Full text of G.19 Consumer Credit : July 8, 1993
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siy& FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release This release is issued around the fifth business day of each month. The exact date and time may be obtained by calling (202) 452—3206 For immediate release July 8, 1993 G. 19 CONSUMER INSTALLMENT CREDIT May 1993 Consumer installment credit declined $.8 billion in May, following a $3.0 billion rise in April. The May decline occurred in the "other" loan category, and reflected around $3.0 billion of loans sold to entities outside the holder groups currently covered by this release (see reverse side). The changing structure of the market was reflected in the introduction in 1989 of an entry for securities backed by pools of consumer receivables; as information can be gathered systematically to reflect other important innovations, further enhancements of series coverage will be made. MONTHLY CHANGE IN CREDIT OUTSTANDING1 Seasonally adjusted Type of credit Total Automobile Revolving Other 2 Mar. 2,962 505 1,612 845 Amount (millions of dollars) 1993 Apr. r 2,992 376 1,710 906 MayP -802 1,727 942 -3,471 Annual rate (percent) 1993 Apr. r 4.8 1.7 7.9 4.7 Mar. 4.7 2.3 7.5 4.4 MayP -1.3 7.9 4.3 -18.1 TERMS OF CREDIT AT COMMERCIAL BANKS AND FINANCE COMPANIES3 Percent except as noted, not seasonally adjusted Institution, tenns, and type of loan Apr. 1992 May Nov. Feb. 1993 Apr. May Commercial banks Interest rates 48-mo. new car loan 24-mtt personal loan 120-ino. mobile home loan Credit card plan n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 9.52 14.28 12.82 17.97 8.60 13.55 12.36 17.38 8.57 13.57 12.38 17.26 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 8.17 13.63 12.00 17.15 10.84 14.14 10.67 14.01 9.65 13.37 10.32 13.90 9.61 12.74 9.51 12.61 54.5 47.8 54.7 47.9 54.1 47.8 54.3 49.0 54.5 48.9 54.4 48.9 89 97 89 97 89 97 91 98 90 98 91 98 13,208 8,905 13,373 9,247 14,043 9,475 13,849 9,457 14,021 9,731 14,146 9,829 Auto finance companies Interest rates New car Used car Maturity (months) New car Used car Loan-to-value ratio New car Used car Amount financed (dollars) New car Used car Notes appear on reverse. CONSUMER I N M A L L M E N l L K b D l l OUIMAINDINU (Millions of dollars) 1992 Type of credit and holder May June July Aug Sept 1993 Nov Oct Dec Feb Mar Apr 1 MayP 744196 258463 256435 229299 748765 260945 259378 228443 751727 261449 260990 229288 754719 261826 262700 230193 753917 263552 263642 226723 Jan - Seasonally adjusted Total Automobile Revolving Other2 730612 259844 247205 223562 730866 257989 248795 224081 730496 258259 248980 223257 731023 258827 249384 222812 733023 259433 250456 223135 734195 258208 251806 224181 736023 258860 252086 225077 741093 259627 254299 227167 Not seasonally adjusted Total Major holders Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Savings institutions Retailers Gasoline companies Pools of secuntized assets4 Major types of credit5 Automobile Commercial banks Finance companies Pools of secuntized assets4 Revolving Commercial banks Retailers Gasoline companies Pools of secuntized assets4 Other Commercial banks Finance companies Retailers Pools of secuntized assets4 725317 727478 726917 731954 734884 734766 737651 756944 749153 746914 744713 748955 748375 327072 116168 91,605 42,202 35,731 4,193 108347 326502 116661 91,995 41,768 35,415 4,360 110776 326849 117024 92,248 41,813 34,646 4,506 109831 327170 117230 93,360 41,932 35,943 4,542 111777 327437 116669 94,644 41,317 35,925 4,499 114393 326472 116359 95,517 42,031 36,441 4,452 113494 325149 116558 96,092 42,746 36,678 4,365 116063 331869 117127 97,641 43,461 42,079 4,365 120402 330355 116009 98,261 43,428 40,057 4,366 116677 330060 112686 98,785 43,516 38,462 4,148 119257 329764 111854 99,778 43,255 38,030 4,080 117952 331649 112523 101534 43,451 38,218 4,280 117300 333314 109251 102967 43,785 38,681 4,486 1158^ 258700 110802 59,399 31,209 244236 127838 30,660 4,193 65,010 222381 88,432 56,769 5,071 12,128 257973 109212 60,056 31,029 246596 127700 30,319 4,360 67,403 222909 89,590 56,606 5,096 12,344 258457 110490 60,400 29,966 246332 127574 29,532 4,506 67,773 222128 88,785 56,624 5,114 , 12,092 260564 111048 60,393 31,132 248386 127063 30,797 4,542 68,805 223005 89,059 56,838 5,146 11,840 262042 111646 59,806 32,283 249421 126971 30,763 4,499 69,901 223422 88,820 56,864 5,162 12,209 260201 110447 59,290 32,065 249983 126992 31,254 4,452 69,285 224581 89,033 57,068 5,187 12,144 259148 109459 58,386 32,979 252877 127481 31,444 4,365 70,889 225626 88,209 58,172 5,234 12,195 259964 109743 57,605 33,878 267949 132582 36,629 4,365 74,243 229031 89,544 59,522 5,450 12,281 257744 109671 57,165 32,388 261217 129567 34,666 4,366 71,927 230192 91,117 58,844 5,391 12,362 259344 111005 54,036 36,031 258430 127877 33,110 4,148 72,024 229141 91,178 58,651 5,352 11,202 259089 111287 53,508 36,096 257544 128079 32,681 4,080 70,890 228080 90,398 58,346 5,349 10,966 260224 111351 53,977 36,178 259015 129464 32,838 4,280 69,919 229716 90,834 58,546 5,380 11,203 262407 113322 53,907 35,974 260506 130531 33,254 4,486 69,054 225462 89,461 55,344 5,427 10,863 1 Covers most short- and intermediate-term credit extended to individuals t,at is scheduled to be repaid (or has the option of repayment) in two or more installments, excluding loans secured by real estate 2 Composes mobile home loans and all other installment loans not mcluder in automobile or revolving credit, such as loans foi education, boats, trailers, or vacations These loans may be secured or unsecured 3 Interest rates are annual percentage rates as specified by the Federal Rese ve's Regulation Z Interest rates at commercial banks are simple unweighted averages of each bank's most common rate charged dunng the first calendar week of the middle month of each quarter Finance company data are from he subsidiaries of the three major U S automobile manufacturers and are volume-weighted averages covering all loans of each type purchased dunng the month 4 Outstanding balances of pools upon which securities have been issued tl ese balances are no longer earned on the balance sheets of the loan onginators 5 Includes estimates for holders that do not separately report consumer crec it holding b> type r = revised p = preliminary