Full text of G.19 Consumer Credit : August 9, 1982
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FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release G. 19 (421) FOB IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 9, 1982 CONSUMES INSTALLMENT CREDIT - JONE 1982 Consuner installnent credit outstanding increased by $1.35 billion in June, after seasonal adjustment, compared with a $1.40 billion advance in Hay. The annual rate of growth vas approximately 5 percent in both Months, and 4-3/4 percent for the second quarter, following a 1-3/4 percent rise in the first quarter. Installnent credit grew by 6.8 percent during the full year 1981. Extensions in $29.20 billion in Hay. previous high of $29.41 $28.39 billion in June, June rose to $29.74 billion, seasonally adjusted, fron The June total represented a new high, surpassing the billion in September 1981. Liquidations also increased, reaching up fron $27.80 billion a month earlier. (Millions of dollars) Installnent credit June 1982 I Hay 1982 I June 1982 | June 1981 |Latest 12 months (Seasonally adj.) (Mot seas. adj.) 1 (Not seas adj.) | Amount extended; Automobile Revolving (1) Mobile Hone Other 29,737t I 8,182| 13,3611 459| 7,735| I Amount liquidated: 28,388| Net change in amount outstanding: I 1,3491 1 655| 507| 67| 120| I I (2) I Automobile Revolving (1) Mobile Home Other Amount outstanding, end of month. 29,197| 31,0981 J 9,0671 13,2791 469| 8,2831 I i 8,4291 12,528| 478| 7,762| I I 27,7981 1 1,399| I 28,5861 I I 2,512J I 1,194| 655| 63| 600| I I 331,8511 959| 537| 70| -167| (2) 30,397J I 1 I 334,059 8,540| 12,194| 554| 9,109| 94,294 142,698 5,595 91,472 I i 27,2861 I 321,009 3,111| I 818| 978| 1291 1,1861 I I 318,7921 13,050 (3) W W W (2) INSTALLMENT CfiEDIT FLOIS, QUARTERLY AVERAGES (Seasonally adjusted annual rates) Total installment credit Extensions Liquidations Net change 1 | 1 1982II J | 1 (Millions of dollars) 1 19821 350,4721 334,7801 15,692I 1 19811? 326,000] 319,9681 6,0321 | 1981III J 1981II 323,4481 317,1721 6,2761 344,0761 316,260| 27,816| 1 1 1 1982II 347,4841 322,188| 25,296J As percent of disposable personal income 1 19811? 1 1981III ! 1981II | 19821 16.3! 15.6| .71 , , , 15.41 15.4J 16.7! 17.4 15.11 15.11 15.41 16.1 -3| .3! l.4| 1.3 NOTE: The Board's series covers most short-and intermediate-term credit extended to individuals through regular business channels, usually to finance the purchase of consumer goods and services or to refinance debts incurred for such purposes, and scheduled to be repaid (or with the option of repayment) in two or more installments. Details may not add to totals due to rounding. (D Credit cards at retailers, gasoline companies and commercial banks, and check credit at commercial banks. Not applicable or not available. (2) (3) A value for the unadjusted net change in outstandings appears also on the next to last column on the next page, but may vary slightly, due to different aggregation methods. 0) For valaes see the next to last column on theM next page under the heading "change from end of June 1981 amount n.s.a. CONSUMER INSTALLHBMT CREDIT BX HOLDER AND TYPE - June 1982 (Millions of dollars) L i q u i d a t e d E x t e n d e d Installment credit by holder and type lotal June 1982 s.a. Hay 1982 s.a. 31,098 28,388 27,798 12,701 5,251 3,137 5,018 649 2,296 171 14,284 6,179 3,289 4,373 716 2,065 192 13,560 4,826 2,849 4,458 598 1,931 166 12,778 5,009 2,941 4,381 620 1,900 169 7,515 9,067 7,527 7,470 June 1982 s.a. Hay 1982 s.a- June 1981 s.a. 29,737 29,197 29,223 13,460 5,700 2,887 4,762 785 1,969 174 12,765 6,135 2,902 4,449 841 1,880 225 June 1982 n.s.a. By major holder Connercial banks Finance conpanies Credit unions Retailers (2) Savings and loans Gasoline conpanies Mutual savings banks By major credit type June 1981 s.a. | June | 1982 | n.s.a. 127,1921 28,586 I I I I 11,9861 13,656 5,128 4,681| 2,881 2,918| 4,264 4,602| 607 604| 1,885 2,218| 165 183| I I I 7,873 7,366| I 3,741 3,847| 2,141 2,144| 1,600 1,703| 1,493 1,447| 2,639 2,072| 11,6511 12,624 I 6,918 5,326| 3,821 4,107| 1,885 2,218| I 406 399| I 247 271| 63 37| 84 79| 12 12| 7,683 7,776| I 2,750 2,5421 2,426 2,572| 1,376 1,459| 443 4951 523 525| 165 183J Met chg June 1982 s.a. O u t s t a n d i n g (D Bnd of June 1982 n.s.a. 1349 331,851 -100 874 38 304 187 38 8 146,775 93,009 45,882 26,645 12,312 4,398 2,830 Change from end of June 1981 amount| pern.s.a.