Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), 1935-. "August 5, 1959," G.17 Department Store Credit (1959-08-05)., accessed on March 1, 2025.

Title: August 5, 1959

Date: 1959-08-05
Page 1
image-container-0 BOARD OF THE RESERVE G.17 August 5y 1955 DEPABTM533T STORE CREDIT - JTME 1959 Instalment accounts .outstanding at department stores showed little change during Tune were 8 per cent above a year ago. Instalment collections rose to 16 per - cent .of. first-of-month balances. Charge account receivables declined 2 per cent during ^ the month and were per cent above a year earlier. Collections amounted to 49 per cent of outstanding balances at the beginning of the month. - Total sales at reporting department- stores declined 2 per cent but were 11 per cent above a year age. As in other re- cent months instalment sales accounted for the largest year-to-year gains. June instalment sales in 1959 were 15 per cent of total sales compared with 14 per cent and 13 per cent in 1958 and 1957 respectively. Changes in Department Store Sales and Accounts Receivable Item Sales during month: Total Cash Charge Instalment Accounts receivable, end of month;• Charge Instalment Percentage change from; Month I Year -2 . 0 -6 +3 -2 0 . +11 +10 +10 4-18 + 4 Collection Ratios and Percentage of Sales Item . Collection ratios l/: Charge accounts Instalment accounts Percentage distribution of sales: Cash Charge Instalment 1959 47 16 15" i 15 4 9 4 7 i 1 May 1959 1958^ 44' " >3, "1 ' 44 41 43 | 42 15 • 14 14 1/ Collections during month as a percentage of accounts receivable at beginning .'of month. ' - -
image-container-1 DZPAETLZNu? 3TCRE - JUI3 Rales by type (Percentage change's) ; | Charge-account, - f instalment Federal - ' Total sales ' Cash 'sales • , soles • • sales - -%r—• '—i , ~t: vr - v- - rr - -*r- r:es2i"ve licntf'^ "iTear ' i-Imth Year^"" l::c^h , Month . Year F: strict- .... : Boston o ; + 5 ' + 1 I + 9 ! -3 • j +10 ' + 2 I + 8 ::3 - Y'l.': ' + 3 + 7 : " + 4 ! + 4 • ; -1 ! + 6- + s i +17 Philadelphia - 2 +14 , + 2 : +:; - j - ^ +12 ; - 1 1 +20 Cleveland' ; o +i?. + 2 ' : +15 j -2 : + 9 ! + 4 I +19 ?_c-1 r.d . : - 6 ; .+io ; - 4 +10 j - lU : + 9 j + 5 +13 . ; -ii , + s ; -12 . + 5 , ' -1° , + 1 1 - 1 +17 C %:cajc : - 5 : +1- : - 4 i -+12 - 9 '! +i4 ; - 2 +22 Leu is : -11 ' + 7 - ,k 1 +6-1 -15 i + 7 : -12 , + 2 Minneapolis +12 : +i6 : + 7 ! >15 : +H 1 +12 : +31 i +31 Kansas City ; - 4 , + 7 ! - 1 +ii ; - 7 ; + 3 ! - 3 ' ; + ^ Fallas : - -13 ; + 10 j -12 1 - +11 | ' -if i +io ; - 4 i + 8 San Prencisqc ' . + ' i +i 5 : + e. , +1 5 i + 4 ! +x3 ; + J I +21 II. 3. Toial - + 11 ; 0 +10 - | - 6 + xo ! + 3 +18 Accounts 'receivable, end of ccnth (Percentage changes) Federal j Charne a_ccounto rL 3 i a A r l e I 1 J'--^ Reserve / i-Icnth | Year , 1-ionth , Year .district ! age j. _HG? j a C° Boston | 0 • +11 : -1 1 + 2 r.e\r York [ +1 ' j + 3 i +i. : +17 Philadelphia j -1 ' I • + • o ; .-i i - 2 Cleveland . ; -4 • ; + 5 . +i + 6 BichJicnd j -4 - ; 1 • 0 • : + 7 Atlanta ; -7 •, - 1 i 9- * I + 4 Chicago j +1 . , + 4 ! +2 ! + 8 St. Louis ; + 4 ; -2. • ; + 1- Minneapolis 0". ;• ' + 4 Mansas City j o : 3 i 0. . I + '2 Dallas | I 0' 1 - 2 Sen Francisco j 0 i + 9 i -1 1 + 6 U. S. Total | -2 | + 4 i o ' 1 + 8
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