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Q Q BOARD OR GOVERNORS OP THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (For Immediate Release) H.k.3 March 17# 1955 CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES (In millions of dollars) New York City Increase or Mar. decrease since 16 , Mar. 9, Mar. 17, 1955 195k . 1955 . Chicago Increase or Mar. decrease since 16 , Mar. 9, Mar. 17, 1955 195k 1955 A S S E T S Loans and investments adjusted l/ Loans adjusted 1/ Commercial, industrial, and agricultural loans Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, obligations Other securities Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, obligations Other securities Real estate loans Other loans 23,16 1 12,256 + 3 k6 +368 +I,k20 + 5kl 7,026 2,850 + 70 + 33 +259 - kk 7,706 +171 - 507 2,035 + 8 -156 383 1,717 +166 107 + 55 + 780 67 123 + 2k + k - 16 + 29 13 409 - l + 6 + 6 - 57 + + + 29 16 -— k - 8 + 2k + 33 + 5k U. S. Government securities-total Treasury bills Treasury cert, of indebtedness Treasury notes U. S. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other securities 8,320 + 52 +I0k + 17 - 38 + 625 15 - 559 +i,lk5 + ko + 50 - 13 - 3 +230 - 2 -260 +383 - 1 + 18 - k8 - 30 + + + 989 713 330 25 k 59k l,k26 -- -266 +318 + + + - 53 95 + - l,3 k2 33 lk9 15 + + 155 551 3 lk 253 +370 - 15 + 73 + + - +180 Loans to banks Reserves with F. R. Banks Cash in vault Balances with domestic banks Other assets - net 51*8 1,695 705 263 1,920 2 1,61+3 3,787 2,585 580 k,598 133 57 802 15 k 159 Ilk 98 150 k2k 3,k39 321 175 916 1 + - 7 737 11 + 6 - 3 S6 86 + 57 + 73 9 + 9 - 89 - k + 3 + 7 k,573 1,657 199 250 - 31 + l + 37 +200 + 75 - 87 + 6k 1,166 63 3k + 56 - 1 -Ilk - l 108 80 -103 + 33 169 lk2 8k + 19 + 70 - 13 + 28 + k8 + k + + 215 635 - + 32 10 18 60 + + - 2 18 L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted Time deposits except U. S. Govt. U. S. Government deposits Interbank demand deposits: Domestic banks Foreign banks Borrowings: From Federal Reserve Banks From others Other liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 16,921 3,31+6 696 3,100 1 ,06k 1 301 1 ,1 1 k 2,788 + 8 - 3 k 3 9k6 299 1 l/ Exclusive of loans to banks and after deduction of valuation reserves; individual loan items are shown gross.