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FED ERAL m m r m n reqgrqi Reserve Bonkm f*ALRE^. ■ H.4.3 of Franc x P*E iE R V E M For iimnediate release, January 3, 1963 SCO CONDITION,^ WS^K^-jLEPOiyriNG MEMBER BANKS IN LIBRARY ASSETS & & l& ? t NEW YOBK AND CHICAGO New York City Change since Jan. Chicago\ Change since Jan. 2, Dec. 26, Jan. 3, 2, Dec. 26, Jan. 3, 1962 1962 1963 1963 1962 1962 (I11 millions of dollars, Total loans and investments 32,216 + 133 +2,234 9,505 + 78 +1,16 5 Loans and investments adjusted l/ . 9,430 + 81 +1,146 31,709 + 299 +2,304 Loans adjusted l/ 5,734 +181 + 783 21,075 + 153 +2,241 Commercial and industrial loans 4 " + 54 + 370 + 704 3,059 11,751 159 Agricultural loans + 12 + 6 17 35 + 1 Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities 945 - l44 + 571 191 + 54 + 76 271 + 38 + 63 Other securities 1,567 + 38 + 195 Other loans for purchasing or carrying; U. S. Govt, securities 1 2 12 19 + 4 17 + Other securities 428 + 12 l4 191 + 8 9 Loans to nonbank financial institutions: Sales finance, personal finance, etc. 1 ,606 + 150. + 444 475 + 24 + 23 Other 562 12 + 72 + 29 265 + 10 Loans to foreign banks 4- 22 l4 317 + 16 55 + 1 Heal estate loans + + 6 101 1,209 390 27 + 370 Other loans 21 3,205 + 7 974 + 2 4* 126 Loans to domestic commercial banks 507 ~ 166 - 70 75 - 3 4- 19 _ 31 6,668 + 147 - 991 U. S. Government securities - total 2,247 - 83 Treasury bills 1,859 + 115 - 120 - 76 - 158 307 21 + 60 Treasury certificates of indebtedness 130 + 2 + 35 495 Treasury notes and U. S. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 701 + 18 - 385 - 8 4- 46 353 1 to 5 years 2,323 - 32 “1,175 996 + 9 - 257 1,290 + 25 + 629 After 5 years 46l - 10 + 303 3,966 Other securities 1 +1,054 1,449 4“ 394 “ 17 4,028 4" 477 + 57 Reserves vith F. B. Banks 1,022 - 48 4o Currency and coin 2 4 54 275 - 20 + - 5 4Balances vith domestic banks + 116 + 20 151 3 + 55 5 Other assets - net 2,168 + 69 + 64 + 31 227 + 1 1 Total assets/liabilities .• 44,893 +2,348 +3,713 12,088 +409 +1,287 L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted 2/ 16,849 238 - 225 6 4,432 + 31 Demand deposits - total 3/ 28,262 +2,456 +1,913 7,324 +465 + 195 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 18,341 + 4l6* + 156 4,974 +256 •+ 23 States and political subdivisions 360 + 7 1* + 68 350 + 22 + 71 U. S. Government l,44i + 37 + 195 4l0 - 16 + 55 Domestic interbank: Commercial 3,882 + 988 + 584 1,353 +132 + 24 Mutual savings 378 4* 82 + 10 1 1 Foreign: Govts., official insts., etc. + 2* + 3 537 — 10* + IS 15 Commercial banks + 23 62 + 1 7 l4 858 + 36 Time and savings deposits - total 4/ 8,992 + 20 +2,095 + 927 3,364 + 1 8 Individuals, partnerships, and corporatlexis: Savings deposits 24 +1,0 5 1 3,974 + 2,417 + 28 + 541 Other time deposits 2,864 4- 27 + 874 + 329 -10 757 States and political subdivisions — + 212 1 1 + 44 22 9 Domestic interbank «.»• + 15 - l 131 5 Foreign:- Govts., official insts., etc. «.— + 44 144 1,689 15 + ' 93 Commercial banks — 41 12 3 71 7 Borrowings: From F. R. Banks + - 110 4 -10 2 From others 1,242 — 90 - 2l4 + 1 0 98 199 Other liabilities 2,580 - 49 - 114 208 - 58 + ’ 6 CA P I T A L A C C O U N T S + 1 1 3,817 + 143 989. + 4 + 59 1/ Exclusive of loans to domestic commercial banks and after deduction of valuation reserves; Individual loan items are shown gross. 2/ Includes all demand deposits except those of U. 8. Government and domestic commercial banksy less cash itemB in process of collection. 3/ Includes certified and officers checks not sliovn separately. 4/ Includes time deposits of U. S. Government and postal savings not shovn separately. * December 26 figures revised December 3 1 .