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FEDERAL statistical RESERVE release G.18 m September 5, 1967 CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDIT A T COMMERCIAL BANKS JULY'1967 1 1 Consumer instalment credit outstanding at'conkercial banks increased $269 million in July to $33,235 million at the month-end. All major types of credit contributed to the expansion during the month and all except home repair loans were substantially above the amounts outstanding on July 31, 1966. ' <• The volume of credit extended during July contracted as is usual at this time of the year but was $140 million larger than in the corresponding month of 1966. The largest gain over the year-period was in personal loans while smaller increases were shown in direct automobile loans and other consumer goods paper. Consumer Instalment Credit at Commercial Banks (Estimates, in millions of dollars) Type of credit Automobile paper, total Amounts outstanding Change from: Month Year ago ago July 31, 1967 Volume extended: Change from: Month Year ago ago July 1967. 17,940 +124 + 564 1,458 -114 + 45 11,489 6,451 + 75 + 49 + + 270 294 919 539 - 56 - 53 2 + 47 5,500 + 69 + 787 500 + 19 + 30 2,519 7,276 + 14 + 62 - + 36 522 13V 768 - 11 - 41 - 10 + 75 33,235 +269 +1 ,837 2,857 -147 +140 Boston New York Philadelphia 1,463 4,2S7 1,973 + 15 + 28 .+ 18 + 59 13 105 130 353 157 - 13 - 36 8 + + Cleveland Richmond Atlanta 2,720 2,494 3,075 + 35 + 17 + 45 +• 293 + 74 + 323 224 210 315 - 18 1/ 1/ + 9 + 13 + 25 Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis 4,993 1,585 1,074 + 33 + 16 + 23 + + + 94 135 105 415 133 102 - 27 - 10 - 12 3 + 13 + 15 Kansas City Dallas San Francisco 1,794 2,066 5,711 + 21 + 15 3 + + + + 199 141 296 167 184 467 - 14 1/ 9 + 25 + 20 + 17 Purchased Direct Other consumer goods Home repair and modernization loans Personal loans TOTAL Federal Reserve District: 1/ Less than 0.5 million. + + 9 5 2 •