Full text of G.16 Retail Furniture Report : July 10, 1951
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2.13. BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM G.16 July 10, 1951 RETAIL PTJRNITURE REPORT FOR IIAI-1951 Furniture store sales showed an increase of 9 per cent in I'ay, about the usual change for that time of year. Since.the seasonal low-of-the beginning of the yea*, however, the overall gain in sales had been less rapid than in other postnar years. Cash sales during I lay were 11 per cent above, the April figure, instalment sales increased 10 per cent, and charge account- sales were up h per cent. Despite the sales gain during Ilay, total sales during the month were 5 per cent below those of l:ay 1950• The year-to-year decrease was due to the 12 per cent drop in instalment sales, which was more than enough to offset the gains in cash sales and chargeaccount sales# Instalment accounts receivable declined 2 per cent in Ilay, in contrast to increases for the corresponding month of previous postwar years. The decline from the level of I lay 31, 1950 was also 2 per cent. Collections on instalment accounts during Lay were the same as in April, but were L per cent above those of l ay a year ago. The retail value of inventories at furniture stores decreased 3 per cent during Ilay, but at the month-end was still 33 per cent above the level of a year ago. At the prevailing rate of sales, inventories on hand at the end of lay were equal to somewhat less than 6 months1 supply. Yihile this was a decline from the previous month, it compares with a U months* supply on hand a year ago. Furniture Store Statistics for May 1951 Percentage.change from: Apr. 1951 Kay 1950 to to May 1951 Ilay 1951 Item + 9 +11 +10 + h Instalment Charge account -5 + 3 -12 + 8 • Accounts receivable, at end of month Total Instalment i i Net Sales Total Cash sales Credit sales: Collections during month Total Instalment + 1 0 +11 +> - 3 +33 Inventories, end of month, at retail value XW1M#1 • rn miwar o VIA M..L J. L . 0 - 2 RETAIL FURNITURE STORES - MAY 1 # 1 * Sales and Inventories Percentage change Inventories end of month ja 3prH5r m Apr.'51 May '56 Apr,'51 Uay '50 m Apr.'51 W W to to to to to to to to ^ '51 Wor.'Sl May '51 Ha? '51 May 'ft.ifey '51 Hay '51 Federal Reserve "District Total net sales Boston New- York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco +6 + k +llt +11 +10 +23 :i + 2 + 3 +13 +11 -lU - 2 - 6 - a -10 -17 - 5 -10 Gash .sales :\ 9 +15 +18 +20 +38 + 5 +18 + U +11 - 1 +13 :l - U + 1 - 3 +12 -16 0 -12 - 1 + 9 + 5 + 3 - 3 - 1 + 8 Credit .sales + h + 5 +15 +12 + 9 +19 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 2 +lii +10 U. S. Total + 9 - 5 +11 + 3 + 9 Number of stores 777 777 62k 62lt 62h y -16 - 9 - 5 - 3 - 8 -21 -10 -10 -10 - 7 - 2 0 :u - 6 - 3 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 2 0 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 3 +33 6214 561 561 +32 +27 +31 +31 +2U +27 +29 +21* +36 +1*1 +51 +39 At retail value. Accounts Receivable and Collections Federal Reserve District Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St, Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Percentalge cha nge Accounts receivable, end of month Collections during month Total Instalment Total Instalment Apr,'51 Hay '50 Apr.'51 Itey '50 Apr,'51 ray '50 Apr.'51 llay '50 to to to to to* ' to to to May '51 Kay '51 May '51 Hay '51 May '51 Kay '51 Hay '51 May '51 - 3 - 2 0 0 - 1 + 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1* - 2 - 6 + h + li + 1 - 3 . -18 - 1 - 6 0 + 8 - 3 +11 •• U + S . Total - 1 0 number of stores • 710 710 » FRASER ' '1 of t' -fDigitized for 1 - 2 - 2 - 1 0 - 3 - 1 - 1 - h - 1 - 1 0 - 2 0 + 2 + 3 -15 -12 - 8 -10 -Hi + 2 + h 0 -12 + 6 + 2 + 3 + 1 + li . + 5 + l - 3 - 1 - 1 + 2 - 1 + 7 + 6 + 7 +16 + 8 - 7 +15 0 +10 +12 +12 +25 +10 ! +10 + 2 0 + 9 o +10 +1 + 1 + k 0 0 + 8 + 3 - 1 , + 3 - 3 « +15 - 1 , +25 + 1 i - 6 -h I + 5 - 2 -2 + 1 +11 o ! + U 262 262 710 710 262 | 262