Full text of H.6 Money Stock Measures : August 8, 1974
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FEDERAL RESERVE stalisticol release Table 1 V For Immediate Release August 8 , 1974 MONEY STOCK MEASURES H.6 IN BtLLtONS OF DOLLARS HH|MHef|BfcMMHHM^««^^ -1 . "1 M2 Mi plus time deposits Currency plus at commercial banks demand deposits^ 1 other than large Date i M a M i ^ i ^ ^ a M a i M H H M Ma 265.5 556.8 873.5 266,6 269,2 271.4 561.'9 567,3 572.1 1974—Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Ma y June July p 270.8 273.7 276.2 278.1 279.2 281.0 281.2 575.4 581.9 586.2 590,2 592.8 597.6 600.2 552.1 555.1 ] 1 Ml Mj M3 M| plus time deposits M2 plus deposits M2 plus deposits at nonbank Currency plus 1 at commercial banks at nonbank other than larfie thrift institutions37 thrift institutions^ , demand deposits ' CO's^ CD's^ 1 Seasonally Adjusted Not Seasonally Adjusted 1973--July Aug. vSept* Oct.. Nov. Dec. 266.4 266.3 1 | 554.4 870.0 880.3 887.7 894.8 265.7 263.0 264.0 266,1 270.9 279.1 560,1 565.7 577.2 877.2 884.0 898.4 900.4 909.0 915.8 921.5 924.9 930.6 934.0 278,1 270.8 273.5 279.6 274.5 278.9 280.4 581.4 579.3 585.7 594. 6 590.9 597.1 599.1 905.9 906.3 916.5 927.7 923.9 932.0 934.8 281.7 282.2 r 282.7 277.8 277.6 599.8 600.4 r 600.5 r 596.2 597.9 867.1 870. 7 I 551.1 551.3 867.6 866.6 Week e n d i n g : 1974—July 3 10 17 24 p 31 P ' i 282.1 280.6 r 282.2 r 280.2 280.5 599.2 598.9 r 600.5 r 599.4 601.4 ti> <j*>i«an- deposits at an commercial banks othor than tho«o due to domestic co"nmoi< i.i1. b-viks and the u S Government less cftsh ' t r v r . m the process o' coUcc'ion nnri F P flo.it (?) •o.'CiQn icnwnrt twiKinrPS ai F R parms and (3» currc-ncs outside the Treasury r P Banks nnrt v.iiiM* of A'l c onrwort ia» bank', 'n<hidps m anrjiurn -o cuTPrxv and demand deposi's s a v i n g dopes is t'me deposits .open Account and timo certificates of dopoftitn other than , negONdbfe t<mp v *.-:.?.tares o* depose issued ;n rienorrmntmn*- o' 5-00 OOO o.' m^e t y large weekly .'Onorfing corrmprc.iAl b3nks P " ***(?. L i m m a r y http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ & tnc'-udPr, M j plus tnr av**raqo ol iho p l u m m y .*rvi e^;) of •v.oc.t^ loco^itv of T.utuiil savings hanks and savings onrj tonn shares r - RpVi flC*d •nf 'udes Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis rtDFRAt ftFSFRVt Stattitical RHeate H6 Table 2 MONEY STOCK MEASURES PFK Ct'NT CHANGC AT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED ANNUAL RATES i *> 2 Currency plus demand deposits^ Pf»f iO(J »3 M i plufc time deposits at commercial banks other than largp CD's V ! M; plus deposits at nonbank thrift institutions^ July from: Apr. 1974 (3 months previous) Jam 1974 (6 mouths previous) July 1973 (12 months previous) 4.5 7.7 5.6 6.8 8.6 8.7 4.0 7.8 5.4 6.6 5.4 7.5 7.7 Four weeks ending: July 3 1 , 1974 from four weeks ending: May 1 , 1974 (13 weeks p r e v i o u s ) Jdn. 3 0 , 1974 (26 weeks previous \ Aug. 1 , 1973 (52 weeks previous; ) 8.7 8.6 Umwiii •• - M