Full text of G.15 Interdistrict Settlement Fund : October 2, 1940
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IITTERDISTRICT SETTLEMENT FUND LJD il cUJ UJLV . IO lux ouumau* y.r u i UJL U •U ? Balance last Federal s t a t e m e nt Res&^ve S e p t . 25, 1940 Bank $ 681,977,376.08 Boston 6,120,787,041.68 New York 560,770,859,98 Philadelphia 734,285,306*64 Cleveland Richmond 228,617,453.14 Atlanta 159,636,987*91 Chicago 1,773,842,340.43 S t . Louis 238,722,952.44 Minneapolis 129,653,981*55 Kansas C i t y 194,103,512.01 P a l l as 163,629,359.41 San F r a n c i s c o 540,328,499*50 Total 11,526,355,670.77 Federal Reserve Bank Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago S t . Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San F r a n c i s c o Withdrawals ^ B—812 W W vvw* ' D a i l v Trfinal t HImariners Credits Debits S e t t l e m e n t s F. R. Note m e a r i n g s Credits Debits $ 141,181,613.21 $ 1 7 1 , 6 3 8 , 8 7 3 . 7 1 757,169,878.19 739,080,648.45 174,364,674.72 171,382,570.53 221,418,141.52 198,834,783.11 186,635,572.34 196,486,813.74 79,318,366.48 87,411,566*84 331,351,797.45 377,400,467.44 134,773,880.05 132,872,700.61 63,792,087.13 55,753,961.54 111,207,176.24 109,679,284.26 89,521,220.83 84,866,278.04 87,214,942.50 113,455,923.39 2,408,406,611.16 2,4o8,4o6,611.16 Deposits $10,000,000.00 $65,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 24,000,000*00 Total BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DIVISION OF BANK OPERATIONS 11UOU 30,000,000.00 Balance i n f u n d a t c l o s e of b u s i n e s s Oct. 2 . 1940 $ 702,012,636.58 6,194,489,771.42 563,648,464.17 741,043,665.05 218,796,211.74 156,875,787.55 1,752,702,670.44 242,387,131.88 139,160,107.14 190,440,403.99 167,055,302.20 543,743,518.61 110,000,000.00 11.612.355,670.77 $ 1,654,000.00 3,100,500.00 1,605,000.00 1,849,000.00 1,309,000.00 757,000.00 2,152,000.00 761,000.00 532,000.00 1,034,000.00 682,000.00 782,000.00 16,217,500.00 T r a n s f e r s f o r Government Account Debits $1,232,000*00 $10,000,000.00 1,024,000.00 15,000,000.00 3,714,000.00 1,500,500.00 * Credits 1,339,000.00 1,089,000,00 2,061,000.00 $25,000,000.00 2,524,000.00 843,000.00 453,000.00 438,000.00 16,217,500.00 25,000,000.00 25,000,000.00 Transit (Hearings Gain Loss $30,457,260.50 18,089,229.74 2,982,104.19 22,583,358.41 $9,851,241.40 8,093,200.36 46,048,669.99 1,901,179.44 8,038,125.59 1,527,891.98 4,654,942.79 26,240,980.89 Combined Clearingn and T r a n s f e r s Gain Loss $20,035,260-50 18,702,729.74 2,877,604.19 6,758,358.41 $9,821,241.40 7,761,200.36 21,139,669.99 3,664,179.44 7,506,125.59 1,336,891.98 4,425,942,79 26,584,980.89 65,307,092.64 90,234,092.64 65,307.092.64 - FEDERAL RESERVE AGENTS* FUND S urinary of t r a n s a c t i o n s f o r week ended October 2« 1940 Withdrawals Balance Federal (transfers last Reserve to statement bank) Agent a t Sept. 25, 1940 Boston $ -470,000,000.00 New York 1,045,000,000.00 B~KL2a Deposits (transfers from bank) Balance a t close of business Oct. 2, 1940 $ 470,000,000.00 $ 10,000,000.00 1,055,000,000.00 Philadelphia 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 Cleveland 521,500,000.00 521,500,000.00 Richmond 275,000,000.00 275,000,000.00 Atlanta 190,000,000.00 Chicago 410,000,000,00 410,000,000.00 S t , Louis 219,000,000.00 219,000,000.00 Minneapolis 154,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 157,500,000.00 Kansas City- 205,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 210,000,000.00 97,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 98,500,000.00 Dallas San Francisco Total 4,501,500,000.00 195,000,000.00 514,000,000.00 514,000,000.00 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DIVISION OF BANK OPERATIONS 5,000,000.00 24,000,000.00 4,525,500,000.00