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FEDERAL statistical RESERVE release For immediate release December 10, 1964 CONDITION BANKS NEW YORK AND—CHICAGO — — —— OF WEEKLY . REPORTING ------------MEMBER ---- - -....... ■—- IN ............ ....... . ftf: ____ , V * DEC 14 1964 1 Yvz RY ASSETS Total loans and investments Loans and investments adjusted l/ Loans adjusted l/ Commercial and Industrial loans Agricultural loans Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities Other securities Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities Other securities Loans to nonbank financial institutions: Sales finance, personal finance, etc. Other Loans to foreign banks Real estate loans Other loans Loans to domestic commercial banks U. S. Government securities - total Treasury bills Treasury certificates of indebtedness Treasury notes and U* S. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other securities Reserves with R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Other assets - net Total assets/liabilities a New York City Chicago Dec. Deo. Change since Change since 9, Dec. 2, Deo. 11, 9, Dec. 2, Dec. 11, 1964 1964 1964 1964 1963 1963 "Tin millions of dollars) 36,035 34,936 24,021 13,179 19 + 66 -210 -314 - 18 306 1,677 - 54 -111 10 584 -- - + 2 + 1,262 819 737 2,279 3,717 1,099 5,1(69 1,594 -121 + .2 - 2 + 9 - 23 +276 + 28 + 82 -- + + + + + + + 7 -- 705 2,087 1,083 5,446 3,545 349 79 2,757 47,863 -- + 10 - 71 + 76 -396 + 51 - 25 +166 -542 +2, 339 10,460 +2, 125 10,268 +2, 051 6,741 + 959 3,654 6 25 -114 -126* - 73* - 15 -- +547 +516 +637 +257 - 15 - 45 - 353 is 352 - 47 + 24 - 45 + 26 5 42 16 298 + 1 + 4 - 2 + 65 68 144 282 439 521 214 - 422 + 1 - 153 507 328 118 483 l,l4l 192 1,834 437 -- 54 + 9 •f 1 + 4 + 12* - 59 - 39 -- +120 + 35 + 38 + 51 +142 + ?1 - ^3 + 69 - 45 + 227 238 - 471 642 - 26 517 + 496 1,693 + 97 l, oo4 66 + 24 + 112 9 + 46o 308 +3;,069 12,877 + 3 - 32 + 9 + 6* 33 + 2 - 20 -f 1 -275 + 37 -169 + 65 - 78 + 21 + 4 - 15 +105 +677 865 561 829 3 61 103 8 95 70 +2j,154 4,129 6,385 4,644 252 151 1,178 1 13 46 4,800 + 74 - 94 — - 51 - 20 + 59 + 20 - 1 - 4 + 5 + 189 2,969 1,318 225 15 258 10 1,228 + 6 + 6 - 3 -+ 3 + 1 + 8 + 24 + 46 + 19 +246 +292 + 35 + 2 + 54 - L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted 2/ 15,758 24,622 Demand deposits - total 37 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 16,876 States and political subdivisions 271 586 U. S. Government 3,180 Domestic interbank: Commercial 296 Mutual savings 602 Foreign: Govts., official insts., etc. Commercial banks 790 Time and savings deposits - total 4/ 13,559 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations : Savings deposits 4,596 5,368 Other time deposits 44l States and political subdivisions 261 Domestic interbank Foreign: Govts., official insts., etc. 2,738 Commercial banks 99 Memo: Negotiable Time CD’s included above 4,734 Borrowings: From F. R. Banks 25 1,901 From others Other liabilities 3,473 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 4,283 + 60 -928 -173 - 68 -511 - 73 - 6 + 16 - 74 +166 + 12 +110 - 2 + + + + + + 3 29 13 38 25 1 +195 - 1 + + + + - +1,158 + 28 + 130 + + 637 17 NA - 66 + 496 + 713 + 333 24 307 271 1,090 -379 - 85 - 3 -177 - 99 -+ 1 -+ 13 +624 + 3 + 44 + 5 NA + 6 - 27 + 20 l / Exclusive of loans to domestic commercial banks and a fte r deduction of valuation reserves; individual loan items are shown gross. NA-Not available. 2/ Includes a ll demand deposits except those o f U. S. Government and domestic commercial banks, less cash items in process of collectio n. 3 / Includes c e rtifie d and o ffice rs checks not shown separately. %/ Includes time deposits of U. S. Government and postal savings not shown separately. 5 December 2 figures revised December 10.