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No. 10 Week ending March 9, 2024 Board Actions Forms FR 30—final Board review to implement the Whistleblower Intake Guide. Approved: March 4, 2024 Regulations and Policies Disaster-Related Appraisal Exceptions—interagency statement and order granting temporary exceptions to certain appraisal requirements for real estate-related transactions in Maui County as affected by Hawaii wildfires. Approved: March 4, 2024 Regulation HH (Designated Financial Market Utilities)—final rule amending the requirements relating to operational risk management to reflect changes in the operational risk, technology, and regulatory landscape in which designated financial market utilities operate.* Approved: March 1, 2024 *Addition FEDERAL RESERVE RELEASE H.2 Actions Under Delegated Authority Bank Branches, Domestic Kansas City First Community Bank, Beemer, Nebraska—to establish a branch at 2850 Elk Lane, Fremont, Nebraska. Approved: March 7, 2024 Bank Holding Companies St. Louis Lincoln County Bancorp, Inc., Troy, Missouri—to acquire additional voting shares of Kahoka State Bank, Kahoka, Missouri. Approved: March 7, 2024 Change in Bank Control Chicago Easton Bancshares, Inc., Easton, Illinois—Sue Ann McClaren, Denver, Colorado, to retain voting shares of Easton Bancshares, Inc., and thereby indirectly retain voting shares of Community Bank of Easton, Easton, Illinois. Permitted: March 4, 2024 First Bancorp of Taylorville, Inc., Taylorville, Illinois—Beth E. Brotherton, Taylorville, Illinois, and Thomas Matthew Beavers, Mount Zion, Illinois; to acquire additional voting shares of First Bancorp of Taylorville, Inc., and thereby indirectly acquire additional voting shares of First National Bank in Taylorville, Taylorville, Illinois, and more. Permitted: March 8, 2024 Kansas City Gateway First Bancorp, Inc., Jenks, Oklahoma—the Stitt Dynasty Trust dated December 31, 2021, Tulsa, Oklahoma, James Redman, as trustee; to join the Stitt Family Group, a group acting in concert, to acquire voting shares of Gateway First Bancorp, Inc., and thereby indirectly acquire voting shares of Gateway First Bank, Jenks, Oklahoma, and more. Permitted: March 7, 2024 Thayer Agency, Inc., Hebron, Nebraska—Patrick Kenner, Hebron, Nebraska; a member of the Kenner Family Group, to retain additional voting shares of Thayer Agency, Inc., and thereby indirectly retain additional voting shares of Thayer County Bank, Hebron, Nebraska. Also, Rebecca Schure, Omaha, Nebraska, to become a member of the Kenner Family Group, to retain voting shares of Thayer Agency, Inc., and thereby indirectly retain voting shares of Thayer County Bank. Permitted: March 7, 2024 Regulations and Policies General Counsel Bank Term Funding Program—report to Congress under section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. Approved: March 8, 2024 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FEDERAL RESERVE RELEASE H.2 Lending and Liquidity Facilities—reports to Congress under section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act in response to COVID-19. Approved: March 8, 2024 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM District: 1 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Filings received during the week ending March 9, 2024 Filer Filing Type Filing Proposal NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act End of Comment Period District: 1 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulation BB (12 CFR 228). The regulation was revised in May 1995. The CRA requires that each depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities. A copy of an institution's CRA evaluation may be obtained directly from the institution or Reserve Bank. Federal bank regulators use the following performance levels to rate an institution's performance under CRA: O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory NI = Needs to improve SN = Substantial noncompliance The following state member banks have been examined and their CRA public evaluations are now available. RSSD ID Institution/Location Exam Date CRA Public Date CRA Rating Exam Method 1008674 READING CO-OP BK, READING, MASSACHUSETTS 02/11/2024 07/31/2023 S Int Small Bank CRA Examinations scheduled for Institution Quarter of Location NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Quarter District: 2 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Filings received during the week ending March 9, 2024 Filer Filing Type MANUFACTURERS Public Welfare AND TRADERS Investment TRUST COMPANY Filing Proposal End of Comment Period Manufacturers and Traders Trust Newspaper: Company, Buffalo, New York, requests Federal Register: prior approval to make a public welfare investment, pursuant to Section 208.22(d) of Regulation H. * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Not applicable Not applicable District: 2 Federal Reserve Bank of New York The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulation BB (12 CFR 228). The regulation was revised in May 1995. The