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^ f ME ^ER FED ERAL statistical \sc° release VE I' ‘6 For immediate release. February 21, 19 6 3 CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO Chicago New York City Feb. Change since Feb. Change since 20 , Feb. 13, Feb. 21, 20, Feb. 13, Feb. 21, P’ 19 6 2 1962 19 6 3 1963 1963 2^1 (in millions of dollars ASSETS H.4.3 Total loans and investments Loans and investments adjusted 1/ . Loans adjusted 1/ Commercial and industrial loans Agricultural loans Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying: U* S. Govt, securities Other securities Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities Other securities Loans to nonbank financial institutions: Sales finance, personal finance, etc. Other Loans to foreign banks Real estate loans Other loans Loans to domestic commercial banks U. S. Government securities - total Treasury bills Treasury certificates of indebtedness Treasury notes and U. S. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other securities Reserves with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Other assets - net Total assets/liabilities L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted 2/ Demand deposits - total 3/ Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and political subdivisions U . S . Government Domestic interbank: Commercial Mutual savings Foreign: Govts., official insts., eto. Commercial banks Time and savings deposits - total 4/ Individuals, partnerships, and corporations: Savings deposits Other time deposits States and political subdivisions Domestic interbank Foreign:* Govts., official insts., etc. Commercial banks Borrowings: From F. R. Banks From others Other liabilities CAPITAL A C C O U N T S 30,8^5 - i46 +1,961 30,454 + 197 +2j 072 19,338 - 102 +1,618 1 1 ,385 4- 33 + 726 12 -- + 1 9,248 9,190 5,449 2,977 29 122 + 130 28 + 2V7 ill 20*4- + 33 - 5 4“ + 88 44 7 43 15 205 + 1 -- + + 1 15 7 + 2k0 6 4- 75 1 - 16 420 29 16 - 90 - 343 - 111 + 180 - 632 + 168 + klk - k9 - 133 422 251 45 403 979 58 2,372 490 189 + 10 - 3 - 2 + 1 + 5 + 32 - 25 -+ 49 + 79 + 19 + 5 + 103 + 128 - 59 + 68 - 37 -- 926 832 + 845 +1 ,086 + kk9 4" 39 + 2k 55 +2,253 295 936 466 1,369 981 47 107 227 11, 503 -122 - 9 + 57 - 5 + 31 - 5 - 28 - 13 -204 4- 40 265 + 330 + 358 + 4 + 7 6 + 4o +1) 221 15,597 + 2kj - 395 23,868 -1, 022 - 181 16,k07 - 6 11 - 400 275 + 28 + 25 1,153 4- 19k + 296 2,969 - 335 + 83 -- + 2k 325 k66 15 _ 21 763 + 4i + 37 9,392 4- 69 +1,998 4,066 6,501 4,495 324 349 1,193 1 ll 38 3, 513 + 4 -105 -244 + 1 + 91 + 58 1 1* 3 + 20 M + _ + + + 129 109 51 24 86 65 — 4- 3 1 903 2,470 828 31 6 159 12 + 4+ 7 8 1 + + + 488 337 17 + 4 + 4* 330 1,351 - l4 koo + -1 1, 205 517 297 1, 281 3,104 391 .6,959 2,245 459 4* + 4- 543 2, 24l 1,4 7 1 4,157 3,874 248 9k 2,134 k l, 344 158 76 + 295 4* 119 + 361 10 7 70 -1 ,000 k, ill 2, 922 224 133 1,879 72 167 1,189 2,893 3,835 - + + + 12 33 l -- + 23 + - 163 199 1 10 - - - + + + + 4" + 4+ + 944 731 13 13 285 2 137 393 240 1*4-6 + + + + _ _ 69 37 67 27 -- 60 195 59 309 + 2 985. - 2 +1 ,O89 +1,148 + 722 4- 262 + 7 - 57 2 + 67 + 83 + _2L reserves; Individual loan Items are shown gross* 2/ Includes all demand deposits except those of U. 8. Government and domestic commercial bonksv less cash items In process of collection* 3/ Includes certified and officers checks not shown separately. Includes time deposits of U. S« Government and postal savings not shown separately. %/