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H.4.3 ta .,5j CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO New York City Chicago Aug. Change since Change since 8, Aug. 1, Aug. 9, Aug. 1, Aug. 9, 1962 1962 1961 1962 1961 (In millions of dollars) A S S E T S Total loans and investments 29,039 Loans and Investments adjusted 1/ 28, 401 Loans adjusted l/ 18,171 Commercial and industrial loans 10,900 Agricultural loans 8 Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities 103 Other securities 973 Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities 13 Other securities 402 Loans to nonbank financial institutions: Sales finance, personal finance, etc. 1,091 Other 53^ Loans to foreign banks 380 Real estate loans 1,023 Other loans 3,239 Loans to domestic commercial banks 638 U. S. Government securities - total 6,556 Treasury bills 1,198 Treasury certificates of indebtedness 437 Treasury notes and U. S. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 1,424 1 to 5 years 2,499 After 5 years 998 Other securities 3,674 Reserves with F. R. Banks 3,541 Currency and coin 219 Balances with domestic banks 80 Other assets - net 2,013 Total assets/liabilities 38,681 L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted 2/ 15,295 Demand deposits - total 3/ 22, 897 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 15,728 States and political subdivisions 256 U. S. Government 886 Domestic interbank: Commercial 2,927 Mutual savings 312 Foreign: Govts., official insts., etc. 496* Commercial banks 702* Time and savings deposits - total kj _8,065 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Savings deposits 3,677 Other time deposits 2,388 States and political subdivisions 195 Domestic interbank 130 Foreign:• Govts., official insts., etc. 1,546 Commercial banks 77 Borrowings: From F. R. Banks 115 From others 1,085 Other liabilities 2,738 - 846 - 738 - 403 30 +1,143 + 791 + 915 + 608 + 5 8,627 8,549 4,924 2,737 19 203 258 19 185 7 19 12 176 . 209 6 + 7 > 5 38 - 108 339 271 . 5 + 19 + 224 + 87 + 252 + 263 + 352 -1,258 6l6 76 380 267 50 349 899 78 2,153 223 156 + + + + 7 7 1 2 3 13 38 58 8 43 14 6 4 169 5 16 37 ,940 277 -1,015 + 172 +1,134 82 + 39 + 3 4- 63 +1,134 442 1,131 201 1,472 941 4i 118 207 10,753 + + + - 12 1 1 14 70 654 - 64o - 608 + 22 51 + 97 + 15 89 + 106 +1,,326 3,969 6,299 4,307 335 224 1,287 2 8 39 3,039 - - - 89 53 - — — - 2 " - - + - - - - » - + - + 4+ 703 "2;,202 -1,015 40 360 156 + 9 1* w 30* 4" 49 - - ~ + + - 34 13 2 - + + 47 60 36 7 - - - 29 + 12 - 992 267 58 31 +606 +606 +384 +104 + 2 - 15 + 24 - 5 - 10 — ~ + 12 — — -204 + 8 +137 + 11 + 78 + 67 mm -376 -4l8 + 43 +112 -107 - 6 +598 - 43 + 2 - 6 + 35 +706 -280 -105 -268 -188 -164 • -149 + 13 - 25 -n4 - 47 + 50 + 27 + l + 1 - 10 - 8 + 1 + 3 +685 + 7 + 10 2,254 619 - 2 - 1 17 + 5 77 + 4 124 + 1 5 13 8 115 76 + 59 + 366 59 - 18 78 36 54 300 + 15 + 144 • 3 + 1 961 and after deduction of valuation - ~ + - - *»' W* *** mm +450 +173 + 4 - 2 + 47 + 8 + 4i + 17 + 98 + C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S 3,781 + + 53 • 1 / Exclusive of loans to domestic commercial banks reserves; individual loan items are shown gross. 2/ Includes all demand deposits except those of U. S. Government and domestic commercial banks, less cash items in process of collection. 3/ Includes certified and officers checks not shown separately. 5/ Includes time deposits of U. S. Government and postal savings not shown separately. * August 8 figures revised August 14.