CRA requires that each depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities. A copy of an institution's CRA evaluation may be obtained directly from the institution or Reserve Bank. Federal bank regulators use the following performance levels to rate an institution's performance under CRA: O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory NI = Needs to improve SN = Substantial noncompliance The following state member banks have been examined and their CRA public evaluations are now available. RSSD ID Institution/Location Exam Date CRA Public Date CRA Rating Exam Method 645317 ADIRONDACK TC, SARATOGA SPRINGS, NEW YORK 09/28/2023 12/05/2022 S Int Small Bank CRA Examinations scheduled for Institution Quarter of Location NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Quarter District: 3 Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Filings received during the week ending March 9, 2024 Filer Filing Type Filing Proposal PRINCETON BANCORP INC * 3A5 * 3A3 A notice of acquisition by Princeton Newspaper: Bancorp, Inc., the parent holding Federal Register: company of The Bank of Princeton, both of Princeton, NJ, of Cornerstone Financial Corporation, Mount Laurel, NJ, the parent bank holding company of Cornerstone Bank, Moorestown, NJ, pursuant to Sections 3(a)(3) and 3(a)(5) of the Bank Holding Company Act. * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act End of Comment Period 04/13/2024 04/15/2024 District: 3 Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulation BB (12 CFR 228). The regulation was revised in May 1995. The CRA requires that each depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities. A copy of an institution's CRA evaluation may be obtained directly from the institution or Reserve Bank. Federal bank regulators use the following performance levels to rate an institution's performance under CRA: O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory NI = Needs to improve SN = Substantial noncompliance The following state member banks have been examined and their CRA public evaluations are now available. RSSD ID Institution/Location Exam Date CRA Public Date CRA Rating Exam Method NONE CRA Examinations scheduled for Institution Quarter of Location NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Quarter District: 4 Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Filings received during the week ending March 9, 2024 Filer Filing Type Filing Proposal FIRST FINANCIAL BANCORP Public Welfare Investment First Financial Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio, Newspaper: seeks prior approval to make a $4.4 Federal Register: million public welfare investment in CREA First Financial Tax Credit Fund 77, LLC At Main, Located in Dayton, OH Not applicable Not applicable FIRST FINANCIAL BANCORP Public Welfare Investment First Financial Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio, Newspaper: seeks prior approval to make a $7.8 Federal Register: million public welfare investment in MCC FFB LIHTC EQUITY FUND 1, LLC – CJ McLin Apartments located in Dayton, OH. Not applicable Not applicable FIRST FINANCIAL BANCORP Public Welfare Investment First Financial Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio, Newspaper: seeks prior approval to make a $6.5 Federal Register: million public welfare investment in MCC FFB LIHTC EQUITY FUND 1, LLC – Dayton Kinship Housing Development project, located in Dayton, OH. Not applicable Not applicable * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act End of Comment Period District: 4 Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulation BB (12 CFR 228). The regulation was revised in May 1995. The CRA requires that each depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities. A copy of an institution's CRA evaluation may be obtained directly from the institution or Reserve Bank. Federal bank regulators use the following performance levels to rate an institution's performance under CRA: O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory NI = Needs to improve SN = Substantial noncompliance The following state member banks have been examined and their CRA public evaluations are now available. RSSD ID Institution/Location Exam Date CRA Public Date CRA Rating Exam Method 504311 GENOA BKG CO, GENOA, OHIO 04/17/2023 09/26/2022 S Int Small Bank 853112 HEARTLAND BK, WHITEHALL, OHIO 12/17/2023 04/11/2022 O Int Small Bank CRA Examinations scheduled for Institution Quarter of Location NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Quarter District: 5 Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Filings received during the week ending March 9, 2024 Filer Filing Type Filing Proposal End of Comment Period COASTAL STATES * Branch (Domestic) Coastal State Bank, Hilton Head Island, Newspaper: BANK South Carolina, to establish a branch Federal Register: facility to be located at 1029 Boundary Street, Suite A, Beaufort, South Carolina, 29902. * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act 03/16/2024 Not