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i31 BOARD OF_ GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM G.17.2 ' ' - " r -iOctober 1, m 8 Retail Instalment Credit at Furniture, Household Appliance, "an& Jewelry Stores • AUGUST 19U8 Instalment accounts receivable at furniture stores .showed about the customary gain in August, and.continued substantially above those of a year ago. Household appliance store accounts outstanding increased further in'August, but those at Jewelry stores remained at the level of the two prej . . ceding months. Compared v/ith' a year earlier, outstanding balances for household appliance stores were up 86 per cent on August 31, and for jewelry stores, 27 per cent.: The rate of collection on instalment accounts in August showed no change from the preceding month for the three kinds of business. Collections during the month amounted to 18 per cent of instalment account's outstanding .on the first of the month for furniture stores, 3b per cent for household ' appliance""stores., and 19 per cent for jewelry stores. —™ G.17.2 -2- Instalment Accounts Outstanding and Collection Ratios Accounts outstanding at end of month Collection ratiosi^ December 31, 1939 = 100 Household . Furniture Jewelry Furniture• Household Jewelry appliance appliance stores stores stores stores Month 19U6 July August-'September October • November December. 19U7 . ^ 53 : 55. 55 57 60 65 . 7. 8" . ' 8 9 9 10 65 66 66 68 ' .; 73 126 io 10 10 11 11 13 lli 15 15 16 17 19 116, 110 .108 111 116 122 26 26 25 27 27 26 ' - 57 5U 51 52 hi hi • 32 33 30 32 3h hh " .January . February^ March April Hay : June/""' .July ' .. August September October November December .63 1 62 63 65 63 70 71 - 73" 75. . 79 8b 9h ' . 127 1# 135 1 h9. 197 23 21 25. : 23 2h. 23 22 22 2h 23., 23 20 hi . la hh a hh 45 a • 39 . .39 • ho 39 39 26 25 27 25 26 2h 23 23 25 23 2h 31 19L8 January February March . April May June ... July August p • 89 87 88 91 9h • 96 ,. 9.7 100 18 .18 19 . 21 23 .. 21 25 27 180 ' 168 16L 159 159 .. 161 l6l 3.6.1 18 17 19 19. " 19 20 - 18 18. ; 36 32 35 .33 '3h 33 3li 3h 19 18 20 20 20 20 19 19 p - Preliminary.1/ Instalment collections during month as percentage of accounts outstanding at beginning of.month. .