time Deposits Savings 3/ CD's^/ Tot* Other Mrinh.rtL' NOnoanK Thrift InattfaUkwa^ 1977— NOV. DEC. 87.7 88.6 248.5 249.9 70.9 74.0 249.7 251.5 219.4 219.6 540.1 545.0 561.7 $66.6 1978— JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. 89.4 90.1 90.7 91.2 92.1 92.8 93.3 94.0 95.2 96.0 96,8 252.2 251.7 252.3 257.3 258.5 259.9 260.9 262.8 265.7 266.1 263.8 76.3 79. 4 ' 82.0 83.4 87, 1 86.7 87.4 86.3 8ft-. 1 38,2 95.4 253.6 256.4 258.7 260.1 262.6 266.1 271.1 274.3 277.4 281.3 288.1 220.7 220.9 221.0 221.6 222.0 221.7 220.9 222.4 224,2 223.9 221.9 550.6 556.7 561.7 565.2 571.6 574.5 579.4 583.0 589.7 593.6 605.3 570.7 574.0 577.7 581.2 584.7 589.2 594.7 6Q1.6 60% 6 616.9 62^.3 95.7 96.0 95,8 268.5 268.3 263.0 86.4 87,0 89.0 280. 7 281.0 282.6 224.5 224.0 223.7 591.5 592.0 595.3 29 P 96.5 96.4 r 96.6 96.9 97.0 264.6 265.9 r 264.8 262.4 r 261.7 91.8 94.0 95.4 96,3 96.4 284.2 285.7 r 287.1 289.2 289.5 222.9 222.9 r 222.4 221.5 221.1 598.9 602.6 r 604.9 607.0 606.9 6 P 97.2 290.6 220.9 607.5 HAY JUNE JULY AUG. S£PI. OCT. NOV. P WEEK ENDING: 1978-OCT. 11 18 25 NOV. 1 3 15 22 P DEC. 263.5 96.1 I/ TIME AND S A V I N G S D E P O S I T S AT AIL C O M M E R C I A L BANKS. 2/ INCLUDES NEGOTIABLE TIME CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT ISSUFO IN DENOMINATIONS OF $iootooo OR MORE BY LARGE WEEKLY REPORTING COMMERCIAL BANKS. 3/ INCLUDES NOW ACCOUNTS AT COMMERCIAL BANKS. 47 AVERAGE OF BEGINNING AND END OF MONTH DEPOSITS AT MUTUAL SAVINGS 3A.MKS, SAVINGS AND LOAN SHARES* AND CREDIT UNION SHARES. P - PRELIMINARY; R - REVISED FEDERAL RESERVE Statistical Reserve H.6 Table 4 COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND RELATED ITEMS NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED, IN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS Time and Savings Deposit^ Demand Deposits Currency Date 1977— Ml) V. DEC. 1978 — JAN. FES. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY *UG. SEPT. OCT. NGV.P Total^ Member Domestic1/ Nonmember Time Deposits CD's47 Savings^ Total Other Other Checkable Deposits^/ Nonbank Thrift Institutional/ U.S. Gov't. Demand £/ 88.4 90.1 250.0 258. I 171,5 177.5 74.1 76.2 71.6 75.9 246.8 249.0 217.6 217.7 536.0 542,6 2.1 2.1 557.3 562.5 3.5 5.1 88. 7 89.0 89.9 91.0 91.^ 92.9 94.1 94.3 95.0 95.8 97.5 258.8 247.0 243.2 259. y 253.3 258.8 262.0 259.9 263.3 265.6 265.4 177.3 169.0 170.0 177.3 172.6 175.7 177.7 176.1 178.2 179.2 178.2 77. C 73.8 74.3 78.5 76.9 79.1 80.3 79.9 SI. 8 82.6 83.5 76.4 76.9 80.2 31.4 84.6 86.3 87.3 88.0 90.3 90.8 96.4 253.4 257.9 260.7 261.8 264.5 266. 5 269.5 274.4 277.5 281.2 284.3 219.7 220.1 222.2 223.9 223.8 223.8 223.1 222.2 222-1 222.0 220.0 549.5 554.9 563.2 567.1 572.9 576.6 579.9 534.6 589.9 594.0 601.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 r 2.8 2.8 568.4 572.1 579.1 584.6 586.7 593.2 599.3 602.1 608.1 613.9 616.7 4.3 4.3 4.8 5.0 4.0 6.2 4.5 3.6 6.2 4.3 8.1 96.6 96.0 95.3 263.3 268.8 260.6 181.1 180.9 175.6 83.4 84. 1 81.4 89.8 89.7 91.1 280.7 2d0.9 232.1 223.0 222.3 221.6 593.5 592.8 594,8 4.2 3.6 3.7 95.3 97.5 r 97.6 97.7 97.3 264.1 268.3 268.0 262.4 r 262.0 178.7 180.9 180.0 175.2 175.6 81,6 83.5 34.5 33.6 82.5 93.3 94.9 96.1 97.1 97.6 232. 7 283.7 r 283.9 285.7 285.6 220.4 220.4 220.4 219.3 219.5 596.4 598.9 r 600.4 602.6 602.8 3,3 6.7 6.2 10.7 r 10.8 269.0 180.5 84.6 97.8 236.6 219.3 603.7 5,7 WEEK ENDING: 1978-OCT. 11 13 25 NOV. 1 8 15 22P 29P DEC. 6P 98.5 I/ TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS AT ALL COMMERCIAL BANKS. 21 TOTAL DEMAND DEPOSITS INCLUDE, IN ADDITION TO THE MEMBER AND DOMESTIC NONMEMBER DEPOSITS SHOWN, DEPOSITS DUE TC FOREIGN AND INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AT F.R.BANKS AND Ml TYPE BALANCES AT AGENCIES AND BRANCHES OF FOREIGN BANKS. 3/ BASED ON MOST RECENT CALL REPORT DATA. 4/ INCLUDES NEGOTIABLE TIME C E R T I F I C A T E S GF DEPOSIT ISSUED IN DENOMINATIONS OF $100,000 OR MORE BY LARGE WEEKLY REPORTING COMMERCIAL BANKS. 