applicable District: 5 Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulation BB (12 CFR 228). The regulation was revised in May 1995. The CRA requires that each depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities. A copy of an institution's CRA evaluation may be obtained directly from the institution or Reserve Bank. Federal bank regulators use the following performance levels to rate an institution's performance under CRA: O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory NI = Needs to improve SN = Substantial noncompliance The following state member banks have been examined and their CRA public evaluations are now available. RSSD ID Institution/Location Exam Date CRA Public Date CRA Rating Exam Method 886624 CLEAR MNT BK, BRUCETON MILLS, WEST VIRGINIA 11/19/2023 06/05/2023 S Int Small Bank 3019982 FREEDOM BK OF VIRGINIA, FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA 06/24/2023 10/24/2022 S Int Small Bank CRA Examinations scheduled for Institution Quarter of Location NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Quarter District: 6 Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Filings received during the week ending March 9, 2024 Filer Filing Type Filing Proposal NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act End of Comment Period District: 6 Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulation BB (12 CFR 228). The regulation was revised in May 1995. The CRA requires that each depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities. A copy of an institution's CRA evaluation may be obtained directly from the institution or Reserve Bank. Federal bank regulators use the following performance levels to rate an institution's performance under CRA: O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory NI = Needs to improve SN = Substantial noncompliance The following state member banks have been examined and their CRA public evaluations are now available. RSSD ID Institution/Location Exam Date CRA Public Date CRA Rating Exam Method NONE CRA Examinations scheduled for Institution Quarter of Location NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Quarter District: 7 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Filings received during the week ending March 9, 2024 Filer Filing Type Filing Proposal End of Comment Period BANCORP OF NEW * 3A3 GLARUS, INC. Bancorp of New Glarus, Inc., New Newspaper: Glarus, Wisconsin, to acquire control of Federal Register: a newly formed subsidiary, Darlington Interim Bank, New Glarus, Wisconsin. Bancorp of New Glarus, Inc. also intends to acquire control of First National Bank at Darlington, Darlington, Wisconsin, following the merger of Darlington Interim Bank with and into First National Bank at Darlington, with First National Bank at Darlington as the surviving bank. 03/30/2024 03/28/2024 GREENFIELD BANCORPORATIO N, LTD. The Jim and Peggy Scott Trust, James Newspaper: L. Scott and Peggy A. Scott as coFederal Register: trustees, all of Fontanelle, Iowa; together with, Brad A. Lydon and Jana F. Lydon, both of Fontanelle, Iowa; and Jessica C. Christensen and Joshua J. Christensen , both of Greenfield, Iowa, together as a group acting in concert, to retain control of the voting share of Greenfield Bancorporation, Ltd, Greenfield, Iowa and thereby indirectly control Union State Bank, Greenfield, Iowa. Not available 03/19/2024 Change in Bank Control * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act District: 7 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Filings received during the week ending March 9, 2024 Filer Filing Type Filing Proposal SmartBiz Bancshares * 3A1 Billfloat, Inc., dba SmartBiz Loans, San Newspaper: Francisco, California, to become a bank Federal Register: holding company through merging its wholly-owned subsidiary, Caletta Merger Sub, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, with United Community Bancshares, Inc., Northbrook, Illinois, and thereby indirectly acquiring control of Centrust Bank, N.A., Northbrook, Illinois. Following that merger, United Community Bancshares would merge with SmartBiz, with United Community Bancshares surviving. United Community Bancshares would then be renamed SmartBiz Bancshares, Inc., and Centrust Bank, N.A. would be renamed SmartBiz Bank, N.A. Not available Not available TRI-COUNTY FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. Change in Bank Control Castle Creek Capital Partners VI, LP, Newspaper: San Diego, California, to acquire voting Federal Register: shares of Tri-County Financial Group, Inc., and thereby indirectly acquire voting shares of First State Bank, both of Mendota, Illinois. Not available 02/12/2024 * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act End of Comment Period District: 7 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulation BB (12 CFR 228). The regulation was revised in May 1995. The CRA requires that each depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities. A copy of an institution's CRA evaluation may be