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1ED ER AL RE^RVE For immediate release September 17, 1964 3 ftcnC'6^DITI0N OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO o» New York City Chicago Change since Change since Sept. Sept. 16 , Sept. 9, Sept. 18, 16 , Sept. 9> Sept. 18 1964 196k 1964 1961* 1963 1963 — ■ 9------------------------------------- -------(in millions of dollars) ASSETS 35,706 + 992 +2,750 Total loans and investments +164 +378 10,309 Loans and investments adjusted l / 35,144 +i,li8o +2,762 10,190 +256 +377 Loans adjusted l / 24 , 22k +1,2 4 3 +2,627 +500 +254 6 ,573 Commercial and industrial loans + 63 3,469 12,775 + 349 +1,284 +259 - 4 Agricultural loans — + + 1 3 17 23 Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities 785 + 435 + 124 + 65 -103 159 Other securities 56 + 28 1,9 3 8 + 174 + 350 + 77 Other loans for purchasing or carrying: 2 8 U. S. Govt, securities - 1 13 601 + + 6l Other securities + 1 289 7 + 57 Loans to nonbank financial institutions: + 30 Sales finance, personal finance, etc. 1,5 2 3 + 220 - 113 537 + 73 81*2 + 12 + 233 + 40 Other - 1 336 Loans to foreign banks 108 3 + 283 657 + + 39 + 3 Real estate loans 2,124 + 24 + 358 + 18 + 1 459 Other loans 3,52 8 + + 21 19 + 343 +119 1,057 12 562 - 488 Loans to domestic commercial banks + 1 - 92 119 5,461 + 136 48 + 26 -150 U. S. Government securities - total 1,9 10 44o Treasury b ills + 49 1,5 9 1 + 193 + 431 +151 — - 157 — -— - 64 Treasury certificates of indebtedness Treasury notes and U. S. bonds maturing: + 32 Within 1 year 219 29 + 191 717 -201 688 - 15 1,8 6 7 + 7 - 325 1 to 5 years - 68 - 8 1,2 8 6 563 After 5 years 35 - 188 + 27 - 24 1,707 Other securities 5,459 + 101 + 183 2 - 54 961 + 446 3,598 Reserves with F. R. Banks 51 6 + 1 + 26 260 57 Currency and coin 15 + 8 154 11 Balances with domestic banks + 31 9 + 97 + + 8 2,479 + 89 Other assets - net 4 l + 201 303 +602 +488 47,898 +2,742 + 3,57 4 12,975 Total a sse ts/lia b ilitie s ^ 8 106A L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted 2/ Demand deposits - total 37 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and p o litical subdivisions U. S . Government Domestic interbank: Commercial Mutual savings Foreign: Govts., o ffic ia l in sts., etc. Commercial banks Time and savings deposits - total 4/ Individuals, partnerships, and corporations: Savings deposits Other time deposits States and p o litical subdivisions Domestic interbank Foreign: Govts., o ffic ia l in sts., etc. Commercial banks Memo: Negotiable Time CD's included above Borrowings: From F. R. Banks From others Other lia b ilitie s CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 92 16,594 +1,0 8 7 + 26,483 + 2,585 + 888 1 8 ,19 2 +2, 027 + 452 4 15 3 11 + 870 + 145 32 2 + 19 1 3 ,2 6 1 + 4 + 1 3 11 + 66 + l44 554 -- + 844 50 12,668 - 248 +2,086 4,525 + 4,697 4l8 256 2,626 80 + 4 ,117 — 1,6 8 9 + 2,8 25 4 ,2 33 6 242 7 1 6 2 250 10 46l 38 8 4,200 7 ,0 16 5,005 220 281 1,34 4 1 11 45 4,433 + 165 +1,196 + 45 + 137 + 537 — NA - 115 + 359 + 33 2,907 1 ,0 1 0 2 11 + 1,0 6 3 323 17 276 7 946 1 245 2 17 +138 +574 +613 -159 + 84 + 36 -- 1 - 2 - 6l + 4 - 66 --+ 1 — - 67 - 7 - 2 - 9 - 7 +168 +287 +431 -117 -125 + 87 -+ 2 + 5 +568 +246 + 19 1 + 45 + 6 + 78 + 3 NA - 31 -212 - 59 + 49 reserves; individual loan items are shown gross. ha Not available. 2/ Includes a l l demand deposits except those of U. S. Government and domestic commercial banks, less cash items in process of collection. 3/ Includes certified and officers checks not shown separately. %/ Includes time deposits of U. S. Government and postal savings not shown separately.