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BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM H.4.3 (For Immediate Release) March 3, 1955 CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES ______________________________(In millions of dollars) _____________________ Chicago New York City Increase or Increase or Mar. Mar. decrease since decrease since 2, 2, Feb. 23, Mar. 3, Feb. 23, Mar. 3, 1955 1955 1954 1954 1955 1955 A S S E T S Loans and investments adjusted l/ Loans adjusted 1/ Commercial, industrial, and agricultural loans Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, obligations Other securities Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, obligations Other securities Real estate loans Other loans 22,837 11,771 +112 + 99 + 1,585 + 356 6,996 2,839 + 23 + 22 +305 + 30 7,506 + 72 - 466 2,035 + 6 - 59 201 1,58? - 53 + 72 + 307 696 46 128 + 4 + 15 - 12 + 3 15 397 535 1,745 + + + + + 26 136 158 189 22 96 147 428 - 1 -+ 2 - 3 - 2 + 24 + 31 + 49 U. S. Government securities-total Treasury bills Treasury cert, of indebtedness Treasury notes U. S. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other securities 8,477 684 259 2,019 - 8 + 63 - 9 - 29 + 931 + 35 - 493 +1,235 3,^30 287 928 + 16 + 20 - 3 - 2 +200 + 24 -269 +363 * + + + 7 597 1,^30 727 ... + 2 - 1 - 15 -284 +311 + 55 + 75 Loans to bankB Reserves with F. R. Banks Cash in vault Balances with domestic banks Other assets - net 535 4,gg4 11 1,303 35 139 66 - 61 + 37 - 4 - 11 + 3 - 22 -119 + + + 79 + 65 + 19 3 1,674 3,838 2,589 1 4 7 6 •- 7 - 26 + 21 991 818 327 298 106 181 + 13 - 60 - 18 - 7 + 4 + + + 557 3 2 250 765 +124 - 4l + 20 + + + 488 380 48 4,553 1,653 283 - 56 - 3 - 15 3,009 l,06l + 78 - 24 + + 70 14 1,173 39 + 55 + 5 - 66 + 3 2 215 1,200 - 6 -104 - 9 + 2 38 204 27 91 96 + + 3 8 3 + 3 + 37 + 1 2,789 + + 215 635 + 3 + 33 138 4l 822 — 8 2 L I A B I L I T I E S ' Demand deposits adjusted Time deposits except U. S.Govt. U. S. Government deposits Interbank demand deposits: Domestic banks Foreign banks Borrowings: From Federal Reserve Banks From others Other liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 16,209 3,347 6 1/ Exclusive of loans to banks and after deduction of valuation reserves; individual loan items are shown gross.