obtained directly from the institution or Reserve Bank. Federal bank regulators use the following performance levels to rate an institution's performance under CRA: O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory NI = Needs to improve SN = Substantial noncompliance The following state member banks have been examined and their CRA public evaluations are now available. RSSD ID Institution/Location Exam Date CRA Public Date CRA Rating Exam Method 643340 EASTERN MI BK, CROSWELL, MICHIGAN 01/20/2024 07/17/2023 S Int Small Bank 2958972 NORTHSTAR BK, BAD AXE, MICHIGAN 07/10/2023 02/06/2023 S Int Small Bank 247140 ONE CMNTY BK, OREGON, WISCONSIN 04/28/2023 11/28/2022 S Int Small Bank 448040 OXFORD BK, OXFORD, MICHIGAN02/16/2024 05/15/2023 S Int Small Bank 269049 VISIONBANK OF IA, AMES, IOWA 05/21/2023 02/27/2023 S Int Small Bank CRA Examinations scheduled for Institution Quarter of Location NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Quarter District: 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Filings received during the week ending March 9, 2024 Filer Filing Type Filing Proposal NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act End of Comment Period District: 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulation BB (12 CFR 228). The regulation was revised in May 1995. The CRA requires that each depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities. A copy of an institution's CRA evaluation may be obtained directly from the institution or Reserve Bank. Federal bank regulators use the following performance levels to rate an institution's performance under CRA: O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory NI = Needs to improve SN = Substantial noncompliance The following state member banks have been examined and their CRA public evaluations are now available. RSSD ID Institution/Location Exam Date CRA Public Date CRA Rating Exam Method 879644 BANK OF ADVANCE, ADVANCE, MISSOURI 11/03/2023 07/24/2023 S Int Small Bank 785473 FIRST SAVINGS BK, JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA 04/24/2023 04/18/2022 S Int Small Bank 185859 LINDELL B&TC, SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI 12/18/2023 09/05/2023 S Int Small Bank 266945 MONTICELLO BKG CO, MONTICELLO, KENTUCKY 01/27/2024 09/05/2023 S Int Small Bank 3374412 OAKSTAR BK, SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI 12/19/2022 06/13/2022 S Int Small Bank OLD MO BK, SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI CRA Examinations scheduled for Quarter of 49241 RELYANCE BK, WHITE HALL, ARKANSAS 06/03/2023 03/06/2023 S Int Small Bank 09/23/2023 06/05/2023 S Int Small Bank 2785646 Institution Location NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Quarter District: 9 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Filings received during the week ending March 9, 2024 Filer Filing Type Filing Proposal FLAGSHIP FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. Change in Bank Control Timothy J. Hoese, individually and as Newspaper: beneficiary with the power to vote of the Federal Register: Clayton W. Hoese Irrevocable Trust Under Agreement dated June 18, 1981, as modified September 12, 2023, all of Glencoe, Minnesota, to become a member of the Hoese/Schornack Family Shareholder Group, a group acting in concert, to retain voting shares of Flagship Financial Group, Inc., Eden Prairie, Minnesota, and thereby indirectly retain voting shares of Flagship Bank Minnesota, Wayzata, Minnesota, and Security Bank & Trust Company, Glencoe, Minnesota. * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act End of Comment Period 03/28/2024 03/21/2024 District: 9 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulation BB (12 CFR 228). The regulation was revised in May 1995. The CRA requires that each depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities. A copy of an institution's CRA evaluation may be obtained directly from the institution or Reserve Bank. Federal bank regulators use the following performance levels to rate an institution's performance under CRA: O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory NI = Needs to improve SN = Substantial noncompliance The following state member banks have been examined and their CRA public evaluations are now available. RSSD ID Institution/Location Exam Date CRA Public Date CRA Rating Exam Method NONE CRA Examinations scheduled for Institution Quarter of Location NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Quarter District: 10 Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Filings received during the week ending March 9, 2024 Filer Filing Type Filing Proposal FARMERS STATE BANCSHARES, INC. Change in Bank Control Ashlie D. Hadden, Kearney, Nebraska, Newspaper: to join the Stull Family Control Group, a Federal Register: group acting in concert, to acquire voting shares of Farmers State Bancshares, Inc., and thereby indirectly acquire voting shares of Nebraska Bank, all of Dodge, Nebraska. * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act