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D ER A L statistical ER VE release For immediate release Jamaary 9, 1964 H.4.3 COpiTION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO Pedersl K t m r v e Banit ■ Chicago Nev York City of San Francisco Change since Change since Jan. Jan. 8, Dec. 31, Jan. 9, 8, Dec. 31, Jan. 9> J A N 1 3'1964 1964 1964 1963 _______ 1963 1 1963 In millions of dollars) ipm A D Y ASSETS otal lo&iis and investments MLoans and investments adjusted l/ Loans adjusted l/ Commercial and industrial loans Agricultural loans Loans to brokers and"dealers for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities Other securities Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities Other securities Loans to nonbank financial institutions: Sales finance, personal finance, etc. Other Loans to foreign banks Real estate loans Other loans Loans to domestic commercial banks U. S. Government securities - total Treasury bills Treasury certificates of indebtedness Treasury notes and U. S. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other securities Reserves with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Other assets - net Total assets/liabilities LIABILITIES Demand deposits adjusted 2/ Demand deposits. - total 37 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and political subdivisions U. S. Government Domestic interbank: Commercial Mutual savings Foreign: Govts., official insts., etc. Commercial banks Time and savings deposits - total 4/ Individuals, partnerships, and corporations: Savings deposits Other time deposits States and political subdivisions Domestic interbank Foreign: Govts., official inst6., etc. Commercial banks Memo: Negotiable Time CD's included above Borrowings: From F. R. Banks From others Other liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 800 +2,966 34,098 33,691 - 871 +3,257 22,695 - 971 +2,782 12,357 - 419 + 787 26 - 15 + 9 298 + 5^ _ 3^9 2,3^1 - 290 + 987 31 _ 537 1,380 698 512 1,809 3,268 407 5,915 1,620 158 3 + 12 1 + 122 238 10 3 11 27 71 75 72 4 + + + + + 10,065 9,873 6,282 3,4i 4 4l -197 -305 -208 - 85* +893 +71^ +743 +419 + 7 i4o + 26 351 - 59 - 57 +146 20 246 + 6 + 2 + 54 + 6l + 17 + 35 + 32 + 46 +179 -319 + 65 - 80 187 i4o 198 601 101 291 612 l6l 336 477 278 83 424 1,018 192 1,844 350 49 466 7 29 2,557 21 I,il4 5,08i + 25 - 224 294 3 75 - 75 2,367 - 84 45,502 -2,801 - 219 .+ 242 - 138 +1,087 + 229 + 29 - 15 + 273 +3,719 195 813 437 1,7^7 1,027 62 110 220 12,460 - 2 - 57 - 26 -447 -1 ,1 5 1 -3,939 -2,247 39 - 559 - 6i4 + 46 - 55 - 57 + 22 + 125 + 301 + 121 + 108 + 54 - 115 - 11 + 29 + ll4 +2,582 4,215 6,655 4,705 301 217 1,247 2 l4 kS 4,223 -354 -665 -4l6 - 148 -143 - 46 — - 1 - 1 + 11 + + - - + 4io +1,507 + 161 + 11 + 472 - 10 NA + 143 + 362 + 50 2,766 1,013 193 13 227 5 878 3 324 211 - 2 + 8 — + 1 + 4 — + l4 + 3 +180 + 22 +334 +233 +171 + 8 + 8l - 7 NA — +175 - 66 1,044 + 2 + 52 16,541 25,434 17,237 380 911 3,081 403 543 877 11,627 4,4ii 4,362 374 142 2,174 79 3,520 143 1,566 2,631 4,10 1 - + + - + + + + + + + - + + + + - 23 l4 5 2 32 1 86* 143 979 15 - 21 + 281 - 75* - 4 - 4 - l - 12* +108 - 78 - 64 - 3 1 6 4 19 ^3 -160 -147 + 3 +290 + 13 + 13 - 1 - 7 +909 23 71 68 31 20 72 — - 5 + 10 +819 reserves; individual loan items are shown gross. 2/ Includes all demand deposits except those of U. S. Government and domestic commercial banks, less cash items in process of collection. 3/ Includes certified and officers checks not shown separately. 5/ Includes time deposits of U. S. Government and postal savings not shown separately. * December 31 figures revised January 9*