Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), 1935-. "February 6, 1958," G.17 Department Store Credit (1958-02-06)., accessed on March 1, 2025.

Title: February 6, 1958

Date: 1958-02-06
Page 1
image-container-0 OF C-OVERMORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM C-.17 •••. ' February 6, 1958 DEPARTMENT STORE CREDIT - DECEMBER 1957 Instalment accounts outstanding at department stores increased 15 per cent in December, and the month-end were 9 per cent above the year-a^o level. The ratio' of collections to accounts receivable at the beginning of the month remained at 15 per cent, 1 point above a year earlier. / Charge accounts receivable increased about a third in December, reflecting a seasonal expansion, but continued below a year ago. The charge-account collection ratio declined 1 point to bl per cent, as com- pared with US per cent in December 1956. Sales of all types at reporting department stores increased sharply from November to December. Cash sales were slightly less than a year agp while credit sales were .above'the December, 1956 volume. Changes in Department Store Sales and Accounts Receivable Item Nov. 1957, to Dec. 1957 Sales during month: Total 1 + 51 0 Cash f; + 57 -1 Charge j + 50,. + 1 Instalment • j + L0 + 7 Account's receivable, end of month: Charge j Instalment 1 + 15 + 9 Percentage change from: + 33 -2 |Dec. 1956 to ' •" Dec. 1957 Collection Ratios and Percentage Distribution of Sales Item Dec. 1957 Nov. 1957 Collection ratios 1/: Charge accounts U7 U8 . • U5. Instalment accounts 15 15 , Percentage distribution of sales:' Cash • 1*5 M Charge U'3 Instalment j ! :12 13 11 h3 . h3 Dec. 1956 1/ Collections during month as a percentage* of accounts receivable at beginning of month. Ik US for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
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