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GOLD Summary of transactions for -period, ending November 3 ral Balance last Gold reserve statement Bank of Oct. 27, 1921, Withdrawals M K 1 T5 rs 1 i-iVN.n A 1 a rH 1 41,718, 104.10 123,232, 072.81 61,792, 294.03 55,591, 839.13 21,877, 2 2 6 . 3 9 7,840, 415.40 84,144, 8 1 6 . 2 3 24,732, 648.08 11,050, 458.62 22,388, 715.31 3,857, 712.71 39,347, 030.79 Boston New York ladelphia velgnd Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Xouis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Franc isc o t 1921. J FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD S E T T L E M E N T FUND Gold Deposits bb2,99O.OO 2,429,101.00 ,10,093,300.00 311,110.00 500.00 1,004,950.00 1,328^285.00 832,015.00 679,075.00 1,012,835.00 581,205.00 346,545.00 496,910.00 571,150.00 1,065,730.00 5,000.00 11,000.00 • 5,700.00 1,000,000.06 1,500,200.00 200.00 7.001.500.00 (CONFIDENTIAL) Aggregate Aggregate withdrawals deposits and and transfers transfers from to Agent's fund Agent ?s fund IT 662 ,990,00 I 2,429 , 1 0 1 . 0 0 10,093,300.00 6,oo4 ,950.00 311,110.00 1,328 ,285.00 500,00 832 ,015-00 5,000.00 1,179 ,075*00 11,000.00 1,012 ,835.00 5,700.00 581 , 2 0 5 . 0 0 1,000,000.00 346 , 2 + 5 . 0 0 496 , 9 1 0 . 0 0 1,500,200,00 571 , 1 5 0 . 0 0 200.00 1 , 0 6 5 J30.00 8.754,500.00 I Federal Reserve Bank of m — _ _ Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago Bouis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Total f Se tt lernsnts from October 2i%, 1921 to Noveniber ^ 1921 inclus:Lve. $ Net Debits — 37,468,471.05 1,661,816.61 1,129,852,31 4,065,783.86 $ Total Debits 103,415,609.07 4o4,402,818.36 126,373,818.00 98,648,530.82 103,109,072.14 41,296,928.96 173,760.607.83 96,046,747.80 25,458,990.36 76,720,004.60 41,377,174.73 53.507.246.53 44,325,923.83! $ 1,344,117,549.20 Total Credits $ 103,7%,362.69 366,934,347.31 137*085,084.10 96,986,714.21 111,162,132.34 42,962,550.37 182,831.707.21 94,916,895.49 33,115,660.36 72,654,220.74 43,462,603.12 $ 1,344,117,^9.20 $ Net Credits 332,753-62 10,711,266.10 8,053,060.20 1,665,621.41 7,656,670.00 2.085.428.39 4.750.024.73 " w - l y * v - TRANSFERS $ Credits Debits 67000,000.00 "$ b,095sOb7.M9 6,000,000.00 24,485,382.93 3,000,000.00 420,779.72 15,312,703.98 1,802,636.12 5,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 5,672,678.95 1,000,000,00 4,713,211.09 4,000,000.00 w Balance in fund at close of "business Nov. 3 , 1921. $ X-1700 Washington, D. C. November 4, 1921. 41,482,935.21 111,913,183.69 66,809,720.13 50,023,017.24 12,790,567.61 8,035,323.69 92,208,780.61 24,021,590.77 13,687,904,67 19,326,221.45 4,658,980.01 * Decrease - $ 18,983,088.12 1.362.985.29 9,071,099.38 • 1,129,852.31 2,983,991.05 4,065,783.86 1 $ 30,679,404,96 Increase 427,821.11 10,711,266.10 4,241,036,89 2,259,643.78 51.785.825.5? ^ 44,325,923.83 1* 502,744,050.60 4- Summary of Changes in. ownership of gold by "banks through transfers and settlements- 1.372.217.30 4,750.024.73 1 * t.nji •,TT > * !/. $ 30,679,404.96 .