Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), 1935-. "June 6, 1956," G.17 Department Store Credit (1956-06-06)., accessed on March 1, 2025.

Title: June 6, 1956

Date: 1956-06-06
Page 1
image-container-0 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM G.17 June 6, 1956. DEPARTMENT STORE CREDIT - APEIL 1956 Instalment accounts outstanding at department stores decreased 1 per cent during April, "but at the .end of the month were 20 per cent above earlier. The April collection ratio, estimated at 15 per cent, was 1 point below March and the same as a year ago. Charge accounts continued to show somewhat less than the usual seasonal decline'for this time of year. Balances at the end of April vera 1 per cent "below the preceding month end and 5 per cent above the year-ago level. Collections during the month amounted to an estimated 43 per cent of first-of-month balances, 3 points below the March col- lection ratio and 1 point below April of last year. Sales of all types at reporting stores decreased from March to April—cash sales by 11 per cent," charge-account sales by 10 per cent, ,-ad 'instalment sales by 12 per cent. Compared with "April of last year, cash and charge-account sales were down 9 per cent and 8 per cent, re- spectively, while instalment sales were up 7 per cent. The declines from a year ago, however, reflect in part the earlier date "of Easter this year. : . Changes in Department Store Seles and*Accounts Receivable . Item . Item 1 Mar. 1956 , I to 1 Anr, 1956 Sales during month: Total 1 - 7 Cash | -11 - 9 Charge | - 10 - 8 ; .Instalment • | - 12 + 7 Accounts receivable, end of month: Charge •1 + 5 ' Instalment j Percentage change from: Apr. 1955 to. i Apr. 1956 1 " 1 + 20 Collection Ratios and Percentage Distribution of Sales Item , Apr. -'1 1956 Mar. 1956 Apr. 19D7 Collection ratios l/: Charge accounts 43 •: 47 a Instalment accounts 15 16 15 Percentage distribution of sales: Cash 'a a 45 Charge 43 43 a Instalment 13 13 11 Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis l/ Collections during month as a percentage of accounts receivable at begin- ning of month.
image-container-1 DEPABTKSIfT ETOBE APRIL 195.6 Seles by type (Percentage charges) F e.ierai Total lee I Cash Chcrge-account Instalment ; sales I gales |Mer.'56{Apr.'$5;Mar.'5b|Apr*'55|Mar.'5b|xpr.'5$(Mar.'5b|Apr.'55 1 to Anr • ' 56 •A-or. '56 i^pr.' 56 Apr.'% 1Apr.'56j ^ pr. 1 561Anr.'50 I Apr.'56 roster. ^olriia C_- <=•_ -a. I -18 bar. •_ ranciecc ". 8. Total Accounts receivable, end. of month (Percentage changas) , Charge accounts 1 Installment' Beserve ! Mar .'56 Apr.'55 Kar. 1 56 I District ! ! Apr to .'56 to ; Apr.'56' .. to v Apr.'5b 1 to |Apr. '56. Boston 1 + 1 - 2 j - 1 1 I >11 .Kew York | + 1 +10 i - 1 I +23 Philadelphia i ~ k + 5 | - 1 | +18 Cleveland ! - 1 + 4 ; • x 1 +25 Bichmcna 1 - 2 +1 1 - 1 i +20 Atlanta '3 + 3 1 0 +11 . Chicago 3 i 1 + 5 i -• 1 +18 St. Louis . 1 •* 3 + 3 | 0 +27 Minneapolis 0' + 7 I 1 • +11 -Kansas City - 1 . + 2 - 2 - 1 Dallas - 3 • + 3 +12 Francisco J + 1 + .3 j - 1 +J2 . 1 Tj. S. Total | - 1 >5 - 1 +20
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