End of Comment Period Not available 03/27/2024 District: 10 Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulation BB (12 CFR 228). The regulation was revised in May 1995. The CRA requires that each depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities. A copy of an institution's CRA evaluation may be obtained directly from the institution or Reserve Bank. Federal bank regulators use the following performance levels to rate an institution's performance under CRA: O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory NI = Needs to improve SN = Substantial noncompliance The following state member banks have been examined and their CRA public evaluations are now available. RSSD ID Institution/Location Exam Date CRA Public Date CRA Rating Exam Method 1836701 ENTERPRISE BK, OMAHA, NEBRASKA 10/23/2023 08/07/2023 S Int Small Bank 285852 FIRST OPTION BK, OSAWATOMIE, KANSAS 06/16/2023 03/06/2023 S Int Small Bank 554857 FIVE POINTS BK, GRAND ISLAND, 06/10/2023 NEBRASKA 03/13/2023 O Int Small Bank 669555 MIDWEST BK, PIERCE, NEBRASKA 11/27/2023 S Int Small Bank CRA Examinations scheduled for Institution 02/26/2024 Quarter of Location NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Quarter District: 11 Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Filings received during the week ending March 9, 2024 Filer Filing Type Filing Proposal End of Comment Period A.N.B. HOLDING COMPANY, LTD. * 3A3 A.N.B. Holding Company, Ltd., Terrell, Newspaper: Texas, to acquire additional shares, up Federal Register: to 37 percent, of The ANB Corporation, and thereby indirectly acquire The American National Bank of Texas, both of Terrell, Texas. Not available Not available BANK AND TRUST, * Branch (Domestic) The Bank and Trust, SSB, Del Rio, Newspaper: SSB, THE Texas -- to establish a branch at 118 W. Federal Register: Bandera Road, Boerne, Texas. 03/20/2024 Not applicable ORIGIN BANK * Branch (Domestic) Origin Bank, Choudrant, Louisiana to establish a branch at 3700 Dauphin Street, Mobile, Alabama 36608. 03/21/2024 Not applicable TEXAS PEOPLES NATIONAL BANCSHARES, INC. Change in Bank Control Newspaper: Federal Register: Notice by Deborah Ann Abbott, Sumner, Newspaper: Texas and William Chance Abbott, Federal Register: Paris, Texas, and as a group acting in concert, to retain voting securities of Texas Peoples National Bancshares, Inc., and thereby indirectly retain voting shares of Peoples Bank, both of Paris, Texas. * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Not available 03/13/2024 District: 11 Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulation BB (12 CFR 228). The regulation was revised in May 1995. The CRA requires that each depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities. A copy of an institution's CRA evaluation may be obtained directly from the institution or Reserve Bank. Federal bank regulators use the following performance levels to rate an institution's performance under CRA: O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory NI = Needs to improve SN = Substantial noncompliance The following state member banks have been examined and their CRA public evaluations are now available. RSSD ID Institution/Location 3630323 THIRD COAST BK SSB, HUMBLE, 08/14/2022 TEXAS CRA Examinations scheduled for Institution Exam Date CRA Public Date CRA Rating Exam Method 04/25/2022 S Int Small Bank Quarter of Location NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Quarter District: 12 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Filings received during the week ending March 9, 2024 Filer Filing Type Filing Proposal EAST WEST BANK Public Welfare Investment East West Bank, Pasadena, California, Newspaper: proposes to make a $30 million public Federal Register: welfare investment in Community Development and Affordable Housing Fund VII, LLC to provide financing to two Charter Schools within the moderate-income census tracts in Bronx, New York. * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act End of Comment Period Not applicable Not applicable District: 12 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulation BB (12 CFR 228). The regulation was revised in May 1995. The CRA requires that each depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities. A copy of an institution's CRA evaluation may be obtained directly from the institution or Reserve Bank. Federal bank regulators use the following performance levels to rate an institution's performance under CRA: O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory NI = Needs to improve SN = Substantial noncompliance The following state member banks have been examined and their CRA public evaluations are now available. RSSD ID Institution/Location Exam Date CRA Public Date CRA Rating Exam Method 1864197 OAK VALLEY CMNTY BK, OAKDALE, CALIFORNIA 04/27/2023 01/17/2023 O Int Small Bank CRA Examinations scheduled for Institution Quarter of Location NONE * Subject to the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act Quarter