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Want to go places
in your career?
Become an examiner
for the
Federal Reserve System
and discover
the fascinating,
fast-changing world
of banking.


Federal Reserve System
a challenging career
in a changing industry
There’s never been a more exciting time to
be a part of banking. Acquisitions and
consolidation...reorganization and reform...
new products and markets... and more are
changing the face of the entire industry.
Today, as bankers compete to create new
strategies for profitability, examiners are
needed to make sure our financial institutions
are safe, sound and strong.
The Federal Reserve System is the primary
federal regulator of bank holding companies
and state member banks; its examiners play a
major role in maintaining the public’s
confidence in financial institutions.
In the Eighth District, banking institutions
are supervised by examiners from the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis. By joining our staff
of professional, commissioned examiners, you
can help us assess banking practices
throughout the district —and, you can make an
important career choice too.

In the know ...

Lindsay Sweeten,
Assistant Examiner
“ My first assignment
as an assistant
examiner was to fly to
Louisville, Kentucky, to
participate in an on-site
review. At first I was
apprehensive, wonder
ing just what examining
a bank really means.
But in a short time, I
became a contributing
member of the exam­
ining staff, working
with my colleagues
as a team .”

As a Federal
Reserve examiner,
you will gain a
knowledge of the
region’s banking
industry. This broad
exposure includes
both office and field
experience, plus
classroom training in
Washington, D.C.
sponsored by the

Federal Reserve
System and the
Federal Financial
Institutions Examina­
tion Council.
You will begin your
career as an assistant
examiner and earn
your way to a full
examiner’s commis­
sion. Along the way
you will gain an
understanding of the
different aspects of
supervision and
regulation and have
the opportunity to

specialize in one or
more of these critical
•commercial bank
•bank holding
•trust examinations
•consumer affairs
examinations, and
•acquisition and
merger analysis.

...o n the road...

Gary Corner, Examiner
“ I was promoted to
examiner after several
years as an assistant
examiner and have
seen dramatic changes
in banking. As banking
continues to change at
an escalating pace, it
has become more and
more challenging for
examiners to function
effectively. I find sat­
isfaction as a bank
examiner knowing
I’m contributing to
society by helping
to ensure financial j | p

Your knowledge of
the banking industry
increases with on-site
safety and soundness
reviews. This varietypacked aspect of the
examiner’s job will
absorb most of your
tim e -a n d take you
from one-bank
communities to major
metropolitan areas
throughout the Eighth

During on-site
reviews, you and the
other members of
your examination
team will confer
directly with CEOs
and other decision­
makers in order to:
•appraise the quality
of the institution’s
loan portfolio and
other assets;
• analyze key factors
such as capital,
earnings, liquidity
and interest rate

•evaluate internal
policies and
management; and
• review compliance
with banking laws
and regulations.
Afterward, you will
make presentations
about your findings
to the banks’ officers
and contribute to
final reports for the
Federal Reserve

...and up
the ladder

Joan P. Cronin, Senior
Vice President,
Banking Supervision &
Regulation Division
“ The Supervision &
Regulation Division is
always seeking
talented, motivated
individuals to join our
team of professional
examiners. We offer
excellent job progres­
sion, outstanding
benefits and an exciting
atmosphere in the midst
of a changing industry.
I invite you to contact
us today and explore a
challenging new career
as an Eighth District

Federal Reserve
examiners enjoy an
ongoing sense of
accomplishment by
completing an on-site
review every few
weeks. And there
is a lot of satisfaction
in knowing these
reviews protect the
region’s financial

Besides competitive
compensation and
travel allowance,
Federal Reserve
examiners receive
benefits including
medical, dental and
eye care coverage;
deferred compen­
sation and other
savings plans;
vacation and sick
pay; and tuition

Above all, by
joining our Banking
Supervision &
Regulation Division,
you can set yourself
on a clearly defined
career path - straight
up to the rewarding,
respected position of
a commissioned
examiner of the
Board of Governors
of the Federal
Reserve System.

Start going
places as a
Federal Reserve

If you meet the
following require­
ments, we have a
career for you:
• a bachelor’s degree
with at least 12 hours
of accounting and a
concentration in
finance, economics
or related field;
•superior analytical
skills to review
financial reports and
related information;
•excellent oral and
written communica­
tion skills;
•the highest integrity;
•a willingness to take
initiative and
manage your own
time; and
•a desire to travel.

Want more infor­
mation? Call or
write: Banking
Supervision and
Regulation Division,
P.O. Box 442,
St. Louis, MO 63166,
(314) 444-8439. And
start going places
with the Federal
Reserve Bank of
St. Louis!

The Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.