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This release summarizes the results of the quarterly survey of the maturity structure of negotiable time certificates of deposit outstanding in denominations of $100,000 or more as of the November 18 survey date. Of the 3^-7 weekly reporting member banks surveyed, 253 reported these large denomination certificates outstanding and a total of $12.7 billion. At the time of the previous survey in August, 249 banks reported $12.2 billion outstanding. Maturities are heaviest over a five-month period ending in April, with $10.6 billion or 6 3 *5 P-r cent of the outstanding certif icates maturing before May. The largest monthly total, $2.4 billion, will mature during December when corporate needs for funds for tax and dividend payments will be heavy. Concentration of maturities in the J five-month period is slightly less at smaller as compared to larger banks. The average maturity of outstanding CD's in December, at 3.4 months, is shorter than the 3*8 month average at the time of the August survey. Outstanding Negotiable Time Certificates of Deposit Weekly Reporting Member Banks November 18, 1964 Period of maturity February March April May June July August September October November Dec. or l»«.i,er h.8 D~- 1965--January -r3 —i 1964--November 19-30 December l/ Percentage Cumulative distribution ! percentage In millions of dollars 2,4l6.9 23;.8 9,313.6 18.2 1,752.7 2 ,276.9 1,268.5 598-7 388 .5 249.2 13-8 42.0 55.7 17*9 10.0 83.5 15^.9 120.3 h8.5 1.2 1.5 •9 .4 349.6 2 .7 4 .7 3.0 1.9 187.4 • To tal l/ Includes December 4.8 19.0 12,740.4 73.6 88.2 91.3 93.2 9^.5 95.9 96.9 97.3 100.0 100.0 $156 million maturing on December 10 and f>694 on 15. ! ! MATURITY DISTRIBUTION OF OUTSTANDING NEGOTIABLE TIME CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT By Size of Bank i f (Amounts In millions of dollars, as of November 18, 1964) Period of natur.i ty 1964 November December 19-30 0 f B a n k 2/ Under $100 million to $200 million to $500 million to $100 million- $200 miTiJLion $500 million $1 billion T o t a l 9-0 23.8 %o5 «january February March April May June July An must September October November December or later Total 3.1 153.5 Dec. 10 Dec. 15 2.0 1 .6 Number of banks re parting 17-9 13.2 27.1 16.6 10.9 7.7 4.4 4.4 5.0 4.1 1.3 D e p o s i t s +."?Vf» $1 billion Total total 3 ,031.6 or more 11.0 101.0 86.0 407-7 53-1 340.0 466.6 1 ,533.4 614.7 2,416.9 232.0 369.2 260.7 1 ,639.6 1,260.6 1 ,693.5 834.8 3770 56.0 237.4 2,313-6 1,752.7 2,276.9 1,268.5 598.7 42.6 10,643.3 11,242.0 11 ,630.5 11 ,879.7 12,034.6 12,222.0 12,342.3 12,390.8 349.6 12,740.4 54.9 28.7 31.6 42.5 24.4 184.5 210.2 314.5 152.1 222.5 81.6 77-6 52.1 •4 i . o 104.5 43.2 30.6 20.7 31.0 23.6 134.4 79-3 101.8 57-3 14.6 3 .5 20.3 249.2 154.9 187.4 120.3 48.5 313.8 38.9 1 ,599.6 45.1 2,051.5 244.6 8,622.0 12,740.4 1 .1 4.2 20.2 70.4 36.6 140.3 96.8 477.3 156.3 694.2 9.8 15.7 9.5 6.4 4.7 3«6 17.9 368.5 614.7 5 ,345-2 7,097-9 9,374.8 11 . i 4o j 30 253 _____ ■ _______ ■ _ l/ Includes only negotiable certificates in denominations of $100,000 or more outstanding at veekly reporting member banks. 2/ A3 reported in the Call Report of Condition of June 30, 1964. 58 56 69