Full text of G.20 Finance Companies : January 1992
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m FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release January 1992 Finance Companies - November 1991 G. 20 (422) RECEIVABLES OUTSTANDING AT FINANCE COMPANIES 1/ Seasonally adjusted, in millions of dollars Outstanding November 30, 1991 ==Change from October : ===== Net Percent, at an amount annual rate Total finance company receivables outstanding 529,478 312 0.7 Consumer credit 159,811 300 2.3 66,864 22,414 5,379 27,793 29,276 -187 531 147 -56 -29 -3.3 29.1 33.6 -2.4 8,086 -106 -15.5 58,034 -743 -15.2 311,632 756 2.9 Retail Commercial vehicles 6/ Equipment Pools of securitized assets 2/ 33,664 33,375 746 -503 -614 -23 -17.7 -21.7 -35.9 Wholesale Automotive Equipment Other Pools of securitized assets 2/ 32,292 10,414 8,418 4, 639 461 17.4 -71.7 1.6 48.7 Leasing Automotive Equipment Pools of securitized assets 2/ 45,299 90,079 1,885 -538 2,378 82 Other short-term 7/ Other intermediate-term 23,338 27,483 — 60 Retail passenger cars Pools of securitized auto assets 2/ Mobile homes 3/ Other consumer goods 4/ Personal cash loans to individuals Pools of all other securitized consumer assets (incl. mobile homes) 2/ Loans secured by real estate 5/ Business credit. -662 11 181 43 -1.2 -14 . 32. 54, 2. -2. 1. Includes finance company subsidiaries of bank holding companies but not of retailers and banks. Data are shown before deductions for unearned income and losses. Components may not add to totals due to rounding. 2. Outstanding balances of pools upon which securities have been issued; these balances are no longer carried on the balance sheets of the loan originator. Data on pools of securitized assets are not seasonally adjusted. 3. Complete dwelling units built on a chassis and capable of being towed over the highway by truck but not by car. , 4. General merchandise, apparel, furniture, household appliances, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, auto repair, and home modernization. 5. Mainly junior mortgages on residential properties. 6. Passenger car fleets and commercial land vehicles for which licenses are required. 7. Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored -commercial accounts receivable. RECEIVABLES OUTSTANDING AT FINANCE COMPANIES 1/ Millions of dollars 509, 170 529, 478 529, 165 524, 950 509, 725 161, 179 163, 238 159, 811 159, 511 158, 792 161, 709 67, 907 Retail passenger cars Pools of securitized h 22, 414 auto assets 2/ 5, 401 Mobile homes 3/ 27, 940 Other consumer goods 4/ Personal cash loans to 29, 431 individuals Pools of all other securiti zed consumer assets 8, 086 (incl. mobile homes) 2/ 75, 224 66, 864 67, 051 67, 400 73, 996 18, 520 5, 364 28, 046 22, 414 5, 379 27, 793 21, 883 5, 232 27, 848 20, 966 5, 294 27, 902 18, 520 5, 332 27, 918 30, 561 29, 276 29, 305 29, 508 30, 421 5, 523 8, 086 8, 192 7, 722 5, 523 307 58, 910 034 778 58, 558 58, 681 308, 599 287, 022 311, 632 310, 876 307, 599 289, 335 34, 199 33, 298 39, 102 30, 852 33, 664 33, 375 34, 167 33, 989 34, 119 34, 822 38, 475 30, 908 746 927 746 769 797 927 32, 612 9, 893 8, 546 33, 290 10, 348 9, 589 32, 292 10, 414 8, 418 31, 831 11, 075 8, 407 30, 072 10, 594 8, 695 32, 905 10, 874 9, 451 4, 639 2, 841 4, 639 4, 458 4, 053 2, 841 43, 741 87, 917 30, 751 78, 781 45, 299 90, 079 45, 837 87, 701 45, 387 86, 732 31, 833 80, 818 1, 885 1, 884 1, 885 803 1, 844 1, 884 23, 497 27, 626 21, 700 26, 957 23, 338 27, 483 23, 295 27, 544 23, 204 27, 279 21, 553 26, 866 21, 833 16, 511 22, 025 21, 644 24, 411 16, 644 Consumer credit Retail Commercial vehicles 6/ Equipment Pools of securitized assets 2/ Who!esale Automotive Equipment Other Pools of securitized assets 2/ Leasing Automotive Equipment Pools of securitized assets 2/ Other short-term 7/ Other intermediate-term MEMO: Liability item Bank loans (shortand long-term) See footnotes on page 1. in Business credit LO Loans secured by real estate 5/ Oct 1991 S.A. CO m 528, 085 receivables outstanding Nov 1991 S.A. CO Nov 1990 N.S.A. 00 Nov 1991 N.S.A. Sep 1991 S.A. Nov 1990 S.A.