5/ INCLUDES NOW ACCOUNTS AT C O M M E R C I A L BANKS. 6/ INCLUDES NOW ACCOUNTS AT THRIFT INSTITUTIONS, CREDIT UNION SHARE DnAFT ACCOUNTS, AND DEMAND DEPOSITS AT MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS. 7/ AVERAGE OF BEGINNING AND END OF MONTH DEPOSITS AT MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, SAVINGS AND LOAN SHARES, AND CREDIT UNION SHARES. 8/ U.S. GOVERNMENT DEMAND DEPOSITS AT ALL COMMERCIAL BANKS. INCLUDES TREASURY NOTE BALANCES, BEGINNING NOVEMBER 2, 1978. p - PRELIMINARY; R - REVISED Attachment to H.6 December 14, 1978 SEASONAL ADJUSTMENT FACTORS FOR THE FIRST HALF 1979 M-l AND RELATED MEASURES Show below are monthly and weekly seasonal adjustment factors for the currency, demand deposits, and time and savings deposits components of M-l and M-2 for the first half of 1979. The Board has not completed its annual seasonal factors review, and therefore the factors presented here are essentially the same as those employed this year. The seasonal factors shown will be used by the Board in compiling seasonally adjusted M-l and M-2 money stock measures until the annual review of seasonal factors is completed. Period 1979—January February March April May June Time Deposits Other Than CDs Nonmember Member Banks Banks Currency Demand Deposits .9920 .9880 .9920 .9980 .9980 1.0010 1.0260 .9810 .9840 1.0100 .9800 .9955 .9990 1.0010 1.0060 1.0080 1.0080 1.0060 .9950 1.0020 1.0080 1.0080 1.0070 1.0030 1.0010 .9690 .9780 .9750 .9720 .9950 Certificates of Deposit January 3 10 17 24 31 1.0050 1.0050 .9960 .9850 .9760 1.0760 1.0500 1.0360 1.0080 .9880 .9973 .9978 .9983 .9997 1.0000 .9904 .9928 .9945 .9959 .9970 1.0280 1.0160 1.0010 .9920 .9850 February 7 14 21 28 .9910 .9920 .9895 .9780 .9930 .9860 .9760 .9680 .9986 1.0012 1.0012 1.0036 .9986 1.0015 1.0026 1.0046 .9780 .9710 .9650 .9600 March 7 14 21 28 .9940 .9960 .9920 .9835 .9860 .9910 .9820 .9700 1.0034 1.0059 1.0044 1.0068 1.0064 1.0078 1.0078 1.0091 .9630 .9700 .9810 .9920 April 4 11 18 25 .9930 1.0090 1.0030 .9900 1.0050 1.0160 1.0280 1.0030 1.0094 1.0094 1.0068 1.0064 1.0100 1.0108 1.0076 1.0059 .9950 .9830 .9750 .9640 May 2 9 16 23 30 .9880 1.0060 1.0000 .9950 .9920 .9910 .9810 .9860 .9720 .9740 1.0074 1.0076 1.0076 1.0076 1.0088 1.0046 1.0059 1.0065 1.0073 1.0066 .9610 .9620 .9690 .9760 .9820 June 6 13 20 27 1.0020 1.0075 1.0015 .9920 .9920 .9980 1.0000 .9860 1.0073 1.0082 1.0044 1.0037 1.0059 1.0056 1.0020 1.0000 .9880 .9900 .9920 1.0020 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE* Savings Deposits Authorized for Automatic Transfer (ATS) ^. All Insured Commercial Banks and Mutual Savings Banks in Selected States,— on Selected Dates Commercial BanksJL/ Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Amount outstanding ($ millions) Number of ATS accounts * I/ 2J J3/ k] 5/ 1720^ 240 2005-/-7 Mutual Savings Banksl' Uov. 22 Nov. 29 6 281 The survey collecting these data is scheduled to be conducted weekly through December 1978. Excluding Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine and Vermont for both commercial banks and mutual savings banks and Alaska, Washington and Wisconsin for mutual savings banks. Estimates for all commercial banks are based on data collected by the Federal Reserve and the FDIC from a stratified random sample of 351 commercial banks. Estimates for all mutual savings banks are based on data collected by the FDIC from a stratified random sample of 73 mutual savings banks. Based on judgments of the survey respondents, it is estimated that roughly 50 to 60 per cent of the balances in ATS accounts represented funds which had come from demand deposit accounts; this estimate is subject to a wide range of error. The standard error associated with this estimate is about $220 million.