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r For Immediate release January 15,1965 Be serve Positions of Major Reserve City Bank* Be serve Period Ended January 6, 1965 H.5 (In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted) 46 tanks Reserve excess or deficiency ( - ) 1 / 4 Less: Borrowings from Reserve Banks ยป Lessj Bet interbank Federal funds chases or sales ( - ) 2 / 38 banks out5 banks 33 other 8 hanks i n Bev York City side Bev Tea* In Chicago banks 20 4 16 1 15 198 61 137 14 123 1,015 635 380 96 284 -1,192 -691 -501 -109 -392 11.9 : 17.1 8.4 10.5. 7,9 Equals: Bet basic reserve surplus or d e f i c i t ( - ) : a. Bet amount b. As per cent of average r e quired reserves 1/ Reserves held a f t e r a l l adjustments applicable t o the reporting period l e s s the sum of required reserves and carryover reserve d e f i c i e n c i e s . 2/ For d e t a i l s see Federal Funds Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks. Bote: โ Averages of d a i l y f i g u r e s . I \ I 11.5(a) Federal Funds Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks for the Week Ended January 6, 1965 ( i n millions of dollars) 38 banks out- 5 banks 33 other 8 banks in 46 banks New York City side New York In Chicago banks A. Interbank Federal funds transactions 1. Gross transactions a. b. Purchases Sales 2. Total 2-vay transactions 1/ 1,909 8<A 970 335 939 559 232 136 707 423 724 260 463 136 327 3. Total net transactions a. b. c. Net purchases of met buying banks Net sales of net selling banks l e t purchases or sales (-) ' . 96 1,185 710 476 171 75 96 1,015 635 380 96 284 1,194 924 270 125 145 126 126 - - - - 1,068 799 270 125 95 B. Related transactions with U. S. Government s e c u r i t i e s dealers 1. Loans t o dealers 2/ 2. Borrowings from dealers 5 / 3. Set loans l/ Derived from averages for Individual "banks for entire week. Figure f o r each 'bank Indicates extent t o which i t s weekly average purchases and sales are o f f s e t t i n g ; that I s , i t i s the l e s s e r of the two amounts. Gross purchases l e s s 2-vay t r a n s actions equals net purchases of net buying banks. Similarly, gross sales l e s s 2-vay transactions equals net sales of net selling hanks. 2/ Federal funds loaned, net funds supplied t o each dealer by clearing banks, repurchase agreements (purchases of securities firom dealers subject t o resale) or other lending arrangements. 5/ Federal funds borrowed, net funds acquired from each dealer by clearing banks, reverse repurchase agreements (sales of securities t o dealers subject t o repurchase), resale agreements, and borrowings secured by Gov't, or other Issues. Note: โ Averages of daily f i g u r e s . โ 145 1