| cent , 13,0591 4.J I 4 I I 1,650| 1.1 10,2861 12-4 196| .4 251| 1.0 1,1971 10.8 -5021 •10. -19| 1 1 8,0151 I 3,404 3,317 3,782 3,622 58,140 -1,7671 Commercial banks -240 2,036 1,954 2,253 2,006 Indirect paper 34,903 •52 501| Direct loans 1,368 1,363 1,529 1,616 23,237 -2,268| -188 Credit unions 1,497 1,483 1,688 1,517 21,940 28 931 Finance companies 3,281 3,629 3,597 2,331 48,335 867 9,6891 I 13,279 Revolving 12,854 12,658 12,528 11,991 59,302 13,361 507 2,5041 I 5,895 7,273 6,168 6,922 Commercial banks 7,141 6,604 31,974 219 2.451| 4,467 3,941 3,923 4,251 4,001 Retailers 4,044 22,930 250 555| 1,969 2,065 .Gasoline companies 2,296 1,900 1,931 1,880 4,398 38 -5021 I Mobile home 469 459 478 509 392 408 18,543 67 8391 238 Commercial banks 180 280 9,924 201 211 242 -58 I 65 Finance conpanies 128 129 114 122 70 4,731 64 -235| Savings and loans 114 77 137 151 93 84 3,400 60 741| Credit unions 16 13 12 14 12 488 12 1 330| 21 Other 7,735 8,541 8,283 7,762 7,615 125,591 120 7,929 I 1,7011 Commercial banks 2,735 2,801 3,018 2,643 2,756 46,737 2,746 -21 Finance companies 2,290 2,454 2,347 2,392 39,943 2,892 I 2,608 -57 Credit unions 1,377 1,407 1,585 1,368 23,454 1,570 1,412 9 1,2011 Retailers 511 405 457 432 3,715 54 551 458 -1441 Savings and loans 690 648 521 602 8,912 127 556 536 101| Mutual savings banks 225 166 174 8 192 2,830 171 169 -3041 866| {1) Met changes for all nonths egual extensions minus liquidations (repayments, chargeoffs, and other credits). -19| (2) Includes auto dealers and excludes 30-day charge credit held by retailers and by travel and entertainnent companies. automobile 8,182 8,429 3,725 2,143 1,582 1,553 2,237 MOTE: 3,644 2,088 1,556 1,469 2,414 655 s.a. and n.s.a. denote seasonally adjusted and not seasonally adjusted data, respectively. Details may not add to totals due to rounding. 128,415 6.7 -2.9 1.5 -8.9 •4 25.1 4.4 8.3 2.5 -10.2 4.7 -2.3 18.6 10.8 .4 1.4 2.6 -.4 •4 -7.6 10.8 -.7 NOTE The consumer installment credit series covers most short- and intermediate-term credit extended to individuals through regular business channels, usually to finance the purchase of consumer goods and services or to refinance debts incurred for such purposes, and scheduled to be repaid (or with the option of repayment) in two or more installments. The series excludes certain types of arrangements by which household expenditures are financed. It generally excludes mortgage financing, which is reported elsewhere, although some credit secured by junior liens on real estate may be reported in the data for certain holders such as finance companies. Also excluded are (a) credit card or other receivables held by a holding company rather than by its subsidiary financial institution; (b) extensions of funds against the cash value of life insurance policies or (c) loans to farmers; and (d) noninstallment credit extended to individuals. Some components of the series include unearned (precomputed) finance charges. Historical data as well as additional information about the series are available from the Mortgage and Consumer Finance Section, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. Other regular Federal Reserve publications containing consumer credit stock and/or flow statistics are: monthly—the Bulletin, and the finance company release G.20 (422); and quarterly—the Flow of Funds Accounts release Z.l (780) and the Commercial Bank Report of Condition. The two quarterly reports include data for consumer noninstallment credit. In addition, the Report of Condition provides separate commercial bank installment loan detail for credit card and check credit, home improvement credit, personal loans, and other consumer installment credit. Consumer credit data also appear in the Federal Reserve's Annual Statistical Digest.