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m v statistical FEDERAL RESERVE release " G.18. October 2, 1962 CONSUMER INSTALMENT ^CREDIT AT COMMERCIAL BANKS ' - . ; ' . AUGUST 1962 ^ . t Consumer instalment credit outstanding held by commercial batiks increased $190 million in August, and at month-end amounted to $13,005 million. All types of loans increased during the month with the exception of other consumer goods paper. Automobile paper accounted^for approximately sixty per cent of the total expansion. Extensions of credit, at $1,732 million, were somewhat smaller than in July, but were 11 per cent greater than the volume of a year earlier. Consumer Instalment Credit at Commercial Banks (Estimates. In millions of dollars) Type of credit Automobile paper, total Purchased - Direct Other consumer goods paper -Repair and modernization Loans Personal loans Total I Volume extended Amounts outstanding i Chpnge: from: i Change from: 1 Aug. Month Year Month Year 1962 ago ago ago ago Aug. 31,. 1962 9,093 5,900 3,193 +110 + 86 + 24 +921 +588. +333 827 541 286 -28 -10 -18 +138 + 94 + 44 2,581 2,176 4,155 - 9 + 18 + 71 - 1 -355 - 14 +388 244 133 528 -20 -10 +34 - 10 - 2 + 47 18,005 +190 +940 1,732 -24 +172 + 5 + 23 + 15 + 27 +122 + 36 87 269 110 - 5 -11 - 2 + 5 + 14 + 4 Federal Reserve District: ' Boston New York . Philadelphia 935 2,951 1,203 Cleveland Richmond Atlanta 1,239 1,395 1,403 + 16 + 16 + 11 + 61 +146 + 56 116 139 149 - 3 -11 + 5 + 11 + 16 + 12 Chicago 'St.-Louis Minneapolis 2,664 ' 829 525 + 31 + 13 - 1 +148 + 39 - 21 254 78 46 + 1 - 3 - 4 + 40 + 15 - 3 Kansas City Dallas . San Francisco 855 976 3,030 + 6 + 17 + 38 + 29 + 82. +215 90 107 287 + 2 ' + 5 + 2 + 10 + 21 + 27 -