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m D ERA L K § statistico 1 of Sc;n Francisco H.4.3 CONllteioN OF LIBRARY R E SWE R V E release For Immediate release December 3, 1964 iY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO New York City Chicago Dec. Change since Dec, Change since 2, Nov. 25, Dec. 4, 2, Nov. 25, Dec. k, 1964 1964 1964 1964 1963 1963 millions of dollars) “Tin ASSETS +751 + 20 +2,893 10,571 + 48 Total loans and investments 35*969 +522 Loans and investments adjusted l/ 35,146 +739 +3, 050 10,378 +124 +6ll +2,687 6,788 +156 Loans adjusted l/ 24,335 +717 +266 +301 Commercial and industrial loans 13,197 +1, 056 3,669 + 4o — + 1 - 15 Agricultural loans 19 25 - 5 Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing + 187 or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities 360 - 24 + 38 95 - 29 - 197 Other securities + 148 1,788 328 + 13 + 3 Other loans for purchasing or carrying: - 4 + 1 10 U. S. Govt, securities 7 15 - 1 + 42 582 + 16 294 + 58 1 Other securities Loans to nonbank financial institutions: + 189 561 + 76 +171 Sales finance, personal finance, etc. +133 1,383 + 150 + 26 817 - 3 Other 319 + 6 + 302 + 4o + 31 Loans to foreign banks 117 + 5 739 + 4i4 2,270 + 47 Real estate loans + 15 479 - 4 + 5*48 1,115 + 55 +158 +116 3,740 Other loans -502 196 823 157 76 Loans to domestic commercial banks + 15 - 187 1,893 - 18 - 19 U. S. Government securities - total 5, M l -237 + 80 476 - 10 + 150 -249 Treasury bills 1,512 -- 44 -— — Treasury certificates of indebtedness 159 Treasury notes and U. S. bonds maturing: + 34 + 227 1 Within 1 year 698 - 10 235 - 456 6 674 -138 + 76 1 to 5 years 2,077 + 49 + 51 508 1 After 5 years - 54 i,i5l 14 + 11 + 550 1,697 +148 Other securities 5,370 - 24 + 557 +528 Reserves with '.?• R. Banks 971 67 3,M i 64 + 3 + 21 298 + 40 Currency and coin + 9 + 4 + 17 Balances with domestic banks 132 104 + 20 7 2 + + 99 + 74 Other assets - net 307 269 2,591 +960 +104 Total assets/liabilities 1j8,405 +4;►395 13,152 + 67 LIABILITIES +468 178 1,055 15,698 Demand deposits adjusted 2/ - 45 71 + 678 6,764 + 48 -229 Demand deposits - total 37 25,550 +201 + 286 1,729 + 25 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations17,049 +268 + 95 + 17 States and political subdivisions + 61 - 21 339 255 29 + 201 U. S. Government -134 +126 328 1,097 55 + 17 1,277 + 82 Domestic interbank: Commercial + 2 + 15 3,253 4 + 21 302 -Mutual savings 1 - 1 + 105 + 25 586 Foreign: Govts., official insts., etc. 12 1 - 7 + 27 Commercial banks 864 - 11 46 - 2 + 7 Time and savings deposits - total 4/ +2,010 4,787 - 18 13,393 4 +651 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations: + 175 2,963 + 2 4,584 + 1 Savings deposits +247 - 18 5,258 +1,101 1,3 12 + 2 Other time deposits +307 + 47 443 228 + 43 - 1 States and political subdivisions 3 + 133 — 258 + 11 Domestic interbank 15 + 3 + 556 + 48 Foreign: Govts., official insts., etc. 6 - 12 2,709 255 + Commercial banks + 2 2 86 + 4 9 + 1 Memo: Negotiable Time CD's included above NA 1,220 4,696 NA - 63 7 — — — -— — Borrowings: From F. R. Banks + 261 + 912 + 45 1,900 From others +179 5 + 468 +144 252 + 11 + 10 3,278 Other liabilities + 327 1,088 + 7 4,284 + 28 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS + 53 l/ Exclusive of loans to domestic commercial banks and after deduction of valuation reserves; individual loan items are shovn gross. NA Not available. 2/ Includes all demand deposits except those of U. S. Government and domestic commercial hanks, less cash items in process of collection. 3/ Includes certified and officers checks not shown separately. % / Includes time deposits of U. S. Government and postal savings not shown separately.