M .nT. "hi .'iiT ui,, ,„ fiv iii'irs K\\ cipm.m'i oposns (if ,ili tommertial bank<-> othr-r than those due to dompslic commercial banks and Ihe \) % Government less cash items in the pfOCPSS Ol lOlltM lionvliid F R float i7; lo'Otqn 'Jprrvmd bdUitn os <V f R flnnks jnd (3) Lurft'fity outside ihc* Treasury r R Dankb and vaults of ,llt commercial banks, -J iru f.Ktrs m addition to currency tmd demand deposits saving deposits time deposits open account and time certltlcftteft Ot dSPOBtts Other than "coowinip urn? COMII caics of deposn issued in denominations of $100 000 or morp by large weekly reporting commercial bdriKB y rv Help , Up pin*, thr wof iqp of tho bngmninq and rnd of month rtpposits Of miMu.1l savings banks and SAvlngft and loan shares No'< An >,iir", of thiuujc .ue based on daily average data rates of change arc not compounded FEDERAL RESERVE Statistical Release M.6 Table 4 COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND RELATED ITEMS NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTEO IN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS 1 Demand deposits ] time and savings deposit • Currency Date 1973—July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 60.0 60.0 60.1 60.4 61.5 62. 7 1974—Jan, Feb, Mar. Apr. May June July p 61.6 61.9 62.7 63.6 64.2 64.9 65.5 I | Week ending: 1974—July 3 10 17 24 p 31 p 65.3 66.2 65.7 65.2 64.8 Member Domestic nonmember ''] CDV> 205.7 202. 9 203.8 205. 7 209.5 216.4 149. 7 147.8 148.2 149.7 151.8 157.0 53.2 52.7 53.3 53.8 55.1 56.6 62,3 68.4 68.8 66.3 64.1 64.1 216.5 209.0 210.8 21.6.1 210.2 214.0 214.9 156.4 151.2 152.5 156.0 151.5 153.7 154.4 57.1 55.2 55.5 57.3 56.0 57.4 57.8 216.4 215.9 r 1 217.0 212.6 212.8 155.8 154.6 r 155.6 152.8 153.4 57.8 58.6 r 58.6 57,0 56.6 Total '•' : 1 i1 i i ' | ! ; ; ! ^ J Nonbank { thrift ( U 5 Gov't, ! 1 institutions' 1 demand ' . — * * Other Total 285.4 288.3 290.5 294.0 294.8 298.1 347. 8 356.7 359.3 360.3 359.0 362.2 316,5 315.3 315.6 317.0 318.3 321.2 6.5 4.1 5.3 6.0 4.3 6.3 83.3 303.4 308.5 312.2 314.9 316.4 318.2 3.18.6 369.4 374.4 379.2 387.3 394.2 397.9 401.9 324.5 326.9 330.8 333.2 333.0 334.9 335.8 8.0 6.6 6.3 6.0 7.5 6.0 5a.4 80.8 81.1 83.0 r 84.8 85.3 318,1 ; 318.3 I r 317.8 f 318,4 320,3 399,0 399.4 r 400.8 r 403.2 405.6 j ! 66.1 65.9 67,0 72,4 77.8 1 79.7 j ! 1 ! ! j ! i | ! | ' i 8U6 6.8 r 4.2 4.8 4.3 M M M M M M H l 1 / Total deposits include, m addition to the member arid domestic nonmember deposits shown, deposits due to foruiejn and International Institutions at F R Banks and M j woe balances A\ agencies and branches of foreign banks. 21 Based on most recent call report ungfo dav observations. 3/ inclines nogoiiaulc time certificates ol deposits usued m denominations of $100,000 or morn hy targe weukly reportimi commercial banks. banks and saving and loan chart's. 4 / FRASER Averaye of beginning and end ul month deposits at mutual tdvmtjs Digitized for 5 / U.S. Government demand dcoosits at nil roinmutcial hanks. p - Preliminary r - Revised 3e0. 2/74