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H.4.3 CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO Chicago New York City Change since Nov. Change since NOT. 14, Nov. 7, Nov. 15: Nov. 7, Nov. 15, 14, 1962 1961 1962 1961 1962 1962 A S S E T S (In millions of dollars) Total loans and Investments Loans and investments adjusted 1/ . Loans adjusted l/ Commercial and industrial loans Agricultural loans Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying; U. S. Govt, securities Other securities Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities Other securities Loans to noribank financial institutions: Sales finance, personal finance, etc. Other Loans to foreign hanks Real estate loans Other loans Loans to domestic commercial hanks U. S. Government securities - total Treasury bills Treasury certificates of indebtedness Treasury notes and U. 6. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other securities Reserves with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Other assets - net Total assets/liabilities 8,951 8,904 22 2,908 33 14 2X X +770 +733 +398 +253 + XX 261 244 65 X76 - xo + XX - 54 - 24 8 19 XX X77 150 343 + 5X 373 926 47 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 15 - 30 - 27 + X - X9 + 46 + 18 + 92 +116 + 37 -152 -280 - 26 676 924 344 1,457 968 47 X02 + X - X - 4 - 6 + 34 +400 -429 +X83 +W7 - 73 + 6 - 9 + 35 XX,421 +134 +786 - 582 -1,155 - 279 7 - 265 - ill 3 36 11 +1,437 3,982 + 9X +190 +203 - i4 -X45 -247 -X05 + 2 -XXX - 46 +1,072 + 360 44 16 + X8 + 4 + - 285 + 320 - X35 2,35X 7X2 X8 5 X27 X3 29# 781 29,227 19,563 11,452 7 +115 +174 +306 +108 - 7 + 447 + 98 +1,094 + 764 2 730 999 + 91 + 7 - - 13 — 398 + 1,168 579 277 1,198 3,244 554 5,972 . 919 453 1,147 2,307 1,146 3,692 3,351 256 96 2,019 4o,66o 7 54 IX 5 20 10 - 59 -124 -127 + 4 14 3 16 8 32 1 13 14 27 144 41 372 224 349 -2,027 -1,187 57 + 134 I1'3!. +1,031 22 + 59 6 + + 21 + 314 7 5,180 288 75 208 - 2 - 23 3 - 22 + 8 L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted 2/ 15,276 +180 Demand deposits - total 3/ 24,325 - 59 Individuals, partnerships, and corporationB 16,901 +729 States and political subdivisions 263 - 15 U. 8. Government 836 - 54 Domestic interbank: Commercial 3,056 -129 Mutual savings . 315 + 1 Foreign: Govts., official insts., etc. 459 - 67 Commercial banks 737 - 8 Time and savings deposits - total 4/ 8,4x8 + 47 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations: Savings deposits 3,886 + 8 Other time deposits , 2,491 + 4 States and political subdivisions 1 184 - 4 Domestic interbank 131 Foreign: Govts., official insts., etc. I,6l5 + 4l Commercial banks 69 - 2 Borrowings: From F. R. Banks - 60 From others 1,447 +111 Other liabilities 2,650 - 12 6,688 4,673 308 252 X,309 X 12 39 3,233 270 257 - 6 + 4 - X + X + 3 + x4 - X + 9 +86X + 2 + 12 +524 +279 -X69 + 89 + X5 - X + 45 + 4 - 92 +183 + 30 + 6 C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S 3,820 + 132 5 973 1/ Exclusive of loans to domestic commercial banks and after deduction of valuation reserves; individual loan items are shown gross. 2/ Includes all demand deposits except those of U. 8. Government and domestic commercial banks, less cash items in process of collection. 3/ Includes certified and officers checks not shown separately. includes time deposits of U. 8. Government and postal savings not shown separately.