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FEDERAL (III! statistical RESERVE release s f< L Rt . • A For Immediate release May l4, 1965 Reserve Positions of Major Reserve City leaks Reserve Period Ended May 5* 1965 1.5 (In of dollars unless otherwise noted) 5 'bank* •lde l e v York l a Chicago •«w York City Reserve excess or deficiency ( - ) 1J Less: Borrowings fra» Reserve Banks . Lsssi Vet iateztank Federal f a d s purchases or sales ( - ) 2/ 262 -139 4oi 53 348 -369 146 -515 -42 ^473 3.7 3-6 8.8 4.1 9-8 imialsi Bet basic reserve surplus or d e f i c i t ( - ) ; a. l e t amount t. A per cent of average re m qplred reserves V Reserves held after a l l adjustmmts applicable to the reporting period l e s s the refaired reserves end carryover reserve deficiencies. 8/ for details see federal Funds Transactions of Major Reserve City Beaks. Rote* — Averages of daily figures* 1.5(a) Federal Funds Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks f o r the Week Ended May 5, 1965 ( i n millions of dollars) 8 In out46 banks Sewbanks City 38 banks York 5 banks 33 other York side Sew i n Chicago banks A. Interbank Federal funds transactions t 1. Gregg t m w e t l q a f f a. b. Purchases Sales 2. Total 2-waar transactions 1/ 1,900 1,638 1,1^3 763 902 609 1,137 736 222 169 566 534 108 425 3„ Total net transactions a. b. c. Bet purchases of net buying banks Set sales of net selling banks Set purchases or sales (-) - r 757 154 603 113 490 495 294 202 61 l4l 262 -139 401 53 348 B. Belated transactions with U. 8. Government s e c u r i t i e s dealers 1. Loans t o dealers 2/ 2. Borrowings from dealers j J 3» Set loans l/ 1,397 742 655 134 124 10 1,263 618 645 4o 6l4 - - 1 0 40 604 Derived from averages f o r Individual tanks for entire week. Figure f o r each tank Indicates extent t o which i t s weekly average purchases and sales are o f f s e t t i n g ; that is# i t i s the l e s s e r of the two amounts. Gross purchases l e s s 2-vay t r a n s actions equals net purchases of net buying banks. Similarly, gross sales l e s s 2-vay transactions equals net sales of net selling banks. Federal funds borrowed, net funds acquired f r e e each dealer by clearing banks, reverse repurchase agreements (sales of securities t o dealers subject t o repurchase), resale agreements, and borrowings secured by Gov't, or other issues. Hotet — Averages of daily f i g u r e s . * ' 2/ Federal funds loaned, net funds supplied t o each dealer by clearing banks, repurchase agreements (purchases of securities from dealers subject t o resale) or other lending arrangements. 2/ A ' <